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刮痧观后感 英语

发布时间:2020-03-03 08:31:51 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


After watching the movie Gua Sha which about the differences between American and Chinese culture .I do more believe that there are a lot of differences among distinct countries ,such as language,the way of expreing love and interacting with other people, interpersonal relationship,family values and so forth.

At the beginning of this movie, when the leading actor Xu Datong wins a prize then he says, he loves America and America is an place fills with opportunities .However ,misfortune may be an actual bleing, one day, his five-year-old child called Denis gets a fever, Xu Datong\'s father does not know the introduction of the medicine so he does Gua Sha on his grandson, which leaves red marks onskin and in hospital causes a lawsuit of child abuse.In court, Xu Datong explains clearly about Gua Sha is just a Chinese traditional treatment,while these Americans does not know this kind of treatment.Meanwhile confrontingmany distorted allegations, he loses his temple.As a result, he is deprived of Denis’s custody.He is forbidden to meet Denis.

Because of cultural differences.Xu Datong\'s father returns to China.For Denis’s custody , Xu Datong resigns his job,he loses his peaceful family.It reflects the cultural shock in foreign country.Finally the couple overcome the obstacles through their efforts.

It also should be reminded that the scene:when the hero Xu Datong explains to his son he beats his son for love,and his son does what his father dose to his friends and talks with his father he loves his friend.Yes,we Chinese do believe it .But American may not understand it as we do not know why they emphasize so much on privacy.Maybe as the scene Xu Datong explains he beats his son for showing face to his superior who does not understand the the way of expreing love and interacting with other people and interpersonal relationship.So do we.

To conclude,it is no need to worry the cultural differences and cultural shock as long as we deal with it appropriately.Although there are some difficulties, we shouldremember that doing as the Romans do and many things will be easy.








刮痧 观后感



刮痧观后感 英语
《刮痧观后感 英语.doc》