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2011年中国经济进入高铁时代(ushers in a new era of high speed train).高铁在促进城市发展,产业升级,具有显而易见的优势(High speed train plays a significant role in promoting urban expansion and industrial upgrade).值得一提的是(it’s worth mentioning that) 目前,中国铁路在高速动车组、高速铁路基础设施建造技术等方面都达到了世界先进水平,已经形成集设计、施工、制造、运营管理于一体的成套先进技术,其在铁路研发、建设、管理过程中形成的一整套高铁技术,(China now boasts world-beating technologies in the design, construction, operation and management of high-speed train.或者China’s high-speed train technology is on par with that of development countries.)

以上海为核心的长三角区域为例(Take Yangtze River Delta as an example),沪宁高铁的开通,首先,推动长三角区域产业升级和转型。南京将逐渐成为上海的副中心城市(With the advent of high-speed train, Nanjing will become a what experts call “sub-city” of Shanghai),由于高铁使沪杭之间的距离“缩短”,(greatly shorten distance between major cities in the region增加沪宁之间的人员流动,(promote the free flow of people flow and ideas)将有大量人群转至南京工作,促使南京人流、物流和信息的集中,为南京带来商贸commerce、物流logistics、金融finance、传媒media、酒店restaurant、餐饮catering等行业发展。

此外,高铁沿线城市将迎接产业转移的机遇,沪宁高铁沿线地带交通便利,地价相对上海较低low property cost,而且劳动力更廉价low labor cost,大批企业为降低成本,把总部和研发中心留在核心城市——上海,而将生产部门转移至高铁沿线城市,(companies will move their investment inland, which will in turn promote the economic growth of these regions)这就带动了沿线城市的经济发展(invigorate economic growth in areas along the high speed train),促进上海及其他城市的产业专业升级转型。上海逐渐形成总部基地集群,而其他企业将形成服务业与制造业集群 (to build a cluster of world-cla service industries)。

当然也有专家认为,国家如此巨额投入,会不会带来高风险、造成债务危机,进而会拖累经济发展。(Huge investment in high-speed train will bring huge financial burden to the government, which eventually will hamper China’s economic development)也有人认为中国已经有了动车组bullet train,高铁实际是重复建设duplicated construction,浪费纳税人的钱waste of tax-payer’s money。此外, 高铁建设将造成周边环境的污染。但是我认为随着时间的推移,高铁的社会效益会逐渐体现出来,建高铁肯定是利大于弊的 (its demerits will be overshadowed by the benefits it brings to China’s modernization drive.)

2011中高级口译口试十大话题之转基因食物(genetically modified food).由于世界人口越来越多rapid population growth,而耕地面积日益缩减arable land is diminishing 各国政府不得不通过科技手段来增加粮食的产量。 Increase grain output by applying advanced technology.(注:饥荒 famine) 转基因食品通过基因重组,re-engineering of the DNA of crops使得农作物具有抗害虫的能力more pest-resistant ,从而增加亩产,因此被认为可以解决世界粮食危机 to cope with global food crisis,保证食品供应的安全。Ensure food security/safety.

目前,许多人对转基因食品对其毒性问题、营养问题、对抗生素的抵抗作用以及环境威胁等问题都抱有质疑态度。 People are skeptical about the GM food’s toxicity, nutritional value and resistance against antibiotics as a result of being exceively used

客观来讲 Objectively speaking,每一件新生事物,都有它比经一个成长过程。我们应该用客观的批判的和包容的眼光去看待。One should be more tolerant to new things 目前转基因技术,尚处于研究的初级起步阶段 starting phase。许多人都坚持认为,这种技术培育出来的食物是“不自然的”unnatural。许多消费者对转基因食品的安全问题提出了质疑。最常见的就是,我国的转基因大豆有。消费者对其安全性十分担忧people are concerned about the grave threat of GM food such as soybean。从一次次过去的教训中, 人们不难得出结论,人类行为应该对自然负责。 Humankind should be more careful when dealing with nature.其实,有时候,确实不必如此 these concerns are legitimate but not neceary。

原因,没有十足的把握控制基因调整后的结果。The poible ill effects of GM food could spin out of control.如果我们的质量检测部门应该加强质量检测。Strengthen the oversight of GM food.确保消费者的身体健康, ensure health of people公众也应该有权知晓,他们在超市购买的食物是否是转基因的。 The right to know whether the food they buy and consume is genetically modified or organic.2011中高级口译口试十大话题之天灾(Calamity)。


就中国而言, 我们经历的自然灾害有:地震、泥石流mudslide triggered by heavy rainfall in Zhouqu、沙尘暴 sandstorm、干旱draught、水灾、暴风雪snow storm/blizzard等

首先,为何自然灾害频发,这是一个很复杂的问题,既有自然原因,也有人为原因,人为原因原因越来越成为主要原因,由于人类对生态环境的破坏 human activity accelerate the environmental degradation,对大气的污染等等破坏自然的活动,导致我们所生活的环境日益恶化,像二氧化碳等温室气体green house gas的增多,臭氧层的减少depletion of ozone layer都会带来一系列问题 all bring fatally consequences to humankind,这几年自然灾害的增多,也是大自然对人类的报复Mother nature is seeking her revenge。 我们必须清楚,我们对大自然母亲必须有敬畏之心。 Hold nature in awe.近年来世界范围频发的重大自然灾害及影响已引起国际社会的高度关注maive natural disasters have drawn concern form governments around the world,重大自然灾害事件应急与救援的国际化已成为一个国际合作的重要趋势。The world should get united in the face of natural disasters.面对灾难,我们众志成城 get united in the fight when disasters strike.

面对灾难,政府和民众都要为可能出现最坏的情况做好一切准备embrace ourselves for the worst。就我国而言,在目前人口大规模流动 maive migration 和城市化发展加快against the backdrop of rapid urbanization、自然灾害时常发生的情况下,防止人口居住和住宅建筑密度过大 densely populated cities and buildings ,以及交通、通信、电力等公共基础设施过于集

中,应成为各地方城市发展规划与建设的重要考量when making city planning, top priority should be given to of the safety of infrastructures such as transport, telecommunications and power supply.,并要健全相应的灾害应急救援和处置机制 set up mechanisms to mitigate natural disasters 。政府要加大投入increase government funding,比如在干旱和水灾频发的地区 in regions that are prone to draught and flood disasters,应该加强水利设施的建设improve irrigation system.通过各种途径提高民众应对自然灾害的意识与自我应急防护能力 raise people’s environmental awarene and self-protection when disasters strike.有人说, 2012年就是世界末日了,人类何去何从?对于这些世界末日论Doomsday theories,我个人是觉得很荒唐。 Ridiculous 我们深知:古往今来 since ancient times,这个世界出现了多少次的危机 humankind has survived innumerable crisis:陨石撞击struck by meteors ,洪灾肆虐,瘟疫横行plague,战火蔓延war 饥荒famine 人类一次又一次地面临着挑战。是屈服surrender还是抗争fight back?是沉默还是觉醒awakened to crisis?一场洪水,可以夺去无数的生命claim lives/ heavy toll on lives,一场地震,可以摧毁我们的家园。但这些,却不能令我们失去勇气,失去对未来的向往。

2011中高级口译口试十大话题之虎妈战歌(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)

美籍华裔移民、48岁的耶鲁法学院教授蔡美儿Amy Chua 以其新书《虎妈战歌Battle Hymn of Tiger Mom》一举成名。Shot to stardom with the release of her new book她在《华尔街日报》上的那一篇 “为何中国妈妈更胜一筹”的文章在美国乃至整个西方社会掀起轩然大波.Why Chinese mom are superior?Traditional Chinese way of strict parenting triggered heated debate in US 在书中,蔡美儿指出中国父母得以“成功”有三大特质:不理会孩子的自尊心Western parents are concerned about their children\'s psyches.Chinese parents aren\'t.They aume strength, not fragility, and as a result they behave very differently than western parents.

认定孩子必须孝顺父母;坚信小孩子不懂事,需要父母指引。Chinese parents believe that their kids owe them everything, probably a combination of Confucian filial piety and the fact that the parents have sacrificed and done so much for their children.So, Chinese children must spend their lives repaying their parents by obeying them and making them proud.Because Chinese parents believe that they know what is best for their children and therefore override all of their children\'s own desires and preferences.蔡美儿坚称以强迫压力为特点的中国传统子女教育方法,远优于西方的教育方法。这些雷人(thunder- striking)的育儿经和“咆哮式 screaming and hair-tearing”教育方式parenting method经媒体报道,俨然成为中美家庭教育比较的典型样本,甚至被扯到中美两国竞争力的话题上。

最近,上海的孩子在一次全球 PISA测验中取得了第一名的成绩.Kids in Shanghai came top in a PISA test, a worldwide evaluation of 15-year-old school pupils\' scholastic performance.而很多西方国家的孩子,比如美国, 远远落在后面。 Western kids are lagged far behind.有人就说,这就足以证明蔡美儿的方式是正确的。

首先,我们必须要看清一个事实 we must be fully aware of the fact that 学术成就固然重要,但是,是否学术成就是衡量一个孩子全面发展的唯一标准呢True, scholastic performance is

important, but how can we objectively evaluate the overall development of a kid,is scholastic performance a sole criterion ?看看我们今天的孩子,每天要学习到深夜,让人心疼it’s so disheartening to see that Chinese kids have to study very late into night, day after colorle day,很明显,他们的学术成就是以幸福的童年为代价的 obviously, the excellent performance at school is achieved at expanse of a happy childhood。此外,可能这种应试教育方法能够创造出很多数学天才,cramming method will churn out math whizz kids/child prodigies但是的死记硬背一些前人已经研究过的东西,对推动知识的前进是一点帮助都没有的。死记硬背完全扼杀了孩子的创造力.Toiling themselves on rote learning supprees the creativity of the kids.Rote learning of old knowledge won’t help push back the frontier of science.让人不可思议的是ironically,蔡美儿把不尊重自己孩子看成是一种美德 if disrespect of her own children is considered a virtue, what is respect? 试问,这样的孩子长大,是否也会知道尊重他人呢?要知道,知识没有了道德等于火焰没有了温暖。Knowledge without integrity is like fire without zest.如果说蔡美儿的方法是正确的, 为何有那么多年轻人会选择新东方,然后选择出国留学呢?

2011中高级口译口试十大话题之高房价(Soaring property prices )。

2006年以来,中国主要大城市的房价飞速发展(surge, skyrocket, soar), 已经到了普通老百姓不能承受的地步(out of the reach of ordinary wage-earners)。产生这一买房热有多种缘由(there are multiple causes behind this property craze)。

首先,随着城市化进程(rapid urbanization),越来越多的农民拥入城市(influx of migrant workers),这就催生了很多的所谓刚性需求demand。

其次,中国的社会福利体制不健全(social security and welfare system老外就简称security net),外加上老百姓的投资渠道有限(limited investment channel)、助长(trigger, foster, breed, give rise to)了楼市的投机行为(rampant speculation) 。

第三,多年来,中国过量发行货币(exceive monetary supply),尤其是2008年,为了应对金融危机 ,中国政府4万亿的经济刺激计划,(the four trillion stimulus package designed to mitigate the global financial crisis, which translates into more speculative activities)使得通货膨胀让有钱人都把钱用于置业。最后,地方财政高度依赖房地产(government fiscal income is heavily dependent on property),经济发展陷入恶性循环中。(China’s economy is mired in a vicious circle).高房价对中国经济的影响是非常明显的。

首先,这严重普通工薪阶层的生活质量 (gravely affect the livelihood of ordinary wage-earners),加重了他们的支出,这对刺激内需是非常不利的(go against the government’s vow to bolster domestic demand)。

其次,高房价催生了很多的“蚁族”(anti-tribe),优秀的大学毕业生的才能被高房价绑架,生活非常窘困 (Talents of fresh college graduates are held hostage by soaring property prices)。具有讽刺意义的是(ironically),10年前的大学毕业生踌躇满志(aspire to realize their great ambitions),希望大城市能实现他们的雄心壮志,要报效祖国(to serve their country),而现在

的大学生,只求一份能养活自己的工作,头上有屋顶 (roof over their head)。长此以往,我们的民族哪来希望(dim prospect)。

此外, 高房价,高成本,让很多毕业多年的白领也不堪重负。北京、上海、广州这样的大型城市,之所以能快速发展,是因为吸引了很多从祖国四面八方而来的青年才俊,而高房价不少人纷纷表示,要回到老家去,或者去二三线城市 (move to second and third-tier cities)。这对这些城市而言会造成大量的人才流失brain drain,城市也缺少劳动者。最好的佐证(a case in point),就是春节后,很多大城市都发生了用工荒的问题。(Shortage of workforce)

城市,应该让生活更美好。这意味着,每一个人都应该能安居(Comfortable housing is aa prerequisite of a better life)。 政府应该解决人民的疾苦,(addre the concerns of people)疏民怨(redre people’s grievances),解民困(alleviate the people’s hardships)。目前,政府的安居工程,保障房工程(affordable housing project, indemnificatory housing project)就开始着手解决这些问题。此外,政府颁布了一系列房产调控措施 (roll out a series of measures to contain/cool down),这些措施应该是对中国未来经济走势将产生深远影响 far-reaching influence)。


据媒体报道,中国已经取代了日本成为了世界第二大经济体(surpa Japan to become the second largest economy in the world)。这个消息的确让人欢欣鼓舞,这是中国改革开放以来,发展的又一里程碑式的事件(another milestone since the opening and reform of China) 但是,仅仅是GDP并不能说明中国经济的全部(GDP alone does not give a full picture of the Chinese economy).

首先,中国的贫富差距在拉大(the widening wealth gap),中国的经济发展也很不平衡China’s economic development is imbalanced.这些都给社会的稳定造成了潜在威胁( pose potential threat to social stability) 如果按照人均GDP (GDP per capita)来算, 中国排在世界124位 ranked behind 100th position globally,远远落在很多发达国家之后 lagged far behind .

此外,中国的发展也付出了惨重的代价 China’s development comes at a price。我们居住的环境极具恶化。 Environmental degradation.资源的枯竭 energy exhaustion 以代工为主的劳动密集型产业(labor intensive, low-end manufacturing industry)也让我们的劳动者不看重负。

这些问题已经得到了国家领导人的高度重视 top government agenda,在中国的第十二五规划中in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan,中国现在需要做的必须是改变经济发展模式 change the mode of economic development.这是一个艰巨而迫切的任务 a preing and difficult task.




The financial and economic crisis sweeping the globe is dealing a heavy blow to the world economy.It is forecast that the global trade volume will drop by about 9 percent, indicating the most severe situation for 60 years.


The economic crisis is testing the economic management capabilities of governments as well as the wisdom of mankind.


Asia is being impacted profoundly as the region is affected by the sprawling crisis, challenged by decrease of export, decline in employment, and rising risks in forex reserves.

但亚洲也是这次危机中比较幸运的地区,受危机的直接冲击比美、欧要小,内需潜力巨大,资金和外汇储备比较充裕。 However, Asia is comparatively a fortunate region in the crisis in that its direct impact is le serious than the U.S.and Europe, its potential domestic demand is enormous, and its capital and forex reserves are abundant.


With the exception of a few developed economies, most of the countries and regions are in the proce of accelerated industrialization and urbanization.


By expanding economic cooperation in Asia, combining industrialization, urbanization of Asia with the technologies of developed countries as well as capitals from within and outside the region, tremendous demands will take shape.


Once the demands are translated into real purchase power and import power, they can play a vital role in driving the global economy out of the shadow of crisis.

主席先生, 女士们,先生们:

Mr.President, Ladies and Gentlemen,


To start with, I wish to expre, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the succeful opening of the Third World Climate Conference!


Climate is the natural environment which the mankind depends on for living and the important basic resources for sustainable economic and social development.The global climate change, mainly characterized by climate warming, is an unequivocal reality.

气候变化导致灾害性气候事件频发,冰川和积雪融化加速,水资源分布失衡,生物多样性受到威胁,对人类经济社会生活和可持续发展带来深刻和长远的影响。 Climate change leads to frequent occurrence of disastrous climate events, accelerated melting of glaciers and snow covers, unbalanced distribution of water resources and endangered biodiversity, and has profound and long-lasting impact on economic and social livelihood and sustainable development of human beings.


Never before have the iues of climate and climate change received so much concern and attention from all governments, been so much cared and worried about by people around the world, and been so much focused on and thought about by various international organizations.


The iue of climate change calls for common and active responses from the international community, as it concerns the well-being of all peoples and the global sustainable development.

中国是一个气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱、自然灾害频发、易受气候变化影响的国家。 China, with complex climatic conditions, fragile ecological environment and frequent natural disasters, is vulnerable to climate change.


The Chinese Government attaches great importance to meteorological work and climate services, and has established a multi-level climate service network at national, provincial, city and county levels, providing services throughout the country.

气候变化是人类面临的共同挑战。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,尽管面临着发展经济、消除贫困、改善民生的艰巨任务,仍高度重视气候变化问题。 Climate change is the common challenge faced by the mankind.As the largest developing country in the world, China faces enormous tasks in developing its economy, eradicating poverty and improving people\'s livelihood, but it still attaches great importance to climate change.

中国作为一个负责任的国家,主张通过切实有效的国际合作,携手努力,共同应对气候变化。 As a responsible country, China maintains that the international community should work together to jointly addre climate change through effective international cooperation.


The international financial crisis has seriously affected the global economy, and China\'s economy has also been greatly impacted.Neverthele, our determination to addre climate change remains unchanged, and we will not slacken our efforts.


China will be firmly committed to the road of sustainable development, implement vigorous domestic policy-measures and actions, aume international obligations that are commensurate with our development stage, due responsibilities and actual capacities, and work with the international community to look after the planet Earth - the common home of the mankind.

祝第三次世界气候大会取得圆满成功!谢谢! I wish the WCC-3 a complete succe! Thank you all


World Media Summit Joint Statement

我们以“合作、应对、共赢、发展”为主题,围绕八项议题进行了广泛而深入的交流,分析了世界传媒业的现状和发展趋势,着重探讨了国际金融危机、迅速变化的受众需求和不断涌现的高新科技背景下,传媒机构面临的一系列重大问题。 Themed \"Cooperation, Action, Win-Win and Development\", we held extensive and in-depth discuions on eight topics, which analyzed the current situation, aeed the development trends of the global media industry on a series of crucial iues confronting media organizations against the backdrop of the international financial crisis, fast changing audience demands and the rapid advancement of emerging technologies. 我们相信本次峰会深化了认识,扩大了共识,加强了合作,取得了积极成果。 Through the summit we believe to have achieved positive results by producing great insights, enhancing consensus and strengthening cooperation.

我们关注,当今世界正经历着复杂而深刻的变革,经济全球化、全球信息化、传播技术新型化以及世界文化多样性与共通共融,为世界传媒业的发展提供了广阔前景,也为媒体报道世界事件和全球问题构建了重要舞台。 We note that the world is undergoing complicated and profound changes.Economic globalization, the information explosion, and the prevalence of new communication technologies, plus the diversity and integration of world cultures, have provided great opportunities for global media development and set up an important platform.for media organizations to cover world events and global iues.我们希望,世界各地媒体向全世界传播真实、客观、公正、公平的新闻信息,促进政府和公共机构的透明度和公信力,促进世界不同国家和地区人民间的相互理解和交流。

We hope that media organizations around the world will provide accurate, objective, impartial and fair coverage of the world\'s news events, and promote transparency and accountability of governments and public institutions, and thus facilitate the mutual understanding as well as exchange of views and ideas among peoples from different countries and regions.我们密切关注国际金融危机给全球经济,特别是给世界传媒业造成的严重冲击。我们还就媒体应对危机、创新发展的策略和经验交换了意见。

We pay close attention to the impact of the international financial crisis on the global economy -- the media industry in particular.We also exchanged ideas about the media sector\'s strategies and experiences in coping with the crisis and seeking renewal and development.我们认为,数字化、网络化时代,世界传媒业的环境与格局正在发生着深刻变化。挑战与机遇并存,机遇大于挑战。

We believe that in the current digital and network age, the global media industry is experiencing profound changes in their operating environments and structures.Though challenges and opportunities co-exist, there are more opportunities than challenges.积极适应时代发展潮流,充分应用高新技术成果,加强与用户的互动,鼓励受众的参与,将有助于推动世界传媒业变革和进步。

Adapting to the developing trends and engaging consumers and encouraging participation by taking full advantage of advanced technologies will help push forward reforms and progre in the global media industry.我们希望,在世界传媒业发展进程中扮演着重要角色的各种形态媒体,相互学习,相互借鉴,功能互补,不断创新,共同发展。

We hope all forms of media which are playing an important role in global media development, to seek common development by deepening cooperation between each other, learning from each other, drawing on each other\'s experiences and complementing each other with new ideas.我们相信,通过世界媒体峰会搭建的有效平台,各媒体之间加强沟通与交流,开展信息交流、人员交流、技术交流和经验交流,增进相互了解,分享机遇与成果。 We think that through the platform.built by the World Media Summit, media institutions around the world would enhance communication, share information, carry out personnel and technology exchanges, and share their opportunities and experience.我们确信,本次峰会的举行将对世界传媒业产生广泛、积极和深远的影响,推动世界各地媒体共同应对挑战、增进彼此合作、实现共赢发展。

We believe that the World Media Summit will have a widespread, positive and far-reaching effect on the global media industry and prompt media organizations in the world to work together against challenges, enhance collaboration and achieve common development.本次峰会由新华通讯社、新闻集团、美联社、路透社、俄塔社、共同社、英国广播公司、时代华纳特纳广播集团和谷歌共同倡议发起,新华通讯社承办。 The summit was launched at the joint proposal of Xinhua News Agency, News Corporation, the Aociated Pre, Reuters, ITAR-TASS, Kyodo, BBC, Turner Broadcasting System and Google, and was hosted by Xinhua News Agency.


日内瓦国际组织早餐会上的讲话 尊敬的各位代表, 女士们、先生们: 早上好!

Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning!


At this pleasant time of spring, I am greatly delighted to have this opportunity to meet here with you, representatives from international organizations, and brief you on the preparation progre of the Shanghai 2010 World Expo。


Known as a grand gathering of the world in economy, culture, science and technology, the World Expo boasts a track record of more than 150 years.

她一直关注人类的交流与发展,寄托人们的思想与愿望,展示创造的经验与成就,促进国际的合作与友谊。世博会的宗旨与众多国际机构的目标不谋而合。 With its long-time focus on human communication and development, it has embodied people’s ideas and ideals, presented innovative experience and accomplishments, and enhanced cooperation and friendship among different countries.The World Expo shares common goals with many international organizations。


The 21st century will be an inportant period for urban evolution.The vision and perspectives concerning the future urban living are a common iue of global concern in which every nation has a stake, regardle of their level of development.

2010年上海世博会是第一次在发展中国家举办注册类世界博览会。// The Shanghai 2010 World Expo will be the first registered international exhibition to be held in a developing country.上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。我们希望在这一主题下,各参展者能够展示城市文明成果、交流城市发展经验、传播先进城市理念,

Given its theme “Better City, Better Life”, Expo Shanghai is expected to be a forum for every exhibitor to showcase achievements in urban civilization, exchange experience for urban developments, and share advanced views on urban living, 从而为新世纪人类的居住、生活和工作探索崭新的模式,为生态和谐社会的缔造和人类的可持续发展提供生动的例证。// …so as to explore brand-new models of human habitation, life and work in the new century and to provide vivid examples of building an ecologically harmonious society for the sustainable development of humankind。


Dear friends, The Chinese government has solemnly pledged to the international community to make Expo Shanghai a succeful, splendid and unforgettable one.

It is also a major priority for Shanghai municipality, the Expo organizer, in the next five years.


We will make every effort to attract around 200 countries and international organizations as exhibitions and 70 million visitors from home and abroad to make the Shanghai 2010 World Expo a truly magnificent gathering。


We sincerely hope that more countries and international organizations will confirm with us soon and join our efforts to make Expo Shanghai a real forum for people from all over the world to share historical experience, insights and leons, and visions of the future, and a platform.for dialogue of equals, greater understanding and closer partnership among different countries。 谢谢!

Thank you!


“和”是中国文化传统的基本精神, 也是中华民族不懈追求的理想境界。// Harmony is a defining/core value of China\'s cultural tradition.It is an ideal that the Chinese nation has never ceased to pursue.“以和为贵”就是说国家之间、民族之间、人与人之间要以团结互助、友好相处为最高境界。//

\"Harmony is most precious\".This means that mutual help and friendly co-existence between states, nations and people should be our ultimate pursuit.


\"Harmony generates vitality\".This means that only with mutual interaction and enrichment can different civilizations rejuvenate and continue to grow.

要建设一个和谐世界,应坚持民主平等,实现协调合作;坚持和睦互信,实现共同安全;坚持公正互利,实现共同发展;坚持包容开放,实现文明对话。// To build a harmonious world, we should uphold democracy and equality to enhance cooperation and coordination; ensure amity/fertility and mutual trust to achieve common security; uphold justice and mutual benefit to advance common development; and stay open to facilitate dialogue among civilizations.


A harmonious country should be one of laws and stability, peace and prosperity.A harmonious world should be one of democracy, peace, justice and tolerance.

中国人提倡“海纳百川,有容乃大”,主张吸纳百家优长、兼集八方精义。// We Chinese hold that one should be as tolerant/encompaing as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers and should draw upon other\'s strengths.


China is eager to draw on/upon the strengths of other civilizations.


和谐凝聚力量,和谐成就伟业。 Harmony rallys strength and leads to great succees.

和而不同 harmony in diversity/harmony without uniformity 和谐共赢 all-win harmony;harmony and all winners 实现社会公平与正义 ensure equity and justice

廉政文化建设 foster a culture of clean government 减少社会不平等现象 reduce social inequalities 和谐相处 live in harmony

和谐社会的内涵 the characteristics of a harmonious society 和实生物,同则不继(西周周太史史伯) Harmony generates and samene stops/stifles vitality 和为贵 Harmony is most precious; Peace is to be cherished.和也者,天下之达道也(《中庸》) Harmony is the Way to be.(The Doctrine of the Mean)

君子和而不同 Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.和则两利 Reconciliation benefits both; Peace benefits both.和则生谐 Reconciliation leads to harmony.

天人合一 the unity of man/human and nature; Heaven-Man Onene(书面); Heaven and man are one.(


2009年11月1日上海高级口译口试真题.txt老公如果你只能在活一天,我愿用我的生命来延续你的生命,你要快乐的生活在提出分手的时候请不要说还爱我。 本文由joyce02166贡献

pdf文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 2009 年 11 月上海高级口译口试真题 2009 年 11 月 1 日(周日)上海高级口译口试原题及参考答案

英译汉: Paage 1: We have made significant strides in implementing the policies needed to take advantage of the new opportunities of development.We become more and more aware that these opportunities are indeed embedded in this serious economic crises.We are very confident that our skilled work force provides a strong foundation for future growth.And we are convinced that this work force allowed this country to become a major center for advanced technology products in the world.In recent years, we further opened up our economy and China is now our number one trading partner.And our prudent financial policies and low level of public debt have positioned us well to addre the challenges of the current crisis.All in all, we can look to the future with self-confidence that an economic U-turn is not only achievable, but also immediate.Of course, we will require perseverance in implementing our industrial restructuring and financial reform agenda.参考答案: 我们大力落实各项政策以把握新的发展机遇。 我们越来越清楚地看到, 眼前这场严重的经济 危机确实孕育着新的发展机遇, 我们信心十足, 因为我们的熟练劳动力为今后的发展奠定了 坚实的基础。我们坚信,这支力量将使我国成为世界上主要的先进技术产品中心。近年来,我们进一步开放经济,中国现在已成为我们最大的贸易伙伴。而我们一向审慎的财 政政策和低水平的国债优势让我们可以很好地面对这场危 机的挑战。总之,我们可以满怀 自信地展望未来,经济向好不仅可以实现,而且就在眼前。当然,我们需要坚忍不拔的毅力 来推行产业结构调整和金融改革议程。

Paage 2: On behalf of all the membership of the United Nations, I hereby reaffirm the role of this international organization.When ti was created more than 60 years ago, the United Nations reflected humanity’s greatest hopes for a just and peaceful global community.It still embodies that dream.We remain the only world institution with the legitinacy and scope that derive from global membership, and a mandate that encompaes development, secutiry and human rights as well as the envoronment. I restate that we are an organization without independent military capability, and we dispose of relatively modest resources in the economic realm.Yet our influence and impact on the world is far greater than many believe to be the case, and often more than we ourselves realize.This influence derives not from any exercise of power, but from the force of the values we represent.Among these values are the maintenance of the world order and the establishment of world harmony.参考答案: 我谨代表联合国所有成员国,在此重申这个国际组织的作用。联合国 60 多年前成立时,反 映了人类建立一个公正和平的国际社会的殷切希望。联合 国至尽仍然代表了这个梦想。我 们仍然是唯一具有产生于会籍普遍性的合法性和规模, 并具有包括发展、安全和人权以及环 境在内的使命的全球性机构。 我重申,这是一个没有独立军事能力的组织,在经济领域也只处理相对不多的资源。然而, 我们对世界的影响却比许多人所认为的要大得多, 而且常 常比我们自己所意识到的还要多。 这种影响不是产生于权利的行使, 而是产生于我们所代表的价值观念的力量。 我们的价值观; 包括维护国际次序,建立和谐世界。 汉译英: (此题摘自江总书记于一九九九年十月二十二日在英国剑桥大学的演讲) Paage 1: 中华民族历来尊重人的尊严和价值。 还在遥远的古代, 我们的先人就已提出“民为贵”的思想, 认为“天生万物,唯人为贵”,社会的发展和进步,取决于人的发展和进步,取决于人的尊严 的维护和价值的发挥。今天中国所焕发出来的巨大活力,是中国人民拥有广泛自由、民主的 生动写照。 中国确保十三亿多人的生存权和发展权, 是对世界人权事业的重大贡献。 集体人权与个人人 权、经济文化权利与公民政治权利紧密结合和协调发展,这适合中国国情,是中国人权事业 发展的必然道路。 参考答案: The Chinese nation has always respected human dignity and value.Even in the ancient days, our ancestors came up with the idea of “people being the most important,” believe that “man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.” The progre and development of a society hinge on human progre and development and depend on how well human dignity is maintained and how much human value is realized.The immense vitality displayed by China today is a vivid reflection of the broad freedoms and democratic rights enjoyed by the Chinese people.China has a population of over 1.3 billion, and to ensure our people the rights to subsistence and development is in itself a major contribution to the progre of the world human rights cause. Collective and individual human rights should be considered together and their coordinated development should be pursued, and the same considerations should be given to the development of economic and cultural rights on the one hand and of civil and political rights on the other.This is dictated by China’s specific national conditions and therefore, is the only way to progre in human rights cause in China. 大家网翻译交流论坛精华资料汇总


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鄙人考的这个高口,全称《上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书》,是个职业资格认证,是全国为数不多的几个知名的翻译资格考试之一。注意,这是个岗位资格证书,所以有了上述的过于不过之分。高口不等于同声传译,几年前官方已经明确表示把同声传译从考试里拿出来。很多人听到口译,最先想到的就是同传。其实口译分好多种,同传只是其中一种。曾经有人说一流口译员应该作同传,但又有人站出来说一流译员应该作交传。我觉得这种争论没多大意义,同传和交传各有特色,前者对反应能力要求高,目的是在第一时间同步把发言人的意思转述给听众,意思达到既可,译语的质量要求不高;而交传则注重准确性,考验速记能力和短时记忆,再有一个小区别:同声传译员都是坐在小屋子里,交替传译员则坐在台上(一般都是这样子的吧,呵呵),想象一下,某个大人物bulabula一阵子,台下听众抬起头看着你,等你把译文讲出来——这就是交传。 高口考什么?


1、2两卷,都有听力、阅读、翻译三部分,但这三部分的难度很有挑战性,Section2比Section1难,而Section1的难度已经超过《全国大学生英语竞赛》好几倍(我说的是C类)。S1的听力有spot dictation和听力选择题(这个不难),而SD无论语速还是内容难度都比上面说的竞赛难,只听一遍不说,每个空还要填至少三个单词,有时还是一整句话,阅读没什么好说的(除了文章都是直接选自英美刊物,如TIME、Economist、Guardian,比较不容易看懂),再就是翻译,S


补充一下,S2比S1难在:note-taking and gap-filling,更变态,先不给你题目,只给一张白纸,两三分钟的一篇文章读完,这时候再发题(文章的缩微版,留着空隙),你要根据自己在白纸上记录的笔记来填空。至今想起这部分还是心有余悸,真不是省油的灯啊!还有限时间的听译(像我这种写字慢的很不占便宜),阅读则由选择题改为笔答。其实文本的难度倒在其次,关键是时间限制,高级口译从头到尾考的就是一个速度,笔试里必须在规定时间内完成听力阅读加翻译,口试则更不用说了。


有同学跟我说,高口的笔试就是专八的难度。如果有实力拿到300分中的180分,及格了,可以报名参加口试。及格貌似是个不高的标准,但分数平摊到各个题目上去,就不这么容易了。如果你状态不佳,在每部分题目上都磕磕绊绊,七扣八扣就挂了。 过了笔试,恭喜,如果你想参加本次的口试,从笔试结束的那一天起,你有一个半月的时间把自己训练成一个交传译员。一个半月,那是怎样的四十五天啊!






在我决定向高口进军时,网络上对其恐怖程度的描述让我看了很没自信,在开始啃那些资料时,根本没想过成功通过这回事,但其间的转机,真的不是运气。 先说说我用的资料们:


辅助教材:新东方的《中高级口译考试词汇必备》、《高级口译笔试备考精要》、《高级口译口试备考精要》,《历年真题集》。 再说说说我的起点水平:








我忽然醒了,这么长时间以来,我毁在自制力上的事情还不够多吗?而今又到了关口,我难道还想熊一回?自古以来,缺乏自制力者,常遭到无情的嘲弄,有时来自旁观者,有时是命运。不爽是吧!郁闷是吧!对不起,请在自己身上找原因。高口笔试倒数三十五天,我闷骚地把校内状态改成:No vocation, and no destiny 重新开始吧!清点一下目前的储备:两本单词书已经全部过了一遍,加上期间穿插学点《翻译教程》的内容,多少有了些翻译的固定思维,看着文本(汉译英)能视译个大概,开始有那种感觉了。但是,词汇仍然匮乏,阅读的基本功忽略了(本来应该在平时看些外刊的,在学校实在没这个精力了,还是提醒一下,如果可能,一定要加强阅读,找找看外刊的感觉),最缺憾的是,我连试卷的样子还没见过呢。


早晨起来,拿VOA、CNN、BBC,新闻听力作为基本功练习素材,确实不错,一举多得,既练听力,又了解时事,还扩充背景知识(不像四六级听力那些连篇废话)。我一般是第一遍放松泛听,第二遍进入状态竖起耳朵尽力听懂,同时做着影子练习,然后看原文,查生词。我专门建了个文件夹,专门盛那些我不了解的背景知识(比如石油价格上涨的原因、美国两大党的立场、到底什么是中产阶级等等等等),专门建个word文档,整理文本里的生词和一些称谓(比如基地组织是Al Qaeda,呵呵),知识急剧膨胀。

有时为了强化短时记忆,做一阵子新闻的听写,从半句开始,再到一句,很困难,也很费时,但提高很快。总之,一上午基本就是在练听力,完了接着做模拟练习,就是那个spot dictation和note-taking and gap-filling,以及听译,全是按规定时间,掌握速度。刚开始的时候,自信又遭受严重打击,我对缩写、符号等笔记法基本元件的运用很生疏,而且凌乱,有时即便记下了也看不出来,总之,这个时候,听力、词汇、记忆力、笔记的水平任何一环有缺陷都没法得分,何况我几项都不行呢。














我在一开始的步伐有点慢,可能是笔试太消耗我了,有点思维疲劳,但还是同时进行着教程和新东方的那本书。最开始的模拟演练又是伤自信心的时候,几篇踉踉跄跄的下来,我已经感受到为什么人们抱怨口试如此之难了,当音频放完一段,“叮!” 一声,此时大脑和嘴巴就要立即开始协调高速运转了,这里不确定的因素太多了,一个单词、一次口误、一点漏听,或者没作好笔记,都可能导致全盘皆输。解决的途径只有一个:练!



进步就是在这样的高强度训练中体现的,4月中旬,我已经逐渐找到感觉,只是时间的控制还是不理想(时间一直是个问题),英译汉只要你会译,速度一般不是问题,母语谁还说不流畅呢(也确实有人此时不会说“人话”,呵呵),而汉译英就麻烦了,需要N次练习和总结才能掌握真谛。也是在这个时候,我进入了误区,忽略了《教程》,直到与武师兄交流,才蓦然意识到,回来恶补。书后面有八套模拟题,我如获至宝的去练习,但发现其间隔时间只有35秒(这也是为什么校内状态改成35 seconds的原因,很闷骚),我一直认为35秒就是实考的要求,但发现无论怎么口译,都达不到这速度,一时间,暗无天日。直到后来一再确认实际时间确实为50秒左右,才姑且放心。



5月2日上午,我们俩登上3折票价的A320航班,一个半小时后到达上海。口试的地点是在上海市外语考试的大本营——上海外国语大学,阿垠帮我们预定的旅馆就在学校对面(与武师兄来时住的竟是同一家,small world!),价钱比笔试住的那家便宜多了,刚过一百。











年龄稍大的考官问我:“Are you a university student?”

我有些惊讶于这个问题的提出,实话说吧:“Yeah, I come from Shandong University.”













老师简介: K: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。中/高级口译明星教师。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。






















排队领号入场-------〉手机封装-----------〉进入大教室按序号等待----------〉口语准备时间(给一个topic,题目的要求也是帮你找到思路)----------〉按考场号进入考场---------〉Section A口语考试(实际一般不超过一分钟,属于热身,原则上不卡人,这时,我们除了听你说,也在记录你的姓名、考试号等个人信息)-----------〉Section B 口译考试的Directions(提要求时间)-------------〉正式口译考试1。英译汉(注意每句之间的时间间隔,靠做历年考题熟悉节奏)------------〉2。汉译英 ---------------〉考试结束,收拾离开。

相信通过实实在在地介绍了考试的具体情况,和考官的大体评判要求,你应该对这个考试更加的熟悉,你应该对坐在你面前的考官有了更多地了解。所以,下次就像看一位老朋友一样来参加考试,Just show us what you\'ve got! 不要让紧张遮住你的天空。代表上海新东方口译研究中心祝广大考生顺利过关!

================= 为帮助各位考生熟悉真实考场情况,我总结了以下一些该做的和不该做的几件事,可以归纳为“考试三要三不要”。

1) 进入考场要收好口语草稿纸;不要忘记将准考证、身份证,笔拿出。

2) 坐定后要在两次Directions时及时要求音量调节、窗户关闭及口译笔记纸;不要在考试中提任何要求。



















========================== 【口译笔记六要】


二、要学会借助划线和符号,表示常用词汇以及句中逻辑关系。例如,“V”可以表示succe,“/”可以表示of, 所以当我们听到succe of the American society时,我们可以写下 V/A;又如,在一个动词下面加一条下划线,可以表示进行时态,如“正在进行改革”就可以记录成“ 改 ”。不难看出,合理的使用符号对于对于口译成功的重要性。

三、要少线多指,即用同一种符号代表多种相互关联的意思。例如,(意指一条横线穿过圆圆的地球)可以表示acro the world, worldwide, global, international, universal, the earth; 而globalization便可用

n 来表示。这样避免了使用过多符号反而更复杂。

四、要少横多竖,即按照译群,勤换行,尤其是列举的时候,竖着记录更为清晰。例如,We’ll invest in schools, colleges, universities, libraries and our communities.最好记录成:

|- schhttp://tr.hjenglish.com

|- col

{- uni

|- libr

|- comm.






二、不要力图把每一个字都记下来。除非熟练掌握速记,否则不可能做到把口译考试的内容都记下来进行视译(sight interpretation)。因此笔记要记的是反应核心意义的关键信息以及细节信息,如数字、专有名词等等。

三、不要在一段录音结束后拼命把最后几个字都写全。初学者往往喜欢这样做,但实际上,这样做既不必要,又不合理。按照心理学上记忆的规律,最后一句话已经没有倒摄抑制(retroactive inhibition),是不容易遗忘的;如果花了几秒钟在记录最后几个字,导致录音结束后迟迟不开口,浪费宝贵时间,使非常可惜的。














检查口试证和准考证后开始录音,先要用英语说\"My name is...\"和\"My registration number is...\"。然后开始讲Topic,讲到等老师喊停后停(一般不会说满5分钟),开始口译部分。











4.A bad beginning is just a bad beginning.

虽说\"A good beginning is half done.\",但对于口译考试来说\"A bad beginning is just a bad beginning.\"。由于紧张或未进入状态,加之第一段是英译中很可能发挥不好,这时应该及时调整心态,不能因此而乱了阵脚,影响之后的口译。所以考试中的不断调整也是相当考验心理素质的,相信这也是作为口译员最基本的能力吧。



================= 【以听听说说为荣,以默读默译为耻】



学口译始终要以语篇段落为单位,英译汉时对于不会的词只有利用英文整齐的结构猜测,猜不出就只好扔掉胡说,无论心多虚,嘴上要振振有词,说到底就是拼命地利用听懂的东西。汉译英不会时,要靠断句、降格和做小词的办法,靠转化解决问题。比如,不会说“妇产科”,就说THE DEPARTMENT FOR WOMEN AND CHILD BIRTH;比如,“凭借新加坡雄厚的经济实力,他们取得了很大成就”,不会翻“凭借”,就把这句话拆成,“新加坡有雄厚的经济实力”,“所以,新加坡取得了很大成就”;在比如,“北京大学市历史悠久的大学,隶属教育部”,不会说动词“隶属”,就做小词,挂在主句后面,说“北京大学市历史悠久的大学,under教育部。”再一次提醒大家,口译考试和







================= 一位顺利通过了口译考试的沪友在经验中介绍了她对一篇素材的训练方法:








英译汉: 中美文化差异

亚洲经济论坛(考前讲座和二阶段冲刺班押中文化差异考点) 汉译英:

入住和平酒店 (口译教程篇章) 中非合作友好关系

2.口语话题:Can claroom teaching be replaced by guided learning through the Internet? 英译汉:


伦敦的介绍,伦敦的人口和占地面积,是活生生的博物馆 汉译英:



3.口语话题:Are you Happy?


职业生涯 Advice for young singers and song writers

Mutual Relation between U.S.and China 中美关系已经考了两周,后面的同学注意了啊。

汉译英: 开学典礼讲话 江西旅游

4.口语话题:Lifelong education


仪式讲话 中美关系 科技与发展 汉译英: 旅游及其意义

待客礼仪 (难度偏大)


英译汉: 英语学习

中美关系(连续三周考到了。) 汉译英:



英译汉: 人格尊严 国际抗贫困大会 汉译英:

外国人到中国投资 中国人通过互联网参政监督


1.我非常感谢...Reference:Thank you very much for...2.热情友好的欢迎辞Reference:gracious speech of welcome 3...之一Reference:be one of 4.访问...是...Reference:A visit to...has...5.多年梦寐以求的愿望Reference:has long been my dream 6...给予我一次...的机会...Reference:(The visit will) give me (an excellent ) opportunity to ...7.我为...,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感)。Reference:I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to...8.(我对您为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排)深表感谢。 note:注意这里“到达”的动词向名词形式的转变。Reference:I\'m deeply grateful for everything you\'ve done for me since my arrival in China.9.(我很高兴)有此机会(来贵公司工作),与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事。 note:(1)这里的“合作共事”可以不译,由前面的“工作”统领,用with连接就可以了。(2)“杰出人士”的翻译Reference:I\'m very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China\'s automobile industries.10....多年来一直盼望...note:主要是对“盼望”一词的快速反应。Reference:have been looking forward to ...for many years 11.我很感激...note:出现“感激”,首先反应就是appreciate及其同族词。Reference:I appreciate...12.你若不在意的话,...Reference:If you don\'t mind,...13.去...走走Reference:tour around...14.浦江商务旅游公司 note:注意其中的旅游的选词Reference:Pu Jiang Busine Travel Campany 15.国家旅游局 note:局不一定要用bureau Reference:the Chinese National Tourist Administration 16.经...批准的...Reference:...approved by...17.在华...Reference:...in China 18.以...为主要服务对象Reference:provide services mainly to...19.公司的宗旨是...Reference:We operate under the principal of ...20.促进,改善,发展Reference:promote,improve,promote 21...及其周边地区 Reference:...and its surrounding areas 22.提供全方位的服务 note:注意这里的“全方位”的翻译Reference:offer an all-round service to...23.竭诚Reference:do one\'s best 24.坦诚相待 Reference:...in an honest partnership 25.商务Reference:busine activities 26.我们很高兴...Reference:It gives us great pleasure to...27.再次接待...note:学习这种比较特殊的说法Reference:to play host to ...once again 29.学校的全体师生员工Reference:thefaculty,students and staff of the university 30.向...表示热烈欢迎 Reference:...wish to extend one\'s warm welcome to ...31.格林博士和夫人Reference:Dr.and Mrs.Green 32.我相信...Reference:I am convinced that.33.这次对...的访问 note:注意“这次”的翻译Reference:current visit to...34....必将为...Reference:...will surely...35.作出(重要)贡献Reference:make an important contribution to...36.祝大家...note:注意\"大家\"的翻译Reference:wish you all...37.友好合作关系 note:注意语序的安排Reference:the friendly relations and cooperations 38.我怀着非常愉快的心情(出席本届年会).note:除句型外注意,在出席前添加的小词,以及\"年会\"的翻译.Reference:It is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting.39.值此...之际,...Reference:On the occasion of....40.我为能有机会...,向....致以深深的谢意.Reference:I would like to expre my deep appreciation to ...for this opportunity to...

推荐第7篇:如何与高级口译口试亲密接触! (考生必看)




首先介绍一下高口口语考试的程序。口试在每年的5月和11月中上旬。考生在被喊到号后坐在前排等候,五分钟后会被领入一个备考室。进入备考室之后,工作人员会给每人发一份口试题,试卷上有Topic和Questions for Reference。高口要求考生就topic做5分钟陈述,准备时间为5分钟。准备时间结束后,工作人员将收回试题,因此考生不可在试题上做任何标记,如有必要可在口试证背面写下outline和keywords。然后,工作人员将考生按号码领至各自的考场外等待考试,等里面的考生出来了就可以进去。考生可利用这几分钟再次回顾一下写在口试证背面的outline,把思路再整理一下,但口试时是不允许看提纲的。进入考场后,主考官检查完准考证即开始口语部分测试。虽然高口口语考试要求考生就topic做5分钟陈述,但在上海新东方的口译课堂上,我反复说过考生在讲到2分钟左右时,考官就会示意考生停止,开始口译部分测试。

一、Positive Self-Talk

口试是很多高口考生的拦路虎,也有不少考生是经历过前一次失败再次来应战的。很多人一开始给自己的心理暗示就比较消极,在考前会有Negative“self-talk”:“This is not gonna work.”、“The examiners will fail me again.”抱着这样沉重的心理去应考是很难发挥真正实力的。


用英语流利表达感觉的热身环节,是自己语言综合技能的自然表现。考前应该给自己积极的心理暗示,replace your negative self-talk with positive one:“I’ve prepared and it will be just fine.”


二、An Organized Structure

虽然口语测试绝大多数考生都能通过,但同样是过关,质量的高低会给考官留下不同的印象,而对口译的评判总有其主观成分,因此不能忽视口语测试。口语部分的技巧为紧扣topic,参考questions for reference,快速构思出基本结构。通常意义上的结构可以分为introduction + body + conclusion。




introduction可以由opening remarks、Thesis statement和Preview of main points组成。完整地讲完可以占到一分钟到一分半。一个好的introduction会给考官留下非常深刻的第一印象,也占到口语测试中一大半内容。

Opening remarks也就是我们常说的开场白,一个生动的开场白可以赢得很好的印象分,Opening remarks可有多种形式,最常用的方法是State a relevant fact,即根据topic的范畴,讲述一个与其相关的事例和现象。比如,2002年9月的topic是:Should undergraduates be allowed to get married。你可以从“扩限”这个现象谈起,全国大更多口译资料,请见沪江口译频道:http://tr.hjenglish.com


Thesis statement是自己对于Topic提出的观点,也叫中心句。通常口语测试给的Topic都是一个开放式的argument。在开场白之后,应该用一个完整的陈述句表述自己的立场和观点。接下来所要阐述内容都应该围绕这个中心。

Preview of the main points是预先把自己支持thesis statement的论点一一列出。在5分钟的准备时间里应好好构思论点,一般3个即可。第一个论点是重点,一般考官会在听完你的第一个论点后就喊停,而你在introduction里面如果完整地罗列出你准备的三个论点,即不浪费自己的成果,有也体现自己表达的逻辑性。

在语言方面,不求书面表达那样复杂,可以借助短句和具体的事例来表达自己的想法。语音语调力求清晰饱满,句型结构张弛有度,内容上言之有物,要树立一个“well-trained and full of confidence”的形象。

下面是2005年5月的考题:Should we legalize euthanasia。列举一个理想的introduction:

Euthanasia, or mercy killing can hasten the death of hopelely ill

individuals so that death will occur naturally and quickly.In most countries, it is an act raising serious moral iues or even against the law.However, individuals brought to trial for actual mercy killings are rarely convicted.

There was a famous case with Anna in America.She unknowingly took a damaging drug during her pregnancy, which caused her baby girl to be born severely disfigured and totally deaf and blind.The girl was expected to live a normal life span and f normal intelligence.But to survive, she would have to undergo numerous operations.Anna loved her baby so much and believed her child\'s normal intelligence would only make her more cruelly aware of her fate.One night she put her to bed and gave her a bottle containing a strong sedative.The baby died painlely during the night.Anna was accused of killing.But a 更多口译资料,请见沪江口译频道:http://tr.hjenglish.com

survey of more than 10,000 people indicated that over 98 percent agreed with Anna\'s action.When she stood trial, the jury found Anna not guilty.(Opening Remarks)The majority of persons brought to trial for mercy killing are usually found innocent.As many countries have legalized mercy killing, it’s high time to

establish a legal system to deal with the iue of euthanasia.(Thesis Statement)I support legalizing euthanasia for the following three reasons.Firstly, euthanasia can physically end the pain of terminally ill patients.Second,

euthanasia can be a great mental relief to their family members.Last but not least, we need to work out laws on euthanasia to protect the practice from being abused.(Preview of main points)



Body由Main ideas和Supporting material组成。main ideas即introduction已经preview的若干个论点,针对每个论点都应有相关的supporting material来支持。这里建议考生多多充实第一个论点的内容,至于第二第三个讲到的可能并不大,只要脑子里有个框架即可。至于supporting material可以有很多选择,最常用的仍然是illustrations /examples/stories。用生动、准确、详细的例子和故事作论据是容易讲连贯而且抓住考官注意力的。但要提醒考生使用故事时不要stretch out beyond its significance。讲的时候要提醒自己论点是什么,不要跑远。除了illustrations / examples / stories,如果有足够实力的话,quoting、comparison and contrast、surveys、statistics都是很好的supporting material.



除非考生准备的长度非常短,绝大多数人基本上还没有讲到conclusion就被喊停了。这里就简单提一下:最容易使用的方法是transition + restatement of thesis

statement。transitional words 有如in conclusion/in summary/to conclude等,然后再把论点(main ideas)总结一下、把观点(thesis statement)重复一遍,起到强调和结束的作用。

三、Efficient Preparation

口语测试的Topic一般都是市民平时关心的热点话题(如2002.11的topic是Should undergraduates be allowed to get married)、或是半年内发生的国内外大事(如2005.5的topic关于tsunami)。所以,在备考期间考生还是可以做一些准备的。当然大家没有必要专门搜集一堆题目然后逐一准备,这样既占用了复习口译的时间,又不见得有好的成效。

一个高效的学习方法是“物尽其用”,在同一个材料上做足文章,多方位地提高英语水平。其实,我们上海新东方口译教研组的老师们都建议过广大同学们,准备听力、阅读、翻译和口译的过程同时也可以成为准备口语的过程。有些topic难免是相对陌生的,没有任何语言输入(听过或读过)就要流利地说上一大段确实勉为其难。但是我们看到:某年的考题是The stock market exchange and China’s economic development,而口译教程第十二单元就有一篇讲stock market的文章;又如某年的考题是How does globalization have effect on the developing countries,口译教程的第十五单元也有一篇讲







1.Your Honor Mr.Mayor,thank you very much for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.In the short period of the two week study tour,we have travelled much of your country.// Those were indeed exciting and unforgettable days.We have experienced the warm reception,the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of the Chinese people.// We have been deeply impreed by the diversity,dynamism,and progre of China under the policies of reform and opening up to the outside world.// We are glad that we are part of the dramatic proce of your change from the planned economy to the market-oriented economy.The cooperative relations between our two countries have become so extensive that they have affected almost all areas of economy.// 尊敬的市长先生,感谢您的精心安排与好客。在短暂的两周考察中,我们曾到过贵国的许多地方。// 那些日子确实别人激动,令人难忘。我们感觉到的总是中国人民的热情接待,彬彬有礼和诚挚友情。// 中国在改革开放政策引导下,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步,这些给我们留下了极为深刻的印象。// 贵国正处于一个由计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程,我们很高兴能参加与这个富有戏剧性的转轨过程。我们的合作关系领域广阔,几乎已涉及所有的经济领域。// 2.主席先生,女士们,先生们,我宣布英特网服务国际研讨会开幕,在此我向参加开幕式的各界来宾表示热烈的欢迎。// 英国和澳大利亚的有关公司与专家对本次研讨会的成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意。// 海外一些发达国家在推动英特网服务事业方面积累了不少经验,值得我们借鉴和学习,通过交流,我们可以得到更多的信息与体会。// 我相信,本次研讨会对于推动英特网在中国的广泛使用具有积极的作用和深远的意义。我预祝研讨会圆满成功。// Mr.Chairman,ladies and gentlemen,I declare open the International Symposium on Internet Service.I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our guests from various circles.// I wish to expre our sincere thanks to the British and Australian companies and their specialists whose generous help has made poible the succeful commencement of this symposium.// Some overseas developed countries have accumulated much experience in promoting Internet service.And their experience deserves our reference and study.Through exchange,we will be able to acquire more information and knowledge.// I believe the symposium will be constructive and significant in popularizing the use of Internet service in China.I wish the symposium a complete succe.// 3.我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生的盛情邀请,参加你们的圣诞晚会。// 圣诞节确实是一年中的一段美好时光。圣诞团圆晚会是人类热情,团结,以及奉献的象征。// 今年庆祝圣诞节对我们所有人来说更有意义,因为今年我们的合资企业的销售有了显著增长。// 我希望我们能保持这种务实的合作关系,使明年的业绩更加辉煌。让我们共同举杯,为明年再创佳绩干杯。// On behalf of all the members of my group,I’d like to thank you,Mr.Chairman,for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party.// Christmas is really a wonderful time of a year.The christmas get-together party is symbolic of the warmth,union,and decication of mankind.// The celebration of Christmas this year is more meaningful to all of us,because our joint venture has had a remarkable sales growth this year.// I hope we will be able to maintain this practical cooperative relationship and make the coming new year a more fruitful year.May I ask you to make a toast with me to a better busine in the coming year.4.今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学两次接待我们的老朋友格林博士和夫人。//我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人以及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈欢迎。//我相信格林博士这次对我校的访问,必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系作出重要的贡献。//明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。// It gives us great pleasure to play host tonight to our old friends,Dr.and Mrs.Green in Beijing University once again.//On behalf of the faculty ,students and staff of the university ,I wish to extend our warm welcome to Dr.and Mrs.Green and other distinguished New Zealand guests.//I am convinced that Dr.Green’s current visit to our university will surely make an important contribution to further strengthening the friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries.//Our distinguished guests will leave for Nanjing and Shanghai tomorrow.I wish you all a pleasant journey.//









②热点问题:西部大开发、北京申奥、上海世博、经济萧条等 ③校园文化话题



①多与英美国家人士交流、沟通 ②通过原版外片提高语感 ③背诵好的演讲稿

④阅读报纸,提高词汇量,充实知识量 ⑤平日进行作文练习

3、口语考试常见问题: ①因为紧张忘记事先准备的例子 ②表达不流利



二、口译实考体验 口译基本功









A Sino-foreign joint venture is a mutually complementary and beneficial partnership.Foreign investment in China can maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.


Our country has maive land, abundant resources, cheap labor and a potential consumer market, in addition to the stable political and social environment and favorable investment policies.


Developed countries have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise.When establishing a joint venture, a foreign partner may bring into the cooperative busine capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management.


The Chinese partner, on the other hand, may supply land, labor and a portion of the funds.Therefore, this type of investment is supposed to yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.







口译技能:听力理解 词汇量 记笔记 表达能力 《中级口译考试备考精要》上海新东方 《中级口译历年考试真题解析》 考场描述:

My name is … My Registration number is 0509000123.My topic today is…


What is interpretation? Interpretation is an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language.

The most widely-used forms of interpretation Interpretation may aume either of the following two forms: consecutive interpretation (CI) and simultaneous interpretation (SI).In SI, well-equipped booths are neceary.

Interpretation Proce

理解---------记忆----------再现(表达) 理解是关键

Interpretation criterion

Faithful to the original meage and smooth in the target language.准、顺、快



1、To better students’ English; 发音要改善,口语要流利,听力要提高,词汇要扩大

2、To introduce and practice interpretation skills (not tips); STM Note-taking Paraphrasing

3、To enlarge students’ scope of knowledge, including LK, ELK 课本的使用

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第二版》 梅德明 《中级口译备考精要》



An Intermediate Course of Interpretation by Prof.Mei Deming as mainline textbook; We won’t deal with each text, though.We will be looking at the important stuff in the book: sentence structures and vocabulary.

第二章 礼仪性口译

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第三版》 梅德明


一、vocabulary work词汇预热一 world-renowned 世界闻名 diversity 多样化 dynamism 充满活力 a special regard 特殊的敬意 nostalgic 怀旧的、思乡的 memorable 值得回忆的 utmost courtesy 非常的礼貌 extensive 广泛的

overshadow 使„„黯然失色 non-governmental sector 民间组织 foundations 基金会


mutual benefit 互惠互利 good faith 良好的诚意

strategic relationship

战略关系 flourish


mutual 的搭配

mutual 可以和这些词搭配

mutual respect/benefit/understanding mutual trust/confidence/courtesy (礼尚往来) mutual equality/complementarity our mutual friend 我们共同的朋友 mutual aid 互助

mutual promise 相互的约定 by mutual consent 双方同意 mutual affection 相爱

二、Expreing Thanks

Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful. 首先,请允许我感谢中国东道主的精心安排与好客,我夫人与我,以及代表团的全体人员,都深为感激。

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome.This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation. 我非常感谢阁下的友好欢迎辞,对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一天。

In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country.We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country.


On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the


incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.


表示感谢的常用形式 On behalf of…

For myself and for our entire delegation, On behalf of all the members of my delegation and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to expre / extend my heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulne /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr.Smith

for your kind invitation (to visit China / to this fair.) /kind hospitality /warm welcome /for giving this grand banquet. /for inviting us to such a marvelous dinner tonight.

1.I' d like to take advantage of this opportunity to expre my earnest gratitude for your help.我愿借此机会向你们的帮助表示衷心的感谢。

2.I should like to expre my heartfelt gratitude for your gracious reception and hospitality.我愿向你们盛情的接待与款待表示衷心的感谢。

3.Please accept our sincere thanks for your kind invitation.请接受我们对你友好邀请的真诚感谢。

4.Thank you very much for giving me such an excellent opportunity to visit this beautiful city and work with you.非常感谢你们给我这个极好的机会让我来访问这个美丽的城市并和你们共事。

5.I am very happy to have this second chance of joyful gathering with you.我非常高兴和你们再次相聚。

6.I would like to thank Sir Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.非常感谢布鲁尔斯校长的邀请,使我来到久负盛名的剑桥




This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.


Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company, which offers the monthly pa.“灰狗”汽车公司是美国最大的长途汽车公司,有月票出售。

Those were happy days.They were good days, important days.

We were part of the dramatic proce which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship.


My visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.


On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. 我谨代表我在座的所有同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。

So, let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.


In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glaes to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.




I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and hospitality.// 我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情的迎接和款待表示感谢。

The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.在中国度过的这五天,令人愉快,难以忘怀。

I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署。

May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glaes, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯。

五、vocabulary work词汇预热二

Your Excellency 阁下

cradle of civilization 文明的摇篮 renew old friendship 重温旧情 establish new contacts 结交新友

a constant source of encouragement 不断的鼓舞 in the pursuit of 追求

a common aspiration 共同的愿望 endeavor=try in the service of 造福于

in closing 最后 privileged 荣幸的

propose a toast 提议„„干杯


cheers 干杯 称呼

Ladies and gentlemen

Your Excellency, My Chinese friends Respected Mr.chairman, ladies and gentlemen Mr.president

" Your Excellency, Mr.Minister," Le formally, one may addre government officials as: "Mr.Director," "Mr.Minister, " "Mr.President, " related other expreions: Your/His/Her majesty

Your/His/Her Highne/ Excellency/Royal Highne Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency /Madam Mr.Smith, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr.and Mrs.Smith ("Dr.and Mrs.Green" if applicable)


1、称呼常用搭配 gracious invitation on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit; warm welcome generous/incomparable hospitality extraordinary arrangement (精心安排) peace, stability and prosperity


We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries.China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country.我们因而欢迎中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题以及所持的立场。中国的支持始终鼓励着我们追求发展与保持我国独立的立场。


I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavour and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people.我期待着在今后的几天里有机会向你们学习,从你们为造福人们而促进经济和社会发展的奋斗和经验中学到一些东西。

I’d like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency an invitation to visit my country, so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us.我愿意借此机会邀请阁下访问我国,以便我们能有机会回报你们给予我们的热情欢迎和盛情款待。


May I propose a toast To the health of Your Excellency, To the health of all the Chinese friends, Cheers! 现在由我祝酒 为阁下的身体健康, 为所有中国朋友的身体健康, 干杯!

May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Now I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to propose a toast.With the wine of the host, I request you all to raise your glaes and drink to the health of Smith!


Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my



This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts.


I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。

I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.我对您为我到达贵国后所作的一切安排深表谢意。

第三章 中国传统文化

一、“传统节日”单词预热 vocabulary work 烹调 cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架 well stocked with fish and meat 象征意义 symbolic significance 农历 lunar calendar 阳历 solar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 清明节 Pure Brightne Day 重阳节 Double Ninth Day 放逐 be exiled 忠臣 loyal minister 糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves


祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb.龙舟比赛 dragon boat races 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 满月 full moon 月饼 moon cake 蜜饯 preserved fruits 豆沙 bean paste 蛋黄 egg yolk 海鲜 seafood 家禽 poultry 饺子 dumplings 八宝饭 eight treasure rice 米羹 rice balls 油条 fried sticks 麻花 fried twisted stick 炒面 Chaomian 叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork 粥 porridge 芋头 taro 葱油饼 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion 有关春节的常用词 放鞭炮 let off firecrackers 耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern 耍狮子 play the lion dance 拜年 pay a new-year call


 我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。

I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional



Chinese holidays.

 表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译: 1.to share with you brief information 在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。

I'd like to share with you brief information in this respect.2.to brief you on 借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。

I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on China's acceion to WTO and participation in economic globalization.3.to give a brief account of 我简单介绍我厂的情况。

Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory.在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。

Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.4.to tell us how/what 请主席先生介绍一下中国农村扶贫运动的情况。

Will Mr.Chairman tell us how the anti-poverty drive is going on in China? 5.to show you 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。 I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.6.to provide sb.with some information 借此机会,向各位介绍上海经济发展和开展国际经贸交往的一些情况。 I’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about Shanghai’s economic development and its foreign trade.7. share a piece of my mind 



Traditional holiday meals are different from everyday meals in terms of quantity and quality.In addition, some foods with a long history and symbolic significance are


indispensable on these occasions.


For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.


The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completene, and family reunion.The special food of the day is the yuebing, a round moon cake.


The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday.In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.

四、“武术”单词预热 vocabulary work 武术

martial art 武术宫 martial art palace 健身 bodybuilding 减肥 lose weight 填写登记表 fill in a form 会员卡 membership card 古代格斗术 form of combat习武 practice martial art 中国武术协会 Chinese Martial Arts Aociation 扣人心弦的表演 thrilling performance 杂技 acrobatics 顶尖/身怀绝技/无懈可击的 top/first-rate/ 武林高手 profeional martial artist warrior, sumono, knight, errant, martial artist, swordsman




Wushu, known as Kongfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousand years in China.


The working people in China practice Wushu for physical training and self-defense and Wushu is still immensely popular today.


Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world.练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要赤手空拳,有的要拿武器。

Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or with weapons.武术是中国特有的民族运动,它可以锻炼身体,培养意志力,训练打斗技巧。

A unique Chinese national sport, Wushu builds strong bodies, steels the willpower and gives training in fighting skills.



Welcome to Shanghai Martial Arts Center.Here you can do exercise to build up your body, reduce your weight, make new friends, as well as learn about Chinese culture.


In addition, our Martial Art Aociation has prepared some fabulous programes for our visitors.You can watch martial art performances, Peking Opera and acrobatic shows.

倘若您想亲身体验一下中国武术,我们可以派一流的教师进行团体或个别指导。 If you want to get some personal experience with Chinese martial arts, we have first cla teachers for individual or group training.



Our martial art store sells books, video tapes and VCDs on Chinese martial arts.To meet your need is the purpose of our service.



controlled breathing exercise 春联

spring couplet 剪纸

paper-cut 戏剧脸谱

theatrical mask 国画

traditional Chinese painting 中药

TCM 单口相声

monologue comic talk 对口相声

witty dialogue; comic cro talk 马戏

circus performance 传说

legend 神话

mythology 寓言

fable 二十四节气

the twenty-four solar terms 四大发明:


gunpowder 印刷术

movable type printing 造纸术

paper making 指南针




The Great Learning 中庸

The Doctrine of the Mean 论语

The Analects of Confucius 孟子

the Mencius 孙子兵法

The art of War 三国演义

Three Kingdoms 西游记

Journey to the West


Dream of the Red Mansions

水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh


The Book of Songs 书经

The Books of History 易经

I Ching The Book of Changes 礼记

The Book of Rites 孝经

Book of Filial Piety 三字经

three word chant 八股文

stereotyped writing 重要文化遗产

major cultural heritage

Monkey King Story of the Stone All men are brothers 16





Good Health As a popular saying goes: “Health is better than wealth.” Good health enables one to enjoy his life and achieve what he hopes for in his career.On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive one of his interest in everything around him.Therefore, health is indispensable to one’s happy life.

There are many ways, I think, which can help to build up one’s health.In the first place, those who always work from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stre can lead to poor performance and ill health.Secondly, if one wants to keep healthy, he must give up the habits that damage his health.Finally, regular exercises are eential for a healthy mind and body.To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing more healthful than a brisk walk in the morning.Personally, I like running in the morning.And I have benefited a lot of from it.My health condition is getting better and better.So I will persist in doing so in the future.











三、口译实考分析 英译汉 Paage 1:


In terms of its impact on our society, I think AIDS will certainly be the number one serious public-health hazard going into the next century.//


AIDS :Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome

Among all the ways and means, a maive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help.//


Some people argue that a nationwide, or worldwide, educational campaign on AIDS awarene is difficult, expensive and therefore impoible.I think their argument is groundle.// 有些人认为,在全国范围或全世界范围开展提防艾滋病的教育活动难度大,代价高,因而无法实施。我认为这种观点是毫无根据的。

We'll have to convince people that they're better of knowing than not knowing the fact, because they can take actions, treat the problem and control AIDS infection with appropriate drugs.我们应该使人们相信,了解实际情况总比蒙在鼓里好,因为了解实情后我们便可以行动起来,共同研讨这一问题,并可以用适当的药物来控制疾病的传染。 参考书录《中高级口译口试备考精要》

Paage 2: People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.// 不同文化背景的人在一起有时会做出一些令对方感到不舒服的事,他们并非故意要这样做,有时甚至连自己也未察觉。

Most Americans are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy meeting new people, having guests and ringing people together formally or informally.// 大多数美国人通常天真、率直,友好坦率,喜欢结识人,欢迎客人来访,愿意召集正式的或非正式的聚会。


They tend to be informal and speak freely.So if your American hosts do something that makes you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel.They will appreciate your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again.//


Sometimes Americans are said to be superficially friendly.Perhaps it seems so.Just like anywhere else, it takes time to become real friends with people in the United States.有时美国人的友善会被视为一种表面现象。或许看上去确实是这么一回事。同其他地方一样,与美国人结成真正的朋友是需要一段时间的。


Much busine in the United States is conducted on the telephone.The average busineman spends much of his time on the telephone making busine contacts.在美国许多生意都是通过电话谈的。一般的生意人都花很多时间打电话,接洽生意。

However, it usually will not be convenient to make initial contracts between Chinese and U.S.businees by telephone.但是,中国公司和美国公司通过电话商讨初步协议通常很不方便。

There is no particular style to American negotiations.The way the negotiations are conducted will vary from one busine to another and will depend upon the individuals involved.与美国人谈判并无特别的样式。谈判的方式视业务不同而不同,取决于参与谈判的人员。

Although Americans have a reputation for making quick decisions, this is not always true when a corporation is involved in a major venture or a large project.Therefore, you should also be prepared for lengthy negotiations.虽然美国人享有决策果断的声誉,但是,在公司着手进行主要或重大项目时,决策并非总是果断的。因此,你也要做好准备进行冗长的谈判。

四、口译实考分析 汉译英

Paage 1:



No eating tools on the Chinese dinner table are more magical and distinctive than the chopsticks.For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest poible and the most efficient tool for meals.

关于筷子的用料,其种类各有不同,选材包括竹子、木材、玉石、象牙、塑料、金银等。 Chopsticks can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, jade, ivory, plastic, gold and silver and so on.


For Westerners, the mastery of the method and skills for using chopsticks may be quite challenging at the beginning.But as long as you have patience and concentrate on practice, you will soon be able to use chopsticks skillfully enough to enjoy a Chinese meal.


If you want to enjoy a Chinese meal in the real sense, it is not only neceary, but also very interesting, to spend some patient time learning to acquire the skills of using chopsticks.

Paage 2:


China is a multi-national country featuring unbalanced economic development, In the vast territory, different languages ad various dialects are used.//


Even though the government has called for popularization of Mandarin as the standard Chinese language for decades, it has not become the daily-use communication tool among a considerable number of the people.//



This obviously hinders economic development and social progre.Undoubtedly the popularization and promotion of Mandarin is vital to speeding up China's reform and opening up drive.//

这样做,将有助于提高汉语信息管理技术,因此,符合全体中国人民的根本利益。 It will help improve the technology of information management in Chinese.Therefore, it is the basic interests of all Chinese.



Chinese eat with chopsticks while most of the westerners eat with knives and forks.Some westerners may be quite good at using chopsticks, but most of them are not, therefore when setting a table at which westerners are entertained, it is always advisable to place knives and forks along side the chopsticks.中国的宴席,把菜肴摆在餐桌中央。西方人则不习惯把手伸得老长,满桌子挥舞。然而,中国人的习惯就是各人从餐桌中央菜盘子里夹菜。所以,宴请外国客人时,这一点应该向他们讲明白。

At Chinese dinner parties, the dishes are usually placed in the middle of the table.Westerners are not used to reaching for something over the table.But in China, it is usual to help oneself to the food placed at the center of the table.So when we entertain foreign guests, we should explain such table manners to them.中国人请客,主人总是不断往客人的盘子里夹菜。这使外国客人觉得非常尴尬。即便是不喜欢的菜品,他也得吃下去,因为在西方,把食物剩在盘子里是极不礼貌的行为。 At a Chinese dinner, the host always puts more food on to the guest's plate.That often makes a foreign guest feel very awkward.He has to eat the food even if he doesn't feel like it, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one's food on the plate.


On the contrary, a Chinese sits at, say, an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drinks though in fact he is still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China, but it is definitely not in the West.





After over half a century of strenuous efforts, more than two decades of reform and opening-up in particular, China has now entered a new stage of development aimed at building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.


However, China is still a developing country, large population and inadequate economic development remain its basic national conditions.It has a long way to go before achieving its development goals.


The People’s Republic of China is a united multi-national state founded jointly by the people of all nationalities.So far, there are 56 nationalities.


Compared with the Han nationality, China’s other 55 ethnic groups have a relatively small population, thus they are customarily referred to as ethnic minorities.


According to the fourth national census conducted in 1990, the Han nationality accounts for 92 percent of the country’s total population, and minority ethnic groups account for 8 percent.


During China’s long history of development, the people of various nationalities in China migrated and mingled, which eventually brought about today’s distribution.










Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes.Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate.You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk.You need to have your name and registration number recorded.Start your talk with “My name is„, “ “My registration number is„”.

Topic: What are the important factors involved in looking for an ideal job?

Questions for Reference:

1.What qualifications or personality do you think are of vital importance for an individual in his or her job hunting?

2.What is your primary concern in selecting a profeion, your personal interest, income, specialization, or your working environment? Give reasons for your answer.

3.Do you think a job interview is indispensable for a recruiting institution? Why or why not? How can we train ourselves to become succeful interviewees?

Part A

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 paages in English.After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese.Start interpreting at the signal„and stop it at the signal„You may take notes while you are listening.Remember you will hear the paages only once.Now let us begin Part A with the first paage.

Paage 1:

Welcome to the Cairo International Conference Center.The Conference Center is a gift from the government of China.It is a symbol of friendship between the peoples of China and Egypt.//

Up to now, the Cairo International Conference Center is the only comprehensive conference center in Egypt.It occupies an area of 300,000 square meters.Of there, 58,000 square meters have been given to conference facilities.//

The Center is a mere 10-minute drive from the Cairo International Airport, a 5-minute walk from the Cairo Football Stadium and the Cairo International Exhibition Hall.//

As you stroll in the conference center you will be able to appreciate the magnificent architecture and millions of dollars' worth of art.You will also enjoy the beauty of the lovely man-made lake and the two Chinese pavilions. (参考答案)





Paage 2:

We established our friendly and cooperative relations on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit.// We believe that it is absolutely important that all nations, big or small, strong or weak, should establish and maintain their relations on these principles.//

We are appreciate the interest and the understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of small and developing countries.We also appreciate China’s firm support in our economic development.// I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your experience in promoting economic and social development in the interest of your people.






Part B

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 paages in Chinese.After you have each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into English.Start interpreting at the signal„and stop it at the signal„You may take notes while you are listening.Remember you will hear the paages only once.Now, let us begin Part B with the first paage.

Paage 1:




The Great Wall claims to be the only man-made structure on the earth which is visible from the moon.The winding Great Wall can be viewed from the Badaling district, about 75 kilometers to the northwest of Beijing.//

It was built during the Warring States period to prevent invasions of nomadic people from the north.The first Qin emperor, who united China into one country, mobilized hundreds of thousands of builders to complete what is known today as the Great Wall of China.//

The world-famous Great Wall is 6,700 kilometers long from Shanhaikuan, which overlooks the Gulf of Bo Hai, to Jiayuguan Pa in Gansu province.The wall underwent repeated reconstruction during its 2000-year history, witneing the historical changes of the Chinese nation.// The Great Wall is magnificent.It is really great that the ancient Chinese constructed such a gigantic structure without any machinery available.

Paage 2:






As the biggest continent on the earth, Asia takes up 60% of its population.It has abundant resources, a long history and profound / magnificent and exquisite cultures.//

With its great changes and rise in the last century, Asia wrote a glorious chapter of its development and left a brilliant hallmark on the advancement of human society.//

In recent years, thanks to the joint efforts of Asian countries, there has been a growing awarene of regional cooperation, while a situation of healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation is taking shape.//

Economic development is the primary task of Asian countries.Such areas as trade, communications, agriculture, information and energy can be made priorities of cooperation, which will be gradually enlarged to include other areas.



Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes.Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate.You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk.You need to have your name and registration number recorded.Start your talk with “My name is„, “ “My registration number is„”.

Topic: My view of a succeful foreign language learner

Questions for Reference:

1.What is the relationship between learning grammatical knowledge and learning language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, etc.)?

2.Which one is more important for a foreign language learner, natural environment or claroom setting? Or, are there any other important factors? What are they?

3.What methods have you been following in learning a foreign language? Why?

Part A

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 paages in English.After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese.Start interpreting at the signal„and stop it at the signal„You may take notes while you are listening.Remember you will hear the paages only once.Now let us begin Part A with the first paage.

Paage 1:

We are meeting here to call for changes in the US patent laws.We believe such changes in the US patent laws are needed to deal with new busine models related to the Internet.// US patent laws are designed to protect the commercial rights of people who have invested in new products or techniques.And I propose that the period of protection should be cut form 17 years to 3 years.//

From my experience of working with Hi-Technology companies in California’s Silicon Valley, the biggest problems arise when existing patent protections for busine methods are combined with the Internet.//

If changes in the patent laws are going to have any real impact, they must be made soon.Some of my colleagues in the industry have already begun lobbying lawmakers to make the changes.//






Paage 2:

It has been a fashion nowadays that people own private cars.It has been rightly said that owning a private car is a symbol of living a high-quality life.//

But, personally, when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality.There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities.//

People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when steering a wheel.The surprising thing is that society smiles so kindly on the motorist and seems to forgive his for his behavior.//

Because of heavy traffic, many cities and towns become almost uninhabitable.And year in year out, ma annual slaughter in traffic accidents becomes more a statistic figure, to be conveniently forgotten.





Part B

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 paages in Chinese.After you have each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into English.Start interpreting at the signal„and stop it at the signal„You may take notes while you are listening.Remember you will hear the paages only once.Now, let us begin Part B with the first paage.

Paage 1






To understand better the Chinese culture, you have to know something about the opera culture in China.There are many kinds of local operas in our country.Peking Opera is considered the representative type.//

As an independent opera form, Peking Opera was born between 1840 and 1860.It evolved / originated from / formed by absorbing the creams / eentials / eential elements of other local operas.// In Peking Opera there is a clear division of roles; the language used is Beijing speech / dialect; and huqin, a two-stringed bower fiddle, is the major accompanying musical instrument.//

Because Peking Opera has combined the cream of various local operas, it is enjoyed not only by Beijing residents / local residents in Beijing, but also by people from all over the country.

Paage 2:

武术在此国源远流长,是中华民族的瑰宝。同时,也正逐渐传播到世界,成为人类的共同财富。// 为了正好的推广武术,使武术与奥运项目接轨,中国武协和国际武联做了大量艰苦卓绝的工作。//




Wushu, or Chinese martial arts, can trace back to the ancient times.It is a gem of the Chinese traditional culture.And it is now spreading to the rest of the world to be shared by mankind.

The Chinese Wushu Aociation and International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have been working very hard to popularize Wushu and move the Chinese martial arts closer to the Olympic Movement.

The booming of Wushu is attributed nor only to the attractivene of the sport but also to (the efforts by ) whose early emigrant Chinese Wushu masters .

In modern times, Competitive Wushu, which has developed on the basis of traditional Wushu, provides a new stage to popularize and improve the Chinese martial arts.









②热点问题:西部大开发、北京申奥等 ③校园文化话题



①多与英美国家人士交流、沟通 ②通过原版外片提高语感 ③背诵好的演讲稿

④阅读报纸,提高词汇量,充实知识量 ⑤平日进行作文练习

3、口语考试常见问题: ①因为紧张忘记事先准备的例子 ②表达不流利


二、口译实考体验 口译基本功









A Sino-foreign joint venture is a mutually complementary and beneficial partnership.Foreign investment in China can maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.


Our country has maive land, abundant resources, cheap labor and a potential consumer market, in addition to the stable political and social environment and favorable investment policies.


Developed countries have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise.When establishing a joint venture, a foreign partner may bring into the cooperative busine capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management.


The Chinese partner, on the other hand, may supply land, labor and a portion of the funds.Therefore, this type of investment is supposed to yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.







口译技能:听力理解 词汇量 记笔记 表达能力 《中级口译考试备考精要》上海新东方


My name is … My Registration number is 0509000123.My topic today is…


What is interpretation? Interpretation is an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language.

The most widely-used forms of interpretation Interpretation may aume either of the following two forms: consecutive interpretation (CI) and simultaneous interpretation (SI).In SI, well-equipped booths are neceary.

Interpretation Proce

理解---------记忆----------再现(表达) 理解是关键

Interpretation criterion

Faithful to the original meage and smooth in the target language.准、顺、快


1、To better students’ English; 发音要改善,口语要流利,听力要提高,词汇要扩大

2、To introduce and practice interpretation skills (not tips); STM Note-taking Paraphrasing

3、To enlarge students’ scope of knowledge, including LK, ELK 课本的使用

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第二版》 梅德明 《英语高级口译全真试题集》 新东方

3 《中级口译备考精要》



An Intermediate Course of Interpretation by Prof.Mei Deming as mainline textbook; We won’t deal with each text, though.We will be looking at the important stuff in the book: sentence structures and vocabulary.

第二章 礼仪性口译

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第二版》 梅德明


一、vocabulary work词汇预热一 world-renowned 世界闻名 diversity 多样化 dynamism 充满活力 a special regard 特殊的敬意 nostalgic 怀旧的、思乡的 memorable 值得回忆的 utmost courtesy 非常的礼貌 extensive 广泛的

overshadow 使„„黯然失色 non-governmental sector 民间组织 foundations 基金会 mutual benefit 互惠互利 good faith 良好的诚意

strategic relationship

战略关系 flourish


mutual 的搭配

mutual 可以和这些词搭配

mutual respect/benefit/understanding mutual trust/confidence/courtesy (礼尚往来)

mutual equality/complementarity our mutual friend 我们共同的朋友 mutual aid 互助

mutual promise 相互的约定 by mutual consent 双方同意 mutual affection 相爱

二、Expreing Thanks

Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful. 首先,请允许我感谢中国东道主的精心安排与好客,我夫人与我,以及代表团的全体人员,都深为感激。

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome.This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation. 我非常感谢阁下的友好欢迎辞,对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一天。

In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country.We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country.


On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.


表示感谢的常用形式 On behalf of…

For myself and for our entire delegation,

5 On behalf of all the members of my delegation and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to expre / extend my heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulne /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr.Smith

for your kind invitation (to visit China / to this fair.) /kind hospitality /warm welcome /for giving this grand banquet. /for inviting us to such a marvelous dinner tonight.

1.I' d like to take advantage of this opportunity to expre my earnest gratitude for your help.我愿借此机会向你们的帮助表示衷心的感谢。

2.I should like to expre my heartfelt gratitude for your gracious reception and hospitality.我愿向你们盛情的接待与款待表示衷心的感谢。

3.Please accept our sincere thanks for your kind invitation.请接受我们对你友好邀请的真诚感谢。

4.Thank you very much for giving me such an excellent opportunity to visit this beautiful city and work with you.非常感谢你们给我这个极好的机会让我来访问这个美丽的城市并和你们共事。

5.I am very happy to have this second chance of joyful gathering with you.我非常高兴和你们再次相聚。

6.I would like to thank Sir Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.非常感谢布鲁尔斯校长的邀请,使我来到久负盛名的剑桥大学。


This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.


Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company, which offers the monthly pa.“灰狗”汽车公司是美国最大的长途汽车公司,有月票出售。

Those were happy days.They were good days, important days.

6 We were part of the dramatic proce which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship.


My visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.


On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. 我谨代表我在座的所有同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。

So, let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.


In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glaes to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.



I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and hospitality.// 我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情的迎接和款待表示感谢。

The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.在中国度过的这五天,令人愉快,难以忘怀。

7 I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署。

May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glaes, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯。

五、vocabulary work词汇预热二

Your Excellency 阁下

cradle of civilization 文明的摇篮 renew old friendship 重温旧情 establish new contacts 结交新友

a constant source of encouragement 不断的鼓舞 in the pursuit of 追求

a common aspiration 共同的愿望 endeavor=try in the service of 造福于

in closing 最后 privileged 荣幸的

propose a toast 提议„„干杯 cheers 干杯 称呼

Ladies and gentlemen

Your Excellency, My Chinese friends Respected Mr.chairman, ladies and gentlemen Mr.president

" Your Excellency, Mr.Minister," Le formally, one may addre government officials as: "Mr. 8 Director," "Mr.Minister, " "Mr.President, " related other expreions: Your/His/Her majesty

Your/His/Her Highne/ Excellency/Royal Highne Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency /Madam Mr.Smith, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr.and Mrs.Smith ("Dr.and Mrs.Green" if applicable)


1、称呼常用搭配 gracious invitation on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit; warm welcome generous/incomparable hospitality extraordinary arrangement (精心安排) peace, stability and prosperity


We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries.China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country.我们因而欢迎中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题以及所持的立场。中国的支持始终鼓励着我们追求发展与保持我国独立的立场。

I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavour and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people.我期待着在今后的几天里有机会向你们学习,从你们为造福人们而促进经济和社会发展的奋斗和经验中学到一些东西。

I’d like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency an invitation to visit my country, so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and

9 generous hospitality you extended to us.我愿意借此机会邀请阁下访问我国,以便我们能有机会回报你们给予我们的热情欢迎和盛情款待。


May I propose a toast To the health of Your Excellency, To the health of all the Chinese friends, Cheers! 现在由我祝酒 为阁下的身体健康, 为所有中国朋友的身体健康, 干杯!

May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Now I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to propose a toast.With the wine of the host, I request you all to raise your glaes and drink to the health of Smith!


Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream.我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。

This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts.


10 I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。

I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.我对您为我到达贵国后所作的一切安排深表谢意。

第三章 中国传统文化

一、“传统节日”单词预热 vocabulary work 烹调 cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架 well stocked with fish and meat 象征意义 symbolic significance 农历 lunar calendar 阳历 solar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 清明节 Pure Brightne Day 重阳节 Double Ninth Day 放逐 be exiled 忠臣 loyal minister 糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves 祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb.龙舟比赛 dragon boat races 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 满月 full moon 月饼 moon cake 蜜饯 preserved fruits 豆沙 bean paste 11 蛋黄 egg yolk 海鲜 seafood 家禽 poultry 饺子 dumplings 八宝饭 eight treasure rice 米羹 rice balls 油条 fried sticks 麻花 fried twisted stick 炒面 Chaomian 叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork 粥 porridge 芋头 taro 葱油饼 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion 有关春节的常用词 放鞭炮 let off firecrackers 耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern 耍狮子 play the lion dance 拜年 pay a new-year call


 我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。

I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays.

 表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译: 1.to share with you brief information 在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。

I'd like to share with you brief information in this respect.2.to brief you on 借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。

12 

 I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on China's acceion to WTO and participation in economic globalization.3.to give a brief account of 我简单介绍我厂的情况。

Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory.在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。

Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.4.to tell us how/what 请主席先生介绍一下中国农村扶贫运动的情况。

Will Mr.Chairman tell us how the anti-poverty drive is going on in China? 5.to show you 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。 I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.6.to provide sb.with some information 借此机会,向各位介绍上海经济发展和开展国际经贸交往的一些情况。 I’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about Shanghai’s economic development and its foreign trade.7. share a piece of my mind 



Traditional holiday meals are different from everyday meals in terms of quantity and quality.In addition, some foods with a long history and symbolic significance are indispensable on these occasions.


For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.

13 中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。

The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completene, and family reunion.The special food of the day is the yuebing, a round moon cake.


The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday.In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.

四、“武术”单词预热 vocabulary work 武术

martial art 武术宫 martial art palace 健身 bodybuilding 减肥 lose weight 填写登记表 fill in a form 会员卡 membership card 古代格斗术 form of combat习武 practice martial art 中国武术协会 Chinese Martial Arts Aociation 扣人心弦的表演 thrilling performance 杂技 acrobatics 顶尖/身怀绝技/无懈可击的 top/first-rate/ 武林高手 profeional martial artist warrior, sumono, knight, errant, martial artist, swordsman



Wushu, known as Kongfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousand years in China.


The working people in China practice Wushu for physical training and self-defense and Wushu is still immensely popular today.


Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries

14 throughout the world.练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要赤手空拳,有的要拿武器。

Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or with weapons.武术是中国特有的民族运动,它可以锻炼身体,培养意志力,训练打斗技巧。

A unique Chinese national sport, Wushu builds strong bodies, steels the willpower and gives training in fighting skills.



Welcome to Shanghai Martial Arts Center.Here you can do exercise to build up your body, reduce your weight, make new friends, as well as learn about Chinese culture.


In addition, our Martial Art Aociation has prepared some fabulous programes for our visitors.You can watch martial art performances, Peking Opera and acrobatic shows.

倘若您想亲身体验一下中国武术,我们可以派一流的教师进行团体或个别指导。 If you want to get some personal experience with Chinese martial arts, we have first cla teachers for individual or group training.


Our martial art store sells books, video tapes and VCDs on Chinese martial arts.To meet your need is the purpose of our service.



controlled breathing exercise 春联

spring couplet 剪纸

paper-cut 戏剧脸谱

theatrical mask

15 国画

traditional Chinese painting 中药

TCM 单口相声

monologue comic talk 对口相声

witty dialogue; comic cro talk 马戏

circus performance 传说

legend 神话

mythology 寓言

fable 二十四节气

the twenty-four solar terms 四大发明:


gunpowder 印刷术

movable type printing 造纸术

paper making 指南针




The Great Learning 中庸

The Doctrine of the Mean 论语

The Analects of Confucius 孟子

the Mencius 孙子兵法

The art of War 三国演义

Three Kingdoms 西游记

Journey to the West

Monkey King 红楼梦

Dream of the Red Mansions

Story of the Stone 水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh

All men are brothers 诗经

The Book of Songs 书经

The Books of History 易经

I Ching The Book of Changes 礼记

The Book of Rites 孝经

Book of Filial Piety 三字经

three word chant 八股文

stereotyped writing 重要文化遗产

major cultural heritage




Good Health As a popular saying goes: “Health is better than wealth.” Good health enables one to enjoy his life and achieve what he hopes for in his career.On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive one of his interest in everything around him.Therefore, health is indispensable to one’s happy life.

16 There are many ways, I think, which can help to build up one’s health.In the first place, those who always work from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stre can lead to poor performance and ill health.Secondly, if one wants to keep healthy, he must give up the habits that damage his health.Finally, regular exercises are eential for a healthy mind and body.To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing more healthful than a brisk walk in the morning.Personally, I like running in the morning.And I have benefited a lot of from it.My health condition is getting better and better.So I will persist in doing so in the future.











三、口译实考分析 英译汉 Paage 1: In terms of its impact on our society, I think AIDS will certainly be the number one serious public-health hazard going into the next century.//


AIDS :Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome

Among all the ways and means, a maive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help.//

17 在所有措施中,开展大规模的教育活动是目前唯一行之有效的办法。

Some people argue that a nationwide, or worldwide, educational campaign on AIDS awarene is difficult, expensive and therefore impoible.I think their argument is groundle.// 有些人认为,在全国范围或全世界范围开展提防艾滋病的教育活动难度大,代价高,因而无法实施。我认为这种观点是毫无根据的。

We'll have to convince people that they're better of knowing than not knowing the fact, because they can take actions, treat the problem and control AIDS infection with appropriate drugs.我们应该使人们相信,了解实际情况总比蒙在鼓里好,因为了解实情后我们便可以行动起来,共同研讨这一问题,并可以用适当的药物来控制疾病的传染。 参考书录《中高级口译口试备考精要》

Paage 2: People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.// 不同文化背景的人在一起有时会做出一些令对方感到不舒服的事,他们并非故意要这样做,有时甚至连自己也未察觉。

Most Americans are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy meeting new people, having guests and ringing people together formally or informally.// 大多数美国人通常天真、率直,友好坦率,喜欢结识人,欢迎客人来访,愿意召集正式的或非正式的聚会。

They tend to be informal and speak freely.So if your American hosts do something that makes you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel.They will appreciate your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again.//


Sometimes Americans are said to be superficially friendly.Perhaps it seems so.Just like anywhere else, it takes time to become real friends with people in the United

18 States.有时美国人的友善会被视为一种表面现象。或许看上去确实是这么一回事。同其他地方一样,与美国人结成真正的朋友是需要一段时间的。


Much busine in the United States is conducted on the telephone.The average busineman spends much of his time on the telephone making busine contacts.在美国许多生意都是通过电话谈的。一般的生意人都花很多时间打电话,接洽生意。

However, it usually will not be convenient to make initial contracts between Chinese and U.S.businees by telephone.但是,中国公司和美国公司通过电话商讨初步协议通常很不方便。

There is no particular style to American negotiations.The way the negotiations are conducted will vary from one busine to another and will depend upon the individuals involved.与美国人谈判并无特别的样式。谈判的方式视业务不同而不同,取决于参与谈判的人员。

Although Americans have a reputation for making quick decisions, this is not always true when a corporation is involved in a major venture or a large project.Therefore, you should also be prepared for lengthy negotiations.虽然美国人享有决策果断的声誉,但是,在公司着手进行主要或重大项目时,决策并非总是果断的。因此,你也要做好准备进行冗长的谈判。

四、口译实考分析 汉译英

Paage 1: 中餐桌上最神奇、最有特色的用餐工具莫过于筷子。几千年来我们中国人一直视筷子为一种最简单同时也是最有效的用餐工具。

No eating tools on the Chinese dinner table are more magical and distinctive than the chopsticks.For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest poible and the most efficient tool for meals.

关于筷子的用料,其种类各有不同,选材包括竹子、木材、玉石、象牙、塑料、金银等。 Chopsticks can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, jade, ivory,

19 plastic, gold and silver and so on.


For Westerners, the mastery of the method and skills for using chopsticks may be quite challenging at the beginning.But as long as you have patience and concentrate on practice, you will soon be able to use chopsticks skillfully enough to enjoy a Chinese meal.


If you want to enjoy a Chinese meal in the real sense, it is not only neceary, but also very interesting, to spend some patient time learning to acquire the skills of using chopsticks.

Paage 2:


China is a multi-national country featuring unbalanced economic development, In the vast territory, different languages ad various dialects are used.//


Even though the government has called for popularization of Mandarin as the standard Chinese language for decades, it has not become the daily-use communication tool among a considerable number of the people.//


This obviously hinders economic development and social progre.Undoubtedly the popularization and promotion of Mandarin is vital to speeding up China's reform and opening up drive.//

这样做,将有助于提高汉语信息管理技术,因此,符合全体中国人民的根本利益。 It will help improve the technology of information management in Chinese.Therefore, it is the basic interests of all Chinese.




Chinese eat with chopsticks while most of the westerners eat with knives and forks.Some westerners may be quite good at using chopsticks, but most of them are not, therefore when setting a table at which westerners are entertained, it is always advisable to place knives and forks along side the chopsticks.中国的宴席,把菜肴摆在餐桌中央。西方人则不习惯把手伸得老长,满桌子挥舞。然而,中国人的习惯就是各人从餐桌中央菜盘子里夹菜。所以,宴请外国客人时,这一点应该向他们讲明白。

At Chinese dinner parties, the dishes are usually placed in the middle of the table.Westerners are not used to reaching for something over the table.But in China, it is usual to help oneself to the food placed at the center of the table.So when we entertain foreign guests, we should explain such table manners to them.中国人请客,主人总是不断往客人的盘子里夹菜。这使外国客人觉得非常尴尬。即便是不喜欢的菜品,他也得吃下去,因为在西方,把食物剩在盘子里是极不礼貌的行为。 At a Chinese dinner, the host always puts more food on to the guest's plate.That often makes a foreign guest feel very awkward.He has to eat the food even if he doesn't feel like it, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one's food on the plate.


On the contrary, a Chinese sits at, say, an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drinks though in fact he is still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China, but it is definitely not in the West.



After over half a century of strenuous efforts, more than two decades of reform and opening-up in particular, China has now entered a new stage of development aimed at building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.


However, China is still a developing country, large population and inadequate economic development remain its basic national conditions.It has a long way to go before achieving its development goals.

21 中华人民共和国是全国人民共同缔造的统一的多民族国家。迄今为止,中国有56个民族。

The People’s Republic of China is a united multi-national state founded jointly by the people of all nationalities.So far, there are 56 nationalities.


Compared with the Han nationality, China’s other 55 ethnic groups have a relatively small population, thus they are customarily referred to as ethnic minorities.


According to the fourth national census conducted in 1990, the Han nationality accounts for 92 percent of the country’s total population, and minority ethnic groups account for 8 percent.


During China’s long history of development, the people of various nationalities in China migrated and mingled, which eventually brought about today’s distribution.








中级口译口试讲 第一章




②热点问题:西部大开发、北京申奥等 ③校园文化话题



①多与英美国家人士交流、沟通 ②通过原版外片提高语感 ③背诵好的演讲稿

④阅读报纸,提高词汇量,充实知识量 ⑤平日进行作文练习近平年中口考试特点





My name is … My Registration number is 0509000123.My topic today is…

第二章 礼仪性口译

《英语中级口译资格证书考试 中级口译教程 第二版》 梅德明

一、vocabulary work词汇预热一 world-renowned 世界闻名 diversity 多样化

dynamism 充满活力

a special regard 特殊的敬意 nostalgic 怀旧的、思乡的 memorable 值得回忆的 utmost courtesy 非常的礼貌 extensive 广泛的

overshadow 使„„黯然失色

non-governmental sector 民间组织 foundations 基金会

mutual benefit 互惠互利 good faith 良好的诚意

strategic relationship

战略关系 flourish


mutual 的搭配

mutual 可以和这些词搭配

mutual respect/benefit/understanding mutual trust/confidence/courtesy (礼尚往来) mutual equality/complementarity

our mutual friend 我们共同的朋友 mutual aid 互助

mutual promise 相互的约定 by mutual consent 双方同意 mutual affection 相爱

二、Expreing Thanks

Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful. 首先,请允许我感谢中国东道主的精心安排与好客,我夫人与我,以及代表团的全体人员,都深为感激。

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome.This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation. 我非常感谢阁下的友好欢迎辞,对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一天。

In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country.We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country.


On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.

我谨代表在座的所有的同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。我不仅要感谢特别感谢为我们准备晚宴的人们,而且还要特别感谢演奏优美音乐的人们。 表示感谢的常用形式 On behalf of…

For myself and for our entire delegation, On behalf of all the members of my delegation and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to expre / extend my heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulne /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr.Smith for your kind invitation (to visit China / to this fair.) /kind hospitality /warm welcome /for giving this grand banquet. /for inviting us to such a marvelous dinner tonight.

1.I' d like to take advantage of this opportunity to expre my earnest gratitude for your help.我愿借此机会向你们的帮助表示衷心的感谢。

2.I should like to expre my heartfelt gratitude for your gracious reception and hospitality.我愿向你们盛情的接待与款待表示衷心的感谢。

3.Please accept our sincere thanks for your kind invitation.请接受我们对你友好邀请的真诚感谢。

4.Thank you very much for giving me such an excellent opportunity to visit this beautiful city and work with you.非常感谢你们给我这个极好的机会让我来访问这个美丽的城市并和你们共事。


5.I am very happy to have this second chance of joyful gathering with you.我非常高兴和你们再次相聚。

6.I would like to thank Sir Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.非常感谢布鲁尔斯校长的邀请,使我来到久负盛名的剑桥大学。


This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.


Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company, which offers the monthly pa.


Those were happy days.They were good days, important days.We were part of the dramatic proce which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship.我们参与了那富有戏剧性的转变过程,它使我们重新走到一起,使我们踏上了通往建立一种真诚友好与合作关系的道路。

My visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.我的访问是良好诚意的象征,我们怀着这种良好诚意,希望能在友谊的基础上建立文化和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。

On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我谨代表我在座的所有同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。

So, let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.所以,让我们沿着通往共同目标的不同的道路,一起开始新的长征。这个目标就是建立一个和平与正义的世界,在这个世界里所有人都可以站在一起享有同等的尊严,所有国家无论其大小,都有权决定自己的政府形式,选择自己的发展道路,而不受外来干涉或统治。

In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glaes to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.本着这种精神,我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两国人民之间的友谊与合作干杯,这种友谊与合作能够带给全世界人民友谊与和平。

四、vocabulary work词汇预热二 Your Excellency 阁下

cradle of civilization 文明的摇篮 renew old friendship 重温旧情 establish new contacts 结交新友

a constant source of encouragement 不断的鼓舞 in the pursuit of 追求

a common aspiration 共同的愿望 endeavor=try in the service of 造福于


in closing 最后 privileged 荣幸的

propose a toast 提议„„干杯 cheers 干杯


Ladies and gentlemen

Your Excellency, My Chinese friends Respected Mr.chairman, ladies and gentlemen Mr.president

government officials as: "Mr.Director," "Mr.Minister, " "Mr.President, " related other expreions:

Your/His/Her majesty

Your/His/Her Highne/ Excellency/Royal Highne Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency /Madam Mr.Smith, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr.and Mrs.Smith ("Dr.and Mrs.Green" if applicable)


1、称呼常用搭配 gracious invitation on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit; warm welcome generous/incomparable hospitality extraordinary arrangement (精心安排) peace, stability and prosperity


We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries.China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country.我们因而欢迎中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题以及所持的立场。中国的支持始终鼓励着我们追求发展与保持我国独立的立场。

I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavour and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people.我期待着在今后的几天里有机会向你们学习,从你们为造福人们而促进经济和社会发展的奋斗和经验中学到一些东西。

I’d like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency an invitation to visit my country, so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us.我愿意借此机会邀请阁下访问我国,以便我们能有机会回报你们给予我们的热情欢迎和盛情 4



May I propose a toast To the health of Your Excellency, To the health of all the Chinese friends, Cheers! 现在由我祝酒


为所有中国朋友的身体健康, 干杯!

May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Now I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two cities.Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to propose a toast.With the wine of the host, I request you all to raise your glaes and drink to the health of Smith!


Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream.我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。

This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. 这次访问给与我一次极好的机会拜访老朋友,结交新朋友。

I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。 I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.我对您为我到达贵国后所作的一切安排深表谢意。

第三章 中国传统文化

一、“传统节日”单词预热 vocabulary work 烹调 cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架 well stocked with fish and meat 象征意义 symbolic significance 农历 lunar calendar 阳历 solar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 清明节 Pure Brightne Day 重阳节 Double Ninth Day 放逐 be exiled 忠臣 loyal minister 糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves 祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb. 5

龙舟比赛 dragon boat races 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 满月 full moon 月饼 moon cake 蜜饯 preserved fruits 豆沙 bean paste 蛋黄 egg yolk 海鲜 seafood 家禽 poultry 饺子 dumplings 八宝饭 eight treasure rice 米羹 rice balls 油条 fried sticks 麻花 fried twisted stick 炒面 Chaomian 叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork 粥 porridge 芋头 taro 葱油饼 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion 有关春节的常用词

放鞭炮 let off firecrackers 耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern 耍狮子 play the lion dance 拜年 pay a new-year call


 我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。

 I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays. 表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译:

1.to share with you brief information  在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。

 I'd like to share with you brief information in this respect.2.to brief you on  借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。  I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on China's acceion to WTO and participation in economic globalization.3.to give a brief account of  我简单介绍我厂的情况。

 Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory. 在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。

 Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.4.to tell us how/what  请主席先生介绍一下中国农村扶贫运动的情况。


 Will Mr.Chairman tell us how the anti-poverty drive is going on in China? 5.to show you 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。 I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.6.to provide sb.with some information 借此机会,向各位介绍上海经济发展和开展国际经贸交往的一些情况。

I’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about Shanghai’s economic development and its foreign trade.7.share a piece of my mind

四、“武术”单词预热 vocabulary work 武术

martial art 武术宫 martial art palace 健身 bodybuilding 减肥 lose weight 填写登记表 fill in a form 会员卡 membership card 古代格斗术 form of combat习武 practice martial art 中国武术协会 Chinese Martial Arts Aociation 扣人心弦的表演 thrilling performance 杂技 acrobatics 顶尖/身怀绝技/无懈可击的 top/first-rate/ 武林高手 profeional martial artist warrior, sumono, knight, errant, martial artist, swordsman



Wushu, known as Kongfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousand years in China. 中国的劳动人民练习武术以强身健体和自我保护,武术至今仍大受欢迎。

The working people in China practice Wushu for physical training and self-defense and Wushu is still immensely popular today.


Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world.练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要赤手空拳,有的要拿武器。

Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or with weapons.武术是中国特有的民族运动,它可以锻炼身体,培养意志力,训练打斗技巧。

A unique Chinese national sport, Wushu builds strong bodies, steels the willpower and gives training in fighting skills.



controlled breathing exercise 春联

spring couplet 剪纸

paper-cut 7


theatrical mask 国画

traditional Chinese painting 中药

TCM 单口相声

monologue comic talk 对口相声

witty dialogue; comic cro talk 马戏

circus performance 传说

legend 神话

mythology 寓言

fable 二十四节气

the twenty-four solar terms 四大发明:


gunpowder 印刷术

movable type printing 造纸术

paper making 指南针




The Great Learning 中庸

The Doctrine of the Mean 论语

The Analects of Confucius 孟子

the Mencius 孙子兵法

The art of War 三国演义

Three Kingdoms 西游记

Journey to the West

Monkey King 红楼梦

Dream of the Red Mansions

Story of the Stone 水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh

All men are brothers 诗经

The Book of Songs 书经

The Books of History 易经

I Ching The Book of Changes 礼记

The Book of Rites 孝经

Book of Filial Piety 三字经

three word chant 八股文

stereotyped writing 重要文化遗产

major cultural heritage




Good Health As a popular saying goes: “Health is better than wealth.” Good health enables one to enjoy his life and achieve what he hopes for in his career.On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive one of his interest in everything around him.Therefore, health is indispensable to one’s happy life.

There are many ways, I think, which can help to build up one’s health.In the first place, those who always work from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stre can lead to poor performance and ill health.Secondly, if one wants to keep healthy, he must give up the habits that damage his health.Finally, regular exercises are eential for a healthy mind and body.To the


best of my knowledge, there is nothing more healthful than a brisk walk in the morning.Personally, I like running in the morning.And I have benefited a lot of from it.My health condition is getting better and better.So I will persist in doing so in the future.











Much busine in the United States is conducted on the telephone.The average busineman spends much of his time on the telephone making busine contacts.在美国许多生意都是通过电话谈的。一般的生意人都花很多时间打电话,接洽生意。

However, it usually will not be convenient to make initial contracts between Chinese and U.S.businees by telephone.但是,中国公司和美国公司通过电话商讨初步协议通常很不方便。

There is no particular style to American negotiations.The way the negotiations are conducted will vary from one busine to another and will depend upon the individuals involved.与美国人谈判并无特别的样式。谈判的方式视业务不同而不同,取决于参与谈判的人员。 Although Americans have a reputation for making quick decisions, this is not always true when a corporation is involved in a major venture or a large project.Therefore, you should also be prepared for lengthy negotiations.虽然美国人享有决策果断的声誉,但是,在公司着手进行主要或重大项目时,决策并非总是果断的。因此,你也要做好准备进行冗长的谈判。



Chinese eat with chopsticks while most of the westerners eat with knives and forks.Some westerners may be quite good at using chopsticks, but most of them are not, therefore when setting a table at which westerners are entertained, it is always advisable to place knives and forks along side the chopsticks.中国的宴席,把菜肴摆在餐桌中央。西方人则不习惯把手伸得老长,满桌子挥舞。然而,中国人的习惯就是各人从餐桌中央菜盘子里夹菜。所以,宴请外国客人时,这一点应该向他们讲明白。

At Chinese dinner parties, the dishes are usually placed in the middle of the table.Westerners are not used to reaching for something over the table.But in China, it is usual to help oneself to the food placed at the center of the table.So when we entertain foreign guests, we should explain


such table manners to them.中国人请客,主人总是不断往客人的盘子里夹菜。这使外国客人觉得非常尴尬。即便是不喜欢的菜品,他也得吃下去,因为在西方,把食物剩在盘子里是极不礼貌的行为。

At a Chinese dinner, the host always puts more food on to the guest's plate.That often makes a foreign guest feel very awkward.He has to eat the food even if he doesn't feel like it, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one's food on the plate.


On the contrary, a Chinese sits at, say, an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drinks though in fact he is still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China, but it is definitely not in the West.



After over half a century of strenuous efforts, more than two decades of reform and opening-up in particular, China has now entered a new stage of development aimed at building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.


However, China is still a developing country, large population and inadequate economic development remain its basic national conditions.It has a long way to go before achieving its development goals.


The People’s Republic of China is a united multi-national state founded jointly by the people of all nationalities.So far, there are 56 nationalities.

与汉族相比,其他55个民族人口相对较少,因此他们在习惯上被称为“少数民族”。 Compared with the Han nationality, China’s other 55 ethnic groups have a relatively small population, thus they are customarily referred to as ethnic minorities.


According to the fourth national census conducted in 1990, the Han nationality accounts for 92 percent of the country’s total population, and minority ethnic groups account for 8 percent.


During China’s long history of development, the people of various nationalities in China migrated and mingled, which eventually brought about today’s distribution.







高级口译笔记——礼仪祝词(Ceremonial Speech) 开幕/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 开幕词 opening speech/addre 致开幕词 make an opening speech 友好访问 goodwill visit

阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 贵宾 distinguished guest 尊敬的市长先生 Respected Mr.Mayor 远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific 东道国 host country 宣布„„开幕 declare„„open 值此之际 on the occasion of 借此机会 take this opportunity to 以„„名义 in the name of 本着„„精神 in the spirit of

代表 on the behalf of 由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks 友好款待 gracious hospitality 正式邀请 official invitation 回顾过去 look back on 展望未来 look ahead/look into the future 最后 in closing 圆满成功 a complete succe 提议祝酒 propose a toast 亚太地区 Asian-Pacific region 建交 establishment of diplomatic relations between 互访 exchange of visit 外交政策 foreign policy 一贯奉行 in persistent pursuit of平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 双边关系 bilateral relations 持久和平lasting peace 贸易额 trade volume 商业界 busine community 跨国公司 transnational corporation 经济强国/经济大国/经济列强(视具体情况翻译)economic power 1.我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,表示真诚的谢意。

On the behalf of all the members of my miion, I would like to take this opportunity to expre our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation.2.现在,我愉快地宣布第二十二届万国邮政联盟大会开幕。 Now, I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congre open.3.我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向来自联合王国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。

I have the honor to expre this warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom. 4.我谨向各位表示最热烈的欢迎。I would like to extend my warmest welocme to all of you.5.我预祝大会圆满成功!I wish the conference a complete succe!



Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin "Three Represent's" important Thought 新民主主义革命 new-democratic revolution

民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people

经济体制改革和政治体制改革 reforms in the economic and political structure 社会主义制度 socialist system

社会变革 social transformation 建设有中国特色的社会主义事业 the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领

The basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism 改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside 中国共产党十一届三中全会 The Third Plenary Seion of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 马克思主义政党 Marxist political Party 党的第一(第


The collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second\third) generation 人民民主专政 the people's democratic dictatorship

国民经济体系 national economic system 综合国力 aggregate national strength 国内生产总值 the annual gro domestic product(GDP) 独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace 马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China 加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力 strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality.“三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。

"Three Represent's" shows that our Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China, they are the foundation for building the Party, the cornerstone for its exercise of state power and a source of its strengthen,only by doing so can we really ensure that our Party always stand in the forefront of the time and maintain its advanced nature.

党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策 Party's theory, line, program, principles and policies, 工人阶级的先锋队 the vanguard of the working cla 生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑 productive force, relation of production, economic base, superstructure constitute 科学技术是第一生产力science and technology are the primary productive force 社会主义物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilizations of socialism 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民

citizens with lofty ideals, moral integrity, better education and good sense of discipline


self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy, the legal system, and the pioneering and innovative spirit

科教兴国战略the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education 倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想

Advocate patriotism, collectivism and socialism, combat and resist money worship, hedonism, ultra-egoism decadent ideas

先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 be concern about the country and the people before anything else 全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民

serve the people heart and soul, work for the public and aumes power for the people 解放思想、实事求是emancipating the mind, seeking truth from the facts 主观主义、形而上学 subjectivism, metaphysics 民主集中制、党内民主 democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy 集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定

Collective leadership, democratic centralism, case-specific consultation, decision through meeting 政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定因素 cardres are a decisive factor, once a political line is decided 党管干部的原则 the principle of the Party auming the responsibility for cardres' affairs 公开、平等、竞争、择优 open, fair, competition, basis of merits 公开选拔、竞争上岗

the supervision of appointment and promotion of officials, and the method for official performance aement 自重、自省、自警、自励 self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation 以权谋私、贪赃枉法、腐败分子 to abuse power for personal gains, take bribes or bend the law, corrupt elements 小康社会、小康生活 well-to-do society, well-to-do life 四项基本原则 Four Cardinal Principles 社会主义初级阶段 the primary stage of socialism "政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力

gualified politically and competent militarily and that have a fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistic support 台独 taiwan's "independence" 世界多极化、经济全球化 world multi-polarization and economic globalization 独立自主、完全平等、相互尊重、互不干涉内部事务

Independence, completely equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs cooperation 开放攻坚,改革跟进,稳定保障,加快发展

open and storm fortification, reform and follow-up, stable and secure, speed up development 工作策略 the working tactics 以企业为中心的工业化核心战略

the strategy at the core of industrialization around enterprises(take the enterprises as the center)


21世纪议程 Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约), — provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development) 世界环境日 World Environment Day (June 5th each year) 世界环境日主题 World Environment Day Themes 环境千年—行动起来吧!(2000) The Environment MillenniumOur FutureSave Our Seas! 为了地球上的生命(1997) For Life on Earth 我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996) Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home 国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day (29 December) 世界水日 World Water Day (22 March) 世界气象日 World Meteorological Day(23 March) 世界海洋日 World Oceans Day (8 June ) 联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) 环发大会首脑会议 Summit Seion of UNCED 联合国环境规划署 United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP) 2000年全球环境展望报告 GEO-2000; Global Environmental Outlook 2000 入选“全球500佳奖” be elected to the rank of Global 500 Roll of Honor

联合国人类居住中心 UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS) 改善人类居住环境最佳范例奖 Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement 人与生物圈方案 Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme (UNESCO) 中国21世纪议程 China’s Agenda 21 中国生物多样性保护行动计划 China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan 中国跨世纪绿色工程规划 China Trans-Century Green Project Plan 国家环境保护总局 State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 中国环保基本方针 China’s guiding principles for environmental protection 坚持环境保护基本国策 adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 推行可持续发展战略 pursue the strategy of sustainable development 贯彻经济建设、城乡建设、环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展(三同步)的方针 carry out a strategy of synchronized planning, implementation and development in terms of economic and urban and rural development and environmental protection (the “three synchronizes” principle) 促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变 promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth 实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一 bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection 中国环保基本政策 the basic policies of China’s environmental protection 预防为主、防治结合的政策 policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control 污染者负担的政策 “the-polluters-pay” policy 强化环境管理的政策 policy of tightening up environmental management 一控双达标政策 policy of “One Order, Two Goals”: “一控”:12种工业污染物的排放量控制在国家规定的排放总量 The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government.; “双达标”: 1.到2000年底,全国所有的工业污染源要达到国家或地方规定的污染物排放标准 The discharge of industrial pollutants should meet both national and local standards by the end of 2000.2.到2000年底,47个重点城市的空气和地面水达到国家规定的环境质量标准 2.Air and surface water quality in all urban districts in 47 major cities should meet related national standards by the end of 2000.对新项目实行环境影响评估 conduct environmental impact aements (EIA) on start-up projects

提高全民环保意识 raise environmental awarene amongst the general public 查处违反环保法规案件 investigate and punish acts of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection 环保执法检查 environmental protection law enforcement inspection 限期治理 undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time

中国已加入的国际公约 international conventions into which China has acceed 控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal 关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 生物多样性公约 Convention on Biological Diversity 防治荒漠化国际公约 Convention to Combat Desertification 气候变化框架公约 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 生态示范区 eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region 国家级生态示范区(珠海) Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region 国家级园林城市 Nationally Designated Garden City 对水质和空气质量的影响 impact on the quality of the water and the air 治理环境污染 curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control

工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes 白色污染 white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics) 可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags 放射性废料积存 accumulation of radioactive waste 有机污染物 organic pollutants 氰化物、砷、汞排放 cyanide, arsenic, mercury discharged 铅、镉、六价铬 lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium 城市垃圾无害化处理率 decontamination rate of urban refuse 垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill 垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator 防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation 森林砍伐率 rate of deforestation 水土流失 water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization 农药残留 pesticide residue 水土保持 conservation of water and soil 生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture 水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone 海水淡化 sea water desalinization

保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源 protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource 绿化祖国 turn the country green 全民义务植树日 National Tree-Planting Day 造林工程 afforestation project 绿化面积 afforested areas; greening space 森林覆盖率 forest coverage 防风林 wind breaks (防沙林 sand breaks) 速生林 fast-growing trees

降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation

开发可再生资源 develop renewable resources 环保产品 environment-friendly products 自然保护区 nature reserve 野生动植物 wild fauna and flora 保护生存环境 conserve natural habitats 濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife

珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center 自然生态系统 natural ecosystems 防止沙漠化(治沙、抗沙) desertification 环境负荷 carrying capacity of environment 三废综合利用 multipurpose use of three types of wastes 先天与后天,遗传与环境 nature-nurture 美化环境 landscaping design for environmental purposes 防止沿海地带不可逆转恶化 protect coastal zones from irreversible degradation 环境恶化 environmental degradation 城市化失控 uncontrolled urbanization 温饱型农业 subsistence agriculture 贫困的恶性循环 vicious cycle of poverty 大气监测系统 atmospheric monitoring system 空气污染浓度 air pollution concentration 酸雨、越境空气污染 acid rain and Tran boundary air pollution 二氧化硫排放 sulfur dioxide (SO2) emiions 悬浮颗粒物 suspended particles 工业粉尘排放 industrial dust discharged 烟尘排放 soot emiions 二氧化氮 nitrate dioxide (NO2) 矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气) foil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas 清洁能源 clean energy 汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust 尾气净化器 exhaust purifier 无铅汽油 lead-free gasoline 天然气汽车 gas-fueled vehicles 电动汽车 cell-driven vehicles; battery cars 氯氟烃 CFCs 温室效应 greenhouse effect 厄尔尼诺南徊 ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) 噪音 noise (分贝 db; decibel)

化学需氧量(衡量水污染程度的一个指标) COD;chemical oxygen demand 生物需氧量 BOD; biological oxygen demand 工业废水处理率 treatment rate of industrial effluents 城市污水处理率 treatment rate of domestic sewage 集中处理厂 centralized treatment plant 红潮 red tide (rapid propagation of sea algae


Unit One Reception 外事接待 Text

Paage One 制药有限公司 pharmaceutical Co.Ltd 研究生 graduate student

研究成果 research findings

市中心 downtown area

旅馆招待费 hotel accommodation fee 舒适如归 make sb.Comfortable

排忧解难 help sb out


Welcome to Shanghai, Dr.and Mrs.Hill.2.请允许我做自我介绍。

Please allow me to introduce myself.


deputy managing director 论文 paper

实验助手 lab aistant 假日酒店 Holiday Inn 招待所 guesthouse

不尽如人意之处 inconvenience in life and work


My name is Jianxin Hong, I am deputy managing director of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. 4.久闻先生大名。事实上,我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。

I've long heard of you and, as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies.6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人身感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。

It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I'm very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months.

7.我们将给您配备两名实验助手。必要时,我们还想邀请您的一名同事一起参加我们的一项研究工作。 We'll provide you with two lab aistants and if neceary, we would like to invite one of your aociates to join us.9.您若愿意的话,我们想把你们先安排在地处市中心的假日酒店下榻,从假日酒店开车40分钟可到我们的实验室。

If you don’t mind, we’d like to accommodate you (put you up) at the Holiday Inn, which is located in the downtown area, a forty-minutes drive from our lab.


The company will pay for the hotel rooms.


Our guest house, a small family-style apartment building, is also available to you if you decide to move out of the hotel.The guesthouse is located in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park of Pudong on the other side of Huangpu River, a beautiful and peaceful environment that has never failed to attract any visitor.12.不论您选择住在何处,我相信您和您的家人都会喜欢这里的生活。

In any case, I hope you and your family will enjoy your stay in this city. 13.我们会尽力为你们服务,使你们在上海有一种舒适如归的感觉。

We will do everything we can to accommodate you and make you comfortable.


If you should encounter any inconveniences in your life and work, do not hesitate to let me know and I will be very glad to help you out.


Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honor tonight, and we would like you and your family to come to the dinner this evening to meet our managing director. 16.我们晚上再见。

I will see you again then. Unit 1

Paage Two 英译汉:

Stanford University 斯坦福大学

a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部

magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的

Confucianism 儒家思想

Taoism 道家学说

inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上„„的土地

cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用

in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的

1、Hello, I am Robert Brown from Stanford University.您好!我是从斯坦福大学来的罗博特.布朗。

2.I am very happy to meet you here in this land of wonder. 我很高兴能在这充满奇观的国家与您见面。

3.I have been looking forward to visiting your great country, and I feel honored and pleased that I will be working with my Chinese colleagues in the head office of your automobile group.



4.As you know, this is my very first visit to China, and I am here to witne with my own eyes the magical power of the once very remote “Oriental Dragon”.


5.You can imagine how exited I was when I received your invitation to join you in your project. 您可以想象当我收到您邀请我前往中国与您共事的信后我是多么激动。

6.Back in my college days, a profeor of Oriental Civilization introduced me to the wealth of the Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depths of my mind the inexplicable “China dream”.


7.And I am even more exited now that I have set foot on the beautiful land of China. 自从踏上中国这片美丽的国土后,我的心情更为激动。

8.I have had my “China dream” for years and I am here to realize this dream.


9.Just think this charming cosmopolitan city is going to be my home for the remaining days of the year. 可不是吗,我在年内都能以这座迷人的国际大都市为家,真是棒极了。

10.There is so much to learn about the mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the current reform.I’am really looking forward to my Chinese life.想了解的这个神秘之国的东西真是太多了,从古老的文明到当代的改革, 这一切我都想知道,我期盼着尽快开始我的中国生活。

11.I’ll maximize this opportunity to learn as much as I can and make as many friends as I can.I promise I’ll become a real Chinese expert in no time.

我要充分利用这次机会尽可能地多了解中国,多交一些中国朋友。相信我,不久我便会成为一名中国通的。 12.Of course, I will work closely with my Chinese colleagues on my research projects, through which I believe I will realize my “China dream” in the most rewarding direction.


Unit 1 Extra Text for Practice Paage One 汉译英:


Excuse me, sir, are you Mr.Johnson from the United States?

B.是的,我叫大卫.约翰逊,你一定是李小姐了。 Yes, I'm David Johnson.And you must be Mi Li.

A:是的,我叫李敏。约翰逊先生,我一直在此恭候您的来到。 Yes, I'm Li Min.Mr.Johnson, I have been expecting you.

B: Thank you for coming to meet me.Just call me David.First name is more friendly than last name.谢谢你来接我。就叫我大卫吧,名字比姓听来更亲切一些。

A:好的,欢迎来北京,大卫,旅途可好? A:OK.Welcome to Beijing,David.Did you enjoy your trip?

B:Not too bad.But we were later than expected.Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm.We were held up for several hours at the airport,waiting for the storm to clear up.But On the whole,we had good flying weather.



A:I suppose you must be very tired after the long trip.

Shall we drive directly to the hotel?

B:Yes,I'm a bit tired.But I'll be all right by tomorrow. B:是的,我是有点累了,但明天就能恢复。


A:Sure.A good night’s sleep will refresh you.By the way,we'll give you a dinner party tomorrow evening in your honor.

B:You're very kind,indeed.I'll be glad to come. B:你们真好,我很高兴能去赴宴。


A:Good’Mr.Wang,our general manager,sends his greetings to you.He regrets that he’s unable to come to meet you personally.

B:It really doesn't matter at a11. B:这没什么,真的没关系。


A:I hope you'll have a pleasant stay here.If you need anything,just let me know.I’U get a push-cart and meet you over there at the Luggage Claim.

B:Thank you so much. 谢谢

A:行李都齐了吗? Do we have everything?

B:Yes,I've got all my luggage. 是我的,我的行李都齐了。


OK, nothing is left behind.Shall we go now? Our car’s waiting outside.

B:Yes.Let's go. B:好的,我们走吧。 Unit 1课外练习Paage Two 汉译英:

1、对不起,您一定是来自联盟传播服务局的大卫?理查德先生吧? 。我叫魏琴,是上海国际文化交流中心的代理主任。这是我的名片。

Excuse me, you must be Mr.David Richard from the Alliance communications Service.My name is Wei Qin.I’m the acting director of the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchanges.Here’s my card.


We've been expecting you ever since we received your e-mail meage informing us of your date of arrival.


Upon your request, we have reserved for you our Ming House suite, which is located in the East Tower of the Center.It is a claic Chinese residence designed and decorated in the architectural style of China's-Ming Dynasty.I am sure you'll like our Ming House.


Mr.Richard, the Symposium on Information Superhighway and Communication Service will be held at our center as scheduled.



I'm pleased to tell you that you have been chosen by the organizing committee as a keynote speaker for the first seion of the workshop.If you like to use a photocopier for your handouts, or an overhead projector for your presentation, please do not hesitate to contact our Equipment Service.


I'm sure you need a good rest after such a long flight.I suppose I'll have to go now.See you again at the reception banquet tonight.

Unit 1 课外练习Paage Three 英译汉:

1、Thank you for your gracious words of welcome.I visited this city 26 years ago —— a little over 26 years ago.Then I

couldn't have imagined the dynamic and impreive city that Xi'an has turned into today.感谢您热情洋溢的欢迎辞。26年前我曾经访问过这座城市,不止26年了。未曾想到,今天的西安如此生机勃勃,让人印象深刻。

2、China is definitely a more open place than at any time since the Tang Dynasty.We all need to become China experts now, because China, and especially its future, matters for all of us.The last 26 years have seen tremendous Changes in China.The rest of the world has a big stake in China's succe.可以说,中国正处于自唐朝以来最开放的时期。我们都得成为中国通,因为中国,尤其是中国的未来,对我们都至关重要。过去的26年,中国发生了巨大的变化。全世界都看好中国,对她的成功充满信心。

3、The poibilities that China's social and economic developments offer both the country and the world are extraordinary."This should be an opportunity for all of us.To make it so, we must forge a long-term strategic partnership between Europe and China.中国社会与经济发展不仅给本国带来巨大的机遇,也给全世界带来巨大的机遇。这是我们所有人共同享有的机遇。为了抓住这一机遇,我们必须在欧洲与中国之间建立长期的战略伙伴关系。

4、I don't think China is likely to become an expansionist military power, a worry that has clouded some people.China's membership of the WTO is a good example of how working with China and integrating it more fully into the international system can work to all of our advantage.我认为中国不会像某些人所担忧的那样走军事扩张的道路。中国加入世贸组织就是一个很好的子,充分说明与中国合作,使中国融入国际社会可以对我们带来什么样的好处。

5、I am looking forward, in the next two weeks, to taking this opportunity to witne with my own eyes the magical power of this land of wonder and learn from your endeavor and efforts in serving your people.我期待着在接下来的两周里,借此访问之机亲自领略中国这片神奇土地的巨大魔力,学习贵国为了造福人民所做出的努力。

Unit Two

Ceremonial Speech

Paage One



your Excellency


the establishment of diplomatic relations


offshore oil exploration


enduring impoverishment, long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries

落后要挨打 lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks

刻骨铭心的教训 never-forgotten leon

中华民族伟大复兴 the rejuvenation of China

不懈努力 make unremitting efforts

与时俱进 keep pace with the times

第一要务 the primary task


development is of overriding importance

科学发展观 scientific outlook

和谐社会 harmonious society

互利共赢 win-win

本着„„的精神 it is in the spirit of

一贯奉行 in the persistent pursuit of

双边关系 bilateral relations

祝酒 join sb in a toast 副总统阁下、威廉斯夫人, 贵宾们,


Your Excellency Vice President and Mrs.Williams,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Vice President and Mrs.Williams and other distinguished guests..I would avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all.A remark in The Analects of Confucius can best expre what I feel now, "It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar !"


Evidently, Vice President Williams's current visit has demonstrated his Excellency's determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries. I'm deeply convinced that a frequent exchange of visits between the top government officials of the two countries is beneficial not only to the improvement of our relations, but also

to peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole.


Over the years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, we have carried out sincere and rewarding cooperation in political, economic, trade, cultural, educational, scientific and technological, public health and other fields.In particular, our cooperation in offshore oil exploration and automobile industry has been advancing rapidly ever since the exchange of visits between your Prime Minister and our Premier.We're very satisfied with the development in these areas, and we're willing to make further efforts with your government and people to push these cooperative relations to a new height.



China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries.Lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks, which is the never-forgotten leon the Chinese people have learnt from their tragic experience of repeated foreign invasions.A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure of its place in the world.For over a hundred years, the Chinese people have made unremitting efforts toward the goal of rejuvenating the nation.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people, through self-reliance, have carried out the national program of reform and opening up and, by keeping pace with the times, have made great achievements in building socialism that have caught the attention of the world.At present, the Chinese people stay focused on the primary task of development, working together with full confidence to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and striving to achieve modernization.



However, we must be fully aware of the fact that China is still a developing country with a low level of productivity on the whole, and it is still at the primary stage of building socialism and will remain so for many years to come.It will take decades of persistent and hard work to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and to achieve our great national rejuvenation.We must adhere firmly to the strategic thinking that development is of overriding importance and keep a firm grasp of and make good use of the period of important strategic opportunities.We will stick to the scientific outlook on development in guiding overall economic and social development.While focusing on the economic development, we will continue to promote the integrated development of socialist economic, political and cultural undertakings as well as the construction of a harmonious society, and constantly meet the growing material and cultural needs of the people.



We, therefore, need a long-term peaceful international environment and a long-term good-neighborly environment in particular.We must hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, and keep steadfastly to the road of peaceful development.We will continue to carry out the policy of opening to the outside world in all dimensions.We will conduct extensive economic and technological cooperation and scientific and cultural exchanges with other countries and regions.As we do so, we will seize the favorable opportunity of world peace and development, to develop ourselves while at the same time promoting world peace and development with our own growth, aiming for a win-win result to everyone's benefit, thus making greater contributions to humankind.




Ladies and gentlemen, it is our common wish to seek sustained world peace and persistent global economic prosperity.It is in the spirit of safeguarding world peace and ensuring common development and prosperity that we have made our current foreign policies, as well as our economic and trade policies, and wish to promote our friendly relations with any other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.We are very pleased that your country is in persistent pursuit of a world peace policy and has kept a decade-old good trading partnership with China.I am looking forward to holding talks with you on the development of bilateral relations, as well as on Asia-Pacific and other international iues of common interest.






干杯! In closing, I would, like you to join me in a toast

To the health of Vice President and Mrs.Williams,

To the health of all our distinguished guests,

To the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two countries,

To the peace and prosperity of the world,



Your Honor Mr.Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,


1、I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.On behalf of all the members of my miion, I would like to take this opportunity to expre our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes of the government and people of my country.Although we live with a distance of thousands of miles between us, "Long distance separates no bosom friends," as one of your Tang poets said. 这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此深感荣幸。我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。与此同时,我很高兴这次访问给予我一次极好的机会,向市长先生和上海人民转达我国政府和人民的热烈问候和诚挚的良好祝愿。虽然我们远隔万里,但贵国唐朝的一位诗人说得好,“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。”

2、The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes that are taking place in China, particularly in Shanghai, a thriving and robust megalopolis.To our great amazement, this country boasts a two-and-half decade persistent

economic growth, which is unequalled elsewhere in the world.China's miraculous rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asia-Pacific region has attracted, and will continue to attract, a growing number of busine, manufacturing and financial giants in our country to invest in China, particularly to invest in a number of long-term projects in Shanghai and its surrounding areas.Over the last decade, there has never been any place other than Pudong that holds so much attraction for our people in the busine community.It is with this awarene that we have come here to seek better ways of promoting our economic and financial cooperation.One of the objectives of my miion is to sign our Investment Protection Agreement and Intellectual Property Rights Protection Agreement.I am also seeking poibilities of establishing, through partnership with our Chinese colleagues, a joint consultancy firm that will provide services for transnational corporations in Shanghai.整个世界都在以极大的兴趣注视着中国正在发生的巨大变化,尤其是注视着上海这座蓬勃向上的特大型城市所发生的巨大变化。令人惊讶的是,25年来中国经夯强劲持续增长.没有哪一个国家可以与其媲美。中国奇迹般地迅速崛起为亚太地区最具实力的经济强国之一,吸引了并将继续吸引我国越来越多的商业、制造业和金融业的巨头来华投资,尤其是在上海及其周边地区的许多长期项目上投资。在过去的10年里,没有任何一个地方像浦东那样对我国商业界产生了如此之大的吸引力。正是基于对这一状况的认识,我们来到上海寻求进一步发展我们在经济和金融方面进行合作



Last but not least, I would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of Shanghai.We would like His Honor to visit our city at his earliest convenience, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoy here.最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向上海市长面呈来访我市的正式邀请,希望市长阁下在其方便的时候尽早访问我市,以便使我们能有机会来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。

4、I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.I also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.In spite of the worldwide economic receion in recent years, there has been a steady growth in our economic cooperation and trade volume.It is our sincere wish that we continue to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.我非常珍惜我们两座城市之间的密切关系,我也非常重视我们作为你们最重要的贸易伙伴之一所享有的地位。尽管近年来世界经济处于不景气的状态,我们之间的经济合作和贸易额却一直在稳步增长。我们真诚地希望彼此之间继续密


5、On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Mayor and all our Chinese friends present here tonight good health! Thank you.



Extra Text for Practice Paage One 汉译英

尊敬的芮效俭大使, 尊敬的欧伦斯会长, 尊敬的傅强恩会长, 女士们、先生们:


Your Excellency Ambaador Roy, Honorable President OrLins, Honorable President Frisbie, Ladies and Gentlemen,


It gives me great pleasure to attend this luncheon, meeting all the friends, old and new.Let me thank the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and the U.S.-China Busine Council for their kind invitation and gracious hospitality.


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and the U.S.-China Busine Council, as well as others present here, for their dedicated efforts over the years to increase the understanding and friendship between the two peoples and to promote the relations between the two countries.


At the 16th U.S.-China Joint Commiion on Commerce and Trade meeting held in Beijing not long ago, the two sides had a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views on ways to strengthen economic and trade cooperation and properly addre some thorny iues.A number of agreements were reached on such matters as intellectual property rights (IPR), agricultural produce trade, distribution right, textile trade, and government procurement.We are ready to work with the United States to follow these agreements through and ensure a sound and steady growth of Sino-U.S.economic and trade cooperation.


With commerce growing rapidly between the two countries, China has become the third largest trading partner and the fastest-growing export market of the United States, while the United States is China's second largest trading partner and top source of FDI (foreign direct investment). Mutual interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win results are basic features of such a relationship, which has not only delivered enormous tangible benefits to the two peoples but also boosted economic growth acro the world.The import by the United States of quality and affordable Chinese merchandize has alleviated the inflation preure and saved American consumers nearly $20 billion every year.American capital, technology and managerial expertise, in turn, have instilled vitality into the Chinese economy.Many young Chinese are making calls with Motorola cell phones, working with Dell or Compaq laptops, and hanging out with friends in Starbucks, McDonald's or KFC.


It is needle to say that in the course of fast growth, there will be some frictions.When frictions occur the two sides should stick to the principle of long-term development, work out the problems through equal-footed consultations and strive for a win-win result.To politicize trade iues or to get too emotional about them does not help solve problems; therefore we are not

in favor of such a practice.


China pays great attention to U.S.concerns about trade imbalances, IPR protection and others, and has taken, and will continue to take, effective steps to addre them gradually.China is not after prolonged surplus in trade with the United States, and will continue to honor its WTO commitments by opening its market still wider to U.S.products.In the coming five years, China will import over $1 trillion worth of goods and allow even greater acce for services.All this will mean boundle opportunities for U.S.businees.The Chinese Government attaches great importance to IPR protection and will step up its measures in this regard.We have lowered the threshold for criminal penalties against IPR-infringement, intensified law enforcement and launched IPR protection campaigns.These measures will continue to be implemented.


It takes the efforts of both China and the United States to addre their economic and trade frictions.We hope that the United States will recognize China's full market economy status, lift restrictions on commodity and technology exports to China and correct the wrong practices of trade protectionism.Increasing exports to China, instead of restricting imports from China, is the right course of action to solve trade imbalances.


What is more, China and the United States should explore new areas of cooperation.As major energy producers and consumers, our two countries should, and are entirely able to, strengthen energy cooperation, including cooperation in the research and development, and application of clean and alternative energy resources and the construction of nuclear power

plants.The two sides may-also have more dialogues on macro-economic policies and coordination and cooperation in multilateral economic organizations.



I am convinced that with our concerted efforts, we will reach new agreements on trade balance.

Thank you.

Unit 2 课外练习Paage Two 英译汉:

1、It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation.I am very happy that you are here to attend the opening ceremony of Canadian Industrial Exhibition.I would like to take this opportunity to convey to our Chinese guests the warm greetings from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.我怀着十分愉快的心情向中国地方贸易代表团表示热烈的欢迎。我很高兴各位能来此参加加拿大工业展览会。我愿借


2、The exhibition centre covers an area of 50,000square meters and has a floor space of 25,000 square meters.Facilities of the center include a main exhibition hall, with four special-purpose exhibition halls around it, and a multi-functional conference hall.展会中心占地50 000平方米,建筑面积为25 000平方米。中心设施包括一个主要展厅,周围有四个特殊用途的展厅,还有一个多功能报告厅。

3、This exhibition is a display of recent industrial achievements in Canada, as well as a showplace of our high-tech advances in such areas as aviation, machine tools, electronics, coal mining, power generation equipment, off-shore oil exploration, automobiles, covering all sections of Canadian industry.I am very proud that some of the exhibits are the products from some Canadian-Chinese joint ventures.Although these products are a mere fraction of all our exhibits, they mark the arrival of a new era of the economic and scientific and technological cooperation between our two great nations.Our cooperation is one of great promise.As you know, "A good beginning is half the battle." 本次展览会展示了加拿大近年来所取得的工业成就,同对也是反映加拿大工业界高科技进步的一个窗口。展出科技成


4、This exhibition is expected to provide further opportunities for collaborative efforts between the local technology researchers and their international counterparts.We believe the exhibition of high and new technology is the best way to foster international cooperation on science and technology, as well as to facilitate innovations in industries.本次展会还要为当地技术研究人员和国际同行提供合作的机会。我们认为,高新技术的展会是推动国际科技合作的最好途径,也是促进产业革新的最好办法。

5、In the future, we will host more specialized exhibitions on science and technology, such as metal and metallurgy, chemical engineering, textile machinery, foodtech and aviation.With the help of those exhibitions, we will gradually create an international marketplace for innovation, science and technology, and provide networking opportunities within the industry.今后我们要举办更多的专业科技展会,如关于金属冶金、化学工程、纺织机械、食品技术以及航空航天等。我们要借助这些展会,逐渐创造出一个致力于创新和科技革新的国际市场,并为产业内部联系与交流提供机会。

6、The Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation is the largest visiting group to attend our exhibition and I wish my Chinese friends a most rewarding visit.中国地方贸易代表团是参加本届展览会的最大团体,我预祝中国朋友们在参观期间取得丰硕成果。

Unit Three Busine Negotiation Text Paage One

进出口商品交易会 import and export commodities fair

销售部经理 sales manager supply department 采购部

brochure 宣传小册子 scope of busine 经营范围

machine tool 机床 workmanship


make an inquiry 询价

quotation 报价

C.I.F Seattle

西雅图到岸价(*cost, insurance.freight)


adjust the price

competitive 具有竞争力 bulk 很大

substantially 大大地

展台 exhibition stand


Welcome to Shanghai Import and Export Commodities Fair.My name is Ming Chen.I am Sales manager of the Shanghai Machinery Company Inc..

2.Hi, Mr.Chen.My name is Sean Hudson.I am from Seattle, USA.I am in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd.



I am very pleased to meet you, Mr.Hudson.Please sit down and allow me to introduce our company and its products. 4.Thank you! I have read your brochure and am very impreed by your scope of busine, especially the variety of machinery tools you manufacture.I believe my customers will like your new products.



I am glad that you are interested in our products.Actually our brochure shows just a fraction of our machine tools.You may come in and take a look at our exhibits in the show-room, if you please.

6.Sure.Your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable.If you don’t mind, I’d like to make an inquiry.Here’s the list of our interested machine tools.I'd like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.f.Seattle.



Thank you for your inquiry.We can supply you with all the required tools on the list.Here’s my C.I.F US Pacific Coastal City

price list.We may adjust the prices according to the quantity you want.

8.Well, Mr.Chen, your prices are not competitive.My demand is bulk, but of course I’ll have to substantially reduce the quantity of my intended purchase substantially with your offer.



As I said earlier, Mr.Hudson, our prices can be adjustable according to your quantity of your requirement.If our offer is the only thing that bothers you, you may look around and call again for another discuion of our quotations.

10.I sure will.Nice meeting you.I’ll call home about your quotations and come back tomorrow with our decision. 那是一定的。能与您想回我很高兴。我要通公司联系,汇报一下贵方的报价,明天我会把我们的决定告诉您。

11.好的。明天见。 That’s fine.See you tomorrow then. 12.Bye.再见!



经营的新品 new line of busine


auto parts

update 调整

at the cost of


our part



offer 折扣


supplies 货物

free sample 免费样品 inspection 检验

floor offer 底盘


还盘 合同格式

format of contract




unit price 保险费由贵方承担

the insurance premium should be born by your side busine transaction 生意顺利成交 Good afternoon, may I help you? 1.我对贵方经营的新品种颇感兴趣。我可以看一下贵方汽车零部件C.I.F.价目表吗?

Oh, I am interested in your new line of busine.May I look at your CIF price sheet of auto parts?

2.Certainly.Lately we expanded our scope of busine to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular.China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect.My company is willing to establish busine

relations with all interested Chinese parties.



That’s very nice to hear.We should like to import auto parts form your company on a regular basis, provided your prices compare favorably with those of others.To be frank with you, your listed prices are indeed among the least competitive.I’d like to hear your most recent quotation.

4.We have just updated our prices.But of course I don’t mean our offer is final.As usual, we’d like to quote the most reasonable price to start our busine relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial lo on our part.




But my knowledge of the auto parts market tells me that your offer is very unattractive.Besides, I need time to build up my confidence in the quality of your stuff.In any case, I’d rather wait and hunt around, if you were unable to include any reasonable discount.

6.We guarantee the quality of our supplies.And we have free samples for your inspection.As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%.This is our floor offer and you’ll have to excuse me, we’re not prepared for any counter-offer. 我们保证产品质量。并且可以提供免费的样品给你们检验。至于折扣,我们可以将价目单上的开价再减去 5%。这是我方的底盘,对不起,我们不准备接受还盘。


I appreciate your frankne.Though there is still a gap between your rock-bottom prices and my expectations, I am willing to sign contracts with you.I like what you said, I am doing this for the development of our future busine relations. 8. But I’m not sure if you are happy with the terms in the contact.



I’ve studied the contract.I think a few places are not clearly spelt out; they need further clarification.And the format of the contract.We’d like to use copies prepared and printed by our own company.Will that be all right with you?

10.No problem.But everything in the contract should be bilingual, both in English and Chinese.没问题。但是合同中所有的内容都必须用中文和英文两种文字写明。


Yes, the names of the commodities, specifications, quantity, unit prices, the total payment, and the shipment, all to be written bilingually.By the way, we hope the shipment will be made before the end of June.We cannot accept any delay, you know.12.Of course 那还用说。


It’s C.I.F., and therefore the insurance premium should be borne by your side.14.Certainly.We go by the contract.那当然啰,我们按合同办事。 15.好了,没问题了。Good, no more questions.16.That’s wonderful.Let’s leave the technical details of the contract to our aistants.I’d like to invite you to drink and celebrate the succe of your first busine transaction.



Thank you very much.I believe this initial cooperation will lead to many more in the future. Unit 3 课外练习Text for Practice Paage One 英汉双向交互译:

1.感谢您的询价。这是我方在原价的基础上削减了 3.5%以后的报价单。您一定会感到我们的报价在今天这个需求量


I appreciate your inquiry.This is our list of quotations with a recent reduction on the original prices by 3.5%.I’m sure you will find our offer the most competitive one in this rising market of today.

2.To be frank with you,it is really difficult for us to market your products at the price offered.I've been approached by other suppliers with much lower offers,yes,much lower,5%一6%.


3.A:那不可能,我们不可能出那样低的报价,那是荒唐的。That’s impoible.We cannot go as far as that.That’s ridiculous.4.B:What do you have in your mind? 那您减多少呢?


Have your compared our products with theirs? We are certainly not in the same cla.Besides, we have reduced our prices.6.I agree your offer after this reduction is attractive but excuse my frankne,in any case it is by no means the most competitive one to the best of my knowledge.I did a lot of research lately and I’m sure you'll agree with me that a growing number of suppliers in other Southeast Asian countries have joined this market.I foresee a substantial drop in price next year. 我同意您的看法,贵方削价后的报价有吸引力,但恕我直言,据我所知,这无论如何还算不上是最有竞争力的价格。我最近作了一番调查研究,我发现越来越多的东南亚国家的厂商也加入了这个市场,我想您一定会同意我的看法。我预测明年的价格会大幅度下跌。


I am not sure if there will be a substantial price drop.You know our products have established fame in the world and more

importantly, we guarantee the quality of our products whatsoever.Although some new manufacturers from our surrounding countries and regions may attract their customers with lower prices, our quality guarantee policy plus this latest substantial price reduction is sure to prevail.To tell you the truth, none of our old customers, including you I believe, has ever turned to any other suppliers.On the contrary, we have received orders from quite a few new customers.Our offer is indeed well-grounded.

4.You're a real busine negotiator,but if you hang on to the listed quotations,it's impoible for us to come to terms.I don't think your offer is in line with the current market.I do hope that you'll consider our counter-offer.After all,we've had a busine relationship for almost ten years.

您真是个商务谈判高手,不过您若坚持原来的报价,那么我们不可能成交。我认为您的报价不符合市场行情。我希望您考虑一下我方的还盘。我们毕竟是做了近10 年生意的老主顾了。

5.好吧!为了庆祝我们 10年来在生意上的合作,也为了继续推进我们的商务关系,我乐意给您破例追加 1.5%的特别折扣。这已远远低于我方的最低价了,所以我再也不能接受还价了。我希望您理解我的处境,我可不想丢了自己的饭碗啊!

All right, I’m willing to grant you a special reduction of an additional 1.5% discount in honor of our ten years’ busine cooperation and to promote our busine relation into the future.This is far below my floor offer and therefore, I’m not prepared for any counter-bid.I hope you understand my situation.I don’t want to lose my job, you know.

6.I really appreciate your conceion, and I’d like to sign our papers today. 我很感谢您所作出的让步,我打算今天签合同。


I am very glad we have brought our busine talk to a succeful conclusion.The rest is easy.We’ll take care of the paper work this afternoon. 8.Sure.好的。

课外练习Paage Two 英译汉:


总算把期末考试的事情搞完了,饭后敲敲键盘来积点德,希望能够帮到想通过高级口译考试的同学,望牛人见到不要拍砖。山外有山,人外有人,英语牛人这么多,还轮不到我们来沾沾自喜,写这篇文章目的是希望能让后来者少走弯路。 在考高口之前,外界评论将这考试说的神乎其神,一度搞得我没有信心,但好在坚持下来了。考试通过之后,发现自己其实也没有多大的提升,还是会有很多不懂的地方,听不懂看不懂也猜不懂,前几天给人讲过去完成时态都搞不清楚,还要去百度。


高级口译考试全称《上海市外语口译证书》高级,是个职业资格证书,也就是说只有过于不过之分,最近几年很热。考试分笔试口试,笔试300分中考到180分者可有4次机会参加口试。笔试是专业八级的难度,而口试的综合性超过专八。笔试听说有裸考过的,口试还真没有。笔试的通过率为百分之20左右。口试就比较悲催了,一般只有百分之10,不过今年上半年听早于我半年通过考试的master wen 说,杭州上半年去了300个考口试,只过了19个,淘汰率可想而知。


花了余1000小时准备考试,并人品爆发一次通过笔试口试,笔试215.5。本文涵盖笔试口试的准备以及一些小技巧小心得,和笔试时间的控制(精确到30秒)。 好,废话少说,切入真题。走你......


笔试教材:《高级听力教程》 《高级翻译教程》 《高级口译真题汇编》 《中/高级口译词汇必备》(其他两本口语和阅读教程不需要)


上半场顺序:听力(32分钟)--翻译(18~20分钟)--阅读(38~40分钟) 下半场顺序:听力(31分钟)--翻译(19~20分钟)--阅读(其余时间) 翻译尽量在20分钟之内完成,其余的时间全用来做阅读。

必须注意一点,上半场考试听力从开始到结束是30分钟,也就是说你还需要额外的时间去填答题卷,这会占用你后面的考试时间,高口考试中A couple of minutes do count!最好的办法是,挤时间,spot-dictation 有2分钟时间,抄写20个选项一般需要3分30秒左右,不可能全部抄完,一般抄到第7到8个选项就开始看后面的选择题。在做Q11到Q20时,有时候问题与问题之间听力原文的废话较多,这时候可以将选择题答案写到答卷上,并看看别的题目。Anyway,做到section1结束时,只留12个左右的spot-dictation答案待填到答卷,这样顶多占用2分钟!


Section 1听力(听到什么是什么,不做任何层次的延伸和递进):

一、spot-dictation 拿到题目赶快读下大概意思,并将可能的中心词划出,因为中心词汇会多次被读到需要我们去写,可以用圆圈代替。spot-dictation 念完后,有2分钟时间,抄写20个选项一般需要3分30秒左右,不可能全部抄完,一般抄到第7到8个选项就开始看后面的选择题。

可以利用简写符号来代替听到的内容,但必须做到一一对应,否则等到你将答案抄到答题纸上去时会搞不清楚。4for 2to expln v explain expln n explanation >more abt about mn many smn so many θ the $money hv have hs has *special Cos children Co child





Section 4 听译

一、5句句子听译中往往有1到2句包含数字(百分比,日期,金额等等) 段落听译2段中,定有1段包含数字。




Section 2主观阅读








八、一个人的观点在一个段落中通常不改变(除非but...)所以当碰到“...can be replaced by...”时可按照这一原则,上半节说好,下半节肯定也是维护个人观点,说好。



Section 5主观阅读


Section5 英翻中






六、不熟悉的词组和单词只能按照常识联系上下文译,这样反而会译出意译的效果。eg:genetic carbon copies of adults 这里的carbon copy是个词组,是“及其相似的人或物”的意思,如不清楚,将整句译成:“成人基因的碳拷贝”,就弄巧成拙了,还不如直接译成“成人基因”。

七、预读时,主抓大意,遇到结构复杂的句子,把关键结构划出。比如:shift away from....toward....,pit....against....这样,如果需要短句,就不会把这个词组断开,而不知道各自意思了。(由于时间紧,后面翻时很可能搞错结构)

Section 6中翻英







进考场,是个小办公室,两个女老师坐我对面,我进门说good morning,由于紧张,脸部僵硬,硬是没挤出笑容。

开始说话题,由于原先参加过口语大赛,对这种模式的口语考试早已没有多大感觉,因为我知道老师听的是我说的顺不顺,不会太在乎我的观点有多么美妙精辟,口语只是热身。口语部分比较顺利,说的老师都被我逗乐了,因为我发音很标准,又有点英式口音,所以口语这块没问题,pa.口语说完就开始按下录音机开始考口译(按下的同时发的白纸,速度折成熟悉的4小页)。 英翻中前2段都是教程上的,翻的很顺利,后最后一段基本没听懂,笔记只抓到了只言片语,不过本着宁烂勿缺的精神,胡说一通。
















Paage 1:

We have made significant strides in implementing the policies needed to take advantage of the new opportunities of development.We become more and more aware that these opportunities are indeed embedded in this serious economic crises.We are very confident that our skilled work force provides a strong foundation for future growth.And we are convinced that this work force allowed this country to become fa major center for advanced technology products in the world.In recent years, we further opened up our economy and China is now our number one trading partner.And our prudent financial policies and low level of public debt have positioned us well to addre the challenges of the current crisis.All in all, we can look to the future with self-confidence that an economic U-turn is not only achievable, but also immediate.Of course, we will require perseverance in implementing our industrial restructuring and financial reform agenda.(参考答案)



Paage 2:

On behalf of all the membership of the United Nations, I hereby reaffirm the role of this international organization.When ti was created more than 60 years ago, the United Nations reflected humanity’s greatest hopes for a just and peaceful global community.It still embodies that dream.We remain the only world institution with the legitinacy and scope that derive from global membership, and a mandate that encompaes development, secutiry and human rights as well as the envoronment.

I restate that we are an organization without independent military capability, and we dispose of relatively modest resources in the economic realm.Yet our influence and impact on the world is far greater than many believe to be the case, and often more than we ourselves realize.This influence derives not from any exercise of power, but from the force of the values we represent.Among these values are the maintenance of the world order and the establishment of world harmony.(参考答案)




Paage 1:


中国确保十三亿多人的生存权和发展权,是对世界人权事业的重大贡献。集体人权与个人人权、经济文化权利与公民政治权利紧密结合和协调发展,这适合中国国情,是中国人权事业发展的必然道路。 (参考答案)

The Chinese nation has always respected human dignity and value.Even in the ancient days, our ancestors came up with the idea of “people being the most important,” believe that “man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.” The progre and development of a society hinge on human progre and development and depend on how well human dignity is maintained and how much human value is realized.The immense vitality displayed by China today is a vivid reflection of the broad freedoms and democtatic rights enjoyed by the Chinese people.

Chins has a population of over 1.3 billion, and to ensure our people the rights to subsistence and development is in itself a major contribution to the progre of the world human rights cause.Collective and individual human rights should be considered together and their coordinated development should be pursued, and the same considerations should be given to the development of economic and cultural rights on the one hand and of civil and political rights on the other.This is dictated by China’s specific national conditions and therefore, is the only way to progre in human rights cause in Chins







第一大类、大会讲话类(Conference Addre)



比如:“今天我很高兴在这里跟大家谈谈求职面试的话题”。听到这句话后,考生立刻作出判断——这是非正式类句型,不用大词,力求口语化。所以以下的句型是要脱口而出的, “I’m glad to talk to all of you about job interviews.”这个句型简单,所以输出一定要十分流畅,毫不犹豫。


比如:“今天我很高兴在这里就中国在知识产权保护领域所做出的努力,向大会发表讲话。”我们立刻判断出几点:A跨国交往B较为正式C需要比较唬人的句型。所以立刻反应出这样一句:“ Today I’m honored and privileged to take this opportunity to addre the conference on the topic of China’s efforts in protecting Intelligent Property Rights.”

在这个句型里,honored and privileged 是套话,不仅要背诵,还要念得好听到位。To take this opportunity 是原句中没有的一层意思,建议考生炫一下,展示自己曾经背过,心中有料。Addre的用法特别需要强调,后面往往跟conference,audience 等的表示场合的集合名词,不大跟表示个人的短语,如 distinguished guests here 等,更不能跟everybody here,you guys 等不严肃的称谓,原因显而易





a.后面跟的四字格往往在中文的部分已经让人望而却步,很多考生甚至在四字格一出来,已经心理崩溃,无心恋战了。其实这样的四字格有一个很聪明的处理办法——把它们作为时间状语放在句子的最后,而不是在整句的开头去拼命想要翻一个文采惊人的版本,因为这恰恰是很多考生考场失语的主因。当其他的句子成分都已经成功解决之后,这个时间状语只要点到跟季节有关的词,如Spring, Autumn之类的,过关已经足够,如果能再加上 when the agreeable breezes of the beautiful Autumn bring us another harvest season 等等和原文不是那么贴近,但是比较像样的句子,已经是锦上添花了。

b.往往会出现某要人的名字及头衔,如“公司总经理张先生”等。这里只要注意“先姓名,后头衔”的原则,就不会有问题了。比如上面的例子,最好口译为“Mr.Zhang, the general manager of our company”。我们要尽量避免汉语的语序,如:“the general manger of our company, Mr.Zhang”。当然,如果用了后面的这个版本,虽然不是很地道,但是过关还是可以的。

c.往往有某活动,某会议这样的词汇。口译中常用的词汇当然少不了。口试中meeting, conference 都已经不乐意考了。如今一出手往往就是Seminar( 研讨会), Symposium( 学术报告会) ,forum( 论坛),

gathering/ evening(晚会)等等,所以各种类型的会议名称大家一定也要成竹在胸。

d.大家要多准备几个“表达”的语汇。最常见的当然是 to extend my heartfelt thanks/ my deepest appreciations,其次我们可以说to extend my greetings(表达问候),to extend my warmest welcome(表达热烈的欢迎),to extend my sincere/ earnest congratulations(表达衷心祝贺)等,这些都是口译考





2010年春季中高级口译口试热点话题预测--(转自新东方汪亮博客) 衡伊琳2010-04-16 20:16 |分享

2010年春季中高级口译口试热点话题预测 上海新东方学校口译教研组独家发布 汪亮

2010年春季口译口试即将如火如荼的展开,为了帮助心急如焚,忐忑不安的众多考生们更加有效率地复习,准备,Bryan特别选出了几个考试热点话题,希望能给大家一点参考。 1世博会

这是一个我们无法不给予重视的话题,2010看世博,在上海。 世博会会徽Expo emblem 世博会徽标Expo Logo 世博会吉祥物Expo Mascot 世博会纪念品Expo Souvenir 世博园Expo Park 世博会主题Expo theme 世博园区the Expo Site 主题馆the theme pavilions 国际馆International Pavilion 主题馆Theme Pavilion 企业馆Enterprise Pavilion 中国馆China Pavilion 世博会村the Expo Village 世博中心the Expo Center 世博餐饮中心Expo Dining Center 专题讨论会symposium 志愿者volunteers 城市,让生活更美好Better city, better life. 公共服务public service 信息中心the Information Center 服务中心the Service Center 急救中心the Emergency Center 世博急救中心Expo First-aid Center 国际会议中心International Convention Center 金融贸易区Finance and Trade Zone 保税区free Trade Zone 故居Former Residence of 影城Film Art Center 市中心downtown 志愿者volunteers 黄浦江the Huangpu River 商厦Commercial Building 地标landmark 路标the road sign 公共交通public transport 红绿灯traffic lights

轻轨站the light rail station 过江隧道tunnels under the river 轮渡ferry 专线大巴the shuttle bus 园内巴士the on-site bus 518路公共汽车站No.518bus stop 地铁站a metro station 地铁8号线Metro Line 8 停车场the parking lot 叫辆出租车hail a taxi 停车park one’s car 旅游景点tourist attractions 游客tourist 导游guide 入口处entrance 外滩the Bund 豫园the Yu Garden 东方明珠the Oriental Pearl Tower 上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theatre 金茂大厦Jinmao Tower 世纪大道Century Boulevard 夜游night tour 不夜城sleeple city 沧海桑田ups and downs of time 长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta 磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train 大都市metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city 东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东海之滨的明珠the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea 国际展览局BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions 龙华寺Longhua Temple 外滩the Bund 信息港infoport 黄浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River 玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple 豫园Yu Yuan Garden 金贸大厦Jinmao Tower 城隍庙Town God’s Temple 上海国际会议中心Shanghai International Convention Center (南浦,杨浦,徐浦,卢浦)大桥Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge (浦东)滨江大道Riverside Promenade 外滩观隧道Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund (浦东)世纪公园Century Park 上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium 上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theater 上海科技馆Shanghai Science & Technology Museum 虹口足球场Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium 上海植物园Shanghai Botanical Garden 水族馆 aquarium

1、中国2010年上海世博会的举行时间是2010年5月1日至10月31日。Shanghai Expo will be held from May 1st, 2010 to Oct 31st , 2010


The Expo Site spans both shores of the Huangpu River, between the Nanpu Bridge and Lupu Bridge.The Expo Site covers a total area of 5.28 square kilometers, with 3.93 sq km in Pudong and 1.35 sq km in Puxi.The area encloses 3.28 sq km.


The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding, communication, togetherne and cooperation.


The theme of Shanghai Expo is Better City, Better Life.5上海世博会的吉祥物名字叫,意即,以为核心创意,契合上海世博会的主题。

The mascot of Shanghai Expo is , which in Chinese means the treasure of the ocean.It’s designed to resemble the Chinese character for , which corresponds to the theme of the Expo.


The emblem of Shanghai Expo looks like the Chinese character for ; it is also combined with the numbers in an elegant way that resembles a celebrating family.It exprees the philosophies of Shanghai Expo:


The main site of Shanghai Expo can be summarized as \"one Axis and four Pavilions\", these are: the Expo Axis, the China Pavilion, the Theme Pavilion, the Expo Center, and the Expo Performance Center.


Oct 1, 2010 is the grand opening day of the China Pavilion.The Pavilion is designed to expre the philosophy of China, to show the culture of the Chinese people, and to facilitate friendly international communication and improved cultural exchange between other nations and China.


Shanghai Expo will be a feast of city life, a symphony of innovation and integration, and a dialogue of human civilization.2.金融及人民币汇率问题


a prudent monetary policy [ ]


bullion market

金银买卖市场 cash market

现金市场 debt market

债务市场 discount market

贴现市场 equity market

股本市场 foreign exchange and derivatives markets

外汇及衍生产品市场 foreign exchange market


global financial system

全球金融体系 insurance market

保险市场 securities market


fiscal [ ]

adj. 财政的 [扩展] fiscal and monetary levers


fiscal budget


fiscal policy


fiscal year


fiscal lever


fiscal levy


financial deficit


fiscal revenue


national revenue


fixed aets


fund / capital / venture capital


future market

n.期货市场 参考文章:

亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)周二在其年度地区报告中警告称,亚洲发展中国家在外汇市场上的大规模干预,可能会导致经济危机再次爆发。

Asia\'s developing countries are risking a renewed economic crisis by intervening extensively in foreign exchange markets, the Asian Development Bank warned in its annual regional review on Tuesday.


The ADB, which gives financial and technical aistance to more than 40 developing countries, forecast economic growth of 7.5 per cent this year, moderating slightly to 7.3 per cent in 2011 as the impact of extraordinary monetary and fiscal policies diipates.

然而,亚开行表示,亚洲发展中国家为了保持或提高出口竞争力,对外汇市场进行广泛干预,此举可能危及该地区从全球金融危机中的强劲复苏。 However, the bank said the region\'s robust recovery from the global financial crisis could be put at risk by widespread intervention in the currency markets by countries seeking to maintain or improve export competitivene.

由亚开行首席经济学家李钟和(Jong-Wha Lee)负责编写的该报告表示,亚洲发展中国家复苏的速度和势头,加上大多数发达国家目前的低利率,推动了短期资本流入前者。

The review, overseen by ADB chief economist Jong-Wha Lee, said the speed and strength of the recovery in developing Asia, together with low interest rates in most developed countries, was prompting short-term capital inflows.

报告称: the report said.


The ADB\'s comments come as Beijing considers demands from Washington for a revaluation of the renminbi, which is regarded by many lawmakers as heavily undervalued against the dollar.The US administration has delayed a report that may brand China a currency manipulator, potentially triggering trade sanctions.


However, the ADB report suggested that a large number of other Asian currencies were also undervalued against the dollar, reflecting significant intervention in the foreign exchange markets by many countries over a long period.


Noting that estimates vary, the bank quoted evidence suggesting that the currencies of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore were more than 20 per cent undervalued against the dollar, while the currencies of the Philippines and Thailand were about 10 per cent undervalued.It said that only Indonesia, South Korea and India had currencies that appeared to be slightly over-valued against the dollar.


The ADB said that to reduce the risks of a sudden reversal of capital flows caused by intervention central banks should allow exchange rates to adjust to the so-called equilibrium level, at which the economy operates at full employment with low inflation and a sustainable external balance of payments position.亚开行引用分析称,人民币升值10%将使中国劳动密集型产品和产品出口减少不到4%。它说。

It quoted analysis suggesting that a 10 per cent appreciation of the renminbi would reduce labour intensive exports from China and exports by le than 4 per cent. it said.3.灾难问题(地震及灾后重建,西南大旱)

口译考试一向和时事密不可分,而近一两年一系列的国内外灾难事件极有可能在考试中出现。 earthquake [ ] n.地震

earthquake magnitude [ ]

震级 epicenter [ ]

n.震中 global warming 全球变暖

grain for green退耕还林(还草)

graland n草地,草原

greenhouse effect n.温室效应 greenhouse gases n.温室气体

ground depreion

n.面沉降;地面塌陷 groundwater n.地下水 land subsidence 地面沉降 latitudes [ ] 纬度 longitudes [ ] 经度

Natural disasters/ hazards

n.自然灾害、危害 [扩展] debris flow n.泥石流 drought n.干旱

dust storm n.沙尘暴

extratropical cyclone[ ] n.温带气旋 earthquake n.地震

flooding n.洪水,水灾 forest fire n.森林火灾 hail [ ] n.冰雹

hurricane[ ] n.飓风

hurricane warningn.飓风警报 hurricane watch n.飓风监视 storm surge n.风暴潮

tidal wave[ ] ( a tsunami [ ]) n.海啸 tornado [ ] n.旋风,龙卷风 tropical cyclone n.热带气旋 tropical storm n.热带风暴 typhoon n.台风

volcano erupting n.火山暴发 参考文章:

Haiti earthquake: history of natural disasters to hit the countryHaiti has been struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, killing an unknown number of people.The small, impoverished country is prone to severe and deadly natural disasters, especially hurricanes.Severe deforestation, leading to flooding and landslides, and a lack of proper emergency services and infrastructure has resulted in the storms causing the deaths of thousands of Haitians。 Witnees said the damage was staggering.Tens of thousands of people are estimated to be homele。The death toll was expected to climb into the hundreds, but no official figure has been released so far。Most radio and television stations stopped functioning, and the airwaves were only punctuated by a few rare radio appeals for help。The Haitian presidential palace stands in ruins。The tremor sparked widespread panic as it brought down buildings including the presidential palace, hotels, a hospital and the UN head quarters in the capital Port-au-Prince。

Rescue teams were hampered when communications went down in the minutes after the earthquake struck at 2153 GMT, but efforts to free people trapped in the debris continued throughout the night。



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检查口试证和准考证后开始录音,先要用英语说\"My name is...\"和\"My registration number is...\"。然后开始讲Topic,讲到等老师喊停后停(一般不会说满5分钟),开始口译部分。











4.A bad beginning is just a bad beginning.虽说\"A good beginning is half done.\",但对于口译考试来说\"A bad beginning is just a bad beginning.\"。由于紧张或未进入状态,加之第一段是英译中很可能发挥不好,这时应该及时调整心态,不能因此而乱了阵脚,影响之后的口译。所以考试中的不断调整也是相当考验心理素质的,相信这也是作为口译员最基本的能力吧。





另外,不要带可以收听广播的MP3——考试规定不得携带各种电子存储记忆录放设备进入考场,所以MP3是不能用的,手机就更加不行。同学们请准备好收音机,或者大四大六考试用的那种可以收听广播的大耳机——普通收音机就好,领到准考证后可以自己根据准考证背面写的收听频道调试一下自己的收音机。不要等到考试当天再去考场外面买,到时候不一定有得卖的。至于耳机,大家可以随意选用自己觉得用着舒服的耳机,大小不限。但是为了携带方便,还是不要选那种太大的吧……记得多准备一些备用电池! 考试中不能用自带的草稿纸,高口NTGF部分会发一张专门用来做笔记的白纸;其他题目大家尽可以在试卷上做笔记、写写画画什么的。




第一阶段:基础备考阶段,自2011年6月至2011年7月共计30天 第二阶段:高分突破阶段,自2011年8月至2011年8月20日共计20天 第三阶段:考试冲刺阶段,自2011年8月21日至2011年9月10日共计20天 第四阶段:模拟实战阶段,自2011年9月11日至2011年9月18日考试












很多人说:只有两个月的时间,哪有时间练,关键是,一考完笔试,立刻开始准备,两个月的时间够了。我上班都可以,你在学校时间应该不会比我少吧?把教材的MP3下下来,用一个软件MP3 directcut,很小免费的,网上随便下,把教材的课文,分割成一个一个的独立MP3文件,你会发现,基本上一段可以分一个,时长一分钟左右,而考试的每一段录音是40秒左右,语速稍微比教材的快),长的段落就分两段,这样一篇课文可以分10多个小段出来,然后干什么?模仿考试练吧,放一段,练一段,限定翻译时间40秒,一开始不达标很正常,哪怕你看了内容再听,你也要学着边听边记关键词,放完后看着笔记,翻出来。哪里没记住,再练,直到这一段能做到看着笔记完全翻出来为止。







起码,你要知道考试的方式和细节,侯考的时候,可以带MP3和耳机,放几套真题,热热身,当然这几套真题你已经练的烂熟,不要带没做过,自己听不懂的真题,不然自己给自己增加压力,口试前,一般会在教室门口先等,里面的人还在考,你可以试试把耳朵贴在门上(如果不被制止的话),你耳朵尖的话说不定能听到里面的考生之言片语,你大概就知道听力的话题是什么了,这样做有点作弊的感觉,但却是容许的,如果你运气好,知道了大概是什么话题,听懂并记下来的概率会大大提高(我运气不好,没听到) 进去后,不要乱说话,说声good morning, teacher就可以了,老师让你干什么你就干什么,考的时候不要去看考官面前的打分本,看都不要看。考试时,流利很重要,没有记下来的,记得一部分的,尽量编出来,中译英时,不可能所有的点都翻译到,漏掉一些次要的点是难免的,但你不能时断时续,记住,流利是非常重要的,如果你在过于不过之间,决定你命运的就是你的流利程度,和考试时的气势。

考完,考官录音停止了,说声thank you,就走人,其他什么都不要说。

顺便说一句,最早进去的考生多少有点吃亏,因为开始的时候考官的状态最好。 当这一切都做完之后,就等待成绩的公布吧,相信我,只要付出,就一定有收获。



Unit 1 Reception *汉译英

1.制药公司 pharmaceutical company 2.副总经理 deputy managing director/aistant general manager 3.研究成果 research finding 4.市中心 downtown area 5.假日酒店 Holiday Inn 6.旅馆住宿费 accommodation fee 7.招待所 guesthouse 8.舒适如归comfortable 9.不尽如人意之处 inconvenience 10.排忧解难help sb out

11.我们很荣幸能请到您 it’s a great honor to have you here with us 12.我也特别高兴能认识您I’m so delighted to make your acquaintance 13.久闻大名I’ve long heard of you/I’ve heard so much about you 14.合作共事 work with sb 15.为某人配备…provide sb with sth 16.必要时 if neceary 17.您若愿意的话 if you don’t mind 18.下榻酒店 accommodate sb at hotel 19.住宿费由公司承担the company will pay for the hotel rooms/the accommodation fee will be paid by the company 20.环境优美安宁,人见人爱 a beautiful and peaceful environment that has never failed to attract any visitor 21.我们会尽力为您服务 we will do everything we can to make you comfortable 22.工作和生活不尽如人意之处 if you encounter any inconvenience in work and life 23.我们乐意为您排忧艰难 we will be glad to help you out 24.设宴为您洗尘 host a reception banquet in your honor


25.Stanford University 斯坦福大学 26.A land of wonder 一片神奇的土地 27.Head office 总部

28.Confucianism儒家思想 29.Taoism 道家思想

30.Inexplicable 难以言表得 31.Set foot on 踏上..32.Cosmopolitan city 大城市,大都市 33.In no time 立刻,很快


34.Rewarding 值得的

35.This is a long-expected trip 这是我期盼已久的旅行

36.I am here to witne with my own eyes the magic power of the once very remote oriental dragon 来这里亲眼目睹对我来说曾经是非常遥远的东方巨龙的风采

37.He planted in the depth of my mind the inexplicable China dream 使我萌生了一种难以言表的中国梦

38.I will maximize this opportunity to learn as much as I can and make as many friends as I can 我要充分利用这次机会尽可能多的了解中国,多交一些中国朋友


39.恭候您的来到I have been expecting you 40.Run into a storm 下了大雨

41.We were held up for several hours at the airport 我们在机场等了几个小时 42.好好睡一觉就会解乏 a good night’s sleep will refresh you 43.王总要我向您问好 Mr.Wang sends his greetings to you 44.遗憾的是他不能亲自来接您 he regrets that he is unable to come to meet you personally 45.有什么需要,尽管说 if you need anything, just let me know 46.车在外面等着 our car is waiting outside 47.这是我的名片 here is my busine card 48.根据您的要求 upon your request 49.研讨会symposium/seminar 50.如期举行 as scheduled 51.主要发言人 a keynote speaker 52.大家对您的报告有很高的期望 you will have a highly expecting audience


53.I could not have imagined the dynamic and impreive city that Xi’an has turned into today未曾想到,今天的西安如此生机勃勃,让人印象深刻 54.Chia is definitely a more open place than at any time since the Tang dynasty 中国正处在自唐朝以来最开放的时期 55.China expert 中国通

56.The rest of the world has a big stake in China’s succe 全世界都看好中国,对她的成功充满信心

57.We must forge a long-term strategic partnership between Europe and China我们必须在欧洲与中国之间建立长期的战略伙伴关系

58.Idon’t think China is likely to become an expansionist military power我认为中国不会走军事扩张的道路

59.China’s membership of the WTO is a good example of how working with China and integrating it more fully into the international system can work to all of our


advantage 中国加入世贸组织就是一个很好地例子,充分说明与中国合作,使中国融入国际社会可以给我们带来什么样的好处

60.Learn from your endeavor and efforts in serving your people学习贵国为了造福人民所做出的努力

Unit 2 Ceremonial Speech礼仪祝辞

61.建交establish diplomatic relationship 62.近海石油勘探 offshore oil exploration 63.积贫积弱 enduring impoverishment 64.任人宰割 long-standing debility

65.落后就要挨打 lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attack 66.刻骨铭心的教训 never-forgotten leon 67.中华民族伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 68.不懈努力 concerted effort 69.与时俱进 keep pace with the times/follow the trend 70.第一要务 primary task 71.发展是硬道理 development is of the overriding importance 72.全面建设小康社会 build a moderately prosperous/well-off society in all aspects/every respect 73.高举…伟大旗帜 uphold the great banner of… 74.科学发展观 scientific outlook on development 75.经济发展方式转变 transformation of the economic development mode/pattern 76.自主创新 independent innovation 77.包容性增长 inclusive growth 78.改善民生 improve people’s well-being 79.生态文明建设 ecological development/program/improvement 80.互利共赢 mutual benefit/win-win result/outcome 81.本着…的精神 in the spirit of… 82.一贯奉行 in persistent pursuit of… 83.双边关系 bilateral relations 84.祝酒 propose a toast 85.论语 Analects of Confucius 86.有朋自远方来不亦乐乎 it is such a delight to have friends coming from afar/it is such a delightful thing to welcome friends coming from afar/a long distance 87.表明阁下愿意继续推行我们两国之间友好合作关系的决心 demonstrates your determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries 88.我深信I am deeply convinced that/I deeply believe that 89.频繁互访 frequent exchange of visits

90.进行了真诚和卓有成效的合作 carry out sincere and rewarding/fruitful cooperation


91.值得一提的是 in particular 92.合作进展神速cooperation has been advancing rapidly 93.我们对这些领域所得的成就深感满意 we are very satisfied with the development in these areas 94.愿意与贵国政府和人民一起努力将合作关系推向一个新的高度 we are willing to make further efforts with your government and people to push these cooperative relations to a new height 95.近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱,任人宰割的历史 China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history 96.落后就要挨打,这是中国人民从屡遭外来侵略的悲惨经历中国得出的刻骨铭心的教训lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attack, which is the never-forgotten leon the Chinese people have learnt from their tragic experience of repeated foreign invasions.97.一个国家只有首先自强,才能赢得世界上的自立a country has to strength itself before it can be sure of its place in the world 98.中国人民为实现民族伟大复兴的目标进行了不懈的努力 the Chinese people have made unremitting efforts toward the goal of rejuvenating the nation 99.自力更生 self-reliance 100.取得举世瞩目的伟大成就 made great achievement that have caught the attention of the world 101.中国人民坚定不移地抓住发展这个第一要务 the Chinese people stay focused on the primary task of development 102.坚持发展是硬道理的战略思想 adhere to the strategic thinking that development is of overriding importance 103.实现现代化而奋斗 strive to achieve modernization/modernization drive 104.我们必须清楚的看到… we must be fully aware of the fact that…

105.社会生产力水平总体还比较低 a low level of productivity on the whole 106.处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段 it is still at the primary stage of building socialism and will remain so for many years to come.107.经过几十年的艰苦奋斗才能建成小康社会 it will take decades of persistent and hard work to build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.108.我们将坚定不移地高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 we will unswervingly uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics 109.以…为指导 under the guidance of…/guided by….110.邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory 111.三个代表重要思想the important thought of Three Represents 112.深入贯彻落实科学发展观 further implement the scientific outlook on development 113.保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性 maintain the continuity and stability of macroeconomic policy 114.着力推行改革开放和自主创新 pre ahead with reform and opening up and with independent innovation 115.促进社会和谐稳定 promote socialist harmony and stability


116.经济建设,政治建设,文化建设,社会建设以及生态建设 economic, political, cultural, social and ecological development 117.长期的睦邻友好环境a long-term good neighborly environment 118.坚定不移的走和平发展的道路 keep steadfastly to the road of peaceful development 119.继续实行全方位的对外开放政策 we will continue to carry out the policy of opening to the outside world in all dimensions 120.开展经济技术合作和科学文化交流 conduct economic and technological cooperation and scientific and cultural exchanges 121.谋求持久的世界和平和全球的经济繁荣是我们的共同愿望 it is our common wish/aspiration to seek sustained/enduring world peaceand persistent global economic prosperity 122.过去十年中始终与我们保持着良好的贸易伙伴关系 we have kept a decade-old good trading partnership 123.我期待与您举行会谈I am looking forward to holding talks with you on… 124.我们共同关心的国际问题international iues of common interest 125.我请各位与我一起举杯I would like you to join me in a toast 126.持久友谊与合作 lasting friendship and cooperation


127.Earnest invitation 诚挚邀请 128.Gracious hospitality友好款待

129.Long distance separates no bosom friends 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 130.Thriving and robust megalopolis 蓬勃向上的特大型城市 131.To our great amazement 令人惊讶的是 132.Immense contribution 巨大贡献 133.Miraculous rise奇迹般的迅速崛起 134.Financial giant金融巨头 135.Busine community 商业界

136.Intellectual property right知识产权 137.Transnational corporation 跨国公司 138.Last but not least 最后

139.At one’s earliest convenience 在某人方便得时候 140.Cherish the close relationship珍惜亲密关系 141.Economic receion经济不景气


142.中美关系全国委员会 National Committee on US-China Relations 143.美中贸易全国委员会 US-China Busine Council 144.增进中美两国人民的相互了解与友谊的积极努力 dedicated effort over the years to increase understanding between the two peoples 145.中美商贸联委会会议 US-China Joint Commiion on Commerce and Trade Meeting 146.全局性,战略性,长期性问题进行了坦诚的交流candid discuion on


overarching, strategic and long-term iues 147.增信释疑,推进经贸合作 meet the objective of further pushing forward economic and trade cooperation 148.着重就加强双边经贸合作,妥善解决经贸问题全面深入的交换了意见

have a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views on ways to strengthen economic and trade cooperation and properly addre some thorny iues 149.分销权distribution right 150.纺织品贸易 textile trade 151.政府采购 government procurement 152.落实这些共识 follow these agreements 153.健康稳定的发展 sound and steady growth 154.形成相互依存,互利共赢的基本格局 mutual interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win result are basic features 155.缓解通胀压力alleviate the inflation preure 156.管理经验 managerial expertise 157.为市场注入活力 instill vitality into the market 158.贸易问题政治化,情绪化 politicize trade iues or to get too emotional about…

159.我们不赞成这样的做法 we are not in favor of such a practice 160.贸易顺差 surplus in trade 161.履行入世承诺 honor WTO commitment

162.降低了对侵犯知识产权的刑事处罚门槛 lowered the threshold for criminal penalty 163.进一步加大执法力度 intensity law enforcement 164.开展保护知识产权专项整治行动 launch IPR protection campaign 165.承认中国完全市场经济地位 recognize China’s full market economy status 166.限制从中国进口restrict import from China 167.取消限制 lift restriction on…

168.纠正错误做法 correct wrong practice of…


explore new areas of cooperation 170.能源生产和消费大国 energy producer and consumer 171.可替代能源 alternative energy 172.核电站 unclear power plant


173.Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation 中国地方贸易代表团

174.Opening ceremony of Canadian Industrial Exhibition 加拿大工业展的开幕式

175.Canadian Chamber of Commerce加拿大商会 176.Canada-China Busine Council 加中贸易理事会

177.Recent years have witneed the spread of economic power and human prosperity from west to east近年来,我们目睹了经济实力和人类繁荣自西向东扩散


178.Fuel economic growth 推动经济增长

179.Now is the time to dosth现在是做某事的时候了 180.It is not surprising that…不足为奇的是….181.Two-way trade 双向贸易

182.The exhibition center covers an area of…展会中心占地… 183.Floor space 建筑面积


184.日内瓦Geneva 185.授予名誉博士学位 award sb honorary doctorate 186.严谨扎实的学风在国际上声明卓著 is a world-renowned institution with rigorous scholarship 187.崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢pay high tribute and extend heartfelt thanks 188.当今世界正处在大变革,大调整中 we live at a time when the world is undergoing major changes and adjustments 189.全球化继续向纵深发展 the ever deepening globalization 190.带来难得的机遇 rare opportunity 191.面临广泛挑战 extensive challenge 192.金融危机玉波遍及世界每一个角落 financial crisis has impacted every corner of the world 193.冲击了各国的发展议程 the development agenda of all countries 194.地区热点问题出现新的变数 new uncertainties have emerged in regional hotpot iues 195.影响国际安全形势的发展演变 impact the evolution of the international security situation 196.大规模杀伤武器的扩散 proliferation of weapons of ma destruction (WMD) 197.问题日益突出 become increasingly acute/outstanding/salient/prominent 198.产生广泛和深远的影响a wide and profound impact 199.世界正变得越来越小 the world is becoming increasingly small 200.国与国,人与人距离越来越近countries and peoples are getting closer to one another 201.大家同处地球村,同乘一条船 we all live in a global village and sail in the same boat 202.各国利益交融,休戚相存的时代 as countries are more than even interdependent with their interests closely interconnected

203.同舟共济,互利共赢成为各国共同的选择 we are left with no choice but to confront challenges together and pursue mutual benefit and win-win progre 204.中国的前途和命运 China’s future and destiny 205.不管国际风云如何变幻 no matter how the international situation may evolve 206.独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy


207.恪守维护世界和平的外交宗旨 stick to diplomatic vision of upholding world peace 208.中国尊重各国人民自主选择发展道路的权利 China respects the right of people of all countries to independently choose their own path of development

209.和平解决国际争端和热点问题 seek peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot iues 210.中国现在不称霸,将来也绝不称霸 China does not seek hegemony now, nor will it do so in the future 211.持久和平everlasting/enduring peace 212.联合国宪章的宗旨和原则 purpose and principle of the Charter of the United Nations 213.国际关系准则 norms governing international relations 214.弘扬…精神 carry forward the spirit of ….215.优势互补 draw on each other’s strengths 216.相互借鉴 learn from each other 217.求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences 218.国之交在于民相亲 amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states


219.Give me an extraordinary honor 给了我无上的荣誉 220.The weeks pf fear and nausea 恐惧和不安

221.Cast my mind back to my own graduation 回忆起自己当年毕业典礼的情形

222.Wrack my mind and heart 绞尽了脑汁 223.Strike an uneasy balance 寻求一种平衡点 224.Stand on the threshold of…迈入…大门

225.Extol the crucial importance of imagination 赞送一下想象力的重要性 226.These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices这些话题似乎不切实际,似乎自相矛盾

227.Personal quirk 个人怪癖

228.Not very well-acquainted with failure 并不太了解失败 229.I had failed on an epic scale 我的失败可以说是一败涂地

230.I had no idea how far the tunnel extended 我不知道还要在黑暗的隧道里走多久

231.Because failure meant a stripping away pf the ineential 因为失败意味着要抛弃那些不必要的东西

232.Failure gave me an inner security 失败是我的内心产生了一种安全感 233.As is a tale, so is life, not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters 生活就像故事,不在乎长短,而在于质量,这才是最重要的

Unit 3 Busine Negotiation 商务谈判



234.进出口商品交易会 import and export commodity fair 235.销售部经理 sales manager 236.Brochure 宣传小册子

237.Scope of busine 经营范围 238.Machine tool 机床品种

239.Workmanship/craftsmanship工艺 240.Make an inquiry 询价 241.Quotation 报价

242.调整价格 adjust the price 243.Competitive 竞争力 244.展台 show room 245.我想让你介绍一下我公司及产品 allow me to introduce our company and its products 246.I have read your brochure and am very impreed by your scope of busine 我已看过贵公司的宣传小册子,给我留下了极为深刻的印象 247.宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生产的一小部分机床 Actually the brochure shows just a fraction of our machine tools 248.The workmanship is not so desirable 产品的工艺还不尽如人意

249.你单子上所列的机床我们都有 we can supply you with all the required tools on the list 250.我们还可以根据您所想要的数量调整价格 we may adjust the prices according to quantity you want 251.你可以到其他站台去看一看,然后我们还可以再坐下来讨论我方报价

you can look around and call again for another discuion of our quotations

252.经营新品种 new line of busine 253.汽车零部件 automobile parts 254.At the cost of…以…为代价 255.Free sample 免费样品 256.Floor offer 底盘 257.Counter-offer 还盘

258.合同的合适 format of the contract 259.单价 unit price 260.保险费由贵方负担 insurance premium should be borne by your company/side

261.我对贵公司经营范围颇感兴趣I am interested in your new line of busine 262.China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect.中国是一个无人敢忽视的巨大市场

263.你这样说我很高兴 that’s very nice to hear 264.这得看贵方的价格是否比他人优惠 provided your prices compare favorably with those of others、


265.我希望知道贵方的最新报价I’d like to hear your most recent quotation 266.Even at the cost of a substantial lo on our part 即使这样做会使我们蒙受相当大的损失

267.从我对汽车零部件市场掌握的信息来看 my knowledge of the auto parts market tells me that…

268.我还需要时间来树立对贵公司产品质量的信心I need time to build up my confidence in the quality of your stuff 269.如果你不愿意给我放一些合理折扣,我还是打算等一下,先到别处看看再说 in any case, I’d rather wait and hunt around, if you were unable to include any reasonable discount 270.虽然贵方底价与我方所希望的价格仍有距离 though there is still a gap between your rock-bottom prices and my expectations 271.我与你有同感,我现在这样做是着眼于我们将来业务关系的发展I like what you said, I am doing this for the development of our future busine relations 272.我研究过你们的合同I’ve studied the contract 273.有几处还不是很明确,需要讲清楚I think a few places are not clearly spelt out, they need further clarification 274.我们希望货品在6月底之前发出,我们不能接受货运的耽误 we hope the shipment will be made before the end of June, we cannot accept any delay.275.We go by the contract 我们按合同办事

276.我相信这次合作仅仅是个开端,今后合作的机会将会更多I believe this initial cooperation will lead to many more in the future 课外练习

277.这是我方在原价的基础上消减了3.5%以后的报价单 this is our list of quotation with a recent reduction on the original price by 3.5% 278.你一定会感到我们的报价在今天这个需求量上升的市场上最优竞争力you will find our offer the most competitive one in this rising market of today 279.It is really difficult for us to market your products at the price offered这样的报价真的很难让我们在市场上打开销路

280.I have been approached by other supplier 我和其他供货商也打过交道 281.我们不可能出那样低的价格 we cannot go as far as that 282.What do you have in your mind?那你能减多少呢?/你怎么想的呢? 283.I foresee a substantial drop in price next year 我预测明年的价格会大幅下跌

284.我们的产品是享誉全球的名牌产品our products have an established fame in the world 285.我们保证质量的做法,加上这次大幅度的价格下调,一定会在市场上取胜 our quality guarantee policy plus this latest substantial price reduction is sure to prevail 286.实话对您说 to tell you the truth 287.没有谁转到其他厂商那儿去 none of our old customers has ever turned to any other suppliers 288.我们的报盘是合情合理的 our offer is indeed well grounded


289.If you hang on to the listed quotation你若坚持原来的报价

290.我乐意给破例追加1.5%的特别折扣I’m willing to grant you a special reduction of an additional 1.5% discount 291.远低于我方最低价了 this is far below our floor offer 292.我们再也不能接受还价了 we are not prepared for any counter-bid 293.我希望你能理解我的处境I hope you can understand my situation 294.我可不想丢掉自己的饭碗啊Idon’t want to lose my job 295.我很高兴我们能够圆满成交I’m very glad we have brought busine talk to a succeful conclusion


296.we are aware of an emergency of a new and exciting mode of information economy driven by networked technology 我们已注意到一种崭新而又令人兴奋地信息经形态的出现,这种经济形态是以网络技术为驱动力的

297.thanks to technology something very important is happening to the US economy 得益于技术进步的美国经济正在发生一些重大的变化

298.Nobody is promising you a rose garden没有人能够保证我们的玫瑰花园永不凋谢


299.我来谈一下中国企业的品牌塑造战略I would like to talk about the brand-name strategies employed by Chinese enterprises.300.希望得到在座各位海外同行的指教 in the hope of inviting comments from our overseas colleges present at the conference 301.中国企业能尽快获得的最大优势还在于成本优势Chinese firms can quickly obtain is the advantage of cost 302.与外国企业相比仍有一定的优势 we still have some edge over foreign firms 303.最大的劣势就是品牌劣势,这是先天不足所致 the biggest disadvantageis the brand name, which is an inherent problem with Chinese businees 304.以市场经济为导向的中国品牌企业还为数不多Chinese brand-name businees oriented market economy are scarce 305.精心打造 strenuous effort 306.品牌的建立又非一日之功 the establishment of a brand name takes time 307.而不是去跟大家打口水战 rather than competing solely on rhetoric 308.中国的企业要做成世界品牌,有两条路可走 to establish a world-famous brand name, Chinese enterprises are left with two options 309.自己则慢慢积累资金 we shall steadily accumulate capital in the proce 310.走类似…的道路 follow…route 311.中国产品打着自身品牌的“中国创造”时代已经离我们不远了 the day will not far away when the“created in China” products carrying our own brand names prevail in the market


312.这是我进来的一些思考,请客为指教these are some of my recent thoughts, your comments will be very much appreciated


313.Customer satisfaction have become the key competitive weapons of the century 客户满意度已成为本世纪关键的竞争武器

314.Retain customer, increase market share, and improve the bottom line 留住顾客,增加市场份额,提高了盈亏的底线

315.When total quality management swept through corporate America 当实施全面质量管理的浪潮席卷美国企业时

316.The emphasis was strictly on product improvement 产品的改进成了人们考虑的重中之重

317.But product improvement on standard error wasn’t the answer 但产品标准误差的改进并不是一剂万能良药

318.The key to making “return on quality”work is marketing research 有效实现“从质量在求益”的关键是市场调研

319.An inextricable link exists between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty客户满意度和客户忠诚度之间存在着密不可分的关系

320.Customer retention pays big dividends for the organization 回头客为企业带来了巨大的效益

321.The ability to retain customers is based upon an intimate understanding of their needs 客户的保有率是以真切理解客户所需为基础的

322.They can slip into British Air pajamas, put their heads on real pillows, slip under comfortable blankets, and then dream a beautiful dream, enjoying an interruption-free flight 可套上英国航空提供的睡衣,头枕真正的枕头,身盖舒服的毯子,然后进入梦乡,美美地享受一次无打扰的空中旅行

323.This is the realities of marketing and sales in today’s world 这就是今日世界的营销现实

Unit 4 旅游观光Tourism 324.广阔无垠的中华大地 the boundle expanse of the Chinese territory 325.绚丽多姿的自然景观 gorgeous and varied natural scenery 326.如诗如画poetic and picturesque 327.名胜古迹 places of historic interest and scenic beauty 328.五岳之首 the most famous of China’s five great mountains 329.险峻 precipitous 330.幽静 seclusion 331.峻拔突兀 majestic and precipitous appeal 332.山外有山 mountains beyond mountains 333.融自然与文化景观于一体 embody natural scenery and cultural heritage 334.奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁grotesque rock, clear waterfalls, age-old pine trees, pavilions 335.历代文人墨客 famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of


various dynasties 336.石刻碑文 337.重峦叠嶂 338.经典佳作 339.华夏祖先 340.吉祥之地 341.祭祀天地

342.联合国科教文组织 343.世界自然与文化遗产


