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一 教学建议



二 教学要求




三 练习提示








2.《生活是多么广阔》 这是一首歌颂生活的诗,诗人使用了一系列的排比句,反映出诗人对生活的正确认识和积极的生活态度,抒发了诗人对生活的感受及对生活的赞美,表达了诗人对生活的热爱与追求。

(1)让学生根据自己的理解,说说这几个含义深刻的诗句的意思。 这三个句子都在诗的第3小节里面,讲的是正确的生活态度。


②“去以自己的火点燃旁人的火”的意思是要在生活中满腔热忱地去帮助别人。 ③“去以心发现心”的意思是要真心待人,真诚待人。








(2)“中华第一龙”指的是哪一条龙?它有哪些特点? “中华第一龙”指的是在河南濮阳一座五千年前原始社会墓葬中发掘出来的那条“龙”。这条“龙”的特点是用贝壳砌成,造型粗犷,样子像蜥蜴,是一件十分珍贵的文物。

(3)我们的祖先为什么要把龙作为图腾?你从这一艺术形象中体会到了什么? “龙”的这一艺术形象,是我们的祖先通过丰富的想象创造出来的。文章的第4自然段具体讲了我们创造这一艺术形象的原因与过程。让学生在理解的基础上用自己的话说一说。








(2)让学生挑选出课文中的一副对联读一读,再联系写作背景,体会对联的深刻意思。 文中的五副对联都有一个共同的特点:从字面上看,没有一处是革命的词句,没有一处可以被敌人抓住把柄,但在当时当地,大家都能领悟到这些对联中所蕴含的欢呼革命大好形势、赞颂革命者、抨击反动派的深刻含义。












(3)让学生模拟担任碑林的解说员,联系自己临帖习字的实际,介绍一位书法家的书法作品。 学生学写毛笔字,临的字帖主要有颜体、欧体、柳体。可以让学生联系自己习字的实际感受,谈谈某一种书体的特点。

评价重点:①要能够将书法家及其作品的特点介绍清楚。 ②要从解说的角度,考虑是否能吸引别人,也就是表达方式要灵动。 6.《琥珀》 这是一篇科学小品文。琥珀是古代松树脂的化石,这个词来自拉丁文,意思是“精髓”。本文作者通过合理的想象与推测,用一个生动具体的故事,详细记叙了这块琥珀形成的过程和被发现的经过,并且点明了它在科学研究上具有的特殊价值。

(1)课文中写的这块琥珀有什么特点?让学生把课文中最能说明这块琥珀特点的句子画出来。 课文的最后一个自然段讲了这块琥珀的特点。最能说明这块琥珀特点的句子:“在那块透明的琥珀里,两个小东西仍旧好好地躺着。我们可以看见它们身上的每一根毫毛。”“它们的腿的四周显出好几圈黑色的圆环。”

(2)让学生自读自悟后,用自己的话简要说说作者想象这块琥珀的形成经历了哪两个阶段。 第一阶段:老松树滴下的松脂包住了苍蝇和蜘蛛,松脂继续滴下来,盖住了原来的,积成了一个松脂球。

第二阶段:海水淹没了森林,松脂球淹没在泥沙下面,经过几千年的时间,松脂球变成了化石。 课文详细地写了前一个阶段,对松脂球变成化石写得很简单,学生很容易忽略。在相互交流时,老师要加以提醒。


题目中列举了作者的想象中包含的五个内容,这些想象,都是有依据的,是很合理的。 ①约摸算来,总有一万年了。

由松脂变成松脂球,再由松脂球变成化石,的确需要这么长时间。 ②一个夏天,太阳暖暖地照着。

必须是夏天,天气很热,老松树才能渗出松脂。 ③海在很远的地方翻腾怒吼。




⑤蜘蛛刚扑过去,一大滴松脂从树上滴下来,刚好落在树干上,把苍蝇和蜘蛛一齐包在里头。 这样想象的依据,就是那块琥珀的特点。如果不是刚好这么巧,那两个小东西就不会仍旧好好地躺在透明的琥珀里了。






这两个故事都体现了少年儿童要学会自我保护、学会生存的主题。 (2)让学生从两个故事中选择一个进行缩写,不超过150字。 要注意三点: 第一,要抓住故事的主要内容,要把事情讲清楚。 第二,语句要通顺、连贯。 第三,不超过规定的字数。








这一题比较容易,根据对台灯的了解就可以判断,图二的小台灯做对了,图一的小台灯做错了。 (2)对照做法说明看一看,做错的那位同学是哪一步没有做对,在说明书中把他没有做对的那一步画出来。

图一的小台灯,做错的地方是把灯泡装在灯罩的外面了。他没有做对的是说明书的第三步。 学生应该画出来的:“把铅丝的另一头插入乒乓球的小洞里。把洞的两边粘牢。铅丝的头上用红橡皮泥做一个小灯泡。”

(3)那位同学做错了,和说明书写得不够清楚也有关系。你能把那部分的文字说明修改得更加清楚、明白吗? 对于见过台灯的人,说明书中对做法第三步的说明已经比较清楚了,是不会出现把灯泡装在灯罩外面的错误的。但是对于没有见过台灯的人,这里的说明就还有些不够精细。“把铅丝的另一头插入乒乓球的小洞里”,究竟是从乒乓球的外面插入小洞,还是从乒乓球的里面插入小洞呢?那位把灯泡装在灯罩外面的同学,正是在这里出现了错误。




这不是虚拟情境的写信练习,而是一次真实的通信活动。这样真实的通信,写的是最想告诉对方的话,而且还要寄出去,非常有利于对怎样写信和怎样写信封进行较全面的复习。写信一是要注意信的格式;二是要有主要内容——最近的情况和暑假打算;三是要有对象,对什么人、说什么话。 教师检查评议时,要注意学生写信的格式是否正确,信中说话的口气是否符合自己的身份,还要注意信封上的地址、邮政编码等写得对不对,并针对发现的问题加以具体指导。如果有条件,也可以发送一封电子邮件。

一般书信的写法,主要包括五个部分: (1)开头。在信纸的第一行顶格写上称呼,称呼后用冒号。这是写信人对收信人的称谓,表明写信人与收信人之间的关系。






信封主要是写收信人的地址和姓名,供投递使用,同时也要写明寄信人的地址和姓名。写信封应注意以下几个问题: (1)收信人、寄信人的地址都要写全称,不能写简称,要将邮政编码写正确。信件万一出现投递困难的情况,邮局可以凭借这些信息,迅速地把信退还给寄信人。






















There is no doubt that nowadays the internet plays an important part in our daily life.More and more students and parents worry that the internet will isolate us from one to another.Anyway, I disagree with it mainly for three reasons: First, the Internet makes it easier for us to make new friends.In the real world, not all of us are bold enough to make friends with strangers.However, it isn’t a problem at all in the virtual world where you can ‘talk’ and make friends with strangers (whom you may never meet in your lifetime) without knowing anything, even whether the stranger is a male or a female, but then we’ve made friends.

Second, the Internet can get us more intimate with our old clamates and old friends.At any rate, communicating by e-mail is both more convenient and le time-consuming and the Internet will get us much closer to our old friends.

Finally, the Internet is a convenient tool of communication.For the sake of working studying, we are isolated from each other.We can\'t meet.But with the Internet, we cannot only see each other, but also can have a chat together.when someone\'s birthday is in sight, we can send bleings via emails that don\'t cost so much and can deliver bleing succefully In a word, the Internet doesn\'t isolate us, but make our relationships closer.




1,系动词。系动词后面必须接表语,构成系表结构,说明主语的状况,性质,特征等。 如:be动词(am,is,are以及它们的各种时态形式);feel,smell,become,grow,get,stay,go,let, Invite sb to do sthMind doing sth.

Be careful about sthHad better do sthMake peace

Keep,sound,make,look,等等。 You look very happy this moringI am angry when I hear this.2,原因状语从句。由because,for引导,because的语气强于for,例外可由because of表原因,但不是原因状语从句,因为连接的并不是一个句子,而是一个短语。

She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.

I had better take an umbrella for the sky is getting darker and darker.

I decide to go home because of my mother.二,交际用语之打电话。

打电话:Hello,this is Kangkang speaking.打错电话:Is this 12345678 ? I am sorry .接电话:Who is calling,please?

告诉别人他打错电话: I think you have the wrong number,this is 87654321.例如:1,

A:Hello, is this 42567436 ?

B:No,I gue you have the wrong number .A:I am sorry .2,

A:Hello,can I speak to Mr.John ,please?This is Steve.

C:Hold on ,please.D:John (is)speaking .

A:Hi,john,this is Steve .Did you get my note? D:Yes,I just got it .I will think it over and call you back.

A: Fine ,See you later.D:Good-bye.二,短语。 花费。。。It costs sb some money to do sth.It takes sb some time /some money to do sth.Sb spend some time/some money on sth /(in) doing sth.

Pay sb some money for sth.

最大的河流之一 给我们打电话 形成

一个关于我的故事 三,习题

1A: How much does it _ to fly from CQ to BJ one-way ?

B:About 1000 yuan

A costB payC spendD take

2He stopped playing football_his sore back.

A because forB becauseC because ofD because at 3I like a book _ Harry Potter.

A calling B called C calls D to call 4We have worked for a long time .Let us_ a break.

A stop to haveB stop having C to stop to haveD stopping5I think China will win the next Word Cup.(改为否定句)

6 One day people will fly to the moon for


7 This paper says,””(对划线部分提问)

8 填介词

The children are very poor because nobody cares _them.

Maria had a serious accident _ the way _the movie theater.

Have you got a ticket _the film calling Kingdom.

Luxun is famous _a writer , he is famous _ works and he is also famous _Chinese people.



依据英语学科课程标准,现对初中英语课堂教学提出以下指导意见。 一.关于英语学科课堂教学

(一)落实《课程标准》把握“技能、知识、情感、策略、文化级别要求 明确各级别的教学目标和教学要求,培养学生的学习兴趣、信心、策略和习惯,掌握基本知识和基本技能,保证教学内容、教学方法、评价方式、考试形式和内容等与课程分级目标的统一性,实施《课程标准》。














3.语法教学 五级目标描述中对语法学习的说明是:(1)强调在语言实践中运用语言知识。(2)强调语法的功能,而不是语法形式本身(比如,以往的大纲要求学生掌握形容词的比较级、最高级,而现在要求学生掌握比较人、物体和事物的表达方式)。



2)新课程标准提倡用探究的途径和任务型的教学方法学习。教师可针对某语法项目提出问题,引导学生观察、发现、归纳,并提出一些解决问题的建议。 3)《新目标》教材中语法点较多,但不必对所有语法结构都进行分析。对有些属于理解项目的语法只有在完成某项任务必须用到而学生又不太好掌握的、或是学生比较生疏的语法结构,教师可作展开讲解。 4.阅读教学


(1)掌握阅读技巧,增强理解能力 教材中的阅读课既是精读也是泛读。



(2)学会朗读和默读 培养阅读能力 在教学的初级阶段,应通过多种形式引导学生出声朗读。学生形成良好的语感,有助于记忆背诵。在学生具有基本朗读能力时,及时地转向培养默读能力。


(3)选择适当的阅读材料,激发阅读兴趣 阅读材料难易度是最难把握的。教师应该对材料的难易度做出正确的判断,并给予有效的控制。


(4)广泛阅读 培养学生的知识扩展能力一位外语教师曾经做过这样的尝试,在60个学生的一个班里,挑选10个英语中等水平的学生,给这10个学生各增加2份课外读物,要求他们每周看5篇文章,并做好题后练习,教师定期认真检查。半个学期下来,在期中考查中,这10位学生的英语成绩普遍提高了一个台阶,8位同学由原来的中等生跃进为优等生。所以说,大量地课外阅读,丰富课外知识,广泛地开发智力和非智力因素,能有效地提高学生的阅读理解能力。



1) 由浅入深,要具有计划性 在初中三年的教学过程中,只要学生有了初步的语言积累,教师就应该有计划地对学生的写作训练进行耐心指导。 2)由易到难,循序渐进 教师在对学生进行写作指导时,从最简单的字母书写训练、单词拼写训练、句子结构训练、到语段与作文训练。


3)指导写作技巧,增强写作信心 在写作训练中,可以通过让学生互相评改作文;然后提交给老师,学生根据老师的意见再一次修改;最后将定稿交给老师,教师复批,写评语,批成绩,课堂讲评。教师应赞扬学生优秀作文中的妙笔之处,然后报出作者的姓名,或让同学们猜一猜文章的作者;教师还可以在班上朗读学生的佳作,营造成功的氛围,让他们能体验到成功的乐趣。

二.把握《课程标准》“情感、策略、文化”教学要求,全面实施教学目标 1.注重情感教育 发挥教育功能 师生合作、情感交流,最大限度地激发学生的学习热情。尊重个性、激励进取,进而使学生充满信心地走向成功。

2.培养学习策略 提高学习效果Oxford(1990)认为:学习策略是积极的和自主学习的工具,这一点对培养学生的交际能力来说必不可少。




3.初中英语教学 重视文化渗透 英语《课程标准》把文化意识列为课程目标之一。尽管缺少真实、地道的英语环境,但也要通过不同的活动和形式渗透让学生建立和提高跨文化意识的敏感度和自觉性。例如,“对一般赞扬做出适当反应”是起始阶段学生必学的文化内容,对于初学者来说,选用Thank you (very much ).Thanks (a lot).Thank you for your help.It’s very kind of you等浅显的语句,在教学时就应结合具体的语言环境,教会学生适时、得体的做出反应。







一. 引言


二. 任务型课堂教学的基本模式及应用


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在这种模式结构中,学生学习任务的进行是以教师的启动为基础的,没有教师的启动,学生必将无从下手,也就谈不上任务的开始与完成了。教师在新的任务进行前,应发挥主导作用,对学生进行适当的引导。如介绍新的语言结构,文化背景知识,为学生任务的进行提供丰富的感性材料,扫清学生任务进行的障碍。这是任务开始的阶段,也是引起学生学习动机或动力的阶段,是任务进行的前提。因此,教师应充分做好准备,激发学生的学习兴趣和求知的渴望。例如,《GO FOR IT》UNIT 7的任务进行前,笔者就收集了一些有关西方国家饮食文化方面的图片及材料,创造氛围,然后再介绍了祈使句及HOW MUCH∕MANY等基本句型并适当训练,做好铺路工作。另外,教师在进行每一个单元的教学时应首先明确本单元的学习目标,如unit7的学习目标:学习询问和描述做一件事情得过程。这样有利于激发学生学习动机,有利于学生充分了解教学目标及要求,也有利于任务的顺利进行。


新课伊始,教师就应先根据学生的学习特点及水平,制定可行的、学生容易达到的阶梯型任务链(THE TASK—DEPENDENCY AND THE TASK CHAIN PRINCIPLE),然后向学生提出任务要求及其所需准备,明确任务后,学生自学(可课前或课后),在这期间,教师可以放手让他们去学习新的知识,让他们去发现、研究、解决问题,为任务进行打好基础。如本单元的学习目标及任务要求:

A.Learn new words and expreions.

B.Step by step to make a banana smoothie. C.Make a banana smoothie by yourselves

D.Be able to describe how to do something,e.g.make your own hamburger. 在这一个总的目标的指导下,学生可以分步进行自学,准备交流。


在学生自学,初步感受新材料的基础上,学生开始进行任务的讨论交流。讨论交流一般以小组形式开展。小组一般由4—6人,(优等生1—2人,中等生2—3人,差生1人)程度各不相同的学生组成,小组可以有意识重组,保持同组异质的程度。在课堂中,各小组成员就自学情况向其他人汇报,提出自学碰到的问题,小组长记录后向全班提出。最后,各组就提出的问题进行讨论,并交流任务准备情况。一年的实践证明,学生几乎可以自我解决自觉问题,但教师也要注意发挥主导作用,积极巡视、参与,并对学生无法解决的困难设法引导:例如,在本单元,教师设计了一个名为“我的最爱”的任务,要求学生课前准备自己最爱吃的食品或饮料及其做法。我给学生提供了以下的语言结构:(1)We need…(2)peel…\\cut up….\\pour….\\turn on….\\mix it all up (3) a spoon of…\\a teaspoon of… (4) first….\\next….\\then….\\finally…..。学生就有了一定的基础在小组中交流彼此喜爱的食物与做法,就可以在交流中习得。我们还可以利用图片直观表达做BANANA SMOOTHIE的过程,促使学生利用逻辑推理来判断并学习这一步骤。通过教师启动,学生自学讨论交流,学生一般就可以进行任务的汇报总结了。


在解决基本问题后,教师就可以组织学生进行汇报总结,一般仍以小组为单位。各小组根据自学阶段教师设定的阶梯型任务链,从易到难,从简到繁,从小到大,从分散到综合,逐一汇报,教师及时给予指导和总结。如本单元,有一组学生完成了两个任务:①基本型任务——按课文的提示词,完成BANANA SMOOTHIE的制作;②提高型任务——制作并分享亲手制作的美食。课堂上,这组学生完成任务的质量让我大吃一惊,自学能力强而且其创造力更加丰富多彩。









“五步设想”教学立足于素质教育的主阵地---课堂,突出学生自学、小组讨论交流、小组汇报评价的教学形式,充分发挥了学生的自主性、积极性,让学生主动去发现问题、研究问题、探寻知识,在程序式的学习过程中加深对知识的理解,培养学生的思维能力。例如,新教材《GO FOR IT》,从数量和内容等方面加强和丰富了各种类型的训练。学生在教师的指导下,注意知识的迁移,提高解题能力。在学会使用某个知识点后,可以练习一些演变题。通过演变这些练习题,可以对所学的知识及时迁移,使认识的范围更广,对所学知识的理解更深,从而提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。例如,在unit 7的最后巩固练习中,教师可以让学生准备几道菜或食品的做法并把它们分别剪成三到四部分。小组之间交换剪好的菜谱碎片,看各组是否能够在最短的时间里还原菜谱的原貌。




各位亲爱的家人们,大家好。在做的很多家人们可能我们都不太熟悉了,在此,我必须说句对不起,我缺席很久了。我的缺席,也是证明了我的投入太少了,我是个失败的母亲, 在孩子的教育上,我付出得太少,所以收获得也不多。我很崇拜一句话:你的付出与你的收获总是成正比!这句话我也常用在我现在所教的学生身上,因为这句话也是我切身的亲身体会,无认我是从何种角度:我自身角度,或者说作为母亲,作为教师职业等,我都是这样认为。我作为一名教师,也是常反思我现在的教学现状。我很积极参与各种县培训,市培训,省培训,我很想学到更多的教学技巧,以便用在我的学生身上,提高我所教学生的水平,但是,很多时候,学到的知识, 也是无能为力,为什么?因为我在一所乡镇小学上班,学校的信息设备没有。而且,我不是一名专职的英语老师,这种现状,不仅仅我们学校是这样,很多县,乡镇学校都是这样。


作为老师:很多县,乡镇的老师,由于教师欠缺,都是附带英语课,或者说有些县老师是安于现状,生活过得安逸,无所谓的态度 ,反正小学英语是作为杂课来学习的。据我了解,特别是乡镇的话,很少有专业的英语教师,所以现在的情况是,虽然说从三年级就普及了英语课,但是英语成绩却没有达到理想的效果,这令很多家长非常头疼,我们学校就是这个样子,哪个地方缺人,就找人填补上去,只要不是语文,数学,其它的,找谁都无所谓。因为在乡镇,甚至是县城,小学英语都没有真正的重视起来。所以,问题就来了,课是开了,效果不但没有达到,反而有可能起到反作用,大家说是不是?我教过初中,学生因为小学英语基础没有打好,而初中的老师,因为认为学生在小学已经学过几年的英语了,因此不会太从基础学起,所以,这就形成了一个很尴尬的局面,学生没有学会,初中的接手老师却认为没有必要从ABC教起,所以学生的英语成绩,学英语的兴趣不但没有提上去,反而对英语产生了恐惧的心理!





由于时间关系,我没有太多建议,我们国学班的家长都是非常优秀的,我相信你们中有很多家长有很多的成功案例,不妨拿出来一起分享和成长,谢谢大家 。



假如你叫刘风,是美国中学生Mike的朋友,你收到了他的一封电子邮件。请你根据他回信的内容写一封回信,谈谈你对他所提问题的看法、你是怎么做的,并给他提出建议。 Dear Liu Feng, I feel sad these days because my parents don’t let me watch TV any more.They say I should put my heart into my leons or do something interesting instead of enjoying music on TV the whole evening.But I like music.I enjoy the pop songs, and I like the pip stars very much.What shall I do? Can you help me?

I think your parents are right.It is not good for us to spend whole nights enjoying music on TV.We have a lot of things to do except homework, such as reading, doing sport, and helping around the house.When I have finished my homework, I usually read magazines, wash my clothes, or watch news on TV. It is all right that you like pop music.You can enjoy it on weekend.I think your parents will be glad to see that.


Dear Mike,

I’m sorry to hear that.And I don’t agree with your parents’ idea, maybe it isn’t very good for your study.

Sometimes I meet the same problem as yours.At this time, I always tell my parents that I feel tired and need a little relaxation, and at most time they can understand me.

According to my experience, I suggest you to have a talk with your parents first, tell them you love music and what good influence it has, maybe your parents will change their mind.Besides, enjoying music whole night can’t be born because it occupies too much studying time, and the problem can be solved only when you keep a balance between study and entertainment.

I hope my suggestions can help you get through the trouble.Just communicate with parents and control yourself.I believe things can be better .

Good luck!


Liu Feng

Dear Mike,

I’ m sorry to hear that you have a problem, in fact it’s not as terrible as you think, it’ll be better if you find a balance between study and rest.

When it comes to my thoughts, I’m agree with what your parents have done, after all watching TV isn’t good..As for me, I have plenty of hobbies so that I never worry about what to do if I lose one of them .I think it’s good for you to find another hobby such as basketball which not only be good for your health but also divert your concentrate so that you won’t cherish music at all In addition concentrate more on study and you won’t get bored when you are free.

In conclusion, don’t worry about it anymore and try to find a suitable way to solve this problem.Hope you will better soon.


Liu Feng Dear Mike, Thanks for your letter.I’ve known your problem.Don’t worry.Let me help you.I think your parents’ view is right because your final exam is coming so you’d better pay more attention to your study.If I were you, I would make every effort to study to improve my grade.I suggest you making a daily plan to make full use of time.Then you’ll find it interesting that there are so many wonderful things you can do.Also, you can enjoy the pop music but not very long time.This can relax yourself and let you study more efficient.In conclusion, study is first, songs are second.I hope these suggestions can solve your problem.


Liu Feng

Dear Mike,

So glad to hear from you, in my opinion, I don’t think it’s the proper time for you to watch too much TV, now.

Be different from you, I hardly watch TV because of the busy study, but often relax myself by enjoying music.Also, I sometimes do some reading after a long time of study.

Well, speaking of my suggestions, resist from temptation of TV is the most neceary one, for it can be harm not only to your study but to your vision as well.Secondly, you’d better having a talk with your parents, which may help a lot.What’s more, try some other interesting things like reading books can also help you overcome this trouble.

That’s all I want to say.And I hope these suggestions can be helpful.Good luck!


Liu Feng

Dear Mike,

I’m sorry to hear that you have some problems.I hope that these suggestions can help you go out of the trouble.

To begin with, your problem is not so serious, so you don’t have to worry about it.Pop music is also my favorite, but I have to study.So precious is music that I couldn’t afford to abandon it, so I listen to the music in my spare time.It can not only relax myself, but also good for my study.It’s neceary for you to communicate with your parents, tell them how important the music is, they may allow you to watch TV for a short time.Furthermore, why not do something else? If your parents don’t allow you to watch TV, you can use computers to listen to the music and play some games.I hope you can take my suggestions into serious generation and solve the problem succefully.


Liu Feng





Dear president,

I am very glad that you attach great importance to student’s physical condition.I am writing to give some suggestions concerning this iue.

To arrange some proper extracurricular activities is beneficial for improving student’s physical condition.Nowadays many students focus their attention on study, which surely does harm to their body.Thus they should be encouraged to participate in exercise.Meantime, the shool should make a scientific regulation so as to ensure students to have enough time to do the exercise as much as poible.

I believe you will take my advice into consideration.

Truly yours,

Li Ming


The Time Meage

Time is tricky.It is difficult to control and easy to waste.When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need.For example, at the beginning of a semester, you may fell that you have plenty of time on your hands.But towards the end of the term you may suddenly fine that time is running out.You don’t have enough time to cover all your duties, so you get worried.What is the answer? Control!

Time is dangerous.If you don’t control it, it will control you.If you don’t make it work for you, it will work against you.So you must become the master of the time, not its servant.As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one problem.

Time is valuable.Wasting time is a bad habit.It is like a drug.The more time you waste, the easier it is to go on wasting time.If you seriously to wish to get the most of the college, you must put the time meage into practice.

Meage 1 Control time from the beginning

Time is today, not tomorrow or next week.Start you term at the beginning of the term.Meage 2 Get the note habit

Go and buy a note book today.Use it to plan you study time each day.Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes.Sunday is a good to make the plan for the following week.

Meage 3 Be realistic

Often you know from experiences how long it takes you to write a short eay, to study for a quiz, or to review for a final exam.When you plan time for these things, be realistic.Allow for unexpected things.Otherwise your entire may be upset.

Meage 4 Plan at least one hour for each hour in cla.

How much study time you plan for each claroom hour depends on four things: (1) your ability,

(2) the difficult of the cla, (3) the grades you hope to achieve, and (4) how well you use your study time.One thing, however, is certain: you should plan at least one hour of study for each claroom hour.In many cases, two of three hours will be required.

Meage 5 Keep your plan flexible.

It is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly basis so that you can make certain changes when neceary.For example, before mid-term or final exams, you will want to give more time to reviewing.A good plan must be a little flexible so that special projects can be done well.

Meage 6 Study for some time each cla day

Some solid work each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next.When you work your schedule, try to include at least two hours each day.This will not only keep your study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your cla aignments.

Meage 7 Free on Saturday---study on Sunday.

It is good to stop all study activities for one full day.Many students choose Saturday for sports or social activities.Sunday, on the other hand, seems to be the best study day for many students.It is a good day to catch up on back reading and other aignments.




小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the toilet? 老师说:Go ahead.小明就坐了下来。

过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:May I go to the toilet? 老师说:Go ahead.


小明说:你没听老师说“去你个头”啊! 英语笑话


某日刘洪涛遇到外宾,上前搭话曰:I am HongTao Liu.外宾曰:我还是方片七呢! 英语笑话


江青会见外宾,要求翻译要严格按她的意思翻,不许走样。外宾一见到江青,立刻拍马屁道:\"Mi Jiang, you are very beautiful.\" 翻译照翻,江青心花怒放,嘴上还要谦虚一下:“哪里,哪里”。 翻译不敢怠慢,把江青的话翻成英文:\"Where? Where?\" 外宾一愣,还有这样的人,追问哪里漂亮的,干脆马屁拍到底:\"Everywhere, everywhere.\" 翻译:“你到处都很漂亮。”


翻译赶紧翻成英文:\"You are not allowed to see, you are not allowed to see.\" 英语笑话




A高傲的昂起下巴,竖出一根大 拇指道:I am后羿!

B神箭手照本宣科,射中苹果,这回他自大的喊了一句:I am丘比特!

轮到C了,他也挽弓,利箭射出! 结果正中仆人的心脏。就听他结结巴巴好久才吐出一句:I...I...I...am...sorry...英语笑话

(五) 某人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞, 忙说:I am sorry.

老外应道:I am sorry too.某人听后又道:I am sorry three.

老外不解,问:What are you sorry for? 某人无奈,道:I am sorry five.英语笑话


一位来自日本的旅客,坐出租车去机场的路上,看到一辆汽车经过,就说:“oh,TOKOTA!Made in Japan! It is very fast!”又有一辆经过,他又说: “oh,NISSAN!Made in Japan! It is very fast!”司机有点不高兴,觉得他太吵了!当第三辆经过时,他还是说:“oh,HONDA!Made in Japan! It is very fast!” 后来到了机场,那个日本人就问:“How Much?” 出租车司机说:“1000!”


出租车司机回答说:“oh,mileometer(计程表)! Made in Japan! It is very fast!” 英语笑话


英语老师问一个学生,“How are you是什么意思” 学生想how是怎么,you 是你,于是回答“怎么是你?”

老师生气又问另一个同学:“How old are you ?是什么意思?” 这个同学想了想说:“怎么老是你?” 英语笑话



他不放心的问道:turn left? 监考官回答:right.于是他立刻向右转。 很抱歉他只有下次再来。 英语笑话


A:What’s on your hand? B:Watch.

A:How to spell that? B:T-H-A-T~


    大学城栏目:居民空间消息快播 | 空间栏目:♀大學英語¤




发表时间:2011-12-17 17:03:26 浏览:544 评论:0



look out:话说一位英语专业学生,在楼上住,某天端了一盆脏水,要往楼下泼(不算很道德,不要学啊),为了防止楼下有人被泼到,大喊一声:“look out !”然后用力一挥,这脏水倾盆而下。就在这时,楼下一人惊闻这声“look out”,探出身子往外看,呵呵,就这样脏水被泼了一身。点评:look out意思是“小心,注意了!”,不是“向外看”, I don\'t bird you:曰,一哥们为学英语,加入了一个学英语的QQ群,忽然看到一老兄的QQ签名:“You don\'t bird me, I don\'t bird you too ! ”,不解,遂小心翼翼的询问这位老兄,答曰:“你不鸟我,我也不鸟你!点评:原来bird还可以这么用!


老师在黑板上写了一句:Time is money.并让同学们翻译。有名先生答道:“汤姆是玛丽。”

一位在美的留学生,想要考国际驾照。在考试时因为过于紧张,看到地上标线是向左转。他不放心的问道:turn left?监考官回答:right.于是他立刻向右转。很抱歉他只有下次再来。

某人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞,忙说:I am sorry.老外应道:I am sorry too.某人听后又道:I am sorry three.老外不解,问:What are you sorry for? 某人无奈,道:I am sorry five. An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings currently on display.\"I\'ve got good news and bad news,\" the owner replied.\"The good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death.When I told him it would, he bought all fifteen of your paintings.\" \"That\'s wonderful!\" the artist exclaimed, \"What\'s the bad news?\".With concern, the gallery owner replied, \"The guy was your doctor.\" 一名艺术家问画廊老板,最近有没有人对他展出的画感兴趣。“这有好消息和坏消息,”老板回答。“好消息是有一位先生咨询你的作品,他想知道在你死后你的画会不会升值。我告诉他你的画会升值,他就把你的15幅画全都买走了。”“真是太好了”,艺术家是喜形于色,“那坏消息是什么?”带着关心的口吻,画廊老板回答,“买画的人是你的医生”。

Two car peng peng:这是一个很老的笑话了,说一位中国留美学生,某天在公路上亲眼看到一起两车相撞事故,由于此处比较偏僻没有其他目击者,加上此仁兄很是热心,自愿留下为他们作证。待警车开着警察呼啸而来,询问他当时的情景,此兄用不太流利的英语边比划边说:“One car come, one car go, two car Peng Peng, one car down ! ”

小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the toilet?老师说:Go ahead.小明就坐了下麓。过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:May I go to the toilet? 老师说:Go ahead.小明又坐了下麓。他旁边的同学于是忍不住问:您不是跟老师说要上厕所吗?怎么不去?小明说:您没听老师说「去您个头」啊!

某日刘洪涛遇到外宾,上前搭话曰:I am hongtao liu,外宾曰:我他妈还是方片七呢!

某男,亦粗通英文,至使馆,有表要填,有一栏是sex。该男思之久已,毅然下笔:“Once a week”。签证官观后暴笑,曰:“This item should be filled in with male or female.” 该男顿时赧颜,思之,填下“female”,官楞之,曰:“shouldn’t it be male?” 男急释曰:“I am a normal man, so I have sex with female.” Beggars and misersMiser: \"We are not even water.\"A beggar came home in front of a miser begging.Beggar: \"Please give a small piece of fat meat, cheese or butter.\"Miser: \"No you!\"Beggar: \"crumbs will do.\"Miser: \"no.\"Beggar: \"Drink it to the water!\"Miser: \"We are not even water.\" 乞丐和吝啬鬼一个乞丐来到一个吝啬鬼家门前乞讨。乞丐:“请给一小块肥肉,乳酪或奶油。”吝啬鬼:“没有呀!”乞丐:“面包屑也行。”吝啬鬼:“也没有。”乞丐:“那就给口水喝吧!”吝啬鬼:“我们连水也没有了。”乞丐发怒了:“那你为什么还坐在家里?快跟我一起要饭去!”

江青会见外宾,要求翻译要严格按她的意思翻,不许走样。外宾一见到江青,立刻拍马屁道:\"Mi Jiang you are very beautiful.\"翻译照翻,江青芯华怒放,嘴上还要谦虚一下:“哪里,哪里”。翻译不敢怠慢,把江青的话翻成英文:\"Where? Where?\"外宾一愣,还有这样的人,追问哪里慓亮的,干脆马屁拍到底:\"Everywhere everywhere.\"翻译:“您到处都很慓亮。”江青更高兴了,但总是要客气一下:“不见得,不见得”。

传说克林顿和教皇同一天去世,上帝搞错了,把克林顿送上了天堂,而把教皇送入了地狱。发现错误后上帝马上改了回来,路上二人相遇。教皇:感谢上帝,我终于能见到圣母玛利亚了(Virgin Maria).克林顿(坏笑中):Sorry,it’s too late


U-TOP Teaching Plan Teacher:WilliamStudent:Time: Teaching contents:



















② 求职面试自我介绍的内容应强调应征的动机以及想应征的岗位,因此收集好相关岗位的情报,自我介绍时才能胸有成竹,切合主题。







Consideration n.体谅,考虑

Consider vt.考虑,照顾,认为

Organization n.组织,机构

Opportunity n.机会,时机

Career n.事业,生涯

Selection n.选择,挑选

Interrupt vt.打断(正在说话或动作的人),中断

View n.景色,观点

Useful expreions:



Good morning, Mr.XXX


Good afternoon, Mi XXX


I look forward to seeing you again soon.Good-bye.


Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, Mr.XXX.Good-bye.⑤感谢您给予我时间和机会,再见。

Thank you for your time and consideration.Good-bye.2.自我介绍,说明基本情况。

①My name is Li Jun.You can call me Tony.I graduated from XXX University, majoring in Computer Science.It is my dream that I can join such an organization as your company.Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

②My name is Bai Yun.I study in XXX University, majoring in Financial Management.I came from Yunnan, a very beautiful place in Southwest China.I like Beijing very much and hope that I can start my career here.

③My name is Lu Ming.I study in XXX University, majoring in Law.I am really happy that I can be chosen to join this round of interview.I\'ll try my best to achieve

the final succe.



I am sorry.I beg your pardon?

Sorry, I didn\'t quite catch your meaning, Does that mean...?

I\'m not sure whether I have understood your question.May I beg your pardon? Would you mind asking that again a bit more slowly,please?


May I come in?

Can I sit here?

Do you mind my asking a question?


Yes, I agree.

That\'s just what I think.

That\'s just what I was going to say.

That\'s a good idea.

No, I don\'t think so.

No, I don\'t quite agree with you.

I am not sure.


Sorry to interrupt.But I have different views on this iue.

Just a minute,could I add something here?

May I come in here?That\'s not what I mean.


Well,this is a little bit tough.

It\'s hard to say.I think...

It\'s hard to tell at this moment.I should say...

I\'m afraid I need a little time to think it over.


① Reading those useful expreions.

② 假设现在你向一家经营纺织品出口的公司投了简历,请向这家公司的HR进行相对应的自我介绍。



Certificate n.证书,证明书

Practically adv.实际上,事实上

Demonstrate vt.示范,证明

Case analysis:


I: English and computer skills are comparatively important to this post, especially in the starting period.What\'s your ability in these two field?

A: I paed college English band-6, with good skill in listening, speaking, reading and writing.I haven\'t got any certificate of computer skills, because I don\'t think certificates are neceary if what\'s needed is merely operating a computer.I think practically, to know how to use a computer is more important.And I am familiar with Microsoft Office.I: To pa band-6 only is not enough to demonstrate that you have good listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities.What else do you have to prove your English ability?

A: I took a part time job last semester translating and doing reception work for an exhibition.My work included hosting the visiting foreign exhibitors, communicating with them, arranging their agenda, and translating several materials.I think this activity well demonstrated my ability in English.And I will be glad to take any form of English test you arrange for me to prove my ability.

I:But your performance in college was quite good.May I regard you as a student with good skills in taking exams?

A: I do like some of the courses, and I surely spent a lot of time learning and understanding them.At the same time, I don\'t like some of the other courses, but since I cannot deny the important of these courses, I asked myself to learn and understand them.So you may regard me either as a student skilled in taking exams or as a student emphasizing on studies.



Q1:English and computer skills are comparatively important to this post, especially in the starting period.What\'s your ability in these two field?

Q2:Many people consider college education usele in terms of future career.What\'s your opinion?








Case analysis:


I: Your resume indicated that you once aisted a human resource consulting company in a salary survey.What was your duty?

A: I was in charge of recording the data and proofreading the reports.

I:What did you learn and what ability did you enhance from such a practice? A:I learned the procedure of the salary survey, how to do a job evaluation, how to get meaningful results from large quantities of data, and how the companies surveyed use the report of the salary survey to adjust the salary level.And the ability I enhanced was careful and prolonged concentration.In the whole proce, I was faced with a lot of similar data and a minute mistake could lead to a great difference in the result.At the same time,big workload and limited time forced me to keep highly concentrated.This was the basic ability I got.Though it may seem trivial, I believe it will be of help in the future.

I: You said in your resume that you were once in charge of sales and marketing in a trading company.What was your main duty? And what achievements had you made?

A: My main duty was writing survey reports to analyze the composition of the consumers and I was in charge of masterminding marketing projects and organizing people to dispatch to promote our sales.During this proce, we acquired a lot of useful consumer data, which set up a solid foundation for future sales.At the same time, our products were quickly recognized by consumers, which facilitated the marketing of other products in the future.

I: Would you please talk about the difficulties depreions in this promotion?

A: We did encounter some difficulties.On one hand, our marketing budget was limited; on the other hand, we must secure that our sales promoters will do their work effectively.So we planned our budget very carefully at the beginning, down to every cost, and we evaluated the expected effects of every cost.Secondly, in order to make sure that our sales promoters put in enough energy, we arranged superintendents and also built a \"performance evaluation system\" which encouraged them by bonus.



Would please introduce your previous job for me? What have you learned from that job? Why did you quit? What are the difficulties when doing that job? How did you solve those problems?


Wealth and HappineEverybody wants to get wealth.In today’s material world, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person’s succe and capability.Many people just make every effort, pay any price to attain greater wealth.With money, they can but nice, large apartments in nice neighborhood; with money, they can own stately luxury cars.Wealth seems with money, they can own stately luxury cars.Wealth seems to bring all happine in life.

In my opinion, people cannot do anything without money, but money is not everything.What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life.If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you.With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will and to your own happine.If you want money just for your own needs, you’ll never be satisfied or happy.In a word, you should have money spent for more people, only then can money be the source of your happine.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Universities lower Admiion Requirements for Celebrities? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1)近年来很多名牌大学都会降低标准招收名人学生,一些人强烈反对这样做







Should Universities lower Admiion Requirements for Celebrities?

In recent years, many famous universities lower admiion requirements for celebrities.More and more celebrities, especially sports stars, have been admitted to famous universities even without an entry examination.This phenomenon has become a subject of widespread controversy.

Some people object strongly that universities lower admiion requirements for celebrities.They hold that this admiion pattern will damage the basic fairne rule of education.In addition, they say that if a person who has not enough academic ability is admitted to the university, it would be an insult on college education.However, still other people think it acceptable.They say that these celebrities deserve this privilege because they have proved their abilities in their field.

Besides, in their opinions, these celebrities to some extent set a good model for other young people.

Weighing these two arguments, I prefer the latter one.For one thing, these celebrities have sacrificed much learning time for their work, so they should be provided a better chance for learning.For another, if they accept advanced education, they could serve the society better.Therefore, I suggest that people should pay more attention to these celebrities’ efforts and contributions rather than the special treatment they enjoy.Wealth and Happine

Everybody wants to get wealth.In today’s material world, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person’s succe and capability.Many people just make every effort, pay any price to attain greater wealth.With money, they can but nice, large apartments in nice neighborhood; with money, they can own stately luxury cars.Wealth seems with money, they can own stately luxury cars.Wealth seems to bring all happine in life.

In my opinion, people cannot do anything without money, but money is not everything.What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life.If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you.With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will and to your own happine.If you want money just for your own needs, you’ll never be satisfied or happy.In a word, you should have money spent for more people, only then can money be the source of your happine.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Secondhand Goods.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:






Secondhand Goods

In recent years, second-hand transactions have become quite common.Nowadays there are more and more secondhand goods in the market, such as secondhand books, furniture, appliances, cars, and so on.Why do so many people like to buy secondhand goods?

The following reasons can account for this phenomenon.Above all, secondhand goods are cheaper than new ones.This enables those people who have poor financial abilities to buy the things they want.Moreover, secondhand goods transactions make it poible for people to make good use of the goods which may be usele in their hands.Besides, Internet provides a more convenient and quicker transaction platform for secondhand goods.

However, there are also some problems in secondhand goods transactions.For one thing, the

quality of secondhand goods can not be promised and you can not enjoy the good after-sale service.For another, secondhand goods market lacks enough supervision and management, and there exist many dishonest busine activities.In a word, I think secondhand goods transaction is a good trading way, but it needs further perfection of the rules.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a publishing house on food safety.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:



A Letter to a Publishing House on Food Safety

June 15th, 2006

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for taking time to read this letter.As the problem of food safety has been becoming worse and worse nowadays, I am obliged to write to you.

Several days ago, one of my clamates came back from supermarket with a large bag of food.Because of having found a new style of tinned?ish in the food store, she was very glad.Several other roommates were invited to enjoy the “mouth?atering chicken”.Unfortunately, after finishing the food, all of my three friends had stomachaches and vomited, their faces having become paler and paler.Due to

sensitivity to that kind of tinned food, I escaped that suffer.At that time, my mind went blank.I dialed the emergency number with my trembling hand, therefore they were quickly sent to hospital.The doctor said they were lucky to be out of danger because they did not eat too much of that rotten fish and were hospitalized on time.

This is the matter that happened around me which made me realize the seriousne of the food safety problem.I sincerely hope that the whole society could attach much importance to this iue.




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter on the iue of employment for gradutes.You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese:




The Iue of Employment for Gradutes

As we all know, the situation of employment graduate is urgent nowadays.Employment

becomes a major social iue in our country.More and more people pay great attention to it.

This iue result from two aspects.First many undergraduates are finding jobs.They hope to get a job with high salary and other pensions.So the government and the society face great preure.More job opportunities are needed to create for them.

On the other hand, there are many vacancies of jobs in the west.So there comes an imbalance between the supply and demand in the east and the west.Few people want to seek jobs in the west.They prefer to live in the major cities, such as Beijing , shanghai and other developped areas.

To solve this iue, it is a better choice to encourage people to seek jobs in the west.This also help to develop local economy and offer a brandew chance for graduates.


一、--- the +中考试题】



提示词:give up concentrate on be (become)interested in

★ 范文

Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others.As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn leons well.He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games.Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes.So he must give it up.I can play more sports with him after school.Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games.And then I\'ll ask him to concentrate more on his study.Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects.I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying.At the same time, I\'ll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too.If I try these, I\'m sure he will make great progre soon.




Unit 1 Foreign Language Learning Text A New words 1.suggestion n.suggest vt.建议,提议 n.暗示;联想(第十单元相同生词)

2.step n.步,步骤,手段(措施) 3.foundation n.基础,根据, 基金(会)

词根found vt.创办,成立,建立 v.发现( find的过去式);找到;发觉

4.Factor n.因素,要素 (fac做,制作+tor→促使人能够做的东西→要素,动力) 5.Immerse v.(使)深陷于,沉浸在 (im进入+mers沉,没+e→沉进去→沉浸) 词根:mers=sink,表示"沉,没" 6.mean v.意味着;产生…结果;打算;导致 7.explanation n.解释;说明; 后缀:-ation 1.表名词,"行为,过程,结果

8.enjoyably adv.愉快地;快乐地; enjoyable adj.愉快的,快乐的

9.Mostly adv.大部分,多半;主要地 (强调数量占多半,近乎全部。) 10.partly adv.一定程度上;部分地

11.effective adj.有效的;起作用的 词根:fect=do,make 表示"做,制作" perfect adj 完美的;完全的; (per全部+fect做,制作→全部做完→完善的) 12.vocabulary n.(某一语言的)词汇;词汇量 13.phrase n.短语;词组; 14.list n.清单,目录; 15.review n.复习;回顾;

16.gradually adv.逐步地,渐渐地; 词根grade n.阶段,阶级;等级

17.accurately adv.正确无误地,准确地;精确地;如实

accurate adj.精确的,准确的;正确无误的 词根:cur 1.=run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……"; 2.=care,表示"关心"

accurate正确无误的;准确的,精确的 (ac再+cur关心+ate……的→再关心,弄精确为止)

18.accumulate vt.& vi.堆积,积累 ac 再+ cur关心 + mul增加 + ate的

19.responsibility n.责任;职责 (response[n.回答,响应,反应]+ibility表名词→n.责任, 职责) 词根:spons=promise, 表示"承诺,允诺"

同根词adj.responsible [for,to]应负责的;可靠的;责任重大的

response [n.回答,响应,反应]+ible能……的→adj.[for,to]应负责的;可靠的;

20.content n.内容;(书等的)目录;满足;容量 (con聚在一起的此+ ten 拿住的+t,n.

词根:ten 1.=hold,表示"拿住,握住,支撑"; 2.挽留 同根词adj.discontent不满的 (dis不+content满足的→n.不满,不满足 adj.不满的)

22.fluent adj.流畅的;流利的;液态的 副词fluently 23.relax v.(使)轻松;放松 词根:lax=loose,表示"松"

24.matter v.要紧,有重大影响 in the matter of 至于,关于,在…方面

the British are given pre-eminence in the matter of tea.在用茶方面英国人享有杰出地位。

25.pace n.速度(网络),一步;(pace步,通过→ n.[一]步;速度,节奏 v.慢慢地走)

词根:pace =pa through,表示"步,通过" 26.guarantee n.保证,担保;

27.Succe n.成功, succeful adj.成功的,succefully adv.成功地

Phrases and Expreions 1.by far 大大地;…得多 更;尤其;到目前为止 by far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. 最为重要的因素在于你花多少时间浸泡在外语之中。 This is better by far.这个好多了。 That is by far the best choice.那是最好的选择。 2.be immersed in 沉浸于… 3.relate to 涉及;与…相关

it means spending time enjoyalbly on whatever relates to the language you are learning. 而是说要多花时间心情愉悦地学习任何与所学语言相关的东西。

4.get used to习惯于;适应 you will get used to the language.你就会习惯于这种语言.5.focus on 集中(注意力,精力)于…

He focused his mind on his leons.他把心思集中在功课上。

All eyes were focused on him when he came in.他进来时大家都注视着他。

6.build up (使) 扩大;增多 It is easier to pull down than to build up.拆房容易盖房难。

7.run into 偶然遇见;碰到 He has run into trouble in his job.他的工作遇到了麻烦。 8.take responsibility for 对…负责

Take responsibility for your own learning.对自己的学习负责

9.take control 控制;掌控;掌管

He used brute force to take control.他靠暴力获得了统治权。

10.feel like 摸起来像是…,有…的感觉;想要…做某事 Do you feel like going to a movie? 你想看电影吗? 11.sit back 舒舒服服地坐好 向后靠着坐;袖手旁观

Get on with the work—this is no time to sit back.好好干活,现在可不是坐着休息的时候。

12.make sure 确保,Go and make sure of the place and


Text B New words

1 :comparison n.比较,对照;[语]比喻;比较级

compare [to,with]比较;[to]把…比作 (com共同+par平等+e→平等的放在一起→比较)

2 :tense n.[语]时,时态;词根:tens=stretch,表示"伸展,趋向"

同根词tensible 可伸长的 (tens伸展,趋向+ible能……的→adj.可伸长的)

3:preposition n.介词;前置词 prep.

4:normally adv.通常地,在正常情况下 (normal标准的+ly……地→adv., 通常地)

词根:norm=rule/norm,表示"规则,规范" normal adj.正常的

5:precise adj.精确的;确切的 (pre在…前的,预先+cise切→预先切好的→精确的)

6:creative adj.创造性的,有创造力的;(create[v.创造,,建立]+ive…的→adj.有创造力的

7:enhance vt.提高,增加;改进 (en加强+han=high高+ce→v.提高, 增强 v.提高)

8:completely adv.完全地;彻底地;complete adj completion n.完成,结束

9:exclude v.把…排斥在外 词根:clud=close,表示"关闭" include 包括 clue 线索 11: shun [ʃʌn] vt.避开,回避;避免

12: relegate vt.使降级;使降职;(re反+leg法律+ate表动词→反法律的人被放逐)

13: cheesy adj.(质量)低劣的;下等的 cheese n.奶酪

14: receptive adj.乐于接受的; reception n.接待;欢迎;招待会;接待处

15: frustrating adj.产生挫折的,使人沮丧的,令人泄气的 It's frustrating to have to wait so long.要等这么长时间,真令人懊恼。

16: medium n.媒介;手段,方法 (medi中间+um→中间物,媒介) 17:profoundly adv.极大地;深刻地 pro 很多,found 发现+ ly,发现很多,深刻

28:translate v.翻译;解释 词根late=bring out,表示"拿出,带出,放" trans 表示变换,交换

29:credibility n.可靠性,可信性 credit n.信誉,信用 bility表示"动作,性质,状态"

30:plain adv.十足地;绝对地 词根:plain=flat,表示"平坦,明白"

31:corny adj.陈词滥调的 ,老生常谈的;陈旧18:melodic adj.悦耳的;优美动听的

19:grateful adj.感激的,感谢的 (grate=grat感激+ful多…的→adj.[to,for]感激的;感谢的) 后缀:-ful1.表形容词,"有……的;充满……的"; 2.表名词,"满,量" I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。

20:stubbornly adv.倔强地,固执地,顽固地 stubborn adj.顽固的,固执的

21:ignore v.忽视,对…不予理会 She said her husband ignored her...她说丈夫不关心她。

22:community n.社区;群体 (commune公社+ity表名词→community社会,社区) 词根:muni= 表示"服务,职责,社区,公共" com表示―共同‖ 23:majority n.大多数;复数:majorities 24:tongue n.[tʌŋ] 舌头,喙;语言,方言;演说 25:isolated adj.孤独的;孤立的 isolate vt.使孤立 (i=in+sol单独+ate表动词→使孤立) 26:realize vt.意识到;理解 realization n.认识,领会

(real真实,现实+ize表动词→v.认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行) 后缀:-ization表名词,由-ize+-ation组成,"……化"或"发展过程" 27:immediately adv.立即,马上 [ɪˈmidiɪtli] immediate adj. She answered almost immediately.她几乎立刻就回答了。

的 corny jokes.老掉牙的笑话

32:pick-up n.调情; (名词词组) pick-up line 花言巧语

How to be a pick-up artist? 翻译:怎样才能成为调情(把妹)达人?

pick up 动词词组: 捡起;获得;收拾

33:tastefully adv.高雅地;有品位地;雅致地 taste 味道;味;味觉;品味

The room is tastefully furnished.屋里摆设得很雅致。 34:undeniably adv.不可否认地,无可辩争地 deniable adj.可否认的,可否定的

35:refinement n.优雅;有礼貌;有教养 refine vt.提炼;改善;使高雅 re表示―再‖

36:coed n.(男女同校大学中的)女大学生

Phrase And Expreions

1:make sense 有道理;有意义 This sentence doesn't make any sense.这个句子没有意义 2:hear out 听某人把话说完

She needed him to hear her out and render advice.她需要他把话听完并提出建议。

3:measuring stick 量尺; 标准 This is an inadequate measuring stick.那样是不适当的! 4:take…for granted 认为…是理所当然的

Don't take his help for granted.不要认为他的帮助是应该的

5:get the most out of 获益最多;充分利用 6:exclude…from 把…排斥在外 Forgive me.You and your sister l must exclude from this.原谅我,当然你和你姐姐除外。 7:make an effort 尽力;努力

More and more persons are make an effort to quIt'smoking currently.目前越来越多的人正在尽力戒烟。

8:be struck by 被…所打动;迷恋某人(某物) 9:sell oneself short 低估;轻视;小瞧(自己) 10:set…apart 使与众不同;使突出

His intelligence set him apart from the other boys in his cla.他的才华在班上的男孩中很突出 11:be dying to do … 渴望;极想 去做某事 Unit 2 A Path to Follow Text A Cracked or Perfect: We Can Make a Difference! New words 1:cracked adj.有裂缝的;破裂的 crack 裂纹复数:cracks 过去式:cracked 过去分词:cracked 现在分词:cracking 第三人称单数:cracks 2:bearer n.持票人;送信人;搬运工人 3:pot n.罐;容器;陶盆

4:pole n.[物]极点,顶点;地极;杆子

5:deliver vi.递送;传送 He delivered them the goods.他给他们送来了一些货物。

6:portion n.一部分 词根:port =part/divide,表示"部分,分开" 7:stream n.河流,小河,溪 8:master n.硕士;(男)主人;大师

9:accomplishment n.成就;成绩 accomplish vt.完成;达到(目的);

10:imperfection n.不完美;缺点,瑕疵 perfect adj.完美的;

11:miserable adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;非常难受的 词根:miser=wretched,表示"可怜的" (miser可怜的+able可以……的→adj.痛苦的,


12:perceive v.将…理解为;将…视为;认为 (per全部+ceive抓→全部抓住→发觉)

词根:ceive=take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住"

13:bitter adj.令人不快的;使人悲痛的 a long and bitter dispute 漫长的激烈争论 bitterne n.苦味;痛苦;愤愤不平

14:apologize vi.道歉,认错; I apologize for being late...我为自己的迟到致歉。

15:load n.负荷;负担;装载;工作量 反义词unload 卸货;去除负担

16:flaw n.瑕疵,缺点;错误


17:compaion n.怜悯,同情;恻隐之心 词根:pa=feeling,表示"感情"; 18:trail n.小路;小径

19:reply n.回答,答复; (re回+ply折→折回去→答复)

20:decorate vt.装饰;装潢,布置 decoration 装饰品

21:grace v.为…增色;为…锦上添花;装饰 词根:grat=pleasing,表示"感激,高兴" 22:moral n.寓意,教训;教益

23:being n.存在;生物;人;要素,本质

Phrases and Expreions

1:be ashamed of 为…感到羞愧,惭愧 ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞耻的;难为情的

There is nothing to be ashamed of.没有什么可难为情的。

the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.破陶罐因为自己的瑕疵而羞惭难当,为只能完成一半的工作而痛苦不堪。

2:leak out 渗漏,泄露; leak vi.漏出;透露 3:fell sorry for 怜悯;同情 I feel sorry for you.我为你感到惋惜。

4:take notice of 注意,注意到,理睬

Don't take any notice of him; he is kidding around.别理他,他不过是在胡闹。

5:cheer … up 振作起来; 使变得更高兴

Cheer up, Becky, and let's go on trying." 贝基,打起精神来!我们再去试它一试。‖

6:take advantage of 利用; 欺骗,占…的便宜 Take advantage of low-season airfares.利用淡季飞机票价。

Text B A Pricele leon in Humility New words 1:humility n.谦逊,谦虚 词根:hum = earth , 表示"土,地" lity是抽象名词后缀

2:sightseeing n.观光,游览 词根:sigh t= vision, 表示"眼光;观察,看" 3:treasure n.金银财宝;宝藏;珍宝 trea 可靠的,镇店之宝+sure 确信,

4:fellow adj.同伴的;同类的

5:unfortunate adj.不幸的,倒霉的; fortunate adj.侥幸的,幸运的;

6:panhandler n.乞丐;叫花子

7:folk n.人们;民族;家属 folk song 民歌 8:elderly adj.上了年纪的;过了中年的;较老的 与older 差不多

9:extend v.延伸;舒展;展开(尤指手臂或腿) 10:reflex n.反射动作;本能反应; 11:loose change n.(口袋或包里随身带的)零钱 pin money 零花钱

12:prejudice n.成见,偏见,歧视

13:aume v.假定;假设;认为 (as加强动作+sume拿,取→拿住→认为是……[假定], 词根:sume=take,表示"拿,取"

14:incident n.事件,发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)

偶然事件 (in进入+cid落下+ent→掉进来的事件) 15:reawaken v.勾起,唤起,再次引发(感情、回忆等)re awake n

16:core n.核心(信念、价值、原则等),精髓; (cor心脏,一致+e→n.果核, 中心, 核心)

17:reaffirm vt.重申;再次确定 re再次 + affirm 肯定,证实

18:immigrant n.(外来)移民,侨民 migrate vi.迁移,移往;移动

19:no-nonsense adj.简单直接的;言简意赅的;不说废话的

20:roofer n.修理(或盖)屋顶的工人 21:cashier n.出纳员 cash n.现金 22:mechanic n.技工,机修工,汽车修理工;机械师 machine n.机械;机器

23:humble adj.(级别或地位)低下的;卑微的 (hum土,地+ble→接近地面→低下的)

24:eventually adv.终于,最后;终究

( eventual [adj.最后的,结局的,最终的]+ly表副词→adv.最后, 终于)

25:busboy n.餐馆勤杂工

26:witne v.当场看到;目击(多指罪行或事故) wit n.机智;才智

27:self-induced adj.自己诱导的,(疾病、问题等)自己造成的

Phrases and Expreions

1:take / go on a trip 旅行 Mom, may I go on a trip to Beijing? 妈妈,我可以去北京旅游吗? 2:in an instant 马上;立刻 I shall be back in an instant.我马上就回来。 3:lose sight of 忽略;忘记

We must not lose sight of this fact.我们一定不要忽略这个事实。

4:Honduras 洪都拉斯(中美洲国家)

9:tranportation n.运送,运输;交通运输系统 10:available adj.可获得的;可购得的;可找到的, (a有vail效用,利益+able能……的→adj.[用于物] 11:propaganda n.宣传,鼓吹 (pro多+pag合同,商定+anda→宣传)

12:transition n.过渡,转变,变迁 transit (trans变换+it行走→n.输送,运送) Key Sentences 1:I had acted out of prejudice—I had judged another person simply for what I aumed she had to be.偏见影响了我的行为—仅凭主观臆断,我便对他人作出了评价。 2:She reminded me of my belief in humility and to always keep my eyes and heart open.她提醒我谦卑是我人生信条,应当永远擦亮双眼,敞开心扉。

Unit 3 Green Transportation Text A Bus Chick’s Manifesto New words 1:manifesto n.宣言;声明;告示 后缀:-o 表名词,"音乐术语";2.表名词,"人,物或状态" 2:privilege n.特殊利益;优惠待遇;特权 (privi=priv单个+lege法律→有个人法律→特权) 3:haunt n.常去的地方 They say ghosts haunt this house.据说这所房子里常闹鬼。

4:symbolize vi.象征;是…的象征;代表(symbol[n.符号,象征]+ize表动词→v.用符号表示;象征) 5:independence n.独立,自主;自立 后缀:-ence表名词, " 性质,状态 " 6:peer n.身份(或地位)相同的人;同龄人;同辈;贵族

He is a peer.他是一个贵族。

7:aistance n.帮助,援助;支持 aist v.帮助;援助 ance表名词, " 性质,状态 " 8:beckon v.吸引,诱惑; (用头或手的动作)示意,召唤

13:vehicle n.车辆;交通工具

14:commute n.通勤;上下班路程 词根:mut = change, 表示"改变"

15:aware adj.意识到的;知道的;明白 (a在……+ware注意→adj.意识到的)

16:negative adj.消极的,坏的;有害的; (negate否认+ive……的→negative否定的)

17:impact n.巨大影响;强大作用 (im进去+pact紧的;结合→压进去的力量→影响力) 18:sprawl n.随意扩展;蔓延;蔓延物 19:fatality n.(事故、战争、疾病等中的) 死亡 20:subject n.主题,话题;学科,科目 v.使经受;使遭受

21:rarely adv.很少地;罕有地;

22:coupe n.双座四轮轿式马车,双门小汽车 23:primary adj.首要的,主要的;基本的 词根:prim=first/chief,表示"第一,主要的;首要

24:slippery adj.滑溜的;滑得抓不住(或站不稳、难以行走)的

slippery like a fish 滑得像条鱼似的

25:practical adj.有用的,适用的;( pract实践,实际,应用 + ical ……的

26:sensible adj.明智的;合乎情理的;(服装等)朴素而实用

sens = feel,表示"感觉" (sens感觉+ible能……的→能感觉的→明显的

27:occasional adj.偶尔的,偶然的 occasion n.机会,时机;场合 28:inconvenience n.带来不便者;麻烦的人(事);不方便;麻烦

I don't want to put you to any inconvenience.我不希望给你带来任何的不便

29:eavesdrop vi.偷听, 窃听(别人的谈话) 30:goip n.流言蜚语,谣言;爱讲闲话的人 31:giggle vi.咯咯地笑;傻笑;娇笑一下;情不自禁地笑出声来

I don't believe in future life.我不信有来生。 Proper Names

Pike Place Market 派克市场(位于美国西雅图) Seattle Center 西雅图中心

Puget Sound 普吉特海湾(位于美国华盛顿州) Mount Rainier 雷尼尔山(美国华盛顿州西部的一座火山)

Key Sentences

1:I began to question my right to subject my subject my I did it only for a giggle.我做那事只是为了取乐。 32:toddler n.蹒跚行走的人;学步的幼儿

33:nap n.小睡,打盹 I took a nap after lunch on a hot day.热天午饭后我小睡片刻。

34:camaraderie n.同志之爱,友情;同事情谊 35:vibrant adj.充满生气的;生机勃勃的 (vibr摇摆+ant……的→振动的,有活力的) 36:majesty n.庄严,威严;雄伟壮观

beloved city to the impact of my choices.


2:I don’t like drivers who ride the brakes 我不喜欢开车时一直脚踩刹车的司机。

Text B Bike to Work : Reasons You Should Try New words

1:principle n.原则,原理;准则,道义

37:sacred adj.宗教的;神圣的;受崇敬的,值得崇敬的

(sacr神圣+ed……的→adj.神圣的;宗教的;庄严的) 38:resource n.资源;物力,财力 Phrases and Expreions 1:on demand 一经要求;点播 The bill is payable on demand.这张支票,来取即付。 2:except for 除…之外; 若不是

Except for you, I should be dead by now.要不是你,我现在就死了。

3:leave … behind 永久离开(某人、某地或某国)Don't leave me behind.不要把我忘了。 4:subject…to… 使经受;使遭受

Women have been subjected to unjust treatment for too long.很长时间以来,妇女一直受到歧视

5:believe in 认为某事好(或对、可接受);信赖;信仰


2:convenience n.方便,便利;适宜


3:stumbling block n.障碍物,绊脚石 stumble n.绊脚,失足;差错

Jack is a stumbling block to our plan.杰克是我们计划的绊脚石。

4:intention n.意图,目的;打算;计划 (intent[adj.目不转睛的,热切的 n.意图]+ion表名词

5:reputed adj.普遍认为;号称…的 He is reputed for his honesty.他以诚实见称。

6:footprint n.(尤指软地上的)脚印;足迹 7:abstract adj.抽象的(与具体经验相对),理论上的; 8:small-scale adj.小型的;小范围的;小规模的 9:mundane adj.平凡的;单调的 I found the job very mundane.我觉得这工作非常单调。 10:individual adj.一个人的;供一人用的

11:entrench v.使处于牢固地位;牢固确立 (en在……里面+trench切,割→在壕沟里面) 12:sceptic n.惯持怀疑态度的人;怀疑论者 13:concede v.承认(某事属实、合乎逻辑等);容许 (con共同+ced行走,+e→共同向后走一步 14:generate v.产生;引起

15:belch vi.(大量)喷出,吐出;打嗝,嗳气;He gave a loud belch.他打了一个响嗝

16:toxic adj.有毒的;中毒的;引起中毒的 (tox毒+ic……的→adj.有毒的;中毒的) 17:fumes n.(烟、煤气、新的油漆等发出的)难闻的气味;烟雾; 气

Exhaust fumes are bad for your health.废气对健康有害。

18:springboard n.(有助于开展某事的)基础,出发点;(有助于成功的)跳板

19:reap v.取得(成果);收获

20:dividend n.红利,股息,利息,股利 (divide[v.分开]+end→划分,区分[红利,也是划分出去的]) 21:currently adv.当前,目前;通常

22:petrol n.汽油 petrol station n.加油站 23:prohibitively adv.(费用等)过高地,过分地 It is prohibitively expensive.价格贵得吓人。 24:pump n.泵;打气筒;

25:expend vt.花费;消费;耗费 (钱财)

26:odd adj.剩余的;临时的;偶尔发生的 to do odd jobs around the house 在家里干杂活

27:purchase v.购买;采购; (pur=pro+chase追赶→为了追求,获得,所以[买]) 28:kit n.衣物和装备;成套工具;成套设备; 配套元件 29:extremely adv.极端地;非常,很;She found it extremely difficult to get a job.她发觉找工作极其困难。 30:regular adj.有规律的;规则,整齐的 (regul规


31:average adj.平常的;普通的;一般的;平均的

The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days.妇女的平均月经周期是28天。

32:offset vt.抵消;补偿;弥补 The gains offset the loes 得失相当

33:incentive n.动机;刺激;激励;鼓励 34:scheme n.计划;体系;方案;体制

35:lease v.出租;,租用(尤指房地产或设备)to take out a lease on a house 办理房屋租约

36:subsidize v.资助;以金钱收买;向…发放津贴 37:deduct vt.(从总量中)扣除,减去;

You can deduct the twenty-five cents out of my allowance.你可在我的零用钱里扣去二角五分钱 38:efficient adj.有效率的;能干的 (ef出+fici做,制作+ent……的→能做出事来→有效的)

39:basically adv.基本地;从根本上说;总的说来

Yes, that's basically correct.对,基本正确。 40:well-being 健康;安乐;幸福

41:aerobic adj 有氧的;增强心肺功能的 42:boost vt.促进,提高;使增长;使兴旺 43:fitne n.健康;健壮

44:brisk adj.快的;敏捷的;忙碌的

45:concentration n.集中;专心;专注 (con共同+centric 中心的)→同中心的+ ion动作或状态)

46:alertne n.警戒,机敏;戒心 alert adj.警觉的,警惕的

47:underestimate vt.低估;对…估计不足;看轻

We often underestimate our potentialities.我们常常低估自己的潜力

48:acuity n.(视力、思维等的)敏锐;敏度 49:edge n.(微弱的)优势;边;

50:decisive adj.决定性的;关键的;在于

51:promotion n.提拔,晋升;提升,升级 (pro向前+mot动+3→向前动→促进) Phrases and Expreions 1:in principle 大体上;基本上 Her idea is sound in principle.从原则上来说,她的观点是正确的。 2:when it comes to… 当涉及某事(或做某事)时 3:add up to 结果是;表示 4:(all) on your own 独立地

5:in general 总的来说;从总体上看 6:bear/keep in mind that 记住 7:depending on 视乎;决定于 8:end up 最终成为;最后处于 9:in terms of 谈及;就…而言;在…方面 10:get/have…under your belt 已经获得某物

favoritism.因为神不偏待任何人。 11:bitterne n.苦味;痛苦;愤愤不平12:constantly adv.始终;一直;重复不断地 13:teenager n.十几岁的青少年;十三岁到十九岁的少年

14:bonding n.人与人之间的关系(或联结);连[搭,焊,胶,粘]接(哈;邦迪创口贴)

15:maid of honor (尤其用于美国英语,指未婚的)首席女傧相,伴娘 maid 未婚女子

16:apartment n.(通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房 Phrases and Expreions

1:on one’s hands and kne 趴在地上

Jim is on his hands and kne on the floor.He is looking Unit 4 Friends and Friendship Text A The Great Gift New words 1:kindergarten n.幼儿园,学前班 Little tykes play in kindergarten.小孩在幼儿园玩耍。

2:scrub v.用力擦洗,刷洗 The door needs a scrub.门需要刷一下

3:upset adj.不高兴的;失望的 Don't be upset; I was only joking.不要生气,我只是开玩笑。

4:bicker v.为小事)斗嘴,争吵 The two children were always bickering.那两个孩子总是争吵。

5:lifelong adj.终身的;毕生的 A moment's error can bring a lifelong regret.一失足成千古恨。 6:sibling n.兄弟,姐妹;

7:fulfillment n.完成;实现;满足 fulfill vt.履行(诺言等);执行(命令等);达到(目的)

8:frequently adv.频繁地,屡次地;经常 frequent adj.频繁的,时常发生的

9:subtle adj.微妙的;不易察觉的;不明显的

A real flame of love is a subtle thing.真正的爱情之火是一种微妙的东西

10:favoritism n.偏爱,偏袒 For God does not show

for his toy plane.

吉姆双手和膝盖伏在地板上,正在寻找他的玩具飞机 2:you name it 凡你想得起的;不管什么

You name it, it was in brown.但凡你想得到的,就都是棕色的。

3:long for 渴望 The children are longing for holidays.孩子们在盼望假期。

4:get along 和睦相处,关系良好

Key Sentences

1:We used to fight all the time over

toys,food,attention,what to watch on television-you name it,

we bickered about it at some point

我们从小一直为了玩具、食物、大人的关注、看什么电视节目而争吵,凡是可以争可以吵的,都吵过了。 2:When she gave birth to three daughters – separtated by only four years – the fulfillment of her dream had only just begun.


Text B The Colors of Friendship New words 1:claim v.声称;断言;声称 (claim呼喊,叫喊→n.&v.要求;论断) 2:interrupt v.打断(别人的话等);阻止;打岔 (inter在……中间+rupt断裂→讲话中间被打断) 3:serenity n.安详;宁静;平静

To cast it off might be to regain serenity.把它抛开,可以使心神重归平静。

4:chuckle vi.轻声地笑;咯咯笑 He shook his head with a soft chuckle.他轻轻地笑着摇了摇头。 5:gaiety n.快乐;高兴; ety后缀表―状态‖ 6:scarce adj.缺乏的,不足的;罕见的 The food was scarce during the war.战争期间食物短缺。

7:precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的;贵重的 (preci价值,估价+ous……的→有价值的) 8:vitamin n.维生素;维他命 (vita=vit生命+min→维持生命的要素) 9:pumpkin n.南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊 10:mango n.芒果;芒果树;泡菜 11:papaya n.番木瓜,木瓜

12:striking adj.显著的;引人注目的;异乎寻常的 13:stand vt.(尤用于否定句和疑问句,强调不喜欢)容忍,忍受;

14:cause n.(支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,思想 15:paion n.激情,热情; pa=feeling,表示"感情 16:poinsettia n.猩猩木;一品红

One of the most popular plants at Christmas is the (poinsettia).圣诞节最普遍的树木之一还有一品红。 17:poppy n.[植]罂粟(花); 18:chief n.族长;酋长;首领;

19:bishop n.(基督教某些教派管辖大教区的)主教 20:authority n.权威;威信;影响力 author n.著作家;作者;创造者

21:indigo n.靛蓝,靛青;靛蓝色

22:determination n.决心;果断;坚定 determine vi.


23:superficial adj.表面(上)的;肤浅的,缺乏深度的

24:represent vt.作为…的象征;象征;代表、re相反 present adj.现在的;目前的

25:reflection n.反映;(关于某课题的)思考;沉思;深思

26:twilight n.黎明,暮色,薄暮;黄昏 27:boast vt.自夸,自吹自擂;夸口说

28:convinced adj.确信的;深信的;有坚定信仰的 29:superiority n.优越(性),优势 30:startling adj.惊人的;认人震惊的 31:flash n.闪光

32:roll v.发出持续的声音; 使(眼球等)左右转动;(使)原地转圈;滚动 33:boom v.轰鸣;轰响

34:relentlely adv.不停地;持续强烈地;不减弱地 35:crouch v.蹲;蹲下;蹲伏 36:comfort n.安慰;慰藉;宽慰

37:clamor n.喧闹声;嘈杂声;吵闹 (clam呼喊,叫喊+or表名词→n.喧哗;吵闹)

38:dominate v.支配;控制;左右;影响 39:unique adj.唯一的;独一无二的 40:stretch v.伸展;舒展

41:reminder n.引起回忆的事物;提醒人的事物 42:appreciate v.欣赏;赏识;重视 Phrases and Expreions

1:blow your own trumpet 自吹自擂 2:be willing to 愿意;乐意

3:in the midst of 当某事发生时;在某人做某事时

Key Sentences

1.and so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority.

这些色彩继续吹嘘,每个都认为自己才是最优秀的。 2.The colors crouched down in fear,drawing close to one another for comfort.所有色彩被吓得蜷缩成一团,挤在一起互相慰藉。


20:motivate v.推动…甘愿苦干;激励;激发 (motive动机,目的+ate表动词→motivate

21:pump v.(液体)涌出;涌流;奔流

Unit5 Music and Leisure Text A Music as a Universal Language New words 1:universal adj.全世界的;共同的 (uni一个+vers转+e→统一旋转,宇宙+al 状态) 2:define v.解释(词语的含义);给…下定义 (de加强+fine限制→加强限制) 3:melody n.旋律;曲调;(尤指)主旋律 (mel歌曲+ody歌曲→歌唱歌曲) 4:beat v.(使)规律作响,作节奏运动 (beat打,击→n.敲打, 拍子 v.打, 打败) 5:tune n.曲调;曲子 6:personal adj.个人的;私人的 7:definition n.定义

8:vary v.(大小、形状等)相异,不同,有别 (vary变化→v.改变, 变更, 使多样化) 9:bucket n.(有提梁的)桶 10:shudder v.发抖,打颤,战栗 11:variety n.不同种类,多种式样 12:genre n.体裁,类型

13:perspective n.客观判断力;权衡轻重的能力 (per全部+spect看+ive……的→看透了的) 14:icebreaker n.消除隔阂的行动,活跃气氛的话 ice 冰+ breaker 破坏者 (破冰的话) 15:option n.可选择的事物;选择

16:evoke v.引起,唤起(感情、记忆或形象) (en放进+vok出声,叫喊,看+e→唤起) 17:soothe v.安慰;抚慰;劝慰

18:unwind v.放松;轻松 un 不+wind 风,缠绕=放松

19:comfort v.安慰;抚慰;宽慰 n.令人感到安慰的

22:productive adj.有效益的;富有成效的 (product[n.产品,产物;]+ive……的→adj.

23:creativity n.创造力 (create[v.创造,创作;引起,造成,建立]+ive……的→adj

24:aspect n.方面;层面 词根:spect=look/see,表示"看"

25:instrument n.乐器 instruct vt.教,讲授;教导

26:imagination n.想象力;想象 (imagine设想+ation行为,过程,结果→n.想象力;想象

27:crave v.渴望;热望 Many young children crave attention.许多小孩子渴望得到关心 28:addiction n.瘾;入迷;嗜好 29:cope v.(成功地)对付,处理

30:tension n.紧张局势(或关系、状况)不安;紧张气氛 (tens伸展,趋向+ion 名词后缀

31:inspiration n.灵感 ( inspire [v.鼓舞,激起;使产生灵感]+ ation 表名词 → n.灵感; 32:unlock v.(用钥匙)开…的锁

Phrases and Expreions

1:relate to 产生共鸣;领略;了解,认同 2:in hand 正在处理中 Key Sentences

1: I could’t carry a tune in a big old bucket,yet I still sing along with my favorite song.

我虽然唱歌跑调,却仍爱哼唱我最喜欢的歌曲。 2:Music can put things into perspective.音乐让我们更好地看待事物。

Text B Why We Need Vacations New words 1:warehouse n.仓库;货栈;货仓 2:brochure n.资料(或广告)手册

3:getaway n.短假;假日休闲地 (尤指犯罪后的)逃跑;(比赛的)开始

4:standard adj.普通的;正常的;标准的 (stand确立+ard→n.标准, 规格 adj.标准的) 5:routine n.常规;正常顺序 route n.路;(公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线

6:sample v.尝试;体验 n.样品;标本 7:suitcase n.(旅行用的)手提箱 suit 一套外衣+casevt.把…装入箱(或盒等)内

8:pack v.收拾(行李);装(箱) package n.包裹;包装袋

9:stretch n.(连续的)一段时间 vt.伸展;张开;充分利用;使紧张

10:endle adj.永久的;不断的;无休止的 11:temporary adj.短暂的;暂时的;临时的 词根tempor =time,表示"时间或时间引起的现象"; 12:staging post n.中途站(或机场、停靠码头);补给站 staging n.分段运输;工作台

13:somehow adv.由于某种未知的原因;不知为什么 14:afterwards adv.以后;后来

Afterwards she was sorry for what she'd said.后来她后悔说了那些话。

15:coincidence n.(令人吃惊的)巧合,巧事 coincide (co共同+in进入+cid落下+e→共同落进) 16:restore v.恢复(某种情况或感受) (re回+store[n.&v.贮藏, 贮备, 存储] 17:switch v.(使)改变,转变,突变

18:pattern n.模式;方式;图案;榜样 a pattern of wavy lines 波浪形线条图案

19:suspended animation n.蛰伏状态; 假死 suspend vt.暂停;延缓 animation n.生气,活泼

20:grind n.令人疲劳(或厌倦)的工作;苦差事

Do you find learning English a grind? 你觉得学英语是一件苦差事吗?

21:space n.一段时间;期间 n.空间,太空 a daring walk in space 勇敢的太空漫步

22:tend v.往往会;常常就 vt.照料,照顾;护理词根:tend=stretch,表示"伸展,趋向" 23:recreational adj.娱乐的;消遣的

24:relaxation n.放松;休息;用于放松消遣的时间 (relax松驰,放松+ation表名词→n.松驰,消遣) 25:naturally adv.顺理成章地;自然地;当然地 natural adj.自然的;物质的

26:relation n.(事物之间的)关系,关联,联系 relate vt.& vi.(把…)联系起来

27:punctuate v.不时打断 (punct点,变尖,指,针+uate=ate表动词→加上点→加标点

28:pinpoint v.明确指出;确定(位置或时间) pin n.钉;别针+ point n.点;要点;标点

29:landmark n.(标志重要阶段的)里程碑 land 陆地+mark 标志,记号

30:marker n.(表示方位的)标记,记号,唛头 31:recall v.记起;回忆起;回想起 32:adventure n.冒险;冒险经历;奇遇

Adventure is the salt of life to some men.对有些男子而言,冒险是生活的乐趣。

33:potential adj.潜在的;可能的 (potent[adj.强有力的]+ial……的→adj.潜在的

Phrases and Expreions

1:look forward to (高兴地)盼望,期待

I look forward to your good news.我等待你的好消息。 2:make a, no,some,etc.difference 有(或没有,有些等)作用,关系,影响

3:in itself (加强语气)本身;本质上

The money in itself meant nothing to them.这钱本身对他们来说是没有什么价值的。 4:over time 随着时间的过去

Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。 Key Sentences 1. There’s more to a vacation than can be described in a warehouse full of travel brochures.关于度假的好处,绝非仓库中堆满的旅游手册所能穷尽。 2. We somehow expect to feel differently afterwards and are usually proved right.不知道为什么,我们总是期待度假后会有不同的感受,而事实也往往如此。

13:acre n.英亩;土地,耕地

The playground covers over an acre in extent.操场的面积超过一英亩。

14:location n.地点,位置 15:detailed adj.详细的 16:square n.平方 17:project n.专题研究

18:unrealistic adj.不切实际的;不实事求是的 This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you.你年纪轻轻,不要老做白日梦。

19:require v.需要;依靠 (re再+quir寻求,询问+e→再寻求→请求)

20:original adj.原来的;起初的 (origin[n.起源,由来;Unit6 Life Leons Text A Keep Your Dream New words 1:ranch n.牧场 2:fund-raising n.筹款

Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动 3:itinerant adj.巡回的;四处奔波的 4:trainer n.训兽师;教练员

5:stable n.马厩 adj.稳定的;沉稳[持重]的 (st站,立+able能……的→能站的→稳定的) 6:race n.赛跑

7:track n.跑道 小路,小道;痕迹

8:career n.经历;事业 a career in accounting 会计职业

9:continually adv.频繁地 (continue继续,连续+ally……地→continually不断地) 10:senior n.毕业班学生

11:describle v.描述;形容 Can you describe him to me? 你能向我描述一下他的样子吗?

12:diagram n.简图;示意图 (dia穿过,二者之间,对着+gram图→交叉对着画→图表)


21:breeding n.(动植物的)生育,繁殖 the breeding of horses 马的饲养

22:stock n.家畜;牲畜 股份,股票;库存 the London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所

23:stud n.种公畜;种马 I'm going to put the horse out to stud.我打算把这匹马用来配种。

24:fee n.专业服务费;报酬 a capitation fee for each pupil 摊派到每个小学生头上的收费 25:rewrite v.重写;改写

26:realistic adj.能够实现的 (realist [n.现实主义者] + ic……的→adj.现实[主义]的)

27:reconsider v.重新考虑 I will reconsider my decision.我将重新考虑我的决定。

28:grade n.成绩等级;阶段,阶级 I flunked math in second grade.我二年级时数学不及格。

29:decision n.决定,决择 a very courageous decision 十分勇敢的决定 30:state v.说明;声明

31:aemble v.聚集;集合 vt.装配,(as不断+sembl相类似,一样+e→不断[走向]同一个地方 32:frame v.给…做框;给…镶边 33:fireplace n.壁炉

34:stealer n.窃贼 I was something of a dream stealer.那个时候我是一个偷梦者。 35:fortunately adv.幸运地 36:gumption n.勇气;魄力

It takes gumption to quit a good paying job.要辞去一个待遇很好的工作需要勇气。

Text B Go for it ! New words

1:incredible adj.难以置信的、荒谬 The plot of this book is incredible.这本书的情节不可信。

2:sheer adj.完全的;纯粹的 an act of sheer bravado 纯属逞能的举动

3:guts n.勇气;胆量 Let anyone who has guts step forward! 有种的站出来!

Phrases and Expreions 1:as a resuit 因此;结果 She died as a result of her injuries.她由于受伤而死亡。 2:in detail 详细地

They are agreed in principle but not in detail.他们的看法在大体上是一致的,但是在细节上有所不同。 3:make up one’s mind 下决心 It is early days yet to make up one's mind.要下决心现在还为时过早。 4:be something of a… 算得上是… 5:give up on… 放弃;对…不抱希望

Please don't give up on me.Shall we love until judgment day? 请不要放弃我,我们好好爱下去好吗?

Key Sentences 1. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the som of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable,race track to race track,farm to farm and ranchto ranch,training horses.这是很久以前的事,和一个男孩有关。男孩的是个巡回马术师,总是奔波在驯马的路上,从一个马房到另一个马房,从一个赛马场到另一个赛马场,从一个农场到另一个农场,从一个牧场到另一个牧场。

2. Finally,after sitting on it for a week,the boy truned in the same paper,making no changes at all.最后,经过一周的仔细考虑,男孩把原稿交了上去,一字未改。

4:event n.比赛项目;大事;活动 The event is open to all comers.所有人均可参加这项比赛 5:block n.起跳台;出发台 n.块;街区 6:false start v.起跳犯规;抢跳

7:disqualify v.取消(某人)的资格 dis 取消,不 + qualify vt.& vi.(使)具有资格;有权

8:dive v.跳水 When you dive, you must keep your legs straight.跳水时腿要伸直

9:resurface v.再次露出 re再次+ surface n.表面;外表 vi.浮出水面;在表面工作;显露

10:evident adj.显而易见的;显然的 (e出+vid看,查+ent……的→看出来了→明显的)

11:flail v.胡乱摆动 vt.用连枷打;鞭打;抽打No fence against flail.飞来横祸不胜防。 12:freestyle n.自由式游泳竞赛;自由泳 13:titter v.窃笑

14:contender n.竞争者; 争夺者a contender for a gold medal in the Olympics 奥运金牌的争夺者 15:pitiful adj.糟糕的 pity n.怜悯;同情; 16:desperate adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的 (de去掉+sper希望+ate……的→去掉希望的) 17:stroke n.划水动作

18:exhausted adj.筋疲力尽的 (exhaust耗尽;抽完+ed……的→adj.耗尽的, 疲惫的)

19:awkward adj.笨拙的I was too awkward to help in kitchen.我笨手笨脚,在厨房里帮不上什么忙。 20:yell v.叫喊;吼叫 How can you yell at an old man like that? 你怎么能对一位老人那样大喊大叫?

21:courtesy n.礼貌的行为(或言语) (court庭院,宫廷+esy 来自宫廷的礼节-礼貌的行为

22:athlete n.运动员

She is a natural athlete.她是个天生的运动健将。

23:arrogantly adv.傲慢地 Jeff: He is indeed arrogantly lovely.杰夫:还真算是狂得可爱呢! 24:rival n.竞争对手 (riv=river+al人,物,状态→竞争) 25:underdog n.处于劣势的人(或团队、国家等);弱者 She always identifies with the underdog.她总是同情受害者。

Phrases and Expreions 1:the other night 不久前的晚上

"I'm sorry about the other night, Mike.―迈克,对那天晚上的事,我很抱歉。

2:come acro (偶然)遇见;发现

.Why don't you come acro to our house this evening? 今晚你何不到我们家来坐坐? 3:be out for 试图得到(或做)

Listen out for your name to be called.注意倾听叫到你的名字。

4:let alone 更不用说; 何况; 别说

We can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.我们连自行车也买不起,更不用说汽车了。

4:situation n.情况;形势;局面 (situate使处于+ion动作或状态等→n.情形,境遇)

5:curious adj.求知欲强的;好奇的 (cur关心+ious……的→关心的,好奇的)

6:mood n.情绪;心情

in a bullish mood 满怀希望

7:victim n.受害者;牺牲品 the luckle victim of the attack 遭到袭击的不幸受害者

8:complain v.抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚 (com全部+plain=plaint抱怨→v.抱怨, 悲叹, 控诉)

9:protest v.(尤指公开)反对;抗议 (pro在前面[提出]+test测试,试验,证据→提出证明→,反对 10:junk n.无用的东西;无价值的东西 11:reflect n.认真思考;沉思 12:company n.公司;商行

13:involve v.牵涉;牵连 in进+volv 卷+e 卷进来——》牵涉

14:accident n.事故;意外遭遇 (in进入+cid落下+ent→掉进来的事件)

15:communications n.通信;交通联系 16:surgery n.外科手术

17:intensive care n.(医院的)特别护理;重症监护

She needed intensive care for several days.她需要几天的特别护理。

18:release v.释放;放出;放走

Please release the parachute when there is an emergency.有紧急情况,请打开降落伞。

Unit7 Attitude Is Altitude Text A A Motivator New words 1:motivator n.鼓动者;促进因素,激发因素 2:employee n.受雇者;雇员

It is a fairly shoddy way to treat an employee.这样对待雇员真是十分可鄙。

3:positive adj.积极乐观的

19:scar n.伤疤;伤痕

Her face was disfigured by a long red scar.她脸上一条红色的长疤使她破相了。

20:decline v.谢绝;婉言拒绝 n.下降;(力量、健康、品格、权力、价值等的)衰退 (de向下+clin倾斜,斜坡+e→向下斜)

21:scared adj.害怕的;恐惧的;畏惧的 She is scared of going out alone.她不敢一个人外出。 22:consciousne n.清醒状态;知觉

He lost consciousne at the first whiff of ether.他一嗅到乙醚便失去了知觉。

23:paramedic n.护理人员;医务辅助人员 (para半,类似,辅助+medic医师,实习医生→n.护理人员) 24:wheel v.用有轮之物推动 n.轮子;旋转; a car with four-wheel drive 四轮驱动轿车

25:emergency room n.(医院)急诊室 (emerge[v.浮现]+ency表名词→突然出现的事情) 26:burly adj.高大强壮的;魁梧的 They are all burly chaps.他们个个都是彪形大汉

27:allergic adj.(对…)变应的;过敏的 Alice is allergic to the fur of cats.艾丽斯对猫的皮毛过敏。

28:gravity n.重力;地球引力 2:严肃;庄严 (grav重+ity→重力) 29:laughter n.笑;笑声

30:attitude n.态度;看法 (at在+itude性质,状态等→在于什么的状态→态度,看法) Phrases and Expreions 1:cut away 切除;砍掉;剪去

He cut away the material which he didn't need.他切掉了不需要的那块材料。

2:reflect on 对…沉思 You must reflect on what answer to give.你必须仔细考虑怎么答复。 3:involve…in… 把…牵涉到…

4:take action 采取行动 We have to take action to stop them.我们得采取行动来制止他们.5:be allergic to 对…过敏

In that case, you might be allergic to seafood.医生:那么说, 你有可能是海鲜过敏.6:thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为

Thanks to your help, we were succeful.由于你的帮助, 我们得以成功.Key Sentences

1. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care,he was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back.


2. After all, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

毕竟,今天就是昨天所担心的那个明天。 Text B Attitude Is Everything Newx words

1:achieve v.(凭长期努力)达到(某种目标、地位、标准)(a=to+chieve=chief头→到头→)

2:monitor v.监视(器);检查 a monitor with a 21 inch screen 21英寸屏幕的显示器

3:performance n.表现;工作情况 perform工作;做;进行+ance―程度‖,―总量=工作情况

4:generally adv.普遍地;广泛地 general adj.大致的;综合的

5:seminar n.研讨会;培训会 6:fundamental adj.基础的;基本的 7:puzzled adj.困惑的;迷惑不解的

We felt puzzled.What on earth did they want to do? 我们都感到纳闷儿,他们到底想干什么?

8:awarene n.认识;意识 ( aware [adj.意识到的]+ne状态→n.知道, 晓得)

9:inner adj.内心的;未表达出来的

She doesn't reveal much of her inner self.她不大流露她的内心自我。

10:self-encouragement n.自我鼓励 encouragement n.鼓励;支持(的事物);激励;

11:self-motivation n.自我激励 motivation n.动机;动力

12:self-defeat n.我自挫败 defeat vt.击败,战胜;挫败

25:self-criticism n.自我批评 criticism n.批评,批判;

13:self-pity n.自怜 pity n.怜悯;同情 14:encounter v.遭遇;遇到(指不快或困难的事)(en进入+counter反对,相反→在对面→遭遇) 15:heartache n.痛心;伤心;忧虑 heart 心 + ache 痛,疼

16:physical adj.身体的;躯体的 (physi自然,物理+ical……的→物质的,自然的) 17:emotional adj.感情的;情绪的

18:respond v.作出反应;响应 (re回+spond承诺,允诺→承诺回去→回答) 19:program v.编写程序 20:software n.软件

21:install v.安装,建立(程序)

22:behavior n.表现方式,活动方式 (behave举止,举动,表现+ior表名词→behavior行为,举止) 23:inaccurate adj.不精确的;不准确的

24:influential adj.很大影响的;有支配力的 in 不, fluente 流利al 形容词后缀

26:optimistic adj.乐观的 (optim最好,乐观+al……的→adj.最佳的, 最理想的) (optimist[n.乐天派, 乐观者]+ic……的→adj.乐观主义的) 27:peimistic adj.悲观的

There is no reason to be peimistic about the future.没有理由对未来悲观。

28:consiciously adv.有意地;刻意地 She realized how tense she was and consciously relaxed.她发觉自己很紧张,于是有意识地放松了一下。 29:habitual adj.习惯性的;积习很深的 (habit居住,习惯+ual……的→adj.习惯性的,惯常的) 30:self-esteem n.自尊(心) esteem n.尊敬,尊重;意见,看法

31:resentment n.愤恨;怨恨 (re 相反sent感觉+iment=ment表名词→没感觉→没感情,愤恨) 32:inability n.无能;无力;不能

33:baggage n.(因阅历而形成的)信仰,看法; n.行李;辎重;精神包袱;

Phrases and Expreions

1:have control over 对…有控制能力 I have never had any control over her.我从来就管不了她.2:wear down 使衰弱;使意志薄弱

We hope your persuation will wear down his opposition.我们希望你能说服他不再反对.

3:cheer on 以喝彩声鼓励;为(某人)加油 4:rid yourself of… 摆脱;从…中解脱

You must rid yourself of this melancholy mood.你一定要摆脱这种忧愁情绪.Key Sentences

1. The key is to realize it’s not what happens to us that matters; it’s how we choose to respond.


2. It takes serious work to examine the roots of a harmful attitude, but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime.


Unit8 The Mystery of Life Text A Embracing the Mystery New words

1:embrace v.拥抱;欣然接受 (em进入……之中+brace两臂,胳膊→进入怀抱)

2:mystery n.奥秘 ;神秘,神秘的事物 She's a bit of a mystery! 她这人有点来历不明!

3:terrain n.地形;地带 词根:terr=earth,表示"土地";

4:universe n.宇宙 (uni一个+vers转+e→统一旋转,宇宙) 5:reveal v.揭示;显示 (re反+veal=veil盖上,面纱→反盖上→不让盖上→揭露) 6:otherwise adv.不同地 ;另外;别的方式 (other其他+wise方向,状态→其他方面) 7:infant n.婴儿;幼儿;未成年人;初学者,生手 8:depart v.离开;离去

9:tragedy n.不幸;惨案 Do you prefer comedy or tragedy? 你喜欢喜剧还是悲剧?

10:injustice n.不公正 in 相反,不+ justice n.正义;公正

11:innocent adj.无辜的;清白的; 无害的 (in无+noc伤害,毒+ent……的→无害的) 12:species n.物种 词根:speci=look,kind,表示"外观,种类,特别" 13:survive v.生存; 幸存; 活下来 (survive幸免于+al状态→经过事故活着→幸存) 14:biology n.生理 词根:bio=life,表示"生命,生物 15:hostage n.人质 (host客人+age总称→被扣压的[人]的总称) 16:capacity n.领悟能力 (cap拿,抓,握住+acity表名词→拿住的能力→容量;才能) 17:infinite adj.无限的;无穷尽的 (in没有+fin结束,范围,界限,限制+ite……的→adj.无限的 18:conceive v.构想;设想; 怀孕; 词根:ceive=take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住" 19:incline v.(使)倾向于,有…的趋势 (in进入+clin倾斜,斜坡+e→进入斜→偏向,喜爱) 20:honorable adj.可敬的;值得钦佩的 (honor荣誉,光荣+able……的→adj.可敬的

21:celebrate v.赞美;颂扬 ; 庆祝;祝贺; 22:merely adv.仅仅;只不过

Do you really want to go or are you merely being amiable? 你是真的想去呢,还是仅仅为了表示友好?23:certainty n.确定性 (cert搞清,区别+ain表示形容词+ty名词→搞清楚的→确定性

24:testimony n.证明 (testi测试,试验,证据+mony表状态或物品→n.证据,证词;表明;说明) 25:urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动

He has an urge to become a film star.他非常希望成为电影明星。

26:impulse n.冲动;一时的念头 She wrote that letter on impulse.她一时冲动写了这封信。 27:envision v.展望

28:inconsequential adj.不重要的;无足轻重的,不值得考虑的

Your objections are inconsequential and may be disregarded.你的反对意见并不重要,不会受到重视。 29:shell n.壳 The nut shell is very strong, I can't crack it.核桃壳很硬,我不能弄破它。

30:restle adj.运动不止的;焦躁不安的;不耐烦的 The audience was becoming restle.观众开始不耐烦了。

31:murmur n.喃喃声;咕哝,发牢骚;低声的抱怨 32:vast adj.辽阔的;巨大的 the vast Ruian steppes 辽阔的俄罗斯大草原 33:magical adj.有魔力的

Giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina.戒烟神奇地增强了他的体力。 34:membrane n.膜状物

35:challenge n.挑战;盘问;质疑;怀疑

The job doesn't really challenge him.这项工作不能真正地考验他。

Phrases and Expreions 1:for certain 肯定

I can tell you for certain that I am always honest.我可以肯定地告诉你,我一向是老实的。

2:in violation of 违背 The hotel is in violation of the law.这家旅馆的建造是违法的.3:visit…on/upon… 对…进行惩罚 4:reach out 伸出 I'm going to reach out with a if you don't shut up.如果你再不闭嘴,我就向里面甩个鱼钩.5:bear whtne to 为…作证;证明

His wounds bear witne to his valour.他的伤证明了他的勇敢。 Key Sentences 1. Who would not feel in violation of something great if we had knowledge of what has departed when we stare into the face of one who has died? 在注视逝者的面孔时,如果我们知道逝去的是什么,有谁不会感到我们搅扰了某种强大的东西?

2. They have understood that, honorable though it is to see the wrong and try to correct it, a life well lived must somehow celebrate the promise that life provides.他们明白,尽管揭露丑行、除恶务尽的行为是可敬的,但充实的生命仍必须以某种方式赞颂生命赐予的希望。

10:organized adj.有条理的

He organized the workers into a trade union.他把工人们组织起来成立工会。

11:accomplish v.完成 (ac加强+com全部+pli满+sh→全部弄满→完成) 12:analyze v.分析

13:emphasize v.强调; (em进入+phas外貌,状态,显示+ize……化→进入状态→强调,着重)

14:solution n.解决办法 (solu溶解,解决,松开+tion表名词→解决的办法)

15:procedure n.程序;步骤 (pro在前+ced行走,前进+ure表名词→在前面走完的程序)

16:croword puzzle n.纵横字谜游戏; 填字游戏 She tried to solve a croword puzzle.她试着解答一道纵横字谜。

17:obstacle n.障碍 He put every obstacle in my way.他处处从中作梗。

Text B Research Is a State of Mind Newx words 1:research n.研究 (re一再+search搜索,调查→n.&v.研究, 调查) 2:misunderstanding n.误解

There seems to be a misunderstanding between us.我们之间好像有些误解。

3:conception n.理解 I have no conception of what you mean.我想不出你的意思是什么。

4:mysterious adj.神秘的;不易解释的 He died in mysterious circumstances.他的死因是个谜。

5:scientific adj.科学的 (sci知道+ent+ific表形容词→adj.科学上的) 6:apparatus n.仪器

7:elaborately adv.复杂地;详尽地 8:equip v.配备

9:actually adv.实际上,事实上 What did she actually say? 她到底是怎么说的?

18:elimination n.排除 This is a single elimination tournament.这是一场简单的淘汰赛。 19:major adj.主要的

20:persistence n.坚持 (persist[v.坚持]+ence表名词→n.坚持, 持续)

21:discourage v.使灰心;使丧失信心 dis否定,不,消失掉+courage勇气→v.使失去勇气) 22:examine v.测验

The teacher will examine the students in music.老师将测验学生们的音乐知识。

23:failure n.失败 (fail犯错误,欺骗+ure表名词→错误状态→失败 Failure can demotivate students.失败会挫伤学生的积极性。

24:intelligent adj.聪明的;有才智的 (intel=inter在……中间+lig选择,收集+ent,状态→

25:individual n.个人 (in不+divide[v.分开]+ual……的→不能分开的→个人的

She has her own individual style of doing things.她有自己独特的行事风格。 Phrases and Expreions 1:state of mind 心态 Failure is a state of mind.失败是一种心理状态.2:as to 关于 We sorted the eggs as to size and colour.我们按着大小和颜色挑选鸡蛋。

3:(the game is) worth the candle 值得花费精力 4:by contrast 相反;相比之下 By contrast, he was much cleverer.相比之下,他要机灵得多。 5:a step in the right direction 方向正确的一步

That would be a step in the right direction.这将是正确方向上的一步.Key Sentences 1. It takes just as much effort to solve a usele problem as a useful one.Make sure the game is worth the candle.解决一个没用的问题和解决一个有用的问题一样耗费精力。要确定一项研究是值得花力气的。

2. By contrast, all research work is 99.9 per cent failure and,if we succeed once, we are in.相比之下,全部研究工作中99.9%都会失败,但只要成功一次,我们就成功了。

5:insult v.侮辱;冒犯 (in进入+sult跳→跳进[别人的事]之中)

6:senior moment n.尊长表现(老年人失忆、忘事、糊涂的典型状况)

(sen老+ior较……的;较……→adj.年长的 —— moment片刻;瞬间

7:imply v.暗示 His silence implied agreement.他的沉默意味着同意。

8:permit v.允许;准许 (per始终+mit送,放出,派,错过→始终放出→许可)

9:explain v.解释;说明 (ex出去+plain明白的→使其明白→解释)

10:experience n.经历 (ex出+peri尝试+ence表名词→尝试出来的东西→经验)

12:near-death experience 濒死经历

11:powerful adj.有强烈作用的;强大的;权力大的 13:confe v.承认;坦白; 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶 (con全部+fe说→全部说出→坦白)

14:one’s last breath n.最后一口气;临终 breath n.呼吸;一口气

15:down adj.沮丧;情绪低落 Phrases and Expreions Unit9 Making Every Minute Count Text A The Most Exciting Thing Ever New words 1:share v.分享;告诉

How much do men share housework and the care of the children? 男人分担多少家务和照看小孩的工作? 2:volunteer n.志愿者 (volunt=vol意志,意愿+eer人→意愿的人→志愿者) 3:surprised adj.惊奇的;惊讶的She looked surprised when I told her.我告诉她时她显得很惊讶。 4:stare v.盯着看;注视

It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.盯着姑娘的脸瞧是不礼貌的。

1:drop in on 顺便访问 I'll drop in on you when I have time.有空我来看你.

2:form time to time 不时;偶尔

Form time to time Mi Walcott wrote to me.华尔科特小姐有时侯写信给我.

3:a bit 有点儿 These trousers are a bit tight.这条裤子有点紧。

4:in a sense 从某种意义上说 In a sense, it is true.在某种意义上说, 这是正确的.5:clear…up 解释;解答

6:not that I know of 据我说知没有;据我所知不是那样;我印象里没有;就我所知并非如此

Are you going to Washington next month? Not that I know of.你下个月要去华盛顿吗?没这回事。 7:bring sb to their kne 打败某人 Key Sentences 1.I couldn’t wait to hear what it was.‖I can’t imagine what you might have done—but whatever it was you must share it with me,‖ I said.

我急切地想听听那件事是什么。―我想象不出来你做了什么——不过不管是什么,你一定要和我说说,‖我说。 2.I have always believed that everyone should have a near—death experience so that they can appreciate life more. 我一直认为每个人都应该有一次濒临死亡的经历,这样他们才会更加珍惜生命。

They promised to be faithful to their ideal for ever.他们保证永远忠于自己的理想。

13:regularity n.经常性; 规律性 ( regular [adj.有规律的;整齐的;正式的]+ity表名词→n 14:patrol v.巡查

15:remove v.开除;去除;脱掉 16:silt n.淤泥 17:choke v.阻塞 18:contaminate v.污染

19:attraction n.有吸引力的地方 (attract[v.吸引]+ion表名词→n.吸引;吸引力;引力) 20:graceful adj.优雅的 21:float v.浮动;漂流

22:crystal clear adj.(玻璃、水等)清澈透明的;晶莹Text B Keeper of the Spring New words 1:keeper n.看守人; 保管人,管理人;饲养员;负责人;监护人

2:spring n.春季;泉水,小溪

3:late adj.已故的 ...the late Mr Parkin.已故的帕金先生

4:eloquent adj.雄辩的;有口才的

He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator.他能言善辩,胜过最好的演说家。 5:chaplain n.牧师

6:senate n.参议院 (sen老+ate表名词→n.参议院, 上院) 7:dweller n.居民;居住者 The city dweller 城市居民 8:slope n.山坡 ;斜坡 The town is built on a slope .这座城建在山坡上。

9:councilman n.(美国的)市议员 10:debris n.废弃物; 残骸;残渣

11:crevice n.(尤指岩石的)裂缝,缺口 (crev裂开+ice行为,状态→n.缺口,裂缝) 12:faithful adj.忠实的


23:mill wheel n.水车轮 mill磨坊 wheel轮子;旋转 24:various adj.各种各样的 (vari变化+ous……的→adj.各种各样的;不同的)

25:located adj.位于;坐落在

26:irrigate v.灌溉 (ir使……,成为,进入,再+rig水+ate表动词→进水→灌溉)

27:picturesque adj.优美的,风景如画的 (picture画,图片+esque像……的→picturesque像图画的) 28:description n.描写

Can you give me a description of the thief? 你能给我描述一下那个窃贼的模样吗?

29:council n.地方议会;委员会;(郡、镇等)政务会 (coun=con一起+cil召集→召集在一起)

30:semiannual adj.半年一次的;每半年的,半年的 31:budget n.预算

The lion's share of the budget is living expenses.预算中的最大的一项是生活费用。

32:obscure adj.无名的;鲜为人知的 an obscure German poet 一个名不见经传的德国诗人 33:ranger n.护林人 34:unanimous adj.一致同意的 ( un单一,单个+anim生命+ous……的→一个生命的→全体一致的) 35:shed v.(植物)落(叶) 36:snap v.断裂

37:hinder v.阻碍 (hind后部+er反复做→拖后腿→阻止,妨碍) 38:sparkling adj.闪耀的 His eyes were sparkling with happine.他眼里闪烁着幸福的光芒

39:slight adj.略微的 There was a slight tremor in his voice.他的声音略微有点儿颤抖

40:tint n.淡色 ;色彩,色泽 She showed no tint of fear.她没有露出一点害怕。

41:slimy adj.黏糊糊的 His feet slipped in the slimy mud.他的脚在泥泞中不住地打滑。 42:film n.薄薄的一层 43:section n.地段

44:foul adj.难闻的 What a foul day it is! 多么恶劣的天气!

45:odor n.气味;臭味;名声 He is in bad odor with his friends.他在朋友中声誉不佳。

46:detect v.发现 (de去掉+tect盖上,掩护→把盖上的打开) 47:embarraed adj.窘迫的;尴尬的

Her questions about my private life embarraed me.她询问我的私生活使我感到很尴尬。

48:gro adj.严重的 ;粗俗的;显而易见的;恶劣的

He was a person of gro sexual appetites.他是个性欲旺盛的人。

49:veritable adj.名副其实的 It is a veritable heaven on earth.它是人间真正的天堂。 50:hamlet n.小村庄

51:seeming adj.看似…的 (seem相类似,一样+ing状态→n.外观) 52:fast adv.牢固地 ;快的

Phrases and Expreions

1:clear away 清除 Clear away your toys now, children! 孩子们,现在把玩具拿走!

2:wipe away 擦除 Wipe away your tears.擦干你的眼泪。

3:dispense with 摒弃;不再用

It is so warm today that I can dispense with an overcoat.今天天气很暖和,我可以不用穿大衣。 4:grind to a halt 慢慢停下来

Without it everything would grind to a halt.没有了信任,一切活动都将趋于停滞.

5:clear up 使整洁;清理

I'd like to clear up my work by the weekend.我想在周末前做完我的工作.

6:cling to 坚持;紧抓; 保留; 挨着

Do not cling to him or allow him to cling to you.别离不开他,也别让他离不开你.Peter Marshall 彼得.马歇尔 The Alps 阿尔卑斯山脉 Key Sentences

1. With faithful,silent regularity,he patrolled the hills,removed the leaves and branches,and wiped away the silt that would otherwise have choked and contaminated the fresh flow of water.


2. Clammy fingers of disease and sickne reached deeply into the village.疾病的魔爪开始伸向村庄。

Unit10 Media-Bleing or Curse Text A Advertising to Children New words

1:advertise v.做广告 (ad加强[有"向"之意]+vert转+ise表动词→使转向→[做广告]使其注意……)

22 2:prime adj.主要的;首要的 (prim第一,主要的;首要+e→adj.首要的;最好的

3:advertiser n.广告商;广告公司 4:sway v.说服;使动摇

5:persuasive adj.有说服力的;令人信服的

He made a persuasive argument.他发表了很有说服力的论点

6:locker n.储物柜 7:prod v.催促;督促

He's forgetful, so I'll give his memory a prod.他很健忘,所以我要提醒他一下

8:pester v.打扰;纠缠;烦扰

He told her not to pester him with trifles.他对她说不要为小事而烦扰他。

9:specifically adv.特意;专门地

I specifically told you not to go near the water! 我明确告诉过你不要靠近水边

10:campaign n.运动;战役;季节性竞赛 (camp营地+aign平原→平原上两军的营地) 11:entitle v.给…命名(或提名)

12:corporation n.(大)公司 (corpor身体,团体+ation表名词→n.公司,团体) 13:extraordinarily adv.极其;很,特别

An elephant's nose is extraordinarily long! 大象的鼻子特别长

14:animated adj.栩栩如生的;(似)能活动的Laughter animated his face.笑使他脸上增添了生气! 15:naive adj.缺乏经验的;幼稚的;轻信的

It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says.相信他会言行一致,你未免太单纯了 16:genuinely adv.真正地;真实地

She seems genuinely fond of the children.她似乎真的喜欢这些小孩。

17:costume n.戏装;服装 18:make-up n.化妆品


19:bunch n.群体 a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄 20:uncomfortable adj.使人不舒服的;令人不舒适的 21:moral adj.道德的; 道义上的;精神上的 (mor道德+al……的→adj.道德[上]的

22:dilemma n.(进退两难的)窘境,困境 (di两个,双+lemma论点,争论→二种争论→进退两难) 23:manipulate v.(暗中)控制,操纵,影响 24:expose v.使面临;使遭受(危险或不快);揭露,揭发;(ex出+pose放→放出来→暴露)

25:rife adj.充斥的,充满的 It is a country where corruption is rife.这是个腐败成风的国家。

26:superficial adj.表面的;外表的; 肤浅的 (super在……上面+fic做+ial……的→在表面上做)

27:reaction n.反应;回应 What was his reaction to the news? 他对这消息有何反应?

28:deliberate adj.故意的;蓄意的;存心的 He told us a deliberate lie.他故意跟我们撒谎。

29:ploy n.计谋;策略 (ploy用,参与→n.策略, 趣味, 工作)

30:caffeine n.咖啡因

31:ultimately adv.最终;最后;终归 (ultimate[adj.最后的, 最终的, 根本的]+ly表副词→adv.最后, )

Phrases and Expreions

1:go to any, some,great,etc.lengths 竭尽全力;不遗余力

2:care about 关注;在意;担忧 I don't care about going fishing.我对钓鱼不感兴趣。 3:act as/like 充当;起作用

4:strike a babance(between A and B) 找到折中办法;平衡

5:weigh(up)…against… 认真考虑;权衡;斟酌 6:(it’s) no / little / small wonder (that)… 不足为奇;并不奇怪 Key Sentences 1. Anyone who has seen a child pester its parents knows the lengths chidren can go to.All it takes is a little suggestion from a single advertisement to send them on their way.凡见过小孩子纠缠父母的人都知道,孩子不达目的誓不罢休,而要激起孩子的欲望,只需一则广告的小小暗示。 2. How do you say no to an opportunity to reach such a wide audience of children, who act as advertisers themselves when they encourage other children and their parents to buy a particular product? 试问谁会拒绝这等赢得广大儿童受众的机会?孩子们鼓动其他小朋友和他们的父母购买某种产品,他们本身就起到了广告宣传的作用。

3. There is a belief that the impact on children of being exposed to damaging media can be ―weighed up‖ against how much money can be made and how much power can be gained.很多人认为广告对孩子的负面影响是可以和经济利益与商品获得的影响力相权衡的。

celebrity.他已经是大名鼎鼎的人物了。 8:unhealthily adv.不健康地 9:skinny adj.极瘦的;皮包骨的

At school I was fairly skinny and undersized.上学时我相当瘦小。

10:flawle adj.完美的;无瑕的 flaw n.瑕疵,缺点;

11:self-image n.自我印象;自我形象

12:iue n.问题;担忧 (is行走+sue主题→走出主题→发行,发表)

13:amazing adj.令人大为惊奇的;(尤指)令人惊喜(或惊羡、惊叹)的

The news is quite amazing.这消息十分惊人。 14:drool v.(对…)垂涎欲滴,过分痴迷 15:admiration n.;赞赏;羡慕

He was lost in admiration of the beauty of the scene.他对风景之美赞不绝口。

16:protrude v.突出;伸出 (pro向前+trud推,突出+e→向前突出)

17:sugar-coated adj.巧加粉饰的;使表面吸引的 coated涂上一层的 sugar 糖

Text B The illusion of perfection New words 1:illusion n.错误的观念;幻想 (il使……,成为,进入,再+lus玩弄+ion表名词→被[幻觉]玩弄→幻觉) 2:perfection n.完善;完美

3:insecurity n.不安全;无安全感 in 不+ secure [adj + ity表名词---安全,放心的

4:disorder n.失调;疾病 dis 不,失去 order秩序-》失去秩序,混乱,失调

5:anorexia n.厌食;神经性厌食 6:habitually adv.习惯性地

He was habitually addicted to making love to ladies.他惯常喜欢跟女人调情。

7:celebrity n.名人;名流 He has become a


18:exterior n.(人的)外貌,外表 (exter出去,外+ior较……[的]→adj.外部的,外面的 n.外部)

19:mimic v.模仿(人的言行举止);(尤指)做滑稽模仿

(mim模仿+ic人或科学→v.模仿,戏弄 n.模仿他人言行的人)

20:typical adj.一贯的;平常的 (typ模式,形状+ical……的→成模式的→典型的)

21:teenage adj.十几岁的(指 13至19岁);青少年的

22:immaculate adj.精确的;完美的 23:gorgeous adj.非常漂亮的;令人愉快的 a drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood star 极有魅力的好莱坞明星 24:succumb v.屈服;屈从 (suc下面+cumb躺→躺下去→屈从;死亡) 25:glitter n.吸引力;魅力;诱惑力

26:role model n.楷模;行为榜样 Being a role model.做出表率。

27:idolize v.崇拜;热爱 (idol形象,偶像+ize……化→偶像化→崇拜) 28:promote v.促进;推动 (pro向前+mot动+3→向前动→促进) 29:strive v.努力;力争 I strive for the best, and I do the poible.我尽力而为争取最佳。

30:self-doubt n.自我怀疑 doubt n.怀疑,疑虑;未确定

31:individuality n.个性;个人(或个体)特征 We should respect individuality.我们应该尊重个性 32:portray v.描写 It is difficult to portray feelings in words.感情很难用言语来描写。

33:conviction n.坚定的看法(或信念)(convict[v.[经审讯]证明…有罪,宣判…有罪 n.囚犯]+ion表名词 34:obse v.使痴迷;使迷恋

Do you find that you obse much about things? 你发现你着迷于某些事情吗?

35:spell n.咒语;魔法 v 拼写

The heartle witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施了妖术。

She tried to cover up her guilt by lying.她企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。

7:in the hope of 抱着…的希望 He's in the hope of succe.他满怀成功的希望。 8:not necearily 不一定;未必

Wealth is not necearily synonymous with happine.财富未必等同于幸福。

9:in effect 实际上;事实上 His reply is in effect an apology.他的答复事实上是一种道歉。

10:regardle of 不管;不顾;不理会I shall go regardle of the weather.无论天气好坏我都要去。 11:hold fast to 坚持(某种思想等) Hold fast to what is right!对的就要坚持!

12:measure up to 达到预期的要求;符合标准

I'm afraid he can't measure up to the job.我担心他没有办法胜任这份工作.

13:free from/of 不含有害物的;不受…伤害(或影响等)的

Key Sentences

1. Part of the reason that some women habitually eat too little is that celebrity women are all too often unhealthily skinny.


2. Falling under this spell could easily lead to serious Phrases and Expreions 1:live up to 达到,符合

2:give in 让步;勉强同意He refused to give in to her pleadings.他拒不接受她的请求。

3:fall victim to 受伤;受损;被害 成为…的牺牲品 4:look up to 钦佩;仰慕;尊敬 Children should look up to their parents.孩子应当尊敬父母。 5:consist of 由…组成

6:cover up (完全)盖住,遮住


self-image iues as well as the stre of measuring up to the all too thin role models of today.


3. This is why I now try to live my life free of the constant worry to be something I’m not,and to live a healthy life.因此,现在我要努力摆脱总是想变成另外一种人的困扰,过健康的生活。 Unit11 Effective Communication Text A Active Listening New words 1:frustrated adj.懊恼的;沮丧的

It's very easy to get frustrated in this job.这个工作很容易令人懊恼。

2:anxious adj.焦虑的;忧虑的;担心的 (anxi焦急+ous……的→焦急的) 3:eential adj.必不可少的;极其重要的 (eence[n.基本,本质]+ial有……的→eential根本的) 4:co-worker n.合作者;同事 5:paively adv.消极地;被动地

6:establish v.建立(尤指正式关系)(e=ex+stable牢固的+ish表动词→establish使其完全牢固→ 7:tip n.指点;实用的提示

Do you really think it's customary to tip the waiters?...你真的认为给侍者小费是约定俗成的吗? 8:nonverbal adj.不涉及言语的;非言语的

Gestures are a nonverbal means of expreion.打手势是一种非言语的表达方式。 9:percentage n.百分率;百分比 10:tone n.语气;腔调;口吻

The doctor spoke in a brusque tone.医生不客气地简单说了几个字。

11:facial adj.面部的 (fac脸,面+ial……的→adj.面部的) 12:truthfully adv.真实地;如实地 Truthfully I don't agree with you.如实说,我不同意你的意见。 13:manner n.举止;态度 He has a womanish manner.他举手投足像个女人。

14:signal n.信号;暗号 This is a signal failure.这是明显的失败

15:point of view n.观点;态度;意见 16:echo v.重复(别人的话)

There was an echo on the line and I couldn't hear


clearly.电话里有回音,我听不清楚。 17:rephrase v.换个说法说,改变词句

.Let me rephrase what I just said.让我来把我刚才说的话换个方法表达一下。

18:perform v.做;履行;执行 perform what you promise.履行你的诺言。

19:technique n.技巧;技艺;工艺 His technique is almost perfect.他的技巧近乎完美。

20:temptation n.引诱;诱惑 (tempt[v.诱惑,引诱;吸引,使感兴趣]+ation表名词→n.引诱

Phrases and Expreions 1:be aware of 知道;意识到

He doesn't seem to be aware of the problems.他好像没有意识到这个问题

2:be responsible for 作为原因;成为起因

He must be responsible to me for this matter.这件事他必须对我负责。

3:put…aside 忽视;不理睬;忘记

Key Sentences

1. While not all experts agree that the percentage is as high as this, they do agree that nonverbal communication is extremely powerful.


2. Once you put your mind to listening more actively, you will find the practice has many benefits.


Text B Effective Communication New words

1:argument n.争论;争吵

We had an argument with the waiter about the bill.我们和服务员就账单发生了争吵

2:disagreement n.意见不一;分歧;争论 I hope this disagreement does not divide us.我希望意见不同不至于使我们分道扬镳。

3:convery v.表达,传递(思想、感情等) 4:divorce n.离婚

5:miscommunication n.沟通不良

6:proper adj.正确的;恰当的;符合规则的 (proper适当的→adj.适当的, 正确的) 7:collapse n.突然失败,倒闭,崩溃 (col全部+lapse=laps滑倒→全部滑倒→倒塌) 8:put v.说,表达

9:fault n.责任;过错;过失 (fault=fall犯错误,欺骗→错) 10:barrier n.障碍;阻力 (barr栏+ier人或物→n.栅栏,屏障;障碍[物]) 11:critical adj.关键的;至关重要的 (crit判断,分辨,评判+ical……的→adj.批评的,评论的;危急, 12:vital adj.必不可少的;对…极重要的 (vit生命+al……的→adj.生死攸关的

13:verbal adj.口头(而非书面)的 (verb词语+al……的→adj.用言辞的 14:workplace n.工作场所

15:paraphrase v.解释,释义,意译 (para半,类似,辅助+phrase措词→v.解释 n.解释) 16:chance n.可能性;机会,机遇;概率

17:party n.当事人;一方 ;社交聚会;党,党派 18:chain reaction n.连锁反应 chain n.链子,链条;连锁 reaction n.反应;反作用力 19:refine v.改进;改善

We shall have to refine on our methods of advertising.我们得进一步改进做广告的方法。

20:partner n.配偶;性伴侣 伙伴;同伙;同伴;配偶

do wonders.爱能产生奇迹.

2:in other words 换句话说;也就是说;换言之

In other words, she must give up singing.换言之, 她必须放弃唱歌.

3:come up with 找到(答案);拿出(一笔钱等) 4:let’s say 譬如说,比方说

5:the bottom line 要旨;基本论点;底线

The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today.底线是,我们今天必须作出决定。

6:set off 引发;激起 Who set off the fire alarm? 谁拉响了火警报警器?

Key Sentences

1. Developing the skills of effective communication can do wonders for the quality of your life and your relationships.


2. It can be because they aren’t focused, or they are upset and don’t want to bother, or they just don’t care.原因五花八门:要么是注意力不集中,要么是心情不好,不想费神,要么就是根本不关心。

Unit12 Technology: A Double-Edged Sword Text A Privacy in Our High-Tech Society New words

1:privacy n.隐私;私密 priv单个+acy表名词→n.[不受干扰的]独处,自由,隐私;私生活)

2:feature v.以…为特色;以…为主要组成 (feat做,制作+ure→做事的状态,特征) 3:transparent adj.透明的 4:isolate v.(使)隔离,孤立 5:coin v.创造(新词语) 6:cell n.单间牢房;牢房

7:unobserved adj.不被看见(或发现)的

27 Phrases and Expreions 1:do wonders 创造奇迹;产生神奇作用 Love can 8:behave v.表现 (be构成动词+have[v.有,具有]→有行为→表现) 9:wired adj.联机的

10:metaphor n.暗喻;隐喻 This metaphor is very appropriate.这个比喻很贴切。

11:surveillance n.监视 ; 盯梢 (sur超过,在…上面+veil面纱+lance→在面纱上看[隔了一层纱]看→监视 12:enormous adj.巨大的;庞大的;极大的 13:ubiquitous adj.似乎无所不在的;十分普遍的 (ubi=where+quit自由+ous……的→导出自由存在) 14:whereabouts n.下落;行踪

The whereabouts of the miing child is still unknown.遗失的孩子还没有着落。 15:track v.跟踪;追踪

16:survey n.民意调查;民意测验

(sur在……上面+vey=view看,查→在上面看,从上往下看→俯瞰→测量,调查) 17:scale n.规模,范围,程度

18:exchange n.交换;互换;交流 (ex出,出去+change改变,兑换→变换出去→交换, 调换 19:expand v.扩大,增加,增强 20:decade n.十年,十年期

Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.过去的十年间,物价一直在上涨。 21:electronic adj.电子的 22:profile n.概述,简介 23:cyberspace n.网络空间

24:grant v.(尤指正式地或法律上)同意,准予,允许 I grant the truth of what he says.我承认他说的是真的。 25:damage n.损害;伤害

26:compromise v.违背(原则);达不到(标准) 27:increasingly adv.越来越多地;不断增加地 (increasing渐增的+ly……地→adv.日益,愈加) 28:maintain v.维持;保持 main 主要的+ tain 拿住, 29:defend v.保护;保卫 (de去,离+fend打击→



30:expose v.暴露;显露;露出 ex放,出去+pose 放→沉淀 放出去>显露

Phrases and Expreions 1:or rather 确切地说

I've got a new flat, or rather a large room.我有一套新住房, 或者更确切地说,有一个大房间 2:in addition (to) 除…以外(还)

She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.她工资以外,还有各种津贴.

3:apply for (通常以书面形式)申请,请求 to apply for a visa。申请签证

4:beyond one’s control 无法控制 Things are beyond one's control.事不由己.

5:call (one’s) attention to 引起(某人)对…的注意 Key Sentences

1. The scale of information gathering and the scale of exchange have both expanded so rapidly in the last decade that there are now millions of electronic profiles of individuals existing in cyberspace,profiles that are bought and sold,traded,and often used for important decisions,such as whether or not to grant someone a loan.

过去十年间,信息收集以及信息交换规模迅速扩展,网络空间存有无数个人电子档案,这些档案被买卖、交易,经常用于重要决策,如是否给某人发放贷款等。 2. However, I find it truly amazing that anyone would want to live in a transparent house at any time,

especially in an age when individual privacy is becoming increasingly diffcult to maintain and defend.

然而,竟然有人愿意住透明房中,特别是在一个保留和保护个人隐私越来越难的时代,这着实令我诧异。 Text B Worse Living Through Better Technology New words 1:advance n.进步;进展 (ad向+van前卫,先锋+ce→n.&v.前进, 提升) 2:catalyst n.促使变化的人;引发变化的因素 (cata下+lys裂开,分解+t→分解下去→催化[剂]) 3:breakdown n.(关系)破裂;(讨论、系统的)失败 (break破坏,中断+down向下→n.崩溃,) 4:curb v.控制,抑制,约束

I began to curb my appetite for food and drink.我开始节制饮食。

5:significant adj.有重大意义的;显著的 (significance[[n.意义,含义;重要性,重要的]]→adj.有意义的) 6:breakthrough n.重大进展;突破

Is it the breakthrough we've been waiting for? 这就是我们一直盼望的突破吗?

7:escape v.逃脱;摆脱;逃避

He was unable to escape the array of facts.他无法躲避一连串的事实。

8:empty adj.空虚的;无目的的 (empt拿,获得,拿走后[变空]+y→拿走后[变空]) 9:stimulate v.促进;激发;激励 (stimul刺,刺激+ate使……→v.刺激,使兴奋;激励,鼓舞) 10:converse v.交谈;谈话

11:detach v.挣脱;摆脱 (de去掉+tach钉子,接角→把钉上的分开→拆开) 12:pipe v.用线路系统传输 ; n.管子; 13:trend n.趋势;倾向;动态

There was a bullish trend in the market.市场行情有上涨趋势。

14:existence n.生活,生活方式

He does not believe in the existence of ghosts.他不相信有鬼存在。

15:whatsoever adv.(用于否定句中以加强语气)一点


儿都;丝毫 She felt no lust whatsoever for him.她对他没有丝毫欲望。

16:browser n.浏览程序;浏览器 17:network n.(互联)网络

18:exercise v.行使;使用;运用 n.练习;运动,训练


Phrases and Expreions

1:replace…with … 用…替换;以…接替 2:identify with … 认同… ,与… 有同感 3:be / get caught up in 被卷入;陷入 4:put on hold 推迟;中断

5:have no bearing on 与…没有关系;对…没有影响 6:grow up 长大成人

7:take over 接手;接管 Have a rest.I'll take over.你歇会儿,我来替你。

Key Sentences

1. Television, being perhaps the most significant technological breakthrough ever, has allowed society to escape from reality and replace it with whatever is on the screen.


2.I find it amazing that I am still attracted to the result of a football game when it has absolutely no bearing on my existence whatsoever.


















8.写记叙文,注意六个要素:who, where, when, why, how and the result.

















1、对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,适用于有争议性的主题.


[1]When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that .......But I think/view a bit differently.


[2]When it comes to ...., some people bielive that .......Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true .There is probably some truth in both

arguements/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...)


[3]Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that ....They claim/ believe/argue that ...But I wonder/doubt whether.....


2、现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论 .

[1] Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) ...has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.


[2]Recently the iue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus.( has been brouth to public attention)


[3]Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ...is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.


3、观点法 ----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.

[1]Never history has the change of ..been as evident as ...Nowhere in the world/China has the iue/idea of ..benn more visible/popular than...

[2]Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginnig/coming to

realize/accept/(be aware) that...


[3]Now there is a growing awarene/recognation to the neceity to......Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ......


[4]Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that.......也许,是时侯对······观点拥有新的认识。

4、引用法 ----- 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!

[1]\"Knowledge is power.\" such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people .


\"Education is not complete with gradulation.\" Such is the opinion of a great American philosopher.Now more and more people share his opnion.


[2]\".........\" How often we hear such statements/words like thoses /this .“······”我们经常听到这样的话。

In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this \"......\".在我们的日常生活中,我们习惯于听到如此传统得解释“·······”。

[3]As the saying goes that\"````````\"


5、比较法 ------ 通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文章要讨论的观点.

[1]For years, ...had been viewed as ...But people are taking a fresh look now.With the growing ..., people ........

[2]People used to think that ...(In the past, ....) But people now share this new.人们过去常常认为·····但是现在人们持这个观点。

6、故事法 ---- 先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.

[1]Once in (a newspaper) , I read of/learnt ....The phenemenon of ...has aroused public concern.


[2]I have a friend who ...Should he ....? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.


[3]Once upon a time , there lived a man who ...This story may be (unbelievable) , but it still has a realistic significance now.


8、问题法 ----- 先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题.Should/What ......? Options of ...vary greatly , some ..., others ...But in my opinion , .......第二章文章中间主体内容句型


1、基本原因 --- 分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.

[1]Why ...? For one thing..For another ...为什么·····?第一·····第二·····

[2]The answer to this problem involes many factors.For one thing...For another......Still another ...


[3]A number of factors , both physical and psychological affect ..../both individual and social contribute to ....


2、另一原因 -------->在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!

[1]Another important factor is ....

[2]..is also responsible for the change/problem.

[3]Certainly , the ...is not the sole reason for .....当然,······不是·····的唯一因素

3、后果影响 --------- 分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响 .

[1]It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on....

[2]In involves some serious consequence for ........第三章文章结尾形式

1、结论性--------- 通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出或重申文章的中心思想及观点 .

[1]From what has been discued above, we may safely draw the conclusion that .....从以上所讨论的,我们确实可以得出·····的结论。

[2]In summary/In a word , it is more valuable .......2、后果性------ 揭示所讨论的问题若不解决, 将产生的严重后果.

[1]We must call for an immediate method , because the current phenomenon of ..., if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the heavy cost of .......


[2]Obviously , if we ignore/are blind to the problem , there is every chance that ..will be put in danger.


3、号召性 -------- 呼吁读者行动起来, 采取行动或提请注意.

[1]It is time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable tendency of ......是我们促使将不好的趋势结束的时候。

[2]It is eential that effective measures should be taken to correct the tendency.有效的措施被用来改变这倾向是必须的。

4、建议性 -------- 对所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见, 包括建议和具体的解决问题的方法.

[1]While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways.The most popular is ....Another method is ...Still another one is .....

[2]Awarene/Recognition of the problem is the first step toward the situation.对这问题的察觉\\认识是面对这种情况的第一步。

5、方向性的结尾方式 ---- 其与建议性的唯一差别就是对问题解决提出总的, 大体的方向或者指明前景.

[1]Many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough.The problem should be recognized in a wide way .

make some sense:有意义,讲得通,有道理

[2]There is no quick method to the iue of .., but ..might be helpful/benefical.

[3]The great challenge today is ......There is much difficulty , but ........

6、意义性的结尾方式 -------->文章结尾的时候,从更高的更新的角度指出所讨论的问题的重要性以及其深远的意义!

[1]Following these suggestions may not guarantee the succe, but the pay off might be worth the effort .It will not only benefit .....but also benefit .....

[2] In any case, whether it is posotive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly ..。



A bad thing never dies.好人不长寿,祸害遗千年。

A bad workman always blames his tools.笨工匠总是怪工具差。 A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion.人急悬梁,狗急跳墙。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.两鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 A bully is always a coward.欺负弱小者永远是懦夫。 A burnt child dreads the fire.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命;吉人自有天相。 A cat may look at a king.小人物也有些权利。

A clear conscience can bear any trouble.平时不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。 A cook is bold on his own dunghill.狗仗人势。 A constant guest is never welcome.常客难受欢迎。 A contented mind is a perpetual feast.知足常乐。

A cracked bell can never sound well.狗嘴里长不出象牙来。 A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.上梁不正下梁歪。

A deceitful peace is more hurtful than an open war.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 A door must be either shut or open.门非关即开;二者择其一。

A drowning man will clutch at a straw.溺水之人不放过一根稻草;病急乱投医。 A dwarf on a giant\'s shoulders sees the farther of the two.巨人肩上的侏儒看得远;借重他人的经验好处多。

A fault confeed is half redreed.知错能改,善莫大焉。 A fool and his money are soon parted.笨人难聚财。 A fool\'s mouth is his destruction.祸从口出。

A forced kindne deserves no thanks.勉强的善行不值得感谢。 A fox may grow grey but never good.江山易改,本性难移。 A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。 A full purse never lacks friend.有钱有酒,必有朋友。 A golden key opens every door.钱能通神。 A good husband makes a good wife.夫善则妻贤。 A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。

A good name is sooner lost than won.美誉易失难得。

A good tale is none the worse for being told twice.动人的故事令人百听不厌。 A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水。 A honey tongue, a heart of gall.嘴甜如蜜,心黑如漆。 A house divided against itself cannot stand.不和之家难长存。 A Jack of all trades is master of none.样样皆通者样样不精。

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.万丈高楼平地起。 A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A leopard cannot change his spots.江山易改,本性难移。

A liar is not believed when he tells the truth.常说谎话的人就算是说真话也没人信。 A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse.强者亦有求助于弱者的时候。 A little fire burns up a great deal of corn.星星之火可以燎原。 A little gall spoils a great deal of honey.一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥。 A little leak will sink a great ship.牵一发而动全身。 A little learning is a dangerous thing.一知半解最危险。 A little neglect may breed great mischief.一失足成千古恨,再回首已百年身。 A man apt to promise is apt to forget.轻诺者,信必寡。 A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不可二用。 A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.和气生财。 A mi is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,谬之千里。

A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.远亲不如近邻。 A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。 A rolling stone gathers no mo.滚石不生苔。 A slow fire makes sweet malt.慢工出细活。

A sound mind in a sound body.有健全的身体,才有健全的心智。 A still tongue makes a wise head.寡言为智。 A stitch in time saves nine.及时行事,事半功倍。

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.美的事物是永恒的喜悦。 A word is enough to the wise.聪明人一点就通。 A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,四马难追。 A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

A-day-old puppy doesn\'t know to be afraid of the tiger.初生之犊不畏虎。 Able men are always busy.能者多劳。

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.小别塍新婚。

Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families.家规再严也难免会出问题。 According to your purse govern your mouth.量入为出。 Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于空谈。 Advice when most needed is least heeded.忠言逆耳。 After a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴;否极泰来;苦尽甘来。

All are not thieves that dogs bark at.狗所吠之人未必皆为贼;勿以貌取人。 All cats are grey in the dark.所有的猫在黑暗中皆为灰色;美貌是不重要的。 All good things come to an end.天下无不散的筵席。 All is vanity.四大皆空。

All lay loads on a willing horse.良驹负重担;马善被人骑。 All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马;行行出壮元。 All that glitters is not gold.闪闪发光者未必都是金。 All the winning is in the first buying.先下手为强。

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难而后易。 All things are easy that are done willingly.天下无难事,只怕有心人。 All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作而不玩乐,会使人变得迟钝。 All\'s fair in love and war.情场如战场,任何手段皆可行。 All\'s fish that comes to the net.进网的无不是鱼;来者不拒。 All\'s well that ends well.结局好的就算好。

An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 An old man\'s sayings are seldom untrue.不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。 Any port is a good port in a storm.暴风雨中,任何港口皆是好的避难所。 Anybody can make mistakes.人非圣贤,熟能无过。 Appearances are deceptive.外表欺人;勿以貌取人。 Art is long, life is short.人生短暂,而学问无穹。

As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.偷小羊与偷大羊同为绞刑;一不做,二不休。 As you brew, so you must drink.自作自受。

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.自己做事,自己当。 As you sow, so shall you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

Ask no questions and be told no lies.不问问题就听不到假话;小孩有耳无嘴。 Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler.避免与好探人隐私,搬弄是非之人在一起。 Bad news travels fast.好事不出门,坏事传千里。 Barking dogs seldom bite.会叫的狗不会咬人。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。 Beauty is only skin deep.美只是表面的;不可以貌取人。

Beggars can\'t be choosers.乞丐绝无挑选的权利;有求于人者无权挑剔。 Best is cheapest.最好的即是最划算的。

Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.今日一只鸡蛋胜过明日一支母鸡;把握现在。 Better be a fool than a knave.宁为傻瓜,不做无赖。

Better be an old man\'s darling than a young man\'s slave.宁为老头的爱人,也不愿成为小伙子的奴隶。

Better be sure than sorry.宁求安全亦不做可能会陷于险境之事。 Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡首,不为牛后。 Better bend than break.宁曲勿折;大丈夫能屈能伸。

Better late than never.晚做总比不做好;亡羊捕牢,未为晚也。 Better master one than engage with ten.学多不如学精。

Better one eye witne than two hearsay witnees.耳闻不如目见。

Better the devil you know than the devil you don\'t know.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 Better to ask the way than go astray.问道于人总比迷失于途要强。 Between two stools you fall to the ground.脚踏两条船,迟早会落水。 Birds in their little nests agree.同巢之鸟相处好;家和万事兴。 Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。

Bleed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.一无所求者无失望之虞。

Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。

Books and friends should be few but good.书与朋友,贵精而不贵多。 Bread is the staff of life.民以食为天。

Burn not your house to fright the mouse away.莫为灭鼠而焚屋;勿小题大作。 Busine is busine.公事公办。

Call a spade a spade.称黑桃为黑桃;有话直说。 Care killed a cat.烦恼能杀九命猫。

Cast never a clout till May is out.五月前莫收冬衣;勿操之过急。 Cast not the first stone.莫丢第一块石头;责人之前先自省。 Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.勿舍本逐末。

Catch your bear before you sell its skin.卖熊皮前先捉熊;凡事宜按部就班,不要过于乐观。 Charity begins at home.仁爱始于家。

Children should be seen and not heard.大人说话,小孩别插嘴。

Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞节一年才一次;好日子不能天天过。 Circumstances alter cases.此一时,彼一时。

Clothes do not make the man.衣冠楚楚者,未必就是正人君子。 Coming events cast their shadows before.即来之事必有先兆。 Comparisons are odious.人比人,气死人。 Conscience does make cowards of us all.良心令人不敢为所欲为。 Constant dripping wears away the stone.滴水可穿石。 Courtesy costs nothing.礼多人不怪。

Cro the stream where it is shallowest.渡溪当自浅处过。 Custom makes all things easy.习惯成自然;熟能生巧。 Custom reconciles us to everything.习惯使人适应一切。 Cut your coat according to your cloth.量入为出。 Dead men tell no tales.死人不会泄秘。 Death is the great leveller.死亡使一切平等。 Deeds, not words.行动胜于空谈。

Desert and reward seldom keep company.功与赏绝少结伴而行;赏罚不明乃司空见惯。 Desires are nourished by delays.渴望越久的就越希望得到。

Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.绝症须用烈药医。 Diamond cuts diamond.势均力敌。

Discontent is the first step in progre.不满意是进步的开端。 Discretion is the better part of valour.勇敢贵乎审慎。

Distance lends enchantment to the view.距离让景色增添魅力。 Do as I say, not as I do.照我所说的做,别照我所做的来做。

Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you.随俗而行,众人称颂。 Do as you would be done by.己所欲施于人。 Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗。

Do not cast your pearls before swine.莫把珍珠丢猪前;莫对牛弹琴。 Do not halloo till you are out of the wood.未真正脱离险境前,勿作脱险之庆。 Do not kick against the pricks.勿踢刺棍;勿以卵击石。 Do not put new wine into old bottles.莫用旧瓶装新酒。

Do not wear out your welcome.作客不久留;不要使人厌倦对你的欢迎。 Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残。

Don\'t change horses in mid-stream.河中勿换骑;临阵换将非上策。

Don\'t count your chickens before they are hatched.小鸡未孵出前,数也没用;别打如意算盘。

Don\'t cro a bridge till you come to it.勿杞人忧天;船到桥头自然直。 Don\'t cry before you are hurt.受伤前先别哭;祸未临头,别先屈服。 Don\'t cry stinking fish.不要叫卖臭鱼;别拆自己的台;不要自贬身价。 Don\'t cut off your nose to spite your face.不要因意气用事而伤害自己。 Don\'t cut the bough you are standing on.勿轻举妄动,自断生路。

Don\'t empty the baby out with the bath water.做事勿掉以轻心,把婴儿与洗澡水一起给倒了。

Don\'t have too many irons in the fire.勿操之过急。 Don\'t make a mountain out of a molehill.勿小题大作。 Don\'t make a rod for your own back.勿自讨苦吃。

Don\'t make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you.勿自贬身价;自辱者,人皆辱之。 Don\'t meet trouble half-way.别自找麻烦。

Don\'t put all your eggs in one basket.不要把蛋全放在一个篮子里;勿孤注一掷。 Don\'t put the cart before the horse.勿本末倒置。

Don\'t quarrel with your bread and butter.别跟自己的饭碗过不去。 Don\'t ride the high horse.不要摆臭架子;莫趾高气扬。

Don\'t speak ill of others behind their backs.不要在背后说人坏话。 Don\'t take your harp to the party.别旧调重弹;别对一事喋喋不休。 Don\'t teach your grandmother to suck eggs.勿班门弄斧。 Don\'t tell tales out of school.莫搬弄是非,揭人隐私。 Don\'t wash your dirty linen in public.家丑不可外扬。 Dying is as natural as living.生死由命,富贵在天。

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.早睡早起使人健康,富裕与聪明。

Easier said than done.说比做容易。

East or west, home is best.金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 Easy come, easy go.来得容易去得快。

Empty veels make the most sound.满瓶不会响,半瓶响叮当。 Enough is as good as a feast.知所节制,适可而止。 Even a worm will turn.人急悬梁,狗急跳墙。 Even Homer sometimes nods.智者千虑,必有一失。

Every a likes to hear himself bray.马不知脸长,蠢人总是自鸣得意。 Every bullet has its billet.生死有命,富贵在天。 Every cloud has a silver lining.黑暗中总有一线光明。

Every cock crows on his own dunghill.公鸡总在自己草堆上称雄;在家一条龙,出外一条虫。

Every dog has his day.任何人都有风光的时候。

Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.家家有本难念的经。 Every flow must have its ebb.潮水有涨有退;人生变幻无常。 Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest.人皆自认工作负担最重。 Every law has a loophole.每种法律皆有漏洞。 Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost.人不为己,天诛地灭。 Every man has his ill day.人无千日好。 Every man has his price.人皆可被收买。

Every man has the defects of his own virtues.人人皆有其美中不足之处。 Every man is his own worst enemy.人类最大的敌人是自己。 Every medal has two sides.每个奖章都有两面;问题皆有正反两面。 Every minute seems like a thousand.度日如年。 Every oak must be an acorn.万丈高楼平地起。 Every why has a wherefore.事出必有因。

Everybody\'s busine is nobody\'s busine.大家的工作没人做。 Everyone to his taste.人各有所好。

Everything comes to him who waits.耐心等待之人,必能如愿以偿。 Everything must have a beginning.凡事必有开端。 Evil be to him who evil thinks.存恶念者必遭恶报。 Example is better than precept.身教重于言教。 Exchange is no robbery.不公的交换并不算抢劫。 Expectation is better than realization.期待总比现实美。 Experience is the mother of wisdom.经验为智慧之母。 Experience is the teacher of fools.愚人自经验中获取教训。 Extremes meet.相对的事情通常是可互通的。 Faint heart never won fair lady.懦夫难得美人心。 Familiarity breeds contempt.熟稔易生轻蔑之心。 Fine feathers make fine birds.佛要金装,人要衣装。 First come, first served.先到先得。

First impreions are most lasting.第一个印象是令人最难忘怀的。 First thrive and then wive.先立业,后成家。

Fling dirt enough and some will stick.众口可铄金,稽非足成是;人言可畏。

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.天使皆为之却步而傻瓜确横冲直撞;笨人有愚勇。 Forbidden fruit is sweetest.禁果最甜。

Forewarned is forearmed.预先警告可先作防范。 Forgive and forget.既往不咎,尽释前嫌。

Fortune favours the bold.幸运之神总是眷雇有勇气尝试的人。

Fortune knocks at least once at every man\'s gate.人一生中总有机会降临之时。 Full of courtesy, full of craft.礼多必诈。

Give a dog a bad name, and hang him.欲加之罪,何患无辞;人言可畏。

Give a lie twenty-four hours\' start, and you can never overtake it.若不及时遏止谎言,将会以讹传讹,被人信以为真。

Give a thief enough rope and he\'ll hang himself.多行不义必自弊。 Give and take.有施必有受。

Give credit where credit is due.归功于有功者;要有雅量承认他人的优点。 Give one an inch, and one will take a mile.得寸进尺。 God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。

God never shuts one door without opening another.天无绝人之路。 God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.上天眷雇弱者。 God\'s mill grinds slow but sure.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Good advice is harsh to the ear.忠言逆耳。 Good company on the road is the shortest cut.偕伴同行不觉路远。 Grasp all, lose all.贪多必失。

Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

Great oaks from little acorns grow.参天橡树长自小小橡实;凡事须由基础开始。 Greed has no limits.人心不足蛇吞象。




一、Greetings 问候语

1.Hello! / Hi! 你好!

2.Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!

3.I\'m Kathy King.我是凯西·金。

4.Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗?

5.Yes, I am./ No, I\'m not.是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

6.How are you? 你好吗?

7.Fine, thanks.And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?

8.I\'m fine, too.我也很好。

9.How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?

10.She is very well, thank you.她很好,谢谢。

11.Good night, Jane.晚安,简。

12.Good-bye, Mike.再见,迈克。

13.See you tomorrow.明天见。

14.See you later.待会儿见。

15.I have to go now.我必须走了。

二、Expreion In Cla 课堂用语

16.May I come in? 我能进来吗?

17.Come in, please.请进。

18.Sit down, please.请坐。

19.It\'s time for cla.上课时间到了。

20.Open your books and turn to page 20.打开书,翻到第20页。

21.I\'ll call the roll before cla.课前我要点名。

22.Here! 到!

23.Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?

24.Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗?

25.Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗?

26.Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?

27.Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗?

28.Any questions? 有什么问题吗?

29.That\'s all for today.今天就讲到这里。

30.Please turn in your paper before leaving.请在离开前将论文交上。
