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Comrades : today\'s \"January 29\" to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the General Aembly, served youth, vigor and vitality.This is a lively aembly.Memorial \"on January 29,\" the General Aembly, has been held more than once in the Yan\'an, in the past I have not been able to participate in several,Today, I was very excited to join.I believe that the Chinese do things better.What is the matter?Is the anti-imperialist forces of darkne two things.Imperialism and the forces of darkne, against the Chinese people since the Opium War, it has become the anti-hundred years.A very long time, although not yet complete, but now that things can be handled more easily.Because recalcitrant greatly enhanced the anti-communist activities against cultural progre, some people say :China\'s things difficult for the government.They are for progre and the efforts to fight for the interests of the nation, their enthusiasm, with a kind heart.should national promotion.However, the War of Resistance Against Japan is a critical moment, they see that forces are spread around the surrender, split,retrogreion in shadow, their efforts have been hindered by restrictions and oppreion, she could not help feeling things difficult for the government.This is only one aspect of things.Of course, we resolutely oppose created a perverse, but overall, but that compared to the past.Now the matter is not only difficult, but is better organized.Why?This begins with the January 29th we commemorate today\'s Movement.First, December 9 Movement in the end is how one thing, we all know that\'s just Li (2) comrades said.However, we should better understand what it is : in the political environment?It has political significance?It kind of a political impact?Understand these iues, they will know that the situation in China is now substantially different from the past.it is not difficult now than in the past, but can be handled more easily than in the past.After the Red Army\'s Long March in October 1935 arrival in northern Shaanxi Na town.We also attack enemies at that time, in late November 2000, we have fought three battles in Fuxian.Amid the victory in the December 10, in Beijing on January 29 to hear a campaign news, we will not be happy heart!Completed such a great Red Army\'s long march, students in Beijing launched\'s such a great national salvation movement.Both people and the liberation struggle for the liberation of the nation, its direct significance of the War of Resistance Against Japan is promoting.Therefore, the sense of history on December 9 Movement, the War of Resistance Against Japan is a very important aspect of the preparations.Some people have said that the May 4th Movement on December 9 Movement as, say, the great political significance of the former as the latter.This is right?Wrong.We think there is great significance is the same.Northern Expedition made preparations for the May 4th Movement.If not May 4th Movement, the Northern Expedition would be unimaginable.Some people think that the student movement is no power, but the facts?Students to the May 4th Movement and to promote \"June 3,\" a nationwide strike, strike.Crowds betrayal of the anti-imperialist and anti-government struggle, as the nation\'s sports development.May 4th Movement, the Communist Party of China have led to the first cooperation between the Kuomintang, sparking a movement may 30th.launched the Northern Expedition, causing the first Revolution.Then, it is obvious that no May 4th Movement, the first Revolution is not poible.May 4th Movement indeed preparing public opinion for the first Revolution, the people ready, prepared the ideological preparation of cadres.On December 9th Movement, which is a great preparation for the war, with the May 4th Movement of the Revolution is the first time prepared the same.\"January 29\" to promote the \"July 7\" war preparation of the \"July 7\" war.We see, on January 29 the movement is under what circumstances.On one hand, it is absolutely right that the Communist Party was absolutely not a legitimate rule of the Kuomintang,Kuomintang reactionaries in the \"destruction\" of war.in the military, \"encirclement\" and the culture of \"encirclement\" of a two-pronged approach under the circumstances.In the past the so-called \"destruction\" of a poible war, the CPC and the Red Army\'s difficult situation there is no need to say any more.Later, the Red Army\'s long march, a 25,022 visits, the others are in the back \"farewell\" 25000,There in front of \"welcome\" in the sky with \"gifts\", which presents the fine-sounding name of the bomb.Despite the \"farewell\" on the way to one-way journey, \"welcome\" is a stop to stop waiting for the Red Army to remain in northern Shaanxi.But the enemy bullets or used for gifts after the protocol.That is to say, the Red Army in northern Shaanxi, was still at the \"encirclement\" of the environment.This is the military, \"encirclement\" of the situation.Culture \"encirclement\" how do?Enemy \"fortre\" in school buildings, books on cultural and social organizations, are very \"prudent.step-by-step camp \"campaign.In this regard, we look at the Lu Xun\'s eay, we will know.He criticized the ills of fighting eay, which is against the culture of \"encirclement\" and oppreion of mind.The other hand, the Japanese imperialists have occupied the northeast, and is considering \"special privileges in North China\" and actively prepared to extinction throughout China.Therefore, Shivanvanigochivan people, we have to do, fight Japanese imperialism.However, some people just do not agree.However, they must fight a fight who?Communist party, are young students, is the cultural progreives.National people say to them : You have the wrong direction, we resolutely oppose.This is the environment surrounding the December 9th Movement on the other.December 9th Movement, gradually things will be easier.The peaceful settlement of the Xi\'an Incident, the KMT government that only the Communist Party is not the way to fight Japanese imperialism work.had to abandon the \"destruction\" policy and take preparations for the war of the road, which opened the KMT\'s Central Committee.In fact it was set up in the anti-Japanese national united front.For these are a great credit to the campaign on January 29.


美联英语提供:运动英语短文欣赏 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平




Sports help everyone to keep healthy, happy, and efficient.So I pay special attention to games, especially table-tennis.Table tennis is my favorite game.I play it almost every day.

Table-tennis is an ideal game us because it brings the whole body into action.It strengthens our muscles, expands our lungs, promotes the circulation of the blood, and causes a healthy action of the skin.Besides, it is very amusing and does not cost us much money.Table-tennis is very moderate; it is not so rough as football.It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days.Thus, it is my favorite kind of exercise.


Sports Meeting

Last month we had a sports meeting.Though the weather wasn\'t very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.

This time, I was even more excited.Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump.I didn\'t want to get any place, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasn\'t good at sports.

When I got to the field with my friend.I was both excited and nervous.When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat.How high it was! It was higher than our desks.I couldn\'t believe my eyes.This was too high for me to jump over.I wasn\'t nervous at that timewhile I was a bit afraid.But I had gone there, I must have a try.

Not long after, the game began.The first person was great.He jumped over easily.I was too surprised to say a word.The second was good, too.The third nearly jumped over, but he wasn\'t bad…

It was my turn.I had a deep breath and then ran towards.In front of the pole, I began to jump.Oh, no! My right foot hit the pole.“I failed.” I thought.And then, another unlucky thing happened.I didn\'t stand firm and I tumbled.I hurt my back badly.At that moment I felt my back was broken.It was too painful.It seemed that the people around field all didn\'t know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture.After a very short rest, I stood up.

I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face.My friend hurried to come to me.He asked me if this was terrible.I was too pained with my back to answer his questions.I only shook my head.I was sad.Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldn\'t go on in the game.I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.

Though I didn\'t have the whole game.I was still very happy.Because a lot of my clamates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good places.They were all best in my eyes.I was thankful to them for doing their best for our cla.


All over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of sports.Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy.

Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do at times when they are not working.But in fact sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day.They should not be treated only as ammusements.

Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy.They also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together.In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pa the information on to the brain.The brain has to decide what to do and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms legs and so on, so that the bah is met and hit back where the player wants it to do.All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice can do this succefully.

Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.In their leons, boys and girls may learn about such virrues as unselfishne courage disciple and love of one\'s country, but what is learned in books can not have the same deep effect on a child\'s character as what is learned through practice.Most of students\' time is spent in claes, studying leons.So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance.If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society, for the good of his country.





阿迪达斯Adidas:没有不可能(impoible is nothing 耐克Nike:Just do it 事在人为;想做就做。

卡帕Kappa:He who loves me follows me(爱我就跟随我)


匡威Converse: \'It\'s Converse for Comfort\'这是匡威的舒适;\'不就是玩吗\' 斐乐Fila:运动社交界

锐步Reebok: I am what I am(我就是我)

鳄鱼Lacoste:运动态度,对待生活(“体育精神、对待生活”) 美津浓Mizuno: I CAN I Could(严肃运动) 李宁Lining:一切皆有可能 安踏Anta:永不止步

三六一度361:勇敢做自己 乔丹Qiaodan:凡事无绝对 特步Xtep:让运动与众不同

鸿星尔克Erke:成为第一,To be NO.1

匹克 Peak:我能,无限可能!I CAN PLAY! 贵人鸟K-bird!Nobody can stop me! 法国金鸡Goldrooster:我是中产


里维斯LEVI`S:我不是明星,但我也可以拥有一条LEVI`S Lee:最贴身的牛仔裤The Brand that Fits 杰克琼斯Jack& Jones:It\'s up to you!“由你决定! 卡宾:Cabbeen颠覆时尚


与狼共舞Dance with wolves:谁说不可以?Why not? 森马服饰:穿什么就是什么




七匹狼Septwolves:相信伙伴;奋斗无止境;尽显英雄本色;男人不只一面 柒牌:男人就应该对自己狠一点

利郎:简约不简单;世界无界,心容则容。 九牧王Joe|one:牧心者,牧天下;睿变由我。 虎都Fordoo:男人自有主张

劲霸K-boxing:专注茄克28年;茄克世界行 雅戈尔:男人应该享受 报喜鸟:天高任我飞

庄吉:庄重一身,吉祥一生。 杉杉:不要太潇洒

金利来:男人的世界! 杉杉西服:不要太潇洒

开开衬衫:开开衬衫,领袖风采 威鹿男装:智慧领跑者



Ask for more.渴望无限。 Pepsi 百事流行鞋 One love惟一的爱。茵宝(UMBRO) 穿上双星鞋,潇洒走世界。——双星 飞一般的感觉——特步


1.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2.obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。( 雪碧) 3.the new digital era.数码新时代。( 索尼影碟机)

4.we lead others copy.我们领先, 他人仿效。( 理光复印机) 5.impoible made poible.使不可能变为可能。( 佳能打印机) 6.take time toindulge.尽情享受吧! (雀巢冰激凌)

7.the relentle pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。( 凌志轿车)

8.poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗, 向我舞近。( 丰田汽车) 9.come to where the flavor is marlborocountry.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。( 万宝路香烟) 10.to me, the past is black and white, but the futureis always color. 对我而言, 过去平淡无奇; 而未来, 却是绚烂缤纷。( 轩尼诗酒) 11.just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12.ask for more.渴望无限。( 百事流行鞋) 13.the taste is great.味道好极了。( 雀巢咖啡) 14.feel the new space.感受新境界。( 三星电子)

15.intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎, 无处不在。( 摩托罗拉手机) 16.the choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。( 百事可乐) 17.we integrate, you communicate.我们集大成, 您超越自我。( 三菱电工) 18.take toshiba, take the world.拥有东芝, 拥有世界。( 东芝电子) 19.let\' s make things better.让我们做得更好。( 飞利浦电子) 20.no busine too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意, 没有解决不了的大问题。


My Favorite Sports

As we all know, table tennis is one of the most popular sports in China, It’s my favorite, too.

It’s a good way of exercise, and it’s easy to play.You don’t need many skills.I often play table tennis after cla.Most of my

clamates like it.So we always have partners.But if you want to play well, it’s not so easy.You must focus on your gesture, your hands and your steps.I want to be better, so I practice it very often.I have my own teacher to teach me.I work hard on it.

Besides, I also like badminton,hiking,climbing and so on.

In short,I love sports very much! Because doing sports can take the fat away from my body.

That`s all, thank you!



文章编制 扣扣:一一六五三九八二 how to stay healthy as we all know, healthy is very important to everybody.but do you really know how to stay healthy? here are some useful tips.first, we should do exercise if we have time.for example, we can go to swim in the summer holiday.or we can take a walk after supper.doing exercise makes us healthy and strong.second, we should take more vegetables and fruit and le candies.stop eating junk food and drinking beers.last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early.we should have enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time.if we pay more attention to the tips above, we will have healthier body.i wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实用的建议。首先,我们应该做运动,如果有时间的话。例如,我们可以在暑假的时候去游泳,或者晚饭后去散步。做运动让我们的身体更强壮更健康。第二,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃糖果。不吃垃圾食品和啤酒。最后,我们应该早睡早起。如果睡不够,第二天就会很疲倦。如果我们都能按照以上的建议注意自己的健康,我们的身体会更棒。我希望每个人都有个强壮和健康的身体。

1篇2:health 关于健康的英语演讲稿 health is the most important to us.牛晨阳 good afternoon, my dear teachers and my fellow students.i am very glad to stand here and give you a speech.my topic is about“health is the most important to us.”

what do you think is the most important thing in our life? some people think time is the most important thing in our life.some people think money is the most important thing in our life.some people think friendship is the most important thing in our life.but i think health is the most important thing in our life.we live in this world, maybe there are many beautiful things.we can get something again and again, such as love, friendship, money and so on.but if we lose health, we can never get it back again.if you are in poor health, you will not feel these things and the world is always gray in your eyes.it’ s really serious.just as a saying goes, “where there is health, there is hope.where there is hope,there is everything.”so we can see that health is above everything.but how can we keep in good health? as we know, health lies in a good habit.healthy food and water are important for us to keep healthy.different food helps us in different ways.what’s more,get up early and keep doing exercise in the morning every day.besides these, taking exercise helps us build a strong body.it is the most important.so having a healthy lifestyle is very important for everyone.there’s an old saying gose like this “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” it’s true.once you lost health ,you will get nothing.so,my dear friends ,please realize that health is the most important for us .that’s all.thanks!篇3:《我运动,我健康》演讲稿 《我运动,我健康》演讲稿 四(1)班 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学:




我们的大课间活动就是一次很好的运动,它有苦有乐,好玩、有趣,锻炼了我们的身体,丰富了我们的课余生活,让我们更加快乐健康地成长,而且还培养了我们的合作精神。只有运动才会健康,只有健康我们才会更加快乐。就让快乐的种子永远播撒在我们的心中,就让自己时时刻刻生活在运动之中!在运动中,我们体验成功的喜悦;在运动中,我们磨炼了坚强的意志;在运动中,我们阐述了团结的内涵;在运动中,我们懂得了友谊的真谛。运动传递健康,健康成就快乐!让“我运动,我健康,我快乐,我成长”的口号伴随我们走过一生吧!同学们,在最后几天的时间里让我们加倍努力,使这次的大课间表演取得圆满成功吧。 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家。


A:May I sit here?

B:Yes, please.So you\'re also a freshman in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine ?

A:Certainly.Today only traditional Chinese medicine students are here.I\'m A, from cla1.B:Nice to meet you.B, from cla 1 too .Nice to meet you, too.A:Oh ,we are clamates.So good! A:How have you found your university life during this past month?

B:Everything\'s new and exciting.University life is more colorful than I expected.B:What do you think? A:The same as you.A:Mmm, can I ask you a question? B:Sure.A:B, what kind of exercises do you like to do? Becasue you look good, and your body are very healthy.B:Well, I love to ride bike .And I go cycling every day.A:What do you like about them? B:They\'re free of charge anyway.Well, it makes me feel stronger, but the most important thing is that it makes me feel good.A:What else do you do? B:Playing badminton ,playing table tennis , jogging .A:Wow!!That sounds great.How often do you go jogging? B:I try to do at least a little every day.The key to do exercise is to do it regularly.A:What are the best exercises for my health? B:I think it\'s impoible to name one exercise that\'s good for everyone.B:What about yoga? A:Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.Yoga now is the most popular exercise in the States.Lots of people are doing that, especially those movie stars.They think it\'s a good way of losing weight and it can calm you down, make you think of nothing, just concentrate That sounds like Chinese breath exercise.B:What is that? A:It\'s called Qigong.It\'s just like yoga.You know that stuff, but in a different way.B:Well, A, what\'s your favorite sport? A: Sleeping I gue.B: Uhh.I think sleeping as well as a good “sport” . A: HAHA.You have a fund of good humor .A: It’s time for cla !

B: Yes .Let’s listen to the course carefully.And I am glad to have the opportunity to speak with you . A: Me too .


Taking exercise is good for our health.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind.At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure.If we don\'t take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick.

Now please pay attention to the pictures.There a lot kinds of sports.but which one is really fit you best? As far as I am concerned ,we should take diffrent sports fordiffrent purpose.

Nowadays, Young people are more likely to pursue a healthy life.Naturally,they think that playing sports can bring us a healthy body.but Not all sports are suitable for us.If you just want to keep fit or lose weight ,a large amount time spending on playing sports is unneceary.Takingmorning jogging alongside the beach,playing basketball with your friend or even doing fitne exercises could make you feel relax and comfortable.

On the other hand,to the old people ,playing basketball must be a joke.But it doesn\'t means they couldn\'t enjoy themselves by playing sports.on the contrary,sports are important.especially for the people who justretired.tai chi ,ping-pang and yangko can add zest for their life and help them get rid of loneline.

As the development of our sceoity(社会), more and more preure around us.White collar spend fewer and fewer time on playing sports.They must easily fall sick.So they should pay more attention to balance their life .For they have le spare time, Hula loop ,shuttlecock and rope skipping are the best choices.

To be brief,playing sports is important,but we should choice the rightOne .Are you find your sports?Come on !Let\'s Go!!!

Thanks for your attention .Now it\'s your time.Could you share you opinions with us about the follow question.

What sports well suit you?why?







作为学生,我们首先应该上好体育课,做好课间操,其次,要利用课外活动的时间,根据自己的实际情况,合理安排时间,经常参加体育锻炼,并且要持之以恒。 我所讲的合理运动是指科学的体育锻炼,观察我们的校园,你会发现,有些同学一下课就满操场乱跑。特别是有些男同学,每当一下课就抓紧分分秒秒战斗在乒乓台前。这些都不是科学的锻炼方法。这样反而会影响我们的学习,影响身体的健康成长。我们提倡适当的、适量的、有节制的、有时间控制的体育锻炼。


生命在于运动。运动,带给我们活力;运动,带给我们快乐;运动赋予我们勇气;运动,赋予我们力量!运动让生命之树长青!老师们、同学们,露出你们的笑脸,做个运动的自己,做个快乐的自己,做个健康的自己! 谢谢大家!篇2:关于体育锻炼与运动的演讲稿 老师们,同学们:大家好!






最后,希望大家通过体育锻炼有一个强健的体魄,在体测中取得好的成绩,谢谢!篇3:生命在于运动 演讲稿





作为学生,我们首先应该上好体育课,做好课间操,其次,要利用课外活动的时间,根据自己的实际情况,合理安排时间,经常参加体育锻炼,并且要持之以恒。 我所讲的合理运动是指科学的体育锻炼,观察我们的校园,你会发现,有些同学一下课就满操场乱跑。特别是有些男同学,每当一下课就抓紧分分秒秒战斗在乒乓台前。这些都不是科学的锻炼方法。这样反而会影响我们的学习,影响身体的健康成长。我们提倡适当的、适量的、有节制的、有时间控制的体育锻炼。

我们青少年与要参加体育锻炼,我们的老师更需要参加体育锻炼,因为你们工作忙,压力大,家庭琐事多,就更需要挤出时间,走向户外走进自然,去参加各种各样的体育锻炼。 生命在于运动。


Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease.体育锻炼在疾病防治方面发挥着重要作用。

Physical exercise administers to the circulation of the blood.体育锻炼有助于血液循环.

Exercise is conducive to good health.体育锻炼有助于增强体质.

Physical exercise is beneficial to health of body and mind 体育运动的锻炼有益于身心健康.

Sports can cultivate good will quality 体育运动能培养良好的意志品质.


I have got a lot of interesting scientific knowledge from the books of National Geographic Reading Expeditions, some of which are about life, physics.I really can’t help losing myself in the colorful pictures and clear words in the books.After reading the books, I have been considering a question: What if we lived without science? Great changes have taken place in the world with the help of science.In the past, life was nasty, brutish and short.It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern science brings about.Back then, only a small group of people enjoyed the very few comforts.But the majority of people didn’t even have sufficient food, let along their privilege to be educated.Anyway, it is science that changes the world and makes people’s life better and better, although it also leads to some bad aspects at the same time.

From the discovery of the gravity to the first step on the moon, we human beings have experienced a long proce of developing science.And now, this proce is still continuing much faster.New organisms are already being engineered, and new genetically modified crops promise benefits from higher yields and le use of harmful chemicals and so on.A lot of examples are showing this point.In the future, changes are likely to be even much greater as science reaches out to shape life itself.Maybe one day, the poibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago will be potentially one of the greatest discoveries of our time.It is the force of the competition, we human beings’ inquiring mind and initiative that bring about the non-stopped development of science.Therefore, it is difficult and impoible to prevent science from changing the world and our life as well.

At present, we are in two minds about science.On the one hand, we are enjoying the sweet life as a result of the evelopment of science, and expect it to continue.And we are showing our interests into some scientific expeditions, such as the astronomy, the alien civilization, etc.On the other hand, we are distrustful of it, due to the lack of understanding of science.Some people thus far are still very superstitious, and they would even believe in superstitions rather than believe in science.

Stephen Hawking, one of the most remarkable scientists in the world, once said, “In a democratic society, the public needs to have a basic understanding of the science, so that it can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts.” This has reminded me of profeor Alan G.MacDiarmid from America, the person who got the Nobel prize for chemistry in the year of XX.In his lecture at peking University this year, he put forward that science is people.He also expounded the importance of the basic science for the public.Evidently, every one of us does need science, or we can’t live without it.

Now that everyone needs science, why not take advantage of some means to give the public the right basic scientific knowledge? So when they face the problems such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect, nuclear weapons, environment destruction and some other problems, they can also make informed decisions on these subjects, just as what Hawking said.One aspect relies on what is taught in schools.But science is often taught in an uninteresting way and most students just learn it by rote to pa examinations.However, the final goal of learning science is not to pa examinations or to get a higher score; instead, we should try to make full use of it to change our world and life.While learning, we should try to ask more questions and we should have the courage of suspecting the knowledge in the books, as some of the scientific conclusions are likely to be corrected in the future.Who knows.So not only must we change our attitude towards science, but also the way of teaching and learning science.

In addition, science is always changing at a fast rate, and who we learn at school isn’t that sufficient to last a lifetime.So the ma media including TV, radio, newspaper, magazine and publishing company will play an important role in reporting the latest science in time.Moreover, the ma media can also popularize basic science to the public, because only in this way will more people realize what on earth science is.

“Scientists and engineers tend to expre their ideas in the form of equations because they need to know the precise values of quantities.But for the rest of us, a qualitative grasp of scientific concepts is sufficient, and this can be conveyed by words and diagrams, without the use of equations”, said Stephen Hawking.

I agree with him very much, and, I’m fond of the wonderful words above, from Stephen Hawking.

For the development of science, are you ready?


my favourite sport

good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my speech with you.today my topic is my favourite sport.

look at my healthy skin , oh! can you gue which sport i like best? yes,it\'s swimming !that\'s why i look so handsome.

when i was only 5 years old, i began to learn how to swim and i like it.i think swimming is an interesting sport and it\'s exciting.it\'s also a good way to keep fit .

every summer, i go to swimming school .my parents say i’ll have a good health if i insist swimming in a right way.and i can grow taller if i go to swim often.so i always ask my coach some questions on swimming and he always helps me a lot.i can swim so well and i can swim breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle.

if you also like swimming, join me!

thank you!








http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:关于奥林匹克运动的英语手抄报


关于奥林匹克运动的英语手抄报: The views of the Olympic Games

Independence, most recently the Chinese offensive words.They have been faced with malicious attacks, we should unite as one, may be those who are only out of foreign journalists is not to criticize China.Some people even to make use of the so-called \"Tibet iue\" to say a few words to defame the Chinese for their votes Pull.

However, no relationship, because only 119 days, we will win the game.We will allow them to see a succeful Olympic Games for their own words to apologize to China so that they regret to say those words.

I am not a politician, not a newsmaker, I am only a primary school, an ordinary fourth-grade primary school, but I think: the Olympic Games is sacred, and is not damaged.We will not let those who succeed, nor will it allow them to slander the Olympic Games.

Finally, let us have articulated so forcefully with the words shouted the slogan of the Olympic Games: One World, One Dream!







1、新北京, 新奥运

New Beijing, Great Olympics


One World One Dream


Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, People’s Olympics


Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger)


Olympic Games emphasize the importance of participation over winning.


The practice of sport is a human right.


Olympic spirit: Mutual Understanding, Friendship, Solidarity, Fair Play


Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind.


Olympism blends sport with culture and education.


Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.













预赛时间:4月12日 18:30待定 决赛时间:4月19日 18:30待定 地点:报告厅











1、选手必须于规定时间内上交参赛节目的英文底稿及中文翻译至运动系辅导员办公室,统一交电子版(word 2003),以便播放。





比赛成绩以 评委的平均分为最后得分,成绩保留小数点后两位。分数高者名次列前,按个人成绩高低。



2、优秀组织奖 ◆各班参赛选手达5名(或以上)有资格评比团体奖。根据本班所有参赛选手(包括预赛选手)的人数和进入决赛选手的成绩选出前两名班级授予奖项。








本次运动系英语演讲比赛包括英语演讲和即兴表演两部分,以两项成绩总和计分。比赛采用十分制。 ◆英语演讲部分:(90%)


语音语调:3分。表达流利,口齿清晰,语音纯正,语调动听。 演讲内容:3分。演讲内容积极向上,新颖,丰富多彩。 流畅程度:2分。脱稿演讲,表达流畅,有感染力。 形象风度:1分。衣着整洁,仪表大方,体态语言得当。 ◆即兴表演部分:(10%)











【关键字】 马拉松



近期于广州举行的马拉松大赛受到各类人群的积极参与,本是一件值得我们 高兴的事,然而,一条生命的永久离去,却为这场比赛,蒙上了哀伤的面纱。21岁的陈杰是广州农工商职业技术学院的一名大三学生,热爱运动的他,在2012年11月18日上午参加了马拉松10公里的比赛,在他冲过10公里的终点站时突然倒地,心跳和呼吸骤停,经过现场20分钟抢救,陈杰被送入省中医院二沙岛分院急救。但最终由于多个器官缺血严重引发并发症,抢救无效死亡。一条年轻的生命就这样离我们而去,在他还没有走出社会,真正地独立时,他的未来就这样惨淡收场,然而,在这件事情发生之后,不时的有网友发表评论说:“跑马拉松还会跑死人,我最近还打算去运动健身的,看来,还是算了。”“不是说,跑步可以锻炼身体吗,这怎么回事呀!”在这样的消息越来越多的时候,一些问题就逐渐破土而出:举办马拉松大赛,是对还是错?为什么会造成死亡?我们该如何去面对运动,面对跑步?这引起了我的思索和关注。另外,华中科技大学宣布,取消秋季运动会女子3000米和男子5000米项目。据媒体解析,校方因担心学生身体吃不消,出现运动受伤,所以才取消了这两各项目,但是,这样就是对学生好了吗?这又能不能说是在马拉松大学生猝死事件之后,社会中所隐藏的“后遗症”呢?今天就让我试着从“马拉松大赛的对与错”以及“如何对待运动”两个方面来研究。




其距离为42.195公里(也有说法为42.193公里)。这个比赛项目的距离的确定要从公元前490年9月12日发生的一场战役讲起。这场战役是波斯人和雅典人在离雅典不远的马拉松海边发生的,史称希波战争,雅典人最终获得了反侵略的胜利。为了让故乡人民尽快知道胜利的喜讯,统帅米勒狄派一个叫裴里庇第斯的士兵回去报信。裴里庇第斯是个有名的“飞毛腿”,为了让故乡人早知道好消息,他一个劲地快跑,当他跑到雅典时,已上气不接下气,激动的喊道“欢......乐吧,雅典人,我们......胜利了”说完,就倒在地上死了。为了纪念这一事件,在1896年举行的现代第一届奥林匹克运动会上,设立了马拉松赛跑这个项目,把当年菲迪皮茨送信跑的里程——42.193公里作为赛跑的距离。 马拉松原为希腊的一个地名。在雅典东北30公里。其名源出腓尼基语marathus,意即“多茴香的”,因古代此地生长众多茴香树而得名。体育运动中的马拉松赛跑就得名于此。马拉松大赛传承的不仅仅是战争胜利的喜悦,更是一位伟大先辈坚定毅力和爱国精神的传承,我想现在的我们比起对马拉松产生恐惧,不如学会更好的将先辈的精神发扬光大,就从历史意义来看,我不认为举行马拉松大赛是错误的决定。




综上两点所诉,马拉松大赛本身是好的, 只不过,这需要我们长期以来的准备和持之以恒的努力。 享受运动,需要良好准备。不要让马拉松大赛成为你生命的终点站。

























其实我不是孤独症患者,瞎说的,也懒得去百度孤独症是个什么东西 觉得很NB就这样写了


chapter one《我是怎么从大胖纸变成胖纸的》 其实我现在也不是胖纸,瞎说的

记得从高二就开始想减肥了,大家减肥的目的不外乎一个,找不到合适的对象 我是因为喜欢的女孩比较瘦,就决定改良一下胖子的形象


确实瘦了一些,依稀记得减到90公斤多了,但是还是不可救药的胖子 而且非常非常讨厌慢跑





我这个人很有意思,本身比较笨爱玩儿学习不好,但是每次到了一个节点上就会因为一件事或者一个人的刺激觉醒,高中也是初三最后努力一下考上的,大学也是,大四开始,我就进入一种状态,一天只吃大概两个月亮馍(不知道你们知道这个神器不,热量不算高,还很挡饥),然后下午游泳一个小时,持续了一周就开始有效果了,然后我持续了两个月,体重下降到90,之后天气有点冷了,转为跑步,并一直坚持到现在,现在的体重是79左右。 两个月里面有一次我记得很清楚,从游泳馆从来以后身体开始不自觉地颤抖,脑子里出现一个想法,撑不住了,但是作为一个受虐狂的我很愉快地享受这种感觉,并继续坚持了下去。

chapter two《慢跑》



刚开始慢跑的时候很喘,喘的厉害,慢慢的会控制呼吸,特别是会控制体内有一股气,如果泻掉了,马上就跑不动了,现在我能做到以7的速度直接跑1700米,最后300米冲刺,就是因为一直提着一口气,啊这样说好老套。。。自己都受不了了。。。 慢跑的时候从来不怎么想事情,也不听歌,大多在心里吐槽那些踢足球的踢出去人家帮忙踢回来不道谢的,晚上围坐成一圈唱歌的,在操场跑道上男男女女走成一排放着歌唱歌的(这个简直就。。。),村炮,土逼,耍大刀的,耍双节棍的,各种。。。 所以根本没空想事情。我是不是太刻薄了。。。



chapter three《游泳》 游泳是我最喜欢的运动

我学校的游泳馆是世界上最实惠的游泳馆之一,完虐郑州大部分游泳池的硬件设施,4块钱一个小时的票价,我真觉得上西亚斯而不游泳的人简直就是犯浪费罪 减肥最关键的那两个月,每天准时到游泳馆,不停歇45分钟自由泳加蛙泳



chapter four《给你们这群废柴的建议》 继续废柴下去吧


其实为什么时候孤独症患者,因为我是一个比较讨厌孤独的人,但是因为种种原因,生活中闲暇的时间大部分都是自己一个人,运动也算是给自己找点事情做,不然会很难受,很空虚。 大概就是这样,希望我能坚持每天跑步,一直到老,也希望你们这群废柴生生病难受难受,被喜欢的人嫌弃嫌弃,也能走上我现在正在走的道路


有些事情确实很难,比如挣钱,养家,工作,学习,但是总要从一些坚持开始吧 加油。



1.进行被动运动时,哪一项动作是不正确的? ( D )

A.在进行过程中可对关节稍加牵拉 B.在活动最后应对关节稍加挤压 C.进行被动运动时可允许有轻微的疼痛 D.瘫痪病人被动运动顺序应从肢体远端至近端 E.身体不参与活动的部分应给予适当支托 2.下面哪一项最能反映助力运动? ( C ) A.患者完全借助外力的辅助才可完成运动 B.患者借助自身其他肌肉替代完成的运动



E.助力运动的力量完全来源于治疗师提供 3.下列有关被动运动的叙述,错误的是 ( B ) A.全靠外力来完成运动或动作

B.同时牵伸相应的肌肉、肌腱、韧带、关节囊等软组织 C.使肢体反复屈伸时,可改善肢体血液循环

D.外力来自于人力或机械 E.患者无法自我完成

4.以下哪项不属运动疗法的内容: ( D )





E.步行训练 5.运动疗法主要包括: ( A )

A.关节活动度、肌力增强、耐力、步态训练,促通技术 B.关节活动度、肌力增强、耐力、步态训练 C.关节活动度、肌力增强,耐力训练 D.关节活动度,耐力、步态、促通技术 E.以上都不是

6.运动疗法的治疗原则是:( C )

A.运动量应一次性达到最大量B.有针对性选择某一运动疗法 C.患者积极主动参与训练D.不需要全身性耐力E.以下都不是 7.下述哪项不属关节活动度训练疗法: ( B )




E.主动辅助运动8.下列哪项不是牵拉练习的禁忌证 ( D )

A.关节周围组织的炎症 B.神经损伤或神经吻合术后1个月 C.严重骨质疏松 D.软组织挛缩

E.关节活动或肌肉被拉长时剧痛 9.在什么情况下采用主动辅助ROM训练:( B )

A.用于能完成主动运动的患者 B.用于患肢不能充分完成主动运动者

C.不能进行主动运动者 D.用于牵张缩短的软组织 E.用于纠正关节僵直患者 10.下列哪项不是牵拉的目的: ( C )

A.改善或重新获得关节周围软组织的伸展性 B.降低肌张力 C.增加肌力 D.增加或恢复关节的活动范围

E.预防或降低躯体在活动或从事某项运动时出现的肌肉、肌腱损伤 11.恢复已强直膝关节的活动范围应采用 ( E )

A.被动运动 B.助力运动 C.抗阻运动 D.手法按摩 E.手术治疗 12.下列关于主动辅助关节活动度训练的描述,错误的是: ( D ) A.以患处关节主动运动为前提 B.通过徒手帮助完成关节活动 C.以患者主动用力为主 D.只给予完成动作的最大助力 E.助力常加于运动的开始和终末

13.肌肉收缩时张力明显增加,但关节不产生肉眼可见的运动,称为:(B ) A.等张运动 B.等长运动 C.等速运动 D.放松运动 E.用力运动 14.肌内收缩时张力基本保持不变,但肌纤维长度缩短或延长称为:(A ) A.等张运动 B.等长运动 C.等速运动 D.放松运动 E.耐力运动 15.耐力性运动的主要目的是:(C)

A.增强肌力 B.增加关节活动度 C.增加心肺功能 D.增加抗力能力 E.增加柔韧性 16.关节松动术的禁忌证为:( D )

A.关节疼痛 B.肌肉紧张痉挛 C.进行性关节活动受限

D.关节肿胀 E.功能性关节制动

17.下面哪一项不是关节松动术中分离活动的作用:( D )

A.减少关节面的承重 B.缓解关节内结构的压力 C.牵张关节囊的粘连

D.确定关节活动范围末端阻力的性质 E.缓解疼痛 18.关于关节松动技术的描述,下列哪项不妥:( E )



C.松动的牵拉力分三个水平,I级只达到减轻疼痛,而不引起关节面分离 D.牵拉过程中切忌暴力,防止软组织损伤

E.滑动凸侧面时,向骨运动的同方向施压,滑动凹侧面时,施压方向与骨运动相反 19.关节松动术属于:( B )

A.主动运动 B.被动运动 C.主动助动运动 D.共同运动 E.联合运动 20.有关等长练习的描述,下面哪项是正确的? ( E )

A.收缩时肌肉起止点的距离发生变化 B.肌张力不增高 C.运动速度有很大改变 D.是骨折后石膏固定患者的禁忌证 E.关节不发生运动

21.肌肉收缩时张力基本保持不变,但肌纤维长度缩短或延长称为:( A ) A.等张运动 B.等长运动 C.等速运动 D.放松运动 E.耐力运动 22.产生肌力最大的肌收缩形式是 ( B )

A.向心性收缩 B.离心性收缩 C.等长收缩 D.静力收缩 E.动力性收缩 23.增强肌力的运动训练强调: ( A )

A.高强度,少重复 B.高强度,多重复 C.低强度,少重复 D.低强度,多重复 E.强调高低强度交替

24.对于几级以上的肌力患者即可进行抗阻练习: ( E )

A.0级 B.1级 C.2级 D.3级 E.4级

25.训练目标为增强耐力时,一般采取的运动方法为 ( D ) A.不断重复的被动运动方法

B.所给负荷必须达到能使肌肉较快产生疲劳的水平,即负荷量应相当大 C.动作重复次数比较少的运动 D.重复次数较多而负荷量相对较小的练习方法 E.尽量地加快动作进行速度的方法

26.下列为增强和发展肌肉的力量的锻炼方式,除哪项外? ( E ) A.等长运动 B.助力运动 C.主动运动 D.抗阻运动 E.被动运动 27.有关抗阻练习的描述中,下列哪一项是错误的 ( B )

A.训练时不要憋气,收缩时呼气 B.骨质疏松症患者是抗阻练习的禁忌证 C.若施与受训练肌肉的阻力过大,会出现替代运动 D.为避兔抗阻练习的疲劳,练习中应有一定的间歇

E.抗阻运动肌肉疼痛可在训练后即刻或训练后24~48小时出现 28.电刺激运动:( A )

A、适用于肢体瘫痪者 B、适用于肌力1-2级患者 C、适用于肌力3级患者 D、适用于肌力4级患者 E、适用于肌力5级患者 29.下列哪项是非抗阻运动:( C )

A、等长运动 B、等速运动C、助力运动 D、等张向心性收缩 E、等张离心收缩 30.治疗师进行牵张训练时,下列哪项是正确的:( E )

A、骨性关节活动障碍者可进行牵张训练 B、局部组织有血肿不影响牵张训练

C、牵张训练之前不可应用热疗 D.牵张训练宜短时间、快速完成


31.关于独立离椅子站立,下列描述中正确的是 ( D )

A.椅子高些较容易站立 B.椅子坐垫软些较好 C.站立前尽量坐于椅子后方 D.站立前力量较强的足靠前 E.椅子矮些较容易站立

32.外力干扰过大使身体晃动增加,重心超出其稳定极限时,人体保持平衡采用的是:( D )

A.踝关节模式 B.膝关节模式 C.髋关节模式 D.跨步动作 E.下肢稳定 33.依靠肌肉协调等长收缩维持平衡,保持一定的姿势,这种训练疗法为( A ) A.静态平衡训练法


C.静态平衡训练法和态平衡训练法 D.以上都是

E.以上都不是 34.协调性训练程序中错误的是:( E )

A.从简单的动作开始 B.先做容易完成的大范围、快速的动作 C.熟悉后再做小范围、缓慢动作的训练 D.先睁眼训练后闭眼训练 E.应从两侧上肢同时动作开始 35.属于不随意运动的是: ( D ) A.上肢摇摆 B.宽基、醉汉步态 C.轮替动作运动障碍 D.舞蹈样运动 E.辨距不良 36.脑卒中早期患侧卧位的姿势不正确的是:( C )

A.患肩前伸,避免受压和后缩 B.肘伸直 C.前臂旋前 D.手指张开 E.掌面向上

37.脊髓损伤患者的移乘训练除外哪项:( D )

A.侧方移乘 B.前方移乘 C.斜向移乘 D.后方移乘 E.轮椅与地面间的移乘动作 38.下列哪项不是腋拐步行前的基本动作训练内容:( E )

A.前后左右移动重心 B.交替侧抬、上抬腋拐 C.将拐杖抬起放置身前、身后 D.上提一侧下肢向前迈步、向后撤步 E.将双足同时向前摆出一大步 39.对于各种助行器的选择,下列哪项描述不妥:( A ) A.手杖:上臂自然下垂,屈肘45°掌心到地面的垂直距离

B.腋杖:小趾前外侧15cm,到腋窝的距离,屈肘45°,腕前处为把手位置 C.轮椅:宽度为患者臀侧与轮椅座位内侧面的距离为2.5cm D.上半身功能好者,轮椅靠背上缘高度应患者腋下10cm E.轮椅座垫与脚踏板之间的距离以患者坐好后,双脚放在脚踏板上,腘窝处大腿前端底部约有4cm不接触座垫

40.关于步行训练的原则,下述哪项描述不妥:( A )

A.在患者具备了坐位能力后,尽早进行步行训练 B.及时评价,及时修正训练方法 C.加强危险因素的管理 D.运动量适宜,不可过量 E.利用语言指令和生物反馈技术提高运动学习的效果


( C ) A.肩关节内收,肘关节屈曲,腕关节背伸、手指分开 B.肩关节内收,肘关节屈曲,腕关节掌屈、手指分开 C.肩关节外展,肘关节伸直,腕关节背伸、手指分开 D.肩关节外展,肘关节屈曲,腕关节背伸、手指分开 E.肩关节外展,肘关节伸直,腕关节背伸、手指并拢


( B ) A.将轮椅靠于健侧,锁住刹车



D.站起后,健手换抓住轮椅的另一侧扶手 E.屈双膝,慢慢坐到轮椅上

43.偏瘫病人在早期做患侧卧位,这种体位的好处包括以下几项,除外:( C ) A.降低患侧痉挛 B.拉长患侧 C.改善患侧粗大运动的协调 D.增加对患侧身体的知觉 E.以上都不是

1.Rood技术中具有促进作用的感觉剌激方法为 ( C )

A.轻微的关节挤压 B.中度的温热刺激 C.快速擦刷 D.对肌腱止点处加压 E.持续牵伸

2.神经肌肉本体感觉促进疗法(PNF)的活动模式为 ( E ) A.双侧对称模式 B.双侧不对称模式 C.双侧反转模式


3.Brunnstrom神经生理疗法治疗脑卒中偏瘫的重点是 ( E ) A.增强肌力 B.加大关节活动范围 C.促进神经生理功能恢复 D.按神经生理特点恢复功能 E.利用张力性反射与协同模式改善运动控制 4.神经发育疗法的治疗顺序不正确的是 ( B )

A.从头至尾 B.先做等张练习,后做等长练习C.近端至远端



5.Rood方法、Bobath方法、Brunnstrom方法及神经肌肉本体易化法的共同点除外哪项?( E )

A.目标均为改善脑病损者的运动控制 B.强调对运动的重要性 C.强调重复学习的重要性 D.强调患者有顺序地发育或再发育运动控制


6.Bobath式握手,即患者双掌心相对,十指交叉地握手,病侧拇指在健侧拇指上方的目的除外哪项?( E )

A.防止前臂旋前 B.使病侧拇指有较大的外展 C.使病侧手指在掌指关节处伸展 D.促进腕和指的伸展 E.抑制反射 7.神经易化技术主要方法有:( E )

A.Brunnstrm技术 B.Rood技术 C.Bobath技术 D.PNF E.以上都是 8.主张早期利用病理性运动模式诱发出肢体运动反应,后达到脱离异常的运动模式,逐渐向正常、功能性运动模式过渡,实现中枢神经系统的重新组合。该技术主要用于偏瘫的软瘫期。( A )

A.Brunnstorm技术 B.Bobath技术 C.Rood技术 D.PNF技术 E.ADL技术

9.关于神经易化技术应用原则的描述,下列哪项不妥:( C )

A.按照运动发育的顺序进行练习B.强调运用人类正常运动模式反复训练患者C.主张肢体训练由躯体远端向近端的原则 D.多种感觉刺激并用 E.以日常生活的功能性动作为主的目标训练原则

10.关于Brunnstrom的叙述,下列哪项正确:( C )


B.适用于中枢神经系统损伤,治疗按神经发育顺序进行,利用正常的姿势反射和平衡反射来调节肌张力和诱发正确的运动,同时抵制过强肌张力和错误运动模式 C.主要适用于偏瘫患者,利用联合反应和紧张性反应治疗偏瘫 D.适用于中枢神经系统疾病的儿童和成人


11.偏瘫运动功能评定中,分离运动从Brunnstrom评定标准的哪个阶段开始出现( C )






12.上肢可外展90°(肘伸展),上肢前平举及上举过头顶(肘伸展),肘伸展位前臂能旋前旋后,以Brunnstrom分级应处于:( D )






13.用一冰棒状冰块刺激感觉异常的皮肤3~5分钟,属于哪种方法?( A )

A.Rood疗法 B.PNF疗法 C.Brunnstrom疗法 D.Bobath疗法


14.运用翻正反应来帮助脑瘫儿童从仰卧位转至俯卧位属于:( D )

A.Rood疗法 B.PNF疗法 C.Brunnstrom疗法 D.Bobath疗法

E.牵张技术 15.运用对角线模式治疗的方法属于:( B )

A.Rood疗法 B.PNF疗法 C.Brunnstrom疗法 D.Bobath疗法


16.体位引流时使用的手法技巧,下列哪项正确?( B )

A.叩击、按摩、振动 B.叩击、振动、摇法 C.摇法、推法、振动 D.振动、按摩、滚法 E.摇法、滚法、叩击

17.呼吸训练不包括:( E )

A.膈肌呼吸 B.局部呼吸 C.吹笛式呼吸 D.预防及解除呼吸急促 E.胸腔松动练习18.采用中等强度、大肌群、动力性、周期性运动,持续一定时间,以提高全身耐力的训练方式称为

( A )





E.等速训练法19.关于耐力训练的原则,下述哪项阐述正确:( D )

A.少重复,大负荷 B.少重复,小负荷 C.多重复,大负荷 D.多重复,中小负荷 E.以上都不对 20.关于运动处方的叙述不正确的是:( D )

A.内容由少到多 B.程度由易到难 C.因人而异,因病而异 D.开始时评定一次即可 E.运动量由小到大 21.运动处方的最核心部分为 ( B )

A.运动方式 B.运动强度 C.运动持续时间 D.运动频度 E.运动程序 22.有氧耐力性运动的主要目的是: ( C )

A.增强肌力 B.增加关节活动度 C.增加心肺功能 D.增加抗阻能力 E.增加柔韧性 23.下列哪项不是耐力性运动项目: ( D )

A.健身跑 B.骑自行车 C.登山 D.实心球 E.上下楼梯 24.2个代谢当量的耗氧量数值为: ( B )

A.3.5ml/kg/min B.7.0 ml/kg/min C.10.5 ml/kg/min D.14.0 ml/kg/min E.17.5 ml/kg/min 25.当行腰椎牵引患者仰卧在牵引床上时要求:( A )

A.屈曲髋关节90° B.髋关节伸直 C.屈曲髋关节45° D.屈曲髋关节60° E.屈曲踝关节90° 26.下列适宜实施颈椎牵引的是:( E )

A.颈椎韧带不稳 B.寰枢关节半脱位并有脊髓受压症状 C.急性“挥鞭样”损伤 D.椎基底动脉供血不足 E.慢性颈背痛

27.腰椎牵引一般需要至少多大的自身重量才能将椎体分离:( B )

A.40% B.50% C.60% D.70% E.80% 28.下列哪项不是颈椎牵引的禁忌证 ( D )

A.类风湿病变 B.急性寰枢关节半脱位伴颈椎损伤

C.颈椎间盘突出症明显压迫脊髓 D.各种原因引起的颈肌痉挛 E.颈椎间盘炎症 29.下列哪项不是腰椎牵引的禁忌证 ( B )

A.妊娠3个月 B.腰椎间盘突出症继发脊柱侧凸 C.脊髓压迫症状 D.脊柱失稳 E.严重骨质疏松 30.颈推牵引位于 ( A)

A.牵引的角度与躯干轴成20°~30°夹角 B.牵引的角度与躯干轴成25°~30°夹角 C.牵引的角度与躯干轴成20°~35°夹角 D.牵引的角度与躯干轴成25°~45°夹角 E.牵引的角度与躯干轴成35°~45°夹角 31.颈椎牵引吊架宽度要求为:( E )

A.5~10cm B.10~15cm C.15~20cm D.20~30cm E.>30cm 32.下列适宜实施颈椎牵引的是:( E )

A.颈椎韧带不稳 B.寰枢关节半脱位并有脊髓受压症状 C.急性“挥鞭样”损伤 D.椎基底动脉供血不足 E.慢性颈背痛 33.对颈椎索引注意事项的描述下列哪一项不正确:( E ) A. 牵引中应根据患者的反应及时调整体位 B. 牵引中应根据患者的反应及时调整重复及时间

C. 开始时可以是小重量、短时间,逐渐增加重量和延长时间

D. 如果牵引中患者出现头晕、心慌、出冷汗或症状加重,应即刻终止牵引 E. 牵引的角度随时间逐渐增大

34.腰椎牵引一般需要至少多大的自身重量才能将椎体拉开:( B ) A.40% B.50% C.60% D.70% E.80% 11.对持续性腰椎牵引不正确的描述是:( D )

A. 牵引力持续作用于脊柱20~30min不放松 B. 若是病床牵引,时间可持续数小时或24小时 C. 多适用于急性腰椎间盘突出症腰椎关节紊乱患者 D. 牵引的重量较间断性牵引的大 E. 若在门诊牵引,时间为30min左右

35.当行腰椎牵引患者仰卧在牵引床上时要求:( A ) A.屈曲髋关节90° B.髋关节伸直 C.屈同髋关节45° D.屈曲髋关节60° E.屈曲踝关节90° 36.坐位颈椎牵引的重量通常为:( B ) A.5kg B.10 kg C.15kg D.13kg E.8 kg 37.间断性腰椎牵引的牵引重量通常为:( A ) A.40~60kg B.30~40 kg C.60~70kg D.20~30kg E.70~80 kg 38.MRP主张采用多种反馈来强化治疗效果,常用的反馈有:( B)

A.视觉反馈 B.听觉反馈 C.皮肤反馈 D.体位反馈 E.手的引导


1.根据能源的消耗,可将运动疗法分为:( CDE )

A.主动运动 B.被动运动 C.放松性运动 D.力量性运动 E.耐力性运动

2.根据动力来源,可将运动疗法分为:( AB )

A.主动运动 B.被动运动 C.放松性运动 D.力量性运动 E.耐力性运动 3.运动疗法的适应证有:( ABCDE )

A.神经系统疾病 B.运动器官疾病 C.内脏器官疾病 D.代谢障碍疾病 E.肿瘤术后

4.下列哪些情况不适宜做全身性运动治疗 ( ABCDE )

A.发热 B.脏器功能失代偿 C.大出血倾向 D.剧烈疼痛 E.疾病急性期 5.应用运动疗法的原则是:( ABCDE )

A.持之以恒 B.循序渐进 C.个别对待 D.及时调整 E.掌握好适应证 6.根据运动疗法的目的,运动治疗项目可以分为以下几类:( ABCD )

A.耐力性项目 B.力量性项目 C.放松性项目 D.矫正性项目 E.球类项目 7.运动疗法的相对禁忌证是:(ABCD)

A.感染性疾病 B.发热 C.器官功能失代偿 D.严重衰弱 E.关节功能障碍 8.软组织牵拉技术属于:( AB )

A.主动运动 B.被动运动 C.协同运动 D.主动助动运动 E.联合运动 9.牵拉技术适应证包括:( ABCD )

A.软组织痉挛 B.软组织粘连 C.疤D.关节活动范围降低 E.急性软组织损伤 10.牵拉技术禁忌证包括:( BCDE )

A.轻度骨质增生 B.结核 C.未愈合的骨折 D.肌肉韧带损伤 E.组织内有血肿 11.下列说法正确的是:( ACDE )

A.牵拉前先评估患者并了解牵拉的实际价值 B.牵拉时患者的姿势尽量保持在功能位


D.适量牵拉肌力弱的肌肉 E.避免过度牵拉已长时间制动的肌肉 12.关节松动术是利用关节的哪些运动:( AB )

A.生理运动 B.附属运动 C.放松运动 D.力量性运动 E.耐力性运动 13.关节松动技术:( ABCD )

A.与我国传统医学中推拿术类似 B.与我国传统医学中按摩术类似 C.在理论体系、手法操作与我国传统医学中的手法治疗不同

D.在临床应用上与我国传统医学中的手法治疗有较大的区别 E.类似于关节的被动运动

14.关节松动技术的治疗作用有:( ACE )

A.缓解疼痛 B.增加肌力 C.改善关节活动范围 D.消肿 E.增加本体反馈15.关节松动术的禁忌证包括:( ABCDE )

A.关节活动已经过度 B.外伤或疾病引起的关节肿胀(渗出增加) C.关节的炎症 D.恶性疾病 E.未愈合的骨折 16.关节松动术的适应证:( ABCDE )

A.关节疼痛 B.肌肉紧张 C.进行性关节活动受限 D.肌肉痉挛 E.功能性关节制动

17.主要用于治疗因疼痛引起的关节活动受限的手法:( AB ) A.Ⅰ级 B.Ⅱ级 C.Ⅲ级 D.Ⅳ级 E.Ⅴ级 18.Ⅲ级手法主要用于治疗:( BC )

A.关节疼痛伴痉挛 B.关节软组织粘连 C.关节疼痛伴僵硬 D.功能性关节制动 E.骨折愈合

19.大范围、节律性来回松动关节的手法有:( BC ) A.Ⅰ级 B.Ⅱ级 C.Ⅲ级 D.Ⅳ级 E.Ⅴ级

20.属于关节松动术的基本手法的是:( ABCDE ) A.摆动 B.滑动 C.旋转 D.分离 E.牵引 21.关于分离与牵拉的区别说法正确的是:( AC )

A.分离时外力要与关节垂直,牵拉时外力与骨长轴平行 B.分离时外力要与骨长轴平行,牵拉时外力与关节垂直 C.分离时两骨关节面必须分开,牵拉时可以不分开 D.分离时两骨关节面可以不分开,牵拉时必须分开 E.无论分离或牵拉时两骨关节面均需要分开 22..关节松动术是利用关节的哪些运动:(AB) A.生理运动 B.附属运动 C.放松运动 D.力量性运动 E.耐力性运动 23.关节松动术:(ABCD ) A. 与我国传统医学中推拿术类似 B. 与我国传统医学中按摩术类似

C. 在理论体系、手法操作与我国传统医学中的手法治疗不同D. 在临床应用上与我国传统学中的手法治疗有较大的区别 E. 类似于关节的被动运动

24.关于手法分级范围的描述正确的是:(BD ) A. 关节可动范围的大小不影响分级

B. 当关节活动范围减少时,分级范围相应减小 C. 当治疗后关节活动范围改善分级范围保持不变 D. 当治疗后关节活动范围改善时,分级范围相应增大 E. 当关节活动范围减少时,分级范围相应固定 25.关节松动技术的治疗作用有:(ACE )

A.缓解疼痛 B.增加肌力 C.改善关节活动范围 D.消肿 E.增加本体反馈 26.关节松动可以:( ABC)

A.促进关节液的流动 B.增加关节软骨和软骨盘无血管区的营养 C.缓解疼痛 D.促进组织再生 F. 增加淋巴循环

27.关节松动术的禁忌证包括:(ABCDE )

A.关节活动已经过度 B.外伤或疾病引起的关节肿胀(渗出增加)C.关节的炎症 D.恶性疾病 E.末愈合的骨折 1.关于NDT治疗顺序说法正确的是:( BCD )

A.按照头 — 尾,远端 —近端的顺序治疗

B.先做等长收缩,后做等张收缩 C.先练离心性控制,再练向心性控制

D.先掌握对称性运动模式,后掌握不对称性的运动模式 E.先掌握不对称性的运动模式,后掌握对称性运动模式 2.下列属于神经发育疗法的适应证是:( ABC )

A.脑血管疾病 B.颅脑损伤引起的中枢性瘫痪 C.小儿脑瘫D.小儿麻痹 E.癫痫 3.松弛技术包括:( ABCD )

A.被动旋转 B.慢反向 — 维持 — 松弛 C.收缩 — 松弛 D.维持 — 松弛 E.主动旋转

4.对偏瘫患者常用的Rood疗法中属于促进刺激的方法是:( ABCDE ) A.快速触摸 B.拍打肌肉 C.快速摇动 D.快速牵引 E.刺痛 5.下列关于运用NDT技术治疗时的工作方式正确的是:( ABCD )

A.早期治疗 B.综合治疗 C.与相关专业配合治疗 D.患者和家属积极参与 E.家属不应参与

6.运动再学习疗法(MRP)由7部分组成,以下属于的是:( ABCDE )

A.上肢功能 B.口面部功能 C.站立平衡 D.步行 E.坐位平衡


美联英语提供:关于运动的英语小短文篇 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平


Last month we had a sports meeting.Though the weather wasn\'t very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.

This time, I was even more excited.Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump.I didn\'t want to get any place, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasn\'t good at sports.

When I got to the field with my friend.I was both excited and nervous.When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat.How high it was! It was higher than our desks.I couldn\'t believe my eyes.This was too high for me to jump over.I wasn\'t nervous at that timewhile I was a bit afraid.But I had gone there, I must have a try.

Not long after, the game began.The first person was great.He jumped over easily.I was too surprised to say a word.The second was good, too.The third nearly jumped over, but he wasn\'t bad…

It was my turn.I had a deep breath and then ran towards.In front of the pole, I began to jump.Oh, no! My right foot hit the pole.“I failed.” I thought.And then, another unlucky thing happened.I didn\'t stand firm and I tumbled.I hurt my back badly.At that moment I felt my back was broken.It was too painful.It seemed that the people around field all didn\'t know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture.After a very short rest, I stood up.

I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face.My friend

hurried to come to me.He asked me if this was terrible.I was too pained with my back to answer his questions.I only shook my head.I was sad.Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldn\'t go on in the game.I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.

Though I didn\'t have the whole game.I was still very happy.Because a lot of my clamates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good places.They were all best in my eyes.I was thankful to them for doing their best for our cla.


Our school had a sports meeting last week.Eleven claes took part in it.The weather was sunny and warm, and the whole playground was quite exciting.

In the boys\' relay race, Cla 6 fell behind at first.But the second runner Li Lei ran faster than any other runner.Then he caught up with others little by little.

At last, their clamate, Wang Lin paed the finishing line first.Besides, Li Lin from Cla 7 broke the school record for 100-meter race and Cla 11 won the team title.The headmaster gave the prizes to the winners.






Jane liked sports.Her school sports meeting would be held on May 4.She had entered for(报名参加) the high jump and the long jump races, and the other girls in her cla were sure she would win both.Then ten days before the sports meeting, when Jane climbed the hill she was wounded(受伤) in her left leg.

Her first thought(考虑) was for the sports meeting.Would her leg be all right by May 4? Some of her friends sent her to the hospital.The doctor said it was not serious.Jane\'s left leg was much better by the end of April, and on May 4 she was able to run and jump at sports.





第18篇:English Debate (英语辩论关于Me Too运动)

The Me Too movement is against the fact that sexual harament continues to take place without punishment, the silence of the victims and the abuse of their reputation.Pursuit of the




discrimination [dɪ,skrɪmɪ\'neʃən]against women, and fight for equal rights for women, women get equal social status with men, as it should be and can choose a career you desire and way of life The standard for judging the benefits of the Me Too exercise is whether it is poible to promote the advancement of women\'s rights (the rights and respect that women deserve) and The advantages are irreplaceable and the disadvantages can be avoided.The most immediate effect of the Me Too movement is to give the victim the courage to stand up and punish the criminal offender Because born physical reasons, women are more likely than men to suffer the invasion, the statistics[stə\'tɪstɪks] show, more than ninety percent of the invasion is not willing to, or dare not to identify injury oneself person, because they are afraid to say what had happened to her not only won\'t let bad man be punished and it will increase their own pains.

Me Too movement, provides a name for invasion of the platform, because here have the same experience, Mutual [\'mjutʃuəl] encouragement makes them feel no longer alone.at the same time because it is a movement in the network by making further information spread faster, generating a wider attention, making the real criminal offender should be punished To form a normal sympathize [\'sɪmpə\'θaɪz]with the victim of society, namely when happening again night run girls were raped [rept], public opinion is no longer predisposed [\'pridɪ\'spoz to say the girls wearing an crime but everyone standing in the middle of the scale [skel]to find the truth The Me Too movement will bring about the normal boundaries [\'baʊndri]of a clearer gender [\'dʒɛndɚ]relationship.Because the victim to expose their own suffering experience, this will make other people understand more clearly what your actions will make each other feel uncomfortable or even harmed

When we know clear boundaries, will not let the son preference of workplace quotation fear of female to get in the way of women accumulate work experience and career advancement. Because when everyone knows that line, there is no accidentally charged of sexual harament, unle your really motivation not pure Burns\'s rule is that he and his wife choose to run a marriage, and he can only tell us that understanding of gender should lead people to set boundaries in the proce of daily communication.



I enjoy many kinds of sports .I think taking part in different sports can make our life more colourful and healthy.I like sports, for example, I like swimming in summer and running in winter.But my favourite sport is playing table tennis, I often play it at the weekend and I also like watching table tennis, because I can relax myself.Sports can make people strong and healthy ,so I like

playing table tennis.


Playing football is my favorite.I fell in love with it by chance.One day, I found a football on my way home.

I was so curious about the little round ball that I began to play it with my friends.From then on, football became part of my life.I often play football

with my clamates after cla.

We often train ourselves, and sometimes we compete in football games in order to improve our skills.

Among all the football stars, I admire Beckham most.It is not his handsome appearance but his skills that impre me a lot.My greatest dream is to become a profeional football player in the future.
