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Unit one 什么是奇思妙想? 1.诺基亚赞助了各种教育、文化及其他活动。其中一项最不寻常的活动就是赞助《未来故事》,这是一本由著名科幻作家所写的故事集。为什么一个通讯公司会参与文学活动呢? 这个现象值得研究。

2.科学和文学在传统上一贯是相互敌对的。作家们认为科学家是一些喜欢用枯燥的事实破坏富有想象力的伟大作品的乏味的人。科学家则认为作家是一些不尊重客观规律的轻浮之人。他们之间相互质疑的是,究竟谁拥有真理? 一个东西何时才是真实的,是被想象出来的时候,还是被客观创造出来的时候?

3.科幻小说正是这两个敌对群体相遇并交流思想的领域。顾名思义,科幻小说是一门预测未来科学对人类社会影响的文学。多年来,他们的许多预测 异常精确。太空旅行、通讯卫星、核能、机器人科学、克隆和移动通讯在它们在现实中出现之前,都曾在书中出现。 4.然而有时作家们也会犯错。例如,没有人预测到个人电脑的出现。与其他星球生物之间的联系,尽管科幻小说的一个常见主题,但是看上去依然还有很长的路要走。

5.许多年来,科幻小说对新技术的预测和其真正发现之间的时间差越来越短了。法国作家琼斯﹒威恩预测的登月到它真正实现用了100年时间。关于机器人的想法首次出现在1920年代。第一批机器人在1970年被研制出来。1940年代,阿瑟﹒C﹒克拉克预测说通讯卫星将在2000年环绕地球,它们提前30年出现了。 6.英国科学家理查德﹒大维金斯最近声明,科学用一种人类无法想象的方式揭示了自然的美和复杂性。

7.然而,这并不是科幻小说的末日。科幻预测到的许多进步被应用于通讯,而且我们现在正处在所谓的“信息时代”。 在西方国家,超过三分之一的人口就业于信息技术行业。世界领导人呼吁建立“知识型社会”。而那些不得不从事这类工作的人却抱怨“信息过载”。 8.在此过程中,确实需要具有远见卓识的人。商业通讯的未来依赖于想象新个事物并为此制造产品和服务的能力。在《未来历史》这本书中,有个故事讲述一位不断旅行,寻求高科技行业新机遇的投资人。他支持一个生产智能机器人的公司,这种机器人能够从其环境中学会新任务。有一天,他发现机器人们都罢工了。最终,他意识到它们在自问一个他从来没有想到过的问题:为何我们在做这个?信息时代的作家们已经从预测未来科学发现中转移开。现在,他们在思考通讯革命给人类社会带来的影响。在由商业与技术主宰的世界里,那些能回答这个问题(即什么是奇思妙想)的人,依然扮演着重要的角色。 Unit 2 管理的定义




4.人力资源。所有机构都有一个非常关键的资源,那就是人力资源。人力资源就是管理者利用并一同工作来达到目标的人。对管理者来说,其中一个挑战就是如何激励每个人有效并高效地工作。 管理者还必须确保人力资源手中拥有保持生产力所需的资源。 5.财政资源。财政资源就是维持一家公司目前及未来经营活动所需的资金。这类资源被用来获得并维持公司的人力、物质及信息资源。



8.信息资源。信息资源就是经过分析并且被转化为有利于管理者做出有效决策的数据资料。 有用的信息资源必须是准确的、及时的、精炼而且全面的。这类资源包括预算、销售预测、经济预测、公司内培训项目以及其他各种有利于管理者做出决策的文件。

9.在如今复杂的全球市场中,对信息资源的娴熟运用对一个公司的成功是必要的。组织内各种资源是紧密相联的。例如,财政资源的有效和高效运用受到人力资源对国际金融市场的了解。紧密的计算机系统可能被用来将各种数据转变成有用的信息。 人力资源只有在他们拥有适当的物质资源时才能达到最大生产力。管理者面临的挑战就是在重视每种资源的重要性的同时,将资源重复部分进行重组。 Unit 3享受大自然的美景



3.在美国,所有值得参观的风景都是对野营者、野餐者、以及度假者开放的。高速公里、普通公路、以及未铺设路面的二级公路都会将你带入某些地方,从那里你可以出发进入荒野。 一旦身处荒野,你主要担心的将不再是如何避开其他的远足者,而是如何不致迷路。






9.骑马是一项受欢迎但非常昂贵的运动。但在得克萨斯等其他州的旅游牧场,你可以在那里逗留,过几天牛仔的生活。其他的户外运动,包括穿雪鞋滑过密西根平坦的森林,乘雪上汽车旅行,在落基山脉和阿拉斯加滑雪,冲浪,滑水和打猎。在美国“广阔的天地”中,你还有很多其他的事情可以去做。 Vocabulary A.胆怯的,





书写,手写体 针形的,

白日梦 有橡树林的,






Computer-aided, sleepwalking

Time-consuming, side-stepping

Nation-owned/held, church-going B.at a price, acceible to, negotiate, a craving for, push off consistently, accommodated, unique C.available, acceible constantly, consistently converted,

reversed outdoor/ outdoors, outdoors


sky Unit Three 对于喜爱大自然美景的人们来说,美国政府出资兴建的国家公园和州立公园令他们流连忘返。这些公园风景秀丽,布局合理,处处为游客着想。在海滩一连串的沙丘或茂密的林带后面还建有海边营地。无论走到哪里,你几乎都可找到地方野餐,配备有木桌凳,垃圾桶和洗手间。

Few countries have such a varied and tempting outdoors as the United States.It has different kinds of climate and a spectacular landscape.Freeways and highways lead you to any places where there are things worth seeing.Many Americans, young and old, prefer camping in vehicles called “campers”.Some retired couples put a large part of their savings into such “home on wheels” and spend half of the year roaming the country, enjoying the great outdoors.第四课



2.这个希望就是,通过将克隆技术与基因工程学相结合,科学家们将能够创造一种小猪,这种小猪的器官在移植到人类身上时不会引发排异。尽管这5个小猪不是通过基因工程生产出来的,PPL公司已经在实验室里培育了猪的细胞,并且成功地淘汰了一个会引发排异的基因,下一步就要排除其他一些主要排异基因,然后克隆这些已经被修改了基因的细胞。 3.生活在加拉帕戈斯群岛上的海洋髭蜥能够做一些曾经被认为是成年脊椎动物不可能做到的事情。它们能改变自己身体的长度,变大或缩小达20%。







10.哺乳动物常见的一个基因的微小突变改变了人类的命运。一种叫For-P2的基因(由英国研究者在两年前发现)可能是5000年前打开人类艺术、文化和社会行为的开关。李查德·克莱因是斯坦福大学的一名考古学家,他认为10万年前的早期现代人生活在非洲,似乎和现在已经灭绝的欧洲近亲尼安德特人和直立人没有什么区别。然后,在5000年前,行为发生了巨大的变化。“发生了一次生物上的巨变,即一种促进真正现代人的创造与革新能力的基因突变。”“如果你去看看5万年的考古记录的话,会发现那是惊人地相似,不存在地理位置造成的差异。突然地,现代人开始了现代人的行为,如创造艺术和珠宝,制造不同的风格和文化等等…”对此,人类学家已经争论了多年。有些研究者认为,是人口的增长引发了创造力。 课后练习: Section B

II.A) physiology







physics B) cattle, clone, donors/donation, mammals, transplanted, reverse, lit up, initiated, recipient, at…intervals Section C

II.Pronoun 1 d

2 a

3 d

4 d

5 c

6 b

7 c

8 c

9d 10 a Section D

I.一般而言,参与人体痛觉经历的神经组织至少在哺乳动物身上都可以找到,这并不令人惊讶,因为疼痛是对潜在的危险刺激物的反应,从而具有是动物衍息生存下去的生物学意义。那么,在动物拥有所有必要的神经结构的情况下,人们又什么理由认为它们不能感受疼痛?那种认为动物不能感受疼痛的看法似乎认定动物与人类的精神生活中存在质的区别。 II.Animals are more like us than we ever imagined.They feel pain, experience stre, and show affection, excitement and love.All these findings have been made by scientists in recent years and such results are beginning to change how we view animals.Scientists obtained those reactions of animal through careful observation and laboratory testing.It is still uncertain if such reactions degrade the meat quality of farm animals.Unit 5 历史上的林肯

1.过去的编年史中很少有完美的人。历史学家更习惯于分析由各个成分(如善意和恶意,成功和失败,在执政过程中付出巨大努力却又存在一些缺点)组成的综合体,然后通过仔细的加加减减平衡出一个总数(即通过正面和负面的各个因素来综合评价历史人物)。 2.林肯是比较罕见的,他给历史提供了很多值得思考和反思的东西,而除了执政中的一些缺点外没有什么引起争议的。更为罕见的是,他为期四年的艰辛政治和血腥战争获得了绝对成功。他毫不掩饰地追求权力,并充分运用权力。但是,他一个(也许是历史上唯一)没有被权力腐蚀的人。他的抱负不在于个人得失,而在于实现两个连续并且相辅相成的宗旨:一是,重建一个致力于实现“人人生而平等”的国家;二是,确保如此重建起来的联邦,在它的核心体制中没有巨大的矛盾。

3.林肯对民选政府的忠诚,要求他只有在他的同胞与他的意见一致,并且即使在最艰苦的时期也不动摇的情况下去实现自己的目标。 就斡旋艺术来说,他是个高明的政客,他不漏声色地同时又无情地利用各个党派和政客作为杠杆,在相互倾轧的团体和之间寻求平衡,他们各自的利益威胁着维系军队的并不牢靠的爱国主义精神。他会倾听,不去争辩,坚持自己的主张,然后坚定地在做出决定。


5.林肯对自己能力的谦卑使他摆脱了妒忌与争议。他甚至能从对他极其尖酸的批评以及反抗者的头目那里看到真诚。在需要作出决定性的行动时,他表面的犹豫不决激怒了他的支持者和类似的敌人;但他将这种指责变成了建设性的建议,从中逐渐形成了他自己的决定。他不得不在自己的国家面临严峻危机的时刻教会自己如何做总统,因此获得了越来越多的人的敬重。为了已完成使命中的最崇高的部分——废除奴隶制,他献出了自己的生命。他至死所抱的宗教信仰在战后重建的黑暗日子里迅速地壮大,当时他的新政府的使命就是试图使所有美国民众都能享受到自由和平等。传奇的产生,使得真实人物(即真实的林肯)越来越模糊,但其核心还是真实的,这位最伟大的总统的成就是光辉的,毋庸置疑的!他拯救了人世间 “最美好的一线希望”——受民众欢迎的政府以及法律条文。如果没有林肯总统的在位,所有其他“信奉自由”的国家的命运将面临危险,美国之外的自由世界将独自面对二十世纪损毁全球的黑暗势力的挑战。


Section B

II. Vocabulary study A) 1.confined

2.depreion 3.corruptive

4.mixture 5.to the full 6.endeavor


8.at risk 9.insight into 10.account B) 1.exercise



4.threat 5.warfare



8.recover 9.reflect


Section D I. 目前我们正在进行一场伟大的国内战争,我们的国家或任何一个有着同样理想与目标的国家能否长久存在,这场战争就是一次考验。我们在这场战争的一个伟大的战场上相聚。我们来到这里,将这场战场上的一小块土地奉献给那些为国家生存而英勇捐躯的人们,作为他们最后的安息之地。我们这样做是完全恰当的,完全应该的。


II.His working day started in his office before breakfast and was followed by reading papers, signing documents and seeing ministers.After a light lunch, he might ride, or drive the horse and carriage with his wife, perhaps visiting a soldier’s hospital or a camp.After supper he might return for another three hours in his office or walk alone without a guard with a long grey shawl round his shoulders, to see that telegrams were coming into the War Department.It was usually around midnight when he returned home Unit 6


1.有些学生把从因特网上找到的不同文章的某些段落进行复制并粘贴到一起,然后作为自己的作业上交,乔治梅森大学的教师安妮·马钱特把他们称作为“拼凑式剽窃者”。 她说,在她的计算机科学课上,她每个学期至少抓住一个这样的学生。 她甚至在她的计算机道德课上也发现了这样的抄袭现象。“当然,作弊是普遍现象,”马钱特说,“这种抄袭同时十分明显。 引言部分的英语表达很蹩脚,而正文部分几乎达到博士水准,最后的结论部分又是蹩脚的英语。”

2.华盛顿地区的几所大学的教师和行政官员一致认为作弊行为呈上升势头(因为计算机使得作弊变得更容易)。 高科技犯罪行为包括使用来自因特网的信息却没有适当的出处说明,从网上论文代写机构购买学期论文,以及通过电子邮件或光盘相互抄袭答案和课程作业。几十个网站正致力于帮助学生更容易更有效地作弊。




6.对诸如剽窃和相互抄袭行为的惩罚通常是很严厉的。弗吉尼亚理工大学的格雷老师认为惩罚应该严厉。 “这关系到某位建设桥梁的家伙在上工程学院时是否是一路作弊过来的,”他说,“对此我很担心。”但是,格雷认为应该给作弊者一次机会。在该学院对于初犯的一般惩罚是双重零分(结果就是该课程成绩不及格),此外还要报名修道德课,以及校内社区服务50个小时。受完惩罚的学生其作弊行为可以不记入档案。


8.网络为作弊行为提供了大量的资源。 除了那些提供成千上万篇研究论文和书评的网站外,还有一些网站上,学生还可以将他们的数学家庭作业的问题提交给那些坐在家里的数学天才,另外还有一些再现的信息平台让那些有特定需求的学生可以相互帮助。

9.其中,最近有个学生在这样的网站上发送信息,寻求一篇关于最喜爱动物的三个段落长的描写 ——“请使用大量的形容词”。另外一个学生寻求关于叶芝的诗 “第二次来临”的解释,结果得到这样的答复:“我刚为English 102课程写了一篇讨论这首诗的文章。对其含义理解得非常透彻。如有兴趣,我可以全部电邮给你。”讽刺的是,让学生们更容易作弊的技术同样也正在让教授更容易地发现作弊行为。 课后练习Section B II.Vocabulary study A.1.tends to

2.subjected …to


4.compared with

5.dedicate …to



8.Wise up B. 1.offense











12.overwhelming Section C II.Put the following into English 1.She had her purse stolen on the bus.2.You should have your car cleared after this long drive.3.This color television is almost eight years old.It isn’t worth having it repaired.4.He asked the doctor to have everyone in the workshop examined and no one was found to be poisoned.5.I had my house renovated and installed an air conditioner in every bedroom.Translation I.虽然人们总是把伦理学看作是哲学的一个分支, 但伦理学包罗万象的实践的本质使它与其他许多学科领域联系起来,这些学科包括人类学、生物学、经济学、历史学、政治学、社会学和神学。然而,伦理学又与这些学科不同,因为它不象科学和其他学问那样涉及实在的知识,而是涉及确定规范理论的本质以及将这些原则应用于实际的道德问题。

II.It is important for a teacher to have a real sympathy—an ability to understand others.At the same time, a teacher should be tolerant—not of mistakes, but of the immaturity of his students.It is vital for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest.It means that he should be aware of his intellectual strengths and limitations, and should think about and decide on the moral principles by which his life shall be guided.


1. 随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。

With his promotion,he has taken on greater responsibilities.

2. 他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。

He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.

3. 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露西却喜欢呆在家里看书。

Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy,who prefers to

stay at home reading.

4. 说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心或没有资格的


At best he’s ambitious,and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or


5. 我们已经尽全力想说服他,但是却毫无进展。

We have striven to the full to convince him ,but we have made no headway.

1. 要是他适合当校长,那么哪个学生都可以当。

He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be.

2. 至于她的父亲,她不敢肯定他是否会接收她和她的小孩。

As for her father ,she is not sure whether he will accept her and her


3. 晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。

Staying up late will undermine one’s health while going to bed early

and getting up early will benefit it.

4. 大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。

The ambaador personally conveyed the president’s meage to the


5. 这个女孩决定敞开心扉,把她看到的一切都告诉警方。

The girl decided to open up and told the police what she had seen.

1. 理个发他就要收500元,简直不可思议。

It is simply incredible for him to charge $500 for a haircut.

2. 人民赋予你权力,你就应该全心全意为人民服务。

You are granted the privilege by people,so you should serve the people


3. 天气预报很重要,依据它我们才能决定什么时候出航。

The weather forecast is important so that we can decide when to launch out.

4. 炮声打破了往常周日早晨的宁静,人们强烈预感到战争就要来临。

The sound of guns violated the usual calmne of Sunday morning, so people had a strong feeling that the war was coming.

5. 即使你没分钟看3页,到本周末你无论如何也看不完这本书。

Even though you read three pages per minute ,you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend.

1. 我爷爷虽然70岁了,但他的爱好广泛,从下国际象棋到爬山,多种多样。

My grandfather’s interests range from playing che to climbing mountains although he is 70 years old.

2. 真奇怪,汤姆的奶奶都80岁了还玩玩具娃娃。

Surprisingly,Tom’s grandmother plays with dolls at the age of 80.

3. 他大公无私的精神和天赋是他适合担当大多数学生梦想得到的那项工作。

His selflene and talent qualify him for the job most students dream to get.

4. 你如何解释他的那个怪梦?

What interpretation would you put on his odd/strange dream?

5. 我们老板刚买的新轿车一小时能行驶200公里。

The brand-new car our bo has just brought is capable ofmaking 200 kilometers an hour.

1. 他们乘坐的飞机起飞后立刻就消失了。

The airplane they boarded soared out of sight right after it took off.

2. 在会上,双方展开了激烈的争论。改革派提出许多改革措施,而保守派则反对提出


At the meeting , the two sides had a hot debate .The reformers put forward many reforming measures, but the conservatives were in opposition to the proposed changes.

3. 从长远看,我们必须学习更多的科技知识,除了掌握主修的专业之外,懂得计算机、


In the long run , we should learn more about science and technology.Besides our major subjects, knowledge of computers ,English and driving is neceary for our work.

4. 为练成完美的体形,她每周做四次健身操。

She dose gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest to achieve the perfect body.

5. 每天早晨,一些老人在公园里一边锻炼身体一边聊天。

Every morning in the park , some old people are doing physical exercises there , chatting with each other at the same time .

1. 她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发现的时代。

She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.

2. 试验表明,不抽烟的人比抽烟的人在工作中犯的错误要少。

Experiments showed that nonsmokers committed fewer errors than smokers.

3. 球迷经常受到人们的重视,不是因为他们自身的成功,而是因为他们支持的球队获得了胜利。

Ball game fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement , but through their connection to a tean that wins.

4. 尽管演员的演技高超,这部长达3小时的电影还是未能吸引住我们。

Despite the actors’ wonderful acting , the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.

5. 王教授是我唯一指望能救我儿子的大夫。

Profeor Wang is the only doctor whom I can rely on to save my son.

1. 虽然他说他为此事做了很多努力,但他的成功至少部分是由于他运气好。

Although he said he had done a lot for the case , his succe was at least in part due to luck.

2. 叫要讨论的议题非常关键,因为它将决定很多人的未来。

The iue to be discued is critical , because it will determine the future of many people.

3. 我将尽量避免将我的观点强加于别人。

I’ll try my best to avoid imposing my ideas on others.


Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own characters in that case.

5. 大学生活被称为人的一生中最美丽的阶段。

College life is referred to as the most beautiful period of one’s life.

1. 无论我们遇到什么样的困难,我们都应该想办法克服它。

No matter what difficulties we come acro , we should try our best to overcome them.

2. 尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德。

Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue.

3. 今天,各行各业的人都在努力提高自己的知识水平,以便跟上时代的发展。

Today , people from all walks of life are trying to acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of the time .

4. 孩子们特别喜欢卡通片。

Children have a fancy for cartoons.

5. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做的不错。

Given that they are lacking in experience , they have done a good job.



The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.


Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.


Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.


We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.

5.Even Beethoven\'s father discounted the poibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world.The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.


They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.2.1.要是这喜剧中的人物更幽默些的话,就会吸引更多的观众。

If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.


She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a poibility for her to become a succeful actre.


I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along.4.随着产品进入国际市场,他们的品牌知名度越来越高了。

As their products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining in popularity.


She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all hermoney was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.


No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him.


Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into the

affair in person.

2.这些工人后悔当时接受管理部门的意见重新回去工作。现在他们再次面临失业的危险了。 These workers regret yielding to the management\'s advice and going back to work.Now they are again faced with the threat of losing their jobs.


You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods.


Their car broke down halfway for no reason.As a result they arrived three hours later than they had planned.


The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later.


The man living on welfare began to build up his own market, one step at a time and his busine isthriving.


Rather than invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new house.


Today, people are spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the past.


In order to be succeful, a busine must keep pace with developments in the marketplace.


Her fluency in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the job.


For students, nowhere is better than the library, where all the books are at their disposal.


We should make full use of the platform to strengthen communication, expand cooperation in moreareas and seek further development through joint efforts.


This little man is not so innocent as he appears.


There\'s nothing I can do about the problem, so you might as well turn to Profeor Wang for help.


Both sides speak highly of the fruits in their cooperation in different areas, and hope that the cooperation can be furthered.


On the one hand, an image of being close to the people can get a new policy more easily accepted.On the other hand, it will \"encourage people to speak their minds and come up with constructive



His sense of loneline rose and fell and he sometimes would talk at length to himself and his pets and the television.


After all, money is not everything.The richest people are not necearily the happiest.



Suppose you found out that your colleague takes bribes, would you just ignore it?


We\'ve given up on him because he is so stubborn.It is pointle to argue with him.


He hit upon a good method to speed up the progre of the experiment, but opinions differed amongmembers of the group on it.


Today I\'m able to square my profeion with my interest, which I wasn\'t able to do before.


The ability to visually distinguish between red and green is eential to becoming a driver.


The team consisted of seven people who met on a regular basis to share their information with each other.



In the proce of creating the genetic map, these scientists realized that cooperation was more than an attractive option; it was a responsibility.


Their research findings were nothing le than a miracle.As a result of their findings, new light hasbeen shed on the history of human genes.


In fact, only hard work in combination with proper methods will give you an advantage over others.


The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.


The risk of infection is confined to those who have close contact with the patients.


From such an analysis we are in a better position to understand what has happened and what to doabout it.









5 奈特在童工问题上的主动表态则是另一码事,那是一道烟幕。对于耐克公司来说,童工问题从来都不是大问题,这点奈特比任何人都清楚。但公关就是公关,于是他宣布不允许那些工厂雇佣童工,而这突然间成了头条新闻。

6 奈特犹如一个玩赌牌游戏的高手。人们不得不时时刻刻死盯著他。耐克公司最大的问题,是其海外工厂的工人的工资难以维持最低生活水平。该公司需要提高的不是工人的最低年龄,而是工人的最低工资。耐克公司设在越南的工厂里,大多数工人每天的工资还不足2美元,远远低于这个国家最低生活标准。在印度尼西亚,工人每天的工资还不到1美元.7 难怪奈特拥有数十亿资产。

8 一些人权组织一再指出,耐克公司海外工厂的工人每天至少得挣相当于3美元的工资,才能基本解决温饱及住宿问题。总部位于旧金山的全球交流组织的主任梅狄亚·本杰明一直在监察耐克公司的所作所为。他说:“对于印度、和越南的工人来说,一天挣3美元这样的工资额依然少得可怜,但已经可以使他们的生活大大改善。不过,耐克公司对此充耳不闻。9 事实上奈特一直在吹嘘耐克公司的印尼员工最近增加的工资。但其增加额月均还不到3美元。即便加上增加的数额,那些工人每天仍挣不到1美元。

10 这月耐克公司遭受重创,因为他们正在遭受来自市场和公共舆论法庭的双重打击。正如奈特所说:“耐克产品监简直已成了奴隶工资、强迫加班和人以虐待工人的同义词。”







昔日普通大学生,今朝诺贝尔奖得主 拉什沃思·M.基德尔据粒子物理学家里昂·M.莱德曼回忆,他天生笨手笨脚。在经济大萧条时期,在纽约市长大 的他对于事物的原理一点也不好奇。他不是一个出色的学生,而且数学让他倍感吃力。在哥伦比亚大学,作为一名物理专业的研究生,他的第一个学年糟透了。于是他申请转学到麻省理工学院,但遭到对方拒绝。 可后来,在 1988 年,由于发现了第二个中微子——一种基本的亚原子微粒,他与人共同获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。

那么究竟是什么激发他开始物理研究并持之以恒呢?在一次采访中,他谈及曾经激励过他的人们。这次采访是在费米国家加速器实验室莱德曼的办公室中进行的,莱德曼于 1979 年至 1989 年担任该实验室的负责人。

据他回忆,在他 10 岁时发生过两件事。一是有一天他卧病在床,父亲拿来一本由阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦与他人合著的关于相对论的书。“在书中物理学首次被比作一个侦探故事”,他感叹道,“那是一本用大号字体印刷的书。对于一个 10 岁的孩子来说,那一比喻真是太重要。”






如果科学天赋不重要的话,那么科学家应该具备哪些别的品质呢? 莱德曼认为,“首先是对工作的全身心投入”。科学家需要具备“抵抗气馁与沮丧的能力,”他说,“做一名科学家,你要具备能够应对多次经历人生低谷的能力,要怀有一心一意努力工作的意愿——即使刮胡子时也能思考自己在做的研究。当科学占据了你的全部身心,你就不会对度假、睡眠、吃饭或别的什么产生兴趣。当然有时候,你得让自己振作起来。但是,作为一名科学家,你要具备这样一些能力:能够坚持三个月左右连续作战,能在简易床上打盹休息,能靠自动售货机里的任何东西来果腹充饥。”


在他看来。想象力意味着一种宣称自己敢为人先的能力。“瞧,有 500 个绝顶聪明的人也在关注你正在试图解决的难题。既然至今还是一个难题,又没谁能解决它,那么这个难题一定存在这500 个人所没能看到的某一面,它会是什么呢 9 我知道在下一个十年内我们将会攻克这一难题,可是,为什么我不能在今晚来设法解决它呢?。”




这种交际活动也能帮助科学家开阔视野,使他们不拘泥于自身的基础领域——尽管基础领域乃现代科学的一个重要组成部分。“你需要和相关很多领域保持联系”,他指出,“因为你不知道能够 运用的那个想法何时才能出现”。

莱德曼说道,发现科学真谛的那一刹那所带来的巨大快乐一直伴随着他。“当你意识到在这个有着40 或50 亿人口的星球山只有一个人知道某个发现,而这一发现又是如此意义深远,会在某个时候影响世界上所有人的生活时,那便是科学所能履行的使命,是我坚信的唯一的使命。”






“心怀高期望值的学生为自己设定更高的目标,” 斯奈德博士说。“当你对两个智力和以往学业成绩相当的学生进行比较时,就会发现,他们的区别就在于对自身期望值得高低。”

在设计一个科学地评估希望的办法时,斯奈德博士超越了简单的概念,即希望只是一种感觉——每件事情都有好的结局。“这一概念不够具体,并且它希望的两个关键部分混为一谈,” 斯奈德博士说:“怀有希望意味着相信自己既有实现目标的愿望,又有实现目标的途径,不论这目标是什么。”






“只怀有得到某种东西的愿望是不够的,” 斯奈德博士说。“你还需要方法。另一方面,如果你没有采取行动的意志,所有解决问题的技巧毫无用处。”


















世界气象官员指出,未来有望是死亡人数减半。该组织是联合国机构之一,拥有187个成员国,却鲜为人知。2004年3月,世界气象组织发起了一项活动,旨在帮助发展中国家改进早期气象预警系统,提高防灾能力,并加强气象部门的建设。该组织负责人表示,全面提高天气预报能力,可以使人们尽早得知灾害的临近,及时组织人员转移或做好充分防灾准备, 中国气象局气象学家高兰英说:“如今我们可以预测未来五天的天气,准确度不亚于20年前对于两天后的预报,而且几乎可以做到在全球范围内随时随地报道。”例如,1997年台风维尼袭击中国沿海时,中国就做到了准确的早期预报,市政府能够每小时发布一次台风消息、组织渔船回港,从危险地区和地势较低的地区撤出了140万群众并转移了粮食和其他物资。在他最近撰写的一篇分析中国气象灾害的论文中,高兰英写到:“这次台风造成的死亡人数仅为239人,而不是数千人”




然而,麦克弗森博士指出发展中国家通常没有做好防灾预案。“部分原因是缺乏资金和经验”,他说,“主要是政府缺乏这种意识”。他说,许多政府官员不了解现代气象预报的作用,而且在有些文化中,人们对此类天灾往往抱着一种“听天由命”的态度。委内瑞拉政府已经承诺,把建立降雨量监测网作为政府工作的重中之重,同时在阿维拉山区建立一套早起预警系统。至今,哪里仍有上千人在泥石流沟两侧或岌岌可危的山坡上安家。委内瑞拉中央大学工程学教授、气象领域的政府发言人何塞。L。洛佩兹博士指出“或许我们不能完全防止滑坡、山洪和泥石流,但是我们可以把预防工作做得更加充分,防止自然灾害演变成灾难。” 世界气象组织承认这样的项目不可能一蹴而就。该组织制定了一个十五年规划,帮助发展中国家改善早起预警机制,优化防灾预案,加强国家气象部门的建设。其首要目标就是确保各国都可以获得气象卫星所收集的极端气象数据,并把这些数据应用到应急预案中。同时,该组织还计划帮助发展中国家培训气象人才,促成重要技术的转让并对公众进行教育,提高防灾意识。加强对天气现象的系统研究和分析对各国都有大的裨益,因为我们需要更好地了解“自然灾害为什么发生、怎样发生,以及如何演变成灾难。”









A ----------------- air traffic control system

B ----------------- armed police

C ----------------- crime prevention

D ----------------- entry requirement

E ----------------- international criminal police organization

F ----------------- level of security

G ----------------- picket line

H ----------------- police station

I ----------------- patrolling vehicle

J ----------------- safety precaution measure

K ----------------- safety control device

L ----------------- security command center

M ----------------- security service

N ----------------- security control center

O ----------------- security personnel

P ----------------- valid documents

Q ----------------- security monitoring and control

Examples: ( M ) 保安服务 ( G ) 警戒线

51.( ) 空中交通管制系统 ( ) 安全预防措施

52.( ) 巡逻车 ( ) 武装警察

53.( ) 国际刑警组织 ( ) 有效证件

54.( ) 入境要求 ( ) 安保人员

55.( ) 安全保障级别 ( ) 安全监控

答案:51.A, J 52.I, B 53.E, P 54.D, O 55.F, Q A --------------- annual bonus

B --------------- basic salary

C --------------- benefit

D --------------- commiion

E --------------- head hunter

F --------------- health insurance

G --------------- housing fund

H --------------- job center

I --------------- job fair

J --------------- job offer

K --------------- labor market

L --------------- labor contract

M --------------- minimum wage

N --------------- retirement insurance

O --------------- trial period

P --------------- unemployment insurance

Q --------------- welfare

Examples: (A) 年终奖 (O) 试用期

51.( ) 招聘会 ( ) 最低工资

52.( ) 劳动合同 ( ) 福利

53.( ) 养老保险 ( ) 住房基金

54.( ) 猎头 ( ) 基本工资

55.( ) 劳务市场 ( ) 失业保险

答案:51.I, M 52.L, Q 53.N, G 54.E, B 55.K, P

A—aembly line

J—safety boots


K—shipping clerk


L—time card

D—explosive materials


E—fire extinguisher

N—hard hat

F—loading dock


G—machine operator

P—hand truck

H—electrical hazard

Q—safety earmuffs

I—conveyor belt

Examples: (F)装载码头 (K)运务员

51.( )易爆材料 ( )安全耳罩

52.( )]二时卡 ( )安全靴

53.( )装配线 ( )灭火器

54.( )安全帽 ( )手推车

55.( )机器操作员 ( )输送带

答案:51.D, 52.L,J 53.A,E 54.N,P 55.G,I


B—calm sea

C—clear up



F—heavy snow

G—high seas

H—light rain

I—partly cloudy


K—southeast wind


M—the highs

N—the lows




Examples:(A) 微风 (O)台风

51.( )天气放晴( )大雪

52.( )最高温度( )局部多云

53.( )东南风( )小雨

54.( )有雾( )海面大浪

55.( )天气干燥( )暴风雨

答案:51.C,F 52.M,I 53.K,H 54.E,G 55.D,L

A —— original office

B —— accepted date

C —— posting stamp

D —— delivery stamp

E —— company name

F —— sender’s addre

G —— customer code

H —— document

I —— parcel

J —— name of contents

K —— insurance amount

L —— sender’s signature

M —— postal code BGZG – pa -- 8

N —— insurance fee

O —— total charge

P —— receiver’s signature

Q —— remark

Examples: (D) 投递日戳 (L) 交寄人签名

51.( ) 费用总计 ( ) 收寄日期

52.( ) 文件资料 ( ) 邮嗦?br>53.( ) 用户代码 ( ) 收件人签名

54.( ) 内件品名 ( ) 发件人地址

55.( ) 收寄日戳 ( ) 单位名称

答案:51.O,B 52.H,M 53.G,P 54.J,F 55.C,E

A —— after-sales service

B —— busine license

C —— busine risk

D —— dead stock

E —— department store

F —— import license

G —— limited company

H —— net weight

I —— packing charge

J —— price tag

K —— purchasing power

L —— seller’s market

M —— shipping date

N —— shopping rush

O —— show window

P —— supermarket

Q —— trade agreement

Examples: ( D ) 滞销品 ( I ) 包装费

51.( ) 净重 ( ) 百货商店

52.( ) 购买力 ( ) 商业风险

53.( ) 超级市场 ( ) 卖方市场

54.( ) 有限公司 ( ) 售后服务

55.( ) 装船日期 ( ) 进口许可证

答案:51.H,E 52.K,C 53.P,L 54.G,A 55.M,F

A—parcel carrier

B—annual revenue

C—package distribution company

D— quality

E—weight of the shipment

F—pick-up and delivery

G—urgent delivery

H—full electronic tracking

I—export documentation

J—scheduled delivery

K—automatic confirmation of delivery

L—global network

M—door-to-door delivery

N—zone number of the destination

O—approximate value of the shipment

P—additional charge

Q—expre plus package

Examples: (Q) 加急邮件服务 ( F ) 收取与递送服务

51.( ) 定时送货 ( ) 紧急投递

52.( ) 全程电子跟踪 ( ) 货物大约价值

53.( ) 包裹承运商 ( ) 自动送货确认

54.( ) 质量承诺 ( ) 允许出口的文件

55.( ) 附加费 ( ) 上门送货服务

答案:51.J,G 52.H,O 53.C,K 54.D,I 55.P,M

A—physical check-up

B—biological clock

C—pulse rate

D—high blood preure

E—sleep habits

F—over-the-counter (OTC) medicine

G—side effect

H—personality test

I—operating room

J—sense of well-being


L—compulsive over-eating

M—stre self-test

N—plastic surgeon

O—heart beat

P—behavior therapy

Q—terminal stage

Examples: ( K ) 面部整容 ( N ) 整形外科医生

51.( ) 心跳 ( ) 非处方药

52.( ) 手术室 ( ) 强迫性过度饮食

53.( ) 副作用 ( ) 生物钟

54.( ) 高血压 ( ) 脉搏率

55.( ) 睡眠习惯 ( ) 体检

答案:51.O,F 52.I,L 53.G,B 54.D,C 55.E,A

A—reading,reference and copying

B—staff only

C—closed shelves for undergraduates

D—information retrieval room

E—inter-library loan

F—display&reading room for new books

G—multi-media reading room

H—reference department office

I—novelty research

J—lecture hall

K—reading room for reference books

L—return deposit

M—reading room

N—title catalogue

O—circulation for foreign books

P—card catalogue

Q—periodicals and magazines

Examples: (O) 外文书刊借阅 (D) 信息检索室51.( ) 员工专用 ( ) 多媒体阅览室

52.( ) 参考书阅览室 ( ) 中文社科图书阅览室

53.( ) 报告厅 ( ) 书名目录

54.( ) 卡片目录 ( ) 新书展阅室

55.( ) 期刊杂志阅览 ( ) 馆际互借

答案:51.B,G 52.K,M 53.J,N 54.P,F 55.Q,E

A—phone book



D—meage saving

E—phone setting

F—backlight setting

G—key lock

H—automatic redial

I—sound volume

J—ring type

K—voice mail

L—additional functions

M—own number


O—new meage


Q—delete all

Examples:(c) 计算器 (K) 语音信箱

51.( ) 自动重拨 ( ) 本机号码

52.( ) 闹钟 ( ) 音量

53.( ) 网络 ( ) 信息储存

54.( ) 工具箱 ( ) 背景光设置

55.( ) 电话簿 ( ) 话机设置

答案:51.H,M 52.N,I 53.P,D 54.B,F 55.A,E

A—information desk

B—ticket office

C—half fare ticket

D—waiting room

E—exce baggage charge

F—baggage check-in counter

G—security check

H—platform underpa

I—ticket agent

J—departure board

K—railroad track

L—traffic light

M—railroad croing

N—soft sleeping car

O—hard sleeping car

P—hard seat


Examples:(Q) 行李认领处 (E) 超重行李费

51.( ) 硬座 ( ) 软卧

52.( ) 开车时间显示牌 ( ) 信号灯

53.( ) 站台地下通道 ( ) 候车室

54.( ) 问询处 ( ) 安全检查

55.( ) 半价票 ( ) 售票处

答案:51.P,N 52.J,L 53.H,D 54.A,G 55.C,B 来


创建时间:2014/6/6 18:09:00

合肥学院 英语考试专用(绝密)


U8 : 1她一点儿也不知道这幅画有一天居然会价值100 多万美金。(Use \"little\" Little did she know that this picture would one day be worth more than a million dollars.2虽然我理解你说的话,但是我不同意你在这个问题上的看法。(Use \"while\" in the sense of \"although\") While I understand what you say, I don\'t agree with you on the iue.3我认为警察的职责就是保护人民。(be meant to do sth.) I think the police are meant to protect people.4昨天我去看他,却发现他已于几天前出国了。(only to do sth.) I went to see him yesterday, only to find that he had gone abroad several days before.5在每周例会上,每个人的发言都不能偏离会议议题。(confine to) At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine their remarks to the subject.6要是我没说那些愚蠢的话该多好! 那时我太年轻,不能明辨是非。(if only; distinguish right from wrong) If only I hadn\'t said those silly words! I was too young then to distinguish right from wrong.U7: 1在会上,除了其他事情,他们还讨论了目前的经济形势。(among other things) At the meeting they discued, among other things, the present economic situation.2我对大自然了解得越多,就越痴迷于大自然的奥秘。(the more...the more...) The more I learned about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.3医生建议说,有压力的人要学会做一些新鲜有趣、富有挑战性的事情,好让自己的负面情绪有发泄的渠道。(recommend that...should...) The doctor recommends that those streed people should try something new, interesting and challenging in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.4那个学生的成绩差,但老师给他布置了更多的作业,而不是减少作业量。(instead of; cut down) The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it down.5相比之下,美国的父母更趋向于把孩子的成功归因于天赋。(attribute to) By contrast, American parents are more likely to attribute their children\'s succe to natural talent.6教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造性。(priority; stimulate) One of a teacher\'s priorities is to stimulate students\' interests and their creativity U6 1就像机器需要经常运转一样,身体也需要经常锻炼。(as...so...) (Just) as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.2在美国学习时,他学会了弹钢琴。(while + V-ing)

1 创建时间:2014/6/6 18:09:00

合肥学院 英语考试专用(绝密)


He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3令我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们的邀请。(turn down) To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.4真实情况是,不管是好是坏,随着新科技的进步,世界发生了变化。(for better or worse) The reality is that, for better or worse, the world has changed with the advance of new technologies.5我班里的大多数女生在被要求回答问题时都似乎感到不自在。(ill at ease) Most of the female students in my cla appear to be ill at ease when (they are) required to answer questions.6当地政府负责运动会的安全。(take charge of) The local government took charge of the security for the sports meeting.U4: 1有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? (Use \"it\" as the formal subject) It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.2不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。(as long as) It doesn\'t matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.3你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我。(without fail) You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o\'clock tomorrow morning.4请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。(more than + adjective) Allow me to take part in this project: I am more than a little interested in it.5人人都知道他比较特殊:他来去随意。 (be free to do sth.) Everyone knows that he is special: He is free to come and go as he pleases.6看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。(feel as though) Watching the unhappy look on her face, I felt as though she wished to say something to me.U1: 1她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much le) She wouldn\'t take a drink, much le would she stay for dinner.2他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth.3这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释? (account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.

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合肥学院 英语考试专用(绝密)


U8 人生的意义不只是工作


















3 创建时间:2014/6/6 18:09:00

合肥学院 英语考试专用(绝密)




















“我是约翰·布兰福德,你──你就是霍利斯·梅内尔吧。我非常高兴你能来见我。我能请你吃晚餐么?”那女人微笑着。“我不知道这到底是怎么回事,孩子,”她答道:“那位穿绿色套装的年轻女士──刚走过去的那位──请求我把这朵玫瑰别在衣服上。她说如果你邀请我和你一起出 4 创建时间:2014/6/6 18:09:00

合肥学院 英语考试专用(绝密)













2014/6/6 5


Unit 1

Text A

P1 Amber.Amundson,一个在战争中失去丈夫的女人,依然忠诚致力于和平事业。Craig.Scott.Amundson,一名28岁的军人,在 “9.11”事件中丧生于五角大楼。Amber 继续参与合法的公益活动 ,倡导用和平的方式解决暴力问题。Amber给国家领导人写了一封信,信的开头引用了马丁.路德.金的话(他的生日是国家的纪念日) “黑暗不能赶走黑暗”, Amber引用King的话,“只有光明才能使之明亮。仇恨不能驱逐仇恨,只有爱心才能将之化解。仇恨催生仇恨,暴力带来暴力,固执只会引发更为强硬的手段。仇恨、暴力和固执强硬的累加只会形成一股向下的力量,最后将一切都摧毁殆尽”。

P2 她想帮助这个世界做出一些改变,“这样其他的孩子就不会再经历丧父之痛,不管他是这里的还是阿富汗战场的英雄。”Amber说Craig上班乘坐的车的保险杠上有“实现世界和平”的小贴纸。她抚养孩子,在第二封电子信件中写道“要理解人性,不要用暴力的手段去获取你想要的东西,我不喜欢无谓的牺牲。我不想我的孩子长大后认为“9.11”事件后大批人员的死亡是因为他们父亲的死。我想给孩子们一个只有爱没有恨,只有宽恕没有复仇的世界”,她写到。 Text B P15




Text A

P21 在她十几岁的时候,当其他母亲为处于青春期的女儿们的疏远感到苦恼难过的时候,我想到了一个办法:把她从学校解救出来。我偶尔会去学校,签字后把她带出来,带她到处转转—去教堂、去看电影或者在沙滩上散步。我的做法看似不负责任,但当其他母女的关系出现问题时,我们的母女关系却很亲密。在郊游中,我们无话不谈---郊游是我们的秘密,家人和朋友都不知道。

P22 她不说话了,走过来把头埋在我的肩膀上。我轻轻的抚摸着她的头发,害怕如果我开口,她会逃跑。我们就那样站了很长时间,身影摇曳。我们的母女关系恢复从前了。

我知道任然会有难题。我们还会为一些事情发生争执。但我很感激,在这个午夜,我们能够站在一起,疲倦和悲伤包裹着我们,下巴上都是牙膏,我紧紧的抱着女儿,——尽管应该放手——她要说再见了。 Text B P34 最近Barrett 占领了地下室里我办公室旁边的浴室,把它改成了工作间。里面有一张小桌子和一把小椅子,许多工具和一个又重又脏的耳朵保护装置。


2 Unit3 Text A

P42 最终,创新带来的变化会影响我们的生活和身体。在过去的几十年里,生物技术革命刚刚开始—能够在分子层面复制基因和细胞。1998年,研究人员从人体胚胎上取出一部分细胞,在实验室里进行细胞培植,这些干细胞能成长出新组织,这给修补或是替代受损的心脏和其他器官带来了希望。一个植于中风瘫痪患者脑中的电极,可以让他用思维控制计算器的光标,这就会出现类似“终结者”的人机复合体。

人类基因序列不仅启动了我们对遗传和疾病的理解,也让我们对作为人类意味着什么有了更清楚的认识。系好安全带。这将会是一段美妙的旅行。 Text B P53 在未来的20年,这一切将会改变。我们会用大量的设备取代这个笨重的盒子。这些设备中的一些会小到像一个扑克牌盒甚至是一块手表,这样不管我们去哪里都便于携带。最终,他们可以小到能镶嵌到我们的衣服里甚至皮肤下。与一个“新”的因特网连接,所有这些设备可以连接到信息,也可以与其他设备进行信息共享。我们不在用键盘和笔发出指令,只用声音或简单的一个眼神便可以使这些设备做出反应。甚至他们能知晓我们的喜好,不用麻烦的事先告知,他们便知道如何做。

3 Unit4 Text A

P58 对大多数人来说,早上出门前看看天气情况,不过简单的打开电视和收音机,看看温度计或伸出头看看窗外的天气情况。但想要了解交通拥堵情况会对行程造成延误,却不是这么简单。收音机和电视机的播报只是对路况的大致情况进行播报,如那些路线畅通无阻。再看窗外已经起不到作用了。甚至在交通高峰时段能用直升机监测路况的交通播报员也无法像气象学家计算降雨量、风速和温度一样很容易就可以计算出来他们观测到的路面情况。

P59 诚然,对明天的交通预报和天气预报不同,天气预报不会影响天气的真实情况。但如果对畅通的道路进行了预测,司机们便倾向于选择这些道路驾驶,这些一来,这些道路很快就会堵塞-----这样的后果,在交通流量模型图中也要考虑到。

Text B

P68 20世纪90年代中期,美国人担心不负责任的预算赤字的出现,反对大政府。这在国会中引起了共和党的改革,政府签订了一个平衡的预算协议,比尔.克林顿吹嘘政府机构达到了肯尼迪总统以来的最小规模。但是由于美国的经济实力,以及几年前美国积累的几千亿美元盈余的保护下,预算现在回到盈余。尽管共和党提出如降低税收,削减债务等嘈杂的要求,但是从美国和其他地方的势不可挡的往常经验来看,建议应该把更多的钱用来扩大现有的及新的政府规模。政府将会变得更大。

4 Unit5 Text A P72 但到去年年底,公司流动资金短缺。年销售停滞在180万美元,收入从2000年的35万美元下降到几乎为零。已有140万美元的贷款无法偿还,福厄斯坦先生向他的债权人的请求再追加20万元的贷款来保证公司的运作。他们同意了,但前提是他必须提前签订破产保护,这样一旦公司经营不下去了,这一部门分新的贷款可以优先获得赔付。“我跪下恳求他们不要走这个程序”,他说。但是他也意识到这是获得资金的唯一办法。

P75 很难不去想Malden Mills的成功。正如故事盛传的一样,在宣布破产之前,企业高层主管们自己支付丰厚的薪水,而留给普通人员的退休金少之又少。我们对像福厄斯坦先生一样的商业英雄感到极度失望。

Text B P88 大多数家长没有意识到即时信息带来的危害。例如,孩子正在用电脑做作业,同时也在接收即时信息。由于即时信息包含有两个人的私密谈话,即时消息经常被援引,是陌生人采用的把孩子引入不合适谈话的主要方式。你想指出孩子在线交流的过度使用,从好处说是一种不错的的消遣方式,往坏处说,存有潜在的危害。

5 Unit6 Text A P94 让聊天室辩论什么明显的转折点。可以肯定的是,世界已经数字化,并没有回头路。,全球大约有2亿网民。单说美国,就有8千万。这些数据只告诉故事的一部分:网络不再是新鲜事,已经成为一种令人感兴趣的消磨时间的方式。1/3的美国网民(至少他们中的一部分)在网上购物,一部分在网上咨询医生,在网上听收音机,在网上作抵押,在网上追踪包裹,在网上获取信息,在网上电话聊天,在网上查找政治候选人。这其中的每一项活动都让人印象深刻,最终的影响是形成了一种不同的生活方式。在NEWSWEEK特刊中,我们的目标是探讨网络发生了什么,为什么,又是如何改变着全世界人们的生活方式的。

Text B

P108 最后,在电子商务中,企业和竞争对手是合作关系。这听起来比较奇怪,和“敌人”合作----但是企业发现要在瞬息万变的市场中满足客户的需求,要在诸如产品更新和零部件购买中进行合作。在变化、复杂的环境中,完美的描述了电子商务世界,与竞争对手合作是降低成本,鼓励创新的唯一途径。如,****宣布创立名叫***的因特网市场,在这里,计算机生产者和供应商可以买卖电子产品和服务。在酒店业,竞争对手**也在网上房间预订方面进行合作。

6 Unit7 Text A P113 ********************************************************** Unit8 Text A P130 尽管发展中国家积极执行计划生育政策,但也不能期望人口增长率很快会发生变化,因为发展中国家人口年龄结构分布不均。在今后的三四十年中,世界将增加30亿人口,所以即使我们继续关注人口过剩问题,即使我们的办法非常有效,未来的几十年很可能仍被悲剧所笼罩。大约有12亿人口目前处于极度贫困当中,他们每天摄取的热量不到联合国推荐的最低标准的80%。

鉴于我们正在付出的努力,考虑到人口增长的趋势,估计到21世纪,世界人口数量可能会稳定下来。人口专家对那时的人口做了各种测算,从大约是现在人口的2倍(约104亿)到现今人口的4倍以上(超过200亿)。 Text B P144 尽管科学界发出紧急通告,我们的政治领导人迟迟不把降低大气层中二氧化碳的含量付诸行动。布什政府推出《京都议定书》既令人失望也在意料之中。在将近10年的时间里,世界各国的领导人没有履行他们在1992年地球峰会上做出的减少二氧化碳排放量的承诺,尽管二氧化碳是导致全球变暖的主要原因。



五年以上工作经验 | 女 |32岁(1978年4月16日)


电 话:139********(手机)


最近工作 [ 3 年2个月]

公 司: XX(上海)咨询有限公司

行 业:其他行业

职 位:英文翻译兼外事专管员


学 历:本科

专 业:英语

学 校:华东师范大学



丰富的外国供应商接待经验。工作中独立思考及操作能力强,“CET-6级”、“全国翻译资格考试英语口译三级”证书。 英语听、说、读、写流利,可胜任笔译及一般会议口译,陪同翻译等工作。性格开朗,工作认真负责,人际关系融洽。


工作性质: 全职

期望月薪: 面议/月

目标职能: 英语翻译


2007 /9--至今:XX(上海)咨询有限公司 [ 3 年2个月]




工作业绩: 多次翻译公司董事会纪要,少数合同翻译,多次成功申办各国签证,并成功申办了难度较大的斯洛伐克工作签证,并与领事馆保持了良好关系。

2005 /10--2007 /9:自由职业[ 1 年11个月]

所属行业: 其他行业






2002 /2--2005 /9:上海某翻译公司[ 3个7个月]




1998 /9--2002 /7华东师范大学英语本科


2008 /12--2009 /4:复旦大学网络学院 人力资源管理师二级 人力资源管理师二级证书2005 /3-2006/3:昂立教育高级口译

2002 /11--2002 /12: 复旦外国语学院研究生部 英美文化,翻译,写作,语言学2002 /7--2002 /8:华东工业大学金叶信息技术学院全国大学英语研修班课程2002年曾随学院教师参加暑期全国大学英语教学组和上海外教社在上海举办的研修班课程,受益匪浅。


2009 /10 中级工程师 合格

2005 /12 高级口译证书 合格

2004 /9 初级工程师

2002 /5 英语专业八级 合格

2002 /5 全国计算机等级二级 合格








Today\'s university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguous feelings about their future.


A man cannot find himself without finding a center beyond hi.So the idealism of the undergraduate 3.我们强烈地希望在大学所学到的知识在今后的工作于学习中能起到重要的作用。

We eagerly hope that the leons leaned in the university will reveal themselves in our performance in the workplace and further education.


It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-year undergraduate experience is the only path to succe in life.


We run the risk of making critical decisions, not on the basis of what we know, the findings of investigations, and the data of experiments, but on the basis of blind faith in profeed experts.


Our task needs a large group of well-informed, caring young people who can band together, learn from each other, and actively participate



four modernizations.


If it is to endure, the new school should help the students not only acquire a sold basic education and become competent in a specific field, but also be ready to commit themselves to others.



It is not too much to say that if undergraduates exceively devote themselves to examinations, the will push competence and commitment to the fringes.


I didn\'t even speak to him; much le discu the reconstruction of your school with him.


Some people think examinations are second to none, Examinations leave us an open eential question --- what influence do examinations exert on education?



He is an experienced banker and an acknowledged trade expert, not to mention an excellent managing director.


Regardle of danger, volunteers from an Italian organization for peace have gone to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, to form a \"body shield\" for the purpose of preventing the US from bombing the place.


Nobody in the family is more dedicated to operating the real estate busine than Judy.


Because of the economic depreion, real estate agents are in the dilemma of whether to lower prices or let sales fall off.


More often than not, Mr.Smith earns great profits by careful investment of his capital.


John did not make much of a mark in his studies at school, but he excelled at sports.

7.有条不紊的职责交接是家庭企业长期繁荣的一个条件。experience must help the student transcend himself.

but some think examinations have a lot of disadvantages. Orderly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family busine. 8.在制定投资计划之前,你最好对投资前景有个清楚的了解。

You had better have a clear picture of prospects before formulating a plan for investment.

9.尽管雕塑费时,但是仍有一些人以雕塑为职业。Although sculpture is a time-consuming art, there are still some people following it as a profeion. 10.这家电脑软件公司正处于从独资经营到合资经营的转化过程中。

The software company is in the midst of being transformed from an individual proprietorship to a joint venture.



The automobile was improved very rapidly after it was invented and soon displaced horses.


We may have to cut down on the number of privately owned cars and depend more on public ma transit systems because cars pollute and maim or even kill people.


While wheels (automobiles) have brought with them better or more convenient transportation, they are guilty of many sins, such as air pollution, traffic accidents and traffic congestion. 4.美国人对汽车的热爱以及他们较大的工作流动性是出了名的。

Americans are noted for their love for cars and great job mobility.


If only advances in fuel quality and efficiency and in technology would radically reduce the emiions from automobiles. 6.在美国,高度发达的公路网使在各地之间来来往往成为可能。

A highly developed highway network has made poible the easy movement from coast to coast in the United



7.一想到这条林荫大道的建设速度,参观者都感到很吃惊:这条路不久前还在开挖及铺设排水管。The very thought of the speed at which the beautiful avenue was constructed electrified every visitor; the road had only recently been torn up to lay drain-pipes not long ago.


Environmentalists dirty air.


Many new residential complexes have risen up in the suburbs of metropolitan cities because of the availability of convenient public transportation.


Despite their love for cars, many people lend credence to the extensive use of the public transport system, which can cut down on traffic congestion.



Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of this health is the survival of a diversity of wild animals.

2.史密斯先生出示了大量的证据来表明:在某种程度上,如果我们破换大自然,那就是毁灭我们自己。 Mr.Smith produced abundant evidence to indicate that we, to some extent, diminish ourselves if we diminish nature.

3.西方各国的许多城市已经转换到使用新的可减少污染含量的汽油,我们中国有些城市也已经这样做了。Many cities in Western countries have switched to a new gasoline formula that reduces the pollution content.This is also true of some cities in China.


As depicted in a poem written by the English poet Edmund Spenser, nature is not only a mother but a judge, having jurisdiction over and doing justice to all creatures




believing they are a major factor in the production of 5.政府的一项调查研究的出的结论是:除了过分拥挤和公共交通很差外,该市面临的最大问题是噪音和污染。

A government study concludes that besides overcrowding and poor public transport, the biggest problems the city is up against are noise and pollution.6.与所有其他动物不一样,人类具有根据自己的判断而行事的能力。

Unlike all other creatures, humans have the ability to act on their judgment/ understanding.7.难道你不同意健康而无财富比有财富而不健康要好得多的这种说法吗?

Don\'t you agree with the statement that health without wealth is preferable to wealth without health? 8.即使那些工业经济的拥护者也不得不公开承认:人类与大自然之间发生的任何冲突往往对双方都不利。 Even those defenders of industrial economy have to acknowledge openly that any conflict between humans and nature often occurs at the expense of both.9.如果你的朋友善意地指出你的一个缺点,你不仅要欣然接受,而且应当感谢。

If your friend kindly points out a fault you have, take what is said not merely pleasantly, but thankfully.10.人与野生动物之间的差别之一就在于,前者能就他们改变自然地种类及规模作出明智的选择。 One of the differences between humans and wild animals is that (or lies in that) the former can make a wise choice as to the kind and scale of the change they make to nature.



So-called ideally good men, in fact, are not always of benefit to society and the standards of goodne have long been argued. 2.好人在道德上必须是无可指责的,他们也不应当对危害社会的事情熟视无睹。

The morals of good men must be irreproachable and they mustn\'t be so indifferent to the things causing harm to society. 3.在工作中他们努力做到勤奋与认真,以保证任务顺利地完成;而且他们并不计较个人的名誉和地位。 They try to be aiduous and earnest and see to it that they finish their work smoothly; they never give any thought to personal fame and position.



Scandals can defame a genuinely good man, wNle flattery can make an evil man a good man.


He cannot tell good men from evil ones, so bad men often use him to screen heir villains.


They often elbowed out the undesirables, which made it impoible for them to continue their work.

7.虽然他受到了胁迫,他并没有表现出害怕的样子而是继续进行自己的试验,直到取得满意的结果。Although he was threatened, he was not afraid of that and continued his own experiment, which was calculated to be succeful,


The poor man was sentenced to be imprisoned for life on the ground that he had stolen bread from a store. 9.他们一直跟踪他的活动,但是没有发现任何可疑的行为。

They have kept track of his activities, but haven\'t found any suspected behavior


Many people were against him for his violation of some conventional concepts.But still Some others followed suit.Reading Practice


人们一直说“只有时间才能支配我们。”人们似乎把时间当作一个差不多是实实在在 的东西来对待。我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、对 时间的利用作出解释我们还要因付出时间而收取费用。时间是一种宝贵的资源许多人都

深感人生的短暂。时光一去不复返。我们应当让每一分钟都过得有意义。 \"We are slaves to nothing but the clock,\" it has been said.Time is treated as if it were something almost real.We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it.It is a precious resource.Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortne of each lifetime.Once the sands have run out of a person\'s hourgla, they cannot be replaced.We want every minute

to count.因此我们千方百计地节约时间。我们发明了一系列节省劳力的装置我们通过发传真、打电话或发电子邮件与他人迅速地进行交流而不是通过直接接触。虽然面对面接触令人愉 快但却要花更多的时间尤其是在马路上交通拥挤的时候。因此我们把大多数个人拜访


Consequently, we work hard at the task of saving time.We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer—especially given our traffic-filled streets.We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings 美国无疑是一个电话王国。几乎每个人都在用电话做生意、与朋友聊天、安排或取消社 交约会、表达谢意、购物和获得各种信息。电话不但能免去走路之劳而且还能节约大量时 间。其部分原因在于这样一个事实美国的电话服务是一流的而邮政服务的效率则差一些。 The US is definitely a telephone country.Almost everyone uses the telephone toconduct busine, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say \"Thank you\", to shop and to obtain all kinds of information.Telephones save the feet and endle amounts of time.This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is le efficient.你在敌意阶段使用的这些办法并不能解决问题。如果你仅仅是偶尔运用一下其中一个应 付办法来帮助你生存下去这也无妨。但是你必须谨慎。这些办法可能会真的使你受到伤害


The defense mechanisms you utilize in the hostility stage are not helpful.If you only occasionally use one of these coping mechanisms to help yourself survive, that is acceptable.You must be cautious, however.These mechanisms can really hurt you because they prevent you from making neceary adjustments to the new culture.在她人生最初的24年里人们一直叫她戴比──一个和她的漂亮容貌和优雅举止不相 配的名字。“我的名字总是使我觉得自己应该是一个厨子”她抱怨道“我真的不想要戴


For her first twenty-four years, she\'d been known as Debbie—a name that didn\'t suit her good looks and elegant manner.\"My name has always made me think I should be a cook,\" she complained.\"I just don\'t feel like a Debbie.\" 虽然你父母很可能想让你的名字伴随你一辈子但记住他们选这个名字的时候几乎还 没有见到你呢。而且他们在选名字时所看重的希望和梦想也许并不符合你的希望和梦想。 如果你的名字看上去已不再适合你不要苦恼你不必一辈子用这个名字。影星们就经常改

名下点决心你也可以这样做。 Though your parents probably meant your name to last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they\'d hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they valued when they chose it may not match yours.If your name no longer seems to fit you, don\'t despair; you aren\'t stuck with the label.Movie stars regularly change their names,

and with some determination, you can, too.

我不是在抱怨只是在表明一种观点。我发现父母给孩子们买的玩具和衣服越来越多 这种倾向在美国家庭已是司空见惯。我认为在很多家庭中孩子们都把家长的慷慨大方视作

理所当然的事情而且这种做法的后果实际上对孩子们来说也是有害的。 I\'m not complaining, only making a point.I think the tendency to give children too many toys and clothes is quite common in American families.I think in far too many families not only do children come to take their parents\' generosity for granted, but also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children.一个颇为常见的原因就是父母亲们出于内疚而溺爱孩子。两人都是全职工作者的父母也 许会因为不能常常和孩子在一起而感到内疚。他们可能想通过给孩子们大量物质的东西作为


One fairly common reason is that parents spoil their children out of a sense of guilt.Parents who both hold down full-time jobs may feel guilty about the amount of time they spend away from their children and, as accommodation for being away so much, may attempt to compensate by showering them with material poeions.Other parents provide too much because they want their children to have everything 另外被宠坏的孩子也并不比那些没什么玩具的孩子在做游戏时被激发出更大的创造 性。由于有求必应他们了解金钱价值的机会就比别人少而且当他们的要求无法即刻得到


Also, spoiled children are not as challenged to be more creative in their play as children with fewer toys.They have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money, and have le experience in learning to deal with delay in satisfaction, when

every requested object is given on demand.有时你也许会对自己是否要对孩子提出的许多要求作出让步感到没有把握。这并不意味 着你不能改变。首先你应该设法弄清楚是什么东西使你让步或者让你感到内疚。然后 即使没能找出原因你也应该开始作出果断的决定试着对孩子的要求作出迅速明确的反


Sometimes you may feel uncertain about whether to give in to many of your children\'s requests.That doesn\'t mean you can\'t change.First, you should try to determine what makes you submit or feel guilty.Then, even if you haven\'t uncovered the reason, you should begin to make firm decisions and practice responding to your children\'s requests in a prompt, definite manner.我和盖尔计划举行一个不事张扬的婚礼。在两年的相处中我们的关系经历了起伏这是一 对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常常出现的。但在这整整两年间我们坦诚地面对彼


Gail and I imagined a quiet wedding.During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other.But through it all we had honestly confronted the weaknees

and strengths of each other\'s characters.当盖尔把我们计划举办婚礼的消息告诉家人时她遇到了一些阻力。她的母亲德博拉过 去一直赞成我们的关系甚至还开过玩笑问我们打算何时结婚这样她就可以抱外孙了。 但这次听到我们要结婚的消息时她没有向我们表示祝贺反而劝盖尔想清楚自己的决定


When Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family she met with some resistance.Her mother, Deborah, all along had been supportive of our relationship, and even joked about when we were going to get married so she could have grandchildren.Instead of congratulations upon hearing our news, Deborah counseled Gail to be really

sure she was doing the right thing.

我们之间的种族及文化差异不但增强了我们的关系还教会了我们要彼此宽容、谅解和 开诚布公。盖尔有时不明白为何我和其他黑人如此关注种族问题而我感到吃惊的是她好


Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other.Gail sometimes wondered why I and other blacks were so involved with the racial iue, and I was surprised that she seemed to forget the subtler forms of racial hatred in American

society.盖尔的父亲戴维——我还未见过他的面——以知事莫若父的态度对待我们的决定。他问 的问题基本上和盖尔母亲的问题相同“干吗这么匆忙这个马克是什么人他是什么公民 身份”当他得知我办公民身份遇到了问题时就怀疑我是因为想留在美国而娶他女儿的。

Gail\'s father, David, whom I had not yet met personally, approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude.He basically asked the same questions as Gail\'s mother: \"Why the haste? Who is this Mark? What\'s his citizenship status?\" And when he learned of my problems with the citizenship department, he immediately suspected that I was marrying his daughter in order to remain in the United States.我希望她会先提起里奇。我注意到了她开门时的面部表情她当时勉强地笑了笑从头 到脚地打量着里奇以验证素媛阿姨对里奇的评价。我尽力设想她会有哪些不满意的地方。

I was hoping she would say something first concerning Rich.I had seen her expreion when she opened the door, her forced smile as she surveyed him from head to toe, checking her judgment of him against that already given to her by Auntie Suyuan.I tried to anticipate what criticisms she would have.最糟糕的是他批评了我妈妈的烹饪手艺而他竟然没意识到自己做了什么。我妈妈总是 要对她自己的烹饪发表一些评论说一些自己的菜烧得不好之类的话这是中国厨师的习惯。那晚她原打算说说自己的拿手菜——梅干菜蒸肉上这个菜时她总是特别得意。

But the worst happened when Rich criticized my mother\'s cooking, and he didn\'t even have a clue about what he had done.As is the Chinese cook\'s custom, my mother always made negative remarks about her own cooking.That night she chose to direct it toward her famous steamed pork and preserved vegetable dish, which she always

served with special pride.这句话在我们家意味着让大家来尝一点并且还要说这道菜是妈妈做得最好的一次。但 是我们还没能来得及说一些这样圆滑得体的话里奇就说“嗯这菜只需要加一点点酱 油。”接着他无视我母亲惊诧的眼光把许多咸乎乎、黑溜溜的东西倒进了瓷盘里。

This was our family\'s cue to eat some and proclaim it the best she had ever made.But before we could be so diplomatic, Rich said, \"You know, all it needs is a little soy sauce.\" And he proceeded to pour a riverful of the salty black stuff on the china

plate, right before my mother\'s shocked eyes.大中央车站问询处桌子上方的数字钟显示差六分六点。约翰〃布兰福德一个年轻的 高个子军官眼睛盯着大钟看确切的时间。六分钟后他将见到一位在过去13个月里在 他生命中占有特殊位置的女人一位他素未谋面、却通过书信始终给予他力量的女人。

Six minutes to six, said the digital clock over the information desk in Grand Central Station.John Blandford, a tall young army officer, focused his eyesight on the clock to note the exact time.In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled a special place in his life for the past thirteen months, a woman he had never seen, yet whose written words had been with him and had given him strength without

fail.13个月来她忠实地给他写信。即使没有他的回信她仍然一如既往地写信给他从 未减少过。在那段艰苦战斗的日子里她的信鼓励着他给予他力量。收到她的信他就仿 佛感到自己能存活下去。一段时间后他相信他们彼此相爱就像是命运让他们走到了一起。

For thirteen months, she had faithfully written to him.When his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, without decrease.During the difficult days of war, her letters nourished him and gave him courage.As long as he received letters from her, he felt as though he could survive.After a short time, he believed he loved her, and she loved him.It was as if fate had brought them together.布兰福德克制住跟随年轻女子而去的冲动尽管这样做并不容易。他的手抓着那本在他 去战场前她寄给他的书为的是让霍利斯〃梅内尔认出他。这不会成为爱情但将成为一样 珍贵的东西一样可能比爱情更不寻常的东西──一份他一直感激、也将继续感激的友情。

Blandford resisted the urge to follow the younger woman, though it was not easy to do so.His fingers held the book she had sent to him before he went off to the war, which was to identify him to Hollis Meynell.This would not be love.However, it would be something precious, something perhaps even le common than love—a friendship for which he had been, and would always be, thankful.1942年冬季的一天寒冷刺骨。但在纳粹集中营中这与别的日子没有什么差别。自 我从家中被人带走并随着数万犹太人被带到这儿以来我已濒临死亡只能活一天算一天活一小时算一小时。我们在纳粹可怕的皮鞭下受尽煎熬。明天我还会活着吗今晚我会不会

被带到毒气室去或是被警卫简简单单地用来复枪射杀 It is cold on this winter day in 1942.But it is no different from any other day in this Nazi concentration camp.I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews.We suffer under the whips of the terrible Nazis.Will I still be alive tomorrow? Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight? Or will a

security guard simply shoot me with his rifle? 这时她把手伸进口袋掏出一个红苹果。噢我有多久没有看到这样的苹果了它又是 多么地闪闪发亮——比任何水晶都耀眼她非常谨慎地左右看看然后一下子把它抛过铁栅栏。我把它捡起来用我冻僵的手捧着它。在这充满死亡的世界中这苹果无疑代表了生命而她的举动就是爱的果实。我抬头瞥见那女孩在远处渐渐消失。 Then she reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a red apple.Oh, how long has it been since I have seen one! And how this one shines—greater than any crystal! She looks cautiously around, and then quickly throws the apple over the fence.I pick it up and hold it in my frozen fingers.In my world of death, this apple is an expreion of life, and her act is the product of love.I glance up in time to

see the girl disappearing into the distance.她又来了。她又一次给我带来了苹果比上次更精确地将它抛过了铁丝网。苹果飞过铁 丝网正好从我的头顶上方落下来。我在空中接住了苹果高举着让她看。她的眼中闪着光


Again, she comes.And again, she brings me an apple, flinging it over the fence with greater precision than before so that the apple flies over the fence and drops directly above me.I catch it as it is descending.I hold it up for her to see.Her

eyes shine.第二天当我再见到她的时候我的心都碎了我几乎无法说话但我必须说明白“明 天别再给我带苹果了”我告诉她说“我将被押往另一个集中营。我们再也不能见面了。” 在我完全失去控制前我转身从铁丝网边跑开了。我实在不忍心再回头看。如果我转身我知


The next day when I greet her, my heart is breaking, and I can hardly speak as I say what must be said: \"Do not bring me an apple tomorrow,\" I tell her.\"I am being sent to another camp.We will never see each other again.\" Turning before I lose all control, I run away from the fence.I cannot bear to look back.If I do, I know she would see the tears streaming down my face.我记不清父亲是什么时候开始咳嗽的。也许开始时并不明显只是早晨一下床点燃第一 支香烟时才有点微咳。到我16岁也就是我女儿现在这般年纪时他一呼吸就呼哧呼哧的让人感到不安他上楼时每走



I do not remember when he started to cough.Perhaps it was unnoticeable at first, a little coughing in the morning as he lit his first cigarette upon getting out of bed.By the time I was sixteen, my daughter\'s age, his breath was a wheeze, embarraing to hear; he could not climb stairs without resting every third or fourth step.It was not unusual for him to cough for an hour.作为母亲我深深地感到痛苦。有时我有一种无能为力的感觉。我记得自己怀孕时吃 东西的时候是多么小心啊之后在教她如何安全穿过马路时又是多么耐心啊有时我纳闷自己这样做到底是为了什么难道是为了她今后大半辈子有气无力地挣扎着呼吸然


There is a deep hurt that I feel as a mother.Some days it is a feeling of uselene.I remember how carefully I ate when I was pregnant, how patiently I taught my daughter how to cro a street safely.For what, I sometimes wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did?



问: 什么是全国外语翻译证书考试

答:全国外语翻译证书考试是教育部考试中心与北京外国语大学合作举办,在全国实施的面向全体公民的非学历证书考试。全称叫 National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters (NAETI),主要测试应试者笔译和口译能力。目前只有英语一个语种,将来要扩展到其他语种。





●初级口译证书:本证书证明持有人能够承担一般性会谈或外宾日常生活的口译工作。 ●中级口译证书:本证书证明持有人能够承担一般性正式会议、技术或商务谈判,以及外事活动的专业口译工作。


问: 全国外语翻译证书考试从何而来?




问: 通过这个考试有什么好处?

答: 首先,目前国内没有一个统一的翻译资格认定考试机构,从事翻译的人员无法对自己的翻译能力作出评估。其次,我国加入WTO后,与世界的交往会更加紧密,社会对外语人才,尤其是具有一定水平的翻译人才的需求会更多、更迫切。目前,国内从事翻译工作的人数众多,良莠不齐,翻译资格认定工作迫在眉睫。北外是我国创办最早的外国语大学,多年来为我国政府机关等单位培养了一大批高级译员,新中国几代领导人的翻译均出自北外。北外的毕业生以其优秀的外语口笔头表达能力,一直受到用人单位的青睐和英语国家教育界的高度评价。因此,考取北外英语翻译资格证书不仅是自身语言运用能力的最佳证明,更是求职就业的理想途径。




问: 全国外语翻译证书考试证书的颁发、适用范围是如何规定的?





问: 口译大概要考多长时间?

答: 各级别的口译均大约30分钟。通过高级口译录音考试者还要参加面试,面试时要考同声传译。


答: 1.本考试专门对广大从业人员和在校大学生的英语实际翻译能力进行科学考核并提供权威认证。对报考资格无年龄、职业、以及受教育程度的限制,任何人都可以根据自己的实际水平选择参加口译或笔译的一个证书考试。

2.由于口译和笔译考试都是相对独立的,所以可以同时报考某个级别的口译和笔译。 问: 是不是要先通过笔译考试,然后才能参加口译考试?

答: 本考试分笔译和口译两种,二者各分初、中、高三个等级,共六种翻译证书考试。口译能力强者可以直接报名参加口译考试。

问: 我的笔译能力很强,但口译做得不太多,可能报考高级笔译和初级口译吗? 答: 可以。

问: 我是非英语专业大学本科毕业生,通过了大学英语六级考试,我应该报考哪个级别呢? 答: 本考试各个级别的难度大致为:初级,北外英语专业本科二年级或二年级以上水平;中级,北外英语专业本科毕业或研究生水平;高级,北外高级翻译学院毕业生或以上水平。您已经通过了大学英语六级考试,建议您先考初级。

问: 我是英语专业大专毕业生,在一家合资企业当翻译两年多了,平时主要是翻译产品说明书和商务合同,外商来时也负责接待工作。我应该报考口译和笔译的哪个级别呢?

答: 鉴于您有一定的英语基础,并在翻译方面有一些实践经验,平时工作以笔译为主,建议您从初级考起。

问: 笔译怎么考?

答: 本考试重点考核考生实际从事翻译工作的能力,因此考试的题型和内容近似于实际工作中所碰到的情况。笔译考试分为两部分,英译汉和汉译英各2-3篇文章。初、中、高级考试的时间分别为



问: 口译怎么考?

答: 口译采取听录音做翻译的方式。考生在语音室内头戴耳机,听到一段英文或中文讲话后把它们分别译成中文或英文并录到磁带上。讲话的长度从初级的250词/字到高级的600-800词/字不等,讲话当中一些停顿,停顿的时间不等。对于初级而言,讲几秒钟甚至几十秒钟后停下来让考生进行翻译,留给考生翻译的时间约为播放录音时间的1-1.5倍。对于中级而言,讲1分至1分半钟后停顿下来让考生进行翻译,留给考生翻译的时间约为播放录音时间的1-1.5倍。对于高级考生而言,讲3至5分钟后停顿下来让考生进行翻译,留给考生翻译的时间等于播放录音的时间。口译时,考生需要做笔记或速记,并充分利用停顿的时间进行翻译。

问: 口译面试由谁来考?

答: 由考试委员会聘请的专家进行面试。






答: 今年首次考试的试题将放到网上,考生可直接登陆到http://查找。 问:有没有针对这个考试的辅导班?

答: 有。北京外国语大学专门成立了翻译资格证书考试培训中心,负责培训工作。需要培训的考生可报名参加。




答:全国外语翻译证书考试初级和中级每年开考两次。每年五月和十月各举行一次。高级口译和高级笔译仅在每年的五月举行。具体考试时间为五月和十月的第四个周末。 问:如何报名参加考试?

答: 全国外语翻译证书考试由教育部考试中心下设的各个考点负责报名和考试的组织实施。考生可以就近报名,考生凭本人的有效身份证件报考(注:有效身份证件指居民身份证、护照、军警人员证件、户口本等),报名时需按要求提供相关信息,1张1寸的近期正面免冠照片,并按规定交纳报考费用。

问: 考试怎么收费?

答: 初级笔译考试费400元,初级口译500元,中级笔译600元,中级口译700元,高级笔译和口译均为1200元。

问: 我是外地考生,可以在当地报名吗?

答: 除北京外,在全国各地还设有十几个考点,考生可以就近报名。设点情况,请参阅附录。

问: 什么时候可以知道成绩?

答: 考试结束大约10周后。


UNIT1 英译汉

P4 1.The busine environment is le lone-wolf and competitive,so signs of being collaborative and selfle stand out.企业的环境并不需要单打独斗,争强好胜,所以表现出合作和无私精神的员工就脱颖而出了。在企业环境中,没有这样的思维方式就不可能成功。

P5 2.Many postdocs and grad students have a tough time showing that they can make this transition because so much of their life has involved playing the independent-researcher role and outshining other young stars.许多博士后和研究生在进行这种过渡的过程中表现的相当费力,因为生命中有那么长一段时间他们都在扮演一个独立研究者的角色,并且要表现得比其他年轻的优秀人才更出色。 P6

3.To suddenly be valued and measured by your mastery of human relationships can be a very scary proposition for a person who has been valued and measured only by his mastery of things.对一个以前一直根据专业知识水平被评价的人来说,突然之间要根据他的人际交往能力来评价他,真是十分令人恐惧。

P19 4.Empowering lawyers in this way inculcates a heightened sense of personal responsibility,which in turn reinforce the drive for individual excellence..以此种方式授权律师既强调了一种高度的个人责任感,又反过来加强了个人追求卓越的驱动力。

P20 5.Almost by definition,an elite law firm supports pro bono and public service efforts,thereby accomplishing the intertwined goal of compensating its profeionals and discharging its institutional obligations to society.一家顶级的律师事务所所支持公益服务几乎是理所当然的,它由此完成既回报专业人士又履行作为公共机构对于社会责任这两个密不可分的目标。


P27 1.是你应得的奖金due to you as a bonus 2.以表彰他为心理学作出的贡献in recognition of his contributions to psychology 3.达到一种目的serves a purpose 4.在适当的时候得到处理attended to in due course 5.比其他问题都重要takes precedence over all the others 6.需要庆祝一下calls for a celebration 7.渴望一些新书thirsted for a few new books 8.有关你们部门的工作机会with reference to the job opening in your department 9.玛丽有广泛的兴趣爱好Mary has a great diversity of interests 10.承诺增加利润committed themselves to boosting profits.

UNIT2 P36 1.众所周知,明朝以来出现了八大菜系,分别是山东菜、四川菜、广东菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、湖南菜和安徽菜。(老师书上是这一句)。

P37 2.Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite,and is typical of food from along the lower Yantze River.浙江菜口味清淡,精致玲珑,是长江下游区域菜肴的代表。 P39 3.In China,food eaten during festivals is particularly important.At different festivals,people partake of different fare.中国人特别在乎过节时吃什么,不同的节日吃不同的食物。 P49 4.Quite literally,that is now where a lot of French cooking begins-and increasingly,where the era of great French cuisine as something truly unique and exclusive to France is slowly coming to an end.事实上,现在许多法国菜发源于此,而正是这儿却日益见证着真正独具法国特色的伟大的法师烹饪时代正在逐渐走向消亡。

P51 5.The problems afflicting French cuisine are emblematic of those that plague the economy as a whole.造成法式烹饪衰落的原因同样也是造成法国经济整体不振的原因。


P65 1.Amazingly,Rowling keeps her several plotlines clear of each other until the end,when she deftly brings everything together in a cataclysmic conclusion.让人称奇的是,罗琳让每一册书的情节相互独立,但最后她却能够巧妙地把它们衔接起来,形成一个意想不到的结局。

2.The only sour note in all the songs of joy over this phenomenon has come from some parents and conservative religious leaders who say Rowling advocates whitchcraft.在对哈利波特现象的一路欢歌中,出现的唯一一个不和谐音符来自于一些父母和保守的宗教领袖,他们认为罗琳在宣扬巫术。

P67 3.That quibble aside,Rowling’s novels are probably the best books children have ever encountered that haven’t been thrust upon them by an adult.除了这些吹毛求疵的意见,罗琳的书可能是孩子们接触到的最好的书,而且阅读这些书也不是家长强加的任务。

P79 4.The place that British historian Mark Mazower once called the true dark continent-and from whose curdled soul the horrors of fascism sprang-has become Europa Ludens,a community at play.这个曾近被英国史学家马克.马佐沃称作“不折不扣的黑暗大陆”——从他那腐蚀的灵魂中曾迸出过法西斯的恐怖——如今却俨然变成了一个狂欢的欧洲,一个尽情享乐的社会。 P80 5.Whatever the explanation,the idea of a work life balance is a staple of European discourse,studied in think tanks,mulled over by policymakers.不管如何解释,工作与生活的平衡总是欧洲人的主要谈资,同时也是智囊团和政策制定者研究和考虑到主题。



1.一时兴起喜欢上了画画took painting up for a while

2.在花园里转转A stroll round the garden

3.狼吞虎咽地吃掉了一整个比萨饼tucked into the whole pizza quickly

4.偶然发现了一种极为简单但准确的方法stumbled acro/on/upon an extremely simple but very exact method

5.以空前的热情with unprecedented zeal

6.个人的内在价值the intrinsic value of every person/individual

7.好像和国际象棋没有什么两样as if it were no different from che

8.不管怎样,我都会给你打电话in any event I’ll telephone you

9.游人如织is packed with tourists

10.他正在仔细考量这些提议 He’s mulling over the proposals

UINT4 P98 1.Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a





for example,depreion,headaches,physiological impairments,and neurotic and psychosomatic difficulties-that sometimes last a lifetime.众所周知缺乏爱的婴儿会产生各种各样的问题,如抑郁症、头痛、生理残疾、神经质或身心疾病,这些病有时会伴随他们的一生。

P99 2.Among other things,people who like themselves are more open to criticism and le demanding of others.从别的方面来说,自我喜欢的人更乐于接受批评对别人的要求也不那么苛刻。

3.Many researchers feel that love defies a single definithion because it varies in degree and intensity and acro social contexts.许多研究者觉得爱没有一个唯一的定义,它有程度和强度之分并且跨越了社会背景。

P110 4.There was a hope that they would change once they retired,and the furious winds did calm somewhat,but what remained steeled itself into bright,hard bitterne.原来以为退休后的情况会有所改变,不错,怒火是稍稍平息了一些,但余怒却结成了强烈的怨恨。

P112 5.Even the very fury they lavished on each other was a brick in this unseen creation,a structure that reveals itself increasingly as the world around them falls apart.即使是两个人之间互相发泄的怒火,到头来却成了他们促成了他们关系稳固的砖墙。 P116task2 (116)

1.我的世界就垮了 my world just fell apart

2.所以我只好做得尽量好so I just had to make the best of it 3.在那里安家了 settled down over there 4.他们过着完全分开的生活 they lead completely separated lives 5.我正准备打电话过去 I was steeling myself to call round 6.人们常常会有沮丧感 People often feel a sense of frustration 7.有了后见之明的好处 With the benefit of hindsight

8.我们今天在这里向。。的男男女女致敬We are here today to honor the men and women

9.她自我安慰说She consoled herself with the fact

10.很多妇女都面临这样的窘境 Many women are faced with the dilemma

Unit5 P128

1.Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline,and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine,offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept.每天练习瑜伽会达到最好的效果,随着动作越来越熟练,你就可以加大强度和难度,这样瑜伽就能成为你相伴终生的日常锻炼方式了。


2.Currently,the American Medical Aociation recommends meditation techniques as a first step before medication for borderline hypertension cases.美国医学协会已推荐把冥想疗法替代药物治疗用于治疗疑似高血压的第一步了


3.Many yogis are amazed at how rapidly yoga’s popularity has spread in America,considering the legend that it was paed down secretly by handfuls of adherents for many centuries.许多世纪以来,瑜伽只是在极少信徒的言传身教中得以流传,而今它在美国快速普及,这使许多瑜伽师感到很惊异。


4.Stre can compromise immune functioning,leading to a host of diseases of adaptation.压力会危及免疫功能并导致一系列新陈代谢紊乱等病症。


5.During the early adult years,tremendous preures and responsibilities force you to juggle career and family obligations.在刚成人的时候,巨大的压力和责任使你不得不兼顾事业和家庭责任。

UNIT6 P162 1.On any person who desires such queer prizes,New York will bestow the gift of loneline and the gift of privacy.纽约将孤寂与独处当作赠礼,赐予所有向往这份奇特礼物的人们。

2.It carries on its lapel the unexpungeable odor of the long past,so that no matter where you sit in New York you feel the vibrations of great times and tall deeds,of queer people and events and undertakings.纽约的领口上弥漫着绵延悠长、挥之不去的历史气息,不管坐在纽约城的哪个角落,你都能感受到那些辉煌时代和宏伟业绩的搏动,那些奇妙人物、事件和活动的余音。

P164 3.I mention these events merely to show that New York is peculiarly constructed to absorb almost anything that comes along (whether 1,000-foot liner out of the East or a 20,000-man convention out of the West) without inflicting the event on its inhabitants.我提到这些,仅仅为了表明纽约城是一座建构奇特的城市,这里发生的事件包罗万象(城东1,000英尺长的班轮也好,城西2万人的集会也罢),但种种事件却又未被强加到每个居民身上。

P175 4.This bird,boasted the the market vendor,was once a duck that stretched its neck in hopes of becoming a goose,and now look!-it is too beautiful to eat.这只被小贩吹得天花乱坠的家禽,曾像丑小鸭般拼命伸着脖子,企图成为一直真正的天鹅,而后来,她果然便变得那么优雅动人,简直让人舍不得宰了吃。

P176 5.I pictured this prodigy part of me as many different images,trying each one on for size.I was a dainty ballerina girl standing by the curtains,waiting to hear the right music that would send me floating on my tiptoes.我憧憬着各种不同的天才形象,犹如一位在天幕一侧摆好优美姿势的芭蕾舞演员,只等着音乐的响起,即踮起脚尖翩然起舞。


P183 1.一个人能够单独在山里生活这么多年That a man could live for so many years alone in the mountains

2.对任何问题一知半解that you only have a smattering of superficial knowledge on any subject

3.液体没有一定的形状,担忧一定的体积that a liquid has no definite shape ,but it has a definite volume

4.但是在电视屏幕上,每个节目都显得更加生动,更加真实but on TV everything is much more vivid ,and much more real 5.这恰恰是危险所在that this is precisely where the danger lies 6.决心去执行这个计划that I am determined to carry out the plan 7.因为致力于变革现实的人们常常受到许多限制because people engaged in changing reality are usually subject to numerous limitations 8.国家领土主权不容侵犯 that the territorial sovereignty doesn’t admit infringement 9.为了我们和全人类的共同利益,我们两国必须共同发展that our two countries are destined to grow together for our mutual benefit and for the benefit of all mankind

10.敌人可能已经逃出城了that the enemy might have fled the city

UNIT7 P193

1.Each man sees himself as unique,and so far as he is concerned the hub of the universe,different from any other individual.每个人都把自己看成是独特个体,而且,就他而言,他就是宇宙的中心,有别于其他任何人

2.No two people will ever draw the same conclusions from the same experiences,but each must interpret events and fit them into the mosaic of his own life’s pattern.两个人从相同的经历中也不会得出相同的结论,但是两个人会各自分析这些事件并将它们融合到自己丰富的生活模式中去。

P194 3.The spirit is perfect,but when it inhabits human structures,it participates in the imperfections of the latter;and during its aociation with matter takes on the mortal weaknees,desires and limitations.精神是完美的,但它栖居到人类肉体结构中后,便参与其中,表现出后者的不完美。在它与物质的联系过程中呈现出凡人的弱点、欲望和局限。

P204 4.He wore only a pair of trousers and a cotton singlet,but they were tatters,grimy and foul,that barely held together.他只穿了一条裤子和一件棉质汗衫,但这些破衣烂衫污秽不堪发出一股恶臭几乎不能蔽体。 P205 5.Not to be able to place him exasperated me as it does when you try to remember a name that is on the tip of your tongue and yet eludes you.m因为想不起能和他对上号的任何场合,我非常恼火,这就和你竭力想记起一个就在嘴边的名字却怎么也想不起来一样。

汉译英 Task 3 (P203) 1.在我看来 So far as I’m concerned

2.应该尽量评测既定目标是否已经达到should endeavor to measure whether predetermined goals are being achieved 3.整晚一直专注地和他交谈 has been engroed in conversation with all night

4.仅凭一次调查结果就得出结论draw conclusions from the results of a single survey

5.他既没有朋友,也没有熟人 He had no friends nor acquaintances

6.她才告诉他袭击的事 did she tell him about the attack 7.正如我们所见 as we had seen

8.他自己才成家 that he had had a family himself 9.你谈到的这些问题时体制固有的 the problems you mention are inherent in the system

10.工作认真的年轻人 young people conscientious in their work/young people who are conscientious in their work 11.与以往不同 deviated from her custom 12.冒着丧失自己生命的危险at the peril of your own life / at your own peril

13.呈现出一片新面貌 taken on a new dimension 14.能够照顾我自己 capable of looking after myself 15.和200年前几乎一样的式样in much the same way as it was 200 years ago

16.拯救沉船上的海员 rescue the sailors from the sinking ship

17.葡萄牙参加了战争 Portugal participated in the war 18.由于我们的无知造成的 due to our ignorance


P221 1.What he found was that contrary to conventional wisdom,mandating the use of seat belts in 18 countries resulted in either no change or actually a net increase in road accident deaths.他的发现与人们的普遍看法恰恰相反——在18个强制使用安全带的国家,要么交通事故死亡率根本没有变化,要么实际上反而导致了死亡率的净增长。 P222 2.If he is wearing a seat belt and his car has front and side air bags and anti-skid brakes to boot,he may in turn drive a bit more daringly.如果他系上了安全带,而他的车子带有前、侧气囊和防滑刹车系统,他驾起车来可能会更大胆。 P223 3.The bottom line is that risk doesn’t exist in a vacuum and that there are a host of factors that come into play,including the rewards of risk,whether they are financial,physical or emotional.问题的要点就在于风险并不是孤立存在的,它会受到许多因素的影响,包括承担风险所带来的种种回报——无论是财产方面的、身体方面的,还是情感方面的。 P232 4.Even with the technology embedded in today’s automobiles,driving can be a frustrating and potentially deadly experience.即使借助当今汽车所配置的技术,驾驶汽车可能是令人烦躁并带有潜在致命性的经历。

P234 5.Once this information-gathering hardware has been put in place,all the information needs to be transmitted somewhere.一旦收集信息的硬件安装到位,就需要把所有的信息都传输出去。















Unit 1 Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience.


There is built-in-storage space in all bedrooms.


This handout focuses on self-protection measures under difficult climatic condition.


I’m sure we could offer you some short-team employment.


So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a distorted and negative self-perception.


Helen hunt stars as a character undergoing life-changing events in ThenShe Found Me.

6、海伦·亨特明星在ThenShe Found Me中扮演一个角色经历改变了生活的事件。

She has written a book that is beautiful because of the honest and the raw emotion that is portrayed in all–encompaing details.


Having a decent job contributes to a good self-image.


Unit 4 The region where a person grows up may have a subtle effect on his or her idea of the typicalne of certain items.


Many sites on the Internet provide free acce to e-books.


Busine is in the midst of a sea change when it comes to staffing and retaining superior talent.


Since 1970, Green has been on the faculty of Harvard university, where he currently holds two named profeorships.


John is a voracious book reader and participates in two monthly book clubs.

5、约翰是一位如饥似渴的读者,并且参加了两个月读书俱乐部。6.When you goal is in your conscious mind alltime,you’ll stay focused on it.


7.In all facets of community life, the media plays a central role as the conduit for information and potentially a catalyst for activism and change.



8.The rent was due, so you check came as an absolute godsend!


9.I must have skipped a page, because I lost the thread of the story.


10.On a cold winter afternoon,she likes to curl up with a book andstroll through elegant prose.


Unite 5 1.It’s nothing serious—just a touch of indigestion.


2.He did me a good turn when he advised me not to sell my house—it’s worth twice as much now.


3.The witne’tatements correspond with the available evidence.


4.The toilets are almost always out of order.


5.She was about to plunge into her story when the phone rang.


6.It is often negative power I perceive within myself that is so difficult to account for or control.


7.The train arrived at 11:05 to the minute.


8.You can do without a carpet, but you’ve got to have somewhere to site.


9.As for as starting a family is concerned,the trend is for women to have children later in life.


10.He still stood behind his cash register while stuffing his mouth with popcorn.


Unit 6 1.Water is not an effective shield against the sun’smore harmful rays.


2.Within minutes, the car was engulfed in flames.


3.We must respect the rights of sovereign nations to conduct their own affairs.


4.The company has completely outpaced its rivals in the market.


5.There’s no need to belabor the point—you don’t need to keep reminding me.


6.She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument.


7.Helicopters carried 300 women and children from two embattled villages.


8.According to the witne’s testimony,you were present when the crime was committed.


9.In spite of our best endeavors ,it has proven impoible to contact her.


10.After many trials and tribulations, we finally reached our destination.




关于CATTI的参考书并不多,而且大都是05年或是06年出版的,最新的一本卢敏老师主编的《英语三级笔译考试真题精选》虽然是08年出版的,可是里面精选的试题也都是03年到05年的。考生要获得一些最新的真题,只能零碎得到网上找找。而对于相应的辅导书籍则更少了。我那天闲来无事,倒让我找到一本南开大学出版社出版的,梁伟主编的三级实务 翻译技法与实战演练。里面的资料也还算详尽,最让人欣喜的是有很多篇幅较短的翻译练习,倒也不失为平时练习的适宜材料。在此,拿来与各位考友分享下。(三级实务汉译英应该是大多考生的薄弱环节吧,那就先从汉译英开始。相信,如果各位考友每天这么踏踏实实得练一点,再举一反三,温故知新的,到了明年的五月,就能把这考试给拿下了吧。)中国文化篇

第一篇 中国传统文化

(Traditional Chinese Culture)




博大精深:extensive and profound,形容文化底蕴的深度和广度时可以考虑这两个词。源远流长: start far back and run a long,long course,追溯事物的源头以及历史发展的轨迹。儒家学说:Confucianism


诸子百家:the masters\' hundred schools/the Masters\' One Hundred Schools

孔子:Confucius; 孟子:Mencius



The traditional Chinese culture ,both extensive and profound,starts far back and runs a long,long course.More than 2000 years ago,2there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi,and many other doctrines that 1figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought.All of them are covered by the famous term,\"the masters\' hundred schools\".

1.figure, 这个词意思很多。如果,就现在不翻字典,说出你能想出的意思:

体形,体态,身材,身影,计算,弄明白(out),这几个应该算是比较常用的了吧。不过,此处它作为动词,意思是“出现,露头角”。词典里有例说: figure in history,意思是说 在历史上赫赫有名。

2.此处用there来 引导,起形式主语作用,因为真正的主语太长了。紧跟着后面一个emerged,有“浮现,形成”的意思。关于emerge,摘录了一句挺有意思的例句:It is a wonder that at least a few children survive their schooling and emerge as people who can think,people who are open-minded and knowledgeable.


春节是农历的正月初一,是中国的农历新年。在中国的传统节日中,这是一个最重要、最热闹的节日。因为过农历新年的时候,正是冬末春初,所以人们把这个节日叫“春节”。中国人过春节有很多传统习俗。从腊月二十三起,人们就开始准备过年了。在这段时间里,家家户户要大扫除,买年货,贴窗花,挂年画,写春联(Spring Festival couplets),蒸年糕,做好各种食品,准备辞旧迎新。

The first day of the first lunar month is the New Year in the Chinese lunar calendar.Among the traditional Chinese festivals, this is the most important and the most bustling.Since it occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, people also call it the Spring Festival.Chinese have many traditional customs relating to the Spring Festival.From the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month, people start to prepare for the event.Every family will undertake a thorough cleaning, do their Spring Festival shopping, create paper-cuts for window decoration, put up New Year pictures, write Spring Festival couplets, make New Year cakes, and also prepare all kinds of food to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new.


Unit 6

1 一定要先确认把邮票贴牢了,再把信投入信箱。(attach)

Make sure the stamp is firmly attached to the letter before you drop it into the mailbox.

2 很多青少年痴迷网络游戏,这会对他们的身心健康造成损害。(be addicted to)

Many youngsters are addicted to net games, which can damage their physical and mental health.

3 她坐在桌子旁边读报,看上去好像什么事也没发生过。(for all the world)

She sat at the table reading the newspaper, looking for all the world as if nothing had happened.

4 我本打算去购物中心购物以缓解压力,但后来我改主意了。我决定好好睡一觉。(change one’s mind)

I had intended to reduce stre by shopping in the mall, but I changed my mind.I decided to have a good sleep instead.5 议会否决了总统提出的最新经济提案,因为它引起了广泛的批评。(reject; put forward; provoke)

The Congre has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the President because it provoked widespread criticism.

Unit 7

1你只要将这张桌子移到另一间办公室就行,剩下的事由我来负责。(see to)

You just remove the desk to another office, and I’ll see to the rest.

2有些美国人认为,对隐私和个人资料的保护妨碍了对恐怖主义和有组织犯罪的打击。(hold back) Some Americans believe that the protection of privacy and personal data holds back the fight against terrorism and organized crime.3这位著名的科学家将在北京大学发表有关全球气候变化与公共政策的演讲。(lecture on; global climate change) This well-known scientist will lecture at Peking University on global climate change and public policy.

4鲍勃需要控制自己,别再贪玩和浪费机会了。(get oneself together)

Bob needs to get himself together and stop playing around and wasting his opportunity.

5当约翰踩到香蕉皮滑倒的时候,那几个搞恶作剧的男孩放声大笑。(fall over; mischievous; laugh one’s head off) As John slipped on the banana skin and fell over, those mischievous boys laughed their heads off.

Unit 8

1 他抑制不住自己的好奇心,决心立刻出发,去看看真实的普罗旺斯是什么样子。(contain one’s curiosity; resolve; set off)

He couldn’t contain his curiosity, so he resolved to set off immediately to see what Provence was really like.

2 随着截止日期的临近,他花更多的时间搜寻线索,以确保结论与事实相符。(be matched by)

As the deadline approaches, he is spending more time searching for clues, making sure that the

conclusion is matched by the fact.

3 他们大约每隔两天就争吵一次,整整持续了半年多,谁也不肯认输。(at … intervals; yield to)

Their quarrels continued at approximately two-day intervals for more than half a year, and neither

wanted to yield to the other.

4 我们刚躺下,旅店的大门就被撞开了,一群士兵冲了进来。(no sooner … than …)

No sooner had we gone to bed than the door of the hotel burst open and a group of soldiers rushed in.

5 由于突然下起了大雨,他们在路上花的时间比预计多了一倍。(due to; intend to)

Due to the unexpected heavy rain, the time they spent on the road was twice as long as they had intended to.



Everything suggests that his plan has gone wrong


This village is named affer the mountain in front of if


I have found out that his conclusion is based on facts


Succe lies in diligence, which is true.


Needle to say,the education of young people is very important to the future of a nation.


Johnney has grown up, He is no longer afraid of staying at home alone.


The letter must be given to Dr.Smith in person


As long as you keep trying hard,you will solve the difficult problem in time.


Do you think bus drivers should be to tally responsible for the safety of paengers?


They are carrying out a compaign to collect money to build a new hospital.


Everyone of us is satis fied with what you have done.


We are sure if we work hard ,our dream will come true.


As far as hobbies are concerted, Janney and her sister almost have nothing in common.


With the help of the teacher and clamates I have made great progre in English.


Although I knew nobody at the party , I still had a good time.


Busine Advertisements


翻译技巧 1.直译法

 Big thrills.Small bills.大刺激,小消费

2.意译法(取原文内容而舍弃形式,容许创造但原文信息应该保存)  Behind that healthy smile, there’s a Crest kid. 健康笑容来自佳洁士

3.创译法(摒弃原文翻译,进行重新创造,表层意义少有相似之处,但具备更高的意境,更强的感染力)  A great way to fly. 飞跃万里,超越一切。(新加坡航空) 4.增补法(对原文关键词词义进行挖掘、引申、扩充)  Crest Whitens Whites. 佳洁士牙膏使牙齿白上加白。  Everything you heard is true.真材料,真感受,真服务。 5.浓缩法(针对原文不够精炼、信息过剩的文本使用)

 Wherever you are.Whatever you do.The Allianz Group is always on your side.安联集团,永远站在你身边。 6.四字法(中文习惯,言简意赅、寓意深长)

 We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人效仿。(理光复印机)  Prepare to want one.众望所归,翘首以待(现代汽车)

7.不译法(广告口号原文短小精悍时,难以译出同样惟妙惟肖的对应句时采用,效果:出奇制胜)  NEC Multimedia welcomes you home.(Slogan: ) just imagine这里变成你家。(NEC Multimedia)

 Open your eyes to the world (Slogan:) The world’s news leader.CNN 国际新闻网让您放眼看世界(口号:) The world’s news leader.Practice:

情系中国结,联通四海心  Unicom connects Chinese.

 Your emotions in a Chinese knot, connecting you to the whole world.  Chinese Knot, linking you and me.

Small deposit, Big return.


 The choice is yours.The honor is ours.

任君选择,深感荣幸。(汽车)  Focus on life.


 That’s my way.


 Come to New York and See the world.If you are looking for the place that has everything, there’s only one place to visit, and that’s New York.It’s a whole world in a city.




Advertising agency

follow-up service Vending machine

slice of life

自动售货机 实景真人 特写


special effect


Live action


feature articles



Full showing

GPS 全面登场 GPS—Global Positioning System Grandchildren-raising fees

Child’s slave Empty-nest family

Sponsorship fee Tuition and incidental fees

Tutoring center Baby-sitter


 书面商务广告的结构



Body text






Ⅱ.体会下列广告的翻译,并说出它们分别是哪些企业的广告用语。 (1)

Making a big world smaller.

把世界变小了。(德国汉沙航空公司) (2)

Diet cares more than the doctor.药补不如食补。 (食品广告) (3)

Compact and Impact.体积虽小,颇具功效。 (旅行箱的广告) (4)

Let the rainbow in the sky,

Send his twin brother to you ——

To keep your spirit high.天上彩虹,人间长虹。



Maxam erases years from your skin.岁月的小细纹不知不觉游走了。 (“美加净”的广告) Ⅲ.你能翻译出下列常见的广告语吗?


Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通(爱立信) (2)

Start ahead.

成功之路,从头开始(飘柔) (3)

Connecting people.

科技以人为本(诺基亚) (4)

Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好(飞利浦)


Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽(麦斯威尔咖啡)


Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近(丰田汽车) (7)

Ask for more.



The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择(百事可乐) (9)


Wanna a house of your own? Buy one with our loan.(10)没有最好,只有更好。

Good better best, never let it rest.Ⅳ.请判断以下广告语运用的修辞方法并体会其翻译。


EBEL, the architects of time. EBEL手表,时间的设计师。(拟人)


Wherever it hurts, we’ll heal it.不管它哪里疼痛,我们都会使它愈合。(夸张) (3)

Make Time For Time.阅读《时代》能为您赢得时间。(双关) (4)

Live well, Snack well.美好生活,离不开香脆的饼干。(排比)


M & M’s melt in your mouth, not in your hands.只溶在口,不溶在手。(押韵) (6)

Making a big world smaller.我们把世界变小了。(夸张)

SECTION 3 I.广告的语言特点




例如故意使用错别字、杜撰新词或者错乱搭配等方式来增强广告的魅力,以引起顾客的关注。 E.g. TWOGETHER: the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkied holiday.(供夫妻旅游度假的广告)




例如:Everything you’ve heard is true.He who hesitates is lost.

So make your own taste test.

What can you do at a ski resort in summer? 在句子结构上,广告语言多采用简单结构的句子,有时甚至出现无动词的句子,注重口语化。例如: Is microwave cooking fast?

You bet!

I love it!

Beef: real food for real people.有时广告英语中还使用简短、有力的口号式祈使句,能有效地提高其说服力和感染力。例如: Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。

Take time to indulge.尽情享受。 Make yourself heard.理解就是沟通。



Sometimes beauty is more than skin deep.外表美,内在更优。(比喻) A Dream Price. A Dream Opportunity.理想的价格。理想的机会。(排比) Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.因特花店花说心里话。(拟人)

A Deal with Us Means a Good Deal to You.跟我们做的买卖,肯定是笔好买卖。(双关) Tide’s in, Dirt’s out.汰渍放进去,污垢洗出来。(对比) All roads lead to Holiday Inn. 条条大路通向假日酒店。(仿拟All roads lead to Rome) Feel good, fast food.快餐食品,可口温馨。(押尾韵) Crest whitens whites.佳洁士牙膏使牙齿白上加白。(押头韵)

For 25 years, we’ve been flying to only one destination—EXCELLENCE.最佳服务——25年不变的追求。(夸张) Smooth trip, smooth arrival.平稳旅行,平稳到达。(反复)

If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don’t listen...they’re probably trying to trick you into longevity.(American Cancer Society) 如果有人一直叫你戒烟,不要理他……他们大概是想骗你活得久一点。(美国抗癌协会)(反语)  广告翻译要注重顾客心理接受程度和广告的功能效应,还要兼顾广告的简洁性和通俗性,充分发挥目的语的语言优势,采取灵活的翻译方式。


广告的翻译不应只是文字上的表面吻合,而应是信息和语言内涵上的吻合,同时还要充分考虑顾客的心理适应性,灵活运用汉语语言的优势,使译文读者能收到和原文读者同样的反映效果。 例如:If you drive, don’t drink; If you drink, don’t drive.


再如:Thieves love crowds; watch your wallet, bag, and camera.汉语习惯于从留意可疑人员方面入手来提醒顾客注意扒手,因此可翻译为:“谨防扒手!”,而不能照字面意思来翻译



例如:Finest food, most attractive surroundings, and friendly disposition.有人翻译为:最好的食物,最吸引人的环境,友好的接待。但这显得不够简洁,从一定程度上也损害了广告的效果。我们可以改译为:风味独特,环境幽雅,服务周到。

再如:The unique spirit of Canada. 品加拿大酒,体会加拿大人的精神。

How does your garden grow? 我们帮你绿化家园。



例如:Think once.Think twice.Think bike. 翻译为:左想想,右想想,还是自行车最理想。

A mars a day helps you work, rest and play. 一天加一码,工作休闲更潇洒。

It’s the taste.雀巢咖啡,是你期望的味道。

Pepsi-cola hits the spot, Twelve full ounces, that’s a lot, Twice as much for a nickel, too, Pepsi-cola is the drink for you. 百事可乐将较真,质保优来量保份,如实经常饮此品,身强体壮病无根。 译文解析

 Somewhere in the world—in dense jungle, or basking desert, or polar wasteland —an explorer could even now be navigating by dead reckoning.For this task, an absolutely reliable time-piece is eential.在这个世界的某个地方—— 在热带丛林中,在酷热难挨的沙漠里,抑或在极地的荒原上,一位探险家可能正借助仪器测定方位。这时,绝对可靠的计时器可是生命攸关的啊!  Ever since its introduction in 1926, the Rolex Oyster has been the choice of explorers and adventures.The virtual indestructibility of the Oyster case and utter reliability of the movement it contains have ensured that countle oysters have accompanied their wearers into history books.自从劳力士1926年问世以来,一直颇受探险家和勘探人员的青睐。它坚固耐用,计时准确,曾帮多少人走上了成功之路。

 Yet the Rolex Oysters that have voyaged to the ends of the earth and depths of ocean are in every respect the same watches that you will find in any official Rolex jeweler.而这些曾走遍天涯海角、曾上天入地的劳力士,正是您在任何劳力士表行中所常常见到的那一种。  Every single Rolex Oyster that leaves Geneva is capable of accompanying its owner wherever he or she cares to venture.

日内瓦出产的任何一块劳力士表,都将成为主人的忠实伴侣。  Where in the world will you be taking yours?




(1)solicit your kind patronage 惠承关顾

(2)full 12 months unconditional service guarantee 保修一年 (3)novel design


(4)top quality & cheap price

物美价廉 (5)buy on wholesale


(6)retail price

零售价 (7)best seller


(8)buy on cash


(9)meeting delivery date


(10)up to standard

符合标准 (11)bargain offer



分期付款 (13)buy on credit


(14)prompt delivery

交货迅速 Ⅱ.下面是我们所熟知的商品的广告词,请你根据对应的翻译填出适当的词语 (1)

Swatch(斯沃奇手表)——天长地久。 Time is what you make of it.


Ericon(爱立信手机)——倾听自我/理解就是沟通。 Make yourself heard

. (3)

Nike(耐克运动鞋)——只管去做。 Just do it.


De Bierrs(戴比尔斯钻石)——钻石恒久远,一颗永留传。 A diamond lasts forever.(5)

Coca-cola(可口可乐)——饮可口可乐,万事如意。 Things go better with Coca-Cola. (6)

Nokia(诺基亚手机)——科技以人为本。 Connecting people.


Philips(飞利浦电器)——让我们做得更好。 Let’s make things better



Mosquito bye bye bye .



A Kodak moment.

.(10)Pepsi-cola(百事可乐)——渴望无极限。Ask for more.



Obey your thirst.



Start ahead.

成功之路,从头开始 (3)

A modern car for a modern driver. 现代人开现代车


Communication unlimited. 沟通无极限 (5)

Feel the new space.



A modern claic.

现代的经典 (7)

To play refreshed.



Quality breeds succe.

质量造就成功 (9)

Buick—your key to a better life and a better world.

别克—— 通往美好生活的秘诀。 (10) Feel like a million for $970,000 le.It cost le than breakfast at the White House.

少付了97万美元,却得到百万的享受,它比白宫的早餐还便宜。(Benz) (11) Five feet nine inches in his socks.Ten feet tall in his shoes.


(12) With our new E-ticket, all you have to bring is yourself.

选用我们的E号飞机票,阁下不需携带任何东西,只要带着自己。(British Airways)


A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.


听得越多,学得越多。 There is Kentucky, the good flavor of life.(2)


Time always follows me.


有了肯德基,生活好滋味。 We can’t forget ahead by sticking to existing roads.


时间因我存在。 Intelligence everywhere.


智慧演绎,无处不在。 The more you listen, the more you learn.


开拓进取,来源于勇气创新。 Double Star takes you afar.



The choice of new generation.


一天一颗巧克力,工作、休闲和娱乐。 Sincerity is forever.



Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.

(10) 穿上“双星”鞋,潇洒走世界。 Ⅴ.请指出下列广告词所用的修辞方法。


Featherwate.Light as a feather.

Simile (2)

Opportunity knocks!

Personification (3)


Parallel (4)

Big thrills, small bills.

Contrast (5)

Life is a sport, drink it up.

Metaphor (6)

Wearing is believing.

Parody (7)

Go well, use shell.

Rhythming (8)

7 days without 7-up make one weak.

Pun (9)

Life is harsh, your Tequila shouldn’t be.

Contrast (10) You will be the talk of the town in drees made by FUTURE FASIONS.So if you can’t stand being in the spotlight don’t buy FUTURE FASIONS.

Irony Ⅵ.根据所学的翻译方法翻译下列句子。

(1)The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievement.中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得的成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。(分译法)

(2)We feel sorry we cannot supply you with the products you requested since we stopped that busine last year.很抱歉,我们不能提供你所需要的产品。从去年起我们停止了这项业务。(分译法) (3)The technological design of the bed cushion is advanced with novel structure, beautiful shape and various patterns.They are comfortable and convenient to carry.这种床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式多样,舒适大方,携带 方便。(合译法)

(4)My tight schedule of busine duties will not permit me to visit your company as planned.由于业务繁忙,我难以按原计划访问贵公司。(分译法)

(5)A containership named“Tian Guang” was launched in September at Hugenberg shipyard in Germany.A German Government loan was used to build the veel for Tianhai Group, Tianjin, China.利用德国政府贷款为天津天海集团建造的集装箱船“天光号”于9月在 德国胡根贝格船厂下水。(合译法) Ⅶ.根据所学的翻译技巧试译下列广告 (1) On Sale Must Clear Shoe Sale Now On Extra Huge Reduction Everything must go! KHANDALLAH FOOTWEAR 14 Ganges Rd Khandallah (Opp Town Hall) Ph: 479-3336 Saturday 9-1 p.m.(2) In order to meet readers’ increasing demand for the latest information in the fast-growing electronics and telecommunications industries, China Daily has formally launched publication of its IT (Information Technology) page.Published every Sunday on Page 6 of Busine Weekly in broadsheet format, the IT page will keep you abreast of the latest developments in the IT industry.(3)

Commercial Manager For our joint venture in North-East Asia.

To take up this challenging role we require the following:

· Solid experience in a commercial senior management position in a China-joint venture · Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment · Recognized degree in accounting and finance · Excellent spoken and written English · Willing to learn Chinese (4)

BUY BRITAIN WE CAN SEND IT BACK HOME IN 48 HOURS JOAN COLLINS SAVED $4000 BY USING US! Collection, packing, insurance, delivery worldwide Envelops to elephants, our “Travelight” service will help.Call our baggage service centre’s now! All major cards accepted. (5)

Wanted 15 to 20 native speaking English teachers and 15 to 20 Chinese teachers of English to work at the Beijing New Oriental Language Village on a full-time and permanent basis.Must have a university education.ESL teaching experience an aet.Those with an outgoing personality are preferred.The Village will immerse students into English; students and teachers will speak and write only in English during a month of living together.Fair salary.Accommodation and food provided.


1. A penny soul never comes to two pence.


2.Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.广告可被视为一种长久蒙蔽人类智慧以期从中赚钱的技巧。 3.Gain at the expense of reputation should be called lo.—Syrus 失荣而获,虽获犹失。——赛勒斯

Busine Letters 商务信函


 英语商务信函的构成一般可分为:

(一) 基本部分,包括:(a) 信头(Letter Head)

(b) 日期(Date)

(c) 封内地址(Inside Addre) (d) 称呼(Salutation or Greeting)

(e) 信的正文(Body of the Letter)

(f) 结束礼词(Complimentary Close)

(g) 签名(Signature)

(二) 其他部分,包括:(a) 附件(Enclosure),简写Enc.

(b) 附言(Postscript),简写P.S.

(c) 经办人姓名(Attention Line)

(d) 事由(Subject or Heading)

(e) 查号或参考编号(Reference No.)

(f) 抄送(Carbon Copy Notation),简写C.C.SECTION 2

I.一封完整的英文商务信函应该包括下列哪些内容?A B C D E F G H I J K L M N

A.letter head


C.inside name and addre


E.subject F.complimentary close


H.attention line



K.carbon copy


M.mailing notation

N.body Ⅱ.试把上题中的答案译成汉语并填入下表

Ⅲ.商务信函在语言上应该有哪些特点?请从下面试着作出选择。A B C D A. 收函人为中心 (Reader’s Point of View)

B. 应该礼貌


C. 直接简练

(Directne & Concisene)

D. 准确清楚

(Precision & Clarity) Ⅳ. 试翻译下列词语。


export list



commodities fair 商品交易会 (3)

non-firm offer 虚盘


force majeure 不可抗力 (5)

documentary L/C 跟单信用证


port of shipment



bill of exchange 汇票


trial order 试购订单 (9)

bid 递价

(10) insurance policy 保单

Ⅴ.商务信函的翻译有人概括为ABCD四字诀,你能写出这四个字母分别代表哪个单词吗? A Accuracy(准确)


商业信函翻译实例分析 5 May 2007

Mr.K.L.Lee Tiger Manufacturing, Eastern Industrial Zone, Guangzhou China

Dear Mr.Lee, Thank you for your letter of 15 April regarding payment terms.We agree to your proposal, the terms of which are as follows.(1) Payment will be made by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit with draft at sight instead of direct payment at sight.(2) The price quoted to us is with no discount.The above payment terms have been approved by our Managing Director and will be acted on accordingly.The order is being prepared and will reach you in the next ten days.I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that our representative, Mr.John Green, will attend the forthcoming Canton Fair.He will be writing to you shortly.We sincerely hope that future discuions between our companies will lead to further mutually beneficial busine.

Yours sincerely, Denis Thorpe Manager 尊敬的李先生:


本公司同意贵公司如下建议:(1) 以见票即付的保兑不可撤销信用证付款,而非见票直接付款。(2) 贵公司的报盘不会有折扣。以上建议获本公司总经理批准,今后将如述执行。现正拟订有关订单,十日内将送达贵公司。另外,本公司代表约翰·格林先生将参加即将举行的广州交易会,并会于不日以书面与贵公司联络。 诚望今后两公司间的会谈能促进双方的业务发展。

分析:比较原文和译文,我们可以看出,在格式上译文做了很大的调整,因为信封上已经存在收信人的地址,翻译时按照汉语的习惯将其省略了,另外,将日期调整到信函的最后。 B Brevity(简洁) C Clarity(清晰)

D Difference(差异) SECTION 6





(5)保兑的、不可撤销信用证(confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit)指有信用证开证行以外的银行对信用证进行保兑。保兑行对信用证保兑后,与开证行负有同样的付款责任,对受益人来说有双重的银行保证,更为可靠。保兑信用证必须是不可撤销的。

(6)即期汇票(draft at sight):指明确规定见票即付的汇票。


Ⅰ. 根据英语完成句子的翻译。

(1) We shall give prompt and best attention to any inquiries and provide adequate information as well.


(2) We are e-mailing you our wishes to establish busine relations with you in order to offer opportunities to develop the busine between us.

今向你方发电子邮件以表示我们愿意和你方建立业务关系以便提供机会发展双方贸易的愿望。 (3) We shall thank you very much if you inform us soon of your price for the goods including both FOB London and CIF Guangzhou quotes.


(4) In compliance with your request, we are now making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching us within ten days. 按照你方要求,我方现作如下发盘,以你方的回复十日内到有效

(5) In the usual practice we would like to be paid by irrevocable L/C drawn at sight.


Ⅱ. 翻译下列语句。

(1)We should be obliged if you would let us have some names and addrees of likely importers of good standing from your customers, together with brief credit reports on them.如蒙告知你们客户中你们认为可靠的进口商号的名称和地址,并附来他们的资信简报,将十分感谢。

(3)It is our long-term wish to establish busine relations with you.与贵方建立贸易关系是我们多年来的愿望。 (2)Would you please let us have the particulars of your products?请告贵方产品的规格细目。

(4) If you are interested in setting up trade relations with us in this line, let us know your specific requirements/demands. 如贵公司有意与我方建立该商品的业务往来,请告知具体要求。 (5) We would like to know what you can offer in this line as well as your terms of sales.我们想了解一下贵方在这方面的供货能力和销售条件。

(6) We are pleased to send you here with our Proforma Invoice No.12 in triplicate as requested.兹寄上我方形式发票第12号,按贵方要求一式三份。 (7) The above inquiry was forwarded to you on January the fifteenth, but we have not received your quotation yet.Your early offer will be highly appreciated.上述询价已于一月十五日发往你方,但迄今未见你方发盘。望早日发盘为感。

(8) As requested, we are sending you our quotation sheet in triplicate and wish you to place your order with us as soon as poible.应贵方之请求,今寄上我方报价单一式三份,并望能尽快收到贵方订单。

(9) Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit.贵方定订正在及时的处理中,请相信我们将在贵方时限内发送此货。

(10)Owing to your delay in delivery, we are no longer in the position to accept your goods.We hereby cancel our order.由于你方没能如期交货,我们不能再接受你方货物,特此取消订单。

Ⅲ. 翻译下列信件的摘录。

(1) We would refer you to our captioned enquiry sent to you on the 22nd of June, which we trust must have long been in your poeion, as up to date, we do not appear to have received any offer from you.We are at a lo to know whether the required commodity is suppliable now.We shall appreciate hearing from you at an early date.我们6月22日寄去询价信,你们想必早已收到,但迄今未见你们回函报盘。不知所要货物是否可供,速复为盼。 (2) We were pleased to know from your letter of 24th October of your interest in our products and enclose the catalogue and pricelist asked for.Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.奉读10月24日来函,欣悉你们对我们的产品有兴趣。兹附上你们所索要 的商品目录和价目表,并附上我们的售货条件和付款方式。

(3) Considering this damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, we claimed on them for recovery of the lo; but an investigation made by the surveyor has revealed the fact that the damage is attributable to improper packing.For further particulars, we refer you to the surveyor’s report enclosed.

考虑到这些损坏应归咎于轮船公司野蛮搬运所致。我们曾向他们提出了索赔;但调查员作出的调查结果表明,损坏是由于包装不当所致。有关详情,请看所附的调查员报告。 Ⅳ. 翻译下列信函。 19 January, 2006

Ms.Sally McBride Manager Outback Wool Ltd., 44 Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Dear Ms.McBride, We refer to our purchase contract No.954.Under the terms of the contract, delivery is scheduled for June 2006.We would now like to bring delivery forward to March 2006.We realize that the change of delivery date will probably inconvenience you and we offer our sincere apologies.We know that you will understand that we would not ask for earlier delivery if we did not have compelling reasons for doing so.In view of our longstanding, cordial commercial relationship, we would be very grateful if you would make a special effort to comply with our request.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,

Eric Evans



有关第954号采购合同,条款列明交货日期为2006年6月。现欲提前于2006年3至4月交货。本公司对于提早装运该货所引致的不便,深表歉意。然而,实因有急切需要,才作此要求,还望贵公司能加以谅察。本着贵我双方长期良好的商业联系,相信贵公司定会尽力帮忙。 如蒙帮助,将不胜感激。速复为盼。


(1) When tables and other materials are included, they should be conveniently placed, so that a student can consult them without turning over too many pages.

当书中列有表格或其他参考资料时, 应当将这些内容编排在适当的位置, 以便使学生在查阅时, 不必翻太多的书页。

(2) We work hard at English because we know that a foreign language is very important to the succe in our future jobs.

我们努力学习英语,因为我们知道外语对于我们将来取得事业的成功十分重要。 (3) As it was raining hard, they stayed home.雨下得很大,他们只好呆在家里。

(4) The first two must be equal for all who are being compared, if any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made.如果要从智力方面进行任何比较的话, 那么我们对所有被比较者来说, 前两个因素必须是一致的。

(5) Unle you propose something definite together with larger improvement on your price, we are not inclined to place a large order.除非你方提供具体建议,并较大幅度地降低价格,否则,我们是不会大批订货的。

(6) If you work hard, you are bound to succeed.只要你努力就会成功。

(7) The teacher spoke slowly and in simple English so that the students could understand her.老师讲得慢,用的英语简单,以便学生们能听得懂。


1.A little learning is a dangerous thing.——Alexander Pope, British poet学问浅薄,如履薄冰。 2.Never too old to learn.——Thomas Middleton, British writer活到老学到老。

Busine Contracts





minute of talks 会议纪要


memorandum 备忘录


validity clauses of contracts 合同生效条款


definition and whereas (5)

aignment and guaranty of contracts 合同转让与担保条款 (6)

resciion and termination of contracts合同的解除与终止条款


default and escape 违约与免责条款 (8)

arbitration and jurisdiction (9)

international conventions and practice 国际惯例 (10) international busine contracts 国际贸易合同


定义及鉴于条款 Ⅲ.试翻译下列句子。

(1) Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $500 (SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY).聘方须每月付给受聘方500 美元整。

(2) This credit expires till January 1(inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing.本证在北京议付,有效期至 1 月 1 日。 (3) This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。

(4) This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。

(5) The undersigned hereby agrees that the new products whereto this trade name is more appropriate are made in China.





(1)The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate, both texts being equally authentic, and each Party shall hold two copies of each text.


(2)This contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on Dec.9, 2006.After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government Authorities for ratification.The date of ratification last obtained shall be taken as the effective date of the contract.Both parties shall exert their utmost efforts to obtain the ratification within 60 days and shall advise the other party by telex and thereafter send a registered letter for confirmation.本合同由双方代表于2006年12月9日签订。合同签订后,由各方分别向本国政府当局申请批准,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期,双方应力争在60天内获得批准,用电传通知对方,并用挂号信件确认。 (3)The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void.本合同有效期从合同生效之日起共10年,有效期满后,本合同自动失效。

(4) The outstanding claims and liabilities existing between both parties on the expiry of the validity of the contract shall not be influenced by the expiration of this contract.The debtor shall be kept liable until the debtor fully pays up his debts to the creditor.本合同期限届满时,双方发生的未了债权和债务不受合同期满的影响,债务人应向债权人继续偿付未了债务。 (5)Any clause, covenant or agreement in a contract of carriage relieving the carrier or the ship from liability for lo or damage to, or in connection with, goods arising from negligence, fault or failure in duties and obligations provided in this article or leening such liability otherwise than provided in these rules shall be null and void and no effect.运输契约中任何条款、约定或协议,凡解除承运人或船舶由于疏忽、过失或未履行本条款规定的责任和义务,而引起货物或关于货物的丢失或损害责任的,或在本公约外减轻这种责任的,都应作废或无效。


hereinafter referred to as 以下称

whereas 鉴于

in witne whereof 兹证明 for and on behalf of 代表

by virtue of 因为

prior to 在……之前 as regards/concerning/relating to 关于

cease to do 停止做

in effect 事实上 miscellaneous 其他事项


1. After arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer shall apply to China Commodity Inspection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as CCIB) for a further inspection as to the specifications and quantity/weight of the goods.货到目的港后,买方将申请中国检验局(以下简称商检局)对货物的规格和数量/重量进行检验。

2. The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the proce of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任。

3. Unle otherwise stipulated in the credit, the expreion “Shipment” used in stipulating an earliest and/or a latest shipment date will be understood to include the expreion “loading on board”, “dispatch” and “taking in charge”.除信用证另有规定外,用于规定最早及/或最迟装运期的“装运”一词应理解为包括“装船”、“发运”和“接受监管”。

4. On the transfer date New Company shall transfer to B, free from any lien or encumbrance created by New Company and without the payment of any compensation, all its right, title to and interest in the infrastructure project, unle otherwise specified in the Agreement or any supplementary agreement.在转让期,新公司应将对基础设施的权利转让给B公司,新公司不应滞留,也不能要求补偿,除非协议或补充协议中另有规定。

5. Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at import port.买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过进口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销的信用证支付全部货款30000美元。

6. A party may suspend the performance of his obligation if, after the conclusion of the contract, it becomes apparent that the other party will not perform a substantial part of his obligations as a result of: (a) a serious deficiency in his ability to perform or in his creditworthine; or (b) his conduct in preparing to perform or in performing the contract.如果订立合同后另一方当事人由于下列原因不履行其大部分重要义务,一方当事人可以中止履行义务:(a)他履行义务的能力或他的信用有严重缺陷 ;(b)他在准备履行合同或正在履行合同中的行为。

7. With respect to those territories to which this Convention is not extended at the time of signature, ratification or acceion, each State concerned shall consider the poibility of taking the neceary steps in order to extend the application of this Convention to such territories, subject, where neceary for constitutional reasons, to the consent of the Governments of such territories.关于签署、批准或者参加本公约的时候,本公约所没有扩展到的地区,各有关国家应当考虑采取的步骤的可能性,以便本公约的使用范围能够扩展到这些地区。但是,如果根据宪法有必要取得当地政府同意时,应照办。 8.All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise between the parties, out of or in relation to or in connection with this agreement, or for the breach thereof shall be settled through amicable consultation.If three occasions of consultation fail to settle, Agreements on Mutual Encouragement and Protection of Investment between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the UK shall apply.


9. Where, under the contract, the engineer is required to exercise his direction by:

(1) Giving his decision, opinion or consent, or

(2) Expreing his satisfaction or approval, or

(3) Determining value, or

(4) Otherwise taking action which may affect the rights and obligations of the employer or the contractor, he shall exercise such discretion impartially within the terms of the contract.凡按商务合同规定,要求工程师根据自己的判断做出决定的,工程师自行: (1) 作出决定,表示意见或同意,或 (2) 表示满意或批准,或 (3) 确定价值,或

(4) 采取可能影响雇主或承包商权利和义务的行为时,应当在商务合同条款规定的范围内,作出公正的处理。 10.Force Majeure (“Excepted Risks”) shall mean an occurrence beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the party affected including, but not limited to war, hostilities (whether war to be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military usurped power, civil war, strikes, riots, commotion or disorder, earthquakes, or any similar operation of forces of nature as are not within the control of the party affected and which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the said party is unable to prevent or provide against.



1.Economy the poor man’s mints; extravagance the rich man’s pitfall.—Martin Tupper, American economist 节约是穷人的造币厂,浪费是富人的陷阱。——美国经济学家,塔珀M.2.Actions speak louder than words.行动比语言更响亮。

3.Knowledge is a treasure, but practice the key to it.—Thomas Fuller, British churchman 知识是一座宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙。——英国教士,富勒T.


The reading of vulgar fractions

1/2 one half

1/4 one quarter

1/5 one-fifth

1/3 one-third 3/4 three-fourths

5/9 five-ninths

2/6 two-sixths

9/10 nine-tenths 3/1000 three-thousandths

26/95 twenty six over ninety-five

79/53 seventy-nine over fifty-three 九又四分之一 nine and a quarter

五又三分之二 five and two-thirds 0.7

point seven, zero/naught seven


zero six eight three


zero/naught point o o five percent


eight point o three five 0.58亿

fifty-eight million


five million six hundred eighty three thousand 25.856万

two hundred fifty eight thousand five hundred sixty 1088

ten eighty eight


eighteen sixty 1508

fifteen o eight 或 fifteen hundred and eight 或 fifteen and five

Recover from the jet lag


Thoughtful Arrangement

周到的安排 Hospitality



纪念品 Accommodations


Claim baggage

提取行李 Proceed through the customs



活动安排 Farewell speech


Adjust to the time difference



to hold a banquet in honor of„.


to bid farewell to „. 不远万里来到……

Come all the way to„.


After you!

久仰大名I have long been looking forward to meeting you.


a welcoming addre

赞美 to pay tribute to „.

回顾过去 Looking back; 展望未来 Looking ahead

慢走Take care!


sales representative


International Busine Department 取行李

claim luggage


parking lot 直达航班

non-stop flight


The jet lag will catch up with me tomorrow.这样一来

in that case


recover from jet lag 广东饮食

the Cantonese gourmet


Splendid China

Take this opportunity




Signing ceremony签字仪式

Witne 见证

Extend sincere thanks to…. 向……表示忠心感谢 Appreciate 欣赏

Last but not least最后

Enhance促进 At his earliest convenience 在他方便的时候


司仪 Master of Ceremonies

嘉宾 distinguished guests

值此……之际 on the occasion of … 友好使者 an envoy of friendship

良好祝愿 best wishes

衷心感谢 sincere thanks 热情好客


应……的邀请 at the (gracious) invitation of „ 代表 on behalf of...

无以伦比的 incomparable


China International Fair for Investment and Trade 政治稳定

political stability


economic progre 社会和睦, social harmony


development of western regions 远见卓识的farsighted

抓住历史机遇seize the historical opportunity





Setting Firecrackers

Lighting Firecrackers used to be one of the most important customs in the Spring Festival celebration.However, concerning the danger and the negative noises that lighting firecrackers may bring, the government has banned this practice in many major cities.But people in small towns and rural areas still hold to this traditional celebration.Right as the clock strike 12 o\'clock midnight of New Year\'s Eve, cities and towns are lit up with the glitter from fireworks, and the sound can be deafening.Families stay up for this joyful moment and kids with firecrackers in one hand and a lighter in another cheerfully light their happine in this especial occasion, even though they plug their ears.春节的问候(拜年)



New Year Greetings(Bai Nian)

On the first day of the New Year or shortly thereafter, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and Gongxi (congratulations), wishing each other good luck, happine during the new year.In Chinese villages, some villagers may have hundreds of relatives so they have to spend more than two weeks visiting their relatives. 压岁钱



Lucky Money

It is the money given to kids from their parents and grandparents as New Year gift.The money is believed to bring good luck, ward off monsters; hence the name \"lucky money\".Parents and grandparents first put money in small, especially-made red envelopes and give the red envelopes to their kids after the New Year\'s Feast or when they come to visit them on the New Year.They choose to put the money in red envelopes because Chinese people think red is a lucky color.They want to give their children both lucky money and lucky color.1.京剧本来是一种地方性的戏剧表演形式,由于它传遍中国大江南北,深受群众欢迎与喜爱,所以就慢慢演变成了逮捕中国艺术特色的全国性戏剧。



1.Originally a form of local theatre,Peking Opera all over the country and then became the national opera of China.

2.Welcome to the international seminar of chinese and its character system.It\'s my great pleasure and privilege to have invited so many Sinologists and chinese enthusiasts from all over the world.The next three weeks will see us engaged in intensive and constructive studies and exchanges of opinions.熬夜(“守岁”)





Staying up late (\"Shousui\")

Shousui means to stay up late or all night on New Year\'s Eve.After the great dinner, families sit together and chat happily to wait for the New Year\'s arrival。

New Year Feast

Spring Festival is a time for family reunion.The New Year\'s Feast is \"a must\" banquet with all the family members getting together.The food eaten on the New Year Even banquet varies according to regions.In south China, It is customary to eat \"niangao\" (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) because as a homophone, niangao means \"higher and higher every year\".In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is \"Jiaozi\" or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon.中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)的范畴很广,包括一系列具有相同基本概 念的医学实践。这个概念起源于中国古代,已经历了数千年的发展。中医诊法包 括把脉(measure the pulse),检查舌头、皮肤、眼睛,以及询问饮食、睡眠习惯和其他方面。中医蕴含的理念及其复杂性向研究中医如何奏效的研究者提出了挑战。这些研究大多数集中在针灸(acupuncture)和中药等特定形式的疗法上。


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) includes a broadrange of medicine practices sharing common basicconcept which originated in ancient China and has:evolved over thousands of years.TCM diagnosisincludes measuring the pulse,inspecting the tongue,skin, eyes and asking about the eating and sleeping habits of :the patient as well as many otherthings.TCM\'s complexity and underlying conceptual foundations present challenges forresearchers seeking evidence on how it works.Most researches focus on specific treatmentmodalities, primarily I acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies.

腊八节(the Laba Festival)在农历最后一个月的第八天庆祝,标志着春节庆祝 活动的开始。“腊”指“腊月(the 12thlunar month)”,是农历第十二个月,“八”指的 是数字8。腊八节通常在1月中旬。大多数汉族人遵循腊八节喝腊八粥(Laba rice porridge)的习俗。腊八粥最早在宋朝传入中国。据史料记载,一些大型寺庙会为穷人提供腊八粥来表达对佛祖(Buddha)的虔诚。明朝时,腊八粥成为皇帝在此节日赏赐群臣的神圣食物。


Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of thelast lunar month, marking the beginning ofcelebrating the Chinese Spring Festival.La means the12th lunar month and ba means the number eight.The date usually falls in mid-January.The majorityof people from Han nationality has followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on theLaba Festival.Laba rice porridge was first introduced to China in the Song Dynasty.Accordingto historical records, some large temples would offer the poor Laba rice porridge to show theirfaith to Buddha.In the Ming Dynasty, it became a holy food that emperors would use to awardtheir officials on the festival.乒乓球在中国是一项颇受欢迎和推崇的运动。长期以来,它的确是中国唯一的运动,似乎集足球、篮球和棒球于一身,但却更受欢迎。任何人都可以打乒乓球,所需的只是一副拍子(paddle)、一个球、一张桌子和一张网而已,这些都易于临时拼凑(improvise)。人们可以在休息间隙或消磨时间时打兵兵球。在中国的学校、工厂甚至某些公司里,都能找到乒兵球桌。


Table tennis is a sport which gains much popularityand praise in China.For a long time, it has reallybeen the only sport in China and seemed to setfootball,basketball and baseball all rolled into one,but it was more popular.Anyone can play tabletennis, for all required are a pair of paddles and ball and a table and net, which are easy to beimprovised.People can play it when taking a break or killing time.You can find table-tennistables in schools, factories or even some companies all over China.传统的中国婚礼流程从求婚开始,新郎会送一封书信至新娘家,请求迎娶他们家的女儿。多数情况下,新郎家会雇用一位专业媒人(matchmaker)沟通双方家庭。准新郎和准新娘的生辰八字(BaZi)也要进行比对,以确保根据中国传统占星学(astrology),这对夫妻不犯冲(compatible)。如今,中国大城市的婚礼跟西方很 相似。然而,在小地方,仍然遵循传统,婚礼流程也基本未变。


Traditional Chinese wedding proce starts with aproposal for marriage and a 、letter is sent from thegroom to the bride\'s family asking for permiionto marry their daughter.In many cases,aprofeional matchmaker is employed by the igroom\'s family to communicate the families of both parties.The birthdates of the bride-to-beand groom-to-be are checked to make sure the couple is compatible according to traditionalChinese astrology.Today,wedding ceremonies in large cities of China closely resemble thewestern ones.In smaller places,however,some of the traditions are still kept and the weddingproce remains largely unchanged.早在公元前200年中国人就开始食用面条,它在中国饮食中占据重要的地位,种类繁多,如鸡蛋面、米粉(rice noodles),绿豆(mung bean )面和小麦面。在中 国北方地区,小麦面条作为主食(staple food)比人米吃得多。米粉则在南方地区更普遍。中国面条有不同的宽度和厚度,似通常都较长,因为中国人认为这象征着长寿,因此面条经常出现在生日庆祝活动中,被称为长寿面(longevity noodles)。


Noodles were eaten by Chinese as early as 200 BCand occupy an important position in Chinese food.It has many kinds, such as egg noodles, ricenoodles, mung bean noodles and wheat noodles.Inthe northern regions of China, wheat noodles arethe staple food and eaten more than rice.Rice noodles are more commonly consumed insouthern China.Chinese noodles are of varying width and thickne, but they are usually longbecause they symbolize long life for Chinese, which is why noodles are commonly served atbirthday celebrations and called longevity noodles.送礼在中国是种常见礼仪(etiquette),人们借此表达对友谊、款待的感激或感谢。然而,中国送礼和收礼的礼节与其他文化大为不同。在很长一段历史时期里,当朋友送礼物或款待自己时,有礼貌的人会回报朋友的关心和好意。他们会挑选一个合适的场合礼尚往来,因为他们认为这对加深关系很重要。礼物的选择取决于两人的关系,这与世界上大多数文化都相同。


Giving gifts in China is a common etiquette used toexpre appreciation or gratitude for friendship orhospitality.However, Chinese etiquette of givingreceiving gifts differs a lot from that in othercultures.For a long time in history,people of goodmanners would return favors and kindne when receiving a treat from a friend.They wouldpick up a suitable occasion to offer back as they regard it important to strengthen theirrelationship.As it is the same with most cultures in the world, what to give depends on theirrelationship.中国菜(Chinese cuisine)享誉世界,是世界美食的明珠,并被推崇为全球最为健康的食物。菜系(cooking style)繁多,烹饪方法也不尽相同。其四大要素—色、形、香(aroma)、味,决定了菜的好坏,是判断其水平的标准。中国东北菜的口味变化多端,色彩丰富,造型美观。而南方菜的特点是口味清淡、颜色亮丽,保 留了食材的原始味道。


Chinese cuisine, as a pearl of world cuisine, isfamous and recommended as the healthiest food inthe world.It has various cooking styles and itscooking techniques are also diverse.Chinese cuisinefeatures four elements—color, shape,aroma andtaste, which decide how good it is and they are the criteria of judging its ,quality.NortheasternChinese cuisine’s taste features varied taste, rich color and beautiful shape.While in thesouthern China, the food features light taste, bright color and remains the original flavor ofthe food materials.冰灯(ice lantern)是中国北方广泛创作的冬季艺术品。它最初是为了照明,在 寒冷的冬夜为中国北方的农民和渔民的工作生活提供光源。后来,各种形状和大 小的水晶般透明的冰灯逐渐成为一种民间艺术,冰灯博览会(fair)成为北方特有 的民俗休闲活动。黑龙江省省会哈尔滨是中国冰雪艺术的发源地。1963年元宵节 期间,哈尔滨市在公园举办了首届冰灯博览会,几千盏冰灯和几十枝冰花展出, 冰灯和冰花由简单的工具制成,如结冰的盆和篮子。后来,大型年度冰灯博览会 每年都在哈尔滨举行。 参考译文:

An ice lantern is a wintertime work of art widelycreated in north China.It was originally made forillumination, providing a light source for the life andwork of farmers and fishermen of north China oncold winter night.Later, the crystal-clear ice lanternsof all shapes and sizes gradually became a folk art and an ice lantern fair became a folkrecreational activity unique to the north.Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, is thebirthplace of Chinese ice and snow art.During the Lantern Festival in 1963,the city hosted thevery first ice lantern feir in the park, during which over a thousand ice lanterns and dozens ofice flowers made with simple tools like basins and basket for freezing were on display.Later, alarge-scale annual ice lantern feir was held each year in Harbin.


Unit 1


The playwright Oscar Wilde was noted for his epigrams.His admirers kept flooding him with letters

2 有些汽车不能再行驶了,需要报废,但车子的金属还是好的,这些金属可以重新利用 When a car gets out of use, it has to be scrapped.But the metal that the car was made of is still in good condition; it can be put to use again

3 中国入世后与国际接轨,所有在华企业应该统称为中国的企业,这些企业应该完善企业形象,强调贸易联合,迎接国际竞争的挑战

After China’s entry into the WTO and the international community, all enterprises in China should be referred to as Chinese enterprises.They should improve their images, lay emphasis on commercial union and greet the challenges of international competition

4 我们要广泛团结港澳各界人士,共同维护和促进香港、澳门的繁荣、稳定和发展

We should unite with people from all walks of life there in a joint effort to maintain and promote the prosperity, stability and development of Hong Kong and Macao 5 一旦有副总统职位空缺,总统就提名一名副总统,经国会两院多数票批准后就职

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice-President, the President shall nominate Vice-President who is appointed to take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congre

6 杰克担心自己不在家的时候有人会闯进那个房间,就煞费苦心地在门上装了一根铁质的铁条

Jake was afraid that during his absence someone might gain acce to the room he went out of his way to fix elaborate bars upon the door

7 斯伯里奇一升为副总裁负责企业的产品销售,就着手向南美开辟市场

The moment Sperlich became vice-president of his company in charge of product sales; he set out to open up markets in South America

8 登山队员们爬到半山腰时,多数人感到呼吸困难,精疲力竭,最后只选择返回

When halfway up the mountain, most of the climbers were out of breath and exhausted, so they had no way but to turn back at last

Unit 2

1 我们与当地一些公司联合筹款,为那些在地震中幸免于难的无家可归者重建家园

We are working in aociation with a number of local companies to raise money to rebuild homes for the homele who have survived the earthquake

2 落后或不发达的国家可以低价引进最新技术,而无需负担研究、发明和开发费用

The disadvanced or under-developed countries can just introduce the latest technology at a low price without having to bear the cost of research, invention and development 3 香港需要适应力强和训练有素的人才,方能应付未来的挑战,把握良机,获取长远利益 Hong Kong is in need of talented persons who are adaptable and well equipped so as to meet the challenges ahead, embrace good opportunities and reap the far-reaching benefits

4 一种动物如果不能再每一代都生下足够的后代来与死亡率抗衡的话,它们将走向灭绝 An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each

generation to keep pace with the death rate

5 一些科学家的理论认为,是一场巨大的爆炸知道了无边的宇宙世界,运行于浩瀚的黑色天体间,并最终孕育出各种形态的生命

Some scientists theorize that a catastrophic cosmic explosion sent infinite worlds spinning out into the vastne of the Great Dark, the worlds that would one day bear life forms of diversity

6 据预测,在未来的四年中,互联网上的视频数量将翻两番。人们能够观看的视频也将从现在的短片升级为长达一小时的节目

It is predicted that over the next four years, the number of videos watched over the internet will quadruple, with videos upgrading from short clips to hour-long programmers

7 许多科学家相信,如果人类继续漫不经心地对地球过度开采,人类的大灾难-地球的毁灭-将是不可避免的

Man scientists believe that the greatest human tragedy-destruction of the earth-is inevitable if we human beings keep inadvertently exploiting the natural resources of our planet exceively

8 这份报告的主题是,二氧化碳排放及其他生态灾难引起的气候变化,不可持续的消费模式才是气候变化的罪魁祸首

The key meage of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emiions and other ecological catastrophes

Unit 3

1 要做到诚实可信,必须要让别人认为你是真诚的,这可能需要时间

For you to be credible, you must be perceived as sincere, which may take time 2 尽管三张类型的白日梦都很常见,积极型的幻想最有可能作为解决问题的跳板,而消极型和支离破碎型的白日梦使人容易感到焦虑不安

While all three types of daydreams are common, positive imaginations are likeliest to serve as spring boards for problem solving, negative or scattered daydreams may predispose a person to anxiety

3 根据皮尔逊的相关分析,护士的心理健康肯定与其年龄、护龄、学历、职称、职务等密切相关

According to Person correlative analysis, mental health of the nurses is positively correlated to age, nursing duration, educational background, profeional title and post

4 经理化检验证实,该康复仪器无放射性污染,对人体绝对无毒、无副作用

Physical and chemical tests verify that this recovery device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects

5 这项重要发现对本地考古学来说是一项突破,并有助于我们了解早期居民生活的方方面面 This important discovery is a breakthrough in local archaeology and will shed light on many aspects of early settlers’ life

6 爱德华公私分明,不把生意中的道德准则运用到死人关系中去

Edward is scrupulous in separating public from private interests; he does not carry over his busine ethics into his personal relationships

7 仔细考虑以后,她终于让理智战胜了她的偏见

After careful consideration, she at length succeeded in letting reason prevail over her prejudice

8 智商测验的得分会因教育程度以及社会、经济的水平而有很大的差距,甚至主持智商测验的考官的肤色也会对得分有很大的影响

Intelligence quotient test scores vary considerably with educational, social and economic levels-even the skin color of the examiner conducting the IQ test may have a significant effect


1 地方政府因办事效率低而遭到民众的抨击,这已不是第一次。

This is not the first time that the local government has come under fire from citizens for failing to do its job efficiently.

2 如何在网络环境中实施有效的手段保护版权和确保信息安全,已经引起学术界、企业界以及政府部门的关注。

How to bring into effect measures to protect the copyright and ensure information security in the network has captured the attention of the academia, busine world as well as the government.

3 尽管利息付款的数额很大,有些国家并未根据国民收入的减少而减少公共支出的其他项目。 Despite high interest payments, some countries have not reduced other items of public expenditure in line with the declining national income.

4 在大量消耗能源的工业国家和发展中国家都不可能降低能源的使用,因此要广泛地将洁净能源投入使用。

Cleaner energy sources must be put to wide use, both in the energy-consuming industrial world and in developing nations, which cannot be expected to cut back on their energy use.

5 新来的人认为如果老乔治这次没得到提名,他会老老实实地退出竞选,让位于年轻人的候选人。党派的头头们却不这样看。

The new comers think that if old George doesn’t get the nomination this time he will loyally quit the campaign and make way for a younger candidate.The party boes think differently.

6、他想要清楚地表明,英国并不梦想在欧洲共同体边缘过着一种舒适的、与世隔绝的生活。He wants to make it clear that Britain does not dream for some cozy, isolated existence on the fringes of the European Community.


Although we find no evidence of actual bias, we hold that the actions of the trial judge seriously damaged the reputation of the District Court and called into question the integrity of.

8 地处市郊的区政府宣布,从现在起区财政将每年拨款伍佰万元来补贴在农村地区工作的教师。

The suburban District government announced that the district’s financial department would allot 5 million yuan every year from now on to subsidize teachers working in rural areas.Unit5

1 减肥的关键是不吃高热量高脂肪且人体所需营养含量极低的食物

The key to losing weight is not to turn to what are high in calories and fat but low in the nutrition that our body requires.

2 他坚持说他的公司一直履行最高道德标准,并否认做过任何不当的事情

He insisted that his company had always maintained the highest ethical standard, and denied it had done anything improper

3 体内缺乏维生素A,不但会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,还可导致夜盲症。

The lack of VA body not only affects the body’s growth and lower its resistance to diseases, but also can cause night blindne.

4 女性烟民死于肺癌的可能性是非吸烟者的12倍

Women who smoke are 12 times more likely to die from the lung cancer than non-smoker.5 这是人们一直追求的美好理想,一个也只能在艺术中成为现实的理想

This is an ideal people have been dreaming of all along, an ideal that can only become reality in works of art.

6 本世纪内的最后十年是为下个世纪前五十年的经济打下基础,创造良好条件的关键。 The last decade of this century will be crucial for laying a foundation and creating good condition for economic development on the first half of the next.

7 电子邮件谈判比面对面谈判更容易演变成令人不快的交流。

Email negotiations are more likely to degenerate into an unpleasant exchange than face-to-face encounters.

8 殷勤待客是一种我们以食物与住宿款待他人而不求回报的美德。

Hospitality is the virtue which induces us to feed and lodge others without expecting anything in return.

Unit 6

1 为回报他们的热情款待,我们写一封感谢信并邀请他们在方便的时间回访。

In response to their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you letter and invited them to pay a return visit at their convenience.

2 新的酒店正迅速建起,以接待越来越多的游客。游客们可以在这个旅游胜地尽享现代旅游的舒适和便利。

Now hotels are springing up to accommodate an increasing number of tourists, who can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of the modern tourism in this resort.3 每当遇到这类问题,我的脑海就会一片空白,甚至不记得自己的生日。

When confronted with such questions, my mind goes blank so much so that I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

4 大多数人已经学会如何识破这类骗局,也不会轻易相信这份看似诱人的机遇。

Most people have learned how to see through such swindle and will not be credulous of this seemingly enticing opportunity.

5 一些科学家认为最终这两颗流星将与银河相碰撞并融为我们所在这个星系的一部分。 Some scientists believe that these two meteoroids will eventually collide with the Milky Way and become one of the parts of our own galaxy.

6 人们提出截然不同的可能性来结束发生在这个小镇里一系列离奇的袭击马匹事件。

Vastly different poibilities were put forward to explain a series of bizarre attacks on horses in the small village.

7 送到编辑部的所有文章都会先接受初审,但只有最具价值的文章才会继续接受完整的专家评审。

All papers submitted to the editorial office would come under cursory scrutiny, but only the most valued ones would go on to receive full expert review.

8 该市附近发生了地震,成千上万的人在地震中丧生。当她得知自己的家人全部安然无恙时,激动的热泪盈眶。

An earthquake hit the vicinity of the city, killing thousands of people.When she learned that all her family came out safe and sound, her eyes were suffused with excited tears.

Unit 7

1 假如石油确实找到了,这位外国投资者就有优先权来开发这个油田

If oil is found, the foreign investor will be given priority in the actual exploitation of the oil field

2 我告诉他如果我们照他的话去做就会赔本的时候,他立刻改变了论点并说他考虑的是道德原则,而不是利益得失

As soon as I told him that we could lose money if we followed his advice, he shifted his ground and said that he was concerned with moral principles, not profits 3在激烈竞争下,市场需要往往会让位于竞争需要

In a highly competitive environment, the needs of the market usually give way to the need for competition

4 申请者应该将自己的学术履历或个人经历加以梳理,发觉自己能脱颖而出的特点,进而加以强调

An applicant should comb his academic history or personal experience for anything that makes him stand out, and then highlight it

5 培养对人的热诚知心,将会自动使我们安心,并帮助我们消除所有的恐惧和不安

Cultivating a warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts our mind at ease and helps remove whatever fears and in securities we may have

6 品牌对那些处于市场竞争中的公司很有意义,因为产品在市场流通中的生命周期已被缩短,这使得成本很难收回

Brands make good sense for companies that compete in markets, for product life cycles have shortened, making it difficult to recover the costs

7 你要了解目标学校的详情以便能够按照学校的要求修改申请

You need to find out details for your target schools so you can tailor your application according to their requirements

8 户外广告设施应当牢固、安全,并与周围环境协调,符合美化市容的要求

Outdoor advertising facilities shall be firm and secure, be in harmony with their surroundings, and shall meet the demand of beautifying the city appearance
