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report of “The hound of”

It’s a detective story about a strange and huge hound.The story began with Dr.James Mortimer.His host, Sir Charles Baskerville, who was lived in Devon County died suddenly.So He asked for Detective Holmes to help survey and find out the truth of the sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville There was a mysterious family legend of Baskervilles: Know then that in the time of the Great Rebellion, It chanced that this Hugo came to love the daughter of a yeoman who held lands near the Baskerville estate.One day, with his friends, he carried the girl secretly and hid her small house.Finally she ran away, he waschasing after go out, then when others found out he had been beat by the big, black ,cruel hound which was standing beside and died.

Because of this legend, Dr.James Mortimer suspected the sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville and worried about the safe of Mr.Henry Baskerville who was Charles’s nephew, the heir to a large fortune.In fact, after he got to London, there had been many odd things.All of these showed that someone wanted to kill him.

After a long time of survey, Detective Holmes solved the case and kept Mr.Henry in safe.Sir Charles Baskerville didn’t caused by the family legend, it was planned by Stapleton who was also a nephew of Charles Baskerville and wanted to be the heir .But he was born secretly in South America by Rodger Baskerville, the younger brother of Sir Charles.He came back to London with a sum of money he stole, and changed his name Vandeleur.He established primary school but failed, so he wanted to rob the family property.To achieve his purpose, he planed this scheme.He thought the mysterious

legend about the hound could help him to be an innocent.So he bought a hound and kept it on an island.His wife refused to help him, so he lied to Mrs.Laura Lyons that he was a single and let her to write to Mr.Charles at one day night.At that night, he let the hound out and frightened the Mr.Charles who had heart disease.When his found there was a heir, Mr.Henry, he lied to everyone that his wife was his sister and let her to date with Henry, then killed him with the same way.

With the help of Watson and his friends, Holmes found the murderer and protected Mr.Henry safely.


The truth is always only one

学校:宜兴市实验中学 班级:三(13)姓名:杨镇远

The Sherlock Holmes of Arthur Conan Doyle called \"the father of a detective story,\" he is a succe, because the people, the detective Sherlock Holmes.And become a detective novel is history the most important novelists besides he has written many other types of fiction, such as science and the suspense, the historical novel, love, fiction, drama and poetry, etc.

Sherlock Holmes, is a fictional detective, is the late 19th century English crime novelist Arthur Conan Doyle shaped by a brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes said.He is a \"\" the detective, as other private or official of the detectives are in difficulties often asked him for help.Most of the story will focus on some more difficult and need to be Sherlock Holmes out of the case.Sherlock Holmes by observation is to solve the problem.Arthur Conan Doyle from his trip to Edinburgh, when the hospital is a good judge of the teacher\'s inspiration to create a body, and Sherlock Holmes this figure.

He usual stays in 221B Baker Street.He is an apartment with his pipe, called for a client or chemistry experiments.Once received, he at once becomes a prey to them, lock, the whole

event back, that these layers of the filter until at last the truth became known.The doctor Dr.John H.Watsonwas his years of my roommate, when handling the right-hand man and his biography writer and his life\'s good friends.

Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes had a close match, James Military.The so-called \"criminals genius\", that is a mathematician.Profeor moiety profeor military the London group of a crime, criminal cases are mostly to.

London streets of a group of kids, Baker Street Irregulars are his best Aistant.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly aisted him a lot when he was studying the case.




sherlock holmes, does not need to say you knew.he is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.who then portrays him is? is f.conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), english outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.by four signs, return records, terrorist valley and so on is world famous.sherlock holmes detective case collection mainly says is- “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.” sherlock holmes is a such person.although he had become famous at that time in england the spying, but he in unceasingly aiduous study.he has specially rented between a small house nearby english fine arts museum, the use material and the

opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the world.i thought that,sherlock holmes life all is studying, studies the spying aspect continuously the science and the experience, his this indomitable spirit, is worth

our general young people studying.i like reading this this cause me to profit significantly sherlock holmes detective case collection.

推荐第4篇:福尔摩斯影评 英文(定稿)

English movie: Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is a very famous movie, I have seen the movie twice, but when I heard from Mr Za that on that Saturday there was showing Sherlock Holmes, I was happy to see again.That time is my first time saw the movie with many students, so I saw the movie with different feelings.

Sherlock Holmes ,who isleadingcharacterin a very famous detective novel , is created by Conan Doyle .The movie describes Sherlock Holmes defeated evil BuLaiKeWuDe

jazz ,who wanted to destroy all country by Black Magic .I like Sherlock Holmes ,he has a remarkably keen insight into human nature , astonishing excellent reasoning ability which are the key of overcoming offenders.I also like his aistant doctor Watson ,he is faithful to Sherlock

Holmes ,he believed his friend , he is best friend for Sherlock Holmes .Sherlock Holmes’s flexibility also

leaved me deep impreion.A mystery, decrypt, reasoning, hold and truth in the details and restore and extensive physical and chemical knowledge, constitute the high IQ movie indispensable wonderful elements, watch movies very comfortable, after watching the movie still hang, but will also be for indigestion, always thought of yearned plot

elements inside, repeat the second and even see the third time to fully digest .The movie depicted Sherlock Holmes by a series of through meticulous observation and produced crackling blurt out careful reasoning, design good heart of the original script landscape flashbacks, playing dumb but has been selling silly legalistic style, and that the act with properly action responds to play let the fictional character can live .It is a good film ,I like the film ,even seeing the movie has some difficult .I was addicted in his strict inference.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Wang


sherlock holmes, does not need to say you knew.he is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.who then portrays him is? is f.conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), english outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.by four signs, return records, terrorist valley and so on is world famous.sherlock holmes detective case collection mainly says is- “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.” sherlock holmes is a such person.although he had become famous at that time in england the spying, but he in unceasingly aiduous study.he has specially rented between a small house nearby english fine arts museum, the use material and the opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the world.i thought that,sherlock holmes life all is studying, studies the spying aspect continuously the science and the experience, his this indomitable spirit, is worth our general young people studying.i like reading this this cause me to profit significantly sherlock holmes detective case collection.





故事的主人公夏洛克.福尔摩斯,是由19世纪末的英国侦探小说家阿瑟•柯南•道尔爵士所塑造的一个才华横溢的虚构侦探。他自称是一名“咨询侦探”,就是当其他侦探小说家或警察遇到困难时,为他们提供咨询和援助的侦探,由此可以看出他在侦探学方面的得天独厚的天赋。福尔摩斯擅长观察人物细节,并结合司法科学来解决问题。他能察觉他人不会留意的细节,并从中推断出大量的信息,抽丝剥茧,条分缕析,最终破解案件谜团,他的司法科学及演绎法推理,在现代犯罪侦查中有广泛应用,他也对后世的侦探形象和作品家创作产生了巨大的影响,福尔摩斯的形象在全世界范围内都颇受读者喜爱,在无数读者心中,他是私人侦探当中的第一名,也是无数侦探心中的偶像。 柯南·道尔称创作歇洛克·福尔摩斯的原型是自己见习于皇家医院时所认识的一名善于观察的老师。

出现在世人面前的福尔摩斯的形象都是一个具有鹰钩鼻子,嘴里时常叼着一个黑色烟斗的精悍男子,据本书的作者柯南道尔所描绘的福尔摩斯是一个极其擅长于推理的,并且擅长于格斗技能,目含精光的大侦探。不仅如此,他还拥有渊博的知识 。他对植物学,地理学,解刨学,法律,音乐等诸多学科都颇有造诣,尤其是化学知识最为精深。福尔摩斯智慧超群,洞察力惊人,他的大脑就像是一部飞快运转着的精确的计算机 。这些可以说是他成为侦探的知识储备。每次遇到案件,不论多么古怪离奇,他都可以抓住别人所无视或者忽视的细节,仅仅是门窗的位置、家具位置的变动,甚至是最细微的一颗烟蒂、一片未烧净的纸屑,运用他所拥有的知识对案件进行分析并作出推论,使得案情柳暗花明,以至于那些不了解他的破案手法的人用疑问的眼光把他看成无所不能的超人。这是最让我感到惊奇的地方,而实际上福尔摩斯这些成绩的取得和他的执着追求是分不开的。他总是亲自调查并深入最危险的地方搜集第一手资料,不肯放过任何一个细小的线索。为了调查取证,他时而装扮成白发苍苍、行走困难的老太婆,或者醉醺醺的马车夫;时而装扮成亲切朴素的牧师,濒临死亡的病人,骨瘦如柴的鸦片鬼,很多时候还要随时准备付出生命的代价,可他并不惧怕还以此为乐。为了查清真相,福尔摩斯可以将法律置之不理。他曾经和华生一起偷偷潜入罪犯的家中寻找证据,曾在自己家中设立与华生的二人法庭放走偷窃者。

除此以外,他的性情冷漠沉稳,头脑冷静理性,刻板沉着完全容不下情感。华生虽然是一位医生,但是他更像是福尔摩斯的助手,他和福尔摩斯一起经历了许多不同寻常的案件。而福尔摩斯也并不排斥华生医生参与到他的破案行动中来。相反,他总是把巴不得华生能和他一起进行破案行动为了更有利于工作,他整理了自己的资料库,对每一个案件都烂熟于心。他甚至还按照一定规律整理了伦敦社会人物的所有资料,方便在接受委托的时候随时取用。对于社会安全问题,他总是机警过人,责任感极重,憎恨罪恶。对于来找他解决困难的人,他从不以贫富贵贱分等,善良的穷人他总是不计回报给予帮助,而对于上流社会的善于装腔作势的人,他也会毫不客气。 整部福尔摩斯探案集,我唯一认识的福尔摩斯的家人似乎就只有他的哥哥,迈克罗夫特。而对于这个哥哥,福尔摩斯认为他的哥哥的头脑是比他还要厉害的。并且我可以看到福尔摩斯对哥哥的感情是很深的,并且其中还包含着钦佩和信任。







这位少女说到: 我和我的姐姐朱莉娅是孪生姐妹,我母亲再婚的时候,我们年仅两岁。她有一笔相当可观的财产,每年的进项不少于一千英镑。我们和罗伊洛特医生住在一平时,她就立下遗嘱把财产全部遗赠给他,但附有一个条件,那就是在我们结婚后,每年要拨给我们一定数目的金钱。可是在不久之后,我的母亲去世了,并且我的继父开始变得性情古怪起来不管发生了什么事情他总是一味的和别人争吵,结果搞得和邻居的关系都很差,而且高,的村子里的人都很害怕他,因为他非常的健壮并且性情非常的暴躁。前面我已经说到我的母亲给我们姐妹俩留下了一笔遗产,如果我们姐妹俩有人要结婚的话,我的继父姐必须拿出一笔钱来作为嫁妆,可是当我的姐姐将要结婚的时候,却在结婚的前两天死在了房中。这件事情让我心中感到十分难过。并且让我也感到十分的害怕,因为在我姐姐将要结婚的前期,我听到了有人吹口哨的声音,这些事情就发生在我姐姐遇害的前几天。并且至关紧要的事情是再过几天我也要结婚了,可是就在这几天的时间里,我也听到了那催命的口哨声,就和我姐姐遇害前的声音一模一样,所以我这近一个姓都没有睡过一个安稳的觉,因为我很担心自己会遭到和姐姐一样的恶运,因此我请求您一定要救救我,这位女士这样恳求福尔摩斯。









1 A Scandal in Bohemia 波西米亚丑闻

2 The Dancing Men 跳舞的小人

3 The Naval Treaty 海军协定

4 The Solitary Cyclist 孤身骑车人

5 The Crooked Man 驼背人

6 The Speckled Band 斑点带奇案

7 The Blue Carbuncle 蓝宝石奇案


1 The Copper Beeches 铜山毛榉案

2 The Greek Interpreter 希腊翻译员案

3 The Norwood Builder 建筑商人案

4 The Resident Patient 住院病人

5 The Red Headed League 红发会

6 The Final Problem 最后一案


1 The Empty House 空无迷案

2 The Abbey Grange 格兰其庄园

3 The Musgrave Ritual 马斯格雷夫仪式

4 The Second Stain 第二块血迹

5 The Man with the Twisted Lip 歪嘴男人奇案6 The Priory School 修道院公学

7 The Six Napoleons 六座拿破仑半身像第四季

1-2 The Sign of Four 四签名

3 魔鬼之足

4 银额马

5 威斯特里亚寓所

6 布鲁斯廷计划

7 The Hound of the Baskervilles 巴斯克维尔的猎犬第五季







1-2 讹诈专家

3-4 最后的吸血鬼5-6 单身贵族第七季

1 三角墙山墙2 临终的侦探3 金边夹鼻眼镜4 红圈会5 皇冠宝石案6 硬纸盒子









福尔摩斯履历表:姓 名:歇洛克?福尔摩斯(SherlockHolmes)性 别:男国 籍:英国人。出 生:一八五四年秋冬之间。家庭背景:乡绅后代,祖上曾拥有土地,但到福尔摩斯这一代,家道已经中落。家庭状况:祖母是法国人,生於法国的绘画世家。父母亲状况不详。 有一个哥哥,名为麦克罗夫。福尔摩斯。比他年长七岁。 两兄弟是在保母拉里的抚育下成长的。另有一名叫做福纳 的远亲,是个医生。学 历:1.曾在贵族学校就读,但未完成学业。2.牛津大学毕业。主攻化学。经 历:1.一八七七年「福尔摩斯侦探社」正式开业。最初位於 大英博物馆附近的蒙塔格街。后来经济稍宽裕时与华 生合租贝克街二二一号B。华生行医,福尔摩斯办案 。一八八一到一九三○年均执业於此。2.接办的名案如下:1882「血字的研究案」1883「斑点带子案」1887「赖盖特之谜案」1888「恐怖谷案」、「四签名案」、「希腊译员案」、「贵族单身汉案」1889「波西米亚丑闻案」、「歪唇男人案」、「驼背人案」、「证券经纪人的书记案」、「博斯科姆比溪谷案」、「工程师的大拇指案」 「五个桔核案」、「巴斯克维尔的猎犬案」1890「身份案」、「红发会案」、「临终的侦探案」

1891「最后一案」1894「威斯特里寓所案」、「空屋案」「诺伍德的建筑师案」、「金边夹鼻眼镜案」1895「四个大学生案」、「孤身骑车人案」「黑彼得案」、「布鲁斯-伯廷顿计画案」1896「戴面纱的房客案」、「失踪的中尉案」「失踪的中尉案」1897「格兰齐庄园案」、「魔鬼脚跟案」1898「跳舞的人案」、「退休颜料商案」1902「修道院公学案」、「三个同姓人案」、「显贵的主顾案」、「红圈会案」1903「皮肤变白的军人案」、「王冠宝石案」、「爬行人案」、「失踪的中尉案」1907「退休」案、「狮鬃毛」案1912「最后致意」案3.一八九一年,与宿敌莫里亚蒂教授决死一战,一同坠入瑞士莱辛巴赫瀑布中,生死不明。但在一八九五年又再度复出於「空屋案」。4.曾在一八九五获维多利亚女皇接见,并获授绿宝石领带别针一枚。5.一九○二年,获爵士勋位封号,但福尔摩斯拒绝受封 。 嗜好:吸烟斗,拉小提琴,听音乐会。喜欢洗土耳其浴。一八八 八年,因为想刺激思考,染上服用可卡因的恶习。一八九 四年在华生协助下戒除。


读《福尔摩斯探案集》有感 他,遇事异常沉着冷静,拥有超出常人的智慧,非同一般的想象力、以及敏捷的身手;他,一次次把复杂离奇的悬案解决,一次次把恶魔的面具揭开。于是,他的名声远传海外,家喻户晓。他,就是著名神探福尔摩斯!

福尔摩斯是著名英国小说家柯南道尔笔下的人物,也是柯南道尔的代表作《福尔摩斯探案集》中的主人公。自从柯南道尔把无与伦比的侦探——福尔摩斯介绍给世界以来,一百多年过去了,福尔摩斯的声望不减,以跨越时空的魅力吸引着一代代读者,影响了一代代青少年,柯南道尔也因此被称为“英国侦探小说之父”。现在,不管是哪家书店都有过销售过这本世界最畅销侦探作品——《福尔摩斯探案集》。 柯南道尔笔下的福尔摩斯是身材瘦削、高大健步、鹰钩鼻子、头戴猎帽、肩披风衣、口衔烟斗;他冷静理智、机智勇敢、博学多闻、细致耐心、追求真理、坚持原则;他神秘的外表、独特的穿着、千变万化的乔装掩饰、足智多谋的头脑、铸而不舍的作风;他济弱扶贫、但尊重法理的侠义精神,简直就是正义的化身,在各个时代各个国家都是人们心目中的英雄。



























《福尔摩斯探案集》主要讲的是——福尔摩斯是一个乡村绅士后代,既懂得乡村风俗,又懂得如何在城市里生活 。他通过不断的学习,不断的钻研和不断地实践才有了自己惊人的侦探能力。所以,他所进行的各种侦探既合乎逻辑,又合乎情理。他对各种案件的解释和判断才会头头是道,才使得一个个悬而又悬的问题迎刃而解,才使一宗宗迷案拨云见日。他勇敢机警,具有高超的侦探、分析、推理判断才能。比如:瞟一眼,他就可以猜出某人的大致经历;关于烟灰,它能够辨别一百四十多种,对不同职业人的手型他也极为熟悉:就是凭裤管上的污点,也可以判断罪犯的行迹······












《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感 在寒假里,我从网上下了一本书《福尔摩斯探案集》,刚开始我只是想大略的看一下剧情,但我刚看完前五页,我就被作者柯南道尔那缜密的思路所深深的吸引,被故事的情节所深深的吸引,福尔摩斯侦探小说全集》是欧美侦探小说的早期经典之作,它以跌宕起伏 的情节,缜密的逻辑推理,细致的心理分析以及福尔摩斯这个家喻户晓的侦探形 像,打动着我的心.柯南道尔的《福尔摩斯探案集》引起广泛的欢迎。这就不单单因为故事情 节的吸引人,而是通过侦探小说揭示了社会的现实问题,并在艺术上开创了侦探 小说的流派。

《血字的研究》、《四签名》揭示了英 国对印度的侵略与掠夺; 《布鲁斯——帕廷顿计划》 反映了欧洲的间谍案。 《巴 而 斯克维尔的猎犬》、《六个拿破仑》都涉及到图财谋命、作恶行凶,其它如巧取 豪夺、通奸情杀、背信弃义、贪欲逞凶、专横跋扈、尔虞我诈……这些犯罪现象, 无一不与政治制度的黑暗与道德观念的败坏有关, 柯南道尔还揭示了法律存在的 种种漏洞与不合理,以及警察厅的无能、愚蠢与昏庸。由于这类作品宣扬了人道 主义、善恶报应和“天网恢恢,疏而不漏”的理想主义观点。



认真地去做事情,如《巴斯克维尔的猎大》的 谜底揭穿,是福尔摩斯注重了调查研究;又如《跳舞的人》,福尔摩斯是破译了 奇怪的密码;再如《第二血迹》是福尔摩斯从地毯的移动中找到了破案的关键。 这些细节看似寻常, 其实正是有力地表现了福尔摩斯细致的观察力与丰富的想象 力。 《福尔摩斯探案集集》中的一个个故事给了我们一个个感叹号。高数和物理其实就像那一个有一个离奇的案件,里面可能是错综复杂的关系,需要我们慢慢去理清,如果没有一个耐心与细心的心理,我们可能会误入歧途找到错误的答案,得到错误的结果,更可能会中途放弃。所以我们要培养耐心与细心的性格,虽难我们做的可能没有福尔莫斯出众,但我们已经变得很优秀了。



Thoughts given by Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son

Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impreion-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in poeion of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in poeion of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories.Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Pre.

As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s miing son.Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of the German teacher.The school master Dr.Huxtable then turned to the famous detective of the time Sherlock Holmes for help.Realizing how tough and important the case is, Holmes immediately made up his mind to accept the case and followed Dr.Huxtable back to Mackleton by train.Having formed a rough idea about the whole matter, Holmes probed into the case immediately and had a careful investigation of the entire area shortly after the arrival, during the proce of which he discovered the body of the German teacher Heidegger.Finally, primarily due to his prominent ability as a detective, he managed to unravel the mystery and obtained the twelve thousand pounds promised by the Duke.

Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story presented by the book.As the saying goes, “Well begun, half done”.At the beginning of the story, just like many other detective stories, the author gives us a brief description of the condition by the words of a client.However, unlike other ones, this story first delineates the client’s strange behavior at length to indicate the severity of the incident in order to attract the readers to continue reading it.As is known to all, vivid depiction is eential to detective stories since it can help the readers understand each figure’s characteristics and visualize the scenes, thus making the story more authentic and attractive.Therefore, trying to present a “real world” to his readership, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the original “Holmes series”, has skillfully arranged the plots of the whole story from the perspective of Dr.Watson, a character not so specialized in discovering the truth hidden behind the enigmatic happenings as Holmes but so loyal to Sherlock Homes as a friend that he always accompanies Holmes wherever he goes.In this way, he elaborately depicted every scene and character in the book, Apart from the special start, the ending of the whole story, being dramatic but reasonable, is certainly an outstanding one.After all, except the author himself, who knows that the Duke’s seemingly ordinary secretary is in fact the Duke’s bastard? In addition, who knows that the Duke actually has already been acquainted with the whole thing before Holmes solves this complicated problem? Yet, surprising as it is, this ending seems so natural that it fits all the plots of the story perfectly well.While enjoying this wonderful story, I could do nothing but admire the

wonderful design of this masterpiece as well as the author’s gorgeous writing skill.Closing my eyes, I can even “see” the story happening just like watching a film.Not until then did I understand why the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan used this “Conan” as the name of its hero.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly aisted him a lot when he was studying the case.Take the bicycle tyres for instance, Holmes actually is capable of recognizing 42 different varieties of bicycle tyres.What’s more, according to his other stories, Holmes has studied different kinds of newspapers, cigarettes, people’s footprints and other special things as well.Therefore, he seems to have the mastery of anything relevant to the cases he deals with.Except for his illimitable knowledge, Holmes also specializes in arranging the facts in order and then finding the fact leading him to a GREat discovery or even the truth itself.From his speaking “Every mystery has an answer”, we can readily shape the impreion of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will.In this case, after getting rid of unrelated facts, Sherlock Homes eventually grasped the clue and discovered the amazing fact


Duke’s Son

Brief Introduction

Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son is also called Duke’s Son, which was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,a English famous writer.The novel was originally published by Oxford University Pre, Great Clarendon Street in 2002.But the book I read is published by Foreign Language And Research Pre in the People’s Republic of China in 2003.The book I read has 66 pages.

Main Contents

The story is about how Sherlock Holmes works on the mysterious cases.The writer wrote the story of Sherlock Holmes in his friend’s voice.His friend was named Watson.

Duke of Holderne was one of the greatest and the richest men.But his family was not very happy.The Duche didn’t live with Duke.She left Duke for Paris.However his son loved his mother and was very unhappy when his mother left.Because of this, the Duke sent him to Dr Huxtable’s school.But on the night of the 13th of May the young Arthur disappeared.The Duke was very worried.The Duke promised to offer five thousand pounds for the news of his son, and another one thousand pounds for the name of his kidnapper.

Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective so they asked Holmes for help.Holmes and Watson went to Dr Huxtable’s school.At the same time they got the worse news that Heidgger, the German teacher was miing, too.Holmes began to ask something about the boy and the German teacher.At last he determined to go off to the north with Dr Huxtable to find some answers to this mystery.

They arrived at Dr Huxtable’s famous school in the northern hills.They met the Duke.Holmes asked the Duke something about the case.Then at once Holmes began to work carefully to investigate the boy’s bedroom and the German teacher’s room.They looked at the ivy on the wall and they saw the footprints under the German teacher’s window.But they learned about nothing.

Holmes and Watson analysised the case when Dr Huxtable brought the boy’s hat.

Dr Huxtable said that he found it at north of Ragged Shaw,so they determined to walk north,acro the moor.

The next day they moved slowly acro the moor, looking at every centimeter of mud.At last they found the track of a bicycle.After aisting the track of a bicycle Holmes knew the bicycle was not Heidgger’s.Then he found the right track.Suddenlythe track stopped.He found some blood.Following the blood, he found much blood.Behind a bush they saw a shoe and found a body.But they still couldn’t who is the Crime.Watson was a little discouraged.Holmes said every mystery had an answer.They found tyre again.However, the Palmer Tyre can tell them nothing more, so they must go back to the Dunlop Tyre.They found the Dunlop track again and lost it again.They walked down to the Chesterfiled road and along to the Green Man Inn.Holmes found something from Hayes’s words, behaviors and his horses when they arrived at Hayes’s house.They found James Wilder, the Duke’s secretary came into Hayes’s house and Hayes escaped.

The next day the answers were obvious.Holmes was surprised about the answers.I was surprised, too.James was Duke’s elder son.James hated Duche because she was not his mother.James hated Arthur because Arthur had everything that James never could have.And because of this, Duke sent Author to Dr Huxtable’s school.James asked Hayes for help to catch Arthur.James made the most of it that Arthur mied his mother.He cheated Arthur and let him go to the Green Man.When Arthur left the school, the German teacher found him.It was Hayes who killed him because Hayes let his deed out.All the mysteries were clear.Arthur and Duche would return home.James was leaving for Australia.Sherlock Holmes got twelve thousand pounds and began to work the next case.The story was over.

Excellent episodes

1.When visitors came to see Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street, they often did surprising things, Sometimes they put their heads in their hands and cried.Sometimes they talked and talked, and couldn’t stop.And sometimes they just sat there and didn’t say a word.But nobody was more surprising than Dr Huxtable.

2.We moved slowly acro the moor, looking at every centimeter of mud.We found

hundreds of sheep tracks,and some cow tracks—but no bicycle tracks.And then at last we found something.Not far form the little river,right acro some nice black mud, was the track of a bicycle.

3.Because the ride sits over the back wheel.The deeper track is the one on top, so this bicycle went that way, acro the moor away from the school.But who was the rider? Where did he come from?

4.Heidegger died eight kilometers from the school.So the boy is moving very fast, because it is eight kilometers before a man on a bicycle can get near him.And Heidegger died because someone hit him very hard on the head.A boy can’t do that, so there was someone with the boy—a man,let’s say.

5.When I was a young man, Mr Holmes, I was in love-- oh, so much in love.It only happened to you once, and this woman was the love of my life.I wanted her to be my wife—but she died.She left me this one child, and I loved him because of her.When I look in his face, I see her, and remember her, and can’t stop loving her.I must have the boy near me because of this.But a government minister cannot tell the world about a love—child like this.So, to the world, James is my young secretary,not my son.


Reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story presented by the book.At the beginning of the story, author gives us a brief description of the client’s strange behavior at length in order to attract the readers to continue reading it.As it is known to all, clear description is neceary to detective stories since it can help the readers to understand each figure’s characteristics and all the cases, thus making the story more attractive.

Watson was Sherlock Homes’s friend.And the novel was told to Watson’tone.Sherlock Homes was wise and clever.Watson was lucky to have so wise a friend.They have the valuable friendship.When Homes handled a case, Watson helped him much.I think Watson could learn much from Homes.I think if you have virtuous friends, we can improve ourselves, or we will change our good nature.So I envy Watson because he had so good and wise a friend.

Sherlock Homes was not a real person.However, Sherlock Homes had became the representative of wisdom.We all envy Sherlock Homes because of his wisdom and high abilities.Whether the case was mysterious, Homes could found its answer.

I like the words that Homes said.That was every mystery had its answer.Right! So when we have puzzles, we shouldn\'t give up.Maybe Sherlock Homes was every one.I think every one has the right to become a wise and clever man.

Nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero, Sherlock Homes, than his illimited knowledge which has certainly helped him a lot when he was studying the case.For instance,taking the bicycle tyers, Holmes actually is able to recognize 42 different varieties of bicycle tyers.What’s more, according to his other stories, Holmes has studied different kinds of newspapers,cigarettes, people’s footprints and other special things as well.So he seemed to know anything of everything.

From the incident that Sherlock Homes study with his illimited knowledge, we understand we should learn about something extracurricular.And maybe we can be knowledgeable like Sherlock Homes.本文版权归曼界森英书下载网及英文小说网共同所有

第16篇:The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯探案集英文读后感

The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes who is a smart,sharp and strange detective,face lots of amazing and fantastic cases,but he can find out the facts certainly.


detective, adventure ,spy

Sherlock Holmes is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.Who then portrays him is? Is F.Conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), British outstanding spying writer of fiction and playwright.Due to understand the social surrounding,the author make Sherlock Holmes received the case all kinds, the most important is the great detective investigation methods and the end of the case is different, every story perfectly reflect the reality of British society.Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman\'s descendant, understands the village custom, also the life in city.Sherlock Holmes who is angular, thin, torpor ,have sharp eyes and hawk-like nose made him added a kind of decisive wary expreion.This iconic features cause a lot of detective fans crazy worship.Sherlock Holmes become to have the astonishing spying ability through unceasingly study and practice.When his heart have a problems doesn\'t solve, just a few days, or even a week,he would avid thinking about again, comb the situations that he had mastered, and review the question from every angle until the facts come to light or convinced the materials are not sufficient.Therefore, each kind of spy that he deal with is logical and reasonable.What\'s more,his explanation and judgment of all case are rational, cause the question to be easily solved, then causes the case to restore justice.

\"From a drop of water, a logic home can infer may have the Atlantic or Niagara Falls existence, and does not need to see with my own ears or heard of such.So, the whole life is a huge chain, as long as we see one of the ring, you can know its nature.\" And this is Sherlock Holmes\'s deduce analytics.Sherlock Holmes is a bit \"strange\", he is proficient in anatomy, also is the first-cla pharmacist, but he never had systematic medical study.He diligently study some science, but the thing is very mixed and disorderly.And he take cocaine three times a day(taking cocaine, make the person feels pleasure, but lo their displayed energy).He also is so surreal, never easy to talk with somebody something in his heart, also happy, also a lot of things.When he met the dangerous calm, in a crisis, encounter any difficulty, seems as if nothing had happened, not at all, pack out.Maybe, just because the different features of Sherlock Holmes make his stories more attract readers! Sherlock Holmes is a such person.Although he had become famous for spying at that time in England, but he in unceasingly aiduous study.He has specially rented between a small house nearby English Fine arts Museum, the usage of material and the opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the world.

Since I read the Sherlock Holmes, who has a aquiline noses and angular figure,wear hunting cap, shoulder with dust coat, smoke with a pipe , I find the character deeply impre me.He face difficulty calmly, his thought is agile, and his keen observation and reasonable inference analysis is the key to solve the case.The author Conan Doyle, in writing, there are a lot of psychological activity, bearing change, dialogue, action describe in details, so that readers see with relish, won\'t be boring.In psychological activities, the author wrote all his ideas , don\'t do one reservation, let a person can\'t help following the author gue together;A description of the change and expreion is fascinating, so that a person\'s expreion as if it\'s in front of you on; Action details is very carefully, every one\'s every move is captured by the author, not a omiions.This let me know, to write a good article, is little not the detail description.In the novel of any a court case, almost every case happens is incredible, in the case of developing, and there are a lot of changes, vertiginous.But with the analysis of Sherlock Holmes, the story is slowly and clearly.All the things in reason, but at unexpected.Every clue is so natural, smooth, I can\'t find any flaw.So

I\'m amazed at the Sherlock Holmes’ unreasoning ability.This book is fascinating by not only the vivid story and the soul-stirring structure, but also a meaning famous saying “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.”

Sherlock Holmes with his unique career\"consulting detective\'\', received all kinds of strange case.Many official detectives and private detectives would ask for help from him if encountering difficulties.And he will try to take them to the correct route guidance.His work have all kind of social claes,from homicide to theft, although sometimes also met with bizarre case, but they are not the came into existence.Although each case is very complicated, but Sherlock Holmes is good at using a variety of knowledge, have attached great importance to the investigation and study, and treat case very enthusiastic, he has extraordinary ability.As Sherlock Holmes said, if you have on hand to master the one thousand case details, so, if you can\'t explain the one thousand and first case ,it would so weird.when receive a case,Sherlock Holmes will try his best to solve the riddle even if the case is quirky or the killer who was carried away by the evil stop him and even want to end Sherlock Holmes\' life.I admire Sherlock Holmes, I want to learn his those good places.For example, he rich knowledge of science, the strict logical reasoning, careful study.Though Sherlock Holmes in Britain has become a detective, but he still continue to study hard, have been research aspects of science and experience the detective, his these kind of indomitable spirits is worth studying.It can help teenagers get notice observation, thinking meticulous good habit.Sherlock Holmes is so charming, when you finish the adventure of Sherlock Holmes,I believe you will be grip the book.I like reading this novel that make me gain so much profits significantly.Only read this novel can you completely feel his charm.

第17篇:The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes福尔摩斯探案集英文读后感



The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes who is a smart,sharp and strange detective,face lots of amazing and fantastic cases,but he can find out the facts certainly.


detective, adventure ,spy

Sherlock Holmes is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.Who then

portrays him is? Is F.Conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), British outstanding spying writer of fiction and playwright.Due to understand the social surrounding,the author make Sherlock Holmes received the case all kinds, the most important is the great detective investigation methods and the end of the case is different, every story perfectly reflect the reality of British society.

Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman\'s descendant, understands the village custom, also the life in city.Sherlock Holmes who is angular, thin, torpor ,have sharp eyes and hawk-like nose made him added a kind of decisive wary expreion.This iconic features cause a lot of detective fans crazy worship.Sherlock Holmes become to have the astonishing spying ability through unceasingly study and practice.When his hearthave aproblems doesn\'t solve, just a few days, or even a week,he would avid

thinking about again, comb the situations that he had mastered, and review the

question from every angle until the facts come to light or convinced the materials are not sufficient.Therefore, each kind of spy that he deal with is logical and

reasonable.What\'s more,his explanation and judgment of all case are rational, cause the question to be easily solved, then causes the case to restore justice.

\"From a drop of water, a logic home can infer may have the Atlantic or Niagara

Falls existence, and does not need to see with my own ears or heard of such.So, the whole life is a huge chain, as long as we see one of the ring, you can know its nature.\" And this is Sherlock Holmes\'s deduce analytics.

Sherlock Holmes is a bit \"strange\", he is proficient in anatomy, also is the

first-cla pharmacist, but he never had systematic medical study.He diligently study some science, but the thing is very mixed and disorderly.And he take cocaine three times a day(taking cocaine, make the person feels pleasure, but lo their displayed energy).He also is so surreal, never easy to talk with somebody something in his

heart, also happy, also a lot of things.When he met the dangerous calm, in a crisis, encounter any difficulty, seems as if nothing had happened, not at all, pack out.

Maybe, just because the different features of Sherlock Holmes make his stories more attract readers!

Sherlock Holmes is a such person.Although he had become famous for spying

at that time in England, but he in unceasingly aiduous study.He has specially rented between a small house nearby English Fine arts Museum, the usage of material and

the opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause

him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in

the world.

Since I read the Sherlock Holmes, who has a aquiline noses and angular

figure,wear hunting cap, shoulder with dust coat, smoke with a pipe , I find the

character deeply impre me.He face difficulty calmly, his thought is agile, and his

keen observation and reasonable inference analysis is the key to solve the case.The

author Conan Doyle, in writing, there are a lot of psychological activity, bearing

change, dialogue, action describe in details, so that readers see with relish, won\'t be

boring.In psychological activities, the author wrote all his ideas , don\'t do one

reservation, let a person can\'t help following the author gue together;A description

of the change and expreion is fascinating, so that a person\'s expreion as if it\'s in

front of you on; Action details is very carefully, every one\'s every move is captured

by the author, not a omiions.This let me know, to write a good article, is little not

the detail description.In the novel of any a court case, almost every case happens is

incredible, in the case of developing, and there are a lot of changes, vertiginous.But

with the analysis of Sherlock Holmes, the story is slowly and clearly.All the things in

reason, but at unexpected.Every clue is so natural, smooth, I can\'t find any flaw.SoI\'m amazed at the Sherlock Holmes’ unreasoning ability.

This book is fascinating by not only the vivid story and the soul-stirring

structure, but also a meaning famous saying “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.”

Sherlock Holmes with his unique career\"consulting detective\'\', received all kinds of

strange case.Many official detectives and private detectives would ask for help from

him if encountering difficulties.And he will try to take them to the correct route

guidance.His work have all kind of social claes,from homicide to theft, although

sometimes also met with bizarre case, but they are not the came into existence.

Although each case is very complicated, but Sherlock Holmes is good at using a

variety of knowledge, have attached great importance to the investigation and study,

and treat case very enthusiastic, he has extraordinary ability.As Sherlock Holmes said, if you have on hand to master the one thousand case details, so, if you can\'t explain

the one thousand and first case ,it would so weird.when receive a case,Sherlock

Holmes will try his best to solve the riddle even if the case is quirky or the killer who

was carried away by the evil stop him and even want to end Sherlock Holmes\' life.

I admire Sherlock Holmes, I want to learn his those good places.For example, he

rich knowledge of science, the strict logical reasoning, careful study.Though Sherlock

Holmes in Britain has become a detective, but he still continue to study hard, have

been research aspects of science and experience the detective, his these kind of

indomitable spirits is worth studying.It can help teenagers get notice observation,

thinking meticulous good habit.

Sherlock Holmes is so charming, when you finish the adventure of Sherlock

Holmes,I believe you will be grip the book.I like reading this novel that make me gain

so much profits significantly.Only read this novel can you completely feel his charm.



英文名:Sherlock Holmes 译名:歇洛克·福尔摩斯(夏洛克·福尔摩斯) 国籍:英国

生日:1月6日 星座:魔蝎座 血型:O 身高:188厘米 体重:235英磅

地址:伦敦贝克街221B 大学:Oxford(牛津) 最喜欢的颜色:黑色

最喜欢的食物:哈德森太太做的 最喜欢的女人:艾琳.艾德勒

最喜欢做的事:破案(废话)、去剧院听歌 家人:哥哥——迈克罗夫特·福尔摩斯 朋友:约翰·H·华生 对手:莫里亚蒂



爱好:破案(这好象是废话)、艺术、音乐、小提琴、拳击、剑术 特长:以上都是 职业:私家侦探









































《福尔摩斯探案集》之所以能从众多侦探小说中脱颖而出,是因为它没有一般侦探小说中易犯的败笔,即看似神奇但缺乏逻辑的“神来之笔”,让人回味后感觉不可信。福尔摩斯侦破的每一个案子都建立在严谨的思考推理的基础上,在构思和布局中埋下伏笔,让故事不仅可信,还曲折离奇、引人入胜。 正可胜邪这个简单的道理在书中得到了非常明确的体现,无论作案者手法如何巧妙,智慧如何高超,心思如何缜密,“天网恢恢疏而不漏”最后总是会应验。因为,哪怕是你留下的一丝烟灰、一点土粒,都会被这位如同机器一般



许多人都批评福尔摩斯是一个过于理性,(心得体会)没有一丝感情的“机器”,缺乏最基本的感性,只知道不停工作、不停运转,完全不懂得结交朋友、调剂心情和放松身体,极其孤独不合群其实,只要认真研读整本书就会发现,福尔摩斯其实是有情感的,只不过因为他特殊的职业因素才锻炼了他把情感隐藏起来。书中有一段,就是在福尔摩斯的助手和唯一的一个朋友华生中枪之后,一向古井不波的福尔摩斯竟然失去了理性。这说明,他平时看似冷淡,其实是极为珍稀这唯一的一段友情的,只不过华生曾经在书中说过:“在此之前,我一直以为我这个经常与他争执的蹩脚助手远不及他当做第一要紧事的工作重要,现在我才知道,他竟是这样一个通人性的人,而不是平日里那个阴沉面庞、叼着烟斗的沉默者。” 福尔摩斯的严谨和缜密以及敏锐的观察力,不得不让人讶异至极。同样一些在正常人眼里平平无奇的东西,在他的眼里就是体现这个人性格、外貌、职业、经历的资料。细心观察,严密推理,这似乎是人人只要想都可以完成的任务,但真正做到的也就只有小说中的福尔摩斯了。






男:ladies 女:and gentlemen,合:it’s a show time~!














观众:夏洛克。福尔摩斯!(ppt福尔摩斯图像,全场灯亮) 女:尊敬的领导,


女:大家 合:晚上好!

女:欢迎大家来到第二届“福尔摩斯之约”校园推理大赛的决赛暨颁奖晚会现场。首先请允许我来介绍一下到场的领导和来宾。他们是。。。。 男:让我们以热烈的掌声再次欢迎他们的到来


(光暗,ppt换为贝克街221号b室。旁白:在贝克街221号b室的门口) 女:相信各位都是夏洛克先生的忠实粉丝。。。



女:你先别急。虽然先生不在,但是(笑)我请来了。。。福尔摩斯先生的弟子们?? (灯灭,选手介绍视频)







男:那么晋级三强的选手就是 女:让我们祝贺他们


女:与时间赛跑,需要的而不仅仅是聪明的头脑。还需要快速地反应与决断能力。 男:接下来请大家不要眨眼,不要呼吸,保持精力高度的集中。进入我们激动人心的第二环节





男:作为一名优秀的侦探,面对突发事件,只有机智的头脑是不够的。 女:是呀,还需要具备勇往直前的气魄和灵活的应变能力。








男: 我们的互动环节就先告一段落,2组选手也已经准备好了。 女:他们会给我们带来一场怎样的逻辑推理盛宴呢?让我们拭目以待。















女:今夜我们一起循着蛛丝马迹,拨开层层迷雾,推启真相的大门。 男:还原真实,渴求真相。因为:









谆谆教导,聆听你的感受和想法;对待老员工就像老朋友,故障的时候与你风雨同舟,安全时期与你防患未然,基本考核保障做到不弃一丝一缕,创新管理工作细到提案论文专利。还记得我刚入职做项目的时候,他跟我说:要从呆板的工作中找到兴趣点。也许这冥冥中就是“寻找美”的起点。 其次他有“敬业”之美。无数个夜晚,当其他楼层的灯光已经暗下去,当喧闹的民族大道已经开始安静,这一楼层的灯光仍然亮着,有时是客户批量投诉了,晚上10点钟仍然没有晚餐进肚,身边热闹非凡,站满了每个岗位与故障关联的伙伴;有时重大节日来了,往常沉默的人开始电话祝贺,昔日的宅男宅女开始出门约会,保障工作雪上加霜。而一年7个全国放假的节日当中有4个属于月初,3个有可能是月初,这些个普天同庆的日子,他必须放弃与家人团聚的机会,紧紧围绕在各个系统周围,一旦拥堵立即疏通,一旦断开立即接上,动作之快堪比刘翔跨栏;如果系统规规矩矩安分守己平安无事,则需忍受别人狂欢我方加班的空虚寂寞冷。每年的体检对于他来说就像是一场浩劫,不是三高了就是胃不行了,不是颈椎病就是肩周炎,“脂肪肝”“肝硬化”侵蚀着他的健康美梦,当然,最可怕的噩梦还是半夜刚放孩子睡下手机就响起:主机宕了,数据库积压了,话单延迟了等等,于是,在灯光下,通过vpn登录系统,艰难地敲入命令,还不忘看一眼熬夜的邻居家是否还有灯光陪伴,失望地回到电脑前,打起12分精神,投入到福尔摩斯的案情当中,找到残害系统的真凶并将其消灭,系统又顺畅起来,那几乎睁不开的双眼此时还在庆幸:还好故障发生 在夜深人静的夜晚,用户感知不大,颇有当年卖炭翁“可怜身上衣正单,心忧炭贱愿天寒”的味道。当每一个客户每一分钱都精准无误落入公司的财务网,当每月的报表都顺顺利利地打包,当每个客户都是缴完话费立马开机,他体会到“寻找美”的过程是一种甜蜜的负担。 再来说说他的“细致”之美。“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”,不经意的抬头,墙壁上有鲜明的安全生产提示;专注地低头,键盘上有透明的防尘保护膜;向前望去,电脑屏幕有防窥膜保护;回眸一笑,板报上伙伴的照片笑颜如花。他的细致在办公室的每个角落,甚至渗透到生活中的方方面面。新入职给你安排宿舍,季度活动询问你是否安全到家,储物箱里躺着一包包必备常用药,茶水间里放着一箱箱加班食品。所谓衣食管家贴身保姆不过如此,有时他默默地刷板报,有时也支起大喇叭传出“第八套广播体操”。你的健康快乐就是他追求的美。







众所周知,书是人类的灵魂,书是人类智慧的结晶,书是人类知识的宝库。在书中,我们可以读李白的潇洒飘逸,读福尔摩斯的冷静沉着,悟鲁迅的冷峻深邃,悟曹雪芹的“一把辛酸泪”。历经苦难的高尔基说:“书籍使我变成了一个幸福的人。”我们又何尝不是呢?读书带给我们最永久的乐趣,最永恒的动力;读书带给我们心灵的和平,精神的慰藉。书就是我们的精神食粮。是“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”啊! 我喜欢读书,家里的书堆积如山,里面既有文学名着,也有故事小说,还有期刊杂志,这些都帮助着我的学习,丰富着我的知识,告诉了我一些道理,让我如何面对生活、学习、挫折,鼓励我坚强的面对困难、战胜困难。书里面还有对社会现象的批判,美丽风景的描写,鲜为人知的秘密与故事,中外风土人情的讲述,对奥秘的探索,还有一个个催人奋发向上,给人鼓励的感人事迹。就连古诗也能让人受益匪浅!如:王安石的“不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在最高层。”让我明白了人生的哲理,它告诉我们:只要你能站在最高点,你就能清楚地看清楚世事纷扰。

《开讲啦》王石演讲稿:坚持与放下 2012-09-10 10:41:35 来源: 网易视频 有2人参与 手机看新闻

《坚持与放下》 演讲者:王石 同学们好,像这样和同学们交流还是第一次,因为站在前面什么都没有,从表演上来讲这叫做当众孤独。但是刚才主持人那热情洋溢的介绍和同学们热烈的反应,好像让我也年轻了两岁,我想到了比你们还年轻的时候,那个时光大约是四十五年前了,我那时候才十几岁,和你们一样想着未来该做什么。

我曾受福尔摩斯侦探的影响,特别想当个侦探家,也受《海底两万里》、《八十天环游世界》的影响,想当个探险家,就像《鲁滨逊漂流记》那样。我的数学成绩不错,在小学的时候,是可以跳级的那种,但我的语文不好,所以没能跳级。 我当过兵,当过工人,当过工程师,当过机关干部,这样做到32岁。当时我在广东的外贸部门,在别人来看,这个职业非常非常好,但是我已经看到我人生的最终会走到哪里去,我当时的身份是副科长,我已经看到了,我一步一步的可以当科长、副处长、处长、副厅长。既然我已经看到了我这一生会怎么过,我的追悼会怎么开,我能想象,我躺在那 1 里,朋友们是怎么来向我鞠躬、哀乐,我都想得清清楚楚,我觉得这样的生活,我当然不甘心。这是我后来到深圳创业的初衷。

我没有严格的人生计划要当一个企业家,甚至当年的我对于做商人这件事是非常讨厌的。 我只是希望改变一种新的生活方式,我就这样去了。我既不喜欢做企业,也不喜欢做生意,我曾公开说我不喜欢房地产,以至于现在万科的ceo郁亮私下跟我说:“董事长,你不喜欢就不喜欢,但是你不要公开说,你公开说不喜欢,我们怎么教育团队要喜欢、要热爱这个行业?”我说好,我不说了。



我要说的第一个故事,是2009年,《南方周末》成立25周年,做 “中国寻梦者”评选,评选了8个人,我荣幸的入选,有意思是给了三个标签,让我来选。第一个标签是企业家,第二个标签是登山探险家,第三个是不行贿者,那同学们,你们猜猜我会选哪一个?我选择了不行贿者。我记得在我获得这样一个荣誉的时候,我说:“不行贿是我做商业的底线,但我没想到这个底线,却成了我的一个标签,这很荒唐。”最基本的底线,很多人却认为不可能,一个长久的坚持、最起码的人格要求,反而成了你最具竞争力的东西。我不得不遗憾的说,我们的社会是需要改革的。

我的身体不是很强壮。同学们可能就纳闷了,说怎么可能,你的身体不强壮怎么登上珠峰的?我说正因为我登上了珠峰,我的身体才强壮了起来,我通过尝试一个山头、一个山头的克服,这个过程使得我的心理承受能力比原来更强,使我的体力也变成越来越强壮,而不是因为我拥有强壮的体魄我才去登山。事实上,我有偏头疼,一疼四五天,五官有中耳炎、视网膜炎、鼻窦言、咽炎。我感到最恐惧的是1995年,我突然感到我的左腿剧疼,医生非常清楚的说,说你腰椎间有一个血管瘤,你必须马上减少行动,最好是坐轮椅,否则你可能随时瘫痪。我当时脑袋一懵,我怎么也没有想到我44岁的时候,正是年富力强的 2 时候,医生宣布我可能瘫痪。所以我想,无论如何,在瘫痪之前,我要去一趟西藏,要去一趟珠穆朗玛峰。 2003年我去了西藏,记得在登顶下撤的途中,在8800的位置上,天气非常不好,阴天、刮风、下雪,我特别想坐下来,但我受过的登山训练告诉我,我不能坐下来,我要是坐下来,我就起不来了。那一刻,能不能活着回来都不清楚,但那时就有一个愿望:如果我能活着回去,我绝不再返回喜马拉雅山,如果再返回来,我就是王八蛋!我诅咒自己。可安全回来之后,那个诅咒也忘了。 我到山脚下和医生谈的时候,医生说你遇到的就是濒临死亡的感觉。登到8000米以上的山峰时,只有两种废弃物是没人理的,一种是空氧气瓶,再一个就是遇难者的尸体,你免不了会看到遇难者的表情,没有痛苦,没有狰狞,没有死亡之前的挣扎,都很安详,好像进入天堂一样。当然了,即使进入天堂很美妙,你愿意进入吗,我相信还是不愿意进入的,所以哪怕受折磨,受苦难,你还是愿意留在这个世界上。我们知道我们会死,但在死亡之前,你希望什么呢,你希望做你想做的事情。



刚才讲“坚持”了,现在我想讲讲“放下”。我想说的放下,第一是放下金钱,第二是放下权力,第三是放下虚荣。 1988年,万科进行股份化改造,当时公司形成4100万规模。当时我就声明,我放弃分到我名下的股权。第一,我觉得这是我自信心的表示,我不用控制这个公司,我仍然有能力管理好它;第二,在中国社会当中,尤其在80年代,突然很有钱,是很危险的,中国传统文化来讲,不换寡,换不均,大家都可以穷,但是不能突然你很有钱。所以在名和利上,你只能选一个,你要想出名,你就不要得利,你要想得利,你不要出名。我的本事不大,我只能选一头,我就选择了名。这是我想放弃财富。 1999年,48岁的时候,我辞去了总经理的职务,开始只当董事长,真正的不管公司的事儿。这是我想放弃权力。

3 第三个放弃,就是放弃虚荣。实际上这回去哈佛,很多人都很好奇,说你王石到哈佛去干什么,首先就问,你到那儿带翻译吗?第二,你上的是老年大学吧,更多的朋友之间一见面,那就是猛夸,铆劲的夸,“太~~”佩服你了,就是“太”这个字拉好长时间,我说你表扬我还是骂我,这样表扬,无非就是说你王石要过语言关是不可能的,但是你过了,所以“太”佩服你了。确实,一个中国的著名企业家,上市公司老总,年纪又过了60多岁,你开始学英文,你能不能拉下脸,能不能放下面子,是个问题。




四年前,我在金沙江漂流,金沙江上水流湍急,到堰塞湖的时候,江水平静,流得非常非常缓慢,这时我就有时间看两边的景色。金沙江两边景色都是悬崖峭壁,这时你才发现,悬崖峭壁上是一股一股潺潺的流水,我突然醒悟到,这滔滔的江河就是一股一股无数地潺潺地细细地流水形成的,这一股股的流水,就是我们每一个人,每一个家庭,每一个企业,每一个单位,如果我们每一股细小的力量,都做我们应该做的事情,我们汇成的江河,就将汇成我们对未来的期望。 这就是我今天想和同学们交流的。


The feeling after seeing

Have you seen the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan? Have you enjoyed it? Maybe you don’t like it ,but I like it !I like mysterious things so much.Now ,you must gue the bookI have seen is Conan .But I selected Holmes Stories instead of it because of many reasons.

I just read some stories during this week.As the saying goes “W ell begun, half done”.At the beginning of this book ,just like many other detective stories ,the author gives us a brief description of the condition .I think it is considerate and attractive.It can arouse my interest and stimulate me read it completely.

To my impreed ,the stories some of it is about a case concerning the Duke’s miing son .Arthur, the Duke’s son, was disappeared in a morning.What’s worse, the German teacher was miing also.The school master turned to Sherlock Holmes for help.Then, he invested carefully the entire place.Finally, the case was coped with very fast by his cleverne.It’s so perfect of his performance in this section! Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely absorbed in mysterious story presented by this book.

After seeing these stories, I understand much from them.Firstly, every mystery has an answer .just as Holmes said,” the secret is to ask the right questions .then, you will find the answers.” What’s more, we must take everything into consideration before doing everything.Finally ,we

should insist on the things we are doing.Don’t give up easily when facing many difficulties.The only way for us is to face it and deal with it.Only by this can we achieve succe, just like Holmes.

All in all, Holmes, a typical wrings, is worthwhile for us to read!
