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一、单项选择题(本大题共24小题,每小题1分,共24分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.《2000年通则》将国际贸易中使用的贸易术语归纳为( ) A.11条 B.12条






D.DES 术语 2.在采用FOB交货时,买卖双方风险的转移是在( ) A.工厂 B.码头


3.采用CFR变形(CFR Landed)成交时,卸货费由( ) A.买方承担 B.卖方承担


4.采用DAF贸易术语成交时,出口报关的责任、费用由( ) A.买方承担 B.卖方承担


5.卖方想要承担最低的合同义务时,最好采用( ) A.EXW 术语 B.FCA 术语

C.CIF 术语

B.全部包装和局部包装 6.商品按照包装质地的不同,可以分为( ) A.软性包装、半硬性包装和硬性包装 C.运输包装和销售包装


7.在班轮运费的基本运费计收标准中,若按货物的毛重计收,则在运价表内( ) A.用字母“W”表示 B.用字母“M”表示 C.用字母“AV”表示


8.速遣费是指负责装卸货物的一方,在约定的装卸时间内提前完成装卸任务,则可以( ) A.从买方取得奖金 B.从卖方取得奖金 C.从船方取得奖金


9.提单按收货人的抬头进行分类,可以分为( ) A.记名提单、不记名提单与指示提单 C.直达提单、转船提单与联运提单 10.全损可以分为实际全损与( ) A.推定全损 B.共同海损

B.清洁提单与不清洁提单 D.已装船提单和备运提单



11.中国某企业出口纺织品,其出口总成本为520000元人民币,出口后外汇净收入为86000美元,假如外汇牌价为100美元折合人民币690元,则该企业的出口盈亏率为( ) A.12.3% B.14.1%



D.签票人 D.19.6%

12.汇票的使用中,受票人又称( ) A.出票人 B.付款人

13.由一人向另一个人签发的,保证于见票时或定期或在可以确定的将来时间,对某人或其指定人或持票人支付一定金额的无条件的书面承诺是( ) A.本票 B.支票



14.受益人要求原证的通知行或其他银行以原证为基础,另开一张内容相识的新信用证称为( ) A.循环信用证 B.保兑信用证 C.对开信用证


15.磋商交易的接受环节,关于接受生效的时间各国法律有不同的规定,其中英美法采用的是( ) A.“投邮生效”原则 B.“到达生效”原则 C.“合同生效”原则


16.在信用证项下的制单结汇中,议付行要求“单、证表面严格相符”,但假如在单、证不符情况下,议付行先向国外开证行拍发电报或电传,列明单、证不符点,待开证行复电同意后再将单据寄出的做法称为( ) A.“表提” B.“电提” C.“跟单托收”



17.纵观各国法律,下列哪项不是违约的基本救济方法?( ) ..A.实际履行 B.损害赔偿


18.供货商可在同一时间、同一地区内,委派几家商号经销同类商品的做法称为( ) A.包销 B.定销



第 1 页

19.寄售人与代销人之间是( ) A.委托与托受关系

D.一般经销关系 B.买卖关系 C.包销代理关系

20.“投机商人预计未来价格将出现上涨时,先买进期货合同,等价格上涨后再卖出对冲,从中获利”的投机行为称为( ) A.出头 B.多头


D.即期付款交单 D.空头

21.对卖方而言,以下最好的支付方式是( ) A.信用证 B.承兑交单 C.远期付款交单

22.我国企业某商品对外商报价为不含佣金CIF价为每公吨2300美元,后外商要求报CIFC5%的价格,如果要保证我国企业的净收入保持不变,则对外改报的含佣金价格为( ) A.2396.5美元 B.2421.1美元 C.2594.8美元


D.20% 23.根据一般惯例,违约金数额应不超过货物总金额的( ) A.3% B.5%


B.独立承担销售费用 24.寄售情况下,代销人( ) A.与寄售人各承担销售费用的50% C.不承担任何销售费用


二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、少选或未选均无分。

25.FCA适用的运输方式有( )

A.公路 B.铁路 C.河、海 D.航空运输 E.多式联运 26.运输包装上的标志,按其用途可以分为( )

A.运输标记 B.原产地标 C.销售商标记 D.指示性标记 E.警告性标记 27.在国际贸易中,从事商品检验的机构多种多样,归纳起来,主要有( )

A.官方机构 B.私人开设的检验机构 C.行业协会开设的检验机构 D.生产制造厂商 E.用货单位或买方 28.进出口结付汇单据中的发票主要有( ) A.商业发票 B.海关发票

C.领事发票 D.厂商发票 E.形式发票

29.开展展卖业务时应注意( ) A.选择适当的展卖商品B.选择好合作的客户C.尽量拉长展出的时间D.选择合适的展出地点E.选择适当的展卖时机

三、名词解释(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分) 30.多式联运单据 31.不可抗力 32.押汇 33.投标

四、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分) 34.选用贸易术语时应考虑的因素主要有哪些?35.简述影响外贸进出口成交价格的因素。36.简述履行进口合同的主要环节。

五、计算题(本大题共2小题,每小题6分,共12分) 37.国内某出口企业出口羊毛60公吨,羊毛的公定回潮率为14%,其实际回潮率由实际货物进行抽样检测,假设实际抽取1千克样品,用科学方法去掉其中水分,最后可以净剩0.9千克的干羊毛,请计算该批羊毛的公量。(结果请保留两位小数) 38.某国内企业与外商签订了某套机械设备的买卖合同,商定货物的初步价款为350万美元,双方同意按某物价指数和工资指数予以调整。约定原材料在价格中的比重为60%,工资在价格中的比重为20%,管理费与利润在价格中的比重为20%,并以签订合同时的物价指数为100,当交货时原材料物价指数上升至120,工资指数上升至115,假设双方按约定调整价款,则该合同的最终成交价应该为多少?




第 2 页



一 选择

1-5 CCBBA 6-10 AACAA 11-15 BBADA 16-20 BCBAB 21-24 ABBC 二 多选


1 多式联运单据:是指证明多式联运合同以及证明多式联运经营人接管货物并负责按合同条款交付货物的单据,它由多式联运经营人签发,这种单据应依发货人的选择,或为可转让的单据,或为不可转让的单据。

2 不可抗力:是指买卖合同签订后,不是由于合同当事人的过失或疏忽,而是由于发生了合同当事人无法预见、无法预防、无法避免和无法控制的事件,以致不能履行或不能如期履行合同,发生意外事故的一方可以免除履行合同的责任或推迟履行合同。

3 押汇:又称买单结汇,即指议付行在审单无误情况下,按信用证条款贴现受益人的汇票或者以一定的折扣买入信用证下的货运单据,从票面金额中扣除从议付日到估计收到票款之日的利息,将余款按议付日外汇牌价折成人民币,拨给出口企业。 4投标:是指投标人应招标人的邀请,按照招标的要求与条件,在规定的时间内向招标人递价,争取中标的行为。

四 简答题

1 (1)考虑运输条件(2)考虑货源情况(3)考虑运费因素(4)考虑运输途中的风险(5)考虑办理进出口货物结关手续的难易。 2 (1)商品的质量和档次; (2)运输距离; (3)交货地点和交货条件; (4)季节性需要的变化; (5)成交数量; (6)支付条件和汇率变动的风险; (7)国际市场的价格的走势; (8)其他

3 (1)开立信用证; (2)派船接运货物; (3)投保货运险; (4)审单和付汇; (5)报关、纳税; (6)验收和拨交货物。

五 计算题

1 实际回潮率=(1-0.9)/0.9=11.1% 公量=商品净重×[(1+公定回潮率)/(1+实际回潮率)] =60×(1+14%)/(1+11.1%) =61.57 公吨

2 按题意可知P0=350 万,A=20%,B=60%,C=20%,M=120,M0=100,W=115,W0=100(2分) 则最终价格 P=P0(A+BM/M0+CW/W0)(2 分) =350(20%+60%×120/100+20%×115/100) =350(0.2+0.72+0.23) =402.5 万美元

六 案例分析题

1 这不构成违约,银行能议付。由于分批装运是指一笔成交的货物分若干批次装运。但一笔成交的货物,在不同时间和地点分别装在同一航次、同一条船上,即使分别签发了若干不同内容的提单,也不能按分批装运论处,因为该笔成交的货物是同时到达目的地的。因而,我方企业的做法符合合同的规定,不属于分批装运,同时,银行也不能拒绝议付。

2 A 公司的做法合理,双方不存在合同关系。(3 分)根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,对发盘进行实质性变更的答复为还盘;(3 分)B 商的答复改变了发盘的交货时间,不是接受,是还盘,因此合同不成立。(2 分)A 拒绝交货,并退回信用证的做法无可指责。

第 3 页



在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.谈判人员具备了“T”形知识结构,这表明谈判人员是( ) A.技术专家 B.商务专家 C.全能型专家 D.法律专家

2.先报有较大虚头的价格,然后适时压低价格。这种报价术被称为( ) A.西欧式报价术 B.日本式报价术 C.北美式报价术 D.阿拉伯式报价术 3.讲究节俭,反对浪费,把浪费看成是“罪恶”的是( ) A.中国人 B.德国人 C.韩国人 D.意大利人

4.随时准备为达成协议而让步,希望通过谈判签订一个皆大欢喜的协议。这种谈判被称为( ) A.软式谈判 B.硬式谈判 C.原则型谈判 D.价值型谈判 5.一个谈判小组组长最佳的领导效益为( ) A.3~4人 B.3~5人 C.3~6人 D.3~7人

6.如果是1个小时的谈判,精力量旺盛的阶段只有最初的( ) A.3~5分钟 B.4~6分钟 C.5~8分钟 D.6~9分钟 7.谈判中,强调“一时多用”的是( ) A.瑞士人 B.中东人 C.德国人 D.北美人 8.下列选项中,不属于合同风险的是( ) ...A.交货风险 B.质量风险 C.数量风险 D.会计风险

9.与阿拉伯商人接触时不能赠送酒类礼品,因为饮酒在阿拉伯国家是被严格禁止的。这突出反映的是商务谈判影响因素中的( ) A.政治状况因素 B.法律制度因素 C.商业习惯因素 D.社会习俗因素 10.在买卖做成之后,会举行一个长时间的宴会,请对方洗蒸气浴的是( ) A.中国人 B.日本人 C.韩国人 D.芬兰人

11.“按照贵方要求,我们的观点不是已经阐述清楚了吗?”这种商务谈判的发问类型属于( ) A.借助式发问 B.探索式发问 C.强调式发问 D.澄清式发问 12.下列选项中,不属于应对利率风险的技术手段是( ) ...A.利用远期交易 B.利用平衡法 C.利用期权交易 D.利用利率期货市场 13.在商务谈判中贯彻“有理、有利、有节”的方针。这体现的是商务谈判的( ) A.平等互利原则 B.灵活机动原则 C.友好协商原则 D.依法办事原则 14.国际商务谈判策略制定的第四步是( ) A.寻找关键问题 B.确定具体目标 C.形成假设性方法 D.形成具体谈判策略 15.下列各项中,不属于善言灵巧的谈判对手的性格特征是( ) ...A.乐于交际 B.容易激动 C.善于表达 D.处世机灵 16.眉毛上耸,表示此人处于( ) A.愤怒状态 B.困窘状态 C.戒备状态 D.惊喜状态 17.商务谈判中必须要实现的目标被称为( ) A.最低目标 B.实际需求目标 C.可接受目标 D.最优期望目标

第 4 页

18.在执行合同过程中双方对合同条款理解不同而导致的僵局被称为( ) A.初期僵局 B.执行期僵局 C.协议期僵局 D.中期僵局

19.“贵方某先生的问题提得很好,我曾经在某一份资料上看过有关这一问题的记载,就记忆所及,大概是„„”。这种答复谈判对手的技巧是( ) A.以问代答 B.避正答偏 C.答非所问 D.推卸责任

20.货物运输途中,货主要面临船沉货毁的风险。这种风险按性质来分属于( ) A.纯风险 B.投机风险 C.汇率风险 D.市场风险



21.国际商务谈判中的个体心理特征主要表现为( ) A.个性 B.情绪 C.态度 D.印象 E.知觉 22.国际商务谈判的基本程序一般包括( ) A.准备阶段 B.开局阶段 C.正式谈判阶段 D.僵局阶段 E.签约阶段 23.国际商务谈判中的汇率风险主要有( ) A.交易结算风险 B.外汇买卖风险 C.会计风险 D.利率风险 E.价格风险 24.在商务谈判中,迂回人题的方法包括( ) A.从自谦入题 B.从题外话入题 C.从天气状况入题 D.从介绍己方谈判人员入题 E.从介绍己方经营状况入题 25.以下有关犹太商人谈判风格的说法正确的有( ) A.善变 B.友好而坦诚 C.交易条件比较苛刻 D.关系网广泛而且坚固 E.注重小团体和个人利益

三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分) 26.诉讼 27.戏剧式模拟 28.递盘 29.迂回法

四、简答题(本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分) 30.国际商务谈判的特殊性有哪些? 31.简述国际商务谈判中宗教信仰因素的影响。

32.在谈判的开局阶段如何交换意见? 33.简述商务谈判中阻止对方进攻的策略。 34.简述商务谈判中提问时应注意的问题。



六、案例分析题(本大题共1小题,12分) 37.背景材料


问题:(1)上述案例对你开展商务谈判有何启示? (2)你认为在开展商务谈判前主要应收集哪些信息?(3)如何对收集到的信息进行处理?

第 5 页

第 6 页

第 7 页


Part One: Questions 1-20 Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.(在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。) 20% 1.Selling appliances and ______ them keep him busy.A.to repair B.repaired C.repairing D.repair 2.Customers are very angry ______ the delay of the ordered goods.A.with B.at C.to D.from 3.The television set that I ordered two months ago arrived today badly ______.A.breaking B.broke C.damaging D.damaged 4.The foreign partner did not fulfill our order, ______.A.so did it intend to B.nor did it intend to C.nor it intended to D.so it intended to 5.______ it is wise to invest in the new project is being discued.A.Whether B.If C.Weather D.What 6.We regret ______ you that our research department will no longer provide services.A.informed B.inform C.to inform D.informing 7.A resolution on employee representation is ______ for a vote tomorrow afternoon.A.presented B.to present C.presenting D.to be presented 8.In socialist and capitalist economies ______, increasing numbers of highly qualified workers are unable to find jobs that require their skills and training.A.alike B.like C.likely D.liking 9.The turnover of the company in the second quarter was ______ that of the corresponding period last year.A.the same as B.as much than C.more as D.the same with 10.It is not advisable that one ______ beyond one’s means.A.lived B.is living C.lives D.live 11.______, the more likely you may come to a right solution.A.You more thoroughly consider a problem B.Most thoroughly a problem you consider C.The most thoroughly you consider a problem D.The more thoroughly you consider a problem 12.Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many hours ______ sedentary work.A.to do B.doing C.do D.done 13.If Mr.Li ______ Managing Director, the company would have been collapsed.A.would be B.were C.is D.had been 14.We have till now ______ as many as 30 anti-dumping suits against foreign exporters.A.aroused B.rose C.raised D.risen 15.______ you mentioned in your letter in connection with the question of agency has had our attention.A.What B.That C.When D.Which 16.We wish to know the port ______ the transhipment will be made.A.which B.at that C.where D.when 17.The company is making a market investigation in order to obtain ______ as poible.A.as many information B.as many informations C.as much information D.as much informations 18.______ generalists, busine also needs specialists.A.Beside B.Besides C.Except D.Except for 19.The computer will ______ in this department.A.remain permanently B.remain permanent C.remind permanently D.remind permanent 20.The engine of your car needs ______.A.to clean B.clean C.cleaning D.cleaned Part Two: Questions 21-30 There is one mistake in each of the following questions.Detect and correct the mistakes.Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet.(下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。请将错误及改正写在答题纸上。) 20% Example: Who’s taking care the dog while you’re away?

第 8 页

taking care → taking care of 21.Countries that neglect an education will be severely restrained in economic development.22.The shelfs of merchandise are so arranged as to attract housewives.23.No one made more profit in that transaction than him.24.The machine is cost-effective because it has higher productivity, greater versatility and easier to use.25.Office stationery may be very expensive depend on the quality of paper and printing prices.26.The home-made machine is superior than the imported one in many aspects.27.Our trading partner is very tough in the negotiation that it is unlikely to reach an agreement soon.28.Despite there are ten managers, only the Managing Director has the decision-making power.29.It is well know that Chinese table-cloths are exquisitely made and moderately priced.30.Which articles are more marketable in those countries are important to us.Part Three: Questions 31-40 Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given.(用所给的词和短语写出符合逻辑的句子。) 10% 31.and to boost / products of / it is important / marketing promotions / high quality / both to maintain 32.by a product / from its manufacturer / any person / is injured / may recover damages / who 33.our correspondence / paper shortage / forced us / has / to limit 34.met / sales territories / to discu / the distribution of / the regional managers 35.for 110% of / to be covered / against All Risks / insurance is / by the seller / the invoice value 36.that we / conceion in price / it has been / any further / cannot make / made clear 37.that most workers / financial rewards / it was / offering / were in favor of / an incentive scheme 38.you understand / to leave the company / my position / although / I am sure / I am reluctant 39.is omitted / in the communication / if / misunderstanding / an important detail / may occur 40.in a job / for further studies too / wants to / but she / Karen is interested / go abroad Part Four: Questions 41-50 Each of the following sentences contains one punctuation error.One punctuation in each is either miing or misused.Detect the error and write the miing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the answer sheet.(下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错。改正错误或补写标点,并将其与前面的一个单词一起填写在答题纸上。) 10% Example: A.What a nice present you gave me.me! B.You think you are right don’t you? right, 41.A ten day leave was granted to Mr.Selmer.42.This work order must be completed by Friday; therefore you may have to work late Thursday.43.The ability to communicate is eential, the ability to communicate on the job is critical.44.I don’t know where Mr.Lacey is?

45.Friday, July 1; Friday, July 8; and Friday, July 15, are all poible dates for conducting the balloting.46.Radio Times carries details of all B.B.C.TV and radio programmes.47.Our usual terms of payment are by letter of credit available by sight draft。 48.What do you know about the specifications of the trip sciors.49.These womens’ garments are newly designed and quite in style.

50.Stallions yield the highest prices; but mares can also be extremely expensive.Part Five: Memo Writing Write a memo in about 50 words.(写一份50个单词左右的备忘录。) 15% 51.You are Jim White, the president of the company.You’ve just received a letter from AB Company praising a clerk, Sun Green, for his good work.The sales manager of AB Company Mr.William said Sun Green is efficient and friendly and he enjoys doing busine with Sun.Write a memo to Sun Green to congratulate him and thank him for working hard, and invite him to lunch next week.Part Six: Letter Writing Write a letter in 130-150 words.(写一封字数为130-150的信函。) 25% 52.假设你是某公司的总经理,出访美国即将回国。向接待你的公司代表史密斯先生写一封感谢信,主要内容如下: 1)对贵公司访问即将结束,很快就要返回中国。2)感谢对方在你逗留期间给予的热情款待。

3)访问富有成效,并将有利于今后在贸易方面的合作。4)盼望在不久后有幸在中国欢迎对方,以便进一步发展关系。 5)祝愿对方身体健康,工作成功。

第 9 页

第 10 页

第 11 页

第 12 页


1. What do you think globalization means? What global companies can you think of? What industries are they in? Do global companies do more harm than good? In my opinion,globalization means a company set up subsidaries in the other countries and make them into local companies.Also setting up new companies means the transferring of technology and capital.When offering to global companies ,we may easy to think of P&G,KFC,AIRBUS,NOKIA and so on.these companies are in different industries,some in instant food industries,some in heavy industries,some in aviation industries.It may different to say absolutely global companies do more harm or do more good.It obviously that global companies give us much cheaper ang higher quality products which make us enjoy a more comfortable life.Also global companies introduced more advanced technology and management skills.But on the other hand,with the strong competition,some national companies is eliminating and our national cuture is also dispearing with the step of globalization.

2. Are you influenced by brands when you choose products or services? (Why or why not?) Would you consider buying a new brand of product newly introduced to the market? (Why or why not?) What do you think a company should do to create brand awarene for a new brand? I think whether I influenced by the brands depend on different kinds of things.When I choose something I use everyday such as shampoo,I will firstly take brands into consideration.Because I think shampoo is a kind of chemical product,some small companies may add put some unhealthy addition ,which may have a bad influence on my health.But when I choose cloths ,I think style and quality are important than brands.Generally I don’t want to have a try to a new brand of product,because I think it is not worthy for me to try a product with un certainty.But if there are some discount or free-trying,I’d like to have a try.For a company who want to create brand awarene,I have some suggestions.Firstly it’s neceary to make a product rocognisale.Secondly,the company should aociate with specific quality with his brand.thirdly,forming a customer loyalty is impotant for a company.

3. How often do you travel by air, rail, underground, road and sea? What do you enjoy about traveling? What don’t you enjoy? To be honest,t have never traveled by air and sea.when I go to school or go back home , I will travel by train.Almost I will traveled by

train four times a year.But when I go out for a short trip.I will travel by bus.when I travel to different place ,I am enjoying the scenes in differert place,I will be happy when I learn different culture from different cities.Also ,during the journey we can communicated with different people and gain some friends.But there are some unhappy things such as the crowed train,the traffic jam or some abusive person.We may lost our way to in strange cities .

4. What’s important when choose household appliance?  Brand name  Technology

When I choose house hold appliance ,I will take several factors into consideration such as brand name ,price ,sevices,and technology and so on .firstly,I will select several famous brands for me to make choice.the reason why I choose famous brands because usually famous brands stands for good quality and better sevices.besidea that price worth for money is also important,with the same quality ,I will choose the product with a lower price.as we all known that household applicance is a kind of durable product.we’ll use it for a long time ,so the sevice is important too.good sevice is a guarantee for our products.last but not least, a product with advanced technology may means more time it can be used and much safer,more electricity-saving.

5. Which of the following statements do you agree with? Why?  People remember advertisements not products. Advertising raises prices. Advertising has a bad influence on children.I think people sometimes remember advertisements but not the product.usuarally if a advertisement is too attractive ,the people who watch it may pay more attention to the advertisement rather than the product.but usually,people will remember the product also because there is a high frequency of broadcasting advertisement.actually advertusing will arise the price of product,as we all know,advertising is very expensive,so the advertising increase the tolly cost of the product ,so the product will be sold at a higher price.but on the other hand ,advertising reduce the seeking cost of customers,customers can easily to fing out what they are want tobuy and avoid buying a wrong product,so it is difficult to say advertising raises prices absolutely.I think there may be bad influence on children,because some companies in order to promote their sales,they may add some unhealthy factors to advertisement to draw children’s attention.so this may had bad influence on children.

6. What is dre code? How important is personal appearance at work? For example? Think about formal clothing, uniforms, men with earrings and tattoos, etc.

Dre cold is how you dre in certain place. For example if you work in the police-office ,you need to wear uniform.But if you work is designing something you need to wear casually as you want.I think the personal appearance have great relation to the work.If you work as a accountant ,your personal appearance should be neat and tidy.We usually see some barber with earring in order to show that they are fashion.But if a policeman withearrings we may think that he shuoldn’t be a good policeman.It will be amuing that a barber dreed in a uniform.That may also have bad influence on their job.

7. Is free trade always a good thing? Do you think it leads to the creation of jobs, or to unemployment? Should certain industries be protected? If so, which? As everything in the world have two sides,free trade is not the exception.On one hand free trade may make our product import more easily,meanwhile,the product from the other countries will import to our country more easily .if the product we produced have a competitive advantages ,free trade may leads to creation of jobs.But if we don’t have advantages ,our factories may go to bankrupt, and a lot of people will out of work.In my opinion some indutries

such as energy industries



industries should be protected.Because these industries is the economic lifeline of our country.In order to get a good economy order ,we should protect these industries.

8. What is important when advertising a product?  Target markets  Choice of media To be a succeseful advertisement ,here are some important factors.

The purpose of the advertaisement is promoting sales.To find the right target market is very important,only fing the potential customer can the advertisement be effective.choosing the right media is may help you convey the information of the product effectively to the potential customers. For example ,KFC also make advertisement on bus TV or bus stop.But some daylily-comsumption product may advertise on TV.Tirldly,the content of the advertisement is also important.Nowadays with thedevelopment of advertisement,there are so many different advertisement on TV or some other media,the attractive content is a guanrantee for draw enough attention from the custums.The factors mentioned above are both important for a

good advertisement.

9. A colleague in a company which tests medical equipment has been making bad mistakes recently at work.This is because she has a serious illne.You are her friend and the only person at work who knows this.She has asked you to keep it a secret.What should you do? Before i make decision,I should get some information about the miatake and the bad influence of this mistake.If the mistake have a serious influence on my colleague’s work.I will have a talk with my friend and tell her or him that the lose. I will advise him or her to tell the leader the truth,and I will help him to explain the situation . but if he insist that he would not tell the truth I will not keep the secret.I will make a explaination to my company in order to help the company to make a right decision.Though I don’t keep the secret and maybe my friend will be angury with me ,I still i do the what i should do.

10. What is your opinion of the following strange inventions:  The self-extinguishing cigarette has a container of water buried near the filter tip. A collapsible coffin which can be carried on the bus.The self-extinguishing cigarette is a very interesting invention.I think this invention may help those people who have always forget to extinguish the cigarrete extinguish the cigarette.Maybe this invention will reduce the chance of fire.But I think this kind of cigarrete may cost too much to make and use .With this reason I think this kind of


may not sell very well.A collapsible coffin is easy to carry.But I think if we use this kind of coffin for my dead relations ,the paengers on the bus may feel very uncomfortale .meanwhile I think this kind of coffin also show unrespect to my relations.SO i think I would not like to use it at all .

11. What are the methods of communication to staff in most companies? Is it important to let your manager know your ideas about work? (Why?) Do you think people can be trained to communicate more efficiently? (How?) In companies ,people often use telephone ,MSN and e-mails to communicate about work.People also use telephone to communiate how to do the work.

They use e-mails

to repot to leader

what work they have finished.It is important to let my manager know your ideas about work.Because through communicate the work ideas ,my manager will get further understangding with me ,which may give me a hand on my work.I think people can be trained to communicate more efficiently.For example they use the same format to send and reback e-mails.If there is a meeting people should give suggesttion in turn and should not interrupt other ‘s talking .

12. Do you think cultures are becoming more alike? Is this a good or bad thing? For example, think about : a.improved communications; b.global busine; c.cheap foreign travel; d.trading groups (EU, ASEAN, etc.) In my opinion , cultures are becoming more alike nowadays. With the development of technology and information, Cultural Exchange is become more common these days.With the cutrual exchange , some cutures has absorbed some of the advantages of other cultures.I think Cultural aimilation is a trend of the development of cutures.I think that cultural aimilation is a good thing.Because it is adapted to the needs of the community.Under the similar background of cultures, communication will become more easy, which is the driving force for social progre.global busine also will develop very quickly.

13. Discu these statements.Do you agree with them? Give your reasons.1.‘Small is beautiful’ is a better strategy in busine than ‘big is best’

2.Big companies should aim to gain market share rather than make profits.3.Companies should focus on what they do best rather than diversify.I think it is difficult to say absolutely small or big is good in busine.In my opinion , The size of the company must adapt to the development of itelf.I agree with the idea that Big companies should aim to gain market share rather than make profits.Large companies have a strong production capacity.Only more market share can match to the production capacity .also large companies have Economies of scale,so big companies have a lower cost of product.I agree that Companies should focus on what they do best rather than diversify.

F ocusing on what they do best will help the company get the competitive advantages such as Adequate funding and advanced technology.


14. What makes a great leader? Make a list of characteristics.Are there differences between men and women as leaders? Are people who were leaders at school more likely to be leaders later in life? I think a good leader should be open and decisinve and Charismatic.An open leader could communicate with people at all levels in order to get

enough information to make deisions .also it is very important for a leader with the ability of selecting information,so decisive is also important.I think actually there not much big differences between men and women as leaders. Because we know that good leaders also have some characteristics in common. There maybe some slingtly difference between men and women as leaders such as the manners they use when do the work.I think people who were leaders at school more likely to be leaders later in life.

Because we know that leaders at school may get some ability to be a leader ,which nay help them to become a good leader in the future.

15. What’s important when evaluating the succe of teamwork?  Mutual trust

In my opinion , Mutual trust Full cooperation and adquate communiation are

important when evaluating the succe of teamwork. Firstly Mutual trust is the basement of the team.With Mutual trust Members may focus on their own work Efficiently.secondly ,cooperation is crucial to a team ‘s succe.With th e help of each other ‘s the work will be more easy to do.And there will be many different ideas among different member,which may help the leader to board his horizion.thidly adquate communicate will help menber know each other very well.with the adquate communicate with each other ,something difficult will be more easy to solute.


1.Give the Following Trade Abbreviations Full Names, and Then

Translate into Chinese.(10×2=20) CIF









G.W 2.Translate the Following Words and Expreions from Chinese to English.(10×1=10) (1)样品










3.Decide on Whether the Following Statements are True or False.Circle “T” for True and “F” for False.(10×2=20)

(1)T F Order refers to an oral or written request to supply a specified quantity of goods.

(2)T FDirective marks are eye-catching figures and concise instructions concerning manner of proper handling, storing, loading and unloading of the packed goods.(3)T F Not binding on the offerer, a soft offer is unclear, incomplete and with reservations.(4)T F As for FOB or CFR terms, the buyer should arrange the insurance and bear the covering expenses.(5)T F In international trade, when no amicable settlement can be made between the buyer and the seller, the disputes may be referred to a tribunal of their own choice.This method of settling disputes is called arbitration.(6)T F In foreign trade, there are three main modes of payment: Remittance, Collection and Letter of credit.(7)T F Safe, reliable and convenient inner packing and creative, elegant and attractive outer packing are what he must strive for.(8)T F Letter of credit is a kind of commercial credit instead of bank credit like remittance or collection.(9)T F In international trade, as far as the seller’s benefit is concerned, L/C is better than D/P.whereas D/A is better than D/P.(10)T F In most movements of goods, three parties are involved: the consignor,

the consignee and the carrier.1.Give the Following Trade Abbreviations Full Names, and Then Translate Into Chinese.(10×2=20) Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间 Letter of Credit 信用证,

Bill of Lading


Document Against Acceptance 承兑交单Telegraphic Transfer 电汇

Free on Board 离岸价

Cost and Freight 成本加运费 Document Against Payment 付款交单

Gro Weight 毛重

2.Translate the Following Words and Expreions from Chinese to English.(10×1=10) (1) sample

(2)neutral packing (3) shipping advice


(5) firm offer

(6) free from particular average (7) underwriter

(8)clear bill of lading (9) quotation

(10) soft offer 3.Decide on whether the following statements are true or false.Circle “T” for True and “F” for False.(10×2=20)

T T T T T, T F F F T 1. Give the Following Trade Abbreviations Full Names, and Then Translate into Chinese.(10×2=20) FOB









N.W 2.Translate the Following Words and Expreions from Chinese to English.(10×1=10) (1)分销商










3.Decide on Whether the Following Statements are True or False.Circle “T” for True and “F” for False.(10×2=20)

(1)T F Order refers to an oral or written request to supply a specified quantity of goods.

(2)T F firm offer provides a period of validity.It remains valid until the validity ends.

(3)T F Safe, reliable and convenient inner packing and creative, elegant and attractive outer packing are what he must strive for.(4)T F Letter of credit is a kind of commercial credit instead of bank credit like remittance or collection.(5)T F In international trade, when no amicable settlement can be made between the buyer and the seller, the disputes may be referred to a tribunal of their own choice.This method of settling disputes is called arbitration.(6)T F In international trade, as far as the seller’s benefit is concerned, L/C

is better than D/P.whereas D/A is better than D/P.(7)T F In most movements of goods, three parties are involved: the consignor, the consignee and the carrier.(8)T F Only when the transactions are rather small and the finance involved is small too can remittance be accepted.(9) T F Directive marks are obvious symbols or words to warn people against the hidden danger of inflammables, explosives and poisonous products.(10)T F Neutral packing makes it poible for exporters to get around high customs duties or unreasonable import quota of the importing countries.

2.Give the Following Trade Abbreviations Full Names, and Then Translate Into Chinese.(10×2=20) Free on Board 离岸价

Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格 Letter of Credit 信用证

Bill of Lading 提单

Document Against payment 承兑交单Telegraphic Transfer电汇 Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间

Steamship 货轮

Purchase Order 采购单

Net Weight净重

2.Translate the Following Words and Expreions from Chinese to English.(10×1=10) (1)distributor

(2)commiion (3)forwarder



(6)firm offer

(7)busine card

(8)commercial invoice


(10)consignee 3.Decide on whether the following statements are true or false.Circle “T” for True and “F” for False.(10×2=20)

T T T F T, F T T F F 2. Give the Following Trade Abbreviations Full Names, and Then Translate into Chinese.(10×2=20) FOB







ETA 2.Translate the Following Words and Expreions from Chinese to English.(10×1=10) (1)虚盘










3.Decide on Whether the Following Statements are True or False.Circle “T” for True and “F” for False.(10×2=20)

(1)T F A general inquiry means the buyer asks for general information he needs.

(2)T F Collection is a kind of commercial credit instead of bank credit.(3)T F Warning marks are eye-catching figures and concise instructions concerning manner of proper handling, storing, loading and unloading of the packed goods.

(4)T F Documentary Collection can be divided into two groups: D/A and D/P.D/A is always at sight.(5)T F The People’s Insurance Company of China provides three basic types: FPA, WPA and All Risks.

(6)T F When the buyer sends the seller an order for some goods, he also

sends him a confirmation of purchase in duplicate to be countersigned, with one copy to be returned for file.(7)T F Safe, reliable and convenient inner packing and creative, elegant and attractive outer packing are what he must strive for.

(8)T F In international trade, when no amicable settlement can be made between the buyer and the seller, the disputes may be referred to a tribunal of their own choice.This method of settling disputes is called arbitration (9) T F Not binding on the offerer, a soft offer is unclear, incomplete and with reservations.(10)T F In customary practice, the exporter should send a shipping advice to the importer as soon as the shipment is made, so that the

importer may insure the shipment against risks for CIF and CFR transactions.3.Give the Following Trade Abbreviations Full Names, and Then Translate Into Chinese.(10×2=20) Free on Board 离岸价,

Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格, Letter of Credit 信用证,

Bill of Lading

提单 Purchasing Order 采购单

Net Weight净重 Gro Weight毛重

Steamship 货轮

Telegraphic Transfer电汇

Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间

2.Translate the Following Words and Expreions from Chinese to English.(10×1=10)

(1) soft offer

(2) neutral packing

(3) shipping advice


(5) sales confirmation

(6)all risks

(7) end-user

(8)clean bill of lading

(9) quotation sheet

(10)specification 3.Decide on whether the following statements are true or false.Circle “T” for True and “F” for False.(10×2=20)

T T T F T, T T T T F






I.Translate the following words and expreions from English into Chinese(10%)

1.International busine


3.Free trade area

4.Multinational corporation


6.specific duty

7.roll on roll off


9.article number


Ⅱ.Translate the following words and expreions from Chinese into English(10%)











Ⅲ.Match the words and expreions on the left with the explanations on the right (10%)

21.contracting partya.amount above what is estimated as neceary

22.giltsb.a busine concern owned or controlled in whole

or in part by another concern

23.cyclicalc.recurring in cycles

24.affiliated.stocks iued by government

25.legal actione.an action taken against some one in accordance

with the law.

26.marginf.a country or firm that signs a legal agreement

27.poolingg.a trace of land including its buildings

28.verified datah.a set of international rules for the interpretation of1

trade terms

29.Incotermsi.authentic materials

30.premisesj.a combination of funds formed for common advantage

Ⅳ.Make brief explanations of the following terms in English(10%)


32.Invisible trade

33.firm offer

34.open account


Ⅴ.Answer the following questions in English(20%)

36.Was China a low -income country a few years ago? How about now?

37.Can you explain the word “negotiable” in the phrase “negotiable transport?document” ?

38.What is the most common form of non-tariff barriers? Explain it in a few words.

39.What is economy of scale? What is the relation between economy of scale andtrade?

Ⅵ.Translate the following into Chinese(15%)

40.Documentary collection is a means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.

The exporter sends the bill of exchange and the shipping documents to his bank, which forwards them to a bank in the customer’s country.This bank, or the exporter’s agents in the country concerned, takes the documents to the customer.If it is a sight bill the customer pays the amount directly.If it is a time bill he signs the bill, which means he has “accepted” it for payment within a certain specified time.In return for either payment or acceptance of payment, the customer is handed the shipping documents which give title to the goods.

Ⅶ.Translate the following into English(25%)







2014 春

1. What do you think globalization means? What global companies can you think of? What industries are they in? Do global companies do more harm than good?

In my opinion,globalization means a company set up subsidiaries in the other countries and make them into local companies.And setting up new companies means the transferring of technology and capital.When referring to global companies ,we may easy to think of P&G,KFC,AIRBUS,NOKIA and so on.These companies are in different industries,some in instant food industries,some in heavy industries,some in aviation industries.It may difficult to say absolutely global companies do more harm or do more good.It obviously that global companies give us much cheaper and higher quality products which make us enjoy a more comfortable life.Also global companies introduced more advanced technology and management skills.But on the other hand,with the strong competition,some national companies is eliminating and our national culture is also disappear with the step of globalization.

2. Are you influenced by brands when you choose products or services? (Why or why not?) Would you consider buying a new brand of product newly introduced to the market? (Why or why not?) What do you think a company should do to create brand awarene for a new brand? I think whether I influenced by the brands depend on different kinds of things.When I choose something I use everyday such as shampoo,I will firstly take brands into consideration.Because I think shampoo is a kind of chemical product,some small companies may put some unhealthy addition ,which may have a bad influence on my health.But when I choose cloths ,I think style and quality are important than brands.Generally I don’t want to have a try to a new brand of product,because I think it is not worthy for me to try a product with uncertainty.But if there are some discount or free-trying,I’d like to have a try.For a company which wants to create brand awarene,I have some suggestions.Firstly it’s neceary to make a product recognise.Secondly,the company should aociate with specific quality with his brand.Thirdly,forming a customer loyalty is important for a company.

3. What is important when arranging a busine trip abroad?  Type of transport  Accommodation  Contact person

I think when arranging a busine trip abroad there are three things to consider.First, you must choose the type of transport.As overseas travels involve long distances, the plane is the best choice for reaching your destination rapidly.Secondly, you should also consider what accommodation best suits your purposes.Choosing a hotel with all modern conveniences and communication facilities will help you accomplish your tasks much better.Lastly, you should have a contact person who has important local connections and up-to-date local busine information.4. Do you think that the advertising practices described below are acceptable? Why?  Using children in advertisements  Using film stars in advertisements  Promoting alcohol on TV  Comparing your products to your competitors’ products 孩子:When the children\'s minds are not fully mature, parents are keen to cultivate children\'s talent ,practicing courage to help them grow better.But sometimes the situation is that kids do not necearily very keen on this, some children may not have extraordinary talent.And also in the growth proce, the psychological gap can not be avoided.名人:弊端Celebrity endorsement ads make compelling product.Celebrity endorsement advertising can deepen people\'s perception of the brand.Increase sales by star.好处:Star negative information affects the consumers for the product choice; celebrity endorsements make false advertising for fame and wealth; Celebrity endorsements misled consumers, make consumers los when choosing goods.

1 电视宣传酒精:On behalf of the Chinese splendid culture.Chinese wine has a long history of wine as a special drink which witneed the rise and fall of a dynasty.Moderate amounts of wine is beneficial to the health of the body, but drinking too much can lead to serious consequences, such as drunk driving.产品比较:Product comparison can highlight the advantages of its own products, but may be caused in the proce of comparing the generation of infringement.

5. Which of the following statements do you agree with? Why?  People remember advertisements not products. Advertising raises prices. Advertising has a bad influence on children.I think people sometimes remember advertisements but not the product usually if a advertisement is too attractive ,The people who think it may pay more attention to the advertisement rather than the product.But usually,people will also remember the product because there is a high frequency of broadcasting advertisement.Actually advertising will arise the price of product.As we all know,advertising is very expensive,so the advertising increases the cost of the product ,and the product will be sold at a higher price.But on the other hand ,advertising reduces the seeking cost of customers.Customers can easily figure out what they are want to buy and avoid buying a wrong product,so it is difficult to say advertising raises prices absolutely.

I think there may be bad influence on children,because some companies in order to promote their sales,they may add some unhealthy factors to advertisement drawing children’s attention.So this may had bad influence on children.

6. What is dre code? How important is personal appearance at work? For example? Think about formal clothing, uniforms, men with earrings and tattoos, etc.Dre cold is how you dre in certain place.For example if you work in the police office ,you need to wear uniform.But if you work is designing something you need to wear casually as you want.I think the personal appearance have great relation to the work.If you work as a accountant ,your personal appearance should be neat and tidy.We usually see some barber with earring in order to show that they are fashion.But if a policeman with earrings we may think that he shouldn’t be a good policeman.It will be amusing that a barber dreed in a uniform.That may also have bad influence on their job.

7. Is free trade always a good thing? Do you think it leads to the creation of jobs, or to unemployment? Should certain industries be protected? If so, which? As everything in the world have two sides,free trade is not the exception.On one hand free trade may makes our product import more easily,meanwhile,the product from the other countries will import to our country more easily.If the product we produced have a competitive advantages ,free trade may leads to creation of jobs.But if we don’t have advantages ,our factories may go to bankrupt, and a lot of people will out of work.In my opinion some industries such as energy industries and military industries should be protected.Because these industries is the economic lifeline of our country.In order to get a good economy order ,we should protect these industries.

8. What are most people’s main personal aets? How can a sole trader get the capital to set up a busine? If a private limited company goes bankrupt, do the shareholders lose their personal aets? Why? In our country,personal aets be got through the property of labor or other lawful means.Including: citizens\' legal income, savings, articles for daily use, cultural relics, books and materials, trees, animals, and the law allows citizens all production data and other lawful property.Enterprise\'s capital source can be divided into (raise) and (investment), the two aspects of such as mortgage or a bank

2 loan.If a private limited company goes bankrupt,shareholders shall be jointly and severally liable.when the company’s aet can’t be insolvent, it would use personal aets to repay.9. You have a shortlist of people for the post of Sales Manager.One of the female candidates is clearly the best qualified person for the job.However, you know that some of your best customers would prefer a man.If you appoint a woman you will probably lose some sales.What should you do? From the aspects of gender, if discrimination problems, everyone can see the ancient hua mulan, modern sog qing ling, Madame Curie.These great women have made outstanding contributions.We choose the female candidate for the reasons: first, her performance is obvious to all, secondly, she is warm, approachable to people and reward is clear.These qualities are the sales manager should have.If you insist on selecting male candidates, we can let them to make decisions for fair competition 10. What is your opinion of the following strange inventions:  The petle leash can mew or bard—depending on whether you want a non-existent cat or dog. Ice cubes that crackle louder according to the strength of your drink have been developed in Japan.The petle leash can mew or bard which satisfies the people who are allergic to cats and dogs.It is very creative.Because people who are allergic love pets, so it can meet their desire.For not allergic people,they can try the invention, but if you want really get the pleasure of pets,you must raise a real animal.

The greater the solubility of alcohol, the louder ice cubes crackle .This invention is very interesting.First, in case I don\'t know the solubility of alcohol, we can understand the alcohol concentration by ice collisions.So when the alcohol concentration is too large, the clash of ice would warn drinkers in the certain degree.Second because of curious psychology, people will go to try this invention,which will bring economic benefits for the hotel.

11. What are the methods of communication to staff in most companies? Is it important to let your manager know your ideas about work? (Why?) Do you think people can be trained to communicate more efficiently? (How?) In companies ,people often use telephone ,MSN and e-mails to communicate about work.People also use telephone to communicate how to do the work.They use e-mails to report to leader

what work they have finished.It is important to let my manager know your ideas about work.Because through communicating the work ideas ,my manager will get further understanding with me ,which may gives me a hand on my work.I think people can be trained to communicate more efficiently.For example they use the same format to send and reback e-mails.If there is a meeting people should give suggestions in turn and should not interrupt other ‘s talking .

12. Discu this list of unethical activities.Talk about your opinion for three of them: 1) avoiding paying tax; 2) Claiming extra expenses; 3) Using work facilities for private purposes; 4) Accepting praise for someone else’s ideas or work; 5) Selling a defective product avoiding paying tax: Tax evasion is immoral behavior.National income tax is from people and use for people.First to pay taxes is the duty of every citizen, second citizens use the resources in this country, we must pay a fee.For example: everyone holiday travel by trains, planes, and highway Bridges and other infrastructure construction.These are the state pays, individuals would not have finished.

Claiming extra expenses: Every year the central government give the local government or department a proper grant, and the report is based on the lower the amount of funding.Some departments require far over budget allocations.Most of this money was squandered.These bad phenomenon bring huge economic burden for national finance

Using work facilities for private purposes: The use of public facilities for private purposes is immoral.Country spends money every year for the maintenance of public facilities.All of these are for the convenience of every citizen.If Using

3 work facilities for private purposes is not only the misappropriation of state property also brings great harm to the society.For example: some police drives the car to do busine.If there are emergency it will bring serious consequences.

Accepting praise for someone else’s ideas or work: Accepting praise for someone else’s ideas or work is immoral.Life is fair, How much will be how much you pay for.To put other people\'s ideas or achievements are your own is honesty.At the same time.It will also affect the social fair, cause the bad atmosphere in society.

Selling a defective product: Selling a defective product is immoral.It is in violation of the principle of honest.First, the customer use the money to buy the value of the goods.This is a fair deal.Then selling defective product to the customer has brought great potential safety hazard, and it harms the public safety.Seriously, it will violate the law.13. How important is each of the following for showing a person’s status in an organisation? A reserved parking space; an office with a window; a uniform; a personal busine card; your own office; a company car; your name on your door.I think as a group of senior management personnel is a representative of the enterprise\'s strength,.So the company provides executives with car and reserves parking space.Executive office must be handsome, must have a title on the door of the office\'s name and the daylighting of the office is better in order to have a open vision.In addition ,executive busine card must delicate features of the enterprise.As to the uniform, it just differs from other employees, but must highlight the identity of senior positions.14. What’s important when choosing offices to rent?  Location  Facilities  Cost

I think when arranging a busine trip abroad there are three things to consider.First, you must choose the type of transport.As overseas travels involve long distances, the plane is the best choice for reaching your destination rapidly.Secondly, you should also consider what accommodation best suits your purposes.Choosing a hotel with all modern conveniences and communication facilities will help you accomplish your tasks much better.Lastly, you should have a contact person who has important local connections and up-to-date local busine information. 4





I。 Match the words and expreions on the left with the explanations on the right: (5%)

1. C2.E3.A4.D5.B

Ⅱ。 Translate the following words and expreions: (10%)

(i) 6.规模经济





(ii) 11.invisible trade

12.confirmed letter of credit

13.patterns of demand

14.prime bank

15.David Ricardo

Ⅲ。 Make brief explanations of the following terms in English: (20%)

16.In the case of documents against acceptance, documents are handed over to the importer upon his acceptance of the bill of exchange drawn by the exporter.Payment will not be made until a later date.(P31 Para 3)

17.The importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C

18.International trade can be defined as the exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another.(P3 Para 1)

19.If a credit stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendment to the credit being made, it is then a revolving credit.(P57 para3)

20.A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties.(P68 para1)

Ⅳ。 Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list (You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square): (10%)

21.are22.involves23.acro24.means 25.them

26.provide 27.historical28.send29.which30.as

Ⅴ。 Translate the following into English:(25%)

31.Theory of comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade.

32.Quotas or quantitative restrictions are the most common form of non-tariff barriers.

33.In international trade it is almost impoible to match payment with physical delivery of the goods.

34.Clean credit is generally used in non-trade settlement while documentary credit is used in commodity trade.

35.If the contract is made by the seller, it is called a sales contract.If the contract is made by the buyer, it is called purchase contract.

Ⅵ。 Translate the following into Chinese: (15%)


Ⅶ。 Answer the following questions in English: (15%)

37.How are D/A different from D/P after sight? Which is safer for the exporter?

In the case of documents against acceptance (D/A), documents are handed over to the importer upon his acceptance of the bill of exchange drawn by the exporter.Payment will not be made until a later date.

D/P after sight gives the importer a certain period of time after presentation of the documents, but documents are not released to him until he actually pays for the merchandise.

D/P after sight is safer for the exporter

38.In reality, complete specialization may never occur even when it is economically advantageous.For strategic or domestic reasons, a country may continue to produce goods for which it does not have an advantage.The benefits of specialization may also be affected by transport cost.Protectionist measures which are often taken by governments are also barriers to trade, and typical examples are tariffs and quotas.


Busine English outline for unit 1



Dose your company provide accommodation /room and board? If your company provides accommodation/room and board,I will accept this job and sign a contract.


How long have you been in Dongguan? Have you bought a house ?Do you plan /Are you going to buy ? Why?


What do you usually eat for breakfast?


Do you like to watch movies? Why ? How often do you go to see a movie?


Is the cost of living high in Dongguan?


Can you tell me some big supermarkets or department stores in Dongguan?


what do you think of the environment in Dongguan ? good or terrible?Why?


Does your job offer any opportunity for a promotion or a raise?


Is the pace of life fast in Dongguan? Why ?


Have you been to …? What do you think of the scenery、the people…in there?


Where is your company located? How do you usually go to the Translation Center?


What is you fist impreion of ….Good or bad? Why?


Gue what ? I persuaded my father to stop smoking finally.


How do you feel when you tell lies ?


I am confused whether to quit or not, anyway it\'s difficult to find a job now.


Have you ever been/felt embarraed? What happened?


3G mobile phone is very popular now , do you know why? You can use the phone …with the phone…


How much is your mobile phone or computer s? Is the price reasonable?or it is too expensive?


What are you responsible for at work?


Are you use to the food、weather、life in Dongguan? Why?


Is your neighborhood safe?Has it ever been robbed? It\'s safe, There are securities on duty all the time.



1、It’s none of your busine, you have no right to __b__ a.disturb




2、Peter showed her his draft of the report, and __c__ her suggestion. a.appealed




3、It is important that you __a__ to the dean before leaving for your vacation.a、speak


c、have spoken

d、are speaking

4、I’d have come with you __c__ I am so busy.a.except for

b.provided that

c.but that

d.so long as

5、It is time the kids __b___

a、go to bed

b、went to bed

c、have gone to bed

d、had gone to bed

6、Hunting is thought to be __a__ for the extinction of some wildlife.a、responsible




7、The rising slaughter __c__ a formidable challenge for the next century.a、sums




8、Selling furs of wildlife can __a__ a lot of money.a.bring in

b.bring out

c.bring about

d.bring up

9、__c__ to the recent research, some cigarette smokers are becoming health-conscious.a.Respond


c.Responding d.Having been


10、It was in 1985__d__ a hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic was noticed.a.which




11、Peter was __c__ diligent than Jack because both of them failed the final examination.a.no le

b.not much

c.no more

d.not more

12、“Hurry up,or the tickets __a__ out by the time we get there.” a.will have been sold

b.will sell

c.have sold

d.have been sold 13.__d__, she couldn’t work out the problem at that moment.a.Clever although she was

b.As she was clever

c.She was clever, though

d.Clever as she was

14、There is not the __b__ doubt about what he said.a.smallest




15、She felt __b__ when she saw that her children were safe from the NATO’s bombing.a.aured





1、In some places care are…… into the city center.c.In Singapore a.Limiting cars entering the city center c.the country is very flat

a.cars are allowed only at night c.Walking in the City Center 2.One of the most unusual…….Forget a robot,” b.it was controversial c.Robot Redford graduated from a college in Maryland.c.Robot Redford was the brainchild of William Bakaleinikoff.d.is made louder a.make the commencement more succeful

3、The game of golf has…… Belgium(比利时) b.is rather poor in absorbing chemicals d.There are many golf courses in Belgium.b.underdeveloped areas should be protected a.to warn against the fast expansion of golf courses c.poisoning sandy soils



2.historically 3.sustainable 4.irresponsible 5.lies


7.habitats 8.consumption 9.key 10.impact


1.医生们正忙于倡导公共卫生运动。(promotion) The doctors are busy in promotion of a public health campaign.

2、他对这个国家的历史事件和人物十分了解。(historical ) He knows very well the historical events and personalities of this country.


(adapt to)

When you study abroad ,you must adapt yourself to new customs and different ways of thinking.

4、为了把公司建成一流的公司,我们首先要化消极被动为积极主动。(transform into,the paive,the initiative)

We should transform the paive into initiative to create a first-cla company.


The extinction of much wildlife can be attributed to the fact that humans take a staggering toll on it.

6、自然界正遭到诸如人口增长、污染、大肆砍伐树木等的威胁。Nature is reeling from such threats as population growth ,pollution and deforestation.

7、比我上次干的要难得多This job is so much harder than my last one that I’ve decided to quit.

8、你能见他们的时间越少the more people you know ,the le time you can spend seeing them.

9、社会和政治关系将美国和social and political ties bind the USA to Britain.

10、圣诞树上装饰着耀眼的霓虹灯the Christmas tree is decorated with dazzling neon lights.

五、作文P207be ready to help others

One can\'t do all the jobs and complete all the things by himself ,and a cooperation and a help are needed .Looking back ,we can know the history of human beings is a history of helping each other .First ,helping others is eential ,as one\'s ability is limited and can\'t finish everything .We needs a help in order to do the thing well .Second ,to help others means to help ourselves .We can\'t live in a single world .When we help others in trouble someday ,they will do us a favor in return .On the contrary ,if we don\'t offer a help ,we won\'t get a help .Third ,helping others is not only a good quality ,but also a happy thing .We can get much happine by helping others.Friends ,don\'t grudge your love or help ,for helping others is just helping yourselves .


第一部分 单项选择

1、Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds.You have done us ____ a great service.

A、不填;a B、the;a C、不填;不填 D、the;不填

2、Now that we ____ all the money, it’s no use turning on me and saying it’s all my fault.A、had lost B、lost C、have lost D、lose

3、We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are ____.

A、looking up B、coming up C、making up D、turning up

4、——When did it begin to snow? ——It started ____ the night.A、during B、by C、from D、at

5、Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.

A、the; the B、a; 不填 C、不填;不填 D、不填;the

6、____ from endle homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunwise.

A、Freed B、Freeing C、To free D、having freed

7、——So you mied the meeting.

——____.I got there five minutes before it finished.

A、Not at all B、Not exactly C、Not especially D、Not really

8、——Do you mind if I smoke? ——____

A、Why not? B、Yes, help yourself C、Go ahead D、Yes, but you’d better not

9、——We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.——____.

A、With pleasure B、It doesn’t matter C、It was no trouble at all D、By all means

10、____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.

A、To consider B、Considered C、Considering D、To be considered

第二部分 完形填空

I arrived in the claroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with 75 students who would be my English Literature cla.Having taught in the US for 17 years, I had no 11 about my ability to hold their attention and to 12 on them my admiration for the literature(文学)of my mother tongue.

I was shocked when the monitor shouted, “13!” and the entire cla rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat 14 about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardne(尴尬)was over, I quickly15my calmne and began what I thought was a fact – packed lecture, sure to gain their respect – perhaps16 their admiration.I went back to my office with the rosy glow which comes from a (n)17 of achievements.

My students 18 diaries.However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually 19 by a strong sense of sadne.The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today.20her next lecture will be better.” Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expreing a21 subject.“Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework(哲学体系)of Western thought and laid the historical 22 for all the works we’ll

study in cla,” I complained.“How23they say I didn’t teach them anything?”

It was a long term, and it 24 became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as 25 of my students.I thought a teacher’s job was to raise 26questions and provide enough background so that students could 27 their own conclusions.My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide 28 information as directly and clearly as poible.What a difference!

28, I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a 30 American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.



C.doubt D.experience 12.A.impre B.putC.leave


13.A.Attention B.Look outC.At ease D.Stand up 14.A.puzzled B.sureC.curious D.Worried 15.A.found B.returnedC.regained D.followed 16.A.more B.evenC.yet

D.still 17.A.thought B.senseC.feeling D.idea 18.A.wrote B.borrowedC.kept

D.read 19.A.replaced B.takenC.caught D.Moved 20.A.Naturally B.PerhapsC.Fortunately D.Reasonably 21.A.different B.sameC.similar D.usual

22.A.happenings B.charactersC.development D.Background 23.A.should B.canC.will


24.A.immediately B.certainlyC.simply D.gradually 25.A.that B.whatC.those


26.A.difficult B.interestingC.ordinary D.unusual 27.A.draw B.getC.decide D.give 28.A.strange B.standardC.exact

D.serious 29.A.Therefore B.HoweverC.Besides D.Though 30.A.normal B.happy




The space shuttle Columbia flared and broke up in the skies over Texas on Saturday, February 1,2003, killing the seven astronauts on board in what NASA and President Bush called a tragedy for the






investigation into the disaster and began searching for the astronauts\' remains.It said that although there had been some data failures it was too early to nail down a precise cause.The break-up, 16 minutes before the shuttle was due to land at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, spread poibly toxic debris(有毒的残骸) over a wide swath of Texas and neighboring states.Dramatic television images of the shuttle\'s

descent clearly showed several white trails(痕迹) streaking through blue skies after the shuttle suddenly fell apart.It was almost 17 years to the day that the Challenger shuttle exploded on Jan.28, 1986, killing all seven astronauts on board.

Take-off and re-entry into Earth\'s atmosphere are the most dangerous parts of a space miion.In 42 years of US\' human space flight, there had never been an accident in the descent to Earth or landing.Challenger exploded just after take-off.

Rescue teams scrambled to search for the remains of the crew, which included the first Israeli to fly on the shuttle, former combat pilot Col.Ilan Ramon.There were warnings that parts of a vast 120-mile-long corridor of debris could be toxic because of poisonous rocket propellant(推进器).

\"We are not ready to confirm that we have found any human remains,\" Nacogdoches County Sheriff Thomas Kerrs said.He added that among the roughly 1,000 calls reporting debris, some people said they found remains of crew members.\"The Columbia is lost.There are no survivors, „Their miion was almost complete and we lost them so close to home.„ America\'s space program will go on,\" said a grim-faced Bush in a meage broadcast on television, which included condolences to the families of the dead astronauts.

1.The word “descent” in the paage means ________.

A.taking off B.landingC.orbitingD.walking down

2.Which is true of the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon?

A.He was the first Israeli astronaut to fly on the shuttle.

B.He was the first foreign astronaut to fly on the American shuttle.

C.He used to be a paenger plane pilot.D.He was the only survivor in the Columbia disaster.

3.The Columbia disaster and the Challenger disaster were similar in that ________.A.there were seven astronauts killed on board

B.both the shuttles exploded when they took off

C.Both the shuttles exploded when they were about to land

D.no human remains were found

4.Which of the following is wrong according to the news?

A.The U.S.A.will give up the space program because of the accident.

B.NASA hasn’t found the cause of the Columbia disaster.

C.Before the Columbia disaster, no shuttles had exploded in the course of landing.

D.Take-off and re-entry into Earth\'s atmosphere are the most dangerous parts of a space miion.






主持人:万 登 贵

参会人:六(1)班各任课教师及全体学生家长或监护人 尊敬的各位学生家长:













1.Janeas soon as she recognized it was her former boy friend\'s voice..

2.Air-conditioned buses, placed to serve about 50 routes, became very popular in Chongqing 3.They also learn there is no easy way 4._succe but to work hard._many people nurses rather than in hospitals in the US.

help at the accident.

6.Visitors are not allowed to stay 7.Leaders of many countries have B_congratulatedthe return of Hong Kong.

_ Chinese leaders on 8.In Britain nowadays, _are used travelling in long, narrow boats.

mainly for 9.It\'s been dry for so long that the forest could burst intomoment.

at any 10.A better working environment improves B_ hence productivity.

people\'s performance, and He could remember _happened, but he couldn\'t remember the accident itself.

12.From eight o\'clock until ten he was working in the garden, but since then he _ ___ in the sun.13._____D as crowded ___ this morning centre wasn\'t 14.When the guest came off the plane, the president went forward and shook _______ with him.

_____ they had the many things to adjust to.

16.theirThe dinner whole with family the door were having ____D from sparks people ___A alsoproducedobtainedfire __ 18.mad___sixty-four.

Eight times eight ___famous dancer dislikes to be surrounded by20.It is of her fans.the world\'s coldest continent, is hard _填空 more, I you can\'t must help try both to do of it you (youany )— (yourselves) 2.(send) (Would _to serd)it ___ a thank-you note be considered rude by fax to a manager after a job interview? 3.Peopleenjoy shopping there because it has modern shops, together with __traditionalthe atmosphere _ street market.of a (tradition)4.I have seen people spending too much little time on the(solve) _time on the problem solution_and __ too5.They made an (analyze) _contained _analysis_substanceof the food harmful and found to the it health.

6.with you though we are good friends.(person) personally_ I don\'t agree7.The judge ordered that the witne (tell) 8.We want _tellto __ the truth.challenge(ability) __able__ students, to show how good they are.9.Ourbody(store)_stores_ up fat to use as energy and protect us from the cold.10.We

think that the duty of the police is to (sure) _ensure__that people are protected from crime.11.His life was devoted to (care for)

_caring for_ the sick and the needy.12.__is_damaged, If either there of the will lines be (be) a power-cut.

13.telephone Hemanaged(find)number I had to find given __ him the before.

14.know I do.I wish she (come) _Don\'t you ever mi Joan? would I come_15.__back home.What was

it about this manthat(enable) enabled _ __me to reveal a different part of myself.

16.Deisyrealizes her husband has married rather than love.her out

of (loyal)_loyalty 17.The number of candidates for April because GRE it will test be the hit last record written highs test before the examination becomes (computer) _18.The chairman computerised_said,

\"The plan (discu) ____beingdiscued____ now must be kept as a secret

19.Have you ever stopped to think how many of the everyday things in your life are the product of someone\'s hard work or (imagine) ____imagination__ genius.

20.empty.The The lecture speaker hall was disappointed was almost at the poor (attend) ___attendance


Each day, computers help millions of people For example, do their they jobs can more help effectively.managers decide on a future course of actioncommunication usually have vital roles ……………….and data and are given critical office functions to perform

.1.Which of the following examples shows the controlling function of a computer? B.HelpingB

managers check if planned goals are reached.

2.if ____Employees _D___.

may have better moraleD.the managers pay more attention to them

3.Which of the following is the most eential to a succeful busineman? C

C.He can get timely information.4.The office duties used to be _____5.Which of the following is the best B__ boring _.

suggested title?Da ComputerD.Employment Benefits by

Task 2 Do you

know what the word \"jazz\" means?......music in the Uproduced nited States some of and the world\'s Europe greatest and musicians, composers and singers.1.In the early 1900s, jazz music was ___C_ enjoyed in everyday life ____.2.The first jazz musicians ____A_ borrowed harmony__.

European ideas of 3.What made jazz different from other music was __C.thebeatone-Two-three-Four _____.

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Jazz is not as much welcomed inA

Asia as in Europe.

5.means for performersJazz is now _____D___ to make a one lot of money

Task 3

The trouble with most schemes to deal the with automobile the problems is created that they by underestimate undertaking………………since the car the vastne of their itself stands for the glorification of impulse.

1.Which of the following is the focus for most traffic experts?D Transportation.

2.automobile The second provides paragraph ____Bshows _ privacy the ____.

3.____ Getting _A____.

a driving license shows A.the perfect sense to be a man4.is NOT true?Which of the following statementsA

A.Most car drivers can not suffer the bumper to bumper frustration.5.We can infer from the paage

that _____D____.

D.psychological needs cars are also bought forTask4 The English language is the lingua franca extent not (通用语言imaginable ) of busine even a decade to an ago…………a major factor in attracting rather than anywhere else in the EC Japanese firms to Britain 41.According to the author, the English language _____C.has been more widely _C___.used in busine in recent years 42.organization according to the paage? What is true about the EFTAC C.company The EFTA with English is an as international its official language.43.using of all the nine official languages The author\'s attitude towards the in the EC would be __44.B_ criticalAll of the__.following statements are true EXCEPT that __A_______.A.there are as many language training schools in Japan as in England45.It can be inferred from the paage that ____C.Japanese businemen would prefer _C____.to do busine with Britain rather than other European countries单词连线 A- contract 合同B-counter-offer 还盘 C date of delivery customs duty 关税D- E- declared value 申报价值F-duty-free H- export duty entry 免税入境I- installment分期付款J-multi-national corporation K- shipment装运交易会L- showroomM trade mark- trade gap商标贸易逆差N- O-transitA- Tour Centre B 部FoodandBeveragedivision餐饮C Receiving AgencyD E- Freelance Tour Guide- Director of housekeeping 兼职导游F Sales Departmenty 销售部G- General Reception H- Front Desk Cashiers 总服务台I- Group Bookin 团体预订 J Tourism Department K- Lobby Aistant Manager旅游部门大堂经 理 L Director of Front OfficeN Front Office Division前厅部前厅部经理M Tourist AociationO- Chief Floor Supervisor选择恰当的翻译 61.We shall be obliged if you can send us some samples with the best terms at your earliest convenience.D.若贵方能早日送来样品并给予最D 优惠条件,我方将感激之至。 62.IGoods sold at lower prices are not necearily popular items.C C.价格低廉的商品未必就是畅销货。 63.As you suggested, we have paid for extensive advertising in local newspapers.A.按照你的建议,我们已经花钱在A 当地的报纸上大作广告。 64.And you\'re going, once you you have can easily decided purchase where your ticket online from services within the Yahoo\'s Travel.D.一旦决定了去何处,你就可以非D 常容易地在雅虎旅游网站上的服务部门买到机票。 61.When millions of tourists pour into the city every summer, big restaurants always waiters.takeA on a lot of part-time A.每年夏天,当大批游人涌入这座城市,大饭店总要聘用许多兼职招待。 62.If you give some attention to figures on population and consumption, you would be more succeful in

selecting a market.B.如果你能注意一下有关人口和消B 费的信息,那你在选择市场上会更加成功。 63.I greatly regret that I\'m unable to attend the important sales meeting next Monday.D.很遗憾我不能出席下周一那个重D 要的销售会议。 64.They have put up many shops and hotels to satisfy the needs of tourists.C C.足游客们的需要。他们建了许多商店和饭店,以满英语翻译题答案: 1.有时最好的毕业生也很难通过考试,使他就业的梦想破碎。 The best graduates can still fail the job interview sometimes and their dreams of employment are shattered.2.班长熟练地处理了那一困难的争议。 The argument skillfully.monitor handled that diffcult 3.班上嘈杂的声音干扰了我的工作。 The noise in the stree interfered with my work.4.的困难。不要一遇到麻烦就强调工作中 Don’t stre the difficulties in work whenever you meety with trouble.5.亏得你的帮忙,我才及时完成了工作。 I finished my job in time owing to your help.6.我们没能说服他放弃出国的计划。Wetriedinvain to persuade him to give up the plan to go abrod..7.His他的行为有悖与公众利益。public’s interest.behaviorisin conflict with the8.The year 澳门于of 1999 1999年回归中国。saw the returnof Macao to China.9.不包括他要给晚报写稿子。他每天要工作8个小时,这还 Every day he has to work for eight hours, has to writer for the enening newsper.not to mention the articles he 10.我们希望在座的每个人只就讨论的问题发言。 We wish everyone present would confine himself to the matter under discuion.11.经济萧条总是伴随有高失业率。 Economic hand-hand depreion with a high always rate goes of unemployment.12.Marriage 法律不承认未登记的婚姻。without registration is notrecognized by law.13.和好的刹车。汽车应有安全装置比如安全带 Automobiles must have certain safety devices brakes.such as seat belts and good 14.几家公司正为这项合同相互竞争。 Several companies are competing with each other for the contract.15.Recreation is an important part of life.娱乐是生活的重要组成部分。 16.以前中国老百姓不熟悉的保险业这几年变得流行起来。 Insurance, which was not familiar to ordinary Chinese at all, has become popular in the recent years.17.他的好成绩来源于他的努力。 His good grades result from working hard.18.据一些科学家观察,在不久的将来我们很快会面临能源危机.According to the observations of some scientists, we will be short of energy in the near future.19.Bad news spreads fast.坏事传千里。 20.带现代技术来的外国投资者最受欢迎。 Foreign investors who bring modern technology with them will be most welcome.










1. 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座。能运用基本的听力技巧帮助理解。


3. 阅读理解能力: 能够基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟70词,在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词,能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。

4.书面表达能力: 能用常见的应用文体完成一般的写作任务,能描述个人经历、事件、观感、情感等,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出80词的短文,内容基本完整、用词恰当,语篇连贯。能在一般或应用写作中使用恰当的写作技能。




听课与自学相结合。认真学习教师的教学光碟,课后对所学内容的重点内容进行消化吸收。从听、说、读、写等方面对所学知识进行操练,以期达到巩固、吸收和活用的目的;自主学习可以利用课本提供的网站, 课本后的光碟,教师讲课的教学光碟以及教师开出的参考书目等进行自主、开放性的学习和测试。自主学习时间为每周6学时【2(新课)+4(复习)】,16周完成“大学体验英语”第一册。英语学习贵在坚持,每天学习一点。听、说、读、写相结合。请记住Practice makes perfect.No pains, no gains.三、学习进度表




第一单元 大学生活

第二单元 在线学习

第三单元 休闲活动

第四单元 依靠自己

第五单元 信息源

第六单元 奥林匹克志愿者

第七单元 学习策略

第八单元 爱情与友谊





教材: 《大学体验英语》(第二版)综合教程












完型填空: 一篇,来自《综合教程》课文改编。

英译汉:试题内容主要为《综合教程》课文中一些较难理解的句子或课后作业。 写作:内容与本学期《综合教程》课文所学内容或平时课堂讨论话题相关。


D1 .You should fill in this application______very carefully.(2 分) A.paport B.letter


D.form A2 .______ I take a bus? No, you needn‘t .(2 分) A.Must



D.Might B3 .We have a dinner party this evening .Would you like to join ______? (2 分) A.we


C.our C4 .Is this ______apple tree? No, ______tree is______orange tree.(2 分) A.an,a, the

B.a, the, an

C.an, the, an

D.the, the, an B5 .This TV program is very good.Everybody in my family ______it.(2 分) A.to watch



D.watched C6 .My grandma always happy______us at her home.(2 分) A.have B.has

C.to have

D.having C7 .lily______ to the beach with Prof.Green.They had a swim there.(2 分) A.goed


C.went B8 .______ is big and round in the sky today.(2 分) A.moon

B.The moon

C.Moon D9 .Look, Lily is on______track! (2 分) A.five

B.the five


D.the fifth B10 .They will______to Paris next year (2 分) A.trip



D.travel C11 .Prof.Green______sick yesterday.He______a fever .Now he stills feel weak.(2 分) A.is, has

B.was, have

C.was, had A12 .What kind of events are you good ______? (2 分) A.at



D.in B13 .He______many beautiful post cards to us .(2 分) A.takes



D.has A14 .This is ______ first Mid-Autumn Day for Mr Green in China .(2 分) A.the


C./ B15 .The students ______to have a party, They did it last week.(2 分) A.planed


C.plan C16 .The president ______to help the English teacher with all the questions.(2 分) A.trys


C.tries A17 .The mother takes care______the cla.(2 分) A.of



D.over C18 .Even on Sundays, fewer people go to______ church than before..(2 分) A.the



D、that D19 .How many big colleges are there in this city ? Let me ______.(2 分) A.try



D.count A20 .______there many trees on the campus? No, but now we have many everywhere.(2 分) A.Were


C.Did have D21 .An ID card (身份证)______the personal particulars about the holder such as mane, age, sex, photograph and so on.(2 分) A.give



D.provides B22 .An overseas student studies______.(2 分) A.at home


C.at sea

D.on a ship B23 .We often have a party______friends on the campus.(2 分) A.and



D.around D24 .They really like the simple life style______the country.(2 分) A.on



D.from C25 .-Would you like to travel______train or ______air? --I prefer to ______ a train.(2 分) A.take,by, take

B.take, take, by

C.by, by, take A26 .Do the students often______on their teachers? (2 分) A.call



D.learn D27 .He is no longer______his study, so he often daydreams in cla.(2 分) A.tired of

B.sick of

C.bored with

D.interested in B28 .)--Will Susan get her new book? --It is likely that she______.(2 分) A.will


C.will do it

D.gets it B29 .To______ an entry visa is very difficult now.(2 分) A.appeal for

B.apply for

C.apply in

D.appeal A30 .There is a ______of two hours with the 7:40train.(2 分) A.delay



D.later D31 .Do you help each other? Yes,______.(2 分) A.I do not

B.we do not

C.I do

D.we do C32 .______this flower symbolize something happy? (2 分) A.Is


C.Does C33 .______the teacher______at this college last year? Yes, he did.(2 分) A.Did, taught

B.does, teach

C.Did, teach C34 .Did you ______the picnic yesterday? Yes, we______it very much (2 分) A.enjoy, enjoy


C.enjoy, enjoyed B35 .After______that unforgettable love, he became more understanding.(2 分) A.has experienced



D.experienced A36 .Our English profeor is very______in using chopsticks.(2 分) A.skilled



D.good A37 .People in the country always have______food.(2 分) A.fresh



D.modern D38 .There are two cars here, One is big, and______is small.(2 分) A.another


C.an other

D.the other C39 .I have______a taxi for them.(2 分) A.arrange



D.to arrange D40 .My friend ______ to visit the Great Wall, too.(2 分) A.does not plan

B.plan not

C.not plans

D.plans D41 .Mr Wang often______with Mr Green in the morning.Now they ______around the campus.(2)

A.jog, jogging

B.jogs, is jogging

C.jogs, jogs

D.jogs, are jogging D42 .The boy ______his homework carefully.(2 分) A.not does

B.not do

C.do not do

D.does not do A43 .We soon______the place where we often meet.(2 分) A.arrived at



D.returned A44 .The repairman comes to______our computers once a week.He______them now in the office.(2 分) A.check, is checking

B.checks, is checking

C.checks, checks

D.checking, checking A45 .The big tree______a lot of red apples.(2 分) A.bears



D.takes B46 .People ______ the Mid-Autumn Day with their family (2 分) A.celebrate


C.to celebrate A47 .Mary likes to share happine______her friends.(2 分) A.with



D.about A48 .The friendship of John and Lily is ______.(2 分) A.coming to end

B.coming an end

C.coming to an end B49 .I like English food now.But I______it a year ago.(2 分) A.didn‘t liked

B.didn‘t like

C.don‘t like

B50 .I hate ______ fish, but my mother likes it.(2 分) A.eat


C.to eat

D.coming end





1 customer2 management

3 same 4 subject

5 information 6 选择

7 机会 8 参加

9 诚实的 10 节省


1、How do you show()to you teacher? A politeB impoliteC politene

2、John failed in the final exams this terms ,because he was seldom ()to the leons。

A attentionB carefulC attentive

3、Each student gave a ()speech for guest。 A well-knownB welcomeC well-disciplined

4、As a(n)()child,he never tell lies 。 A honestB kindC attentive

5、Mary looks ()with long hair 。 A favoriteB cleverC pretty

6、Football is my ()sport A favoriteB likingC best

7、He is a(n)()guy ,and always speaks dirty language to his clamates。 A kindB badC nice

8、Students should use paper napkin(纸巾)when they ()in cla。 A spitB speechC write

9、She prefer()color to dark ones 。 A blackB brightC delight

10、George()the ball so hard during the match that it flew out of the field。 A playsB kickedC threw


1、shake handsA 姓

2、for the first timeB 与……交朋友

3、make friends withC 放弃

4、sports magazineD 一颗(菜)

5、give upE向……问好

6、a head ofF 喜欢

7、say hello toG 第一次

8、go aheadH 体育杂志

9、family nameI 放弃

10、be fond ofJ 好吧


talkjoinchancetell liesrespect

1、Let’s()about German and their county 。

2、We are going to play volleyball at the beach this Saturday。Would you like to()us?

3、John has failed the game twice ,and this is his last ()to win 。

4、Showing ()for the elderly is a good Chinese tradition。

5、We know that our students are honest ,they never tell ()。


A:World bookstore,(○1) B:Hi,I’m a customer。 A:How can I help you?

B:(○2)。Yesterday I bought four story-books , 12 pages miing in one of them。

A:OK,we can either replace the book or refund you 。


A:Sure ,your name and addre,please?

B:My name is Lisa。Please send me an e-mail to confirm 。my e-mail addre is lisa@hotmail.com。

A:(○4) B:It’s 340-9889.

A:OK,340-9889 and lisa@hotmail.com ,(○5) A:Thank you for letting us know the problems B:I’d like to have a replacementC:How can I help you?

D:I’ve got a problem with my books E:Your phone number ,please?


Jack went to a barber\'s shop(理发店 )and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result(结果).When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said, \"What has happened to your hair,Jack?\"

Jack said, \"I tried a new barber\'s shop today, because I wasn\'t quite satisfiedwith my old one, but this one seems even worse.\"

Bob agreed(同意).\"Yes, I think you\'re right, Jack.Now I\'ll tell you what to do when you go into a barber\'s shop next time: look at all the barber\'s hair,find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him.\"

\"Why shall I go to him?\" Jack asked.\"But that would be foolish!\"

\"Oh, no, it wouldn\'t,\" answered Bob.\"Who cut that man\'s hair? Just think it.He couldn\'t cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it.So you know he can\'t be the worst barber.\"

1.When Jack went out of the barber\'s shop, he was not happy because ____.A.nobody had cut his hairB.the barber hadn\'t cut his hair wellC.the barber had cut his hair carefullyD.he was not satisfied with his old barber

2.\"I tried a new barber\'s shop today.\" means ____.A.this barber\'s shop was a new one

B.this was the only barber\'s shop in this townC.Jack often went to this barber\'s shopD.Jack had not been to this barber\'s shop before

3.After Jack had his hair cut, he thought ____.A.the new barber\'s shop was the best one

B.the old barber\'s shop wasn\'t so good as the new oneC.the new barber\'s shop was worse than the old oneD.the old barber\'s shop was the worst one

4.Bob told Jack to find out which barber\'s hair looked the worst and then go straightto him.Why?

A.Because he was certainly the best barber.B.Because he was free all the time.C.Because he was the worst barber.D.Because he wasn\'t the worst barber.

5.From the story we know that ____.

A.it\'s foolish to have one\'s hair cut at a barber\'s shop

B.barbers cut each other\'s hairC.barbers never have their hair cutD.a barber always cuts his hair by himself








1._________2.__________3.__________4.__________ 5._________6.__________7.__________8.__________ 9._________10.__________








第一节:单项选择题 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

1.Don’t leave your feet______.Have yourself______well.A.exposing, coveringB.exposing, covered C.exposed, coveringD.exposed, covered 2.There are many aspects of police work that dogs perform ______ more efficiently than the ______ efforts of men and machine.A.many, combinedB.many, combining C.much, combiningD.much, combined 3.No machine yet______ can hear or scent an intruder______distance.A.being invented, at aB.invented, at some C.invented, in theD.inventing, at some 4.May I make a suggestion to you? A.Thank you for your suggestion.B.That’s a bad idea.C.Go ahead, please.D.Oh, that’s right.5.The law must be made ______everyone from being hurt .A.full use of to protectB.the best of protecting C.advantage of to protectD.good use of protecting 6.小学英语语言技能中关于一级目标的叙述包括:听做、说唱、玩演、______、视听。 A.感知B.玩演 C.理解D.读写

7.小学英语语言技能中关于二级目标的叙述包括:听,说,读,写,______ 。 A.译B.评价


8.新课标将英语学习策略分为:认知策略、调整策略、交际策略及______。A.自我评价策略B.言语表达策略 C.资源策略D.语篇导向策略




10.外语阅读应包含六方面要素:社会与文化背景知识;分析与评价技能与策略;自动认字技能;______ 语篇结构知识;超认知的监控阅读的知识与技能。 A.词汇知识B.语法知识



Most newborn babies sleep 17 to 18 hours (11)______ day.By age 10, this has (12)______ to 9 to 10 hours, and it continues to reduce during adolescence.Two-thirds of adults sleep seven to eight hours and onetenth sleep more than nine.During old (13)______ , sleep decreases to an average of 6.5 hours a night.For the average adult, then, seven or eight hours a night is “normal”.But is it (14)______ ? Some good sleepers worry that they regularly fall short of the Big Eight.They (15)______ .Two psychologists at a wellknown institute have found that (16)______ who naturally sleep le than six hours a night are happier and more active than longer sleepers.They may have more (17)______ and more sociable.Some people fear insomnia and it effects so strongly that their fears (18)______ their sleeplene.But what’s the real effect of a few (19)______ hours? Several studies have shown that one rotten night with as little as two hours of sleep doesn’t(20)______ affect people’s performance the next day.11.A.one B.par C.the D.in a 12.A.dropped B.out C.fallen D.taken down 13.A.days B.time C.age D.years 14.A.important B.proved C.neceary D.discovered 15.A.should B.need C.must D.needn‘t.A.they B.those C.these D.still others 17.A.force B.action C.energyD.interest 18.A.add to B.keep back C.result from D.bring back 19.A.usele B.lost C.wasted D.mied 20.A.actual B.rather C.fairly D.really 第三节:阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


The food we eat seems to have a profound effects on our health.Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat.Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnees are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon.Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnees because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures.That food is related to illnees is not a new discovery.In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites, commonly used to preserved color in meats, and other food additives caused cancer.Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of proceed food are helpful or harmful.The additives which we eat are not all so direct.Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows.Sometimes similar drugs are administrated to animals not for medical purposes, but for financial reasons.The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market.Although the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practice continues.21.How has science done a diervice to mankind? A.Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated.B.It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.C.As a result of scientific intervation, some potentially harmful substances have been added to our food.D.The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not vegetables.22.What are nitrates used for? A.They preserve the flavor in the packaged food.B.They preserve the color of meats.C.They are the objects of research D.They cause the animals to become fatter.23.The word carcinogenic means most nearly the same as ______ .A.troublemakingB.monkey-making C.colormaking D.cancer-causing 24.Which of the following is not true? A.Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons.B.Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are giving to the living animals.C.Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over forty years.D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.25.Which of the following is true? A.All the additives we eat are direct.B.All the additives we eat are not direct.C.None of the additives we eat are direct.D.Not one of the additives we eat are direct.


Heavy gas leakage from a defective pipe left nine persons dead and at least twentysix others hospitalized in central Fujieda of Shizuoka Province, southwest of Tokyo, authorities said Monday.Police said a doctor’s family of five, and four members of a sevenmember family died when the gas escaped in heavy volumn from the pipe which had a crack in it.At least twentysix persons were taken to a city hospital in Fujieda, some 160 kilometres southwest of Tokyo and three of them were listed in critical condition.The gas leakage began as early as Saturday night, but the local gas company which received telephone calls from alarmed residents didn’t bother to check the suspected pipe immediately, according to a police official.26.What was the cause of the incident? A.Carele digging in the street over a gas pipe.B.A crack in a gas pipe.C.A gas explosion.D.Leakage of gas in heavy volumn from the gas station.27.What were the consequences of the incident? A.Poisonous gas killed and injured many people.B.There was a shortage of gas supply in central Fujieda.C.More than ten people were killed.D.Both A and B.28.Who was to blame for the incident, according to the police? A.The local anthorities.B.A doctor’s family.C.Some residents in the district.D.The local gas company.29.What could have been done to avoid the incident? A.To evacuate all the people from that place.B.To take immediate measures after the warning call.C.To send the victims to a better hospital.D.To warn the local residents of gas poisoning.30.What leon can be drawn from the incident? A.The use of gas should be controlled in a densenly populated district.B.Employees in the local gas company should be better trained.C.Defective pipes should be fixed immediately.D.Both B and C.非选择题部分

注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。 第四节:字母和单词注音(本大题共10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分) 31.g [ ] 32.z [ ] 33.s [ ] 34.begun [ ] 35.treasure[ ] 36.Said [ ] 37.can’t [ ] 38.teacher [ ] 39.White [ ] 40.easily [ ] 第五节:填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

41.The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc.to______ .42.The functional view sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for______ things.43.The key point of conditioning is that you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three stages, stimulation, response and______.44.According to Chomsky, there are a finite number of Grammatical rules in the system and with a knowledge of the rules an ______number of sentences can be produced.45.______ learning emphasizes the task rather than the language in learning proce.第六节:翻译题(本大题共6小题,第46-50小题,每小题1分,51题5分,共10分) 把下面的句子翻译成为英文。

46.某些花所产生的油可以用来制成香水。 47.老年人要防范两种危险的心理倾向。 48.有些老年人因怕死而感到压抑。

49.昨天我们见了面,我做自我介绍时,他靠得很近。50.这个大厅有四大优点:明亮、宽敞、时髦、没有回声。 51.把下面短文划线部分翻译成中文。

Being a teenager is a time of major change.Besides the obvious changes in size and shape, teens are faced with how they feel about themselves.Body image and self-esteem are two important ways to help promote a positive image.When most people think about body image they think about aspects of physical appearance, attractivene, and beauty.But body image is much more.It is the mental picture a person has of his/her body as well as their thoughts, feelings, judgments, sensations, awarene and behavior.Body image is developed through interactions with people and the social world.It’s our mental picture of ourselves; it’s what allows us to become ourselves.第七节:简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分) 52.什么是“任务”?“任务型”教学有何特征?

53.简述小学阶段听、说、读、写语言技能之间的关系。 54.什么是教学模式?请举典型例子说明。

第八节:写作(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分) 55.书面表达:

暑假即将来临,某学校学生会打算在假期举行为贫困地区和受灾地区(disaster area)的孩子们奉献爱心的活动。请你用英语写一封倡议书,号召同学们用力所能及的方式伸出援助之手,奉献自己的爱心。

要求:1.文中应包含:至少两种帮助方式,这样做的目的和意义。 2.词数80-100;短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear schoolmates, While we are sitting in our bright claroom, remember there are lots of children in the poor and disaster areas needing our help badly.Summer vacation is coming.Let’s do something to help them.As students, _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Students’ Union June 13, 2013 56.以传染性疾病(infectious disease)威胁人类健康为题,写一篇长为120字左右的小作文。



第一节:单项选择:从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 第二节:完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.C 第三节:阅读理解题 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 21.B 22.C 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.D 第四节:字母和单词注音(本大题共10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分) 31.x[ eks ]32.j [ ?ei ]33.w[ \'d?b(?)lju ]

34.teacher[ \'ti: ?? ]35.explained[ iks\' pleind ]36.beds[ bedz ] 37.closer[ \'kl?uuz? ]38.said [ sed ]39.parents[ \'p??r?nts ] 40.excited [ ik\' saitid ]


41.chains 42.information43.authentic 44.combinability 45.presentation 第六节:翻译题(本大题共6小题,第46-50小题每小题1分,51题5分,共10分) 把下面的句子翻译成为英文

46.His limited English made it impoible for him to be up to the job.47.Arrangement have been made for the mayor to attend the opening ceremony of the TV Festival.48.Soybean can be cooked in many different ways.49.Population control is one of the most serious problems facing the country.50.He has decided to take the position at Longman Group Limited.把下面短文划线部分翻译成中文。


(2)然而这些所谓的好处往往被鞭炮产生的不良后果抵消了。 (3)燃鞭炮会制造巨大的燥声,严重污染大气。


(5)如果在城市里真正有效地禁止放鞭炮,从长远观点来看,是值得的。 第七节:简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)


学习就是通过课堂活动和练习,使学生掌握语音、语法、词汇等语言知识。(1分) 运用是指通过练习和课堂活动,使学生自由地实际地运用语言,典型的活动有:扮演角色、辩论、讨论等。(2分)



第八节:写作(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分) 55.书面表达

I’m sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy.In my opinion, physical state and mental state affect each other and I can suggest some methods to improve your present condition.First of all, you must keep happy.It is reported in some medical magazine that laughing happily three times a day is good for your health.Furthermore, having enough sleep is very neceary.Lack of sleep is said to be one of the causes of bad temper.And then, I suggest you give up junk food and choose healthy food such as fruits、vegetables and milk.Last but the most important one is doing exercise on regular basis.You know, physical exercise can make you relaxed and at ease .I believe you are sure to be a happy and healthy girl if you follow my advice above.Best wishes! Come on! Yours, Martin 56.(1) Would you quit your job if you made a fortune or had a lot of money? (2) In a 1995 poll conducted by the Gallup Organization, quite a few people said they would do so, yet researchers find that work is one of life’s chief satisfactions for many people.(3) Consider Liu Yan, 23, a former school teacher.(4) Before she quit her job in 1994, she taught at a high school.(5) Although the salary was quite moderate, she liked her job and worked so succefully that in only one year’s time after her graduation from college, she not only won a prize for excellence in teaching, but also enjoyed wide popularity among her students.(6) In her second teaching year, however, she met a millionaire and got married; and went to live in Hongkong with her husband.(7) There she led a very comfortable and easy life, spending most of her days doing shopping and going travelling.(8) After one year of endle vacation, though, she began to mi her work and asked for return to her teaching position.(9) “I’m so tired of this kind of life,” she explained in her letter to the school she had previously worked for, “that I mi more than ever the days with my students.”

(10) A job is more than a paycheck; doing something one likes can contribute greatly to his or her happine and contentment.第九节:论述题(本大题15分) 57.(1)任务教学要有明确的目标体系,可操作可实施;(1分)

(2)学习活动要设计贴近学生生活的语境活动,引发学生的学习兴趣,并能在学习生活实际中运用。 (3)任务学习中要多样化,有层次及梯度、认知、调整、交际等策略性活动提高学生使用语言的完整性、流畅性及准确性。(1分)

(4)任务完成时应展示与目标对应的实质性结果,四元素相辅相成:(1分) a.目标及结果对应分析,并举例。(4分)

b.语境设计中真实性活动,模拟性活动等有助于目标的达成并举例。(4分) c.策略性程序性活动设计有助于语境更真实,目标达成更具可能性,并举例。(4分)


Unit 1

Campus Life






I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.If you have mosquito problems, remember that they reproduce in water.Be sure to ______ these spots in and around your home.




D.decrease 2.In order to buy a house she had to obtain a ________ from the bank.A.finance



D.debt 3.The house was sold for $60,000, which was far more than its real A.cost



D.money 4.The theory of continental drift can __________ the occurrence of earthquakes.A.clear up

C.make clear

B.make use of

D.give an account for 5.The ancient Egyptians believed all illnees were related to _________ was eaten.A.which



D.that 6.So little _________ about physics that the lecture was completely beyond me.A.I knew

B.did I know

C.I have known

D.have I known 7.I should have insisted on ________ a thorough rest before you left for New York.A.you to take

B.your taking

C.that you take

D.yours taking 8.Without the computer, we _________ the tremendous medical advancements in the last few decades.A.would not make

B.will not have made C.could not make

D.could not have made 9.___________ his help, I would not have finished the work so quickly.A.But for

B.Except for


D.With 10.His car broke down when he was only _________ home.A.a half way

B.half a way

C.halfway to


II 1--5


II.Reading Comprehension A college profeor once asked his cla, \"Can men and women really be just friends?\" My answer is yes! I met Joe in college: in fact, our friendship began in that cla.Joe quickly became my best friend: we had the same major, the same claes, and the same tastes.We spent a lot of time together studying and laughing.After college, we took jobs very far apart, but we kept in touch with the occasional emails and phone calls.Our troubles began many years later, when mutual friends decided we were perfect for one another.

When we relocated to the same city, we foolishly listened to our friends and families and tried dating.It was a disaster! Our strong friendship wasn\'t meant to bring us together as husband and wife.We parted bitterly, with great disappointment and many angry words Eight years paed before we were able to resume our friendship.Today, we love each other dearly, but as brother and sister.Joe is still my best friend, and at his wedding last year, I acted as the bridesmaid! I cried at his wedding, tears of joy at seeing my friend\'s happine.When his new baby was born, I expected it to be named after me.I sometimes think of that college profeor, and how lonely I would be if I had listened to him.Cherish your college friendships without worrying about gender, and if you\'re lucky, some of them will last a lifetime.

C1.What is the paage mainly about?

A.Love on campus.

B.College friendships C.Friendship between men and women

D.Joe\'s wedding.2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the paage?

A.Shortly after college, the author became Joe\'s wife.

B.Men and women can really be just friends.

C.They still loved each other as lovers.D.After eight years, they divorced as friends.3.What might the word \"date\" mean in the paage?

A.Meeting with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

B.Doing something old-fashioned.

C.Determining the time to do something.

D.Writing a timetable.4.When did they resume their friendship?

A.After graduating from college.

B.After their taking jobs.

C.After the birth of Joe\'s new baby.

D.Eight years after their parting.5.Why did the author cry at Joe\'s wedding?

A.Because she was sad that she couldn\'t be Joe\'s wife any more.

B.Because she was overjoyed that Joe finally got his happine.

C.Because she still loved Joe and regretted that she had left him.

D.Because she was excited to be Joe\'s bridesmaid. Unit 2

Housing Problem I




BCBDB I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.It has always _________ me why you believe the Earth is flat.




D.understood 2.Be careful, because that knife is very _________.




D.quick 3.I should like to try that coat on, but I don\'t know if it is my _______.A.length



D.pattern 4.I don\'t __________ that as a serious mistake.




D.suggest 5.You can _________ on John to look after things while you are away.A.believe



D.trust 6.We didn\'t see him at the lecture yesterday.He A.mustn\'t attend

B.couldn\'t have attended

C.would have not attended

D.needn\'t have attended 7.His book was much better than similar books _______ before him.A.being written

B.having written


D.writing 8.A bottle weighs more after air is put in._________ proves that air has weight.A.We



D.What 9.We have learned _______ the rocks on the moon are 3,500 million years old. A.how



D.that 10.___________ people say, I am sure that he is innocent.A.Whoever




II 1--5

BDADC II.Reading Comprehension After my father paed away, I found a piece of paper in his wallet.It was old and almost crumbled (破碎) away at my touch.I carefully unfolded it and found the following: Wanted: Honest men and women.Job description: Crowd control, watching, and patrolling (巡逻).You will often work with a partner, someone who must watch out for you while, you do the same for them.You must be in control of your temper when others may lose theirs.You must be physically fit, of high intelligence, and the highest moral fiber(道德力量).You must be willing to work long hours, perhaps standing or walking for the entire shift.Training: Extensive and on-going.Pay: Not very high.Benefits: The satisfaction of a job well done; positive contribution to society; the opportunity to make a real difference in the community.The knowledge that you help keep children safe.Drawbacks: Long hours, low pay, danger, and occasional loneline and boredom.To apply, talk to the nearest Police Station about training as an officer.

My father lost his life in the line of duty as a police officer.He never spoke about his work, preferring to come home to peace and quiet and to his favorite chair.But when I read this, I felt I was closer to my father.

1.What is the paage mainly about? A.An advertisement put up by the author\'s father.B.The job as a police officer.C.The author\'s family.D.The death of the author\'s father.2.What does the phrase \"pa away\" mean in the paage? A.Leave.

B.Go away

C.Move to another place.

D.Die.3.According to the paage, how can we describe the job as a police officer? A.Dangerous and hard.


D.Well-paid.4.According to the paage, what kind of person is fit for the job as a police officer? A.Honest and physically fit.B.Intelligent and moral.C.Responsible and well-disciplined.D.With the above three qualities.5.Why did the author\'s father never speak of his job to his family?

A.Because he wasn\'t interested in his job.

B.Because he was too tired to speak a word.

C.Because he didn\'t want his family to worry about him.

D.Because discipline made him keep silent.

1 Unit 3

Marriage & Family





BABCD I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.Henry looked very much ________ when he was caught cheating in the exam.A.excited



D.conceited 2.He prefers driving __________ cycling.




D.to 3.Luckily, most sheep __________ the flood last month A.endured



D.paed 4.These trees cannot be grown in such a cold _________ as ours.A.weather



D.climate 5.The hoste, dreed in her finest costume, together with the guest of honor, __________ comfortably in the living room.A.was seated

B.were seated


D.seating 6.The kind of books an author writes _________on the kind of person that he is. A.was depended



D.were depended 7.____ the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.A.Searching

B.Being searched


D.To search 8.It is neceary that another computer center _____ on campus A.will be built

B.be built C.must be built

D.has to be built 9.Peter _____ to the match, but he went.A.didn\'t need go

B.needn\'t to go C.needn\'t have gone

D.didn\'t need to have gone 10.Many colleagues came to help me; otherwise I _________ so much work in such a short time yesterday.A.would not handle

B.will not have handled C.could not handle

D.could not have handled

II 1--5


II.Reading Comprehension

The family TV show Happy Days ran for 11 years from 1974 to 1984, creating several by-product series.In one episode (一集), there was a new character, an alien from outer space.He was played by an unknown actor.People roared with laughter at his crazy antics (滑稽动作).No one had seen this type of comedy before, and they protested for more.The network administrators knew they had a new star on their hands: from that single performance, Robin Williams became the star of a brand-new comedy series, Mork and Mindy.He played the character of an alien who comes to the Earth in a giant egg-shaped spacecraft.He is friendly, and observes and reports back to his planet.He sleeps standing on his head, thinks that all eggs are spacecraft, and sometimes wears his clothes backwards.His kind new friend, Mindy, helps to take care of him.They marry, and have a child together.But Mork gives birth, and the child is actually an old man who ages backward! In addition to his work as a comedian on this and other projects, Robin Williams is also an excellent dramatic actor.Anyone who has seen his films will agree that he is a man who can make you laugh, cry, think, and feel.

1.Which title suits this paage best?

A.The Family TV Show Happy Days.

B.The Life of Robin Williams.C.Robin Williams--An Excellent Comedy Actor.D.The Performance of Robin Williams.2.What made Robin Williams become a new star according to the paage? A.His role in Happy Days.

B.This new type of comedy.C.His handsomene.

D.Both A and B.3.What does the word \"alien\" mean in the paage? A.A stranger from another city.

B.A creature from another world.C.A foreigner from another country.

D.A guest from a suburban area.4.Which of the following is NOT true about the character of an alien Robin Williams played in Mork and Mindy? A.The alien comes to the Earth in a giant egg-shaped spacecraft.B.The alien sleeps standing on his head.C.The alien wears his clothes backwards.

D.The alien comes to the Earth accidentally.5.What can you learn from the paage?

A.Robin Williams is a gifted actor.

B, Robin Williams is a diligent (勤奋的) actor.

C.Robin Williams and Mindy married and had a child.

D.Robin Williams was famous during 1974-1984.

2 Unit 4

Philosophy of Life






I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.The exchange rate of dollars to yuan was rising _________.





2.In a way, I\'m glad you\'ve made the mistake, for it _______ as a warning to you.A.serves



D.servants 3.Love is when your lover _________ into your eyes and it warms your heart.A.glares



D.watches 4.It\'d be great fun for her if she would just let herself _________ and enjoy herself.




D.out 5.All __________ the report, she didn\'t cry when the officer informed her of her husband\'s death.




D.thorough 6.Peter said that he wouldn\'t mind _________ the window.

A.my opening

B.I open

C.me to open

D.for me to open 7.He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he ________ to the meeting.A.had come

B.would come

C.could come

D.would have come 8.If it __________ yesterday afternoon, I would have gone fishing.A.had not been raining

B.were not raining C.would not be raining

D.should not be raining 9._________ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist

A.That was from Stephen

B.It was Stephen whom

C.It was from Stephen that

D.It was Stephen that 10.Mr.Johnson preferred __________ heavier work to do.

A.to be giving

B.to be given

C.to have given

D.having given

II 1-- 5

BCBAA II.Reading Comprehension The next time you\'re watching television, pay attention to the advertisements.Even if the ad is for a woman\'s personal product, or baby diapers, the chances are that a man\'s voice is used in the commercial.Why? Because a man\'s voice carries more weight and authority to many people.Advertising agencies hire psychologists to determine what makes people respond to an ad by purchasing the product.Most people are conditioned to obey their fathers.Advertisers know a kindly male voice talking about the product in the last five seconds of a commercial has a subliminal (潜意识的) effect on the consumer.The consumer obeys that voice, leading to the purchase of one brand over another.This is especially important in products that are basically the same, such as detergent, or washing powder.Research proves that most of these products are equally effective: the only difference may be the scent, or perhaps the color.But consumers may not be aware of that.There are exceptions, of course.My grandmother, who is 87 years old, is one of the few people not influenced by commercials.She turns the television sound off when a commercial comes on TV.When asked why, she replied, \"Men sell that stuff.And what does any man know about washing clothes?\"

1.Some products, such as washing powder, are basically the same, except for _______.

A.the price

B.the scent or color

C.the expiry date

D.the purchasing method 2.The focus of the paage is on __________.

A.the visual effect of ads

B.the design of ads

C.the voice in ads

D.the beauties in ads 3.The products mentioned in the paage are mainly designed for __________.A.men



D.old people 4.According to the paage, a male voice usually appears ________ an ad.A.at the end of

B.at the beginning of C.in the middle of

D.all through 5.A man\'s voice is often used in an ad because it carries A.more influence

B.more information C.more certainty

D.more experience

3 Unit 5







I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.We are happy to find that this Italian restaurant is ________ to the one we went to last week.





2.The child didn\'t let go of her mother\'s hand and was ________ to leave her mother.A.willing



D.declined 3.My new hat is _________ to the one you have.A.familiar



D.similar 4.As the salary is high, the __________ for the job is very severe.A.competition



D.constant 5.He was _________ the gold medal for being the best player.A.rewarded



D.towards 6.If you had told me about your problem, I _________ able to help you then.A.could be

B.had been C.would be

D.might have been 7.The matter __________ you were arguing about last night had been settled.A.as


C.for which

D.what 8.He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruits ________ reach.A.within




9.It\'s really no busine of yours ________ I spent my summer vacation.A.there

B.in which


D.any place 10.John found __________ so complicated a question.A.it hard to answer

B.himself hard to answer C.hard for him to answer

D.himself hard answering

II 1--5

DACCB II.Reading Comprehension Anyone who thinks it’s easy being a star should meet one of the hardest-working celebrities on the planet.Liu Dehua, appearing in 108 films in 20 years, is the “No.1 Box office Actor 1985——2005” of Hong Kong.But he’s more than just a pretty face, with a separate career as a singer and musician.He\'s one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Canto-pop, along with Jacky Cheung, Aaron Kwok, and Leon Lai.In fact, he is in the Guinne World Records for “Most Awards Won by a Canto-Pop Male Artist”.By April 2000, Liu Dehua had won 292 awards for his singing career, with more than 179 concert appearances since 1992.If this doesn\'t impre you, there\'s one more fact you should know: he has accomplished this body of work while struggling with Hepatitis B(乙型肝炎).In 2006, Liu Dehua revealed that he has been a carrier of this 1ife-threatening condition for 20 years.Currently 3%一6% of the world’s population is infected with the Virus, but up to a third or more may have been exposed.Mr.Liu’s decision to publicly acknowledge the condition demonstrates that he is as courageous as he is hard—working and handsome.Perhaps his honesty will help others to come forth and acknowledge their illne, or seek treatment.

1.Which of me following is NOT the reason for Liu Dehua\'s succe? A.Being handsome.

B.Being hardest-working C.Being honest.

D.Being generous.2.Which of the following statements about Liu Dehua is NOT true according paage? A.His honesty will threaten his career.B.He is the No.1 Box 0fficeActor 1985—2005.C.He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Canto-pop.D.He has been infected with a dangerous disease.3.What proportion of the world’s population has been exposed to be infected with the Hepatitis B virus? A.3%—6%.

B.About 1%—2% C.Above 1%—2%

D.Above 33%.4.What is the significance of Mr.Liu’s decision to publicly acknowledge his health condition? A.People win like his films and songs better.B.People will know that he is hard-working and courageous.C.His honesty will help others to make open their illne and try to get treatment.D.He may find the best treatment by publicly acknowledging his illne.5.What is the author\'s attitude towards Liu Dehua? A.Sympathetic.




4 Unit 6

Social News





DCADB I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.Columbus discovered America but did not _______ the new continent.A.find



D.invest 2.I gave her a ________ on the back and told her she had done fine work.A.beat



D.pat 3.In history, those who launched aggreive wars all came to a bad ___________.A.conclusion



D.doom 4.His victories in the war ________ him the title of “The Great”.




D.took 5.The atmosphere _________ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.A.consists in


C.consists of

D.makes up 6.The proposal _______ we should import more equipment from abroad is to be discued at the meeting.A.whose

B.in which


D.that 7.__________ from the hill top, the lake scenery is beyond description.

A.To see



D.To be seen 8.It is eential that every child __________ equal opportunity in education.A.have

B.will have


D.has had 9.He didn\'t know French, _________ made it difficult for him to study at a university in France.A.that



D.which 10.If the design is wrong, the project is bound to fail, __________ good all the other ideas might be.A.whatever




II 1--5

CDACB II.Reading Comprehension Girls dream of having the perfect wedding, but when I got engaged, I have up any dream of the perfect day.My mother has to have her own way.She’s a very nice woman, but she\'s convinced that what she wants is exactly what you want, and you cannot tell her otherwise.Since my parents were paying for the wedding, I kept my mouth shut, and let her decide everything! I was not married in church, but in the same hall where my brother was married.It had recently been remodeled, and all the charming features, such as a large stone fireplace, were removed.She insisted that my cousin make my wedding dre.I wanted a simple long white dre with long sleeves.My cousin made a short dre without sleeves.My cousin also added a HUGE bow on the back of the dre that looked as if I sat in a wedding cake! My mother also insisted on making the cake, but she ran out of time to frost (给„覆上糖霜) it, and a huge, plain cake was served.I wanted a single rose for a bouquet (花束); my mother insisted that my sister, a florist (花店店主), make me a huge bouquet of lilies (百合花), which I am allergic to! My mother referred to this as “my daughter’s dream wedding”.Dream wedding? More like a nightmare!

1.Why couldn\'t the author dream of having the perfect wedding? A.Because she was very poor.B.Because she didn\'t have enough time to prepare.C.Because her mother organized everything.D.Because her parents loved her sister and brother more.2.What was the author diatisfied with? A.Her wedding dre.

B.Her wedding place.C.Her wedding cake.

D.All of the above.3.Why didn\'t the author protest against her mother\'s arrangements of her marriage? A.Because her parents were paying for the wedding.B.Because it\'s a custom to follow her brother\'s wedding.C.Because she was used to listening to her parents.D.Because she was afraid of her mother.4.Which of the following statement is TRUE? A.The author\'s mother is a dremaker.B.The author\'s brother is a priest.C.The author\'s sister is a florist.D.The author\'s cousin is a baker.5.What can we infer from the paage? A.Wedding customs are different from place to place.B.The author was disappointed, and her mother the opposite.C.A succeful wedding needs long preparation.D.Money is very important for weddings.

5 Unit 7

Customs and Culture I




ACBAD I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.I was on ________ last week and didn’t receive your letter.




D.venture 2.Tom _______ us in the discuion yesterday.




D.took part in 3.The Chinese Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first ________ month.A.global



D.lunar 4.Tangyuan,_________ rice balls, are a special treat during the Chinese Lantern Festival.




D.spicy 5.In ancient times, people created many different ways to ________ time.




D.master 6.She said they were married, _________ I\'m sure they aren\'t.A.however



D.moreover 7.That paper must be handed in by next week, so make sure ________ to the deadline.


B.for keeping

C.you keep

D.your keeping 8.The criminal _______ from prison after serving his sentence.


B.was released

C.will release

D.is to release 9.I am wondering ________ for Chinese people these days.A.what the dragon means

B.what does the dragon mean C.how the dragon means

D.how does the dragon mean 10._________ are thought to be lucky.A.To eat the dumpling with a coin

B.Who eat the dumpling with a coin C.That who eats the dumpling with a coin

D.Those who eat the dumpling with a coin



DABCD II.Reading Comprehension One of the greatest philosophers of Western thought is Benjamin Franklin.Franklin is known as “the poor man\'s philosopher” because his simple wisdom is so clear that even \'an uneducated man could understand it.

Franklin offered homilies (布道) such as “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Many of these sayings were published anonymously by Franklin in his Poor Richard\'s Almanac.This pamphlet 小册子), which was published from 1732 to 1757, also contained a calendar, weather predictions, and poetry, and was a very popular magazine in its day.Franklin, also known as a diplomat, printer, American patriot, scientist, and inventor, contributed greatly to the development of democratic government, and to the culture of the American people.

Some of his maxims found from this publication include: • Let thy discontents by thy secrets; if the worm knows them \'t will despise thee and increase them.• Neceity never makes a good bargain.•Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.•Where there\'s Marriage without Love, there will be Love without Marriage.•If you\'d have it done, Go; if not, Send.Ben Franklin did much to contribute to the general body of knowledge in so many areas.It is well worth the time to cultivate some knowledge of this man and his many accomplishments.

1.Why is Franklin known as \"the poor man\'s philosopher\"? A.Because Franklin was probably from a poor family.B.Because Franklin\'s wisdom is not very well-known.C.Because the rich are not interested in his philosophy.D.Because it\'s easy for common people to understand his philosophy.2.What was Poor Richard\'s Almanac in the paage? A.A kind of magazine.

B.A detective novel.C.A sales brochure.

D.A history book.3.What does the underlined word \"maxims\" mean? A.Hobbies, interests, or social customs.B.Proverbs or some well-known life philosophy.C.Some parts that a book mainly comprises.D.Some different sections of a publication.4.Which of the following contributions of Franklin is NOT mentioned in the paage? A.The contribution to the general body of knowledge.B.The contribution to the culture of the American people.C.The contribution to the development of agriculture.D.The contribution to the development of democratic government.5.What does the author suggest at the end of the paage? A.Don\'t waste any minute in life.

6 B.It\'s worth becoming an inventor like Franklin.C.It\'s a waste of time to cultivate rich and famous people.D.It\'s worth developing some of Franklin\'s wisdom.

Unit 8

Police and Security I





I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.A man ________ the accident said that the bus was going at over 80mph when it crashed.A.observed




2.With the development of the internet, the number of teenagers never of hardly reading for fun has ________ greatly in the last decade.





3.It __________ us years to find out that Father loved us very much because he never expreed it.A.spent



D.valued 4.It\'s very ________ to see children who dre just like their parents.A.general



D.usual 5.Now too much __________ is paid to and too much money is spent in keeping pets while people in some countries are starving.A.effort



D.time 6._________ with the French, the British eat far le fish A.In contrast

B.In comparison

C.In conclusion

D.In addition 7.It is neceary that you _________ back from the project and _________ at it as a whole.A.step; look

B.will step; will look C.would step; would look

D.stepped; looked 8.____________ us light and heat, the sun is shining bright in the sky.

A.To give



D.Giving 9.__________ you take a taxi, you\'ll still mi the train.

A.But for

B.Except for

C.Even if

D.If only 10.It is common sense __________ a left-handed man\'s right brain is more developed.






1-- 5


II.Reading Comprehension My mother, at age 75, is a very tough person.She looks like a tiny dainty (小巧玲珑的) doll, but she\'s made of steel.When she was ten, she witneed Japanese soldiers killing her parents, leaving her the head of the household with a younger brother and sister.Other family members took her brother and sister, but she was left to fend (保护) for herself.She became a soldier, rising to a high rank, then worked in the government for a number of years.

Five years ago, Mother took a tour of the United States, and was hit by a Japanese-made car accidentally.Every bone on the left side of her body was broken.Her brain swelled (肿胀), and she went into a coma (昏迷) for eight months.No one expected her to survive.One day she woke up, and the first thing she said was, \"Nothing made in Japan is going to kill me!\" There are so many brave and wonderful people who have survived the hell of war, and its aftermath (后果).But Mother is my favorite person.She has sweetne, a sense of humor, and determination to lead a good and full life despite everything.I wonder how many of us could face the challenges and loes she has faced, and still believe that life is a wonderful gift.

1.What happened to the author\'s grandparents when her mother was 10?

A.Died of illne.

B.Killed by Japanese soldiers.

C.Divorced each other.

D.Left their motherland.2.Which of the following is NOT true of the author\'s mother?

A.She brought up her younger brother and sister.

B.She worked in the government for years.

C.She ever served in the army.

D.She began to fend for herself at the age of 10.3.What happened to the author\'s mother when she traveled to the United States several years ago?

A.She died in a car accident.

B.She was badly hurt by a car.

C.She survived a Japanese murder.

D.She was murdered by a Japanese.4.In the author\'s mind, what kind of a woman is her mother? A.Tough.



D.All of the above.5.What\'s the author\'s attitude toward her mother? A.Critical.



D.Sarcastic.Unit 9

Advertisement Influence I




CACAC I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.You should concern yourself with what is said, not what you think ________.

A.ought to be said

B.must say

C.have to be said

D.need to say 2.Often propaganda __________ people into thinking that a product is something that it is not.

A.used to trick

B.is used to trick C.is used to tricking

D.used to tricking 3.The manager gets himself into a dangerous situation __________ he has no control.

A.over that



D.over which 4.The West Lake is so beautiful that it is really _________.

A.worthy visiting

B.worth being visited

C.worth visit

D.worth visiting 5.The computer games entertain _________ educate the learners.



C.as good as

D.as well as

6.Nowadays, children prefer __________ on computers to playing with friends outside.

A.to play games

B.play games

C.playing games

D.to playing games 7.As well as being very __________ about the horses\' condition, the old horseman was equally concerned about their appearance when picking horses.

A, particular



D.delightful 8.Not until the sun set __________ at the mountain village.A.had he arrived

B.could he have arrived C.did he arrive

D.might he have arrived 9.The police could give you a fine __________.

A.on the spot

B.at the place

C.in the field

D.on the ground 10.The villagers all ___________ something to the new church buildings.A.gave





1-- 5


II.Reading Comprehension When I lived in Canada, many people asked me about Chinese customs.I was happy to talk about our many lovely traditions, such as Spring Festival.But I was unprepared for the number of people who asked me about Japan, Korea, and India! It seemed unbelievable to me that so many people were unaware that China is a nation with its own tradition and history.Recently, while working on a new textbook at a publishing company, I asked a foreign colleague about weddings in Nigeria.She looked at me as if I were crazy, and said, \"How would I know? I\'m from Canada.\" I told her that all foreign cultures are alike, so she should know.She threw her head back and laughed.\"Xiao Li,\" she told me.\"I don\'t mean to hurt your feelings, but all countries have customs different from one another! Didn\'t you tell me how angry you were when Western people asked you about Japan? It\'s not just nations that are different: country people have different ways of celebrating from city people.Celebrations are different from family to family as well.\" At first, my feelings were very hurt, but then I realized she was right.From that time on, I have not expected my foreign colleagues to know all about the customs or languages of lands other than their own!

1.Why did the author feel it was unbelievable when some Western people asked him about Japan, Korea and India?

A.Because he hadn\'t ever been to these countries.B.Because he didn\'t expect few people knew China has its own tradition and history.C.Because he didn\'t like these countries.D.Because he thought that those Western people were empty-headed.2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this paage?

A.The author was happy to talk about Chinese customs.

B.The author\'s foreign colleague didn\'t know about weddings in Nigeria.

C.All foreign cultures are the same.

D.The author was angry when he was asked about Japan.3.What does \"threw her head back\" mean? A.Nodded her head.

B.Shook her head.C.Faced upward.

D.Moved her head to the side.4.Why did the author ask his foreign colleague about weddings in Nigeria? A.Because he thought that all foreign cultures were alike.B.Because the colleague was a Nigerian.C.Because the colleague used to live in Nigeria.D.Because the colleague was very knowledgeable.5.Which of the following can NOT be inferred from this paage? A.Celebrations are different from family to family.B.Customs are different in Japan, Korea, India and China.C.The author would never ask his foreign colleagues about the customs that are not

their own.

8 D.The author\'s foreign colleague used to visit Nigeria.Unit 10

Busine Communication





DCBAB I.Choose the best answer from the four choices.1.Although this village is very poor now, its ________ wealth is great.





2.According to the weather report, which is usually _________ it will rain heavily tomorrow.




D.perfect 3.I have great interest in a detailed _________ of your journey.




D.illustration 4.They _________ a general understanding of the present situation.A.lack of

B.are lacking of


D.are in lack 5.Judging from the report, we can ________ that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunken driving in England every year.A.declaim



D.imagine 6.It is important that this meage _________ to the army on time.A.will be sent

B.is sent

C.is sending

D.be sent 7.I saw a lot of children playing in the garden, most of them ________ girls.A.are



D.have been 8.What caused the accident and who should take the responsibility _________ unknown to all.A.remains


C.is remained

D.are remained 9.Extra security has been ordered in the city ___________ 40 civilians were left dead in a conflict between the government and the rebels.A.where



D.what 10 When _________ this machine, you must read the instructions first.A.use


C.to use

D.having used


1-- 5 ABDCB II.Reading Comprehension If you want to be taken seriously in the busine world, you must understand how to write a proper letter.Don\'t use big words: use everyday language.The word \"per\" is often used in busine communication.It\'s not a real word! Don\'t use it.Use short words, and short paragraphs.Space your paragraphs evenly and cleanly for a more profeional look.The average paper can hold 66 sentences: use this guide as you format your letter, so that the bulk 大部分) of the words are nicely centered.Think about when your letter is going to reach its recipient.You don\'t want your letter to get lost in the end-of-the-month bills.A letter that arrives on Monday is le likely to be read carefully than one that arrives on Tuesday.A good tip: include the words \"you\" or \"your\" as one of the first three opening words.Why? It draws the reader\'s attention to the letter! The only thing better than this is opening with a referral (提及) to a mutual acquaintance (熟人.), as in \"Liu Deming suggested that I write to you.\" Readers also love stories--particularly humor--and anything in quotes.Quotation marks catch the eye, and make the letter look more inviting.Sign your letter legibly, so that your name can be read clearly.Nothing says \"egomaniac\" like a big, ugly scrawl (潦草的笔迹).

1.What is the main idea of the paage? A.How to write a proper busine letter.B.How to use everyday language in a letter.C.How to space paragraphs evenly and cleanly in a letter.D.How to use short words and short sentences in a letter.2.Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the paage? A.Big words should not appear in a busine letter.B.The word \"per\" should be used in a busine letter.C.A letter had better arrive on Tuesday than on Monday.D.Stories or humors can be used to attract readers.3.What is a better tip on starting a busine letter? A.Start the letter with the words such as \"you\" or \"your\".B.Start the letter in a courteous manner.C.Start the letter with stories or humors.D.Start the letter with a referral to a mutual acquaintance.4.What does the word \"legibly\" mean in the paage? A.Properly.



D.Evenly.5.What can be inferred from the paage? A.Writing proper busine letters is of first importance in the busine world.B.Following the advice in this paage, one can be taken seriously in the busine world.C.People are sure to be succeful in the busine world if they write letters in the way proposed in this paage.D.The author ever failed in the busine world because he lacked the skills in writing proper busine letters.

9 附1:单元练习题参考答案

Unit 1







Unit 2


1--5 II 1--5

Unit 3


1--5 II 1--5

Unit 4


1--5 II 1-- 5

Unit 5


1--5 II 1--5

Unit 6


1--5 II 1--5

Unit 7


1--5 II













BCBDB 6--10





DBACA 6--10




Unit 8






1-- 5


Unit 9






1-- 5


Unit 10






1-- 5 ABDCB



I 选择下列单词或短语正确的汉语或英语释义 (10%)





D.祖先 2.abundant




D.丰富的 3.result from




D.因为 4.in place of




D.代替 5.make amends for




D.对„吹毛求疵 6.大学校园
















11 A.be critical of

B.put one’s mind to… C.interfere with

D.follow in


A.allow for

B.take over

C.be responsible for

D.result in

II 选择最佳答案完成句子 (20%)

11.Some students like __________ a room with others while some prefer being






12.He_____ New York for Oregon and will stay there for a year.

A.has been left to

B.had left


D.has left

13.Her father will never _____ of her marriage to you.




D.trust 14.The river was high because it ________ for several days.

A.has been raining

B.was raining

C.had been raining

D.rained 15.An idea ______________ to him while he was reading.

A.checked in

B.added to

C.occurred to

D.arose from 16.I hope you will have a pleasant __________ back to your own country.




D.run 17.We have to use something ______ will not melt easily.





18.______ he realized it was too late to return home.

A.No sooner it grew dark when

B.It was not until dark that

C.Scarcely it grew dark than

D.Hardly it grew dark than

19.She spent an hour in front of the mirror, _____ through her long hair.




D.fitting 20.“Is there any special program you would like to watch?” “______ you choose is all right with me.”




D.Whatever 21.We heard ______ we were all falling asleep.

A.such long a lecture that

B.a very long lecture that

C.so long a lecture that

D.a too long lecture that

22.Eating and drinking too much can _____________ some serious health problems.

A.result from

B.come from

C.result in

D.come to

23.People, _____ youngsters don\'t seem so polite these days.




D.justly 24.America was the great _____ of Columbus.




D.document 25.You can ______ blue and yellow paint to make green.





26.He speaks English, but not ______ his sister does.

A.as well as

B.so well like

C.so good as

D.as good as

12 27.Many students find ______ jobs during their summer holidays.




D.temporary 28.The town ______ my father grew up is not far from here.





29.________ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.





30.I would have paid ______ for my car if the salesman had insisted, because I really wanted it.A.much twice

B.twice as much

C.times two

D.as much twice

III 阅读理解 (30%)

Paage 1

It is estimated that 93% of high school seniors have consumed alcohol within the past year.It is also estimated that the median age for the first alcoholic drink is 13.However, only 10% of adolescent (青少年) drinkers are considered to have a problem.Adolescent drinking involves typical youth features such as rebellion against parents, few responsibilities, and adolescent confusion.Adolescent alcoholism seems to occur from personality and hereditary(遗传的)factors.When an adolescent\'s life is being affected in terms of quality and performance by the use of alcohol, they are considered to be a problem drinker.The following are poible indicators of adolescent alcoholism: sudden drop in grades, emotional highs and lows, sleeping more than usual, withdrawing from family functions, a change for the worse in physical hygiene(生理卫生), isolating himself in his room, short temper, defensive attitude.

31.In Glatt’s opinion, what kind of adolescent drinkers are considered problem ones?

A.Only 10% of high school seniors.

B.Those who rebel against their parents.

C.Those who have few responsibilities.

D.Those whose lives are affected in terms of quality and performances by the use of alcohol.

32.The following are the signs of teen alcoholism EXCEPT ______.

A.change to worse in healthy living

B.running away from home

C.sudden drop in grades

D.fiery temper

33.The second paragraph probably describe ______.

A.the difference between adolescent drinking and adolescent alcoholism

B.the behaviors that problem drinkers may have

C.the features that adolescent drinking involves

D.what adolescent alcoholism is called

34.What’s the estimated median age for the first alcoholic drink?





35.When are adolescent (青少年) drinkers considered to be a problem drinker.

A.When they don’t go to school.

B.When an adolescent\'s life is being affected in terms of quality and performance by the use of alcohol.

C.When they don’t study well.

D.When they are depreed.

Paage 2 What suggestions do you have to help a female high school sophomore athlete get a good night’s sleep before an important game?

This is a good question.I’m sure the iue of sleeplene before the big athletic event or test affects many of us.She needs to learn some relaxation techniques.These techniques include breathing techniques, and self-hypnosis (自我催眠) etc..There are some physicians and mental health profeionals who may be expert in teaching these techniques to youngsters.You should check with the local county or state medical society.The young athlete should think of summer or winter vacation or ideas or events unrelated to the upcoming sporting event.The night before the big game I would recommend doing something fun and not sports related.This could include going to the movies, renting a movie, playing miniature golf, or “hanging out with friends.” I do not advise practicing the sport or sitting at home doing nothing.Finally, I do not recommend eating unusual foods the night before.Please avoid spicy foods as this could cause stomach upset.Avoid high fat meals or snacks as these can cause digestion problems as well.

36.The question raised here may belong to the category of ______.

A.Dealing with difficult coaches

B.Common sports injuries

C.Physical conditioning tips

D.Legal and ethical concerns in youth sports 37.The underlined word “this” refers to ______.

A.“doing something fun and not sports related” in the previous sentence

B.the night before the big game

C.the previous sentence

D.the upcoming sporting event

38.In response to the question Eric Small recommends ______ before a big game.

A.going to the movies

B.avoiding spicy foods

C.not eating high fat food

D.All of the above

39.What does the word sleeplene mean?

A.can not sleep

B.have a good sleep

C.have a sound sleep

D.Sleep for a long time 40.A female high school sophomore athlete can use the breathing techniques before

14 the big athletic event or test in order to ______.

A.keep sleeple

B.do some exercise

C.make relaxation

D.prepare for it

Paage 3

A certain man made an appointment to see a psychologist(心理学家).He arrived at the psychologist’s office and said to him, “Doctor, I always feel depreed.No matter what I do I still feel depreed.I just don\'t know what to do.”

The psychologist looked at him and said, “Come with me to the window.”

The man followed and then the psychologist pointed outside and said, “Do you see that tent over there in the distance? Well, there is a circus in town and it is really good.There are lots of acts to watch, especially the clown acts.And there is one clown in particular who is extremely funny.He will make you rock with laughter over and over again.Go and see that clown and I guarantee that you will not have any reason to be depreed again!”

The man turned to the psychologist with sad eyes and said, \"Doctor, I am that clown!\"

41.How about the doctor’s advice?

A.It worked well on the man.

B.It proved very effective.

C.It sounded very nice.

D.It did not work on the man. 42.What was the man’s problem?

A.He always felt sad.

B.He did not know what to do everyday.

C.He hates circus.

D.He always felt very disappointed. 43.The doctor’s advice was that_____________________________?

A.the man should learn from the clown in the circus

B.the man ought to watch the acts and imitate them

C.the man ought to go and see the clown

D.the man should go to watch the clown’s acts and have some fun.44.What’s the meaning of appointment the first paragraph?




D.watch 45.Where is the circus according the paage?

A.in town

B.out of the window

C.at the psychologist’s office

D.in a shop

IV 句子汉译英翻译,选出正确的句子翻译(20%)


A.She impreed her teacher with her hard work.

B.She impreed his teacher for her hard work.

C.She impre her teacher with her hard work.D.She imprees her teacher for her hard work.47.大学毕业之后,他们就失去联系了。

A.They have been no touch with each other since their graduate from college.

15 B.They have been out of touch with each other since they graduated from college.

C.They have been no touch with each other from their graduation from college.D.They have been out of touch with each other since their graduation from college.„„„ „„„

51.When he felt low, he would sit there silently for hours.A.在他下落时,他总是静坐几个小时。 B.情绪低落时,他总是静坐几个小时。

C.情绪低落时,他总是坐下来安静几个小时。 D.在他下落时,他总是坐下来安静几个小时。 „„„ „„„

55.Everyone should contribute to the development of our factory.A.每一个人都应对我们的工厂的发展进行捐献。 B.大家都应对我们的工厂的捐献力量。

C.每一个人都应对我们的工厂的发展进行投稿。 D.大家都应对我厂的发展贡献自己的一份力量。


V 应用文写作 (20%)

Direction: write a note to one of your clamates.Tell him or her that you are

not going to be in cla tomorrow and you want him / her to ask for leave for you.


英语试题 公共英语部分



2.考虑的翻译的可读性,改变了原本的表述方法,括号里是字面上的意思 3.每句与每句之间的衔接的逻辑连接词。 4.对前句翻译的说明。


Put the following paage into Chinese:

1、Critics of early schooling cite research that questions whether 4-year-old children are ready to take on formal learning.


Educators find that older toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, whereas their younger counterparts are more likely to fail.


Kindergarten children who turn five during the latter half of the year seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development.


Additionally, children who are nearly six when they enter kindergarten tend to receive better grades and score higher on achievement tests throughout their schooling experience than do those who begin kindergarten having just turned five.

另外,相比于那些刚刚5岁就被送进幼儿园的小孩,那些接近6岁才进入幼儿园的小孩在他们学校功课中常常能够获得更好的成绩,在成绩测试中也常常获得较高的分数。 Being bright and verbally skillful and being ready for school do not seem to be the same thing.(一个小孩)聪明、语言表达能力(是否强)与(他)是否适龄入学似乎并不是一回事。

It is easy to confuse the superficial poise and sophistication of many of today’s children with inner maturity.


Indeed, evidence suggests that early schooling boomerangs: Youngsters whose parents push them to attain academic succe in preschool are le creative, have more anxiety about tests, and, by the end of kindergarten, fail to maintain their initial academic advantage over their le-preured peers.实际上,有证据显示,早教所带来的恰恰适得其反。那些被父母后面督促着而学业有成的小孩(往往)缺乏创造力,而且对于考试他们显得更加焦虑。同时,相对于没有收到重压的同龄人,到学前教育结束之时,他们(已)难以维持最初在学业上的优势。

Many psychologists and educators remain skeptical of approaches that place 4-year-olds in a formal educational setting.


They question whether environmental enrichment can significantly alter the built-in developmental timetable of a child reared in a non disadvantaged home.


They do not deny, however, the value of day-care centers and nursery schools that provide a homelike environment and allow children considerable freedom to play, develop at their own pace, and evolve their social skills.然而,他们也并不否认那些托儿所和幼儿园的发挥的重要性。它们给孩子们提供了家一样的环境,充分自由的玩乐空间,任孩子们慢慢成长(字面:让它们按照自己的步伐成长/发展),同时还培养了它们的社交能力。

But they point out that many of the things children once did in first grade are now expected of them in kindergarten, and they worry lest more and more will now be asked of 4-year-olds.但是,它们也指出,以前许多在一年级才要求掌握的事情现在希望还在幼儿园的孩子也要学会,他们甚至还唯恐4岁的小孩知之过少(字面:他们唯恐小孩所要要求的将越来越多)。 These psychologists and educators believe we are driving young children too hard and thereby depriving them of their childhood.(同时)这些心理学家和教育家们认为,我们如此这般强压这些孩子以至于剥夺了他们的童年。

2、People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed.


It\'s not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is competitive.


Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions. 当然,这些问题也是社会科学家们所极其关心的问题。

They want to explain why we poe certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors. 他们想(为我们)解释为什么我们具备特定的个性、表现出一定的行为举止。

There are no clear answers yet, but two distinct schools of thoughts on the matter have developed. 然而这并没有确切的答案(可言),但是基于这个问题的两个思想流派已经发展起来。 As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from one another, and there is a great deal of debate between proponents of each theory.

正如你所料,两种思想流派是截然不同的,而二者理论的支持者之间存在剧烈的争论。 The controversy is often conveniently referred to as “nature/nurture.”


Those who support the “nature” side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological and genetic factors.那些“先天得之”论的支持者认为,我们的性格和行为模式在很大程度上取决于生物和遗传因素。

That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics, and behavior is central to this theory.我们所处的环境对我们能力、个性、行为(的塑造)甚至可能并没有什么作用,而这一点正是“先天得之”论的核心。

Taken to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts.这种理论甚至极端地坚持认为,我们的行为模式在很大程度上是先天决定的;因此,我们几乎完全受我们的本能所支配。

Proponents of the “nurture” theory, or as they are often called, behaviorists, claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act.


A behaviorist, B.F.Skinner, sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings.

一位名叫斯金纳(B.F.Skinner)行为学家认为,人类的行为模式完全是由周围环境塑造的。 The behaviorists\' view of the human being is quite mechanistic; they maintain that, like machines, humans respond to environmental stimuli as the basis of their behavior.


The traditional belief that a woman\'s place is in the home and that a woman ought not to go out to work can hardly be reasonably maintained in present conditions.


It is said that it is a woman\'s task to care for the children, but families today tend to be small and with a year or two between children.(传统观念)还认为,女人的天职就是照顾小孩,然而现如今家庭规模在逐渐变小,小孩之间的年龄差距也就一两岁。

Thus a woman\'s whole period of child bearing may occur within five years. 如此一来,一个女人用来照顾小孩得所有时间也就五年之内。

Furthermore, with compulsory education from the age of five or six, her role as chief educator of her children soon ceases.


Thus even if we agree, that a woman should stay at home to look after her children before they are of school age, for many women, this period would extend only for about ten years.因此,即使是我们同意,对于大多数女人来说,待在家里照顾孩子直到他们适龄入学,这段时间也仅仅是10年而已。

It might be argued that the house-proud women would still find plenty to do about the home. (然而,仍然)有可能会有争论说,那些以家庭为重的女人仍然可以找到很多与家庭有关的事情去做。

That may be so, but it is certainly no longer neceary for a woman to spend her whole life cooking, mending and sewing.


Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry, the latest models being entirely automatic and able to wash and dry a large quantity of clothes in a few minutes.


Refrigerators have made it poible to store food for long periods and many pre-cooked foods are obtainable in tins.


Shopping, instead of being a daily task, can be completed in one day a week. (这样一来)我们只需一周采购一次,而不是每天如此。

The new man-made fibres are more hardwearing than natural fibres and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful. (另外,)新型的人造纤维织物比自然纤维的织物更耐磨,在大大节省了修补工作的同时,这些成衣更便宜且更方便批量化。

3、In country after country, talk of nonsmokers’ right is in the air.


While a majority of countries have taken little or no action yet, some 30 nations have introduced legislative steps to control smoking.虽然大多数的国家(对此)极少甚至不采取任何行动,然而有30个国家已经通过立法措施来控烟。

Many laws have been introduced in other countries to help clear the air for nonsmokers, or to cut cigarette consumption.一些国家通过出台多项法律来保证非烟民不被动吸二手烟(字面:还非烟民洁净的空气),或者通过法律减少香烟消费。

In some developed countries the consumption of cigarettes has become more or le stabilized.


However, in many developing nations, cigarette smoking is seen as a sign of economic progre—and is even encouraged.然而,在许多发展中国家,吸烟(个人认为应该翻译成,烟草消费)被视作经济发展的标志,更有甚者他们还鼓励吸烟。

As more tobacco companies go international, new markets are sought to gain new smokers in those countries.


For example, great efforts are made by the American tobacco industry to sell cigarettes in the Middle East and North Africa—where U.S.tobacco exports increased by more than 27 percent in 1974.例如,美国烟草业在1974年向中东和北非输出的烟草总额增加了27%以上,为此他们做出了巨大的努力。

Smoking is harmful to the health of people.


World governments should conduct serious campaigns against it. 世界各国政府应该开展严肃的禁烟运动。

Restrictions on cigarette advertisement, plus health warnings on packages and bans on public smoking in certain places such as theatres, cinemas and restaurants, are the most popular tools used by nations in support of nonsmokers or in curbing smoking.


But world attention also is focusing on another step which will make the smoker increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortable about his habit.然而,世界各国所关注的下一步重点是,如何让这些烟民更加自觉并且让他们意识到吸烟是陋习

Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.(同时,)我们应该尽最大努力去告诫年轻人沾上吸烟这个陋习将会带来的恶果。 And cigarette price should be boosted.与此同时,香烟的价格应当提高。

In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether, but people are not ready for such drastic action.在这漫长的禁烟赛跑中,毫无疑问,每个人的生活都将因禁烟而变得美好,然而人们却并没有为这场激烈的禁烟战争做好准备。


We are told the ma media are the greatest organs for enlightenment that the world has yet seen; that in Britain, for instance, several million people see each iue of the current affairs programme, Panoroma.


It is true that never in human history were so many people so often and so much exposed to so many intimations about societies.

确实,同时让如此众多的人如此频繁密集地置身于形形色色的社会暗示当中,像这样的情况,在人类历史中还从未有过。(这一句当中intimations about societies 社会暗示 翻译不好,请见谅)

This kind of exposure may well be a point of departure for acquiring certain important intellectual and imaginative qualities, width of judgement, a sense of the variety of poible attitudes.


Yet in itself such exposure does not bring intellectual or imaginative development.然而单凭如此置身其中却并不能使我们的智力和想象力有所增益。

It is no more than the maes of stone which lie around in a quarry and which may, conceivably, go to the making of a cathedral.这莫不如采石场中堆卧如山的顽石,你可信,他日将成筑造教堂之材。

The ma media cannot build the cathedral, and their way of showing the stones does not always prompt others to build.


For the stones are presented within a self-contained and self-sufficient world in which, it is implied, simply to look at them, to observe fleetingly individually interesting points of difference between them is sufficient in itself.因为作为这些顽石本身,他们都各自处在一个独立的、自足的世界当中,由于他们的含蓄,我们无非就只能这么看着他们,因此,身处这样的环境,快速的浏览这些顽石各自的闪光点足矣。

Life is indeed full of problems on which we have to — or feel we should try to — make decisions, as citizens or as private individuals.


But neither the real difficulty of these decisions, nor their true and disturbing challenge to each individual, can often be communicated through the ma media.


The disinclination to suggest real choice, individual decision, which is to be found in the ma media is not simply the product of a commercial desire to keep the customer happy.


It is within the grain of ma communications. 它是存在于大众传媒的产物之中的。

The organs of the Establishment, however well-intentioned they may be and whatever their form (the State, the Church, voluntary societies, political parties), have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked, and will so affect those who work within the ma media that they will be led insensibly towards forms of production which, though they go through the motions of dispute and enquiry, do not break through the skin to where such enquiries might really hurt.

官方的机构(州、教会、志愿者协会、政党),无论他们是否可能是善意的,都注重自己的既得利益,确保公众的反应不是太激烈,注重自己在社会中的地位不被动摇,并极尽所能的对那些在大众媒体中工作的人造成影响,使他们不知不觉为政府机构的生产形式而左右,尽管这些新闻从业者会走个讨论、询问的过场,但这并不会触及到政府的关键之处。(触及到要害) They will tend to move, when exposing problems, well within the accepted cliché-aumptions of democratic society and will tend neither radically to question these clichés nor to make a disturbing application of them to features of contemporary life.


They will stre the “stimulation” the programs give, but this soon becomes an agitation of problems for the sake of the interest of that agitation itself; they will therefore, again, aist a form of acceptance of the status quo (现状).他们会通过电视节目来施以刺激,但是出于利益的角度,这种做法很快的变成一种煽动;最后反过来又成为让大家接受现状的推手。

There were exceptions to this tendency, but they are uncharacteristic. (当然)这种情况也有例外,然而却不是典型的。 The result can be seen in a hundred radio and television programs as plainly as in the normal treatment of public iues in the popular pre.在广播电视节目中常能看到这样的处理结果,就如同公共媒体应对普通的公共事件一样简单明了。

Different levels of background in the readers or viewers may be aumed, but what usually takes place is a substitute for the proce of arriving at judgement.


Programs such as this are noteworthy le for the “stimulation” they offer than for the fact that stimulation (repeated at regular intervals) may become a substitute for and so a hindrance to judgements carefully arrived at and tested in the mind and on the pulses.

Ma communications, then, do not ignore intellectual matters; they tend to castrate (使…丧失活力) them, to allow them to sit on the side of the fireplace, sleek and usele, a family plaything.

5、Writing, as a career, offers a range of personal rewards.


It enables people to expre themselves, as well as to entertain, inform, and influence others. 写作让人表达自己的同时,同样能够娱乐、告知、影响他人。

With only a few tools -- paper, a typewriter, a pencil, and often a personal computer, a writer can have an impact on the surrounding world.仅仅需要一张纸、一台打印机、一支笔或者一台个人电脑,作家就可以凭此写出惊世之作。 But most authors spend hundreds of hours perfecting their skills before they can sell any of their works.然而,绝大多数的作家能够以写作养活生计之前,他们都需要花费时日去磨练他们的写作技艺。

A person who wants to be a writer should set aside some time to write every day. 要想成为一个作家,每日行文是必须的。

Learning to expre ideas clearly and effectively in writing takes a great deal of practice. 想要在文章中清晰、有效地表达自己的想法需要做大量的写作练习。 Many experienced writers keep a journal. 许多有经验的作家都有记日记的习惯。

A journal can serve as a storehouse for information, observations, and ideas. 日记是储存信息、观察和想法的宝库。 It can also be a place to develop new material.它同样也可以是提炼新素材的宝库。

Beginning writers should read many kinds of writing encountered every day and pay special attention to what they find most interesting.


News items, feature stories, textbooks, cookbooks, repair manuals, poems, eays, short stories, novels, and plays differ in their methods of organizing and presenting material.

新闻、特写、教材、食谱、维修手册、诗歌、散文、短篇故事、小说和戏剧在组织和呈现素材的时候各有各的手法。 A beginning writer who reads widely and carefully will develop an appreciation of different writing approaches and styles.


In time, the writer can acquire a more flexible approach to his or her own work.随着时间的推移,作家就可以在他/她的作品中游刃有余。

Succeful authors write about subjects they know and understand.


They sometimes take weeks or months revising or refining an article, poem, or story. 有时候他们会花数周甚至数月时间去修改、精炼一篇文章、诗歌或者故事。

Beginning writers usually benefit from finding one or more friendly critics who will read their work and discu its strengths and weaknees with them.初学写作的人往往能从友善的评论家(的点评)那受益,因为这些评论家会研读他们的作品并与他们一同讨论作品的优点和缺点。

High schools and colleges offer many learning opportunities for young writers.

高中和大学为年轻的作家提供了许多学习的机会。 Composition and literature courses can be helpful.


Creative writing and journalism courses may further aist a beginning writer in developing his or her skills.

创意写作和新闻写作课程可以更加深入的帮助一个初学写作的人提升他/她的写作能力。 Many students work on literary magazines, newspapers, or yearbooks published by their schools. 许多学生在位文学杂志社、报社或者学校年鉴出版出版社工作。 They may write stories, edit articles, or gain other valuable experience.他们可能在那儿写故事、编辑文章,或者(为写作)积累宝贵的经验。

6、Few people doubt the fundamental importance of mothers in child-rearing, but what do fathers do?

鲜少有人怀疑母亲在照顾孩子方面的根本重要性,然而,爸爸(的重要性)呢 Much of what they contribute is simply the result of being a second adult in the home. 他们对家里面的贡献仅仅是作为家里面第二个成年人所做的。 Bringing up children is demanding, streful and exhausting. 拉扯大一个小孩往往是吃力的、有压力且疲惫的。

Two adults can support and make up for each other\'s deficiencies and build on each other\'s strengths.两个大人(爸爸妈妈)可以相互支持,互补不足各取所长。

Fathers also bring an array of unique qualities.

爸爸(在养育孩子方面,同样)可以取得一系列特别的作用(字面:独特的品质)。 Some are familiar: protector and role model.

其中一些为人们所熟知,即保护者和(孩子的)榜样。 Teenage boys without fathers are notoriously prone to trouble. 众所周知,没有父亲的男孩更容易招惹麻烦。

The pathway to adulthood for daughters is somewhat easier, but they must still learn from their fathers, in ways they cannot from their mothers, how to relate to men. 女孩的成人之路相对来说要简单一些,然而,她们也必须仍然要从父亲那儿学习如何与男性相处,这一点是她们无法从母亲那儿学来的。

They learn from their fathers about heterosexual trust, intimacy and difference. 她们从父亲那儿学会了对异性的信任、亲密与区别。

They learn to appreciate their own femininity from the one male who is most special in their lives. 她们要从一个男人身上学习欣赏自己身上的女性温柔之美,而这个男人在她生命当中是那么特殊。

Most important, through loving and being loved by their fathers, they learn that they are love-worthy.最重要的是,通过从她们的父亲那儿学到爱与被爱,她们将会明白她们不负所爱(字面:她们是值得被爱的)。

Current research gives much deeper -- and more surprising -- insight into the father\'s role in child-rearing.对于儿童成长阶段父亲的角色,最近的研究给出了更加深刻且令人意外的发现。 One significantly overlooked dimension of fathering is play. 其中一个显然被忽略的方面就是玩耍。

From their children\'s birth through adolescence, fathers tend to emphasize play more than caretaking.


The father\'s style of play is likely to be both physically stimulating and exciting.


With older children it involves more teamwork, requiring competitive testing of physical and mental skills.


It frequently resembles a teaching relationship: come on, let me show you how. 这常常类似于一种教学关系——来吧,让我来教你怎么做。 Mothers play more at the child\'s level.

母亲与孩子之间的玩耍多在孩子们的孩童时期。 They seem willing to let the child direct play.她们对孩子们玩耍的期望较为直接。(字面:她们更希望让孩子们直接玩。)

Kids, at least in the early years, seem to prefer to play with daddy. 至少在最初的几年里,孩子们更愿意与他们的爸爸玩耍。

In one study of 2-5-year olds who were given a choice, more than two-thirds chose to play with their father.一个对2-5岁这个年龄段小孩的研究指出,当让这些小孩选择跟谁玩时,超过三分之一小孩得选择是他们的爸爸。

The way fathers play has effects on everything from the management of emotions to intelligence and academic achievement.

与父亲玩耍的方式会对很多方面产生影响,从情绪控制到智力发展,甚至是学业成绩。 It is particularly important in promoting self-control.特别是在情绪控制方面有非常重要的促进作用。

According to one expert, \"children who roughhouse with their fathers quickly learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not acceptable.\" 按照一位教授的原话:“那些与他们父亲打闹的孩子们,早早就明白了打人和踢人或者其他形式的暴力行为都是不允许的。” They learn when to \"shut it down.\" 他们知道何时“住手”。

At play and in other realms, fathers tend to stre competition, challenge, initiative, risk taking and independence.

在玩耍亦或是其他的一些地方,父亲往往会强调竞争、挑战、主动、冒险和独立 Mothers, as caretakers, stre emotional security and personal safety. (而)母亲作为看护者,强调的是情绪上和人身的安全感。

On the playground fathers often try to get the child to swing even higher, while mothers are cautious, worrying about an accident.在游乐场中,爸爸经常试着让孩子的秋千摆的更高,而妈妈却总是小心翼翼担心意外。

7、(与第一篇重复)Critics of early schooling cite research that questions whether 4-year-old children are ready to take on formal learning.Educators find that older toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, whereas their younger counterparts are more likely to fail.Kindergarten children who turn five during the latter half of the year seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development.Additionally, children who are nearly six when they enter kindergarten tend to receive better grades and score higher on achievement tests throughout their schooling experience than do those who begin kindergarten having just turned five.Being bright and verbally skillful and being ready for school do not seem to be the same thing.It is easy to confuse the superficial poise and sophistication of many of today’s children with inner maturity.Indeed, evidence suggests that early schooling boomerangs: Youngsters whose parents push them to attain academic succe in preschool are le creative, have more anxiety about tests, and, by the end of kindergarten, fail to maintain their initial academic advantage over their le-preured peers. Many psychologists and educators remain skeptical of approaches that place 4-year-olds in a formal educational setting.They question whether environmental enrichment can significantly alter the built-in developmental timetable of a child reared in a non disadvantaged home.They do not deny, however, the value of day-care centers and nursery schools that provide a homelike environment and allow children considerable freedom to play, develop at their own pace, and evolve their social skills.But they point out that many of the things children once did in first grade are now expected of them in kindergarten, and they worry lest more and more will now be asked of 4-year-olds.These psychologists and educators believe we are driving young children too hard and thereby depriving them of their childhood.

8、Sociologically, advertising supports the ma communication media.

从社会学角度来说,广告是支撑大众传播媒体运营的基础。 It pays all the costs of commercial television and radio. 广告为商业电视和广播媒体提供开销。

It provides viewers with free entertainment and news programs, though viewers are often annoyed by commercial interruptions.


Without advertising, readers would have to pay a higher price for newspapers and magazines, and many of the publications would go out of busine.如若没有广告,读者们便不得不为昂贵的报纸和杂志买单,许多出版商也会因此倒闭。

9、Most publications have lots of advantages.


Paper is pleasant to handle, easy to read, and very portable: you can read it almost anywhere. 纸质出版物适于上手、易于阅读、便于携带,让你随时随地享受阅读。 On the other hand, print has its weaknees.而从另一方面来说,印刷品也有他的短板。

Paper is expensive, and articles are often cut to fit the space available.(那就是)纸张非常贵,并且文章通常都需要缩减以适纸张篇幅。 Printing and distributing paper is expensive and takes time.(同时)印刷和分发这些纸质出版物既耗时又耗财。

Printed materials are expensive to store and almost impoible to search. 印刷品的储藏较为昂贵,且难于(字面:基本上不可能用于)检索。 Electronic publishing offers solutions to all these problems.电子媒体为所有这些问题提供了解决方案。

10、In a report called Research Capability of the University System launched this week the group claims that funds are needed to pay for the “profeional development” of university teachers who are not active in research, to help them keep up with their subject and improve the courses they teach.一份叫做大学系统的潜在研究能力的报告在这周公布,其研究小组声称为了使那些消极于研究的大学老师跟上他们所在领域(的研究进展),提升他们所教课程的质量,我们需要建立一个基金来激励那些有专业发展的大学老师。

11、None of the methods conceived two decades ago has yet to discover a uniform warning signal that preceded all quakes, let alone any sign that would tell whether the coming temblor is mild or a killer.

20年前的这些预报地震的方法中,还尚未发现一种统一的预警信号能够提前预测地震,更不用说预警是否能提醒将至的地震的强烈程度。 Earthquake formation can be triggered by many factors. 地震是由许多因子引起的。

So, finding one all-purpose warning sign is impoible. 因此,找到一种通用的预警信号是不可能的。

12、Challenge aumptions.


Reserve the aumptions you make about problems. 记下你对于每个问题所做展开的设想。 List the aumptions and write the opposite. 将这些设想与对其立面一一罗列。

Henry Ford challenged the practice of having workers go to where building materials were kept, in order to build cars, by creating a system that brought the materials to the workers instead. 亨利·福特挑战了了汽车制造过程中的常规做法,创新了一种汽车装配系统,将所有的零配件的生产分配到每个工人手中,而不是像过去那样单纯将工人们领进堆满零配件的厂房里。

With this reversal, the aembly line was born.正是因为如此逆转,生产流水线就这样诞生了。

13、Nowadays, we hear a lot about the growing threat of globalization, accompanied by those warnings that the rich pattern of local life is being undermined, and many dialects and traditions are becoming extinct.如今,我们听到了不少有关全球化的威胁在不断增长的说法,还听到了这样的警告:丰富多彩的地方生活方式正在遭到破坏,许多方言和传统正在消亡。

But stop and think for a moment about the many positive aspects that globalization is bringing. 但是,静下心来,考虑一下全球化带来的许多有利之处。

Read on and you are bound to feel comforted, ready to face the global future, which is surely inevitable now.


Consider the Internet, that prime example of our shrinking world. 想一想因特网这个使我们这个世界变小的绝好例子。

Leaving aside the all-to-familiar worries about pornography and political extremism, even the most narrow-minded must admit that the net offers immeasurable benefits, not just in terms of education, the sector for which it was originally designed, but more importantly on a global level, the spread of news and comment.


It will be increasingly difficult for politicians to maintain their regimes of misinformation, as the oppreed will not only find support and comfort, but also be able to organize themselves more effectively.


MTV is another global provider that is often criticized for imposing popular culture on the unsuspecting millions around the world.


Yet the viewers\' judgment on MTV is undoubtedly positive; it is regarded as indispensable by most of the global teenage generation who watch it, a vital part of growing up.

不过,毫无疑问,观众对音乐电视的看法还是肯定的;全世界看过音乐电视的大多数青少年——正在成长的主要群体——都认为音乐电视绝对必要。 And in the final analysis, what harm can a few songs and videos cause? 总而言之,几首歌和几部录像能够造成怎样的损害? Is the world dominance of brands like Nike and Coca-Cola so bad for us when all is said and done?


Sportswear and soft drinks are harmle products when compared to the many other things that have been globally available for a longer period of time--- heroin and cocaine, for example.同许多其他更长时期内在全世界都可得到的产品相比——比如海洛因和可卡因,运动装和不含酒精的饮料没有害处。

In any case, just because Nike shoes and Coke cans are for sale, it doesn\'t mean you have to buy them--- even globalization cannot deprive the individual of his free will.


Critics of globalization can stop iuing their doom and gloom statements.全球化的批评者可以停止发表他们的悲观言论了。

Life goes on, and has more to offer for many citizens of the world than it did for their parents\' generation.


14、A quality education is the ultimate liberator.


It can free people from poverty, giving them the power to greatly improve their lives and take a productive place in society.


It can also free communities and countries, allowing them to leap forward into periods of wealth and social unity that otherwise would not be poible.


For this reason, the international community has committed itself to getting all the world\'s children into primary school by 2015, a commitment known as Education for All.


Can education for all be achieved by 2015? 到二○一五年时,“教育面向所有人”的目标能够实现吗? The answer is definitely \"yes\", although it is a difficult task. 尽管这是一项艰巨的任务,但回答肯定是“能够”。

If we now measure the goal in terms of children succefully completing a minimum of five years of primary school, instead of just enrolling for claes, which used to be the measuring stick for education, then the challenge becomes even more difficult.


Only 32 countries were formerly believed to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment rates.


The number rises to 88 if completion rates are used as the criterion.


Still, the goal is achievable with the right policies and the right support from the international community.


59 of the 88 countries at risk can reach universal primary completion by 2015 if they bring the efficiency and quality of their education systems into line with standards observed in higher-performing systems.


They also need significant increases in external financing and technical support. 这些国家也需要国际社会给予资金和技术方面的大力援助。

The 29 countries lagging farthest behind will not reach the goal without unprecedented rates of progre.


But this is attainable with creative solutions, including use of information technologies, flexible and targeted foreign aid, and fewer people living in poverty.


A key leon of experience about what makes development effective is that a country\'s capacity to use aid well depends heavily on its policies, institutions and management.


Where a country scores well on these criteria, foreign aistance can be highly effective.基于这些标准,在一个国家表现好的领域,国际社会的援助就可能非常有效。

15、Speechwriting The succe of a speech is often attributed to the skill of the speaker, with merit being given to speakers who are confident, articulate, knowledgeable and able to deliver a speech with conviction.


But often it is not the speakers who write these moving speeches, it is a speechwriter. 然而,写出这些感人讲稿的却常常不是这些演讲者,而是演讲稿撰写人。 And one industry in which this practise is common is that of politics. 其中,政治圈便是深谙此道的行家。

So what does it take to be a political speechwriter? 那么,要如何才能成为一名政治演讲稿撰写人呢?

One technique is introducing contrast.

其中一个技巧就是引入对比。 This is extremely useful when presenting a positive spin on a negative iue.当你要通过积极的笔调来扭转消极事件的时候,这是极其有效的。

One of the most famous examples of this can be seen in a speech given by former American President John F Kennedy: \"Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.\"


Another technique is the use of three-part lists.另一个技巧就是三段式的应用。

This can be an excellent way of adding finality or confirming a statement. 这是一种让你给出结论和确认观点的绝佳方法。

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a fan of this technique. 英国前首相托尼·布莱尔就就特别钟情于这种方法。

One of his most famous campaign slogans was \"education, education, education\". “教育、教育、教育”就是他最有名的竞选口号之一。

These techniques can be used like tools - they can be chosen from a toolbox and applied as neceary.这些技巧就像工具一般,当你需要的时候,你只需从工具箱里选择一件合适的就行。 A few other techniques you might find in a speechwriter\'s toolbox might be the use of imagery, anecdotes and alliteration.


So next time you have to prepare a speech or presentation, try applying one or more of these techniques and see if you have what it takes to be a winning speechwriter.


16、What makes an original contributor in science is often not only ability, but also something else, something apparently intangible, and not easily detected.


This extra something lies deeply within the individual and needs to be nurtured and tested. 这些因素深埋于每个人当中,需要去培养和磨练。

Motivation is a personal trait that is primarily instilled by seniors such as teachers or parents.

动机是因人而异的,它来自于老师、父母等长辈的循循善诱。 An important aspect in developing motivation is the setting of goals. 培养动力的一个重要方面是确定目标。

A person probably has set long-range goals, or at this point more like dreams, such as winning the Nobel Prize.

一个人可能已树立起长久的奋斗目标,这在当时看来还很不现实,比方说要获得诺贝尔奖。 This is great as long as the individual is realistically working toward short-range goals also.其实这是很好的,只要他同时能现实地向短期的目标去努力。

These are the day-to-day accomplishments that really make working hard seem fun.这些就是日常的成就,这些成就确实能使刻苦工作显得饶有乐趣。 Proficiency in anything requires a great deal of determination and self-discipline.要精通任何事情都需要极大的决心和自律精神。

I addition, a person’s ability to cope with frustration is also an important factor in one’s life career. 此外,一个人应付挫折的能力也是他毕生事业中起作用的一个重要因素。

Repeated failures at making experiments may be too much for many talented would-be scientists. 在实验过程中屡遭失敗,对于许多有“的想要成为科学家的人来说,可能是非常难受的。 The determination to continue, with the realization that everything worthwhile takes a great deal of patience, is an eential requirement.


These factors, together with inherent dedication, will bring about the realization of one’s aspirations.


Through all this it is not the triumph but the struggle that brings about the complete personal satisfaction in knowing that you as a scientist have given your all.


17、I would compare reading to visiting friends — in the spiritual rather than physical sense.


Opening the book is like getting into the door uninvited; and turning a few pages, we may find ourselves in his study.翻开书本就想推开一扇未拜访的朋友家的大门;略翻几页,我们便觉得我们已身临其境。 Besides, we can go visit him as frequently as we want and at any time we wish. 而且,只要我们愿意,我们可以无时无刻经常地去拜访他。

If we fail to get the pith of his argument, we can just leave without saying \"good-bye\" or turn to someone else for help, and come back to challenge him.


We can get close to the host and listen to every word he has to say, no matter where he resides, at home or abroad, what a person he was or is, a contemporary or a man of the past, whatever field he specializes in, or whether he is talking about a serious subject of importance or simply chatting plus cracking jokes.


We can indulge ourselves in the anecdotes and amazing tales of the past, and appreciate the profound nouveau theories of our own age or hear sensational arguments meant to shock the world.我们沉浸于前朝列代的遗闻逸事之中,也可以领教当代最奥妙的创新理论或有意惊人的故作高论。

In a nutshell, we can bang the door shut —closing the book that is —the minute we find anything disagreeable or distasteful, and leave forthwith.


No one will blame us. 谁也不会嗔怪。

This is the kind of freedom we can hardly expect other than from the books.这是书以外的世界里难得的自由!

18、The current visit to Taiwan for exchange, brief and cursory as it is, has enabled us to see many places, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances.这次到台湾访问交流,虽然行程匆匆,但是,看了不少地方,访了旧友,交了新知。大家走到一起,谈论的一个重要话题就是中华民族在21世纪的强盛。

Whenever people gather together, an important topic of discuion has been how the Chinese nation can become prosperous and powerful in the 21st century.


Although the young people on the Mainland and in Taiwan live in different social contexts, with their individually different experiences of life, in the innermost recees of their hearts are wrought an indelible mark by the fine traditions of the Chinese culture.


They all cherish the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation.他们都拥有着振兴中华民族的共同理想。

In this great epoch at the turn of the century, our motherland is developing toward greater prosperity and powerfulne.


People acro the Taiwan Straits are bound to strengthen their exchanges and will mutually promote the earliest poible achievement of the great cause of reunification of the motherland. 海峡两岸人民也将加强交流,共同推进祖国统一大业的早日完成。

The precious opportunities and the tremendous challenges at the turn of the century have pushed the young people to the foreground of the historical arena. 世纪之交的宝贵机遇和巨大挑战将青年推到了历史前台。

At this transitional phase between the two millennia, in what way the young generation should embrace the forthcoming new century replete with hopes is a question to which we have to seek an answer.


19、The culture of any society is usually thought to be of two kinds: material and nonmaterial.

任何社会的文化一般都被分为两类: 物质文化和非物质文化。

Material culture includes the man-made phenomena which have physical properties such as height, breadth, and weight.


A boat, a machine, a house—all these objects are part of the material culture. 船、机器和房屋――所有这些东西都被归为物质文化的一部分。

The nonmaterial culture is that portion of the environment which surrounds man and which has an impact on his behavior but which lacks these material properties: values, beliefs, traditions, and all the other habits and ideas invented and acquired by man as a member of society.非物质文化则是人类所处环境的一部分,它影响着人类的行为却缺乏上述的那些物质属性,非物质文化是人作为社会一员所创立和获得的价值观、信仰、传统观念及一切其他习惯和思想。

Contemporary sociological theory tends to aign primary importance to the nonmaterial culture in choosing problems for study.


It aumes, for example, that boats, planes, automobiles, and so forth, are not nearly so important as the traditions we have developed which make their manufacture poible—indeed, which prescribe how we are to use them.比如,社会学理论认为船、飞机、汽车等物品的重要性远不如人们为制造这些东西——确切地说是为规定其使用方法而形成的传统观念的重要性。

The emphasis of contemporary sociology is to insist that the material culture would not exist had not the nonmaterial culture first been available to suggest the ideas which are embodied in the inventions of material culture.当代社会学所强调的是,如若不是先有了能孕育物质文化的非物质文化,物质文化就无从产生。

20、As a scourge of the modern society, obesity has become the world’s biggest public-health iue today--the main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war.


Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an \"epidemic\" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and Fast.自从世界卫生组织于 2000 年将肥胖症定为“流行病”以来,已经连篇累牍地发表了有关肥胖症引起可怕后果的报告。

Will public-health warnings, combined with media preure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco?

对肥胖症发出的公共卫生警示,加上传媒宣传所形成的压力,是否会像最终促使烟民们戒烟那样,说服人们去减肥呢? Poibly.In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history.这是有可能的。在富裕国家,健康食品的销量正在大幅上升,而且新的数据表明,在过去的一年美国人的体重有史以来首次略有下降。

But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century’s dining to exce.


And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds. 况且,在世界各地,人们的体重仍在增加。

That’s why there is now a consensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them.这就是为什么现在医生们一致认为各国政府应采取措施来制止人们发胖。



14安徽)25.The meaning of the word \"nice\' changed a few timesit finally came to include the sense \"pleasant.\"




【举一反三】You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card.



〖解析〗该句的意思是:在你得到你的学生卡之前你不能从学校图书馆借书。所以选before(14北京)29.____the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year.

A.As B.When C.Even though D.In case

【考点】考察状语从句连词辨析 【答案】C

【解析】本题的状语从句连词都是常用的连词。As由于,因为;随着;when当„时;even though即使,尽管;in case以防;句意:即使那个森林公园很遥远,但是每年都有很多游客到那里参观。根据句意可知上下文之间有转折关系,所以使用even though表示让步转折关系。 (2014湖南卷)21.Children,whenby their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.

A.to be accompanied B.to accompany C.accompanying D.accompanied

【考点】考察状语从句和省略 【答案】D

【解析】本题考察的是状语从句的省略:当状语从句的主语和主句主语一致且含有be动词的时候,可以把状语从句的主语和be动词一起省略。本题在when的后面省略了they are。因为children和动词allow构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词表示被动。句义:当孩子有父母亲陪伴的时候,他们是被允许进入体育馆的。故D正确。


【举一反三】The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, ifregularly, can improve our health.

A.being carried out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out

〖答案〗C 〖考点〗本题考查if条件句中的省略情况。

本句的句子的主语是the experiment;谓语动词是shows;that引导宾语从句, 宾语从句的主干事:proper amounts of exercise can improve our health, if_____ regularly是插入的条件从句, 从句的主语是proper amounts of exercise, 此时应用it代替前面提到的主语, 条件句的主语与主句的主语一致, 并且含有is, 故省略了it is, 完整形式是: 1

if it is carried out。句意为:这项实验表明, 适当的运动, 如果有规律的进行, 能够有助于我们的身体健康。

(2014湖南卷)26.You will never gain succeyou are fully devoted to your work.




【举一反三】It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties_________ gets more financial support from the European Union.



【解析】根据句意可知“除非有来自欧洲联盟的更多的经济支持,否则希腊政府很难克服目前的困难”,只能选择unle“除非”才能使句意完整。考查状语从句的连词题事实上非常简单,只要找到句中的关键词,然后从句意上去排除就行了,本题关键词是hard和more financial support。

(14江苏)21.Leons can be learned to face the future,history cannot be changed.




【举一反三】It was a nice meal, _______a little expensive.


【答案】A【考点】考查连词。句意:那顿饭真美味,尽管有点贵。Though”尽管”,引导让步状语从句,该句使用了省略形式,补全为“though it was a little expensive”注意as也可以表示“尽管”,但as作此意时必须使用倒装结构。

(2014江西卷)35.It was the middle of the night __ my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game .



【解析】本句中的when引导的是一个时间状语从句。句义:当我的父亲把我叫醒并我告诉我看足球赛的时候,那时在半夜。本句容易错选A项,认为是强调句型。实际上the middle of the night不能单独做时间状语,如果在the middle of the night前面加上in,本题就可以选择A项了。

(2014山东卷)2.I don’t really like the author,_______ I have to admit his books are very exciting.





【举一反三】I don\'t believe we\'ve met before,I must say you do look familiar.




(2014陕西卷)24.The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left _______ I could ask for their names.




【举一反三】You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card.



〖解析〗该句的意思是:在你得到你的学生卡之前你不能从学校图书馆借书。所以选before。 (2014四川卷)8.I\'ll be out for some time.______ anything important happens, call me up immediately.

A.In caseB.As ifC.Even thoughD.Now that


【解析】本题四个连词都是状语从句中常考的连词。in case“万一,以防”;as if“似乎,好像”;even though“即使,尽管”;now that“既然,由于”(now有时可以省略)。句意:我要出去一下。万一有什么重要事,请立刻打我电话。根据句义说明A正确。

(14天津卷)4._______ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.



【答案】D 【解析】unle除非„;如果„不„;although尽管;before在„之前;once一旦,曾经;句义:一旦你开始以一种健康的方式吃饭,控制体重就会变得更加容易。根据句义可知once表示“一旦”,引导条件状语从句。故D正确。

【举一反三】they decide which college to go to, students should research the admiion procedures.


〖答案〗D 〖考点〗本题考查连词。

〖解析〗此题重在句意的判断。 “一旦学生们决定了去哪所大学读书, 他们就得研究下办理入学的手续。”A.As当;因为...B.while做连词强调一件事发生时另外一个动作正在进行;C.Until直到...D.Once一旦。因此选D

(2014浙江卷 )15.Cathy had quit her job when her son was born _______ she could stay home and raise her family.

A.now thatB.as ifC.only ifD.so that

【考点】考察状语从句连词辨析 【答案】D

【解析】本题中的连词短语now that既然;as if似乎,好像;only if只要„;so that以至于,结果是;句意:当Cathy的儿子出生的时候,Cathy一句辞职了,以至于他可以待在家里抚养孩子。根据句意可知本句中的so that引导的是一个目的状语从句,从句中常常会有其他动词can等。根据句意说明D项正确。



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2002年11月 国家涉外秘书四级英语真题




In order to make a good _______during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for the interview.2.

If you are the one caller wants, instead of answering ______ like ―yes, I am‖, it is better to say ―speaking please‖.


Home calls demand _____ rules of manners as busine calls.4.

Sometimes words with the same meaning produce _______ in the listeners.5.

Westerners ______ to be frank and direct.6.

Foreigners don‘t consider ―exceive modesty‖ a great _____.


Memos, along with the telephone, are the tools of ______within any writing.8.

What _______ should be included depend on the memo you‘re writing.


Some filing folders have a note on them for cro ______.10.After a meeting the secretary should type the minutes up, and keep proper records of the busine______ and resolutions paed.




She is one of the most ______secretaries of that company.A.accomplished

B.fulfilled C.finished

D.achieved 2.This secretary is remembered for her many good _____.A.acts

B.deeds C.actions


3.Over 1000 people visited the trade fair _____ those who were present at the opening ceremony on the first day.A.except

B.except for C.with the exception of

D.in addition to

4.Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling ______.A.income

B.allowances C.wages

D.pay 5.The chairman _____ that this year‘s prize winner is Ms.Wang.A.announced

B.declared C.stated

D.pronounced 6.After discuing this among ourselves, we will have to submit it for ______ by our leadership.A.approval

B.agreement C.permiion

D.approach 7.In English, one rank below the full profeor is the ______ profeor.A.under

B.aociate C.aistant


8.Can your company _______ that the silk shirts will be delivered in time? A.insure

B.ensure C.aure

D.secure 9.Visitors were asked to write their names in the _____ space at the top of the page.A.empty

B.hollow C.blank

D.vacant 10.Money is often the ______ of many divorces.A.motive

B.cause C.reason



翻译题(共4题,每题5分,满分20分。请将英语译成汉语,汉语译成英语) 1.




You may run your chances for a job by wearing the wrong sort of clothes to the interview.Memos can be often served as reminder of the jobs you should do at particular time.如果他们想批评人,他们总是当面批评,而不是靠第三者传话。 含混不清的或毫无助人诚意的电话答语说明你没有合作的诚意。






(一)听写(共2题,每题5分,满分10分。此题是两段话,请将听到的内容用英语记录下来。录音播放两遍) 1.2.

(二)判断题(共10题,每题1分,满分10分。请在题号旁,根据听到的内容,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。录音播放两遍) 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

标准(参考)答案及评分标准 笔试部分

一、填空题 标准答案:


2.crudely 3.similar

4.different feelings

5.tend 6.virtue


8.features 9.reference 10.transacted 评分标准:每题2分,满分20分,错答与不答均不得分

二、单项选择题 标准答案:


2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C

10.B 评分标准:每题2分,满分20分。错答与不答均不得分。

三、翻译题 参考答案:


你可能因为面试时的着装不得体而失去这项工作的机会。 2.



If they want to criticize someone, they usually do it to his face rather than using a third person to pa on the remarks.4.

An unclear or unhelpful phone answer suggests you lack the honesty of cooperation.评分标准:每题5分,满分20分。错答与不答均不得分。句子大体符合愿意,可酌情加分.

四、写作题 参考答案


As informed by ABC Company, Mr.Vincent, the President of ABC company won‘t be able to come Beijing at appointed time owing to the reason that he will have to attend a board meeting for some urgent busine on the 15th of May, 2002.In such case, our technical seminar which was be held on the 16th of May, 2002, will have to be put off to the 5th,June2002, at 2:00 PM.The location of the meeting will still be in the meeting room of the company.

May12, 2002

General Manager Office


一、听力部分 标准答案:


Wang Hong is approving for a secretary job in a joint venture company in Beijing.She is being interviewed by the manager.2.

At first, the secretary should prepare a detailed itinerary and consult the bo about it.The itinerary must include as much information as poible.


二、判断题 标准答案:













2007年5月 国家涉外秘书四级英语真题

A.Listening Test 【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音四级01中。】

I .Directions: True or false .(5 questions , 2 marks each question , 10 marks altogether.) Put T(true) or F(false) in the brackets in front of each question.On the tape you will hear a telephone conversation between a hotel guest aned the receptionist at the hotel.The tape will be played twice .判断对错。在每题的前面的括号中画T(对)或 F(错)。下面你将听到酒店顾客和接待员的哦对话,录音将播放两遍。(每题2分,共10分)


] 1.John Smith works for the hotel.[

] 2.The hotel can only provide 12 room because it‘s fully booked tonight .[

] 3.The waitre didn\'t remember John Smith‘ s reservation.


] 4.The hotel booked 8 rooms for Mr.Smith in another hotel far away.[

] 5.Mr.Smith got all the rooms he needed at last.

II .Directions: In this question you will hear a conversation .The tape will be played once for you to get used to it and then again for you to write down what you hear .Complete the sentences according to what you hear.You MAY need to write down MORE THAN ONE word if neceary .After the tape has been played the second time you will be given two more minutes to finish writing the dialogue and to check spelling , grammar and neatne.(2 marks each , 10 marks altogether) 请根据听到的内容填空,如果需要,一个空可能填写不止一个单词。(每题2分,共10分)


She has to write ____ about a product.2.

Then they use them to get ____about what people think of the product , how often they buy it , where they buy it and why they buyt it and so on.3.

Well , in ____to the answers the public gives , it could change its ____,or reduce the price of the product of change the ____.

B .Written Test I.Directions :Please put the correct preposition in the blank space for each question (2marks each question , 6 questions , 12 marks altogether)在每题的空格中填写恰当的介词,每空一词。(每题2分,共12分)Susan Lee has come to Manchester (1)_____a trade fair.She arrived this evening , Monday , June the second, and is staying for three days.She has a reservation for a double room (2)____ a bath (3)____the Grand , a big hotel (4)____the center of Manchester.Maria is (5)____Argentina in South America, and she lives and works in Buenos Aires where she is the managing director (6)____ Luxa Glasware Limited.II.Directions: Vocabulary .Please put the right answer (A,B,C, or D ) in the blank space for each question.(1marks each question , 8 marks altogether).词汇:请选择正确的答案填在横线上(A,B,C 或D,每题只有一个正确答案)。(每题1分,共8分)


The ____ of the pound has gone down .Consequently , our British customers are having to pay more for our goods.(A)

amount (B) price (C)money (D) value 2.

Over the past ten years they have ___ their accounts very promptly.(A)finished

(B )paid (C)settled (D)done 3.In ____ of this , I think we can safely raise their credit limit to $5,000.(A) surprise

(B) view

(C) joy (D) thoughts 4.Because you are a(n)____customer, we will give you a 20 percent discount.(A) regular (B) ordinary (C) normal (D) often 5.Production costs have ____ considerably ;in the last six months.(A) raised (B) rised (C) rose (D) risen

6.Neverthele , we should avoid ____ up prices.(A)put

(B) to put (C) putting (D) have put

7.You omitted to send us the neceary documents to ____customs.(A)declare (B) go (C) through (D) clear

8.We realize we are not allowed andy ____ in Companyy Policy.(A) speak (B) talk (C) say (D ) tell

III.Reading Comprehension: 阅读理解

Directions: Section A.True or False questions , fill in T for True or F for False in the bracket .( 2 marks each question , 5 questions , 10 marks altogether ).判断对错。在括号中对的填T, 错的填F(每题2分,共10分)。

Problems may arise when your bo is away , and you must decide what action to take .Should you deal with them yourself? Contact your bo by cable or cable of telephone? Get in touch with his deputy or partner of another member of the board of directors ? Or simply leave them unsolved until your bo returns? Experience and common sense will help you to decide ; no one can lay down hard and fast rules to cover all situations.A word of caution might come in useful at this stage .While initiative and enterprise are the neceary attributes of a good secretary , so are good judgment and awarene of one‘s limitations.Be clear in your own mind just how far your anthority goes; get your facts straight ; where poible , seek a second opinion .Then when you decide on a course of action , see it through hard , if is should misfire , be ready to take the consequences.[ ] 1.You should be cautious when problems arise and your bo is away.[ ] 2.You should contact your bo when problems arise and he is away.[ ] 3.Nothing can help you decide , not even experience and common sense .[ ] 4.We can lay down hard and fast rules to cover all situations.[ ] 5.Initiative and enterprise are the neceary attributes of a good secretary , good judgment and awarene.

Section B Directions : Read the following paage and fill in the blanks fwith appropriate sentences from the list to make it whole meaningful article .Note that there are more sentences than the blanks in the paage.( 2 points each question, 10 marks altogether.) 要求: 选择正确选项,将其前面字母填入文章空白处。注意:给出的选项多于文章中的空格。(每题2分,共10分)

(1)——— huge hard – drives and computer faxes, the volume of paper in the average office has continued to grow.It may be that the final copy needs to be on paper , but the first give drafts should not be.(2) _______a lot of older people are not happy with a document draft unle thy have a printed copy of it.There used to be good reason of this.

“Older‖ computer programs were generally not capable of producing screen previews of what to be printed , and you simply had to see a draft copy.This draft would then need to be corrected for layout several times.

(3)_____ until the computer software finally produced a satisfactory document.Those days are now long gone .(4) _____on screen , exactly what the output will look like ,so that hard—copy drafts are generally not required for documents , spreadsheets , etc.But , even though they don‘t need to print out document any more , people still want copies ―for the file‖.

But , in doing so , they mi the point , because the document is already on file .Of course , you need to know exactly where everything is filed so you can easily find it again.

(5)_____ disk drives are now big and cheap enough that they are a much better way of storing data.(A) This led to more copies

(B) printing it out wasteful laser cartridges and paper are both very expensieve (C) While the younger generations are comfortable working on screen (D)

On the oter hand (E) Despite advances in data – storage technology (F) Word proceing programs today are capable of showing IV.Translation Test .( 4marks each question , 5 questions , 20 marks altogether ) 翻译。(每题4分,共20分)


The cheque is a very convenient method of payment .It is used with a current account .There are various ways of writing cheques.2.

Nowadays most banks iue cheques which are already croed , that is to say, they have two parallel lines running downwards .3.

This means that cheque cannot be cashed over the counter .It must be deposited into an account though not necearily the account of the payee.4.

如果收款人愿意,可以在支票背面签字,然后给另外一个人,以存入另外一个户口。 5.


V.Writing ( 20 marks ).写作(20分)

Requirements : Huoad Limited of Cairo has written to your company to ask you to reduce your prices by 10% and ask if you will accept payment in Egyptian pounds .Drafts letter in replay to tell them : 1.

You cannot lower your prices .2.

You have had to raise your prices by 25% because the government has increased the sales tax.3.

You can give a discount of 5% on orders of more than US$50,000.4.

You cannot accept payment in Egyptian pounds but you can accept US dollars of German Marks.

涉外文秘(国家职业资格四级)英语试卷 标准(参考)答案及评分标准


Listening Test 【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音四级01中。】 I.

(5 questions , 2 marks each question , 10 marks altogether.) 1.F 2.T 3.F


5.T II.(每题2分,共10分)


questionnaires 2.information . 3.response , advertisement, packaging

B .Written Test I.(2marks each question , 6 questions , 12 marks altogether) 1.for



4.in 5.from 6.of II.Vovabulary (marks each question , 8 marks altogether) 1.



C 3.

B 4.



D 6.

C 7.

D 8.

C III.Reading Comprehension Section A :( 2 points each question, 10 marks altogether.) 每题2分,共12分。 1.

T 2.

F 3.

F 4.

F 5.

F Section B: ( 2 marks each question , 5 questions ,20marks altogeter )Please translate sentence 1,2and 3 into Chinese and translate sentensce 4 and 5 into English.翻译、每题4分,共20分。 1.

支票时一种非常方便的支付方式。(2分)与活期存折一起使用。(1分) 写支票的方式多种多样。(1分)






If the payee wishes ,(1分) endorse it on the back(1分)and then hand it over to someone else for deposit into another account .(2分) 5.

Fax equipment uses the telephone to transmit , within a few minutes, (1分)any form of printed , typed of hand –written matter, (1分)

drawing , diagrams and photographs form one location to aother in this country or abroad.(2分)

V. Writing test (20 marks ) 写作 20分

Dear Sir,

Thank you for letter inquiring about the prices of our products.I‘m sorry to say that we cannot lower the prices of our products .Instead , we actually have to raise our prices by 25% because the government has increased the sales tax.

However , we can offer a discount of 5% on orders of more than US$50,000.By the way , we cannot accept paymemnt in Egyptian pounds , but we can accept US dollars or Germany Marks.

Yours sincerely, Mary Angela Sales manager

2008年11月 国家涉外秘书四级英语真题


I.Listening (2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether).Directions: Listen to this short dialogue and tell the following sentences are True or False.Write T for True and F for False in the brackets.你将听到一个对话,根据其内容对下列句子做出正确或错误的判断,请在[ ] 中填写T (对)或者F (错),每题2分,共10分。 [ ] 1.Leaded petrol is used for the car.[ ] 2.The petrol consumption is about twenty kilometers one liter at an average speed of 90 kilometers per hour.[ ] 3.This car costs forty dollars per day within four days at the moment.[ ] 4.If the man uses the car, he gets mileage without limit.[ ] 5.The man planned to go to many places including Edinburgh.

II.Listening Comprehension.( 2 marks each question .10 marks altogether)

Directions : Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.根据所听到的对话选择出正确答案,每题2分共10分。

1.Where did the conversation most probably take place? ____ (A)In the railway station

(B ) In the station (C) In the airport

(D) In the theater 2._______ probably lead(s) to the delay.(A) Air-traffic control problems

(B) Traffic jam (C) Miing the directions

(D) Some accidents 3.The man went to Cape Town for _____.(A) travelling

(B) visiting his aunt (C) meeting Mr.De Bedts

(D) shopping 4.The woman advised the man _____.(A) to sit down

(B) not to worry

(C) to connect with his relatives

(D) to phone his wife.5.What attitude did the man have to the journey?____ (A) Enjoyable

(B) Unsatisfied (C) Affection

(D) Not mentioned

B.Written Test I.Vocabulary and Structures III.Please choose correct word from the box below for each blank.(2 marks each blank, 5 blanks, 10 marks altogether).从下框中选出恰当的词填空每空一词。(每空2分,共10分)

1.She is ___ holiday in Hongkong.(A)with

(B ) in


(D)on 2.His job is to ___ what people think about a product .(A)find

(B )find out

(C) finding out

(D)finding 3.She ____four languages.(A) speaks (B )says

(C) uses

(D)talks 4.L/C at sight is normal for our exports to your country, so we can ___- make any exception.(A)nearly

(B )largely


(D)hardly 5.A ____is a document prepared by the Accounting Department, the customer and the Accounting Department must have their own copies.(A)invoice

(B )credit note

(C) order

(D)statement 6.Do not put a lot of food in your mouth ___.(A) sometimes

(B )in one time

(C) at times (D)at a time 7.I‘m writing to complain ____ your service.


(B )over



8.It is now over seven months ____ we placed the above order with you and we are still waiting for the Linton filing cabinets.(A)since

(B )until


(D)when 9.____we hear from you within seven days, we will be forced to take legal action.(A)Until

(B )Since

(C)Unle (D)If 10.If he had taken the other train, he ____ transfer.(A)didn‘t have to

(B ) wouldn‘t have to (C) wouldn‘t have had to

(D) haven‘t had to

II.Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: Read the following statements and decided whether the sentences are True or False .Write T for True and F for False in the brackets.( 1 mark for each and 6 altogether ) 根据陈述,对下列句子做出正确或错误的判断,请在[ ] 中填写T (对)或者F (错),每题1分共6分。


] 1.A file cabinet is a cupboard with shelves, books of files in it.[

] 2.A waste bin is a collection of garage and trash.[

] 3.A keyboard is a part of computer, with a purpose of inputting information into a computer.[

] 4.A file folder is a container in the center and used as a holder for loose paper.[

] 5.A file is a collection of papers or published materials kept or arranged in inconvenient order.[

] 6.A calendar is a table at which you have your meals.

Section B Directions: Complete the following letter with the words provided .( 1 mark for each blank , 8 marks altogether )用下面所给的词填空,每题1分共8分。

take, by , hopes , look , in , invitation , commence , celebrating

Our club is 1.___ its centenary.We take great pleasure 2.____ extending to you, as a famous representative player, our 3.___ to join us at this happy event and 4.____ your place at the ―VIP Guests‖ table at the centenary banquet.The centenary banquet will 5.____ at 7p.m.on 15th March, 2005, in the Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel.The banquet will be preceded 6.____a ―Golden Oldies‖ match at 4 p.m.and pre-dinner drinks at 6 p.m.The club 7.____you can join us for all these celebrations.I 8.____ forward to having the pleasure of your company on this notable occasion.

Section C Directions: Read the following procedures and then tell the following sentences are True or False.Write T for True and F for False in the brackets.( 1 mark for each sentence , 6 marks altogether )阅读下文,根据其内容对下列句子做出正确或错误的判断,请在[ ] 中填写T (对)或者F (错),每题 1分,共6分。

New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS) introduces the Student Bank Loan Scheme to facilitate easier proceing of student visa applications form Chinese people who want to go to New Zealand.It will make it easier for applicants or their parents to prove their financial ability to support the intended duration of study in NZ.Step 1: Applicants (or their parents) will apply for a loan to CIB directly.Step 2: CIB then considers the application for a loan.CIB requires deposits in the bank to be frozen and that they are at least 10% larger than the loan amount required.Step 3: If the loan is approved, CIB will then iue an ‗Advice for Study Loan Abroad‘ document to the applicant or their parents.Step 4: The applicant then lodges their visa application at the New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS) together with their ‗Advice for Study Loan Abroad ‗document.Step 5: The NZIS procees the application (which may include verification of the Advice for Study Abroad document) and if satisfied will notify the applicant that they have been approved – in – principle.Step 6: The applicant takes this notification to the bank and completes a special application form to activate the loan.CIB will then iue a ‗Certificate of Credibility.Personal Loan for Study Abroad‘ document, showing that the loan has been activated.

Step 7: The applicant submits this document, together with the any other approval–in–principle requirements to NZIS, who then finalizes the application.

Step 8: If the applicant completes their study in NZ before the duration of their loan, they contact the NZIS to get a letter saying that they have completed their study.NZIS will then iue a letter which the applicant then takes to CIB to release their funds.

The following flowchart explains the operational procedures for the use of bank loan. A.Students apply to CIB B.CIB consider the Bank Loan C.CIB iue ‗Advice for Study Loan Abroad‘ if loan approved D.Students lodge applications to NZIS E.NZIS procees applications F.Students go to CIB to activate bank loan if applications approved G.Students provide ‗Certificate of Credibility.Personal Loan for Study Abroad‘ to have their visa labels iued.H.Students contact NZIS when course completed

[ ] 1.The article will make it easier for applicants or their parents to prove their financial ability to support the intended duration of study in NZ.[ ] 2.Applicants (or their parents) will apply for a loan to the Bank of New Zealand directly.

[ ] 3.The NZIS procees the application (which may include verification of the ‗Advice for Study Loan Abroad‘ document) and if satisfied CIB will notify the applicant that they have been approved-in principle.[ ] 4.If the applicant completes their study in NZ before the duration of their loan, they contact the CIB to get a letter saying that they have completed their study.[ ] 5.NZIS will then iue a letter which the applicant then takes to CIB to release their funds.[ ] 6.The article is informal and not clear. IV.Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(20 marks) 将下列句子译成中文。(20分)

1.We‘ll try our best to widen our busine relationship with you.2.We regret to inform you that the goods you inquired are not available.3.We made an investigation on the market situation in our country recently.4.As your old customer, we have faith in the quality of your products.5.It is the packing that will give the first impreion on customers rather than products themselves.6.In a succeful negotiation, each party must gain something or there is no reason for the other party to participate.7.The first impreion each side makes will most likely have a major effect on the eventual outcome.8.Quantity can be found more related to practical trade, especially in international trade.9.Change in corporate culture can become neceary in certain instances.10.Managers seldom have all the information they need to make the best decision.

VI.Writing You are in charge of planning the program for a workshop for administrative aistants in your company.You have invited a university profeor to addre the group and the invitation has been accepted.You now write a letter to confirm the arrangements.The following points should be included:

Thank the profeor

Time: at about 1:30 on March 23 Place: at Jon Marshall Hotel Type of the speech (experience, stories , view of the role of the administrative aistant, how to prepare for further advancement into management) Additional help


A.Listening I.Listening Comprehension (2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether ).1.F


3.F 4.T

5.T II .Listening (2 marks each, 10 marks altogether) 1.C


3.C 4.B 5.B B.Written

I.Vocabulary and Structures Directions: Choose the correct answers for each sentences .选择适当的答案。(2 marks each question , 10 questions .20 marks altogether)






6.D 7.D 8.A

9.C 10.C

II.Reading Comprehension (20marks) Section A ( 1 mark for each and 6 altogether ) 1.F

2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F

Section B (1 mark for each blank, 8 marks altogether ) 1.celebrating 2.in 3.invitation 4.take

5.commence 6.by 7.hopes


Section C (1 mark for each blank, 6 marks altogether) 1.








Translation (20marks ) 1.我们将尽力(1)扩大同你们的贸易关系。(1) 2.我们很遗憾地通知你们,(1)你们所询的货物现在无货。(1) 3.我们最近对我国的市场情况(1)做了一个调查。(1)

4.作为你们的老客户,(1)我们对你们产品的质量很信任。(1) 5.是包装而不是产品本身(1)给消费者形成第一形象。(1) 6.在成功发的谈判中,每一方都必须得到一些东西,(1)另外一方不可能毫无理由地参加会谈。(1) 7.双方的第一印象很可能对(1)最后的结果产生主要影响。(1) 8.可以发现,(0.5)数量与实际的贸易关系更大,(1)尤其是在国际市场上。(0.5) 9.在一定情况下,(1)企业文化的转变变得很有必要。(1) 10.管理者很少有(0.5)能做出最好决定所需的(1)信息。(0.5)

IV.Writing March 19th, 2010

Dear Profeor,

Everyone is delighted that you can be with us on March 23.Thank you for accepting our invitation.

You talk will begin at about 1:30, John Marshall Hotel.I will introduce you.I know that our workshop participants will be very much interested in your varied experiences in busine as well as the academic world.I‘m sure you‘ll devote some time, however, to giving us your view of the role of the administrative aistant and how she or he can prepare for further advancement into management.

In the meantime, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.We want to make your visit with us completely enjoyable.

Sincerely yours, Elaine Yi
