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SAT 对单词拼写并不重视,一篇文章里有两三个拼写错误是不要紧的。不要太注重书写,只要写的字容易辨认就行了。许多SAT满分作文影印版本,上面绝大多数的外国人的书写比你们所见过的最烂的书写还要差。但是不要涂改,卷面整洁还是有必要的。




例子要是英美文化中熟悉的,如果大家平时对美国文化接触比较少,对历史人物不了解的话,可以从范文中积累。另外,平时生活中熟悉的例子一定不要放过,一些 名着比如gone with the wind, lord of the ring, harry potter中的故事都可以用。



Practise makes perfect!写作文没有终南捷径可言,多练习才能多长进。 一篇好的SAT写作,需要考生们注意以下7点;














要点 1: Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the iue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons and other evidence to support its position

关键词:insightful,approriate examples, reasons and other evidence

1) insightfully

insightfully=data mining(数据挖掘)

SAT考试要求考生写出具有深刻洞察力的文章。对于SAT这类强调思辨的批判性写作来说, 对于题目的核心概念进行挖掘是很必要的。

2) approriate examples, reasons and other evidence

考生在提出论点之后,必须寻找相关的、恰当的例证来支持和充实自己的论点。 SAT作文的推理过程远比推理的结果更重要,因此解释Why比给出What更重要,考官会通过审视推理过程来判断考生的逻辑陈述能力。

要点 2: Is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progreion of ideas

关键词:well organized, clearly focused, clear coherence and smooth progreion

1) well organized


2) clearly focused


3) clear coherence and smooth progreion



要点 3: Exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate and aptvocabulary








考生应当注意使用标准的书面英语,口语化的语言最好不要出现在SAT作文中。要点 4:Demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure


用词和句式的多样性和变化性能有效地体现考生运用语言的技巧。考生在进行SAT写作的过程中,在用词上要注意多使用同义词替换,切勿高频的使用同样的词汇。 另外,在句子形式上也要注意长句、短句、简单句和复杂句的交替使用。

要点 5: Is free of most errors in grammar, usage and mechanics

关键词:free of most errors

SAT写作允许有错误存在。most一词表明一篇满分文章需要避免绝大部分的语法、用词错误。 同时这也表明个别的语法错误、用词不当以及诸如拼写,标点符号和大小写等错误不影响一篇文章得满分。 对于SAT写作考试来说,更重要的是文章的要点明确、逻辑通畅,语言的整体高水平。







The viciitude of history never fails to amaze us with all the changes it has brought to human life.If we trace back to see what has been changed since human civilization, seldom can we see anything that remains intact, with only one exception- the importance of reading.Despite the fact that reading has never dropped from our top priorities, few people keep the habit of it.As a reaction to such pathetic phenomenon, writer Frank Bruni draws people’s attention back to reading and encourages people to value it.Strategies he employs include contrast, credible reference and tactic reasoning that appeal to people’s emotion and agreement.

One impreive feature of this article is Bruni’s contrast at the very beginning to introduce his topic, with the next paragraphs addreing its benefits.He compares things that he always ignores such as nephew’s birthday and niece’s school production with things he never fails to overlook -reading.For the majority of people, especially teenagers, birthday party and school performance are events that family members should remember.Unfortunately, this is not the case for the author.Reading at this point, readers are left a bit disappointed at the author and tend to pay more attention to what he wants to convey next.At the cusp of people’三立教育www.daodoc.com

s attention, author Bruni brings about something that deserves greater emphasis- reading: “I’m inceantly asking my nephews and nieces what they’re reading and why they’re not reading more.” Thus the readers start to realize how justifiable the author is-as nothing like a birthday party or a performance in school is comparable with the importance of reading.With the utilization of this contrast, the author succefully draws the attention from the readers and lays a solid foundation for his later argument.

Aside from this, the author’s careful choice of evidence adds credibility to the article.He cites properly a report by Common Sense Media, claiming that three is a sharp decline in the percentage of teenagers read for fun “fewer than 20 percent of 17-year-olds now read for pleasure”.At the same time, however, the number of the young who hardly ever read or never read for pleasure elevates from “only 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds” 30 years ago to “22 percent of 13-year-olds and 27 percent of 17-year-olds “ today.This worrisome report indicates that the young no longer read as much as they used to.Linked with the previous paragraphs, the author urges the reader to weight the disadvantage of such trend and poibly spurs some kind of response.Besides, the inclusion of an authoritative agency backs up Bruni’s point, makes the work of Bruni believable and credible.

The most exquisite technique of the paage, however, is its elaborate reasoning.From paragraph 8 to 15, the author lists all the poible benefits of reading to add weight to the persuasivene of the article.He starts from how 三立教育www.daodoc.com

reading benefit the brain in paragraph 8, that interviews indicate a symbiotic relationship between reading and intelligence.Paragraph 9 follows with a benefit to the qualities required to succe, because those people who read are more adept at “ reading people” and “sizing up the social whirl around them”.If these benefits are not enough, in paragraph 10, 11, 12 and 13, the author compares reading with exposure to technological devices to indicate how reading would benefit the spirit.One obvious benefit reading offers to the spirit is that reading smoothens people “with thoughts le jumbled, moods le jangled”.The other benefit to spirit is that reading grants people “the ability to focus and concentrate”, which becomes a social corrective to “metabolism and sensory overload of digital technology”, because those who indulge themselves in technology requires something to force them to be focused and have delayed gratification.Finally, in paragraph 14 and 15, Bruni talks about the joy of reading: as the connection reading can provide to people is not anything like watching a movie is able to offer.In order to prove the zealous love people poe for reading, he sites the line from the protagonist in a famous love story that “You read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unle and until all living humans read the book.” People love reading want to share the zeal for it, because only those who read can feel the same addiction.All these are connected well to elaborate the value of reading to not only people’s brain and succe, but also spirit and gratification.The combination of all these paragraphs provides the readers with a chance to see the 三立教育www.daodoc.com

well-rounded and multi-layer benefits of reading, surely help the reader to deliver his idea.

All in all, the evidence and source make the reader’s idea worthy of recognition, and the tactical reasoning appeals to people’s emotion and trust.These writing techniques contribute to a well-structured and compelling argument that reading deserves more attention and emphasis.





在考SAT学生中流传着关于SAT写作的饿狼传说。SAT考试第一部分写作,需要在25分钟之内写出一篇不低于400词的文章。只从字数上定义,学生就用电影名Impoible Task来形容SAT写作。更何况,SAT考试要求最好是从美国文学与历史的角度来阐释问题,对于土生土长的中国学生无异于雪上加霜。








Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), the most popular American poet of the 19th century, whose works are still citedher dre caught fire from a lighted match.Longfellow settled in Cambridge, where he remained for the rest of his life.

Longfellow\'s later poetry reflects his interest in establishing an American mythology.Among his other works are Tales Of A Wayside Inn (1863), a translation of Dante\'s The Divine Comedy (1865-67) and Christus: A Mystery (1872), a trilogy dealing with Christianity from its beginnings.

The poet\'s 70th birthday in 1877 was celebrated around the country.Longfellow died in Cambridge on March 24, 1882.In London his marble image is seen in Westminster Abbey, in the Poet\'s Corner.

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Bill Gates

When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result.Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started the engine of Microsoft.Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s No.1 University.However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows.Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world.

Thomas Edison

We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Alva Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to succe.The voluminous personal papers of Edison reveal that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous works.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name \"Saint of the Gutters.\" The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.She founded an order of nuns called the Miionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India dedicated to serving the poor.Almost 50 years later, the Miionaries of Charity have grown from 12 sisters in India to over 3,000 in 517 miions throughout 100 countries worldwide.


Diana Spencer

Lady Diana Spencer, Prince of Wales, is remembered and respected by people all over the world more for her beauty, kindne, humanity and charitable activities than for her technical skills.Nelson Mandela

Mandela, the South African black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid.Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppreion in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country.Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world.As president of the African National Congre and head of South Africa\'s antiapartheid movem

ent, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial government and majority rule.He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.George Bush

On January 16, 1991, President Bush ordered the commencement of Operation Desert Storm, a maive U.S.-led military offensive against Iraq in the Persian Gulf.

In late 1992, Bush ordered U.S.troops into Somalia, a nation devastated by drought and civil war.The peacekeeping miion would prove the most disastrous since Lebanon, and President Clinton abruptly called it off in 1993.

Jimmy Carter

President Carter\'s policy of placing human rights records at the forefront of America\'s relationships with other nations contributed to a cooling of Cold War relations in the late 1970s.In 1980, for the first time in seven years, Fidel Castro authorized emigration out of Cuba by the country\'s citizens.The United States welcomed the Cubans, but later took steps to slow the tide when evidence suggested that Castro was using the refugee flight to empty his prisons.

Neville Chamberlain

In 1938, British Prime Minister Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler, an agreement that gave Czechoslovakia away to Nazi conquest while bringing, as Chamberlain promised, \"peace in our time.\"

Eleven months after the signing of the Munich Pact, Germany broke the peace in Europe by invading Poland.A solemn Chamberlain had no choice but to declare war, and World War II began in Europe.

Winston Churchill

In the early 1930s, Conservative M.P.Winston Churchill iued unheeded warnings of the threat of Nazi aggreion from his seat on a House of Commons backbench.

With German tanks racing acro France, Churchill spoke to the British people for the first time as prime minister, and pledged a struggle to the last breath against Nazi conquest and oppreion.In the summer of 1940, the democracies of continental Europe fell to Germany one by one, leaving Great Britain alone in its resistance to Adolf Hitler.The Nazi leader was confident that victory against Britain would come soon, but Churchill prophesied otherwise, telling his countrymen that the Battle of Britain would be \"their finest hour.\"

Bill Clinton

In 1994, President Clinton authorized a military operation to overthrow Haiti\'s military dictators and restore its democratically elected leader.On the eve of invasion, bloodshed was prevented when former president Jimmy Carter brokered an agreement with Haiti\'s leaders in which they pledged to give up power.

Dwight D.Eisenhower

On June 5, 1944, the supreme Allied commander ordered commencement of the D-Day invasion,

the largest combined sea, air, and land military operation in history.Eisenhower told the 3 million men of the Allied Expeditionary Force, \"The eyes of the world are upon you!\"

In 1956, Israel, Britain, and France invaded Egypt in protest of its nationalization of the Suez Canal.The U.S.S.R.and the United States, both vying for greater influence in the Middle East, forced the three nations to end their occupation of the strategic canal.

Princees Elizabeth and Margaret

During the Battle of Britain, the children of King George VI delivered a radio addre to British children who had been evacuated abroad.Princees Elizabeth and Margaret, like their parents, weathered the dark days of World War II in Britain.

Gerald Ford

Nine days before the fall of Saigon, President Ford spoke on the resignation of South Vietnamese President Thieu.Soon after, the United States launched a maive helicopter evacuation of tens of thousands of anticommunist South Vietnamese and the last few Americans remaining in the country.

Mohandas Gandhi

In 1931, Gandhi, the political and spiritual leader of the Indian independence movement, was released from prison to attend the London Round Table Conference on India as the sole representative of the Indian National Congre.


As leader of the U.S.S.R., Mikhail Gorbachev was a great force for peace, even at the cost of the Soviet government\'s downfall after 74 years in power.

Adolf Hitler

A few days before his occupation of the Sudetenland, a confident Hitler addreed a Nazi rally at Berlin\'s Sportpalast stadium, and reaured the crowd that if war came with Britain and France the German Wehrmacht would be victorious.

Pope John Paul II

In 1995, the pope addreed the United Nations on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.Reaffirming his support of the ideals and goals of the U.N., he praised the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and called for the U.N.to become the moral center of a family of nations.

Nikita Khrushchev and Richard Nixon

In a defining moment of the Cold War, Vice President Nixon and Soviet leader Khrushchev engaged in an impromptu debate about the merits and disadvantages of capitalism and communism.Th

e exchange, which took place in Moscow in front of a replica of a suburban American kitchen, was known as the \"Kitchen Debate.\"

Douglas MacArthur

On September 2, 1945, aboard the USS Miouri in Tokyo Bay, the most destructive war in human history officially came to an end as representatives of the Japanese government and military signed their country\'s unconditional surrender.

After clashing with President Truman over war policy, MacArthur was relieved of his command of U.N.forces in Korea and returned to the U.S.for the first time since before World War II.Given a hero\'s welcome, he addreed a joint meeting of Congre, where he declared, \"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.\"

Richard Nixon

In 1973, after five years of talks, the United States and North Vietnam reached a peace agreement to end U.S.involvement in Vietnam.Two years later, Saigon fell to North Vietnamese forces and Vietnam was unified under Communist rule.

Ronald Reagan

In 1984, Reagan called for an international ban on chemical weapons.Six years later, President Bush and Soviet leader Gorbachev would sign a historic agreement to cease production and begin destruction of both nations\' sizable reserves.

In 1987, during a visit to Berlin, the president made a dramatic plea to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to \"tear down\" the Berlin Wall.Two years later, Berliners would do so on their own




SAT写作素材:The Crusades

Theme:both sides of an iue

Thesis:Everything has its benefit and its drawback

Subject:The Crusades

Detail: The Crusades, profoundly altering European history, were a series of attacks organized by Western Christians in order to take control of the holy city of Jerusalem from Muslim powers.Although they generally failed in their chief purpose, the Crusades exercised an immense influence on Western civilization by bringing the West into closer contact with new ways of living and thinking--stimulating commerce, giving fresh impetus to literature and invention, and increasing geographical knowledge.

Example also serves:It is really impoible to fail.

SAT写作素材:The Critical Period


Thesis:Every fresh crisis we encounter is an opportunity in disguise.

Subject:The Critical Period!

The Critical Period was a decade during which the United States

underwent a hardship under the Article of Confederation.The Articles had weakne that hampered efficient operation of the gorvernment:with no provision for an executive branch,it lacked the ability to enforce laws that Congre paed,the Congre had no power to collect taxes,raise a

military,coin money,or regulate interstate commerce.The desperate condition of people was made plain by the Shay’s rebellion and several meetings held by some states to modify the tariff walls that had been erected by each of the 13 states against imports from any orther states.The new nation was

staggering.The Founding Fathers,who hoped to make America one place in world where freedom and love of humankind could flourish,soon realized the powerle central government under the confederation forms of country was undesirable and impratical.It turned out to the Philadephia Convention of 1787,which produced one of “the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man ”---The Constituition of United States.It established a federal forms of government that has a seperation of power among legislature,judicious and executive branch and a division of power between states and central government.Further more,it sets a great precedent for future generations seeking liberty and freedpm as Amerca did.Example also serves : Diatisfaction motivates people to change


Theme: Change

Thesis: The world isn’t always changing for better.

Subject 1: Environment pollution & Economic inequality

Since the Industrial Revolution,our encironment has been in imminent danger.For example,a dramatic summer drought helped public focus their attentions on the greenhouse effect,a general warming of temperature on

Earth,which is caused by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide released by burning foil fuels like coals,gasoline products and rapid

deforestation.Along with the rapid technology advance is the emergence of acid rain,ecological wasteland and natural disasters such as flood and

hurricane.Not only to encironment,but also to some people changes in today’s seemly progreive world are not always good.The booming America saw a growing economic inequality.In 2004,number of millionaire household in

America increased by 14% as the number of people living below the poverty line rose to about 37 million,including 15 million children.The annual budget paed by Congre in 2005 severely cut programs eential to strggling families,including child aistance and medicaid funding for the poor.Left in

such desperate condition, the poor could hardly appreciate these changesSubject 2 : Technology changes

Detail: In a culture which emails,cell phones and internet chat room have become everyday modes of communication,we are on the verge of breaking down all barriers to the complete and constant transfer of information.But if we seem to be moving toward unfetter union,we could also be seen more isolated as individuals than we have ever been before.Changes in technology

definitely make our lives easier,as shopping at home becomes easier than driving to the store,as meeting people online eliminates the need to spend a lot of time traveling,and as faxing someone a blueprint gets rid of neceity of meeting to dicu a plan.However,the very techonology that purports to make connections and bring people closer together is helping them drift apart.One can absolutely recall some scenes which you was sitting alone in your bedroom busily talking to someone on msn whild rejecting the proposal to shop with your families or you was having lunch with friends while talking to someone else on your cellphones.All these convenient technologies including online services that prevent us from going out and meeting a real person,and cellphones that reduce the real human interaction,do not necearily make us better.

Example 2 also serves:The benefit of technology dose not always outweigh the cost.
































全文结构严谨 ,重点突出,观点阐释具有高度的整体感、一致性和流畅性。作者对语言的应用很有技巧,所用的句式多样而得当。综上所述,作者的写作能力在本文得到明显而充分地体现,因而获得满分。




Is the opinion of the majority-in government or in any other circumstances-a poor guide?

The entire idea of democracy centers around “majority rule”, where laws and standards are put into effect if most of the citizens support it.However, if people concentrate on only the majority in each circumstance, they often forget the voices and rights of the minorities.Simply because a person is in the minority of an opinion does not mean he can be ignored, for in a true democracy all the citizens are guaranteed the same rights.Thus in some circumstances strictly following the opinions of the majority is a poor guide to determining what actions to take.

The days before America’s Civil War, when slavery was prevalent, demonstrate that following majority rule often fails to respect people’s moral rights and liberty.The majority of white people in the early 1800’s supported slavery because of the benefits they received from the suppreed blacks.Thus, the government reluctantly allowed slavery to be legal in America, despite the terrible sufferings of the slaves.The degraded slaves underwent uncountable terrifying experiences-they were beaten, separated from their families, and forced to toil laboriously in fields their entire lives.And because the government believed “majority ruled”,the slaves lived in such conditions until the Emancipation Proclamation was written during the bloody Civil War.Had the government not followed the opinions of the clamoring whites, slavery could have been abolished much sooner, and much suffering could have been avoided.Thus, in this circumstance of freedom vs.suppreion, the opinion of the majority served as a poor guide to follow by the U.S.government.

Furthermore, the effects of majority rule impact Americans today, for there are many unsolved, controversial iues such as abortion, stem-cell research, and homosexual marriages.In the case of “gay rights”, the majority of Americans oppose people of the same sex marrying, and most of the states’ laws reflect this opinion.However, ignoring the wishes of gays and lesbians by enacting these laws will leave many of them unhappy because they cannot legally “tie the knot” with the person they love.The U.S.Constitution declares that everyone has the right to pursue happine, but by banning gay marriages, some may be barred from the happine of marriage.In addition, many oppose stem-cell research because they are angered by the fact that embryos are created and then destroyed.Once again, though, if the government paes a law banning such research, the minority may suffer.Stem-cell research may save lives by using the cells to specialize in a certain area.Those who would benefit from the discoveries of stem-cell research may die



民主的整个观念是基于“多数人做主的原则”。如果多数公民支持,法律和标准也就因此 产生。然而,如果事事集中在多数人身上,人们就会忘记少数人的声音和权利。不能因为持有少数人的观点,这些人就该被忽视,因为真正的民主意味着所有的公民 都有一样的权利。所以在一些情况下,严格地跟随多数人的意


美国南北战争前,奴隶制猖狂,就说明了多数人做主的原则常损害人们的道德权利和自 由。19世纪初,多数白人支持奴隶制,因为他们受益于被压迫的黑人。所以当时的政府不顾奴隶的悲惨遭遇,半推半就地让奴隶制在美国合法化。被蹂躏的奴隶们 惨遭无数可怕的经历——被拷打,背井离乡,被迫终生耕作。正是政府信奉“多数人做主的原则”。奴隶们生活在这种状况下,直至南北战争中解放公告的诞生。如 果当时的政府没有顺着白人的喧嚷行事,奴隶制可能会更早被废除,许多悲惨的遭遇也可避免。在这自由与压迫的问题上,多数人的意见误导了美国政府。

多数人为准的原则甚至影响到当今美国人民,诸如许多尚未解决的有争议的社会问题:堕胎,干细胞的研究及同性婚姻。在同性恋者 的权利问题上,多数美国人反对同性婚姻,这反映在多数州的法律上。然而以法律来制约男女同性恋的愿望,不让他们相爱的人结合,破坏了他们中许多人的幸福。 美国宪法宣称人人有权追求幸福,但禁止同性婚姻也就阻碍了一些人的婚姻幸福。进一步说,许多人反对干细胞的研究,因为他们不能容忍胚胎的培养而又被销毁。 如果政府又用法律的形式来禁止这些研究,一些人将会遭难。干细胞的研究把细胞运用在特殊领域里,可能拯救许多生命。那些本可受益于干细胞研究的人们可能会 死去(25分钟时间到,就此停笔,未及写结尾)



1.To the general public/popular minds…, but I believe…

2.…isa deep-routed/popular/widespread/common method/way of…, but is it a fair/wise/reasonable


The value/method is being questioned/challenged by more and more people.

3.Recently the rise in/phenomenon of/problem of…has drawn/aroused public/general/grave

attention/international concern.


社会问题:social iues

4.One of the most searching/burning/preing/interesting questions/problems facing/confronting our

nation/society/world today is…

5.Now in many big cities/countries/colleges, an overwhelming majority of/ a significant proportion

of/a sizable percentage of the public/college students… .What accounts for/explains/lies behind the phenomenon?

6.With the rapid/marked/amazing development/improvement/expansion of/increase/growth/decline


7.With the general/growing/commonawarene/recognition/acknowledgement


devotion/dedication to

8.Nothing /few things/ no idea/opinion/belief/view/attitude is /are more/as

foolish/dangerous/untrue/undesirable/basic/important/eential than/as…, which is widely/commonly/generally held by…

9.Never /nowhere in history/the world/China has the iue/change/idea of… been more/as

visible/evident/popular than that of today./as…

10.We might marvel at the great/giant/extraordinary tremendous progre/stride/advance made in

science and technology/nearly every field, but … remain basically unchanged/the same as it was.

11.“(名人名言).” Such is the opinion of/remark made by Bacon/Edison/Helen Keller/, one of the great

minds.This view has been shared / confirmed time and again by...

12.Throughout our lives/Historically/Traditionally, we tend to … But most scientists/researchers have

now found that…

13.In recent years, there is a steady/subtle/significant shift of…

14.In recent years, there is a general/healthy/growing tendency towards…趋势tend to…

I am free from trouble.

My freedom from trouble makes you envious.

15.Should/What …? Opinions of/attitude toward… vary greatly from person to person.

Some regard/view…, others argue/believe/claim…(可以5个替换)

16、The answer to/explanation for

this problem/phenomenon involves many/several complex/complicated/interrelated factors.For one thing,…, for another,…, still another,…


From what has been discued above/Taking into account all these factors/Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely/reasonably arrive at/come to/reach/draw the conclusion that…

In summary/conclusion/a word, …

I would like to say/It seems obvious that… is a question that deserves/worthy of special attention /immediate notice /serious consideration from the public.

We must search/look/cry/ for a (an) immediate/quick action/method, because the current situation/state, if permitted /allowed to continue/proceed, will surely/certainly lead to/result in the destruction/heavy cost.

No easy/effective/instant method/remedy/solution is in sight/at hand/ to guarantee/solve theiue/the problem, but the common/general/public recognition of/awarene of /commitment to the neceity/importance of…might be the first step on the right way.

We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal/destination, but once we are on the road, the chance to win is greater.


1. The importance/significance of…can not be overvalued/overstreed/overemphasized.It


the great/considerable/deep effect/influence/impact

the change makes/exerts/has is obvious/apparent/evident.


3. The advantages derived from A far outweigh the benefits we gain from B.…(说一个事物如何好).However, it is not without limits/weakne/ faults/defects.The

principal one is… Besides…

4. A and B share several things in common.Both are alike in that …


Although the popular/nationwide/commonly-accepted belief/idea/aumption is that…, a

current/recent/new survey/poll/investigation indicated/reveals that…

They may be right/correct in/aboutsaying/aerting that…, but they seem to neglect to mention/take note of/take into account …

Closer examination /analysis/scrutiny, however, suggests/indicates that the claim/argument/aumption may not be supported/borne out by the evidence/fact.

6 At first glance/thought/on surface/on the face of it, it may seem a sound idea/suggestion/solution,

but on second thought/close examination, we find…




Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves?

Most parents and teachers tell students the extremely tired cliché of the consequences of following the crowd.It is said that, in order to be a competely individual thinker, one must ignore what others say.Such advice is certainly true to some extent; unreasonable malice must be forgotten in order to keep some level of self-esteem.However, as with most ideas, this one can not be taken in absolute form.In at least some respects, we need other people in order to understand ourselves.

An excellent example of a literary character who could have psychologically benefitted from social interaction is J.Alfred Prufrock from T.S.Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock.” In the poem, Prufrck desires a relationship with a woman very much, but he refrains from initiating conversation because he fears that he could not hold the interest of a sophisticated lady.Should Prufrock have taken the step to accept other people into his life, he most likely would have discovered, as the reader of the poem certainly did, that he is most articulate.Others would have impreed upon him the beauty of his words and his talent for prose.If Prufrock would have spoken his song a loud, the ladies surely would have shown him what he himself did not understand.Since the ladies would reveal Prufrock’s talents to him, it is true that we need others in order to understand ourselves.SAT

The leon of learning from other’s opinions of yourself extends much farther than the song of a fictional character.Two days ago, in an art cla, my group of students had aigned self portraits due.Most of us brought in photographs of ourselves.Neverthele, one boy brought nothing and handed us all slips of paper.He told us to write a word to describe him, and when we had done so, he pasted the words on a poster.This must have been a revealing exercise for him because, upon the sight of such descriptions as “bitter” and “sarcastic”, he was shocked.In the case of this boy, he had not realized how his personality appeared to others.Though he might not have thought himself “bitter”, his friend’s comments certainly made him seem that way.The fact that we need others in order to understand ourselves is clearly shown by this boy’s revelation.(389)


第12篇:SAT写作 主题选择

1.“whether you think you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right”

Henry Ford, 1863-1947

Aignment: Does attitude determine succe and failure in an endeavor? Plan and write an eay that develops and supports your views on this iue.

2.There is an old proverb, “Spare the road and spoil the child.”

Aignment: which is a more effective means in teaching children to behave in a certain way---to promise rewards or to instill a fear of punishment?

3. Advertisements for the New York State Lottery say: all you need is a dollar and a dream., a slogan that encourages the fantasy that a big win will solve all of life’s problems.Yet, many lottery winners have suffered unexpected negative consequences.Their dreams have often turned into nightmares, and their lives are worse that they were before.

Aignments: Can the realization of a dream be disastrous? Plan and write an eay that develops and supports your views on this iue.

4.“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered”

Nelson Mandela, a long walk to freedom

Aignment: Do we need to understand our past in order to understand ourselves? Plan and write an eay that develops and supports your views on this iue.

5.“Destiny is not a matter of chance.It is a matter of choice.It is not a thing to be waited for.It is a thing to be achieved.”

William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)

Aignment: Do you think that a destiny achieved by the decisions and choices you have made is preferable to a destiny that comes from chance or luck? Plan and write an eay that develops and supports your views on this iue.


Lincoln & Helen Keller & Forrest Gump:

In addition, through experiences of lives burgeon the individual achievements in the future.Instructions and inspirations in the early time of one’s life can bequeath one the advanced personality and practical skills, which probably results in succe when they grow up.Numerous examples stand for my point on this topic, such as Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller and Forrest Gump.On one hand, the poverty in life and failures during elections did not despair Lincoln, and he neverthele triumph in his political life with his perseverance, and abolished the slavery for his dream of equality and human rights;

on the other, the innate physical imperfection could not prevent one from succe.Helen Keller, inspired by her family teacher, stood up in adversities and became the most famous moral writer throughout the globe.Her personal experience rescued millions of people from the depth of desperation; what is more, people can benefit from others as well.The intellectual defect never discouraged Forrest Gump.Instead, encouraged by his mum and friend, he learned to keep on chasing what he considered precious and understood the eence of the life.

Environment technology:

The unlimited use of foil fuels, which became indispensable to our industry today, really gives rise to unexpected catastrophes.Although changes in energy uses ushered in a new era of Scientific Revolution, the burn of foil fuels, rather than a clean and efficient way to get energy, will finally strike the human society.The natural gas, coal and oil used to power industrial procees and motor vehicles put harmful compounds into the atmosphere, such as CO2, CO, SO2and tiny solid particles.The emiion of these chemical gases may cause disasters.In 1952, about 4000 people died in London in the notorious event called London Fogs.What is more, this burning activity is also bringing about a global-scale climatic change, known as the Global Warming.Warmer temperatures are expected to partially melt the polar ice cap, leading to a sea-level rise of 1 meter by the year 2100.If sea levels do rise at this rate, Florida Ever glade would be inundated under salt water in the next century!

The seemingly advanced technology, rather than benefits us today, induces more trouble out of people’s expect.On one hand, the newly-invented appliances may deprive us of our opportunities and interests to get close to the nature.We have color television to enjoy the televised view of Rocky Mountains, but we lost the primitive beauty of nature in a concrete forest; on the other, new

technology may contradict to our extant standard.Gene technology, considered one of the greatest inventions in the world, places doubt on the moral criterion; Furthermore, some so-called powerful weapons we invented can finally become the tools of terrible war.We vaunted of creating the atomic bomb, however if used improperly, we may ultimately destroy ourselves.

Einstein&John Nash & Galileo

Challenging authority always leads to a social progre in science.The current main views, obviously, were once novelties impelling the world.However, every time has its own motif, and the previous impetus may stand as an obstacle in the way of social progre.Thus, only through changing these decrepit theories can the whole human beings benefit.The example of Einstein, John Nash and Galileo justify me view.On one hand, the new theory may help in completing the current one.With the help of Relativity, initiated by Albert Einstein, nowadays scientists can explicate the motion of objects which speed comparable to light; on the other, new perception gives a new outlook on life.People come to the negotiating table, inaugurating a new era of commerce, and attribute the most to the author of a revolutionary theory—John Nash; furthermore, the novelty may provides impetus to a new domain.Abandoning the previous geocentric view, the world begins to probe the cosmos under the guide of Galileo’s heliocentric theory.Were there not so many individuals daring

to challenge, our society would never have developed to the current height.

Humanity:Mother Teresa& Helen Keller

By taking social responsibility, the famous set up a model for the future.With the indication of the past examples, most of individuals may feel confident when toiling onward into the progre of humanity.The examples of Helen Keller and Mother Teresa justify my point.On one hand, the humanity of individuals may inspire the whole world to devote on this field.Abandoning the previous comfortable life as a teacher, Mother Teresa, defying all the obstacles, set up the foundation called Miionaries of Charity in Calcutta.Consequently, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and other celebrities donated most of their money to their own foundations, after being encouraged by Mother Teresa.One the other, the struggle of disabled may have the bracing effect on the desperate.Helen Keller, deprived of the ability to see and hear after a severe fever, stood on the adversities and fought inexhaustible till the final victory.Her proce spurs numerous people, no matter healthy or disable, to strive for their own winning


But Fear and the Muse in turn guard the place

Where the banished poet has gone

And the night that comes with quickened pace

Is ignorant of dawn.

-Anna Akhmatova

Why do the wicked always form groups, whereas the righteous do not? Because the wicked, walking in darkne, need company, but the righteous, who live in light, do not fear being alone.


A fool without fear is sometimes wiser than an angel with fear.

-Lady Nancy Astor “My Two Countries”

Cruelty and fear shake hands together.An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man\'s entire existence.

-Honoré de Balzac

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

-Dorothy Bernard

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;

thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

-Bible-Psalm 27:1

He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.

-Napoleon Bonaparte

Who is all-powerful should fear everything.

-Pierre Corneille

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; Conservatism, distrust of the people, tempered by fear.

-William Ewart Gladstone

I feel my immortality oversweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears,thou livest forever!

-George Gordon, Lord Byron

Grab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear.

-Zora Neale Hurston

We invent what we love, and what we fear.

-John Irving

I have not ceased being fearful, but I have ceased to let fear control me.- Erica Jong

The constant aertion of belief is an indication of fear.


Fear is nature\'s warning signal to get busy.

-Henry C.Link

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.


It\'s the heart afraid of dying, that never learns to dance;

It\'s the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance;

It\'s the one who won\'t be taken, who cannot seem to give;

And the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live.

-Bette Midler “The Rose\"

Fear is the mother of morality.

-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

-Alexander Pope “An Eay on Criticism”

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.

-Michael Pritchard

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.

-Ambrose Redmoon

A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterwards.

-Jean Paul Friedrich Richter

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot.- Eleanor Roosevelt

Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty.To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom, in the pursuit of truth as in the endeavor after a worthy manner of life.

-Bertrand Ruell “An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish”

Be wary then; best safety lies in fear.

-Shakespeare, “Hamlet”

Valor grows by daring, fear by holding back.

-Publilius Syrus

Fear is a slinking cat I find

Beneath the lilacs of my mind.

-Sophie Tunnel

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

-Mark Twain

The hopes and fears of all our years are here with us tonight.

-Kurt Vonnegut

Tomorrow holds no fears for me, Since I have found today.

-Vivian Yeiser Laramor


SAT写作练习注意事项 作文的分值虽然不大,但是对考生申请学校的影响却很大,所以大家在练习作考试的时候,一定要提起重视,对于各种事项都有详细的了解和掌握。本文就为大家整理了相关的信息,供大家在备考的时候,进行参考。



















1 文学

文学领域,有一本经典名著推荐大家读一下——《动物庄园》(Animal Farm),书不厚,语言也不难,建议大家直接买原版来读。作者乔治奥威尔,他的另外一本书“1984”同样也是经典。《动物庄园》这本书被誉为二十世纪最伟大的政治寓言。讲的是一个动物农场中动物们不满人类主人的虐待,联合起来把主人赶跑了,成了一个动物“自治”的庄园。结果慢慢的,猪成了新的统治阶级,用谎言和欺骗压榨剥削其他的动物。在小说中,动物们对新的权威——猪深信不疑,乃至让猪日渐嚣张跋扈作威作福,而他们自己最终沦落到悲惨的境地。比如猪在革命时曾说:所有动物生而平等(ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL)。等猪成了统治者之后,偷偷在这句话后面加上了:有些动物比其他动物更平等(BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS)。此外,猪为了维护统治还刻意涂改历史、通过保持神秘感、垄断教育、树立劳模等方式来愚弄动物们,和某些国家的做法如出一辙,真的很有意思。

2 电影

涉及挑战权威主题的电影也有很多,在这里推荐一部电影——《三个傻瓜》(Three Idiots),相信有不少同学已经看过。电影描述的是三个大学生反抗死板文都国际教育官方网站:http://www.daodoc.com/



3 艺术

艺术领域反抗权威的例子也比比皆是,这里我们举一个人,叫做邓肯(Isadora Duncan),美国舞蹈家,被誉为现代舞的创始人。在邓肯之前的时代舞蹈艺术被严格的程式化所束缚着——只有芭蕾舞才被认为是正统的、登得上台面的。而邓肯却敢于挑战这种传统的、权威的思想,她完全依靠自学成才,阅读了大量文学作品,从绘画、诗歌、音乐、雕塑、建筑等其他艺术中获取灵感,主张舞蹈应建立在自然的节奏和动作上,以本能的舞蹈节奏出发去诠释音乐。她是世界上第一位披头赤脚在舞台上表演的舞蹈家,舞蹈动作自由不羁,随兴而发,经常有即兴创作。她还创办了舞蹈学校,现代舞因为她才发展成了一门真正的艺术。

4 科学

科学领域挑战权威的例子就更多了。任何一个新理论的提出都是来自于那些敢于挑战前辈权威的科学家们。比如物理学家伽利略(Galileo)在比萨斜塔上做的自由落体实验挑战了亚里士多德(Aristotle)的重的物体先落地的理论、支持哥白尼的“日心说”反对天主教会的“地心说”;经济学家纳什(John Nash)挑战了亚丹斯密(Adam Smith)的经典经济学理论;爱因斯坦(Einstein)挑战了牛顿(Newton)的经典力学理论等等。

5 体育



1月1日国际泳联禁止使用鲨鱼皮泳衣后,产生的第一项世界纪录。此前许多体育界的权威人士以及大部分的运动员都觉得没有了高科技的鲨鱼皮运动员怎么也破不了记录了,但罗切特用实际行动证明了他们的错误,他说:“我只是想做人们认为不可能的事,我要证明这是可能的。训练时,我总是以打破世界纪录为目标,今天一切都有了回报。”他觉得世界记录还将不断被打破,前提是勇于相信! 6 商业


7 历史


8 个人


各行各业的名人例子还有很多,大家在平时的阅读和观察中多留心一定会积累到很多。推荐大家看一部苹果公司的商业广告片“Think Different”,只有1分钟,是历史上众多与众不同勇于创新的名人的剪辑,相信大家从中可以找到不少素材。







Is the opinion of the majority-in government or in any other circumstances-a poor guide?

The entire idea of democracy centers around “majority rule”, where laws and standards are put into effect if most of the citizens support it.However, if people concentrate on only the majority in each circumstance, they often forget the voices and rights of the minorities.Simply because a person is in the minority of an opinion does not mean he can be ignored, for in a true democracy all the citizens are guaranteed the same rights.Thus in some circumstances strictly following the opinions of the majority is a poor guide to determining what actions to take.

The days before America’s Civil War, when slavery was prevalent, demonstrate that following majority rule often fails to respect people’s moral rights and liberty.The majority of white people in the early 1800’s supported slavery because of the benefits they received from the suppreed blacks.Thus, the government reluctantly allowed slavery to be legal in America, despite the terrible sufferings of the slaves.The degraded slaves underwent uncountable terrifying experiences-they were beaten, separated from their families, and forced to toil laboriously in fields their entire lives.And because the government believed “majority ruled”,the slaves lived in such conditions until the Emancipation Proclamation was written during the bloody Civil War.Had the government not followed the opinions of the clamoring whites, slavery could have been abolished much sooner, and much suffering could have been avoided.Thus, in this circumstance of freedom vs.suppreion, the opinion of the majority served as a poor guide to follow by the U.S.government.

Furthermore, the effects of majority rule impact Americans today, for there are many unsolved, controversial iues such as abortion, stem-cell research, and homosexual marriages.In the case of “gay rights”, the majority of Americans oppose people of the same sex marrying, and most of the states’ laws reflect this opinion.However, ignoring the wishes of gays and lesbians by enacting these laws will leave many of them unhappy because they cannot legally “tie the knot” with the person they love.The U.S.Constitution declares that everyone has the right to pursue happine, but by banning gay marriages, some may be barred from the happine of marriage.In addition, many oppose stem cell research because they are angered by the fact that embryos are created and then destroyed.Once again, though, if the government paes a law banning such research, the minority may suffer.Stem cell research may save lives by using the cells to specialize in a certain area.Those who would benefit from the discoveries of stem cell research may die


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你可能还会想college board让你完成的是一个不可能完成的任务。在20到25分钟之内完成一篇达到水平的论文,即使是40分钟还是有一定困难的。其实你不用担心,平时的知识积累已经让你对SAT写作有很大帮助了。以前你们被要求写的论文多数都是学术性的论文,需要学习相关知识,查找相关资料,和给出一些学术性的例子。对于SAT的论文来讲,你不需要作以上我们刚才说到的那些。相反的,论文要求的是你自己的观点。通过你自己以往的经验,阅读过的文章,和观察到事物来解释 SAT的写作考题。以下的十步写作步骤将会帮助你完成你的写作高分梦!































SAT写作范文包括了历年的真题范文和SAT OG上面的经典范文,大家在参考SAT写作范文的时候,一定要注意下面的几点:






6、体会 文章内容的深刻性与完备性;文章结构的条理性;文章文采的准确性与多样性。通过上面的几点分析,大家就会对一篇SAT写作范文的大概写作方法以及写作应用的例子等都有所了解了,这样在面对更多相关的写作题目的时候,就会有更多方法来应对了。SAT作文在整个SAT写作考试中所占的分数并不是很大,大家可以参考SAT写作范文进行备考。希望各位考友仔细阅读以上如何有效参考SAT写作范文的相关介绍,认真备考,获得一个自己理想的成绩。

