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Why college students like to contact others than to be contacted

0912010 Susie

With the fast development of the society, we have stepped into an era of information and technology.Cellphone, regarded as a main communication tool, is enjoying an unprecedented popularity in the world .Most individuals,if not all ,can’t live without it.However,according to a recent survey of 2000 college students, a multitude of students like most about their mobile devices which they can reach other people ,while like least which other people can reach them .I’m in sympathy with the idea.And in my perspective of view, it is the undesirable pervasive atmosphere of selfishne that leads to the result.

It is a truism that our world is a unity of universal connection and men are mutually dependent.No one can lead a stable and trouble-free life in total isolation from others .For one things, a person\'s strength is limited and We are hardly to predict what is around the corner and when will we plunge into a difficulty.Once happened, it is of great convenience to seek help from others via cellphones.It is no wonder why students like most about their mobile devices which they can reach other people.For another,cellphones ,available to contact others whenever and wherever ,can smooth theirrestlene and provide a sense of security to some extent when they are in sorry shape .

College students desire various aistances, but they are not enthusiastic about helping others .A majority of them wrap themselves in a cocoon of selfishne .Maybe it is because they are the only child in the family and regarded as the apple of their parents’ eyes, they are in a habit of being loved than loving others .They just concentrate on their own things and are reluctant to receive calls,since 7out of 10 calls are usually asking for help.In their opinion,it means they have to stop their own matters and waste much time in their disposal .Even they are rather unwilling to help ,they have to, in hope to get the same aistance from others when they are in the face of difficulties .That’s why they like least about their mobile devices which other people can reach them .

This abnormal phenomenon has aroused heated discuion among educators on and off campus , and an increasing number of average people are voicing their growing concern over it .Our future largely hinges on college students ,who poe relatively higher talents .If they remain selfishne ,our country will lie in a balance .So it\'s urgent and admits of no delay to strengthen moral education and carry forward it.

0912010 Susie


Be ware our favorite telephone

Do you like phones? When college students are asked this question, and I suppose what they will answer.The recent survey about college student’s attitude toward phones aroused my interest.A result that what college students like phone most is that they can reach others and what they like least is that others can reach them is given by a profeor.I am partially agree with the profeor’s opinion as a college students and a member among the been surveygroup, what I like phone most is that I can reach others and what Ilike least is not others can reach me but it brings mepotential problems.

In modern society, I can’t get by without my cell phone and I view it as a neceary tool to reach others.To begin with, I came to college and I am away from my families.Cell phones allow parental communication which can make me feel more secure.Besides, even if the crime rates are low, as a student I may find myself in situations where I feel unsafe.Phones allow me to all for help when I feel unsafe.Cell phones allow me to call for help when I feel I need an escort.In a real emergency, where I need medical attention, a cell phone could prove lifesaving, and it brings me a safe .what’s more telephones allow me to have an always –on connection to my social network.I can use short time and few words to reach others at any time.I like phones which really bring me great convenience.

However, for me, what I like phone least is that it brings me potential problems.I waste lots of time on mobile phones, obseing with the QQ zone, wrapping in the games, chatting with others and so on.These are the visible effects.I think others also have this problem.What’s worse, phone brings indifference and distance between us, and this invisible effect is more awful.when my friend sand I have no phones, we get together playing and talking, but now we talking little when we get together.Everyone has a small screen, and we prefer engraining in the virtual world rather than communicating with our friends sitting beside us.A group of people sit together and play without communication.How awful that was.It is telephone that reducing our communication and bringing a gap between us.I found the telephone is the real subtle poison which is destroying people’s relationship .but few of us has realized this.Most of us just see it’s advantages and college students are addicted into it.

Beware our favorite phone which is destroying our relationship.As college students we need realizing this and using our phone properly.



1、注重写好文章的框架 文章的框架很重要,例如连词的活用,英语句子很讲究逻辑,所以要活用连词

2、句型的多样化 不要老是用简单的主从复合句,要多用一下其他句子,像倒装句, 无人称主语的there be句,非谓语动词

3、基本句型包括Ⅰ.主谓句;Ⅱ.There be;Ⅲ.主系表结构的句子;Ⅳ.被动语态

4、复杂句型 包括Ⅰ.并列句;Ⅱ.从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语)








从2000年至今,本人已辅导八级五年了,过级率年年提高.其秘密无它,唯有忠告一句: 欲过专八, 需一 “心”两 “用”也.所谓一 “心”, 指的是需要有一颗平常心,能够坦然面对八级备考前所出现的种种情绪波动,如找工作受挫而万念俱灰或是因为做了两套八级模拟题感觉自己实在不行而想放弃等等.其实,我们需明白一点,考过专八不一定能证明你的英语水平有多么厉害, 考不过的话也不见得你的英语就很烂.明白了这一点,我们就大可把心态放平常了,专心去备战,不以物喜,不以己悲, 一步一个脚印的把自己的备考计划付之实践.

再看两 “用”.首先是要谨慎使用好你目前所拥有的近五年的真题.所谓谨慎,是指在各项基本功没练好之前不要盲目的做真题.所以,我们可以暂时把真题收起来,在每年一月底的最后一周开始使用.具体步骤如下:

1.备战专八具体分两个阶段: 第一, 是分项训练阶段,时间可从大四上学期开始, 从听力入手, 重点训练你的记忆力和速记能力.我的培训方法是精听20篇Note-taking 的文章, 每一次做完后可马上核对答案,每做完五篇后可自行总结一次,看看自己是哪方面的词汇没有记录下来.并把这五篇的答案归纳一下,发现专家出题的规律,到底哪类词出的频率比较高.认真听完这20篇文章并加以详细总结需一个月的时间,可用参考书是上外, 南大等四所高校联合编写的八级水平测试指南的第七级和第八级这两本书.

听力训练的第二阶段是新闻听力, 可从十二月底开始进行, 因为通常每年考的新闻都是上一年的国际大事.推荐的使用资料就是美国之音2005新闻听力, 北京汇智时代出版, 共两张光盘,两本书.只需精听这两张MP3的所有内容,基本可以把专八新闻一举歼灭.你需要用的时间大概是半个月.


第二, 在分项训练完成之后,可以开始做真题了,时间可以从大年初三开始,每三天做一套真题,严格按考试时间进行自我测试,在测试后马上核对答案,然后找出错的原因。接下来的两天,不要急着做题,可以把做过的真题再拿出来看一遍,重点看Note-taking的tape scripts, 因为每一篇的Note-taking的文章都很规范,层次分明,是绝好的写作范文。反复阅读能让我们学到很多写作的技巧,尤其是写文章时过渡的技巧和展开论点的技巧。


地朝既定目标前进,不会轻易放弃。当年我也是用这一招才取得了理想的成绩,成绩单到手后我发现自己每一项的得分和自己设定的最高目标几乎完全一样。实践出真知,我能做到的你也一定能。Trust me, you can make it.




十年前,刚踏入大学校门的我在上听力的第一节课时自尊心就遭到了严重打击:整节课下来一头雾水,不知所云。听力不好是有原因的——初中到高中从来没听过英语磁带。还好我这人有个不服输的性格,立马发誓从哪跌倒就从哪站起来,于是开始了我的自我听力特训。总结一下,听力训练是分几个阶段的。最初的阶段,我注意把听力训练和词汇量的提高结合了起来。具体的做法就是白天背单词,每天背50个单词(具体方法在以后的单词攻略中有详细的介绍);晚饭半小时后练听力,每天坚持听半小时的VOA、BBC的新闻,雷打不动。刚开始的时候,坚持很不容易。因为两周过去了,收听的内容没有一样能听懂,那种感觉是要命的,多次想把手中的收音机砸个粉碎。两周过去了,听新闻的时候有了“巨大”的突破,能听懂个别冠词和定冠词了,还听到了China这个词,心底的喜悦难以描述,开心得不得了,飞快跑到书店买了一盒英语新闻的磁带,打算乘胜追击。可是听了这盘磁带后,打击更大了。买磁带的时候我不懂“标准英语”和“特别英语”的区别,想当然的认为当然是先听懂标准的再听特别的比较妥,其结果就是那Standard English让我欲哭无泪。天啊,天底下竟然有这样快速的“鸟语”,我该如何是好啊???








2010-06-09 12:20:09 丫头片子 (丢了一个人)






6。阅读。第1。讲过了 星火100阅读。




2010-06-09 12:53:00 逆水若寒



3.改错看星火的 冲击波的太难不现实

4.听力 这个仔细做真题就够了 我做的星火感觉比真题简单,可以先拿它练练手


6.翻译 仔细推敲真题 有时间看看散文佳作108篇 星火的翻译也可以拿来练练

7.阅读 这个我还真没法指导 这个还没发度量 今年的阅读狂难平时多看看新闻报纸吧 ____________________________________________________________

2010-06-11 16:40:57 哦也

人文建议买星火的,我今年买的是冲击波的,我同桌买星火的,可以建议相互看一下。 考试指南那一本是一定要买的。


听力的,我买了星火的新闻听力,还买了冲击波的听力填空,还有听力(是套题) 词汇我也是用冲击波的,没有背多少,但是只是要养成每日背点单词的习惯。


写作我没有买书。 翻译买的是冲击波的。





2010-06-17 13:31:09 卡卡是颗豆 (move on)

现在复习太早。不如多看点美剧,听听VOA练练听力,结竟听力是最不能速成的。 单词,六级的就够。


翻译看看翻译技巧句子翻得像人在说话就行。 作文背点模版。



个人觉得真题一本吃透就行了。 模拟卷难度太大没有参考价值。






2010-07-06 22:59:55 cbmygz








阅读买了冲击波和星火 一本极简单一本及复杂。到现在就两本各做了一份两份躺在那里了。

我复习专八基本上都是心理战 。每天上午做完真题开始崩溃。然后一番心理建设就吃午饭睡午觉了。醒来看看人文又晚饭了。接着看看这题又是一场崩溃,然后又一番心理建设又开始看单词 然后困了就睡了 每天循环 大概十来天 就这样。

最后稀里糊涂过了 专四的时候裸考 过了 专八的时候倒是准备了几天

但是心理那个一个七上八下啊 估分的时候四十多 考出来六十多

二流学校不努力学习的人 没啥好抱怨的

现在出来找工作也没啥优势 但缺了这个就算一个劣势了



估计就是有空 泡图书馆 去自习教室 看点英文杂志 做点杂七杂八的练习

坚持看点有营养的美剧然后分析人家的句子 翻译可能要早点准备 如果有心可以来个晨读 born to win 跟星火专八作文 都蛮好的

and 加油 这世界牛人多 咱不够牛 但是也不能太弱了


2010-07-23 21:04:08 evangel (用七十码的速度把青春撞上蓝天)

话说我觉得真没必要去呗单词,因人而异吧,但是人文死背是必须的。可以采取几个同学互相问答得方式,记忆比较深刻。答题字一定要写好。作文逻辑要清楚。翻译呢每天中英各两篇,作文一周两篇。真题必须做,而且是掐时间做。听力相当简单,没问题的。大家加油 __________________________________________________________________

2010-08-08 17:53:40 L小姐 (Bazinga了~)











2010-08-13 20:12:57 momijy (mi~)






2010-09-19 09:24:26 skylulu (恬淡虚无)



1.Over 30 years ago, the Frankfurt Book Fair 图书博览会was host to its first Guest of Honour贵宾 – Latin America.The literature of this large cultural region was rather unknown in Germany before that time.That changed considerably after being Guest of Honour.In China, over 90,000 titles are published every year, but only a fraction of these ever become known in Germany.In the other direction, every year over 600 licences of German-language titles are sold to China.After being Guest of Honour, this mutual trade of licences will increase significantly.In preparation for an upcoming Guest of Honour, German publishers typically begin expanding their programmes with titles from the respective country already two years in advance.To support this, the Frankfurt Book Fair takes on a mediating role, for instance, by bringing editors and translators together and presenting interesting titles.To specifically promote translations, it is typical for the Guest of Honour country to set up a subsidy programme which encourages international publishers to translate their country’s literature.Accordingly, the Chinese Bureau for General Administration of Pre & Publication (GAPP) has recently set up a translation fund to facilitate the adaptation of Chinese fiction and non-fiction titles into German as well as into other languages.I am especially pleased that this has been set up in close cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair.A contributing partner of the translation fund is the Book Information Centre (BIZ) in Beijing, which is a satellite office of the Frankfurt Book Fair financially supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Why invite a Guest of Honour to the Fair at all? The idea came about based on the conviction that the marketing of culture can only be succeful if there is a balance between cultural and commercial interests.What is fascinating about culture is how it croes borders and has the potential to touch people around the world.Since the Frankfurt Book Fair has always been characterised by its international scope, international exchange is both an economic factor as well as a question of cultural policy.With every licence sold, the probability increases that on a worldwide scale we learn more about each other and will understand each other better.An important step in this direction came in 2007, when Germany was the Guest of Honour at the Beijing International Book Fair.Another important step will be the presentation of China as the Guest of Honour in Frankfurt in 2009.The succe story of the Frankfurt Book Fair clearly proves that culture and commerce can go hand in hand.On this note, I would like to wish you all a very succeful time during the International Cultural Industries Fair in Shenzhen.And I am looking forward to the Guest of Honour presentation of China in 2009! 2.The 4th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF)will be held in Shenzhen from May 16th to 19th, 2008.ICIF is hosted by Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, General Administration of Pre and Publication of the People’s Republic of China, Guangdong Provincial People\'s Government and Shenzhen Municipal People\'s Government.It is the only nation-standard, international, comprehensive cultural fair of China.With “exhibition and exchange” as its cores, ICIF makes efforts to establish an exchange platform for Chinese cultural products and projects, promote the development of China cultural industries, and spread Chinese cultural products to the world.

With the idea of internationalization, specialization, market-orientation, standardization and high quality, ICIF has been held succefully for three seions.ICIF displays China’s most excellent cultural products and cultural achievements.It is a platform for displaying China’s cultural industries.With most completed products and largest scale, ICIF is an ideal channel for you to get to know China’s cultural development and cultural market, and also for exchanging cultural technology and information.By providing suppliers to the buyers, ICIF has established a platform for quicker, more convenient and lower-cost purchasing.It is an excellent platform for the worldwide cultural industries to exchange and cooperate.

For more information, please visit http://www.daodoc.com

or send email at: chembsudan@126.com for enquiry.

TASK ONE: English to Chinese

Speech by the director of the Frankford book fair at the 4th china international cultural industries fair Distinguished Guests, ladies and gentleman, I am extremely honored to be here today for the opening of the 4th international cultural industries fair in Shenzhen, the largest fair of this kind in China, I further praise the aspiration of the people’s republic of china to improve the international marketing and promotion of Chinese culture all around the world people are interested in getting to know China better.They are not only curious about the economic and political aspects of the Asian giant but also its culture the cultural industries fair in Shenzhen is an international platform for culture in all its mini aspects.Digital media are just as much at home here as print product dance folk art calligraphy and literature.For the first time this year, an entire hall has been dedicated to international exhibitors, emphasizing the increased importance china places in international context.The topic I would like to focus on today is how to market culture internationally which is exactly what the Frankford book fair has been doing ever since our establishment 60 years ago after the second world war .The Frankford book fair is unique because there is no other place in the world that brings together so many international publishers, writers, critics and other publishing profeionals.More than 7000 exhibiters from over 100 countries around the world present their products at our fair; approximately 180 thousand trade visitors came to the fair from every corner of the world.Each year, the fair invites a country as its guest of honor.Several weeks before the fair, the media in Germany begin to focus on the guest of honor.Numerous independent events draw attention to this country’s literature and culture.Events range from the discuions of literature politics and history, to theater, dance, films and concerts.The succe story of the Frankford book fair clearly proves that culture and commerce can go hand in hand.On this note I would like to wish you all a very succeful time during the international cultural industries fair in Shenzhen Task two省领导provincial leader接待美国加利福尼亚州代表团的欢迎词

尊敬的州长governor先生,今天,以州长为首的代表团光临我省,我感到非常高兴,今年5月,我率代表团对加州进行了考查,加州人民热情友好, 给我们留下了非常深刻的印象第一次乐意介绍我省基本情况长江下游人口7624万, 面积10。26 万平方公里 历史鱼米之乡改革开放外向型经济全国发达省份平稳快速发展2010年GDP4.82万亿 创新型经济500强落户我省加州相似发知识型经济希望通过优势互补推动共同繁荣今天我们将签订备忘录经济旅游文化科技教育富有成效的交流我相信通过州长此次到访加深理解进一步推进友好合作关系

Task Three: Making a comment on a given topic.

Directions: Please read the following paage carefully and then expre your views on the given event.You will have four minutes for preparation.The time limit for your comment is three minutes.

The Future of Nuclear Power

Since the Fukushima nuclear accident caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March 2011, the safety of nuclear power plants and the development of nuclear energy have raised global concerns.Opposition to atomic reactor construction has mounted throughout the world.Switzerland froze plans to build new nuclear plants.Germany raised questions about its nuclear future.Yet some people insist the development of the global nuclear power industry should not be slowed despite its risks.Do you agree? Why?


Is a sound social environment neceary for people to be good to others Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture, but nowadays many people dare not offer help to those in need, for fear of getting into trouble.The iue has aroused public debate over the climate of morality and credibility, and many people sigh over the moral degeneration.In my opinion, while social environment is neceary for people to be good to others, each individual should try his or her best to do good deeds and be sympathetic with others, instead of waiting for the environment to improve.

There is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions, so people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.some people even wonder, ‘Is our society hostile to good people?’ The question may sound ridiculous but many people apparently think so.They believe that our current society provides a bad environment for good people doing good things, and good people pay a high price for being compaionate.In fact, such kind of things only accounts for a pretty small percentage, but maive media coverage makes the situation seem serious.Actually, most people around me are kind, warm-hearted and helpful, and I am quite delighted in their company.So I believe media should pay more attention to publicizing good people and exemplary deeds to enhance our confidence, rather than exposing disgusting behaviors.

At the same time, as John Donne puts it, “No man is an island, entire of itself.Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” Since everyone of us is a component of the society, it is each individual’s conducts that form social morality.Just imagine it is you who need help, what would you feel if everyone watches indifferently or suspiciously? So, put yourself in other’s position and be sympathetic.If we do nothing but wait for the environment to improve, nothing will happen.Only by removing the fence around our kind consciousne can we reverse the regre of social ethics, and make our world full of warmth and happine.Therefore, if help is needed, never hesitate to lend a helping hand.It will make you happy and feel better about life.

In sum, I contend the idea that while social environment is neceary for people to be good to others, it is each individual’s responsibility to offer help to those in need, and together we build up a more harmonious society.

Financial Disparity : Not a Barrier for Friendship

With the development of market economy in China arise the income gaps between people working in different fields ; some earn good money ; some make ends meet; some others live on narrow means.On top of many social problems this financial disparity may cause, there is a

claim that it affects friendship.The aumption seems reasonable, but we may find it does not really hold water by taking a close look into the subject.

First of all,true and lasting friendship is built on common values, pursuits ,or hobbies rather than similar incomes.Friends are those who agree with your life views and stick to the same principles, those who encourage you when you lack confidence in meeting challenges and pursuing your dream, or those who share your interests and appreciate your tastes.Indeed, what strengthens the emotional bonds between you and your pals is not the same amount of wealth

but spiritual commonalities.Of course, with similar financial backgrounds, you will probably know better about each other\'s life style, but the difference in this aspect will not matter if you are mutually appreciated,needed and trusted.The friendship between Marx and Engels—the two German revolutionists—is a case in point.The former was often in debt while the latter was well-off; yet the same socialist dream drew them together and made them forever friends.Moreover, financial disparity between friends does not cause trouble because each of them usually lives a self-reliant life.Different from a married couple who have common properties, budget and spend their income together ,even very close friends live on their own finances.For instance, though we exchange ideas with and confide secrets to our friends,we will never rely on them for a comfortable life, no matter how rich they are.Admittedly, there are times when we may go out for fun or to dinner together with friends; however, whether they are richer or poorer than us, we can definitely find a place suitable for all rather than one beyond somebody\'s means.

It is claimed that people with different financial backgrounds have different social contacts and accordingly, as friends, will get estranged sooner or later.It is true in some cases, but bosom friends are not those

who you get in touch with every day ; instead,they are those who lend their hands to you when you fall into trouble, just as the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Hence, despite their distinct material life, the richer and the poorer can retain their friendship as long as they still care about each other, understand and support each other.

To sum up,financial disparity will not affect friendship when people have common spiritual pursuits, lead an independent life and stand by each other for better or worse.It might be quite safe to say that money is not the barrier but the touchstone of real friendship.




Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision.It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life.Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated.This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life.

First things first, ambition renders us a sense of miion.No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice.Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of miion.And only a strong miion may enable one to accomplish greatne.Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome.John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.

In the second place, ambition can bring one’s potentials to the full.Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one’s dormant potentials.Without ambition one’s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano.A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller.It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon.

Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction.If wrongly directed, one’s ambition may bring havoc on him and others.Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whattever evil means, finally turned him into a demon.It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable aby of anguish and suffering.Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland.However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan.Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom.

To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves.A poet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad,; life can even be painful.In my mind’s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition.

开篇模板1【51Test.NET专业英语四级八级考试】 这篇关于英语专业八级考试翻译技巧讲解,是无忧考网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!



指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。


(1) What about calling him right away?


(2) If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations.


(3) Indeed, the reverse is true



Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.

就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。 (增译物主代词)

(5)While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps.




This is yet another common point between the people of our two countries.(增译介词)


In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppreing the small and the strong bullying the weak.(增译暗含词语)


Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.(增译注释性词语)




(1) You will be staying in this hotel during your visit in Beijing.


(2) I hope you will enjoy your stay here.



The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection.(省译名词)

3. 转换法:


(1) 我们学院受教委和市政府的双重领导。

Our institute is co-administrated by the States Education Commiion and the municipal government. (名词转动词)

(2) Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children.


(3) 由于我们实行了改革开放政策,我国的综合国力有了明显的增强。

Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. (动词转名词)

(4) I’m all for you opinion.


(5) The reform and opening policy is supported by the whole Chinese people.


(6) In his article the author is critical of man’s negligence toward his environment.


(7) In some of the European countries, the people are given the biggest social benefits such as medical insurance.


(8) 时间不早了,我们回去吧!

We don’t have much time left. Let’s go back. (句型转换)

(9) 学生们都应该德、智、体全面发展。

All the students should develop morally, intellectually and physically. (名词转副词)

4. 拆句法和合并法:


(1) Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States.

同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。 (在主谓连接处拆译)

(2) I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.


(3) This is paarticularly true of the countries of the commonwealth, who see Britain’s membership of the Community a guarantee that the policies of the community will take their interests into account



China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.(合译)




In the United States, everyone can buy a gun.(正译)

In the United States, guns are available to everyone.(反译)


You can obtain this information on the Internet.(正译)

This information is acceible/available on the Internet.(反译)


Suddenly he had a new idea.(正译)

He suddenly thought out a new idea.(正译)

A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him.(反译)


He still could not understand me.(正译)

Still he failed to understand me.(反译)


She can hardly be rated as a bright student.(正译)

She is anything but a bright student.(反译)

(6) Please withhold the document for the time being.





(1) At this moment, through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other occasions in the whole history of the world.


(2) I believe strongly that it is in the interest of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.



Great changes have taken place in China since the introduction of the reform and opening policy.

写作要点 1.审题



以1997年的八级考试写作项目为例。该年的标题是 SOWING THE SEEDS,NURTURING GROWTH ANDHARVESTING THEREWARDS。如果我们孤立地看题目的话,就很难领会该篇作文的具体要求和目的。但是,一旦我们把标题与前面的情景与观点部分联系起来,这个标题的含义就变得清晰了:它要求学生用标题所含的耕作过程来比拟获得大学学业成就的过程。同时,对具体语篇模式的要求(即ANALOGY)也显示在这部分中间。至于对作文修辞框架的要求,则出现在标题下面的一段文字中。

总而言之,提高审题的准确性有利于学生理解题目含义,了解写作要求,进而有针对性地构思作文内容、布局等。 然而,在历年写作阅卷中我们发现,审题有误仍是学生经常犯的错误之一。归纳起来有以下几点:





一篇优秀的作文应该具有以下两个特点。就八级写作项目而言,这主要体现在作文的内容和框架上。按照写作要求,一篇合格的作文由三个部分组成。第一部分包括作者的论点(THE SISSTATEMENT)。论点应明确、清楚。第二部分是作文的主体。这部分的要求是通过恰当、合适的语篇模式(如:CAUSE ANDEFFECT,COMPARISON ANDCONTRAST,等等)来论证前面提出的论点。论证的过程要做到结构严谨、层次分明、合乎逻辑。要做到结构严谨,就需要学生在写作中抓住中心,并围绕中心展开讨论。结构严谨的作文同时也应是层次分明的作文。为了使论证过程具有说服力,作文应采用一种层次结构。





l)作文中的论点未展开。这主要表现为没有按照要求在第一部分中阐明观点,而是东拉西扯,写了与题目有关或无关的细节或现象。比如在以 INSUPPORT OF DORMITORYPOLICIES为题的作文中,一些学生不是开门见山地点明主题思想,而是列举了一些寝室里的情况或评论一些不良现象。最后由于篇幅有限,就在结束时提一句寝室制度就草草收尾。









2、就八级写作项目而言,要提高驾驭文章整体思路的能力就要加强逻辑思维训练,通过各类写作手法的操练来提高这方面的能力。此外,要提高语言的准确性,学会使用各种语篇纽带,如 LOGICAL、GRAMMATICAL、SEMANTICCONNECTORS,使作文思路清晰,论点鲜明,例证充分,语言得体,真正达到写作的要求。


【51Test.NET - 专业英语四级八级考试】




中国人见面时喜欢问:吃过了吗? Have you had breakfast(lunch, supper)?到哪去?Where areyougoing?这都不是外国人在见面问候时会问的问题。如果见面就问外国人“到哪里”,人家会以为你要了解人家的私事,对你会产生反感。外国人喜欢问:“你好吗?”这句话可以有不少表达方法,如How are you? How do you do ?How have you been doing?Hello!Hey!等。用哪一句来表达你的问候,取决于你与被问候人的关系密切程度。总之,这一类的问候语,直译可能会让人感到莫名其妙,还是按外国人的习惯翻译较好。


中国人喜欢对病人深表同情。但外国人则轻易不愿表现出其弱的一面,对他们表达过分同情的话未必会收到好的效果。例如:中国人在听说一个人生病后可能会说:得知贵体欠佳,深感不安和关切。直译:I was rather disturbed by and concerned about yourillne.但这样翻译会使感到病情很重,只能加重病人的顾虑,达不到安慰病人的目的。按照英文的表达习惯,可译为:I am sorry tohear about your illne and wish you a speedyrecovery.这样翻译既表达了讲话者的难过心情,又表达了希望病人尽快康复的愿望。


在受到表扬或感谢时,中国人往往比较谦虚,会说:“这没什么。”“这是我应该做的。”或者,“哪里,哪里,我还做得很差。”如果直译:It isnothing.This is my duty.This is what I should do.Well, I have notdone very well.There is still much to beimproved.所有这些谦恭的话,在外国人听起来,都会显得做作。西方人通常会说:It’s my pleasure.

Thank you for your kind words.I feel flattered.翻译这些话时,宜根据西方的习惯来译。


中国人迎接远道而来的客人时常常会说:“一路上辛苦了。累不累?”You must have been tired after thelongflight(journey)而外国人喜欢在别人面前显得年轻、有朝气,不喜欢被人认为体弱,或有疲劳感。因此,上述问候话直译效果不好,可译成:How was the flight? Have you had a pleasant flight?或者You have had along flight.



例1 中国可作为贵国资源性产品的稳定市场,同时中国的许多工业产品可满足贵国市场的需要。

直译:Your resource-based products can find a stable market in China andChinese industrial products can meet the needs of yourmarket.这么直译也许会让人担心,以为我们的工业品要去占领他们的市场。同样的意思可以翻得更客气一些。如:You may find astable market in China for your primary products and may also get anumber of industrial products from China to meet some of your needs.

例2 我想向大家介绍一下你们所关心的经济问题。

直译:I wish to talk on China’s economic development in which you are interested.

这样翻译,显得讲话者太肯定听众会对他所讲内容感兴趣。尽管讲话者知道听众是有兴趣的,但说得客气气一点效果更好。可译为:I would liketo brief you on China’s economic development, which might be ofinterest to you.


1974年,加拿大“白求恩纪念委员会”访华代表团中有一位团员对我接待官员说,我方翻译像警察,原因是那天早晨,翻译到他房间对他说: Youhave breakfast at 8, get your luggage downstairs at 8:30 and leave herefor the airport at 9.OK?语言简单、生硬、不礼貌,给外宾留下了不好的印象。建议对外宾说:Breakfast is at8.Would you please get your luggage downstairs at 8:30?we are going toleave here for the airport at 9.

曾有一位女翻译招呼外宾时,大声喊叫“Hello”而不知道说:\"Excuse me\",在宣布事情时总是:Attentionplease.而不是说:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attentionplease.结果一位外宾对此感到不快,说:I don’t want to talk to that wildgirl.要人帮忙时,我们时常会说:你能告诉我到×××地方怎么走吗?你能说英语吗?等。如果英文译成:Can you tell me howto get to……?Can you speakEnglish?那将是很不客气的问话。对方会以为你怀疑他的能力。因为英文字can表示能力。如果改为could,含义就不同了。可以译为:Couldyou please tell me how to get……? Do you speakEnglish?一个陌生人问你如何去某地时,你很可能传说:“最好坐公共汽车去。”如将这句话译为You’d better take abus,听起来不够礼貌。因为You’d better……这个句型含有You have a duty to do something,或Youhave an obligation to…的意思。是一种命令语气,常用于晚辈或下属。因此,这样翻译不够礼貌。这句话有许多客气的表达方法。

如:I suggest you take a bus.

It might be better to take a bus.

Perhaps you might like to take a bus.

Why not take a bus?

I think the best way is by bus.


I have to disagree with you, but I would think…或者Well, there’s apoint in what you said, but …对某件事表示不同意见时,可以说:Would it not be betterif…请别人帮忙时,可以说:Could you do me a favour, 或者Excuse me ,I have aproblem,…等等。在绝别人要求时,可以说:I am afraid it doesn’t work.或者I wonder whetherit will work, but I’ll try my best.


\"As an experienced Minister with a distinguished record of service,we are confident that he has all the attributes to be an outstandingpresident of this Conference…but I have to place before you some of thereservations that we have about this nomination.If I may, I will sharewith you some of our concerns.Such a presidency will be misread bythose outside the ILO as signaling that…”




例1 Welcome


Beijing Is Waiting for You (北京正等着您)和International Hotel WelcomesYou.中国民航赠送的挎包上曾印有中、英文的欢迎词:欢迎乘坐中国民航,Welcome you to flyCAAC.英语中的“欢迎”通常使用\"welcome\"这个词。Welcome作动词时有两种形式可用:动词+宾语,动词+宾语+副词短语。

习惯上可以译为welcome somebody to somewhere,或welcome to aplace.显然上述译法不符合这个英文词的通常表达习惯。应译为:Welcome to Beijing, Welcome toInternational Hotel 和Welcome to fly CAAC。如要翻译“欢迎贵国工商界人士到中国去投资”,不能译为:Wewelcome people from the busine community of your country to makeinvestment in China.可译为:i)People from the busine community here inthis country are welcome to make investment in China.或ii)We hope thatpeople from the busine community here in this country will go andinvest in China.



例1 禁止拍照

Forbid photograph

No Photos

例2 禁止吸烟

Forbid Smoking

No Smoking或者Thank you for not smoking.


Recently newspapers have reported that officials in a little-known mountainous area near Guiyang, Guizhou Province wanted to turn the area into a “central busine district” for Guiyang and invited a foreign design company to give it an entirely new look.The design company came up with a blueprint for unconventional非传统的, super-futuristic未来主义的 buildings.This has triggered off different responses.Some appreciate of the bold innovation of the design, but others held that it failed to reflect regional characteristics or local cultural heritage.What is your view on this? Write an eay of about 400 words.You should supply an appropriate title for your eay.In the first part of your eay you should state dearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriatene.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a lo of marks.作文参考答案:

The important role of a city’s local conditions in the urban design

Recently there is a hot debate on a report that a foreign design company invited by a little-known mountainous area in Guiyang provided a design without paying too much attention to the city’s unique characteristics.Some people appreciate the bold innovation of the design but others do not like it.In my opinion, any urban design should take the city’s original cultural heritage into account.The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.

First, a city’s regional characteristics or local cultural heritage are its symbol, its identity.In a mountainous area, too many unconventional, super-futuristic buildings will not be compatible with the city’s landscapes.Without these landscapes, it is just another so called modern city composed of concrete and steel.Take Beijing for example.In the past few years, Beijing has been removing a large number of such alleys traditionally called hutong, in order to make it become a real international city.But without these hutongs can this city still be called Beijing, an ancient capital? The disappearance of hutongs means the disappearance of a period of history, a cordial lifestyle, and even the disappearance of Beijing itself.Then Beijing will lose its uniquene.

Second, it can help a city save a lot of money by suiting the design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.This is especially important to small cities, like this one in a mountainous area near Guiyang.We all know Guiyang is a developing city, not very rich.Unconventional, super-futuristic buildings mean large need of money input.Then more burdens may be added to this city, which will run counter to the city’s original purpose of developing itself.Instead, if connections between a city’s culture and the various urban sectors, including housing, infrastructure and governance, are well made, the maximum economic benefits will be achieved.

Besides, the modernization should be a gradual proce.More haste, le speed.Nonethele, it should not be overlooked that the shortcomings of futuristic-style constructing outweigh its advantages brought.

In conclusion, any urban design should take the city’s original cultural heritage into account.The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.A scientific city design should be dependent on the city’s regional characteristics, on a case-by-case basis.

Maybe We Have a Better Idea

Few things can add as much colors to the regional features of a city as the look of its CBD.Hence, we know Manhattan of Big Apple, Pudong of Shanghai.Indeed, they are the most typical sights projecting a skyline of a modern city.However, should a CBD in the world look all like? Who told us it should solely be made up of unconventional, super-futuristic buildings? And should they stand out from their surroundings? Answers to these questions are universally and unequivocally No.A CBD is not a detached but integral part of a city.To prevent it from being too extreme or monstrous, it supposedly goes with the general style of the rest parts of the city.In the past, we Chinese have learnt so many hard and painful leons.We could have had a Beijing with more Chinese traditional characteristics, more valuable cultural heritage preserved and above all more integral and harmonious Tian An-men Square to present to the world.If our grand fathers had been more willing to listen to the advice of some personages, mankind could have known another Paris of a totally different style in the world.Secondly, with more and more mortals being aware of the value of eco-friendline, those unconventional, super-futuristic buildings made especially of steel, concrete structures and other eco-unfriendly materials are being increasingly questioned, suspected and forsaken.A China southern city like GY should, perhaps, model its CBD on that of Davos rather than New York or Shanghai.Instead of erecting skyscrapers and towers, GY ought to make its CBD delicate and pleasing, offering bankers and businemen from acro the world comfortable and cozy offices.Finally, a trend that has caught on since some time ago is that regional is international.The world is world nowhere because of its unity and samene but because of its diversity and variety.To add her own measure of colors to the world, CBD in GY should be local, regional and reflecting the distinctive features of the city.Just a look would give one familiar with her an intimacy “That’s GY all over!” The day when such a CBD is completed, she can be a resort of another sort riveting people all over the world doing busine in the area while enjoying her beauty and warm comfort.Therefore, the municipal and city-developers ought to give it a serious thought before turning whatever foreign design company’s blue print to concrete and steel.Maybe we can come up with a better idea – a new type of CBD, eco-friendly, amiable and economical, might set a new precedent!

No one can have failed to notice the fact that Chinese culture has become increasingly diversified in the past decades.This can be embodied by evidences in many fields, one of which is architecture.Recently newspapers have reported that officials in a little-known mountainous area near Guiyang, Guizhou Province wanted to turn the area into a “central busine district” for Guiyang and invited a foreign design company to give it an entirely new look.The design company came up with a blueprint for unconventional, super-futuristic buildings.This has aroused a heated debate.Some approve of the bold innovation of the design while others claimed that it failed to reflect regional characteristics or local cultural heritage.When asked of my opinion, I am inclined to agree with the former one, and I base my point of view on the following reasons.In the first place, an unconventional or exotic design is in accordance with the primary function of this area.As we are told, this lot of land is meant to be a “central busine district”.As the name indicates, this area is intended for busine, most poibly international busine, which is imaginable in the context of the nation’s move of reform and opening-up to the outside world.Such being the case, an innovative and super-futuristic design of the areas is quite understandable, for it may demonstrate local people’s wish to embrace and integrate with other cultures around the world.More foreign investors might be attracted here, which is just the aim of this program.In the second place, allowing space for novel things is eential for the development of an area.The concept of ancient and modern or that of local and alien is relative.What seems ancient now used to be modern centuries ago; similarly, what looks exotic today might be deemed natural tomorrow.A person needs to accept new knowledge to grow and the same is true with an area or a country.While new things often meet with objections at first, they are mostly accepted and loved later.A number of examples can be listed, with the most striking ones being the art museum in Paris designed by Bei Luming, a Chinese architect, and the Opera House in Sydney, whose designer only received due respect years after his death.Admittedly, we should respect and treasure traditional and regional culture, inherit it and carry it on.However, preserving the old and traditional should not be the reason to refuse the new and modern.Bringing what has been discued into conclusion, we may claim that it is understandable and acceptable for people in the above-mentioned area to adopt the foreign design.


1deputyn.副手, 代理人

John will act as a deputy for me during my absence.

我离开期间, 约翰将代理我的职务。

external forces外部力量

It is not far fetched to imagine that these external forces can even bring down governments and their economies!


speculate,disarmament agreement裁军协议

mandate,to lift a boycott取消禁令

withdraw,embargo,impose sanctions against...实施制裁

2 dismantle 销毁

The new government set about dismantling their predeceors\' legislation.


the implementation of an accord 执行决议

to ease the ban on ivory trade 缓解对象牙贸易的禁令

to harbor sb.保护

animal conservation 动物保护

There will be a talk about animal conservation and, on the lighter side, a Tom and Jerry cartoon.将有一个关于保护动物的报告,别外还有卡通片《汤姆和杰里》。

3threatened/endangered species濒危物种

illegal poaching非法捕猎

face extinction濒临灭亡

Gallup/opinion/exit poll,survey民意调查

stand trial受审


People should keep away from the radioactive waste.


radiationn.辐射(能); 放射

The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation.


uranium enrichment program 铀浓缩计划

nuke nonproliferation 核部扩散

fake goods 假货


He is a notorious rake.


bloody tyrant 血腥独裁者 executionn.依法处决

Executions used to be held in public.


death penalty 死刑

Recent crimes lean me more towards favouring death penalty.


predeceor 前任

Our new doctor is much younger than his predeceor.


6military option 军事解决途径(动用武力)

escalating tension 逐步升级的局势

military coupe 军事政变

forced from office 被赶下台

step down/aside下台

Preure mounts on Japan PM Mori to step down.


7on the brink of war 处于战争边缘

heavy fighting 激战

genocide 种族灭绝

Genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings.


relief effort 救济工作

humanitarian aid 人道主义援助

In turn, the United States would increase humanitarian aid to Palestine.


8end the bloodshed 结束流血事件special envoy 特使

The special envoy\'s visit establish a link between the two countries.


peace-keeping forces 维和部队

guerrilla war 游击战争

Chapter VIII Development of Guerrilla War into Mobile War


border dispute 边境争端

We rejected their conditions for settling the border dispute.


9retaliatevi.报复, 反击

If you strike me, I shall retaliate.

你要是打我, 我就还击。

banking reform金融改革

commiionern.专员, 长官;委员

The Commiioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes.


go bankrupt 破产

I\'ve heard whispers that the firm is likely to go bankrupt.


file for bankruptcy提出破产

10give a boost to促进

How can we give a boost to the economy?


booming economy 促进经济发展

Our economy is booming and foreign companies are confidently pumping in capital.


mutual benefits/interests 双赢

Expand trade between us will be to our mutual benefits.


Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon五角大楼

impose/break a deadline规定/打破最后期限


Who will act as mediator in the dispute.


national convention国民大会

fight corruption反腐败

Efforts were intensified to build a clean and honest government and fight corruption, yielding notable results.


corrupted election腐败的选举

peace proce和平进程

12.diplomatic solutions外交解决方案

hot spot 热点

The stationing of troops by Vietnam in Kampuchea has actually turned Sino-Soviet relations into a hot spot.


take hostilities toward..对……采取敌对态度

ethnic cleansing种族清洗

He has also conducted ethnic cleansing against the Shi\'a Iraqis and the Marsh Arabs whose culture has flourished for more than a millennium.


illegal aliens非法移民

13break the deadlock打破僵局

A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and management.


a scientific breakthrough科学突破

The ASR is a monumental scientific breakthrough that could banish forever the threat of some forms of blindne.

人造硅视网膜是一项里程碑式的科学突破,有可能永远消除一些失明病的威胁。 an unexpected outcome出乎意料的结果

sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement签署协议

diplomatically isolated country在外交上被孤立的国家

14make conceion/compromise 作出妥协

I am prepared to make some conceion on minor details , but I cannot compromise on fundamentals.


pa a resolution 通过决议

The meeting pa or carry or adopt a resolution to go on strike.


sanctionn.核准, 制裁, 处罚, 约束力

Various Members have suffered this sanction over the years.


veto a bill 否决议案

The president threaten to use his veto over the bill.


15summit 高层会议

A Western European summit was held in Bonn.


charter n.特许状, 执照, 宪章

The government chartered the new airline.


pledgen.保证; 誓言

The government should fulfil its pledge.


promote peace促进和平

What does the United Nations do to promote peace and security?


boost economic co-op加强经济合作



The TV updated a news story on the bad storm coming to our area.




He advertised for a house in several weekly periodicals.


wire service n.通讯社


A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year.


suspended interest 悬念





The editor spiked the story.


stone vt.拼版

story n.消息;稿件;文章

stringer n.特约记者;通讯员




slink ink “爬格子”

soft news 软新闻




It\'s a scandal for a city official to take tax money for his own use.


scoop “抢”(新闻) n.独家新闻

Getting that story was the scoop of a lifetime for the journalist.



He also fabricates sensational lies to befuddle world opinion.


sex scandal 桃色新闻

That hatchet man released rumor of a sex scandal to the pre.


21reader\'s interest 读者兴趣

reject 退弃(稿件)

remuneration 稿费;稿酬


rewrite 改写(稿件),改稿


The proofreader did his best not to let any mistakes get by.


pseudo event 假新闻

Poll have become the quinteential pseudo- event of the preprimary campaign.


quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸


The ICAC now produces a quarterly newsletter on matters of mutual interest for anti-corruption agencies in the region.目前,廉署负责就地区内共同关注的事情出版季刊,并派发予各反贪机构。


23pre conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台

The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the pre conference.


pre law 新闻法

pre release 新闻公告;新闻简报

The company send out a pre release about the launch of the new car.


PR man 公关先生

profile n.人物专访;人物特写

The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week.


24opinion poll 民意测验

The president has a favourable rating in the opinion poll.



The Belgian Communists have put out a new periodical.



popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸


The pre are[is] interested in sports.


25No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息

No, but I suppose no news is good news.


nose for news新闻敏感


I read Sewell\'s obituary in the Daily News.



off the record 不宜公开报道

The President told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record.总统告诉记者们他的谈话不得公开发表。


1.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。(培根)

2.Knowledge is the food of the soul.知识是心灵的食粮。(柏拉图)

3.Activity is the only road to knowledge.行动是通往知识的唯一道路。(萧伯纳)

4.Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.知识是宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙。

5.A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books.一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外还可以从许多特别的来源获取知识。(杰斐逊)

6.a little learning is a dangerous thing.学问浅薄,如履薄冰。(pope)

7.a young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力老大徒伤悲。 8 there is no royal road to learning.学无谈坦途。


Currency market 汇市Death toll死亡数

Diplomatic tie外交关系Economic recovery经济复苏

Ethnic groups少数民族Global economy世界经济 Hijack 劫机Nuclear weapon 核武器

Open fire开火Peace-keeping force维和部队 Rioting and looting 暴动和抢劫

Weapon inspection武器核查

United nations convention on the law of the sea 联合国海洋公约法

NATO North Atlantic treaty organization北大西洋公约组织 Document released by由。。。发布的消息

Educational circles教育界Financial quarters金融界方面 Authoritative information官方消息

Foreign ministry spokesman外交部发言人

Pre spokesman新闻发言人

Government official 政府官员

Government statement政府声明

Authoritative sources权威人

Diplomatic sources外交人士

Highly-placed sources高层消息灵通人士

Judicial circles司法界In-group sources圈内人士 Military sources军方人士Police sources警方人士 Reliable sources消息可靠人士

The quarters concerned有关方面

Unconfirmed report未经证实的消息

Acting president代总统Administration party执政党 Advisory body顾问团All-out ban全面禁止

Blanket ballot全面选举Censure vote不信任投票 Absolute majority绝对多数Abstain from voting弃权 Appropriate authorities 有关当局

Conservative party保守党

Construction of a clean government廉政建设

Crash program应急计划Criminal law刑法

Crude oil原油Bubble economy泡沫经济

Cabinet re-shuffle内阁改组Chartered plane包机 China’s actual conditions中国国情Aembly hall会议厅 Peaceful co-existence和平共处Reciprocal visits互访 Tenure of office任职期Knowledge economy知识经济 Accredited journalist特派记者Back alley news小道消息 Box花边新闻Cover girl封面女郎

PR man 公关先生International customs国际惯例The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congre全国人民代表大会

Active trade balance 顺差Adverse trade balance逆差 Family plan 计划生育Daily neceities日用品 After-sale service 售后服务Pseudo event 假新闻






5)作者引用,大写字母,THAT,WHICH ,AS 等句型是必考内容。作文是最能体现一个人的综合水平,词汇,语法和思想。下面的作文思路是我多年研究所总结出的,同学们务必记住每一段所要包括的内容,每写出来的句子不可以少于7个单词(一但你写出来的句子少于7个单词,作文是不可能取得高分,这也是上海外国语大学改卷老师所要求的),每天坚持写作文,题目可以看下往年真题,我推荐一个方法就是背,然后用自己的话写出来。下面的都是曾经考过的作文,看看我是怎样写思路的。

(必要作文思路) what is your ambition?

第1段:Ambition is the decision one that makes resolution and carries out into action.It is a burning desire to achieve any tasks and miion in our life.Shakespeare put it, “one who has no ambition that means one

who has no soul.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to accomplish our goals, then our life becomes meaningful, which almost have a bearing on all aspects of life.


第2段:First aspect, ambition offers us a sense of miion (观点一和例证一)

In the second place, ambition can bring one’s potentials to the full play.(观点二和例证二 )

Last but not the least,(观点三和例证三)


第3段: To sum up1)自己的独特看法



What I Have Learnedat University

The development of an individual human existence can be divided into several important stages.But no period can be more influential upon the later course of our life than the years we have experienced in college.Here is the cradle of intelligentsia with vision, miion and paion.And now, as I am ready to leave campus and face the real world, I dare say that no other place can teach me more.

I am very proud that in university I have learnt how important it is for one to have vision, that ability to see ahead of time and poibly others.College has raised me up, so that I could enjoy a broader view of the world.University Library, the sanctuary of mind always keeps me in a close touch with the great thoughts of giants, Shakespeare, Ruell, Churchill, Roosevelt, to name only a few.All these overwhelmingly famous names have turned familiar and friendly here.These great minds teach me how to live a meaningful life.They warn me that the last but greatest enemy for mankind is human existence itself.Their words of wisdom shall guide and guard me overcome all the obstacles beset in the course of my life.

In the light of this statement, I have to say that college years have brightened up my vision.It is at university that I have acquired an added understanding of the meaning of miion i.e.man should have shoulders strong enough to take more responsibilities of the time.College has enriched me,so that I, to some extent, have discovered the truth to live by.

When I was a sophomore, I was chosen a volunteer for the Red CroInstitution.My job, then, was to aist the doctor with the bloodcollecting in a blood donation car on the street.Those daysbestowed me with a moving but a little bit singular picture, inwhich the painful injection and hearty smile are perfectly and

beautifully combined.Every parcel of blood means a piece of hope,through which I see that the poeion of life lies in sharing.This is how college years has defined my miion.

It is after some years at university that I have better apprehendedTonybee when he said, “Glory belongs to those who are actually in the arena, fighting paionately whilst showing every now and thenmistakes or shortcomings.” I have understood the spirit of

transcending myself, sometimes even in a crazy way.If youth is the freshne of the deep springs of life, then college must be the

fountain of paion.It cheers in the chaos of gym; it hides in thesilence of lab.During the college years, I never stopped pursuingmy own dream, because I never fail to be inspired by the flowingcurrent of young paion.

Lawrence H.Summers, former President of Harvard said in hisfarewell speech, “College graduates, capable of deep reflections are what the world needs.” Living in a world of madding crowd, a group,or even a small group of people are expected to remain

transcendental and sober.If any can live up to so high a standardof existence, college graduates can.And I am fortunate in beingamong them at this moment and having spared little time cultivating my vision, miion and paion in the past four years.With these, I have better courage to change myself and most probably better

preparation for my future.





《Ki The Rain 雨的印记》(Yiruma) 《Tears眼泪》(The Daydream) 《YOU&ME》(The Daydream)

《天空之城》钢琴版 Carrying You 《Merry Christmas》 Mr.Lawrence(坂本龙一) 《流动的城市》林海 《月光边境》林海 《迷失》林海

《远方的寂静》林海 《Canon In D》帕海贝尔 《鸟之诗》钢琴版 小提琴:

《流浪者之歌》萨拉萨蒂 《天空之城》久石让 《小百合》(《云之彼端 约定的地方》中的曲子) 《Ave Maria圣母颂》舒伯特 《D大调卡农》帕海贝尔 《斗牛士之歌》萨拉萨蒂

《D大调第一华丽波兰舞曲》维尼亚夫斯基 《24首随想曲》帕格尼尼 《G小调恰空》维塔利 大提琴:

《天鹅》圣桑 (优雅的天鹅)

《G大调第1号无伴奏大提琴组曲之前奏曲》巴赫(很经典) 《降B大调第九大提琴协奏曲》博凯里尼

《西西里舞曲》福雷(非常有旋律性,好听的曲子啊) 单簧管:

《单簧管波尔卡》波兰民谣 《浪漫曲》圣桑(温柔的) 小号:




《行星组曲之木星》霍尔斯特(温馨,却又有点忧伤的感觉) 《小夜曲》舒伯特(小夜曲,浪漫啊) 《歌之翼》门德尔松(充满着阳光的味道) 长笛:

《a小调无伴奏长笛组曲》巴赫(这首曲子被认为是最不像长笛组曲的长笛组曲) 《沉思》马斯涅(浪漫的法国风格)

《培尔·金特组曲之第一组曲晨景》格里格(清新优美的小品) 《阿尔比诺尼柔板》阿尔比诺尼(忧伤、沉重) 英语专业八级考试建议阅读参考书目【文学类】


Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Arnold Bennett The Old Wiveds’Tale Elizabeth Bowen The Death of the Heart Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Emily Bronte Wuthering HGeights Anthony Burge A Clockwordk Orange Samuel BVutler The Way of All Flesh A.S.Byatt Poeion Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Angela Carter The Com pany of Wolves Agatha Christie Mdurder on the Orient Expre Ivy Compton-Burnett A Fdamily and a Fortune Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkne, Lord Jim Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Charles Dickens David Copperfield Sir Arthur C.Ddyle Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Margaret Drabble The Waterfall Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca George Eliot Middlemarch E.M.FGorster Howards End, A Paage to India John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman John Galsworthy The Man of Property William Golding Lord of the Flies Graham Greene The Human Factor Thomas Hardy Te of the D’Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure Aldous Huxley After Many a Summer Henry James Daisy Miller James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Rudyard Kipling Kim Charles Lamb Tales from Shakespeared D.H.Lawrence Sons and Lovers John Le Carred The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Doris Leing The Gra Is Singing David Lodge Nice Work W.Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence, Of Human Bondage Iris Murddoch The Black Prince George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-four Salman Rushdie Midnight Children Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe C.P.Snow Thed Affair Muriel Spark The Prime of Mi Jean Brodie Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island Johathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels

William M.Thackeray Vanity Fair Evelyn Waugh A Hand ful of Dust H.G.Wells The Invisible Man Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse


Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio James Baldwin Go Tell It on the Mountain Saul Bellow Seize the Day, Henderson the Rain King Willam S.Burroughs The Naked Lunch Willa Cather My Antonia Kate Chopin The Awakening Stephen Crane The Red Badge of Courage Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie, An American Tragedy Ralph Ellison Invisible Man William Faulkner Go Down, Moses, The Sound and the Fury F.Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby Alex Haley Roots Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Josph Heller Catch-22 Ernest Hedmingway The Sun Also Rises, Thed Old Man and the Sea James Jones From Here to Eternity Maxine Hong Kingston The Woman Warrior Harper lee To Kill a Mockingbird Sinchlair Lewis Main Street Jack London The Call of the Wild, Martin Eden Norman Mailer The Naked and the Dead Carson McCullers The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter James A.Michener Centennial Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye Vladimir Nabokov Lolita Frank Norris The Octopus J.D.Salinger The Catcher in the Rye Erich Segal Man, Woman and Child Upton Sinclair The Jungle John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin William Styron Sophie’s Choice Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Alice Walker The Color Purple Robert Penn Warren All the King’s Men Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence Thornton Wilder The Bridge of San Luis Rey

Thomas Wolfe Look Homeward, Angel

Herman Wouk The Winds of War

Richard Wright Native Son


Morley Callaghan That Summer in Paris

Northrop Frye The Great Code

Margaret Laurence The Stone Angel

Stephen Leacock Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

Malcolm Lowry Under the Volcano

Hugh MacLennan The Watch That Ends the Night

L.M.Montgomery Anne of Green Gables


Martin Boyd Lucinda Brayford

Peter Carey Oscar and Lucinda

Miles Franklin My Brilliant Career

Thomas Keneally Shindler’s Ark

Alex Miller The Ancestor Game

Henry Handel Richardson The Fortunes of Richard Mahony

Christina Stead The Man Who Loved Children

Randolph Stow To the Islands

Patrick White Vo, The Tree of Man


Yung Ming My Life in China and America

Chiang monlin Tides from the West

Tcheng Ki Tong The Chinese Painted by Themselves

Ku Hung Ming The Spirit of the Chinese People

Fei Hsiao Tung Peasant Life in China

Lin Yu Tang My Country and My People

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Claical Poetry

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Claical Prose

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Claical Fiction

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modern Poetry

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modern Prose

A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modorn Fiction 英语专业八级人文知识考试范围


1、英语国家地理概况 4分

2、英美文学部分 3分

3、词汇部分 3分




III、这部分在我看来是最容易拿分的,复习的时候只要将sytax, semantics, pragmatics,等概念弄清楚,把Chomski和另外有名的语言学家对应的理论记一下就可。当然这是对那些平时不鸟语言学的朋友说的。对于平时认真听讲也想稳拿这3分的还要系统的总结一下,做到疏而不漏。

希望对赴考途中的朋友们有所帮助! 英语专业八级人文辅导小测试(1)

__1__ Percy Byhe Shelly is famous for ___.A Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a Nightingale B Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West Wind C Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn D Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Skylark __2__ “Three of four families in a country village is something to work.” This statement was presented by ___.A Emily Bronte B Jane Austen C Mrs.Gaskell D George Eliot __3__ George Eliot wrote all the following except ___.A The Mill of Flo B Silas Marner C Middlemarch D Agnes Grey __4__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by ___.A William Makepeace Thackeray B Charles Dickens C O.Henry D Henry James __5__ Vanity Fair was a novel written by William Makepeace Thackeray, and the term “vanity fair” firstly appeared in ___ by ___.A Canterbury Tales „ Geoffrey Chaucer B The Pilgrim’s Progre „ John Bunyan C Tome Jones „ Henry Fielding D Dubliners „ James Joyce __6__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by William Makepeace Thackeray who also wrote ___.A The Way of all life B The History of Henry Esmond C Sister Carrie D Howard’s End __7__Barchester Series is a series of novels written by ___.A Barchester B Thomas Hardy C Anthony Trollope D Mark Twin __8__ Erehwon is a satiric novel written by ___.A Samuel Butler B Henry Fielding C Thomas More D Mark Twin __9__ In “the lake Isle of Innisfree” William Butler Yeats Expre his ___? A desire to escape from the materialistic society B fear caused by the impending war C interest in the Irish legend D Love for Maud Gonne, a beautiful Irish actre __10__ Walter Scott’s historical novels cover a long period of time, from the Middle Ages to 18th century.His work Ivanhoe deals an epoch of ___ history.A English B French C Scotland D Irish 1选D。 题中所有“颂歌”都是浪漫主义诗人的代表作品,《西风颂》(Ode to the West Wind),《云雀颂》(Ode to a Skylark)是雪莱的代表作抒情诗。

2选B。 奥斯丁通过对熟悉的人和事物的描写展示了她所生活的英国乡绅阶层的生活景观,她认为“一个乡村中的三四户人家是合适的写作对象。”

3选D。 乔治.爱略特是玛丽.安.伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans)的笔名,这位才女是19世纪现实主义小说的真正代表,她的《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》(The Mill of Flo),《织工马南》(Silas Marner),和《米德尔马契》(Middlemarch)等作品以写实手法展现英国的社会人生图,对人物的内心活动和行为机动刻画十分生动细致,爱略特因此被誉为心理小说的先驱。

4 选A。 《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。 5 选B。 《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。名利场这一词最初出现在班扬的《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progre)一书中,是一个虚构的专门出售虚荣用品的集市,如地位、荣誉、头衔、财富等等。萨克累将其借用过来作为小说的名。 6 选B。萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)的《亨利.埃斯蒙德》(The History of Henry Esmond)是英国文学史上一部杰出的历史小说。 7 选C。 安东尼.特罗洛普(Anthony Trollope)是19世纪中下叶英国重要的小说家,他是一位多产作家,作品达47部之多,主要作品是“巴塞特郡系列小说”(Barchester Series)。 8 选A。 塞缪尔.勃特勒(Samuel Butler)的《埃瑞璜》(Erehwon)是一部讽刺性小说,Erehwon是英文nowhere的倒写,通过一位游客在埃瑞璜的所见所闻,记录了这个乌托邦国家的生活,以此抨击和讽刺英国社会。 9 选A。 《伊尼斯弗里河》(the Lake Isle of Innisfree)是叶芝最为著名的抒情诗之一,表达了作者渴望回归自然,过一种古老、纯朴、隐士般生活的愿望。

10 选A。 司各特的历史小说通常被分为三类:以苏格兰历史为背景的小说有《罗布.罗伊》(Rob Roy), 以英国历史为背景的小说有《艾凡赫》(Ivanhoe),以欧洲其他国家历史为背景的小说有《昆丁.达威特》(Quentin Durwark)。 专八人文必考知识点

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/Edward VIII chose the Beauty and gave up the Crown/Union Flag (National Flag---St.George (England); St.Andrew (Scotland); St.Patrick (Ireland)/Magna Carta (1215,the earliest constitutional law)/Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher)/Tony Blair (the youngest British Prime Minister)/John Bull/ Oxford (1168)/ Cambridge (1200)(Trinity College)---(Bacon, Newton, Milton, Darwin, Byron, Ruell, Thackeray)/ Sherlock Holmes---Conan Doyle)/Titanic from Southampton—New York)/ Scotland---kilt, Highland fling, bagpipe and Scotch Whisky)/Tips (to insure prompt service)/Guy Fawkes Night (5 November)/

America: Death Valley (lowest point)/Grand Canyon/ Lake Superior/ Maine (smallest number of letter)/ General Sherman (oldest tree)/ Wall Street/ Harvard University/ Alaska (oil/size)/ Sears Tower—Skyscraper in Chicago)/ Las Vegas (gambling city—Atlantic City in New Jersey)/Theodore Roosevelt—the youngest president)/ Pentagon/ Big Three: General Motors/Ford/ Chrysler/ Republican Party—Donkey/ Democratic Party---Elephant/ Annual salary of President—25) / Air Force One (Boeing 747)/ Richard Nixon---impeached for Watergate Affair)/ National flag—Stars and Stripes/ the National Emblem---the Bald Eagle (strength/courage/liberty)/ American National Anthem—Star-spangled Banner)/Uncle Sam/Ivy League University (Harvard University; Yale; Princeton University; Brown University; Columbia University; University of Pennsylvania; Cornell University; Dartmouth)/West Point/ Air Jordan/ Walt Disney/Disneyland/




1.内容: 人文类学术书籍或期刊杂志(历史政治语言教育),特别是语言类为主 2.篇幅: 200词左右

3.结构: 一般是总分结构 1)总:文章主题一般在首句 2)分:两条线索—对立和顺承


1.从错词词类上看,分布比较均匀,英语八大词类中均有涉及,具体来说: 每年涉及至少5种词类的修改; 动词每年有一个;

形容词副词每年有一个; 冠词代词每年有一个


一、考查什么? 重点在于语言的运用 1.语法知识

冠词、介词、代词、情态动词、形容词与副词 非谓语动词(v-ing, v-ed) 定语从句 虚拟语气


各类词性 + 词汇搭配与用法;灵活运用 outer space


out space

perform an act


make an act

Posture vs.


get to their feet

vs. get on their feet In average


on average


改错旨在测试在具体语境或上下文中使用语法或词汇的能力 (esp句子之间的逻辑关系) 具体语境或上下文:一篇200字左右的短文 10个左右、意义上相关联的句子

→ 跳出单句的框架,从语段(表达一相关层次意思的句子组合)的角度来进行判断 句内错误 + 句间错误(尤其是表逻辑关系的连词)

二、常见错误类型: 1.短语搭配错误 2.易混词错误 3.逻辑关系错误

4.代词错误(一致错误) 5.冠词错误

6.形容词和副词使用错误 7.成分残缺或冗余 8.动词时态或语态错误

1.短语搭配错误 (esp介词错误) to let alone in return to the need of

substitute A with B account 70% under the grounds of/that attitude on life in a quick speed with many respects at the face of

considerations to…

become victims of … ride in a train resistive against resistance of embark sth in line to take pride of shed light to sth in proportion with be contrasted to modern time

ability of (doing) sth at the first place

be succeful on doing approach to do …

on one’s 30s differ A from B vary by

2.易混词错误 (1)形近异义词

imaginative – imaginary

adapt – adopt confirm – conform

former – formal diary – dairy

personal – personnel beside – besides

principal – principle conscious – conscientious

stationary – stationery considerate – considerable

affect – effect contact – contract

moral – morale industrious – industrial

desert – deert require – acquire – inquire

sensible – sensitive transformation – transmiion

tense – tension cooker – cook

complexity – complex insurance – aurance

provide – provided/providing perceive – conceive


latter – later

late – latest farther – further

effective – efficient respectable – respectful

historic – historical rise – arise – raise – arouse sure – insure – ensure – aure producing – productive lonely – alone

acro – cro impreed -- impreive

memorizing – memorable normal– norm

favorite – favorable acceptability – acceptance

economical – economic (a) few – (a) little

invent – discover before – ago

another – other

reward– award


firstly – first

hardly– hard

late – lately high– highly


clear(完全地、径直地) – clearly(显然、清楚地)


with – without

poible – impoible

subjective – objective import – export

better – worse

employee – employer employment – unemployment

modifiable – unmodifiable natural – unnatural

discernable – indiscernable lend – borrow

exclusive – inclusive independency – dependency

willing – unwilling nothing more than – nothing le than agree – disagree

le – more (still more– still le) most – least

known – unknown

respective – irrespective

majority – minority result in – result from

fortunately -- unfortunately powerful – powerle

easine – uneasine profeional – amateur

aware – unaware include – exclude

(5) 名词单复数异义

moral – morals

watersands manner– manners


saving – savings



(6) 易混短语

live with – live by

tend to – intend to next week – the next week

spend… in doing sth – spend… on sth die of – die from

rather than – other than have sb do sth – have sth done

take on– go on take place – take the place of

consist in – consist of in all – after all

in return – in turn one reason for +短语 – one reason why +句子 bring out– bring up

apply… to– apply for


therefore – neverthele/however (大部分therefore都要改为however,反之亦然) and – but / while

or – and

after – before since – although

there is no…– there is also… that – if

from now on – from then on all – none

if – unle

besides – except therefore – because

so – because so does he… – neither/nor does he… as if – even if

whether – if That’s why +结果 – that’s because +原因


their – its

that – those

which – what which – that (有些情况下关系代词只能用that) it – itself (主宾相同,宾语用反身代词) that/this – it (只有it可作形式主语) his – one’s (泛指时用one)

you – yourself it – they

this – such XX is le sophisticated than what they are today – XX is le sophisticated than they are today

5.冠词错误 (1)定冠词多余

on the either side –>on either side in the Europe –>in Europe in the winter –>in winter

Kaufman, the/an author of a recent book – Kaufman, author of a recent book(同位语间完全对等关系,不必使用冠词) take the iue –>take iue(对…持异议,不同意)


among most –>among the most one of first –>one of the first atmosphere –>the atmosphere(独一无二的事物,如:the world, the Equator, the Outerspace) between us and rest –>between us and the rest in minority –>in the minority play piano –>play the piano (西洋乐器的前面要有定冠词) English language –>the English language at heart of –>at the heart of in long run –>in the long run

注意以下短语的区别(抽象 vs.具体) in church – in the church at college – at the college in court – in the court in hospital – in the hospital in office – in the office in prison – in the prison at sea – at the sea in school – in the school at table – at the table


be well equipped as –>be as well equipped as heavy industrialized –>heavily-industrialized keep the number constantly –>keep number constant feel hopele thwarted –>feel hopelely thwarted comparative high proportion –>comparatively high proportion (quakes) start deeply in the earth –>start deep in the earth in the paed 5 years –>in the past 5 years culture embedded attitudes –>culturally embedded attitudes from one meter afar –>from one meter away increasing –>increasingly

simple –>simply

7.成分残缺或多余(单复数错误) a world which I could get… –>a world in which I could get…

shows –>that shows (先行词在定语从句中作主语,关系代词不可省略) take for granted that –>take it for grated that 1980 –1980s

one of the most glaring form –>one of the mist glaring forms work sth –>work out sth

believe in –believe

point sth –>point out sth

20 percents –>20 percent eyes contact –>eye contact

seven – seventh the proce which it function –>the proce by which it function communication service –>communications service (通信服务、通讯服务) average incomes –>average income the like of –>the likes of

be referred to XX –>be referred to as XX be viewed as work of art –>be viewed as a work of art


went – go

agreeing – agreed consisted – consisting

bored – boring favoring – favored

if she was –>if she were(非真实条件句) involves – involving

will – would (虚拟语气中) delaying – delayed (已完成概念或者被动概念) the promise of improving quality of life –>the promise of improved quality of life aure – aures (第三人称单数) have – has (要看清句子真正的主语) developing – developed the least understanding –>the least understood what they have told – what they have been told if circumstances become favorable – if circumstances should become favorable

总结: 1.步骤:

做一定数量的改错练习→ 看以上的总结以及例子 → 再做题 → 掌握改错规律,识别出更多的错误并将其改正,形成自己的做题方法

2.语法、词汇错误 vs.语篇错误

 掌握语法词汇+ 文章理解(通读全文,再一行一行去识别错误所在,尤其隐蔽的语篇错误。

 不要一上来就开始找错误,也不要边找错边读文章,不然只能找到一些词汇错误,但做完后不知所云,找不到语篇错误。




In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students.Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.【范文】

In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in other societies this is virtually unheard of.In the latter situation, students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their \"job\".In my opinion, students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include working at a part-time job.Therefore, I believe that it is a good idea for students to work while studying.

While it is true that a student\'s most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal.In fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to mi out on other valuable learning experiences.In addition to bringing more balance to a student\'s life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience.He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve.Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances.Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.

For all of these reasons, I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are in high school.Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility.In sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be succeful.






以下文章主要讨论小汽车的利与弊(Advantages and disadvantages of private cars)。

With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise.Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars.But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon.

Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars.First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countle workers and strong support for other industries.Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently.Finally, life will become more convenient.A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun.

However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars.They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems.In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people.Next, private cars contr123te to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams.The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.

In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more 123rgy consumption.They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants.Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more.Jams waste our precious time.Therefore I am against developing private cars.每天养成存钱习惯的好处(3)


Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

【范文】The Advantages of Saving Money

Everyone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need.What should they do with this extra income? While it is tempting for people to spend it all on things they desire, I believe it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for the future.

By saving money, people give themselves more security.They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be joble.At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time.In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum.They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away.For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings.Finally, the practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future.In this way they are bound to lead more meaningful and succeful lives.

Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately.Nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants.However, if we learn to save our money, we can gain more advantages in the future.We will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives.We will also be able to buy the things we truly want but cannot afford right now.







It has been said, \"Not everything that is learned is contained in books.\" Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

【范文】 Book Knowledge vs.Experience

Knowledge can be acquired from many sources.These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages.The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life.We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books.We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways.Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books.In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements.

Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge.It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is succeful or not.In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn.Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is neceary to act.Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation.Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful.However, unle it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is usele.That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.

【参考译文】 书本知识与实际经验






A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.Discu the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community.Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.【范文】 A Factory near the Neighborhood

Having a factory near where one lives brings with it both advantages and disadvantages.An obvious advantage is an increase in the number of available jobs, and many people in the community might find employment in the new factory.The factory would bring money into the community in other ways as well.It would have to pay some taxes to the local government, and workers might go shopping or eat at a restaurant in the area before or after their shifts.

However, the factory would bring some disadvantages, too.Depending on what kind of factory it is, it might pollute the environment and bring down property values.It would be sure to increase traffic in the area, causing congestion and making it unsafe for children to play outside.Finally, the neighborhood would become a noisy, busy place.For all of these reasons, I would be opposed to the construction of a new factory near my community.While the employment opportunities would help the community, I believe it would be better for residents to commute to work and preserve the peace of our neighborhood.

【译文】 住家附近的工厂





\"When people succeed, it is because of hard work.Luck has nothing to do with succe.\" Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

【范文】 The Role of Luck in Succe

It has been said that when people succeed, it is because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with succe.Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to succe for most people, I must disagree with this statement.It cannot be denied that luck often plays an important role in succe.For example, many important discoveries have been made by accident.There have been many cases of researchers and inventors making major breakthroughs while they were actually trying to solve another problem or create a different device.Furthermore, there is something to be said for simply being in the right place at the right time-perhaps meeting someone by chance who can offer a good job or rare opportunity.And of course, there are the rare examples of gamblers and lottery winners who beat the odds and achieve sudden and unexpected succe.

While the influence of luck cannot be ignored, this is not to say that one should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work.If one is willing to work hard, I believe that succe will eventually be achieved, with or without the added benefit of luck.Moreover, hard work is often an eential ingredient of luck because it enables one to take advantage of a lucky encounter.If the scientist has not worked hard to develop his knowledge and skills, he may not recognize that lucky breakthrough when it comes along.Therefore, my suggestion is not to count on luck to bring you succe.Instead, work hard and keep your eyes open for that lucky opportunity.





Many people visit museums when they travel to new places.Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

【范文】 Why People Visit Museums?

Museums are great repositories of mankind’s historical artifacts and achievements in art.From them we can learn a great deal about the people of the past and their link to the people of the present.We can also learn about cultures other than our own.I believe this last advantage is the main reason many people visit museums when they travel.

When someone chooses to visit a new place, he often does so because he is interested in seeing a different environment and a different way of life.To gain a better understanding of this new culture, many travelers will go to a history or cultural museum.Even those who never visit museums at home may be inspired by the new sights around them and want to find out more.Other people choose to visit museums abroad in groups to see things that they cannot see at home.They may have read of famous works of art and look forward to the chance to see them with their own eyes.Still others may have a specific interest, such as butterflies or eighteenth century furniture.It is not poible for every community to support a museum devoted to every field of study, but travelers can take advantage of the opportunity to pursue their interests.

No matter why one travels, the journey often offers the opportunity to visit a new museum.It is an activity that will provide the traveler with a better understanding of the world, no matter what his specific interest is.That is why I think most people choose to visit museums when they travel to a new place.








How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

【范文】 The Influence of Television and Movies

There is no doubt that watching television and movies can influence the way that people behave.Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD.Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored.

One obvious effect of these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products.Television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements.Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of program they watch.Those who watch news and educational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world poe great wealth and good looks.It may make them become diatisfied with their own lives.Finally, perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see on TV or in the movies.

With the ever-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects.Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experience.



The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this iue?


It is widely acknowledged that the amount of violence in films and on TV is one of the direct causes that lead to our high crime rate in our society.The voice of demanding the government to control violent scenes in media has been much louder than before.Personally, I totally agree with this voice, for it is the most effective way to reduce violent crimes in the real world.

First and foremost, violence on TV or in films is often portrayed as extreme as poible in order to attract audiences.This will definitely set a bad example for those immature audiences, who, lacking correct parental guidance, are most likely to copy the violent behaviours and commit real violent crimes.

Next, media, such as TV or film, is considered as the correct information source regulated by the government.It should be reporting and reflecting true phenomena in the society.Violence, as one of the facts in the real world, certainly has to be reported.However, exceive violence is offering misleading information to the public, which will exert detrimental influence to the society.For example, teenagers will regard those killers and murderers in the films and on TV as role models and copy their behaviors.It is recently reported in the news that a seventeen-year-old killed all his family members, one sister and two parents out of hatred and jealousy.In the real world, we are often reminded of the harm and hurt that violence in fictional world has brought us.n a word, our society is preoccupied by the violent scenes and plots at present.What the government has to do immediately is to take effective measures to control the amount of violence in media.Only in this way, can our society enjoy high level of security and peace.





After I graduated from primary school, relatives and friends all suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help my mother.Although I knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distre, I still aspired to go on with study.So I kept learning secretly.I had no courage to tell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free uniforms, books, room and board.To enter the school, I had to pay ten Yuan as a deposit.This was a large sum of money for my family.However, after two weeks’ tough effort, mother managed to raise the money and sent me off to school in tears afterwards.She would spare no pains for her son to win a bright future.On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster after graduation, mother and I spent a sleeple night.I said to her, \"you can have a rest in the future.\" but she replied nothing, only with tears streaming down her face.








All things under heaven and earth are made up of different parts, but the slogan \"women are as good as men\" makes demands on women without making a corresponding demand on men to be “just as good as women”:to raise children just as patiently, to do household chores just as uncomplainingly, to care for the old just as dutifully.Come to think of it, the slogan \"women are as good as men” has spurred women on to achievements to challenge men’s.But at the same time,women must still do what men do not stoop to.The fact is, “women are as good as men” means that women after doing what women do, must take up another burden.Let\'s face it, basically women are not as the same as men.


英语专八听力练习难度不大,尤其和mini-lecture比起来,简单很多,提前可以看到问题和选项。带着这些预读信息去进行target-oriented 的听力,命中率一般都很高,练习到后期不希望考生失掉哪怕一分。有可能成文满分绊脚石的就是一些 \"纸老虎\" 般的新闻听力特定词汇,请大家提前预热。其实出题考这些词汇的几率特别小,只是形式上吓人罢了。

1.accredited journalist n.特派记者

2.advance n.预发消息;预写消息

They have got advance information of the storm\'s approach.他们事前已得到将有暴风雨的消息。

3.affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻

4.anecdote n.趣闻轶事

He departs from the text to tell an anecdote.他没讲课文而讲了一段轶事。

5.aignment n.采写任务

He\'s going to India on an aignment for his newspaper.他将去印度为他的报纸完成某项工作。

6.attribution n.消息出处,消息来源

7.back alley news n.小道消息

8.backgrounding n.新闻背景

9.Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。

10.banner n.通栏标题

11.beat n.采写范围

12.body n.新闻正文

13.boil 压缩(篇幅)

The reporter boiled the story down to half the original length.报告人把原稿压缩了一半。

14.box n.花边新闻

15.brief n.简讯

16.bulletin n.新闻简报

17.Here is the latest bulletin about the President\'s health.这是总统健康情况的最新报告。

18.byline n.署名文章

19.caption n.图片说明

I didn\'t understand the drawing until I read the caption.直到我看到这幅画的说明才弄懂其意思。

20.caricature n.漫画

21.carry vt.刊登

22.cartoon n.漫画

His cartoon mercilely lampoon the leading politician of the day.他的讽刺漫画无情地挖苦了当今的政界要人。

23.censor vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查

Several words have been deleted from the article by the censor.那篇文章中有好几个字被新闻检查官删去了。

1.chart n.每周流行音乐排行版

That song has been in the charts for weeks.那首歌已有好几周都上了流行榜。

2.clipping n.剪报

I wish to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping from the morning Herald.本人欲申请上广告招聘剪报随函寄去的职位。

3.column n.专栏;栏目

There are two columns on each page of this dictionary.这本词典每一页有两栏。

4.columnist n.专栏作家

She\'s a columnist for USA Today.她是《今日美国报》的专栏作家。

5.continued story 连载故事;连载小说

6.contributing editor 特约编辑

contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿

7.The editor is short of contribution for the May iue.编辑缺少五月号一期上的稿件。contributor n.投稿人

My friends in the Chinese pre tell me that at present, there is no lack of contributors, but because of limitations in space, not all their works can be published.华文报朋友告诉我,现阶段仍不乏投稿人士,但因篇幅不足未能全部刊登

8.copy desk n.新闻编辑部

9.copy editor n.文字编辑

10.correction n.更正(启事)

The teacher wrote the proposed correction at foot.老师将修改意见写在页底空白处。I\'m speaking under correction.我说的不一定正确。

11.correspondence column读者来信专栏

It seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson is a sacred cow.从你的读者来信专栏看,哈罗德·威尔逊好像是个批评不得的人。

12.correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者

I\'m handing you over now to our home affairs correspondent.现在请听本台记者报道的国内新闻。

Your correspondent had only touched upon the fringe of the matter.你的报导只谈到了问题的边缘。

13.cover vt.采访;采写

14.cover girl n.封面女郎

1.covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访

2.crop vt.剪辑(图片)

3.crusade n.宣传攻势

The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。

4.cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数)

Before this play is broadcast several cuts must be made.这个剧目播出前必须经过数次剪辑。

5.cut line n.插图说明

6.daily n.日报

He writes exclusively for China Daily.他专给《中国日报》写稿。

7.dateline n.新闻电头

The stories of newsmen on the scene have been wrapped up under a Paris dateline.在现场的记者们的报导已经综合成一篇发自巴黎的电讯。

8.deadline n.截稿时间

9.dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索):\"挖\"(新闻)

10.digest n.文摘

11.editorial n.社论

I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper.我在这家报纸的编辑部工作。

The editorial is entitled \"...\" .这篇社论的题目是《。。。》。

12.editorial office 编辑部

13.editor\'s notes 编者按

14.exclusive n.独家新闻

15.expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光

16.extra n.号外

17.eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻

18.faxed photo 传真照片

19.feature n.特写;专稿

20.feedback n.信息反馈

21.file n.发送消息;发稿

22.filler n.补白

23.First Amendment (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等)

24.five \"W\'s\" of news 新闻五要素

25.flag n.报头;报名

26.folo (=follow-up) n.连续报道

27.Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)

28.freedom of the Pre 新闻自由

29.free-lancer n.自由撰稿人

30.full position 醒目位置

1.Good news comes on crutches.好事不出门

2.grapevine n.小道消息

They were told to desist from spreading grapevine news.已告诉他们停止散布小道消息。

3.gutter n.中缝

4.hard news 硬新闻;纯消息

5.headline n.新闻标题;内容提要

A sports headline reads, \"Curling stone start sliding Monday.\" 一条体育新闻大字标题这样写道:\"冰上掷石赛将于周一开始\"。

6.hearsay n.小道消息

7.highlights n.要闻

8.Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay.判断应该以事实为依据,而不应该依靠道听途说。

9.hot news 热点新闻

10.human interest 人情味

11.in-depth reporting 深度报道

12.insert n.& vt.插补段落;插稿

13.interpretative reporting 解释性报道

14.invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权)

15.inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作结构)

16.investigative reporting 调查性报道

17.journalism n.新闻业;新闻学

When he left school he took up journalism.他离开学校后开始从事新闻工作。

Journalism is literature in a hurry 新闻是急就文学.

18.journalist n.新闻记者

He has broken into a career as an international journalist.他开始了他作为国际新闻记者的生涯。

19.kill vt.退弃(稿件);枪毙(稿件)

20.layout n.版面编排;版面设计

Please fax me the layout for the new catalogue.请用传真机把新目录的版面编排图样传送给我.

1.lead n.导语

2.libel n.诽谤(罪)

The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

3.makeup n.版面设计

4.man of the year 年度新闻人物,年度风云人物

5.ma communication 大众传播(学)

From 1986 to 1987 I was teaching English training courses for students in international trade and ma communication.1986年至1987年,我教过英语培训班,学员来自外贸和大众传播单位

6.ma media 大众传播媒介

The play received the approbation of the ma media.这个剧本受到大众媒体的欢迎。

7.master head n.报头;报名

8.media n.媒介,媒体

Viewers here have reaped the benefits of media liberalisation.当然,本地媒体开放,观众也看到了好处

Mere report is not enough to go upon 仅是传闻不足为凭。

9.morgue n.报刊资料室

10.news agency 通讯社

That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident.那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴。

11.news clue 新闻线索

12.news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头

13.newsprint 新闻纸

Final award has already been made on the first newsprint paper antidumping case.首例新闻纸反倾销案已经终裁。

14.news value 新闻价值

15.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息

No, but I suppose no news is good news.没有。不过我认为没有消息就是好消息。

16.nose for news 新闻敏感

17.obituary n.讣告

I read Sewell\'s obituary in the Daily News.我在《每日新闻》上读到了休厄尔的讣告。

18.objectivity n.客观性

19.off the record 不宜公开报道

The President told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record.总统告诉记者们他的谈话不得公开发表。


2008年12月 英译汉














7.作文,我只看了第一个,是个图表题,“Buchlesen und Internetnutzung”,就是上网看书和看纸质书籍,由此引起一系列的“血案”(开个玩笑,嘿嘿。)






























(1) 固定信息


















