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Being women is a gift

The women is a film for women, there is no men.Mary is a mother of a girl, a wife of a succeful people, a friend of three women, and a daughter of a father.One day Mary’s friend Sylvie an editor of fashion magazine found that Mary’s husband had an affair.Then the problems came.She lost her job in her father’s company.Sylvie told the goip of Mary and her husband to the media for her job.Her daughter never had communication with her.Of cause in the end of film, everything was solved.Mary organized a fashion show, and she refused the invitation of a big store.Just because Mary needs her own job, she still needs her husband, her daughter and her friend.As Sylvie said can’t we own anything?Yes, we can, but do we need it?

The words impre me deeply is that: Be kind to yourself.Because I promise you, it will come and it will evolve and you will see just how spectacular your \"differences\" are.Being women is a gift.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Yesterday I saw the film cloudy with a chance of meatballs which is produced by Song.It is a cartoon film, but the thing it tells us is very useful.

When he was young, Flint Lockwood liked to invent many unbelievable things.The small invention always caused small accident.When he grew up, a food crisis had taken place in the little island .Flint invented a food maker which turned water into food.At first it helped people a lot, every day Flint sent the order to the machine, then it absorbed cloud turn it into food.Finally it turned into a disaster—there was no cloud in the sky.The food was too much on the ground.So he tried his best to save the island with his friends.

In this film, the most moving thing is the love to him of his father.

Father’s love is quite different from mother’s.They don’t say ‘I love you’ everyday, but their love isn’t le than mother’s.

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump, named after a civil war hero, grows up in Greenbow, Alabama, where his mother runs a boarding house.Although Forrest is a little \"slow\", his mental impairment doesn\'t seem to bother him, his mother, or his best and only friend, Jenny Curran.In fact, the naivete that comes through a limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective of life.

During the next thirty years, Forrest becomes a star football player, a war hero, a succeful busineman, and something of a pop icon.Through it all, however, there is one defining element in his life: his love for Jenny.She is never far from his thoughts, no matter what he\'s doing or where he is.

Ultimately, however, any gripes about Forrest Gump are minor.

Gone with the wind

It’s an old claic movie and it like it very much.Scarlett is a strong willed Southern girl who facing the total destruction of her family’s plantation.She showed her strong will to survive.She tried all her efforts to make money.She shot a solider and got his money.She got married with her sister’s fiancé.She could do everything for Ashley.When he gone, she take care of his wife, no matter how pain in her heart.When Melanie die, Scarlett finally knew who she really loved was

Rhett.But when she realized, it’s too late, Rhett went without any hesitant.

When Rhett step out the door, Scarlett asked, \' Rhett, if you gone, when shall I go? What shall I do? \' \' Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.\'

Scarlett stood on the stage, \' Tara Home.I’ll go home, and I’ll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!\'

The day after tomorrow

This film is not a fairy started with the words once upon a time...It is a film about disaster that will happen in half a year, maybe the day after tomorrow.

This film takes a look at what the world would look like is the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age.

Every minute we make the earth wormer, but nobody give up their facility, car, paper cups, and disposable chopsticks.When the disaster happen, Gyllenhaal say have you ever seen the sky so clear? Have you ever seen the man so fair?

The legend of 1990

Why can’t I leave the sea? Because the out door world is the key of god, millions and billions of keys that never end.

Danny Boodman T.D.Lemon Nineteen Hundred, he was born on the sea, and grew up with a sailor.He played piano without taught, he is a real genius.He fell in love with a girl quietly and deeply.People wondered whether he would for her to get off the boat and face the new world.However, what he chose was still his piano, his sea.He said the piano only have 88 keys.But the out door world is a piano with countle keys.He can’t control it.

Finally 1900 got into pieces with the boat.And Max got back his trumpet.

The Phantom of the Opera

The story started in 1917: old noble Raoul took part in a auction.Finally he got a jukebox.Then the time turned to 30 years ago, on the stage of an opera, the principal singer got hurt in a accident, so Christine took her place and performed in the opera.Christine’s voice conquered everybody’s heart, of course including Raoul.When Christine was asked who taught her to sing.She said when her father died, he told her an angle of music would protected and taught her.The angel of music is the phantom of the opera.Both of Raoul and Phantom fell in love with Christine, But Christine only loved Raoul.Finally Phantom was moved by their love, and sent Christine and Raoul free.In the end of the film, Raoul put the jukebox on the tomb of Christine.On the tomb there was still a rose and a ring which belonged to Phantom.

Everything is end, the rose is still red.

The Shawshank Redemption

Redemption, not only for Andy himself, in other words, he not only saves himself but also his friend.Yes, fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free.Andy once said: forget that there are…place…in the world that are not made of stone, there is something…inside…that they can not get to…that is hope.

What impreed me most is when a old man was sent free, but the first night he go out, he kill himself, because he can not leave the institutionalized.These walls are kind of funny like that.First you hate them, then you get used to them.Enough time paed, get so you depend on them.That is institutionalized.

Andy succe, Red succe, the old man fail.In our life there is all kinds of prison, how can you get yourself free.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Four teenage girls are in a store, trying on things, kidding around, giggling.Girls are in different sizes and sharps.What makes them all want to try on the same pair of pre-owned jeans? And why are the jeans a perfect fit all four times? It\'s the summer before the girls begin their senior year in high school, and all four have big summer plans

Because the jeans magically fit them all, and perhaps because they all saw \"Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood,\" they come up with a plan: Each girl will wear the jeans for a week and then FedEx them to the next on the list

So the story starts.

The Spider man

What’s your choice between being a common person or a hero with people’s respects? Most people will choose the latter.But what will be your choice if the cost is losing your lover among the risks? What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl who you love so much that you love her? The spider man had this contradiction.But finally he still chose the latter, not for a hero, but for the word peace.

Everybody loves a hero.People enthrone them, cheer them, and scream their names.I believe there is a hero in all of us.He keeps us be honest, gives us strength, make us noble, and finally allow us die with pound.


Forrest Gump review

Forrest Gump describes a story happened on an idiot called Forrest Gump from the 1950’s to the 1980’s in America.As developed America, as Forrest Gump grew up.Ferrost experienced lots of things of importance in the history of America such as the aainate of kennnedy, the Vietnam War, the Pingpong Diplomacy

and so on.He became a football star, a war hero, a busine bo, and a millionnaire.In our view, he is almost a superman, but he did not notice that.

As we all know, the film has received a lot of prizes in the Oscar and the other film festivals.I think it deserves it.Some people think this film is a comedy, but I don’t think so.I consider this film as a rony film.The rony occurred in details and was hidden in humor.I will give an example.Do you think an idiot

could be a war hero? I think it should be impoible.But in Vietnam War, it is.In the other way, if the war was started by the fool, the idiot

deserves the hero.From this point, we can see the against attitude of the public taken to this war.

Forrest Gump is also a film that can motivate people.In this

film, Forrest take a special attitude different from almost of us to life.The life of Forrest is not very easy, but no matter what he is going to face next, he always accepted it easily, and try his best to accomplish it.Never in his life, he complain about the unfair of 命运 or lost confident of himself.What he did is just doing his best, which is very simple.In our real life, how many people struggled to get something, but in the end, nothing was left.Why not live as Forrest Gump? Doing best is just okey, but never stop our step forward.When it comes to the script, there is no reason not to say the famous words.‘Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.

’.It was paed to Forrest by his mother.What wise words it is.The beauty of life is just in the aspect that no one can know what is tommorow like.That is just why I like it.If we all knew what will happen in future, the life must be boring enough.

The other fomous script is only one word ‘run’.I think in thisfilm The ‘run’ stand for change.Forrest changed from an idiot

into a succe, but there is something that didn’t change.The woman bus driver who took Forrest to school also pick his son

up to school for the first time.

I suppose this film deserves us watching it thousands of times.During the progre, we can enjoy the power of one person, the beauty of scenes, be moved by the plot, be influenced by the scripts.

Thank you

By Wei Qilin


2, Forrest Gump: Review

From http://movies.tvguide.com/forrest-gump/review/129960


First Blood Part II

It´s not often an actor creates a popular, identifiable hero in more than one movie.Harrison Ford did it with Han Solo, Indiana Jones, and CIA agent Jack Ryan.Sylvester Stallone did it with Rocky Balboa and John Rambo.Stallone tapped into important audience nerves with both of his characters.Rocky, of course, became everybody´s favorite underdog.But Rambo went deeper; the portrayal went to the roots of America´s resentment over losing the Vietnam war.Americans like to win, and Rambo gave them the chance to get even, at least in their imagination.

If you remember, in \"First Blood\" Rambo had just returned from Vietnam as a highly decorated Green Beret--Medal of Honor and all that.Now he was looking for some peace and quiet, but the country was not ready for him.He was thrown in jail by a redneck sheriff, escaped, and, perfect killing machine that he is, wreaked havoc on the countryside until the authorities finally brought him back.

In \"Rambo: First Blood II,\" we find him working on a prison rock pile when his old commanding officer, Col.

Trautman (Richard Crenna), shows up to offer him a deal.He can regain his freedom if he will go back to Vietnam and locate some prisoners of war who might still be imprisoned there.Rambo agrees, but when he finds the POWs, naturally he wants to rescue them.No dice, says the government.Seems it was all a public relations gimmick.In fact, the government really doesn´t want to know if there are POWs still in Nam.They just want a war hero to confirm to the American public that all is well.So they leave poor Rambo stranded in enemy territory.Needle to say, Rambo not only fights his way out, but he practically destroys the whole North Vietnamese army in the proce.

Rise of the Machines

Terminator 3 is the summer movie of 2003 that hard-core action fans have been awaiting.It\'s not ponderous and incomplete like The Matrix Reloaded.It\'s not steeped in characterization and modern-day mythology like Hulk.And it\'s not vapid and flashy like Charlie\'s Angels: Full Throttle and Bad Boys 2.Instead, it\'s a relatively straightforward science fiction adventure filmTerminator 3 is not an intellectual challenge, but neither is it vacuous.The film has plenty of action sequences, some of which are spectacular.Director Jonathan Mostow has wisely not relied too much on computer graphics for these.A fair amount of stunt work was required, and the computer components are incorporated seamlely.Additionally, Mostow does not play the game of cutting every second or so, and the music never upstages the visuals.Terminator 3 gets the most

bang for its buck by letting the camera linger on the spectacle, and allowing tension, not flashine, to be its hallmark.

Terminator 3 has a number of impreive action sequences, including one that features two crashing helicopters and another in which the T-101 and T-X go at it, one-on-one.But none is more impreive than the crane chase, where the world\'s largest crane goes crashing through everything in its path in an out-of-control attempt to (literally) run down John and Kate.(When Warner Brothers became skittish about budgetary iues, Schwarzenegger chipped in $1.6 million to allow the sequence to be finished.) It\'s hard to say which is the summer\'s best chase: this one or the equally spectacular one in The Matrix Reloaded.

The Day After Tomorrow

It is such a relief to hear the music swell up at the end of a Roland Emmerich movie, its restorative power giving us new hope.Billions of people may have died, but at least the major characters have survived.Los Angeles was wiped out by flying saucers in Emmerich\'s \"Independence Day,\" New York was aaulted in his \"Godzilla,\" and now, in \"The Day After Tomorrow,\" Emmerich outdoes himself: Los Angeles is leveled by multiple tornados, New York is buried under ice and snow, the United Kingdom is flash-frozen, and lots of the Northern Hemisphere is wiped out for good measure.Thank god that Jack, Sam, Laura, Jason and Dr.Lucy Hall survive, along with Dr.Hall\'s little cancer patient.

Of the science in this movie I have no opinion.I am sure global warming is real, and I regret that the Bush administration rejected the Kyoto Treaty, but I doubt that the cataclysm, if it comes, will come like this.It makes for a fun movie, though.Especially the parts where Americans become illegal immigrants in Mexico, and the vice president addrees the world via the Weather Channel.\"The Day After Tomorrow\"

is ridiculous, yes, but sublimely ridiculous -- and the special effects are stupendous.


When i looked at the film for a minute,I think I will cry after the film end.In fact ,this film has a lot of contradiction and conflict .To the parent ,because of helping one child ,there are making the other child to offer organs.So,to this making child, there not thought she was there child?To this child,she of course to have the human rights and life for hielf.Why she must be decided to do something?Could it be said that the girl not to sad when she saw his sister painful.

This film doesn’t talk a question of the cncer,but the model may be use in our life.It is nowever and you can’t help somebody in sometime when you tried yours best.In some time you poibility to make use of other people.

Look at the child,we all thinks she is poor because she can’t have a common life as the other children .

Look at the sister,she parent hopes to help her ,but there not have the ability.So they hopes there making child can help us.The reason why this film is best,because thereare all closely bound to this things whe all the character do.

Inmy opinion,this film tell us we has a lot of ponder over when we chosen between the gain and lo


X战警前传:金刚狼X-Men Origins: Wolverine

\"X-Men Origins: Wolverine\" finally answers the burning question, left hanging after all three previous \"Wolverine\" movies, of the origins of Logan, whose knuckles conceal long and wicked blades.He is about 175 years old, he apparently stopped changing when he reached Hugh Jackman\'s age, and neither he, nor we, find out how he developed such an interesting mutation.

His half-brother was Victor (Liev Schreiber).Their story starts in \"1840 -- the Northwest Territories of Canada,\" a neat trick, since Canada was formed in 1867, and its Northwest Territories in 1870.But you didn\'t come here for a history leon.Or maybe you did, if you need to know that Logan and Victor became Americans (still before they could be Canadians) and fought side by side in the Civil War, World War I, World War II and Vietnam.Why they did this, I have no idea.Maybe they just enjoyed themselves.

Booted out of the Army in Vietnam, Logan/Wolverine joined a secret Black Ops unit under Gen.Stryker (Danny Huston), until finally, in Nigeria, he got fed up with atrocities.Neverthele, he was recruited by Stryker for a super secret plan to create a Mutant of Mutants, who would incorporate all available mutant powers, including those of the kid whose eyes are like laser beams.He wears sunglaes.Lotta good they\'ll do him.

Am I being disrespectful to this material? You bet.It is Hugh Jackman\'s misfortune that when they were handing out superheroes, he got Wolverine, who is for my money low on the charisma list.He never says anything witty, insightful or very intelligent; his utterances are limited to the vocalization of primitive forces: anger, hurt, vengeance, love, hate, determination.There isn\'t a speck of ambiguity.That Wolverine has been voted the No.1 comic hero of all time must be the result of a stuffed ballot box.

At least, you hope, he has an interesting vulnerability? I\'m sure X-Men scholars can tell you what it is, although since he has the gift of instant healing, it\'s hard to pinpoint.When a man can leap from an exploding truck, cling to an attacking helicopter, slice the rotor blades, ride it to the ground, leap free and walk away (in that ancient cliche where there\'s a fiery explosion behind him but he doesn\'t seem to notice it), here\'s what I think: Why should I care about this guy? He feels no pain and nothing can kill him, so therefore he\'s eentially a story device for action sequences.

Oh, the film is well-made.Gavin Hood, the director, made the great film \"Tsotsi\" (2005) and the damned good film \"Rendition\" (2007) before signing on here.Fat chance \"Wolverine\" fans will seek out those two.Why does a gifted director make a film none of his earlier admirers would much want to see? That\'s how you get to be a succe in Hollywood.When you make a big box-office hit for mostly fanboys, you\'ve hit the big time.Look at Justin Lin with \"Fast & Furious.\"

Such films are aemblies of events.There is little dialogue, except for the snarling of threats, vows and laments, and the recitation of eential plot points.Nothing here about human nature.No personalities beyond those hauled in via typecasting.No leons to learn.No joy to be experienced.Just mayhem, noise and pretty pictures.I have been powerfully impreed by film versions of Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Iron Man and the Iron Giant.I wouldn\'t even walk acro the street to meet Wolverine.

But wait! -- you say.Doesn\'t \"X-Men Origins\" at least provide a learning experience for Logan about the origins of Wolverine? Hollow laugh.Because we know that the modern Wolverine has a form of amnesia, it cannot be a spoiler for me to reveal that at the end of \"X-Men Origins: Wolverine,\" he forgets everything that has happened in the film.Lucky man.

however, since she is given some of the most amazingly stupid lines she has spoken in her lengthy career.Lead actre Anne Hathaway, making her feature debut, poees the kind of fresh-faced perkine that inspires irritation by the time she has smiled once too often.

Like Julie Andrews, Hector Elizondo tries to \"cla up\" the picture, and, also like her, he fails.His dialogue isn\'t as inane as hers, but he doesn\'t shine.

The Prince Diaries is okay entertainment only for the target demographic (girls age 8 through 13).Everyone else will either fall asleep, run screaming from the theater, or go into sugar shock.It is poible to make a movie everyone can enjoy from a fairy tale premise (Drew Barrymore\'s Ever After is just one example), but you wouldn\'t be able to gue that based on the evidence at hand here.Next time I\'m slated to see a movie directed by Garry Marshall, maybe I should consume about 15 sugar cubes in preparation.

公主日记The Prince Diaries

The Prince Diaries isn\'t so much a modern-day fairy tale as it is a dramatization of every little girl\'s chiffon dream: to be a prince.The film is from director Garry Marshall, who specializes in fantasies without consequences.As is his m.o., Marshall takes a stale plot and explores it in a thoroughly uninteresting way, reducing characters to types and heaping mounds of saccharine and false sentiment on top in a vain attempt to disguise the bland flavor.To be effective, many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief.For The Prince Diaries to work, the viewer will have to engage in a willing suspension of higher brain activity.If brevity is the soul of wit, then Marshall is witle.Not only is his latest motion picture an affront to any thinking adult (its target group is apparently pre-teen girls), but it seems to drag on forever.Marshall\'s motto seems to be: Never do in 80 or 90 minutes what can be done in 2 hours! And, to make things even worse, the editing appears to have been done with a hacksaw.Never can I recall seeing so many jarring cuts.As for the continuity goofs (of which there are many) - they probably would have been more obvious if the stupidity of the story hadn\'t camouflaged them so effectively.

The Prince Diaries is eentially a re-telling of Marshall\'s own Pretty Woman, which, in turn, was just a lame updating of Pygmalion.One day, Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) is a normal 16 year-old girl living in San Francisco.The next, she learns that she\'s the granddaughter of Queen Clarie Renaldi (Julie Andrews), the ruler of the small (and fictional) European country of Genovia.And, because her late father was Clarie\'s only child, that makes Mia the Crown Prince.So, in preparation for her investment as heir, she has to endure Prince Training 101, with leons in everything from speech to etiquette, all while continuing to attend school.But word leaks out of her heritage and she becomes an instant celebrity.Suddenly, she\'s Mi Popularity and the coolest guy in school (Terry Wayne) wants to hang out with her.But, while caught up in this giddy wave of being the center of attention, will she turn her back on her best friend, Lilly (Heather Matarazzo) and the boy who really likes her (Michael Moscovitz)? Take a gue.

The best performances in The Prince Diaries border on the low side of mediocre.No one stands out, and some of the actors should be embarraed.I give Julie Andrews credit for being able to deliver most of her dialogue with a straight face,


Appreciation of the Brave heart \"Brave heart\" was also known as \"love the world \'\", the movie gives an account of 13-14 century England’s power struggle, tells the story of the Scotland uprising leader William Wallace struggled against the rulers of England of unfair treatment.The film is wrote and directed by the famous Hollywood film Mel Gibson, he also starred in the film, succefully showed a great deal of Scotland’s beautiful scenery and a generation of heroes to us.

\"Brave heart\" has been regarded as a tragic film,people often moved by beautiful Scotland mountains, sad bagpipes and the people of Scotland who are in pain, but also inspired for Wallace’s courage.The spirit of William Wallace is like a banner, to guide the people of Scotland for the last freedom.He likes a poem has also spread:

Tell you, my child, in your life, there are many things worth fighting for, but, freedom is undoubtedly the most important.

Wallace was just an ordinary man, lost his father when he was a young child, then traveling around with his uncle.When he came back, just wanted to marry his beloved wife, Murron and led a simple life.However god did not give him this opportunity, his beloved wife was killed.His dream was shattered, he began to resist, oppose unfair treatment, and fight for freedom.Unfortunately, he did not see the final victory.After William Wallace was beheaded, his body was cut into several pieces.His head was hanging in the Tower Bridge of London, the official encouraged paersby not to resist.However, Wallace\'s death prompted Scotland to fight, they finally defeated the army of England, won the final victory and their freedom.William Wallace in the sound \"Freedom\" before he died, has made the profound impreion to me.A hero is someone who has faith in his heart, of course holds on forever, and accepts all tests, even if it is extremely painful.They truly lived, can also obtain the spiritual life in the physical death.As the saying goes: Every man dies, not every man really lives.








这部电影教会我们很多东西。我们应该多陪陪自己的父母,让他们消除对年老的惧怕。同时可以加强两代人之间的理解。作为一个子女,我们要学会换位思考问题,多想想自己的父母.《On Golden Pond》 Film critics 《On Golden Pond》describes that a retired elderly profeor and his wife were on holidays in New England Lake , and he faced many aging crisis in the quite days.His daughter had just got divorced and she was in a wandering mind.There was always a poor relationship between both father and daughter.As the proverb” Blood is thicker than water.”They united their knot finally because the 13-year old grandchildren lived together with grandparents for some time.The movie discues the ageing problem and the generation gap . First , the ageing problem.He did not want to face the fact that he had been old, because he had a stronger personality as he was young.First, he went to pick strawberries in the woods and he behaved very panicked when he lost .Second, when his grandson asked his age, he would be angry and fight back.Third, he did not acknowledged that he was old even in front of his wife.He was afraid of death.Finally, when a heart attack, he saw his wife\'s nervous .Though life to death , he had an open heart.

Second ,the generation gap between father and daughter.The father and daughter were in fact very painful.They wanted to get good well each other .But they did not take the first step.In fact, in the parents \' hearts, sons and daughters were the most important.The lacking of communication led to the estrangement between the two generations. This movie teaches us many things.As the proverb “The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.”We should spend more time with our parents, making them to eliminate the fear of old .At the same time ,We need to strengthen the communication with our parents.As a child, we must learn the transposition thinking, thinking more of our parents.The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.Blood is thicker than water.Every heart has its own sorrow.Fact speak louder than words.



班级:12通信2班 学号:112263030211


《Forrest Gump》

Life is like a box of chocolates.You never know what youre gonna get.Forrest gump mother\'s this understanding to illustrate: each person\'s life is, and it is unique.Forrest gump, is listening to such teachings, one step a footprint on out their own the miracle of life.From IQ only 75 points, to go to special schools, the football athletes, to the Vietnam war hero, to the shrimp boat captain, to around the United States, forrest gump with birth defects of body, reached many intelligent people maybe a lifetime also highly difficult to achieve.

At the beginning and end of the film you will see in the vast blue sky, a root is lightsome and white feathers from the sky, slowly landed in forrest gump feet.This is actually films in hint: this world, if someone see life like a feather pure, simple and beautiful, so, this person must be forrest gump.

Young forrest gump leg disability, forrest gump\'s mother, son have to put on a heavy iron frame, walking to aist.After school, his companions laugh at him, on the way to play with him, chasing throw stones.The female clamate Jenny shouted: \"forrest, run.\" Forrest gump panic, started to run, fell struggled to climb up.Gradually, iron frame is not bound him, he run such as fly.Men not overtake him, helple.This is forrest gump life the first miracle.The miracle is for other miracle was kicked off in the future.

Run with amazing speed, forrest gump into the rugby team, later again into the university and eventually graduate.Thought his life here has been very perfect, I didn\'t think his life\'s wonderful fragment has just ended.Very soon, he took part in the Vietnam war.The battlefield in Vietnam, forrest gump troops in the ambush, a evacuation order, forrest gump remember Jenny\'s charge: \"hit and run.\" The content to be turned and ran.He ran out of the forest, smoothly arrived in a safe place, but he thought of his comrades, he returned to the battlefield, his comrades back one back.

After returning, forrest gump is met President for battle achievement is remarkable.Gump became a spokesperson for table tennis, and get a part of money, he bought a shrimp boat, only do yourself is not familiar with the shrimp industry

Thought he would be so comfortable, but he was the only one who love, Jenny came back, Jane began to give him bring happine and joy, and then Jenny and quietly left.Forrest gump began to fell into chaos, he is going to start running.Someone said he seemed to be thinking in the running, but I think he won\'t, because forrest gump is a focus on people, if he were running, that he must be in the running, don\'t want to other things in our mind.What\'s more, he is a person always live in their own world.

Later, he ran for a long time, and have a lot of followers, finally one day, he didn\'t want to run, and Jenny is back on his world, and of course their son - little forrest gump.Whose end is perfect.Lieutenant Dan is also a perfect ending.Forrest gump\'s persistent rescued Jenny and lieutenant Dan, or at least to save their souls.

Forrest gump\'s life appeared a lot of miracle, but not the miracle, also will never lead you to envy him, you can only appreciate and forrest gump together those years, life and history, taste the bitter sweet, in order to \"acro defects, perfect life\".

Life is like a feather, who also don\'t know where next moment want to gone with the wind, insists he wants to is good, but a lot of people like Jenny, in order to pursue and pursue, ignore the side Fine, only the angrily moment in mind, or as lt.Dan to make pain became the pain of forever.

There is no one in the film of forrest gump said thank you, but I believe that all those who have seen the film will sincerely say: thank you, forrest gump.




我觉得这一部真的还不错啊 四星没跑了 是近几年年柯南剧场版比较好看比较有诚意的作品

刚开始也以为又是拉基德过来凑人气 但是他在这一部里面真的超可爱呀 整个人物形象非常丰满 经常挂在嘴边的坏笑 和柯南的感情也从敌人和朋友之间模糊界限完全变成了好基友

推理的部分比较弱 但是最后还是有一个反转 还不错


另外很加分的地方就是我们的京极真啦 帅是真的帅 体育生校草的感觉 最主要人也不傻 就是 能力有点夸张了 我一度以为我在看火影忍者 又帅又能打还纯情 连园子都恋爱了 什么时候轮到我 果然是想找个个子高的男朋友啊 叹气

总之我觉得4星没跑了 笑点挺多


剧情太套路,都是一笔带过,漏洞和坑也有点多(例如秘书瑞吉儿是如何到保险柜下的,先杀再塞进去,她又是如何写字的,她想交代什么完全没说);里昂标准的反派嘴脸,让人一下猜到里纳(睁开眼睛真的笑到我)才是幕后黑手(听到里纳提他死去的父亲就能猜到应该是复仇),里纳与海贼的交易完全没有交代,而且里昂的行为一点也凸显不出作为心理学专家的睿智,绀青之拳随手丢给海贼,是有多信任这群海贼,一点反制手段都没有,动机也感觉有点扯;作为一部推理电影,基本没有推理,一些细节没有铺垫,推理全靠想象,完全没有证据的支持;本来还期待基德与柯南的斗智斗勇,摆脱以往的动作电影套路,结果质量感觉还没有以往的动作电影好,基德也全程狼狈,没有以往的潇洒;新兰23年终于修成正果,期待发糖,糖分严重不足,新一根本没出场(基德假扮的),柯南沦为配角,还没被认出来;小兰与基德之间的亲密让人不舒服,结果彩蛋还说小兰从一开始就知道他是基德,就算把小兰与基德之间的亲密归为迷惑基德,好对他进行抓捕还是让人不快;园子让人惊艳,但撞园子的警车与死亡的警察是谁所为没有交代;京极真护妻狂魔,武力值一如既往的强的离谱,但却被强行封印;里昂给京极真封印手环时,基德和柯南在场吗? 他们为什么知道破坏手环就能恢复京极真武力值?(这真的完全没印象,可能错过了。);靠一个屏蔽安检的箱子是不可能把柯南带去新加坡的,检测不出来是会开箱验的(为了柯南去新加坡的合理性勿略不计);哀打个酱油有点可惜。














柯南OP01—胸がドキドキ 心中动荡不安 【The High-Lows】 第1集~第30集 柯南OP02—Feel Your Heart 感受到你的心 【Velvet Garden】第31集~第52集 柯南OP03—谜 【小松未步】第53集~第96集

柯南OP04—命のルーレット廻して 转动命运之轮 【ZARD】第97集~第123集 柯南OP05—Truth 真相究明 【TWO-MIX】第124集~第142集 柯南OP06—ギリギリChop 情义之印 【B\'z】第143集~第167集

柯南OP07—Mysterious Eyes 神秘的眼睛 【GARNET CROW】第168集~第204集 柯南OP08—恋はスリル、ショック、サスペンス 爱是冒险、惊喜、恐惧 【爱内里菜】第205集~第230集

柯南OP09—Destiny 命运 【松桥未树】第231集~第258集 柯南OP10—Winter Bells【仓木麻衣】第259集~第270集

柯南OP11—I Can\'t Stop My Love For You 我不能停止对你的爱 【爱内里菜】第271集~第305集

柯南OP12—风のららら 风的啦啦啦 【仓木麻衣】第306集~第332集

柯南OP13—君と约束した优しいあの场所まで 【三枝夕夏】第333集~第355集 柯南OP14—Start 开始 【爱内里菜】第356集~第393集

柯南OP15—星のかがやきよ 星之光芒 【ZARD】第394集~第414集 柯南OP16—Growing Of My Heart 成长的心 【仓木麻衣】第415集~第424集 柯南OP17—冲动 【B\'z】第425集~第437集

柯南OP18—100もの扉 100扇门 【爱内里菜&三枝夕夏】第438集~第456集 柯南OP19—云に乗って 乘上白云 【三枝夕夏】第457集~第474集

柯南OP20—涙のイエスタデー 泪之往昔 【GARNET CROW】第475集~第486集 柯南OP21— グロリゕス マインド 光辉的信念 【ZARD】第487集~第490集 柯南OP22—爱は暗暗の中で 爱在黑暗中 【ZARD】第491集~第504集

柯南OP23—一秒ごとに Love for you 一分一秒对你的爱 【仓木麻衣】第505集~第514集

柯南OP24—Mysterious 神秘 【Naifu】第515集~第520集 柯南OP25—Revive 复苏 【仓木麻衣】第521集~第529集

柯南OP26—Everlasting Luv 永恒的爱心 【BREAKERZ】第530集~第546集 柯南OP27—Magic 魔力 【爱内里菜】第547集~第564集 柯南OP28—As the Dew 【GARNET CROW】第565集~


柯南ED01—Step By Step 步步前进 【Ziggy】第1集~第26集 柯南ED02—迷宫のラヴゔーズ 迷宫情人 【Heath】第27集~第51集 柯南ED03—光と影のロマン 光与影的浪漫 【宇德敬子】第52集~第70集 柯南ED04—君がいない夏 没有你的夏天 【DEEN】第71集~第83集 柯南ED05—愿い事ひとつだけ 只有一个心愿 【小松未步】第84集~第108集 柯南ED06—氷の上に立つように 如履薄冰 【小松未步】第109集~第131集 柯南ED07—Still For Your Love 【rumania montevideo】第132集~第152集 柯南ED08 —Free Magic 【WAG】第153集~第179集

柯南ED09—Secret Of My Heart 【仓木麻衣】第180集~第204集 柯南ED10—夏の幻 夏之幻 【GARNET CROW】第205集~第218集 柯南ED11—Start In My Life 【仓木麻衣】第219集~第232集 柯南ED12—Always 【仓木麻衣】第233集~第247集

柯南ED13—青い青いこの地球に 蔚蓝的星球 【上原 あずみ】第248集~第265集 柯南ED14—梦みたあとで 看到梦之后 【GARNET CROW】第266集~第287集 柯南ED15—无色 【上原 あずみ】第288集~第299集 柯南ED16—Overture 【稻叶浩志】第300集~第306集

柯南ED17—明日を梦见て 梦想明天 【ZARD】第307集~第328集

柯南ED18—君という光 以你为名的光芒 【GARNET CROW】第329集~第349集 柯南ED19—眠る君の横颜に微笑みを 对着你沉睡的侧脸微笑 【三枝夕夏】第350集~第375集

柯南ED20—忘れ咲き 盛开在遗忘之后 【GARNET CROW】第376集~第397集 柯南ED21—ジューンブライド~あなたしか见えない~ 六月新娘,我的眼中只有你 【三枝夕夏】第398集~第406集

柯南ED22—世界 止めて 让世界停止 【竹井诗织里】第407集~第416集

柯南ED23—Thank You For Everything 谢谢你给予一切 【岩田 さゆり】第417集~第424集

柯南ED24—悲しいほど 贵方が好き 很悲伤,却喜欢你 【ZARD】第425集~第437集 柯南ED25—もう君だけを离したりはしない 现在你可以不离开我【 上木彩矢】第438集~第458集

柯南ED26—白い雪 白雪 【仓木麻衣】第459集~第470集

柯南ED27—I still believe ~ため息~ 我依然相信,叹息 【滴草由実】第471集~第486集

柯南ED28—世界はまわると言うけれど 虽说世界是旋转的 【GARNET CROW】第487集~第490集

柯南ED29—雪どけのあの川の流れのように 宛如冰雪融化的河流【 三枝夕夏】第491集~第504集

柯南ED30—Summer Memories 【上木彩矢】第505集~第514集 柯南ED31—Go Your Own Way 【滴草由実】第515集~第520集

柯南ED32—恋心辉きながら 恋心,如光辉般闪耀 【Naifu】第521集~第529集





片头曲(OP) 01.001-030 胸がドキドキ 心中动荡不安 The High-Lows 02.031-052 Feel Your Heart 感受你的心 Velvet Garden 03.053-096 谜 谜 小松未步

04.097-123 运命のルーレット廻して 转动命运之轮 ZARD 05.124-142 Truth 真相 TWO-MIX 06.143-167 ギリギリChop情义之印 B\'z 07.168-204 Mysterious Eyes 神秘的眼睛 GARNET CROW 08.205-230 恋はスリル、ショック、サスペンス 恋爱是冒险、惊悚、悬疑 爱内里菜 09.231-258 Destiny 命运 松桥未树 10.259-270 Winter Bells 冬日铃声 仓木麻衣

11.271-305 I Can\'t Stop My Love For You 我无法停止对你的爱 爱内里菜 12.306-332 风のららら 风的啦啦啦 仓木麻衣

13.333-355 君と约束した优しいあの场所まで 直到与你约定的那个温柔的地方 三枝夕夏

14.356-393 Start 开始 爱内里菜

15.394-414 星のかがやきよ 星之光芒 ZARD 16.415-424 Growing Of My Heart 我心的成长 仓木麻衣 17.425-436 冲动 冲动 B\'z 18.437-456 100もの扉 100扇门 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏 19.457-474 云に乗って 乘上白云 三枝夕夏

20.475-486 涙のイエスタデー 泪之往昔 GARNET CROW 21.487-490 グロリゕス マインド 光辉的信念 ZARD 22.491-504 爱は暗暗の中で 爱在黑暗中 ZARD 23.505-514 一秒ごとに Love for you 一分一秒对你的爱 仓木麻衣 24.515-520 Mysterious 神秘 Naifu 25.521-529 Revive 复苏 仓木麻衣

26.530-546 Everlasting Luv 永恒的最爱 BREAKERZ 27.547-564 Magic 魔法 爱内里菜

28.565-582 As the Dew 如同露水 GARNET CROW 29.583-? Summer Time Gone 离别的夏日之时 仓木麻衣


M01.Happy Birthday 生日快乐 杏子

M02.少女の顷に戻ったみたいに 仿佛回到少女时代 ZARD M03.One 唯一 B\'z M04.あなたがいるから 因为有你 小松未歩 M05.Always 永远 仓木麻衣 M06.Everlasting 永恒 B\'z M07.Time after time ~花舞う街で~ 一次又一次~在落花纷飞的街道上~ 仓木麻衣 M08.Dream × Dream 梦想乘以梦想 爱内里菜

M09.夏を待つセイル(帆)のように 仿佛守候夏日的风帆 ZARD M10.ゆるぎないものひとつ 绝不动摇的唯一 B\'z M11.七つの海を渡る风のように 跨越七海的风 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏 M12.翼を広げて 展开双翼 ZARD M13.Puzzle 拼图 仓木麻衣

M14 Over Drive 凌空驾驭 GARNET CROW


01 キミがいれば 如果有你在 伊织 02 ぼくがいる 有我在 伊织 03 爱はいつも 永远爱 伊织 04 ナゾが仆らを呼んでいる伊织 05 瞳を闭じわば 如果我的眼睛闭紧 伊织 06 ホシが歩いた道を 行走的方式是热情 伊织 07 想い出たち 我们的记忆 伊织

08 やるっきゃないのさ~コナンの胜利~ 你刚才不胜利柯南 伊织 09 あなたを感じてる 我觉得你 伊织 10 I will be there 11想い出たち~想い出~ 我们的记忆与回忆 高山南 12 哀のテーマ 哀的决定~通往天国的倒计时 13 a great detective of lo 高山南 14 逢いたいよ(第一部剧场版插曲) 伊织 15 Happy End 小松未步

柯南ED33—Doing All Right 做一切正确的事 【GARNET CROW】第530集~第539集 柯南ED34—シングル 光 【BREAKERZ】第540集~第562集

柯南ED35—Hello Mr.My Yesterday【Hundred Percent Free】第563集~



01 001-030 胸がドキドキ 心中动荡不安 The High-Lows

02 031-052 Feel Your Heart 感受到你的心 Velvet Garden

03 053-096 谜


04 097-123 运命のルーレット廻して 转动命运之轮 ZARD

05 124-142 Truth 真相究明 TWO-MIX

06 143-167 ギリギリChop 情义之印 B\'z

07 168-204 Mysterious Eyes 神秘目光 GARNET CROW

08 205-230 恋はスリル、ショック、サスペンス 恋爱是冒险、惊喜、恐惧 爱内里菜

09 231-258 Destiny 命运 松桥未树

10 259-270 Winter Bells 冬日铃铛 仓木麻衣

11 271-305 I Can\'t Stop My Love For You 我不能停止对你的爱 爱内里菜

12 306-332 风のららら 风的啦啦啦 仓木麻衣

13 333-355 君と约束した优しいあの场所まで 与你相约在那个幽雅的地方 三枝夕夏

14 356-393 Start 开始 爱内里菜

15 394-414 星のかがやきよ 星之光芒 ZARD

16 415-424 Growing Of My Heart 成长的心 仓木麻衣

17 425-437 冲动 冲动 B\'z

18 438-456 100もの扉 100扇门 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏

19 457-474 云に乗って 乘上白云 三枝夕夏

20 475-486 涙のイエスタデー 泪之往昔 GARNET CROW

21 487-490 グロリゕス マインド 光辉的信念 ZARD

22 491-504 爱は暗暗の中で 爱在黑暗中 ZARD

23 505-514 一秒ごとに Love for you 一分一秒对你的爱 仓木麻衣

24 515-520 Mysterious 神秘 Naifu

25 521-529 Revive 复苏 仓木麻衣

26 530-546 Everlasting Luv 永恒的爱心 BREAKERZ

27 547-564 Magic 魔力 爱内里菜

28 565-? As the Dew 譬如朝露 GARNET CROW


01 001-026 Step By Step 步步前进 Ziggy

02 027-051 迷宫のラヴゔーズ 迷宫情人 Heath

03 052-070 光と影のロマン 光与影的浪漫 宇德敬子

04 071-083 君がいない夏 没有你的夏天 DEEN

05 084-108 愿い事ひとつだけ 只有一个心愿 小松未步

06 109-131 氷の上に立つように 如履薄冰 小松未步

07 132-152 Still For Your Love 始终为了你的爱 Rumania Montevideo坂井泉水(ZARD)

08 153-179 Free Magic 释放魔力 WAG

09 180-204 Secret Of My Heart 心中的秘密 仓木麻衣

10 205-218 夏の幻 夏之幻 GARNET CROW

11 219-232 Start In My Life 生命的起点 仓木麻衣

12 233-247 Always 依旧 仓木麻衣

13 248-265 青い青いこの地球に 蔚蓝的星球 上原安积

14 266-287 梦みたあとで 大梦初醒 GARNET CROW

15 288-299 无色 无色 上原安积

16 300-306 Overture 序曲 稻叶浩志

17 307-328 明日を梦见て 梦想明天 ZARD

18 329-349 君という光 以你为名的光芒 GARNET CROW

19 350-375 眠る君の横颜に微笑みを 对着你沉睡的侧脸微笑 三枝夕夏

20 376-397 忘れ咲き 遗忘的花开时 GARNET CROW

21 398-406 ジューンブライド~あなたしか见えない~ 六月新娘~我的眼中只有你~ 三枝夕夏

22 407-416 世界 止めて 让世界停止 竹井诗织里

23 417-424 Thank You For Everything 谢谢你给予一切 岩田小百合

24 425-437 悲しいほど 贵方が好き 有多悲伤就有多爱你 ZARD

25 438-458 もう君だけを离したりはしない 现在你可以不离开我 上木彩矢

26 459-470 白い雪 白雪 仓木麻衣

27 471-486 I Still Believe ため息 我依然相信~叹息~ 滴草由实

28 487-490 世界はまわると言うけれど 虽说世界是旋转的 GARNET CROW

29 491-504 雪どけのあの川の流れのように 宛如冰雪融化的河流 三枝夕夏

30 505-514 Summer Memories 夏天的回忆 上木彩矢

31 515-520 Go Your Own Way 走属于你自己的路 滴草由实

32 521-529 恋心辉きながら 白热化的光辉 Naifu

33 530-539 Doing All Right 一切安好 GARNET CROW

34 540-561 光 光 BREAKERZ

35 562-?

Hello Mr.my yesterday 你好,我的昨天先生 Hundred Percent Free


M1 Happy Birthday 生日快乐 杏子

M2 少女の顷に戻ったみたいに 仿佛回到少女时代 ZARD

M3 One 唯一 B\'z

M4 あなたがいるから 因为有你 小松未歩

M5 Always 依旧 仓木麻衣

M6 Everlasting 永恒 B\'z

M7 Time after time ~花舞う街で~ 时过境迁~在落花纷飞的街道上 ~ 仓木麻衣

M8 Dream × Dream 梦想乘以梦想 爱内里菜

M9 夏を待つセイル(帆)のように 守候夏日的风帆 ZARD

M10 ゆるぎないものひとつ 绝不动摇的唯一 B\'z仓木麻衣

M11 七つの海を渡る风のように 跨越七大洋的风 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏

M12 翼を広げて 展开双翼 ZARD

M13 Puzzle 迷惑 仓木麻衣

M14 Over Drive 凌空驾驭

GARNET CROW (4月14日发售)




『名探侦コナン』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン』オリジナル・サウンドトラック1 (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン』オリジナル・サウンドトラック 2 (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン』オリジナル・サウンドトラック 3 (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン』イメージソングゕルバム~ぼくがいる~ (作曲:大野克夫 歌:伊织 発売日:1997/10/22)

『名探侦コナン』オリジナル・サウンドトラック スーパー・ベスト (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン』オリジナル・サウンドトラック 4 ~急げ!少年探侦団~ (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン』オリジナル・サウンドトラック スーパー・ベスト2 (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン』TVオリジナル・サウンドトラックSelection BEST (作曲:大野克夫


『想い出たち~想い出~/ぼくがいる~コナンのテーマ~』[歌:江戸川コナン(高山みなみ) 作曲:大野克夫 発売日:2005/12/8]

『「名探侦コナン」帝丹小学校に全员集合!!』名探侦コナン・キャラクター・ソング集 [歌:江戸川コナン(高山みなみ),小嶋元太(高木渉),円谷光彦(大谷育江),吉田歩美(岩居由希子),毛利兰(山崎和佳奈),铃木园子(松井菜桜子),冲野ヨーコ(长泽美树),白金雷刃(高木渉) 作曲:大野克夫 発売日:2006/01/25]


『名探侦コナン 「时计じかけの摩天楼」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン 「14番目の标的(14ばんめのターゲット)」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン 「世纪末の魔术师(せいきまつのマジシャン)」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン 「瞳の中の暗杀者」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン 「天国へのカウントダウン」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン「ベイカー街の亡霊」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン「迷宫の十字路(めいきゅうのクロスロード)」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫

発売日: 2003/04/16)

『名探侦コナン「 银翼の奇术师(ぎんよくのマジシャン)」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン 「水平线上の阴谋(ストラテジー)」』オリジナルサウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン「探侦たちの镇魂歌(レクイエム)」』オリジナルサウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン「绀碧(こんぺき)の棺(ジョリー・ロジャー)」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン「戦栗の楽谱(フルスコゕ)」』オリジナル・サウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫


『名探侦コナン 「漆黑の追迹者(チェイサー)」』オリジナルサウンドトラック (作曲:大野克夫 発売日:2009/04/15)

第12篇:哈姆雷特影评 英语

Reaction of Hamlet

when I first watch \"Hamlet\",I am shocked by the words, especially the character\'s monologues.It is not only the inner world fully expreing, but also likes the sword of secular which stabs conspiracy and ambition.Of course, it owes to Shakespeare\'s talent and his understanding of the permeability of the world! First of all, I admire the hero Hamlet.He is Shakespeare himself who hateanguinary world and stake.He has seen through the world of conspiracy and fraud which spread so deep that his mother has become such a person.This makes Hamlet\'s heart completely desperate.As thethe soul of deceased emperor told Hamlet the truth, Hamlet shouted out the words: \"I want to put all the ideas and personal considerations entirely exclude, leaving only a thought——aim!\" This shows the extent of Hamlet despair.Achieving the purpose that revenging for his father sacrifices what is irrelevant, even kills his lover\'s father.Visibly, Hamlet hateshis uncle very much who usurps throne and kills his brother.He isextremely hates the cruel indifference of human relationship.

Hamlet’s another flash point is trusting friend.He believes his friend Huo Lixu which is based on justice and same ambitions.Hamlet\'s best friend, Huo Lixu , forever supports Hamlet until his death.Friends should be our own supporters,and this support is based on justice and common aspirations.Friendhould help oneself out of difficulties.Friend should always adhere to the principle: \"To be honest, do not deceive\"!

So the film is thought-provoking.


Blach Swan:The Lonely Ballet

Black Swan is an examination of obseion.Obseion in striving for beauty, acceptance, and most of all perfection.The portrayal of the dancing world with all of its goip and back biting was very realistic as was the competitive edge and deep fear of failure that was always present.With the background music of Tchaikovsky\'s \"Swan Lake\",Nina is dangcing on the empty arena.She is lonely,only with the dismal music.It reveals the hardne and loneline of a ballet dancer.They strive for beauty,elegance and perfection.

Her mother used to be a ballet dancer,nothing but than a walk-on.Because she was pregnant,she had to give up her favourite job and took her daughter at home.She anchored all of her hopes in Nina,a lovely and naive girl.Different from girls of her age,Nina is a \"sweet baby\":she has no time to fall in love,she must come back home timely everyday,she never go to the night club......a virginal drone who\'s devoted her life to dance and labored for years in the corps de ballet without a peep of protest.All of her behaviours are in the charge of her mother.Mum has a strong desire to be in poeion of Nina and treats her as a baby who will nver grow up:she bought pink dolls for her and decorate her room into pink,which lead to the dependence and recreance of Nina in character.Just as most of traditional Chinese parents,she turned Nina into a obedient \"sweet girl\".While she is dangcing,she never make mistakes as she knows the technique,however,she never lose and relax herself.She is beautiful,fearful,fragile,ideal casting of White Swan,but for her,it is difficult to handle both the white one and the black one.She wants to be perfect,but perfection is not just about control,she needs to let herself go,surprising herself and audience.

In the film,Thomas,the president of the Ballet Theater,is the mentor of Nina to surpa herself and pursue perfection.He knows that there are two swans in Nina\'s mind.The suppreion of various factors in the outside world,especially from her mother,does not inspire her character of black swan outl.He helps Nina realize her darkne in her mind.He helps Nina overcome her fearne and also leads to her self-destruction.

Nina shows her perfect dance to the audience,but her split personality killed herself.On the stage,her perfect performance is her farewell ceremony to the white swan,the previous self.Black Swan is not a symbol of evil.It represents the desire,revolt.The only principle of Black Swan is the pursuit of pleasure and perfection.

Black Swan explores the dichotomy of Nina involved in both loving and hating herself.This is a lonely,lonely ballet.


My Impreions of the Disastrous Films

I.Introduction The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 are the science fiction films, involving the advanced digital video effects and many horrible and disastrous scenes to demonstrate the power of the nature and to make people worry about the future of environment and human beings’ existence and habitat.Indeed, the plots of these two movies are similar to each other.The Day after Tomorrow mainly tells us that Jack Hall, who is the climatologist, predicts that global warming will lead to a new ice age and he iues a warning at a New Delhi conference, hoping the American vice-president can take measures to deal with it.However, the vice-president refuses to listen to Jack and he doesn’t believe that prediction will come true.Before long, some abnormal phenomena happen in man cities.Actually, the scary disaster comes much faster than Jack has imagined before.Afterwards, tornados, floods, the snow, and the hailstones attack many cities.Then the president starts to pay attention to Jack’ suggestion and decides to evacuate residents of the north so as to save people as soon as poible.At the center of the story, Jack tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while he promises to save his son, Sam, who is trapped in New York.Finally, Jack succeeds in rescuing his son through many difficulties.In 2012, the main character, Jackson, a writer in Los Angeles, who works as a driver for the Ruian billionaire Yuri, accidentally finds the big secret that the heads of government officials choose 400000 people to get on gigantic arks in order to ensure the continuity of human life when the world ends.So Jackson rents a private plane, and escapes from the disaster of destruction with his ex-wife, his son, daughter and his x-wife’ boyfriend, Gordon.The center of plot mainly tells us the proce of his adventurous journey to get on gigantic ark.Eventually, a small percentage of humans survive from the disaster.Generally, these two movies show us the unusual trips and feasts for eyes and ears, which make us experience some moving scenes and learn some meaningful things.II.we can experience the warmth of the brilliant humanity of people from these two films.2.1 The brilliance of the deeply love.Love is the film’s principle and eternal theme, so do these two disastrous movies.Although these two films show us the terrifying scenes during the disaster, we still see the earnest and deeply love anywhere, such as the love between parents and kids, the love between the lovers, the love between the doctor and the little cancer patient, the love between dogs and the love between the strangers.These beautiful loves fill in the films and make us deeply touched.In these two films, what imprees me is the love between Jack and his son, Sam, and the love between Jackson and his kids, Noah and Lilly.Jack and Jackson are busy in working and have no time in accompanying with their sons, so Sam and Noah misunderstand that their father don’t care about them.Actually, their fathers really love them all the time.When Sam is trapped in New York, Jack determines to go from Washington D.C.to New York to rescue Sam through the ice sheets.In 2012 when the disaster happens, Jackson tries his best to save his son and daughter; when Jackson frees the drill and its cable from the closing mechanism, Noah works together with his father because he is afraid that he will never see his father again.Love between the fathers and kids are always impreed and valuable, if people touch it in heat of hearts.Sincerely, love is the greatest gift on the earth and it shows in any form and in any occasions.Love makes people great and powerful especially in the terrible situation.Because of love, people can work together to fight against the disaster.Besides, there are many moving sights which are full of love.For example, Frank chooses to die in order to save his teammates from death; the beggar gives his last sausage to his beloved dog; Laura tries his best to help the French woman and her children; Nima, a Buddhist monk helps Jackson’s family to get on ark; the American geologist Adrian convince other G8 leaders to let the remaining people on board.Altogether, these warm sights just show the brilliance of humanity, the beautiful love. 2.2 The significance of the valuable bravery.Bravery is one of the most beautiful brilliance of humanity in the film.In these two films, most people keep brave to struggle against the disaster.The reporters are bold in reporting immediate news and meage about the weather and environment.Doctor, Lucy is the only one person who has enough encourage to stay with the little cancer patient to wait the ambulance when others leave the hospital.The three scientists, who are trapped in the snow area, have nothing to choose, but to wait for death.Honestly, they are so brave and calm to confront of the disaster.Because of braver, they can face the disaster and deal with the situation calmly and optimistically.Due to the bravery, they devote themselves to their jobs with the heart and soul.Thanks to bravery, we can see many people stand fast at their posts.Therefore, bravery is one of the important key to overcoming the difficulties, conquering natural disaster and surviving.Without it, lives are lost, and dreams are destroyed.I think without bravery, people are easy to damage.2.3 The generousne of the great sacrifice.With the heavy heart, I find the brilliance of humanity, sacrifice, which always makes me shed tears.In the films, we can see many scientists sacrifice their personal interests so as to save the humans from the death; many daring rescuing teams make efforts to rescue others at the risk of their lives.Especially, the president in 2012 declines to get on ark but stays along with his people, making me moved deeply.What surprise me is that Yuri, who is a mean and selfish man, sacrifices his life to get his sons on board at last.Even if the disaster is terrible, and many people are eager to survive, there still are many people sacrificing their lives to save others in that they are great and disinterested in most cases.III.we can draw some important and profound leons from these two films. 3.1To value what we have poeed.After experiencing the disaster and surviving finally, the main characters in these two films both learn that value is very significant.At fist, they regard their jobs as the priorities, so that they don’t have enough time to stay with their family and expre their love to those who they really care about.As the disaster happens, they just find out what is most important to them.When the death is coming, they just find that family is significant and they just regret not spend time on their family, their friends and their relatives.Unfortunately, the main heroes survive eventually, and they are reconciled with their family through the experiencing the disaster.It is obvious that people should better poe what they have at present, or we may have no opportunities in the future.Most people always fail to value something they have, but they often regret not to value before.They always understand the meaning of value when they lose something.So just spare some time to value some people who are important in your life and value the present as soon as poible.3.2 To revere the nature and protect the environment.The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 delivering the environmental meage, which making people take seriously to revere the nature and protect the environment.In reality, we human always believe that we are the most senior creatures who can dominate the nature.We think we are so wise and powerful that we can deliberately and recklely demand what we want from the nature and destroy the nature and environment as we please.Gradually, human being tries their best take advantage of any resources on the earth, and we human beings are only concentrated on the development of economy at any cost, but ignore to care about our nature and our environment.As a result, our environment is worse and worse, which threatens our habitat.Anyway, the nature is powerful, and the environment is very fragile, so we’d better revere and protect the environment.Otherwise, we will be punished by the nature the day after tomorrow and suffer a lot in the future.Ⅳ.Conclusion

The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 are the same types of the disastrous films, in general.Personally, I like The Day after Tomorrow better.In The Day after Tomorrow, the disaster results from that people exceively exploit the natural resources on the earth, which destroys the ecological balance of the earth.Just as the vice-president say that“we are wrong, I am wrong.We are wrong to treat the environment badly.” So the reason of the disaster and the president’s word are good for people to reflect and think deeply about the nature’s power and the environmental protection.While in 2012, the disaster happens because of solar flare bombardment the Earth\'s core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement.Seemingly, people are just the victims of disaster.So people hardly repent their errors and they cannot aware of the consciousne of environmental protection.What’s more, comparing these two movies, I am totally affected by the The Day after Tomorrow due to its deeply and strong emotions, and I am satisfied with its ending.While, I don’t agree the result of 2012, in which only some rich people and scientists and government officials survive.In fact, many people have no any opportunities to know the fact that the big disaster will comes because everything was kept by government around the world from the ordinary people.As far as I am concerned, all people have right to survive, whether they are rich or not.After all, everyone is equal and important.Generally speaking, I can benefit something meaningful and helpful from these two films.



In the dark shadows looked David and her mother enron and go to sleep, mood calm, perhaps we should from ethics and moral perspective to enjoy the movie, not from the scientific point of view.Because I feel inside a lot of technology is not, at least we have enough knowledge.But still undeniable, artificial intelligence is inevitable, or for human life has brought great changes, it brings us convenience and challenges have nots allow to ignore.


First we from scientific point of view to review the movie.


In the movie, we saw a very similar to the real appearance of female robot, I think with the development of material science, which can be realized.People want to take an examination of the movement of neurotransmitter excited to control the robot to rely on motion, proce control, so I think we make timely and human approximate joints and skin, let robot to walk like humans, with smile accurate control of the action program we\'ve got a long way to go.


I trust the memory of a robot, which is stronger than humans, machine after 2000, David has remember mother love coffee, how could we humans do? The signals into digital signals stored, digital don\'t lie, not chaos, and long storage in chip, don\'t like a person, there exist in memory of active continuously updated cells.


With the memory function, I also think artificially only imitation can achieve.I also believe that artificial intelligence can listen to people\'s instruction react, now has a robot.


There is pain in the movie, David, children bullying to confirm whether he can feel pain, in fact, the robot will be more pain than humans, rely on the sensor sensitive, accurate and can know only artificially in force has several Newton


Then say, I think it can realize, or difficult to realize.



One difference and the eential characteristics of animals is language, in the movie, artificial intelligence can well with human communication, and communication, language is a kind of thinking, artificial intelligence really can have independent thinking? We have reason to believe that if robots have thought, so we can make it in words, then we will create such wise becomes eentially creating \"artificial thinking\".The brain can be modelled can digital? The brain can continuously digital signal, accept outside how it has never met with the situation? How to simulate the reasoning ability?


To realize the true artificial intelligence, humans must first know enough.


Understanding our thinking mode, then can create such people, thinking.Thinking of the series with a physical change, how to let the machine chemical changes to achieve?


Relative to the rational thinking, perceptual love perhaps harder.We can say to you, for you have been so smile is love you? I think about love movie opens special program has inspired form.In the movie of red card say seven words.Vines, perhaps this is the person to open this program into a dependence and trust, this is a love of factors.Socrates, I think that wisdom and, without thinking what about love? This word should represent particles to the realization of the technology needed to love.Db, can understand the other requirements for love, listen with understanding.Hurricane, love the procedures such as hurricanes in the face of such test for each other can keep still care.Dolphins, Marine the cleverest animal, can also represents intelligence, and the origin of life.Love is the tulips, for all the good things of perception and appreciation.So I think the realization of the program, we love to trust, understanding and thinking, technology, inclusive, of beauty and perception, we can simulate the out?


At the end of the artificial intelligence is what? Perhaps we should never have come to an end.



----the Comments on the Artificial Intelligence

Yang Xin rui


Cla 18, Grade 2008


The School of Foreign Languages

China West Normal University

A Paper for Appreciating English Movies

May 2011

On Optimism

----A brief Comment on the Artificial Intelligence


A.I.Artificial Intelligence, also known as A.I., is a 2001 science fiction drama film directed, produced and co-written by Steven Spielberg.The film’s content was maken up by Brian Aldi\' short story \"Super-Toys Last All Summer Long\".Set sometime in the future, A.I.tells the story that David who was, a child-like android uniquely, programmed with the ability to love.The review of the film was \"a curious, not always seamle, amalgamation of Kubrick\'s chilly bleakne and Spielberg\'s warm-hearted optimism.The film is, in a word, fascinating.Key words: Artificial Intelligenceoptimism

The Artificial Intelligence , A.I.is set in the near future, after the polar ice caps have melted and flooded coastal cities like New York.Highly sophisticated, human-like robots (or \"mechas\") have been developed to perform various tasks for the

much-reduced human population, and now the brilliant Profeor Hobby (William Hurt) of Cybertronics Labs has perfected a prototype of a robot boy designed to fill an emotional void for childle couples.A Cybertronics employee, Henry Swinton (Sam Robards), and his wife Monica (Frances O\'Connor), whose terminally ill child has been cryogenically frozen, take in the eerily realistic artificial boy, David (Haley Joel Osment), on a trial basis.At first spooked by the ever-smiling robot, Monica is eventually won over and initiates the proce of \"imprinting\" the boy with an emotional bond.(It\'s like flicking an \"on\" switch for love.) The family draws closer until an unexpected miracle occurs: The Swintons\' real son Martin (Jake Thomas) is cured and returns home.The bratty Martin exploits his cyber-rival\'s innocence and lures him into trouble, to the point where Monica is convinced David poses a threat to the family\'s well being.Monica abandons David in a forest, and the film--which up to now has been a rather hermetic domestic tale--suddenly expands out to the

nightmarish larger world.David, who has been schooled (thanks to a scheming Martin) in the story of Pinocchio, sets out to find the Blue Fairy who can turn him into a real

boy and help him win back his mother\'s love.But first, David must elude the

cyber-phobic poachers who are rounding up \"mechas\" and destroying them for sport at an arena event called Flesh Fair.

The Flesh Fair sequence is but the first of several spectacular episodes in David\'s odyey, which also include a visit to a garish, Blade Runner-like urban destination called Rouge City and a journey over the submerged New York.Accompanying David is Gigolo Joe (Jude Law), a strutting \"lover robot\" who becomes his new

protector.Ultimately, David finds his Blue Fairy, but the film takes a radical turn that manages to be simultaneously gloomy and unashamedly emotional.

Your response to A.I.will largely depend on your reaction to the whole conceit of a mechanical boy protagonist.If David is \"programmed\" to love, one might ask, why should we care about the fate of this artificial creature? But if you can accept that the character\'s fixation on his mother\'s acceptance is taking him beyond himself, creating something spiritual out of his fabricated being, David\'s odyey will haunt you.The metaphors for human notions of identity and soul are all there for the pondering in this unusually philosophical studio blockbuster.

It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine.For human services and to help people solve problems.

After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of characters, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all.Through the study of artificial intelligence, can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, and promote the development of other science, the artificial intelligence is the best

AI is about the question, \"What makes us human?\" Can a robot (computer intelligence) ever be human? The boy robot David is created to be fully capable of human characteristics, even love.But he is quickly rejected by his family, and the rest of the story is about his quest to become human so he can regain his mother\'s acceptance and love.

The first twenty minutes of a film, the opening, are critical for engaging the audience.This story has an intriguing story line, great settings, nice special effects, and enough motivation and emotion in the opening, so why doesn\'t it emotionally engage the audience? Because we don\'t identify with the struggles of the people involved since there is no continuity of any single character\'s story.

All good science fiction has some human sensitivity in it otherwise it would just be a horror film.The script reflects some of the darkne and coldne that sometimes underlies each character human and machine; there is no fear of this in the story.This darkne draws us on in the story.

This raises philosophical iues about the nature of the mind and limits of

scientific hubris, iues which have been addreed by myth, fiction and philosophy since antiquity.Artificial intelligence has been the subject of optimism.

A.I.forces us to ponder where we\'ve been and where we might be going.It\'s an incredible combination of Kubrick\'s icy intellectual and clinical mind and Spielberg\'s emotional heart; and I think it works exceedingly well.But it forces the viewer to not leave their heart and brains at the door, which I think is why it is being so negatively received in this season of mindle summer movie fare.It may be too intelligent for its own good, and many don\'t have the 145 minutes of patience needed for the movie.I did, however; and I would call this an absolute masterpiece.Out of ten stars, give this one a 10.

All in all I would say A.I is a wonderfully unique film that should be judged for what it is, a film.Forget everything about the Spielberg/Kubrick \"iue\" and just sit back and take in a truely amazing film.You may hate it, you may love it, but no matter what, it will affect your emotions in some way and you will discu the film afterwards.


(1) English movie “Artificial Intelligence” at http://.

(2) The set of “Artificial Intelligence” at: http://www.daodoc.com/

(3) Comments on review of Spielberg at: http://www.daodoc.com/


Ben has recently graduated college, with his parents now expecting great things from him.At his \"Homecoming\" party, Mrs.Robinson, the wife of his father\'s busine partner, has Ben drive her home, which leads to an affair between the two.The affair eventually ends, but comes back to haunt him when he finds himself falling for Elaine, Mrs.Robinson\'s daughter.

It makes us understand why Ben just has to do what he does, also telling us that Ben is not the strongest person in the world.Ro is quite nice too,

although her character is pretty forgettable.If Ben would have chosen for Mrs.Robinson instead of the daughter it would probably have been more believable.

Captain of the Crocountry Team

Head of the Debating Club

Aociate Editor of the college newspaper in his Junior year

Managing Editor in his Senior


Overall I think this is a great film, with only the ending as really implausible, although I must admit I liked it this way.Even if it has flaws, even if it is a little dated at times, it feels fresh and is more entertaining than most films today.

The Graduate was a movie that everyone could relate to.The feeling of being thrown out into the world and life just paing you by is overwhelming which is how we find out main character Benjamin feeling.When we first meet him he stares straight ahead with a look that could mean so many things and in fact I felt that through out the movie I could never really tell how he felt except by the change if music and its tempo.I found Hoffman\'s character hard to grasp

except that he is just going through the motions in his monkey suit to make his parents happy.

The action is mainly seen through the eyes of Benjamin Braddock, a confused twenty-one year old, who is worried about his future but who does not simply want to follow the commercial path of his affluent family and their friends.

When Benjamin is on the plane there is a head shot of him staring straight ahead and his head seems to be enveloped by the brilliantly white head rest.I found that shot to be amusing because it showed the innocence that he poeed even after completing four years of college.Benjamin was the prodigal son who did everything to make his parents happy, even when he voiced complaints to his father about the party or the diving suit; he was never heard, throughout the movie his character is ignored until he meets Elaine.

One of the many great scenes that drive the point acro that he is lost in his own world where he can only hear himself is when he comes out for his 21st birthday party and his father will not listen to his objections.The audience is taken into the back yard through Benjamin\'s perspective (his own world)

looking through the goggles.All we can hear is his breath and all he can hear is himself which is what he is used to.His breath blocks every body out and he is pushed repeatedly back into the pool by his father.Benjamin decides to stay submerged and avoid reality.This theme of submersion is present in the beginning of the movie when he is looking through the fish tank and watches the fish swim around, they seem so free yet they can only swim so far before they are back where they started.

Benjamin feels alone in the beginning until Mrs.Robinson begins to show an interest in him and pretty soon that white \'halo\' from the plane turns to black.As far as the viewer can tell there is no emotional connection between Ben and Mrs.Robinson, he still walks around aimlely and his manner turns from that of a paranoid youth, like many of us, to an almost cocky young man.An interesting aspect between the relationship of Ben and Mrs.Robinson is the way the gender roles are switched.Ben is interested in involving conversation to their meetings and feels like he is being used while Mrs.Robison just wants to be purely physical.Ben has a more feminine personality then Mrs.Robison because she has so many secrets kept inside.

The romance between Ben and Elaine is somewhat rushed because one second they are in a adult club where Elaine feels insulted and wants nothing to do with Ben, and then the next thing we know they are laughing and getting along and going on another date.The next instance Elaine is being married off yet she does not object.When Ben shows up to the wedding it is hard to say whether she is happy because she loves him or if she is happy because he offers and escape for her.All she can hear is Ben screaming her name, everyone else is blocked out.


Film Review of Forrest Gump

Abstract: The movie Forrest Gump is an inspiring and moving movie, which can be described as one of the authorities of American movie.This article refers to the leading actor, the beginning and ending of this movie.At last, it analyzes some meaningful lines.

Key words: Forrest Gump, a feather, claic lines


Ever let the unpleasant slices of life make you down? Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? If so, there is a good movie that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook.Paionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit.For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.

The movie I want to comment is an American movie which is revised from the novel that has a same name.The novel was written by Winston Groom.In 1994, this movie won 6 big prizes in Oscar, such as the Oscar for best picture, the Academy Award for Best Actor, the Best Director and so on.The famous actor Tom Hanks played the main role in the film.

Now, maybe many of you have known the name of this film for its great reputation.Forrest Gump is the very film which achieved 6 big prizes is doom to leave the name in the annals of history, not being mentioned the hero is a famous superstar.

Then I’d like to introduce a scene of it.A feather flies with the wind flowing above the tip of trees and ahead to the blue sky.In the end, it falls down near the hero’s feet.Gump, who is the main actor, sits on a bench in Alabama, and tells a story about his life to the people who are waiting for the bus without stopping.At first, I couldn’t understand it and didn’t know the meaning of the feather.But then, Gump begins to be lost in memories and I got it.

He was born in a close town in Alabama in the south of America after the World War Ⅱ.He was mentally retarded innately , his IQ was only 75, and had muscle problem.But his mother was a strong lady.She wanted her son to live as a normal human.She often inspired Gump that fools have fortune; he should make unremitting efforts to improve himself.Luckily, the God didn’t abandon him.The God not only gave Gump special feet which can run fast, but also gave him a mind which was simple, honest and pure thoughts.In high school, Gump ran into one school’s football court in order to avoid being chased by his clamate.He was admitted an exception University and became a football superstar, and President Kennedy met him.He

attended Vietnam War.He also took part in the China—America Ping Pong friendly matches on U.S.behalf and so on.At last, he did become a millionaire.

In the end of the film, Jenny who is Gump’s wife has paed away, and their son should go to school.One day, Gump send his son on the school bus.At the same time, there was a feather fell down from his son’s book, and a gust of wind blew, then the feather flied again.

In my opinion, the function of the feather is to draw forth the following at the beginning and to response to the beginning at the end.And it stands for purity, freedom and up and down in our life.I can say that the feather is a line that linked Gump’s life up closely, that is to say, we see Gump’s life mainly by this line.Now that, what a person Gump is? Gump is a man who just understand pay nothing back, who never to refuse others.He just faces life with generosity and magnanimousne.He together his belief, courage, little wisdom, if that can be seeing as wisdom, on one point, and he ignore everything just to run with intuition.He ran past the discrimination, past the football field, past he battlefront and so on, then he reaches destination.

Even though Gump’s IQ is lower than us, he is nobler than us.There are many virtues far away from many of us with normal IQ, like honest, faith, courage loyalty, etc.At the beginning, we may be amused by his dulling, feeling superiority before him.But at the end, many of us are touched by his honest or other virtues.Suddenly we find his experience just stands for an innocent age we had at the past, but now it’s covered by prejudice and vanity.

After all, Gump is a fictitious person.But that doesn’t matter.The film just was designed to teach us a different attitude towards life through Gump’s experience.A attitude like Gump towards life, no matter what you are facing or what are on the corner, he is always letting go of everything and trying to do the best, but not to blame someone, to waste time complaining or to give up desperately.What Gump to do is the simplest, he just to be the best of whatever he is and never to stop.Just like the feather, it finally flies back to the sky and continues its own journey.

Next, I want to analyze some actor lines which I think are claic and of philosophy.Most of those are sad by Gump’s mother, so we often hear Gump saying that “My momma always said···”.I have to say what a sagacious mom she is!

The most popular lines must be “Life was like a box of chocolates.You never know what you are going to get”.This word is extremely true for Gump, as we never think that he became a millionaire at last after so many unthinkable experiences.Truly, you never know what you will face is waiting for you next second, so what we can do is equipping ourselves well and playing to the score.

Another claic one is about trouble, “If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away”.Maybe people around us always try to persuade to bend to our trouble and meet our care, seldom say giving up.But we must make it clear that not every trouble can be solved after struggle.We must learn to give up a blue moon.

“There is only so much of fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off” is also Gump’s mom said.Many of us are pursuing wealth lifetime, but money is truly so important, more important than health, than kinship, than friendship? If the answer is No, please position the life again.

There are many other claic lines, like “Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do”, like “I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze” and “If there is anything you need I will not be far away ” ,etc.They are all worthy to taste.


At last, I want to say the world will never be the same once you\'ve seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.This movie is worthy appreciation for many times.

第19篇:阿甘正传 英语影评

Mr.A Gan

My favorite movie is Mr.A Gan,which I have being moved and inspired by the male leading character—Forrest Gump.

At the beginning of the movie, following the beautiful music , there is a beautiful feather dancing with the breeze.Finally lighting at the foot of Forrest Gump.The man who sits on the bentch and tells his life experience to the strangers .

Forrest Gump is unfortunately to be born with a low IQ and musele problem.Generally speaking by most people, this kind of person couldn’t be succeful in doing anything.However ,he comes very succeful through his struggling.What he narrates reflect the social changes.Many important events and people of American from the 1950s to the 1970s are shown fluently in his description of his life experience.So the film was paed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.’s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A.from one unique angle.Film adapt Winston novel of the same name of Groom since.

His mother had been playing a very important role in his life.when he sat on the bench on the side of the road, talking with the strangers, he would often start his theory with “ my mother


My mother said “Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest, you never know what you are going to get.”

My mother said” Don’t you be afraid sweet heart.Death is just a part of life.Something we are destined to do”

Gump’s mother is a clever woman.She can earn enough money to support her one parent family.She I is also optimistic.She never feels ashamed of her son.She is proud of her son.She never thinks Forrest is a fool.She wants her son can lead a life as an ordinary person.In order to let him study into school, she has sex with the headmaster.She is also intelligent.Every night she reads some books for Forrest and tells some simple truths to him.Gump was an extra docile child and he had kept all his mother words.He said apple head had his own ways of dealing with all kinds of things in life.Gump actually didn’t have much ambition and he also lost many valuable things.But he didn’t abandon himself to desperation.His love eternally continued.He already had a small Gump after all.So although he was not smart, he knew how to keep life hopeful and dynamic.

when we say that Forrest Gump is a lucky guy.I think most of you may think that he is so lucky to escape much trouble , but the “luck” is that he is so lucky to have such a good mother by my

means.Gump has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS.He said: “Man has look forward, and never encumbered by foretime.I thank that\'s the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don\'t stay in-place.Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Gump does and becomes “GOD”.There is another character Captain Dan.Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War.He said that his fate is death in war.However, Forrest Gump saved him and let him be alive.After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that Gump shouldn’t save him.When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with Gump , he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank Gump’s help.The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character.Rainbow is always after cloud.The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation.The movie is also sent such a meage to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well.There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance

There are full of philosophy in the movie.Many lines in this movie are claical.For example, life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.In addition, the sentence that death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do is also

of wisdom.They make us think of life profoundly.

On every stage of life, Gump had merely one target as his guidance of that temporary period.But he would strive persistently to accomplish it.I thought that must be his charm of personality.However, most of the time, we just couldn’t be able to find the reason for what we had did or what we are doing now.And what seemed regretful was that we just resigned ourselves to giving up half the way.Life is that way.you don’t have to calculate the amount of your acquisition but just do it to the best of your ability.Then you will fly higher and higher.I believe firmly the higher you fly, the le far you will be away from the paradise in your heart.Thus, do not complain that you do not have something.Just like yourself and make your advantages better and better.So I think his succe is by his sheer hard struggle instead of luck.

Last but not least, the pictures and the music in this film are rather beautiful.It begins with the beautiful scene: A white feather dances in the wind with the music gradually from soft to strong.In the sky, the feather is shinning brightly.At the end of this film, the feather appears with the wonderful music again.It creates a pure and peaceful world to us.In my view, life is just like a feather, which can be changeable with the breeze in the sky.We cannot control the breeze.What we can do is to adjust to the environment.We should

take advantage of our advantages.And try our best to make us dancing more beautiful in the blue sky.Our IQ is higher than Forrest Gump, so we have ability to live better than Forrest.Just seek for a better life through work hard.

On the whole, this movie is special, inspiring, educational, philosophic and moving.I enjoy it every much.It is worthy of our appreciation for many times.


The little girl Dorothy lives in central Kansas farm with her uncle and aunt.One day, a tornado hit, Dorothy didn\'t hide because she wanted to find her beloved dog.Strong tornadoes Dorothy hiding cabins in the air.After a long time, the cabin was finally fell to the ground, and killedan evil witch.With the good witch of the North\'s guidance, Dorothy and the dog went to the Emerald City where magician Ozzy lived, prayed that he would help her go home.

On the way, Dorothy met the scarecrow withnot mind, the lack of the heart of iron and the lion as timid as a mouse.In order to achieve their wishes, they move forward together with Dorothy.The best thing in life is to meet a true friend, work together to overcome their difficulties, never abandon.At last they have got their wish, Dorothy succefully returned to the home.

There\'s no place like home, Home is the warmest place.We also should believe that:the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true!
