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Maria LiuLanguage CenterHong Kong University of Science&Technology

Water BayKowloon, HongKongMatch 19,2013 Profeor John Smith

English Language Education Center

University of Nottingham


Dear Mr.Smith,

On behalf of the Board of Directors,I would like to extend you a formal invitation;we would like you to attend the upcoming international conference on foreign language teaching in Hong Kong and to be the opening keynote speaker.

The theme of the conference is “New direction in English teaching in China”.There are two branches of this conference , one of them will be held in Language Center in Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, August 10~13,2013,the other one will be held in Zhe Jiang University, August 13~15,2013.

For your information, Rachel Green will be the closing keynote speaker .The

provisional title of her presentation is “The influence of different culture background on language teaching”.Iwill forward a complete draft of the program to you in a few weeks so that you can know what specific subjects will be covered by the other speakers.

We expect the attendance this year to be higher than it has ever been—approximately1000 delegates and 100 speakers.

We would be pleased and honored if you would be our opening speaker at the 2013 IFLT conference in Hong Kong.Besides,we would be pleasured toprovide you with accommodation and allowance during the meeting.

If you have any questions about the conference,please contact the convener Ms.

Yours sincerely,

Maria Liu

Board of Director





尊敬的 先生/女士:

为进一步满足第二语言教学对汉语句式研究的迫切需要, 促进语 法研究新成果向国际汉语教学应用的转化, 北京语言大学汉语学院拟 于 20xx 年 8 月 20 日在北京语言大学举办汉语国际教育语境下的 句式研究与教学专题研讨会。鉴于您在第二语言研究领域的丰厚学 术成果,诚邀您出席并发表鸿文,嘉惠学林。 有关会议安排如下: 一.

会议时间: 20xx 年 8 月 20 日-22 日 二.会议地点: 北京语言大学 三.会议主旨: 促进前沿语言学理论的创新及其向国际汉语教学的转化与应用; 推动语言学理论的本土化研究 四.会议议题: 1)类型学视角下的汉语句式研究; 2)汉语句式研究的跨文化视角与相关语言事实; 3)跨文化视角下的汉语第二语言句式教学; 4)汉语教材、大纲、教学设计中的句式问题;5)汉语作为第二语言句式教学中的相关问题 五.遴选参会论文,出版论集《汉语句式研究与教学》。 六.20xx 年 7 月 5 日前,将论文题目及摘要以 Word2003 文档发至 会务组邮箱。 摘要 1000 字,标题用三号宋体,正文用小四号宋体。摘要请标 注作者姓名、单位、电子邮箱、通讯地址、邮政编码、联系电话、传 真。 请于 8 月 10 日前提交论文全文,以便制作论文集。.七.会议日程 8 月 19 日下午,在北京语言大学会议中心大堂报到。报到地址: 北京市海淀区学院路 15 号。乘坐地铁 2 号线

到西直门换乘 13 号线 五道口下车(A 西北出口),步行至北语会议中心。 8 月 20 日,8:30 开幕式、大会发言、分组研讨 8 月 21 日,上午分组研讨,下午闭幕式 8 月 22 日,文化考察一天(京郊)。如不参加文化考察,请回 函说明,以便筹备组统计人数。 8 月 22 日,离会 八.会议通讯地址: 北京市海淀区学院路 15 号北京语言大学汉语学院(100083) 九.往返交通由会议代表自行购票。会议筹办费、餐费、住宿费、论 文集出版费由会议主办方承担。 如有特殊情况,需代买车票,请于 7 月 8 日前将身份证号及返程

日期通过邮箱通知会务组,过期不再受理。 电话:010-82303432 e-mail: xxx句式研究与教学研讨会筹备组 20xx 年 6 月 24 日


20xx 桐油行业市场分析及贸易洽谈会 邀请函 中国南宁 20xx 年 5 月 21 日23 日 主办单位: 林产化工网桐

油网 协办单位: 广西林业科学研究院 百色桐油协会 支持单位(排名不分先后): 广西河池粮油总公司 云南省土产公司 广西梧州市瑞通贸易行 江西赣南红金龙桐油厂 广西柳州地区土产公司 香港鸿领国际有限公司 广西百色田林福达桐油厂 天津年晟土产有限责任公司 广西百色云盛油脂有限公司 江苏无锡金宇油脂有限公司 贵州兴义鲁屯油脂厂 湖南省新宇土产畜产进出口有限公司 贵州省汉江商贸有限责任公司 广东增城市威利邦覆铜板制造有限公司 我国是世界桐油生产及出口大国,有着悠久的生产历史。目前我国桐油产量占世 界总产量的 80%左右,在国际市场上享有极高声誉。但近年来桐油价格起伏波动较大,由 此带来的市场秩序混乱及资源性减少问题不断凸显。 为规范桐油行业市场秩序, 交流先进经验,寻求共同发展,应行业内大多数企业的要求,中国林产化工网桐油网定于 20xx 年 5 月 21 日23 日在广西南宁召开 20xx

年全国桐油行业市场分析及贸易洽谈会。 为了确保本次会议的顺利举行,桐油网将邀请业界知名的专家及生产、经销、使 用企业共同参与本次会议。林产化工网桐油网将充分利用专业网站平台的强大宣传优 势,为各参会企业搭建一个高水平的相互交流沟通的商务平台。

一、会议目的 本次会议旨在通过桐油生产、经销、使用企业的交流、沟通与洽谈,规范国内桐 油行业市场秩序,交流先进经验,谋求共同发展,增进企业之间的相互了解,寻求新的合作 项目及贸易商机。



2、2004 年市场回顾及桐油市场现状分析;







南宁桃源饭店(四星级) 详细地址:广西南宁市桃源路 74 号

2、会议时间:20xx 年 5 月 2123 日

3、会议日程: 5 月 20 日:会议报到 5 月 21 日:正式会议

5 月 22 日:商务活动 5 月 23 日:会议疏散

四、会议报名、注册及费用 报名参加本次会议的人员请尽快在 20xx 年 5 月 1 日前将参会回执通过传真或电 子邮件发送到本次会议组委会。 也可通过桐油网直接在网上报名注册。 会 员: xx00 元/人 非会员:1500 元/人 备注:以上费用已包含食宿 为了更好为您安排好本次会议的食宿及各项日程,请尽快将参会费用按如下帐号 汇往林产化工网桐油网。 银行转帐请汇至以下帐户 单 位:南宁华讯电子商务有限公司 开户行:南宁市工行桃源路第二分理处 帐 号:2102108419300003882 邮局汇款至以下地址 单 位:南宁华讯电子商务有限公司 邮 编:530021 地 址:南宁市桃源路 59 号商务厅办公楼


五、会议组织筹备: 本次会议组委会地点设在林产化工网桐油网(南宁华讯电子商务有限公司) 地址:南宁市桃源路 59 号商务厅办公楼四楼



515、5308509 传 真:077153xx991 联 系 人:苏小姐 梁小姐 韦小姐 林产化工网桐油网 二 年三月十一日


神经科学领域是生命科学中发展较快的重要前沿领域之一,为了给国内外科学家、企 业和院校建立全方位的国际交流平台。 第三届国际神经科技大会在前两届成功举办的基础上, 将于 20xx 年 5 月 18-20 日在中国北京国际会议中心举行。本届大会的主题为打开神经系 统的黑匣子 。届时,将邀请国际神经科技领域的 30 多个国家和地区著名专家领衔演讲,并 邀请著名的协会组织、大学院所、研究机构、基金会、民间组织、国际著名企业、咨询机构 和政府部门的相关代表做报告。 本次大会

共设置了 10 个专题分会近百余个议题, 主要内容有: 神经科学的突破性研究, 神经元沟通的新机制,感觉和运动系统,认知、思维到行为,新颖的方法与技术发展,神经 科学与医学, 中枢神经系统药物发现与发展, 比较系统与神经科学, 稳态和神经内分泌系统, 职业培训、公众意识及神经科学业务发展等。同时,大会还为科研人员和青年学者设置了学 术展区, 可以展出最新的学术研究, 科研成果, 合作项目介绍以及博士后招募等信息。 此外, 大会也为相关企业设置了企业展位,参展范围有药物研发,诊断试剂,神经疾病治疗,仪器 设备,医药器械等。 您是这一领域的专家,在神经研究相关领域中取得了卓越的成就。为此,我们真诚地 邀请您做报告或出席本届大会,与参会的国际嘉宾进行交流。通过面对面的交流,您将找到 新的合作伙伴,发现新的思路,促进学术上的国际合作与交流,推动神经科学的发展,造福 人类健康。



Natalie Rasgon 博 士 , 美国斯坦福大学 教授



Wei Dong 博 士 , 美国哥伦比 亚大学教授




尊敬的 您好:













2.大会网址: ieem20xx.ieeng.org




Email: xxxx@gmail.com







我们很荣幸地邀请您参加将于x月xx-xx日在上海xxx饭店举办的“第12届联合国xx组织及xx组织亚太地区大会非政府组织磋商会议”。本次会议的主题是:xxxxx。此次磋商会议由联合国xx组织(此处为组织缩写)和xxxx委员会亚洲分会(xxx- Asia)主办,中国国际民间组织合作促进会协办。届时,来自亚太地区80多个民间组织的100余名代表将参加会议。本次会议宣言将在x月xx-xx日召开的12届联合国xx及xx组织亚太地区大会上宣读。













为进一步满足第二语言教学对汉语句式研究的迫切需要,促进语法研究新成果向国际汉语教学应用的转化,北京语言大学汉语学院拟于2011 年8 月20 日在北京语言大学举办汉语国际教育语境下的 句式研究与教学专题研讨会。鉴于您在第二语言研究领域的丰厚

学 术成果,诚邀您出席并发表鸿文,嘉惠学林。 有关会议安排如下: 一.会议时间: 2011 年 8 月 20 日-22 日 二.会议地点: 北京语言大学 三.会议主旨: 促进前沿语言学理论的创新及其向国际汉语教学的转化与应用; 推动语言学理论的本土化研究 四.会议议题: 1)类型学视角下的汉语句式研究; 2)汉语句式研究的跨文化视角与相关语言事实; 3)跨文化视角下的汉语第二语言句式教学; 4)汉语教材、大纲、教学设计中的句式问题;5)汉语作为第二语言句式教学中的相关问题 五.遴选参会论文,出版论集《汉语句式研究与教学》。六.2011 年 7 月 5 日前,将论文题目及摘要以 Word2003 文档发至 会务组邮箱。 摘要 1000 字,标题用三号宋体,正文用小四号宋体。摘要请标 注作者姓名、单位、电子邮箱、通讯地址、邮政编码、联系电话、传 真。 请于 8 月 10 日前提交论文全文,以便制作论文集。.七.会议日程 8 月 19 日下午,在北京语言大学

会议中心大堂报到。报到地址:北京市海淀区学院路 15 号。乘坐地铁 2 号线到西直门换乘 13 号线 五道口下车(A 西北出口),步行至北语会议中心。 8 月 20 日,8:30 开幕式、大会发言、分组研讨 8 月 21 日,上午分组研讨,下午闭幕式 8 月 22 日,文化考察一天(京郊)。如不参加文化考察,请回 函说明,以便筹备组统计人数。 8 月 22 日,离会 八.会议通讯地址: 北京市海淀区学院路 15 号北京语言大学汉语学院(100083) 九.往返交通由会议代表自行购票。会议筹办费、餐费、住宿费、论 文集出版费由会议主办方承担。 如有特殊情况,需代买车票,请于 7 月 8 日前将身份证号及返程

日期通过邮箱通知会务组,过期不再受理。 电话:010-82303432 e-mail: wenyingmy@ 句式研究与教学研讨会筹备组 2011 年 6 月 24 日




中国建设教育协会培训机构工作委员会 机构 中国贸促会建设行业分会国际交流中心

第六届中国建设行业管理创新与国际合作大会 第六届中国建设行业管理创新与国际合作大会 届中国建设行业管理创新与国际合作 嘉宾 邀请函


13、14日,在举世关注的目光中,十一届全国人大四次会议、全国政协十一届 四次会议完成了各项预定议程,在民主、团结、求实、奋进的热烈气氛中相继胜利闭幕。两会年年召开,今年不同寻常。这次会议的一项重要议程是,审查和批准国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要,集中全国各族人民的智慧, 确定十二五时期我国经济社会发展的奋斗 目标和主要任务,形成未来五年全国各族人民共同的行动纲领。 这标志着我们将从新的历史起 点出发,迈上实现中华民族伟大复兴的新征程。 2011年是十二五开局之年,

做好今年的工作对于完成十二五各项目标任务至关重 要。建设行业管理者如何领悟贯彻两会精神,如何应对当前复杂的国际形势,如何迎接在新形势下的机遇与挑战,将是第六届中国建设行业管理创新与国际合作大会重点研讨的议题, 本次大会将于2011年4月26日在北京隆重召开,大会主题为:新形势、新挑战、新思维。中国建设行业管理创新与国际合作大会作为建设行业杰出管理者共商发展大计的盛 会,已在北京成功举办了五届。布赫、铁木尔达瓦买提、蒋正华、孙孚凌等国家领导人,郭 锡权、陈晓丽、杨慎、李秉仁、马俊如、徐颂陶、保育钧、艾丰、马挺贵、刘家琛等部委领导, 姚景源、侯淅民、陈淮、王通讯、罗双平、秦佑国、王忠明、聂梅生等知名专家,中建集团、中铁集团、北京城建集团、上海宝钢建设集团、中太集团、古今建设集团、重庆建工集团等知 名企业负责人上千人出席了历届大会,使其在我国建设行业具有很强的

影响力和号召力。 为让建设行业更多的管理者共享大会高端的平台资源,获得更多的国际交流机会,建立畅 通的国际合作渠道,在本次大会期间,莅会嘉宾还将受邀出席中国企业跨国投资研讨会 莅会嘉宾还将受邀出席中国企业跨国投资研讨会。莅会嘉宾还将受邀出席 您作为我国建设行业的杰出管理者,被确定为特邀嘉宾,我们诚挚地邀请您届时莅临。如您不能出席,请及时告知,以便将出席名额给予他人,谢谢! 附:1.大会拟定日程;2.大会资讯;3.出席确认表。







二〇一一年三月二十八日 一一年 十八日


005 桐油行业市场分析及贸易洽

谈会 邀请函 中国南宁 2005 年 5 月 21 日23 日 主办单位: 林产化工网桐油网 协办单位: 广西林业科学研究院 百色桐油协会 支持单位(排名不分先后): 广西河池粮油总公司 云南省土产公司 广西梧州市瑞通贸易行 江西赣南红金龙桐油厂 广西柳州地区土产公司 香港鸿领国际有限公司 广西百色田林福达桐油厂 天津年晟土产有限责任公司 广西百色云盛油脂有限公司 江苏无锡金宇油脂有限公司 贵州兴义鲁屯油脂厂 湖南省新宇土产畜产进出口有限公司 贵州省汉江商贸有限责任公司 广东增城市威利邦覆铜板制造有限公司 我国是世界桐油生产及出口大国,有着悠久的生产历史。目前我国桐油产量占世 界总产量的 80%左右,在国际市场上享有极高声誉。但近年来桐油价格起伏波动较大,由 此带来的市场秩序混乱及资源性减少问题不断凸显。 为规范桐油行业市场秩序, 交流先进经验,寻求共同发展,应行业内大多数企业的要求,

中国林产化工网桐油网定于 2005 年 5 月 21 日23 日在广西南宁召开 2005 年全国桐油行业市场分析及贸易洽谈会。 为了确保本次会议的顺利举行,桐油网将邀请业界知名的专家及生产、经销、使 用企业共同参与本次会议。林产化工网桐油网将充分利用专业网站平台的强大宣传优 势,为各参会企业搭建一个高水平的相互交流沟通的商务平台。

一、会议目的 本次会议旨在通过桐油生产、经销、使用企业的交流、沟通与洽谈,规范国内桐 油行业市场秩序,交流先进经验,谋求共同发展,增进企业之间的相互了解,寻求新的合作 项目及贸易商机。



2、2004 年市场回顾及桐油市场现状分析;







1、会议地点:广西南宁桃源饭店(四星级) 详细地址:广西南宁市桃源路 74 号

2、会议时间:2005 年 5 月 2123 日

3、会议日程: 5 月 20 日:会议报到 5 月 21 日:正式会议

5 月 22 日:商务活动 5 月 23 日:会议疏散

四、会议报名、注册及费用 报名参加本次会议的人员请尽快在 2005 年 5 月 1 日前将参会回执通过传真或电 子邮件发送到本次会议组委会。 也可通过桐油网直接在网上报名注册。 会 员: 1200 元/人 非会员:1500 元/人 备注:以上费用已包含食宿 为了更好为您安排好本次会议的食宿及各项日程,请尽快将参会费用按如下帐号 汇往林产化工网桐油网。 银行转帐请汇至以下帐户 单 位:南宁华讯电子商务有限公司 开户行:南宁市工行桃源路第二分理处 帐 号:2102108419300003882 邮局汇款至以下地址 单 位:南宁华讯

电子商务有限公司 邮 编:530021 地 址:南宁市桃源路 59 号商务厅办公楼四楼

五、会议组织筹备: 本次会议组委会地点设在林产化工网桐油网(南宁华讯电子商务有限公司) 地址:南宁市桃源路 59 号商务厅办公楼四楼





篇1:英语会议邀请函模板 Dear XX, On behalf of the XXXXX, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend a conference of the forthcoming 1st Opportunity and Challenge XXXXX to be held in XXXUniversity, China, from December 19 to December 30, 2011.

As we all know, Google is one of the top corporations around the world in Computer Science, and the biggest Internet search service provider.At the same time, Google’s products are also famous and popular in Music, Society Network, and Smartphone Operating System et al.You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and busineman auredly.Your research on distributed software service and parallel computation is widely used in Computer Science.Your participation will be among the highlights of the conference. We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation.As you know, this is the 1st held of OCCSG and we plan to make it a truly international meeting.We have accepted many papers from several disciplines. If you can come, please let us know as soon as poible, since we have to prepare the final program soon.We are looking forward to your acceptance. Sincerely yours, XXXX XXXXXXX 篇2:国际会议邀请函样本参考 - 副本

An Invitation Letter for the 14th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care 篇3:国际会议邀请函主要内容

国际会议邀请函主要内容Conference Invitation Letter 1.Format of a Letter of Invitation 1) Heading/Letterhead 2) Date 3) Inside Addre/Recipient’s Addre 4) Salutation This is a greeting to the recipient, eg.Dear Ms.Ann Mellon (use Ms.for a woman recipient when her marital status is not known or when she prefers Ms.), or Mr.John Wood, or Dear Profeor Williams.Salutation is also always on the left margin. 5) Body 6) Complimentary Close 7) Signature 8) Enclosure/End Notations This can be used to remind the recipient of the additional material(s) put in the invitation letter, such as an agenda of a conference. 2.Contents of a Letter of Invitation 1) The conference host’s name, the occasion, name of the attendees, date(s), time and place 2) Using full names of both the conference host and the attendees, including titles if any 3) Stating the purpose of invitation 4) Introducing the conference arrangement 5) Expreing the wish for the conference 6) Placing these instructions: R.S.V.P (Reply, if you please) at the end of the invitation, usually at the right corner 7) Ending the invitation with the host’s telephone number, addre, and email addre, and deadline to reply, if a reply is expected from the invitee

推荐第6篇:英语国际会议邀请函邀请信A Letter of Invitation5

A Letter of Invitation

School of Material Science and Engineering XXXX University

XXX Road

XXX Distract

Shanghai 201805 P.R.China Nov.18,2015 Prof.Smith College of Science and Technology Central Michigan University ET Building 200 Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 U.S.A Dear Prof.Smith, On behalf of the School of Material Science and Engineering at XXX University, I am honored to invite you to be a keynote speaker at the 5th international XXXXX Convention to be held, May 20 – 28, at Shanghai International Convention Center.The workshop will focus on the innovative researches, advanced production procedures, and applications especially in aero-industry in XXX field.

Your presence will attract numerous profeionals to the seminar because you are the top expert worldly in the field.Your round-trip flight,local expense including hotel accommodation, meals and registration fee will be covered by the organizers.The more detailed information and a copy of the advance schedule on the workshop is enclosed.If you have something unclear on the conference, please do not hesitate to contact our convenor, Mrs.Feng, at 86-021-12345678.We hope you can spare time from your tight schedule to attend the forum.We are looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Dean of the school Chair of the Organizing Committee


Invitation Letter

Dear Profeor Li,

On behalf of the Peking University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a seion of the forthcoming 2012 International Conference on Parallel Data Proceing to be held in Beijing, from March 25 to March 28, 2012.

You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator.Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.

We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation.If you can come, please let us know as soon as poible, since we have to prepare the final program soon.We are looking forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Yang

Reply Letter

Dear Profeor Wang,

Many thanks for your letter dated 15th February, inviting me to attend and chair a seion of the forthcoming 2012 International Conference on Parallel Data Proceing to be held in Beijing, from March 25 to March 28, 2012.

Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer.I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to mi the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science.I wish the conference a complete succe.Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Inquiry Letter

Dear Sir,

Thanks you very much for accepting our invitation.I am writing to ask for information about your Beijing travel for the seion.You will arriver at March 24, and please let me know that your arrival time and specific ways, so that we may arrange person to pick you up.We are looking forward to your arrival.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Yang


国际会议:2012 2nd International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering

(ICESE 2012)Post By:2011-7-24 19:09:28 [只看该作者]

2012 2nd International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering

May.26, 2011 News! The ICESE 2011 papers are available in the Vol.8 of IPCBEE.(Click)

Mar.16, 2011 News! The conference program of ICESE 2011 is available now.(Click)

Welcome to the official website of the 2012 2nd International Conference on Environment Science and Ed during April 7-8 2012, in Bangkok, Thailand.ICESE 2012, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, ehe practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

change and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Environment Scie

The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and expsensors and related areas.ICESE 2012 will be published in one Volume of IPCBEE, and all papers will be y Digital Library, and indexed by Thomson ISI (Web of Knowledge).

Call for Papers

2012 2nd International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering, ICESE 2012 is the premier forum for esearch results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Environment Science and Engineering.The confereers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.Topics of interest for submiion include,

Environmental Science and Technology

Environmental dynamics




Atmospheric physics

Physical oceanography

Global environmental change and ecosystems management

Climate and climatic changes

Global warming

Ozone layer depletion

Carbon capture and storage


Integrated ecosystems management

Satellite applications in the environment

Environmental restoration and ecological engineering

Habitat reconstruction

Biodiversity conservation



Landscape degradation and restoration

Ground water remediation

Soil decontamination



Environmental sustainability

Resource management

Life cycle analysis

Environmental systems approach

Renewable sources of energy-energy savings

Clean technologies

Sustainable cities

Health and the Environment

Health related organisms

Hazardous substances and detection techniques

Biodegradation of hazardous substances

Toxicity aement and epidemiological studies

Quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring

Indoor air pollution

Water resources and river basin management

Regulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality claification Public participation

Economic instruments

Modeling and decision support tools

Institutional development

Transboundary cooperation

Management and regulation of point and diffuse pollution

Monitoring and analysis of environmental contaminant

Ground water management

Wastewater and sludge treatment

Nutrients removal

Suspended and fixed film biological procees

Anaerobic treatment

Proce modelling

Sludge treatment and reuse

Fate of hazardous substances

Industrial wastewater treatment

Advances in biological, physical and chemical procees

On site and small scale systems

Storm-water management

Air pollution and control

Emiion sources

Atmospheric modeling and numerical prediction

Interaction between pollutants

Control technologies

Air emiion trading

Solid waste management

Waste minimization

Optimization of collection systems

Recycling and reuse

Waste valorization

Technical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment etc) Leachate treatment

Legal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste management

Management of hazardous solid waste

Water treatment and reclamation

Disinfection and disinfection by- products

Management of water treatment residuals

Aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors)

Effect of distribution systems on potable water quality

Reuse of reclaimed waters

dexed by Thomson ISI (Web of Knowledge).

Important Date Advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc) ICESE 2012 will be published in one Volume of IPCBEE, and all papers will be included in Engineering

Paper Submiion (Full Paper)Before December 10, 2011 Notification of AcceptanceOn January 1, 2012 Final Paper SubmiionBefore January 15, 2012 Authors\' RegistrationBefore January 15, 2012 ICESE 2012 Conference DatesApril 7 - 8, 2012


1.Electronic Submiion System; ( .pdf)

If you can\'t login the submiion system, please try to submit through method 2.

2.Email: icese@cbees.org ( .pdf and .doc)


2013/2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental

Protection (ICEEP 2013)




本次会议所有录用的文章将以正刊出版在《Advanced Materials Research》上,全部被EI核心与ISTP同时索引,全文截止日为2013年4月5日。









我校拟于年月日至日在 举办\" 大会\",现将有关事宜申报如下:



























支出:1.会场费 2.印制费(论文集及其他材料) 3.会议交通费 4.宴会、招待会费 5.办会劳务费 6.特邀代表费 7.宣传费 8.会务费 9.其它不可预见费





年 月 日










年 月 日


篇1:2012年3月会议嘉宾感谢信传 尊敬的_____________先生/小姐:



不知不觉,我们一起携手走过了七个年头,七年来,**一路走来,一路超越、一路辉煌;七年来,**成功举办了上百场大型会议;创造了一个又一个的奇迹;,衷心感谢全国合作伙伴一如继往的支持与厚爱,因为您的支持,**才有披荆斩棘源动力,亮剑美业必胜气概;更是因为您一直以来厚爱,才成就**今天的辉煌。 今天,我们再次与中国乳腺癌专项基金共同携手,与来自全国各地的美容精英总裁联手,是因为有着共同的梦想---为中国女性打造一个无癌纯净的世界!在这里我们共同见证粉红爱天使的诞生、在这里美业各精英携手同进、一起谱写美容经济的神话!

“**”现已成为业内人士耳熟能详的企业品牌,每个**人矜矜业业服务着中国五千多家的加盟店?? 专业、创新、系统,为**谱写了一个又一个的传奇;爱、感恩、付出让**人创造一次又一次的奇迹!无论在哪都有**人的足迹、无论什么时候都有**人的声音!携手**,再创辉煌!

再次感谢您的阅读,这次会议是一个爱心的源点;今天是一个美好的开端;此时更是我们携手为女性健康作出一份力量的起航! 祝您家庭幸福、万事如意、健康快乐!

顺祝 商祺!

##总裁:*** 2012.02.27 专业策划各种专业线招商会议,电子商务推广案、专业线品牌策划篇2:感谢信

2005w市国际彩虹灯展览会(第二届)感谢信 尊敬的各彩虹灯参展企业及参观观众:



本届展会之所以能够成功举办,与贵单位的大力支持和帮助是密不可分的。在此,我们对各参展企业、行业协会及业内媒体再次表示衷心的感谢!我们诚挚希望与贵司再次合作,同时希望贵司多提宝贵意见和建议。在整个展会期间如有不周之处,还请贵司多多谅解。再次感谢贵司的鼎力支持! 致礼!



2010w市国际彩虹灯展览会(第二届)感谢信 尊敬的各彩虹灯参展企业及参观观众:



“2011w市国际彩虹灯展览会(第三届)”将于2011年11月10—17日在w市商品交易会展览馆继续举行,“让中国彩虹灯走向世界”是组委会办展宗旨,我们在总结本次展会的成功与不足基础上,将继续努力塑造成为展示当前行业新产品、新技术、新趋势、国际化的彩虹灯行业盛会。并继续加大在国外宣传推广力度,在美国、欧洲、中东、韩国、日本、台湾设立联络机构,专门组织海外展商及买家参展参观,使“w市国际霓虹灯展览会”朝向名副其实的国际盛会阔步迈进。各参展企业可以从即日起以老客户的优惠价格,预订最佳展位。 本届展会之所以能够成功举办,与贵单位的大力支持和帮助是密不可分的。在此,我们对各参展企业、行业协会及业内媒体再次表示衷心的感谢!我们诚挚希望与贵司再次合作,同时希望贵司多提宝贵意见和建议。在整个展会期间如有不周之处,还请贵司多多谅解。再次感谢贵司的鼎力支持! 致礼!

星易展览服务有限公司 二o一o年十二月二十九日


The Opening for International Conference on Complex Analysis & its Application

Dr.Zhang wen jun

The College of Mathematics and Computaional Science, Shenzhen University

Distinguished experts and scholars from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen:

With the great support from the leaders, experts and higher learning institutions concerned, today the long-awaiting ICCAA succefully opens in Shenzhen special economic zone ---- the forward position of China’s opening and reform.

First, on behalf of the organization committee and all the teachers and students in the College of Mathematics and Computaional Science, Shenzhen University, please allow me to give the warmest welcome to you.

Shenzhen is a city, which is quite young and full of vitality.Shenzhen University is the first and, presently speaking, the only one comprehensive university on this land.As a part of SZU, the math College has been growing and further developing.However, we still can see the great gap in many aspects between our College and those in other universities.The growth of our College needs attention and help from all of you.This time, you have come from thousands, even ten thousands miles away, overcome the troubles the hot summer has brought to you on your trip.We quite appreciate your contribution to our work.And we also see this conference as a good opportunity to learn from you for further improvement.Your efforts will play an important role in the promotion of our work in the future.Therefore, on behave of all the teachers and students of Math College; I would like to give our sincere thanks to you.

This is the first time for us to be responsible to hold such a big international conference, which is what we have long been looking forward to .Due to the limited conditions, our international conference center is under the decoration.So this time, we cannot provide a better and more comfortable working environment for you.And we have no rich experience in organizing the conference, which may incur some inconvenience.Here we must offer our apologies to you.

“Can’t we feel happy when our friends come from far away?” although our work condition is not so nice, and we do not have sufficient experience in management, we want you to see our home hospitality.We will employ our energies to provide better service to you.Welcome to give your precious comments to us, which can help us to promote our work efficiency for a succeful conference.

Among the participants for this conference, over 20 foreign friends are from ten countries, The United States, Germany, Britain, France, Finland, Ruia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and India.Other more than 50 participants are from China.

A Chinese saying goes like this: Only through hundreds of centuries’ efforts in their pre-life, could it be poible for people to have the luck to be on the same boat to come acro the river in their present life.If say, the momentary chance to take the same boat needs hundreds of centuries’ efforts in people’s pre-life, can we say that, because this time we will be together for 4 days, eating at the same table, living in the same building, exchanging our thoughts and learning from each other, this must be the result of thousands of centuries’ efforts in our pre-life? So I hope that all of us can cherish this very precious opportunity to establish long lasting friendship and have a long-term friendly cooperation in all aspects.

I also appreciate all the support given by the leaders from the foreign

affairs office of Shenzhen University.I should like to extend our thanks to the leaders of teacher’s SHENZHEN ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, who have provided financial aid for this conference.I should also like to extend thanks to Profeor C.C.Yang of Hong Kong University of Science Technology, who has given great concern and instruction to every detail of the preparation and arrangement of this conference.I also would like to extend our thanks to Mr.Tang Haihai, vice director of Education Bureau of Shenzhen.His presence is the great support to our conference.

Finally, I’d like to wish all of you health, and wish this international conference will be succeful!

Thank you!



Conference name:The International symposium on historical depth of the works of Mo Yan会议场地:江苏师范大学敬文报告厅

conference site:Jing Wen meeting room of Jiang Su Normal University


conference time:2014.07.08-2014.07.12


Conference arrangements


The organizers:



余秋雨(中国)Yu Qiuyu

余华(中国)Yu Hua

贾平凹(中国)Jia Pingwa

村上村树(日本)Haruki Murakami

威廉·弗尔曼William T.Vollmann(美国)

大江健三郎(日本)Oe Kenzaburo

奎托(秘鲁) Cueto 特邀嘉宾:莫言

Special guest:Mo Yan


International Conference on Higher


China Higher Education Aociation is organizing an international conference on Higher Education from March 25-27, 2010, at Peking University.

International Conference on Higher Education includes keynote speech, technical seminars and papers exchanges.Except government officials make an opening speech on the opening ceremony, the officials and scholars from China Higher Education Aociation, China\'s key universities and the U.S.Educational Testing Service will make a keynote speech.

Higher education is a good platform of self-improvement and creativity improvement.Conference will promote the reform and opening of China education.

The specific details about spokesman and papers will be announced in February.


表示欢迎:Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m privileged to welcome you all to “The current status and future development of cotton machinery” conference.

自我介绍:Let me introduce myself I am Dr Lifrom Beijing, China, and I am going to be the chair for this morning’s seion.


This conference will focus on the discuion of the various aspects of cotton machinery.It includes the application of cotton machinery and the current status.And we will also discu the prospect of cotton machinery.


Now it gives me great pleasure to introduce today’sparticipants.They are :Han Dan, The director general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization(联合国工业发展组织总干事)

Zhang Hui, president of China Power investment group company.

Shang Fengjiao, profeor of Physics ,head of American Nuclear Energy


Now, we welcome the opening of Han Dan do for us(现在,我们欢迎AA为我们做致开幕词)


Today our first speaker isBB Hui.Let’s welcome


Thanks profeor BB very much for her splendid report.After pro BB’s speech , do you have any questions, hands up please!


Any additional questions ?

Thank you once again for your excellent explanation

Now, let’s welcome the speech by Profeor CC


Thank Profeor CC for his excellent remarks CC.After pre CC’s report is there any specific question you would like to addre to profeor CC?


Any additional questions ?

Well, I am sure we could discu longer, but unfortunately time is up.Thank you

very much, Dr CC

Thanks for the excellent report of the two experts.Finally Let’s welcome to Profeor AA, give us a summary of conference.


I’d like to thank all the representatives for their excellent remarks.Also I should thank all the organizing committee for their arrangement and organization.Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy your stay in Harbin.




世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)是以研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题、促进国际经济合作与交流为宗旨的非官方国际性机构。总部设在瑞士日内瓦。其前身是1971年由现任论坛主席、日内瓦大学教授克劳斯·施瓦布创建的“欧洲管理论坛”。由于在瑞士小镇达沃斯首次举办,所以日后也称其为“达沃斯论坛”。此外,论坛还有各种性质的会员制组织,涉及政治、经济、文化、宗教、传媒和学术等领域。论坛的参与者主要是各国政界和经济界的高层领导人、企业首脑以及著名专家,宗旨是探讨世界经济领域存在的问题并促进国际经济合作与交流。随着国际形势的变化,论坛所探讨的议题逐渐突破了纯经济领域,许多双边和地区性问题也成为论坛讨论的主要内容。近10多年来,世界上发生的重大政治、军事、安全和社会事件多在论坛上得到反映。

联合国难民事务高级专员办事处是联合国难民组织(UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES),缩写为UNHCR,受联合国委托指导和协调世界范围内保护难民和解决难民问题的国际行动。难民事务高级专员办事处设在瑞士日内瓦。中国为联合国《1951年关于难民地位的公约》及其议定书缔约国之一,是难民执委会成员。中国积极参加难民署会议,支持难民署难民国际保护工作。2010年9月,难民署高级专员古特雷斯访华。


(G-7 Summit),简称G7,是七个最发达的工业化国家(美国、日本、德国、英国、法国、意大利和加拿大)的国家元首或政府首脑就共同关心的重大问题进行磋商会晤的机制。1994年7月世界上较为发达的七个国家七国首脑会议在那不勒斯召开,21世纪,俄罗斯正式加入该组织,改称西方八国首脑会议,简称G8。八国首脑会议中的一些成员国希望把中国、印度等五国加入,但是日本认为中国参加可能会影响他的地位,不同意中国和印度的加入。

G7峰会首次将俄踢出 能源安全敏感度高



G7峰会在巴伐利亚召开 无俄罗斯参与










2001年10月, 第七次缔约方会议,举办地摩洛哥马拉喀什。会议通过《马拉喀什协定》。 2005年,第11次缔约方会议,举办地加拿大蒙特利尔,会议通过《蒙特利尔路线图》。

2007年,第13次缔约方会议,举办地印度尼西亚巴厘岛,会议通过《巴厘岛路线图》。 2009年,哥本哈根会议成果寥寥,最后只达成了无法律约束力的《哥本哈根协议》。


2012年,第18次缔约方会议,举办地卡塔尔多哈,会议通过了对《京都议定书》的《多哈修正》,最终就2013年起执行《京都议定书》第二承诺期及第二承诺期以8年为期限达成一致。大会还通过了有关长期气候资金、联合国《气候变化框架公约》长期合作工作组成果、德班平台以及损失损害补偿机制等方面的多项决议。加拿大、日本、新西兰及俄罗斯已明确不参加第二承诺期。 按照气候谈判的计划,巴黎气候大会是继2009年后又一重要时间节点,将完成2020年后国际气候机制的谈判,制定出一份新的全球气候协议,以确保强有力的全球减排行动。因此,巴黎大会也是近几年来最为重要的一次。




四、博鳌亚洲论坛 (英文:Boao Forum for Asia,缩写:BFA),由25个亚洲国家和澳大利亚发起,于2001年2月27日在海南省琼海市万泉河入海口的博鳌镇召开大会,正式宣布成立。博鳌亚洲论坛理事会成员达成一致意见后,论坛年会一般会在每年的3月底或4月举行。


博鳌亚洲论坛2016年年会于3月22日至25日在海南博鳌召开,主题为《亚洲新未来:新活力与新愿景》。举办83场讨论活动,其中年会新增了12场创业家对话系列活动。年会将举办的讨论包括分论坛51场、圆桌会议14场、主题餐会6场、创业家对话12场。内容涵盖宏观经济、创业创新、互联网+等热点话题。年会新增的12场创业家对话系列活动,将分别聚焦前沿科技、先进制造、新兴产业等12个领域。每场对话邀请两到三位创业家,与代表们分享创业经历和创业体悟,并展望技术和行业的最新发展趋势。2013年已确认的合作伙伴有:[21] 沃尔沃集团、福特斯克金属集团(FMG)、茅台集团、上海通用汽车有限公司、沙特基础工业公司、美银美林、腾讯网、赢创工业集团、德勤公司、中国环保能源控股有限公司、华夏幸福基业投资开发股份有限公司、中电新能源、《新财富》杂志社、蒙牛集团、海南大乐城开发控股有限公司、海南博鳌亚洲文化传媒有限公司、北京新发地、伽蓝集团、长城葡萄酒、财经杂志、澳大利亚联邦银行、正和岛、联想集团、千玉琉璃、星巴克、奥美公关、新盟国际顾问公司等。媒体伙伴(按英文名称字母顺序)有:英国广播公司、彭博社、第一财经、中央电视台财经频道、中国日报、CNBC、人民画报、经济日报、环球时报、贵阳日报、海航活力幻像、Haymarket Financial Media集团、瞭望周刊社、凤凰卫视、澳柒集团、VIVA无线新媒体、华尔街日报亚洲版、优酷网等。

五、亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 (The APEC Economic Leaders\' Meeting)

是亚太经合组织 最高级别的会议。会议就有关经济问题发表见解,交换看法,会议形成的领导人宣言是指导亚太经合组织各项工作的重要纲领性文件。首次领导人非正式会议于1993年11月在美国西雅图召开,此后每年召开一次,在各成员间轮流举行,由各成员领导人出席(中华台北只能派出主管经济事务的代表出席)。1993年11月19日至20日,首次领导人非正式会议在美国西雅图的布莱克岛举行。除马来西亚外,该组织其余14个成员的领导人或代表出席了这次会议。会议期间,所有领导人不着西服,而穿休闲装,为的是营造一种较为轻松的气氛。领导人的讲话内容需经本人同意才能公开。会议结束后通过一项领导人宣言。这种形式成为以后亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议的模式。



每年举行财长和中央银行行长会议,旨在推动国际金融体制改革,寻求合作并促进世界经济的稳定和持续增长。来自主要发达国家和发展中国家的领导人承诺采取广泛措施来抑制金融危机和振兴世界经济,但与会领导人告诫称应防止推出的政策对国内经济或整个全球体系带来负面影响。在华盛顿举行的二十国集团(Group of 20, 简称G20)峰会上,与会领导人承诺将采取积极行动应对大萧条(Great Depreion)以来最严重的这场金融危机,并敦促各国推行必要的财政和货币政策来支持经济增长和维护稳定性。

七、亚欧会议Asia Europe Meeting(ASEM) 是亚洲与欧洲之间的政府间论坛。1994年7月,欧盟制定了《走向亚洲新战略》,主张与亚洲进行更广泛的对话,建立一种建设性、稳定和平等的伙伴关系。1994年11月,新加坡总理吴作栋提出召开亚欧会议的倡议,得到各方广泛积极响应。1996年3月1日至2日,首届亚欧首脑会议在泰国曼谷举行,标志亚欧会议正式成立。第九届亚欧首脑会议于2012年11月5日在老挝首都万象开幕,会议接纳孟加拉国、挪威、瑞士为新成员。亚欧会议成员数目已由开始创立时的26个增加至51个;11月6日,日本在亚欧会议歪曲钓鱼岛事实,中国外长杨洁篪当场驳斥。

亚欧会议成立时成员包括东盟7个成员国、中国、日本、韩国、欧盟15个成员国及欧盟委员会。2004年,亚欧会议实现首轮扩大,东盟3个新成员及欧盟7个新成员加入。2006年,第六届亚欧首脑会议同意接纳蒙古、印度、巴基斯坦、东盟秘书处、保加利亚及罗马尼亚6个新成员,亚欧会议实现第二轮扩大。至此,亚欧会议成员增至45个:中国、日本、韩国、蒙古、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、文莱、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、东盟秘书处、印度、巴基斯坦、奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、英国、匈牙利、波兰、捷克、斯洛文尼亚、斯洛伐克、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马耳他、塞浦路斯、罗马尼亚、保加利亚及欧盟委员会。2010年10月,第八届亚欧首脑会议在布鲁塞尔举行,会议正式接纳俄罗斯、澳大利亚、新西兰为亚欧会议成员,至此亚欧会议成员增至48个。2012年11月5日第九届亚欧首脑会议在老挝首都万象开幕,会议接纳孟加拉国、挪威、瑞士为新成员,至此亚欧会议成员增至51个。[1] 这是亚欧会议自1996年创立以来的第四次扩员。目前,亚欧会议成员数目已由开始创立时的26个增加至51个,其中欧洲成员31个,亚太地区成员20个。


旨在促进欧亚地区各国相互了解、扩大合作的欧亚经济论坛,是一个以上海合作组织成员国和观察员国为主体,面向上合组织所覆盖的广大欧亚地区,开放性的高层国际会议。 欧亚经济论坛致力于探求和发展新型区域对话与合作模式,促进中国中西部与中亚及俄罗斯建立全方位、多层次的沟通渠道和合作平台,是一个立足高端、务实合作、品牌化运作的论坛。论坛至今已举办了四届,为论坛的高端定位打下了一定的基础。欧亚经济论坛的会址永久性定在了陕西西安。


国际会议是大型的国际交流场合。当代世界的国际会议有为讨论和解决国际问题为目的而召开的,也有为对某个专业学术问题进行探讨和交流而召开的,也有为某个专业学术问题进行探讨和交流而召开的,前者简称为国际会议,后者通称为国际学术会议。 国际会议

国际会议可以说是一种临时性议事组织。从会议类型看,它可分为双边会议和单边会议,单一议题会议和多种议题会议,专题会议和定期会议,有常设秘书处的会议和无常设秘书处的会议。从与会级别看,可分为国家元首和政府首脑会议,部长会议,专家会议和一般代表会议。从与会者所属地区看可分为世界性国际会议和区域性国际会议。从会议的目的来看,可分为作讨论问题的讲坛的会议,对政府和国际组织作出具有约束力的决议或不具有约束力的建议的会议,谈判起草条约或国际文件的会议,认定对国际计划的自愿捐助会议等等。无论哪种会议,一般说来,平等原则是组织国际会议的最基本的原则,每个参加会议的国家,无论国家大小,都享有同等的代表与投票权。国际会议的召开时间、地点和议程等,由会议的召开国和被邀请参加国共同协商解决。会议进行时,或者由专门指定的一位主席或数位主席主持,或者由各代表团团长轮流主持。国际会议的筹备和召开都有严格的程序和规定。 国际学术会议

国际学术会议,顾名思义就是以学术交流为宗旨的,在当今新科技革命的时代,知识以惊人的速度发展更新着,自然科学和社会科学若离开了国际交流的大环境,便随时有落后和被淘汰的危险。国际学术会议的种类很多,涉及教育、医疗卫生、科学技术、文化艺术、经济贸易等各个方面。参加国际学术会议的人员通过发表论文、专题讨论和演讲,互相交流和磋商学术见解,推动有关学科和专业领域的发展。国际学术会议通常规定以英语作为会议语言,从名称上看,可分为以下几类: meeting这是会议的总称,其规模可大可小,与会人数可多可少。



oongre这是代表会议的名称,出席者是有代表性和群众性的。 convention指大型集会,如专业学术团体的专业会议及年会等。 workshop泛指研讨会、讲习班、实习班。 forum指演讲、论坛、讨论会。

seminar专题研讨会或讲座,它通常组织有关专家对某个问题作专题或系列演讲。 学术会议举行期间,通常还包括全体大会、分组会议等正式会议内容和信息交流会、工作午餐会、展谈会、新闻发布等非正式会议内容。这些不同的会议形式,对礼仪有不同的要求。





在国际会议上,除会场悬挂与会国国旗外,各国政府代表团团长也按会议组织有关规定,在一些场所或车辆上悬挂本国国旗,但国际学术会议无挂国旗的要求。 国际学术会议等大规模会议的开幕典礼和闭幕典礼,往往具有十分重大的国际意义。虽然依国情而会有所差异,但大体上、主办国的政府官员、王室贵族、主办地的首长、市长等知名人士都会以来宾身份到场,而会议主办机构的会长、名誉会长、前任会长、下任会长及其他要员等也都会到场,这时候会场应设主席台。主席台的座位排列应是,主要贵宾坐在居中位置,以下人员按照地位或职务高低顺序左右交叉依次排列。主席台一般应摆放用英文书写的名签,到会要人按名签标示就位。但是,按照国际惯例,在平时举行的国际学术会议上,无论是全体 会议还是小组会议,主席台上通常只有会议主持人及报告人和评论人就座。






Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of

alkali-activated slag concrete''''

Thank you for your invitation and warm hospitality.

“Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete” I would like to thank Profeor Cui ,for inviting me to deliver this“Freeze-thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete”.Theplentiful studies on a new green binding material—alkali-activated concrete .The effect of freeze-thaw cycles on in concrete was studied by experiment.

, I shall explore a poible agenda for analysis to enable understanding of the alkali-activated slag concrete.

“new green binding material—alkali-activated cement”the introduction of Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete.Now let\'s look at the ppt In recent years, there are plentiful studies on a new green binding material—alkali-activated cement, it can be prepared by wastes containing kaolinite (原文introduction第一句) The binding materials with three-dimensional network structure are yield by shrinking and polymerization reaction.With the arriving of low carbon economy time, international governments attach more importance to energy saving, emiion reducing and cycled economics.(原文第二段)a genuine low carbon cement.(ppt第3页) –I\'d like to talk is the materialswe can see clear that the Slag used in this study was metallurgy blast furnace slag, was supplied by Jiangxi Building Materials Plant, PR China, its specific surface is 410 m2/kg.chemical compositions of slag are listed in .(ppt第4页)

NaOH and Na2SiO3 sodium silicate multiplex solution was used as alkali activator, module of sodium silicate is 3.34.Sand with finene modulus of 2.78 was used as fine aggregate.Limestone were used as crushed rock aggregate (5–20 mm:20–40 mm = 45:55).(引用原文Materials第二段结论) Mix proportion and specimen preparation , .Mix proportion and specimen preparation.Mix proportion, workability and compreive strength at 28 d of ASC are listed in .It was prepared by a single decubital axis compellent beater with content of 60 L.the samples were demoulded and cured

under scheduled regimes.Thirty samples were tested for freeze–thaw cycle tests.Table 1.Mix proportion, workability and strength of ASC(引用原文第二部分第二小点)(ppt第5页) The Freeze–thaw resistance was tested according to ASTM C666 and GB/T 50082-2009 “Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete”.Six samples of each batch were tested, the average value of 6 samples was served as the finial freeze–thaw resistance.Ma and dynamic elasticity modulus were tested once after an interval of 25 times cycles, maximal cycle times (when relative dynamic elasticity modulus was 60% and percentage of ma lo was 5% at lowest) can denote freeze–thaw resistance of ASC.TDR-16V computer controlled concrete fast freeze–thaw cycle testing machine and DT-10W dynamic elasticity modulus testing machine were used to conduct the tests.(原文2.3 /ppt第6页)

–thaw resistance mechanism of ASC 2.Freeze–thaw resistance durability of ASC(ppt 第7页)

Results of fast freeze–thaw cycle tests of ASC are listed in Table 3.As can be seen: (1) With the increase of freeze–thaw cycle times, relative dynamic elasticity modulus of ASC are descending slowly, this shows excellent ductility, relative dynamic elasticity modulus of A1–A5 are all about 90% at 300 times cycle(ppt第8页)(2) It is improper to set ma lo of ASC as the evaluation index of freeze–thaw destroy, because ma lo of A1–A5 vary indistinctively in the progre of freeze–thaw, it cannot reflect the destroy degree of concrete exactly, thus it is improper to use it to test and evaluate the freeze–thaw damage of ASC (which is shown in Fig.1).(ppt第9页)

The first is ASC used industrial waste – slag as raw materials, and it had excellent freeze–thaw resistance with frost-resisting grade of F300 at lowest, relative dynamic elasticity modulus were about 90% after 300 times freeze–thaw cycles, it also had little ma lo, surface freeze–thaw damage layers were very thin, which can effectively restrain freeze–thaw damage of concrete from worsening.(ppt第10页)The second is Different from freeze–thaw cycle damage models of PC, dynamic elasticity modulus attenuation models were superior to accumulative freeze–thaw damage models, and power function models were superior to exponential function models with better precision and relativity.(ppt第10页)

Thank you very much for the privilege of presenting this paper


1.Introduction Thank you very much.Mr.Jiao, for your kind introduction.Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! My name is Lijia, came from Harbin Engineering University.I am honored to have been invited to speak at this conference.Before I start my speech, let me ask a question.Do you know what can affect the properties of foam concrete? Do you think how to reinforced the properties of foam concrete?Most of the investigations on foam concrete in the past have been confined(被限于) to neat cement paste, cement paste with partial replacement with admixtures and to cement–sand mixes.

Today, my topic is about Influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete.I want to share our interesting research result on reinforced concrete frame with you.The content of this presentation is divided into 4 parts: In section 1, I will introduce what is the foam concrete.In section 2, I will talk about Parameters investigated and mix compositions.In section 3, I will give Effect of water–solids ratio on design density.And finally, I will make a conclusion.2.Body Section 1: the foam concrete Now, I will introduce the foam concrete.Pre-formed(成型的) foam concrete is manufactured(加工)by adding foam, prepared by aerating(充气)a foaming agent solution, to cement paste or cement mortar(灰

浆).The composition(合成物), physical properties(性能)and uses of foam concrete were discued in detail(详细的)by Valore, Short and Kinniburgh, Rudnai and Taylor.Although several investigations have been conducted on the properties of foam concrete, most of them deal with cement–sand mixes, neat cement paste with or without partial replacement(局部替换)using admixtures(掺合料).Few studies report on the influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete.By using fly ash(粉煤灰)as filler (fine aggregate细骨料) instead of sand, the high volume(体积)utilization(利用)of fly ash becomes poible可能, thus providing a means of eco-nomic(经济)and safe disposal(处理)of this waste product.Comparison(比较)of strength of air-cured foam concrete made with cement-sand and cement–fly ash for masonry(砌体结构)by Durack and Weiqing show that for products of comparable density(比较密度), mixes with fly ash as fine aggregate in place of sand gave relatively higher strength.Section 2: Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions(组成成分)

So much for the foam concrete, now I will move on to Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions.As the experimental programme(实验程序)was aimed at studying the effect of the fillers on the properties like density(密度), flow behaviour(流动特性), water absorption(吸水率)and strength of foam concrete, the following mixes

were investigated by keeping the basic filler–cement ratio constant(恒定不变)at 1:1 by weight.The foam required for three densities(密度)of foam concrete viz.1000, 1250, 1500 kg/m3 were arrived at as per ASTMC 796-97.In the cement–sand–fly ash mixes 50% of the sand is replaced with fly ash and in the cement–fly ash mixes all the sand is replaced with fly ash.Section 3: Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density That bring me to Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density.I think this part is the most important in my presentation, I will explain in detail.As the foam is added to the wet foam concrete mix, the consistency(稠度) of the wet mix is very important to get the design density.Fig.2(a) and (b) show the variation of density ratio(密度变化率)(measured fresh density divided(分离)by design density) with water–solids ratio for mixes with different filler type for each of the design densities, viz., 1000 and 1500 kg/m3, respectively(分别地).It is observed that at lower water–solids ratios, i.e., at lower consistency, the density ratio is higher than unity(个体).The mix is too stiff(严格地)to mix properly thus causing the bubbles(气泡)to break during mixing resulting in increased density.At higher water–solids ratios there is also an increase in density ratio as higher water contents make the slurry(泥浆)too thin to hold the bubbles resulting in segregation(分离)of the foam from the mix along with segregation of the mix itself thus causing

an increase in measured density.Therefore, as shown in Fig.2(a) and (b), a density ratio of unity or nearly unity is achieved only at a particular consistency.This consistency requirement for the mix before adding foam to it can be expreed in terms of water–solids ratio.It is also observed that the water–solids ratio required to obtain a density ratio value of one, depends on the filler type.

Section 4: Conclusion The conclusions drawn from this study and summarized below are applicable(合适的)to the characteristics of the materials(材料特性)used and the range of parameters(参数范围)investigated: (i) the consistency of pre-formed foam concrete mixtures (defined as the water–solids ratio for achieving the target(目标)density) mainly depends on the filler type, i.e., relatively higher for mixes with fly ash as filler compared to mixes with sand; (ii) the flow behaviour mainly depends on the foam volume and as the foam volume increases the flow decreases.For a given density, foam concrete with fly ash as filler showed relatively(相当的) higher flow values; (iii) for a given density, an increase in fly ash content of the mix results in increased strength.In comparison(比较)to cement–sand mixes, cement–fly ash mixes showed relatively higher water absorption(吸收).That’s all.Thank you! Are there any questions?

The picture on this slide is

So much for ......, now I will move on to......This slide shows the calculation result

As we know, the target user usually has taken a list of courses rather than a course, so we need to extent our probability calculation formulars.For example, suppose T={a,b}, Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b preceding it; Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b following it.This probability can be calculated exactly.So how to calculate it?

That bring me to Recommendation Algorithms.I think this part is the most important in my presentation, I will explain in detail.

In conclusion, we proposed a novel precedence mining model, developed

To sum up, first, I introduced the motivation and the outline of work; second, I gave the definition of precedence mining model; third, I described some new recommendation algorithms using precedence information; forth, I showed our experimental results to compare the new algorithms with traditional ones.Finally, I made a conclusion of our work..

That’s all.Thank you! Are there any questions?


PPT(1) 大家上午好!今天我汇报的主题是:基于改进型LBP算法的运动目标检测系统。运动目标检测技术能降低视频监控的人力成本,提高监控效率,同时也是运动目标提取、跟踪及识别算法的基础。图像信号具有数据量大,实时性要求高等特征。随着算法的复杂度和图像清晰度的提高,需要的处理速度也越来越高。幸运的是,图像处理的固有特性是并行的,尤其是低层和中间层算法。这一特性使这些算法,比较容易在FPGA等并行运算器件上实现,今天汇报的主题就是关于改进型LBP算法在硬件上的实现。

good morning everyone.My report is about a Motion Detection System Based on Improved LBP Operator.Automatic motion detection can reduce the human cost of video surveillance and improve efficiency [ɪ\'fɪʃ(ə)nsɪ],it is also the fundament of object extraction, tracking and recognition [rekəg\'nɪʃ(ə)n].In this work, efforts [\'efəts] were made to establish the background model which is resistance to the variation of illumination.And our video surveillance system was realized on a FPGA based platform. PPT(2)


Currently, Optic Flow, Background Subtraction and Inter-frame difference are regard as the three mainstream algorithms to detect moving object.Inter-frame difference based method need not model [\'mɒdl] the background.It detects moving objects based on the frame difference between two continuous frames.The method is easy to be implemented and can realize real-time detection, but it cannot extract the full shape of the moving objects [6].PPT(3)


The basic principle of background removal method is building a background model and providing a claification of the pixels into either foreground or background [3-5].In a complex and dynamic environment, it is difficult to build a robust [rə(ʊ)\'bʌst] background model.PPT(4)


The algorithms we have discued above are all based on grayscale.In practical applications especially outdoor environment, the grayscales of each pixel are unpredictably shifty because of the variations in the intensity and angle of illumination.PPT(5) 为了解决光照改变带来的基于灰度的算法失效的问题,我们考虑用纹理特征来检测运动目标。而LBP算法是目前最常用的表征纹理特征的算法之一。首先在图像中提取相邻9个像素点的灰度值。然后对9个像素中除中心像素以外的其他8个像素做二值化处理。大于等于中心点像素的,标记为1,小于的则标记为0。最后将中心像素点周围的标记值按统一的顺序排列,得到LBP值,图中计算出的LBP值为10001111。当某区域内所有像素的灰度都同时增大或减小一定的数值时,该区域内的LBP值是不会改变的,这就是LBP对灰度的平移不变特性。它能够很好地解决灰度受光照影响的问题。

In order to solve the above problems, we proposed an improved LBP algorithm which is resistance to the variations of illumination.

Local binary pattern (LBP) is widely used in machine vision applications such as face detection, face recognition and moving object detection [9-11].LBP represents a relatively simple yet powerful texture descriptor which can describe the relationship of a pixel with its immediate neighborhood.The fundamental of LBP operator is showed in Fig 1.The basic version of LBP produces 256 texture patterns based on a 9 pixels neighborhood.The neighboring pixel is set to 1 or 0 according to the grayscale value of the pixel is larger than the value of centric pixel or not.For example, in Fig1 7 is larger than 6, so the pixel in first row first column is set to 1.Arranging the 8 binary numbers in certain order, we get an 8 bits binary number, which is the LBP pattern we need.For example in Fig.1, the LBP is 10001111.LBP is tolerant [\'tɒl(ə)r(ə)nt] against illumination changing.When the grayscales of pixels in a 9 pixels window are shifted due to illumination changing, the LBP value will keep unchanged. PPT(6)


There are some textures , and they can be represent by some simple 8bit LBP patterns.PPT(7)


You can see, in these picture , although the grayscale change alot, but the LBP patterns keep it value.PPT(8) 上述的算法是LBP算法的基本形式,但是这种基本算法不适合直接应用在视频监控系统中。主要有两个原因:第一,在常用的视频监控系统中,特别是在高清视频监控系统中,9个像素点覆盖的区域很小,在如此小的区域内,各个像素点的灰度值十分接近,甚至是相同的,纹理特征不明显,无法在LBP值上体现。第二,由于以像素为单位计算LBP值,像素噪声会造成LBP值的噪声。这两个原因导致计算出的LBP值存在较大的随机性,甚至在静止的图像中,相邻两帧对应位置的LBP值也可能存在差异,从而引起的误检测。


The typical LBP cannot meet the need of practical application of video surveillance for two reasons: Firstly, a “window” which only contains 9 pixels is a small area in which the grayscales of pixels are similar or same to each other, and the texture feature in such a small area is too weak to be reflected by a LBP.Secondly, pixel noise will immediately cause the noise of LBP, which may lead to a large number of wrong detection.In order to obtain a better performance, we proposed an improved LBP based on the mean value of “block”.In our algorithm, one block contains 9 pixels.Compared with original LBP pattern calculated in a local 9 neighborhood between pixels, the improved LBP operator is defined by comparing the mean grayscale value of central block with those of its neighborhood blocks (see Fig.2).By replacing the grayscales of pixels with the mean value of blocks, the effect of the pixel noise is reduced.The texture feature in such a bigger area is more significant to be described by LBP pattern.PPT(9)



In practical application, the background is changing randomly.For traditional background subtraction algorithm the incapability of updating background timely will cause wrong detection.In order to solve this problem, we propose an algorithm with dynamic self updating background model.As we know, Inter-frame difference method can detect moving object without a background model, but this method cannot extract the full shape.Background subtraction method can extract the full shape but needs a background model.The basic principle of our algorithm is running a frame difference moving object detection proce concurrently [kən\'kʌrəntli] with the background subtraction proce.What’s time to update the background is according to the result of frame difference detection.PPT(10)


If LBP algorithm is implemented in a software way, it will be very slow.FPGA have features of concurrent computation, reconfiguration and large data throughput.It is suitable to be built an embedded surveillance system.The algorithm introduced above is implemented on a FPGA board. PPT(11)


The structure of the system is showed in this figure.In this system, a VGA signal is input to the development board.and the LBP pattern is calculated , Frame difference module also compares the current frame and the previous frame to determine whether there is a moving object in the surveillance vision.If the surveillance vision is static for a certain amount of frame, the background model will be updated.PPT(12) 图中是LBP计算模块。图中所示的窗口提取结构可以实现3×3像素块窗口的提取。像素信号按顺序输入该结构,窗口中的数据就会按顺序出现在Pixel1- Pixel9这9个寄存器中,从而在最短的延时内提取出相邻9个像素点的灰度值。行缓存的大小等于每一行图像包含的像素个数减1。将9个像素点的灰度值通过求均值模块,可以求出一个像素块的像素均值。


To achieve real time computation of the LBP, a circuit structure is put forward as showed in Fig.5.Two line buffers and nine resisters are connected in the way showed in the figure.Nine neighbor pixels are extracted with minimum [\'mɪnɪməm] delay, and the mean value of this block is calculated by the mean value calculate module which contains some adders and shifters.The mean values of the blocks are inputted to a similar structure and extracted in a similar way, and the LBP is calculated by the consequence LBP calculate module. PPT(13) 求均值模块采用如图3-12所示的四级流水方式实现。在算法的设计过程中,需要求出的是3×3像素块中9个像素的均值。但是在硬件实现时,为了更合理地利用硬件资源,只计算剔除中心像素后的8个像素的均值。这样做可以在不对计算结果造成太大影响的情况下减少加法器的使用。而且在求均值的最后一级流水,除8运算比除9运算更容易实现。因为8是2的整数幂,除8运算只需要将各个像素的和右移3位。而除9运算在FPGA中需要专用的DSP模块来完成。 PPT(14) 如图所示,块均值计算模块计算出的8个块均值被图3-11中的窗口提取模块提取出来,并作为比较器阵列的输入,比较器的输出结果用0和1表示。最终的比较结果按一定的顺序排列,重新拼接成一个8位的二进制数,即LBP值。LBP计算电路没有采用流水结构,在一个时钟周期内就能得到计算结果。



In this system test ,we achieve a multi-object detection.PPT(16)


This is the test for the auto background update.We put a statics object in the surveillance area,at the beginning this is trusted as a moving object .after 3 minutes , the system receive ten thousand static frames ,and then update the background model.Then this object is regard as a part of the background.



In order to verify the resistance to the varation of illumination , a certification experiment is designed, and the ROC curves of the two algorithms based on LBP and grayscale are plotted and compared.A number of short video clips with shifty and fixed illumination, including positive samples with moving objects and negative samples without moving objects .



The picture of the certification experiment is showed in this picture .A PC acts as the source of the test signal which is input to the FPGA in the form of VGA.Paing through the FPGA board, video signal is displayed on a LCD screen.PPT(19)


This two figure are the ROC curves of the experiments using our

algorithm and traditional grayscale-based algorithm .We can see in the Fig.1 which corresponds to the condition with fixed illumination, the performance of the grayscale-based algorithm is slightly better than these of LBP-based algorithm, they can both detect moving object effectively.But in Fig.2 which corresponds to the condition with shifty illumination, grayscale based algorithm deteriorates drastically and nearly lose efficacy ɪkəsɪ].But the improved LBP algorithm still keeps a good performance.



Thanks for your attention
