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环保: environmental protection 环境保护 environmentally-friendly 环保的 preserve v.保护,保存 污染:

Pollute= contaminate, 污染(动词) pollutant 污染物

Pollution=contamination 污染(名词) 垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter 处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill垃圾场), dump倾倒,recycle 回收

plastic bags塑料袋, drinking cans饮料罐 biodegradable packaging 可降解包装, throwaway 可丢弃的 disposable 可丢弃的 discourage v.不鼓励 燃料

non-renewable 不可再生的

foil fuels矿石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源 alternative energy替代能源 replace=substitute v.取代

(wind power, hydropower水电, solar (lunar) power太阳能, nuclear power核能 radioactivity n.辐射性

use up, deplete, exhaust v.用光,耗尽 conserve v.节省,节约, consume le v.少消耗 危害动物: poaching非法打猎,盗猎, damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地, rare breed稀有物种, endangered species濒危物种, extinct adj.灭绝 (die out, disappear动词), animal rights activist动物权益保护者 , natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区, protect wild life保护野生动物, disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, have disastrous effect on…对。。。有灾难性的影响 危害植物: vegetation植被

deforestation森林消失, landslide山体滑坡, 危害环境: carbon dioxide二氧化碳, acid rain酸雨(erode腐蚀) greenhouse effect温室效应 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化) global warming全球变暖

ecological system=ecosystem生态系统

green belt绿化带, sand storm沙尘暴, (filter v.过滤) arouse people’s awarene/consciousne of environmental protection提高公众的环保意识

推荐第2篇:雅思写作 环保类

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?


9分考官范文:in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week.this rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, proceed food.we buy fresh food without packaging, we still produce rubbish from the plastic bags used everywhere to carry shopping home.


than families did in the past.Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, (本段论证原因1: 现代生活注重便利,从而导致产品外包装被大量使用) and throw it away.We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag has used up valuable resources and energy to produce.We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficult to dispose of.(本段论证原因2: 塑料购物袋的大量使用) can be educated about environmental iues at school, but adults need to take action.putting taxes on packaging, providing recycling services their waste.


With the political will, such measures reduce the amount of rubbish we produce.our resources used up and our planet poisoned by waste.


What is famous about your hometown?

My hometown is famous for its beautiful nature scenery and its various types of animals and wild plants.There is a national nature reserve-ZhaLong nature reserve.

(The Zhalong Nature Reserve is the largest wetland ecological reserve in China set aside for the protection of the crane and other birds.On the lower reaches of the Wuyur River in the Songhua-Nenjiang Rever Plain in western Heilongjiang Province, it is 26.7 kilometers southeast of Qiqihar and covers an area of 2,100 square kilometers.It stands 142.5 meters above sea level and has a temperate semi- wet continental climate.

The reserve is rich in bird resources and is home to 296 types of birds.Most are waterfowls.The varieties and numbers of cranes are rare in the world China is home to nine of the 15 varieties extant in the world.The reserve boasts six of these nine.The red-crested crane, white-naped cane, white-plumage crane and common crane are nest in the reserve and the white crane and

white-headed ibis winter in the reserve such rare birds as the while stork, black stork,swan, while ibis and great egret, as well as geese and ducks, visit the reserve.It is really a paradise of birds and a home of cranes.

By the western edge of the reserve, a tourism zone has been designated to serve bird watchers, the first of its kind in the country.The bird watching gone is eight kilometers from north to south and nine kilometers from east to west, covering an area of 1,550 hectares and accounting for 0 7 percent of the total area of the reserve.The scenic spots include the vushrlgang Pavilion, where visitors can view a video about the Zhalong Nature Reserve and cranes, call climb to the top of the pavilion to watch the wetland cranes and waterfowl and can visit exhibitions and domestication farms; South Zhalong Lake, North Zhalong Take, Sigouzi (a river channel) and the Zhalong Fishing Pool, where they can observe geese, ducks, pheasants and other birds; Jiujefang and Dachangzi, where visitors can see ibis, egret, crane, stork and other wading birds and birds of prey, Tumukesigang, where they can observe birds of the field and residential areas, and the Zhalong sapling farm and gralands, where they can see forest birds and such graland wild fowl as the great bustards.

This reserve has been developed into a national crane research center, a publicity and education center of bird protection and a bird watchers paradise.)

What do people do for fun in your hometown?

It depends, but most people prefer Snow and Ice sports like ice hockey.

(Ice hockey, often referred to simply as hockey, is a team sport played on ice.It is a fast paced and physical sport.Ice hockey is most popular in areas that are sufficiently cold for natural, reliable seasonal ice cover, though with the advent of indoor artificial ice rinks it has become a year-round pastime at the amateur level in major

metropolitan areas such as cities that host a National Hockey League (NHL) or other profeional-league team.It is one of the four major North American profeional sports, and is represented by the National Hockey League (NHL) at the highest level, and the National Women\'s Hockey League (NWHL), the highest level of women\'s ice hockey in the world.It is the official national winter sport of Canada, where the game enjoys immense popularity.Only six of the thirty NHL franchises are based in Canada, but Canadian players outnumber Americans in the league.

While there are 66 total members of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ruia, Slovakia, Sweden and the United States have finished in most of the coveted 1st, 2nd and 3rd places at IIHF World Championships.Of the 63 medals awarded in men\'s competition at the Olympic level from 1920 on, only six did not go to the one of those countries, or a former entity thereof, such as Czechoslovakia or the Soviet Union.Only one of those six medals was above bronze.Those seven nations have also captured 162 of 177 medals awarded at 59 non-Olympic IIHF World Championships, and all medals since

1954.Likewise, all nine Olympic and 27 IIHF World Women Championships medals have gone to one of those seven countries.)

What do people like to do in the evening?

The nightlife in Beijing is exciting.Many youths enjoy going to pubs or the disco, while the elderly prefer playing cards and che.

Many white-collar enjoy going to bistro or water-bar, in recent years, a popular game-killing is youths’ favorite.

What are the biggest changes to your hometown that have occurred?

More modern skyscrapers are springing up and people’s clothing are becoming more uptodate.All of these are based on the steady growth in the national economy and the stability of the society.


version 73

task1 某公司offer you 一份工作但你不能去写封信告诉该公司人事主管你拒绝接受并表示感谢说明理由以及你如何喜欢你现在的工作

task2 一项报告标明children are becoming lazy, fat and unsociable, give your poible causes and measures.

task 2

people use the computers when they work , go banking and , but somebody argue that it will make the people isolate and decrease social skills to what extend do you agree or disagree

version 72

task1 是讲你买了财产保险,现在度假过程中丢失了东西丢了东西,要写封信给保险公司,要求是描述丢失情况,告诉他们你要他们怎么做等.

task2 是现在一些人希望学生多学点general subjects,另一些人希望学生不满17 岁就开始学习special subjects.问你agree or disagree.give some reason and give your relevant experience about it.high school students should study general subjects before they are 17 years old,to study specialist subjects before that age is too early for them.agree or disagree

task 2

people use computer in shop,bank...without leaving home.someone think it is danger because it may make people isolate and lose the social skills to live with others.to what extend do you agree or disagree this opinion?


version 76

task 1

大致意思为your car is hired from a company and when u are driving in holiday, there\'s a small accident on it, you will have to write a report to the company to explain it you need to explain the following statement 1 when and where you hired it 2 describe how the accident happened 3 what kind of action did you have after the accident you do not to use your own addre

write about 150 words

task 2

大致意思为fashion is difficult to follow, some people say fashion is just for selling clothes, we should not follow it and we should dre what we like and feel comfortable in it agree or disagree? use any relevant example to support your idea.

write 250 words.

1: 写一封信给保险公司告诉它们你参加了一次旅行并办了旅游保险但是你在旅途中丢了东


2: 现在人们穿着越来越紧跟时尚但是有些人却不这样他们认为应该按自己的喜好和舒适来选择服装你的观点如今很多人喜欢选择非常时尚的穿着打扮但是这种穿着打扮并不实用人们是否应该选择一些更加comfortable 的服装


happine is considered important to people.why are the definitions of happine different?(大概是这样意思就是问为什么幸福的定义如此不同和难下这个定义)

what is the factors in achieving happine.give some examples and relavent evidence.


1)happine is important in life

2)why it is difficult to define ?

3)what factors are important in achieving happine

version 79

task1: the flat u rent caught a small fire.让你跟房东说明当时情况你有什么东西损坏了需要房东做什么阐述过程;列you lost 详细物品;

task2: some family sent their children to foreign country for education purpose.请谈一下优缺点何时是留学最佳年龄

version 67

写作一个是抱怨住得附近你家对面有一个小公园有年轻人老让自己得狗随便跑危险向council 投诉you live in a house opposite to a small park.every evening a young man bring 2 large dogs and let them free.write a letter to the city council and describe the situation, tell them it is dangerous and reason.then tell them what action should be done.

第二个是说青年如何选择自己得职业应该听谁的意见从那里寻找信息谈谈你的看法 how to decide future career

what is the important

young people choose career, whose opinion and what kind of information do you think important? give reasons and examples.

version 25

task1 因为没能去旅游所以索要旅行保险explain 类型

task2 中学生17 岁前应该先学尽量多的general subjects 然后再学习special subject agree or disagree?

version 68

task 1 you took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant.write a letter to the newspaper to tell about it, describ the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit.

task 2.choose an invertion, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life.are the changes all poitive or negative? 并提出例子或你的经历来说明.

version 71/14

task 1 给一个depart store 写信应聘工作说明你为什么写这封信你的资历应聘什么职位

write a letter to apply a position in a local department store; include: what position? your experience and related ability?

task 在世纪奥林匹克运动存在没有意义年以后应该停止举行奥林匹克运动会task2 题目有点怪有人说oylmpic game 不再有什么地位2004 年将是最后一次同意与否

someone think that olympic games will not play a role in 21st century, and think the 2004 game should be the last one.agree or disagree?


6.3.1 you have transfered to another university for a couple of days; please write to your friend to tell them something about your new university and your life there; and, why do you choose to transfer to this university;

6.3.2 nowadays, more and more people don\'t wear their national clothes, and they are forgetting their culture and their history; so, people should wear their traditional clothes everyday.give your opinion


1.you bought audio caette player in a store.but just after one week, you found it broken down the store did not want to give you a new one as replacement .so you write to the manufacturer about this problem of the player and the store and ask them to replace a new one

2.( about computer games): children spend a lot of time playing computer games.many parents point out that computer games have little educational value.so children should be prevented from computer games


task1 write a letter to complain the seating, the staff and the late about the local train service.to the manager and what is your advice.

task2 there are lots of difficulties for the new students at the first day in the high school/college

because they feel very alone.what are the difficulties they will face on the first day? what can the school and college do to solve these problems?


1 举办一个家庭聚会邀请一个老朋友参加告诉他为什么要举办party 都有什么内容为什么他的到来很重要

2 电视的作用比其他现代发明物在提高人民生活质量上要强的多你是否同意这种观点

version 66

task 1 写信给restaurant 要求一房间给朋友办birthday party 时间有什么其他要求包括人数时间要求等

task2 teengers spending too much time on watching tv affect thrie human relationship your opinion 每周花40 小时在television and video 上而只有8 小时在与家人交流上有人说这影响了他们能力

version 63 (南京9.22)

task 1:你发现电话帐单错了,写信给电话公司




task2: 现在有很多二十岁以下的青年去上学或工作,你怎么看待这种sudden independence,同意不同意

version 46

task1: you stay with a local family when you attended a training program in new zerland.you returned to your home country in a hurry and found that you had left your laptop computer in the family.write a letter to the family, thanking them for their hospitality.describe your computer and where it is and ask the host to send it back to you.

task 2: some say that it is good for children to stay away from their families and go to boarding school.others say that children had better live with their families and attend a day school.what do you think about it?

version 80

task1 去一个地方旅游回来向一个英国朋友介绍情况建议他带什么东西

task2 不同工作的人应该有相同的假期吗

task 1: you have been to a place and your friend also will go to the same place, write a letter to your friend, discribe that place, give some advice.

task 2: do you think people do different jobs they should have different time holiday, are you agree or disagree, give your reason and explain.公司里做不同工作的人有不同的假期是不是所有的雇员应该有同样的假期不管他们做什么工作你的观念给出原因举例子


task1 你和你哥原本打算去度假因为哥哥有事不能去写封信给朋友邀请他去解释原因并告知度假的详情嘱咐他要带的东西

task2 许多商场和家庭中装了电视录象设备有人认为是侵犯隐私有人认为安全更重要你的观点

task1 你订了一个假期原定和你弟弟一起去但是他突然有事不能去要你写信给你的一个朋友介绍一下情况要求他和你去并介绍行程安排以及他要带的东西

task2 现在很多商店和家庭按照摄像监视系统但是有许多人反对阐明你的观点并结合例子加以说明


task 1 的内容你是一个外国留学生你对现在的公寓不满你去申请一个在学校住的位置

task 2 的内容是教育问题现在对孩子的教育是业余时间多学习有教育意义的东西有的家长认为不能对孩子施加太多的压力你怎么认为dicu

task1 是讲你到一个英语国家学习住在租的房子想搬到the college hall of resident 写信introduce yourself, explain your situation and why do you want to move.

task2 更容易some people say that children should spend their leisures time in edacational activeities.some people believe it is danerous to put presure on children.describe these two sides

version 53

task1 你收到了暑期打工的报酬但是比答应的报酬少请你给单位的经理写一封信写明 l 说明你的工作内容和工作了多长时间

2 解释所发生的问题

3 提出你的解决要求

task2 在一些国家父母可以体罚孩子而在另一些国家这样的行为是违法的结合实际情况谈


version 78

task 1

you r going to london to take a training course for a month.pls write a letter tothe local accomodation agency to prepare a flat for u.u should tell him ur information, ur requirement, when u would arrive.

task 2

today\'s parents spend too little time staying with their children and use television to make their children keep quiet.explain the reason and results by using ur relevant expierence.

version 11

task 1 is a reference letter for your friend to work with foreign teenagers.describe his or her character and why you recommend her.

i think, if you practice more writing before the test, especial those topics that are given by jiahua, writing will not be a big problem.

task 2 in most part of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate.in the form of an aignment, discu about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and poible solutions.this one is among the 15 topics that jiahua has laid emphasis on (no31)



Li Hua

(一)低碳生活:现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。提示词语:be good for,everyone,ride a bike,think,make a difference,environment,suggest,reuse 启,总说低碳生活对于每个人。 Low-carbon life is good for everyone.承分说自己对于低碳的身体力行事例To help with the environment,1 I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car.2 Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the claroom.转I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life.And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment.So I suggest we should reuse books as long as poible.And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes.If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place.

(二)保护环境:从2008年6月1日起,国家将禁止商家免费提供塑料袋,掀起全国“拒塑”的环保运动。假如你是李华,准备以“What Can We Do for the Environment”为题,写一篇保护环境的英语演讲稿。 内容包含:1.在购物时用布袋子替代塑料袋;

2.尽可能地再利用使用过的课本;3.离开教室应关灯; 4.最好走路或骑自行车上学; 5.简述理由:保护环境,减少污染,节约能源等

注意:1.词数:80词左右。开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.可根据要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.文章中不能出现真实姓名和校名,否则以零分处理。 3.参考词汇:布袋子cloth bag塑料袋plastic bag保护protect能源energy污染pollution课本textbook参考作文:

What Can We Do for the Environment

Hello, everyone.I’m Li Hua.It’s nice to speak about what we can do for the environment, and I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem.The first thing we can do is to use cloth bags in stead of plastic bags when we go shopping.It helps to protect the environment.The second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as poible as we can.We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the clarooms in order to save energy.What’s more, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school.We should try our best reduce pollution and waste.In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment.I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.Thank you for your listening!

(三).环境问题:今天环境变得越来越糟糕,环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重..........,如何保护我们的环境?请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重



4.白色垃圾等。要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右。

How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today . Water is polluted ,we have no clean water to drink Many trees are being cut down, some animals are getting le and le.Some factories are pouring dirty air in the sky , the population is increasing faster and faster ,resources are getting le and le„etc.Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future.People’s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution.Many people died of diseases.In order to live a better life, we need protect our world.

We shouldn\'t throw away rubbish everywhere.We should recycle ,reduce and reuse things .Don’t waste things ,This saves money and reduces pollution.Use things for as long as poible. We don’t use plastic bags .We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world is more and more beautiful .

(四).为了保护地球有限的资源,我们应该采取什么措施呢?请根据下面的提示写一篇约80词的短文,短文开头已经给出。提示词;1.save water, the source of life , protect drinking water, stop polluting, make full use of it;2.save electricity, crucial, turn off, other electric machines;3.save forests, useful ,stop cutting down;4.recycle useful rubbish, save resources 参考作文:Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them, something must be done.Save water.Water is the source of life.No water, no life.So it’s very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.Save electricity.It is crucial.We can’t imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity.Don’t forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.Save forests.They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead.Make our world a green one to live in.Recycle useful rubbish.Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans, paper, bottles, and so on.We can save resources in this way.














雅思G类作文书信经典范文:投诉信(1)....................................................2 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:投诉信(2)....................................................4 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:问询信(3)....................................................6 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:问询信(4)....................................................8 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:推荐信(5)..................................................10 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:推荐信(6)..................................................12 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:建议信(7)..................................................15 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:建议信(8)..................................................17 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:申请信(9)..................................................19 雅思G类作文书信经典范文:请求信(10) ................................................21

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:投诉信(1) 题目:

A night club just opened near where you live.You are very unhappy about the situation because it disturbs the peace of the neighborhood.Write a letter to your local government official.Say who you are and explain why you are unhappy and suggest what should be done about it.(投诉信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to expre my diatisfaction with the horrible situation I have been faced with recently.



I’m a resident of Rose Park on St.Johnson Street.I had been enjoying my life since I moved here five years ago.However, a nightclub recently opened right acro the street from my apartment block has completely changed everything.我是一个居住在圣约翰逊街玫瑰花园的居民。自从五年前搬到这里我的生活一直很愉快。然而,最近我的公寓对街开了一个夜总会完全改变了一切。

To begin with, the club itself is very unsightly.It has blackened windows with sexually explicit pictures displayed on the outside, which I find extremely offensive.Also, the noise level during the early hours of the morning is so intense that it has really disturbed my sleep.Consequently, I find that I am unable to concentrate fully on my job, as I am often too tired.

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I work as a surgeon in the local hospital; therefore, I am sure you can see the gravity of my complaint.Indeed, the consequences of my making any mistake due to my lack of sleep can be very serious indeed.


I understand that, as a member of the local government, you have the power to close the club down.Neverthele, I know very clearly that people need to make a living and I would not like to be responsible for people losing their jobs.Hence, if you could please ensure that the offensive pictures are removed, and the noise level is kept to a minimum level, I would be more than satisfied.


I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Kenny Gao 期盼得到您的答复。


Kenny Gao

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:投诉信(2) 题目:

You have recently made a purchase from the local department store.However, when you arrived home, you found a fault with it.Write a letter to the manager, say what the product is, explain the problem and say what you’d like to be done about it.(投诉信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to complain about the recent purchase of a woolen sweater from your department store on Philip Street, on August 25, 2007.


我写此信是要就我 2007年8月25日从你们在菲利普大街上的商店里购买的一件羊毛衫进行投诉的。

I recently washed the sweater in cool water, as per the instructions on the label.However, when I removed it from the machine, the garment was stretched out of shape and no longer fits.


I phoned the store last Tuesday (June 21) and spoke to the department manager, a Mr.Morris, who was rather rude on the phone and informed me that I could not get a replacement sweater as it was purchased at a reduced price.I felt really upset, for I have been a loyal customer of your store for many years and until this incident, never have had any complaints.I, therefore, feel disappointed to be treated in such a manner.

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I would, however, be perfectly satisfied if you would kindly replace the sweater or refund my money, whichever is more convenient.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours truly,

Kenny Gao



Kenny Gao

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You wish to immigrate to a country but are not sure about the requirements and application procedure.Write a letter to the immigration officer of this country to ask about, say who you are and explain your qualifications and experience.(问询信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to receive information regarding the immigration procedures to Canada.亲爱的先生、女士:


I am 34 years old and am currently working as senior mechanical engineer at ABC Tech Company in Shanghai.I hold a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree from Shanghai Tongji University.I am married and my wife will be having our first child this coming autumn.


I have been considering immigrating to Canada for quite some time and would like to know if my qualifications and work experience make me eligible to apply.I have enclosed my resume as well as a bank statement of my current financial status and my English proficiency level.


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I’d also like to know if my wife and I can make one application, or whether we’ll have to apply separately.In addition, if you could send me information regarding permanent residence in Canada, I’d be most grateful.


I look forward to receiving the information at your earliest convenience.

Yours truly,

Kenny Gao



Kenny Gao

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:问询信(4) 题目:

You are going to an overseas university to study.Write a letter to the university asking about accommodation and airport pickup.(问询信)


Dear Ms.Morris,

I’m writing to inquire about some information regarding accommodation at your university and the airport pickup iue.



I’m a mature, female student and would prefer, as far as poible, to share some accommodation with other mature female students, preferably in a quiet location.However, I have no objection to living on campus as long as it is quiet enough for me to study.I’m also a non-smoker and would prefer to share with other non-smokers although this is a preference rather than a request.


I will arrive in London on August 26 from Shanghai and would be very grateful if you could send someone to pick me up or, at the least, send me the details of how to get to the university by myself from London Heathrow Airport, as this will be my first time to the UK.

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我将于 8月26日从上海抵达伦敦,如果您能安派一下接机,或者至少给我发一下如何从伦敦海斯陆机场前往学校的具体细节,我将万分感激,因为这将是我初次到英国。

I’m looking forward to receiving your reply and meeting you in person in September.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Gao



Susan Gao

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:推荐信(5) 题目:

Someone you know well is applying to a university abroad.Write a recommendation letter for him, say how you got to know him and why he is worth your recommendation.(推荐信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to recommend to you the outstanding personality and the super ability for learning of Mr.Robert Jiang.



I got to know Mr.Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British literature to a cla of English majors in which he was a student.His excellent performances on several occasions such as group discuions and open debate really took me by great surprise.Never had I met a young student speaking English so fluently and accurately.His insight into British literature as a whole as well as the perspectives he cut into the analysis of characters in the literature aroused my great curiosity about his first-cla and unique capability of doing research work.Later on, upon his completion of the Bachelor degree, he moved on to pursue his study for a Master’s degree in the same field of study and I was very lucky to be his supervisor.Mr.Jiang has always been an honest person.He is very friendly to people and is very easy-going.Many of his clamates have mentioned on different occasions about how helpful he was to them and to which I simply cannot agree more.


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Now Mr.Jiang is applying to your prestigious university for a chance to continue his Ph.D research.I hope you’ll find he is just as good as I’m now recommending him to be.And should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail addre:……


Truly yours

Kenny Gao


Kenny Gao

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:推荐信(6) 题目:

You are asked to write a recommendation letter for someone you know well.Say who you are, how you got to know him or her, and why he or she is worth your recommendation.(推荐信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to recommend to you the outstanding personality of Mi Jiang Junlei.



I got to know Mi Jiang in 2002 while I was giving a placement test to a group of candidates who applied to our daytime English Intensive Training Program.It happened that she was in the group and she impreed me greatly with her friendly and lovely smile throughout the test.In the following year, while I was organizing a summer camp program with the participation of about 600 high school students coming from all parts of China, I immediately thought of her.The reason was very simple: she is kind, friendly, patient, helpful and loving, thus well suiting a position as cla teacher.Besides, she had some experience in hospital nursing which made my choice of her more reasonable and she proved to me as well as to all my colleagues at the camp that my decision was just too perfect.In fact, I was quite surprised by her interpersonal communication skills with both the students and their parents though she was very young herself at the time.


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After the summer camp, she told me that she would go to either Britain or Ireland to study for her bachelor’s degree.I wished her all the best and there she went.We have kept in touch regularly since then through e-mails.Last May, when she broke for the summer vacation, she came to my new department, Onlytoya IELTS &TOEFL Training Centre, to help me with some management and student consulting work.She drafted three cooperation agreements for me, wrote a dozen articles that we used on our website, gave numerous placement tests to our students, and gave an open lecture on studying and living in Ireland to about 400 Toya students.She was very well accepted by all Toya staff members and our students as well and became, indeed, an indispensable aistant to me.Something well worth mentioning from my academic perspective as profeor in English linguistics and American literature is that her English was fluent and accurate, which convinced me that she is all quick to learn anything new.She told me that she often helps do quite some organization work at her university and at the Chinese Embay in Ireland and had done a lot of traveling in Europe.Obviously, these experiences have greatly broadened her vision and enriched her life, making such a valuable aet in every field of work she is going to perform.


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All in all, it is both my pleasure and honor to write this recommendation letter for Mi Jiang and I guarantee the truthfulne of all that I have said about her.


Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact me either by e-mail or phone at the following addre and number:……


Truly yours

Kenny Gao


Kenny Gao

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:建议信(7) 题目:

A hotel you stayed in recently asked guests to write to the manager and suggest ways in which they could improve their service.Write a letter to the manager, explain who you are, say what you liked about the hotel, and suggest ways in which they could be improved.(建议信)


Dear Manager,

I’m writing in response to your invitation to guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.



I was a guest at your hotel last month and I found that the level of customer service was excellent.Indeed, every member of your staff, from the manager to the room-cleaning maid, was, without exception, extremely polite and helpful.The standard of the rooms was far beyond what I had expected.


However, I found that the hotel restaurant stopped serving breakfast at 8:30am.As I was on holiday, I would have liked to take my breakfast at around 9:30, thus I was unable to do so.I also spoke to several other guests who expreed the same disappointment.In addition, I feel that if you could

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supply newspapers in Chinese, the quality of stay for Chinese speakers, of whom the number has been on a steady rise in the past few years, would be considerably enhanced.


I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in your constant improvement of your overall service.


Looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Kenny Gao



Kenny Gao

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:建议信(8) 题目:

You have a friend who is about to enter university and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize in.He is very interested in history, but computer science offers better job prospects.Write a letter to give him some advices.(建议信)


Dear Jack,

You have asked me for my advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university and now I am trying to give you some useful suggestions.



You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career.Therefore, your first consideration should be to study a subject which will best equip you to earn a living.There is no doubt that the field of computer offers far wider job opportunities than history.


Besides, we are now in the age of a Hi-tech revolution.In the foreseeable future, not only will it be neceary for everyone to be computer-literate, it will also be neceary for him to be equipped with computer skills

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merely to earn a living! History, I’m afraid, however fascinating it may be, offers few career prospects.


Of course, you don’t have to devote all your time at university to studying computers and nothing else.On the contrary, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time.In that way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you prepare yourself for a worthwhile career in computers.


Hope you find these suggestions useful in helping you make your decision.


Yours sincerely,

Kenny Gao


Kenny Gao

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:申请信(9) 题目:

You have seen a job advertised in your local newspaper.Write a letter of application.Introduce yourself and give details of your experience and say why you’d like the job.(申请信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in Chicago News daily for a librarian on Monday, Aug.23.


我是看到你们 8月23日星期一在《芝加哥新闻日报》上招聘图书管理员的广告后才写此信的。

I graduated with a Master’s degree in telecommunications in 1992 and began my career at California State University as a young teacher.In 2002, I was promoted to aociate profeor and Deputy Director of the Department of Telecom Engineering.


In the past ten years, I have been actively involved in academic researches and have published several articles in “Telecom Now”, “Engineering Research” and “Telecom Strategies”.I also teach marketing strategies on a part-time basis at the university.

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However, my husband has recently been relocated to Chicago by his company and I am, therefore, seeking a position in the same area in Chicago.


I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from California State University.


Please give me a feedback at your earliest convenience if my qualifications meet your requirements.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Sue Huang



Sue Huang

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雅思G类作文书信经典范文:请求信(10) 题目:

You have lost your credit card.Write a letter to the bank manager, explain where and how you lost it and any other relevant details.Ask the manager to cancel the old card and send you a replacement one.(请求信)


Dear Sir,

I am writing to confirm the lo of my credit card.I telephoned your office earlier today.



The details of my card are as follows.It is a Master-card in the name of Kenny Gao.The credit card number is 3241 3578 6688.I have had it since 1999.This card is valid from 1999 to 2008.

我那张卡的细节如下:这是一张万事达卡,户名是Kenny Gao,号码是3241 3578 6688,我从1999年到现在一直在用着它,其有效期是1999-2008。

I lost the card yesterday (September 8, 2006) at about 10:30 in the morning.The only time I used the card that day was to buy a pair of sports shoes at Carrefour on Jinqiao Road.By accident, I left the card at the cashier’s, but the shop aistants there could not find the card.

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Could you please cancel my card immediately and make the neceary arrangements to iue me with a replacement card? I can be contacted at the following addre: Room 201, No.32, 555 Lane, Huashan Road.Should you ever wish to call me, here is my number: 123456789.


Thank you for your aistance.I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully,

Kenny Gao


Kenny Gao

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Recently the problem of protecting the environment has been brought into focus.With the rapid development of economy, the surroundings of us become severe.

Nowadays PM2.5 and other problems has become a problem we have to see.As is known to us that once the balance in nature is disturbed, it can lead to unpredictable results.Many factors that contribute to it.Firstly, merchants only pay attention to profit.So we should protect the environment and coordinated economic development.Secondly, the cars in China increasingly raise.We all know off gas can pollute air deeply.So we should suggest people that go to work by bike or bus.Thirdly, wasting water and exceively cutting down trees is increasingly common.I think we should suppose environmental protection knowledge.We should spare no effort to protect our environment.

Only in this way can we solve pollution problems.I believe nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets the mind to it.


关于英语环保作文 1) It’s our duty to save water.As we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is le and le.But some people don’t care about it .(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life.(日常生活中他们浪费很多水。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(他们排放污水到河流里。) They throw rubbish into rivers , too.(他们还乱扔垃圾到河流里)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(受到严重污染。) Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily.。) If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)

2) Planting trees

Trees are very helpful and important for us.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.(为了将来我们的生活过得更好、更加健康我们应该种更多的树。)It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.(爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。)

3)、近日,你班在“知荣明耻” “八荣八耻大家谈”教育活动中,召开了一次关于学生荣辱观的主题班会。存在的问题

1.不尊敬老师、家长等。2.学习散漫、考试作弊等。3.乱扔垃圾、污损环境等等。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您

Recently we have held a cla meeting to discu what is

considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful.(最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。)It is really a pity to see all this in our school.Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents.(不尊敬老师和父母)Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams.Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment .It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our cla and study hard.(关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣)It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to

make little effort to achieve succe.(违反学校纪律、自私骄傲)We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.(我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人)We should work hard and make much more progre to repay the society.我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会We should try our best to keep the environment clean。(我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境。)

4)环保问题(environmental matter)

The environmental matter is a hot topic nowadays.Not only does it affect our health, it also has a great impact on our future.Due to lacking of environmental concepts, people\'s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution.In order to live a better life, we need a cleaner world.We should now be concerned for environment by creating a better future for our next generation.

In conclusion, the environmental matter is an important iue that directly affects very human in the world!

5)、缙云山是重庆著名的游览胜地,每天有大量的游客。请你根据下面提供的信息写一篇报道,说明现在的游客在环境保护方面的变化。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

写作要求: 1.词数在100左右。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

2.条理清楚,语句通顺。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

3.开头已写好,但不计入总词数。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网


Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.


:Man and His Environment(人和环境)

Man and His Environment

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.

However, man\'s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.The pollution of water is equally harmful.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifele.

Now environmental protection is more preing than ever before.As we know, maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.Indifference to these problems will mean

committing suicide.Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve environment.Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.人和环境





Water pollution 水源污染

Water is used in homes, in farming, and in manufacturing.The water used by the people comes from oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams.Many water sources are becoming polluted.People are throwing things into the water.Factories are dumping waste materials into the water.Cities are dumping sewage into the water.Some water sources have become so badly polluted that the water cannot be made fit to use.Would you like to drink water that came from a source that had been so badly mistreated? Now is the time that we should take up our responsibility to protect our environment from being polluted.


Jinyun Mountain is a famous place of interest.Every day a lot of tourists come here to enjoy its beauty.But a few years ago,some of them paid no attention to protecting the environment.They threw their rubbish,such as plastic bags,fruit skins and waste paper on the ground.Sometimes they broke trees,picked flowers and killed birds.Some even made fires in the woods to cook food.How dangerous it was.Luckily,great changes have taken place here.Tourists are used to putting their rubbish into dustbins,and they are doing their best to protect the birds and plants as well.They bring their own meals instead of cooking to prevent starting a forest fire in the mountains.All these changes make us very happy.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees and air pollution,water polloution is very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.Let’s protect our environment!

7)、保护我们的城市(Saving Our City)

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly.Or it may cause a lot of problems.It may pollute the air and water.People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city has started to face the problem.Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place .Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air.Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere.We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.

8)、保卫地球(Saving the Earth)

As time goes by, man is making the earth sick.People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere.Factories let out their waste without doing anying to it .This has cause some serious problems.Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is le clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising.What should we do to save the earth ? My suggestion is that we should plant more trees, put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories pouring waste directly into the air or rivers.In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.

9)、如何保护环境(How to Protect the Environment)

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit .To improve the environment means to improve our life.We should plant more trees and flowers around us .We shouldn’t cut them down .We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins.Never spit in public.Don’t draw on public walls.It’s our duty to protect the environment.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees.Air pollution and water polloution are very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work..Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.


关于英语环保作文 1) It’s our duty to save water.As we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is le and le.But some people don’t care about it .(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life.(日常生活中他们浪费很多水。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(他们排放污水到河流里。) They throw rubbish into rivers , too.(他们还乱扔垃圾到河流里)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(受到严重污染。) Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily.。) If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)

2) Planting trees

Trees are very helpful and important for us.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.(为了将来我们的生活过得更好、更加健康我们应该种更多的树。)It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.(爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。)

3)、近日,你班在“知荣明耻” “八荣八耻大家谈”教育活动中,召开了一次关于学生荣辱观的主题班会。存在的问题1.不尊敬老师、家长等。2.学习散漫、考试作弊等。3.乱扔垃圾、污损环境等等。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您

Recently we have held a cla meeting to discu what is

considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful.(最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。)It is really a pity to see all this in our school.Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents.(不尊敬老师和父母)Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams.Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment .It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our cla and study hard.(关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣)It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to

make little effort to achieve succe.(违反学校纪律、自私骄傲)We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.(我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人)We should work hard and make much more progre to repay the society.我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会We should try our best to keep the environment clean。(我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境。)

4)环保问题(environmental matter)

The environmental matter is a hot topic nowadays.Not only does it affect our health, it also has a great impact on our future.Due to lacking of environmental concepts, people\'s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution.In order to live a better life, we need a cleaner world.We should now be concerned for environment by creating a better future for our next generation.

In conclusion, the environmental matter is an important iue that directly affects very human in the world!

5)、缙云山是重庆著名的游览胜地,每天有大量的游客。请你根据下面提供的信息写一篇报道,说明现在的游客在环境保护方面的变化。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

写作要求: 1.词数在100左右。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

2.条理清楚,语句通顺。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

3.开头已写好,但不计入总词数。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。 Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.


:Man and His Environment(人和环境)

Man and His Environment

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.

However, man\'s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.The pollution of water is equally harmful.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifele.

Now environmental protection is more preing than ever before.As we know, maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.Indifference to these problems will mean committing suicide.Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve environment.Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.人和环境





Water pollution 水源污染

Water is used in homes, in farming, and in manufacturing.The water used by the people comes from oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams.Many water sources are becoming polluted.People are throwing things into the water.Factories are dumping waste materials into the water.Cities are dumping sewage into the water.Some water sources have become so badly polluted that the water cannot be made fit to use.Would you like to drink water that came from a source that had been so badly mistreated? Now is the time that we should take up our responsibility to protect our environment from being polluted.


Jinyun Mountain is a famous place of interest.Every day a lot of tourists come here to enjoy its beauty.But a few years ago,some of them paid no attention to protecting the environment.They threw their rubbish,such as plastic bags,fruit skins and waste paper on the ground.Sometimes they broke trees,picked flowers and killed birds.Some even made fires in the woods to cook food.How dangerous it was.Luckily,great changes have taken place here.Tourists are used to putting their rubbish into dustbins,and they are doing their best to protect the birds and plants as well.They bring their own meals instead of cooking to prevent starting a forest fire in the mountains.All these changes make us very happy.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees and air pollution,water polloution is very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.

Let’s protect our environment!

7)、保护我们的城市(Saving Our City)

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly.Or it may cause a lot of problems.It may pollute the air and water.People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city has started to face the problem.Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place .Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air.Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere.We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.

8)、保卫地球(Saving the Earth)

As time goes by, man is making the earth sick.People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere.Factories let out their waste without doing anying to it .This has cause some serious problems.Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is le clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising.What should we do to save the earth ? My suggestion is that we should plant more trees, put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories pouring waste directly into the air or rivers.In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.

9)、如何保护环境(How to Protect the Environment)

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit .To improve the environment means to improve our life.We should plant more trees and flowers around us .We shouldn’t cut them down .We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins.Never spit in public.Don’t draw on public walls.It’s our duty to protect the environment.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees.Air pollution and water polloution are very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work..Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.

11)、[人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。 ]

Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.



雄伟的山峰,广袤的原野,欢快的溪流,深沉的海洋,都会引起我们深思,鸟语虫鸣,花开花落,都 会引起我们的遐想。亲近、感受、热爱这个自然世界,您就会感受到生活的美好。







6岁了,奶奶送给我一个大风筝,看着其他小朋友都被爸爸妈妈抱着,手捧着一个个大风筝去实现自己的飞翔梦,我也撒娇地缠着爸爸放风筝,却不丁换来一句\"没长眼睛啊?没看到我正忙吗?滚一边去!\"我难过极了, 屈极了,一边哭,一边独自走到一旁的空地。

看 着小伙伴们和他们的爸爸妈妈灿烂的笑脸,我停止了哭泣。来吧,让我也享受一下这快乐的滋味吧!于是,我拿着风筝线狂奔,看着风筝从地上层慢跃过我的头顶, 我自豪极了---不料被脚下的一块小石子绊倒---鲜血、翻着的皮肉混着泥沙,既疼痛又难看。我不觉哭了起来。现在想来,那时的情形无论是谁看到或许都会 生出些怜惜之情来吧?

8岁了,我上了小学。老师说下次活动课让我们放风筝!我又兴奋又害怕----会有小朋友和我一起放吗?如果又是我一个人,那该多丢人啊! \"不怕一万,只怕万一\",干脆先跟同学叶叶约好,让她陪我一起放风筝。




幼 小的我,脑海里还不曾有\"羞愧\"一词,但那时的情景或许只有\"羞愧\" 才能准确传达吧----我的风筝很小,上面只凌乱地涂着三条单调的颜色,远不及她们手中的猫头鹰风筝来得好看。算了,不要再在这里丢人了,还是走吧!没有 她,我的风筝一样能飞得很高,尽管我只是一个人。这个时候,自我安慰似乎是我唯一的出路。


10 岁了,春天的芬芳气息和悦耳的鸟啼吸引着我。我仍旧一个人拿着风筝奔向大自然的怀抱。今天的风,和照而温柔----或许,上天也会眷顾执 著的女孩吧?我终于在这里帮助风筝实现了飞翔的梦,它在高高的天空望着我---小,却极可爱。远方会不会有人发出这样的感叹\"这是谁放的风筝 啊?飞得好高!\"



今天,我早已如我的风筝一样,在心灵的天空里,和许许多多朋友们一起 飞得很高很高,但那片来自心灵空间的美丽风景,却灵动地镑刻在我心底的 幕墙之上„„




成长为主要意旨来演绎\"留在心底的风景\"这个题目,使情感在\"我\"的独白中得以巧妙释放,形象地剖析了成长路上应该如何释放孤僻心理的深刻 命题。

其 次是借明晰的线嗦体现构思的新巧O文章叙事的线索非常明晰,既有 6岁\"、\"8岁\"、\"10岁\"等构成的时间线索,也有以\"风筝\"这一媒介巧妙串 联的心路历程。但\"风筝\"又仅是联系故事和人物情感的诗意媒介,在\"孤 独\"的自我锤炼之中不断地走向成熟,才是考生发自心底的倾诉。

第三是以首尾巧妙的点题呼应来体现文章结构严谨的O文章以\"留在心 底的风景\"起,又以\"那片来自心灵空间的美丽风景\"收,前者点题,后者既点 题又点睛,全文结构严谨而又清新自然。


















不觉中,我的脸颊也开始微微发烫。 环顾四周,不知何时出现了那一老一少。老妇人坐在轮椅上,目光呆滞。手扶轮椅柄的女孩也不过十四五岁。老人微倾着头,看得出来在仔细捕捉女孩的每一句话。




















常考八类典型句子: 环保

1.It\'s our duty to protect our environment。

2.It is very important to take care of our environment

3.We should not throw litter onto the ground

4.We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees

5.We should plant more flowers and trees。

6.We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin

7.If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become

much more beautiful。

8.As we all know now, the earth is like our mother.

9.Once she was beautiful and rich, but she has become dirty and poor.

10.She gives life to all the living things on the earth, beautiful and balanced nature.

11.Droughts(旱灾), floods, acid rain(酸雨).These are the punishment from nature.

12.We should treat our earth like mother.

13.It „s our duty to do something to cure her, love her, and take care of her so that we can

save the earth and save ourselves.

14.The environmental matter is a hot topic nowadays.Not only does it affect our health, it also has a great impact on our future.

15.People‟s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution.In order

to live a better life, we need a cleaner world.

16.Good environment can make people feel happy and fit.

17.To improve the environment means to improve our life.

18.Whenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into dustbins.

一、Pollution around us

In recent years our life is becoming better and better.But our environment is becoming

worse and worse.It‟s very bad for our life.Now many people have air-conditioners and cars,

they produce (give off) waste gas.More and more trees are being cut down.There is so much

sand on the earth (leaving only sand).We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes.

Water in the river is quite dirty.We haven‟t enough clean water to drink in cities.Now we are

in danger.It‟s very neceary and important to protect the environment well.I think if

everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more

beautiful, and our life will be better and better.

二、Save the Earth)

As time goes by, man is making the earth sick.People cut down too many trees and

leave rubbish everywhere.Factories let out their waste without doing anything to it.This has

caused some serious problems.Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is le

clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising.What should we do to save the earth? My

suggestion is that we should plant more trees, put rubbish into dustbins and stop factories

pouring waste directly into the air or rivers.In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.三、Save the earth

How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world.It’s our duty to protect our environment.No matter where we live, we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy.We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling.We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields.We shouldn‟t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places.We mustn‟t pick the flowers or step on the gra in public.If everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better.四、How to Protect the Environment / Make our world more beautiful !

Protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to humans.It’s our duty to take care of the nature around us.Animals and plants are our best friends, and we should share the world with them.We shouldn‟t kill wild animals, and we must protect forests because they are animals‟ home.We must plant more trees and gra; they can make the world greener.The more beautiful the world is, the happier lives we will have.Let’s do our best to make the world beautiful.

六、保护我们的城市(Save Our City)

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly.Or it may cause a lot of problems.It may pollute the air and water.People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city has started to face the problem.Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place .Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air.Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere.We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.七、Keep our school clean

We are studying in this school.It is our duty to keep it clean and tidy.It is not good to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the cla.We shouldn‟t leave rubbish here and there.Don‟t draw pictures on the wall; they influence the look of our school.We should keep the claroom clean and tidy.And we should do some cleaning often.If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure our school will be more beautiful.

(2009山东东营)现在环境变得越来越差。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活。而我们的工作,生活,生产又使环境污染越来越严重.....如何保护我们的环境?请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。

提示: 存在问题: 1.水污染和大气污染越来越严重 2.森林被破坏和砍伐


要求 : 如何改善/保护环境? 至少3---4个方面, 80词左右。

How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is more and more serious today.We have no clean water to drink because of water pollution.And when trees are cut down, some animals disappear.There is more and more dirty smoke in the air.People\'s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution.Many people died of diseases.In order to live a better life, it’s time for us to protect our world.

Firstly, we shouldn‟t throw away rubbish everywhere.And we should recycle, reduce and reuse things, for this saves money and reduces pollution.Use things for as long as poible.Don‟t use plastic bags.Also, we must plant more trees and stop people cutting them .We hope our world is more and more beautiful.


1.It‟s our duty to save water(节约水是我们每个人的责任。)

2.As we know , water is very important to man, (我们知道,水对人类来说是非常的重要。)

3.We can‟t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存。)

4.The amount of water which is suitable to drink is le and le.(适合人类喝的水是越来越少了。)

5.But some people don‟t care about it .(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)

6.They waste a lot of water in their daily life.(日常生活中他们浪费很多水。)

7.Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(更糟糕的是他们排放污水到河流里。

8.They throw rubbish into rivers, too.(他们还乱扔垃圾到河流理去。)

9.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(很多河流湖泊已经受到严重污染。)

10.Something must be done to stop the pollution.(人类必须采取一些措施来制止污染。)

11.Only in this way can we live happily.(只有这样,我们才过得幸福开心。)

12.If we don‟t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)

一、The importance of water

Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important.We can live without food for many days, but two or three days without water, usually makes people die.

However, not all of people understand this.They keep throwing rubbish into the rivers or lakes.Some factories even pour waste water into the river.As a result, many rivers and lakes have become so dirty that the water is no longer safe for people to drink.

Let’s do our best to keep the water clean to save ourselves.


Water is very important for our life.Every day we use water to drink, too cook and to wash.Water is neceary for all plants.They need water to grow.People can’t live without water.Plants will die without water.It is important to all living things.However, many people pollute lakes and rivers with waste water, so we must stop some people or some factories from wasting water or polluting water and help keep the water clean.At the same time we should save as much water as poible.三、关于环境保护(水资源节约)的话题

Our environment is very important for our lives.We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on.In the past, there were many trees around us, the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now, people cut down many trees.Air pollution and water population are very serious.The environment around us becomes very terrible.We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second, we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.Third, we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river.Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.(2009湛江)水资源问题已成为举世瞩目的重要问题之一。联合国预计,到2025年,世界将近一半的人口会生活在缺水的地区。请以“How to Protect Water Resources”为题,写一篇英语短文,要点如下:



3、保护水资源是我们的责任。我们应该节约用水、阻止工厂往河里排放废水和倒垃 圾,并告诉人们保护水资源的重要性。



参考词汇:保护protect; 水资源water resources; 往……排放…… pour...into...;

废水waste water


How to Protect Water Resources

As we know, water is very important to us.There won‟t be lives on the earth without water.However, there are more and more factories around us and some of them poured waste water into the rivers.They made the rivers dirty and lots of fish died.Therefore, it is our duty to protect water resources.First, we should save water.For example, remember to turn off the shower while you are washing your hair.Second, we should stop the factories from pouring waste water and throwing litter into the rivers.Finally, we should tell people the importance of protecting water resources.White pollution


现状:目前中国每天消费近30亿个塑料袋,造成了严重的资源浪费和环境污染; 限塑令的意义:减少塑料袋使用量,提高公众的环保意识;


参考词汇:禁令 ban 意识 awarene 提倡 advocate

The problem of “white pollution” caused by used plastic is becoming increasingly serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role.In China about three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which results in a great waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution.Luckily, the government has put a nationwide ban on the use of free plastic bags, demanding that all stores and supermarkets not provide customers with free plastic bags after June 1.The rule will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance the awarene of environmental protection.It is highly advocated that we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets from now on.

你愿意为濒危动物做些什么呢?也许你也可以写一篇文章来介绍你所喜欢的动物,并呼吁人们行动起来保护野生动物。下面词汇会对你有些帮助:furry, smart, intelligent, fast, strong, aggreive, enormous, gentle, fun, shy, friendly, endangered, laws, zoos, feed, etc.My favourite animals are pandas.I like them very much because they are gentle and shy.They are also friendly to people.And they look funny, too.Their eyes are the most interesting part.The black circles around their eyes make them look like they are wearing glaes or have just been in a fight.Their favourite food is bamboo leaves.They don‟t like to move around very much.In fact, they prefer to sleep all day if they can.But now pandas are endangered.For one thing, people have destroyed many of their habitats.For another, they don‟t have enough food to eat.We must think of ways to protect them.I think we should build more panda zoos and plant more bamboo for them.I hope everyone can do something for animals, so that we can keep our world rich and colourful and full of interesting animals.



响水县双港小南小学六年级(2)班 许梦飞 前天下午,我在放学回家的途中看到了这一幕。


看到这里我的类心充满了气愤,那位大姐姐实在是太可恶了,竟这样对待比她小的小朋友,还有小男孩提出了她的不对,她应该知错就该而她……同学们从现在开始来保护我们的城市吧! 指导老师:陆敏祥


响水县双港小南小学六年级(2)班 邹慧敏








响水县小南小学六年级(2)班 李志芳

晚上,上床不久,朦胧之中,忽然一个声音在我耳边响 起:‚小姑娘快救救我吧,我正在遭受前所未有的伤害。‛ 声音急切而又浑厚。‚为什么要救你,你是谁呀?你在哪儿 ?‛‚我是地球老人,你跟我来吧!‛一种不可抗据的力量把我带走了。 随着地球老人的指点,我放眼望去,工厂的大烟囱正冒 着浓浓的黑烟;马路上各种车辆在大量排放尾气;陆地上到 都是各色的,肮脏极了;污浊的河水散发这刺鼻的恶臭......地 球老人继续说: ‚本来我眉清目秀,正值当年,可是你们人 类太不友好了,为了眼前的利益,做出了祸及子孙的蠢事, 把我糟踏成现在的样子。小姑娘,你年纪还小,还有许多事 你都不懂。你快点长大吧,做我的卫士好吗?‛地球老人还 在诉说着自己的遭遇。我心里嘀咕着,我还是个小学生,能 解决这么大的是吗?能抚平地球老人的心吗?我正在迟疑,不知所措。地球老人又开口了:‚小姑娘,我现在已是遍体 鳞伤,你再不帮我,我将走向死亡。到那时,整个人类也将 灭绝。‛一听到人类要灭绝,我顿时惊出一身冷汗,头脑也清醒了许多,回想着刚才与地球老人的对话,心里怏怏不乐 ,久久不能入睡。 第二天,我把昨晚的梦告诉了妈妈,妈妈安慰我,我暗 下决心,想做地球的护理员,保护我们的‚生命之船‛



响水县双港小南小学六年级(2)班 许满






指导老师 : 陆敏祥

地球的报复 响水县双港小南小学五年级(2)班 王露露







海星星为地球的遭遇伤心落泪。‚地球姐姐,我为你痛心!但愿人类能觉悟,为不再遭到报复而虐待地球地球。‛ 好好对待地球吧!


对 话

响水县双港小南小学五(2)班 林晶晶






树说: ‚其实我们也不是针对你啦!只是有些人欺‚树‛太甚。不管我们的感受,用小刀在我的身上乱刻乱画,讨厌极了!‛







响水县双港小南小学六年级(2)班 潘国一




指导老师 :杨艳艳


响水县双港小南小学四(1)班 田子娴

我本是一棵挺拔的小树,在阳光的照射和雨水的滋润下快乐地成长,茂盛的树冠,有弹性的树枝,这些都是我引以为豪的东西。每天我为人们制造了许许多多的氧气。然而,好景不长,一群小男孩看上了我附近这块‚风水宝地‛,一放学就来这儿踢足球。更要命的是,他们一来就把大包小包的东西挂在我身上。你瞧,他们又来了,这回他们给我挂上的是一个个沉甸甸的书包。他们还别出心裁地做了一个沉重的大木牌,上面写着: ‚五(1):五(3) 3:2‛。光是这些就把我压得够呛。忽然,‚横祸‛从天而降-----一个足球砸中了我的身体,顿时,一片片落叶伴着我的‚眼泪‛掉了下来。



指导老师 :杨艳艳


[ 例文] 为你•为我•为他




你惊觉了,我醒悟了,他明白了,蓝天、白云、绿树、土地是我们赖以生存的家,没有家,哪有你、我、他?蓝天、白云、绿树、土地是我们生命的支柱,没有支柱,哪有你、我、他?蓝天、白云、绿树、土地是我们希望的源泉,没有源泉,哪有你、我、他?你,在蓝天下思考;我,在绿树旁深思;他,在土地上回忆。那往日的欢乐,为何在失去时才发觉它的可贵;多么希望时光能够倒流,留住你、我、他曾拥有的快乐和希望! 轻轻地告诉你:我们只有一个地球,为你、为我、为他,保护地球,留住最美好的环境„„






“搬迁?猫头鹰先生,你真的想搬家吗?”猎鹰疑惑地问。 “是啊!我也是没办法!尽管科学家早就为我们平了反,可在这儿,仍有不少人把我们当成‘不祥之物’,用石块投,用猎枪打,我和家人整天生活在惊恐之中。”主席无奈地摇了摇头。


“爸爸,妈妈,我们也随猫头鹰伯伯搬家吧!”众小蛇嚷道。 “不错!”“不错!”“不错!”“干脆我们都搬家算了!” 众麻雀也叽叽喳喳地开了腔。“我们本是一片好心,想到田间去捉虫。人们又安假人、又下药,千方百计不让我们靠近。最近,还有人想发昧心财,把我们捉了去卖给饭店做菜。大伙儿看看,原来,我们那么庞大的家庭,如今却少得可怜了!”老麻雀说到伤心处,忍不住放声痛哭。


“其实就是没人捉,我们的同胞也越来越少了,那么多农药喷到田里,虫子没死,我们蜻蜓倒死了不少。还有的人打完药,药瓶随手扔进沟里,使我们多少亲人死于非命啊!”蜻蜓接着说。 “对!对!我们搬家!”









一幅巨大的恐龙照片下写着这样一句话:“在地球上消失了的不会适应变化的庞然大物比比皆是。”那人呢?人算是什么东西?是相对蚂蚁来说的庞然大物,还是恐龙脚下的小小蚂蚁?是我们自己所说的高级动物,还是一群其实什么也不知道的笨蛋?是我们可爱的地球的户口本上的主人,还是一群可怜的自然的奴隶?哎哟,人到底是什么东西呀! 自从人类在地球上产生,它就是个不伦不类的东西。说它是猴,可它不会在树枝间跳来跳去,说它是猿,胳膊又短了点儿,还不爱做捶胸脯的优美动作。

这种东西生来就具有破坏性,它居心叵测地制造了能毁灭一切东西的火,就像今天它制造了原子弹一样。它想尽了一切办法去攻击其它无辜的动物,悠然地穿梭于食物链的各个营养链上——只要是能吃的,什么都吃。且这种本事是一代更比一代强,如今世界上的动物除了耗子,都快成珍稀动物了,一天到晚还保护呢,停手不就得了嘛!还不要脸地说是人家动物不能适应“变化”。它无休止地在向自然索要,要她郁郁葱葱的绿色变成煮食美味的黑色木炭,要她一条条美丽的河变成污水的载体,要她蓝蓝的天空变成布满破洞的抹布,要她本来湿润平坦的地面变成陷阱样的漏斗。甚至它们还在一天一天地挖着坚硬的地球,妄想把她身体里的每一样元素都榨取出来——只要自己过得舒服。只要自己过得舒服,人这种东西愿意做一切事情,用自己老祖宗发明的工具把地球的脑袋剃得缺一块少一块,有的地方还流着脓、冒着黑烟!地球在呻吟,在叫喊,下一个消失的庞然大物会不会是地球本身呢?因为她不能适应疯狂的人类呀!据说人不在乎这回事——它们还惦记着到火星、太阳什么的上面去接着住呢!看来,人类非到把宇宙变成粉末不会停手! 人算是什么东西?我现在还是不明白。




多少个世纪中,我只是地球上一只普通的动物,整天四处奔波——为寻觅食物,也为逃避高级动物的捕杀。可是,现在,我却成了重点保护对象,被成百个高级动物侍候着。多么奇妙的事啊! 高级动物——也就是自称人类的动物,给我制作了一大片“树林”。林中有“山”、有“瀑”,有“花”、有“鸟”,还有满枝头的“果实”。可是,山不巍峨,瀑不壮观,花不芬芳,鸟不歌唱,更不用说,果实也不能吃。尽管如此,每天还是有许多人类来观赏这假林以及假林中真实的我。据说,这星球上已不存在哪怕是一小片真正的树林了,而我,已成了这星球惟一的低级动物。每当我看见人类进入“林中”后所表现出的欢欣时,我就想,若他们看见了真正的大森林,不知会有什么样的表情。




人类首先抓走了老虎,然后,成群成群地搜捕小鹿,残忍地锯下它们美丽的犄角。最让我惊惧的是人类对待我的亲人的手段。我亲眼看见:他们怎样麻利地将我的亲人的四肢缚在铁架上,怎样从容地敲开他们脑袋,怎样兴高采烈地品尝那灰白色的脑浆。老虎是为了生存捕食,人类是为了什么? 有时,我真想自绝以免惨遭毒手,可是我不能。母亲临死前,曾这样预言:“人类发迹于智慧,也将毁灭于智慧。”我要亲眼看看人类怎样走上末路。当人类千方百计延长我的寿命时,我也很积极地配合他们,到现在,我已记不清自己有多少岁了。






水,对人类有着极为重要的意义。没有水,人类将无法生存。 这个道理大家都懂,但我们大多数人并未因此而觉得水有多么珍贵。虽然在电视上见过偏远农村的贫水情况,村民们吃水得到十几里甚至几十里地外去担。滴水贵如油,绝大多数村民一辈子都不知洗澡是什么滋味。但是,对我们这些居住在城镇的人们来说,自来水一开,清水哗哗来,仿佛取之不尽,用之不竭,一吨水才几角钱,浪费一点仿佛没有什么。所以我们可以打一壶水喝不了两杯就倒掉,洗一件衣服漂上几遍十几遍,涮拖把哗哗猛冲上十分钟。尤其是公共场所,“水漫金山”无人过问,入厕洗完手水龙头不关就扬长而去,诸如此类的事情俯拾皆是。


























先污染再治理也是西方社会在发展中的剧痛,难道我们在发展中就不知道吸取他们的经验吗?难道我们也要重蹈覆辙吗? 由于发展过快,水源受污染对人类危害的事例不胜枚举,日本的“骨痛病”就属于金属污染水源所产生的重金属中毒。因为突发事件的多样性,使人们一再对于自己饮用的水持有怀疑态度,甚至怀疑害怕生产自来水过程中使水混有一些有毒气体,因而认为纯净水和矿泉水这类过纯高消费产品更利用健康。事实上生产符合国家标准的自来水不会危害人体健康,国家对此的防治措施还是有的。





当我第一次看到海的时候,还很小,浩瀚的大海使我惊叹,我心中自然而然地生出一个概念:水是源源不断的,是取之不尽,用之不竭的。 的确,在人们的印象中,水无处不在,为人们的生产、生活服务。它是工业的血液,农业的命根子,生活中最不可缺少的小助手······总之,水是我们赖以生存的宝贵财富,而且据调查,我们居住的地球还有一个别名叫“水球”,顾名思义,我们的地球上70.8%充满了水。但这么多水,其中海水就占了97%,陆地上的地面水占0.017%,其中又有一半在内海和盐湖之中。淡水的根本来源是雨露,每49年落到陆地上的水只有10.5万立方米,而这其中的2/3又被植物蒸腾或地面蒸发掉,只有1/3,即3.75万立方米的水可供人类利用。


既然如此,为什么当人们看见水龙头的自来水“哗啦哗啦”地流的时候,就总是视而不见,不愿上前一步关掉水龙头?为什么当一些人往江河海湖扔垃圾的时候,他们想不到这对水的污染有多大?为什么当工业污水“哗啦啦”地流进江河海湖时,看着 原本清澈的水变成污水时,人们并不感到痛惜?为什么当······


所以,我们要搞好水的循环利用。利用天然淡化器将海水淡化处理,这样做既环保又省钱,可以说是一举多得。 水源的问题解决了,如何用呢?人们应该多发明如“电解水分子洗衣机”等节水产品,“电解水分子洗衣机”利用电解水分子的原理,让水分子中的氧原子吸收衣服里的赃物,电解出的氢原子可以作为环保汽车的燃料,既不损害衣物纤维,又为汽车提供动力能源,还为环保事业尽了力,何乐而不为呢?





Control Poaching偷猎 Endangered species 濒危物种

Rare breeds 稀有物种 Animal breeding 饲养 Breeding programme Inbreed近亲繁殖

Zoo Conservation 动物园保护计划

Conservation program

extinct 灭绝 facing extinction captivity 笼养 capture 捕获

captive animal lover

animal rights activists 动物权利保护

fund the research研究基金

erode 腐蚀 erosion

exhaust emiion 废弃排放

traffic fume 尾气 global warming greenhouse effect be contaminated by contaminant污染

acid rain organic有机 inorganic无机 recycle 循环

genetically modified 转基因 genetically engineered biodegradable 生物降解 packaging

unleaded petrol无铅汽油 petroleum refining 提纯汽油 foil fuel 不可再生燃料 sustainable 可持续/viable /renewable


reforestation 造林 deforestation’砍伐森林 ecosystem 生态系统 ecotour生态旅游 green belt 绿化带 battery farming化学农业

conservation 保护,保存 (? conserve)v.s.conversation environmentalist = conservationist acid 酸 酸的 (<>alkali)acid rain

carbon 碳 (C) v.s.charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide fume exhaust fumesv.s.smoke, fog, smog

petroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gas ozone 臭氧 (o + zone)ozone layer ooze 渗出 渗出物

radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactive greenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gases

solar 太阳的 (solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar) phenomenon 现象

catastrophe = disaster, cataclysm deterioration 恶化 (? deteriorate) extinction 灭绝 (? extinct) species endangered species

drought 干旱 (^ “找它”)>>> famine v.s.flooding recurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rentv.s.concurrent inundate 淹没 ^ “淹掉它”

embankment 筑堤 (em + bank + ment) sediment 沉积(物)= deposit delta 三角洲the Pearl River Delta alluvial 冲积的

desertification ? desert (v.s.deert)

dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstorm barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的

dune sand dunethe game “DUNE”!

attributable 归因于be attributable to…

deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<> afforestation/reforestation log 原木,日志 伐木v.s.logo

vegetation 植物,植被v.s.vegetable, vegetarian habitat 栖息地? habit (Habit is the second nature.) ecosystem 生态系统 (eco + system)~ ecology viability ? viable “vi”: life养育能力One tool for aeing the impact of forestry on the ecosystem is population viability analysis.

demographic 人口统计的 demo(people) + graph(write) + ic interdependence inter + dependence

counterbalance 使平衡,弥补 (=offset)counter(against) + balance mechanism 机理,机制

precipitation 陡降,降水 (? precipice)<> evaporation circulation 流通,循环

tide à tidal wave (海啸)<> ebb <<< earthquake typhoon ~ tornado, hurricane meteorology 气象(学) volcano 火山

eruption 喷发 (? erupt)volcanic eruption >>> lava granite 花岗岩

imminent = impending v.s.eminent Celsius 摄氏的 37OCv.s.centigrade Fahrenheit 华氏的

latitude 纬度(另) longitude, altitude

tropical ? (the) tropicstropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zone glacier 冰川

dump 倾倒,倾销à anti-dumping contaminate 弄脏 (à contaminant) recycle 回收再利用

irreversible 不可逆的 (= irrevocable) reclaim 开垦,改造 à reclamation contentious 有争议的 (? contend)Many environmental iues today are highly contentious. opt 选择(+ for) à option prioritize 优先考虑 (? prior, priority)

●垃圾问题 乱扔垃圾的原因 1.Plastic container and utensils are pervasive in the city and the country alike.These plastic shopping bags, chopsticks, to-go boxes and mineral water bottles, to name but a few, when not properly disposed of, engender a coloal amount of non-biodegradable refuse.It is manifest that we have embarked upon a “throw-away” era when plastic trash is dumped indiscriminately and irresponsibly.From my own perspective, the causes of this phenomenon are manifold.To begin with, at present the majority of individuals who shop or eat out regularly are still poorly-informed, uninformed or misinformed about the baneful influence that non-biodegradable pollutants exert on the ecosystem, which is the chief culprit in the global-scale mishandling of the plastic waste.The primary component of such trash can not decompose over the proce of the next hundreds of years if no major scientific breakthrough comes along in refuse treatment.Further, the proliferation of plastic shopping bags and eating utensils is largely engendered by the surging consumerism.Plastic containers and utensils are lighter in weight, cheaper in price and water-resistant in performance, whi9ch makes them preferable in customers’ eyes.Lastly, plastic bags and containers are also cost-effective since they are cheaper to manufacture, ship and store.These considerations also have prompted the good old cloth or paper bags to be supplanted by plastic bags and environmental afflictions ensure.2.The comfortable and convenient life accompanied by the fantastic growth of science and technology can account for overwhelming rubbish.As we know , the pride-taking symbol of 21st century is the unbelievable technology, which provides a multitude of one-off products enjoyed avariciously by indolent people, such as chopsticks, shopping bags, and purified water bottles, some of which are non-biodegradable for ages.Accordingly, wastes have been produced and accumulated at an amazing rate.Furthermore, the awarene of environment protection is alarmingly scarce.We are aisted to entertainment of life but often refer to environment as others.In our perspective, pollution combating and nature conserving ate far from our eential jobs, and government should take all the responsibility.So we can drop litter without even a grain of shame.●现状 1. The road scattered with all sorts of trash are a disgrace and the railway line are littered with decaying rubbish.2.One third of the waste produced is made up of packaging materials.3.What we are doing now is a wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment.4.We lack adequate facilities to dispose of rubbish of all kinds.For instance, not many dustbin are seen along streets. 5.The quickening tempo of modern lifestyle also contributes partly to the increasing rubbish problems, because many people prefer takeaway fast food and the use of disposal items for the convenience’s sake.6.We are living in a consumer-oriented society.●解决办法解决问题

The joint effort from both government and individuals Play one’s cards right From governmental perspective Crack down on the environmental iue Take strong and harsh measure Band-aid solution Effective solution carry out a series of regulations and rules It makes (no)sense for government to do Red tape Bureaucracy Cut the red tape Exercise control and supervision over ….iue Improve people’s environmental consciousne Arouse peoples awarene of environmental protection Environmentally friendly policy Economic /financial interest Surveillance Afforestation Reforestation Air purification Desalt the water Dump raw sewage properly Sewage treatment Sewage disposal system Sewage purification Water disposal Recycling Integrated waste management Alternative energy source Disposable product Disposable packaging recyclable renewable environmentally sound product environmentally favorable energy option environmentally favorable strategy ecological balance keep /break victim temporal interest long-term interest as far as the citizens are concerned social evolution eco-warriors set a good example for all the citizens stand united sustainable development commercial interest

1.Public activities should be sponsored by government to promote the [public awarene of environmental protection.Make sure that everyone is a conscious 2.Our government should take stronger and harsher measures to combat the littering behavior.3.Use environment-friendly materials.4.The rubbish should be claified scientifically so that the procedure can achieve high efficiency.5.People should learn to recycle .For instance, we should set up bins around town to collect gla, paper, and aluminum that can be converted back into raw materials, then made them into new products. 6.People’s awarene of how persistent and devastating non-biodegradable trash can be to our environment and our descendants’ should be heightened.7.The government and the technologists should spare no effort in advocating the use of environmentally-friendly containers.8.Biochemical research must be launched here and now in pursuit of effective means of converting non- biodegradable refuse to biodegradable refuse.9.The government should allocate enough funding to such research on the corporate level.10. Retail stores and restaurants should strive to encourage their customers to reuses plastic packing items.11.A tax levied by the government on the use of plastic bags in businees will, doubtle, help to curb this maive “white pollution”.12.The authority have to invest more money in efficient disposal of trash, and the large-scale campaign against ugly phenomenon such as random garbage-throwing and spitting should be launched without any delay.As for individuals, behaving themselves and saying no to poible environmental-unfriendly deeds are strongly recommended.13.Rubbish-solving is a quite complex iue, and it needs cooperative efforts from people and society as a whole.Since we were capable of turning the world into a splendid wonderland long ago, we have good reasons to belief that a clean, wonderful homeland is not far behind.●个人也应承担保护环境的责任 1.Concerns for environmental iues should be shared by the general public.2.Individuals ought to make conscious efforts to save energy and to keep our environment clean.3.In fact there are many things that the individual can do.For example, we should try to reduce our dependence on private cars and use bicycles more often.4.By doing so, not only do we save energy and therefore reduce the release of CO, which is a major greenhouse gas, we also become healthier riding bicycles.5.Household rubbish can be sorted out for recycling.Paper , plastic and metals such as Cocacola cans can all be recycled.6.We can use more products made from recycle materials so that the recycling industry has a better prospect of commercial succe.7.We should stop using plastic bags and plastic meal boxes which bring convenience but pollute the environment , as they are not biodegradable.8.Used batteries should also be disposed of properly because there is lead in it.9.If these efforts are shared by more people, we will have a better life.●动物实验 Advantages

1.Since human beings existed in the world, animals have always been accompanying us.They are of great help to humans in many aspects.For example, they help a lot in medical experiments.2.Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs.With the help of animal tests, we have found cures to many formerly fatal diseases.3.Many people argue that animal testing is cruel.In some cases this is cruel.However it would be much more cruel to let people die because there is not enough information about a disease.4.At present there are no other better methods to replace them. 5.Animals have similar physical procees to humans.6.Not only would the costs of testing in humans be extremely high, but also it is brutal to test new drugs on children or adults.7.Animal tests are still regarded as the only reliable and feasible method.8.Animals such as monkeys or rabbits which are used in experiments are easily bred.In fact they can be raised in laboratories artificially.In other word, there is a large supply of animals for medical research.9.Using animals in drug tests will not have negative effects on the balance of ecosystem.

10.Most countries set standards for animal treatment in tests, and laboratories have regulations to prevent cruelty.11.From a more pragmatic standpoint, evidence abounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part of scientific research at this phase of human development.12.Drug experiment on live mammals is far more effective than on bacteria or on other lower species in determining drug safety.13.Medical history informs us that drugs that can potentially exert grave side effects on Homo sapiens should be tested by pharmaceutical companies live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity.Disadvantages 1.Animal tests violate animals’ rights.Although humans have been occupying the dominant position since they appeared on the earth, God created animals before humans.2.Some animals are of great help to humans in many aspects.Some kinds of animals have been used for transportation.Some others help the police solve cases. 3.In experiments, animals are usually killed or at least suffer from great pains.It is a kind of brutality and cruelty.1.Not all experiments are neceary.With the fast development of science and technology, other alternatives have been found to replace animals testing.For example, computer simulation can achieve similar results.1.Not all the experiments are reliable.Animals and humans are two quite different kinds of creatures.they have different physical procees.2.The treatment and drugs which are effective on animals are sometimes usele and can even have negative effects on humans.

3.Information gathered from animals does not always apply to humans.4.Mounting evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any heed to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure..5.Improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane, and this , in turn, can severely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animals.6.The effects of vaccination or vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling.In extreme cases, they constitute sheer torture of animals.


1.automobile industry 汽车工业

2.boost the economic development 促进经济发展

promote 3.levy the tax 征税

raise,impose 4.modernization 现代化

symbol of 5.be viewed as … 被视为是…

Automobile industry which

boosts the economic

development is viewed as

the symbol of modernization.6.be concerned about … 对…担忧/关注… 7.pollution-free fuel 无污染燃料


environment friendly 8.luxury 奢侈品

goods 9.chronic lead poisoning 慢性铅中毒 10.fill… with … 使…充斥着 11.popularization of cars 汽车普及 12.lay more emphasis on… 把重心放在…

13.observe traffic regulations 遵守交通规则

14.break traffic regulations 违反交通规则 15.get stuck in traffic 遇上堵车 16.rush hour 上下班高峰时间

off-peak 17.ease the traffic preure 缓解交通压力 18.pedestrian 行人 19.pavement 人行道 20.zebra croing 斑马线 21.over speed 超速行驶 22.bottleneck 交通堵塞地区

23.settle down effective laws 制定出积极有效的法律

Introduce 24.impose restrictions on … 对…实施限制 25.short-sighted 目光短浅的

26.non-renewable resources 不可再生资源 27.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 28.a pillar industry 支柱产业 29.make full use of … 充分利用

solar power 30.road networks 公路网 31.speed limits 限速

32.enhance the quality of life 提高生活质量

Promote, boost

living standard 33.pay a heavy price


34.promote the development of


relative industries 35.traffic engineering

交通运输工程 36.the increasing number


of car ownership 37.call for …


The government to

introduce policies

which are effective/

practical and efficient.38.overcrowded 过度拥挤的 39.violator 违规者 40.headache 令人头痛的事 41.traffic accidents 交通事故 42.head-way 进展

43.conflict with … 与…相冲突

crisis 44.major /main cause 主要原因

45.be replaced by … 被…所取代

46.provide convenience for … 为…提供便利 47.curb… 限制… bean curd 48.dilemma


49.encourage somebody to do something

鼓励某人去做某事 50.energy-saving








Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the crime rate hovering at high levels, the print as well as the broadcast media thrive on detailed crime coverage.They dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to ghastly crime stories and this trend is showing no sign of abating.Whether the media should publicise detailed accounts of criminal acts has triggered spirited debate.Many aert that the news media should refrain from revealing details of crimes.Speaking from myself,I cannot agree more with their view.

In the first place,given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage,it is advisable for us to discredit and discourage this practice.Today,most news outlets have their own crime reporters covering the police beat.Yet the principal purpose of such aignment is,in most instances,not to uphold the criminal justice system or to alarm the citizenry over some very real criminal threats,but to jack up newspaper circulations or television ratings.Consequently, much detailed crime coverage is biased, magnified, misrepresented,deliberately titillating or fraudulent.It only serves to terrorise communities and leave a multitude of law-abiding citizens constantly apprehensive, if not paranoid,about crime.

In the second place,detailed reports of crimes by the pre afford the potential criminals very instructive learning materials,which are hard to obtain otherwise.Recounting premeditated crimes in graphic detail in the public domain helps those who are in the proce of planning some criminal act perfect their schemes.Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media,would-be criminals learn how to avoid the pitfalls in their crime,thereby making themselves harder to identify and track down after the crime is actually carried out.And this in turn,may aggravate the already soaring crime rate.

Thirdly,detailed reports of heinous crimes may permanently traumatise the victims of the reported crimes.Without the victims’ consent,glaringly vivid and graphic accounts of flagitious crimes may constitute recurring nightmares to the individuals

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.daodoc.com/


who have been victimised by these crimes.And given the preure to “scoop” their rivals,to expedite things news outlets rarely consult the victims before they depict lurid details of horrific crimes to the public,in an attempt to satisfy the base curiosity of some crime-obeed readers and viewers.

In sum,detailed crime coverage in the media is,more often than not,sensationalised so as to boost their market penetration.Even when some crime reporters wish to play the role of an objective chronicler, the divulged details can serve to facilitate future crimes and force crime victims to relive the horrible moments they experienced during the crime.And I am convinced if detailed crime coverage goes unchecked,it will continue to exert baneful influence on individuals,communities and societies.

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.daodoc.com/




首先,关于“准确”,是指能够准确罗列图上的相关信息,能够精确的表述图上的趋势,变化,涨跌幅度,占据比重,流程步骤等。例如增长,我们可以说rise 或者 increase, 我们也可以用creep up 表示较平缓的增长,boom 表示较快较高的增长,用rocket 表示急剧的飙升。







称呼语: 在考试中,如果是给熟悉的人写信可以直呼其名或用他们的昵称,比如:“Sonic” 或 “Kitty” 等;如果与对方不是很熟悉可以使用“Dear Mr.Lee”或 “Dear Sir or Madam”等。

信的主体: 一般题目中除了会对写信的背景进行介绍,还会提供3-4个子标题作为提示。在信的主体部分,考生应该尽量清楚直接的书写信件。第一段应该说明信的主旨,然后在后续的段落里提供细节,清楚的说明你希望收信人该如何做进一步的反应。

结束语: 在结束语中总结心境或写信的目的。在写信人的名字前加上“sincerely yours”,“thankful”或 “obedient”。这种总结与没有什么真正的目的,但确是应有的礼节。一封信若是没有礼貌的结束语则没有敬意可言了。







题目:Acro recent world, only a few languages are increasing in use, while some (=287 words)



社会背景(全球化+经济融合-----有效交流的基石-----互通有无 +多边贸易)+正向观点(某些语言蓬勃发展—优点>缺点)+自己观点(某些语言普及-------国家间经济相互交流)

Nowadays, along with globalization and economic integration, certain languages recognized and accepted by a sizeable percentage of countries, as the corner stone of available communication between countries, further some languages instead of that of various ones outweigh its demerits.After thoughtful consideration, I am convinced that a few languages being are in service of 如今,伴随着全球化以及经济一体化,大多数国家认可与接受的某些语言,作为各国有效沟通的基石,促进多国的贸易以及互通有无。 因此,一些人认为 一些语言蓬勃发展而不是各种语言的蓬勃发展的优点远超过其缺点。深思熟虑之后,我认为一些语言的普及和应用有利于国家之间经济的相互交流。


Nowadays, along with globalization and economic integration, further 状语:Along with : 伴随。。。adv

主语: Certain languages recognized and accepted by a sizeable percentage of 语法:Certain languages recognized and accepted by a sizeable percentage of :Adj +N +done +介宾结构 = adj + N +adj +adv

as the corner stone of available communication between countries:插入语


谓语:Further vt 促进

宾语:Mutual exchange of needed products and multilateral trades

Mutual exchange of needed products n 互通有无

Multilateral tradesn 多边贸易


第二段:论点 +论据+例证+结论

论点(主语:支持观点:少数语言使用-----国家间的经济互补以及合作)+论据(没有语言作为有效媒介------无法正常进行---经济合作与交流) +例证( 英语 –起不可替代作用 1 提升沟通效率 2 解决矛盾纠纷) +结论(普及某些语言优势明显)

On one hand, popularization and application of some languages facilitate economic complementation and between countries better.without languages as media to enhance effective communicating, economic cooperation and the most widely used language, utilized by plentiful countries plays an irreplaceable role in terms of enhancing efficiency of communicating among countries greatly and tackling the conflicts and disputes among multinational corporations effectively.From this point, the superiorities of popularizing some languages applied broadly are prominent.

一方面,(论点) 一些语言的普及和应用更好地促进国家间的经济的互补与合作。(论据)换句话说,没有促进有效沟通的语言作为媒介,国家间的经济合作与交流不能正常运行。(例证)例如,英语,作为最广泛使用的语言,被大多数国家使用对于极大地加强国家之间沟通的效率以及有效解决跨国企业之间矛盾与分歧起了不可替代的作用。(结论)从这个角度讲,普及一些广泛使用语言的优势是凸显的。


English, as the most widely used language, utilized by plentiful countries plays an irreplaceable role in terms of enhancing efficiency of communicating among countries greatly and tackling the conflicts and disputes among multinational corporations effectively.


English, as the most widely used language, utilized by plentiful countries

N,同位语,done +prep +n =N, 同位语,adj + adv


plays an irreplaceable role : 起了不可替代的作用


Enhancing efficiency of communicating among countries greatly and tackling the conflicts and disputes among multinational corporations effectively

解析:adv 修饰 doing




(另一种观点:多元文化丧失+对此反驳观点:加快语言发展成为必然趋势 原因 1 多元文化融合

2 规避不必要的纠纷与分歧)

On the other hand, a series of iues also arise out of only utilizing a few languages,

such as forfeit of diverse cultures, which exerts irretrievable deficiency toward diverse development acro the world.However, accelerating development of certain languages that are widely used turns out to be the irreversible tendency, in the view of better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages.另一方面, 仅仅使用某些语言会引发一系列的问题,例如多元文化的丧失,对世界多元化的发展造成无法弥补的损失。然而,促进某些广泛使用的语言的发展成为不可逆转的趋势,鉴于各国多元化发展的更好的融合以及规避由过多的使用不同的语言引发的不必要的争论和分歧。


Accelerating development of certain languages that are widely used turns out to be the irreversible tendency, in the view of better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages.


Accelerating development of certain languages that are widely used


Doing + N +定语从句


Turn out to be vt 成为


the irreversible tendency 不可逆转的趋势


in the view of better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages.

In the view of + better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages


第四段: 总结全文观点

( 支持观点:促进语言发展符合社会发展趋势原因:社会经济更好的发展) On balance, after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point of view/ that furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society is mainly embodied in incomparable superiority, considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better.



after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point of view that furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society is mainly embodied in incomparable superiority, considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better.


after summarizing what is outlined above:介宾结构做状语

主语谓宾: I hold the point of view


that furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society is mainly embodied in incomparable superiority, considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better.主语:

furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society

谓语:is mainly embodied in 主要体现

宾语:incomparable superiority 不可替代优势

条件状语:Considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better(更好的促进经济以及社会发展的作用)
