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工厂简介范文 英文(精选多篇)

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我公司产品注册商标“中字牌”为阀门行业著名品牌。公司高中低压阀门主要产品是:闸阀、蝶阀、截止阀、球阀、止回阀、柱塞阀、旋塞阀、隔膜阀、调节阀、平衡阀以及水力控制阀系列等。驱动装置分别有手动、电动、气动等方式。阀门口径从6mm-4000mm,压力等级从0.1MPa-32MPa,美标API 阀门口径从1/4”至40”,压力等级从150LB至2500LB。阀门工作温度-700C≤5400C。阀门主体材质有铜质、铸铁、碳钢、合金钢、不锈钢。适用介质为油品、水、蒸汽、天然气、酸碱液体等。产品广泛应用于石油化工、化肥、钢铁、电厂、油田、城市燃气、建筑、造纸、消防等行业。



我公司1998年顺利通过了ISO9001国际质量体系认证,2002年通过了ISO9001: 2000国际质量体系改版认证,2002年通过了国家质量技术监督局的国家压力容器安全注册(AZ)认证。2006年通过了国家质量技术监督局特种设备生产许可(TS)认证。几十年来中字阀门一贯狠抓产品质量的提高,在从原材料到成品的过程中,对每一个零部件的加工进行跟踪和监控,对每台出厂产品进行水、气密封压力试验。产品性能稳定,质量可靠,曾多次荣获国家级新产品金龙奖和部、市级新产品科技开发成果奖等。2006年我公司被“中国质量万里行” 评为“全国产品质量合格企业”,被中国质量品牌协会评为“中国著名品牌”。2005年企业体制改革顺利完成。企业改制后将更加重视产品质量管理,使中字牌阀门质量更上一层楼。











东莞市恒佳五金制品有限公司成立于 2005 年,位于东莞市黄江镇大冚村经八路,专业从事生产马口铁罐制品,主要服务于糖果、饼干、巧克力、茶叶、烟酒、玩具、音像制品及礼品等客户。



我们的产品除了销售中国还远销至美国、法国、日本、韩国和东南亚,当中大多数是驰名世界的公司,如Wal-Mart, Disney, HomeDepot ,Kohl\'s, Kroger,Costco, BJ,Macy\'s, Best Buy, Subway, Walgreen\'s 等等。


Dongguan Hengjia Metal Co., Ltd.has been established in 2005 and is located at Jingba Road, Dakan Village, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan City.It is a company which specialized in tinplate products and mainly service for the customer of Candy, Biscuit, Chocolate, Tea, Tobacco, Wine, Toy, Audio & Video and Gift etc.

Our outstanding design team can design different shapes and specification tin box according to our clients’various demands, and also can provide vivid graphic model for our clients’ reference.

We have advanced management team, profeional technical staffs, strict quality controlling system, punctual delivery time, and competitive lower price.All these make our products enjoy a good reputation all over the world.

Our product is sold not only in China, but also in Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Southeast of Asia etc.Most companies of them are world-famous, such as Wal-Mart,Disney,HomeDepot,Kohl\'s,Kroger,Costco,BJ,Macy\'s,Best

Buy,Subway,Walgreen\'s etc.

In the future, Hengjia will devote to improve company’s management, development and design more and more best products, and provide more excellent service for our clients.


• QA: Quality Aurance 品质保证

QC: Quality Control 品质控制

QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程

QFD: Quality Function Design 品质机能展开

Quality 质量

Quality manual 品质手册

Quality policy 品质政策

Range 全距

Record 记录

Reflow 回流

Reject 拒收

Repair 返修

Repeatability 再现性

Reproducibility 再生性

Requirement 要求

Residual 误差

Response 响应

Responsibilities 职责

Review 评审

Rework 返工

Rolled yield 直通率

sample 抽样,样本

Scrap 报废

SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书SPC: Statistical Proce Control 统计制程管制

Specification 规格

SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Aurance 供应商品质保证Taguchi-method 田口方法

TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制

TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理Traceability 追溯

UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制上限

USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限

Validation 确认

Variable 计量值

Verification 验证

Version 版本

QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈/QC小组

PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划 执行 检查 总结Consumer electronics 消费性电子产品

Communication 通讯类产品

Core value (核心价值)

Love 爱心

Confidence 信心

Decision 决心

Corporate culture (公司文化)

Integration 融合

Responsibility 责任

Progre 进步

QC quality control 品质管理人员

FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员

IPQC in proce quality control 制程中的品质管制人员

OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员

IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员

TQC total quality control 全面质量管理

POC paage quality control 段检人员

QA quality aurance 质量保证人员

OQA output quality aurance 出货质量保证人员

QE quality engineering 品质工程人员

FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查

FAA first article aurance 首件确认

CP capability index 能力指数

SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供应商品质评估

FMEA failure model effectivene analysis 失效模式分析

AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准

S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小

ACC Accept 允收

REE Reject 拒收

CR Critical 极严重的

MAJ Major 主要的

MIN Minor 轻微的

Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务

P/N Part Number 料号

L/N Lot Number 批号

AOD Accept On Deviation 特采

UAI Use As It 特采

FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告

PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一

SPC Statistical Proce Control 统计制程管制

SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制

GRR Gauge Reproducibility & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸

DIA Diameter 直径

QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组

ZD Zero Defect 零缺点

QI Quality Improvement 品质改善

QP Quality Policy 目标方针

TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理

RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可

7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法


ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Proce Change Notice 工序改动通知

PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划

SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范

IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范

BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单

PS Package Specification 包装规范

SPEC Specification 规格

DWG Drawing 图面


ES Engineering Standard 工程标准

IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准

ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格


PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心

PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制

MC Material Control 物料控制

DCC Document Control Center 资料控制中心

QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)

QA Quality Aurance 品质保证处

QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)

PD Product Department 生产部

LAB Laboratory 实验室

IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程

R&D Research & Design 设计开发部

• QC: Quality Control品質管控

•QA: Quality Aurancel 品質保證

•IQC: Incoming Quality Control 進料品質管制

•IPQC: In-Proce Qualityl Control 制程品質管制 •FQC: Final Quality Control 最終品質管制

•OQC: Outgoing Qualityl Control 出貨品質管制

•QCC: Quality Control Circle 品管圈l

•QE:Qualityl Engineering品質工程


•SPC : Statisticl Proce Control 統計制程管制

•TQM: Total Quality management 全面品質管制l •WIP: Workl In Proce在制品

•MO: Manufacture Order 制令 •

JIT: Just In Time 即時管理ISO: International Organization For Standardization 國際標準化組織lBOM: Bill Of Material 物料清單5S : 整理,整頓,清掃,清潔,素養l •FIFO: FIRST IN FIRST OUT先進先出管理





班级:09无机非02班 姓名:孟鹏








江夏区地理位置优越。地处九省通衢的武汉市南大门,1+8城市圈的重要节点,素有“楚天首县”之誉,东接鄂州,南通咸宁,西临长江,北连武汉东湖高新技术开发区, “武汉·中国光谷”规划区域大部分就在江夏区境内。这里区位优势突出,交通极其便利,地处武汉“1+8”城市圈南部枢纽,东与鄂州、大冶毗邻,南与咸宁交界,西与武汉经济开发区隔江相望,北与东湖新技术开发区接壤,具有近距离吸纳两大国家级开发区产业辐射的区位优势。京珠、沪蓉高速在境内交汇,京广铁路、京广高速铁路、武广高速铁路、武咸城际铁路、107国道贯通南北,长江黄金水道傍西境而过。城乡路网发达,城区距天河机场、汉口火车站、武昌火车站、武汉客运港均在30公里左右,水、陆、空运联系全国、通达八方,以江夏为中心,距北京、上海、深圳、重庆均为8小时左右车程。





五、建设场地 江夏区位于江汉平原向鄂南丘陵过渡地段,中部高,西靠长江,东向湖区缓斜,以第四系红色粘土组成的网状平原为主,其两侧为平坦的冲积平原,东侧为梁子湖底地。三种地貌形体基本平。丘陵地形主要分布在区境北部,呈东西向带状,横刻在网状平原和冲积平原之中。东部和西部为滨湖平原,地面高程约20~40米,中部和北部有成片海拔150米左右的岗丘。江夏区地大物博,人口密度小,绿化面积大。适宜建厂的地方很多,如乌龙泉矿。










工 厂 简 介








摘要:甲基叔丁基醚fMTBE)主要用作生产无铅汽油的添加剂,以提高汽油的辛烷值。MTBE在1904年首次被合成.目前世界上已有40多个国家和地区生产MTBE.我国依靠自己的科技力量成功地开发了不同类型的MTBE合成工艺。到2006年,采用围内开发的技术已建成60余套MTBE装置.总生产能力已超过2.5 Mt/a 由于受到一系列特定因素的影响.我国将在今后相当长的时期内持续使用MTBE。 关键词:甲基叔丁基醚合成 发展




甲基叔丁基醚(简称慨),分子量为88.150;常温下呈液态。由于国内目前普通汽油的辛烷值大部分在70左右,如果直接用于机动车辆,会因燃烧不够充分,产生含有CO等有害气体,从而污染大气环境。而MTBE作为无铅高辛烷值汽油的添加剂,以10%左右的比例调入普通汽油中,便可将汽油的辛烷值提高到90以上,并且增加了汽油中的氧含量,提高了汽油的燃烧性能,大大降低了机动车尾气中的有害物质的排放量,减轻了对大气环境的污染。 MTBE合成











本单元的主要设备有2台离子过滤器和筒式反应器等。离子过滤器的材质为不锈钢,规格为夺1 200ram×5 200ram,每台内装净化剂(大孔磺酸阳离子交换树脂)2.8m3,它的作用就是把醚化反应原料中的金属阳离子(钙离子、镁离子等)过滤掉。筒式反应器的材质为不锈钢,规格为夺1 400rfnTl×24 O001ilnl,内装三层催化剂(大孔磺酸阳离子交换树脂),每层高为5 O00mm,催化剂总量为23.1m3,它的作用是把甲醇原料与抽余碳四原料在一定的操作温度、压力下,合成为甲基叔丁基醚。


本单元的主要设备有2台保护反应器和反应塔(上段塔、下段塔)等。保护反应器的规格为夺1 200ram×5 200ram。内装催化剂0.38m3,它的作用是把甲醇原料中的金属阳离子过滤掉,使得原料碱度控制在0.1×10一 之内。

反应塔分上段塔和下段塔,上段塔规格为夺1 lOOmm×40 O00mm,内装8段催化剂捆,总量为1 5.5 m3,1 2层浮阀塔板。下段塔规格为夺1 lOOmm×夺1 300mm×39 6001TIITI,内装4段催化剂捆,总量为7.8m3,37层浮阀塔板。反应塔的主要作用是把筒式反应器中产生的MTBE精馏出来,同时利用内装的催化剂把剩余的异丁烯与按比例配加的甲醇合成甲基叔丁基醚。此技术是国外引进技术。


本单元的主要设备有剩余碳四水洗塔和甲醇回收塔,其中甲醇/水塔为填料塔,内装4段金属鲍尔环填料。它的作用是把剩余甲醇回收,再作为反应原料投入生产中。塔顶操作压力为0.11MPa(表压),温度为84℃ ;塔低操作压力为0.14MPa(表压),温度为125℃ 。 模拟计算

共沸蒸馏塔主要计算C、MeOH、MTBE等各组分的分离问题.主要考察各工艺参数对分离过程的影响关系。各组分汽相组成计算程序框图见图1【2】。图中,P是给定的系统压力;置、是组分的液相、汽相摩尔分数; 为纯组分的饱和蒸汽压; ?为纯组分 在饱和蒸汽压下的逸度系数;是组分i在汽相中的逸度系数; 是组分f的摩尔体积; 是组分 的活度系数;to、分别为初始和下一步新的温度;占为允许误差范围f一般取10 10{【3]13.2.3 热力学模型的选择[41Aspen Plus提供了大量的物性计算方法.替代了人工运算的烦琐工作。其

中.软件所提供的NTRL模型可以描述高度非理想系统的焓行为。用该方法可模拟极性和非极性化合物的混合物.甚至能模拟很强的非理想体系。NTRL方法可由二元系统推算多元系统。无需增加多元参数.使用范围广泛。另外.MTBE产品分离是一个复杂的共沸蒸馏分离过程 MTBE与MeOH、C 烃是个极性很大、非理想物系的溶体系。因此,选择NTRL作为本次模拟的物性方法。


906% . MeOH为0.016 176%.与表1中的实际生产数据基本接近。但是,Cs(低聚合物)、C,、C,等模拟数据与实际数据差别较大.这主要是因为模拟时对性质相近的组分进行了合并处理。另外,实际生产中对粗MTBE分析时,忽略了C









3.Trotta R.用油田丁烷生产高率烷值烷基化油.见:NPRA年会报告译文集,北京:石油化工科学研究院、信息中心,1997.301—308





My name is Li Yongliang.First of all, I graduated in 2010 at the Dalian

University clothing design special field, after graduation DaYangChuangShi limited company in sales, working for 1 years.I very like Dalian, this is my

graduation decided to stay in Dalian reasons, however, the city of the work, are relatively comfort, as a young man, should continue to struggle, should not to enjoy the easy life, so I choose to come to Beijing to develop, the preure will be greater, similarly, power will be larger, because you don\'t work hard, you will be eliminated, therefore,I will be very hard very hard to deal with my work !


I am a easy going person, usually very easy to get along with, love to make friends, in life, as long as Insipid and simple point on the line, But to must pa the test of reality.Works very seriously, if I like the work and this position also increased the space, I will be very hard very hard to get to this position, In order to live better, must work hard


4 years of fashion design learning, let I to fashion very sensitive, Done a year occupation installed sales, Make me to high-end clothing store sales and customer demand analysis, store display, merchandise management, after-sales service and have a comprehensive understanding of

推荐第9篇:英文 简介

Company Profile

1>Geographical position

The company is located in Liushi town Li county HeBei province,is known as \"China\'s skin,\" and located in Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang hinterland, with the Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expreway, Shuohuang, Bao Cang, Beijing-Kowloon, Beijing-Guangzhou railway adjacent to traffic convenient, unique natural conditions.2>History and scale

The company founded in 1988, and it is one of the largest production and proceing leather companies in Lixian.The company has two large tanneries (leather tanneries, sheepskin tannery) a plant spray (spray a plant, spray two workshops) and a large sewage treatment plant.The company occupies 80,000 square meters, now has Several hundred million dollars of aets, the company is in accordance with high standards, high starting point, strict requirements of the construction industry, local characteristics of Lixian, after years of unremitting efforts, has developed into more Thousands of people.They have strong technical force, well-equipped.And annual production of sheep leather, goat leather, cow pony arrive 3 million.

3>The company\'s main products

The company\'s main products are: goatskin garment leather, shoe1

leather, bag leather, glove leather.Sheep skin leather, garment leather fetal bovine, fetal bovine upper leather.

Style with vegetable tanned, semi-vegetable tanned, chrome-free tanning, contraction pattern, grasping flowers, tighten wrinkles, film leather, goat leather imitation deer; New Zealand, the British series of washed lamb leather, wax changes, foam leather, fantasy leather, oiled wax light, inner pearl, gloy leather, shiny leather, washing water dyeing leather, fantasy leather, imitation patent leather and so on.Soil types and Xinjiang kid made a variety of products.4>the company\'s busine scope

There\'s a major trade proceing, feed proceing, general trade.At present, with the European Union, the United States, Ruia, Japan, Korea and other countries and China and most of the provinces and municipalities to establish a long-term trade partnership.The company has advanced production technology and procees, high-quality long-term imports of British lamb, the use of high international standard of tanning materials and dyes, using a global leader in tanning technology to produce a variety of diverse, unique style, trend-quality leather.So that our products have been recognized in the community, we also have the Retail Outlets in Guangzhou, Chengdu, Haining, and Tong’erpu etc.

5>Strong research productivity capability, strict quality

aurance system

Company in recent years to increase the technological input, has invested nearly billion on technological innovation, invested 25 million Yuan for environmental protection, sewage treatment, through continuous innovation transformation, environmental protection and environmental management in the made gratifying achievements.Among them, waste water recycling, waste recycling technology chromium solution made scientific and technological achievements.In order to achieve better economic efficiency, reduce production costs, increase market competitivene, the company adopted the advanced \"QB1872-93\" standard operating procedures in strict accordance with the quality of production, to ensure product quality.Company purchase the most advanced drum, slice the skin machine, buffing machine, low temperature vacuum dryer and automatic water supply systems and other equipment, to effectively guarantee the quality of the product stability.

6>Company Honor

Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Hebei Province in 1998 as a fixed unit of imported raw hides in 2004 paed the ISO9001: 2000 international quality system certification, strengthen quality management, compliance, strict compliance with the customs of

the management system, credit management, the Customs Cla AA rated companies.2006 Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Hebei Province Baoding leather industry as the only \"entry of sheep, cow pony, small miscellaneous leather-cum-fixed unit of proceing trade.“By the Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and awarded \"inspection unit”; By China Light Product Quality Aurance Center as a \"standard quality of Chinese products qualified units\" is television station, Hebei Province, Hebei Environmental Protection Agency, \"Green Home\" section named \"Creating environmentally advanced unit\" by Baoding Industry and Commerce Administration as \" Credible Enterprise \"by China Livestock Marketing Aociation as a\" corporate credit rating AA grade credit enterprise.\"Hebei Legal News as being \"3.15 quality credit services consumer satisfaction units\" by Lixian county government over the years by the Chinese Communists as \"advanced enterprise tax\" ...Mr.Shi Budi as Baoding Norstar leather Company’s founder, he is not only a succeful entrepreneur, or a good party member by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture as \"the 5th township entrepreneurs,\" China Livestock Marketing Aociation has been elected vice president of circulation and Lixian Leather Aociation;

Looking ahead the future, we are confident that we all \"Norstar\" will

always, to the highest quality products, fastest delivery, the most reasonable price, best service attitude of service to our customers and look forward to working with you create a better future!










































































































































【英文摘要】 This article tries to explore the genre in Duras\' Lover and Lover from North of China.Not only can the two works be simply perceived as the author\'s autobiography, but they do not fall into the category of novel.They actually are a new-type narrative form with profound interest of autobiography and novel flavor as well as other forms of literature and art, in which readers can deeply experience the pluralistic phenomena of mutual infiltration and mutual containment.All of these serve for embodying the th...长发公主影评 我们都习惯了童话故事里王子和公主的完美结局。所以迪斯尼这次翻新了,不是公主配王子,而是公主配盗贼---当然是个英俊盗贼!这位暴力公主还会用她瀑布般的长发绑架一个帅气小偷,与她一同去外面广阔的世界冒险,故事可谓非常具有“女权”色彩。而 偷了王冠的英俊盗贼逃命时误打误撞爬进了高塔,于是我们知道,盗贼和公主是有故事的!当然两个都改变了以往的王子公主形象,也许他们应该深沉英俊,但是改变了以往的形象,公主也可以疯狂,盗贼也可以任性。两个疯狂的人物走到一起,更加的喜剧化,幽默化。迪士尼一贯的做法是在公主王子动画中加几只动物以突出人性的善良。



而且电影中不再是以往二维技术,更多的运动了三维手段,人物更加逼真,形象更鲜活。不过本片最突出的优点是优美的画面和动听的歌声。片中夜晚千百个灯笼升上天空,背影投射在湖面的画面 分唯美,为男女主人公的感情戏增加了浪漫氛围。得益于3D技术的应用,观众也仿佛置身充满“星光”的天水之间,配合优美音乐,令人无限感动。观众也更容易进入角色内心,感受到丰富的画面。





(成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品).We are located in(公司所在城市), with convenient transportation acce.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discu a custom order, please feel free to contact us.We are looking forward to forming succeful busine

relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.





Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a profeional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品).We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation acce.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.

We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD(销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide.Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.

As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家).

If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discu a custom order, please feel free to contact us.We are looking forward to forming succeful busine

relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.






Established in (成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a profeional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品).We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation acce.All of our products comply with

international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.Covering an area of (工厂占地面积) square meters, we now have over(员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide.

Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of

production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.Besides, we have received (填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).

As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家).

If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discu a custom order, please feel free to contact us.We are looking forward to forming succeful busine

relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.











Renmin University has an illustrious history and wealth of tradition spanning over seventy years.The university came into existence in the flames of the War of Resistance against Japan, traversed the slopes of Yan an, and experienced several stages of transformation as Shanbei Public School, North China Union University and North China University, before becoming Renmin University of China.Renmin University of China was the first new-style modern university established by the Chinese Communist Party.Since its founding it has always striven to be at the forefront of the era progreing with the Party and the nation.Alongside its unique history, the university has achieved national and international acclaim for its academic strengths, first cla teaching and scientific research, and been regarded as a standard bearer for the humanities and social sciences.With its concentration of outstanding facility, much pioneering work in Chinese higher education has begun at RUC and subsequently spread acro China.Through over 70 years of exploitation and progre, Renmin University has developed into a leading university with particular excellence in the humanities and social sciences, and made important contributions to the transmiion and universalization of Marxism in China, to the development and flourishing of humanities and social sciences, and to the development and reform of China.As such, it has acted as an incubator for the nascent People’s Republic of China, a national center for the humanities and social sciences, a vantage point for Marxist studies, and a think-tank for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Moving into the 21st century, RUC has begun a new chapter in its history, striving towards its goal of becoming a world-cla university in concord with the wishes of the people.


Minqing Hongdian Electronic Ceramics & Electronic Co.,Ltd

Minqing Hongdian Electronic Ceramics & Electronic Co.,Ltd established in 1979, which is located in Minqing town ----the porcelain center of southeast .It has abundant resources , convenience transportation (about one hour riding away from Fuzhou port) and enough electric ; it has standard factory rooms and opacious field, all of these form superior condition tor producing porcelain.There is about 15000 square meters of company area, 13000 square meters of building area.It has fixed aet about 10,000,000 RMB ,more than 210 employees, 21 full-time managers, 10 engineers and 15 technicians.

Minqing Hongdian Electronic Ceramics & Electronic Co.,Ltd has improved its technique by the second –time on the basis of the original company, it has founded in Nov .2005.During the past two years, the production result is encouraging.The main products have: various suspension type insulators under 30 tons (include cla ANSI 52 series), medium , high voltage pin type insulators (include ANSI 55 and ANSI 56 series), each kind of spool insulators , pocelain cro arms insulators, various pillars,set tubes, cutout fuse , lighting arrester and gang insulator electrical products which are under 35 KV.

Our company adopts an IEC, English (BS), and American (ANSI) standard production strictly .The products are sold all over the world , such as Europe and America, Southeast Asia, Middle east,South America and HongKong –Macao region , the year production value reaches to 38,000,000RMB which is one of the main high-voltage electric ceramics manufavturers in Fujian province.

The company follows the policy customer supremacy, the quality-first and serve in a top-grade aim, developing new products all the time, expanding new field.The equipments of our company is good, the techique is advanced.Now we have establishing electricity porcelain physics, chemistry lab, product quality is reliable, the function is good, deeply welcomed by domestic and internationsl customers.Welcome old and new customers hold hands together for exploring and developing.圣象集团有限公司是一家专业从事高新技术产品开发、生产和研究的企业。成立于1995年。公司主要以生产和经营高科技、绿色环保、拥有广阔市场前景和发展空间、并且正成为地面铺装材料新的世界潮流、符合中国百姓实际购买力的强化木地板产品为主业,同时也生产和经营实木复合地板、中高密度板材、高密度强化木地板基材、壁纸、新型散热器系统、新型家具板材等建筑装饰材料。目前公司正朝着专业化、网络化、多元化的方向迈进。

ShengxiangGroup Co., Ltd.is a profeional high-tech product development, production and research enterprises.Founded in 1995.Companies operating mainly in the production and hi-tech, green environmental protection, and have broad market prospects and development of space and ground-based pavement materials is becoming a new global trend, in line with the actual purchasing power of Chinese people Laminate flooring products industry, as well as production and Parquet busine, in high-density plate, high-density substrate Laminate flooring, wallpaper, new radiator system, new furniture, building decoration materials such as sheet metal.At present, companies are moving towards specialization, network-based, pluralistic direction.

为实现我们的管理目标,提升公司核心竞争力和可持续发展的战略目标,我们开 展了公司流程化建设的项目规划。2008年是tp的流程标准化年,2009年是tp的流程持续优化年,2010年是tp的流程再造年。tp汽车保险将加快流程化公司建设的步伐,率先实现管理上的突破,真正从管理中要效益,进而将管理发展成公司的核心竞争力。通过三年的流程化建设工作,实现流程的标准化,进而IT化,最终实现管理效率的提升和成本的下降

To achieve our management objectives, enhance the company\'s core competitivene and the strategic objectives of sustainable development,we opened Show the company\'s proce of construction project planning.Tp of 2008 is the standardization proce, 2009 is continuing to optimize the proce of tp, the tp of 2010 is in proce reengineering.tp auto insurance company will speed up the proce of building the pace of management take the lead in achieving a breakthrough, the real from the management to be effective, and will manage to develop into the company\'s core competitivene.Through the proce of building a three-year work, the standardization of procees, and IT, and the eventual realization of management efficiency and decrease costs






目前,公司已在上海、北京、广东、深圳、浙江、江苏、四川、河北、湖北、山东、重庆等地设有11家分公司,在宁波、苏州、东莞、佛山、金华、嘉兴、绍兴等地设有7家中心支公司,天津分公司已获准正在筹建,公司还在成 都建立了全国集中的电话中心,2008年1月,tp电话营销专用车险产品获中国保监会批准。根据tp保险发展规划,2008年公司将在成都建立全国集中的运营管理中心,完成全国主要地区的机构网络布局,为实现业务的快速增长和公司的持续盈利打下坚实的基础。












2008 年tp汽车保险提出了上市的战略目标,于是治理结构最好、管理最好的管理目标应运而生,

tp将通过建立行之有效、科学严密、高效一致的标准化、制度化、系统化、精细化经营管理流程体系; 通过建立强大的经营管理平台,持续、有效提升公司经营效益和客户服务、运营管理效率、品质,实现在效益、成本、质量、服务和速度等方面业绩的显著提高。



China\'s first profeional car insurance auto insurance Co., Ltd.--- tp

Automobile Insurance Company tp is 12 periods in 2004 the China Insurance Regulatory Commiion approved the establishment of a national financial institutions, is China\'s first profeional automobile insurance.The company is headquartered in Shanghai Pudong Lujiazui financial district, the registered capital of 550 million yuan, mainly engaged in the compulsory motor vehicle traffic accident liability insurance and commercial insurance of motor vehicles, as well as property insurance enterprises, home Insurance, cargo insurance, liability insurance short-term accident insurance and health insurance services.

tp insurance China\'s insurance market and created a few months on the first of its kind, is the first implementation of outsourcing non-core busine model and the first to provide comprehensive security services car insurance companies.

tp insurance advocacy and implementation of the \"non-core busine based on low-cost specialized outsourcing\" busine model is being recognized, \"tp model\" theory and has gradually become a hot topic in industry practice.

tp insurance advocate \"respect, sharing, execution, excellence\" corporate culture, adhering to the \"integrity, profeionalism, innovation, efficiency\" busine philosophy, with the Chinese auto insurance market has an important influence on the experienced profeionals, combined with international advanced insurance technology, management experience and actual Chinese market and strive to build China brand car insurance.

At present, the company has been in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Hebei, Hubei, Shandong, Chongqing and other places with 11 branches in Ningbo, Suzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Jinhua, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, etc.Center 7 and has a branch in Tianjin branch has been under preparation, the company also established the National Chengdu centralized call center, in January 2008, tp telemarketing exclusive auto insurance products approved by China Insurance Regulatory Commiion.Tp insurance in accordance with development plan in 2008 in Chengdu will focus on the establishment of the National Center for the operation and management to complete the national network of major areas of the layout for the realization of the rapid growth of busine and corporate profits continued to lay a solid foundation.

tp insurance service has gone beyond the traditional settlement services, providing customers with convenient and efficient service based on the claims, tp is committed to providing customers with a comprehensive security service vehicles.Around the \"Let\'s a better trip,\" the miion, tp is committed to becoming the best provider of automotive safety.

tp course

2004: December 31, by the China Insurance Regulatory Commiion approval of motor vehicle insurance tp officially opened in Shanghai, the registered capital of 550 million yuan.

2005: in October, to build Beijing, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Zhejiang Branch and branch centers.

2006: the beginning of the year, Beijing, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Zhejiang Branch and the Center officially opened branch.Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Guangdong and the four branches of Shaoxing, Jinhua, Jiaxing, Suzhou and other centers have been set up branch companies.

2007: the beginning of the year, Hubei Branch, and Foshan, Dongguan center opened branch.

2008: February 1, the national telephone sales of specialty products by the China Insurance Regulatory Commiion officially approved for sale nationwide.Shandong, Chongqing, Tianjin Branch officially opened.

tp mode

tp insurance advocacy and implementation of the \"non-core busine based on low-cost outsourcing, profeional\" busine model is being recognized, \"tp model\" to create China\'s first property insurance industry.tp only insurance company with the core part of the competitivene of the product development, pricing, risk control and other busine segments as its main direction, and product sales, the survey will be damaged, basic aspects of outsourcing services to the insurance industry chain other subjects.

This model not only to achieve a low-cost insurance tp, the operating advantages of specialization and consolidation of its own core competitivene, but also for the development of insurance intermediary busine offers a rich soil and vast space for development.

tp Management

Tp auto insurance in 2008 put forward the strategic objectives of the listing, so the best governance structure, management came into being the best management objectives,

tp will be through the establishment of effective, science and tight, efficient line of standardized, institutionalized, systematic, fine procees of the operation and management system; through the establishment of a strong management platform, sustained, effective to enhance busine efficiency and customer service, operational management efficiency, quality, to achieve efficiency, cost, quality, service and speed significantly improve performance.

To achieve our management objectives, enhance the company\'s core competitivene and the strategic objectives of sustainable development, we opened

Show the company\'s proce of construction project planning.Tp of 2008 is the standardization proce, 6

2009 is continuing to optimize the proce of tp, the tp of 2010 is in proce reengineering.tp auto insurance company will speed up the proce of building the pace of management take the lead in achieving a breakthrough, the real from the management to be effective, and will manage to develop into the company\'s core competitivene.Through the proce of building a three-year work, the standardization of procees, and IT, and the eventual realization of management efficiency and decrease costs


France attracts more tourists than any other country in the world.Tourists come to see France’s splendid scenery.But mostly they come to see Paris, the capital of France.Paris is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world.For centuries, France has been the center of art and culture in Europe.Some of the world’s greatest artists and writers have worked here.French fashions and cooking are widely admired and copied.

Facts About France

Official name French Republic Capital Paris Official language French Population 64,100,000 people Rank among countries in population 21st Major cities Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse

210,000 square miles Area

544,000 square kilometers Rank among countries in area 47th

Mont Blanc Highest point

15,782 feet/4,810 meters Currency Euro

VARIED LANDSCAPES France is the biggest country in western Europe.Most of the land in the north is flat and close to sea level.Hills cover central and southern France, and huge mountains rise along the country’s borders.The Pyrenees divide France from Spain, its neighbor to the southwest.The Alps mark its border with Italy and Switzerland to the east.Most of France has mild weather.However, the French Alps get plenty of snow.Some of the world’s finest ski resorts are found here.In the southeast, France borders the Mediterranean Sea.The coast along the Mediterranean is called the Riviera.Warm, dry weather and beautiful scenery make the Riviera a famous winter resort.It’s long been aociated with wealth and glamour.THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE The French countryside is divided into tidy farms and dotted with pretty towns.Here and there, old castles loom on hills.The castles were built hundreds of years ago, when nobles ruled France.Big rivers, like the Loire and the Seine, provide water for French farms.Canals connect the major rivers in France.People can travel on this network of waterways.The canals are like an extra set of highways.WINE AND CHEESE Vineyards and dairy farms in the countryside produce products for which France is best known.Vineyards grow grapes that are made into wine.Cheese comes from the dairy farms.France produces more wine than any other country in the world.Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Champagne are important grape-growing regions in France.All three have given their names to kinds of wine.France also is known for producing some of the best cheeses in the world.They include Camembert, chèvre (made from goat’s milk), and Roquefort. THE CAPITAL OF FUN Three-fourths of the people of France live in cities and towns.France has ports, such as Marseille, and factory towns, such as Lyon.Paris, however, is by far the most important French city.About 10 million people live in and around this lively and lovely city.Artists have long been drawn to Paris.A famous art movement called impreionism was born here.The best-known museum in France—the Louvre—is in Paris.The Louvre contains one of the world’s most famous paintings, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.Tourists also love Paris for its nightlife, restaurants, and sidewalk cafés.They flock to see beautiful buildings such as Notre Dame, a huge church that is more than 700 years old.They visit the Eiffel Tower, a Paris landmark that’s nearly 1,000 feet (300 meters) high.THE BIRTH OF FRANCE Paris was founded more than 2,000 years ago.It was just a small town until the AD 800s.At that time, France was the western part of a big empire built by a tribe called the Franks.The greatest king of the Franks was Charlemagne.He ruled from 768 to 814.After his death, his three grandsons divided his empire.The western part eventually became France.For about four centuries, the kings of France had little power.During a conflict with England, the French came to think of themselves as a nation.The conflict, known as the Hundred Years’ War, lasted from 1337 to 1453.After the war, the power of the French king began to grow.The king’s power peaked with Louis XIV, who ruled from 1643 to 1715.He was known as the Sun King because he took the Sun—the brightest star in our sky—as his symbol.Louis XIV built the world’s grandest palace at Versailles, just outside Paris.All over Europe, people came to think of Paris as a center for art, culture, and fun.THE FRENCH REVOLUTION The fun didn’t last.The king and the members of his court lived splendidly, but the French people were dreadfully poor.In 1789, the poor rebelled.They overthrew the king and the nobles.They demanded liberty and equality for all.These events began the French Revolution, which lasted until 1799.After the revolution, a military leader named Napoleon seized power in France.He led French armies as they conquered much of Europe.Britain and Ruia joined forces to defeat him.TODAY’S FRANCE

France remains a powerful and lively country.It is one of the most important countries in the United Nations.It is also a leading power in the European Union, an organization of European countries.Tourists never tire of Paris and other places in France.More people visit France each year than live there!



George Washington (February 22, 1732 [O.S.February 11, 1731][1][2][3]– December 14, 1799) was the commander of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) and served as the first President of the United States of America (1789–1797).[4] For his central role in the formation of the United States, he is often referred to as the father of his country.[5][6]

The Continental Congre appointed Washington commander-in-chief of the American revolutionary forces in 1775.The following year, he forced the British out of Boston, lost New York City, and croed the Delaware River in New Jersey, defeating the surprised enemy units later that year.As a result of his strategy, Revolutionary forces captured the two main British combat armies at Saratoga and Yorktown.Negotiating with Congre, the colonial states, and French allies, he held together a tenuous army and a fragile nation amid the threats of disintegration and failure.Following the end of the war in 1783, King George III asked what Washington would do next and was told of rumors that he\'d return to his farm; this prompted the king to state, \"If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.\" Washington did return to private life and retired to his plantation at Mount Vernon.[7] He presided over the Philadelphia Convention that drafted the United States Constitution in 1787 because of general diatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation.Washington became President of the United States in 1789 and established many of the customs and usages of the new government\'s executive department.He sought to create a nation capable of surviving in a world torn asunder by war between Britain and France.His unilateral Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793 provided a basis for avoiding any involvement in foreign conflicts.He supported plans to build a strong central government by funding the national debt, implementing an effective tax system, and creating a national bank.Washington avoided the temptation of war and a decade of peace with Britain began with the Jay Treaty in 1795; he used his prestige to get it ratified over intense opposition from the Jeffersonians.Although never officially joining the Federalist Party, he supported its programs and was its inspirational leader.Washington\'s farewell addre was a primer on republican virtue and a stern warning against partisanship, sectionalism, and involvement in foreign wars.Washington was awarded the very first Congreional Gold Medal with the Thanks of Congre.[8] Washington died in 1799, and the funeral oration delivered by Henry Lee stated that of all Americans, he was \"first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen\".[9] Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S.Presidents.


William Wordsworth:

William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, Lyrical Ballads.

Wordsworth\'s masterpiece is generally considered to be The Prelude, a semi autobiographical poem of his early years which the poet revised and expanded a number of times.The work was posthumously titled and published, prior to which it was generally known as the poem \"to Coleridge\".Wordsworth was England\'s Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.


Early life and education The second of five children born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson, William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 in Cockermouth in Cumberland — part of the scenic region in north-west England, the Lake District.His sister, the poet and diarist Dorothy Wordsworth, to whom he was close all his life, was born the following year.All of his siblings were destined to have succeful careers.His elder brother Richard became a lawyer in London; John Wordsworth rose to the rank of Captain on a merchantman of the East India Company; and the youngest of the family, Christopher, became Master of Trinity College at Cambridge.After the death of their mother in 1778, their father sent William to Hawkshead Grammar School and sent Dorothy to live with relatives in Yorkshire.She and William did not meet again for another nine years.His father died when he was 13.[1]

Wordsworth made his debut as a writer in 1787 when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine.That same year he began attending St John\'s College, Cambridge, and received his B.A.degree in 1791.[2] He returned to Hawkshead for his first two summer holidays, and often spent later holidays on walking tours, visiting places famous for the beauty of their landscape.In 1790, he took a walking tour of Europe, during which he toured the Alps extensively, and also visited nearby areas of France, Switzerland, and Italy.His youngest brother, Christopher, rose to be Master of Trinity College.

Relationship with Annette Vallon In November 1791, Wordsworth visited Revolutionary France and became enthralled with the Republican movement.He fell in love with a French woman, Annette Vallon, who in 1792 gave birth to their child, Caroline.Because of lack of money and Britain\'s tensions with France, he returned alone to England the next year.[4] The circumstances of his return and his subsequent behaviour raise doubts as to his declared wish to marry Annette but he supported her and his daughter as best he could in later life.During this period, he wrote his acclaimed \"It is a beauteous evening, calm and free,\" recalling his seaside walk with his wife, whom he had not seen for ten years.At the conception of this poem, he had never seen his daughter before.The occurring lines reveal his deep love for both child and mother.The Reign of Terror estranged him from the Republican movement, and war between France and Britain prevented him from seeing Annette and Caroline again for several years.There are also strong suggestions that Wordsworth may have been depreed and emotionally unsettled in the mid 1790s.

With the Peace of Amiens again allowing travel to France, in 1802 Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy visited Annette and Caroline in France and arrived at a mutually agreeable settlement regarding Wordsworth\'s obligations

First publication and Lyrical Ballads In his \"Preface to Lyrical Ballads\" which is called the \'manifesto\' of English Romantic criticism, Wordsworth calls his poems \' experimental\'.1793 saw Wordsworth\'s first published poetry with the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches.He received a legacy of £900 from Raisley Calvert in 1795 so that he could pursue writing poetry.That year, he also met Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Somerset.The two poets quickly developed a close friendship.In 1797, Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, moved to Alfoxton House, Somerset, just a few miles away from Coleridge\'s home in Nether Stowey.Together, Wordsworth and Coleridge (with insights from Dorothy) produced Lyrical Ballads (1798), an important work in the English Romantic movement.The volume had neither the name of Wordsworth nor Coleridge as the author.One of Wordsworth\'s most famous poems, \"Tintern Abbey\", was published in the work, along with Coleridge\'s \"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner\".The second edition, published in 1800, had only Wordsworth listed as the author, and included a preface to the poems, which was significantly augmented in the 1802 edition.This Preface to Lyrical Ballads is considered a central work of Romantic literary theory.In it, Wordsworth discues what he sees as the elements of a new type of poetry, one based on the \"real language of men\" and which avoids the poetic diction of much eighteenth-century poetry.Here, Wordsworth also gives his famous definition of poetry askeets \"the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings from emotions recollected in tranquility.\" A fourth and final edition of Lyrical Ballads was published in 1805.

Germany and move to the Lake District Wordsworth, Dorothy, and Coleridge then travelled to Germany in the autumn of 1798.While Coleridge was intellectually stimulated by the trip, its main effect on Wordsworth was to produce homesickne.[4] During the harsh winter of 1798–1799, Wordsworth lived with Dorothy in Goslar, and despite extreme stre and loneline, he began work on an autobiographical piece later titled The Prelude.He also wrote a number of famous poems, including \"the Lucy poems\".He and his sister moved back to England, now to Dove Cottage in Grasmere in the Lake District, and this time with fellow poet Robert Southey nearby.Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey came to be known as the \"Lake Poets\".[5] Through this period, many of his poems revolve around themes of death, endurance, separation, and grief.



Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River.It is a historic city with more than three thousand years history.It was the capital city for nine dynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui, Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the \"Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties\", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China.The Heluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the Huaxia Civilization.

Luoyang is also one of the top tourist cities in China with its numerous cultural relics.The city has inherited from history such cultural heritages as ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles.

There are many points of interest in Luoyang, such as White Horse Temple, Guan Yu Temple, and Longmen Grottoes.位于河南省西部,洛阳在古代洛河有由于其位置名称。这是一个历史悠久的城市,有三千多年的历史。九代是省会城市,包括东周、东汉、曹魏、西晋、北魏、隋、梧州、梁末,唐末,所以命名为“古都九代”,排名第一的中国七大古都之一。河洛地区以洛阳为中心的华夏文明的重要起源。



It is said that the tallest Buddha was designed for Emperor Wu Zetian.据说最高的佛像是专为武则天皇帝设计的。

White horse temple is thought to be the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism.白马寺被认为是中国佛教的发祥地。

Guan Yu was born in Shan Xi,but he was buried in Luoyang.关于山,但他被安葬在洛阳。

Luoyang is called as “the peony capital”.洛阳被称为“牡丹之都”。

There are lots of old buildings in Luoyang city.洛阳市有许多古老的建筑。

It was the capital city for thirteen dynasties, so it is named as the \"Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties\", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. 它是十三个朝代的都城,所以它被命名为“九代古都”,在中国古代七大古都中排名第一。


JiLin province is short for “Ji”.The capital :Chang Chun.It’s not too hot in summer and not too cold in winter.we don’t need air conditioners or even an electric fans.While in winter we just wear t-shirts when you are inside.i remember that last year the southern china suffered a serious hot summer .lucky enough,i succeed in escaping from that suffering by spending the whole summer vacation in my home town.so it’s a very good place to live in.Jilin’s eight major scenic spots 1.Changbai snow (Changbai Mountain scenic spot)


2.historical charm of King City (Koguryo Historical Site)


3.history of the palace (Changchun Puppet Manchu Palace


4.crowing from three borders (Fangchuan scenic spot) 鸡鸣三疆

5.glacial lake jumping fish (Chagan Lake winter fishing) 冰湖腾鱼

6.Xianghai flying cranes (Xianghai scenic spot) 湘海景区

7.chilling river and hoary willows (Jilin rime at Songhua Lake) 雾凇

8.Jingyue Shenxiu (Jingyuetan scenic spot)净月神秀

 The Changbai Mountain

One of “China\'s ten famous mountains” Changbai Mountain

 China\'s deepest lake-Tianchi

This is the water fall.The water from lake-Tianchi wind its way down the Changbai Mountain  Winter fishing in chagan lake became very famous because of the TV program “A bite of China ”so i am a little worried about the fish there!  rime (雾凇) is so beautiful!

one of the “four wonders of China\" is Jilin rime  Changchun is also a motor city and a film city. Thank you for watching and listening!


Rhino is a general term for mammalian Rhinocerotidae, mainly distributed in Africa and Southeast Asia, is the largest Periodactyla animal, is second only to the elephant big land animal.All the rhinoceros basically is short legs, body stout.Body fat and clumsy, body length of 2.2 ~ 4.5 meters, shoulder high 1.2 ~ 2 meters; weight 2800 ~ 3000 kg, thick rough, and into folds are arranged on the shoulder and waist etc.; indumentum thin and hard, or even large glabrous; ear was oval, a large head and long, short and thick neck, long lip extending the head; solid horn or double angle (some no female angle), originated in the dermis, angle off can still life; no canine; tail short and thin body, yellow, brown, black or gray.


In Africa, the action of saving the rhino orgasm, heavily armed poachers in order to gain invaluable horns, unscrupulous everywhere seizing extensively throughout East Africa.makes the fate of endangered rhinos.Currently, the government decided to adopt protectionist policies in Africa, Zimbabwe has been the permiion of the government anti-poaching patrols.To protect the remaining rhinos, poaching can be shot on the spot, therefore, and rhino poachers die in this

tragedy, human greed and ignorance in the film degenerate Lane revealed.


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