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医学科普范文 英文(精选多篇)

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头痛 headache 慢性病 chronic 发烧 fever indigestion 感冒 cold 咳嗽 cough 胃病 stomach trouble 流感 influenza 心脏病 heart disease 消化不良 malnutrition 营养不良 肺炎 pneumonia 膀胱炎 cystitis 急性胃炎 acute gastritis 气管炎 tracheitis 阑尾炎 appendicitis 乳腺炎 mastitis 肝炎 hepatitis 脑膜炎 brain fever/meningitis 胃炎 gastritis 支气管炎 bronchitis 胃肠炎 gastroenteritis arthritis 关节炎 肝硬化 hepatocirrhosis 胃癌 cancer of stomach 白内障 cataract 肺结核 pulmonary tuberculosis (简称 TB) insanity 精神病 gout 痛风 肿瘤 tumor angina pectoris 心绞痛 癌症 cancer 中风 stroke 肺癌 lung cancer 肝癌 liver cancer heart disease 冠心病 coronary 糖尿病 diabetes 肺气肿 emphysema hemiplegia 偏瘫,半身不遂 malaria 疟疾 白血病 leukemia 爱滋病 AIDS 非典 SARS anemia, anaemia 贫血 黑死病 black death 狂犬病 rabies 禽流感 bird flu/avian influenza 疯牛病 mad cow disease measles 麻疹 migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞 mumps 流行性腮腺炎 neuralgia 神经痛 neurasthenia 神经衰弱 paralysis 麻痹 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pharyngitis 咽炎 phtisis 痨病,肺结核 pneumonia 肺炎 poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎 rheumatism 风湿病 scabies, itch 疥疮 sciatica 坐骨神经痛 sclerosis 硬化 septicemia, septicaemia 败血病 sinusitis 窦炎 swamp fever 沼地热 syncope 晕厥 syphilis 梅毒 tetanus 破伤风 thrombosis 血栓形成 torticollis, stiff neck 斜颈 tuberculosis 结核病 typhus 斑疹伤寒 urticaria, hives 荨麻疹 whooping cough 百日咳

1、I\'m not feeling well.我觉得不舒服。

2、I\'m feeling very bad.我觉得很不舒服。

3、I don\'t feel myself lately.我最近感到不舒服。

4、What shall(should) I do? 我该怎么办?

5、Should I stay in the hospital? 我需要住院吗?

6、The pain seems le.我的疼痛有些减轻。

7、Will it go away by itself ( soon)? 它能自然(很快)痊愈吗?

8、When shall I come back? 我什么时候再来?

9、Will there be a recurrence? 这病会复发吗?

10、Does this medicine have any side-effects? 这药有副作用吗?

11、What kind of food should I eat? Should I have a special diet? 我应该吃什么样的饮食,我需要特别的饮食吗?

12、Will surgery neceary? 需要做手术吗?

13、Will it take long to recover? 很久才能恢复吗? l

4、Is it right to move around and do some exercises? 可以在地上走走,锻炼锻炼吗?

15、Is it serious? 情况严重吗?

16、Is there any danger? 有危险吗?

17、What could be the cause? 可能是什么原因呢?

18、What should I do if I have another attack? 我若是再犯,该怎么办呢?

19、Isn\'t there any good medicine for it? 没有什么好药吗? 20、What kind of medicine is this? 这是一种什么药呢?

21、I hate injections, Can I take the medicine orally? 我不喜欢


22、Can it be cured? 能治好么?

23、Will it get worse? 能变坏吗?

24、What could it be? 可能是什么病呢?

25、What do you think? 你认为怎样?

26、Can anything be done for pain? 对于这种疼痛,有没有办法呢?

27、Whatever you say.听从你的意见。

28、Since two or three weeks.大约两三周前。

29、About when? 大约在什么时间了? 30、Is it contagious? 这病传染吗?

31、I feel dizzy(feverish, shivery, sleepy, like vomiting, nauseous itching, weak, irritated).我感到头晕(发烧,发冷,发困,想吐,恶心,痒,虚弱,急躁)。

32、I have piles (a bad cough, a dry cough, a sore stomach a pain in the small of my back). 我有痔疮(剧烈的咳嗽,干咳,胃痛,腰背部痛)。 patient(接待病人) 一.Receiving the patient(接待病人) 1.How do you do ? / Good morning! 您好!(初次见面时使用)/早上好! 2.What can I do for you? /Can I help you? 您需要我帮助吗? 3.I’ll bring you to your bedside, please follow me.This is your bed..我要领您到床边去.请跟我来.这是您的床位.4.The toilet is over there.卫生间在那边 5.We supply hot water.我们供应热水 6.Please wait a moment.I’ll let your doctor know./I’ll inform your doctor.请等一会儿,我去通知医生.7.8.9.Mary is the nurse /doctor in charge of you.玛丽是您的负责护士/医生 Please let us know if you need any help.您需要帮助时,请告诉我们.Smoking is not allowed here.这里不允许吸烟 collection(收集信息 收集信息) 二.Information collection(收集信息) 10.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 您介意我问您几个问题吗? 11.We need some information from you.我们需要从您这儿收集一些信息.12.Is your tummy still sore? 您的肚子还疼吗? 13.Does your pain come on after or before meals? 您的疼痛是在饭前还是饭后发作? 14.Does it hurt to pa urine? /when I pre here? 排尿时痛吗?/ 当我按压这儿时痛吗? 15.Does your back ache? 您的后背痛吗? 16.Do your feet swell? 您的脚肿了吗? 17.Do you have a cough/fever? 您咳嗽吗?/ 您有发热吗? 18.Do you bring up any sputum? 您咳痰吗? 19.Is there any radiation of the pain? (to the shoulder)有放射(到肩部的)痛吗? 20.How long have you had the pain? 您的痛有多长时间了? 21.When did the pain start? /where is your pain? 疼痛从什么时候开始的/什么地方疼痛? 22.Are your periods regular? 您的月经规则吗? examination(查体) 三.Physical examination(查体) 23.Will you please undre for medical examination? 请您脱下衣服做体检好吗? 24.Take off your clothes, please.请把衣服脱下来 25.Lie down on the couch, please/Just lie still on the couch and relax.请躺在治疗床上./ 请安静地躺在治疗床上,放松.26.Bend your knees, please.

请屈膝.27.Open your mouth and say ‘ah” 张开口, 说: 啊 28.Beathe deeply, please./take a deep breath, please.请深呼吸 29.May I examine your tummy, please? 我要检查下您的肚子, 好吗? 30.Roll up your sleeves, please.请卷起袖子.交流) 四. Communication.(交流) 31.I am going to take your temperature./Please put the thermometer under your armpit.我要测一下您的体温/请把体温计放在您的腋下.32.Let me feel your pulse .让我测一下您的脉搏.33.I’ll test/take your blood preure.我要测量一下您的血压.34.I’m afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level.我要取一滴指血做血糖测定, 需要刺一下你的手指.35.I’ll take some blood from your arm now.现在我要从您的胳膊抽血.36.Don’t take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning 半夜之后不要吃喝任何东西,明天早上抽血.37.Please bring a specimen of your urine/stool/sputum./ please collect your mid-stream specimen of urine.请留一份尿/便/痰的标本/请收集您的中段尿.38.Please have your blood and urine 今天您要做一个胸部/头部 CT.40.You are going to have a chest X-ray this morning.今天早上您要拍一个胸片.41.You are going to have a B-mode ultrasonic exam.Please keep your bladder full.您要做 B 超检查,请留尿,使膀胱充盈.42.You are going to have an gastric endoscopy tomorrow morning.please don’t eat or drink anything after 12 o’clock tonight.明天上午您要做胃镜检查,今晚 12 点之后,请不要吃喝任何东西。 43.You are going to have urine catheterization now.现在您需要导尿.44.I’m going to do an ECG for you.我要给您做心电图.45.I’m going to put a gastric tube into your stomach, this is for gastrointestinal decompreion.我要放胃管到您的胃内,这是胃肠减压.We can feed you the neceary nutrients through the tube.Please swallow the tube as I put it tests done.请做一下您的血和尿试验.39.You are going to have a CT-scan of your chest/head today. down.我们通过胃管给您必要的营养.当我放管时,请做吞咽动作.46.I’m going to make your bed./ we’ll change the bed linen at once.我要给您整理床铺/我们马上给您换床单.47.I’ll apply a cold(hot) compre to your ankle.我要给您的踝部冷/热敷 48.An operation will be done tomorrow/ an emergency operation must be done now.Will you please sign to give your permiion for your operation? 明天将做手术/现在马上做急诊手术.同意手术请您签字好吗? 49.I’m going to shave your skin./ I’m going to do skin preparation for you.我要给您做备皮/我要给您做皮肤准备。 50.You’re going to have a local/general/epidural anaesthesia.要给您做局麻/全身麻醉/硬膜外麻醉.51.Are you allergic to any medication?/ penicillin?您对什么药物/青霉素过敏

吗? 52.I’m going to do a skin test of pennicillin for you./ If you feel itchy or short of breath, please let me know at once.I’ll see the result in fifteen minutes./I’m going to do a tetanus hypersensitive test for you.我要给您做青霉素皮试.如果您感到痒或气短,请立刻告诉我./我十五分 钟后看结果./我要给您做破伤风皮试.53 .I’m going to give you an intramuscular injection./intravenous infusion/hypodermic injection.我要给您做肌肉/静脉/皮内注射 54.I’m going to give you an enema to help you pa motion.我要给您灌肠, 帮助您排便 55.The doctor will change your dreing./The doctor will remove your stitches.医生要给您换药/医生要给您拆线.56.I’m going to give you oxygen now.我要给您吸氧 57.I’m going to give you nebulization.我要给您(雾化)吸入.58.I’m going to do bladder irrigation for you.我要给您做膀胱冲洗 59.You have to rest in bed for at least one week 您至少要卧床休息一周.60.How are you today? How was your sleep last night? How is your appetite? 您今天怎么样?您昨晚睡得怎么样?您的食欲怎么样? 61.Did you pa motion yesterday?/Are your bowel Are 您昨天排便了吗?/您的大便正常吗? 62.What color of your urine? 您的尿液是什么颜色? 63.How much urine do you pa each time? 您大概每次排尿多少? 64.You will have skin/cervical traction.要给您做皮肤/颈部牵引 65.Take more exercises./Do some light work, have a happy outlook, avoid excitement and too much worry.Be careful not to stumble.多做锻炼/做一些轻体力活动,保持良好的心态,避免兴奋和过度忧虑,小心不要摔倒 66.You are going to have a blood transfusion.要给您输血 67.The results are normal.结果正常 68.You are suffering from ~/Your disease was diagnosed as ~您的病诊断为~ 69.You have to stop smoking and alcohol.您必须戒烟、戒酒 nutrition(关于药物和营养) 五.About medication and nutrition(关于药物和营养) 70.Take two tablets three times a day after/before food.饭前/饭后服,每日三次,每次两粒.71.Take the medicine with a lot of water.服用此药,要多饮水.72.I’ll give you an injection twice a day.我要给您注射,每日两次.movements normal? 73.This medicine is used for preventing infection/treating infection/relieving your pain/protecting your stomach/supplying nutrients/ bringing down your temperature/ intracranial preure/stopping bleeding/ 这种药是为了预防感染/治疗感染/减轻疼痛/保护您的胃/提供营养/降低体温/降低颅内压/停止出血 74.You should have a low fat/ low salt/ light diet/high caloric diet/high protein/soft diet/liquid food.您的进食应该是低脂/低盐/轻淡/高热量/高蛋白/软食/流食的食物 75.Please take some more nourishing food.请食营养多的食物.(安慰 安慰) 六.Comforting (安慰) 76.Never mind/It doesn’t

matter 没关系 77.Don’t worry 不要担心 78.Don’t be nervous.You are in good hands.不要紧张, 操作者是高手 79.You will recover soon.您很快就会康复的 80.Please come back to see the doctor for check-up in two weeks.请两周后来看医生复查 benumb vt.使无感觉 使迟钝,使麻木 使无感觉,使迟钝 使麻木 使迟钝 My hands are benumbed with cold.



2008-06-17 23:13:05










根据医学杂志编辑国际委员会 (The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE)制定的《生物医学杂志投稿统一要求》(The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 5th Ed., 1997)*, 一篇生物医学科研论文(以下简称“论文”)应包括以下12个部分:



3.引言(Introduction) 9.插图说明(Legends)

4.材料与方法(Materials and Methods )10.插图(Figures)

5.结果(Results) 11.表格(Tables)

6.讨论(Discuion)12.照片和说明(Plates and Explanations)






1)引言部分总的要求是:The purpose of an introduction is to bring the reader into the general area of your study and then state the specific area of study (move from the general to the specific).The introduction shows the scope of your investigation efforts.** 即:说明研究的总体范围和目的。 具体内容包括:

A背景 – 说明所研究问题的目前总体情况或历史(statement of general area or history of problem);

B.意义 – 说明研究的意义或必要性(statement of importance or need);

C.进展 – 说明有关该问题的先有发现、报告或研究(statement of previous findings, reports or studies)。陈述这部分内容时一般要有引文(citations);

D目的 – 说明本研究的目的(statement of purpose of current study);

E.范围 – 说明要研究问题的具体范围(statement of specific area of problem to be studied)


总的要求是:Readers must be able to reproduce your results, evaluate the validity of your results and the soundne of your methods, and follow the logic in the paper.即:结果的可重演性、方法的可*性以及前后的逻辑性。


A.简要说明研究设计(study design / protocol),如:回顾(retrospective / review),前瞻(prospective),临床(clinical),动物(animal),实验(experimental),活体内(in vivo)活体外(in vitro),原位(in situ)随访(follow-up),对照(controlled),随机(random / randomized),双盲交*(double-blind croover),人群(population / cohort / migrant),对比(comparative),流行病学(epidemiological)等研究性质;

B.详细说明研究对象(subject)情况,包括研究人员(student),被研究的人(client)和动物(animal)的性别(***)、年龄(age),物种(species),品种(breed)生理状态(physiological state); 微生物则要说明其菌株(strain),血清型(serotype)及其他区别特性(identity characteristics);

C.随机分组分组方法(methods of any random aignment of subjects to groups)和选择标准(criteria for admiion to study groups);

D.详细说明所用的药物(drug),激素(hormone),试剂(reagent)和其他化学品(chemical)的名称、商标(trademark)、生产厂家(manufacturer)及所在地(location)E.简要说明测定方法(method of measurement),包括名称,引文和偏差(variations);F.简要说明统计学分析方法(method of statistic analysis)

这部分的陈述程序一般为:研究设计 → 研究对象性质 → 处理 / 干预方法 → 测定 / 观察手段 → 统计分析

除指示性说明外,如:“病人资料见表1”(Data of the patients are shown in Table 1)“材料与方法”和“结果”两部分一律用过去时表达。

3) 结果部分总的要求:This section tells the reader what happened in your work.Remember: let your

results speak for themselves and don’t embellish (leave that for the Discuion section), 即:让研究的客观结果说话,不要添枝加叶。


1) 对所获结果进行概述(overview of the results);

2) 说明所获资料或数据的统计意义(statistical significance);

统计支持(statistical support),包括图,表,照片等 (凡用图表表示的内容不再用文字详述)。

不要用模棱两可的词或短语表述结果,如: “ The results tended to be greater than…”, “… showed no promising trends”, “It could / might be inhibited by …”。

4) 讨论部分

总的要求:The author should tell the reader what the results mean by placing them in the context of previous published studies of the problem, 即:与先有研究相比,本研究有何意义。具体要求:

A. 简要说明研究背景(background)

B. 简要介绍总的发现(general findings);

C. 介绍具体要点(introduction of points)

D.与现有发现(若有)进行比较(comparison in the context of other studies)

E. 意义(suggested meaning)

F. 结论(conclusion)

G.前瞻研究(future studies)

结论往往是论文中最长也是最难写的部分,主要原因是作者要对研究结果和发现进行分析、推断、演绎和推理,要求作者具有很强逻辑思维能力和英语文字组织能力。此外,这部分时态比较复杂,要分清实验过程和结果(过去时)与分析意见(确定:现在时;不确定或假设:过去时)的区别;他人研究结果(过去时或现在完成时)与本研究结果(过去时)的区别;普遍适用的结论(现在时)与只适用本研究的结论(过去时)的其别等。因此,对于however, may, might, could, would, poibly, probably, be likely to 等词(组)的使用以及we believe (think / consider) that, to our knowledge, in our experience (practice) 等插入语的使用就显得格外重要。5) 致谢部分

总的要求:Always get approval of your intention to mention someone in the acknowledgement and approval of the form in which you will present the acknowledgement, 即:致谢词和致谢方式必须征得受谢人或单位的同意。

6) 参考文献

总的要求:Reference styles should be specific to each journal, 既:根据各杂志的具体要求,因为各杂志对参考文献部分的编排顺序和格式不尽统一。现将URMSBJ要求的20多种参考文献中最常见的5种格式列举如下:

1) Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B.Heart transplantation is aociated with an increased risk for pancreatobiliary disease.Ann Intern Med 1996 Jun 1; 124(11): 980-3.[标准杂志文章]

2) The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.Clinical excise stre testing:Safety and performance guidelines.Med J Aust 1996; 164: 282-4.[作者是个组织]

3) Cancer in South Africa [editorial].S Afr Med J 1984; 84: 15.[无作者名]

4) Shen HM, Zhang QF.Risk aement of nickel cardiogenicity and occupational lung cancer.Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 Suppl 1: 275-82.[某杂志增刊]

5) Browell DA, Lennard TW.Immunologic status of the cancer patient and the effects of blood transfusion on antitumor responses.Curr Opin Gen Surg 1993; 325-33 [无期无卷]

7) 插图说明

总的要求:Type or point out legends for illustrations using double spacing, starting on a separate page, 既:插图说明要另页双行打印。当插图中有箭头(arrow)、符号(symbol)、数字(number)或字母(letter)



总的要求:Design your figures for the appropriate reduction, 即:插图要按杂志的版面大小比例进行压缩;不要把插图拍成照片。

9)表格总的要求:A table should be a totally self-contained unit of information, 即:表格要作为一个独立的信息单位另页打印。表格要简明清楚,完整(标题、内容和脚注),即使只有一张表格也要标Table 1。


Dear leaders:


When you open this page, you have to succe, I opened the door first.Thank you in another life I am about to embark on a new journey time, give me a valuable opportunity.I hope it will help you in the intense market competition and the high tide in search of knowledge-based economy to an integrated talent.

My name is xxx, 200x-year in June, I graduated from medical school xx.Five years of study at the university of life is that I think about life beyond the self, the five-year maturity.I strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; learning seriously hard, good results; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice and training activities; my profeional learning involves a wide range of content , including basic, clinical, prevention.Specialized in the study at the same time, in order to complement and extend their own knowledge, I read all kinds of books periodicals, as far as poible to enable faster growth of its own personnel for multi-skill.

Five rush, and now I know how deeply: Yesterday\'s results are a thing of the past, the future * glory to the unremitting efforts of today\'s down-to-earth to be realized.I am about to leave school at the time, I learned to carry a young man filled with knowledge and paion and dreams, sincere and heartfelt ourselves to your organization.

Despite the large number of candidates, I may not necearily be the best, but I am still very confident, I think I have the ability to do well in your house.Give me a chance, I will fulfill their duties, so that your satisfaction.At this point, I look forward to your eye look静候佳音.I believe your trust and my strength will bring us succe together!

I wish: the cause of the prosperity of your organization, you work!



Candidates: xxx



Dear leaders:


When you open this page, you have to succe, I opened the door first.Thank you in another life I am about to embark on a new

journey time, give me a valuable opportunity.I hope it will help you in the intense market competition and the high tide in search of knowledge-based economy to an integrated talent.

My name is xxx, XX-year in June, I graduated from medical school xx.Five years of study at the university of life is that I think about life beyond the self, the five-year maturity.I strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united

students, have a strong collective sense of honor; learning seriously hard, good results; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice and training activities; my profeional learning involves a wide range of content , including basic, clinical, prevention.Specialized in the study at the same time, in order to complement and extend their own knowledge, I read all kinds of books periodicals, as far as poible to enable faster growth of its own personnel for multi-skill.

Five rush, and now I know how deeply: Yesterday\'s results are a thing of the past, the future * glory to the unremitting efforts of today\'s down-to-earth to be realized.I am about to leave school at the time, I learned to carry a young man filled with knowledge and paion and dreams, sincere and heartfelt ourselves to your organization.

Despite the large number of candidates, I may not necearily be the best, but I am still very confident, I think I have the ability to do well in your house.Give me a chance, I will fulfill their duties, so that your satisfaction.At this point, I look forward to your eye look静候佳音.I believe your trust and my strength will bring us succe together!

I wish: the cause of the prosperity of your organization, you work!



Candidates: xxx



Morning! Thank you for giving me this interview opportunity.I come from Affiliated Hospital Medical College Which is 3A level hospital in Jiangxi province.

I graduated from Medical College and got my bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine in 2003.After that, I became a doctor in the Affiliated Hospital Medical College and took charge of some research and teaching work in Ultrasound.In the past six years, I have published 6 papers, 3 of those were published in core journal.Due to my hard working and all these achievements, I was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in 2007.

Well, I may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but I realized two years ago when I was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee, there is a significant gap between those profeors and me.The academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that I decided to get further systematic training in famous university.

I took the entry exam twice.The first time, I failed because my English was lower than the level.Well, I am the kind of person that once I have set up an aim I will fulfill it no matter what I may meet.The little frustration can’t beat me.To my pleasure, I am here today and I hope you could offer me this study chance.




Adams-Stokes综合症:与发热程度不平行的心动过速和心律失常或有心衰的表现,常见于病毒性心肌炎 Allen试验:用于检查手的供血情况,即尺桡动脉通畅和两者间的吻合情况 Asherman综合征:刮宫后宫腔粘连闭锁而闭经,即子宫性闭经

Austin Flint杂音:主见A关闭不全。心尖区可闻及舒张中、晚期隆隆样杂音,认为是主A返流撞击心室并妨碍二尖瓣开放所致


Biots呼吸(间停R):巴比妥类药物中毒(R抑制) Brockenbrough现象阳性:心导管检查主A内压在心内压升时不升反降,此为梗阻性肥厚性心肌病的特异表现

Budd-chiari(肝静脉阻塞综合征):肝肿大淤血 BUS:即常规B超检查,胆道病首先选用胆结石、下段胆管癌均为首选 Charcot(夏柯)三联征:腹痛寒热黄疸,见于胆道感染(胆石症胆囊炎) Cheyne-Stoke呼吸(潮氏R):巴比妥类药物中毒(R抑制) Codman三角:骨肉瘤的特点

Colles(反科雷)骨折远段典型移位是远侧端向掌侧移位(屈曲型) Colles(科雷)骨折远段典型移位是远侧端向背侧移位(伸直型) Corrigan脉(水冲脉):主脉压↑引起,见于主A瓣关闭不全、A导管未闭甲亢或贫血 Courvoisier征:见于胆管下端癌,(需行胰十二指肠切除术) Cushing库兴氏综合征(皮质醇增多症):肾上腺分泌过量的皮质激素引起满月脸、向心肥胖、皮肤紫纹、高血压和骨质疏松。

De Muet(点头征):头随心脏搏动而动,见于主A瓣关闭不全 Duroziez征:股动脉双期杂音,见于主A瓣关闭不全。 Dixon手术(经腹直癌切除术):离肛门10cm上的癌,术后控排便最满意 Dugas征阳性:肩关节脱位,方肩畸型

ERCP(经十二指肠胰腺逆行造影):可显示胆道系统和胰腺导管的解剖及病变还可取石取蛔虫 Ewart征:背部左肩胛角下呈浊音,语颤增强和支气管呼吸音。为渗出性心包炎体征之一 Felty综合症:类风关伴脾大和中粒细胞减少 Finkelstein征阳性:桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎 Gibson杂音(机器样杂音):A导管未闭 病名英语缩写 AA 再障

AD 阿尔海默茨病(一种老年痴呆症) Af 房颤

AGN 急性肾炎 AI 主闭

AIH 自身免疫性肝炎

AIHA 自身免疫性溶血性贫血 AIN 急性间质性肾炎



①Briefly self-introduction:

Good morning, dear profeors.I feel very happy to be here for your interview.My name is Malei, 23 years old.I come from Nan yang.To July, I will graduate from Bin Zhou Medical College.And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University.

②Why I study medicine:

In my junior middle school, I had an ideal of becoming a respectable doctor because of my mother’s suffering from a severe illne.So, I entered a medical college.And I study very hard in college because I’m extremely eager to make my dream come true.We all know that interest is the best teacher.And I really have strong interest in medicine.Medical science is deep and attractive.In order to do a better job, I must constantly enrich my mind and improve my skills.In addition, I’m a kindhearted, diligent, patient, smart and cautious girl.I think these natures will help me to become a good doctor.I am also a persistent person.As long as I set a goal, I will stick to it until I succeed.

③Why I choose cardiovascular medicine:

During the days preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, I realize that I’m most interested in cardiovascular medicine.Especially coronary heart disease, it has been a serious threat to many people\'s health and life.With the development of interventional medicine, the treatment of coronary heart disease has been greatly improved, but people\'s understanding of this disease is not enough.Faced with such a health-killer, I hope I can make some contributions to human beings in this field.Furthermore, I like to challenge difficulties and explore medical mysteries.Cardiology is the most challenging subject and The Department of Cardiology of The First Affiliated Hospital is NO.1 in Henan Province.So I expect to be educated here.

④About learning intervention operation:

About intervention medicine, we all know that accepting much X-ray long time would lead to cancer.This must be the cause of girls’ disliking practicing intervention operation.But people eventually die, I think died in the pursuit of the ideal are worthy.So I want to practice intervention operation in order to make my medical skill become more advanced.But because X-ray can cause woman to birth abnormal fetus, So, I can’t learn it until

I have a child.I think it can’t block me to make achievements in cardiac medical field.Because intervention is just a therapy and isn’t neceary by all cardiac researches.

⑤About my spare time:

As for living, in my spare time, I like to appreciate music and movie to relax my mind.I know that only by keeping a healthy body can we work better.I like aerobic exercise such as yoga, jogging, sports dancing and badminton.Especially yoga is my favorite; I do it again every night before bed.

⑥About my English:

As for English, I used to really not be interested.But in order to pa the postgraduate entrance examination I force myself to learn English, then I found that English is very interesting, so I have been trying to improve my English.And research work with English everywhere, I have to learn English well in order to do research better.

⑦I’m confident to be an excellent doctor:

As the old saying goes, where there\'s a will there\'s a way.As long as I want to do, I will do very well, and never let my teachers and parents down.My dear profeors, I hope you believe that I will be your best choice.

That’s all.I hope that I have made myself clear.Thanks a lot for your time and attention.

My pronunciation is not very good, so I prepared written self-introduction, hope profeors understanding!


The application of nursing safety management in rooming-inFengli

People\'s Hospital of Obstetrics and GynecologyGuangchang County Jiangxi province 344900

Abstract:purpose Objective to avoid the ridden risks of rooming-in safety nursing effectively, reduce rooming-in nursing defects and ensure safety.method Strengthening nursing safety management in the application of rooming-in.Strengthening nursing safety education and training.Firmly establish consciousne of nursing security.Strengthen the rooming-in ward safety facilities.Improve the implementation of the system.Identify and evaluate the potential safety hazard in rooming- in clinical nursing work and timely put forward corresponding improvement measures to ensure the safety of nursing care.Through regular nursing safety inspection, timely detect problems and timely rectify and reform to avoid the potential safety hazard of rooming-in safety nursing, ensure safety.result By strengthening the safety education and training for nursing staff to firmly establish consciousne of nursing security, strengthen the rooming-in ward security settings, perfect and implement each system and promptly recognize the potential safety hazard of rooming-in.Then put forward the corresponding preventive measures to make the incidence of nursing errors significantly reduced.In 2 years, there are no serious mistakes and nursing disputes.General error by 8 in 2009 dropped to 2 in 2011.Hospital maternal and their families are satisfied, the inpatient satisfaction rate is more than 98%.conclusion Nursing safety management application to rooming in ward can effectively reduce the rooming-in ward nursing defects, ensure the rooming- in ward nursing quality.

Key words:Nursing safety management;direct rooming-in;application


Dear leaders:


Yiyang Medical College as a 2008 seion of the health care profeional graduates, I am eager and sincere wish to become part of your house.

Such a request may be too sudden and presumptuous, but I only seek to occupy the least of your valuable time to the most simple language so that you understand me, appreciate me, accept me!

I was born in Hunan province, a mountain city,走出大山, I do the training白衣天使into the hall.Yiyang Medical College in the three-year study period, I have laid a solid foundation for the profeional, master and explore in depth a variety of medical knowledge, in order to meet the needs of modern medicine, I am learning the relevant medical knowledge, is now basically understood.And at the national level through the computer.Accumulation of knowledge for more than ten years and three years of profeional training so that I move closer to a qualified白衣天使requirements, training and practice of performance results also proved that I am a doctor of occupational competence.I am confident, the end of the students in my career, set foot on the first day of the medical path, I will be a qualified白衣天使.

Hospital doctors have long heard of your team strong and demanding for the staff, but I know that this is the source of high quality medicine, I also admire an important reason for your hospital.A management system of reasonable, good quality of hospital doctors is what I yearn for the three years to study, it is also the release I would have preferred to be warm with their sky.I believe that acce to your house will be the beginning of the work I have no reason to regret his choice.

So hard for so many years, committed to education,唯愿have achieved, urge you to give me a chance to display their own; Kunpeng wings, filled with people of the world, Cheng Xie知遇之恩, I will return an unprecedented surprise you.

Sincerely be absolutely sure,急盼your good news!













AC —— 腹围

APTD —— 腹部前后间的厚度,又称为“腹部前后径”。在检查胎儿腹部的发育状况以及推定胎儿体重时,需要测量该数据。

BDP —— 双顶径头部左右两侧之间最长部位的长度,又称为“头部大横径”。当初期无法通过CRL来确定预产日时,往往通过BPD来预测;中期以后,在推定胎儿体重时,往往也需要测量该数据。

CRL —— 头臀长为头臀距,表示胎体纵轴平行测量最大的长轴,主要用于判定孕7~12周的胎龄。

HC —— 头围

FL —— 股骨长胎儿的大腿骨的长度,又称为“大腿骨长”。大腿骨是指大腿根部到膝部的长度。一般在妊娠20周左右,通过测量FL来检查胎儿的发育状况。

GS —— 胎囊月经规则的妇女,停经35天,B超就可在宫腔内看到孕囊。在怀孕1.5个月时孕囊直径约2厘米,2.5个月时约5厘米。胎囊位置在子宫的宫底、前壁、后壁、上部、中部都属正常;形态圆形、椭圆形、清晰为正常;如胎囊为不规则形、模糊,且位置在下部,孕妇同时有腹痛或阴道流血时,可能要流产。

HL —— 肱骨长

TTD —— 腹部的宽度,又称为“腹部横径”。在妊娠20周之后,与APTD一起来对胎儿的发育情况进行检查。有时也会测量腹部的面积

GP —— 胎盘分级,一般胎盘分为0,I ,II,III级,有时还有III+级

AFI —— 羊水指数,做B超时,以孕妇的脐部为中心,分上,下,左,右4区域,将4个区域的羊水深度相加,就得到羊水指数,孕晚期羊水指数的正常值是8~18(24)厘米。

S/D —— 胎儿脐动脉收缩压与舒张压的比值,与胎儿供血相关,当胎盘功能不良或脐带异常时此比值会出现异常,在正常妊娠情况下,随孕周增加胎儿需要增加S下降,D升高,使比值下降,近足月妊娠时S/D小于3。


公式1: Y=-4973.72+260.69HC

公式2: Y=-2686.60+171.48AC

公式3: Y=-2232.56+747.42FL

公式4: Y=-2513.51+1049.90FTH

公式5: Y=-5168.32+100.97HC+110.86AC+143.09FL+331.43FTH




Y: 胎儿体重的估算值(g)

HC: 头围

AC: 腹围

FL: 股骨长

FTH: 胎儿腿部皮下脂肪厚度




XXX全科医学教学工作情况介绍 General Practice Teaching in XXX

XXX was identified as the third batch of clinical skills training base for General Practice Education in September 2007.The hospital constantly perfects the base construction to improve teaching conditions, and strengthens the teacher’s training to undertake the general practice teaching task.I.Teaching Condition The hospital own one teaching building integrated with claes taking, skills training and laboratory.The total area of the building is 1,100m2.One multi-media claroom with 108seats, 2 middle-sized clarooms with 50-60 seats, 5 small-sized clarooms with 20-30 seats and 7 skills training rooms are included in the teaching building.The wards in Inpatient Building includes 23 student admin offices covering an area of 350m2, 23 demonstration clarooms of 478.44m2 and 23 consulting rooms of 399.90 m2.The hospital library collects 40,000 books and 200 kinds of periodicals.We are equipped with e-reading room for network-based management.Domestic and overseas medical literature data could be searched and consulted in the e-reading room.There are two dormitory buildings in the hospital, for one covers an area of 1193.6 m2 and contains 100 students, and the other one covers an area of 840 m2 and contains 80 students.24-hour security is on duty.There are 467 part-time teachers, of whom there are 90 college teachers, 30 adjunct profeors, 50 adjunct aociate profeors and 16 postgraduate tutors.10 of them were trained for general practice teaching.

1 The General Practice Comprehensive Building with total area of 7459 m2 came into use in September 2014.We established 4 internal medicine skills rooms, 2 surgery skills rooms, 1 gynecology skills room, 1 pediatrics skills room, 1 emergency skills room, 1 rehabilitation skills room, 1 dermatology




and otorhinolaryngology skills room, nursing skills room, 2 simulation operating rooms, 1 simulation delivery room, 1 simulation ICU, 1 simulation rescue room, 2 simulation wards, 2 simulation outpatient departments, 7 multi-media clarooms, 2 noviciate clarooms, 1 self-study claroom, 1 meeting room, 2 activity rooms, 50 students dormitories, 1 students canteen and 1 basketball court.The dormitories poeed of 108 beds, and we input 1.2 million to complete aociated equipment, in order to carry out multidisciplinary theoretical lecturing and part of practical teaching.II.Teaching Management The hospital implements 3-level management system, which is vice dean-teaching affairs section-teaching and research offices.The vice dean is put in charge of teaching work.The teaching affairs section is responsible for undergraduate courses management; the administrative staff in the section takes additional post of head teacher.We have relatively thorough working system.Teaching and research offices are set up in clinical departments.The teaching secretary takes charge of daily teaching affairs.III.Completion Status of Training Task 1.Whole course teaching for undergraduate We have been undertaking the clinical specialty (general practice) course teaching since 2014.So far 97 students had studied in our hospital.

2 2.Clinical skills training a.Clinical practice training for general practitioner

We accepted 69 students of XXX for transferring training (20 days for ever term) in 2011 and 2012.The training content included emergency medicine, cardiovascular medicine, digestive medicine, neurology, respiration medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, orthopedics medicine, infectious disease, rehabilitation medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, etc.Each Training Department elected experienced clinical teachers to do bedside teaching by combining theory with practice.After the training, the students basically understand the basic clinical skills.The clinical practice training strengthens their basic theoretical knowledge for general practice.b.Job-transfer training for general practitioner In 2011, we took 8-month general practice job-transfer training for 10 doctors from township health centers.We set out transferring plan and requirement according to the training syllabus, and then sent the training task, syllabus and transferring plan to related clinical departments.when the students are in place, they firstly need to take 40 cla hours pre-post training of clinical basic theory by choosing different courses according to their own need and interests, taking part in required course and electives,and transfer to every department as well.Then they will be arranged to clinical departments to learn practical application.The transferring task is 4-month for internal medicine, 3-month for emergency medicine.The above mentioned are required.The electives are surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and infectious diseases totally for one month.The students should select at least 4 departments to transfer according to the original basis and the training situation formerly.Students should stay at least 2 weeks in every

3 department.The teaching secretary in every ward organized experienced teachers to do the teaching, and the teaching administrative department will check the implement situation of transferring plan at regular intervals.When a transferring term finished, the department should give identification and the teacher ought to evaluate the student.After all the transferring term finished, the teaching administrative department organized the graduation test.The students could get hold of the basic clinical skills of general practice by training, and the ability of preventing common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and solving community health problem could be improved.The general practitioners from basic health institutions could reach the requirement of corresponding posts.And then the level of basic medical care and public health services for general practitioners would be promoted.



A:adrenalin 肾上腺素A:aortic second sound 主动脉瓣第二音AA:amino acid 氨基酸AA:aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血Ab:antibody 抗体ABE:acute bacterial endocarditis 急性细菌性心内

膜炎ACD:anemia of chronic disease 慢性病贫血ACE:angiotensin converting enzyme 血管紧张素转 化酶A cell:acceory cell 辅佐细胞(免疫)ACh:acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱(神经递质)AChE:acetycholinesterase 乙酰胆碱脂酶 AChR:acetylcholine receptor 乙酰胆碱受体ACTH:adrenocorticotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激

素 ACV:acyclovir 无环鸟苷(抗病毒药)AD:autosomal dominant 常染色体显性AD:Alzheimer's disease 阿尔茨海默氏病ADA:adenosine deaminase 腺苷脱氨酶ADCC:antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 抗体依赖性细胞介导细胞毒作用ADD:attention deficit disorder 注意缺陷障碍(即

多动综合征)ADH:antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素ADP:adenosine diphosphate 二磷酸腺苷ADR:adverse drug reaction 药物不良反应AFB:acid-fast bacilli 抗酸杆菌AFP:alpha fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白AG:anion gap 阴离子间隙A/G:albumin/globulin ratio 白/球蛋白比率Ag:antigen 抗原 AGL:acute granulocytic leukemia 急性粒细胞白血病AGN:acute glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎AHF:antihemophilic factor 抗血友病因子AI:aortic insufficiency 主动脉瓣关闭不全AI:artificial insemination 人工授精AID:artificial insemination with doner's semen

非配偶间人工授精AIDS:acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 获得性 免疫缺陷综合征,艾滋病AIH:artificial insemination with husband's semen 配偶间人工授精AIHA:autoimmune hemolytic anemia 自身免疫性溶血

性贫血 AISN:acute interstitial nephritis 急性间质性肾炎AKP:alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶Ala:alanine 丙氨酸ALA:aminolevulinic acid 氨基酮戊酸(卟啉前体)ALD:aldolase 醛缩酶ALG:antilymphocyte globulin 抗淋巴细胞球蛋白ALL:acute lymphoblastic leukemia 急性淋巴细胞白

血病ALP:alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶ALS:amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 肌萎缩性侧索 硬化症ALS:antilymphocyte serum 抗淋巴细胞血清ALT:alanine aminotransferase

丙氨酸转氨酶(即 SGPT)AML:acute myeloblastic leukemia 急性原粒细胞性 白血病 AMMOL:acute myelomonoblastic leukemia 急性髓单核 细胞性白血病 AMOL:acute monoblastic leukemia 急性单核细胞性白

血病AMS:acute mountain sickne 急性高山病AMS:atypical measles syndrome 非典型麻疹综合征AMY:amylase 淀粉酶AN:analgesic nephritis 止痛药肾炎ANA:antinuclear antibody 抗细胞核抗体ANP:atrial natriuretic peptide 心房利钠肽(即心

钠素)Anti-HBc:antibody to hepatitis B core antigen 抗

乙型肝炎核心抗体Anti-HBe:antibody to hepatitis B e antigen 抗乙型肝炎e抗体Anti-HBs:antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen 抗乙型肝炎表面抗体(即AuAg)ANUG:acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 急

性坏死性溃疡性龈炎AP:alternate pathway 旁路途径(补体活化) APB:atrial premature beat 房性期前收缩APC:antigen-presenting cell 抗原呈递细胞APC:acute pharyngoconjunctival fever 急性咽结合 膜热APP:acute-phase protein 急性期蛋白APRT:adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 腺嘌呤磷 酸核糖转移酶(嘌呤回收途径)APTT:activated partial thromboplastin time 活化 部分凝血活酶时间APUD:amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation 胺前体摄取和脱羧(细胞) AR:aortic regurgitation 主动脉反流AR:autosomal receive 常染色体隐性ARA-A:adenine arabinoside 阿糖腺苷(抗病毒药)ARA-C:cytosine arabinoside 阿糖胞苷(抗癌药)ARAS:ascending reticular activation system 上行

网状激活系统ARC:AIDS-related complex 艾滋病相关复合征ARD:acute respiratory disease 急性呼吸道病ARDS:adult respiratory distre syndrome 成人呼

吸窘迫综合征 ARF:acute renal failure 急性肾功能衰竭ARF:acute rheumatic fever 急性风湿热AS:aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄AS:ankylosing spondylitis 强直性脊柱炎Arg:arginine 精氨酸ASA:acetylsalicylic acid 乙酰水杨酸ASD:Alzheimer's senile dementia 阿尔茨海默氏老

年性痴呆ASD:atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损Asn:asparagine 天门冬酰胺ASO:antistreptolysin O 抗链球菌(溶血)素 OAsp:aspartic acid 天门冬氨酸AST:aspartate aminotransferase 天门冬氨酸转氨酶 (即SGOT)AT:angiotensin 血管紧张素ATL:adult T cell leukemia 成人T细胞白血病ATN:acute tubular necrosis 急性肾小管坏死ATP:adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷AuAg:Australia antigen 澳大利亚抗原(即Anti-HBs),

澳抗AUC:area under concentration curve 药-时曲线下

面积AV:atrioventricalar 房室AV:arteriovenous 动静脉AVF:(augmented voltage,left leg) 加压单极左腿导 联AVL:(augmented voltage,left arm) 加压单极左臂导

联AVM:arteriovenous malformation 动静脉畸形 AV node:atrioventricular node 房室结AVP:arginine vaso prein 精氨酸加压素AVR:(augmented voltage,right arm) 加压单极右臂

导联AZT:azidothymidine 叠氮脱氧胸腺嘧啶核苷BAEP:brain-stem auditory evoked potential 脑干听 觉诱发电位BAL:British anti-lewisite(dimercaprol) 英国抗路

易士毒气剂(二巯基丙醇)BBB:bundle branch block 束支传导阻滞BBB:blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障BBP:bedside blood purification 床边血液净化BBT:basal body temperature 基础体温B cell:bone marrow-derived lymphocyte 骨髓源淋巴

细胞BCG:bacillus Calmette-Guérin 卡介苗BCNU:bis-chloroethyl-nitrosourea 氯乙亚硝脲,卡 氮芥(抗癌药)BE:base exce 剩余碱BEAM:brain electrical activity mapping 脑电位分

布图BEE:basal energy expenditure 基础能量消耗量 BK:bradykinin 缓激肽BME:biomedical engineering 生物医学工程BMF:bone marrow failure 骨髓功能衰竭BMI:body ma index 体重指数(以体表面积为基数)BMP:bone morphogenic protein 骨形态形成蛋白BMR:basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BMT:bone marrow transplantation 骨髓移植BP:blood preure 血压BPH:benign prostatic hypertrophy 良性前列腺肥大Bq:becquerel 伯克(放射强度单位)BRM:biological response modulator 生物反应调节剂BSA:body surface area 体表面积BSP:bromsulphalein 酚四溴肽磺酸钠,磺溴肽钠(肝

功能试验)BT:bleeding time 出血时间BUN:blood urea nitrogen 血尿素氮C:complement 补体CABG:coronary artery bypa grafting 冠状动脉旁

路移植术CAD:coronary artery disease 冠状动脉病CAD:computer-aided diagnosis 计算机辅助诊断CAH:congenital adrenal hyperplasia 先天肾上腺增

生cAMP:cyclic adenosine monophosphate 环一磷酸腺苷CAPD:continuous ambulatory peritnoeal dialysis 持续性非卧床式腹膜透析CAT:calcium antagonist 钙拮抗剂CAVH:continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration 连

续动静脉血液滤过CAVHD:continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis 连 续动静脉血液透析CAVHP:continuous arteriovenous hemoperfusion 连 续动静脉血液灌流CAVP:continuous arteriovenous plasmapheresis 连续动静脉血浆换出CBC:complete blood count 全部血细胞计数CBF:cerebral blood flow 脑血流量CCK-PZ:cholecystokinin-pancreozymin 缩胆囊素-促 胰酶素CCNU:cyclohexyl-chloroethyl-nitrosourea 氯乙环己

亚硝脲(抗癌药)CCU:cardiac care unit 心脏病监护中心CD:cluster of differentiation 免疫细胞表面分化抗 原CDC:U.S.Centers for Disease Control 美国疾病监控

中心C dyn:dynamic compliance 动态顺应性CEA:carcinoembryonic antigen 癌胚抗原CEI:converting enzyme inhibitor 转化酶抑制剂CEP:chronic eosinophilic pneumonia 慢性嗜酸细胞

增多性肺炎CF:complement fixation 补体结合CF:chemotactic factor 趋化因子CF:cystic fibrosis 囊性纤维化CFU:colony forming unit 集落形成单位CGD:chronic granulomatous disease 慢性肉芽肿病CGL:chronic granulocytic leukemia 慢性粒细胞白血

病CH:compromized host 免疫力低下寄主C:constant domain of heavy chain 重链稳定区(免 疫球蛋白)CHD:coronary heart disease 冠心病CHF:congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭CHO:carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖CI:cardiac index 心脏指数Ci:curie 居里(放射强度单位)CIC:circulating immune complex 循环免疫复合物CIE:countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis 对流免

疫电泳CIS:carcinoma in situ 原位癌CISN:chronic interstitial nephritis 慢性间质性

肾炎CK:creatine kinase 肌酸激酶Cl:clearance 清除率C:constant domain of light chain 轻链稳定区(免 疫球蛋白)CLL:chronic lymphocytic leukemia 慢性淋巴细胞白 血症C(L+T):compliance of lungs and thorax 肺-胸廓顺

应性CMG:cystometrogram 膀胱压力容积曲线CMI:cell-mediated immunity 细胞介导免疫CML:chronic myelogenons leukemia 慢性髓细胞白血

病CMV:cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒CNS:central nervous system 中枢神经系统CO:cardiac output 心输出量CoA:coenzyme A 辅酶ACOCP:COcombining power 二氧化碳结合力COMT:catechol-O-methyltransferase 儿茶酚氧位甲基

转移酶COPD:chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢性阻塞性肺疾病CP:claic pathway 经典途径(补体活化)CP:cor pulmonale 肺原性心脏病CPAP:continuous positive airway preure 呼吸道

持续正压结氧CPCR:cardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation 心

肺脑复苏CPDD:cis-platinum-diamino dichloride 顺铂CPPV:continuous positive preure ventilation

连续正压通气结氧 CPR:cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复 CPZ:chlorpromazine 氯丙嗪 Cr:creatinine 肌酐CR:complement receptor 补体受体CREST:calcinosis,Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly,

telangiectasia 钙质沉着-雷诺氏现象-食管功能失

调-硬皮病指(趾)-毛细管扩张(综合征) CRF:chronic renal failure 慢性肾功能衰竭CRP:C-reactive protein C反应蛋白CSD:cat scratch disease 猫抓病CSF:cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液 CSF:colony stimulating factor 集落刺激因子C stat:static compliance 静态顺应性CT:calcitonin 降钙素CT:computed tomography 电子计算机断层成像CT:clotting time 凝血时间CTL:cytotoxic T lymphocyte 细胞毒T淋巴细胞CTX:cytoxan 环磷酰胺CV:closing volume 闭合容积CVA:cerebrovascular accident 脑血管意外CVID:common variable immunoglobulin deficiency

常见变异性免疫缺陷CVP:central venous preure中央静脉压CWP:coal worker's pneumoconiosis 煤矿工人尘肺Cys:cysteine 半胱氨酸D:ergocalciferol 麦角骨化醇(维生素D)D:cholecalciferol 胆骨化醇(维生素D)1,25-(OH)D:1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1,25 -双羟胆骨化醇DAG:diacylglycerol 甘油二脂D&C:dilatation & curettage 刮宫DDS:diaminodiphenylsulfone 氨苯砜DDT:dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane 滴滴涕DDVP:dichlorvos 敌敌畏DEC:diethylcarbamazine 乙胺嗪(海群生,抗丝虫药)DES:diethylstilbestrol 乙烯雌酚DF:differentiation factor 分化因子DHEA:dehydroepiandrosterone 脱氢表雄甾酮DHT:dihydrotestosterone 二氢睾丸酮DI:diabetes insipidus 尿崩症DIC:dieminated intravascular coagulation 弥漫

性血管内凝血DIP:distal interphalangeal 远指间(关节)DIT:diiodotyrosine 二碘酪氨酸DJD:degenerative joint disease 退行性关节病(即骨性关节病)DKA:diabetic ketoacidosis 糖尿病酮症酸中毒DLE:discoid lupus erythromatosus 盘状红斑狼疮DM:diabetes mellitus 糖尿病DM:dermatomyositis 皮肌炎DNA:deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DOC:11-deoxycorticosterone 11-脱氧皮质酮Dopa:dihydroxyphenylalanine 二羟苯丙氨酸,多巴DP:diastolic preure 舒张压DP:discharge precautions 排出物隔离DPG:diphosphoglyceric acid 二磷酸甘油酸DPN:diphosphopyridine nucleotide 二磷酸吡啶核苷

酸(同NAD,即辅酶I)DSA:digital substraction angiography 数字减影血 管造影DSCG:disodium cromoglycate 色甘酸钠(过敏反应介

质阻释药)DSH:deliberate self harm 蓄意自伤DSM:Dignostic nd Sttisticl Mnul of Mentl Disorders 《精神障碍诊断统计手册》DST:dexamethasone suppreion test 地塞米松抑制

试验DT:delirium tremens 震颤谵妄DTH:delayed-type hypersensitivity 迟发过敏DTIC:dimethyl imidazole carboxamide 氮烯咪胺(抗

癌药)DTP:diphtheria tetanus pertuis 白喉-破伤风-

百日咳(三联疫苗)DUB:dysfunctional uterine bleeding 功能失调性子

宫出血DVT:deep vein thrombosis 深静脉血栓形成D/W:dextrose in water 葡萄糖液E:enzyme 酶E:estrone 雌酮E:estradiol 雌二醇E:estriol 雌三醇EABV:effective arterial blood volume 有效动脉血 容量EACA:epsilon-aminocaproic acid 6-氨基己酸(纤溶 酶激活剂抑制药)EAC-rosette:erythrocyte-antibody-complement

rosette 红细胞-抗体-补体玫瑰花结EAE:experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 实 验性变应性脑脊髓炎EBA:epidermolysis bullosa acquisita 获得性大疱

性表皮松解症EBP:eosinophilic basic protein 嗜酸细胞碱性蛋白EBV:Epstein-Barr virus 爱泼斯坦-巴尔二氏病毒ECF:extracellular fluid 细胞外液ECF-A:eosinophil chemotactic factor of

anaphylaxis 过敏反应嗜酸细胞趋化因子ECG:electrocardiogram 心电图ECHO:echocardiography 超声心动图ECHOvirus:enteric cytopathogenic human orphan

virus 人类肠道细胞病变孤儿病毒ECM:external cardiac maage 胸外心脏按压ECM:erythema chronicummigrans 慢性游走性红斑(见 LD)ECT:electroconvulsive therapy 电惊厥疗法,电抽

搐疗法(即电休克疗法)ECT:emiion computed tomography 发射计算机断层

成像EDD:expected date of delivery 预产期EDTA:ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid 依地酸(金 属解毒药)EEG:electroencephalogram 脑电图EF:ejection fraction 射血分数EFA:eential fatty acid 必需脂肪酸EGD:esophagogastroduodenoscopy 食管胃十二指肠镜 检EGF:epidermal growth factor 表皮生长因子EGRI:enterogastric reflux index 肠胃反流指数EIA:enzyme immunoaay 酶免疫测定EKC:epidemic keratoconjunctivitis 流行性角结膜炎EKG:electrocardiogram 心电图ELISA:enzyme-linked immunosorbent aay 酶联免疫

吸附测验EM:electron microscope 电镜EMB:ethambutol 乙胺丁醇(抗结核药)EMG:electromyogram 肌电图EMSS:emergency medical service system 急诊医学勤 务系统END:endorphin 内啡肽ENL:erythema nodosum leprosum 麻风结节性红斑(反

应)ENT:ear,nose and throat 耳鼻喉EOP:endogeneous opioid peptide 内源性阿片肽EP:epinephrine 肾上腺素EP:electrophoresis 电泳EP:endogenous pyrogen 内源致热源EP:endorphin 内啡肽EP:enteric precautions 肠道隔离EPEC:enteropathogenic E.coli 肠致病性大肠杆菌EPO:erythropoietin 红细胞生成素(即REF)EPS:expreed prostatic secretion 前列腺按摩液ERCP:endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogr aphy 内窥镜逆行胰胆管造影E-rosette:erythrocyte rosette 红细胞玫瑰花结ERP:effective refractory period 有效不应期 ERP:estrogen receptor protein 雌激素受体蛋白ERPF:effective renal plasma flow 有效肾血浆流量ERV:expiratory reserve volume 补呼气容积ESR:erythrocyte sedimentation rate 红细胞沉降率, 血沉ESRD:end-stage renal disease 终期肾疾病ETEC:enterotoxigenic E.coli 产肠毒素大肠杆菌EXP:excretion precautions 排泄物隔离f:respiratory frequency 呼吸频率F:folic acid 叶酸Fab:antigen-binding fragment 抗原结合片断(免疫

球蛋白)FAD:flavin adenine dinucleotide 黄素腺嘌呤二核

苷酸(黄酶辅基)FAS:fetal alcohol syndrome 胎儿酒精综合征Fc:crystalizable fragment 结晶片断(免疫球蛋白)FDA:U.S.Food and Drug Administration 美国食物药 品局FDP:fibrinogen degradation products 纤维蛋白降 解产物FEV:forced expiratory volume in 1 second 第一秒

用力呼气量FFA:free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸FFM:fat-free ma 不含脂肪物质FH:tetrahydrofolate 四氢叶酸FIA:fluoroimmunoaay 荧光免疫测定Flu:influenza 流行性感冒FMD:foot and mouth disease 口蹄疫FMF:familial mediterranean fever 家族性地中海热FMN:flavin mononucleotide 黄素单核苷酸(黄酶辅基)FMS:fibromyalgia syndrome 纤维肌痛综合征FN:fibronectin 纤维粘连蛋白FNA:fine needle aspiration biopsy 细针吸取活检FRC:functional residual capacity 功能残气量FSH:follicle-stimulating hormone 促滤泡激素FTA-ABS:fluorescent treponemal antibody- absorption 荧光螺旋体抗体吸收(试验) 5-FU:5-fluorouracil 5-氟尿嘧啶(抗癌药)FUO:fever of unknown origin 无明热FVC:forced vital capacity 用力肺活量G-:gram negative 革兰氏阴性G+:gram positive 革兰氏阳性GABA:gamma-aminobutyric acid γ氨基丁酸GAG:glycosaminoglycan 糖氨聚糖(即粘多糖)Gal:galactose 半乳糖GALT:gut-aociated lymphatic(lymphoid)tiue 肠道相关淋巴组织GBS:Guillain-Barr syndrome 吉兰-巴雷二氏综合征GERD:gastroesophageal refux disease 胃食管反流

病GF:growth factor 生长因子GFR:glomerular filtration rate 肾小球过滤率GGT:gamma-glutamyl transferase γ-谷氨酰转移酶GH:growth hormone 生长激素GI:gastrointestinal 胃肠GIP:gastric inhibitory peptide 抑胃肽Glc:glucose 葡萄糖Gln:glutamine 谷酰胺Glu:glutamic acid 谷氨酸Gluc:glucuronic acid 葡萄糖醛酸Gly:glycine 甘氨酸GN:glomerulonephritis 肾小球肾炎GN:glomerulonephropathy 肾小球肾病GNB:gram-negative bacilli 革兰氏阴性杆菌GnRH:gonadotropin-releasing hormone 促性腺激素释 放激素GP:glycoprotein 糖蛋白G6PD:glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase 6-磷酸葡

萄糖脱氢酶GRH:GH-releasing hormone 生长激素释放激素GSD:glycogen storage disease 糖原贮积病GSH:glutathione(reduced) 谷胱甘肽(还原型)GSSG:glutathione(oxidized) 谷胱甘肽(氧化型)GTD:gestational trophoblastic diseases 妊娠性滋 养细胞疾病GTT:glucose tolerance test 葡萄糖耐量试验GU:genitourinary 泌尿生殖GVH:graft-versus-host 移植物抗寄主(疾病)Gy:gray 戈瑞(放射吸收剂量)HA:hemagglutination 血细胞凝集HACE:high-altitude cerebral edema 高原脑水肿HACH:hypertensive atherosclerotic cerebral hemorrhage 高血压性动脉硬化性脑出血HAI:hemagglutination-inhibition 血凝抑制HA(N)E:hereditary angioneurotic edema 遗传性血

管神经性水肿HAPE:high-altitude pulmonary edema 高原肺水肿HAT:hypoxanthine,aminopterin,thymidine 次黄嘌 呤-氨基蝶呤-胸腺嘧啶核苷(培养基)HAV:hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HB:heart block 心传导阻滞HbA:adult hemoglobin 成人型血红蛋白HBcAg:hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HBE:His bundle electrocardiogram 希氏束心电图HBeAg:hepatitis B eantigen 乙型肝炎e抗原HBIG:hepatitis B immune globulin 乙型肝炎免疫球

蛋白HbF:fetal hemoglobin 胎儿型血红蛋白HbS:sickle hemoglobin 血红蛋白S,镰状细胞血红蛋白HBsAg:hepatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面

抗原HBV:hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HCD:heavy chain disease 重链病hCG:human chorionic gonadotropin 人类绒毛膜促性

腺激素HCL:hairy cell leukemia 毛细胞白血病HCT(Hct):hematatocrit 血细胞比容(即PCV)HCV:hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HD:Hodgkin's disease 何杰金氏病,霍奇金氏病HD:hemodialysis 血液透析HDL:high-density liporotein 高密度脂蛋白HDN:hemolytic disease of newborn 新生儿溶血病HDV:hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HE:hematoxylin eosin 苏木精伊红(染色剂)HE:hypertensive encephalopathy 高血压性脑病 HEV:hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HF:hepatic failure 肝功能衰竭HF:Hageman factor 哈格曼氏因子(凝血因子)HF:hemorrhagic fever 出血热HFA:Health for All “人人享受健康服务”HFRS:hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome 肾综

合征出血热(即流行性出血热)HGG:human gamma globulin 人丙种球蛋白HGPRT:hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase 次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(嘌

呤回收途径)HHNK:hyperglycemic,hyperosmotic nonketotic coma 高血糖高渗性非酮症性昏迷5-HIAA:5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid 5-羟基吲哚乙 酸(5-羟色胺脱氨产物)His:histidine 组氨酸HIV:human immunodeficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病 毒(即HTLV-和LAV,为AIDS 病原体)HLA:human leukocyte antigen 人白细胞抗原HLP:hyperlipopr oteinemia 高脂蛋白血症HMG:human menopausal gonadotropin 人绝经期促性腺 激素HMG-CoA:hydroxymethyl glutaryl CoA 3-羟-3-甲基- 戊二酰辅酶A(合成酮体和胆固醇的中间产物)HMM:hexamethymelamine 六甲密胺(抗癌药)HMP:hexose monophosphate 磷酸己糖(支路)HMWK:high molecular weight kininogen 高分子激肽 原hnRNA:heterogeneous nuclear RNA 核异质核糖核酸HPA axis:hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis 下 丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴HPETE:hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic acid 氢过氧

二十碳四烯酸(合成白细胞三烯的中间产物)HPV:human papilloma virus 人类乳头瘤病毒HR:heart rate 心率HS:heparin sulfate 硫酸肝素HSE:herpes simplex encephalitis 单纯疱疹脑炎HSP:Henoch-Schnlein purpura 享舍二氏紫癜(即过

敏性紫癜)5-HT:5-hydroxytrptamine(serotnin) 5-羟色胺(血清 素)HTLV:human T cell leukemia virus 人类 T细胞白血 病病毒HTLV:human T lymphotropic virus 嗜人T淋巴细胞病

毒(同前,另名)HU:hydroxyurea 羟基脲(抗癌药)HUS:hemolytic-uremic syndrome 溶血性尿毒症综合 征HVA:homovanillic acid 高香草酸(多巴胺代谢产物)HX:histiocytosis X 组织细胞增生症 XH-Y:histocompatibility antigen 组织相容性抗原Y (其结构基因位于Y染色体)HZ:herpes zoster 带状疱疹IBD:inflammatory bowel disease 炎症性肠道疾病IBS:irritable bowel syndrome 肠道激惹综合征IC:inspiratory capacity 深吸气量IC:immune complex 免疫复合物ICD:intracranial preure 颅内压ICD:Interntionl Clifiction of Diseses 国 际疾病分类ICF:intracellular fluid 细胞内液ICG:indocyanine green 吲哚氰绿(试验)(肝排泌功能 试验)ICS:immotile cilia syndrome 纤毛不动综合症ICU:intensive care unit 监护中心Id:idiotype 独特型ID:intradermal 皮内IDDM:insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 胰岛素 依赖性糖尿病IDL:intermediate-density lipoprotein 中等密度脂

蛋白IDU:idoxuridine 碘苷,疱疹净(抗病毒药)IE:infective endocarditis 感染性心膜炎IEC:invasive E.coli 侵袭性大肠杆菌IEP:immunoelectrophoresis 免疫电泳IF:inhibiting factor 抑制因子IFA:immune fluorescence antibody 免疫荧光抗体IFA:indirect fluorescent antibody 间接荧光抗体IGF-1:insulin-like growth factor I 胰岛素样生长

因子I(即SMC)IgG:immunoglobin G G型免疫球蛋白IGT:impaired glucose tolerance 糖耐量低减IHA:indirect hemagglatination 间接血凝(试验)IL:interleukin 白细胞介素ILD:interstitial lung disease 肺间质病Ile:isoleucine 异亮氨酸IM:infectious mononucleosis 传染性单核细胞增多症IM:intramuscular 肌内IMD:immunologically mediated diseases 免疫机制介 导疾病INH:isonicotinic acid hydrazide(isoniazid) 异烟

肼INQ:index of nutritional quality 营养质量指标IPD:inflammatory pelvic disease 盆腔炎IPF:idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 特发性肺间质纤

维化IPH:idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 特发性肺 含铁血黄素沉着症IPPV:intermittent positive preure ventilation 间歇正压通气给氧IQ:intelligence quotient 智商Ir:immune response 免疫应答(基因)IRD:immune renal disease 免疫性肾病iRNA:informational RNA 信息核糖核酸IRV:inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气容积Is:immune suppreor 免疫抑制(基因)ISG:immune serum globulin 免疫血清球蛋白ITP:idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 特发性血

小板减少性紫癜ITP:inosine triphosphate 三磷酸肌苷IU:international unit 国际单位IUD:intra-uterine device 宫内节育器IUI:intra-uterine insemination 宫腔内人工授精IV:intravenous 静脉内IVF:in vitro fertilization 体外受精IVP:intravenous pyelogram 静脉肾盂造影JCA:juvenile chronic arthritis 青年慢性关节炎JE:Japanese encephalitis 日本脑炎JEV:Japanese encephalitis vaccine 日本脑炎疫苗JGA:juxtaglomerular apparatus近血管球复合体K cells:killer cells 杀伤细胞Kb:kilobase 纤碱基Km:Michaelis constant 米氏常数17-KS:17-ketosteroid 17-酮类固醇17-KGS:17-ketogenic steroid 17-生酮类固醇KS:Kaposi's hemorrhagic sarcoma 卡波济氏出血性肉 瘤KUB:kidney,ureter,bladder 肾、输尿管及膀胱(平片)LABD:linear IgA bullous dermatosus 线状免疫球蛋

白A大疱性皮肤病LAH:left anterior hemiblock 左前分支阻滞LAK cell:lymphokine activated killer cell 淋巴因 子活化杀伤细胞LAT:latex agglutination test 乳胶凝集试验LATS:long-acting thyroid stimulator 长效甲状腺刺

激素LAV:lymphadenopathy-aociated virus 淋巴结病相

关病毒(同HIV)LBM:lean body ma 不计脂肪体重LBW:low birth weight 低体重(儿)LC:Langerhan's cell 郎格汉斯氏细胞(皮肤免疫细胞),

郎格汉斯氏细胞(妊娠滋养细胞)LC:Langhans'cell 郎汉斯氏细胞多核巨细胞LCAR:late cutaneous allergic reactions 晚期变态

反应性皮肤反应LCAT:lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase 卵磷

脂胆固醇乙酰基转移酶(催化胆固醇脂化)LCM:lymphocytic choriomeningitis 淋巴脉络丛脑膜 炎LD:Lyme disease 莱姆病LD body:Leishman-Donovan body 利士曼-多诺万二氏

小体LD:median lethal dose 半数致死量LDCF:lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factor 淋巴 细胞趋化因子LDH:lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶LDL:low-density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白LE:lupus erythematosus 红斑狼疮Leu:leucine 亮氨酸LGA:large-for-gestational-age 大于胎龄(儿)LGV:lymphogranuloma venerum 性病性淋巴肉芽肿LH:leuteinizing hormone 黄体生成素LL:lepromatous leprosy 瘤型麻风LP:lumbar puncture 腰椎穿刺LPAM:1-phenylalanine mustard 左旋苯丙氨酸氮芥LPH:left posterior hemiblock 左后分支阻滞β-LPH:β-lipotropic hormone β-促脂素LPL:lipoprotein lipase 脂蛋白脂酶LPS:lipopolysaccharide 脂多糖LRI:lower respiratory illne 下呼吸道病LS:life support 生命支持LSD:lysergic aciddiethylamide 赖瑟酸二乙胺(致

幻剂)LT:leukotriene 白细胞三烯LT:lymphotoxin 淋巴毒素LUF syndrome:luteinized-unruptured follicle syndrome 黄体化卵巢未破综合征LVSW:left ventricular stroke work 左心室每搏功Lyb:lymphocyte antigen on B cells B淋巴细胞表面

抗原(鼠)Lys:lysine 赖氨酸Lyt:lymphocyte antigen on T cells T淋巴细胞表面 抗原(鼠)βM:βmicroglobulin β微球蛋白MAC:membrane attack complex 膜攻击复合物(补体活 化产物)MAF:macrophage arming(activating)factor 巨噬细胞 武装(活化)因子MAI:Mycobcterium vium-intrcellulre 鸟-胞内

分支杆菌MAMA:midarm muscle area 中臂肌肉面积MAO:monoamine oxidase 单胺氧化酶MAOI:monoamine oxidase inhibitor 单胺氧化酶抑制 药MBC:minimal bactericidal concentration 最低杀菌 浓度MBC:maximal breathing capacity(MVV) 最大换气量 (同MVV)MBD:minimal brain damage 轻微脑损伤(即多动综合

征)MBF:myocardial blood flow 心肌血流量MBP:myelin basic protein 髓鞘碱性蛋白MIP:maximal inspiratory preure 最大吸气压力MCGN:mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 系膜毛 细血管性肾小球肾炎(同MPGN)MCH:mean corpuscular hemoglobin平均红细胞血红蛋 白含量MCHC:mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度MCLS:mucocutaneons lymph node syndrome 皮肤粘膜 淋巴结综合征(即川崎氏病)MCNS:minimal change nephrotic syndrome 微小病变 性肾病综合征MCP:metacarpophalangeal 掌指(关节)MCTD:mixed connective tiue disease 混合结缔组 织病MCV:mean corpuscular volume平均红细胞体积MD:muscular dystrophy 肌肉营养不良MDS:myelodysplastic syndrome 骨髓异常增生综合征MEA:multiple endocrine adenomatosis 多发性内分泌

腺瘤(同MEN)MEFV:maximal expiratory flow volume 最大呼气流量MEN:multiple endocrine neoplasia 多发性内分泌腺 瘤(同MEA)MET:metabolic equivalent 梅脱(代谢当量)Met:methione 甲硫氨酸,蛋氨酸MetHb:methemoglobin 高铁血红蛋白MF:myelofibrosis 骨髓纤维化MF:mycosis fungoides 蕈样霉菌病(即蕈样肉芽肿)MG:myasthenia gravis 重症肌无力MGN:membranous glomerulonephritis 膜性肾小球肾炎MHC:major histocompatibility complex 主要组织相

容性复合物MI:mitral insufficiency 二尖瓣关闭不全MI:myooardial infarction 心肌梗死MIC:minimum inhibitory concentration 最低抑制浓 度MIF:migration inhibitory factor (单核-巨噬细胞) 移动抑制因子MIF:Mllerian inhibitory factor 米勒氏管抑制因子MIG:measles immune globulin 麻疹免疫球蛋白MIT:monoiodotyrosine 一碘酪氨酸MLD:minimum lethal dose 最小致死量MLR:mixed lymphocyte response 混合淋巴细胞反应MM:myeloid metaplasia 骨髓外化生MMEF:maximum mid-expiratory flow 最大呼气中期流 量MMM:myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia 骨髓纤

维化伴髓外化生MoAb:monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体6-MP:mercaptopurine 6-巯基嘌呤(抗癌药)MPGN:membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 膜

增殖性肾炎(同MCGN)MPO:myeloperoxidase 髓过氧化物酶MPS:mononuclear phagocyte system 单核吞噬细胞系

统MPS:mucopolysaccharidoses 粘多糖病MR:mental retardation 精神发育迟滞MR:mitral regurgitation 二尖瓣反流MR:myelography 脊髓造影MRI:magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成像MS:mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄MS:multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化MSH:melanocyte-stimulating hormone 促黑素细胞激 素,促黑素MSOF:multiple system organ failure 多发性系统器

官衰竭MTP:metatarsophalangeal 跖趾(关节)MTX:methotrexate 氨甲蝶呤MVA:mevalonic acid 甲羟戊酸(合成胆固醇的中间代

谢物)MVV:maximal voluntary ventilation 最大通气量(同 MBC)m :macrophage 巨噬细胞N:neuraminidase 神经氨酸酶NA:noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素NA:neutralizing antibody 中和抗体NAD:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(oxidized) 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(同DPN,即辅酶

)NADP:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(oxidized) 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(同TPN,即辅酶 )NARES:non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia 嗜

酸细胞增多性非变应性鼻炎NBT:nitroblue tetrazolium 亚硝基蓝四氮唑NCF-A:neutrophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis 过敏反应嗜中性细胞趋化因子NDI:nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 肾源性尿崩症NE:norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素NEC:nerotizing enterocolitis 坏死性小肠结肠炎NGU:nongonococcal urethritis 非淋病性尿道炎NIDDM:noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 非

胰岛素依赖性糖尿病NIH:U.S.National Institutes of Health 美国国立卫

生研究所NK cell:natural killer cells 天然杀伤细胞NMR:nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振(同MRI)NPN:nonprotein nitrogen 非蛋白氮NPT:nocturnal penile tumescence 夜间阴茎勃起NREM:nonrapid-eye-movement 非快眼动(睡眠)NS:nephrotic syndrome 肾变综合征NSAID:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 非甾体

抗炎药OA:osteoarthritis 骨性关节炎OA:orotic acid 乳清酸(合成嘧啶的中间产物)OAF:osteoclast activating factor 破骨细胞活化因

子OC:oral contraceptive 口服避孕药OCG:oral cholecystography 口服造影剂胆囊造影OGTT:oral glucose tolerance test 口服糖耐量试验17-OH CS:17-hydroxycorticosteroid 17-羟皮质类固 醇OLD:obstructive lung disease 阻塞性肺疾病OPV:oral(live attenuated virus)polio vaccine (Sabin) 口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(萨宾氏)ORS:oral rehydration solution 口服补水溶液OS:opening snap 开瓣音OT:old tuberculin 旧结核菌素OTC:over-the-counter 非处方(药),柜台(药)P:atrial deploration(ECG wave) 心房除极波(心电

图)P:proline 脯氨酸-p:short arm of chromosome 染色体短臂P:properdin 备解素(补体活化旁路途径)P:pulmonic second sound 肺动脉瓣第二音PA:pernicous anemia 恶性贫血PCO:arterial carbon dioxide preure 动脉血三 氧化碳分压PAF:platelet-activating factor 血小板活化因子PAH:para-aminohippurate 对氨基马尿酸(肾血浆流量

测定)PAM:pyridine aldoxime methiodide 解磷定(有机磷 解毒药)PAM:primary amebic meningoencephalitis 原发性阿

米巴脑膜脑炎PAM:pulmonary alveolar macrophage 肺泡巨噬细胞PAN:polyarteritis nodosa 结节性多动脉炎PCO:arterial oxygen preure 动脉血氧分压PO:alveolar oxygen preure 肺泡氧分压PAP:prostatic acid phosphatase 前列腺酸性磷酸酶Pap:Papanicolaou 巴氏(染色)(找瘤细胞)PAS:para-aminosalicylic acid 对位氨基水杨酸PAS:periodic acid-Schiff(reaction) 过碘酸希夫氏 (反应)PAWP:pulmonary arterial wedge preure 肺小动脉

嵌顿压PBC:primary biliary cirrhosis 原发性胆汁性肝硬变PBG:porphobilinogen 卟吩胆色素原PBI:protein-bound iodine 蛋白结合碘PC:phosphatidylcholine 磷脂酰胆碱PCA:paive cutaneous anaphylaxis 被动皮肤过敏反 应PCD:plasma cell dyscrasia 浆细胞病PCG:phonocardiography 心音图PCH:paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 阵发性寒冷性

血红蛋白尿PCM:protein-calorie malnutrition 蛋白质能量营养 不良PCO syndrome:polycystic ovarian syndrome 多囊卵 巢综合征PCP:Pneumocystis crinii pneumonia 卡氏肺孢子虫

肺炎,卡氏肺囊虫肺炎PCR:polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链锁反应PCV:packed cell volume 血细胞压积(同HCT)PD:peritoneal dialysis 腹腔透析PDA:patent ductus arteriosus 动脉导管未闭PDGF:platelet-derived growth factor 血小板源生 长因子PDT:photodynamic therapy 光动力学治疗PE:physical examination 体格检查,体检PECT:positron emiion computed tomography 正电

子发射计算机断层成像PEEP:positive end-expiratory preure 呼气终末

正压给氧PEFR:peak expiratory flow rate 呼气高峰流量PEG:pneumoencephalography 气脑造影PET:positron emiion tomography 正电子发射断层 成像PFNA:percutaneons fine needle aspiration 经皮细

针抽吸PG:prostaglandin 前列腺素PGI:prostacyclin 前列腺环素PGL:persistent generalized lymphadenopathy 持续

性全身淋巴腺病(艾滋病)PGN:proliferative glomerulonephritis 增殖性肾小

球肾炎PH:portal hypertension 门静脉高压PHA:paive hemagglutination 被动血细胞凝集作用PHC:primary health care 初级卫生保健Phe:phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸PI:phosphatidylinositol 磷脂酰肌醇PI:protective isolation(reverse isolation) 保护

性隔离(反向隔离)PID:pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎PIE:pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia 嗜 酸细胞增多性肺浸润PIF:prolactin inhibiting factor 泌乳素抑制因子PIH:pregnancy-induced hypertension 妊娠高血压PIP:proximal interphalangeal近端指(趾)间(关

节)PIT:plasma iron transport rate 血浆铁周转率PKD:polycystic kidney disease 多囊性肾病PK reaction:Prausnitz-Kstner reaction 普库二氏

反应(同PCA)PKU:phenylketonuria 苯丙酮尿症PM:polymyositis 多发性肌炎PMA:progreive mucular atrophy 进行性肌萎缩PML:progreive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 进行性多灶性脑白质病PMN:polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte 多

形核嗜中性白细胞PMR:polymyalgia rheumatica 多发性风湿性肌痛PMS:premenstrual syndrome 经前综合征PMT:premenstrual tension 经前紧张症PMV:prolapse of mitral valve 二尖瓣脱垂PN:polyarteritis nodosa 结节性多动脉炎PNH:paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 阵发性夜 间血红蛋白尿PNS:partial nonprogreing stroke 非进行性部分中

风PNS:peripheral nervous system 周围神经系统PNT:papulonecrotic tuberculid 丘疹坏死性结核疹P.O.:per os 经口POMC:pro-opiomelanocortin 内啡肽-促黑素-促皮质 素前体POMR:problem-oriented medical record 以问题为中 心的医案记录PP:pellagra preventive 抗糙皮病(因子)(即烟酰 胺和烟酸)PP:periodic paralyses 周期性麻痹PP:pancreatic polypeptide 胰多肽PPD:purified protein derivative 纯蛋白衍化物(精

制结核菌素)PPLO:pleuropneumonia-like organism 类胸膜肺炎微

生物PR interval:PR间期(心电图)PRA:plasma renin activity 血浆肾素活性(同PRC)PRC:plasma renin concentration 血浆肾素浓度(同 PRA)PRF:prolactin releasing factor 泌乳素释放因子PRIH:prolactin release-inhibiting hormone 泌乳素 释放抑制激素PRIST:paper radio-immuno-sorbent test 试纸放射免 疫吸附试验PRL:prolactin 泌乳素Pro:proline 脯氨酸PROM:premature rupture of the membrane 胎膜早破PRP:progesterone receptor protein 孕酮受体蛋白PRPP:phosphoribosy1 pyrophosphate 焦磷酸磷酸核 糖(合成嘌呤、嘧啶和辅酶& 的前体)PSA:psoriatic arthritis 银屑病关节炎PSE:portal-systemic enceph alopathy 门-体循环性

脑病PSGN:poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis 链球菌

感染后肾小球肾炎PSP:phenolsulfonphthalein 酚磺肽,酚红PSS:progreive systemic sclerosis 进行性系统性

硬化症PST:phthalylsulfathiazole 酞磺噻唑PS(V)T:paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 阵发性室上性心动过速PT:prothrombin time 凝血酶原时间PTA:plasma thromboplastin antecedent(factorⅪ) 血浆凝血活酶前体(凝血因子Ⅺ)PTC:plasma thromboplastin component(factorⅨ ) 血浆凝血活酶组分(凝血因子Ⅸ)PTC:percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram 经 皮肝穿刺胆道造影PTCA:percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 经皮穿刺冠状动脉管腔内成形术PTH:parathyroid hormone 甲状旁腺素PTT:partial thromboplastin time 部分凝血活酶时间PTU:propylthiouracil 丙基硫氧嘧啶PV:plasma volume 血浆容积PV:polycythemia vera 真性红细胞增多症PVR:peripheral vascular resistance 周围血管阻力PWM:pokeweed mitogen 美洲商陆有丝分裂原PXE:pseudoxanthoma elasticum 弹性假黄瘤PZA:pyrazinamide 吡嗪酰胺(抗结核药)PZI:protamine zine insulin 鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素-q:long arm of chromosome 染色体长臂:perfusion rate 肺血流灌注率Q fever:query fever 疑向热,Q热QRS complex:ventricular depolarization(ECG waves) 心室除极波(心电图)QT interval: QT间期(心电图)R:roentgen 伦琴(放射剂量单位):rate of drug elimination 药物排泄率RA:rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎RA:refractory anemia 难治性贫血rad:radiation absorbed dose 拉德(放射吸收剂量)RAI:radioactive iodine uptake test 放射性碘摄取 试验RANA:rheumatoid arthritis nuclear antigen 类风湿

关节炎核抗原RAS:reticular activating system 网状激活系统RAS:renin-angiotensin system 肾素-血管紧张素系

统RAS:renal artery stenosis 肾动脉狭窄RAST:radio-allergo-sorbent test 放射-变应-吸

附试验RAW:airway resistance 气道阻力RBC:red blood cell 红细胞RBF:renal blood flow 肾血流量RCC:renal cell carcinoma 肾细胞癌RDA:recommended daily allowance 推荐膳食需要量RDS:respiratory distre syndrome 呼吸窘迫综合征RE system:reticulo-endothelial system 网状内皮系 统REF:renal erythropoietic factor 肾生血因子(即

EPO)REM:rapid eye movement 快眼动(睡眠)rem:roentgen equivalent of man 雷姆,人体伦琴当 量(放射剂量当量)RF:rheumatic fever 风湿热RF:rheumatoid factor 类风湿因子RF:releasing factor 释放因子RFLP:restriction fragment length polymorphism 限 制性内切片断长度多样性Rh:Rhesus group of red cell agglutinogen 猕猴血

型RH:releasing hormone 释放激素RI:respiratory isolation 呼吸道隔离RIA:radioimmunoaay 放射免疫分析RIF:release inhibiting factor 释放抑制因子RIH:release inhibiting hormone 释放抑制因子RIND:reversible ischemic neurologic disability 可逆性缺血性神经系统病RIP:radioimmunoprecipitation 放射免疫沉淀RIST:radioimmunosorbent test 放射免疫吸附试验RLD:restrictive lung disease 限制性肺疾病RMP:rifampin 利福平(抗结核及抗麻风药)RNA:ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸RNP:ribonucleoprotein 核蛋白RPGN:rapidly progreive glomerulonephripis 急进性肾小球肾炎RPHA:revevse paive hemagglutination aay 反向 被动血细胞凝集试验RPR:rapid plasma reagin 梅毒血浆反应素快速试验RQ:respiratory quotient 呼吸商RSV:respiratory syncytial virus 呼吸道合胞病毒RTA:renal tubular acidosis 肾小管性酸中毒RV:residual volume 残气容积RVT:renal vein thrombosis 肾静脉血栓形成S:serine 丝氨酸SA:sulfacetamide 磺胺醋酰SA node:sinoatrial node 窦房结SAH:subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛膜下腔出血SaO:arterial oxygen saturation 动脉血氧饱和度SAS:sleep apnea syndrome 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征SBE:subacute bacterial endocarditis 亚急性细菌

性心内膜炎SBT:serum bactericidal titer 血清杀菌滴度SC:subcutaneons 皮下SCC:spinal cord compreion 脊髓压迫症SCD:sudden cardiac death 心源猝死SCID:severe combined immunodeficiency disease 严重联合免疫缺陷病SD:sulfadiazine 磺胺嘧啶SD:streptodornase 链道酶SDA:specific dynamic action 特殊动力作用SD-Ag:sulfadiazine silver 磺胺嘧啶银SDM:sulfadimoxine 磺胺二甲氧嘧啶SEP:somatosensory evoked potential 躯体感觉诱发

电位Ser:serine 丝氨酸Sf:Svedberg unit of flotation 漂浮单位(超离心)SGA:small-for-gestational-age 小于胎龄(儿)SGOT:serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 血 清谷草转氨酶(同AST)SGPT:serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase 血清谷

丙转氨酶(同ALT)SHb:sulfhemoglobin 硫化血红蛋白SHBG:sex hormone binding globulin 性激素结合球蛋

白SI:strict isolation 严密隔离SIADH:syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征SIDS:sudden infant death syndrome 婴儿猝死综合征SIG:specific immune serum globulin 特异性免疫血 清球蛋白SIZ:sulfisoxazole 磺胺异 唑SK:streptokinase 链激酶SL:sublingual 舌下SLE:systemic lupus er ythromatosus 系统性红斑狼疮SM:streptomycin 链霉素SM:sulfadimidine 磺胺二甲嘧啶SMD:sulfamethoxydiazine 磺胺甲氧嘧啶SML:sulfamylon 甲磺灭脓SMC:somatomedin C 生长介素CSMC:smooth muscle cell平滑肌细胞SMZ:sulfamethoxazole 磺胺甲基异

唑SOD:superoxide dismutase 超氧化物歧化酶SP: systolic preure 收缩压SPCA:serum prothrombin conversion accelerator 血清凝血酶原转化加速因子(凝血因子 )SPECT:single photon emiion computed tomography 单光子发射计算机断层成像SRIF:somatotropin release inhibiting factor 生 长激素释放抑制因子(同SS)SRS-A:slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis 过

敏反应慢反应物质(即LT-C、D&E)SRT:speech reception theshold 言语接受阈SS Somatostatin 生长抑素(同SRIF)SS:sickle cell anemia 镰状细胞贫血SS:Sjgren's syndrome 舍格伦氏综合征SS:systemic sclerosis 系统性硬皮病SSPE:subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 亚急性

硬化性全脑炎SSS:sick sinus syndrome 病态窦房结综合征SSSS:staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 葡萄球

菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征STD:sexually transmitted disease 性传播疾病STS:serologic test(s)for syphilis 梅毒血清试验SV:stroke volume 每搏输出量Sv:sievert 希沃特(放射剂量当量)SVC syndrome:superior vena cava syndrome 上腔静

脉综合征SW:stroke work 每搏功T:tetanus toxoid 破伤风类毒素T:ventricular repolarizatioe (ECG wave) 心室复极 波(心电图)T3:triiodothyronine 三碘甲腺原氨酸T4:thyroxine,tetraiodothyronine 甲状腺素,四碘 甲腺原氨酸TA:stansplantation antigen 移植抗原TAA:tumor-aociated antigen 肿瘤相关抗原TB:tuberculosis 结核病TBE:tick-borne encephalitis 蜱传脑炎TBG:thyroxine-binding globulin 甲状腺素结合球蛋 白TBI:total body irradiation 全身照射TBM:tubular basement membrane 肾小管基底膜TBPA:thyroxine-binding prealbumin 甲状腺素结合前

白蛋白TC:total cholesterol 总胆固醇TCA cycle:tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环TCA:tricyclic antidepreant 三环类抗抑郁药TCC:transitional cell cencer 移行细胞癌T cell:thymus-derived lymphocyte 胸腺源淋巴细胞TCGF:T cell growth factor T细胞生长因子TEF:thermic effect of food 食物热效应TF:transfer factor 转移因子TG:triglyceride 甘油三酯Tg:thyroglobulin 甲腺球蛋白6-TG:6-thioguanine 6-硫鸟嘌呤(抗癌药)T:helper T cell 辅助性T细胞Thr:threonine 苏氨酸TIA:transient ischemic attack 短暂性脑缺血发作TIBC:total iron binding capacity 总铁结合力TIN:tubulointerstitial nephritis 肾小管间质性肾 炎TK:thymidine kinase 胸腺嘧啶核苷激酶TL:tuberculoid leprosy 结核样型麻风TLC:total lung capacity 肺总量TLI:total lymphoid irradiation 全身淋巴照射TMJ:temporomandibular joint disorders 颞下颌关节 紊乱TMP:trimethoprim 甲氧苄氨嘧啶(抗菌增效剂)TMS:TMP/SMZ 复方新诺明TMF-:tumor necrosis factor 肿瘤坏死因子TNM:tumor,node,metastasis “肿瘤-淋巴结-转移” 癌症分期系统TPA:tiue plasminogen activator 组织型纤溶酶原 激活剂TPHA:Treponem pllidum hemagglutination aay 梅毒螺旋体血细胞凝集测验TPI:Treponem pllidum immobilization 梅毒螺旋 体制动反应TPN:total parenteral nutrition 完全肠道外营养TPN:triphosphopyridine nucleotide 三磷酸吡啶核苷

酸(同NADP,即辅酶)TPP:thiamine pyrophosphate 焦磷酸硫胺TRH:thyrotropin-releasing hormone 促甲状腺激素释 放激素TrIC:trachoma inclusion conjuntivitis 沙眼包涵体

结合膜炎(因子)tRNA:transfer RNA 转移核糖核酸Trp(Try):tryptophan 色氨酸Ts:suppreor T cells 抑制性T细胞TSA:tumor-specific antigens 肿瘤特异性抗原TSF thickne:triceps skinfold thickne 三头肌 皮褶厚度TSH:thyroid-stimulating hormone 促甲状腺激素TSI:thyoid-stimulating immunoglobulin 促甲状腺免

疫球蛋白TSS:toxic shock syndrome 中毒性休克综合征TT:thrombin time 凝血酶时间TTT:thymol turbidity test 麝香草酚浊度试验TTP:thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 血栓性血

小板减少性紫癜TU:tuberculin unit 结核菌素单位TURP:transurethral resection of prostate 经尿道 前列腺切除TV:tidal volume 潮气容积TX:thromboxane 血栓素,凝血烷TA:thromboxaneA 血栓素ATyr;tyrosine 酪氨酸UAO:upper airway obstructin 上呼吸道阻塞UC:ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎UCTS:undifferentiated connective tiue syndrome 未分化结缔组织综合征URI:upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染US:ultrasonography 超声检查US:ultrasound 超声 UTI:urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染UTO:urinary tract obstruction 泌尿道梗阻V:unipolar chest electrocardiographic lead 单极 胸前导联:ventilation rate 肺通气量 :alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气量Val:valine 缬氨酸VC:vital capacit y 肺活量VCA:viral capsid antigen 病毒衣壳抗原VCG:vector cardiogram 向量心电图VD:venereal disease 性病,花柳病Vd:apparent volume 表观分布容积VDRL test:Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test 性病研究室玻片试验VE:venereal exposure 冶游史VEP:visual evoked potential 视觉诱发电位V:variable domain of heavy chain 重链可变区(免 疫球蛋白)VIP:vasoactive intestinal peptide 舒血管肠肽VIPoma: 舒血管肠肽瘤Vit:vitamine 维生素V:variable domain of light chain 轻链可变区(免 疫球蛋白)VICD:very low calorie diet 极低热量膳食VLDL:very low density lipoprotein 极低密度脂蛋白VLM:visceral larva migrans 内脏虫蚴移行症VMA:vanillylmandelic acid 香草扁桃酸(肾上腺素代

谢产物)O:Ocomsumption 氧消耗量VOD:veno-occlusive disease 静脉阻塞性疾病VPB:ventricular premature beat 室性早搏VSD:ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损VT:ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速VWD:von Willebrand disease 冯?维勒布兰德氏病VWF:von Willebrand factor 冯?维勒布兰德氏因子 (凝血因子

相关蛋白)VZV:varicella-zoster virus 水痘-带状疱疹病毒/:mismatch 通气/血流比例失调 /scan:ventilation-perfusion lung scan 肺通气-

灌注功能显像WB:whole blood 全血WBC:white blood cell 白细胞WDHA:watery diarrhea,hypokalemia,achlohydric 水泻-低血钾-无胃酸(综合征)W/H:weight for height 身高相关体重WHO:World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 AT: -抗胰蛋白酶(error):type 1 error(false-positive conclusion) 一型错误(假阳性结论)β(error):type 2 error(false-negative conclusion) 二型错误(假阴性结论)


Dear colleagues & distinguished guests:

We are delighted to invite you to attend “2012 International conference of Analysis of unintended events in hospitals”, December 10, 2012 in Shihezi University, Xinjiang, China.

Since the early nineties, many studies have been performed to examine the incidence of adverse events, with reported incidence rates ranging from 3 to 17% of all hospital admiions.A quarter to half of the adverse events was considered preventable.These studies have increased the sense of urgency to take effective countermeasures in order to improve patient safety in hospitals.Improvements can only be achieved if the interventions tackle the dominant under lying causes.When examining causal factors, not only adverse events but also other unintended events are informative.The theme of the meeting is “Analysis of

unintended events in hospitals”.In order to identify the causes of unintended events, there are a number of analysis tools, brought together under the umbrella term Root Cause Analysis.One common tool is causal tree analysis.Causal trees are the basis for the PRISMA

(Prevention and Recovery Information System for

Monitoring and Analysis)method (see below), which is becoming the standard in Dutch hospitals to analyse the root causes of unintended events and has also been used in studies abroad .The corresponding taxonomy to claify root causes .We anticipate the first international PRISMA symposium to be filled with fervent enthusiasm and active academic interaction.We are very glad to see everyone in the conference.Sincerely yours


thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you.my name is lifeng.i major in ……and i will graduate from the……..medical university in july, XX.hope a chance to work and develop in your department.

during the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, profeor ……in college of ………, i have learned systematically the theory of profeion and got the basic manipulative skills about ……..with the help of my supervisor, i have succefully finished the subject “……… ” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, …....

i paed the cet band 6 test inXX, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered a lot of profeional vocabulary.i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing..i can manipulate computer proficiently and master microsoft office software, also be familiar with sp and photoshop, etc.

during three-year study in research, i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field.i benefit from working together with excellent colleague.i developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindne and honesty.my internship in college of …..could qualify me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly.i am looking forward to working in your department.if i am admitted, i will be thankful and try my best to work for you.

thank you very much.





《本草经疏》:女贞子,气味俱阴,正入肾除热补精之要品,肾得补,则五脏自安,精神自足,百病去而身肥健矣。其主补中者,以其味甘,甘为主化,故能补中也。此药有变白明目之功,累试辄验,而《经》文不载,为阙略也。《本草述》:女贞实,固入血海益血,而和气以上荣……由肾至肺,并以淫精于上下,不独髭须为然也,即广嗣方中,多用之矣。女贞同固本健阳丸服之,尚有腹疼,则信兹味性果寒也,时珍云温,亦不察之甚矣。《本草新编》:女贞实,近人多用之,然其力甚微,可入丸以补虚,不便入汤以滋益。与熟地、枸杞、南烛、麦冬、首乌、旱莲草、乌芝麻、山药、桑椹、茄花、杜仲、白术同用,真变白之神丹也,然亦为丸则验,不可责其近功。女贞子缓则有功,而速则寡效,故用之速,实不能取胜于一时,而用之缓,实能延生于永久,亦在人之用之得宜耳。《本经逢原》:女贞,性禀纯阴,味偏寒滑,脾胃虚人服之,往往减食作泻。《本经》以枸骨主治,误列此味之下,后世谬认女贞有补中安五脏之功,多致误用,滋患特甚,因表而出之。《本经》:主补中,安五脏,养精神,除百疾。久服肥健。《本草蒙筌》:黑发黑须,强筋强力,多服补血去风。《纲目》:强阴,健腰膝,明目。《本草经疏》:凉血、益血。《本草正》:养阴气,平阴火,解烦热骨蒸,止虚汗,消渴,及淋浊,崩漏,便血,尿血,阴疮,痔漏疼痛。亦清肝火,可以明目止泪。《本草再新》:养阴益肾,补气舒肝。治腰腿疼,通经和血。 中医认为女贞子有滋养肝肾的作用:














夏„„„„„„„„„„„约公元前2070——约公元前1600 商„„„„„„„„„„„„约公元前1600——公元前1046 周„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 公元前1046——公元前221 ——西周„„„„„„„„ 公元前1046——公元前771 ——东周„„„„„„„„„„„公元前770——前256 ——春秋„„„„„„„„„„„公元前770——前476 ——战国„„„„„„„„„„„公元前475——前221 秦„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元前221——前206 汉„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元前202——公元220 ——西汉„„„„„„„„„„„„公元前202—公元8 ——东汉„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 公元25——220 三国„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元220——280 ——魏„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元220——265 ——蜀„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元221——263 ——吴„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元222——280 晋„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元265——420 ——西晋„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元265——316 ——东晋„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元317——420 十六国„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元304——439 南北朝„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元386——589 ——北朝„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元386——581 ——南朝„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元420——589 隋„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元581——618 唐„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元618——907 五代十国„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元907——979 宋„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 公元960——1276 ——北宋„„„„„„„„„„„„ 公元960——1127 ——南宋„„„„„„„„„„„„公元1127——1276

辽„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 公元916——1125 西夏„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元1038——1227 金„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元1115——1234 元„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元1271——1368 明„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元1368——1644 清„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元1644——1911 中华民国„„„„„„„„„„„„„„公元1912——1949 中华人民共和国„„„„„„„„„„ 1949年10月1日成立


1839年 林则徐虎门销烟

1840年-1842年 鸦片战争

1841年5月 广州三元里人民痛击英国侵略者

1842年 《中英南京条约》签订,鸦片战争结束

19世纪40-50年代 中国无产阶级产生


1851年 金田起义 太平天国建立


1856年 太平天国领导集团内部互相残杀

1856-1860 第二次鸦片战争


1859年 洪仁玕向洪秀全进呈《资政新篇》


1861年 北京政变

1861年 总理衙门成立

1862年 京师同文馆成立

1864年 天京陷落,太平天国运动失败

19世纪60-70年代 中华民族资产阶级产生

19世纪60-90年代 洋务运动

1883-1885年 中法战争 1894-1895年 甲午中日战争

1895年 中日《马关条约》签定


1898年 戊戌变法

1900年 义和团运动高潮

1900年 八国联军侵华战争


1905年 中国同盟会成立

1911年 黄花岗起义

1911年 保路运动

1911年10月10日 武昌起义

1912年(民国元年) 中华民国成立

1912年 清帝退位

1913年 二次革命

1915年 护国运动开始 1915年 新文化运动开始

1916年 袁世凯恢复帝制失败

1917年 张勋复辟失败 1917年 护法运动开始

1919年5月4日 五四爱国运动爆发


1922年初 香港中国海员大罢工

1922年7月 中国共产党第二次全国代表大会召开

1923年 京汉铁路工人大罢工

1924年 中国国民党第一次全国代表大会 1924年 国共两党第一次合作实现

1925年 孙中山逝世

1925年 五卅惨案、五卅反帝爱国运动爆发

1926年 国民革命军出师北伐

1927年3月 上海工人第三次武装起义胜利



1927年7月 国民革命失败

1927年4月 蒋介石在南京建立国民政府

1927年8月1日 南昌起义

1927年8月7日 八七会议

1927年8月 湘赣边秋收起义

1927年8月 秋收起义部队到达井冈山

1927年底 广州起义 1928年4月 井冈山会师

1928年 张学良宣布东北易帜

1931年 九一八事变 1931年 中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府成立

1932年 一.二八事变、十九陆军抗战 1932年 伪满洲国成立

1934年10月 中央红军开始长征

1935年1月 遵义会议 1935年 中共中央发表八一宣言

1935年10月 红军第一方面军长征到达陕北

1935年 一二.九运动


二、四方面军长征到达甘肃会宁等地,长征结束 1936年12月12日 西安事变

1937年7月7日 卢沟桥事变

1937年 八一三事变 1937年9月 凇沪会战


1937年秋 中国共产党陕北洛川会议 1937年12月 南京大屠杀

1938年春 台儿庄战役

1938年 毛泽东发表《论持久战》 1940年3月 汪精卫伪国民政府在南京成立

1940年 百团大战

1941年 皖南事变 1942年 中国共产党开始整风

1945年 中国共产党第七次全国代表大会召开


8月15日 日本宣布投降


1945年 双十协定签字

1946年 政治协商会议召开


1947年6月 人民解放军开始全国规模的反攻

1948年9月 辽沈战役开始

1948年11月 淮海战役开始


1949年春 中国共产党七届二中全会召开




1949年10月1日 中华人民共和国成立


中国共产党的创立 和 第一次国内革命战争

1919年5月4日 “五四”运动爆发

6月3日 上海工人大罢工

1920年夏 第一个共产主义小组在上海建立

秋 毛泽东在湖南建立社会主义青年团和共产主义小组

1921年7月 中国共产党成立

1922年1月-3月 香港中国海员大罢工

7月 中共“二大”召开

9月 安源路矿工人大罢工

1923年2月 京汉铁路工人举行“二七”大罢工

6月 中共“三大”召开

1924年1月 中国国民党“一大”召开,革命统一战线正式形成

1925年3月12日 孙中山先生逝世

5月30日 发生“五卅”惨案,“五卅”反帝运动爆发


1926年10月 香港工人大罢工

1926年3月 毛泽东发表《中国社会各阶级的分析》


5月 蒋介石提出“整理党务案”

7月 国民革命军出师北伐


1927年3月 上海工人三次武装起义

1927年1月 武汉和九江人民收回英租界

3月 毛泽东发表《湖南农民运动考察报告》

4月12日 蒋介石发动反革命政变

7月15日 汪精卫集团叛变革命

第 二 次 国 内 革 命 战 争

8月1日 “八一”南昌起义

8月7日 中共中央召开“八七”会议(在汉口)

9月 毛泽东领导湘赣边秋收起义

10月 毛泽东率领工农革命军到达井冈山地区

12月11日 广州起义

1928年4月 井冈山会师,成立中国工农红军第四军

1929年12月 古田会议召开

1930年3月 中国左翼作家联盟成立 冬-

1931年秋 中央革命根据地工农红军粉碎国民党三次反革命“围剿”

1931年9月18日 日本帝国主义发动“九·一八”事变

11月 中华苏维埃第一次全国代表大会召开,中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府成立

1932年1月28日 日本帝国主义发动“一·二八”事变,十九路军奋起抗战

3月 日本操纵的伪“满洲国”成立

1933年春 工农红军粉碎国民党第四次反革命“围剿”

1934年10月 工农红军第五次反“围剿”失败,中央革命根据地主力红军开始长征

1935年1月 遵义会议召开

2月 东北抗日联军建立

10月 中央红军胜利到达陕北

12月9日 “一二·九”运动爆发

12月 中共中央瓦窑堡会议,毛泽东发表《论反对日本帝国主义的策略》

1936年5月 全国各界救国联合会成立

10月 全国三大主力红军胜利会师,长征胜利结束

12月 西安事变,抗日民族统一战线初步形成

抗 日 战 争

1937年7月7日 “芦沟桥事变”,抗日战争开始

7月15日 中共提出国共合作的抗日宣言

8月13日 日本发动“八·一三”事变

8月 中共洛川会议,颁布《抗日救国十大纲领》

9月 国民党公布国共合作抗日宣言,抗日民族统一战线建立


10月 八路军创立第一个抗日根据地——晋察冀根据地

1938年春 台儿庄战役胜利

5月 毛泽东发表《论持久战》

10月 中共召开六届六中全会


1939年底 中共打退国民党第一次反共高潮

1940年1月 毛泽东发表《新民主主义论》

8-11月 彭德怀指挥八路军发动百团大战

1941年1月 国民党发动第二次反共高潮——皖南事变

-1942年 中国共产党采取“三三制”原则,加强抗日民主政权建设,实行减租减息政策,开展大生产运动和整风运动,进行反“扫荡”斗争,保卫解放区

1943年6月-7月 国民党第三次反共高潮被制止

1944年9月 林伯渠代表共产党提出废除国民党***,组织民主联合政府的主张

1945年4月 中共“七大”召开

8月8日 苏联对日宣战

8月15日 日本宣布无条件投降

9月2日 日本正式签订投降书

第 三 次 国 内 革 命 战 争

8月28日-10月10日 国共重庆谈判,签订《双十协定》

10月中下旬 上党、邯郸战役,粉碎国民党的局部进攻

12月 昆明学生发动“一二·一”爱国运动 1946年1月10日 国共两党签订停战协定


6月 国民党发动全面内战,第三次国内革命战争开始

12月 北平学生发动抗议美军暴行的运动

1947年2月28日 台湾人民举行“二·二八”起义

3月-7月 延安保卫战,孟良崮战役,粉碎国民党的重点进攻

5月 全国学生发动“反饥饿、反内战、反迫害”的爱国运动

6月30日 刘邓大军挺进大别山

7月 人民解放军开始全国规模的反攻

9月 中共全国土地会议召开,公布《中国土地法大纲》

10月 《中国亿解放军宣言》发表


1948年9月-11月 辽沈战役


1949年1月 淮海战役


• 1949年3月 中共七届二中全会

4月21日 毛泽东、朱德发而进军令,解放军渡江作战

4月23日 解放南京,国民党反动统治结束

6月30日 毛泽东发表《论人民民主专政》

9月21日 中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议开幕

10月1日 中华人民共和国成立,民主革命终结和社会主义革命开始



共创生命绿色家园 ——低碳生活调查报告

——811 蔡莫妍

调查时间:2010年8月20日 调查内容:人们是怎样进行低碳生活的

调查目的:了解低碳生活的普及性,为我们共同生活的家园献出自己的一份力量 调查过程:通过网络,电视,报纸等大众传媒了解人们的低碳生活。

调查内容:尝试\' 低碳生活\'「低碳生活 (low carbon living)」,正是指生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放。 低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说,是一种态度,而不是能力,我们应该积极提倡并去实践\"低碳\"生活,注意节电、节油、节气,从点滴做起。

资料显示:在中国,年人均二氧化碳排放量2.7吨,但一个城市白领即便只有40平方米的居住面积,开1.6L车上下班,一年乘飞机12次,碳排放量也会在2611吨。节能减排势在必行。 如果说保护环境,保护动物,节约能源这些环保理念已成行为准则,低碳生活则更是我们急需建立的绿色生活方式。简单理解,低碳生活就是返璞归真地去进行人与自然的活动,主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节,包括以下一些良好的生活习惯:


























调查结果:通过调查显示,很多人一直保持着低碳生活,为这个美丽家园贡献着自己的力量。 但还是有小部分人,不提倡这种环保理念。




呼吸系统 精神病学 儿科学

耳鼻喉科学 眼科学

产科和妇科学 神经科学


内分泌学和代谢 皮肤病学

牙科.口腔外科 紧急救护治疗 心血管系统 麻醉学

医学.研究和实验 医学.伦理学 医学.信息学 医学.实验室技术




(二) 毕业生方面

1.就业倾向及薪资预期 普遍希望待遇高 2.就业地域意向 东部沿海,北京上海等中大城市


朋友 家人帮助









(四)医学生如何应对就业? 在当前异常严峻的就业形势下,作为一个应届毕业生该如何面对呢?综合上述的观点不难发现,有些自身条件和家庭背景我们是无法改变的。但就业的观念我们可以改变,前人就业的经验和教训也值得汲取,我们就把可变的因素变化的对自己最有利,积极面对就业道路上的各种挑战和压力!

医学科普范文 英文
《医学科普范文 英文.doc》