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在定义银行类时,若取钱数大于余额则作为异常处理(InsufficientFundsException).思路:产生异常的条件是余额少于取额, 因此是否抛出异常要判断条件

取钱是withdrawal([wið\'drɔ:əl, wiθ-]n.撤退,收回;提款;取消;退股 )方法中定义的动作,因此在该方法中产生异常.

处理异常安排在调用withdrawal的时候,因此withdrawal方法要声明异常,由上级方法调用 要定义好自己的异常类cla Bank

{double balance;

public void deposite(double dAmount)

{if(dAmount>0.0) {balance+=dAmount;}}

public void withdrawal(double dAmount)

throws InsufficientFundsException{if (balance

throw new InsufficientFundsException(this,dAmount);}



public void show_balance()

{ System.out.println(\"The balance is \"+(int)balance);}


public cla ExceptionDemo

{ public static void main(String args[])

{ try

{ Bank ba=new Bank(50);


System.out.println(“Withdrawal succeful!”);

}catch(Exception e)


}public cla InsufficientFundsException extends Exception{private Bankexcepbank;

private double excepAmount;

InsufficientFundsException(Bank ba, doubledAmount){ excepbank=ba;



public StringexcepMesagge()

{String str=“The balance”+ excepbank.showBalance()+“The withdrawal was”+excepAmount;return str; }




A a;// a 就是一个A的对象

A *a;// a 就是一个A的对象的指针

A a[N];// a 就是一个A的对象的数组

A fuctionName();// 返回A的一个对象的函数



cla A{










cla A: public B{




cla A: {

friend B





它是通过虚函数来实现的,所谓虚函数就是加上virtual关键字在前面的函数;含有虚函数的类就是抽象类,注意到如果要实现一个函数的动态绑定对象必须要以地址的形式来传递。 好吧,短短几句是不能把声明类的注意事项说清楚的,太多了(像什么封装,继承,抽象)。不过,你只要多编写多看书就会的。


如何组织编写模板程序 前言

常遇到询问使用模板到底是否容易的问题,我的回答是:“模板的使用是容易的,但组织编写却不容易”。看看我们几乎每天都能遇到的模板类吧,如STL, ATL, WTL, 以及Boost的模板类,都能体会到这样的滋味:接口简单,操作复杂。




通过下例来说明问题。例如在array.h文件中有模板类array: // array.h template cla array { T data_[SIZE]; array (const array& other); const array& operator = (const array& other); public: array(){}; T& operator[](int i) {return data_[i];} const T& get_elem (int i) const {return data_[i];} void set_elem(int i, const T& value) {data_[i] = value;} operator T*() {return data_;} };

然后在main.cpp文件中的主函数中使用上述模板: // main.cpp #include \"array.h\" int main(void) { array intArray; intArray.set_elem(0, 2); int firstElem = intArray.get_elem(0); int* begin = intArray; } 这时编译和运行都是正常的。程序先创建一个含有50个整数的数组,然后设置数组的第一个元素值为2,再读取第一个元素值,最后将指针指向数组起点。 但如果用传统编程方式来编写会发生什么事呢?我们来看看:

将array.h文件分裂成为array.h和array.cpp二个文件(main.cpp保持不变) // array.h template cla array { T data_[SIZE]; array (const array& other); const array& operator = (const array& other); public: array(){}; T& operator[](int i); const T& get_elem (int i) const; void set_elem(int i, const T& value); operator T*(); };

// array.cpp #include \"array.h\" template T& array::operator [](int i) { return data_[i]; } template const T& array::get_elem(int i) const { return data_[i]; } template void array::set_elem(int i, const T& value) { data_[i] = value; } template array::operator T*() { return data_; }

编译时会出现3个错误。问题出来了: 为什么错误都出现在第一个地方? 为什么只有3个链接出错?array.cpp中有4个成员函数。

要回答上面的问题,就要深入了解模板的实例化过程。 模板实例化

程序员在使用模板类时最常犯的错误是将模板类视为某种数据类型。所谓类型参量化(parameterized types)这样的术语导致了这种误解。模板当然不是数据类型,模板就是模板,恰如其名:



模板实例化取决于编译器能够找到可用代码来创建特例(称之为实例化要素, point of instantiation)。

要创建特例,编译器不但要看到模板的声明,还要看到模板的定义。 模板实例化过程是迟钝的,即只能用函数的定义来实现实例化。

再回头看上面的例子,可以知道array是一个模板,array是一个模板实例 - 一个类型。从array创建array的过程就是实例化过程。实例化要素体现在main.cpp文件中。如果按照传统方式,编译器在array.h文件中看到了模板的声明,但没有模板的定义,这样编译器就不能创建类型array。但这时并不出错,因为编译器认为模板定义在其它文件中,就把问题留给链接程序处理。


这样,链接程序在main.cpp 或 array.cpp中都找不到array的定义,于是报出无定义成员的错误。

至此,我们回答了第一个问题。但还有第二个问题,在array.cpp中有4个成员函数,链接器为什么只报了3个错误?回答是:实例化的惰性导致这种现象。在main.cpp中还没有用上operator[],编译器还没有实例化它的定义。 解决方法



用另外的文件来显式地实例化类型,这样链接器就能看到该类型。 使用export关键字。



第二种方法,通过显式的模板实例化得到类型。最好将所有的显式实例化过程安放在另外的文件中。在本例中,可以创建一个新文件templateinstantiations.cpp: // templateinstantiations.cpp #include \"array.cpp\" template cla array ; // 显式实例化

array类型不是在main.cpp中产生,而是在templateinstantiations.cpp中产生。这样链接器就能够找到它的定义。用这种方法,不会产生巨大的头文件,加快编译速度。而且头文件本身也显得更加“干净”和更具有可读性。但这个方法不能得到惰性实例化的好处,即它将显式地生成所有的成员函数。另外还要维护templateinstantiations.cpp文件。 第三种方法是在模板定义中使用export关键字,剩下的事就让编译器去自行处理了。当我在

Stroustrup的书中读到export时,感到非常兴奋。但很快就发现VC 6.0不支持它,后来又发现根本没有编译器能够支持这个关键字(第一个支持它的编译器要在2002年底才问世)。自那以后,我阅读了不少关于export的文章,了解到它几乎不能解决用包含模式能够解决的问题。欲知更多的export关键字,建议读读Herb Sutter撰写的文章。



////////////////////////////// http://www.daodoc.com, .cxx)扩展名。


由于以上组织方式约定的影响,模板编程新手往往会犯一个同样的错误。下面这一小段程序反映了这种错误。就像对待“普通代码”那样,我们在头文件中定义模板: // basics/myfirst.hpp #ifndef MYFIRST_HPP #define MYFIRST_HPP // declaration of template template void print_typeof (T const&); #endif // MYFIRST_HPP print_typeof()声明了一个简单的辅助函数用来打印一些类型信息。函数的定义放在点C文件中:

// basics/myfirst.cpp #include #include #include \"myfirst.hpp\" // implementation/definition of template template void print_typeof (T const& x) { std::cout


这个错误的原因在于,模板函数print_typeof()的定义还没有被具现化(instantiate)。为了具现化一个模板,编译器必须知道哪一个定义应该被具现化,以及使用什么样的模板参数来具现化。不幸的是,在前面的例子中,这两组信息存在于分开编译的不同文件中。因此,当我们的编译器看到对print_typeof()的调用,但是没有看到此函数为double类型具现化的定义时,它只是假设这样的定义在别处提供,并且创建一个那个定义的引用(链接器使用此引用解析)。另一方面,当编译器处理myfirst.cpp时,该文件并没有任何指示表明它必须为它所包含的特殊参数具现化模板定义。 头文件中的模板

解决上面这个问题的通用解法是,采用与我们使用宏或者内联函数相同的方法:我们将模板的定义包含进声明模板的头文件中。对于我们的例子,我们可以通过将#include \"myfirst.cpp\"添加到myfirst.hpp文件尾部,或者在每一个使用我们的模板的点C文件中包含myfirst.cpp文件,来达到目的。当然,还有第三种方法,就是删掉myfirst.cpp文件,并重写myfirst.hpp文件,使它包含所有的模板声明与定义:

// basics/myfirst2.hpp #ifndef MYFIRST_HPP #define MYFIRST_HPP #include #include // declaration of template template void print_typeof (T const&); // implementation/definition of template template void print_typeof (T const& x) { std::cout
















#include \"stdafx.h\" #include using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; using namespace std; typedef struct CZYP_BTNode {

char data;

struct CZYP_BTNode *left;


struct CZYP_BTNode *right; // 右孩子指针

} *BiTree;

void CreateBiTree(BiTree &T){

// 在先序遍历二叉树的过程中输入二叉树的\"先序字符串\",

// 建立根指针为 T的二叉链表存储结构。在先序字符串中,

// 字符\'#\'表示空树,其它字母字符为结点的数据元素

char ch;

cin >>ch ;

if (ch==\'#\')


T=NULL; // 建空树

} else {

T = new CZYP_BTNode ;

// \"访问\"操作为生成根结点

T->data = ch;


// 递归建(遍历)左子树


// 递归建(遍历)右子树



//先序遍历以T为根指针的二叉树 void PreOrder(BiTree &T) {



// T=NULL时,二叉树为空树,不做任何操作



// 先序遍历左子树


// 先序遍历右子树

} }

//中序遍历以T为根指针的二叉树 void InOrder(BiTree &T) {

if(T) {

// T=NULL时,二叉树为空树,不做任何操作

InOrder(T->left); // 先序遍历左子树


InOrder(T->right); // 先序遍历右子树

} } //后序遍历以T为根指针的二叉树 void PostOrder(BiTree &T){


// T=NULL时,二叉树为空树,不做任何操作

PostOrder(T->left); // 先序遍历左子树

PostOrder(T->right); // 先序遍历右子树


} } //用括号表示法输出二叉树 void DispBTree(BiTree &bt) { if (bt!=NULL) {


if (bt->right!=NULL||bt->left!=NULL)




if (bt->right!=NULL)cout



} } }

int main() {


BiTree T;









return (0); }



今天调试了一上午,虽说很累,但是我确确实实感到学到了很多知识。 不足之处

这个程序的int isEmpty( )函数没有实现,需要改天写出来。




3、用括号表示法输出二叉树。 G D B E A

C F H 上面是个图。。。由于我分不多了,所以不是很多。但是我很想学这方面知识,到时我有分了再给你叫啊。高手帮忙啊。 问题补充:




I have a happy family, home, and a father and mother, brother, a lovely of I.


My father is a tall, like to wear a suit, he is the most handsome in my mind.


Father is very good-hearted, he not only to love me very much, also like other children we corridor.


Dad usually like to read newspaper, even before sleeping wanted to see for a while.

妈妈瘦瘦的白白的,头发长长的。 Mother is thin, white hair long.


She is not only my mother, or my bosom friend!


We also each other to each other up the nickname, the mother call \"idiot\", because she sometimes playing dumb, so I be old to shout to her \"idiot\".


Mom just call me \"heels, because I always like to behind on her a.

我是家里最小的一员,眼睛长的大大的,小巧的鼻子,红红的嘴巴。。。。 I was a member of the youngest, big eyes, a small nose long red, red mouth...

十分可爱。 Very lovely.


I lively, cheerful, treat people hospitable, also like my father has the compaion, likes to help others.


This is my family, a very happy happy family.


My family 我的家庭

there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father likes reading.we share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f it.everyday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on it.my mum love to play computer games since i teach her how to do it.she likes to see the movies and play majiang on it.what\'s more, i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happine for we can do whatever we like.we never quarel, if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other.My family is very harmonious,i love my family. 我家有三个成员,爸爸,妈妈和我。我们都非常爱彼此。我爸爸非常喜爱阅读,家里有一个我和他共用的书架,大部分都是他的书。每天都要找点什么来读,报纸啦,杂志啦,只要是有字的,他都要读上一读。我妈妈则爱上了电脑,自从我教会她如何看电影以及如何在上面打麻将之后,她就为之疯狂了。至于我,我喜欢和我的狗狗在室外一起做一些运动。我们是个幸福的家庭,因为我们可以做任何我们喜欢的事情,我们从不吵架,要是家里出现了任何问题,我们都会坐下来一起讨论解决。并听取彼此的意见。我的家庭很和谐。我爱我家。

There are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father likes reading.My mum love to play computer games.And i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happine.My family is very harmonious,i love my family.我家有三个成员,爸爸,妈妈和我。我们都非常爱彼此。我爸爸非常喜爱阅读,我妈妈则爱上了电脑,我喜欢和我的狗狗在室外一起做一些运动。我们是个幸福的家庭,我的家庭很和谐。我爱我家。

There are five people in my family--my parents, my brother, my sister and I. My father is 48 years old .He is fond of fund and bring us much happine.My mother is as old as him.She just a housewife and keep her mind on cooking.The food she cook is the most delicious that I think. My little brother likes playing basketball and My sister is a lovely girl .They are all just student .But My sister like study is more than my brother.They used to quarrel , but still love each other. I love my family.


有五人在我家 - 我的父母,弟弟,妹妹和我




(10)My family

There are five people in my family.They are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and I.Look! Grandma is watching TV.Grandpa is reading a book.Dad is writing an e-mail.Mom is cooking dinner.I am doing my homework.I love my family!


写法:这篇习作介绍了自己家的家庭成员,以及此刻他们正在干什么,表达了自己对家人的感情。 时态:由于本单元主要讲的是现在进行时态,所以建议采用现在进行时态。 句型:主语+be+动词的现在分词。


(15)I Love My Family

Here is a photo lf my family.These are four people in my family.They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a doctor.He works in a hospital far away.He goes to work by subway.My mother is a teacher.She works in a school near my home.She goes to work by bike.After work, they like reading books.Who is the tall boy? He is my brother.He is five years older than me.He is a singer.He’s now in Beijing.He goes there by plane.I love my family.【要领点评】




My Family

This is my family.There are four people in my family.My grandmother, my father, my mother and me.My grandmother has short white hair.She looks very nice.My father has short black hair and small eyes.He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”.He works at a factory.My mother works at a L.D.T.My mother has long black hair.She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother.On holidays my family often go to travel.I study at Guiyuan Primary School.We are very happy.译文:




(10)My Family Members 我的家人

I am student of Southwest Weiyu Middle School.I am in Cla Two Grade Six.I’m a girl.I’m twelve years old.I’m tall and thin.I like to sing and dance.I can sing POP music very well.I like to eat meat, because I think it’s very delicious.I’ good at English, because I like it very much.I like to write a composition and I like to read many nice books.I think it’s good for me.I like drawing, but I can’t draw very well.I like cats very much, but I can’t have them, because my mother doesn’t like them, she think they’re very dirty.I want to travel around the world, but I haven’t enough money.But I’m happy, because I have many friends and a happy family.

My mother is a shop aistant.She’s thirty-six years old.She’s tall and thin too.She’s pretty.Her hair is short and straight.She likes to sing and she likes Zhang Xueyou’s songs and English songs.She likes to eat crabs.She always goes shopping with me.She’s good at Maths.When I have problems with Maths she will help me.She doesn’t like pets; because she thinks they are dirty.I like my mother very much.

My father is a manager.He’s forty-six years old.But he looks like very young and handsome.He always goes to park with me.He likes to smoke.But I think smoke is bad for himself.He likes English songs.He’s good at Chinese.He sometimes helps me to write a composition.My father likes pets very much.I like my father very much.

My grandmother and my sister live together.My grandma is sixty-three years old.She’s retiring.My sister is a student of fourteen years old.She has two big eyes and long straight hair.She’s a small famous singer in her city.She likes to sing and dance.She can sing very well.She joins in many competitions and she always be champion.假定你是李华。写一篇英语文章,介绍你的家庭情况。 主要包括作文地带提供以下内容: ①你的出身。

②你家的家庭成员,包括爷爷、奶奶共6人。 ③爷爷、奶奶是农民,在家乡务农。

④父亲是高级工程师,在非洲援建一座发电站。 ⑤母亲是一名教师,在一所中学教英语。 ⑥哥哥(或姐姐)是医生,在人民医院工作。 ⑦自己的情况。 【作文示范】 My Family My name is Li Bing.I am from a worker\'s family.There are six people in my family.They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①.

My grandfather and grandmother are peasants.They do farm work every day in my hometown.My father is a senior engineer.He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station.My mother is a teacher.She teaches English in a middle school.My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People\'s Hospital of our county.She loves her work and does it well.I am a middle school student.And I am going to take this year\'s college entrance examination.I wish that I could be enrolled② by a famous university.That is my family.All the members in my family live in harmony③.We love each other devotedly.



1:投诉信 Dear_______,

I am ______ (自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint (complaine)about_____.

The reason for my diatisfaction is _______(总体介绍).In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,___________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances (case, situation), I find it ________ (感觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).

I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求), preferably (perhaps)______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限).

Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely/truly/faithfully

Li Ming 2:询问信 require ask Dear ______,

I am ____________ (自我介绍).I am writing to see if it is poible for you to provide me with information regarding/about_______.(要询问的内容)

First of all, what are ____________________?(第一个问题) Secondly, when will___________________?(第二个问题) Thirdly, is __________?(第三个问题)

I would also like to inquire ________(将最重要的问题单独成段).Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant/relative/related booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

Thank you for your kindne, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming 3:请求信


I am writing to formally request to/ask for___________(请求的内容). The reason for_____ is that______(给出原因).I_____, so I_____(给出细节) I would also like to (further/more) request______(提出进一步的要求).I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.

Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.I look forward to (a favorable) your reply.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming 4:道歉信

Dear ___________,

I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因).

The reason is that_(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours sincerely

1 书信类八大模板

Li Ming 5:感谢信 Dear______,

I am writing to expre my sincere gratitude for __your help_______ (感谢的原因).If it had not been for your aistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________ without your help.(没有对方帮助时的后果).

Everyone agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).Again, I would like to expre/show my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming 6:建议信

Dear ___________,

You have asked me for my advice (with regard to) about _______, and I will try to make some practical suggestions here.In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ____(建议的内容)

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discu this matter with you to further details.

Good Luck with your__ work/study_____(祝愿)

Yours sincerely

Li Ming 7:求职信

Dear Sir or Madam,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised/provided in______ of______(广告发布时间).

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality/character for a_____(工作名称).In the one hand,______(第一个原因).On the other hand, _______(另一个原因).

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time.Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming 8:邀请信 Dear________,

There will be a ____(内容) at/in_____ (地点) on___ (时间).We would be honored to invite you to come here with us/have you there with us.The occasion will start at ___________(具体时间).This will be followed by a _______(进一步的安排).At around______(时间),_______________(另一个安排) I really hope you can make it before ___________(通知你的最后期限) Please let me know whether you can come or not.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming



Recently the problem of protecting the environment has been brought into focus.With the rapid development of economy, the surroundings of us become severe.

Nowadays PM2.5 and other problems has become a problem we have to see.As is known to us that once the balance in nature is disturbed, it can lead to unpredictable results.Many factors that contribute to it.Firstly, merchants only pay attention to profit.So we should protect the environment and coordinated economic development.Secondly, the cars in China increasingly raise.We all know off gas can pollute air deeply.So we should suggest people that go to work by bike or bus.Thirdly, wasting water and exceively cutting down trees is increasingly common.I think we should suppose environmental protection knowledge.We should spare no effort to protect our environment.

Only in this way can we solve pollution problems.I believe nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets the mind to it.


1 Job hunting or a Master Degree As the day of graduation draws near,college students have to make decisions about their future life.Whether one wants to become a postgraduate or look for a job largely depends on one\'s personal interests.随着毕业的临近,学生对自己未来的生活做决定。是否想成为一名研究生还是找工作,在很大程度上取决于一个人的利益。

For those who are eager to become economically independent and to put into practice what they have learned in college,taking a job will be both satisfying and rewarding.For years,they have been using their parents\' money to support their education-and not without a sense of guilt.Moreover,at many times during their study,they must have been embarraed by the lack of money or the guilty feeling of spengding their parents\' money on “luxuries”.


Those,who want to take advantage of the favorable conditions in college,however,will try to enroll in graduate programs.For them,a Master\'s degree or even a Doctoral degree represents a much more ambitious goal than a bachelor\'s degree.In the same way,their lifetime succe and interest lies more in academic achievements than in making money.As far as I am concerned,getting a higher degree has long been my dream.This is based on my belief that I should do more research and learn more while I am still young.而那些想更好地利用学校有利条件的人要报名参加研究生课程。对他们来说,一个硕士学位甚至博士学位代表着比学士学位更高的目标。在同样的方式,他们一生的成功和利益在于学术成果比在赚钱。 就我而言,拿到更高的学位是我长久以来的梦想。这是基于我的信仰,我应该做更多的研究和学习,更在我还年轻的时候。

2.Effects of Ads

Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they\' re always coming in for criticism.广告商总是雄心勃勃,也许这就是为什么他们老挨批评。 Their critics seem to resent them because they have so much money to throw around.\"It\' s iniquitous,\" they say, \"that this entirely unproductive industry (if we can call it that) should absorb millions of pounds each year.It only goes to show how much profit the big companies are making.Why don\'t they stop advertising and reduce the price of their goods? After all, it\'s the consumer who pays.\" 他们的批评者似乎对他们很气愤,因为他们挥金如土。”这是不公平的,”他们说,“这完全是非生产性行业(如果我们可以这样称呼)应该吸收每年数百万英镑。它只表明大公司赚多少利润。他们为何不停止做广告以降低商品的价格呢?毕竟,这是谁支付消费。” The poor old consumer! He\'d have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn\'t create ma markets for products.But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods.Another equally important function is to inform.Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about.可怜的消费者!他会付的更多如果广告不为产品开辟了大规模的市场。但我们得到错误的想法,如果我们认为广告的唯一目的就是推销商品。另一个同等重要的功能就是告知。广告为我们介绍新产品,或者提醒我们一些我们已经知道的存在。

We must not forget, either, that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets.Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not subsist without this source of revenue.The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.我们不能忘记,要么,广告作出了积极贡献我们的口袋。报纸,商业电台和电视公司就不能没有收入来源,生存。事实上,我们为我们付出这么少的日报,也可以享受那么多的节目完全是因为广告商花的钱。

3 School Education and Succe it is commonly believed in the united states that school is where people go to get an education.neverthele, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school.the distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.人们普遍认为在美国,学校是人们获得教育的地方。然而,现在却有人认为孩子们上学打断了他们的教育。学校和教育之间的这句话隐含的区别是很重要的。

education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling.education knows no bounds.it can take place anywhere, it includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning.the agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises..people are engaged in education from infancy on.education, it is a lifelong proce, and one that should be an integral part of one\'s entire life.教育更具开放性和包容性的教育。教育无边界。它可以发生在任何地方,它既包括发生在学校的正式学习和非正式学习的整个宇宙。教育的范围可以从受尊敬的祖父母到收音机里进行政治辩论的人们,从孩童到著名的科学家。而学校教育有一定的可预测性,教育往往能带来意外的惊喜。人们从幼时起就开始受教育。教育,它是一个终身的过程,,并应成为人一生中不可或缺的一部分。

schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized proce, throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take aigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on.教育,另一方面,是一个特定的,正式的过程,在整个国家,孩子们几乎在同一时刻到达学校,坐在指定的座位上,由一位成年人教,使用大致相同的教材,做作业,参加考试,等等。


关于英语环保作文 1) It’s our duty to save water.As we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is le and le.But some people don’t care about it .(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life.(日常生活中他们浪费很多水。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(他们排放污水到河流里。) They throw rubbish into rivers , too.(他们还乱扔垃圾到河流里)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(受到严重污染。) Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily.。) If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)

2) Planting trees

Trees are very helpful and important for us.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.(为了将来我们的生活过得更好、更加健康我们应该种更多的树。)It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.(爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。)

3)、近日,你班在“知荣明耻” “八荣八耻大家谈”教育活动中,召开了一次关于学生荣辱观的主题班会。存在的问题

1.不尊敬老师、家长等。2.学习散漫、考试作弊等。3.乱扔垃圾、污损环境等等。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您

Recently we have held a cla meeting to discu what is

considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful.(最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。)It is really a pity to see all this in our school.Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents.(不尊敬老师和父母)Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams.Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment .It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our cla and study hard.(关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣)It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to

make little effort to achieve succe.(违反学校纪律、自私骄傲)We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.(我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人)We should work hard and make much more progre to repay the society.我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会We should try our best to keep the environment clean。(我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境。)

4)环保问题(environmental matter)

The environmental matter is a hot topic nowadays.Not only does it affect our health, it also has a great impact on our future.Due to lacking of environmental concepts, people\'s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution.In order to live a better life, we need a cleaner world.We should now be concerned for environment by creating a better future for our next generation.

In conclusion, the environmental matter is an important iue that directly affects very human in the world!

5)、缙云山是重庆著名的游览胜地,每天有大量的游客。请你根据下面提供的信息写一篇报道,说明现在的游客在环境保护方面的变化。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

写作要求: 1.词数在100左右。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

2.条理清楚,语句通顺。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

3.开头已写好,但不计入总词数。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网


Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.


:Man and His Environment(人和环境)

Man and His Environment

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.

However, man\'s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.The pollution of water is equally harmful.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifele.

Now environmental protection is more preing than ever before.As we know, maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.Indifference to these problems will mean

committing suicide.Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve environment.Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.人和环境





Water pollution 水源污染

Water is used in homes, in farming, and in manufacturing.The water used by the people comes from oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams.Many water sources are becoming polluted.People are throwing things into the water.Factories are dumping waste materials into the water.Cities are dumping sewage into the water.Some water sources have become so badly polluted that the water cannot be made fit to use.Would you like to drink water that came from a source that had been so badly mistreated? Now is the time that we should take up our responsibility to protect our environment from being polluted.


Jinyun Mountain is a famous place of interest.Every day a lot of tourists come here to enjoy its beauty.But a few years ago,some of them paid no attention to protecting the environment.They threw their rubbish,such as plastic bags,fruit skins and waste paper on the ground.Sometimes they broke trees,picked flowers and killed birds.Some even made fires in the woods to cook food.How dangerous it was.Luckily,great changes have taken place here.Tourists are used to putting their rubbish into dustbins,and they are doing their best to protect the birds and plants as well.They bring their own meals instead of cooking to prevent starting a forest fire in the mountains.All these changes make us very happy.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees and air pollution,water polloution is very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.Let’s protect our environment!

7)、保护我们的城市(Saving Our City)

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly.Or it may cause a lot of problems.It may pollute the air and water.People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city has started to face the problem.Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place .Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air.Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere.We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.

8)、保卫地球(Saving the Earth)

As time goes by, man is making the earth sick.People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere.Factories let out their waste without doing anying to it .This has cause some serious problems.Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is le clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising.What should we do to save the earth ? My suggestion is that we should plant more trees, put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories pouring waste directly into the air or rivers.In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.

9)、如何保护环境(How to Protect the Environment)

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit .To improve the environment means to improve our life.We should plant more trees and flowers around us .We shouldn’t cut them down .We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins.Never spit in public.Don’t draw on public walls.It’s our duty to protect the environment.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees.Air pollution and water polloution are very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work..Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.


关于英语环保作文 1) It’s our duty to save water.As we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is le and le.But some people don’t care about it .(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life.(日常生活中他们浪费很多水。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(他们排放污水到河流里。) They throw rubbish into rivers , too.(他们还乱扔垃圾到河流里)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(受到严重污染。) Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily.。) If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)

2) Planting trees

Trees are very helpful and important for us.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.(为了将来我们的生活过得更好、更加健康我们应该种更多的树。)It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.(爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。)

3)、近日,你班在“知荣明耻” “八荣八耻大家谈”教育活动中,召开了一次关于学生荣辱观的主题班会。存在的问题1.不尊敬老师、家长等。2.学习散漫、考试作弊等。3.乱扔垃圾、污损环境等等。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您

Recently we have held a cla meeting to discu what is

considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful.(最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。)It is really a pity to see all this in our school.Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents.(不尊敬老师和父母)Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams.Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment .It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our cla and study hard.(关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣)It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to

make little effort to achieve succe.(违反学校纪律、自私骄傲)We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.(我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人)We should work hard and make much more progre to repay the society.我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会We should try our best to keep the environment clean。(我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境。)

4)环保问题(environmental matter)

The environmental matter is a hot topic nowadays.Not only does it affect our health, it also has a great impact on our future.Due to lacking of environmental concepts, people\'s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution.In order to live a better life, we need a cleaner world.We should now be concerned for environment by creating a better future for our next generation.

In conclusion, the environmental matter is an important iue that directly affects very human in the world!

5)、缙云山是重庆著名的游览胜地,每天有大量的游客。请你根据下面提供的信息写一篇报道,说明现在的游客在环境保护方面的变化。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

写作要求: 1.词数在100左右。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

2.条理清楚,语句通顺。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

3.开头已写好,但不计入总词数。51-免费-51免 费论文网-网

人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。 Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.


:Man and His Environment(人和环境)

Man and His Environment

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.

However, man\'s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.The pollution of water is equally harmful.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifele.

Now environmental protection is more preing than ever before.As we know, maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.Indifference to these problems will mean committing suicide.Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve environment.Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.人和环境





Water pollution 水源污染

Water is used in homes, in farming, and in manufacturing.The water used by the people comes from oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams.Many water sources are becoming polluted.People are throwing things into the water.Factories are dumping waste materials into the water.Cities are dumping sewage into the water.Some water sources have become so badly polluted that the water cannot be made fit to use.Would you like to drink water that came from a source that had been so badly mistreated? Now is the time that we should take up our responsibility to protect our environment from being polluted.


Jinyun Mountain is a famous place of interest.Every day a lot of tourists come here to enjoy its beauty.But a few years ago,some of them paid no attention to protecting the environment.They threw their rubbish,such as plastic bags,fruit skins and waste paper on the ground.Sometimes they broke trees,picked flowers and killed birds.Some even made fires in the woods to cook food.How dangerous it was.Luckily,great changes have taken place here.Tourists are used to putting their rubbish into dustbins,and they are doing their best to protect the birds and plants as well.They bring their own meals instead of cooking to prevent starting a forest fire in the mountains.All these changes make us very happy.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees and air pollution,water polloution is very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.

Let’s protect our environment!

7)、保护我们的城市(Saving Our City)

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly.Or it may cause a lot of problems.It may pollute the air and water.People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city has started to face the problem.Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place .Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air.Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere.We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.

8)、保卫地球(Saving the Earth)

As time goes by, man is making the earth sick.People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere.Factories let out their waste without doing anying to it .This has cause some serious problems.Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is le clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising.What should we do to save the earth ? My suggestion is that we should plant more trees, put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories pouring waste directly into the air or rivers.In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.

9)、如何保护环境(How to Protect the Environment)

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit .To improve the environment means to improve our life.We should plant more trees and flowers around us .We shouldn’t cut them down .We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins.Never spit in public.Don’t draw on public walls.It’s our duty to protect the environment.


Our environment is very important for our lives .We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on .In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees.Air pollution and water polloution are very serious .The environment around us becomes very terrible .We should protect our environment.First, we should plant many trees to keep water.Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work..Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river .Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags.Finally, we can ask more people to join us.

11)、[人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。 ]

Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.







Our English Teacher

Do you know our English teacher? Look! There is a young man standing over there.He isn\'t tall, and looks very thin.Who is he? He is our English teacher.His name is Sun Feng.

Our teacher is strict not only with himself but also with us.We all like him, because he is a good teacher and often helps us with our English.

My clamate Wang Haiyan was not good at Eng-lish at first.He often thought: \"My English is poor, what can I do?\" Mr Sun knew it and said to him: \"Don\'t be disappointed, keep up with your clamates! I believe, you can.\" With the help of our teacher, he decided to catch up with his clamates.So he began to put his heart into English and did better in English.At last, he took part in the English contest and got a prize.

Our English teacher works hard and he is as busy as a bee.He often prepares leons and studies until late at night.In Grade three, we often have tests and have more English homework.Mr Sun always goes over it carefully.

Mr Sun gets on well with us.He likes singing very much.One day before claes began, he said to us: \"Now, let me teach you an English song.\"

We all like our English teacher.He is not only teacher but also our good friend.Don\'t you think so?

Zheng leaps into history

In the winter of 1953, a powerful jump from a Chinese woman attracted world attention.

Twenty-year-old Chinese athlete Zheng Fengrong shattered the women\'s high jump world record with a leap of 1.77 metres in a Beijing athletic meet on November 17, 1957.

The new record, the first women\'s world record for the People\'s Republic of China, was one centimetre higher than the old mark held by American Mildred McDaniel .

The jump also made Zheng the first Asian athlete to break a world track and field record since 1936.

The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as \"an explosive jump\" because it generated China\'s first athletic world record.

Dubbed \" a spring swallow awakening Chinese sports, \" Zheng sent a meage to the world that China was Nolonger the \"sick man of the East.\"

Born in the spring city of Jinan, Shandong Province, Zheng, who stands at 1.70 metres, has a good physique and a skillful scior----sharp jump which was seldom seen among top jumpers in the world.

She once leapt 1.78 metres, a national record in 1963.

She claimed a well-merited place in sporting history when her achievement was listed in the Guinne Book of World Records .

Due to her contribution to athletics, Zheng was awarded a series of honours.She was named among the nation\'s greatest athletes in 1984.

Rong is first world champion

When China was hungry for their first world title to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People\'s Republic of China table tennis player Rong Guotuan made their dream come true.

Rong became New China\'s first world champion after he won the men\'s singles title at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships, in former West Germany on April 5, 1959.

Before the championships, the team had pinned their gold hopes on the men\'s team.But their dream of a world team title was destroyed by the Hungarian team in the semifinal match, losing three games to five.

After a chain of unexpected defeats to Chinese favoured for the title, Rong carried the heavy hopes to make a breakthrough.

Rong\'s rival in the final was top Hungarian paddler Ferenc Sido.

Rong was seen as an underdog for the title as he had just lost to Sido in the team contest.Even the victory flowers were being prepared for Sido.

But much to the surprise of the 8000-member audience, Rong won three straight sets with a big margin 21-12, 21-15, and 21-14 after losing the first set 19-21.Until that very moment, Rong realized the promise he made one year ago, that was to win a world championship for his motherland.

Two years later at the 26th championship for his motherland.

Two years later at the 26th championships in Beijing, Rong led the Chinese men to win the team title.

After becoming the coach of the Chinese women\'s team, Rong led the team to the winners\' podium at the 28th championshipsin 1965.



提示:马丁·路德·金是著名的美国黑人民权运动领袖。他1929年1月15日出生于乔治亚州亚特兰大,1951年就读于波士顿大学,1952年认识了Coretta Scott,并相爱,1953年结了婚。1954年金离开波士顿,成为阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利基督教浸礼会牧师,开始领导黑人运动。1963年成千上万的黑人来到华盛顿听他著名的演讲。1964年他获得了诺贝尔和平奖。1968年4月4日他在田纳西州孟菲斯被暗杀。



the black American civil rights movement

波士顿大学Boston University

爱上……fall in love with


林肯纪念馆the Lincoln Memorial

诺贝尔和平奖the Nobel Peace Prize

被暗杀to be aainated









福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes

19世纪末at the end of 19th century

信任to believe in

陷入困境to be in trouble

私事personal affairs

被怀念to be remembered

③请以Madame Curie为题,写一篇英语短文,要点如下:

a.Madame Curie为世界著名的女科学家,1867年出生于波兰一个教师家庭,卒于1934年。






中学毕业to finish one\'s middle school

过着简朴的生活to live a simple life

科学研究the study of science

诺贝尔物理奖the Nobel Prize for physics

成功地干to succeed in

考入巴黎大学to enter Paris University








出生于to be born

靠……为生to make a living by doing

充分利 to make full use of

闻名于to become well-known to

被认为to be regarded as









在田里in the fields

参军to join the army

入党to become a Party member

乐于……to be happy to do

关心to care for

做好事to do good deeds

树立好榜样to set a good example to


a.奥·亨利是 Willian Sidney Porter的笔名;








to be born into a poor family

几乎没受过教育to have little schooling

释放to be set free

短篇小说家a short story writer








one of the best known American writers


密西西比河the Miiippi River

船上当水手as a sailor on a river boat

测量水深to measure the depth of the water

二个刻度two marks

《汤姆·索亚》Tom Sawyer






哥伦布Christopher Columbus

新大陆the New World

花时间干to spend time in doing

与……争辩to argue with

被人嘲笑to be laughed at

对……感兴趣to be interested in

给……提供to offer somebody something







美国总统President of the United States

南北战争the American Civil War

业余时间in one\'s spare time

强烈反对to be strongly against

为黑奴的自由 for the freedom of all slaves









瓦特·迪斯尼Walt Disney

成功的卡通制作人a succeful Cartoon-maker

看见……做……to see…doing






社会保障体系 social safety net 中华民族的凝聚力和向心力 the cohesivene of the Chinesenation 结构性减税 selective tax cuts 加强科技支撑 increase input for science and technology 提高社会保障水平increase social security benefits 保障性住房 low-income housing; government subsidizedhousing 廉租房 low-rent housing 经适房 affordable housing 限价房 price-capped housing 公租房 public rental housing 棚改房 housing in run-down areas that will undergo renovation 有效弥补外需缺口 to effectively compensate for weak external demand 股指期货 stock index futures 融资融券 securities margin trading 跨境贸易人民币结算试点 the trials of settling cro-border trade accounts in RMB 养老保险关系跨省转移接续 portable pension account (PPA) 城市化布局和形态 patterns and forms of urbanization 人才库 talent pool 人才战略 human resources strategy 人才教育 profeional education 人才培养 talent fostering; staff development 人才培训 personnel training 人才之家 Home for Talent 人才选拔 personnel selection 人才类型 personnel types 人才竞争力 talent competitivene 人才管理 personnel/human resources management 人才投资 talent investment 人才政策 personnel policy 人才发展 talent development 高级人才

high-end profeionals/personnel; top talents 复合型人才 versatile profeionals; personnel of multiple skills 海外人才 overseas talents 尊重人才 value

talents/talented people 党管人才 human resources under the Party leadership 党政人才 Party and government officials 青年英才 young talents 高素质教育人才

high-quality educators 海外高层次人才 high-quality overseas profeionals 全民健康卫生人才 national health profeionals 高技能人才 the highly skilled; highly skilled workers 企业经营管理人才 enterprise management talents 高素质军事人才 military talents 专业医药人才 profeional medical personnel 创新型科技人才

innovative skilled sci-tech workers 急需紧缺专门人才 profeionals in short supply 人才队伍建设 building of talent team 人才工作管理体制 talent administration 人才工作机制 talent management 重大人才工程 major projects for talent development 各类型、多层次人才队伍 a skilled, diversified and multilevel workforce 国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010-2020)National Program for Medium and Long-term

TalentDevelopment (2010-2020) 全球留学人才之家 overseeas Chinese students’ home 中国国际人才交流协会 China Aociation for International Exchange of Personnel 中国国际人才交流大会 Conference on International Exchange of Profeionals 中日人才培养奖学金项目 Japanese grant aid for human resource development scholarships (JDS) program 全国人才队伍建设规划纲要 National Program for Qualified Personnel Development 科教兴国战略和人才强国战略 The strategy of reinvigorating China through science, education and human resources



homeWhat’s more, It is neceary for the paengers toobey traffic rules


第14篇:英语作文 观点类



Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern.最近,…问题已引起人们的关注.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题.Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了.It is commonly believed that… / It is a common belief that…


Many people insist that… 很多人坚持认为…

With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…

A lot of people seem to think that… 很多人似乎认为… 引出不同观点: People’s views on… vary from person to person.Some hold that… .However, others believe that….人们对…的观点因人而异.有些人认为…..然而其他人却认为...

People may have different opinions on… 人们对…可能会有不同的见解.Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异.There are different opinions among people as to… 关于….人们的观点大不相同.Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).对(失败)人们的态度各不相同.结尾 Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that…


Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that…


There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点.All in all, we cannot live without… But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有…是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题.提出建议: It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …

该是采纳…的建议,并对…的进展给予特殊重视的时候了.There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of … 毫无疑问,对…问题应予以足够的重视.Obviously,if we want to do something… , it is eential that…


Only in this way can we…只有这样, 我们才能… It must be realized that…我们必须意识到… 预示后果:

Obviously, if we don’t control the problem, the chances are that… will lead us in danger.很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险.No doubt, unle we take effective measures, it is very likely that… 毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,很可能会… It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.论证:

From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理.I cannot entirely agree with the idea that… 我无法完全同意这一观点….Personally, I am standing on the side of … 就个人而言,我站在…的一边.I sincerely believe that… 我真诚地相信…

In my opinion, it is more advisable to do …than to do….在我个人看来,做…比做…更明智.Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why… 给出原因:

This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.Firstly, … Secondly, … Thirdly, …

这一现象的存在是有许多原因.首先, … 第二, … 第三, …

Why did… ? For one thing… For another….Perhaps the primary reason is…

为什么会…?一个原因是…另一个原因是…或许其主要原因是….I quite agree with the statement that… the reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即…,其主要原因如下: 列出解决办法:

Here are some suggestions for handling… 这是如何处理某事的一些建议.The best way to solve the troubles is… 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是… People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.批判错误观点和做法:

As far as something is concerned, ….就某事而言,… It was obvious that…很显然,….It may be true that…, but it doesn’t mean that… 可能…是对的,但这并不意味着…

It is natural to believe that… , but we shouldn’t ignore that…

认为….是很自然的,但我们不应忽视….There is no evidence to suggest that… 没有证据表明… 如何连接: 强调

still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially.Obviously, clearly.比较

like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.对比

by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, in contrast, yet, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, however, different from, neverthele, otherwise, whereas, unlike 列举

for example, for instance, such as, take …for example.Except (for), to illustrate


later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while.顺序

firstly, secondly, thirdly, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.可能

presumably, probably, perhaps...解释

in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms.递进

What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, as well as, additionally, again.让步

although, after all, in spite of…, despite, even if, even though, admittedly, whatever may happen.转折

however, rather than, instead of, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately, whereas


for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to.


as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence.总结

on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short.其他

Mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, commonly, for this purpose,

to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case, 图表作文常用句型

As is shown in the graph…如图所示… The graph shows that… 图表显示…

As can be seen from the table,… 从表格中可以看出… From the chart, we know that… 从这张表中,我们可知… All these data clearly prove the fact that… 所有这些数据明显证明这一事实,即…

The increase of ….in the city has reached to 20%.….在这个城市的增长已达到20%.In 1985, the number remained the same.1985年,这个数字保持不变.There was a gradual decline in 1989.1989年,出现了逐渐下降的情况.

Different people have different views on ______.Some people hold the idea that ________while others argue that______________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the ______opinion.For one thing, I firmly believe ________.For another, _________.Just think of _________, who__________.Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that____________.Only if _______ can we ___________, just as the saying goes,_____________.

常用句型: 1.表示原因

1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek. 5)The reason for this is that... 6)We have good reason to believe that... 2.表示好处

1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3)It benefits us quite a lot. 4)It is beneficial to us. 5)It is of great benefit to us. 3.表示坏处

1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2)It does us much harm. 3)It is harmful to us.


1)It is important(neceary, difficult, convenient, poible)for sb.to do sth. 2)We think it neceary to do sth. 3)It plays an important role in our life. 5.表示措施

1)We should take some effective measures.

2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer) the difficulties.

3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced) with. 6.表示变化

1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.

3)The computer has brought about(导致) many changes in education. 7.表示事实、现状

1)We cannot ignore the fact that... 2)No one can deny the fact that... 3)There is no denying the fact that...

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 5)However,that’s not the case. 8.表示比较

1)Compared with A,B...

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 3)There is a striking contrast between them. 9.表示数量

1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...

2)The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000.

3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January. 10.表示看法

1)People have(take,adopt,aume)different attitudes towards sth.

2)People have different opinions on this problem. 3)People take different views of(on)the question. 4)Some people believe that...Others argue that... 11.表示结论

1)In short,it can be said that ... 2)It may be briefly summed up as follows. 3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ... 12.套语

1)It is well known to us that ... 2)As is known to us,...

3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about. 4)From the graph(table, chart)listed above,it can be seen that ...

5)As a proverb(谚语) says,“Where there is a will, there is a way.


It is obvious in the graph/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes.It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies).At the point of (接近)X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少). What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table.First of all, …(第一个原因).More importantly, …(第二个原因).Most important of all, …(第三个原因).From the above discuions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future.The trend described in the graph/table will continue for quite a long time (if neceary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势).

三、辩论式议论文 模版1 Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that 观点2.As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all, 论据1.More importantly, 论据2.Most important of all, 论据3.In summary, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版2 People hold different views about X.Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.For one thing, 论据1.For another, 论据2.Last but not the least, 论据3.To conclude, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版3 There is no consensus [kən\'sensəs] 一致of opinions among people about X(争论的焦).Some people are of the view that 观点1, while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion(观念) is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all, 论据1。 Furthermore, 论据2。

Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is, 论据3。

A natural conclusion from the above discuion is that总结观点。

As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above, we can predict that ……

过度词语(transitional words): 1.Indicating addition(递加):

again/ also/ and/ as well as / besides/ finally/ first/ further/ furthermore/ in addition/ moreover/ not only… but also…

2.Indicating conceion(让步):

after all/ although/ in spite of/ although/ at least/ anyhow/ clearly/ even if/ even though/ neverthele/ of course/ though / yet/ It is true that… 3.Iindicating stre(强调):

above all/ certainly/ first and foremost/ indeed/ in fact / in particular/ most importantly/ surely 4.Indicating time(时间):

after a while/ afterward/ as long as/ at last/ at length/ at the moment/ at that time/ before/ early or late/ sooner or later/ formerly/ immediately/ in the meantime/ in the past / lately/ later/ meanwhile/ now/ once/ once upon a time/ presently/ shortly/ simultaneously/ since/so far/ soon / soon after/ subsequently/ then/ thereafter/ until / when 5.Indicating place(地点):

above/ adjacent to/ below/ elsewhere/ farther on/ here/ near/ nearby/ on the other side/ opposite to/ there/ to the east / to the left/ wherever 6.Indicating example(举例):

for example/ for instance/ Specifically,/ That is to say,/ A case in point is sb.(sth.)/ Take sb.(sth.) for example 7.Indicating comparison(比较):

akin to / as it were/ by comparison/ equally/ in the same way/ like/ likewise/ similarly/ too/ compared with 8.Indicating contrast(对照):

but/ despite/ however/ in contrast to/ instead / neverthele/ on the contrary/ on the other hand/ unlike/ whereas/ compared to 9.Indicating purpose(目的):

for the purpose of / in order that/ in order to/ so that 10.Indicating cause and effect(因果关系):

accordingly/ thus/as a result/ because / consequently/ for this reason/ hence/ so/ so that / therefore/ 11.Indicating conclusion or summary(概括或小结): all in all,/ As has been said(mentioned) above,/ In a word,/ In brief,/ In conclusion,/ In short,/ In summary,/ On the whole,/ To sum up,/ To be brief



Given is a simple but thought-provoking cartoon :an aged grandma sits in front of mirror look at “herself”in the mirror an say to herself ,”I feel rather lonely when my son goesto work and my grandson goes studies in school .”

Obviously this cartoon can be naturely aociated with the significance of children’s accompany for aged parents :if elderly people intend to enjoy happine ,it is advisable for their children to spend more time on their parents.In contemporary society ,it has become a trend for young people to be busy with their work and study .Meanwhile ,an increasing number of youngsters find it difficult to have spare time to accompany longly parents.However ,it is adult children’s accompany that enables aged parents to build up adequate hope ,love and enthusiasm for life .as a matter of fact ,young people in large numbers have not come to realize the loneline of aged people .

Asa youngster ,I am comvinced that it is great neceity for us to accompany aged parents ,no matter how busy we are .Accordingly we should educate ,advocate and encourage of frends ,clamates and acquaintances to love respect and care all eldly people .



① People’s opinions are always different once they talk about _____________.Those who ______________________________ maintain that __________________________.They also firmly believe that ___________________________(第一种观点)

② Many people think otherwise.On the one hand, __________________________.On the other hand, __________________________________.(第二种观点)

③My own opinion is that __________________________.If we want to _______________________, we have to___________________________.(明确自己的观点) 范文My View on Job-Hopping




People’s opinions are always different once they talk about job-hopping.Those who never change their jobs throughout their lives maintain that they have accumulated enough experience to work smoothly and efficiently, so what’s the point in changing to another job? They also firmly believe that anyone who wants to excel in his specialty has to work hard on the same post for years to acquire the required skill and knowledge.

Many people think otherwise.On the one hand, if the present job can offer neither satisfactory working conditions nor future opportunities, they will not hesitate a moment to leave.On the other hand, they hold that life is but once and job-hopping can provide rich and exciting experiences.

My own opinion is that job-hopping, in this fast-developing information era, has become more than common and acceptable.If we want to keep pace with the times, we have to change for the faster, the higher and the stronger.So life is a journey, we have nothing to regret so long as we put meaning into it.


① Different people have different views on ________________.Some people think that _______________________________, while others argue that _____________________.(提出两种观点)

② As far as I am concerned, I agree with the _______ opinion.For one thing, I firmly believe _____________.For another, ________________.Just think of _________________, who __________.(明确表明自己同意某种观点)

③ Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that _______________________.Only if ___________ can we ____________, just as the saying goes ______________________.(结论)


My View on Opportunity




Different people have different views on opportunity.Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion.For one thing, I firmly believe that opportunities are everywhere around us.No person will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has its day”.For another, since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves.Just think of Newton, who discovered the Law of Gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of them.

Taking all factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our society.Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the old saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”

My View on Students’ Taking Part-Time Jobs




Nowadays, ____________________.However, people’s opinions are still divided on this point.(提出某一事物)

Those who are in favor of claim that ____________ has a lot of advantages.Firstly, _______.Secondly, ________.Last but not the least, _________.(支持者的观点:利)

Those who are opposed to ______ hold thatthere are still many disadvantages of ______.In the first place, _______.In the second place, ________.Finally, _________.(反对者的观点:弊)

All in all, we can safely come to the conclusion that the pros outweigh the cons.____________.(作者的观点: 利大于弊)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Overseas Study




Like anything else, overseas study has both advantages and disadvantages.(提出某一现象) The main benefits of studying overseas are as follows.First, _______________.In the second place, ___________________________.Last but not the least, __________________.(谈“利”)

However, the negative effects a re obvious.To begin with, ___________.Second, ________ _______________.Finally, ___________.(谈“弊”)

In conclusion, the advantages of overseas study outweigh its disadvantages.Once they return home, the overseas students will ______________________.(结论或自己的看法)


Nowadays,there is a growing tendency ________________.(第一句提出现象) Personally

speaking, I do not agree with this practice at all.(第二句表明自己的观点)

First of all, ___.Second, ________.Third, _________.(分三方面进行批驳)

My conclusion is that _____________.(结论)

Recently, it seems that ___________.Many people, especially _______, think that it will certainly do good to __________ because _________.Moreover, ________________.(说明某种做法及支持这种做法的观点)

After careful consideration, I have to say ________________.On the one hand, ________.On the other hand, __________________________.(从几方面进行批驳)

We can see clearly that although ______ may bring favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about.It seems neceary ___________________.(结论)

My View on Teenagers Studying Abroad




Recently, it seems that among the students who choose to study abroad, there are more and more teenagers who study in high schools or even elementary schools.Many people, especially their parents, think that it will certainly do good to their children because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance, Moreover, the quality of overseas education is often higher, thus the child stands a better chance of entering a better university and getting a better job in the future.

After careful consideration, I have to say that the above view is more than biased.On the one hand, early independent life is not necearily good, if the child can not receive proper guidance and tender care from both teachers and parents.On the other hand, the educational quality is also a problem — too many foreign schools aim at earning money.When the children come back, who can guarantee that they can adapt to the fierce competition here?

We can see clearly that although teenagers’ study abroad may bring favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about.It seems neceary for the parents and the young students as well to make a thorough investigation before making a decision to study overseas.办法类作文模板

How to Succeed in a Job Interview


2.取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是 „„

A job interview is vital to the job-hunting proce in that it you are succeful in it, you stand a good chance of finally obtaining the ideal job.Then how can we succeed in a job interview?

In the first place, you should dre and behave properly in order to make a good first impreion on the interviewer.In the second place, when it comes to talking, you should speak of your expertise and special abilities clearly and honestly.What’s more, self-confidence is also an important factor, telling the interviewer that you will face the challenge whenever you encounter difficulties.

You will succeed in a job interview as long as you put the above principles into practice.As a result, you will most probably obtain the job you have been demanding of.

When we ____, we always _____, I hope the following methods , based on my personal experience, can be helpful to all of you.(引出重要问题)

On the one hand, ______.On the other hand, __________.(阐述几种方法)

From the above analysis, the best way to _______ is to ___________.(一句话为全文作总结)

How to Improve Our Listening Ability

1.要提高英语听力, 一方面要„„




My name is ***and I will graduate from ********************************** in the 2014 .My major is Urban and rural planning.

It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding.During the three-year study ,I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge and weigh the hard work of teachers and myself; I am a student main cla cadres.

Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my profeional knowledge, I often read some books and magazines about my major.At the same time, I learnt some computer skills, and now I’m familiar with office 2003 & 2010.

It’s my three-year Technical secondary school life that makes me form my life atiltude.Also my three-year Technical secondary school life makes me rich in knowledge.

I’m looking for a job construction technology.Like a surveyor in order to realize my self-worth.So I sincerely hope that I can get a chance in your company so that I can serve for the company in the future.



The Comparison Between Watching TV and Reading Books

In our daily life, Watching TV and reading books has become the mainly way for children to get varies meages about the world by themselves .The two ways both can make an influence on the growth of children.In this eay, I’d like to make a comparison of the influence on children between watching TV and reading books .First of all, both of them are valuable to children to open up their eyes to the world.In addition, children can also enjoy themselves from watching interesting program and reading meaningful story books.Finally, children usually talk with friends using the topics that get from watching TV and reading books.

With the colorful program, children maybe waste lots of time on it which leads them to a shortage of communicating with family and friends.While reading books may seldom results in the question like that.

books need children to think and image what the authors want to tell them by themselves.By comparison, the programs on TV usually have been edited by others so that children need not to think more about them.Base on the comparison, we can see that reading books is more useful for children to develop the abilities of understanding and imagination than watching TV.In addition, watching TV often breaks children’s attention every twenty minutes by the advertizements.By comparison, children can read books in a world of their own as long as they want.

urge children to pay more time on reading books than watching TV.



Control Poaching偷猎 Endangered species 濒危物种

Rare breeds 稀有物种 Animal breeding 饲养 Breeding programme Inbreed近亲繁殖

Zoo Conservation 动物园保护计划

Conservation program

extinct 灭绝 facing extinction captivity 笼养 capture 捕获

captive animal lover

animal rights activists 动物权利保护

fund the research研究基金

erode 腐蚀 erosion

exhaust emiion 废弃排放

traffic fume 尾气 global warming greenhouse effect be contaminated by contaminant污染

acid rain organic有机 inorganic无机 recycle 循环

genetically modified 转基因 genetically engineered biodegradable 生物降解 packaging

unleaded petrol无铅汽油 petroleum refining 提纯汽油 foil fuel 不可再生燃料 sustainable 可持续/viable /renewable


reforestation 造林 deforestation’砍伐森林 ecosystem 生态系统 ecotour生态旅游 green belt 绿化带 battery farming化学农业

conservation 保护,保存 (? conserve)v.s.conversation environmentalist = conservationist acid 酸 酸的 (<>alkali)acid rain

carbon 碳 (C) v.s.charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide fume exhaust fumesv.s.smoke, fog, smog

petroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gas ozone 臭氧 (o + zone)ozone layer ooze 渗出 渗出物

radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactive greenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gases

solar 太阳的 (solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar) phenomenon 现象

catastrophe = disaster, cataclysm deterioration 恶化 (? deteriorate) extinction 灭绝 (? extinct) species endangered species

drought 干旱 (^ “找它”)>>> famine v.s.flooding recurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rentv.s.concurrent inundate 淹没 ^ “淹掉它”

embankment 筑堤 (em + bank + ment) sediment 沉积(物)= deposit delta 三角洲the Pearl River Delta alluvial 冲积的

desertification ? desert (v.s.deert)

dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstorm barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的

dune sand dunethe game “DUNE”!

attributable 归因于be attributable to…

deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<> afforestation/reforestation log 原木,日志 伐木v.s.logo

vegetation 植物,植被v.s.vegetable, vegetarian habitat 栖息地? habit (Habit is the second nature.) ecosystem 生态系统 (eco + system)~ ecology viability ? viable “vi”: life养育能力One tool for aeing the impact of forestry on the ecosystem is population viability analysis.

demographic 人口统计的 demo(people) + graph(write) + ic interdependence inter + dependence

counterbalance 使平衡,弥补 (=offset)counter(against) + balance mechanism 机理,机制

precipitation 陡降,降水 (? precipice)<> evaporation circulation 流通,循环

tide à tidal wave (海啸)<> ebb <<< earthquake typhoon ~ tornado, hurricane meteorology 气象(学) volcano 火山

eruption 喷发 (? erupt)volcanic eruption >>> lava granite 花岗岩

imminent = impending v.s.eminent Celsius 摄氏的 37OCv.s.centigrade Fahrenheit 华氏的

latitude 纬度(另) longitude, altitude

tropical ? (the) tropicstropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zone glacier 冰川

dump 倾倒,倾销à anti-dumping contaminate 弄脏 (à contaminant) recycle 回收再利用

irreversible 不可逆的 (= irrevocable) reclaim 开垦,改造 à reclamation contentious 有争议的 (? contend)Many environmental iues today are highly contentious. opt 选择(+ for) à option prioritize 优先考虑 (? prior, priority)

●垃圾问题 乱扔垃圾的原因 1.Plastic container and utensils are pervasive in the city and the country alike.These plastic shopping bags, chopsticks, to-go boxes and mineral water bottles, to name but a few, when not properly disposed of, engender a coloal amount of non-biodegradable refuse.It is manifest that we have embarked upon a “throw-away” era when plastic trash is dumped indiscriminately and irresponsibly.From my own perspective, the causes of this phenomenon are manifold.To begin with, at present the majority of individuals who shop or eat out regularly are still poorly-informed, uninformed or misinformed about the baneful influence that non-biodegradable pollutants exert on the ecosystem, which is the chief culprit in the global-scale mishandling of the plastic waste.The primary component of such trash can not decompose over the proce of the next hundreds of years if no major scientific breakthrough comes along in refuse treatment.Further, the proliferation of plastic shopping bags and eating utensils is largely engendered by the surging consumerism.Plastic containers and utensils are lighter in weight, cheaper in price and water-resistant in performance, whi9ch makes them preferable in customers’ eyes.Lastly, plastic bags and containers are also cost-effective since they are cheaper to manufacture, ship and store.These considerations also have prompted the good old cloth or paper bags to be supplanted by plastic bags and environmental afflictions ensure.2.The comfortable and convenient life accompanied by the fantastic growth of science and technology can account for overwhelming rubbish.As we know , the pride-taking symbol of 21st century is the unbelievable technology, which provides a multitude of one-off products enjoyed avariciously by indolent people, such as chopsticks, shopping bags, and purified water bottles, some of which are non-biodegradable for ages.Accordingly, wastes have been produced and accumulated at an amazing rate.Furthermore, the awarene of environment protection is alarmingly scarce.We are aisted to entertainment of life but often refer to environment as others.In our perspective, pollution combating and nature conserving ate far from our eential jobs, and government should take all the responsibility.So we can drop litter without even a grain of shame.●现状 1. The road scattered with all sorts of trash are a disgrace and the railway line are littered with decaying rubbish.2.One third of the waste produced is made up of packaging materials.3.What we are doing now is a wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment.4.We lack adequate facilities to dispose of rubbish of all kinds.For instance, not many dustbin are seen along streets. 5.The quickening tempo of modern lifestyle also contributes partly to the increasing rubbish problems, because many people prefer takeaway fast food and the use of disposal items for the convenience’s sake.6.We are living in a consumer-oriented society.●解决办法解决问题

The joint effort from both government and individuals Play one’s cards right From governmental perspective Crack down on the environmental iue Take strong and harsh measure Band-aid solution Effective solution carry out a series of regulations and rules It makes (no)sense for government to do Red tape Bureaucracy Cut the red tape Exercise control and supervision over ….iue Improve people’s environmental consciousne Arouse peoples awarene of environmental protection Environmentally friendly policy Economic /financial interest Surveillance Afforestation Reforestation Air purification Desalt the water Dump raw sewage properly Sewage treatment Sewage disposal system Sewage purification Water disposal Recycling Integrated waste management Alternative energy source Disposable product Disposable packaging recyclable renewable environmentally sound product environmentally favorable energy option environmentally favorable strategy ecological balance keep /break victim temporal interest long-term interest as far as the citizens are concerned social evolution eco-warriors set a good example for all the citizens stand united sustainable development commercial interest

1.Public activities should be sponsored by government to promote the [public awarene of environmental protection.Make sure that everyone is a conscious 2.Our government should take stronger and harsher measures to combat the littering behavior.3.Use environment-friendly materials.4.The rubbish should be claified scientifically so that the procedure can achieve high efficiency.5.People should learn to recycle .For instance, we should set up bins around town to collect gla, paper, and aluminum that can be converted back into raw materials, then made them into new products. 6.People’s awarene of how persistent and devastating non-biodegradable trash can be to our environment and our descendants’ should be heightened.7.The government and the technologists should spare no effort in advocating the use of environmentally-friendly containers.8.Biochemical research must be launched here and now in pursuit of effective means of converting non- biodegradable refuse to biodegradable refuse.9.The government should allocate enough funding to such research on the corporate level.10. Retail stores and restaurants should strive to encourage their customers to reuses plastic packing items.11.A tax levied by the government on the use of plastic bags in businees will, doubtle, help to curb this maive “white pollution”.12.The authority have to invest more money in efficient disposal of trash, and the large-scale campaign against ugly phenomenon such as random garbage-throwing and spitting should be launched without any delay.As for individuals, behaving themselves and saying no to poible environmental-unfriendly deeds are strongly recommended.13.Rubbish-solving is a quite complex iue, and it needs cooperative efforts from people and society as a whole.Since we were capable of turning the world into a splendid wonderland long ago, we have good reasons to belief that a clean, wonderful homeland is not far behind.●个人也应承担保护环境的责任 1.Concerns for environmental iues should be shared by the general public.2.Individuals ought to make conscious efforts to save energy and to keep our environment clean.3.In fact there are many things that the individual can do.For example, we should try to reduce our dependence on private cars and use bicycles more often.4.By doing so, not only do we save energy and therefore reduce the release of CO, which is a major greenhouse gas, we also become healthier riding bicycles.5.Household rubbish can be sorted out for recycling.Paper , plastic and metals such as Cocacola cans can all be recycled.6.We can use more products made from recycle materials so that the recycling industry has a better prospect of commercial succe.7.We should stop using plastic bags and plastic meal boxes which bring convenience but pollute the environment , as they are not biodegradable.8.Used batteries should also be disposed of properly because there is lead in it.9.If these efforts are shared by more people, we will have a better life.●动物实验 Advantages

1.Since human beings existed in the world, animals have always been accompanying us.They are of great help to humans in many aspects.For example, they help a lot in medical experiments.2.Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs.With the help of animal tests, we have found cures to many formerly fatal diseases.3.Many people argue that animal testing is cruel.In some cases this is cruel.However it would be much more cruel to let people die because there is not enough information about a disease.4.At present there are no other better methods to replace them. 5.Animals have similar physical procees to humans.6.Not only would the costs of testing in humans be extremely high, but also it is brutal to test new drugs on children or adults.7.Animal tests are still regarded as the only reliable and feasible method.8.Animals such as monkeys or rabbits which are used in experiments are easily bred.In fact they can be raised in laboratories artificially.In other word, there is a large supply of animals for medical research.9.Using animals in drug tests will not have negative effects on the balance of ecosystem.

10.Most countries set standards for animal treatment in tests, and laboratories have regulations to prevent cruelty.11.From a more pragmatic standpoint, evidence abounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part of scientific research at this phase of human development.12.Drug experiment on live mammals is far more effective than on bacteria or on other lower species in determining drug safety.13.Medical history informs us that drugs that can potentially exert grave side effects on Homo sapiens should be tested by pharmaceutical companies live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity.Disadvantages 1.Animal tests violate animals’ rights.Although humans have been occupying the dominant position since they appeared on the earth, God created animals before humans.2.Some animals are of great help to humans in many aspects.Some kinds of animals have been used for transportation.Some others help the police solve cases. 3.In experiments, animals are usually killed or at least suffer from great pains.It is a kind of brutality and cruelty.1.Not all experiments are neceary.With the fast development of science and technology, other alternatives have been found to replace animals testing.For example, computer simulation can achieve similar results.1.Not all the experiments are reliable.Animals and humans are two quite different kinds of creatures.they have different physical procees.2.The treatment and drugs which are effective on animals are sometimes usele and can even have negative effects on humans.

3.Information gathered from animals does not always apply to humans.4.Mounting evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any heed to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure..5.Improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane, and this , in turn, can severely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animals.6.The effects of vaccination or vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling.In extreme cases, they constitute sheer torture of animals.



(说明文+议论文) 1. 写作技巧,布局结构。


第二段:分析信息和表上具体数字,找出规律,发现问题或所代表的社会普遍现象,对其进行议论说明, 大约50-60字。

第三段:你的忧虑,一些建议,解决问题的方法,期待或展望。大约40-50字。 2.写作常用词句 第一段图表说明

1.As shown in the table (graph, chart)… 2.The table (graph, chart) displays…

3.The percentage remained steady/stable at… 4.As can be clearly observed from the chart… 5.The figures stayed the same….第二段分析图表数字信息 1.As indicated by the result…

2.The table (graph, chart, figures) shows the increase…decrease… 3.The data(figures) leads us to the conclusion that….4.The graph provides some interesting data regarding….第三段结论

1) It should be noted that… 2) This suggests… 3) It must be realized…

4) We look forward to further changes… 3.看图作文


3.1.写作技巧,布局结构。跟图表作文相似,不同之处是图表要分 析数字,对比数字。

看图作文着重分析图片内容。 第一段:

理解图片及文字,看图作文都有文字说明,这里必须对图片及文字内容都给予描述,大约30-40字。 第二段:

分析图片内容,理解其深刻含义。对图片所包含的现状发表议论,可以以生活中的名人为例子,或者以自己的亲身经历来支持你的观点,加以论证。大约50-60字。 第三段:

你的忧虑,一些建议,解决问题的方法,期待或展望。大约40字。 3.2.写作常用词句 第一段:说明图片及文字

1.The picture with words shows that…

2.The picture with words provides some interesting facts….第二段:联想,感想,观点

1.Firstly, it will bring us to think …Secondly….Thirdly….And finally…

2.Take…as an example例子论证: ---the man enrolled in Harvard as a genius ---quitted from Harvard ---became a billionaire in his first thirty ---was named as the World Computer God Father ---was invited as a profeor at Harvard ---Bill Gates showed such an example of 第三段总结: 1.We must realize that…

2.We look forward to further changes about…


1.It is obvious(明显的) in the ______(table/chart)that the________ (rate/number) of________(中心词)has undergone(经历) dramatic changes.It has _____________________(gone up/grown/fallen/dropped) considerably in recent years.In _______(时间点), __________(中心词) reached its _______(peak/bottom).2.What has contributed to the changes? As far as I’m concerned, there are ______ (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the ______(table/chart).First of all, ______________(原因1).More importantly, __________(原因2).What’s more,____________________(原因3) 3.From what has discued above, we have good reasons to predict what will happen in the near future.The trend described in the _______(table/chart)will continue for quite a long time if neceary measures are not taken.For one thing,______________(措施一).For another___________(措施二).


1.The past few years have witneed the different trends with regard to___________(主题).The number of __________(主体1)showed a sharp increase, up from______(数据)to_______(数据).By contrast, the number of _______(主体2)was ________(rising/declining/fluctuating)_______(slowly/slightly/rapidly) from_______(数据)to _______(数据).(如有第三主体,继续写)Several major driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized(总结) as follows.The most important factors that I would like to emphasize(强调) is__________________(原因1).One more factor that can not be ignored is________________(原因2).Last but not least,________________ (原因3) 2.Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably predict(预言) that,on the one hand, the number of ______(主体1) will continue to ______(climb/drop /remain stable) in the forthcoming(即将到来) years; on the other hand, there will be a more prosperous future for________(主体2) if this trend is effectively________(reversed / maintained).


Dear ___, I am __, I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about ____.The reason for my diatisfaction is ____(总体介绍).In the first place, _____.In addition, ______.Under these circumstances, I find it ___ (感觉)to _____.I appreciate it very much if you could ____(提出建议和请求), preferably ____(进一步要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限).Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 询问信

Dear ___, I am ____.I am writing to see if it is poible for you to provide me with information regarding ____(要询问内容)

First of all, what are ______? (第一个问题)Secondly, when will ____?(第二个问题)Thirdly, is _____? (第三个问题)

I would also like to inquire _____(将最重要的问题单独成段).Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects? Thank you for you kindne, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 请求信

Dear ____, I am writing to formally request to ____(请求的内容)

The reason for ______ is that ________(给出原因).I ______, so I ______(给出细节) I would also like to request ______(提出进一步的要求).I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at ____(电话号码).I look forward to a favorable reply.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 道歉信

Dear ____,

I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因)

The reason is that ______(介绍原因).Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 感谢信

Dear ____, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ______(感谢的原因).If it had not been for your aistance in ______(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been ______(没有对方帮助时的后果)

Every one agrees that it was you who ______ (给出细节).Again, I would like to expre my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 建议信

Dear ____, You have asked me for my advice with regard to ____, and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ____(建议的内容) I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discu this with you to further details.Good Luck with your ____(祝愿) Yours sincerely, Li Ming 求职信

Dear Sir or Madam, I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in ____(报纸名称)of _____(广告发布时间)。

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a _____(工作名称)。In the one hand, ________ (第一个原因).On the other hand, ______(另一个原因)

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at ______(电话号码)

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 邀请信

Dear ____, There will a ____(内容)at /in _____(地点)on _____(时间).We would be honored to have you there with us.The occasion will start at ____(具体时间).This will be followed by a ____ (进一步的安排)。 At around ____ (时间), ______(另一个安排)

I really hope you can make it.RSVP before ____(通知你的最后期限) Yours sincerely, Li Ming
