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Nowadaypeople’focusisattractedonthe iueof……

/Nowadaypeopleingrowingnumbersarebeginningrelizethat……/Nowadayit is widelyacknowledgedthat……


Thereason for this is not far toseek.First…….Second…….Third……/There are serveal reasons/elements/factors/causeseatedas follow…… 接下来写原因或者好处如以下语句可以用

Oneof the benefits is that…….But it has a hamful effect on on……

/The significant benfit/harm is……(注:此句中significant就是important的意思,四六级写作中禁用significant,因为那个词太低端的,没有得分点。同理也禁用People)


Based on the above statements/From what we have discued/Judging from the

above evidence.We can predict the tendency that……/We may safely draw a conclusion that……


Evidenced, it is high time that we took measure toslove this iue /problem/Immediate measures must be taken before it getstoo serious/late



When asked about……/When to comes ^/faced with…………many people believe

that ……,they think/hold/argue/claim/maintain/advocate………………

/When it comes to ^people’s opinions differ .Some hokd the opinion that……….There is ageneral discuion today about the iue of………….These who advocate…………argue that…………


while others think /believe …………


Weighting the pros and cons of this arguments,I am inclined to agree the former/latter point of view that…………

/In my ipinion /To my mind /As for me.Ihold a balance view /a combination of the two is a better choice.…………


◆泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。---欧阳修《蝶恋花》 ◆侯门一入深似海,从此萧郎是路人。---崔郊《赠婢》 ◆从此无心爱良夜,任他明月下西楼。---李益《写情》 ◆曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。---元稹《离思》 ◆惟将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。---元稹《遣悲怀》


◆试问闲愁都几许,一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨。---贺铸《青玉案》 ◆断无蜂蝶慕幽香,红衣脱尽芳心苦。---贺铸《踏莎行》


◆落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。当时明月在,曾照彩云归。---晏几道《临江仙》 ◆独思一夜情多少,地角天涯不是长。---张仲素《燕子楼》 ◆凭杖飞魂招楚些,我思君处君思我。---苏轼《蝶恋花》

◆十年生死两茫茫。不思量,自难忘,相顾无言,惟有泪千行。---苏轼《江城子》 ◆直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。---李商隐《无题》 ◆身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。---李商隐《无题》 ◆嫦娥应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心。---李商隐《嫦娥》 ◆伤心桥下春波绿,曾是惊鸿照影来。---陆游《沈园》

◆昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路.欲寄彩笺兼尺素,山长水阔知何处.---晏殊《蝶恋花》 ◆乱山千叠横江,忆君游倦何方。知否小窗红烛,照人此夜凄凉。---纳兰性德《清平乐》


◆又到旧时明月路,袖口香寒,心比秋莲苦。---纳兰性德《蝶恋花》 ◆为君沉醉又何妨,只怕酒醒时候断人肠。---秦观《虞美人》 ◆一登楼,便作春江都是泪,流不尽,许多愁。---秦观《江城子》


◆只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。---《汉乐府》 ◆山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。---《越人歌》

◆死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。---《诗经*邶风》 ◆岂不尔思,远莫致之。女子有行,远父母兄弟。---《诗经*卫风》 ◆关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈宨淑女,君子好逑。-佚名《诗经周南关雎》




1.\"as good as…\"相等于,就像,几乎如;实际上,其实,实在。

The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy, that he would adopt him.

2.\"many as well…as\"和\"might as well …as\" \"many

as well…as\"可译为\"与其……,不如……,更好\",\"以这样做……为宜\",\"如同……,也可以……\"等等。\"might as well…as\"表示不可能的事,可译为\"犹如……\",\"可与……一样荒唐\",\"与其那样不如这样的好\"等等。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.

3.\"so…that, such…that\"是一个普通的句型,但在同一个句子里有两处使用它却比较少见。

The truth is, that in one point of view, this matter of national literature has come to such a pa with us, that in some sense we must turn bullies, else the day is lost, or superiority so far beyond us, that we can hardly say it will ever be ours.

4.\"by doing…\"结构。这个结构的意思是\"通过(做)……\",但翻译实践中不能拘泥于这种释义,不少情况下需要灵活变通。


\"something of\"相当于\"to some extent\",表示程度。在疑问句或条件从句中,则为\"anything of\",可译为\"有点\",\"略微等。\"\"译为毫无\",\"全无\".\"much of\"译为\"大有\",\"not much of\"可译为\"算不上\",\"称不上\",\"little of\"可译为\"几乎无\".something like译为\"有点像,略似。\"

They say that he had no university education, but he seems to be something of a scholar.

6.同格名词修饰是指of前后的两个名词都指同一个人或物,\"of\"以及它前面的名词构一个形容词短语,以修饰\"of\"后面的那个名词。如\"her old sharper of a father\",可译为:\"她那骗子般的父亲\".

Those pigs of girls eat so much.


It is as plain as plain can be.

8.\"It is in(with)…as in(with)\"

It is in life as in a journey.


Anything is better than not to write clearly.There is nothing to be said against lucidity, and against simplicity only the poibility of dryne.This is a risk that is well worth taking when you reflect how much better it is to be bold than to wear a curly wig.


In 1600 the earth was not the center of the universe because the majority then supposed it was; nor, because she had more readers, was Ella wheeler Wilcox a better poet than Father Hopkins.

11.\"to make…of\"的译法(使……成为……,把……当作)

I will make a scientist of my son.


She is too angry to speak.

13.only(not, all, but, never) too …to do so 和\"too ready (apt) + to do\"结构中,不定式也没有否定意义,凡是\"not\",\"all\"\"but等字后+\"too…to,\"不定式都失去了否定意义,在\"too ready(apt) +to do\"结构中,不定式也没有否定意义。

You know but too yell to hold your tongue.

14.\"no more …than…\"句型

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

15.\"not so much…as\"和\"not so much as …\"结构,\"not so much…as\"=\"not so much as …\",其中as有进可换用but rather,可译为:\"与其说是……毋须说是……\".而\"not so much as\"=\"without(not)even,\"可译为\"甚至……还没有\".

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.

16.\"Nothing is more…than\"和\"Nothing is so …as\"结构,\"Nothing is more…than\"和\"Nothing is so …as\"都具有最高级比较的意思,\"Nothing I\"可换用\"no\",\"nobody\",\"nowhere\",\"little\",\"few\",\"hardly\",\"scarcely\"等等,可译为\"没有……比……更为\",\"像……再没有了\",\"最……\"等。

Nothing is more precious than time.

17.\"cannot…too…\"结构,\"cannot…too…\"意为\"It is impoible to overdo…\"或者,即\"无论怎样……也不算过分\".\"not\"可换用\"hardly\",\"scarcely\"等,\"too\"可换用\"enough\",\"sufficient\"等。

You cannot be too careful.

18.\"否定+but \"结构,在否定词后面的\"but\",具有\"which not\",\"who not\",\"that not\",等等否定意义,构成前后的双重否定。可译成\"没有……不是\"或\"……都……\"等。

Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse.

19.\"否定+until (till)\"结构,在否定词\"no\",\"not\",\"never\",\"little\",\"few\",\"seldom\"等的后边所接用的 \"until/ till\",多数情况下译为\"直到……才……\",\"要……才……\",把否定译为肯定。

Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried.

20.\"not so…but\"和\"not such a …but\"结构,这两个结构和\"否定+but\"的结构差不多,不同之点是这两个结构中的\"but\"是含有\"that…not\"意味的连续词,表示程度。可译为\"还没有……到不能做……的程度\",\"并不是……不……\",\"无论怎样……也不是不能……\"等。

He is not so sick but he can come to school.


Who should write it but himself?

22.\"who knows but (that)…\"和\"who could should…but\"结构,这个结构是反问形式,一般意译为\"多半\",\"亦未可知\"等等,有时也可直译。

Who knows but (that) he may go?



A word, and he would lose his temper.

25.\"as…,so…\"结构,这里的\"so\"的意思是\"in the same way\"(也是如此)。此结构表明两个概念在程度上和关系上相似。

As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart.

26.\"if any\"结构,\"if any\"和\"if ever\",意思是\"果真有……\",\"即使有……\",表示加强语气。与此类似的还有:\"if anything\"(如有不同的话,如果稍有区别),\"if a day\"(=at least,至少)。

There is little, if any, hope.

27.\"be it ever(never)so\"和\"let it be ever(never)so\"结构,这里,\"be it\"中的\"be\"是古英语假设语气的遗留形式,现代英语则使用\"let it be\".\"ever so\"和\"never so\"都表示同一意思,都表示\"very\".

Be it ever so humble (let it be ever so humble), home is home.

28.\"the last+不定式\"和\"the last +定语从词\"结构,这种结构中的\"last\"意思是\"the least likely\",用于否定性推论。可译为\"最不大可能的\",\"最不合适的\",由原意的\"最后一个……\"变成\"最不可能……的一个\".

He is the last man to accept a bride.


He ran so fast that nobody could catch him up.

30.\"more + than+原级形容词(副词)\"结构,这是将不同性质加以比较,其中的\"more\"有\"rather\"的意思。

It is more than probable that he will fall.

31.\"more than +动词\"结构,这种结构表示动词的程度,可译为\"异常\",\"岂止\",\"十二分地\"等。

This more than satisfied me.

32.\"good and …\"的副词用法,译为\"非常\",\"很\"等。类似还有\"nice and …\", \"fine and …,\" \"lovely and …\", \"bright and …\", \"rare and …\", \"big and …\"等,均表示程度。

The apples are good and ripe.

33.\"and that\"结构,这个\"and that\"应译为\"而且……\",表示对它前面陈述部分的语气加强,\"that\"代表前面的整个陈述部分。

Return to your work , and that at once.

34.\"at once…and\"结构,这个结构译为\"既……又……\",起相关连接的作用,相当于\"both…and…\".

The novel is at once pleasing and instructive.

35.\"in that…\"结构,这个结构的意思是\"在那一点上(方面)\",可译为\"因为\".类似的结构还有\"in this…\".

The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs.

36.\"the name notwithstanding\"结构,这个结构中\"notwithstanding\"是介词,这个介词可以置前,可以置后,比如也可写成:\"notwithstanding the name\".起让步状语的作用。

Some people think of the storage battery as a sort of condenser where electricity is stored.But this is an entirely wrong conception, the name notwithstanding.


Every man is not polite, and all are not born gentlemen.

38.\"may as well not…as\"结构,此结构可译为\"与其……不如不……\".One may as well not know a thing at all as know it but imperfectly.

39.\"have only to …do\"结构,此结构表示\"只须(消)……就能……\"的意思。

We have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery made by Edison to see the significance of it.

40.\"not (no) …unle…\"句型

No increase in output can be expected unle a new aembly line is installed.


Better my life should be ended by their hate, than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love.

42.\"as it were\"是一个非常常用的插入语,意思是\"好象\",\"可以说\"等。

Apiece of iron near a magnet, though apparently separate from it , feels, as it were, the threads of this attachment.

43.复杂结构,在下面例句中,由于anyone的定语从句过长,把谓语must realize提到定语从句之前。

Though faith and confidence are surely more or la foreign to my nature, I do not infrequently find myself looking to them to be able, diligent, candid, and even honest.Plainly enough, that is too large an order, as anyone must realize who reflects upon the manner in which they reach public office.

44.\"not…any more than…\"为:\"不能……,正如不能……\".

One cannot learn to sketch and expre himself graphically only by reading about it any more than one can learn to swim while standing by the pool.

45.\"By that as it may\"是\"Let it be that as it may\"的省略形式,是由\"be\"引起的另外一种假设结构,意思是\"虽然如此,尽管这样\".

It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is, so to speak, a new product from an improved formula.Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its busine with man far more quickly than the blood poison.

46.\"if at all\"是一个由\"if\"引起的主谓结构不完整的短句结为\"即将……\",\"即使……\"等。

I can see only with great difficulty, if at all.


There have been opened up to the vast and excellent science, in which my work is the beginning, ways and means by which other minds more accurate than wine will explore its remote corners.

48.\"range from …to…\"结构。这是一个常见结构,译时很多情况下应变通处理,不能完全依靠辞典上的释义。

Computer applications range from an aembly line completely run by computers to a children toy responding to remote signals.

49.\"the way…\"结构

I always thought she was a common-sense person who discued things the way they ought to be discued.


In recent years, the development of sensitive and accurate measuring equipment has made it poible to measure the acuity of hearing of any individual at different frequencies.


1) 动词短语相关部分被分隔(当\"make use of \",\"take notice of\",\"pay attention to\",等动词短语变成被动语态时)。

Use is made of solar energy in heating houses.


But there is of culture another view, in which not solely the scientific paion, the sheer desire to see things as they are, natural and proper in an intelligent being, appears as the ground of it.

52.\"to be doing…when…\"是一个句型,多译为\"某人正在做……时,突然……\".在简单的句子中容易看出,一旦句子变得复杂一些,可能就不太容易识别这种句型。

She said she and a friend had gone out to dinner that night, and were walking home together at about 10 o’clock, when a \"very big, very tall man\", accosted them and demanded their purses.


Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all.

54.\"so much that…\"句型

But he developed gradually a very musical English.He learnt to write sentences that fall away on the ear with a misty languor and it delighted him so much that he could never have enough of it.


She had said what it was neceary to say.


It is not who rules us that is important, but how he rules us.


He was all gentlene to her.


A crime is a crime a crime.

The hippos, by depositing dung in the water, fed the fish that support the storks that destroy the rare trees.


No le obvious is the fact there are great numbers of people so constituted or so brought up that they cannot get so much pleasure out of procees and experiences resulting in a poorer life le full of meaning.


I can not say of myself what Johnson said of Pope: He never paed a fault unamended by indifference, nor quitted it by despair.I do not write as I do; I write as I can.


It is a valuable work.I do not think anyone writes so well that he cannot learn much from it.

62.\"to have not…(as) to see…\"中的不定式也有否定意味。

He had not the good breeding to see that simplicity and naturalne are the truest marks of distinction.

63.\"It occurred to sb.that…\"意为\"突然想到\",\"It dawned on sb.that…\".\"突然想起\"等。 从句是想起的内容。

I remember once being on a bus and looking at a stranger.He suddenly looked back at me-i.e.our eyes met.My instinctive reaction was to avert my gaze.It occurred to me that if I had continued to maintain eye contact, I would have been rude and aggreive.

64.\"It follows that…\"=\"It happens as a result…\"常常被译为\"由此可见\",\"因此\",\"从前\",\"可以推断\"等等。

It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living.It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist.

65.\"that’s all there is to it\",意思是\"也不过如此而已\".可根据上下文视情况处理。

If I’m touched, I’m touched-that’s all there is to it.

66.\"The chances are that…\"是一句型,译为\"有可能……\".

The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race though some paages in fiction over which you wish to linger.

67.Feel, see, leave引起宾语的宾语补足语,或在被动语态中引起主语补足语的某些惯用句型,有时see和feel这两个词的被动式不大好译。遇到这种情况应挖掘其深层含义,不要拘泥于表面形式。

The education of the young is seen to be of primary importance.

68.某此以no, nowhere, never, not…bout, not…any, nothing but, hardly, scarcely, seldom等否定词语引出的一些结构。

I never go past the theatre but I think of his last performance.

69.某些用choice between, to know better, whether or, should have avoided(或done better)等表示从两种做法中选取一种更好的做法。

Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfil needs which have hitherto been regarded as unneceary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of libing.


The country had grown rich, its commerce was large, and wealth did its natural work in making life softer and more worldly, commerce in deprovincializing the minds of those engaged in it.


Acro the court from the Manhattan apartment that I have occupied for the past few years is a dog that often hurls insults into the darkne, a few of which my dog refuses to accept and makes a tart reply.


Of course, nobody was hurt this time, because we had all been to dinner, none of us being novices excepting Hastings; and he having been informed by the minister at the time that he invited him that in deference to the English custom the had not provided any dinner.




She had said what it was neceary to say.


It is not who rules us that is important, but how he rules us.


He was all gentlene to her.


A crime is a crime a crime.


\"something of\"相当于\"to some extent\",表示程度。在疑问句或条件从句中,则为\"anything of\",可译为\"有点\",\"略微等。\"\"译为毫无\",\"全无\"。\"much of\"译为\"大有\",\"not much of\"可译为\"算不上\",\"称不上\",\"little of\"可译为\"几乎无\"。something like译为\"有点像,略似。\"

They say that he had no university education, but he seems to be something of a scholar.

6.同格名词修饰是指of前后的两个名词都指同一个人或物,\"of\"以及它前面的名词构一个形容词短语,以修饰\"of\"后面的那个名词。如\"her old sharper of a father\",可译为:\"她那骗子般的父亲\"。

Those pigs of girls eat so much.


It is as plain as plain can be.

2.\"It is in(with)…as in(with)\"

It is in life as in a journey.

3.\"as good as…\"相等于,就像,几乎如;实际上,其实,实在。

The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy, that he would adopt him.

4.\"many as well…as\"和\"might as well …as\" \"many

as well…as\"可译为\"与其……,不如……,更好\",\"以这样做……为宜\",\"如同……,也可以……\"等等。\"might as well…as\"表示不可能的事,可译为\"犹如……\",\"可与……一样荒唐\",\"与其那样不如这样的好\"等等。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.

5.\"to make…of\"的译法(使……成为……,把……当作)

I will make a scientist of my son.


She is too angry to speak.

1.only(not, all, but, never) too …to do so 和\"too ready (apt) + to do\"结构中,不定式也没有否定意义,凡是\"not\",\"all\"\"but等字后+\"too…to,\"不定式都失去了否定意义,在\"too ready(apt) +to do\"结构中,不定式也没有否定意义。

You know but too yell to hold your tongue.

2.\"no more …than…\"句型

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

3.\"not so much…as\"和\"not so much as …\"结构,\"not so much…as\"=\"not so much as …\",其中as有进可换用but rather,可译为:\"与其说是……毋须说是……\"。而\"not so much as\"=\"without(not)even,\"可译为\"甚至……还没有\"。

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.考试就上考试大考试大论坛

4.\"Nothing is more…than\"和\"Nothing is so …as\"结构,\"Nothing is more…than\"和\"Nothing is so …as\"都具有最高级比较的意思,\"Nothing I\"可换用\"no\",\"nobody\",\"nowhere\",\"little\",\"few\",\"hardly\",\"scarcely\"等等,可译为\"没有……比……更为\",\"像……再没有了\",\"最……\"等。

Nothing is more precious than time.

5.\"cannot…too…\"结构,\"cannot…too…\"意为\"It is impoible to overdo…\"或者,即\"无论怎样……也不算过分\"。\"not\"可换用\"hardly\",\"scarcely\"等,\"too\"可换用\"enough\",\"sufficient\"等。

You cannot be too careful.

6.\"否定+but \"结构,在否定词后面的\"but\",具有\"which not\",\"who not\",\"that not\",等等否定意义,构成前后的双重否定。可译成\"没有……不是\"或\"……都……\"等。

Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse.

1.\"否定+until (till)\"结构,在否定词\"no\",\"not\",\"never\",\"little\",\"few\",\"seldom\"等的后边所接用的 \"until/ till\",多数情况下译为\"直到……才……\",\"要……才……\",把否定译为肯定。Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried.

2.\"not so…but\"和\"not such a …but\"结构,这两个结构和\"否定+but\"的结构差不多,不同之点是这两个结构中的\"but\"是含有\"that…not\"意味的连续词,表示程度。可译为\"还没有……到不能做……的程度\",\"并不是……不……\",\"无论怎样……也不是不能……\"等。He is not so sick but he can come to school.


Who should write it but himself?

4.\"who knows but (that)…\"和\"who could should…but\"结构,这个结构是反问形式,一般意译为\"多半\",\"亦未可知\"等等,有时也可直译。

Who knows but (that) he may go?



A word, and he would lose his temper.

1.\"as…,so…\"结构,这里的\"so\"的意思是\"in the same way\"(也是如此)。此结构表明两个概念在程度上和关系上相似。

As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart.

2.\"if any\"结构,\"if any\"和\"if ever\",意思是\"果真有……\",\"即使有……\",表示加强语气。与此类似的还有:\"if anything\"(如有不同的话,如果稍有区别),\"if a day\"(=at least,至少)。 考试大,考试伴你同行来源:

There is little, if any, hope.

3.\"be it ever(never)so\"和\"let it be ever(never)so\"结构,这里,\"be it\"中的\"be\"是古英语假设语气的遗留形式,现代英语则使用\"let it be\"。\"ever so\"和\"never so\"都表示同一意思,都表示\"very\"。

Be it ever so humble (let it be ever so humble), home is home.

4.\"the last+不定式\"和\"the last +定语从词\"结构,这种结构中的\"last\"意思是\"the least likely\",用于否定性推论。可译为\"最不大可能的\",\"最不合适的\",由原意的\"最后一个……\"变成\"最不可能……的一个\"。

He is the last man to accept a bride.5.\"so…that…\"句型,这个句型的意思是\"如此……,以致于……\",但在翻译成汉语时,许多情况下,并不是一定要译成\"如此……以致于……\",而是变通表达其含义。

He ran so fast that nobody could catch him up.

6.\"more + than+原级形容词(副词)\"结构,这是将不同性质加以比较,其中的\"more\"有\"rather\"的意思。

It is more than probable that he will fall.

1.\"more than +动词\"结构,这种结构表示动词的程度,可译为\"异常\",\"岂止\",\"十二分地\"等。

This more than satisfied me.

2.\"good and …\"的副词用法,译为\"非常\",\"很\"等。类似还有\"nice and …\", \"fine and …,\" \"lovely and …\", \"bright and …\", \"rare and …\", \"big and …\"等,均表示程度。The apples are good and ripe.

3.\"and that\"结构,这个\"and that\"应译为\"而且……\",表示对它前面陈述部分的语气加强,\"that\"代表前面的整个陈述部分。

Return to your work , and that at once.

4.\"at once…and\"结构,这个结构译为\"既……又……\",起相关连接的作用,相当于\"both…and…\"。

The novel is at once pleasing and instructive.

5.\"in that…\"结构,这个结构的意思是\"在那一点上(方面)\",可译为\"因为\"。类似的结构还有\"in this…\"。

The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs.

6.\"the name notwithstanding\"结构,这个结构中\"notwithstanding\"是介词,这个介词可以置前,可以置后,比如也可写成:\"notwithstanding the name\"。起让步状语的作用。

Some people think of the storage battery as a sort of condenser where electricity is stored.But this is an entirely wrong conception, the name notwithstanding.


Every man is not polite, and all are not born gentlemen.

2.\"may as well not…as\"结构,此结构可译为\"与其……不如不……\"。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it but imperfectly.

3.\"have only to …do\"结构,此结构表示\"只须(消)……就能……\"的意思。

We have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery made by Edison to see the significance of it.

4.\"not (no) …unle…\"句型

No increase in output can be expected unle a new aembly line is installed.


Better my life should be ended by their hate, than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love.

6.\"as it were\"是一个非常常用的插入语,意思是\"好象\",\"可以说\"等。

Apiece of iron near a magnet, though apparently separate from it , feels, as it were, the threads of this attachment.

1.复杂结构,在下面例句中,由于anyone的定语从句过长,把谓语must realize提到定语从句之前。 您看到来自的新闻来源:上考试大网校,考试轻松过关

Though faith and confidence are surely more or la foreign to my nature, I do not infrequently find myself looking to them to be able, diligent, candid, and even honest.Plainly enough, that is too large an order, as anyone must realize who reflects upon the manner in which they reach public office.

2.\"not…any more than…\"为:\"不能……,正如不能……\"。

One cannot learn to sketch and expre himself graphically only by reading about it any more than one can learn to swim while standing by the pool.

3.\"By that as it may\"是\"Let it be that as it may\"的省略形式,是由\"be\"引起的另外一种假设结构,意思是\"虽然如此,尽管这样\"。

It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is, so to speak, a new product from an improved formula.Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its busine with man far more quickly than the blood poison.

4.\"if at all\"是一个由\"if\"引起的主谓结构不完整的短句结为\"即将……\",\"即使……\"等。I can see only with great difficulty, if at all.


There have been opened up to the vast and excellent science, in which my work is the beginning, ways and means by which other minds more accurate than wine will explore its remote corners.

6.\"range from …to…\"结构。这是一个常见结构,译时很多情况下应变通处理,不能完全依靠辞典上的释义。

Computer applications range from an aembly line completely run by computers to a children toy responding to remote signals.

1.\"the way…\"结构

I always thought she was a common-sense person who discued things the way they ought to be discued.


In recent years, the development of sensitive and accurate measuring equipment has made it poible to measure the acuity of hearing of any individual at different frequencies.


1) 动词短语相关部分被分隔(当\"make use of \",\"take notice of\",\"pay attention to\",等动词短语变成被动语态时)。

Use is made of solar energy in heating houses.


But there is of culture another view, in which not solely the scientific paion, the sheer desire to see things as they are, natural and proper in an intelligent being, appears as the ground of it.

4.\"to be doing…when…\"是一个句型,多译为\"某人正在做……时,突然……\"。在简单的句子中容易看出,一旦句子变得复杂一些,可能就不太容易识别这种句型。

She said she and a friend had gone out to dinner that night, and were walking home together at about 10 o\'clock, when a \"very big, very tall man\", accosted them and demanded their purses.


Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the 考试大,考试伴你同行考试大-中国教育考试门户网站()

splendor of it all.

6.\"so much that…\"句型

But he developed gradually a very musical English.He learnt to write sentences that fall away on the ear with a misty languor and it delighted him so much that he could never have enough of it.


Anything is better than not to write clearly.There is nothing to be said against lucidity, and against simplicity only the poibility of dryne.This is a risk that is well worth taking when you reflect how much better it is to be bold than to wear a curly wig.


In 1600 the earth was not the center of the universe because the majority then supposed it was; nor, because she had more readers, was Ella wheeler Wilcox a better poet than Father Hopkins.

3.\"so…that, such…that\"是一个普通的句型,但在同一个句子里有两处使用它却比较少见。The truth is, that in one point of view, this matter of national literature has come to such a pa with us, that in some sense we must turn bullies, else the day is lost, or superiority so far beyond us, that we can hardly say it will ever be ours.

4.\"by doing…\"结构。这个结构的意思是\"通过(做)……\",但翻译实践中不能拘泥于这种释义,不少情况下需要灵活变通。

The hippos, by depositing dung in the water, fed the fish that support the storks that destroy the rare trees.


No le obvious is the fact there are great numbers of people so constituted or so brought up that they cannot get so much pleasure out of procees and experiences resulting in a poorer life le full of meaning.


I can not say of myself what Johnson said of Pope: He never paed a fault unamended by indifference, nor quitted it by despair.I do not write as I do; I write as I can.


It is a valuable work.I do not think anyone writes so well that he cannot learn much from it.

2.\"to have not…(as) to see…\"中的不定式也有否定意味。

He had not the good breeding to see that simplicity and naturalne are the truest marks of distinction.

3.\"It occurred to sb.that…\"意为\"突然想到\",\"It dawned on sb.that…\".\"突然想起\"等。 从句是想起的内容。

I remember once being on a bus and looking at a stranger.He suddenly looked back 请访问考试大网站http://来源:

at me-i.e.our eyes met.My instinctive reaction was to avert my gaze.It occurred to me that if I had continued to maintain eye contact, I would have been rude and aggreive.

4.\"It follows that…\"=\"It happens as a result…\"常常被译为\"由此可见\",\"因此\",\"从前\",\"可以推断\"等等。

It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living.It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist.

5.\"that\'s all there is to it\",意思是\"也不过如此而已\"。可根据上下文视情况处理。If I\'m touched, I\'m touched-that\'s all there is to it.

6.\"The chances are that…\"是一句型,译为\"有可能……\"。

The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race though some paages in fiction over which you wish to linger.

1.Feel, see, leave引起宾语的宾语补足语,或在被动语态中引起主语补足语的某些惯用句型,有时see和feel这两个词的被动式不大好译。遇到这种情况应挖掘其深层含义,不要拘泥于表面形式。

The education of the young is seen to be of primary importance.

2.某此以no, nowhere, never, not…bout, not…any, nothing but, hardly, scarcely, seldom等否定词语引出的一些结构。

I never go past the theatre but I think of his last performance.

3.某些用choice between, to know better, whether or, should have avoided(或done better)等表示从两种做法中选取一种更好的做法。

Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfil needs which have hitherto been regarded as unneceary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of libing.


The country had grown rich, its commerce was large, and wealth did its natural work in making life softer and more worldly, commerce in deprovincializing the minds of those engaged in it.


Acro the court from the Manhattan apartment that I have occupied for the past few years is a dog that often hurls insults into the darkne, a few of which my dog refuses to accept and makes a tart reply.


Of course, nobody was hurt this time, because we had all been to dinner, none of us being novices excepting Hastings; and he having been informed by the minister at the time that he invited him that in deference to the English custom the had not provided any dinner.







Write a letter to a friend of yours to

1) recommend one of your favorite movies and

2) give reasons for your recommendation.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the addre.(10points)

参考范文:( 万学海文:《2012考研英语历年真题权威解析》)

Dear Tom,

I am writing, without hesitation, to share one of my favorite movies, Forest Gump, with you, which is not only conducive to your study, but also beneficial to your life.

For one thing, the beautiful language in this original English movie may contribute to your study of English in listening, speaking, reading and writing.For another thing, the profound cultural elements implicit in the scene will equip you with foreign cultural background and, above all, enrich your daily life.

Would you like to see this movie after my recommendation? Remember to tell me your opinion about the movie.I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Ming

一、称呼格式 1.用于对陌生的组织或团体负责人的称谓:Dear Madam or Dear Sir

2.用于对认识但是关系很正式的个人、组织或团体负责人的称谓:Dear Ms....or Dear Mr....3.用于对关系亲密的人的称谓:Dear Tom/Lucy (or any other name)


缩进式: 段落之间无空行,每段开头空四个字母。


Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“...”instead.落款时可以使用下列万能格式:

Yours, Li Ming











注意: 虽说小作文的字数不多,但考生们最好还是不要忙于动笔,仔细审题后,先理清思路,认真列个提纲再下笔。写作时,万学海文英语考研辅导专家们建议2012年的考生们应注意下几个方面的问题:第一,交代清楚目的;第二,注意关联词或衔接词的运用,以便阅卷老师明了篇章结构;第三,有必要时对个人观点进行适当阐述;第四,用简短的语句代替冗长的语句,行文切忌复杂。最后,完成作文以后,应该检查、修改,以免需要表达清楚的细节和要点被遗漏。





年份 主题 捕鱼 爱心是一美国女孩









“旅2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

崇拜 的重补短,的远


火锅 程”之

余 盏灯 与中国文化

起点 问题 要性 合作





审题很重要,包括题目中的direction部分,比如作文类型,写作篇幅结构,篇幅长短等;审图画,在这方面,考生要仔细审查图画,认真揣摩,从而更加准确把握图画所传递的信息;提示语,一般的图画作文都附有提示语,提示语有两个作用:限定和启发,考生应该注意,利用这些信息,这些信息在很大程度上影响到审题主旨的确立,有些考生由于没有看到或忽视了图画下面给出的提示语而对作文要深挖的主旨不能很好地理解,比如2010年的图画作文:文化火锅(附加信息:文化“火锅”,既美味又营养),它的寓意是:文化揭示出文章的话题,火锅在这里是喻体,它的显著特点是可以将多种材料混合,糅合,比喻多种文化的交融,美味是指各种各样的文化丰富了人们的精神生活,营养指的是文化交融能给人类带来很多好处。而当年由于很多考生在审题上忽视了附加信息而失去了好多的分数,比如,把文化放在火锅里乱七八糟地煮,说明文化遭受污染,说明人们不重视文化,呼吁文化保护,文化全球化的利弊分析等。 以上所列举出的对作文主旨的分析都是断章取义,凭空臆造,想当然。所以万学海文建议2012年的考生在写这类作文的时候,一定不要忘记要好好瞅瞅图画下面的附加信息,有时字体很小,我们更需要留心。

2 词汇。




转折关系:but, however, yet, on the contrary, contrary to, in contrast to, whereas, rather than, instead of, conversely

让步关系:although, even, despite, neverthele, as, still, much as, anyhow, in any case, whatever

总分关系:for example(分), such as(分), including(分), in sum(总), in general(总), on the whole(总)

因果关系:because, due to, in that, owing to, since, now that, lead to, contribute to, result in, in view of, so, hence, therefore, consequently

递进关系:still, indeed, furthermore, besides, in addition, what is more

条件关系:if, in the event of, so long as, unle, only if ,in case, provided that,

并列关系:and, as well as, likewise, not...only...but also...

时间关系:when, while, as, after, before, since, until, as soon as, once, simultaneously, at the same time, whenever

目的关系:so that, in order that, lest, for fear that,

经典句型:this is an interesting and thought—provoking picture.

As is depicted (conveyed, illustrated)in the picture, we can deduce that„

The meaning conveyed by the picture is clear but profound The two pictures reveal a not uncommon social phenomenon that„



考研作文分为Part A、Part B两部分,也就是我们通常所说的大作文、小作文,考生在短期内通过努力可以快速提高。一般以漫画为主是大作文的考试风格,题材多选择议论文。一般漫画都直观、简单,考生的写作重点着重于下:






As is vividly depicted in the picture...

As is portrayed in the enlightening picture,...

As is unfolded in the picture above, we can see that...

As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between...and...

In the picture presented to us, we can see...

The picture symbolically depicts that...

The terrible scene depicted in the cartoon shows that ...

The picture vividly shows...

The above two pictures have shaped contrast to each other.As is shown in the first drawing,...In contrast,...

The above two pictures have shaped sharp contrast to each other.In one picture, ....But in the other, ...

The most striking feature of the drawing is ...

The purpose of the picture is to show us that...

We can deduce form this picture that...







On the one hand, many people hold a view that...

On the other hand, others argue that...

This picture does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon that...

The picture conveys a deep and soul-stirring meaning.

Though this picture only describes..., yet it demonstrates a universal law that...

The drawing sets us thinking too much due to...

It is most likely that the drawer means to compare...to ...in the drawing and reflect a problem in ...For one thing,...For another,...

It can be easily spotted that...

It goes without saying that the picture indicates that...

Obviously, the picture indicates that...

Undoubtedly, the picture arouses deep concern over the iue of...

Sample as it is, the meaning conveyed by the picture is clear and profound.

三、结尾段 提出看法,常用句型:

What it comes to...

This picture does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon that....

In sum, it is eential for us to...

Therefore, it is imperative that we should take some effective measures.

Only in this way can the tragedy described above be avoided and only in this way can the society become more harmonious to live.

The answer seems self-evident: what we should learn...

Numerous examples can demonstrate the power of a positive attitude.

Only by..., can we demonstrate grace under preure and turn our dreams into reality.

We can frequently use the drawings to enlighten people to...

It is, therefore, neceary that some effective steps be made to...

All things considered, I hold that...



generally, in general, generally speaking, as a general rule, to take the above opinion to an extreme, to take the idea further, to some extent;as for me, as far as I am concerned, in my opinion, on a larger scale, in one sense, in a way,undoubtedly, obviously, in terms of, in conclusion, in a word, in summary,in brief, to sum up, on the whole, to conclude...


in common, in the same way, the same as, like, likewise, similarly, equally important, whereas, yet, but, however, neverthele, otherwise, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, rather than, conversely, instead, in/by contrast...


such as, as an example, for example, for instance, as a case in point, thus, first and foremost, last but not least, first of all, in the first place, to start with, to begin with, also, next, besides, moreover, furthermore, what is more, in addition (to that), for one thing, for another thing, eventually, finally, initially...


as, for, since, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, due to, owing to, thanks to, because (of), on account of, result in (from),as a result of, as a consequence, for the reason that...


Although, despite, after all, granted that, even though, in spite of...


especially, particularly, above all, most important of all, surely, certainly, obviously, no doubt, to be sure, in deed, in fact, even worse, needle to say, anyway...


















开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。

正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。

结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。











First, second, third,

First, then / next, after that / next, finally

For one thing … for another…,

On (the) one hand…on the other hand,

Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also,

Especially / In particular,


now, at present, recently,

after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,

at first, in the beginning, to begin with,

later, next, finally,

immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment

form now on, from then on,

at the same time, meanwhile,

till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during,


now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover

furthermore, in fact, actually


but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other

hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all,


or, and, also, too, not only … but also, as well as, both… and, either …or, neither …nor


because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to…, due to…, therefore, as a result (of), otherwise, so…that, such…that


as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unle


though, although, as, even if, even though, whether …or…, however, whoever,

whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom)


for example, for instance, such as…, take… for example


be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to)…just like, just as,


for this reason,, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to,


in deed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly,

obviously, above all,


in a word, in short, in brief, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we

all know, as has been stated, as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary, in conclusion,


1.in order to


He worked very hard in order to realize his dream.

2.in order that


She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock..



They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.



It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

5.would rather do…than do


He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

6.prefer doing to doing


He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

7.prefer to do…rather than do


Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.

8.not only…but also


In just three years, she had not only finished all the leons, but also received her doctor’s degree.



You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pa the exam.



He is a boring man.He likes neither entertainment nor reading. 11.as well as


He was kind as well as helpful. 12.…as well


The child is active and funny as well. 13.One…the other


Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black. 14.Some…others


Everyone is busy in claroom.Some are reading, others are writing. 15.make…+adj /n


What we do will make the world more beautiful. 16.not…until


I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened. 17.as if


He talks a lot as if he knows everything. 18.It is no use (good) doing…


It’s no use pretending that you didn’t know the rules. 19.find it + adj to do…


I find it neceary to take down notes while listening. 20.It is + time since…


It is two years since I last met him. 21.It is + time when…


It was 8 o’clock when I got to the cinema. 22.It is + time before…


I won’t be long before we can meet again. 23.It is…that…


It is friendship that I value most. 24.It is + n / adj + that / to do…


It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers.7大姑8大姨的英文表达


Second cousin 表叔

Second cousin 表兄弟 Father\'s sister\'s sons; male cousin 表兄弟

Maternal male cousin 表侄

Second cousin 表姊妹

Father\'s sister\'s daughters; female cousin 表姊妹

Maternal female cousin 伯父/大爷

Father\'s older brother; Elder uncle 伯母/大娘

Father\'s older brother\'s wife; Aunt 伯叔祖父

Father\'s father\'s brother; Great uncle 伯叔祖母

Father\'s father\'s brother\'s wife; Great aunt 长兄/哥哥

Older Brother 长姊/姐姐 Older Sister 大伯

Husband\'s older brother; brother-in-law 大姑

Husband\'s older sister; sister-in-law 弟妇/弟妹

Younger brother\'s wife; sister-in-law 儿子 Son 父亲/爸爸 Father 高祖父

Great great grandfather 高祖母

Great great grandmother 公公

Husband\'s father;father-in-law 姑夫

Father\'s sister\'s husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle 姑母

Father\'s sister; Paternal aunt 姑爷

Father\'s father\'s sister\'s husband; Paternal grandaunt\'s husband 继父

Step father 继母

Step mother 襟兄弟

Husband of wife\'s sister 舅父/舅舅

Mother\'s brother; Maternal uncle 舅母/妗子 Mother\'s brother\'s wife; Maternal uncle\'s wife 妹夫

Younger sister\'s husband 母亲/妈妈 Mother 内弟/小舅子

Wife\'s younger brother 内兄/大舅子

Wife\'s older brother 女儿

Daughter 女婿

Daughter\'s husband; Son-in-law 婆婆

Husband\'s mother; mother-in-law 妻子/老婆 Wife 嫂/嫂子

Older brother\'s wife; sister-in-law 婶母/婶子

Father\'s younger brother\'s wife; Aunt 叔父/叔叔

Father\'s younger brother; Uncle 叔丈母

Wife\'s aunt 叔丈人

Wife\'s uncle 孙女

Son\'s daughter; Granddaughter 孙女婿

Son\'s daughter\'s husband; Granddaughter\'s husband 孙媳夫

Son\'s son\'s wife; Grandson\'s wife 孙子

Son\'s son; Grandson 堂兄弟

Father\'s brother\'s sons; Paternal male cousin 堂姊妹

Father\'s brother\'s daughters; Paternal female cousin 同胞兄妹 Sibling 外甥

Sister\'s son 外甥

Wife\'s sibling\'s son 外甥女

Sister\'s daughter 外甥女

Wife\'s sibling\'s daughter 外甥女婿

Sister\'s daughter\'s husband


1.honorificabilitudinitatibus 这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」Love\'s Labour\'s Lost里, 意思是「不胜光荣」。

2.antidisestablishmentarianism 这个字是由28个字母组成的。根据范克和华格若尔斯编的「英语新标准辞」里面的解释,这个字的意思是「反对教会与国家分开学说」。

3.floccinaucinihilipipification 这个字是由29个字母组成的。「牛津英文辞典」里就有这个字,意思是「把某事的价值加以抹杀的行为或习惯」。

4.supercalifragilisticexpiadocious 这个字是由34个字母组成的。出现在一部名叫Mary Poppins的电影里,意思是「好」。

5.hepaticocholecystostcholecystntenterostomy 这个字是由40个字母组成的。出现在高德编的「医学辞典」里,为一个外科术语,亦即在胆囊与胆管之间或肠子与胆囊之间接人工管子的手术。

6.pneumonoultramicyoscpicailicovolcanoconiosis 这个字是由45个字母组成的。出现在韦氏辞典第八版的版本中意思是「吸入硅酸盐细末或石英岩灰而形成的肺尘埃沉着病」。矿工特别容易得这种病。

7.Antipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops of the Coprofied 这个字是由50个字母组成的。有个图书馆的书架上,陈列着法国作家拉伯雷着的「葛甘塔和潘特古」故事系列。其中有一本,书名就是这个长长的英文字。

8.oeocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary 这个字是由51个字母组成的。它是人体构造一术语,曾出现在英国作家皮考克(Thomas Love Peacock,1785-1866)那本名叫的小说中。

9.aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolie 这个字是由52个字母组成的。它是英国医学作者爱德华.史特罗哲创造的字,专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水成分。 10.bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk 这个字是由100个字母组成的。就出现在爱尔兰作家乔埃斯作Finnegans Wake的扉页,象征,代表亚当和夏娃的堕落。

11.lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikoyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon 这个字是由182个字母组成的。它是从希腊字英译过来的英文字,源出自希腊喜剧作家亚里斯多芬尼斯的剧本The Ecclesiazusae中。它是指由剩余的菜和牛肉函煮而成的辣味食物。

12.1913个字母,“色氨酸合成酶A蛋白质”(一种含有267种氨基酸酶)的化学名: MethionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolyphenylalanYlvalythreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylsErylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylIsoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylasparthlalanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenylalanylseRylaspartylprolylleucylalanylaspartylglycylpRolylthreOnylisoleucylglutaminylasPfraginylalanylthreonylleucylarfinylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalythreonylprolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamylmethionylleucylalanylleuOylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysyhistidylprolylthreonylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphenylalanylasparaginyllysyglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenylalanylthrosylalanylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalylglycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalnylaspartylvalylprolylvalylglUtaminylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanylarginylglutaminylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylasparaginyvalylalanylprolylisoleucylprolylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinylprolylprolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartylaspartylleucylleucylarginylglutaminylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycylarginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrOsylleucylleucylserylarginylalanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylalanylglutamYlasparainylarginylalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylasparaginylhistidylleucylValylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginylalanylalanylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglgycylphenylalanylglycylisoleucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycylalanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylvalyllysylisoIeucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylHistidylasparaginyliSoleucylglutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyllysylvalylphenylalanylcalylglutaminylprolylmethionlysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine





The topic about … is becoming more and more popular in our school recently.There are two sides of opinion about it.

Some students prefer to consider doing sth.(Some students say … is their favorite.) they think that… (理由一).What’s more, …(理由二)。 Moreover, … (理由三)

However, others believe … is a better choice for three reasons.(然而,其余的人认为做某事是一种较好的选择,有三个方面的理由) to begin with, … (理由一)。 Next, 。。 In addition, …

From my point of view, the former is surely a wise choice.The reason is that…(或者用:As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that…(依我来看,我坚决支持这种观点… that引导同位语从句)


There is a widespread concern over the iue that (作文题目)。 But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.

A majority of people think that 观点一 。 In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, 原因一 .Furthermore, in the second place, 原因

二 。 So it goes without saying that 观点一 。

People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that 观点二 。 In their point of view, on the one hand, 原因一 。 On the other hand, 原因二 。 Therefore, there is no doubt that 观点二 。

As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that 观点一或二 。 It is not only because , but also because 。 The more , the more 。



In recent years, …… has been popular.There are many advantages in…… First, …… Second, …… Third, ……

However, there’re some disadvantages.……(之一)。 Besides, ……(之二)。 Also, ……(之三)

In my opinion, it is true that advantages are more than disadvantages.(依我看,的确是好处多于坏处) I think…… One big advantage of … is that…。 / One obvious advantage of … is …。 / Finally, …

While it is true that … has many advantages, andit is also important to realize that…。(虽然某事确实有许多好处,但是意识到…也很重要。


(第一段 提出问题)In recent days, we have to face a problem that……近来,我们面临这样一个问题,就是(that同从)。

(第二段:解决办法:)With the help of modern technology, we now have many means to solve it.By doing ……, we can……What’s the most important is that……

(第三段:结论:)In a word, it is clear / obvious that…… Only when……can we ……。


模板:1.有一些人认为… 2.另一些人认为… 3.我的看法…

The topic of ①____________(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions about it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of ②____________(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③(理由二)。 Moreover, ④_____________(理由三)。

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,_________(支持B的理由一)。 Secondly (besides),⑥______________(理由二)。 Thirdly (finally),⑦_____________(理由三)。

From my point of view, I think ⑧__________(我的观点).The reason is that ⑨__________(原因)。 As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me, the former is surely a wise choice 。


Some people believe that ①____________(观点一)。 For example, they think ②___________(举例说明).And it will bring them ③_______________(为他们带来的好处)。

In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point.For one thing,④__________(我不同意该看法的理由一)。 For another thing, ⑤____________(反对的理由之二).

Form all what I have said/In a word/In conclusion, I agree to the thought that ⑥__________(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).


模板:要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径:1。 问题现状;2。怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)。

In recent days, we have to face a problem A, which is becoming more and more serious.First, _________(说明A的现状).Second, ___________(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing, _____________(解决方法一)。 For another thing ____________(解决方法二)。 Finally, ______________(解决方法三)。

Personally, I believe that ____________(我的解决方法)。 Consequently, I‘m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ______________(带来的好处) 明利弊题型


1。说明事物现状;2。 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面);3。你对现状(或前景)的看法。

Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows.First _________(A的优点之一)。 Besides ___________(A的优点之二)。

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that _______________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,_______________(A的第二个缺点).

Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.Therefore, I would like to _______________(我的看法).

From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in.Only by this way, (对前景的预测).)



1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard

3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that„

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8.不可否认 It is undeniable that„/ There is no denying that„

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discuion/ debate

10.有争议性的问题 a controversial iue

11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12.一些人 „而另外一些人 „ Some people„ while others„

13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,

14.就„达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on„

15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点 argument on both sides

17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in„

18.对„必不可少 be indispensable to „

19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

20.„也不例外 „be no exception

21.对„产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on„

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages。

23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27.开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden

30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

31.从另一个角度 from another perspective

32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33.对„有益 be beneficial / conducive to„

34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for„

36.综合素质 comprehensive quality

37.无可非议 blamele / beyond reproach

39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to„

40.应当承认 Admittedly,

41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42.满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of„

43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information

44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)

46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient

47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly

49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progre

50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology

51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this iue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

56.„必然趋势 an irresistible trend of„

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益.interest in the long run

60.„有其自身的优缺点 „ has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,去其糟粕 Take the eence and discard the dregs。

63.对„有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上„的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …

66.采取有效措施来„ take effective measures to do sth

67.„的健康发展 the healthy development of „

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides。

No garden without weeds。

69.对„观点因人而异 Views on „vary from person to person。

70.重视 attach great importance to„

71.社会地位 social status

72.把时间和精力放在„上 focus time and energy on„

73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge

74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to„

76.提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77.可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stre/ burden

79.优先考虑/发展„ give (top) priority to sth。

80.与„比较 compared with„/ in comparison with

81.相反 in contrast / on the contrary。

82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of

83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85.社会进步的反映 mirror of social progre

86.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that„

87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding

88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of



lover 情人(不是\"爱人\") busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是\"公汽售票员\") busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是\"大忙人\") dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是\"干货\") heartman 做心脏移植手术的人(不是\"有心人\") mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是\"发疯的医生\") eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是\"十一点\") blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非\"盲目约会\"或\"瞎约会\") dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非\"死了的总统\") personal remark 人身攻击(不是\"个人评论\") sweet water 淡水(不是\"糖水\") confidence man 骗子(不是\"信得过的人\") criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是\"犯罪的律师\") service station 加油站

rest room 厕所(不是\"休息室\") dreing room 化妆室(不是\"试衣室\"或\"更衣室\") sporting house 妓院(不是\"体育室\") horse sense 常识(不是\"马的感觉\") capital idea 好主意(不是\"资本主义思想\") familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是\"熟悉的谈话\") black tea 红茶(不是\"黑茶\") black art 妖术(不是\"黑色艺术\") black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是\"陌生的黑人\") white coal (作动力来源用的)水

white man 忠实可靠的人(不是\"皮肤白的人\") yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是\"黄色书籍\") red tape 官僚习气、繁文缛节(不是\"红色带子\") green hand 新手(不是\"绿手\") blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是\"蓝色长统袜\") China policy 对华政策(不是\"中国政策\") American beauty 红蔷薇(不是\"美国美女\") English disease 气管炎(不是\"英国病\") Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是\"印度的夏日\") Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是\"希腊礼物\") Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是\"西班牙运动员\") French chalk 滑石粉(不是\"法国粉笔\")


Look out! 当心!(不是\"向外看\") What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是\"多可耻\") You don\'t say! 是吗!(不是\"你别说\") You can say that again! 说得好!(不是\"你可以再说一遍\") I haven\'t slept better.我睡得好极了。(不是\"我从未睡过好觉\") You can\'t be too careful in your work.你工作越仔细越好。(不是\"你工作不能太仔细\") It has been 4 years since I smoked.我戒烟4年了。(不是\"我抽烟4年了\") All his friends did not turn up.他的朋友没全到。(不是\"他的朋友全没到\") People will be long forgetting her.人们在很长时间内会记住她的。(不是\"人们会永远忘记她\") He was only too pleased to let them go.他很乐意让他们走。(不是\"他太高兴了,不愿让他们走\") It can\'t be le interesting.它无聊极了。(不是\"它不可能没有趣\")

pull one\'s leg 开玩笑(不是\"拉后腿\") in one\'s birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是\"穿着生日礼服\") eat one\'s words 收回前言(不是\"吃话\") an apple of love 西红柿(不是\"爱情之果\") handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是\"大字报\") bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是\"推倒房子\") have a fit 勃然大怒(不是\"试穿\") make one\'s hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然-恐惧(不是\"令人发指--气愤\") be taken in 受骗,上当(不是\"被接纳\") think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是\"为自己想得很多\") pull up one\'s socks 鼓起勇气(不是\"提上袜子\") have the heart to do (用于否定句,忍心做....不是\"有心做\"或\"有意做\")



1.Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!

2.You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3.What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?

4.You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5.You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!

6.Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7.Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8.What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9.I hate you! 我讨厌你!

10.I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!

11.You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13.Don’t bother me.别烦我。 14.Knock it off.少来这一套。

15.Get out of my face.从我面前消失! 16.Leave me alone.走开。 17.Get lost.滚开!

18.Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19.You pi me off.你气死我了。

20.It’s none of your busine.关你屁事!

21.What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22.How dare you! 你敢! 23.Cut it out.省省吧。

24.You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

25.You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。 26.I’m fed up.我厌倦了。

27.I can’t take it anymore.我受不了了!(李阳老师常用) 28.I’ve had enough of your garbage.我听腻了你的废话。 29.Shut up! 闭嘴!

30.What do you want? 你想怎么样?

31.Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗? 32.What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 33.How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? 34.Who says? 谁说的?

35.That’s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的! 36.Don’t look at me like that.别那样看着我。 37.What did you say? 你说什么?

38.You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病! 39.You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。 40.Drop dead.去死吧!

41.Fuck off.滚蛋。

42.Don’t give me your shit.别跟我胡扯。

43.Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses.别找借口。 44.You’re a pain in the a.你这讨厌鬼。 45.You’re an ahole.你这缺德鬼。 46.You bastard! 你这杂种!

47.Get over yourself.别自以为是。

48.You’re nothing to me.你对我什么都不是。 49.It’s not my fault.不是我的错。 50.You look guilty.你看上去心虚。

51.I can’t help it.我没办法。

52.That’s your problem.那是你的问题。 53.I don’t want to hear it.我不想听! 54.Get off my back.少跟我罗嗦。 55.Give me a break.饶了我吧。

56.Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话? 57.Look at this me! 看看这烂摊子! 58.You’re so carele.你真粗心。

59.Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话? 60.I’m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!

61.What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!

62.I’m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!

63.I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你! 64.That’s terrible.真糟糕!

65.Just look at what you’ve done! 看看你都做了些什么! 66.I wish I had never met you.我真后悔这辈子遇到你! 67.You’re a disgrace.你真丢人!

68.I’ll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你! 69.Don’t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨! 70.I’m sick of it.我都腻了。

71.You’re son of bitch! 婊子养的! 72.Stop screwing/ fooling/ meing around! 别鬼混了! 73.Mind your own busine! 管好你自己的事!

74.You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处! 75.You’ve gone too far! 你太过分了! 76.I loathe you! 我讨厌你! 77.I detest you! 我恨你!

78.Get the hell out of here! 滚开! 79.Don’t be that way! 别那样!

80.Can’t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。

81.You’re impoible.你真不可救药。 82.Don’t touch me! 别碰我!

83.Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!

84.Get out of my life.我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。 85.You’re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!

86.Don’t give me your attitude.别跟我摆架子。 87.You’ll be sorry.你会后悔的。 88.We’re through.我们完了!

89.Look at the me you’ve made! 你搞得一团糟! 90.You’ve ruined everything.全都让你搞砸了。

91.I can’t believe your never.你好大的胆子! 92.You’re away too far.你太过分了。

93.I can’t take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!

94.I’m telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次! 95.I could kill you! 我宰了你!

96.That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!(比尔?盖茨常用) 97.I can’t believe a word you say.我才不信你呢! 98.You never tell the truth! 你从来就不说实话! 99.Don’t push me ! 别逼我!

100.Enough is enough! 够了够了!

101.Don’t waste my time anymore.别再浪费我的时间了!

102.Don’t make so much noise.I’m working.别吵,我在干活。 103.It’s unfair.太不公平了。

104.I’m very disappointed.真让我失望。 105.Don’t panic! 别怕! 106.What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗? 107.Don’t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来! 108.You asked for it.你自找的。 109.Nonsense! 鬼话!


1.dork 呆子,呆瓜;当一个人做了某些傻事的时候,就可以骂他dork,虽然是呆子的意思,但实际上并不是说他智力低下,有时在情侣间,一方做错了某事,也咳说dork来责怪他,有“真傻”的意思。

2.nerd/geek 讨厌鬼 nerd表示“讨厌的人”也有“蠢货”的意思,和dork类似;geek是“讨厌鬼”,两个词的用法大同小异。

3.dammit 该死,真***;直接说damn也可以,另外还常说damn it all!见鬼!真糟糕! 真气死人!

4.fuck ***;这个词是英语骂人里最重的一个,而且很不雅观,不建议(经常)使用,特别是女孩子,会让人觉得很没教养。She is the first one who speak out \"fuck\" from her little pink tone.这是很经典的一本小说Summer Sister里的一句话,形容了女主角之一的性格。

5.dirty...脏的、卑鄙的、下流的、淫猥的;只是这一个词还不能称之为骂人,但后面接上一些词就不同了,例如dirty lier 卑鄙的骗子(今年Oscar获奖影片Chicago中女主角愤怒至极,开枪的一瞬间喊的就是U dirty lier!);还有一个很恶心,但很常用的组合就是dirty ahole,关于它的中文翻译是什么我就不在这里详述了,a是什么hole是什么,像中文一样那么一组合,自然就知道骂的是什么了。

6.bitch 泼妇,XXXXX,贱人;这是英语骂人Top10里唯一一个分公、母的,是不是由于妇女解放运动才有这个词的呢,呵呵,开玩笑。但现在英语里仿佛雌雄分的越来越清楚了,大家在动物等词的前面加上了he/she来区分雌雄,例如用she-dog,she-cat形容母的。如果想用分雌雄的词骂男的,只能用jacka了,意思是“公驴;笨蛋;傻瓜”例如:The silly jacka!这个蠢驴!

7.phycho 神经病;形容一个人的行为反常,不正常的令人讨厌的意思。美语里还常说freak,意思是怪人、行为怪异。

8.shit 狗屁,胡说八道;用于表示惊奇、愤怒或极其不高兴等情感,是很常用的脏字。 eg.You big shit!你这个大笨蛋!

9.dense/stupid/foolish 傻瓜;dense是笨的理解力慢的、笨脑瓜的,stupid和dense意思很类似,但平时更常用stupid,因为stupid只是说人做了傻事,并没有贬低他人智商的意思,但是dense和foolish就有智障的意思了。

10.bastard 混蛋, 讨厌鬼;很常用的一个词,原来的意思是“私生子”,现在俚语里当“混蛋”用,但有时两个朋友开玩笑的时候也可当“家伙”来理解,并不一定是骂人哦。

Iva(409134062) 11:47:05 三,其他

1.I\'m so fed up with your BS.Cut the crap.我受够了你的废话, 少说废话吧.

美女 (美国的女人) 是不喜欢说 f*** 这个不雅的字的, 所以她们就说 shoot, 或是 BS (=Bull s***) 来表示她们还是很有气质的.\"Cut your crap.\" 是当你听到对方废话连篇, 讲个不停时, 你就可以说, \"Cut the crap.\" 相当于中文里的废话少话.

2.Hey! wise up! 放聪明点好吗?

当别人作了什么愚蠢的事时, 你可以说, \"Don\'t be stupid\" 或是 \"Don\'t be silly.\" 但是这是非常不礼貌的说法.比较客气一点的说法就是, wise up! 它就相当于中文里的放聪明点.你也可以用坚酸刻薄的语气说.Wise up, please.然后故意把 please 的尾音拉得长长的.

也有人会说, Hey! grow up.意思就是你长大一点好不好? 例如有人二十岁了却还不会自己补衣服, 你就可以说 Hey! grow up.这根 wise up 是不是也差不多呢?

3.Put up or shut up.要吗你就去做, 不然就给我闭嘴.(转自-读我)

有些人就是出那张嘴, 只会出意见, 此时就可以说, Put up or shut up.要注意的是, Put up 字典上是查不到\"自己去做\" 的意思, 但是见怪不怪, 很多笔记本上的用法都是字典上查不到的.比方说今天你在写程式, 有人明明不懂却喜欢在一旁指挥你, 这时候你就可以说, Put up or shut up.

有时为了要加强 shut up 的语气, 老美会把它说成, shut the f*** up.这句话常在二人火气很大时的对话中可以听到, 例如电影 The house on the haunted hill 女主角身陷鬼屋之中, 其它人又七嘴八舌时, 她就很生气地说了一句, shut the f*** up.

这句话也让我想到一句成语, walk the walk, talk the talk, 也就是说到就要作到, 有点像是中文里知行要合一的意思, 或是只说, walk the talk 也可以.

4.You eat with that mouth?


别人对你说脏话, 你就回敬他这一句, 言下之意, 就是你的嘴那么脏, 你还用这张嘴吃饭.还有一种说法, \"You ki your Momma with that mouth?\" 就是说你也是用这脏嘴亲你妈妈的吗? 所以下次记得如果有老美对你说脏话, 记得不要再 Fxxx 回去, 保持风度, 说一句, \"You eat with that mouth?\" 就扯平了

5.You are dead meat.


我们说你完蛋了, 可以说 \"You are dead.\" 或是像这样说 \"You are dead meat.\" 意思都是一样的, 比如说你跟别人说过不淮碰我的东西, 但有人他就是老爱用你的东西, 下次要是再被你抓到, 你就可以说, \"You are dead meat.\"

6.Don\'t you dare! How dare you!


这句话跟中文里 \"你好大的胆子\" 是一样, 可以在二种场合说, 第一种是很严肃的场合, 比如说小孩子很调皮, 讲又讲不听, 父母就会说, \"Don\'t you dare!\" 那意思就是这个小孩要当心点, 不然等会就要挨打了.另一种场合是开玩笑, 比如有人跟你说我跟某网友约会去了, 你说 \"Don\'t you dare?\" 就有点开玩笑的语气.(你不怕被恐龙给吃了吗?)

Dare 在英文里还有许多有趣的用法, 例如, \"You dare me.\" 或是 \"I double dare you.\" 还有一种游戏叫 Truth or Dare, 就是现在酒吧里非常流行的“真心话大冒险”啦。

7.Don\'t push me around.


这个词很有意思, 把你推来推去, 作摆布解释, 如果有人指挥你一下作这个一下作那个, 你就可以用这一句 Hey! Don\'t push me around.通常当我讲 \"Don\'t push me around.\"时, 我还会想到一个字 boy.Boy 就是说像是老板一样, 喜欢指挥别人.例如, \"You are so boy.I don\'t like that.\"

这句话也可以单讲, \"Don\'t push me.\" 或是 \"Don\'t push me any further.\" 还有一句根push 有关的成语, 叫 push the button, 意思就是, 指使, 操纵.例如, \"I know why you are doing this, someone is pushing your button!\"

8.Are you raised in the barn?


这句话是形容一个人没教养, 但是是比较开玩笑的语气.比如说有人坐没坐像, 你就可以对他说这一句.Barn 原指谷仓.我翻成乡下比较能跟中文的意思结合.老美常用 barn 或是 backyard 来形容一个人没有教养或是没有文化, 像是那天在电视上听到一句, \"No backyard language in my house.\" 就是说, 在我的家里不准讲粗话.

9.You want to step outside? You want to take this outside?


老美跟我们一样, 要是二个人一言不合吵起来了, 可能就有人要说这一句了.指的就是要不要出去打架啦.还有一些我听过类似的用法, 例如, \"Do you want to pick a fight?\"你要挑起争端吗? 或是 \"This means war.\" 这就意谓著跟我宣战.

10.You and what army? You and who else?


要是有人跟你说 \"Do you want to step outside?\", 就回他这一句吧.意思是说, 是喔...那你找了多少人马要来打架啊? 有时候电视里出现这句对白的时候, 还会打出一排军队的计算机动画, 非常地有意思.

还有一句话也很好玩, 叫 \"Who\'s side are you on?\" 这就是在快要打架时, 你问人家说,你到底是站在哪一边的?




Dear ________,

As ________, I’m writing to expre my views concerning ________.Although ________, there is still much room for improvement.Forinstance, ________.

In view of these facts, I would like to make the following suggestions.First, ________.Second,________.

I hope you will find these suggestions helpful.

Yours sincerely,



Dear ________,

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from the current position.I can/will ________ for the transition proce.

Although I really appreciate the invaluable experience working here, I gradually find_______.In addition , ________.Therefore,________.

I would like to thank you for ________.Should there be any inconvenience and trouble caused by my resignation, I am sorry indeed.

Yours faithfully,



Dear ________,

I am exceively sorry that I must apologize for ________.

I’m afraid what I have done has caused much inconvenience to you.In order to ________, I will ________.

Please accept my most cordial and humblest apology.I do hope you ________ and excuse me for ________.

Cordially yours



Dear ________,

I have become aware ________ that you are seeking people qualified to fill the vacancy for ________.I am convinced that ________.

I major in ________.Furthermore, ________.

My resume and list of references are available upon request.I appreciate your time and consideration, and look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Faithfully yours,


5.感谢信模板 Dear ________,

I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for ________.Without your help, ________.________.

Many thanks again for ________.I hope I will have a chance to ________.

Sincerely yours, ________

6.申请信模板 Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you in the hope of ________.I would like to know more details about ________.

If ________, I will/can ________.

I am eagerly looking forward to your reply.And your kind help would be greatly appreciated.

Yours respectfully,


7.投诉信模板 Dear ________,

This letter is to notify you about a problem I am having with ________.

I am diatisfied with ________ because ________.I have already attempt to ________.Unfortunately, it seemed that ________.

I am sure you will agree that ________.I look forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,


8.询问信模板 Dear ________,

I am writing to ask if ________.Since ________, I would be most grateful if ________.

Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I am expecting your early reply.

Yours faithfully,


9.邀请信模板 Dear ________,

Please allow me to have the honor of inviting you ________.

The occasion will start at/in ________.Following that, ________.

We would be particularly honored by your distinguished presence at ________.Please inform me of ________.Yours sincerely,


10.祝贺信模板 Dear ________,

I am thrilled to know that ________.Please allow me to give my most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.

As your ________, I _______.It means ________.And it is ________.

I take this opportunity to expre my best wishes to you.Wish you ________.

Yours sincerely,


11.推荐信模板 Dear ________,

This letter is in reference to ________, who ________.He/She is applying for ________.With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend ________.

During ________, I spent considerable time with him/her.He/She ________.I believe he/she will ________.

I hope the above information will help you ________.If you ________, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully, ________

12.介绍信 Dear ________,

It gives me much pleasure to introduce ________ to you.He/She ________.Because ________, I hope ________, which I shall ________.

I hope it won’t cause you much trouble.Your kindne will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


13.便签模板 Dear ________,

This note is to ________.I will ________.

I am sorry that I can’t pa on the meage to you in your presence because ________.

Yours, ________



Speaker: ________ Time: ________ Place: ________ 正文




To: ________ From: ________ Date: ________ Subject: ________ 正文内容



Name: ________

Date of Birth: ________ Marital Status: ________ Addre: ________ Telephone: ________ Education: ________

Work Experience: ________ Languages: ________

Awards and Scholarships: ________ Interests: ________ Reference: ________



In order to ________, the paper takes ________ into consideration.It first ________, and further explores ________.Based upon the above, the author concludes that ________.




As is symbolically depicted in the cartoon, ________ (图片内容).The caption indicates, ________ (说明文字).

Undoubtedly, we can deduce from the portrayal that the cartoonist is trying to

attract our attention to the iue of ________ (图片的主题).Why________ (主题的重要性)? The answer seems selfevident.On the one hand, ________ (重要性体现或变现1).On the other hand, ________ (2).

It is my view that, we can frequently use such drawings to enlighten the juvenile as to the importance of ________(主题).All in all, ________ (深化主题).


I was really fascinated by the above intriguing cartoon.As is vividly portrayed, ________ (图画内容).

Apparently, the purpose of the picture is to direct our attention to ________ (图画内涵), which is ________ to/in our life.For one thing, ________ (内涵重要意义 1).For another, ________ (2).

Therefore, it is eential for us to ________ (针对图画内涵的态度).First of all, ________ (具体措施1).In addition, ________ (2).With correct understanding and practical acts, we will ________ (出现的结果).


As is shown in the picture, ________ (图片内容).The drawing vividly illustrates ________ (表达的主题).

Obviously the drawing conveys the meaning that ________ (图片内涵).As an old saying goes, ________ (应用相关谚语).This also applies to ________ (扩展论证).

Examples to prove the idea are abundant, and the most persuasive is ________ 举例说明).In conclusion, ________ (总结深化主题).



As is vividly portrayed in the first cartoon, ________ (第一幅图片的内容).In contrast, ________ (第二幅图片的内容) as shown in the second cartoon.

The fact that ________ (图片体现的问题).For one thing, ________ (问题的表现或原因1).For another, ________ (2).Therefore, ________ (问题的结果).

In fact, ________ (对待问题的正确态度).Accordingly, ________ (应该采取的 措施及意义).


As is vividly depicted in the above picture, ________ (图片内容).The caption informs us that ________ (说明文字内容).

Undoubtedly, what the picture conveys is ________ (图片主题).In fact, ________ (论证支持主题).

As a college student, I firmly believe that ________ (自己的观点).Admittedly,

________ (公认的做法).At the same time, ________ (进一步的做法).It is believed that ________ (总结).三、

________ (话题) plays a very important role in ________ (起作用的方面).Without ________ (话题带来的好处), ________ (结果).However, ________ (现状及问题).Therefore, ________ (提出措施).

Undoubtedly, ________ (解决问题的方法) is of great neceity.On the one hand, ________ (必要性体现1).On the other hand, ________ ( 2).As a result, ________ (总结).

From my point of view, ________ (个人观点).The final way to improve the situation is ________ (建议).



As can be seen in the above picture, ________ (图画的内容).Apparently, ________ (图画象征的含义).

The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to ________ (图画的主题).On the one hand, ________ (主题的一个方面).For

instance, ________ (举例说明).On the other hand, ________ (主题的另一个方面).A good case in point is that ________ (举例说明).

Personally, ________ (我的观点).After all, ________ (问题的根本).


The set of drawings above vividly depict a common phenomenon that________ (图片揭示的现象).As is portrayed in the first picture, ________ (第一幅图片的内容).In the second one, ________ (第二幅图片的内容).Obviously, ________ (图片的相同点/不同点).

It goes without saying that ________(现象积极的一面).First, ________ (原因1).Second, ________ (原因 2).

However, we have to admit that ________ (现象的弊端).In my view, ________ (对待这一现象的正确态度).


As is vividly depicted in the above drawing, ________(图片内容).Undoubtedly, ________ (图片反映的事实).

The drawer highlights the longstanding iue of ________ (图片揭示的深层问题).Nowadays, ________ (对问题深入分析).

Therefore, immediate measures should be taken to solve the problem of ________ (正在讨论的问题).To begin with, ________ (措施 1).In addition, ________ (措施2).In fact, ________ (用一个基本事实来支持论点).



The above pictures present us with two situations with sharp contrast.In the first picture, we learn that ________ (第一幅图片的内容).On the contrary, ________ (第二幅图片的内容).It is apparent that ________ (图片的主题).

The purpose of the pictures is to tell us that due attention has to be paid to ________(图片揭示的现象).For example, ________(举例说明).Consequently, ________ (现象造成的结果).

Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to deal with the urgent problem.First and foremost, ________ (措施1).Furthermore, ________ (措施2).


As can be seen from the graphs, ________ (图表内容).Apparently, ________ (图表说明的问题).

There are numerous reasons for this effect, and I would explore only two of the most important ones here.First, ________ (原因 1).For example, ________ ( 举例说明).Second, ________ (原因2).For instance, ________ (举例说明).

Personally, it is imperative to take effective measures to reverse the disturbing trend illustrated in the graphs.One measure is ________ (措施 1).More importantly, ________ (措施 2).



________ (提出引出主题的问题).Of all the complaints I have heard, this is the one most frequently uttered.As is shown in the charts above, ________ (图表内容 1).Accordingly, ________(结果).We can see from the charts that________(图表内容2).

However, ________(讨论对象的变化 ).According to the given figures,

________ (变化趋势).There are probably several reasons responsible for the trend.In the first place, ________ (变化原因1).In the second place, ________ (变化原因 2).

Hence, ________ (结论).


The desire for ________ (美好的目标) is universal.________ (正面论证支持).On the contrary, ________ (反面论证支持).

There are numerous ways to ________ (达到目标).First and foremost, ________ (方法 1).Moreover, ________ (方法2).Finally, (方法 3).As for me, ________(我的做法 1).In addition, ________(我的做法2).Therefore, ________ (总结).






1)We cannot ignore the fact that +( )

2)No one can deny the fact that +( )

3)There is no denying the fact that +( )

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.

5)However,that’s not the case.

例: We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution.To solve these problems, we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment.

二、表示变化,可以用来引出全文或段落。 1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.

2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.

3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.

例: Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years.The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek.Nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins.


1)There are three reasons for this.

2)The reasons for this are as follows.

3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

5)The reason for this is that +( )

例: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.


1)It has the following advantages.

2)It does us a lot of good.

3)It benefits us quite a lot.

4)It is beneficial to us.

5)It is of great benefit to us.

例: Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.


1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

2)It does us much harm. 3)It is harmfulto us.

例: However,everything dividesinto two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching televi- sion.


1)We should take some effective measures.

2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.

3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.

例: The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it.


1)It is important(neceary,difficult,convenient, poible)for sb.to do sth.

2)We think it neceary to do sth.

3)It plays an important role in our life.

例: Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in busine.Soon, computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.


1)Compared with A,B +( )

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.

3)There is a striking contrast between them.

例: Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people’s health by giving them due physical exercise.


1)It has increased(decreased)from +( )to +( ) 2)The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000.

3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.

例: With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people’s income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased.

再如: From the graph listed above,itcan be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of le than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 2000.

注:“From the graph listed above,it can be seen that”见句式12。考生将句式9和句式12结合在一起,便可较好地写出2002年6月CET -



1)People have(take,adopt,aume)different attitudes towards sth.

2)People have different opinions on this problem.

3)People take different views of(on)the question. 4)Some people believe that +( )Others argue that +( )

例: People have different attitudes towards failure.Some believe that failure leads to succe.

Every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of succe at their renewed endeavor.However, others are easily discouraged by failures and put themselves into the category of losers.

再如: Do“lucky numbersreally bring good luck?Different people have different views on it.


1)In short,it can be said that +( )

2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.

3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that +( )

例: From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that examination is neceary,however, its method should be improved. 十


1)It’s well known to us that +( )

2)As is known to us, +( )

3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that +( )

5)As aproverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way.

例: As is well known to us,it is important for the students to know the world outside campus.

The reason for this is obvious.Nowadays,the society is changing and developing rapidly,and the campus is no longer an“ivory tower.As college students,we must get in touch with the world outside the campus.Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.

再如: Does it pay to be honest?This is a topic that is being widely talked about and different people have different opinions on it.


My Views on Environmetal Protection Nowadays, the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.Recently,haze weather has become a usual phenomenon here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.Some people think it is impoible to solve the problem,however,from my opinion,if we find out the reason and take effective measures the environment can be better.If we trace the cause for haze weather,the main points are as follows,first,our country\'s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are more likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.Third,acro our society,the awarene of protecting the environment has not built up so that people haven\'t formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as poible.If we don\'t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve the environment.In my opinion, to protect the environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, people should be educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the policy of population into practice, because more people mean more pollution.Finally,laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforce strictly just as our government has been doing.To sum up,if we work together to take out such measures,our environment will get better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.












小作文在正文创作时,最好分三个环节构建 。首先,用2~3句开门见山,表达意图 ;然后用8~9句陈述内容 ;最后再用1~2句点明主题即可,这里可以使用常见的“套话”。

需要注意的是,正文创作时字数必须达到100字左右,不能太长也不能太短,否则容易被扣分。 此外文章必须切题,明确要求了推荐就要写推荐,感谢就要感谢,切勿胡乱抄袭所谓的“模板”。同时语域要合适,正式要用正式语言和词汇,不能动不动就使用类似“hi”这种 ,会让阅卷老师觉得太过随意。








数据图表a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table

饼图用pie chart

直方图或柱形图用bar chart/histogram

趋势曲线图用line chart/curve diagram


折线统计图 broken line graph

流程图或过程图用flow chart / sequence diagram

程序图用proceing/procedures diagram


固定不变 fixed in time

百分比 accounts for „„% of the tota,l takes up „„% in the whole chart

一系列的时间段中转变用changes over time


稳定用remain stable / stabilize / level off , As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures


increase , to go up, rise, jump, leap, shoot,an increase,a growth, an upward trend, a jump, reach to 1000, increase to the peak of 1000.climb to 1000...

to fall, decrease , decline drop, collapse, go down, a drop ,a decline, a slide ,a fall decline to 200, drop to the bottom of 200...drop to 200....

have little change, hardly change,remain steady/constant, stay the same


from„„to„„,between„„and„„,during„„and„„, at the start of „„,by the end of „„,at the end of „„,throughout „„


comparing with, make a comparison with ,in contrast , on the contrary.......



凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直从事高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。 凯程考研的宗旨:让学习成为一种习惯;

凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;

使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;











第13篇:MY FRIEND 高分英语作文

A girl named Marry always remind me of the happy moment in my life in senior high school.Several years paing by, however, I still remember the day on which we became desk-mates.She was in a blue dre with a sweaty smile when she comes to me, I felt that the smile beautify my world at the same moment.I had great difficulty in English study before we recognize each other.To my surprise, she made every effort to improve my English.What impreed me most is that she is quite patient to me.As a result, I made great progre in English learning.Therefore, I was deeply moved by what she has done for me, but she holds the view that as friend of mine she is willing to do this for me.As the saying goes, true friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.I have not seen her for a long time, however, she is my best friend forever.In addition, I\'m extremely appreciative of her support and help.To perceive a friend, therefore, is to perceive oneself.Each can be said to provide a mirror in which the other may see myself.Meanwhile, she gives me a leon about friendship, virtuous friends should recognize each other\'s moral excellence, only in this way can we get along better and better.












(1)。表示对等关系的衔接性词语:and,both…and…,either…or…,neither…nor…,or,as well as,not only…but


(2)。表示因果关系的衔接性词语:therefore,thus,so,so that,consequently,as a consequence (of),as a result

(of),because of,due to,owing to,thanks to

(3)。表示时间顺序的衔接性词语:first(ly),at first,first of all,for the first time,above all,then,secondly,next,

later,meanwhile, before long,in the end,last(ly),finally,at last,eventually

(4)。表示转折关系的衔接性词语:yet,but,while,neverthele,however,on the contrary

(5)。表示解释说明的衔接性词语:such as,for example,for instance,like,that is(to say),namely,in other words,

(6)。表示递进关系的衔接性词语:what’s more,besides,in addition,worse still,moreover(再者),

(7)表示总结陈述的衔接性词语:in a word,on the whole,in short,briefly,in brief,to sum up,all in

all,undoubtedly,certainly,as a result,obviously,as is mentioned above,as has been noted,




※It’s + 形容词+ for /of + sb to do 做„对某人来说„





5、你问候老师是有礼貌的。(say hello to)


7、你能算出这个问题真是太聪明了。(work out)

※there be 结构,意为“有、存在”,一般用来表示某地方存在某物,也可以表示某地方举行什么活动。



3、我们学校将举行一次运动会。(sports meeting)







※ „ so „ that „ 如此„ 以至于„




4、他跑得如此快,我都追不上他。(catch up with)



※„ too „ to do 太„ 而不能„

such „ that „ 如此„ 以至于„

3).not„until„ 直到„才„ 例: I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back。

4).The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 „ 的原因是„

The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie.( 他生气的原因是她对他说了谎。)

5).That is why + 句子 那是„的原因

6).That is because + 句子 那是因为„

7).It is said that + 句子 据说„

It is reported that + 句子 据报道„

8).There is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问„

9).It goes without saying that + 句子 不言而喻,毫无疑问

10).There is no need to do 没必要做„

11).There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义

12.as is known to all, +句子 众所周知

as we all know, +句子 据我们所知

it is generally/ publicly known / considered that„, 众所周知


had better (not) do 最好(不)做

how about / what about doing „怎么样?

I think you should do 我认为你应该„

I suggest / advice that you should do 我建议你做„If I were you, I would do„ 我要是你的话,我会做„It’s best to do 最好做„Why not do / why don’t you do„? 为什么不„3.表示喜欢和感兴趣like / love doingenjoy doingbe fond of doing 喜欢做„be keen on n/doing 喜欢做„prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做Bbe interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing4.。努力做„try to do努力做„strive to do 努力做„try one’s best to do = do one’s best to do 竭尽全力做„make efforts to do = make every effort to do 尽力做„do what sb can (do ) to do 尽力做„spare no effort to do 不遗余力的做„do what / everything sb.can to do 尽某人全力做„5.打算做„ / 计划做„intend / plan to do 打算做„be going to do 打算做„decide to do 决定做„determine to do决定做„ 3

be determined to do决定做„make up one’s mind to do 下定决心做„6.表示想/希望want to do= would like to do 想做„hope to do 希望做„expect to do 期待着做„wish to do 希望做„consider doing 考虑做„7.只加doing 作宾语的动词finish 完成/ practice 练习/ suggest建议 / consider 考虑 / mind 介意 / enjoy 喜欢doing固定句型look forward to doing 盼望做„keep on doing 坚持做„dream of doing 梦想做„can’t help doing 情不自禁地做„keep / stop / prevent sb.from doing 阻止某人做„be busy (in ) doing be busy with + 名词 忙于做„spend time / money (in )doing spend time / money on + 名词 花费时间做„have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing 或 with + 名词 做„有困难4


1议论文:Now we are entering a new era,full of opportunities and challenges.Along with the advance of the society,more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that----.When it comes to ---, most people believe that----, But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that---.What is also worth noticing is that----。 It\'s quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have different attitude towards it,just as the old saying goes\"Every advangtage has its disadvantage.\"In conclusion,although---has its negative effects,it can to a great extent bring us more advantages.现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是 当提到-----时,大多数人认为------,但是另一方面,也有一些人强烈坚持------。另外值得一提的是-----。 当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点,就像古语说:每件有利的东西都有其不利的一面。总

的说来,虽然_______ 有其负面的影响,在很大程度上,其也将给我们带来很多好处。After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in favor of the latter view that...经过深思熟虑,我较支持后一种看法,亦即________________________。2说明文:Along with the advance of the society, more and more controversialiues have been brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是___。(与上面议论文一样哟!)Why have there been so many……,maybe the reasons can be listed as follows1.To begin /start with2.furthermore/besides/in addition3.last but not least.为什么有这么多……,理由如下 1.…… 2.……3.……Obviously, it is high time that we took(注意:虚拟语气,用过去式) some measures to solve the problemFor one thingFor another很明显,我们现在必须采取一些措施一方面另一方面(也可以用1.To begin /start with等 之类。为避免重复,最好别用~)I think all the measures above can make present situation better.Let us all startto do so by ourselves.我认为上述措施能使现状变好。让我们都从自身做起!As to whether it is a bleing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法) As society develops, people are attaching much importance to....随着社会的发展,人们开始关注.....People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。In the proce of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。.....plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a bleing or a curse?\" ______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。不过,问题是:\"我们该如何抉择?\"Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges,The controversial iue is often brought into public focus.People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the iue.现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。When asked ..., some people think.....while some prefer...说到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________。There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that...万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,____________。According to my personality and fondne, I would prefer ...rather than...









注意 :要提高语言表达的档次,在句式运用上就不能一味地使用简单句和称述句,而应该根据实际情况灵活运用所学的各种句式。丰富的句式有助于考生在高考中出类拔萃,赢得高分。


高考英语高分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满高分作文“黄金三定律”。为保证所写文章清晰明了,一是越确切具体越好,二是组织结构富有逻辑性。小编收集了高考英语 高分万能句子,收好不谢哟~


1 Recently, the problem of … has aroused people\'s concern.


2.The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


3.Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.


4.It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that …


5.Many people insist that …


6.With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……

7.A lot of people seem to think that …



1.People\'s views on … vary from person to person.Some hold that ….However, others believe that….


2.People may have different opinions on …


3.Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.


4.There are different opinions among people as to …


5.Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).



1.Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


2.Hence/Therefore, we\'d better come to the conclusion that …


3.There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


4.All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



1.It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).


2.It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …


3.There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of …


4.Obviously, … If we want to do something … , it is eential that …


5.Only in this way can we …


6.It must be realized that …



1.Obviously, if we don\'t control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in danger.


2.No doubt, unle we take effective measures, it is very likely that …


3.It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.


1.From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.


2.I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …


3.Personally, I am standing on the side of …


4.I sincerely believe that …


5.In my opinion, it is more advisable to do … than to do ….



1.This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.First, … Second, … Third, …


2.Why did …? For one thing …,for another ….Perhaps the primary reason is…


3.I quite agree with the statement that … The reasons are chiefly as follows.



1.Here are some suggestions for handling …


2.The best way to solve the troubles is …


3.People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.



1.As far as something is concerned, …


2.It was obvious that …


3.It may be true that …, but it doesn\'t mean that …


4.It is natural to believe that …, but we shouldn\'t ignore that …


5.There is no evidence to suggest that …




















作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:

839 更新时间:2009-4-20 22:05:17 | 【字体:小 大】













言之无文,行而不远。语言作为评分原则中的基本要素之一,在专四作文评分的整个过程中具有决定性作用。有评分老师甚至断言:“It is not what you say, it is the way that you say it.”(重要的并不在于考生写了些什么,而在于考生是怎么表达的。)虽然这种说法本身似乎有失偏颇,可是参加过国际标准化英语考试的同学应该也听说过那么一句话,叫做:“Give the monkey exactly what he wants.”(给阅卷老师最想要的。),不是吗?譬如同样是描述数据,一些同学拘泥于图表本身,动辄按部就班地引用图表上现成的数字和年代,其实这都是图表作文的忌讳。聪明的同学引而不用,他们常喜欢用倍数、分数、小数、百分比、或者一些动词(double / triple / quadruple)来表现极端数据,动态数据以及他们的相异之处。 7.检查

