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1,Iam writing to confirm/enquire/inform you …

2, I am writing to follow up our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2

3,With reference to our telephone conversation today.

4,in my previous e-mail on October 5…

5,As I mentioned earlier about…

6,As indicated in my previous e-mail..

7,As we discued on the phone…

8,From our decision at the previous meeting…

9,As you requested/per your requirement…

10,In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided…

11,This is in response to your e-mail today.

12,As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique selling points in china.

13,As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to get back to you about the pending iues of our agreement.

14,I received your voice meage regarding the subject.I’m wondering if you can elaborate i.e.provide more details.

15,Please be advised /informed that…

16,Please note that…

17,We would like to inform you that..

18,I am convinced that…

19,we agree with you on…

20,with effect from 4 Oct.,2008….

21,we will have a meeting scheduled as noted below..

22,Be aured that individual statistics are not disclosed and this is for internal use only.

23,I am delighted to tell you that…

24,we are pleased to learn that..

25,we wish to notify you that..

26,Congratulation on your…

27,I am fine with the proposal…

28,I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to join the workshop scheduled for 22~24 Nov,2008.

29,we are sorry to inform you that…

30,I’m afraid I have some bad news.

31,there are a number of iues with our new system.

32,Due to circumstances beyond our control…

33,I don’t feel too optimistic about…

34,it would be difficult for us to accept…

35, Unfortunately I have to say that, since receiving your enquiries on the subject, our view has not changed.

36,We would be grateful if you could…

37,I could appreciate it if you could…

38,would you please send us…

39,we need your help.

40,we seek your aistance to cascade/reply this meage to your staff.

41,we look forward to your clarification.

42,Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.

43,I would really appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time.please let me know what suits you best.

44,Please give us your preliminary thoughts about this.

45,would you please reply to this e-mail if you plan to attend?

46,please advise if you agree with this approach.

47,Could you please let me know the status of this project?

48,If poible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal when it is finished.

49,I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by next Monday.

50,Hope this is ok with you.if not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.

51,Could you please send me your replies to the above question by the end of June?

52,May I have your reply by April 1,if poible?

53,If you wish, we would be happy to…

54,Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

55,If there’s anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time.

56,If you want additional recommendation on this, please let us know and we can try to see if this is poible.

57,I’m just writing to remind you of …

58,May we remind you that…?

59,I am enclosing…

60,Please find enclosed…

61,Attached hereto…

62,Attahced please find the most up-to-date information on/regarding /concerning…

63,Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.

64,If you have any further question, please feel free to contact me.

65,I hope my clarification has been helpful.

66,Please feel free to call me at any time,I will continually provide full support.

67,please let me know if this is suitable.

68,Looking forward to seeing you soon.

69,we look forward to hearing from you soon.

70,Hope this is clear and we are happy to discu this further if neceary.

71,I look forward to receiving your reply soon.

72,Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course.

73,I’ll keep you posted.

74,Please keep me informed on the matter.

75,For any comments/suggestion, please contact Nadia at 2552-7482.

76,I would like to apologize for…

77,I apologize for the delay in…

78,We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

79,I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.

80,I’m sorry about last time.

81,we apologize for not replying you earlier.

82,I’m really sorry about this.

83,sorry,I’m late in replying to your e-mail dated Monday,April1.

84,we apologize for the delay and hope that it doesn’t inconvenience you too much.

85,Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.

86,Soory if my voice meage is not clear enough.

87,thank you for your help.

88,I appreciate very much that you…

89,I truly appreciate it.

90,Thank you for your participation.

91,Thank you so much for inviting me.

92,congratulation to all of you and thanks for your efforts.

93,your understanding and cooperation is greatly/highly appreciated.

94,your prompt response will be most appreciated.

95,once again, thank you all for your commitment and support.

96,Thanks for your input/clarification/meage.

97,Any comments will be much appreciated.

98,Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me.

99,I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.

100,Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved, they certainly did an excellent job.



需要写的英文邮件多了,就觉得很吃力,尤其是当需要经常写给同一个人时。希望邮件的开头、结尾、一些客套的话能有不同的表达~~ 邮件的开头


Thank you for contacting us.如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。

Thank you for your prompt reply.当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.”

Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。

Thank you for all your aistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.

就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.” 在邮件的结尾


Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要读者帮助你做某事,那就先得表示感谢。

Thank you for your attention to this matter.与以上的类似,本句包含了你对对方将来可能的帮助表示感谢。

Thank you for your understanding.如果你写到任何会对读者产生负面影响的内容那就使用这句句子吧。

Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在寻求机会或是福利,例如你在求职的话,就用这封邮件结尾。

Thank you again for everything you\'ve done.这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。如果你在邮件开头已经谢过了读者,你就可以使用这句话,但是因为他们的帮助,你可以着重再次感谢你们的付出。 十种场合的表达 1.Greeting meage 祝福

Hope you have a good trip back.祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going? 项目进行顺利吗? 2.Initiate a meeting 发起会议

I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown.Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空? I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30.Same time.十月三十号(周四),老时间,开会。

Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。

I want to talk to you over the phone regarding iues about report development and the XXX project.我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。

3.Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议 Should you have any problem acceing the folders, please let me know.如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.期待您的反馈建议! What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做? What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想? Feel free to give your comments.请随意提出您的建议。

Any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Any question, please let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Please contact me if you have any questions.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Please let me know if you have any question on this.有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。

Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议! Do you have any idea about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗? It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user’s behavior.您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了! At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/iue.如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。 4.Give feedback 意见反馈 Please see comments below.请看下面的评论。

My answers are in blue below.我的回答已标蓝。

I add some comments to the document for your reference.5.Attachment 附件

I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.我附加了评估报告供您阅读。

Attached please find today’s meeting notes.今天的会议记录在附件里。

Attach is the design document, please review it.设计文档在附件里,请评阅。

For other known iues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。 6.Point listing 列表

Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today:1…….2…….今天我们要完成的任务:1…….2…….

Some known iues in this release:1…….2…….声明中涉及的一些问题:1…….2…….

Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns:1…….2…….

我们阅读了最新的供应链管理政策,做出如下考虑:1…….2…….Here are some more questions/iues for your team:1…….2…….以下是对你们团队的一些问题:1…….2…….The current status is as following: 1…… 2……

目前数据如下: 1…… 2……

Some items need your attention:1…….2…….以下方面需提请注意:1…….2…….7.Raise question 提出问题

I have some questions about the report XX-XXX 我对XX-XXX报告有一些疑问。

For the aignment ABC, I have the following questions:… 就ABC协议,我有以下几个问题:…… 8.Proposal 提议

For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing… 关于平台启动的下一步计划,我有一个提议……

I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。

Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding iue…… Achievo团队建议应对突出问题采用A办法。 9.Thanks note 感谢信

Thank you so much for the cooperation感谢你的合作! Thanks for the information 谢谢您提供的信息! I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。 Thank you for your attention! Thanks to your attention! 谢谢关心! Your kind aistance on this are very much appreciated.我们对您的协助表示感谢。 Really appreciate your help! 非常感谢您的帮助! 10.Apology 道歉

I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding! 对造成的误解我真诚道歉! I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctne of our implementation ASAP.很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。

外企工作邮件100句~很实用! 来源: 赵亮的日志

1.I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you...我写信时要确认/询问/通知你。。。

2.I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2.我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。

3.With reference to our telephone conversation today...关于我们今天在电话中的谈话。。。

4.In my previous e-mail on October 5...先前在10月5日所写的信。。。

5.As I mentioned earlier about...如我先前所提及关于。。。

6.as indicated in my previous e-mail...如我在先前的信中所提出。。。

7.As we discued on the phone...如我们上次在电话中的讨论。。。

8.from our decision at the previous meeting...如我们在上次会议中的决定。。。

9.as you requested/per your requirement...按照你的要求。。。

10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided...回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定。。。

11.This is in response to your e-mail today.这是针对你今天早上来信的回复。 12.As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique selling points in china.如先前所述,我们认为这个产品在中国有强有力且独一无二的销售点。

13.As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to get back to you about the pending iues of our agreement.追踪我们昨天在电话中所谈,我想答复你我们合约的一些待解决的议题。

14.I received your voice meage regarding the subject.I’m wondering if you can elaborate i.e.provide more details.我收到你关于这个主题的留言。我想你是否可以再详尽说明,也就是再提供多一点细节。

15.Please be advised/informed that...请被告知。。。

16.Please note that...请注意。。。

17.We would like to inform you that...我们想要通知你。。。

18.I am convinced that...我确信。。。

19.We agree with you on...我们同意你在。。。

20.With effect from 4 Oct., 2008...从2008年10月4日开始生效。。。

21.We will have a meeting scheduled as noted below...我们将举行一个会议,时间表如下。

22.Be aured that individual statistics are not disclosed and this is for internal use only.请确保个人信息不会外泄且只供内部使用。

23.I am delighted to tell you that...我很高兴地告诉你。。。

24.We are pleased to learn that...我们很高兴得知。。。

25.We wish to notify you that...我们希望通知你。。。

26.Congratulation on your...恭喜您关于。。。

27.I am fine with the proposal.我对这份提桉没意见。

28.I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to join the workshop scheduled for 22-24 Nov,2008.我很高兴地告诉你,你已经被同意参加2008年11月22-24日的研讨会。

29.We are sorry to inform you that...我们很抱歉地通知你。。。

30.I’m afraid I have some bad news.我恐怕要带来一些坏消息。

31.There are a number of iues with our new system.我们的新系统有些问题。

32.Due to circumstances beyond our control...由于情况超出我们所能控制。。。

33.I don’t feel too optimistic about...我觉得不太乐观关于。。。

34.It would be difficult for us to accept...我们很难接受。。。

35.Unfortunately I have to say that, since receiving your enquiries on the subject, our view has not changed.很不幸地,我必须这么说,自从收到你关于这个主题的询问,我们的看法都没有改变。

36.We would be grateful if you could...我们会很感激如果你可以。。。

37.I could appreciate it if you could...我会很感激如果你可以。。。

38.Would you please send us…? 可否请你寄给我们…?

39.We need your help.我们需要你的帮助。

40.We seek your aistance to cascade/reply this meage to your staff.我们请求你的帮助,将此信息传达给你们的员工。

41.We look forward to your clarification.我们期待你的澄清。

42.Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.您能立即注意此事,我们将非常感激。


43.I would really appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time.Please let me know what suits you best.如果您能抽出时间,我希望能与你见面,请让我知道您最适合的时间。

44.Please give us your preliminary thoughts about this.请让我知道你对于这件事情初步的想法。

45.Would you please reply to this e-mail if you plan to attend? 请您回信如果您计划参加?

46.Please advise if you agree with this approach.请告知是否你同意这个方法。

47.Could you please let me know the status of this project? 请让我知道这个计划的进度?

48.If poible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal when it is finished.如果可能,当你完成提桉,我希望能收到一份复本。

49.I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by next Monday.如果能在下周一前收到您的答复,我将非常感激。

50.Hope this is OK with you.If not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.希望您对此没有问题,如果不行,请利用电子邮件尽快让我知道。

51.Could you please send me your replies to the above questions by the end of June? 请您在6月份前答复我上述问题好吗?

52.May I have your reply by April 1, if poible? 如果可能,我可否在4月1日前收到您的答复?

53.If you wish, we would be happy to...如果你希望,我们很乐意。。。

54.Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.请让我知道任何我可以帮得上忙的地方。

55.If there’s anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time.对于这件事,如果还有任何我能帮得上忙的地方,请不要客气,随时与我联络。

56.If you want additional recommendations on this, please let us know and we can try to see if this is poible.如果关于此事你需要额外的建议,请让我们知道,我们会尝试看看是否可能。

57.I’m just writing to remind you of...我只是写信来提醒您。。。

58.May we remind you that...? 我们想要提醒您。。。

59.I am enclosing...我附上。。。

60.Please find enclosed...请查阅附件。。。

61.Attached hereto...附件是关于。。。

62.Attached please find the most up-to-date information on/regarding/concerning… 附上关于某某的最新资料…

63.Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.附上产品计划书的草稿,请审查及评价。

64.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.如果你有任何问题,请不要客气与我联络。

65.I hope my clarification has been helpful.希望我的说明是有帮助的。

66.Please feel free to call me at any time, I will continually provide full support.请随时跟我联络,我会持续地提供全程支援。

67.Please let me know if this is suitable.请让我知道这是否恰当。

68.Looking forward to seeing you soon.期待很快能见到你。

69.We look forward to hearing from you soon.我们期待很快能得到您的回复。

70.Hope this is clear and we are happy to discu this further if neceary.希望上述说明很清楚,如有必要,我们很乐意再进一步讨论。

71.I look forward to receiving your reply soon.我期待很快能收到你的回复。

72.Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course.期待在预期的时间收到你的反馈。

73.I’ll keep you posted.我会与你保持联络。

74.Please keep me informed on the matter.请随时让我知道这件事的发展。

75.For any comments/suggestions, please contact Nadia at 2552-7482.任何评价或建议,请打电话2552-7482联络Nadia。

76.I would like to apologize for...我想就。。。道歉。。。

77.I apologize for the delay in...对于。。。的耽搁,我深感抱歉。

78.We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.对于产生任何不便,我们感到抱歉。

79.I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.对于造成你的任何不便,我感到抱歉。

80.I’m sorry about last time.关于上次的事我很抱歉。

81.We apologize for not replying you earlier.对于未能早一点回信给你,我们感到抱歉。

82.I’m really sorry about this.关于这件事,我真的很抱歉。

83.Sorry, I’m late in replying to your e-mail dated Monday, April 1.抱歉,太迟回您在4月1日(星期一)发给我的邮件。

84.We apologize for the delay and hope that it doesn’t inconvenience you too much.我们为耽搁道歉,希望不会给您带来太多的不便。

85.Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.希望不会为您带来太多的麻烦。

86.Sorry if my voice meage is not clear enough.如果我的电话留言不够清楚,我深感抱歉.

87.Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

88.I appreciate very much that you...我非常感激你。。。

89.I truly appreciate it.我真的很感激。

90.Thank you for your participation.谢谢你的参加。

91.Thank you so much for inviting me.非常感谢你要请我。

92.Congratulations to all of you and thanks for your efforts.恭喜各位并谢谢各位的努力。

93.Your understanding and cooperation is greatly/highly appreciated.很感激你的理解及合作。

94.Your prompt response will be most appreciated.很感激你快速的答复。

95.Once again, thank you all for your commitment and support.再一次感谢你的承诺及支持。

96.Thanks for your input/clarification/meage.谢谢你的投入/澄清/信息。

97.Any comments will be much appreciated.对于您的任何建议,我将非常感激。

98.Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me.谢谢你为我做的一切。

99.I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.我很感激你对这件事情的理解。

100.Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved, they certainly did an excellent job.请表达我的谢意给那些有关的同仁,他们真的干得很好


You\'ve got a mail! 写英文邮件是技术活


开场白也很有门道: 正规写法,如学校写给Harry Potter,就是Dear Mr.Potter, 熟人写法,如小天狼星写给Harry Potter,就是Dear Harry,

亲密写法,如赫敏写给Harry Potter,就是Hi Harry,

不知名写法,如Harry Potter写给学校,就是To whom it may concern,

如果是回复邮件,可以先表谢意: Thank you for your prompt reply.Thanks for getting back to me.感谢你的回复!

Thank you for contacting our company.


如果是发送邮件,直接切入主题: I am writing to enquire about… 我想问一下……

I am writing in reference to… 关于……我想说……




数字如1.2.3.4. 项目符号如●

补充,二次感谢或期待回信: Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

谢谢你的耐心和配合。 I look forward to hearing from you.


If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.If you have any questions or concerns, don\'t hesitate to let me know.

如有任何问题,请随时联系我。 结束语 Best regards, Sincerely, Cheers,



2.S3:Shared Services Solution


4.enclosed is :随信附上...有得人也习惯使用attached is/see attachment

5.BR:Best Regards.


A prompt reply will very much facilitate preparations on this side.“为了能更好的准备这次会议,请贵方尽快答复\"



还有一句常用语就是:Your prompt reply will be highly appreciate.用来催促对方尽快答复.


I am writing to thank you for the hospitality you extended on my recent visit to your country.The delightful

and memorable lunch at your headquarters brought to mind again the close relationship between our companies.I

look forward to developing that relationship to the mutual benefit of our organizations.

1、I am writing...引出写信的目的

2、thank you for...对...表示感谢的常用语

3、hospitality you extended: extend means to give someone an invitation, thanks, etc,这个短语就是正统的 承蒙您的热情款待

4、delightful and memorable lunch:令人愉快难忘的午餐

5、bring to mind again:再次使人想到

6、I look forward to doing...:期望。。。

7、mutual benefit:共同利益



It was good to have the chance to meet you during your stay here in Hong Kong.

Thank you for promptly furnishing us with some written information on your products.We would like to begin to look into the feasibility of our cooperating in your marketing effort here.We will keep you up to date on any subsequent developments.


1.It was good to…很高兴

2.have the chance to…有机会…

3.during your stay here in…你在…停留期间

4.Thank you for…感谢你…

5.Promptly furnish us with…迅速提供(寄给)…给我,furnish这个词比send更书面正式,如果是公司间的正式往来书信,就用这个词,个人或者非正式,则用send就Ok了;

6.written information 资料(包括了catalogue, price list, publicizing brochure)等等一整套的介绍资料

7.look into…调查研究 9.Keep you up to date 通知你最新消息 10.on any subsequent developments 任何进展


1.It was indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet you while you were in Hong Kong.


3.It was nice to have a chance to get together with you during your recent trip here.这句语气比较缓和



This is to thank you again for taking time and trouble to join us in celebtating our 15th anniversary.

Being able to share this day with friends like you made the occasion all the more meaningful.I would very much appreciate being afforded the chance to reciprocate the courtesy at some appropriate time.

In the meantime, I wish you every personal succe and happine.

with warmest personal regards,


1。This is to thank you again for...在罗唆一遍“再次感谢...”的表达方式

2。taking the time and trouble to join us.承蒙您抽出宝贵时间参见。。。的经典表达方式

3。Being able to...注意这个简练的表达方式,因能。。。


5。all the more meaningful意义更加深刻

6。being afforded=being given,但是更正式。

7。I would very much appreciate being afforded the chance to reciprocate the courtesy at some appropriate time.注这句英文思维的方式和中国人刚好是反的,中国人会这么说:如果在合适的时机我有机会回报此番盛情,我将非常荣幸。大家注意一下,中国人说话先绕弯子,然后再点题,而老外直接说I would very much appreciate,然后是being afforded the chance to reciprocate the courtesy at some appropriate time,也就是先点题,我什么荣幸,然后再说原因,为了什么荣幸!再注意句中的分词被动语态being afforded的用法也能体会到英语的味道,中国人很少说被给机会去干什么,这就是中国英语和英国英语的区别之处


9。every personal succe and happine:事业成功,生活愉快的套话,一定记住!以前学过一句祝福语,也挺常用:May each day bring you greater happine and greater succe.


Allow us to begin by thanking you for all you have done to secure a foothold for our products in

your market.Your ability to maintain sales despite the negative factors affecting our busine is highly regarded here.

We have also had our troubles.The biggest of these has been the sharp depreciation in the value of the U.S.dollar on which all our prices are based.Every effort has been made to absorb this drop in revenue through cost reduction measures.However,with the depreciation now reaching 20%, it has become impoible to unilaterally adsorb these loes.

Consequently, we have decided to raise our export prices 10% acro the board effective April 1.

We realize this will not make your situation easier.However, please consider the fact that we have been running in the red for three months now.Also, bear in mind that by asking for only 10% we are seeking to share and not shift the entire burden.

Your understanding and cooperation in this regard will be very much appreciated.



2。Allow us to begin by thanking you for...对比前几课,这又是一种客套的开头表示感谢的方法,大家可以换着用用

3。secure a foothold:巩固阵地,本文就是稳固了我方产品在你们市场中的地位

4。be highly regarded:注意这个用法,我的本地员工也经常用这个短语,就是一种恭维,就是中国人说的什么什么受到了高度评价,英语里面用被动形式,仔细看看本为中Your ability to maintain sales despite the negative factors affecting our busine...这个主语比较长,去掉修饰就是 Your ability is highly regarded.贵方(修饰)能力是高度赞赏的。这个结构大家可多用,具体修饰不讲了,自己根据自己的情况可以扩充。

5。We have also had our troubles.开始说自己的困难了,用了现在完成时态,个人理解是要表达我方的困难不是现在才有,是很久之前就有困难。然后紧接着展开具体困难

6。Every effort has been made to absorb this drop in revenue through cost reduction measures.这个结构也值得大家体会英语的味道,我们总喜欢说,我们采取了什么什么措施...我们喜欢用主动的语态,但是老外强调这些措施被采取,总是喜欢用被动语态,大家体会下。另外注意一下absorb这个词,引申为承担的意思。

7。it has become impoible to unilaterally adsorb these loes.如果按照我的思维,我可能这么说 We haven\'t unilaterally adsorb these loes。但是这样看起来就非常主观,并且语气非常强硬,老外把可观的事实作为主语用 it引导的主语从句来表达,就显得很客观了,我没有学过什么经贸英语,就是自己瞎体会。

8。accro the board:全面的,一律的

9。We realize this will not make your situation easier.Howevre...这个也是个比较好用的东西,我方意识到...并不能使你方情况变得轻松,昨天我在给我的客户的邮件里面用了类似的表达:I am aware, Mr.Joshua, that this explanation might not put your mind at easy.这种谦逊的做法,在协商信件里很好用,能争得对方的谅解,然后however或者but一下,话锋一转,开始提出解决问题的办法或者建议了,让对方考虑接受。具体内容大家自己看。说一个短语to share and not shift the entire burden:是分担困难,而不是推卸责任。注意shift

10。Your understanding and cooperation in this regard will be very much appreciated.我觉得regard这个词很有味道,我们的本地员工常用,这个管用结束语,大家记住就OK了,至

于那个in this regard我就当个套话,也不住掉什么具体意思,我理解为,在这方面。。。整句意思是,我方对贵方的理解和配合表示感激,老外还是用被动,不用主动方,呵呵,学者别人写就OK了

11.Outage: MPSNAS Scheduled Maintenance Activity

1st Sep 2007

All concerned,

Please be informed that the MPSNAS (Shared Storage) will be undergoing maintenance activity on 1st September 2007.For this, the drives will not be available to users from 1000 HRS till 1300 HRS on Saturday, 1st September 2007.



2.scheduled maintenance :我们是通信企业,所以经常会看到maintenance这个词,意思就是维护,修理这个意思,scheduled就是说好了的,schedule大家都和熟悉吧.

3.undergoing maintenance:进行维护,udergo,进行,我们经常用的还有perform。

4.available:准备好了,MBA :married but available,hoho:)

12.Dear XXXXX,

As discued with you please find enclosed the fault report of XXX area which I had generated about service problem in XXXX & specially XXXX two days ago.

There isn’t ant remedial action yet & customers are still facing problem an immediate action for rectification is required.

Best regards,


1。As discued with you:代表已经和你讨论过了,就好像我们平时说的和你提过的那个。

2。the fault report .....which I generated....:最简单的定语从句,主要想说一下generate report,生成报告,出一份报告。


4。remedial action:补救措施,有时候也说try to make up for my carelene.

5.facing problem:多简单啊,面对问题:)

6。rectification:也是一些修改的意思,很多时候老外写信就讲究用词不重复,一封信同一个意思的词语很少有重复的。比如他们说一个困难的东西,从difficult ,hard ,tough ,到complicated,time-consuming,反正好多不重样的。这个就需要平时多积累一点。



We have reluctantly decided to accept your proposel to raise the price of the AK-7C and AK-7CX micro-proceors by 8% effective June 1.

Please understand that the increase at this time cannot help but depre sale considerably.It will also hurt our image with our customers, who may just choose to switch suppliers.Neverthele, rest aured that every effort will be made to minimize the damage.



2。have reluctantly decided to 勉强决定,很不情愿接受,现在完成时表示在做出决定前花了相当长时间

3。your proposal:你方提案,对于单方面的提议,建议,提案都用proposal这个词


5。Please understand that...要求理解的句式,这个句子表达出来的语气还算客观,不具生气的语气,但是可以引出己方的意见。

6。the increase at this time cannot help but depre sales considerably,此刻提价对销售没有任何帮助,只能产生不良影响。depre sales 对销售产生不良影响,depre 这个词比较有意思,值得注意;considerably=substantially,相当的,非常的。

7。hurt our image with our customers,hurt our image with...损坏...对我们的形象

8。may just choose to switch suppliers,体会一下just的意思,表示一种立刻马上的意思


10。rest aured that every effort will be made to minimize the damage.有意思的来了,rest aured 居然是请放心的意思,怎么从字面上也看不出请放心这个意思,你说老外写的这么简单,你能看懂吗,呵呵。另外,every effort will be made to minimize the damage.又是个被动用法,只强调我方努力这个客观事实!以后大家记住了,就这么用!不要说我们怎么怎么努力了,而是我方的努力将被怎么怎么。。。呵呵


1.Hope this is OK with you.If not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.


2.Could you please send me your replies to the above questions by the end of June?


3.May I have your reply by April 1, if poible?


4.If you wish, we would be happy to...


5.Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.


6.If there’s anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time.对于这件事,如果还有任何我能帮得上忙的地方,请不要客气,随时与我联络。

7.If you want additional recommendations on this, please let us know and we can try to see if this is poible.如果关于此事你需要额外的建议,请让我们知道,我们会尝试看看是否可能。

8.I’m just writing to remind you of...


9.May we remind you that...?


10.I am enclosing...


11.Please find enclosed...


12.Attached hereto...


13.Attached please find the most up-to-date information on/regarding/concerning…


14 Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.


15.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.


16.I hope my clarification has been helpful.


17.Please feel free to call me at any time, I will continually provide full support.请随时跟我联络,我会持续地提供全程支援。

18.Please let me know if this is suitable.


19.Looking forward to seeing you soon.


20.We look forward to hearing from you soon.


21.Hope this is clear and we are happy to discu this further if neceary.


22.I look forward to receiving your reply soon.


23.Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course.


24.I’ll keep you posted.


25.Please keep me informed on the matter.


26.For any comments/suggestions, please contact Nadia at 2552-7482.


27.I would like to apologize for...


28.I apologize for the delay in...


29.We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.


30.I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.


31.I’m sorry about last time.


32.We apologize for not replying you earlier.


33.I’m really sorry about this.


34.Sorry, I’m late in replying to your e-mail dated Monday, April 1.


35.We apologize for the delay and hope that it doesn’t inconvenience you too much.我们为耽搁道歉,希望不会给您带来太多的不便。

36.Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.


37.Sorry if my voice meage is not clear enough.


39.I appreciate very much that you...


40.I truly appreciate it.


41.Thank you for your participation.


42.Thank you so much for inviting me.


43.Congratulations to all of you and thanks for your efforts.


44.Your understanding and cooperation is greatly/highly appreciated.


45.Your prompt response will be most appreciated.


46.Once again, thank you all for your commitment and support.


47.Thanks for your input/clarification/meage.


48.Any comments will be much appreciated.


49.Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me.


50.I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.我很感激你对这件事情的理解。

100.Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved, they certainly did an excellent job.请表达我的谢意给那些有关的同仁,他们真的干得很好





1. 主题不明确或缺失或冗长;

2. 未针对事件相关人群发送,不知何时抄送直属领导; 3. 内容不够规范,如:称呼、开头语、结束语; 4. 正文叙述长篇大论,重点/主旨不明确; 5. 对外发送的附件图片杂乱、不规整。




◆一封电邮尽可能只针对一个主题,不在一封电邮内谈及多件事情。 ◆要反映邮件内容和重要性,不要使用含糊不清的标题,如 “某某收”。 ◆回复邮件时,可根据内容需要更改标题,不要“RE RE”或者“答复 答复”一大串。 ◆正确地标题写法,例如“关于xx会议的通知”、“xx项目预警”等。 标题是收件人了解邮件的第一信息,要使用简明扼要、意思明确的标题行,这样可以让收件人迅速了解邮件内容并判断其重要性。


◆开头要称呼收件人,在多个收件人的情况下可称呼“大家”、或“ALL”等。如果对方有职务,应按职务尊称对方,如“x副总”;如果不清楚职务,则按通常的“x先生”、“x小姐”称呼,但须先搞清性别。 ◆开头结尾最好要有问候语,最简单的例如”你好”、“Best Regards”、“祝您顺利”、“顺颂商祺”等。再尊敬一点的开头结尾语,可向对方道谢或问候,如“感谢您出差期间的关照”、“好久不见,身体可好”等。 俗话说礼多人不怪,礼貌一些总是好的,即便你的邮件中有些地方不妥,对方也能平静的看待。





3、4列几个段落进行清晰明确的说明,如有需要可单独写个文件作为附件进行详细描述。◆尊重对方,经常使用“请”、“谢谢”之类的语句,轻易不要使用表示强烈的标点或字眼。 ◆尽量避免拼写错误和错别字,发送前自行检查,确认行文是否通顺,拼写是否无误,并保证一次邮件交待完整信息。 ◆合理提示重要信息,可用粗体斜体、颜色字体、加大字号等手段对重要信息进行提示,但不要过多。 ◆对于与技术相关信息的邮件,可利用图片、表格等形式来辅助阐述。 总的来说,邮件正文应遵循五大原则:准确、简洁、完整、清楚、礼貌。电子邮件是用于商务办公的,切勿使用电子邮件对他人或对他人意见进行评论。



◆正文中应提示收件人查看附件,并对附件内容做简要说明,特别是带有多个附件时。 ◆附件为产品、零件图像时,应注意拍摄物整洁、周边无杂物,对外发放的图片信息直接代表公司形象。 ◆附件数目不宜超过4个,数目较多时应打包压缩成一个文件。

◆如果附件是特殊格式文件,因在正文中说明打开方式,以免影响使用。 ◆如果附件过大(不宜超过2MB),应分割成几个小文件分别发送。 五.结尾签名

◆末尾加上签名档是必要的。这样对方可以清楚的知道发件人信息,签名档可包括姓名、职务、公司、电话、传真、地址等信息,但不宜行数过多。例如: 六.回复技巧

◆及时回复Email。如果事情复杂,你无法及时确切回复,那至少应该及时的回复说”已收悉。我们正在处理,有结果立刻回复”等等。 ◆进行针对性回复。答复问题的时候,最好把相关的问题抄到回件中,然后附上答案,使问题和解答一目了然。 ◆不要就同一问题多次反复讨论。如果双方就同一问题的交流回复超过3次,这就说明电邮沟通不畅。此时应采用电话等方式及时交流后再做判断。 七.其他 ◆邮件转发

转发邮件之前,先确认该邮件内容是否有必要告知所有收件人。除此之外,转发敏感或者机密信息要小心谨慎,不要把内部消息转发给外部人员或者未经授权的接收人。如果有需要,还应对转发邮件的内容进行修改和整理,突出重要信息。不要将RE了N回的邮件发给他人,让人摸不着头脑。 ◆ 抄送(CC)





\"Reply to all\"表示你的邮件将发送给每一个收到原始邮件的人。在邮件的地址栏内,\"cc\" (carbon copy)部分是指邮件发给你指定的人,而\"bcc\"部分你可以悄悄的发送邮件而不让其他的人知道– b的意思是\"blind\"(掩藏的)。


2.Use the Right Greeting:尽管用\"Hey\"作为写给朋友的电子邮件开场白没有任何问题,但是最好不要用这种方式来给一个潜在的商务伙伴这样写信。另一方面,使用非常正式的传统开场白\"Dear Sir\" 也已经越来越过时了。最好是写\"Dear Mr./ Ms.\" 然后那个人的姓。如果你们一起工作的话,那就写他们的名字也没有关系。(例如\"Dear John\")。

3.Keep it Short and Clear:其他种类的语言可能需要用精美的词汇和复杂的句法来显示你的聪明才智和教育,而写英语邮件你只需用一种清晰且有条理的方式。在邮件的第一段清楚的表明你写信的目的并条理清晰,每一段都有中心句。使用类似\"first, second, next, and finally\"的词引导读者你将表述一个新的观点。你不需在邮件中包括所有的详细内容。你可以用象\"If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me,\"这样的短语来结束邮件,这样一来让读者有更多的机会询问更多的信息。

4.Be polite and tactful:在你写邮件时尽量清晰的陈述所写的内容, 到底是邮寄鞋子的费用折扣还是一次工作面试,最好不要用象 \"I want.\"的词表示要求,\"I would like\"显得更尊重对方,并且\"I am interested in\"是提出请求建议或寻求意见的好选择。

5.电子邮件正确结尾: \"I am looking forward to your reply,\" \"Thank you,\"或者\"Sincerely\"都是给收信人留下好印象的结尾方式。

1.Greeting meage 祝福

Hope you have a good trip back.祝旅途愉快。

How are you? 你好吗?

How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗?

2.Initiate a meeting 发起会议

I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown.Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.


I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.


We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30.Same time.


Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.


I want to talk to you over the phone regarding iues about report development and the XXX project.


3.Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议

Shall you have any problem acceing the folders, please let me know.


Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.


Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.


What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?


What do you think about this?


Feel free to give your comments.


Any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know.


Any question, please let me know.


Please contact me if you have any questions.


Please let me know if you have any question on this.


Your comments and suggestions are welcome!


Please let me know what you think?


Do you have any idea about this?


It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user’s behavior.


At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/iue.


4.Give feedback 意见反馈

Please see comments below.


My answers are in blue below.


I add some comments to the document for your reference.


5.Attachment 附件

I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.


Attached please find today’s meeting notes.


Attach is the design document, please review it.


For other known iues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.


6.Point listing 列表

Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today:1…….2…….


Some known iues in this release:1…….2…….


Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns:1…….2…….


Here are some more questions/iues for your team:1…….2…….


The current status is as following: 1……


目前数据如下: 1……


Some items need your attention:1…….2…….


7.Raise question 提出问题

I have some questions about the report XX-XXX


For the aignment ABC, I have the following questions:…


8.Proposal 提议

For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing…


I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.


Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding iue……


9.Thanks note 感谢信

Thank you so much for the cooperation感谢你的合作!

Thanks for the information


I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.


Thanks for your attention!


Your kind aistance on this are very much appreciated.


Really appreciate your help!


10.Apology 道歉

I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!


I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctne of our implementation ASAP.




Attachment 附件

Junk mail 垃圾邮件

CC- Carbon Copy 抄送

BCC- Blind Carbon Copy 暗抄送

I want to set up an -mail account.


What’s wrong with my e-mail? It can’t get through.


Could you please check the e-mail for me?


The e-mail you sent yesterday was returned as undeliverable.Maybe you should check the addre.




Pardon me, though a stranger to you personally, for taking liberty to addre you these few lines.

As I have not heard of you for long, I feel anxious.

I must apologize for not having written to you previously.

Please pardon my long in writing to you.Pardon me for neglect when you honored me with a visit the other day.

Having mislaid your addre, I have not been able to reply sooner.

Your letter of the 4th this month was duly received.

I have the pleasure to tell you that.

I have just received your kind letter.

Your kind letter of Saturday arrived this morning.


Please notify me soon.

Looking forward to a prompt reply.

Please do not fail to write to me.

I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.

I look for your answer in a few days.

Let me hear if you receive the parcel safely.

As the season grows colder, I hope you will take good care of yourself.

With kind regards to your family.

Please give my compliments to your family.

Pray give my best remembrances to Mr.Brown.

My parents ask also to add their best thanks to mine.

Adieu till then.

Thanking you for the past favour.

I think you for the trouble you have taken.

Hoping you will have a pleasant trip.

Wishing you a pleasant journey.

The help you sent is sincerely valued.


The bearer of this letter, Mr.Chen, profeor of ..., (an esteemed friend of mine), is desirous of being introduced to your acquaintance.

I am very grateful for your kindne in permitting me to...

I respectfully acknowledge your note and will wait upon you as proposed.

Should an interview be desired, I shall be happy to call at any hour you may appoint.

I have some important busine matter to communicate to you.

Anything further will be discued when we meet.

I regret that a prior engagement will prevent me from a tending.

I think you for your kind entertainment last evening.

I shall have great pleasure in accepting your invitation.

Accept my thanks for our handsome present.


I wish you a happy New Year.

Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes for the New Year.

Presenting the compliments of the season with every good wish.恭贺佳节

Pray allow me to congratulate your most heartily on your succe in your examination.

I am glad to hear that you were appointed..., on which I congratulate you most heartily.

I congratulate you upon your succe.

I wish you still further succe.



英语电子邮件如何写 a1内容 a2结构常用词汇

b1.Know your email terms b2.其它缩写:跟老外邮件交流中常会见到的英语缩写词汇常用例句 c1.外企必备:英文电子邮件高频句 c2.商务英语函电的 20个常用句型范文 d1.英文书信范文精选 d2.英文书信范文 2 d3.外贸业务全套英文邮件范文

A 英文邮件如何写

a1 内容


用问候语开始邮件内容非常重要,例如\"Dear Lillian,\"。根据你与收件人的关系亲近与否,你可能选择使用他们的姓氏来称呼他们而不是直呼其名,例如\"Dear Mrs.Price,\"。如果关系比较亲密的话,你就可以说,\"Hi Kelly,\"如果你和公司联系,而不是个人,你就可以写\"To Whom It May Concern:\"

感谢收件人如果你在回复客户的询问,你应该以感谢开头。例如,如果有客户想了解你的公司,你就可以说, \"Thank you for contacting ABC Company.\"如果此人已经回复过你的一封邮件了,那就一定要说, \"Thank you for your prompt reply.\"或是\"Thanks forgettingbackto me.\"如果你可以找到任何机会那一定要谢谢收信人。这样对方就会感到比较舒服,而且显得更礼貌。


然后,如果是你主动写电子邮件给别人的话,那就不可能再写什么感谢的字句了。那就以你写此邮件的目的开头。例如,\"I am writing to enquire about„\"或是\"I am writing in reference to „\"在电子邮件开头澄清你的来意非常重要,这样才能更好的引出邮件的主要内容。记得要注意语法,拼写和标点符号,保持句子简短明了并句意前后一致。 结束语

在你结束邮件之前,再次感谢收信人并加上些礼貌语结尾。你可以 \"Thank you for your patience and cooperation.\"或 \"Thank you for your consideration.\"开始接着写, \"If you have any questions or concerns,don\'t hesitateto let me know.\"及\"I look forward to hearing from you.\" 结束

最后是写上合适的结尾并附上你的名字。\"Best regards,\" \"Sincerely,\"及\"Thank you,\"都很规范化。最好不要用\"Best wishes,\"或\"Cheers,\"类的词因为这些词都常用在非正式的私人邮件中。最后,在你发送邮件之前,最好再读一遍你的内容并检查其中有没有任何的拼写错误,这样就能保证你发出的是一封真正完美的邮件!



地址栏(To)电子邮件的地址,包括写信人地址、收信人地址、抄送收信人地址、密送收信人地址,这四部分无需填写繁杂的邮政地址,只需填入相应的电子邮件地址即可,而且并非每一项都要填,若收信人只有一个,就不需填写其他收信人的电子邮件地址,处理比一般信件要简单得多。 主题摘要的写法:

主题摘要栏(Subject)邮件的标题应当简洁明了。邮件标题是邮件主要内容的浓缩,是读者浏览信箱时决定是否阅读该邮件的根据。简洁明了的主题内容可起到索引的作用,便于收件者以后在大量的邮件中查出相关的邮件。邮件标题选择的合适与否将影响到读者处理信件的效率。因此,为了确保收信人能及时阅读邮件,邮件的标题不仅要引人注目,而且应该言简意赅。另外,标题应该用名词短语或动名词短语,如:“Your Meeting in California”,“Your Order”,“Mrs.Jones”, “weekly Sales Meeting”,“广告”等标题都信息明确、一目了然。 称呼(salutation )

商务英文电子邮件通常用较正式的称呼,如:Dear+对方的姓氏,有时可以省去 Dear,直呼

对方的名或姓,或者用随意的称呼,如:“Hi,Johnson”,“Hi,Davis”等。若不能确定收件人是哪一位,可用这样的表达,如:“Dear Sirs”,“Dear Madam or Sir”或“To whom it may concern”等。 正文部分的写法:


敬意结尾(complimentary closing)

结尾常用敬语,表示客套和礼节,措辞应恰当。通常用“Best Regards”,“Best Wishes”,或使用 “Good day to you!”等表示美好祝愿的词组作为敬意结尾,使得电子邮件更趋向随意体(casual style)。


附件(Enclosure)电子邮件中如果带有与邮件内容相关的附件,可用 word、excel等软件编写成文件报表或扫描各种形式发票、定单或报价单等,并在邮件中说明具体文件的名称及份数等,以便对方确认。 附言(Postscript)

打好邮件后,若发现需要补充某些内容,可在签名下方注明 P.S.再附上补充的内容。但补充的内容不宜太多,常常是一两句话。若补充的内容很多,则需另写一封邮件,以免喧宾夺主。英语电子邮件中的常用词汇

b1.Know your email terms


\"Reply to all\"表示你的邮件将发送给每一个收到原始邮件的人。 在邮件的地址栏内,\"cc\" (carbon copy)部分是指邮件发给你指定的人,而\"bcc\"部分你可以悄悄的发送邮件而不让其他的人知道–b的意思是\"blind\"(掩藏的)。 如果有人要你\"forward\"一封邮件,他们意思是要你通过转发的功能发送邮件,有时侯简写成 \"fw.\"


缩写 原文 意思

AOB Any other busine 其他事 ASAP As soon as poible 尽快 BCC blind carbon copy 密送 BTW By the way 顺便提一下 CC Carbon copy 抄送

Conf.Confidential 机密 IOW In other words 换句话说 Pls.Please 请

PS Postscript 附言 WRT With regard to 关于


2 = to/too

2Bornot2B =To beornottobe4 = for

4ever = forever





Dear Mr.Jones:

We understand from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for textiles.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.

We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present.You may also visit our online company introduction at Http://www.daodoc.com which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts


Credit Information

Dear _______,

We would like to _______ ( 我方目的).We understand that _______( 了解情况).So we want to ask you if they are _______ ( 咨询情况) so that we may take steps to _______ ( 采取措施后达到的目的).We will be obliged if you will kindly give us the information about _______ ( 相关信息).Any information you provide will be highly appreciated and kept in strict confidence.We shall be pleased to oblige if you need our services at this end.We are awaiting your early reply.

Yours sincerely, ×××

2.推销 Salesmanship

Dear _______,

We have imported _______ ( 产品名称)._______ ( 产品引人注目点) is well-known and universally acknowledged.So, we feel sure that you may be interested in them, and this kind of new products will _______ ( 销售情况).We are mailing you _______ ( 附件名称).If you have interest in our products and find a good market for the new products, please let us know.We are offering you good products on generous terms in order that you can _______ ( 对方受惠处).We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely, ×××


Establishing Busine Relations


We have obtained your name and addre from _______ ( 信息来源) and are glad to establish busine relations with you.We _______ ( 业务情况), moreover, there is a good demand for _______ ( 产品名称).So, we feel sure we can sell large quantities of_______( 产品名称).As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the _______ ( 资信单位) as a reference.Please let us have all neceary information regarding _______ ( 相关信息).If _______( 交易条件), we would _______ ( 下何种订单).

Yours sincerely, ××× 4.询盘 Inquiry

Dear _______,

Thank you for your _______( 贵方信息).We have connected with a number of our customers in this area and many of them have interest in ______( 产品名称).So, there is a large demand for _______( 产品名称) here.Would you please make us an offer for _______( 产品名称).If your quotation is attractive to the customers, we will place a _______ ( 订单类型) order with you.We look forward to your favorable reply.

Yours sincerely, ××× 5.报盘 Offer

Dear _______,

We were very pleased to receive your letter of _______( 日期) answering _______( 询问情况), and as requested, enclose _______( 附件名称).We think our products are _______( 产品性能)._______ ( 交易条件).We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once.We look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely, ××× 6.还盘 Counter-offer

Dear _______,

We thank you for your letter of _______( 日期) offering us _______ ( 产品数量) of the subject goods at _______( 报价).Although we are in urgent need of such product, we find your price _______( 对方价格情况).Your quoted price will _______ ( 此报价的结果).To tell you the truth, we have received quotations _______( 百分数) lower than yours.Should you be prepared to reduce your price by, say,_______ ( 百分数), we might come to terms.Considering _______ ( 鉴于因素), we make you such a counter-offer._______ ( 希望对方考虑报价原因).We hope you will consider our counteroffer most favorably and let us know your acceptance as soon as poible.Hope to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully, ×××

7.下订单 Order


We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your quotation dated_______( 日期) and noted the total_______( 币种、金额)_______( 地点).We agree to this price, and would ask you to accept this order-letter as our official order.The payment is being made by_______( 付款方式) today.In view of_______( 鉴于条件), we should appreciate it if you agree to_______( 我方要求).We look forward to your reply as soon as poible.

Yours faithfully, ×××


Accepting the Order

Dear _______,

Thank you for your order _______( 产品名称、型号).The goods are _______( 产品状况) and will be delivered on time.It is a pleasure to _______( 乐意之事) and we hope you will be satisfied with the _______( 满意之处) of our goods.On receiving your credit from the bank, we will make up your order.We will have the pleasure of receiving further orders from you.

Yours sincerely, ×××

9.拒绝订单 Declining the Order

Dear _______,

Thank you for your order _______( 产品型号) for _______( 产品名称) which we received today.We regret that, owing to _______( 原因),we are unable to fill your order.Moreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to _______ ( 进一步原因).We will, however, contact you once supply improves.In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of _______( 其他型号产品).You can be aured of our best attention at all times.

Yours faithfully, ×××

10.支付方式 Terms of Payment

Dear _______, We have thoroughly considered the terms of payment discued with your _______( 人名).We are in agreement with your proposals and hereby give you the terms and conditions which have been agreed upon as follows: (1) Your terms of payment are _______( 支付方式).(2) The price quoted to us are _______( 价格条款).The above terms of payment were approved by _______( 批准单位或个人) and will be acted upon accordingly.The relative order is now being prepared and will be sent to you in the course of _______( 时间).Your early reply would be very appreciated.

Yours faithfully, ××× 11.催款 Reminder

Dear _______,

Account _______( 号码) As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above account already _______( 欠款拖期) overdue.We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on _______ ( 日期) showing the balance of _______ ( 币种、金额) you owe.We send you a copy and hope it may have your early attention.We hope your early reply.

Yours faithfully, ××× 12.更改信用证 Amending the L/C

Dear _______,

We have received your L/C No._______ ( 订单号) iued by _______ ( 开证行) for the amount of _______( 金额) covering _______ ( 产品名称).After reviewing the L/C, we found that _______( 出错地方).We, therefore, are writing this letter, asking you to amend the L/C to read, “ _______”( 修改款项).We shall be glad if you see to it that amendment is cabled without any delay, as our goods have been packed ready for shipment for quite some time.We look forward to your early reply.

Sincerely, ××× 13.理赔

Settlement of Claims

Dear _______,

On _______ ( 日期), I placed a large order for your expensive _______ ( 产品名称).Unfortunately, our customers reflected _______( 反映的问题).We are very disappointed with this order.We can’t sell them.On the advice of _______ ( 人名)I am returning _______( 产品名称).Please arrange _______ ( 补救措施) as soon as poible.We look forward to your early reply. Yours, ××× 14.代理 Agency


We_______( 公司性质).We would like to inform you that we want to get the potential market for _______ ( 产品名称) in this area.So, we want to become a sole agency.We would, however, be willing to engage in trial collaboration with your company to see how the agreement works.We are very interested in _______ ( 感兴趣之事) with your factory for the promotion of your products in _______( 地点).We look forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely, ×××




sample 1 20 june 2006 dear mr.seaton, thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to london.it was the first time that i had seen the tower or any of the other famous sights.if id gone alone, i couldnt have seen nearly as much, because i wouldnt have known my way about. the weather was splendid on that day, which i thought was rare.i still remember some people told me that in britain there was weather and no climate.during the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls.so i think i was lucky. i think the river trip was the best thing of all.london really came alive for me as we saw it from the thames during that wonderful journey down to greenwich.it was all tremendously exciting - a day that i shall never forget. thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat. yours sincerely, linda chen sample 2 20 july 2006 dear mr.wang, thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful letter in support of mcea (maywood chinese education aociation).your letter clearly articulates all the major reasons children in maywood will benefit from studying the chinese language as part of their elementary school education.it provides invaluable support that will help making bilingual chinese education a reality in maywood public schools. thanks again for sending a letter in support of mcea.we will continue to do all we can to realize this program both for families of chinese descent and those with a general interest in participating in the growing economic power of china. yours sincerely, george chen useful expreions thanks for... it was very nice/good of you to ... thank you very much for... i must thank you for... i am extremely grateful for your help... i am most grateful for...篇2:英文感谢信模板+范文

感 谢 信

dear______, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因).if it had not been for your aistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to expre my warm thanks to you! please accept my gratitude.yours sincerely 你的姓名

extend [?kstend] vt.延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对„估价 vi.延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开

gratitude [gr?t?tju?d] n.感谢(的心情);感激

aistance [?s?st(?)ns] n.援助,帮助;辅助设备





感谢信另一个特点是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具体的感谢事由。 其次一个特点是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打折扣。

收到他人赠送的礼物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物的具体内容,否则,泛泛而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”(谢谢您送的美丽的玫瑰花。);而不要笼统地写上“thank you for your beautiful gift.”(谢谢您送给我的漂亮礼物。),这样,使人觉得你既礼貌,又诚心,从而真正达到交往的目的。下面我们来看看具体的范例。

范例1 dear laura, i was truly enraptured beyond expreion to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden.how considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday.you just couldnt have selected anything i had have liked more! you have a positive genius for selecting the right gift! the four years i spent with you at the college have been the pleasa ntest period in my life.i will cherish this memory forever.how nice it would be to see you again. you have been more than kind, and i wont ever forget it.my love and deepest gratitude, now and always! sincerely yours, jane 范例2 dear dan and laura, jim and i want to thank you for the beautiful salad bowl set.we are looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift. thanks again for the lovely gift. fondly, minnie 范例3 dear mrs.gorden, id like you to know how much the week at your lovely house meant to me.i not only enjoyed myself immensely, but also i felt relaxed a nd refreshed as i havent felt for months. please give my love to helen.it was so nice being with her again just like our old days together at school. many thanks to you and mr.gordon for asking me. sincerely yours, jean brown 2)感谢信模板 date:_________ dear____, ①i am now writing to expre my sincere thanks for____ .②id like you to know how much your _____ meant to me.③you have a positive genius for ______.④i not only enjoyed_____ , but also___.⑤i shall ever remember _____ as one of the most _____ in my life.⑥i _____.⑦i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.⑧ would you kindly let me know _____.⑨i will feel very honored and pleased if you have time to _____.⑩ how nice it would be to see you again and i am looking forwards to seeing you next time! i repeat my thanks again for your_____.please give my kind regards to your_____ . yours truly, signature 信息提示



②表达出自己非常珍惜对方的付出/礼物 ③对对方一定的赞美

④ 对方的情意对自己的影响


⑥表达出自己希望有回报的机会 ⑦ 询问对方是否有时间

⑧ 表达自己回报的心情

⑨ 提出希望下次见面的愿望


最后表达真挚的祝福 信件结尾与签名 篇3:面试后的英文感谢信范文

its very important to follow up after a job interview, because even if you think the interview went badly, keeping in touch may improve the interviewers perception of you.it reflects persistence, and its also polite to thank the hiring manager after the interview.remember to also send the note within two days of the interview; although, if youve paed the two-day mark, a late response is better than no response. 在面试后跟进非常重要,因为即使你觉得自己表现不佳,与面试官保持联络会提升面试官对你的印象。跟进体现了你的坚持,而且面试后谢谢招聘官也很有礼貌。要记得在面试后两天内写邮件,如果超过了两天的期限,晚写总比不写好。

here is a sample of the kind of email you should send: 下面是这类email的一个样例:

dear interviewer, 面试官您好:


thank you for your consideration, and i look forward to following up with you.谢谢您的关照,我很期待能继续与您联系。

best regards 致上最好的问候

interviewee 面试者

更多英语学习:面试英语学习资料 篇4:英语感谢信套路范文


i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...i am writing to expre my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话

i must thank you again for your generous help.i am most grateful for your selfle donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description.i feel most obliged to thank you once more.please accept my gratitude, now and always.★例:

directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person.write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expreing your thanks. you should write with no le than 100 words on answer sheet 2.do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.use li ming instead.you do not need to write the addre.范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi.if it had not been for your aistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff,

i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you.now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy.during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was able. abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern.it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me aurance that i could walk again.i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me.forgive me for the times i lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me. never stop your beautiful way of working with people.your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well. affectionately, wang fang 译文










主体段落:写明感谢的原因,要展开说明,可以说具体的理由也可以说接受帮助的具体事例。比如说你在一家旅馆住了一段时间,在那里度过了一段美好的时光,你就可以写信表示感谢。你可以从旅馆的服务、客房环境、饮食卫生等方面来说明感谢的理由。这样展开就使文章显得充实丰满,也符合正常交际的习惯。 结尾段:再次表示感谢。

必背模版句型 i am writing to expre my thanks for...我写这封信是为了表达我对??的谢意

i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...在信中我要为„„表达我真挚的谢意

thank you so much for the gift you sent me.its one of the most wonderful gifts i ever got.非常感谢你给我寄来的礼物,这是我收到的最好礼物之一。

many thanks for all the good things you have done in helping us to...非常感谢您为帮助我们??所做的一切。

篇5:10.10.28.感谢信写法(英文) leon 23 letters of thanks & of sympathy 第二十三课 感谢信和慰问信

after studying this chapter, you will be able to: ? recognize letters of thanks and of sympathy ? use appropriate formats and sentences 感谢信是为了感谢其它企业或者个人对我方的业务支持、协助而写的礼仪信函。 与致辞、贺信等等一样,感谢信函的公关功能要比商务内容大得多。






? 说明感谢谁,因而对方的姓名、称呼、职务必须具体、明确

? 概括具体事情,务必让对方明白说的是哪件事

? 一定要说明对方的帮助产生了什么样的效果和客观影响

? 把表示感激的话说出来,不要含蓄

? 热情赞扬对方的协助精神,适当应用一些套语

? 不必沿用汉语同类文本的套路,即不要表示“向你学习”、“以后厚










Dear supervisor:

How are you doing? I am xx-x.I wrote this because I want you to know that on the morning of June 8th, I have to go back to school to deal with some personal thins, so I want to ask for leave about half day, please approve, thank you so much.



题目写“Leave application

To: 你上司的名字,职位(manager)


Date: May 17th,2010

Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

Dear Mr./Mrs, 你上司的姓最好放在此,英文请假邮件。

There is a very important procein which I have to return to school for graduation thesis defense and other pa-pe-r work before the graduation.so may I please ask for a leave on 20th,21st,24th,27th in May? I hope you will oblige and grant me the requested leave.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr./ Mrs.,

Because I will have to return to to my university for my diertation reply and some other things related to my graduation, I want to ask you for a leave on May 20,21 24 to 27.

Sicerely hope you can give me the permiion as soon as poible.

Best wishes.

Sincerely Yours,

Xiao Wang







To: peter Stone, Manager

From: Lynn Chen, Financial Department

Date: April 2nd, 2004

Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

其次,在您的请假信第一段,应该开门见山但是有礼貌地提出请假,范文《英文请假邮件》。 第一段要中心明确,写清您要请假的日期。


peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual

leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday.



This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist,

urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth.I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight.The situation could worsen, should infection occur.

Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution.I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.



Thanks.I will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at

any time.



1.Greeting meage 祝福

Hope you have a good trip back.祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗? 2.Initiate a meeting 发起会议

I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown.Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空? I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 We\'d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30.Same time.十月三十号(周三),老时间,开会。

Let\'s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。

I want to talk to you over the phone regarding iues about report development and the XXX project.我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。

3.Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议

Shall you have any problem acceing the folders, please let me knows.如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.

期待您的反馈建议! What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做? What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想? Feel free to give your comments.请随意提出您的建议。

Any question, please don\'t hesitate to let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Any question, please let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Please contact me if you have any questions.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Please let me know if you have any question on this.有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。

Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议! Do you have any idea about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗? It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user\'s behavior.您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了! At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/iue.如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。 4.Give feedback 意见反馈 Please see comments below.请看下面的评论。

My answers are in blue below.我的回答已标蓝。

I add some comments to the document for your reference.我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。 5.Attachment 附件

I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.我附加了评估报告供您阅读。

Attached please find today\'s meeting notes.今天的会议记录在附件里。

Attach is the design document, please review it.设计文档在附件里,请评阅。

For other known iues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。

6.Point listing 列表 Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today:1…….2…….


Some known iues in this release:1…….2…….声明中涉及的一些问题:1…….2…….

Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns:1…….2…….

我们阅读了最新的供应链管理政策,做出如下考虑:1…….2…….Here are some more questions/iues for your team:1…….2…….以下是对你们团队的一些问题:1…….2…….The current status is as following: 1…… 2……

目前数据如下: 1…… 2…

Some items need your attention:1…….2…….以下方面需提请注意:1…….2…….7.Raise question 提出问题

I have some questions about the report XX-XXX 我对XX-XXX报告有一些疑问。

For the aignment ABC, I have the following questions:… 就ABC协议,我有以下几个问题:…… 8.Proposal 提议

For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing… 关于平台启动的下一步计划,我有一个提议……

I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。

Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding iue…… Achievo团队建议应对突出问题采用A办法。 9.Thanks note 感谢信

Thank you so much for the cooperation感谢你的合作! Thanks for the information 谢谢您提供的信息! I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。 Thanks for your attention! 谢谢关心! Your kind aistance on this are very much appreciated.我们对您的协助表示感谢。 Really appreciate your help! 非常感谢您的帮助! 10.Apology 道歉

I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding! 对造成的误解我真诚道歉! I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctne of our implementation ASAP. 很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息


1.Dear Mr./Ms,

Mr.John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m.about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you.If not, what time you would suggest.

Yours faithfully,





Back to Top

Dear Mr./ Ms,

Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr.Green\'s visit during June 2-7.Unfortunately, Mr.Edwards, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June.He would, however, be pleased to see Mr.Green any time after his return.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,





Back to Top

2.Dear Mr/Ms,

I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from nextMonday to Friday, (October 5-9).I should like to call on you to discu our new monitor.Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a meage will reach me.If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.

Yours faithfully




Back to Top

Dear Mr/Ms,

Thank you for your letter of September 26.We shall be very pleased to see you and discu your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable.We will be happy to meet with you at 9:30 a.m.on Wednesday, October 7, if the time is convenient for you.

We look forward to meeting you.

Yours faithfully





Back to Top

3.Dear Mr./ Ms,

I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on you at 2.00 p.m.on that day.

If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall aume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time.

Yours faithfully






Back to Top

4.Dear Mr./ Ms,

Mr.Jack Baron, our personnel director, has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at half past two.

I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come.

Yours faithfully





Back to Top

Dear Mr./ Ms,

Thank you for your letter of yesterday inviting me to come for an interview on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at 2:30.I shall be happy to be there as requested and will bring my diploma and other papers with me.

Yours faithfully




Hi Paolo, Have a nice day! It’s greeting from Candice from China Merchants Logistics.We haven\'t contacted with each other for several weeks.How are you these days? Last time we talk about quotation of price and trial operation.Does Marcegaglia have any logistics requirement these days? And do we have any cooperation opportunities recently or in the near future?

CML sincerely hopes to be your logistics partner.Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon。Also please let me know if you need any other information.Thank you! Pls give my best wishes to your family.



My name is Alice Ma,from China Hubei Huangshi.I just joined this excellent公司名 yesterday.It\'s my pleasure and honour to be a member of sales and work with a distinguished group of people like you.I am cheerful,honest,easy to get along with others.AndI like climbing and running.

Since I first arrived,there are many aspects of knowledge I need to learn.Please give me morn concorn.Thank you.

Nice to meet you ALL and any suggestion is appreciated.I would like we can work better together and help each other in the future.

Warmly regards.Thanks.

Alice Ma.




缩写ext. (Extension 电话分机)

♦ Greeting meage 祝福

Hope you have a good trip back.祝旅途愉快。

How are you? 你好吗?

How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗?

♦ Initiate a meeting 发起会议

I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown.Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空?

I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。

We\'d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30.Same time.十月三十号(周三),老时间,开会。

Let\'s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。

I want to talk to you over the phone regarding iues about report development and the XXX project.我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。

♦ Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议

Shall you have any problem acceing the folders, please let me knows.如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.期待您的反馈建议!

What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做?

What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想?

Feel free to give your comments.请随意提出您的建议。

Any question, please don\'t hesitate to let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Any question, please let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Please contact me if you have any questions.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Please let me know if you have any question on this.有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。

Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议!

Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议!

Do you have any idea about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗?

It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user\'s behavior.您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了!

At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/iue.如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。

♦ Give feedback 意见反馈 Please see comments below.请看下面的评论。

My answers are in blue below.我的回答已标蓝。

I add some comments to the document for your reference.我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。

♦ Attachment 附件

I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.我附加了评估报告供您阅读。

Attached please find today\'s meeting notes.今天的会议记录在附件里。

Attach is the design document, please review it.设计文档在附件里,请评阅。

For other known iues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。

♦ Point listing 列表

Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today:1…….2…….


Some known iues in this release:1…….2…….声明中涉及的一些问题:1…….2……。

Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns:1…….2…….


Here are some more questions/iues for your team:1…….2…….以下是对你们团队的一些问题:1…….2……。

The current status is as following: 1…… 2…… 目前数据如下: 1…… 2……

Some items need your attention:1…….2…….以下方面需提请注意:1…….2……。

♦ Raise question 提出问题

I have some questions about the report XX-XXX.我对XX-XXX报告有一些疑问。 For the aignment ABC, I have the following questions:… 就ABC协议,我有以下几个问题:……

♦ Proposal 提议

For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing… 关于平台启动的下一步计划,我有一个提议……

I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。

Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding iue…… Achievo团队建议应对突出问题采用A办法。

♦ Thanks note 感谢信

Thank you so much for the cooperation! 感谢你的合作!

Thanks for the information! 谢谢您提供的信息!

I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。

Thanks for your attention! 谢谢关心!

Your kind aistance on this are very much appreciated.我们对您的协助表示感谢。

Really appreciate your help! 非常感谢您的帮助!

♦ Apology 道歉

I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding! 对造成的误解我真诚道歉!

I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctne of our implementation ASAP.很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。


1.FYI = For your information 仅供参考

2.Cc = Carbon copy.Enter the addre of anyone you\'d like to receive a copy of your email on the cc line.


3.Bcc = Blind carbon copy.If you want to send a copy of your email without the original recipient\'s knowledge, put the addre on the Bcc line.

暗送。假如你想发送邮件复本,Amazing Light又不想让原始接受人知道,就在暗送一栏中输进地址。

4.Spam (n) = electronic junk mail


5.Scroll (v.)= to move text or graphics up or down or acro a display screen as if unrolling a Chinese scroll painting.

例句: If you scroll down to the very bottom, you will see my contact numbers.



6.Flaming (n.) = using rude or obscene language in an email meage or sending such meages.

例句: Flaming is strictly prohibited in workplace.



7.Group list = email addrees of a group of people with whom you communicate frequently.Most email software allow the storage of such group lists, enabling users to select a name for each group and send meages without having to type multiple addrees.

群体列表, 即经常联系的一组职员的电子邮件地址。大多数电子信函软件都能储存这样的地址列表,答应使用者为每组起个名字以便在发送信件时无须录进全部地址。

8.BTW = By the way


9.LOL = Laughing out loud


10.FAQ = Frequently asked questions


11.FYEO = For your eyes only; confidential


12.IC = Oh, I see


13.BBL = Be back later


14.THX = Thanks


15.CYA= See ya (or, See you later)


16.IMO = In my opinion


17.IMHO = In my humble (or, honest) opinion


18.ROFL= Rolling on the floor laughing


IAE = In any event 不管怎样,在任何活动中

IOW = In other words 换句话说

OTOH = On the other hand 另一方面

PS = Post scriptum 拉丁语,当在文章末尾加上一个特别的句子时实用,通常表示:“特别提示”“请留意”等

ASAP = As soon as poible 尽快

WRT = With respect to 至于,关于

RGDS: regards

TKS: thanks

ASAP: as soon as posible

BTW: by the way

FW: foward

COD: code of conduct 公司行为规范准则

OL: office lady

EG: for example

FYI: for you information

ETC: esmated time of complete

ETS: esmated time of shipping

NG: no good

NFG: no fxxking good

FNG: fxxking new guy 常指把事情搞得一团糟的新员工

SOB: son of a *** 我的口头禅

cc: copies send to

bcc: copies send to undisclosed-recipients 这一招很阴毒,发文骂人,bcc老板,而受文者看不到你告状

stand up meeting非正式的短会,比如说三两个人站在过道中间讨论一下事情,老外喜欢这样干;


Fedex/DHL/UPS 常用的快递公司;

Gettogether 聚一聚,\"Let\'s have a gettogether this weekend.\"

Reminder 提醒一下,\"Just a kind reminder.\"表示你可能mi掉了一些事情,人家不方便指责你,所以\"善意提醒\";

Localize 这几年各至公司流行这个词,是老外挂在中层本地骨干前面的胡萝卜。\"localize the management level\"

Cell 对手机比较隧道的说法,\"Call my cell if you can\'t find me in the office.\" 说 mobil phone比较土,说hand phone就土掉渣了;

Page 传呼,BB机流行的年代常用。\"Page me.\" 说\"Call me.\"的很土;

Manuel 工作手册,指南

Expense 用度,出差要报销的也是expense;

Budget 预算,每个项目不论大小,包括出往聚餐,都要事先算budget;

pain in the a 办公室口头禅,意指老也没办法解决的麻烦事;

outing 忙碌了一段时间,或一个重要项目完成后,老板带大家出往疯一次,当然是公费,一般是星期五方一天假,再加上周末两天;用travel 或 tour 相当不隧道,很土;

project 使用频率最高的词之一,很多非外企也爱用它,我朋友的公司开会时也爱说\"我们来讨论一下这个破街。\"

fall guy 替罪羊,公司里避免不了;

face music 挨骂,被上司训斥;

kick somebody 老板训人;

go by book 按规章办事

tough 两个意思,一指办事手段果断,不留情面;一指棘手的事情;

day in and day out 日复一日;

first-aid 指公司内的医药箱;

misunderstanding 误解,误会,办公室内经常会有;

routine 例行事务

screw up 弄砸事情,常用纯口语,正式一点的说法是\"You did it wrong.\"公司里面一般说\"You screw it up.\" screw这个词单独用在口语里,相当于国语里面的\"操\"和\"干\",当然原意是指钻钉螺丝,名词指螺丝刀;

creative / creativity 创造性思维,老外最推崇这一点;

petty cash 出差或办事前,跟财务领取的备用金,这个词组很有用;

sign off 签发,可以指文件,也可以指正式认可某件事的开始执行;

stationary 文具,很有用的一个词;


asignment 任务,职责;

in charge / follow up / responsible for这三个说法的意思都是\"负责\",但用法不一样:

in charge 表示对一个部分,一项有一定重要性的事务负责,也可以对人,与权力相关,

follow up 表示具体跟进某事,与事情的重要性,与人,与权力无关,

responsible for 的程度介乎前两种表达之间;

credit 不是信用卡那个信用的意思,指员工在公司内积累的口碑,信任度和价值,\"Good job, this will add your credit in the company.\"这句话的意思是老板以后会更重视你,由于你这件事干得好。

Reputation 名声,口碑,不论好坏;

lay off: 解雇;

extension: 分机,常简作:ext#

approach 报告,会议中常用此词,尽量达到的意思,中文确切表达此词有难度;

presentation 简报,一般用ppt来做;

scenario 这个词很有意思,原用于电子游戏的\"关卡\"的意思,公司内常用于指某个大项目的其中一个阶段,或其中一个部份;

proposal 未经确认通过的提议,待讨论的方案;

package 包裹,所谓\"一揽子计划\"就由此而来,比如你往某公司interview,最后让你提问,比较隧道的说法是\"What\'s the package?\"问的是你们能给的待遇乱七八糟加起来有些什么?red hat hippy

harament :骚扰

headquarters :总公司,Rocker Firework总部

LO :liaison office,当地国家的分部;

recognize :认可,recgnized supplier, 指认可的供给商;

amotize :分摊,\"The expenses are to be amotized by the LOs.\"由各分公司分摊用度;

on shifts :轮班;

2/4/u/r to/for/you/are 到/给/你/是

CUL see you later 回头见

bldg building 大厦,建筑物

F2F face to face 面对面

e.g.exempli gratia 例如

e.o.m end of month 月底

SYSOP system operator 系统治理员

PS postscript.又及,附注

TIA thanks in advance 先谢了

POV point of view 观点

BRB be right back 稍等,马上回来

WRT with respect to 关于



1.About your college and Specialty

A: What university do you attend?

B: I attend Zhongshan University.

A: When will you graduate from the university?

B: I will graduate this coming July.

A: Are you going to receive any degree?

B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Busine Adminstration.

A: Please tell me about the courses you’ve completed at university.

B: I’ve completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Busine English and so on.

A: What is your favorite course?

B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.


2.About your academic records

A: What university do you attend?

B: I attend Zhongshan University.

A: When will you graduate from the university?

B: I will graduate this coming July.

A: Are you going to receive any degree?

B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Busine Adminstration.

A: Please tell me about the courses you’ve completed at university.

B: I’ve completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Busine English and so on.

A: What is your favorite course?

B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.


3 .About your student life

A: Are you a student leader at college?

B: Yes.I’ve served as the monitor of our cla for two years.

A: Have you got any honors or rewards in your university days?

B: Yes.I’ve been on the honor roll for three academic years.

A: Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities at college?

B: Yes.I’ve been on the college basketball team.

A: What sports do you usually take part in at college?

B: I sometimes play table tennis and sometimes play basketball.

A: Is there anything you regret not having done or would like to have done differently at college?

B: I’ve spent so much time on club activities during the four years.However, I’ve never mied any of my claes.But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put more time and energy into studying, looking back on it.

A: Is there any teacher who imprees you very deeply during your student life?

B: Yes.Our maths profeor has left a deep impreion on me.In cla, he is responsible in


4.About your reasons for application

A: Why are you interested in working with this company?

B: I am interested in working with your company because I know yours is one of the largest computer companies in our country (porvince, city).My major in the university is computer programming, so I wish to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge here.

A: Do you choose this company on account of high pay (or remuneration)?

B: No, not only for high pay (remuneration), but also for a good working environment.As far as I know, working in a Sino-foreign joint venture calls for punctuality and responsibility.It is such a working environment that I am looking for.

A: Have you applied for a similiar post to any other company?

B: Yes, I’ve also applied to Global Huada Company Ltd.-- a Sina-American joint venture, in case I may not be accepted here.

A: What is the result of your application to that company?

B: They’ve turned me down.

A: What’s the reason why you failed to get the post?

B: My domicile isn’t in this city and they needed a local resident.That’s the sole reason for my failure to get the post.

A: If you are employed by both companies, whose offer will you accept?

B: Needle to say, my first choice is your company.





外企英文辞职信范文 Sample 1

Company Name or Letterhead


City, State Zip




City, State Zip


Effective October 1, I will aume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., in Baton Rouge.Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Aociates, effective September 30.

The decision was a difficult one for me BECause I have so enjoyed my working relationships here.The job description has given me GREat latitude in aisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I’ve gained skills in several related fields.These cro-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, claroom setting, I’ve been able to take advantage of claes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations.All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me.

As I go to the new position, I’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

Thank you for the rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during my seven-year aociation with the organization.


外企英文辞职信范文 Sample 2

Dear Mr.

Please accept my resignation as aociate chemist at the GERT Institute.I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date.

As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry.Therefore, I’ve accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.”

Although I’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I reGREt leaving the institute.You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years.I won’t forget the friendship and profeional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here.

Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.


外企英文辞职信范文 Sample 3


After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company).Needle to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.

Please make my resignation

effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation.I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.

I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard.My aociation with HHH has been a valued part of my life.

Good luck to you in the years to come.


外企英文辞职信范文 Sample 4


I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the XXX plant, effective May 15.As of now, I’m not quite sure where I’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general

manager was filled by someone from outside the company.Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position.Under the circumstances, I think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

I do appreciate the management training I’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general busine career I decide to pursue.My best wishes for the company’s continued growth.


外企英文辞职信范文 Sample 5





SUBJECT: Resignation

Please accept my resignation as Aociate Chemist at XXX Research, Inc.; my last day will be August 15, 19–.

While enjoying aigned projects and contributing to the company’s overall growth, I feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which I developed a keen interest during my graduate studies.Therefore, I have accepted a position more in line with those interests at Meadows Chemical Company.

This decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years.Please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at XXX Inc..



Effective October 1, I will aume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., in Baton Rouge.Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Aociates, effective September 30.

The decision was a difficult one for me BECause I have so enjoyed my working relationships here.The job description has given me GRE at latitude in aisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I’ve gained skills in several related fields.These cro-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, claroom setting, I’ve been able to take advantage of claes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations.All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me.

As I go to the new position, I’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

Thank you for the rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during my seven-year aociation with the organization.




dear mr.

please accept my resignation as aociate chemist at the gert institute.i plan to leave my job here on september 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date.

as you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry.therefore, i’ve accepted a position with fury refining, inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.”

although i’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, i regret leaving the institute.you and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years.i won’t forget the friendship and profeional growth i’ve experienced as an employee here.

best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.




Respect leadership:

First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you! In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progrees day by day!

I am electronic information project specialized 2012 seions of graduates, learned in the near future your firm is advertising for the talented person, I hoped can arrive has the opportunity to your firm work.

In school period, I study the specialized knowledge diligently, and invested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it.While studies the textbook knowledge earnestly, I participate in school inside and outside practice positively, and has obtained some result.If monolithic integrated circuit development design, aspects and so on pCB Layout as well as homepage design.The university four years let my English proficiency have progre,And smooth paed the national English six levels of tests,Had certainly certainly has listened to, to say, to read, writes ability,Has the reading specialized literature English foundation of basic skills.

I have the good computer knowledge and application ability, can grasp the basic application software skilled the use, and can use languages and so on C, aembly, VB, HTML carries on the programming.Moreover I also can using Multisim, protel, pspice, Auto CAD and so on the specialized software carry on the correlation work,And many times participated in the project practice which in the school organizes.I have studied some knowledge using after school which the related homepage design, the plane design as well as the video frequency pick arrange,Can skilled manufacture the homepage using the homepage three swordsmen,And can use imagery proceing softwares and so on the photoshop, ACDSee to carry on the related design work,Has uses Adobe premiere the pro software editor complete video frequency plan the experience.I longed for study has uses, to long for own knowledge can obtain the practice examination, looked forward to the practice will be able to enrich my work experience and the ability glorious future.

“The great ambition can sometimes, directly link up the cloud sail to aid the sea”, I hope alliance your firm sincerely, I can surely by full warm and the tenacious disposition diligent work, with colleague absolute sincerity cooperation, for expensive unit\'s development own one\'s pygmy effort.

Along with letter enclosed resume and other material, if must a deeper understanding, hope for your interviewing!






新员工试用期:3 months probation







stand tree

“I stand tree this time.”这次我请客。

go dutch




lunch break


外企公司常用缩写:RGDS: regards

TKS: thanks

ASAP: as soon as posible

BTW: by the way

FW: foward

COD: code of conduct 公司行为规范准则

OL: office lady

EG: for example

FYI: for you information

ETC: esmated time of complete

ETS: esmated time of shipping

NG: no good

NFG: no fxxking good

FNG: fxxking new guy 常指把事情搞得一团糟的新员工

SOB: son of a bitch 我的口头禅

cc: copies send to

bcc: copies send to undisclosed-recipients 这一招很阴毒,发文骂人,bcc老板,而受文者看不到你告状stand up meeting







聚一聚,“Let’s have a gettogether this weekend.”


提醒一下,“Just a kind reminder.”表示你可能mi掉了一些事情,人家不方便指责你,所以“善意提醒”;


这几年各大公司流行这个词,是老外挂在中层本地骨干前面的胡萝卜。“localize the management level”cell

对手机比较地道的说法,“Call my cell if you can’t find me in the office.” 说 mobil phone比较土,说hand phone就土掉渣了;


传呼,BB机流行的年代常用。“Page me.” 说“Call me.”的很土;







pain in the a



忙碌了一段时间,或一个重要项目完成后,老板带大家出去疯一次,当然是公费,一般是星期五方一天假,再加上周末两天;用travel 或 tour 相当不地道,很土;



fall guy


face music


kick somebody’s a


go by book




day in and day out








screw up

弄砸事情,常用纯口语,正式一点的说法是“You did it wrong.”公司里面一般说“You screw it up.”


creative / creativity


petty cash


sign off







in charge / follow up / responsible for


in charge 表示对一个部门,一项有一定重要性的事务负责,也可以对人,与权力相关,

follow up 表示具体跟进某事,与事情的重要性,与人,与权力无关,

responsible for 的程度介乎前两种表达之间;


不是信用卡那个信用的意思,指员工在公司内积累的口碑,信任度和价值,“Good job, this will add your credit in the company.”这句话的意思是老板以后会更重视你,因为你这件事干得好。



lay off: 解雇;

extension: 分机,常简作:ext#










包裹,所谓“一揽子计划”就由此而来,比如你去某公司interview,最后让你提问,比较地道的说法是“What’s the package?”问的是你们能给的待遇乱七八糟加起来有些什么?

harament :骚扰

headquarters :总公司,总部

LO :liaison office,当地国家的分部;

recognize :认可,recgnized supplier, 指认可的供应商;

amotize :分摊,“The expenses are to be amotized by the LOs.”由各分公司分摊费用;

on shifts :轮班;

driver :推动者,“The develpment will drive this case.”这个项目由开发部主导。
