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为了提高同学们的英语学习兴趣,丰富同学们的课余生活,我材料学院学生会学习部特举行了英语话剧比赛。 活动前我学习部部长、副部长及干事对本次活动做了积极充分的准备。我学习部主要负责人把工作分开去做,责任到人,提高了工作的效率和质量。有负责计分的,有负责纪律的,有负责打水的、主持的等。我学习部为了使话剧活动更加生动,还邀请了两位外国友人。两位外国友人并在台上献唱,活跃了全场气氛。



2010-12-1篇二:2013-2014英语话剧班总结 2013——2014学年度五动空间英语童话剧班总结












小学生正处在身心发展的关键时期,他们的自我意识不断增强,十分注重自己在别人心目中的地位。教师应善于发现学生的闪光点,多用激励性评价引导学生,使学生产生自豪感,从而激发其学习英语的兴趣。课本剧表演结束后,教师在对学生实施评价时要注意评价的多元化,如让学生进行自我评价;另外教师可以引导学生从综合语言能力、表演能力和团队合作等方面作出评价,最后选出“the best actor/actre” 、“the best partner” 、“the best originality”等。篇三:英语话剧总结


为丰富校园活动,提高学生英语水平和英语学习兴趣,增强广大青少年的团结合作精神和集体主义意识 ,我系于六月十五日开展了英语话剧大赛。此次活动不仅增进了同学之间的友谊,也加深了同学们对彼此之间的认识;也为同学们提供了一个展示自我的平台,使更多的同学迸发出了对学习英语的火花!学校生活不仅意味着学习,也意味着与不同的人相处以及合作,见贤思齐,取长补短,同时发掘出一个更优秀的自我。




二〇一二年六月十六日 篇四:大学英语话剧活动总结 活动总结

为了丰富大学生的文化娱乐生活,提高英语口语的学习能力,给学生提供一个展示自我的机会.我材料学院学习部于2011年12月2日面向大一大二的所有同学,在4c#405举办了一次英语话剧比赛. 本次比赛以班级为单位,每班一组成员参加比赛.因为是英语话剧比赛,所以在比赛中,要想得冠,参赛者必须得有一口流利的英语,而且参赛者中途不得笑场,否则扣分.我想我部人员又一次验证了团结就是力量这句话.晚上6:00下课,而比赛在6:30正式开始,所以我部人员下课后马上到学生会集合,统一分工,集体行动.搬音响,提水,现场布置装饰,买水果,邀请评委嘉宾······ 这些工作竟然在15分钟内神速完成. 我部特地邀请了两位外国语学院的评委嘉宾,比赛结束后评委们对本次比赛赞不绝口。首先,同学们的口语表达能力很强,使得他们在场上表演时毫无畏惧,毫不怯场.这也更激发了其他同学学习英语口语的热情;其次,同学们的表演情节迭宕,内容别出心裁,这充分展示出了当代大学生思维的设计创新能力和想象力。


这次活动举办的非常出色,深受同学们的喜爱,同学们踊跃参加。但同时也反映出了需要我们注意的几个细节问题.需要我们努力的方面很多.所以我们要进一步完善自己,以饱满的热情和积极的心态去对待每一件事情。我们要坚持以奉献学校 服务同学为宗旨,真正做到为同学们服务,为学院和学校的发展尽心尽力。我们要事事站在学生的立场去考虑,大胆创新,坚持以服务学生为目的,积极举办一些同学们感兴趣又能提高他们的创新能力和道德休养的活动。


甲:Hello,every one, have you ever seen the movie? Yeah, you are right, I\'m the director-- Cameron Diaz, applaud , thank you....Recently, I will direct a new movie called , today, there will be a audition and I will select three actrees who can get the chance to perform in this film with famous actre---Anne Hathaway,OK, let\'s begin.At first , talent show, number one, let\'s welcome.乙:(风情万种,妖娆妩媚地走进来,给观众一个飞吻):oh,honey,dear,sweet,darling director, the most beautiful charming, sexy girl is coming , every body knows me, right? Yeah, I\'m Nicole Kidman, open your eyes as big as you can and hold your breath, there will be a unique, fantastic dance show for you, I believe that all of you will be crazy about it ,(打个响指) come some music.(搞笑舞,自由发挥).(跳完,鞠躬,向观众谢幕), thank you,(面向导演), honey, is it a wonderful performance? 甲:(作目瞪口呆状), 乙:(在甲眼前晃手),oh, darling, are you Ok? 甲:eh...my god, have you use some stimulant drugs this morning, you make my nerves nervous.Get out , next one.乙:oh no ...sweet ,you break my heart...(掩面离去) 丙:oh it seems to be serious.God ble me(画个十字架,镇定地走到甲面前,伸出手), nice to meet you, director.甲:(与之握手),nice to meet you too,so, introduce yourself please.丙:I\'m Celine Dion, you know, I don\'t have too many achievements, I just won five Grammy awards, 12 World Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards , 21 Juno Awards and(做沉思状) oh, I forget it , a Oscar Award, (同学鼓掌,乙作安抚状),oh, calm down, calm down,it\'s just a piece of cake for me ,you know, I....甲:ok ,stop, time is limited, just begin 丙:OK!!! I\'ll use my first signature song to conquer you --my heart will go on, just enjoy it.near, far, wherever you are i believe that the heart does go on once more, you opened the door(甲stop stop,丙不理,继续作深情状)and you\'re here in my heart,and my heart will go on and on.甲:guard ,guard,help,drag this mad woman out.Oh, I\'m dying,hope the next one will give me a surprise 丁:(对着乙的背影,沉思状)to be,or not to be,it\'s a question!(走到甲面前牵起她的手做亲吻状),I\'m glad to see you,my dear prince.甲(做娇羞状):oh, it\'s really a big surprise,so what\'s your name? 丁:My name? Oh, wait a minute.Do you know Trish Regan?特里什里根(美国女主播)

(甲,白痴的摇头),eh..,it\'s ok,then how about Robin Meade?(摇头),and you must know Melia Theuriau? (摇头),(丁,情绪激动),oh,my god!you know nothing, how can you sit in here.甲(指门,气愤状),you you you.....丁:ok ok, it doesn\'t matter, you needn\'t learn about them, but you must know me, the most famous hoste who will catch up with those person and become the greatest poet---oprah奥普拉(美国电视节目主持人)! 甲:I don\'t care who you are, just show me your talent.丁:ok ,listen,one poem,I have had found my best love, but I didn’t treasure her.When I lost her, I regret.It’s the most pain in the world.If God can give me another chance, I will say these words to her “I love you”! 甲(起鸡皮疙瘩状):oh, I can\'t stand, show you the door, 丁(转身离开,继续台词):If there is a time limit, I hope, it is (回头,对甲)10 thousand years.甲:oh, it\'s really a terrible ,awful, horrible day,why it is such difficult to find an excellent actre.Oh, I\'m dying,you three, come here, 三人跑进来,乙妩媚状:honey, you like my dance,right? 丙镇静状:director,you like my singing,right? 丁深情状:prince,you like my poem,right? 三人同声:we are past,right? 甲:eh..Thank you for your eh..Wonderful performance,but,I\'m sorry to tell you ....(接电话) What? Nobody comes here except they three,oh...god.(挂电话,低头),you three,(抬头),pa! 三人欢呼,说:we make it,we are superstar! 乙(甜蜜状):that\'s very sweet of you,we love you so much(飞个吻) 甲:you know, you are not good enough now, but I\'m look forward to your progre.Do you have confidence? 三人齐答:yes,we do! 甲伸手,三人搭上,同声,fight,fight,fight!



Lose weight every day 主持人:欢迎大家来到天天减肥栏目,我们的口号是——() 今天我们有幸请到的嘉宾是功,华,明。欢迎他们上场。

Welcome to lose weight every day。And the Slogan of ours is——()

Today we have invited four guests, they are gong, hua and Ming.Let\'s Welcome them


Hello everybody, I\'m Very pleased to participate in lose weight every day.I\'m 个ong.明:见到你们很高兴,我叫明。

I\'m glad to see you, I\'m Ming施:大家好,很荣幸能参加这期节目,我叫华。

Hello everyone , I\'m honored to take part in this program.I\'m hua


Next , Let\'s invite the domestic expert of lose weight , Profeion kun.坤:大家好,我叫坤,见到你们很开心。 Hello, I\'m kun.I\'m glad to see you.主持人:请各位嘉宾就座。今天我们讨论的主题是减肥。那么我们会与大家分享一些关于减肥的正确方法。首先我想问问各位嘉宾,平时如果你们减肥,你们会用哪些方法。

Ladies and gentlemen please have a seat.The theme of our discuion today is lo weight .Then we will share with you some correct ways to lose weight.First of all, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to ask if you lose weight, you will use what methods.


In fact, this has been a problem that bothers me.As you can see, I am a little fat.I usually have think about a lot of weight lo methods like go on a diet and so on.

主持人:好像节食是一件很痛苦的事情。那你能坚持下来吗? It seems that to go on a diet is a very painful thing.You can stick it down?


Simply not insisted on.I\'m hungry, and could not help but eat.So I gave up this way, then I will go to the sports consumption of fat in the body.

主持人:平时你会做哪些运动? What do you do sports usually? 华:我去跑步,去打羽毛球等。 I go running, and play badminton , and so on.


A lot of people would choose to go on a diet, sports to lose weight, then gong , Do you have any good ways?功:我认为吃减肥药是一种很不错的的方法。像现在在网上,电视上会做很多减肥药的广告,效果不错,特别是对那些不爱运动,习惯吃的人真的是不错的选择。

I think take the diet pills is a very good way.Like there are a lot of ads of diet pills online, on television.And some of them have a great effect .It\'s a good choice especially for those who do not love sports and have a habit of eating.


There are several diet pills are very popular, like L-carnitine, Green thin, and so on.Do you know what weight lo methods, ming? 明明:据我了解,好像做抽脂手术也是很好的方法。但是相对来说会有些贵。

As far as I know, to do good liposuction is also a good method.But relatively speaking, it would be a little expensive.

主持人:We can know everybody have different ideas.但是哪种方法是最正确有效的呢?不妨让我们来听听刘教授的观点吧。 We can know everybody have different ideas.But which method is the most effective? Let us listen to the view of Profeor Liu.

坤:我听了三位关于减肥方法的不同想法。其实这些方法也是平时我们用的最普遍的。但这几种方法都有它们的缺陷。我们应该掌握一些正确的减肥方法。不要盲目的去节食,运动,吃药等。可能这些对你 根本没有作用,反而会给你身体带来副作用。我建议大家认真分析一下自身情况或者可以找专家给你分析一下你真正胖的原因,你需要怎样正确减肥。现在很多人,尤其是女生,明明不是很胖,但是去节食,吃减肥药,其实这样只会伤害到自己的身体,所以我们要健康减肥。 I listened to three different ideas about the ways to lose weight.In fact, these methods are which we use the most commonly.But these several methods have their defects.We should grasp the correct ways to lose weight.Do not blindly go on a diet, exercise, medication.These may have no effects , but will give your body the side effects.I suggest that you carefully analyze your own situation or you can find experts to give you what you need to do to lose weight properly and analyze the reason of your real fat.Now a lot of people, especially girls, are clearly not fat.But they lose weight, go on a diet, eat diet pills.In fact, this will only hurt their own bodies, so we have to lose weight healthly.主持人:听了专家的建议,大家要切记不要盲目减肥,要找到适合自己的正确的减肥方法。在保持身体健康的前提下,达到减肥的目的。那么我们本期节目到此为止,欢迎各位嘉宾的参与。天天减肥,欢迎你们下次再来。

After Listening to the advice of experts, we have to remember not to blindly lose weight , and find the correct way to lose weight.Under the premise of maintaining the health , to achieve weight lo goals.So our current program ends here, welcome ladies and gentlemen to participate in.Lose weight every day, welcome you to come back next time.


beard is looking good there,A…..1(女)

Don‟t thank me,,thank the dice.,they told me what percentage of my face to shave.….2

Why are you still doing this?.....3

Because it‟s working,,…in the past few weeks ,not be bothered by trivialities,so and I‟m about

to figuring out why 1+1=2…..2

You forgot,got chafed testicles because you no longer wear underpants…..4

When give,,also lost.… ..2

Is 5 out with 6 again?...1

Yeah,every night …4

Wow, can‟t believe that he has a girlfriend….1

摇色子 me neither…2

Here‟s some other fun new on the 5 and 6,…..,he gave her a pair of diamond earrings anda car…3

You‟re kidding…..1

You think she‟s taking advantage of him?.....4

Oh ,of course not.She wouldn‟t do something like that…she is deaf….1

无奈的表情 deaf??....deaf woman can‟t be gold diggers?..4

,Everyone knows that …..they are nice….1

Yeah, I actually have information about 5 that would be helpful with this discuion…2 (不相信的眼神)Could you tell us?…4

Let‟s see 摇色子..(说出多少点).sorry,bud….2

Wait, hang on , two together .roll again…..1

摇色子okay ,listening to me.(都很无奈)…it doesn‟t matter if he buy lots of gifts ,because his families are vastly wealthy….2

What do you mean “vastly wealthy”?...1

Well, “wealthy” means a lot of money……”vastly” means even more…I „m not sure what you

don‟t understand…(都很无奈)...2

OK,I know they have money .i don‟t think it‟s that much….4

No,you‟re wrong…..through my survey in a few decades, his familiers are‟t just rich ,they‟re Richie Rich rich….2

Well,so how much is that?..1

About halfway between xietingfeng and zhangbozhi….2

what?? The last time we went to the zoo….,that son made me buy him ice cream…3

4走出教室(哼着歌)listen,guys, I need to go call 5‟s sister ,who I love so much…..so vastly much….4

OK….,so he is very rich …1

And he pay off all her credit cards…3

What??.damn it ,I could have date 5 for a coulp months….but I „m not that kind of girl….we should really talk to 5….1

He‟s not going to listen…he is in love….3

Can‟t know what to do?.?.....now,excuse me,…I have to….摇色子….stay right here…..2


I used to have my dream !

我有过梦想 旁白(谢秋霞):

Now I am a freshman .These days I suddenly find how I cherish the memory of my previous life! In those days my clamates and I worked hard for our dreams! We even do not know what was tired.Therefore,we could study at night with our own hand lights and we could get up so early as the sky was still dark.What we only know was that we have our own dreams and we would not be ordinary people.However it seemd that everything is changing! I am beginning not to know who I am and what I am doing and where my ambitions are! Scene one: 闹铃响起

No.1(尹思阳): Oh, my lady gaga! It is already 7:60! Get up! Quickly! Quickly! Get up! Get up! Get up! We are late! No.2(肖翠平): What claes will have this morning? No.1: Let me see! Uh。。。。。。English and RS! No.2: Oh, English? It’s so cool .I won’t go to the claroom! No.3(孙川): Are you sure that we will have English at our first cla? No.1: Uh……Yes! No.3: he he a o, he he a o ,he he he he(啄木鸟叫声),I just made a hard decision that I won’t go to the claroom too! No.4(陆坤):I am three! No.1: Ok, as your good brother.I want to be four! No.2、No.3and No.4 together shout to No.1: No! As our respected and handsome and strong brother, you must go there in case of the teachers’ calling! No.1: Uh…… Ok, you know that When I smile like this :he he, in fact I am thinking that you are all fools in my heart! No.

2、No.3 and No.4 together smile to No.1:He he……

Scene two: (No.1 has just gone!) No.2: Get up! Get up! It’s time to keep on playing our game! We have no time because of the coming examinations! Therefore we must speed up! No.3: Oh, yeah! No.2 is right! Come on No.4! No.4: Uh…….O…….K! At this time, a man break into the room! No.2、No.3 and No.4 feel puzzled! No.2 : Who are you?(并仔细的开始观察他) 好一会过后No.2如梦初醒!

No.2: No.feiwu? Are you No.feiwu? Oh, my dear feiwu.Long time no see! No.3 and No.4: Feiwu? He is feiwu? Oh, my god! Am I still sleeping?(掐对方) Er……I can’t feel any pain.No.4: A……

No.feiwu(李缘): Do you have any money to borrow me? No.2、No.3 and No.4: No, it’s not the thing that we don’t

have t money to borrow to you! It is because that we don’t want you to keep on going to the net bar and we don’t want you to go on corrupt.(堕落的) No.feiwu: All of you are so stingy! (小声的) No.2、No.3 and No.4 all keep quite, and begin to play their games! No.feiwu climb his own bed and begin to sleep. Scene three:(当



No.4: Hello! My baby! How do you know that I am not in cla? Girlfriend: Uh? Don’ t you forget about our appointment that you accompany with me to buy that lovely skirt by skipping our English cla? No.4: How can it be poible! Girlfriend: Wuwuwu

…….you are lying! You just don’t love me! Wuwuwuw

…….No.4: Oh, my baby, I love you.I really love you! I was just preparing to see you! Wait me! I will go there in two minutes!

No.4:Feiwu, Lend me 100 yuan! No.feiwu: What?

Scene Four:

旁白:The time is so fast! It’s already 7:30 at p.m.No.4 was just coming from the supermarket with her girlfriend.No.4: How long do you play the game? No.3: Uh, all the time since you go.And we have only one barrier to pa now! How is your appointment?

No.4: Uh…..Don’t speak that! I In the supermarke ,She seemd like everything, but she only just have try at every store! Yeah , every store! Oh, my god! I nearly can’t put up with it! 笑声,近乎疯狂但又深表同情的笑声!

No.1、No.2 and No.3 together : Our girlfriends are the same! No.2: Oh, yeah! I pa it! No.

1、No.3 and No.4:Really? No.2: Yes! 四人开始跳舞庆祝!

No1: Now shouldn’t we celebrate it by drinking something? No.2、No.3 and No.4: Of course! We should! No.1: No.feiwu? would you join us to drink? No.feiwu: Uh…...Ok.But please be quite! I will call my mother for some money.全场肃静!

Mum: Hello, my dear! Your money has used up, isn’t it? No.feiwu: Uh……

Mum:Ok.This time I will post 1000 yuan to you for the reason that I will go to Beijing to build houses in next two month! My son,you should eat well! Don’t think about the money! Your mother is still strong ,therefore, though without your father, I believe that I can help you finish your dream! Ok, that’s all! Now I go to post the money to you! 电话挂断后长长的尾音! 《老男孩》歌曲响起! 旁白:

Dream? What are our dreams? We used to tell ourselves that we can let our life become better and better! We can feed all of our family! We should have our own businees! We won’t be ordinary people and so on! However, what are we doing? Playing computer games, skipping claes, drinking ……….That’s the way that we accomplish our dreams?Don’t we want to think that have we realize our previous dreams when we become old? Or we just let our own dreams accomplish by our children?





















































旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways.Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”.But finally he failed.Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.Action I 太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众) I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world.But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth.I am so scared.So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister? 阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming.太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”!

阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea.We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状)

太子:Oh yeah~~~.What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!这句话要跟观众交流,最好由观众来回答,然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate? 阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand.One is Mi LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe.Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as poible, OK? 阿三:Yes.Action II 主持人:Hello,everyone,Welcome to watch today\'s program。 there will be a PK between Limochou and Jingke.who will be the winner ?I think all of you have different opinions,If you support your hero。Please vote for him。The way of participation:send your hero’s name to 00000.then you will have chances to take photo with him and get your hero’s autograph.ok, start fighting.

(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐) 荆轲

Are you Li mochou? 李莫愁 Yes.荆轲

OK.I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.李莫愁

Are you challenging me? 荆轲

Of course! 耸耸肩表示同意李莫愁 Come on! 音乐起 两人冲上前来

1 “人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。。。。” 李莫愁倒地 荆轲大笑

李莫愁痛苦状:What happened? Why aren’t you hurt?

荆轲: We don\'t need any reason to win a person.Don\'t we? Do we? (赢一个人需要理由么,不需要么,需要么?)

李莫愁:Momma always said: \"Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou.You never know what you\'re gonna get.\" I got it, Momma is right.荆轲再次大笑

主持人:Mr Jingke,congratulations to you,how is your felling now?


主持人:I am your fan ,can you be my master? 荆轲:ok,follow me.太子丹上(抱拳):How are you? 荆柯:Fine, thank you, and you? 太子丹:Oh my Ladygaga! Could you give me a smart answer to “How are you”? 荆柯:Sure! 太子丹:How are you? 荆柯:Fine, thank you, and your wife? 太子丹晕倒

荆柯:Hey, man, I’m kidding!

太子丹:Oh, I’m kidding too!(毕恭毕敬)May I have your name card, please? 荆轲徒弟:maser,your bag.荆轲从兜里掏出一卷纸,上面写着: To be or not to be, that\'s a question.阿三:Hero,we need your help.荆柯:I am busy now! 太子丹:You can get a lot of money.荆柯:I am very busy now! 阿三:IC, ID, IQ card? 荆柯:I am very very busy now! 阿三(手指上场的美女,激动状): Look! She is the most beautiful girl in the world.If you say O.K., she is yours.荆柯(流口水):I have to say she is a very sexy and beautiful girl, but TCM is my only love! 阿三:What? What’s the TCM?

荆柯; Hey, guy! You look so smart but why you didn’t know TCM? Any of them can give you the answer.阿三:Excuse me? What’s the TCM? 观众甲:TCM - Traditional Chinese MM .太子丹:I must show you the trump card.Ladies and gentlemen, this is Slimming tea.It is a brand new product in China.荆柯(激动):Slimming tea! I have dreamed of it for thousands of times.My wife always threatens to leave me if I couldn’t reduce my weight.

阿三:You want? Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent? Why are you looking at me? Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I’m very glad, you still have to speak up.Take it! Do you really like? Really?你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗……

2 (《江南styler》音乐起,荆轲,阿三,太子丹等人跳起舞。。。。 荆柯(诚恳状) Just tell me what should I do? I will do anything for you.太子丹与阿三(击掌)Yeah! Action Ш


荆珂挽着妻子,徒弟,太子丹,阿三在后.阿三:Hero, we have already reached Yishui River.荆珂:Just stop here, please.Farewell, my friends 太子丹:I will mi you, baby.(太子丹,阿三下。停顿。《泰坦尼克号》主题曲起,荆轲与妻子道别。 荆珂(深情状):Darling, I love you.妻子:I love you! You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!(《肖申克的救赎》)

荆珂(流泪) :I love you more.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.(哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你,选自《飘》) 妻子:Well.Be a man, just do it! I will be right here waiting for you.荆珂(欲走还留,执子之手又曰):Sweetheart! You must do me this honor...promise me you will survive...that you will never give up...no matter what happens...no matter how hopele...promise me now, and never let go of that promise(泰坦尼克号沉船时,Jack对Rose的倾诉).妻子:\"I promise.\" 荆轲:\"Never let go.“

妻子:\"I promise.I will never let go, Jack.I\'ll never let go.\"

(荆轲的发音和jack很像,所以加了一些《泰坦尼克号》的台词。) 妻子努力挤出几滴眼泪,


妻子:It’s a good day to die.Never come back.Never…… Never……

妻子(掏出手机拨号,阿三接手机): Thank you very much.As soon as I get the life aurance $1000, 000, I will transfer half of it, $500,000 to your account.阿三:Okay okay! 旁白:Then Jingke was sent to Qin .Acion IV 秦王:Oh,shit,you look so rude ,prim,and ugly,why?why? 荆轲徒弟:what?you said what?please say again,Iwill kill you。 荆轲(拽了拽徒弟):淡定。

秦王(怒斥状):please go out,otherwise,I will kill you。

徒弟:you make me awful,now, if you kill me,I won’t give you the map,you know? 荆轲:sorry,we come here just want to make peace,please trust me。 秦王:ok,please show me the map。 >音乐起

荆轲走上前去,(呈恭敬状):Sir,It’s the map.旁白:Jingke fight with King Qin,but,unluckly,Jing Ke was killed by King Qin.Then the story is over.


Preface: Joys and sorrows 旁白:Prince Charming as the first slag male in the fairy tale world hooked up Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and so many beauties.Finally, being increasingly neglected,Snow White couldn’t bear him any more.Then she picked up her evil stepmother’s magic mirror, put a curse on Prince Charming.First act:Curse Place:Deep inside the place 白雪公主(一边哭着看着镜子,一边用衣角擦自己的眼泪): Oh,mirror mirror,the heartle man is so sentimental.Please tell me,what should I do? 魔镜:I can give him a curse, and turn him into an ugly frog.Only making a friend with a prince,or he will be a frog forever and live in the pond.白雪公主:Oh! No! I still love him, but , do so.(白雪公主抱起镜子,将它举过头顶,镜子施展出了魔法……) Second act:Fall Place:Garden (花园里,王子正和公主们玩游戏,忽然王子跪倒在地) 王子:Oh! No! What’s wrong! No, there must be someone who put a curse on me.(王子、青蛙互换,看不到王子,公主们惊讶地走开) 青蛙(面带绝望):No! I become a ugly frog.How can this be.You help me.(青蛙跳向公主们请求她们的帮助,结果,不但没有人愿意帮助他,反而引起了公主们的恐慌。最后,青蛙被卫兵抓住,丢出了城堡) Third act ;Place:Forest 旁白: There lived a King whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face.Close by the King’s castle lay a great dark forest, and under an old lime-tree in the forest was a well, and when the day was very warm, the King’s child went out into the forest and sat down by the side of the cool fountain, and when she was dull she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught it, and this ball was her favorite plaything.青蛙(气喘吁吁):Damn.how can there be a snake! When I turned back to prince,I will kill all snakes.(闻闻身上,做呕吐状) Too smelly! Shit!(忽然脚步声起)Someone’s coming.(眼珠一转思考状,躲在树后) 公主(玩金球,哈哈哈笑出声):Interesting! 青蛙:Good time! (抢过金球) 公主(做哭泣状):Return it to me.青蛙:Fairest of prince,do you want it back? 公主:Hateful ugly frog,back to me.青蛙(怒气):You actually dare to scold me? Unle you give mo a curse,I throw the ball into the deep pool.(公主看了看金球,疑惑状) 青蛙(蛇忽然出现,逃跑):Remember your promise.(公主跑过去捡起金球,逃离) Fourth act; Place:Palace 旁白:Prince ran home and soon forget the poor frog.The next day when she had seated herself at table with the king and all the courtiers, and was eating from her little golden plate, something came creeping splash, splash, up the marble staircase, and when it had got to the top, it knocked at the door and cried 青蛙:Prince, youngest prince, open the door for me.旁白:prince ran to see who was outside, but when she opened the door, there sat the frog in front of it.Then she slammed the door to, in great haste, sat down to again, and was quite frightened.国王:My child,what are you so afraid of? Is there perchance a giant outside who wants to carry you away? 公主:Ah,no,it is not giant, but a disgusting frog.青蛙:Prince, youngest prince! open the door for me! Prince, youngest prince! open the door for me! It’s me, Prince charming.(青蛙闯入宫殿)

国王:It’s funny.You are just a frog.青蛙:Dear father! Your daughter has promised to be my wife.If you disagree, the news that you don’t keep the promise will spread throughout the world.国王(转向公主):Can you testfy to the truth of his story? (公主拼命的摇头,头呈低下状) 青蛙:Don’t forget that you are a Christian .国王:May god in! 公主:No,dear father! I was threatened.(青蛙扑向公主,公主逃跑,相互追逐) 公主:No! No! No! (青蛙、公主逃出宫殿) 青蛙:Prince.Wait me! My little legs can’t catch up with you.公主:Help me! Help me! (忽然,一把剑刺中青蛙)

亚瑟王:Prince.Are you OK? I’m just paing by.公主(盯着亚瑟王):I’m all right.Thank you very much.亚瑟王:You’re welcome.(后面跟着兰斯洛特) 国王: Warrior, thank you for saving my daughter.There is a saying goes beauty with hero.I formally marry my daughter to you.亚瑟王:I feel great honor.Besides, my name is Arthur.My miion is to unite Europe.









A 玩电脑被砸死


C 睡觉没人叫 被砸被救

D 打电话跑了

情景23 分钟






B在旁边认真地学习,并不耐烦的告诉A 不要晃桌子



A is playing computer games ,he is in his own world and can't be attracted by other things.as serious as A ,B is doing his homework.Look at c,he always sleep just like a pig,and he is snoring just like this.what is d doing now?He is talking with his girlfriend in the phone.it seems just like a peaceful day as usual.however,the death is coming quitely.

学生A :doublekill!

学生B:oh,no!Why do you always shake your legs,look,the desk is shaking heavily.you made me feelthat like big earthquake

学生A:sorry,i am wrong.but how can the earthquake come.you always like to make jokes.maybe you have looked too many horror movies.

学生B:who knows?but if the earthquake really comes,we have no ways because we live on 6 floors.shall we jump out of the window?

学生A:You think too much,boy!just do you homework seriously and don"t think those bad things.ok?


学生D:I don't have courses today .what are you doing now.

When the holiday comes we can get together again.of course i mi you!

Oh ,my god,our room is shaking heavily,what happend, may be the disaster comes,maybe we can't get together again forever.....

(D 推了一下C,没有叫醒,然后自己偷偷跑下去了)

学生B:don't shake your legs,the desk is shaking again!

学生A:sorry ,i forget!..........no,i am not shaking,what a strange phenomenon.学生B:earthquake? Dose it really come?what can i do?i see!

(A 说完就从窗户跳下去了,B继续玩)

学生B:i konw,i play games all the day,may be i just need a little sleep.


学生C:what" up ?



B is dead because jumping from 6 floors is really a dangerous thing.B and C are buried in the ruin.Two hours later, the earthquake calm down ..he is very tired .the Rescue team comes here.there are 2 rescue personeland a dog all together,but the dog is lost........

救援人员E:Why is my dog?

救援人员F:We don't kown.let us serve the dog together

救援人员E:good idea.

学生C:Help!Help! I am dying!i want water.

救援人员F:listen carefuly,is there anyone shouting there?

救援人员E:ifmy dog is here,maybe it can tell us.

救援人员F:ok ,let's go there to have a look!

学生C:help ,help! Iam here,i don't want to die.i was just sleeping on my bed ,but now i was dying!

救援人员E:don't worry ,we can help you!give me your hand please..........

(经过救援,C 成功脱险,B还在里面)

学生C:thankyou very much,but my roommates is still buried in the ruin,please help him,please!

救援人员F:ok,he will be ok,don"worry.


Look,the premier Wen jiabao comes here personally,he is tired as well as very anxious.

总理G:““As a disaster is an order, every second counts for a survivor.It is the people who raise you up!Never cast aside and never give up!Saving a life belittles anything else!As long as there is a ray of hope, we will make every effort and never say never.”

The attendence of premierecourage everyone, they exhaust their energy to rescue victims.the Red Cro prove various goods and materials to victims.people from all the world leave thier own home to come here to help us.they dominate their money and clothes,giving their loving heart.


Hello everyone.Welcome to watch cctv .today we invite two earthquake experts H ,I,resue pesnol E,And the survivor C.


What's your first reactiong when the earquake comes?



1.If you are indoors, duck or drop down to the floor.Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture.Hold on to it and be prepared to move with it.Hold the position until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move.Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, woodstoves, and heavy furniture or appliances that may fall over.Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling gla or building parts.If you are in a crowded area, take cover where you are.Stay calm and encourage others to do likewise.

2.If you are outside, get into the open, away from buildings and power lines.

3.If you are driving, stop if it is safe, but stay inside your car.Stay away from bridges, overpaes and tunnels.Move your car as far out of the normal traffic pattern as poible.If poible, avoid stopping under trees, light posts, power lines, or signs.

4.If you are in a mountainous area, or near unstable slopes or cliffs, be alert for falling rock and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake.

5.If you are at the beach, move quickly to higher ground or several hundred yards inland.

专家H:When an earthquake occurs, the most basic phenomenon is the ground of continuous vibration, mainly is obvious shaking.In the quake area people feel great shaking before, sometimes first feel about beats.This is because seismic waves from underground to ground came that p-wave first reach's sake.S-wave then produce the large amplitude of the horizontal wobble, is the main cause of the earthquake disaster 专家I:An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph.The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas.Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.


英语话剧剧本:5人英语话剧剧本-Yes Means No(似是而非) 本文来自: 教客网剧本大全(http://www.daodoc.com/) 详细出处参考:http://www.daodoc.com/ Summary:

Teddy Lawson is going to marry Edith Merrill and he asks his father, Mr.Lawson, to finance his honeymoon.However, Teddy\'s father wants him to learn to say NO first because Teddy always says YES to everyone who makes a request.They make a deal that Mr.Lawson will give Teddy one hundred dollars for every time Teddy says NO in half an hour, but if Teddy says YES just once, Teddy forfeits every NO-Mr.Lawson\'s secretary, Mi Collins, will make the strict account of every NO.

In order to have a nice honeymoon, Teddy tries hard to carry out his father\'s orders and answer NO as many as poible to everything asked, even though he is running the risks of breaking his father\'s deal with T.J.Morgan and losing his own sweet heart--Edith Merrill...

TEDDY: (Coming to his father\'s desk L.)

Dad, there\'s something I want to tell you. LAWSON: Oh, is that so! What is it?

TEDDY: Well, Dad, I\'ve just proposed to Edith Merrill and she\'s accepted me.

LAWSON: Going to get married, eh? When do you intend doing this?

TEDDY: Right away.That\'s why I wanted to see you, and of course I know you\'ll finance the honeymoon.

LAWSON: Oh...I will, will I? (Pounds desk, rises and comes to Teddy C.) I\'ll tell you that I\'m ashamed of you.You haven\'t any backbone...you can\'t say NO! I left you in charge of my busine last week just to see how you\'d conduct it.And you did great.Ha!...If I\'d stayed away another week, you\'d have ruined me (Strolls up C.) TEDDY: I did the best I could!

LAWSON: Then you\'d make a fine busine man.(Coming down C.)The most eential thing in a busine man\'s life is to be able to say \"NO.\" At all times NO.Especially in a credit busine like mine.But you said YES to everyone who asked for extra time.(Takes a few steps L.)

TEDDY: But they always cried to me and I just couldn\'t say \"no.\"

LAWSON: Well, you\'ll learn to say \"no\" before I finance any honeymoon.(Lawson is below desk L.Phone rings, Lawson turns to his desk, grabs phone quickly and sits down.)Lawson talking...! (Listens a second.) NO!!!I...said...NO.(Listens again.)Then I\'ll foreclose.That\'s final..NO! (Lawson hangs up receiver.Turns to Teddy.)That\'s how I make my money..being able to say NO..NO..NO.(Pounds desk with each \"No!\" Rises and comes to Teddy C.) And that\'s the way I want my son to be before he shoulders the responsibility of marriage.

TEDDY: Well, give me another chance, Dad...and I\'ll try to make good. LAWSON: (He sneers the last Word and takes a stroll up C.) Do you mean it?

TEDDY: You bet I do

LAWSON: (Coming down L of Teddy.)

TEDDY: All right...I\'ll give you another chance.You want money for a honeymoon?...Very well! You take charge of this office while I go to lunch and I\'ll give you one hundred dollars for every time you say NO.

LAWSON: One hundred dollars?

TEDDY: Right! Do you think you can do it? LAWSON: I\'ll try.

TEDDY: (Croes R to Mi Collins.) Mi Collins, I want you to remain in this office with my son while I\'m gone.You can sit at my desk.(Mi Collins doesn\'t move immediately.) NOW!(She jumps and croes stage.)

COLLINS: Yes, sir!

LAWSON: (Croes L.) And I don\'t want you to leave it for a second.Understand? (Mi Collins nods.) And I want you to keep strict account of every time my son says NO.But remember, if he answers YES just once...he forfeits every \"NO.\" (Turning to Teddy.)Are you on? TEDDY: Yes.(He realizes what he has said and clasps hand over his mouth.)

LAWSON: (Croing R to door, taking coat and hat from hall-tree.) Very well.You\'ll be in charge here for one-half hour...(Looks at watch.) Now remember...not one \"Yes.\"...It must be \"NO\" to everything.(Lawson exits and slams door.) (Teddy stands for a second smiling.Phone rings, and he rushes acro stage to phone on desk L, and picking it up shouts into it.

TEDDY: NO..POSITIVELY NO! (Hangs up.Strolls acro stage, grinning at Mi Collins, who is amazed.) That\'s two...put them down.

COLLINS: (Writing.) Yes, sir.(Phone rings.Teddy grabs it again, while Mi Collins warns him to be careful.) You better hear who it is, sir.It may be important.

TEDDY: Hello? (Repeating what is said to him.) Is Mr.Lawson in? NO! Do I mind speaking for him? NO! What?...NO!

COLLINS: (Rising and pleading.) Don\'t you think you\'d better hang up, sir?

TEDDY: (To Mi Collins.) No.Put them all down...there were five of them.(Into phone.) No, no, no! (Raising three fingers to Mi Collins.) I wasn\'t talking to you...I was talking to Mr.Lawson\'s secretary.What? No! I should worry? No! (Hangs up.Laughing heartily at his results so far.) COLLINS: (Fearfully.) Aren\'t you going a little too far, sir?

TEDDY: No! There\'s another.Are you keeping strict account of them? (Croes to desk L.) How many are there?

COLLINS: Just...just thirteen, sir.

TEDDY: (Taking C and dancing a step.) Thirteen, eh? COLLINS: But isn\'t that an unlucky number, sir?

TEDDY: No! That makes fourteen! (Teddy croes to desk R.) Well, that\'s a trip to California, anyway.(Phone rings.But this time Mi Collins gets it first.)

COLLINS: Hullo? Just a second, please.(Now to Teddy in a whisper.) It\'s T.J.Morgan to see your father. TEDDY: No!

COLLINS: Shall I tell him to come back?


COLLINS: But he wants to know if he can see Mr.Lawson? TEDDY: Tell him NO! (Emphatically.Croes R.)

COLLINS: (Into phone.) No! (Hangs up.)

TEDDY: (Enjoying it all immensely.) Add three more to the list.How many is that now? (Teddy croes to desk L.) (At this point T.J.Morgan rushes into room unceremoniously.) MORGAN: What\'s the idea of telling me I can\'t see Lawson? Is he in? (Comes C as Teddy circles below him to R.)

TEDDY: No! (Mi Collins keeps marking every \"no.\")

MORGAN: (Turning to Mi Collins L.) Then who said Lawson wouldn\'t see me? Was it you? (Mill Collins starts to answer but Teddy butts in.)

TEDDY: No! (Hoists a finger for Mi Collins to get the additional \"no\" on the record.)

MORGAN: (Turning back to Teddy R.) Oh, then it was you?

TEDDY: (Gulping.) No!

MORGAN: (Confused.) Then who was it? Was there anybody else in the office? TEDDY: No!

MORGAN: Can\'t you say anything but \"NO-O-O!?\" TEDDY: (Imitating his dragged out \"No.\") \"NO-O-O!\"

MORGAN: (Waving his hand in disgust.) You\'re a silly a...Will you deny that? TEDDY: For a hundred dollars?..NO! (Signals Mi Collins to add it on the list.)

MORGAN: You\'re impoible.You tell him that T.J.Morgan was here to see him about that lumber deal.He likes to make money the same as everybody, doesn\'t he?

TEDDY: Why...er..NO!

MORGAN: What? (He shakes his finger in Teddy\'s face.)Do you mean to tell me he\'s not interested in that lumber deal any more? (Mi Collins tries to speak.Morgan turns to her quickly.) Were you going to say something? TEDDY: No..Shefifteen -

TEDDY: Don\'t skip any. COLLINS: Just forty-six, sir.

TEDDY: (Excitedly, taking stage.) Forty-six? Why, it\'ll be a trip around the world.I must make it an even fifty.(Offstage R, Lawson\'s voice is heard in warm argument.)

LAWSON: You just come in here with me.We\'ll see what this is all about.(He enters swiftly, followed by Edith and Mr.Morgan.They surround Teddy who has sneaked to C, half frightened.) Now Mi Merrill, ask him before me.

EDITH: (Half crying.) Didn\'t you tell me your father paid you to break off our engagement? TEDDY: NO! (She staggers back amazed.)

MORGAN: When I asked you about the lumber deal, what did you say? TEDDY: NO!

LAWSON: (Coming toward Teddy and shaking his fist.) Don\'t you know any better than that? TEDDY: NO! (Calling to Mi Collins on opposite side.) That makes fifty!!!

LAWSON: (Bewildered) What\'s the idea?

TEDDY: The idea is that I\'ve carried out your orders...I haven\'t said one...(Catches himself.) what you said not to say.

LAWSON: (Shaking fist in Teddy\'s face.) Do you think I\'m a complete idiot? TEDDY: No! (To Mi Collins.) There\'s another one...put it down.

LAWSON: (To Mi Collins.) Don\'t you DARE put that down.I\'ve had enough of this.

MORGAN: (Approaching Lawson L, and brushing Teddy aside.) I think I understand it all now.It was a joke.

LAWSON: Absolutely! (Going to door R with Morgan.) We\'ll talk it over at the club tonight.(Morgan exits R.) TEDDY: (Meeting his father C, and grasping his coat lapel.) Make a check for me...for five thousand dollars.Fifty \"No\'s,\" you know.

LAWSON: (Croing to desk L.) How could anyone say fifty \"No\'s\" in fifteen minutes?

Imagine what I could do in an hour.My middle name is Speed.

LAWSON: All right, I\'m the goat.I\'ll give you the check.Then use some of that speed in getting out of here.(He turns to desk L, and sees Mi Collins seated at it.) Well, what are you doing at my desk?

COLLINS: (Rising, frightened.) Why, you told me to sit here, sir.Shall I go to my own desk, sir? LAWSON: (Shouting.) YES! (Mi Collins croes R, to her own desk.) TEDDY: (Croing to his father\'s desk.) Did I hear you say YES?

LAWSON: NO! (Writes in checkbook.)

EDITH: (Coming to Teddy C.) Oh, Teddy, I see it all now.\"No\" meant \"Yes\"..when you said \"no.\"

TEDDY: \"No\"..\"Yes\"...wait...When I said \"No\"...when I said...I...(Conflised.) Oh, I only know we are going on a honeymoon.(They ki and embrace.)

LAWSON: (Rises with check in hand and comes C.) Here\'s your check.I made it out for ten thousand instead of five, because ten will take you farther away and keep you away longer.

TEDDY: (Taking check and looking at it.) Why, Dad! You\'re wonderful..you\'re marvelous..you\'re...(Changing tone.) IS IT GOOD? (Father swells with satisfaction on praise, but turns furiously on last line.) Well, come on, darling.Good-bye, Dad...(They both start for door R.) (Teddy catches hand of Edith who waits for him in door R, and they plunge off happily together.) (Lawson and Mi Collins stare after them, Mi Collins chuckling with delight.) The End

本文来自: 教客网剧本大全(http://www.daodoc.com/) 详细出处参考:http://www.daodoc.com/


公交车上的闹剧 6人小品


演员:小孩,司机(男三号),售票员(女二号),女青年(女一号),小伙子(男一号),旅客(男二号),客串 剧本:陈树彬,刘梅等五年级组全体人员 类型;三幕情景短剧




女青年:瞧,瞧,咱运气来了挡也挡不住,轮到我第一个上车,哈哈,这儿正好有座位,真是老天有眼哪!.(抱着一大包白菜上了蹒跚地上了车,作高兴状.) 小伙子:唉,唉,司机同志,请先别关门.(最后一个急匆匆地上了车.) 售票员:各位旅客,买票啦!(挎着包拿出一摞票据.)(四川话) 女青年:到“万家乐”商场多少钱? 售票员:一元钱.女青年:咦,怎么涨价了,原先不是九毛吗? 售票员:那是三个月以前的价,现在是春节期间.早就涨价了,难道你不知道吗? 女青年:俺好久没有出门子了,哪晓得这等邪撇子事.(从口袋内掏出一元钱硬币递给售票员) 小伙子:喂小姐,到南宫房小区多少钱? 售票员:什么小姐小姐的,同志,请你说话注意点分寸行不行?要是你这么一说,别人还以为我是干那个的呢?哼!(边说边作生气状)故意瞪了小伙子一眼.小伙子:对不起,我说得不是那个意思,你千万别误会了,我的姑奶奶„„

售票员:姑奶奶也是你随便叫的吗?狗嘴里吐不出象牙来.恶心.废话少说,快拿一块钱来,你到终点站下车就行了.(有点不耐烦了)(广东方言) 小伙子:给,谢谢哈(嬉皮笑脸) 售票员:真是时代不同了,别惹我,忙着哩!.


司机:前面路上有个小孩,我要拐弯,你给旅客们说说.(悄悄地给旁边的售票员说) 售票员:各位旅(LU)客请注意了,车子前面要拐(GUAN)弯,请大家抓好头上面的塑料拐拐.(用山东方言说道) 大家赶紧齐动手去抓塑料拐拐。

小伙子:这儿有个窝正好可以坐下。嘿嘿!(慌忙抢女青年身旁的座位) 女青年:去去去,靠边站,这是俺的窝。

客串:这棵(KUO)大白(BEI)菜真嫩(NUN),从哪儿买的? 女青年:自家种的,拿到商场去卖。

小伙子:什么白菜萝卜的?这都什么年代了,还兴用白菜来占窝的?(没好气地说) 女青年:你说啥什么年代呀,什么叫女士优先懂不?是我先来的,谁叫你上来得晚呢.小伙子:上来得晚就倒霉呀?看看座位上面有你的名字了不? 女青年:你这人咋这样喜欢强词夺理呢(NI),俗话说”好男不跟女斗”,没想到你这人这么没品位! 小伙子:你说谁呢,乡巴佬!

女青年:乡下人怎么了,瞧不起咱乡下人呀?想当年毛主席不也是乡下人呀?乡下从怎么招你惹你了。瞧你那小样,我还看你不是东西呢(NI) 小伙子:我本来就不是东西,是人,Do you know? 售票员:别吵啦请保持安静!(普通话) 司机:拐弯喽! 售票员:各位抓紧塑料拐拐啦!(河南方言) 女青年:哎呀,谁瞎了眼撞到我的胳了捭(BAI)子了.哎哟! 小伙子:活该!这回遭报应了吧?(自言自语道) 女青年:是你呗?怎么想乘机占我的便宜不成? 小伙子:真是“窦娥冤”哪!我站得好好的,我又没碰你!看我离你远着呢.(努力争辩着) 旅客:不好意思,对不起,刚才车转弯时,我没掌握好平拐拐,碰着你的人是我.(主动站出来承认错误) 女青年:没关系,下次注意就行了(温柔地说).瞧瞧人家多有礼貌,不像某些人那么差劲.(故意没好气)




女青年:司机同志,我要下车.(急着说) 司机:好,等我停稳了你再下,别落下拿自己的行李(回过头来说道) 女青年:喂,你们过来坐我的座位,我就要下车了.某些人想坐偏不给他坐.哼! (故意装腔作势地问两位客串) 小伙子:你说谁呢?,男子汉大丈夫,能屈也能伸——.(冲着女青年说做着动作) 嘎吱一声,车停了下来.售票员:各位旅(LU)客,到站啦!别挤啦!(山东方言) 女青年提着白菜包下车,客串坐上座位,小伙子依然站着.小伙子:今天真他妈倒八辈子霉了,遇上了这样一个泼妇。唉,晦气,晦气!

英语话剧.docx 的翻译

Buses farce

6 Pieces

Props: steering wheel, a few stools, bag, bag cabbage Cast: children, the driver (male三号), conductor (female二号), young women (female lead), the young man (male lead), paengers (male二号), guest

Screenplay: Chen Shubin, Liu Mei, so all the staff of the fifth grade group

Type; scenes drama in three acts

Time: December 21, 2005

Act I: on the train

Driver: stop turning the steering wheel to do the action.

Conductor: Dear paengers, the station you, before you get on line up, please note the order! (Hunan dialect)

Young women: Look, look, we can not impede luck came, my first turn on the car, ha ha, just a seat here is really what God has eyes!.(Holding a large bag of cabbage on a staggered to the car, as flattered.)

Boy: Well, well, the driver comrades, please do not close.(The last rush to the car.)

Conductor: Dear paengers, buying it! (Slung bag out of a pile of bills.) (Sichuan dialect)

Young women: to the \"Macro\" How much shopping? Conductor: a dollar.

Young woman: Hey, how prices, and the original is not ninety it?

Conductor: That was three months ago the price, it is during the Spring Festival.Long prices, do not you know?

Young woman: I do not go out for a long time child, and which know that such evil things handed.(Took out a dollar coin from his pocket and handed the conductor)

Boy: Hey lady, how much Housing Area to the palace?

Conductor: What Mi Mi, gay, please note that point measured to talk to you right? If you said, people thought I was doing that for? Ah! (Said as he as angry like) a willful young man stared.

Boy: I\'m sorry, I did not mean it is right, you do not get me wrong, my aunt ...... Conductor: grandaunt is you just call it? Dog to bark.Nausea.Without further ado, take a piece of quick money, you get off on the line to the terminal.(A little impatient) (Guangdong dialect)

Boy: to, thank Kazakhstan (Xipixiaolian)

Conductor: What time is different, Do not me with me, busy with miles! .

Act II: the car

Drivers: the road in front of a child, I want to turn, you talk to the paengers.(Quietly next to the conductor said)

Conductor: Members Tour (LU) paengers please note, the car in front to Po (GUAN) bend, please do a good job head above the plastic Shui Po.(Said with Shandong dialect)

We quickly grasp hands together plastic Shui Po.

Boy: Here is a nest just to sit down.Hey! (Hurriedly grab a seat beside young women)

Young women: go, go, step aside, this is me my nest.

Guest: tree (KUO) white (BEI) food is so tender (NUN), from where did you buy? Young women: their own kinds, and get the mall to sell.

Boy: What cabbage radish? This is what year, and also to account for Xing nest with cabbage? (Snappily said)

Young women: What did you say ah\'s, Ladies first understand what is not? I first came, who told you to come on the night.

Boy: bad luck comes late on it? See above seats do not have your name?

Young women: Do you like loud noise like a lame argument that people do (NI), the saying goes, \"Good men do not fight with the woman,\" you did not expect this man so tastele!

Boy: Who do you say, hillbilly!

Young women: how the country folk, country people we despise it? I remember when Chairman Mao is also the country folk do not you? Country how provoke you from the.Look at your sample, I also see something you do not (NI) Boy: I\'m not a thing is man, Do you know?

CONDUCTOR: Please keep quiet hush friends! (Mandarin)

Driver: turning myself!

Conductor: you pay close attention to plastic Shui Po it! (Henan dialect)

Young woman: Oh, who hit my armpit a blind weed (BAI) son of the.Ouch!

Boy: deserve! This time retribution, right? (To himself)

Young women: are you chanting? How to take advantage of advantage of me not a?

Boy: really \"Snow in Midsummer\" What! I stand good, I did not touch you! Look at me long way away from you.(Hard to argue with)

Paenger: Sorry, sorry, just cars turning a corner, I did not grasp the level Shui Po, who bumped you is me.(To come forward to admit its mistakes)

Young women: Do not worry, the next note on the line (gently).Look at people more polite, unlike some people so bad.(Intentional snappily)

Boy: Do you think I did not hear, you say I bad? Bad you do not, even had the nerve to account for the seat all the way? .We two in the end who is poor, so that everyone aement of a judge.And see, take a look at it!

Conductor: Well, well, quiet, quiet, the le we are not to become a big New Year\'s, really.\"Macro\" station is coming soon, to get off the gay thing, please collated, ready to get off.(Hunan dialect)

Act III: get off

Young women: the driver comrades, I want to get off.(Hastened)

Driver: Well, so I completely stopped and then the next you do not leave to take their own luggage (back for the Road)

Young woman: Hey, you over my seat, I\'ll get off.Some people want to take impartial to him to sit.Humph! (Deliberate posturing to ask two guest)

Boy: You said who? , MAN, can also be extended --.Qu (directed at young women said that doing the action)

Creaks, the car stopped. Conductor: Members Tour (LU) paengers, the station it! Do not crowd it! (Shandong dialect) Young woman carrying her bag off cabbage, get guest seat, the young man is still standing.

Boy: Eight life today, and broken down damn, they encountered such a bitch.Well, bad luck, bad luck!

Cast Mr.Green Mi Blue Police Nurse Doctor Daughter ------------------

Scene I (Green Garden St.) (During the rush hours, when the street is crowded , Mr.Green is driving past the red light , unexpectedly a car accident happens...Two people came out of their cars angrily...) Mi Blue: Oh! It\'s you, Mr.Green...Do you know how to drive your car? Mr.Green: You see that I was driving acro the road! Wow! There is a dent on my beloved BENZ.Mi Blue: My BMW has got a dent too, you should compensate me.(While they are quarrelling, later on, the police comes.) Police: What\'s happened? Mr.Green: She has bumped into my car! Mi Blue: No! It is himself that drove past the red light...(Quarrel again ...) Police: Has any one been injured? Mr.Green: I feel headache , foot ache , ache very much.Mi Blue: I ache all over too.(Both of them mourn painfully...) Police: Then I\'ll call an ambulance (O-E-O-E ...).


Scene II (Blue Sky Hospital-Emergency) (Ambulance sends them to the hospital) Nurse: Who is injured? (Both of them say it is themselves at the same time...) Nurse: What\'s your name, Mr.? Mr.Green: Call me DPP Green.Nurse: (Unhappy facial expreion) Oh! Go to the corner and sit there.Mr.Green: But ...(nurse interrupts) Nurse: Go! Don\'t speak any words.....what\'s your name, Mi? Mi Blue: My name is KMT Blue.Nurse: (gentle and smiles) Oh, Mi this side, please.Would you tell me how you are feeling? Mi Blue: Oh! I ache all over...Nurse: OK! I\'ll help you stop the pain first, and then the doctor will treat you in a while.(Mr.Green comes over to require medical treatment, but rejected) Mr.Green: Nurse, I...I feel...Nurse: Wait there, didn\'t you hear me? (Mr.Green goes back helplely, the doctor comes over at this moment...) Nurse: The young lady called KMT Blue...KMT Blue.Doctor: Ok! I see...How are you, Mi? Mi Blue: I got an car accident and I ache all over...Doctor: (Check) It\'s ok...don\'t worry about it.I\'ll give you some medicine.You\'ll get well soon......Mi Blue: Thank you, doctor..(Mi Blue leaves.) Doctor: Next one.(Mr.Green comes in and Dr.reads his medical record) You are called DPP Green! Mr.Green: Yeah! Any problem with that ? Doctor: Hmm...(Consider) DPP Green (Raise up voice)? What\'s wrong with you? Mr.Green: I ache all over-headache, toothache and foot ache (The doctor interrupts him impatiently) ...Doctor: I...I...I see, Mi Lin – give Mr.Green an injection...Mr.Green: What? An injection? (Nurse takes out the syringe) Nurse: Where do you want to inject? (Mr.Green is frightened and shivering ...) Mr.Green: Well, doctor ...that ...I do not ache anymore, I...I want to leave.Nurse: Wait! Don\'t go...(Nurse pulls Mr.Green and forces him to enter the injection room) Mr.Green: Wow! ......That hurts! (Mi Blue goes out of the emergency room, but Mr.Green leaves in terrible pain.)

AprilFool\'sDay N: Many years ago, on April 1, a body had birth.His father called him \"foolman\", nobody like him except his mother.How time flies! F: Mum, I\'m eithteen years old, so I will leave this family.Mum: All right, but please see me at times.This is a bottle of drink, a piece of dry bread.Remember: take good care of yourself, bye! N: He came to a forest, and met an ugly man.U: Hello! I\'m very hungry and thirsty, could you give me something to drink and eat, please? F: Ok, here.U: Oh, thanks very much! Now, I will go.Oh, this stick is for you, it will bring luck to you.Good luck! N: The foolman reached a restaurant, the bo had two daughters, they found the stick very brightly.D1: Oh, how beautiful it is! I want it, it\'s great!!! (上前抓木棒,却被粘在上面) Oh! Dear! I can\'t leave it! (吃惊地)

D2: Sister, what are you doing there? Do you want this stick yourself? No, I will get a part of it! We are parent\'s daughters, I must get a part of it like you! (走向木棒)

D1: Don\'t come! Don\'t come! It\'s dangerous! D2: You can come, so I can come, too! (也被粘在木棒上) Oh, my god! What\'s wrong with me? D1: What a pity! N: Foolman didn\'t mind at all, after the meal he took the stick leave the restaurant.Of course, two girl followed him.In the field they met an old scientist.S: Oh! Terrible! You two girls follow a boy.How silly of you! I will take you back home, and take the boy to the police station.(抓stick ,也被粘住) Oh! Bad luck! Terrible! N: A few days later, they got to a strange country.The king had a daughter, but she never smiled or laughed.King: Who can make her smile or laugh, she\'ll be his wife.F: Let me try , Perhaps I can.N: Then they went to see her.She saw foolman and his friends laughed and laughed.k: Ok, you make her laugh, now let us look at your 生辰八字.Which day is your birthday? F: April 1.转自:

K: Oh! What a great boy! Do you know my country\'s name? Let me tell you: it called \"Fool World\"! Very suits you, right?! N: The result is ——The follman lived happily with his wife until they died.That is why we now have a holiday called : \"April Fool\".



外语组 宋佳

为丰富我校学生课余生活,提高对学习英语的积极性,我校开展了为期一周的国际英语文化节,时间从 2011年5月10日开始至2011年5月18日结束。其中内容包括演唱英文歌曲,制作英文手抄报,英语话剧表演,英文演讲比赛,还有生动有趣的跳蚤市场。此次英语文化周是对同学们已学知识的综合应用和表现,体现我校的特色,全面发展学生自身特色文艺,培养学生的综合能力。


这次的英语话剧表演不仅给我们带来了一次震撼人心的视觉盛宴。同时给同学们创造了良好的英语学习气氛,增强同学们对英语学习的兴趣,在排练中,融洽了同学之间的关系,增强了集体凝聚力。通过分工合作,鼓励同学主动思考和探究,进取意识和竞争意识得以强化,提高学生英语表达能力和表演能力。参与比赛的所有同学都受益匪浅! 外语组 宋佳





Sister,where are we? 小白:容我找一下(拿出地图寻找),现在在雷峰塔边上,前面就是西湖了!(准备地图)Eh.Let me find the location on the map .Oh, If Lei Feng tower comes ,can the West lake be far behind?


Sister, the phone is smallerl than my hand.Can you find the West Lake? 小白点头:携程在手,说走就走

Critp in hand, The saying goes

小青:我姐真牛!不就是找个恩人嘛?累死了!(虚脱状,垂头丧气) What a genius! We’re too tired for looking for the benefactor.小白:饿货,一饿你就虚,快来条士力架吧!

Hungry ghosts ,once you are hungry,you feel weak ,come to get a Snickers 小青(恢复精力,容光焕发)兴奋道:姐姐,那里有个男人,他朝我们走过来 Dear sister, look at that man! ,he is coming ! he is coming! 许仙出场(放音乐,《渡情》)(准备音乐)


Goose goose goose ,singing crooked towards the sky , white hair floating on green water,red foot paddlling clear wave.Good poet! Really Good! 小青:姐,好吃,肯定好吃! Good food! Delicious! 小白:青儿,控制你的欲望,口水都流出来了(边说边为小青擦口水),看这位公子挺斯文的。

Qing,control your desire , a lot of Saliva sets on you mouth ,but the young man looks really grace.小青:姐,谁知道他是不是表里如一呢?

Sister,who knows whether he thinks and acts in the same way.小白:那我们来考验考验他!你行你上呀!(推小青上前) So we need test him.You can you up

小青(装较弱道):太阳好大,头好晕哦(林黛玉状向许仙晕倒) Oh ,the sun is so big that I have a headache ,help me 许仙:连忙扶着,正准备揩油,斜眼看到了白娘子,(心说:恩,那个更漂亮),遂丢开小青 Wow ,that in white is more beautiful 小白:娇羞掩面,害羞状

许仙:美女,我看太阳这么大,你肯定热了吧?(边说边扇风) Beauty,the sunlight is so strong, you must feel hot ,yeah? 小白:这真是个体贴的人啊! How Considerate he is! 小青:你个色狼,放开我姐姐(边说边施法术袭击许仙) Colour wolf ,leave my sister alone 许仙向后跌倒,小白上前营救,虚扶着许仙(音乐响起my destiny).时间静止。含情脉脉四目相对

小白:Dear man ,I just want what’s your name?And where are you going? 许仙:姑娘,容禀啊!(唱:姓许名仙字汉文,祖籍钱塘有家门!我要去蓝翔)不知二位姑娘名与姓,为何要来杭州城?

My name is Xuxian.I live in Qiantang.I’m going to LanXiagn.So,what’s your names? 小白:我是白素贞! I am Bai Suzhen.We are sisters (摆出史密斯夫妇的造型) 小青:我叫小青!我们是姐妹。 I am Xiaoqing.We are sisters (摆出史密斯夫妇的造型) 小白:请听我讲一个故事,记得,我还是条小蛇的时候,我很贪玩!有一天去山上玩耍! Please let me tell you a story.When I was a mini-snake,I was playful.One day,I played on the hill.小青:姐,你出去玩,不带我! Sister,why didn’t you take me outside? 小白:(低语)因为,那时候,你还只是个蛋!(继续对许仙说):我趴在青青的草地上晒太阳,这时候,来了一头牛,它踩住了我的尾巴!是公子你!救了我啊!后来我悄悄拿了你这条手帕做信物。

Because you were just an egg.You know I was basking in the sunshine ,lying on the green gra.Suddenly a bull came and stepped on my tail.It was so painful !Then you came our like a hero and saved me.So I felt in love with you at that time and I remember you forever 许仙(似有所悟):原来是这样!

(手机铃声响 山东蓝翔的广告声)噢,我的师傅让我回蓝翔了,我得马上回去学挖掘机了,实在是遗憾,不能和两位姑娘一起欣赏西湖美景了。

I see.Oh,I am sorry ,My teacher gave me a meage and call me to LanXiang.I have to go back to learn excavators.It is regrettable, for can not enjoy the beauty of West Lake with two girls. 小青:公子是蓝翔的呀,前途无量,姐姐你真幸福 I admire You can study in LanXiang, sister,you are so luck 许仙:我可以用挖掘机做饭。 I can cook with excavators. 小白:妹妹放心,姐姐会给你找个新东方的厨师的

Dear Qing, don’t worry ,I will look for a Handsome cook graduated from New Oriental for you

许仙:新东方也是很牛的!和我们蓝翔一样卓越!The New Oriental is as outsanding as LanXiang 小青:姐姐再也不用担心我的饮食问题了 My sister don’t have to worry about my diet any more

:我们就是幸福的一家(吉祥三宝的歌调) We are a happy family




经济贸易法学院 “英语话剧”活动













二. 活动分析








































4.) 编辑部: 主持稿,节目单


















嘉宾桌签 10元


主办: 新元素话剧团




团总支 新元素话剧团



话剧主题:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf(喜羊羊与灰太狼) 话剧活动宗旨:为营造英语学习氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生学习英语的自信心,提高学生英语口语表达能力,给学生提供一个展现自我和英语语言运用能力的舞台,使小学英语学习活动更加丰富多彩。

话剧演员选拔:刘洋主负责人,各班英语老师,在各班进行筛选综合能力较好的学生,选拔时间第九周,具体角色有:lives Pleasant Goat(喜羊羊), Fat Goat(懒羊羊), Beauty Goat(美羊羊), Grey Wolf(灰太狼), Red wolf(红太狼),和只小羊。

插入音乐:背景乐:喜羊羊和灰太狼,配舞蹈音乐If you are happy(喜羊羊一人),配上喜涮涮的音乐,配主题音乐(舞蹈,所有小羊28只)。








1、音乐起,三个农民边唱边跳出场歌词:We are farmers, we are farmers, happy happy happy! 三个农民在地里劳动

farmer A: Let’s have a rest, OK? Farmer B C:OK!(农民下) 旁白:Long long ago, in a distent country, a little boy took care a lot of sheep on the mountain every day.Nobody played with him.He felt very lonely.He thought his work is not interesting at all.

Scene Two:

A boy was shepherding ( 第二场:一个小孩在放牧)(男孩上,赶着一群羊, 然后走到树下休息)

Boy: (挥舞着他手中的鞭子)Hmn, I feel so bored.There is nobody here to talk with me.How board!(嗯,太无聊了。这儿一个说话的人也没有。真没意思!) Sheep: Baa…(咩咩……) Boy: Um, I have a good idea.I am sure people will come soon.(大声喊)a wolf is coming .A wolf is coming.Come and help.I see a wolf.A big wolf.(狼来了。狼来了。)

Some farmers Are Working(第二场:几个农民在干活)(山下,有几名农民在干活。他们听到了男孩的声音。) 旁白:Some farmers are working under the hill.They have heard the voice of the boy.Boy: wolf is coming.A wolf is coming .Help!(狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!) Farmer A: Hi, do you hear anyone crying? (嗨。你听见有人在喊叫吗?) Farmer B 听) Yes.It’s the shepherd’s voice.(是啊,是那牧童的声音。) Farmer C: (放下手中的活。) Yes.Let’s go and help him.Let’s kill the wolf.(是的,咱们去帮他。快去打狼吧。)(越来越多的农民停下手中的活儿,拿着棍棒和农具上山了。) 旁白:The farmers go quickly and they want to save the child as quickly as poible.Scene Three: The Farmers Are Fooled(第三场:农民被愚弄了)(农民们拿着棍棒和农具爬上山。) Farmer A: Where’s the wolf? Where is it? Can you see it? (狼呢?它在哪儿?你看见了吗?) Farmer C: Hi! Little boy! Are you all right? We are coming to kill the wolf.Where is it going? (嗨!小孩。你没事吧?我们是来打狼的。狼在哪儿?) Boy: Hahaha! Sorry.There’s no wolf here.I’m joking.Haha…(哈哈哈!对不起,这儿没有狼,我开玩笑呢。哈哈哈……) Farmer C: No wolf?

Farmer A: You cheat us. Famer B: It is not good to d o this.Boy: Hahaha! What fools! Hahaha…… (哈!真傻!哈哈……)(农民们很生气,下台)

旁白:All of the villagers go back to the village.All of them are quite angry.The boy laughs.He thinks it is so funny that so many adults are cheated.

The next day, the boy was board again.He wanted to do that another time.

Boy: A wolf is coming.A wolf is coming.Help! Help! (狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!救命啊!)

Farmer B (对 Farmer C说): Maybe the wolf is really coming.(或许这一次狼真的来了 。) Boy: Help! Help! Wolf is coming.The wolf is coming.(救命啊!救命啊!狼来了…….) Farmer A: The boy is fooling us.Farmer C: If the wolf really coming.Let’s go to the hill and kill the wolf .(咱们上山打狼去。)(他们向山顶爬,有人都累得爬不到山顶了。可是当他们爬到山顶时,却发现根本没有狼。) 旁白:So, all the villagers trusted the boy once time.They climbed the hill, tired and tired.But, they saw nothing.Farmer A: Where is the wolf? Boy: Hahaha! Don’t angry with me, uncles.Why not sit down and have a chat? (哈哈哈!大叔大伯,你们别生气。坐下来跟我聊会天,好吗?) Farmer A: You naughty boy! You should not cheat anyone.If not, no one will trust with you.(你这顽皮的孩子!你可不应该再骗人啊!下次再也没有人相信你了。) Farmer B: The boy fool us again.Let’s go!(这孩子又骗人,咱们走!)

Farmer C: What a bad boy! Don’t believe him.(这孩子真不象话!别在理了。)(男孩笑弯了腰。农民们气愤地离开了。) 旁白:The farmers left with fully anger.They promise not to help him next time if he doesn’t correct.

But the boy laughed.In a sunny morning, the boy looked after sheep in the hill.Suddenly, a wolf was really coming.The boy was so scared. (音乐响)

Scene Four: A wolf Is Really Coming(第四场:狼真的来了) Boy: (他怕极了。) Wolf ! Wolf ! The wolf is really coming.Help! Help! Help!(狼!狼!狼真的来了。快救命啊!) Wolf: Hello, I’m a wolf.I’m from the north.Come on baby.So many fat sheep.I can have a good lunch.(这么多肥羊。我能吃顿丰盛的午餐了。) Boy: The wolf is coming.Help ! The wolf is coming.Help! (狼咬死了所有的羊,追男孩,男孩滚下山被救)

Boy hhhh, no one believe me.旁白:The moral of this story is: lying is a bad behavior, it is not respect other people, other people will lose their trust.We should cultivate good quality and sincere.

( 这个故事的寓意是:说谎是一种不好的行为,这是不尊重别人,其他人将失去对他的信任。我们应该培养良好和真诚的品质。)





1 培养大家的团队合作精神

2 促进同学间的交流与沟通

3 丰富同学们的课余生活

4 提高同学们的英语水平

5 全面展示我们土木人的风采


敢想,敢说,敢做you are the best one!




1 以海报形式进行宣传(食堂、教室及宿舍楼)

2 画报宣传

3 在每个班级以发通知单的形式宣传




































二号班级: 高一(15)班 剧名:喜羊羊与灰太狼

编剧:张宝月,王宇云,黄术 导演:黄术,郑博严 旁白:张宝月 演员表:

灰太狼:宁华鸿(饰) 喜羊羊:王宇云(饰) 懒羊羊:梁忆莲(饰) 美羊羊:郭元圆(饰) 慢羊羊(村长):利香(饰) 暖羊羊:何菲 红太狼:李敏华 沸羊羊:郑博严 路羊A:苏员员 路羊B:苏靖


剧名:仲夏夜之梦A Midsummer Night’s Dream 导演:严嘉鑫编剧:严嘉鑫旁白:陈娴婷 演员表:



8号班级:高一(16)班 剧名:泰坦尼克号Titanic 演员表:

Jack:李昌璐Rose:屈泽Osca:劳福 Harry Potter: 易思宏Prince:钟朝雪 保镖:陈忠坤陆鑫章 侍女:方源颜伊雯 旁白:谭宋铭女主配音:陈丽因 导演:陈丽因 编剧:谭宋铭

高一(13)班 剧名:小红帽

编导:黄莉廖宁 旁白:黄莉


颜又鸣苏玉初 高一(23)班 剧名:项链 编导:黄绿茵 旁白:黄绿茵 演员表: 女主:陆柳汛 男主:莫桂江 女主朋友:凌洁洁 老板:陈济龙 老板娘:杨春莹 女宾一:颜以静 女宾二:陈桐 男宾一:何显毅 男宾二:阮栩



英语话剧剧本:4人英语话剧 Another day in paradise 场景简单,语言适中,4个主要人物,推荐。适合课上演出,很有意义,关于亲情

Characters: Angel: A chief broadcaster.Anny: A primary school girl who had called so much in order to look for her mother.Anny’s father Anny’s teacher Anny’s clamates Divide the stage into two parts.On the left: Children’s ward, a chair, some flowers.On the right: A desk, a chair, a lamp, some books.(幕启,舞台左半亮,右半暗) (The phone is ringing) Old woman: Hello! Anny(怯生生地): Hello, I, I want mum.Is that mum? Old woman: Oh, I’m granny.I’m not mum.Anny: I’m sorry.(电话挂断声,拨号声又起) A young woman: Hello! Anny(怯生生地): Hello! I want mum.Is that mum? Young woman: Are you joking? I’m not married.(电话继续响,右半舞台亮) Angel: Hello! Anny(鼓起勇气): I want mum.Is that mum? Angel: Who’s that speaking? Anny: I’m Anny, your Anny.Angel: Anny?(充满疑惑)。(略为思索后, 用母亲的声调)Where are you? Anny(仿佛遇见母亲,忍不住哭起来): Mum,(哭声,欲语泪先流,又猛然惊觉)Mum, mum, I’m not crying.Angel(安慰地,担心地): You are a nice little girl.Anny: Mum, why don’t you come to see me? Dad says you will come back if I am well behaved.Mum, don’t you mi me? Angel(慈爱地): Of course, I do.I do mi you? Anny: Really? Angel: Yes.I mi you so much.Anny: Mummy! Angel: En„ Anny: Mummy! Angel: Yes? Anny(笑若银铃) (Angel 慈爱地笑, 心略有所安) Anny(突然又哭了): But mummy, why don’t you come back? I’m ill.Angel(关切地): Anny, where are you? Tell me, where are you? Anny: Mummy, I’m in hospital now.I felt pain, but I didn’t cry.Dad says the one who cries is not a good girl.Then you won’t come back.Mummy, can you come back to see me? I’m waiting for you with no tears.Angel: Anny, I’m, I’m not„ Oh, yes, mummy will come back to see you(Dad推门入,见Anny在打电话,连忙夺过) Dad: I’ve told you not to call anybody else.(对着电话)Sorry, I’m really sorry.The child has disturbed you.Angel: Never mind.I’m a mother, too.I understand her.May I know the truth? Dad: Eh„, her mum isn’t here.So she called and called.Angel: Where’s Anny’s mother? You divorced? Dad: No, no.I hope she would come back.But„

Angel: You don’t trust in me? I’m Angel, the chief broadcaster of the hot line.Dad(回头看Anny): Then, I’ll tell you the truth some other day.Angel:All right.(灯暗景换) On the left: Anny’s sitting room.On the right: Anny’s claroom.(左右同时演绎) Left: Dad: Anny’s mum paed away in a tracffic accident six years ago.She told me to hide the truth.This is the letter for Anny.Right: Teacher: Children, in this cla.Let’s enjoy Anny’s composition “A letter to mummy”.

Angel, Anny同时,时空错接,音乐起) Angel: Anny, my dearest baby! Anny: Mummy, my dearest mummy! Angel: When we played hide and seek, I was found easily.Anny: When we played hide and seek, I could found you easily.Angel: But this time, you can’t find me.Anny: But this time, I can’t find you.Angel: Baby, we have a date.When you are 14, you can find me.Anny: Mummy, we have a date.Dad says when I am 14, I can find you.Angel: Baby, the game lasts so long.I wonder if you have the courage to go on.Anny: Mummy, don’t worry.I grow up with your arms around me in my dream.Angel: Anny, if the time is so long, mummy will talk with you when you are looking at our photo.Anny: Mum, the letter you left to me is so long.I read it every night, again and again.Angel: Anny, your birthday present is on the wardrobe.Anny: Mummy, I’ve known the truth.Every time I take a bus, I can see your dad eyes.Angel: Anny, I’m really worried if you will be so sad after your 14th birthday.Is there anyone to love you all his life? Anny: Mummy, I’ll never give up.I believe there is a call to the paradise.I will love Dad.I will love myself.I can fly with my own wings one day.Angel: Anny, my dear.Anny: Mummy, be safe all the way.There are no tears in paradise.(灯亮,谢幕)









道具:文件 手机





































郭:Of course!亲兄弟,明算账。刘楠,明天见啊(离场,黑灯)























三人进屋 郭父(在屋内椅子上坐着):小楠来了!




































剧本原载于 咖啡吧剧本网:http://www.daodoc.com/
