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推荐第1篇:习作四 漫画作文

习作四 漫画作文“这段木头里一定有虫”故事创编指导课



1.学会观察漫画,体会画家的用意。2.展开想象,选择角度,创编故事。 3.增强保护环境、爱护家园的意识。

教学重难点:体会画家用意,根据漫画想象创编故事。 教学准备:PPT,学生提前思考漫画的特点。 教学课时:一课时






2.一看画面各要素:仔细观察,进行描述: 3.指名概括漫画的主要内容。


1.二看画中夸张处:小组讨论:漫画里夸张的地方在哪里?画家想通过这幅漫画讽刺什么? 2.三看画中的文字。小组讨论:“这段木头里一定有虫„„”,到底“虫”是在木头里还是在这个人的脑子里?这“虫”到底是什么?

3.这幅漫画讽刺那些脑袋有虫的人,也等于在告诉我们?学生发表自己的见解 4.教师小结,出示课件。


1.如果我们要根据这幅漫画创编一个故事,你觉得文中应该有几个人物?你会从那个角度去创编呢? 2.佳作引路。下面这篇文章,就是从“啄木鸟”的角度,根据事情的起因、经过、结果,进行了合理的想象写作。大家可以借鉴借鉴。(课件出示) 3.进行想象,小组交流。


依据想象,定文题。题好一半文。老师这里有一些参考题目,你也可以根据自己的内容自拟一个题目。 1.想好了内容,定好了题目,同学们可以根据刚才的想象,开始动笔创编故事啦! 2.学生习作,老师巡视:










At present, people become more cautious when they meet strangers, let alone to help them.Trust between person is at stake.Offer your idea about such a phenomenon and your suggestions to make a change.

On Aiding Strangers


You are invited to attend a friend’s birthday party.Write a note to your friend, Mike, explaining briefly why you cannot take part in it and give him your best wishes.



Nowadays Internet is revolutinizing our globe and greatly facilitating our modern life.As a matter of fact, we can do almost everything on the Net, including shopping.However, people take different attitudes towards the new way of shopping.What do you think of it?

Shopping on the Net


Emerson’s paper ranks on the top and earns fame for the English department.Write a note to him on behalf of the department, expreing the appreciation and good wishes to him.



It is a popular phenomenon that nowadays some houses in China are labeled with foreign names and some traditional Chinese houses are demolished for the new foreign ones.Analyzing the poible reasons and the consequences of such a phenomenon.

Foreign Names for Chinese Houses


You just got recovered from illne.Write a note to your partner, Jason, expreing your appreciation to his care and great help.



Job-hunting is a tough challenge to the graduates.Someone says graduation means the coming of unemployment.Provide your opinion on such a phenomenon and give some advice for such a dilemma.

Graduation, Synonym of Unemployment?


You have got in trouble in your computer installment.Write a note to your friend, Roger, describe briefly what it is and ask him to give you a hand.



Now many universities are asking their students to evaluate their teachers.Many students are excited at this, but some teachers seem to hold different opinions.What’s your opinion?

Should Teachers Be Evaluated by Students?


A College English Speech Contest is to be held in the city.You want to take part in it.Write a note to Mr.Brown, inquiring the details about the contest and procedure.



Career planning is an important step for graduates, and it is of great importance.Offer your idea about it.Some of the tips and potential flaws must be included in your composition.

Career Planning


Your friend Steven has been enrolled by Yale University.Write a note to congratulate him, expreing your happine and admiration for him.



Nowadays tourism is more and more indispensable to people’s life.But which way is a better choice: joining package tour or travelling on your own?

Which Do You Prefer: Joining Package Tours or Travelling on Your Own?


Your friend just failed in a contest and was very sad.Write a note to your friend, Allan, comforting and encouraging him not to lose heart and make further succe.



A scholar’s profeional ethics is eential to his career and in a sense determines his contribution to the public.What does the profeional ethics really mean, and what is its importance to a scholar?

My Idea of Profeional Ethics for a Scholar


You are informed that your friend Lily has failed her final examination and is very frustrated now.Write a note to Lily, offering some suggestions and try to cheer her up.



Some people argue that athletes, while playing games, should adhere to the principle “Friendship first, competition second”, but others are against this view.They think that “Playing a game is fun when you win.” What is your opinion?

Playing a game is fun when you win


You have found a book in the dining hall; write a “Lost and Found” note.



More and more adult students are renting flats to live away from campus, and some of them are students lovers.Some students think it unacceptable, but others think it OK.What’s your opinion?

On Cohabitation of Student Lovers


Write a note to Tom to invite him to see a film with you.



Under the one-child policy carried out in China, the “one” generation born between 1978 and 1985 has grown up.Directly affected by the family planning policy of China, whether they feel any loneline as the only child of the families is being discued.

Does the Only Child Feel Lonely?


Write a “Thank you” letter to Mr.Smith for his recommendation of your competence to the manager of the Medical Company.



Many universities oblige the students to attend the spoken English test.What is your opinion?

Is a Test of Spoken English Neceary?


The heating system in the hotel where you live didn’t work well last night.Write to the manager to complain about this.





I. 听写(PART I: Dictation)

II 听力理解(Part II : Listening Comprehension)





VI.III 完型填空(Part III:Cloze)IV.语法与词汇.(Part IV: Grammar and Vocabulary)V.阅读理解(Part V: Reading Comprehension)VI.写作(Part VI: Writing )



漫画类先描述图画 再发表自己看法


(一) 内容要点:

1. 描述文字说明:

1) 学生被迫上很多补习班

2) 无兴趣可言

2. 议论文字说明:

1) 太多的补习班是浪费时间

2) 学习要有兴趣

3) 家长不要强迫孩子参加补习

4) 表达希望

(二)One poible version:

Look at this picture.You will understand better “Too much work makes Jack a dull boy”.He has to go to so many training claes besides his school claes.Life is no fun at all for him.Holidays and weekends have become dull work-days.He is too tired to learn these leons well with no interest.

In my opinion, spare-time training courses are a waste of time for many students.They might do better when they show interest in what they are learning.Please don’t force these students to do what they are not willing to, and when learning is fun, surely they will do better than we expect!


根据图画内容,以“We Want Our Schoolbags Lighter”题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。短文须包括以下要点,不得逐条翻译。





We Want Our Schoolbags LighterThe girl says to the woman, “If you carry the schoolbag for me, I’m sure”

As is well-known, we Chinese students which our teachers have given us.All that we do every day is to listen to our teachers’ leons, to take notes and do our homework which seems endle.

us stronger, and we will have more spare time to take part in some social activities, which makes us all mentally and physically healthier.




TEM4把写便条(note~writing)列入必考项目之一,其目的是按照要求,测试英语专业学生在基础阶段末用英语书面表达思想的能力。便条成绩在TEM4笔试成绩中虽只占10%,却如同一面镜子,能反映出学生英语书面交际的能力。有关英文便条写作,国内外学者多有论述。学者们认为,便条是一种简短信函,多使用非正式语体,它的形式比一般书信简单。例如,写便条的人与收便条的人的地址、称呼中“Dear\'一词、日期中的年份以及结尾套语(complimentary close,亦称结束语),都可以省去;便条正文篇幅可小至




(一) 格式(format)正确TEM4便条的格式与普通英文书信格式基本相同。

具体来说,它应有日期(date)、称呼(saluwfion)、正文(body)及结尾(ending),结尾包括结尾套语(complimentary close)和签名(signature)。

1.日期指写便条的日期。英文便条与汉语便条的日期写的地方有别,前者的日期一般写在便条的右上角,偶尔也见写在便条的左上角,而后者的日期则写在便条的右下角,即写在签名的下面。英文日期与汉语日期的写法也有不同,汉语一般先写年,然后再写月、日,而英文则一般把年份写在月、日的后面。另外,英文日期的月、日与年之间通常用逗号隔开。例如,2008年4月21日通常写成April 21,2008或April 21 st,2008;当然,由于是非正式书信,也可以去掉年份,写成Ap l 2l或April 21st(不过,这种写法,只是最近两年才被TEM4接受),或者写成21/4/2008或4/21/2008。日期能说明便条的有效度,没有日期,则会使人感到茫然。

2.称呼称呼是指写便条人对收便条人的称谓,一般都以Dear开头,写在日期下一两行、留出左页边空白,顶格写。TEM4试卷中一般对写便条人与收便条人之间的关系作了提示。提示中的“you”指的是写便条人,提到的另一方便是收便条人。称呼时,一般只需在其名字前加Dear即可,如Dear Susan,Dear Tom。若此人有头衔(social title),称呼时,便要保留其头衔,例如Dr.Herce,要称DearDr.Pierce,不称DearPierce。如果提示中的另一方是以MrsWang或MrWang出现,称呼时也只需在其前加Dear便可,即称DearMrsWang或DearMrWang,若只称DearWang则视为不妥。当对方为亲属时,在Dear 后面加上表示亲属关系大写的字眼即可,如DearGrandpa,DearAunt。值得一提的是,近年来TEM4也接受不带Dear的称呼。称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号。



① 致不熟悉的人,宜用较庄重的套语,如Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,或Sincerely等。

② 对上级、长者,除了可用上述较庄重的套语,也可用Yoursrespectfully或Respectfully yours。

③ 对一般朋友或熟人可用①中提到的较庄重的套语,也可用Yours等较为随便的套语。

④ 对密友则采用较随便的套语为宜。例如,Yours,Love,With love,Best wishes,Best regards等等。

⑤ 对亲属可用下列任何一种:Love,With love,All my love,Yours afectionately,Affectionately yours,Lovingly yours,Yo urslovingly,Your loving son(Dad?);但对亲人,不宜用Sincerelyyours~由于TEM4便条写作一般是针对考生日常生活或学习相关的事情,写作的对象一般是其朋友、老师、熟人,因此,TEM4通常只接受Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Sincerely,或Yours这几种结尾套语。







讲究其逻辑性,还得注意其完整性。生活中有些约定俗成的东西,写作时,应考虑这方面的因素。例如,写道歉信时,一般都先向对方表示歉意或内疚,同时说明发生疏忽、过失、或错误的原因,提出弥补的办法,这样有利于取得对方的谅解。现以近年一次英语专业四级考试便条写作为例加以说明:该提示是:Yesterday you failed tO turn up for the appointmentwith your teacher,Profeor Wang.Write him a note of apology an dmake a request for another meeting.YO u should also suggest the timefor the requested meting.仔细阅读这一提示,你就会发现,第一句为第二旬所要求的道歉确定了内容;为了求得对方的谅解,获得另一次会面的机会,你就必须说明前次未能赴约见面的原因。因此,本便条的内容必须包括以下四项:

(1)apologizingforfailuretOturn upforthe appointment,

(2)the rea~nforfailuretOturn叩,

(3)making a request for another meeting,

(4)suggesting the timeflorthe requestedmeeting。其中(3)、(4)为提示中明确要求表达的内容,(1)、(2)则是根据道歉类书信特点而必须表达的内容。内容为便条写作的重头戏。写作时,切莫忽视提示中的任何信息,同时要关注交际中所需的相关信息。当然,在注意提示中的信息时,特别是首句,要注意用自己正确的语言来表达,不能完全抄提示,否则会扣分。



(一)格式方面1.日期部分往往被漏掉,或漏掉日期中年与月、日之间的逗号,或在日期后面加点,或按汉语的顺序写成(如2006年4月22日,写成April 22 2006;April 22,2006.;2006.5.9;其正确形式请参照前文的相应部分),或按汉语习惯把它写在签名的下面。2.称呼未往左顶格写,或与日期同写一行;称呼后面打句号,或未打逗号或冒号。3.把结尾套语和签名同写一行,或漏写结尾套语,或漏掉结尾套语后面的逗号。

(二)内容方面便条的内容虽简单,但漏掉必须表达的内容的情况时有发生。例如,在前文提到的那次TEM4便条写作,考生对未赴约的原因应加以说明,可不少考生只写了如下相似内容的便条:I am verysorry for miing yesterday’S appointment,SO I do hope we can mak ean other one.Sunday evening is convenient for me.W hat about you?内容方面还因理解不透,或自立标准而导致交际不成功的情况也不鲜见。还是以前文提到的那次TEM4便条写作为例,评分取样的九份答卷中就有三份类似的例子。其中一份这样写道,“I’mvery glad to receive your note.About Our appointment I think we canchan ge an other time.M aybe tomorrow,1 will

be fre an d stay athome all day.Ifyouarealsofreetomorrow ,you Can callme atan ytime.Then 1 will visit you?”该提示要写一封简短的道歉信,而这位考生的答案却与此大相径庭,信中丝毫没有流露出道歉的意念。


1.措辞不当措辞不当在这里既指一般遣词造句中出现的语言运用错误(performance erors),又指因未按TEM4便条测试中提供的语境遣词造句而产生的语用失误(pragmatic failures),还指因忽视对方的社会或文化背景差异而造成的语用失误。此类问题在TEM4便条写作中相当严重。我们还是以前文提到的那次TEM4便条写作为例;鉴于篇幅,且举三例:

(1) 在1 would appreciate you if you could have anothermeeting with me这句话中,appreciate后面的宾语不妥。只要细心的读者翻阅一下词典,就会发现appreciate(感谢)的英文释义是be grateful for(something),若把句中的you改为it(代表后面那件事),或把appreciate改为be grateful to,或把appreciate you改为be grateful,这句话就对了。

(2)考生在便条的开头就对因病未能与王教授约会表示道歉后,接着写道:I\'m anxious tO make an appointment with you.而根据上下文应该是,I\'m anxious tO make another appointment withyou(??与你另订一次约会)。

(3)你(写便条人)自己因某种原因而没去赴约,况且约会的对象是你的老师,事后还要命令对方到你家来见你,或以命令的IZl吻表示要给你打电话。象“You must come tO my home”,或\"Give me a call to discu it further\"这类话有失礼貌,使人读后感到不舒服。


(1)冠词错误,如I\'m anxious to make a(应为an)appointment with you.

(2)词性错误,如I must make an apologize(正确为apology)for failing to turn up for the appo intment.

(3)动词的时与体等方面的错误,例如:a.If you will be(应把will be改为are)free tomorrow,we shall meet again.b.I am sorry to fail(正确为to have failed而不是to fall,因事情已发生)to turn up for the appointment yesterday.

(4)句子结构错误,例如:I\'m very sorry.I didn\'t turn up for the appointment with you.Because my mother was seriously ill yesterday and I had to take her to see the doctor(应改为I\'m very sorry I didn’t turn up for the appointment with you yesterday because my mother was seriously ill and I had to take her to see the doctor).3.拼写错误与别的主观题一样,便条写作中拼写错误数见不鲜。

例如:profeor---profesor/profesor;convenient---conveint/convinen/convinient; receive—recieve; appointment ---apointment/poitment.



(二) 临场发挥1.仔细阅读、研究所给提示,包括情景、要求、与收便条人之间的关系等。2.根据提示认真构思,包括结构、语气、用词等。3.利用有把握的英文知识,简明扼要地表达提示中要表*考试~大达的思想内容。4.语言要流畅,切记以对方为重、使对方愉悦、尽量少用被动语态、避免文句单调。5.注意卷面要干净整齐,字迹要工整清晰。6.挤时间认真检查:1)格式是否正确,有无漏掉成分;2)内容是否完整,有无缺少部分;3)语言是否规范、得体,有无语法、拼写错误,等等。附:范文

April 22,2006Dear Profeor Wang,

I\'m very sorry I didn’t keep the appointment with you yesterday because of my sick roommate.As his close friend,I had to look after him the whole day.1wonder if you’d mind having another appointment with me at your office at four O’clock tomorrow afternoon.I\'m expecting your reply.

Yours sincerely,



Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment? China’s economic growth has brought fast development to tourism since 1978.An increasing number of people start to go on traveling, which unavoidably bring harm to the environment.On the one hand, tourism leads to the destruction of ecological balance.Many so called green parks have been built to attract visitors.However, the constructions of those parks need lots of trees because they can be made into artificial chairs, tables or wood house, so tourism also causes the decline in areas of the green land, which adds the risk of floods.On the other hand, tourism causes water pollution.Some places of interest are famous for natural beauty, like some big waterfalls and lakes, but some rude behaviors, such as leaving plastic bags in the water indeed have a bad effect to water.To sum up, I think it is not worth sacrificing environment to develop economic.As citizens, everyone should do their own part to protect our environment.

March 27, 2009 Dearly Lily, I have learned from an ad that a schoolboy is looking for a private English-language tutor.I think it is a good chance for you so you can get a part-time job at your free time.Most important of all, you want to be a teacher, your dream.I hope you will take the opportunity and may you succeed.





8:10---8:15 进入考场

8:15---8:30 试音时间

8:30 开始考试

听力 35min

阅读 30min

人文知识 10min

改错 15min

翻译 60min

作文 45min




















部分同学会急于用这2分钟浏览听力**,导致听写部分出现一些“小儿科”错误。单词的单复数、过去时态、has/is 的错用、主谓一致等都是在这2分钟内可以检查并更正的。另外一个要注意的就是,根据得分、扣分的规则,如果有一句话基本没听清楚,那放弃这句话去检查其它句子才是明智之举。听写是专四的第一题,它的成败在很大程度上决定了









1.A.presents 2.B sweet potatoes 3.C she had been invited 4.A she wanted to know 5.D is increasing 6.A Wednesday 7.C.mail the women 8.C Lack of 9.A prospective 10.____11.D Southern 12.C Eastern 13.A Northern parts 14.D more useful information15.A illiteracy 16.B starting to carry 17.B technology 18.D yellow 19.A throwing

20.C visiting 21.D digital textbooks are used 22.B 2 23.A TSA agents 24.D The security 25.B smoking 26.C to get patients occupied 27.B to prevent pilots 28.B had failed to cover all the pilots 29.C because it may help 30.A balance完型

31.D would 32.A nor 33.C look after 34.B By means of 35.D as much as 36.C though 37.B how 38.A persons 39.C exists 40.B way 41.D larger 42.C goes up 43.A But 44.D always 45.B who 46.B form 47.C too 48.D collected 49.B like 50.B fairer单选

51.C his 52.__ 53.B Deadline 54.A Lucy insisted 55.C many 56.B Victoria likes 57.D quarter 58.C The school pupils 59.A politics are 60.A The arrival 61.B Tony hit 62.D I wish 63.A were to 64.B Carele reading 65.A remain 66.C Adjusting 67.A dull 68.B I couldn\'t understand 6

9.D did up 70.A credit 71.C as far as one can see 72.C point 73.D much 74.A if an accident happens 75.C deliver 76.C building 77.B definite 78.D blast 79.B refrained from 80.A brightly阅读:

81.C it plays 82.A Speeches at world 83.C to advise people 84.D it comes from 85.B The many uses 86.D saw an 87.A snowboarders

88.C he borrowed money from a mortage 89.B He promised 90.part of fashion 91.B they had lost 92.Desperate 93.__ 94.A Her friends valued 95.C Understanding gained is96.D determination 97.A there were 98.A Habit is key 99.D techniques to supplement 100.A strees the neural



英语专四考试流程: 首先听写15分钟后第一次交卷;然后做其他听力和选择题目,包括完型填空、词汇语法、阅读三部分,70分钟后交第二卷;最后写作文便条,45分钟后交卷,考试结束8:15进考场,监考老师检查准考证,身份证,学生证。(考试正式开始15分钟后,迟到考生不得进入考场。考试正式开始后30分钟后,考生才准交卷离开考场。)


1.8:30—9:05听力 总35min

a.DICTATION 老师开始放录音,做在主观答题卷A上。听写共念四遍,最后磁带上留出2分钟的时间让学生检查听写。约8:50分收主观答题卷A:Dictation)


c.NEWS BROADCAST (10道题,约5-7篇)


2.9:05—9:20 完形填空:15min 20道题

3.9:20—9:35语法及词汇:15min 30道题。这两部分都得看平时的锻炼及对英语的语感。练习做多一些,对这两种题型会有帮助的。


5.10:00-10:45 作文总45min

a.大作文。大作文记住把字写得工整漂亮些;用3-5min列个提纲,做好三段式的大体平衡的框架,开始部分有明确的中心思想,中间body部分有topic sentence和明显的表示逻辑顺序的关联词,结尾是总结前文并升华,但不要呼喊口号。用几个复杂的句式和3-4个较好的词就可以了。大作文如有时间,可以抽2-3min检查下文章中的微小问题。









参 考 答 案


What is a dream for

One theory is that we dream to release the deep, secret desires.We do not expre these desires in real life because of the rules of polite society.Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life.We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution.This may be a way to use our dreams rather than a purpose of dreaming.If you believe that your dreams are important then analyzing them may help you to focus on the problem and help you to find the solution.

The modern image is that dreams are the brain’s way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk.Dreams organize the events of the day into folders and delete what is not needed.But we all know that very little of what we dream is concerned with what happened to us that day.


1—5 ABCAD 6—10 ACDAB 11—15 DCADA

16—20 BBDAC 21—25 DBADB 26—30 CBBCA


31—35 DACBD 36—40 CBACB 41—45 DCADB

46—50 BCDBB


51—55 CDBAC 56—60 BDCAA 61—65 BBACA

66—70 CABDA 71—75 CBDAC 76—80 CADBA


81—85 CACDB 86—90 DACBC 91—95 BDDAC

96—100 DAACA



The advantages of being careful with money in daily life

Nowadays, there is a hot debate on whether people, including students should be careful with their money in their daily life since they try their best to save money.Some people think it is not good to do so because this may not make people smart consumers.But in my eyes, the advantages of being careful with money in daily life outweigh the disadvantages.

First, being careful with money is a virtue that can always benefit people.Being thrifty is of great help, especially when the economic status around the world is not very good and it becomes harder to earn money than before.A good habit of being careful with money will help many people go through this difficult period or any other difficult financial situation in

their life.People with this awarene will think carefully before deciding to buy anything.For students, this awarene is also of great help since they mainly depend on their parents for financial supports.When they keep this awarene in their mind, they will definitely avoid wasting money.

Secondly, being careful with money is, in fact, a good way of practicing how to manage one\'s money.In current society, it is neceary to learn something about finance.But theories are usually hard to learn.In contrast, most people can learn quickly by practicing.Being careful with money means an efficient use of money, which, in eence, equals to part of the job of a financial planner.Being careful with money can teach people to make best use of their money.

It is true that being too careful with money may have some disadvantages; for example, it may cause people to ignore other aspects of commodities.But overall this behavior is good and has its reality basis.Money-consciousne is always needed in the market-oriented economy.


April 20

Dear Mathew,

I\'m writing to show my apology for being unable to wait for you in my dorm.I\'m really sorry but I have something urgent to do.You can come to Room 1003, No.3 Teaching Building to find me.The map on the back of the note will help you.I\'ll wait for you there.






8:30-9:05听力(Mini-lecture结束后收卷+Interview+News broadcast)




六、10:00-11:00 翻译结束后收卷。

七、11:00-11:45 作文收卷,考试结束。




英语漫画作文,即根据漫画所描绘的内容,按照要求和提示写一篇英语短文。英语漫画作文常以讽刺画和幽默画为主,要求学生解读画面,展开想象,议论,揭示自己对生活的理解,从而达到讽刺或教育的目的。漫画作文多以叙述结合议论为主。 体裁:议论文。

时态:一般现在时。人称:第三人称 漫画作文写作三步骤: 1) 描述

From the cartoon we can see that…..

It is a common phenomenon in today’s society.

The picture shows a common phenomenon.The picture describes an interesting phenomenon.

In the picture, there are…/…is (are) doing…The picture above is about … 2) 阐明原因

It seems very ridiculous that….However, this kind of story is performed everywhere.

It is the exact reflection of…The picture indicates that we….

This is a satirical (讽刺的) cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among… 3) 提出对策

As parents, we should take some effective measures for our children’s education.

I think/believe that…..It is better /advisable to…I consider it neceary…



and, as well as, together with, not only…but also...


but, however, in spite of, although, otherwise, while


on the contrary, instead of, on one hand…on the other hand...


so, therefore, as a result (of), because, owing to, due to, thanks to.表示时间、顺序关系

first, second …, then, next, finally, for one thing ...for another, in the end,表示递进、强调关系

besides, what’s more, in addition, worse still, above all


such as, for example, for instance(例如), in other words, in fact 表示结论

in short, in brief, in a word, in general, on the whole, in conclusion 较复杂句型 被动语态

People suggest that the conference be put off.It is suggested that the conference be put off.非谓语动词

She walked out of the room and many students followed her.

Followed by many students, she walked out of the room从句

To his surprise, the little girl knew so many things.

What surprised him was that the little girl knew so many things.倒装

The couple was so curious about wild plants that they decided to travel to the forest.So curious was the couple about wild plants that they decided to travel to the forest.强调句

Regular radio broadcasts began in 1920.It was not until in 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began.虚拟语气

Many lives were saved because there were the efforts of firefighters.

But for the efforts of firefighters, many lives would not have been saved。



不知这副漫画的含义大家看懂没有,那个人脑袋的确有“虫”,不过此虫非彼虫 ,这个“虫”指的是那个人破坏生态平衡的心虫,怪不不得啄木鸟说他“脑袋有虫”,不过在我们平时的生活中、世界上,这类“脑袋有虫”的人数不胜数,可啄木鸟却是寥寥无几。

平时,不少同学的草稿纸只划了几笔就扔进了垃圾桶,要知道,这些纸可是 一棵棵树木啊;洗手时,水开得挺大,这还不说,洗完手,也不关水就走了,任 凭水哗哗的流淌,要知道在干旱地区水是多么宝贵啊;平时,随手将垃圾扔在地上,既影响环境又影响美观。要知道,如今我们这个地球已经受到了极大的破坏,可是那些“脑袋有虫”的人却丝毫没有醒悟,他们为了自己的利益破坏环 境:滥砍滥伐、毁坏植被;为了图方便将污水排入江河,不知有多少河流因此无 法饮用,我们的母亲河——黄河已经便得浑浊不堪;昔日的天府之国——成都的

美好风景已无复存在,土地正向沙漠化进军;大气污染也越来越严重,几乎处处 是酸雨。在如此触目惊心的事情前,人类似乎没有觉醒,而人们脑袋里那条 贪婪的虫子越来越大,人们已经被欲望迷住了双眼。





专四范文 Tourism Does Do Harm to the Environment Last week, I was going through The Sunday Times, when a news story caught my eye.A local government in Yunnan got rid of a forest for the building up of a tourist resort.As a result, a rare species of wood crane was rendered homele.Despite the effort by the locals, these birds still extinguished.It is, indeed, a typical example to show that tourism does do harm to the natural balance of environment. To begin with, over-expansion of tourism is, of course, destructive to the environment.As it brings huge tides of tourists and certainly big revenues to scenic spots, devastating pollution comes along.Such increased amount of exhaust as released from air traveling and vehicles are the worst results, not to mention other wastes brought along by tourists themselves.Secondly, too much traveling causes irreparable damages to the non-renewable resource of environmental nature.Once exhausted, these resources can be in no way reproduced.Finally, exceive tourism disturbs harmony between humans and natural environment, posing a big threat to their own existence.That is why we see, in so many resorts, polluted rivers, dirty air and “white wastes”. To sum up, life is too short to live in one place and traveling is human nature.However, as vacations come, and we are working out a big plan to go somewhere, we should keep in our mind the risks posed by exceive traveling so that we poibly do it in a restrained way. 转自[英美者]-英语专业网站: TV—Bleing or Curse? ? Few things in the modern world have so much influence on people as the television does.Being besieged with TV news , absorbing teleplays, well-masterminded programmes, one can easily conclude that TV is a real bleing to the human society, offering affluent entertainment and information.Yet, convenient and helpful as it is, the television also brings negative effects.To begin with, TV makes people more paive than before: since everything on TV is ready-made, there is no space for audience\'s initiatives.The news has been carefully edited, teleplays well shot, programmes rehearsed, so all you need to do—and all you can do is to sit on a comfortable sofa and look at the screen.Though a lot of people enjoy doing this, the undoubted truth is that people are becoming more paive simply because there is no interaction and no efforts on them. Television also contributes to the fact that people nowadays are more distant to each other.Since most of our free time is taken away by the act of watching TV, we can no longer find enough time to visit friends, call on relatives or go to interesting places.This is also true within a family, parents and children and other members are le close to each other, because family get-togethers and conversations are disturbed by TV—when one member is watching TV, he would like ot

hers to keep quiet.Of course I am not denying the great conveniences and huge benefits the TV brings us,but to make it a really bleing to us,we should try to avoid its negative effects.错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 To Lie or Not to Lie-----the Doctor’s Dilemma Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients, especially to the incurably(治不好地) ill and the dying? Doctors confront such choices often and urgently.Some people believe that doctors should lie for the patient’s own sake, and such lies differ from self-serving(自私的) ones.Others don’t agree.In my part, I think the doctors should not lie, and they should tell the truth to the patients.Firstly, studies show that an overwhelming majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about grave illne, and feel betrayed when they learn that they been misled.We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illne: helps them tolerate pain better, need le medicine, and even recover faster after surgery.Secondly, lies invade the autonomy of patients and render(致使) them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health, including the choice of whether to be a patient in the first place.Thirdly, dying patients especially---who are easiest to mislead and most often kept in the dark---can then not make decisions about the end of life: about whether or not they should enter a hospital, or have surgery; about where and with whom they should spend their remaining time; about how they bring their affairs to a close and take leave.There is urgent need to debate this iue openly.Lies do harm to those who tell them: harm to their integrity 正直, ( 诚实)and, in the long run, to their credibility(可靠,可信).Lies hurt the entire medical profeion.


2010年专四作文真题: Should College Students Hire Cleaners? (大学生是否应该雇佣清洁工)——关于大学生的生活独立


It is recently reported in a newspaper that six students who shared a dorm at a local university hired a cleaner to do laundry and cleaning once a week.And each of them paid her 60 yuan a month.This has led to a heated debate as to whether college students should hire cleaners.

Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:Should College Students Hire Cleaners? You are to write in three parts:

In the first part, state clearly what your view is.

In the second part, support your view with appropriate reasons.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriatene.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a lo of marks.




2009Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?

2007Is It Wise to Make Friends Online?

2004Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?

1994TV: a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?


Should College Students Hire Cleaners?

According to a recent report, six university students hired cleaners to

clean their dorm and do their laundry every week.Although we have no right to tell them what to do with their money, as a university student

myself, I find this practice absurd.

For a start, away from our parents, it is in university that we learn to be independent adults.Cleaning the room and doing one’s laundry are the most basic living skills.If we always depend on others to take care of us, how can we survive when there is no one to help us? How can we take on any responsibility when we step into society?

For another, the practice reflects their flippant attitude towards money.The money they paid for the cleaners probably comes from their parents, who must be very depreed once they know the truth.It also sets a very bad precedent on campus.Other students may follow suit to show the

wealth of their families; or worse, they tend to think money can buy them anything in this world, which obviously is wrong.

All in all, I think we must do away with this practice.Otherwise, we may never appreciate the good value of money and an independent way of life.The better and sooner we can take care of ourselves, the more proud our parents will be.







① When talking about (it comes to / it refers to) _______, people’s opinion are divergent on such a controversial iue.


① A much debated iue these day is whether…

① There is a pubic (general) debate (discuion / controversy) today (nowadays) on (about/over/as to) the problem (iue) of …


① Recently the problem (iue) of ______ + has drawn (aroused) public (worldwide) attention.

或 + has caused (aroused) wide (general / considerable / international) concern.


① Recently the iue (problem) of … has been in the limelight (brought into focus / brought to public attention / posed among the general public).

五、在过去的„年里, 很多城市面临了„的严重问题。

① In recent (past) years, many cities (nations / people) have been faced with (plagued with / troubled with / experienced / witneed / undergone) the (a / an) serious problem of (acute shortage of / alarming increase in) …


① One of the burning (preing / urgent) problems facing (confronting / troubling) our nation (society / world / community) today is that…


① One of the biggest iues (hottest topics / most popular things / most serous problems) many people talk (complain) about now is …


① With the rapid (marked / amazing) development (increase / improvement / expansion / growth / decline) of _____,

① With the general (growing / common) recognition (realization / acknowledgement) of ______,

① With he general (growing / common) interest in (concern over / enthusiasm for) ________,

① With ________ playing an increasingly big role in ______,

① With _______ attaching much importance to ______,

九: 如今有一种…趋势。

① Nowadays (Currently / Recently), there is a growing (unhealthy) tendency to (in / that) …

②一方观点 + 另一方观点:两大表述方法


② The vast (overwhelming) majority of people say (think / believe/ maintain/ hold) that …, while other people (others) claim (argue / insist) that …

② Most (Many / Quite a few /Some) people say (think / believe / maintain / hold) that, but other people (others) claim that …

② The vast (overwhelming) majority of people say (think / believe/ maintain/ hold) that …, but others view quite differently (but others think a bit differently / but others think that the opposite is true).They argue (claim) that …,

② The overwhelming majority would support that …, others, however, take the negative attitude.

二、反对者认为…, 拥护者认为…

② Those who criticize (oppose / object to) … argue that ….They believe that …, but people who advocate (favor) …, on the other hand, maintain (aert) that…

③ 我方观点


③ However, I firmly believe (hold/maintain) …

③ From the personal perspective, I prefer A than B as my inclination.

③ Personally, I am in favor of (support) the view (idea / opinion / argument) that…

二、agree / disagree型加入:我同意/不同意前/后者观点,我认为…

③ I agree /disagree with the former / latter.I hold (maintain / believe) that …

③ I approve / disapprove of the former / latter idea.I hold (maintain / believe) that…

③ I am (not) in favor of the former / latter idea.I hold (maintain / believe) that…




④流行观点 + ③我方观点 (五大表述方法)

一、如今人们普遍认为„, 他们说„ + 我方观点

④ Now, it is commonly (generally / widely) believed (thought / held / accepted / felt / recognized / acknowledged) that … They claim ( believe / argue) that …+ For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the iue, I hold (maintain / believe) …

二、如今经常听到的一种批评声音是…他们说… + 我不同意这种观点,原因如下。

④ A criticism often heard these days is that … They say that … I disagree with this point of view for the following two / three reasons.

三、对于公众来说… + 我方观点

④ To the general public, …For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the iue, I hold (maintain / believe) …

四、关于这个问题,多数人说… + 我方观点

④ In response (reaction / answer ) to the event (phenomenon / idea / question), the majority of people say (think) … + For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the iue, I hold (maintain / believe) …

五、近来我们一直听到关于…的说法。+ 我方观点

④ These days we often hear that … + For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the iue, I hold (maintain / believe) …

第三大模板法:①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤提出质疑(四大质疑法)

一、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤但是他们没有意识到„

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型+ ⑤ But do they realize…?

二、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤但是这种做法明智么?越来越多的人,包括我对此表示质疑。

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型 + ⑤ But is it a fair (wise/reasonable) one? This way is now being questioned (challenged) by more people, including me.

三、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤ 但是果真如此吗?仔细分析一下,就证明这种观点站不住脚。

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型 + ⑤ But is it true? Close examination (analysis) doesn’t bear out (证实) the claim (view/argument).

四、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤ 但是情况果真如此吗?我不认为,因为以下原因。

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型 + ⑤ But is this really the case? I disagree for the following reasons.

第四大模板法: ①引题 + ⑥ 让步转折句 (五大转折法)

一、①引题 + ⑥ 的确„,不过„

①引题句型 + ⑥ It is true that …, but …

二、①引题 + ⑥ 似乎 „, 不过„

①引题句型 + ⑥ It seems that …, but …

三、①引题 + ⑥ 不可否认的是„, 不过„

①引题句型 + ⑥ It is undeniable that …, but … / Undeniably, …, but …

四、①引题 + ⑥ 但是尽管„, 几乎没有证据证明„

①引题句型 + ⑥ But although (Admittedly,) …, there is no (little) evidence.

it is questioned (doubted) that …

五、①引题 + ⑥ 但是尽管„, 我还是认为„

①引题 + ⑥ Although …, I believe one should …

注:开头段落提出观点可以出现各种格的“我”,但之后的段落不要使用 “I” “me” “my” “we” “us” “our”!




一, 作文基本框架: 开头段落3-4句




结尾段落:结尾客套句 + 结尾总结句 + 结尾延伸句

二, 各部分框架常用模板:

 开头段:现象引入句 + 他人观点对比句 + 自己主题句 句型总结: 1 引入句:

Nowadays, it is a heatedly discued topic that… When asked about …

Recently, there is a general debate on whether…

Should …? Opinions to this attitude vary greatly from person to person.There is no denying the fact that…

The 年代

saw an unprecedented tide of ….As more people focus on … sth has begun to draw more and more attention from the public.In recent years, …… This phenomenon has become a subject of widespread controversy.

2 他人观点对比句:

The majority of people believe that… while others regard that… A number people claim that… while some others argue that…

3 表明自己立场句:

Weighing up these two arguments, I am in favor of… For my part,…

As for me,…

I am in favor of the view that… Personally,…

 中间段落发展句型: 1 阐释原因句型: 现象原因组合句:

The latest surveys indicate that …. There are several reasons accounting for this occurrence.For one thing,…..For another,….In addition, ….


…..for the simplest reason that … Due to ….

2 引出理由或者论据句: The reasons for my views mainly lie in the following … aspects.There exist certain factors accounting for my views.

3 举例论证说明句:

There are numerous examples supporting this argument.,,, is a typical example of… A good case in point is …

A good example to illustrate is….For another example, …..

4 说明好处或影响 4.1 引出好处或影响:

Undoubtedly, … can benefit a lot from No doubt, … have brought us great convenience and pleasure.It is obvious that ….is favorable to…

4.2 列举好处或影响:

It provides more people with….It/They broaden… and cultivate their….Moreover, … tends to bring some unexpected surprise, such as… Besides, it helps strengthen… and enhance…

5 说明危害 5.1 引出危害:

…have brought about considerable negative effects on… … bring great harm to…

However, the use of … is extremely harmful in many ways.… are likely to lead to very serious results.It suffers from the disadvantage that…

5.2 列举危害:

… puts a heaven burden on…

… too much, which is unfavorable to… … which migh mislead…

… which brings more difficulties for…

… not only work against other interests but also does harm to himself.Even worse, … might lose control of…

… have killed …, destroyed…., and wiped out ….If ….., … will suffer great loes and might lose… , which in turn influence….

… are so induldged in… that….… are so addicted to….That

 结尾段落句型

结尾客套句 + 结尾总结句 + 结尾延伸句


From what has been discued above,we may reasonably arrived at the conclusion that….Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably arrived at the conclusion that….Judging from all evidence offered,we may reasonably arrived at the conclusion that….结尾总结句:

对首段结尾主题句的paraphrase (略)


1 说明方法或者建议句: 1.1 引出方法 But then how to….The following measures can be taken to ….Therefore, it’s high time that we took effective measures to …

Considering the seriousne of the problem, it is neceary that we college students….

1.2 具体阐述方法和建议

First, …..should…., which is the precondition of….Second, ….is an effective way to…..In addition, … is indispensable to…

Besides, more….should be trained and more….should be built up so as to….To… is not an easy task.And it requires the concerted efforts of all….There is no immediate solution to the problem of….But …might be quite helpful and beneficial.No easy method can solve the prolem of….in short time.But the ….might be the first step on the right way.

2 警示句:

If we ignore the problem, it is very likely that…

No doubt, if we can’t change/control/improve the situation, there is every chance that ….We must search for a quick action, because the current situation of …, if permitted to continue, will surely lead to the end/heavy cost of…

Therefore, … is not a neceity, but a must.


1 熟记格式和扣分点 日期写法:

• 月份写法:除


六、七月外,均可用简写: • Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.• 日期最一般的写法是: • “月,日(基数),年 • 例Dec.15, 2003

• 若有星期则加在最前面 称呼写法:

• 对一定社会距离,不熟悉的人:

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear President, Dear Mr.Smith • 对相识的人: •

Dear Shirley 结尾客套语:

• 和正文隔开1-2行 • 位置偏右 • 后加逗号 • 礼貌程度:

• 正式的:Faithfully yours, Truly yours, • 一般情况: Yours, 卷面布局:

• 向右靠:时间,结尾客套语,署名 • 向左靠:称呼

• 中心:建议段首空四个字符,两端对齐 • 结尾客套语和署名不能写在同一行

2 各个应用功能

2.1邀请,拒绝,建议, 2.2祝贺,安慰,询问 2.3道歉,致谢,请求 2.4通知,广告,启事 2.5请假,留言,推荐





















四年级 赵克凡

在一个静谧的森林中,生活着许许多多的小鸟。一天清晨,两只小鸟飞出去玩了。等它们晚上回来时,茂密的森林不见了,它们的同伴也不见了踪影。这是怎么回事呢?两只天真的小鸟不知道是伐木工人把它们的家园“碎尸万段”了。 他们两个飞来飞去,像无头苍蝇似的在寻找自己原来的家。这时,一只大鸟从木桩中飞出来。悲痛地对它们说:“我们的家园原本是地球上的第二大的原始森林,可没想到,就你们出去玩一天,我们的家就这样支离破碎了。一辆辆伐木车和一把把锋利的电锯就这样把我们的家毁了,使我们无家可回,四处流浪。这都是人类的“杰作”啊!

听了大鸟的话后,小鸟们悲痛不已,并且在心里暗暗发誓:等我们找到新家后,一定要保护好,人类休想在破坏我们的家园,大不了来个“鸟死网破”。 如果地球上没有了鸟类,人们还能听到鸟的歌声吗?如果地球上没有了森林,人们靠什么区给养氧气呢?哎,都是悲哀啊!

这虽是一幅漫画,但值得我们人类深思。我再次呼吁:“我们只有一个地球,不能为了自己暂时的利益随意砍伐树木,随意破坏森林!” 指导老师:肖欢



五年级 吴曼芩

“兹兹兹„„”从森林中传来了一阵阵锯木声,是谁在锯树呢?原来是伐木工在锯树呢! 森林里的动物们听到锯木声,都慌忙地跑到小溪边,召开了森林紧急会议。小松鼠说:“肯定又是哪个坏伐木工人在锯树了,要不我们出去揍他一顿吧!”小熊说:“不行啊,就凭我们这些动物是斗不过听到,况且他还有电锯呢!”小松鼠着急地说:“那也不能眼睁睁地看着他用电锯摧毁我们的家园啊。”小猫说:“先别急,我们先来商量下应急策略吧。” 过来一会儿,动物们终于有了答案,小猫摸了摸自己的胡须,说:“这个人的脑袋里肯定有虫子,不然怎么发疯似的砍树呢,所以只要把他脑子的虫子啄出来就好了。”啄木鸟拍怕翅膀,说:“这事包在我身上!” 说罢,啄木鸟飞到伐木工人头上,“咚咚„„“使劲地啄着伐木工人的脑门,伐木工人痛得哇哇直叫,拿着电锯赶紧跑了。从此以后,再也没来过。小动物用自己的行动捍卫了家园,个个都高声欢呼。





四年级 陈诗颖

随着科技的发展,科学家们在25世纪发明了一种很实用的智能书包。 这个智能书包可以根据人的意识来变化外表的图案。假如你想变成白雪公主的图案,你就在心里默念:请变成白雪公主的图案。不到一秒钟,它就变成了白雪公主的图案了。



当你按下第二个按钮时,它会帮你整理书包:把书放整齐,把垃圾排除掉。 当你按下第三个按钮时,它会帮你变出你忘带的东西,提醒你忘记做的事。 当你按下第四个按钮时,它会出现一个微屏幕(只有自己才会看见哦),告诉你不会写的字和不会做的题。但是考试时,不管你按几下,它都不搭理你,因为它体内有‘考试禁用“的功能。


怎么样?这样的书包你是不是也非常想要啊?那就赶快穿越到25世纪吧。 指导老师:肖欢



四年级 陈轲扬



起飞了,它们两个张开肢膀,扑腾扑腾地飞向蓝天。它们一会儿再蓝天中漂移,一会儿在树丛中穿梭,度过了美好的一天。傍晚,太阳落下了山岗,天空也染上了晚霞的色彩。渐渐地,天色暗下来了,只见天边出现了月亮的一角。两只小鸟看天色不早了,赶紧往家里赶。等它们飞回家,眼前的一幕让它们傻眼了。暗暗的天空下,一个个树桩却是那么显眼。小鸟们看着眼前的一片狼藉,叹气一声,带着泪水飞向远方。 人类啊人类,为什么要伐树?难道为了眼前的利益,可以自私地去破坏鸟儿的家园吗?请不要为了自己的私欲去破坏环境吧!珍惜用纸,爱护树木,从我们做起! 指导老师:肖欢 文明只差一步


五年级 操双双

我无聊的翻着语文书,本想看看我感兴趣的文章,却看到一幅让我沉思的漫画。 画面是这样的,一个小男孩和一个小女孩在上学的路上看见了垃圾桶旁边躺满了垃圾,心里非常气愤。小女孩急忙跑过去,把垃圾一个个地往桶里送。小男孩抓抓脑袋,突然灵机一动,马上拿出纸和笔写上“文明只差一步”,小心翼翼地将它贴在桶上。


说到乱扔垃圾,我又想起在上次学校校运会上,许多同学的果皮纸屑随地乱扔,学校的操场成了垃圾的海洋。可是,我们班并没有这样,我们都把垃圾都扔在了自带的垃圾袋里。校运会结束后,校长给我们班送来了奖状,我们得到了“文明班级”的称号。可是我却怎么也高兴不起来。不随地乱扔垃圾,不是一件很小的事情,为什么那么多人做不到呢? 我合上语文书,再次陷入沉思„„ 指导老师:肖欢
