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现在政府总是在提倡创新,我们为什么缺乏创新人才?我看都是教育惹的祸!这个教育包含了学校、家庭、社会的教育。中国孩子聪明、学习好,举世公认。但能力呢?比如爱的能力。如今剩男剩女成了一个社会话题,剩下来的原因很多,而且因人而异,但其中有一个原因不能忽视,就是有人不懂得怎么去谈恋爱,因为他们从小就没谈过恋爱,也没人教他们怎么谈恋爱,相反多少成年人会谈早恋而色变?试想如果他们像朱莉和布莱斯那样情窦初开的年龄就尝试着去爱,而且有成年人的引导,他们也不至于在谈婚论嫁的年龄为如何爱而烦恼了吧。 再看看人家的课堂,观察小鸡孵化,做个实景火山喷发,我们的素质教育、课改是不是学的就是这些东西呀!人家那可是上世纪五六十年代。而且虽然素质了,课改了,我们听到看到的依然是被课业负担压得抬不起头、早出晚归难得见到太阳、周六日奔走于各种培训班的孩子们;依然是在好幼儿园、好学校门外支起帐篷、打开躺椅、彻夜排队苦苦等待的家长们。 相形之下,朱莉和布莱斯是何等幸福快乐!他们上下学有校车,周围有伙伴、有邻里之间的






有的人浅薄,有的人金玉其表败絮其中。有一天 你会遇到一个彩虹般绚烂的人,当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人都只是浮云而已。







由于反映的是青少年早恋的现象,对朱莉和布莱斯两方家庭的细致刻画,也成为这部影片好看的重点之一。相信看过影片的观众,一定会对朱莉羡慕不已,因为她有一对彼此深爱,并且懂得为家庭成员做出合理牺牲的父母。家庭的富裕或贫穷都不是影响孩子人格健康发展的决定因素,父母的人格才是。 朱莉正是拜父母所赐才能以比同龄人更加超脱温和的眼光去看待世界,爬的高,望的远,更体现她不一样的特质。反观布莱斯,自己的父亲外在是仪表堂堂,可内里却有些东西早已腐烂。幸好布莱斯有个睿智的外公关爱,才有了一次清醒审视




《Flipped》film review

The plot of the film is a subtle statement, from the perspective of two people watching the same iue.Although only a small boy and small girl story, but he moved that noise.Two families with two children, also see people with different personalities.Memory of my grandfather on my grandmother, because of their age precipitation perception of life; the girl\'s father, the brothers take care of, appreciation of natural beauty, optimism and indifferent to life; also conceal the inferiority of his heart, boy.

The most shocking is the girl sitting in the fig tree to see the scenery, vast, magnificent.People seem to have such a moment, when a man began to wake up, start thinking, start moving, and Bryce, the attitude of Julie, from resentment, to doubt, from compaion, to accept, make me feel very real A child\'s thinking.When you are 12 years old to 13 years in such a stage, you will have a lot of things confused.You do not know who you are, you do not know how to do next.At this point there is a mentor and guide is a very important thing.This should normally be the role of the mother or father, but in this film, the father himself to the world full of anger.Bryce is lucky, he had a grandfather in life to tell him who he is, he should become a kind of person.Julie is very lucky, she has a family to give her the right values.The value of her own with a strong self-awarene, she knows what she wants.We can see such a family, giving them the right values, the children of other families can benefit from it, to seek their own value.


A child, a tree, simple story, made me soul-stirring.What struck me most is the girl just about ten years old but she has the sense of detached introspection, look closely at the person she love whether really worth loving or not.Once touched her self-esteem, and immediately decided to give up the boy.\"Love\" in our culture seems to be low in the dust, abandon the self-esteem is called love.

Flipped is a very simple story, but very rich.It mainly about kids’ love, in fact, this movie speaks in pursuit of their dreams, respect, hard work, how to think of poverty, how to accept people with disabilities in their families, how to maintain your own self-esteem.What impreed me was one of the details after the parents quarrel, immediately said to kid: \"we will solve, not your fault.“And then turns to comfort her, said parents still in love, let child feel at ease.Therefore, child will think: \"I think my mother was difficult, and so as dad.But I was born in this family, I was lucky.“Parents love each other is better than rich parents.

I envy the actre in American culture: adventurous, romantic, dare to be different, wisdom, and responsibility, have a dream, step by step, vibrant.She know what love is, and know how to love, she have a healthy body and soul.This kind of actre is a tree, flowering tree, even no actor she will still grow up very well.

As they grew older, life of Julie and Bryce are slow and subtle changed, the view they look at each other and the whole world are unconsciously influenced and changed.In this proce, Bryce’s Grandfather, chart is a key figure.He was the first to help Bryce see Julie who charming people like rainbow light.He does not excuse, does not speak more.He volunteered to help Julie repair yard, building fences, he come forward when Bryce’s father laughed at Jolie’s mentally handicapped uncle --I really love the old man!

But I also love Julie\'s father.He gave his daughter a perpetual sycamore tree after the world carry on her sycamore tree, he taught her some numbers may not add up to the overall, he adhered to the poor and exhausted all to take care of his disabled brother.Most important, he let his daughter realized that poverty is not the most horrible thing.

What the Flipped depicted is character growth and maturation proce in our daily life.Jolie is not love to think from an early age, in the way she step by step pursuit the beauty of nature she realized that difference between the surface and internal of beauty.Bryce start bit by bit form a cowardly kid learned to listen to his inner voice, learned to brave.

At last, I like the words of Bryce’s Grandfather said about Julie, \"Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in glo....But every once in a while you find someone who\'s iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.\"



A boy, a girl and a sycamore tree——such a simple story moved all the people who have seen the movie Flipped, which reminded them of their childhood memory.

It must be the most unforgettable moment when one falls in love with someone at first sight, with his heart beating rising and face turning red, something beautiful is approaching.Life is like a box of chocolate, you will find the most surprising taste until you open it.July is the one who will do everything she could to chase after the matter she valued most.She is so brilliant to judge the chocolate which she is fond of.Once Bryce’s shinning eyes touched her little heart, she flipped at once.And with time flowing, her heart grew stronger.When sitting on the top of the sycamore tree and enjoying the majestic sunrise far away, she was so touched by the beauty that an idea came out: the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.After so much misunderstanding, Bryce realized the inner virtue of July.To our satisfaction, they were together, now and forever.

I still remember the time when July spoke to herself in the tree, and I wonder such a little girl could spend such long time thinking about the whole life.Maybe it’s the most special aspect that attracts Bryce.No one will reject such a mature girl.One who is willing to see himself in a wilder view always enjoys a happy life.While growing up, we may come

over a variety of trouble.For instance, we may suffer from tease, failure and tragedy.What we should do when facing so many problems? Should we give up while others are laughing at us? It’s obvious that we should lead an easy life in which regardle of others’ judgments.What values most is the independent thought.If we are on the way to achieve our dreams, why should we aware of the words that hurt us.Sometimes we can just stay alone and find a silent space to place our heart.We need a time to lost in our thought, and believe in the idea that where there is thought, there is wisdom.

True love is worth everything we pay, but we should calculate the value and put the whole thing into our mind.The beautiful scarfskin that shown to others will not last long, and on the contrary, it’s the inner beauty that lasts longest.I really admire July, not only for her deep thought but also for her attitude towards love and life.

Any words that speak highly of this special movie is usele, the director leaves us a space to hear the sound of our heart.And the one who apparently understand the idea in the movie will have a happy ending.




Because of a friend’s strong recommendation,《flipped》is a movie I wanted to watch a long time ago.Then till the vacation,I finally had the chance to enjoy it.

It’s a story showed from the perspective of two people watching the same iue.A little girl and a little boy met at their second grade.The girl fell in love with her newly moved neighbour because of his dazzling eyes.But the boy was always mad at the girl because of her bored broadcast about every morning’s school bus,her family’s yard was always in a me and her ugly sycamore tree.Then the girl realized that the boy wasn’t the kind of person who is more than the sum of his parts.However,the boy gradually began to find the


Little Julie has many virtues which impre me.First,she adhered to herself.She loved the sycamore tree in their block.Because she could sit at the braches for hours and amazed by the view.When someone wanted to cut the sycamore tree down,she sat there bravely to protect it.She didn’t care about others’ incomprehension and ridicule.Second,she showed sympathy for the weak.She loved her uncle,although he had a severe handicap.And she bid for the Basketboy number 8 at Mayfield Boosters Club Action because no one bid for the boy.Last but not least,she had a merits of the girl,such as

strong feeling of self-respect on her own.She had the ability to rationally judge whether Bryce is worth to love.

Two families with two children in this film,we can also see people with different personalities.When you were young,you may have a lot of things confused.In such a stage a mentor or a guide is a very important thing.Bryce is lucky,he had a grandfather in life to tell him who he is and he should become a kind and honest person.Just as the dialogue says,”Some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,some in glo.But every once in a while,you find someone who’s iridescent.”Julie is also very lucky.She had a family to give her the right values.

At the end of the film,with the beautiful songsang by The Everly Brothers,the two hands overlapped together.

推荐第8篇:怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

Bryce Loski

All ever I wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.It all began in the summer of 1957,before the start of second grade.

-Here we are.–haha –What do you guys think? –I like this place.–It’s cool.

–Uh,what color is my room? -Just you wait.-Let’s see what’s inside.

–Hey, come on, buddy Bryce.Why don’t, uh, you and I go help unload the van„and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start setting up.–Okay.Dad.

For me, it was the beginning of what would be more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.-Hi, I’m Juli Baker.

–Hey, hey, what are you doing? –Don’t you want some help?

–No.there’s some valuable things in there. –How about this one? –No, no, no.Run home, your mother’s probably wondering where you are.–Oh, no,my mom knows where I am.She said it’s fine.

It didn’t take long to realize this girl could not take a hint. –It’s crowded in here with three people. –I don’t mind. Of any kind.–You wanna push this one together? –Bryce, isn’t it time for you to go help your mother? –Huh? Oh, yeah.

I mean, nothing would stop her.I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.I couldn’t believe it.There I was holding hands with this strange girl.How did I get into this me?

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–Well, hello.I see you’ve met my son.–Uh-huh.Finally, I did the only manly thing available when you’re 7 years old.However, my troubles were far from over..The minute I walked into Mi Yelson’s claroom„

-Bryce? You’re here.It was clear, school would not be a sanctuary.–Hey, Bryce, where’s your girlfriend? I was branded for life.–Hey, Bryce,why don’t you ask her to marry you? –Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. My first year in town was a disaster.And the next three weren’t much better.But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action.I hatched the plan.–Sherry.Sherry, wait up.–Hi, Bryce.

Heh.I asked out Sherry Stalls (I was wondering if you wanted to go„).To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan„you have to understand that Juli always hated Sherry Stalls„though I never understood why.Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.-At first, my mother wouldn’t let me get my ears pierced, but I begged„ The idea was that Sherry would eat with me maybe we’d walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lost interest.–But I still can’t get the hoops till I’m 16. –Oh, that’s a shame.

–So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced, but of course her mother said no.So she threw a fit and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album and she got grounded, so now she can’t come to my pajama sleepover party.

Things were unfolding quite nicely.

-What are you doing for your science project? That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder took an interest in Sherry himself.-I was thinking of showing how split ends react with different hair conditioners.–That’s fascinating.

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Loyalty gave way to dedire and Garrett, the turncoat told Sherry what I was up to.She didn’t take it well.Word got back to Juli, and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.Only this time it was worse.She started sniffing me.That’s right, sniffing me.What’s that all about? My only consolation was that next year would be different.Junior high, bigger school.Maybe we’d be in different claes and it would finally, finally be over.

Juli Baker

The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.-You wanna push this one together?

His family had just moved into the neighborhood and I’d gone to help them.I’d been in the van all of two minutes when his dad sent him off to help his mom.I could see he didn’t wanna go.So I chased after him to see if we could play a little before he got trapped inside.The next thing I know, he’s holdidng my hand and looking right into my eyes.My heart stopped.Was this it? Would this be my first ki? But then his mother came out.–Well, hello.

And he was so embarraed, his cheeks turned completely red.I went to bed that night thinking of the ki that might have been.I mean, it was clear he has feelings for me, but he was just too shy to show them.My mother said boys were like that.So I decided to help him out.–Bryce? You’re here.

I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyne.By the sixth grade, I’d learned to control myself.Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, goipy, backstabbing flirt.All hair and no substance.And she was holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.The one who was walking around with my first ki.My solution was to ignore her.I knew a boy of Bryce’s caliber would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls.It took all of a week.Then broke up at rece.She didn’t take it well.Now that Bryce was out of Sherry’s evil clutches, he started being nicer to me.–Hi, Juli. 3

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–Hi, Bryce.

He was so shy and so cute and his hair, it smelled like watermelon.I couldn’t get enough of it.I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon and wondering if I was ever going to get my ki.

Bryce Loski

Seventh grade brought changes, all right.But the biggest one didn’t happen at school.It happened at home.My grandfather came to live with us.Mom said he stared like that because he mied Grandma.That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me.That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.

-Oh, Bryce.My I speak with you? –What? –Have a seat, son.–Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.–Juli.She’s not exactly my friend. –Oh.Why’s that?

–Why do you wanna know?

Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times for being an eighth-grade Einstein.No, she got front-page coverage because she refused to climb out of a sycamore tree.Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.She always thought it was God’s gift to our little corner of the universe.

–Hey, Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers? –No, thanks.–Bryce.Come up here.It’s fun.You can see everything. –I can’t.My dad needs me to help him fix„a thing.

That’s all I needed.Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.I’d be dragged right back into the second grade.Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.Why don’t you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.

–It’s three blocks away.Two blocks.One block away. –Like that’s valuable information.

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–I hate it when she does that.I like to think there’s at least a chance the bus won’t show.

-I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.Don’t you? –If by “beautiful” you mean “unbeliebably ugly”, then, yes.I would agree.–You’re just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you.

“Visually challenged”? “Visually challenged”? This from the girl who lived in a house that was the joke of the neighborhood? They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.It bugged my dad bigtime.

–Oh, there he is.The bricklayer who thinks he’s a painter.That truck’s not ugly enough in real life? He’s gotta make a painting of it? –No, he does landscapes.Sells them at the county fair.People say they’re beautiful.–Landscapes? Let me tell you something.The world would have more beauty in it if he’d do a little landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.–I feel bad for his wife.She married a dreamer.Because of that, one of the two of them will always be unhappy.–Yeah, fine.But why do we have to be unhappy? As annoying sa the yard was to my dad it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree.“Three blocks away.” Every morning we had to listen to the sound of her blow-by-blow traffic report.“Two blocks.” There you go.-Why do they call it The Three Stooges? –I mean, there’s five of them. –What? –Well, yeah, there’s Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.Yeah, but they only have three at a time.–Yeah.–You know, I hate Curly Joe.I mean, he shouldn’t even be a Stooge.

-Listen, girl.I’m this close to calling the police.You are trespaing and obstructing progre on a contracted job.–What’s going on? –Either you come down or we’re gonna cut you down.-Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.They won’t cut it down if we’re all up here. 5

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–Bus, bus, bus.Juli was frantic.They wanted to cut down the tree.I couldn’t understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches meant so much to her.-Bryce, please.I felt bad for her.–Leave her.But I wasn’t about to cut school over it. –Come on, bros.

-Why isn’t she your friend, Bryce? –You’d have to know Juli.–Well, I’d like to. –Why? –That girl has an iron backbone.Why don’t you invite her over sometime? –An iron backbone? She’s just stubborn and she’s pushy beyond belief.–Is that so? –And she’s been stalking me since the second grade.

–Well, a girl like that doesn’t live next door to everyone. –Lucky them.–Read this.Without prejudice. Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.Juli wasn’t at the bus stop the next morning.Or the morning after that.She was at school, but you’d never know it.–Little Joe? He’s got so much makeup on„ -He doesn’t age. I told myself I should be glad about it.I mean, isn’t that what I’d always wanted? But still, I felt bad for her.I was gonna tell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no„Juli Baker thinking I mied her.

Juli Baker

I see why you like to come out here.-Would you mind explaining it to your mother? I loved to watch my father paint.Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.I learned a lot about my dad that way.He told me all sorts of things like how he got his first job delivering hay and how he\'d wished he\'d finished college.Then one day he surprised me.-What\'s going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski? -What do you mean? Nothing. 6

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-Oh, okay.My mistake.-Why would you even think that? -No reason.Just that youtalk about him all the time.-I do?I don\'t know.I gue it\'s something about his eyes.Or maybe his smile.-But what about him? -What? - You have to look at the whole landscape.-What does that mean? -A painting is more than the sum of its parts.A cow by itself is just a cow.A meadow by itself is just gra, flowers.And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.But you put them all together and it can be magic.I didn\'t really understand what he was saying until one afternoon when I was up in the sycamore tree.I was rescuing a kite.It was a long way up, higher than I\'d ever been.And the higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled.Like sunshine and wild gra.I couldn\'t stop breathing it in .filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I\'d ever known.-Hey, you found my kite.-Bryce, you should come up here.It\'s so beautiful.-I can\'t.I sprained my, um,I have a rash.From that moment on, that became my spot.I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.And some days they were a blazing orange,setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.It was during one of those sunsets that my father\'s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.One morning I was making mental notes of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds so I could tell my dad when I heard a noise below.

-Excuse me.Excuse me.I\'m sorry, but you can\'t park there.That\'s a bus stop.-Hey, what are you doing up there?You can\'t be up there, we\'re gonna take this thing down.-The tree? -Yeah.Now come on down.-But who told you, you could cut it down? -The owner. 7

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-Why? -He\'s gonna build a house, and this tree\'s in the way.So come on, girl, we got work to do.-You can\'t cut it down.You just can\'t.-Listen, girl.I\'m this close to calling the police.You are trespaing and obstructing progre on a contracted job.Now either you come down, or we\'re gonna cut you down.-Go ahead.Cut me down.I\'m not coming down.I\'m never coming down.Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.They won\'t cut it down if we\'re all up here.Bryce, please don\'t let them do this.Come on, you guys.Bryce, please.You don\'t have to come up this high.Just a little ways.Bryce, please.Please.

What happened after that was a blur.It seemed like the whole town was there.But still I wouldn\'t move.Then my father showed up.He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was.-Sweetie, it\'s time to come down.-Daddy, please don\'t let them do this.-Sweetie -Daddy, look.You can see everything.You can see the whole world from here.-No view is worth my daughter\'s safety.Now, come on.-I can\'t.-Julianna, it\'s time to come down now.-Please, Daddy.-It\'s time.And that was it.I must\'ve cried for two weeks straight.Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could but nothing seemed to matter.-Juli? -Huh? -Do you know the answer? -Uh, the Peloponnesian War? -I\'m sure that\'s the answer to something but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles didn\'t seem so important.I rode my bike so I wouldn\'t have to pa by the stump that used to be the earth\'s most magnificent sycamore tree.But no matter what I did, I couldn\'t stop thinking about it.-Are you okay? -It was just a tree. 8

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-No, it wasn\'t just a tree.I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.-Thanks, Dad.It was the first thing I saw every morning and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.And once I could look at it without crying I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce?

Bryce Loski

I\'ve never been a huge fan of eggs.I mean, I could always just take them or leave them.That is, until one day in Skyler Brown\'s garagewhen my feelings about eggs were solidified.-Hey, hey, hey.Guys.Edna\'s found her breakfast.I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing there was certainly no place for them in my diet.-Oh, man, that\'s so cool.-She doesn\'t even have to chew.I mean, think of all the time you\'d save.I could\'ve gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw if it hadn\'t been for Lynetta.She had a major-league thing for Skyler Brown.-I think it\'s gro.He and Juli\'s brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band.And Lynetta would watch them practice.-That is so neat.-How about that, huh, Bryce? -Yeah.Neat.-So, Brycie, how do you think he\'s gonna digest that? -Stomach acid? -You\'d like to think that.-Wait, everybody quiet.Here he goes.-Eggs over easy.-Gro.Gro, gro, gro.-Wait, wait.You haven\'t seen the best part.-Gro.I tried to be casual about it, but it didn\'t take.I started having bad dreams.I\'d be trapped inside a huge egg and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.I\'d wake up just in time.Then the real nightmare began. 9

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-Hi, Bryce.I brought these over for you and your family.My chickens are laying eggs.-What? -You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde and Dexter and Eunice and Florence? The ones I hatched for the science fair.-How could I forget? It was claic Juli Baker.She totally dominated the fair.And get this, her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch.I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano and all anyone cared about was Juli\'s boring chicks breaking out of their boring shells.Oh, I think the last one\'s hatching.It\'s hatching.Oh, it\'s hatching.Kids, come over here.But hey, she won.I lost.I\'ve never been one to dwell.Here it comes.But that didn\'t mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.I don\'t care.I\'m still having cereal tomorrow.Yeah, how do we know there\'s no chicks in one of those eggs? I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.Yeah, well, that\'s all well and good but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out? Do they have a rooster? If they don\'t have a rooster the eggs can\'t be fertile.And if they had a rooster, we\'d know.The whole neighborhood would know.Maybe they got it de-yodeled.\"De-yodeled\"? You know.De-cock-a-doodle-doo\'d.What the hell are you talking about? Like they de-bark dogs.Bryce, why don\'t you just ask Juli? I don\'t think that What? You afraid to talk to her? I\'m not afraid to talk to her.I know you are, but what am I? Okay.Just talk to her and find out.Bryce.How do you tell if one\'s a rooster? 10

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Well, a rooster\'s bigger.Longer feathers.They\'ve got that red stuff growing out of their head.And around their neck too.That shouldn\'t be too hard to spot.Although, come to think of it, chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.Just not as much.Garrett\'s expertise in roosters was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.The balance of which involved spying over her back fence.Come on, come on.Shh.Shh.Over here.I can\'t see the stupid chickens.We gotta get them out of the coop.Is that a rooster? No, it looks like a chicken.How can you tell? It just does.See what I mean? Expertise.Shh, shh! What? Juli.Here, guys.Go on, there you go.Here, guys.Go on.Yeah, they\'re all chickens.There\'s no rooster? What did I just say? How can you tell? Well, none of them are strutting.Here, come on.Roosters strut? Come on, guys.What did I just say? Here.Plus, hardly any of them have any rubbery red stuff.What are you doing? Yeah.They\'re definitely all chickens.They\'re all chickens.I\'m proud of you, Bryce.You overcame your fear.Huh? You talked to her.Oh, heh.Yeah.It\'s no big deal.That\'s what she told you? They\'re all chickens? Yeah.She\'s a genius.You\'re both genius Of course they\'re all chickens.A rooster\'s a chicken.The question is: 11

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Is one of them a rooster or are they all hens? Hens? Who said anything about hens? Then it hit me.Garrett didn\'t know jack shit about chickens.Do roosters strut? Yes, they do.What does that have to do with anything? They\'re all hens.Well, the main thing is the eggs are okay.It\'s all settled.Not for me.There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything that had anything to do with Juli Baker.I\'m not eating them.Well, why not? Have you seen their yard? It\'s There\'s not even any gra.It\'s all mud and chicken turds.Ew.Gro.Salmonella.Do you suppose they could have salmonella? It\'s not very likely.Why take the risk? What do we do with the eggs? Give them back.Give them back? To Juli? Sure.You talked to her before, right? It didn\'t kill you.Well, what do I say? Tell her we don\'t eat eggs.Uh, we\'re allergic to them or something.Come on, use your brains.It didn\'t feel right to lie.Besides, even a seventh grader would know that entire families aren\'t allergic to eggs.But I didn\'t wanna hurt her feelings either.So that left me with only one option.And thus another near-death experience in my ongoing saga with Juli Baker had been succefully avoided.Until one week later.Hi, Bryce.Brought you some more eggs.Wow.Thanks.Did your family like the first batch? 12

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Do you even have to ask? Great.See you at school.What I hoped would be a one-time event was just the beginning of a life consumed with lies, intrigue and deception.Every morning I\'d be on the lookout for Juli so if she happened to come, I could whip the door open before she knocked.Thanks.Then I\'d dump the eggs before anyone noticed.And why? Why couldn\'t I just face her? Why couldn\'t I just say: \"No, thanks.Don\'t want them.Don\'t need them.Give them to the snake\"? Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings or was I just afraid of her? Now, you wanna make sure you get it When Mrs.Brubeck first suggested hatching eggs as my science project I was le than excited.That is, until I saw my first sign of life.Is that it? That\'s the embryo.Heh.Wow.It looks like a bean.It does.Let\'s try the other ones.Suddenly it felt real.All the eggs were alive.There were, like, little bean babies inside every one.On the day of the fair, all six chicks hatched.What are the odds? This year\'s top prize goes to Juli Baker for her wonderful project: \"A Chicken is Born.\" I won first place.And that was cool, but all I really cared about were my chicks.There you go.There you go, guys.My mom wasn\'t crazy about us raising chickens.But I begged and pleaded.I told her I would take care of everything.And I did.Where\'s Clyde? 13

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Clyde? Hey, Clyde.What\'s the matter? Are you okay? Aren\'t you hungry? Come on.Come here.What\'s wrong, baby? Come here.Hey, you\'re not Clyde.You\'re Clydette.Mom! As it turned out, my hens laid more eggs than we could eat.At first we tried to keep up but after a month of boiling, frying and deviling like that movie The Blob, we were being overtaken by eggs.Then opportunity in the form of our neighbor, Mrs.Steuby, knocked.Hello, dear.If you ever have any extra, I\'d be happy to buy them from you.Really? Certainly.And I happen to know that Mrs.Helms would be interested as well.Great.Nothing like fresh eggs.Thanks, Mrs.Steuby.You bet, dear.Bye.Between Mrs.Steuby and Mrs.Helms, my egg overflow problem was solved.Then I realized that Mrs.Loski deserved eggs too.But I didn\'t think it would be right to charge her.She had been such a good neighbor, lending us supplies when we ran out giving my mother a ride when our car wouldn\'t start it was the least I could do.Besides, if I happened to run into Bryce, that wouldn\'t be the end of the world.Hi, Bryce.By the third time I brought eggs over to the Loskis I realized Bryce was waiting for me.Waiting to pull open the door and say, \"Thanks, Juli.See you at school.\" And in return, I got a few moments alone with the world\'s most dazzling eyes.Thanks, Juli.See you at school.It was a bargain.Until the day it wasn\'t. 14

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It was two weeks after the sycamore tree was cut down and I was just starting to feel normal again.Hey, Juli.Right on schedule.Yeah, well, neither rain nor sleet.Huh? You know, the mailman thing? Oh.Right.So, um, will you start riding the bus again? I don\'t know.I haven\'t been up there since It doesn\'t look so bad anymore.It\'s all cleared away.Well, um, I better get ready for school.Gue I\'ll see you there.See you.Maybe Bryce was right.Maybe it was time I started riding the bus again.After all, didn\'t he just tell me he wanted me to? Could it be that Bryce Loski actually mies me? Juli? What are you still doing here? I was just thinking.It\'s pickup day.The cans are in front.I know.You need some help? No.Maybe I\'ll do it later.Are those my eggs? Yeah.Yeah, I dropped them.They\'re not broken.Why are you throwing them away? Don\'t you want them? It wasn\'t me.My dad didn\'t think it was worth the risk.Risk? What risk? Salmonella.What? He\'s afraid of being poisoned? Well, Juli, I mean, look at your back yard.It\'s a complete me.It\'s, like, covered in turds.That\'s not true.I clean up after my girls every day.We just didn\'t wanna hurt your feelings.Have you always thrown them away? You know, Mrs.Steuby and Mrs.Helms pay me for my eggs.They do? They pay me cents a dozen.I didn\'t know. 15

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How could you? I\'m sorry.No, you\'re not.It didn\'t take me long to realize that I\'d traded in my old problems with Juli Baker for a whole set of new ones.It was actually worse having her mad at me than having her annoy me.The way she ignored me was a constant reminder that I\'d been a jerk.Then one day I was coming home from playing basketball with Garrett and things got weird.Don\'t be so timid.Come on, you won\'t hurt them.Like this? Yeah, that\'s it.My grandfather.All I ever saw him wear was slippers.Now, where did he get those work boots? I couldn\'t stop looking over there.And the more I looked, the madder I got.My grandfather had already said more to Juli in one hour than he\'d said to me in the whole time he\'d been living with us.I was pretty sure I\'d never seen him laugh.And what was his deal with Juli Baker? Hi, Grandpa.Juli told me about the eggs.You know, Bryce one\'s character is set at an early age.I\'d hate to see you swim out so far you can\'t swim back.Sir? It\'s about honesty, son.Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.When it came to holding a grudge, Juli Baker was truly impreive.All week I tried to approach her at school.She\'d always find some way to duck me.And whenever she was in her yard, Grandpa was always there with her.Finally, one Saturday I saw my opening.My grandfather had gone into town to buy some Bengay.I gue the yard work was starting to get to him. 16

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It\'s looking real good.Thanks.Chet did most of it.I\'m sorry for what I did.I just don\'t get it, Bryce.Why didn\'t you just tell me? I don\'t know.It was dumb.And I shouldn\'t have said anything about your yard, either.It wasn\'t right.Maybe it\'s all for the best.I mean, look, I learned so much from Chet, it\'s amazing.You\'re lucky.I don\'t even have grandparents anymore.I feel sorry for him.He mies your grandma.Can you believe it? He says I remind him of her.What? I know.That\'s what I said.But he meant it in a nice way.Something about her spirit.Yeah.Good luck with the gra.I\'m sure it\'ll come up great.Thanks.I gue I\'ll see you around.I gue so.While Juli\'s acceptance of my apology was not all that I\'d hoped for at least the eggs thing was finally behind me.The first time in months I could truly enjoy Bonanza.Where you going and why you dreed like that? Skyler\'s.Matt and Mark are bringing over recording stuff and they\'re gonna make a demo.Demo? Like they know how to make a demo.You don\'t even know them.I don\'t have to.I know the type.You don\'t know anything.Don\'t talk to me like that.I\'m late.Be back by .Yep.Everything was back to normal.Is that girl working you too hard? That girl\'s name is Juli.And, no, she isn\'t working me too hard.You\'ve developed quite a soft spot for her, huh? Steven. 17

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No, Patsy.Just wanna find out why your father has the energy to befriend a complete stranger when he won\'t throw a baseball around with his own grandson.It\'s okay, Dad.No, it\'s not okay.Juli reminds him of Grandma.Of Renee? Heh.That\'s ridiculous.You know why the Bakers haven\'t fixed their yard? Yeah, because he\'s too busy with his paint-by-numbers kit.If you had a brother with a severe handicap, what would you do? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Juli\'s father has a retarded brother.So what? He\'s not the gardener, is he? Heh.Steven.It was a joke.You know, other people have family troubles and they manage to mow their own lawns.I don\'t know where their pride in ownership is.They don\'t own that house.The landlord\'s supposed to maintain it.Mr.Baker puts every extra penny he has into caring for his brother.Don\'t they have government facilities for that sort of thing? Maybe they thought that a private facility would be better for him.Either way, it\'s not our fault that their family has some chromosomal abnormality.It has nothing to do with chromosomes.When Juli\'s uncle was born, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.If he\'d had enough oxygen, he would\'ve been a perfect little baby, just like your son.Goddamn it, Chet.Patsy? Patsy? Leave me alone! Sorry about that.Why is Mom so upset? Because but for the grace of God your mother could be standing in Mr.Baker\'s shoes.Did her brother have the cord wrapped around his neck too? 18

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You did.Luckily, the doctor who delivered you was on the ball and got it untangled but it easily could\'ve gone the other way.Wanna go for a walk? Huh? I find it helps clear the mind.What would they have done with me? You can\'t dwell on something that might\'ve been, Bryce.The way my dad was talking, sounds like he would\'ve thrown me in a nuthouse.No, no.Now, that\'s not fair.You can\'t condemn him for something he hasn\'t done.This is where that tree was, wasn\'t it? Yeah.Must\'ve been a spectacular view.She\'s quite a girl.Some of us get dipped in flat some in satin some in glo.But every once in a while you find someone who\'s iridescent.And when you do nothing will ever compare.Flat, gloy, iridescent? What the hell did that mean? Juli Baker had always just seemed plain to me.Until now.And the way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind.Who in junior high talks like that? This weird feeling started taking over in the pit of my stomach and I didn\'t like it.I was slipping, man.And it was time to get a grip.I\'d never been embarraed by where we lived before.I also never really thought about money.I knew we weren\'t rich, but I didn\'t feel like we were miing anything.That is, until Bryce Loski called our home a complete me. 19

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* What\'s your name? * * What\'s your name? * * Is it Mary or Sue? * * What\'s your name? * * Do I stand a chance with you? * * It\'s so hard to find a personality * * With charms like yours for me * I had to do something and I knew what it was.* What\'s your name? * Oh, you\'re sounding really good.We\'ll record it in Skyler\'s garage.That\'s a wonderful project.Speaking of projects, I was thinking it might be cool to fix up the yard.What? I mean, how much can gra seed cost? I could plant a lawn, maybe some flowers.I could even put up a fence.Honey, that\'s a major undertaking.I could pay for it with my egg money.No.That\'s your money.The landlord should be the one taking care of all this.But he doesn\'t.And we live here.And it looks so bad.Jules.What\'s going on? Nothing, Dad.It\'s okay, sweetheart.You can tell us.The Loskis have been throwing away my eggs because they\'re afraid of salmonella.Because our yard is such a me.Did Patsy say that? No.Bryce did.But it must have been a family discuion.A boy doesn\'t come up with that on his own.Who cares what they think? Yeah, who cares? I care.Trina.Let\'s not get into this. 20

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No, I\'m tired of living like this, Richard.I\'m tired of having to take temp jobs just to make ends meet.I\'m tired of having to push a chair up against the washing machine just to keep the door shut.I\'m tired of having to borrow Mrs.Steuby\'s vacuum cleaner every time ours breaks down.Do you think this is the life I pictured for us? Sometimes you have to sacrifice to do the right thing.We always end up agreeing that Devonhurst is the right thing for Daniel.Well, maybe we should start thinking about what\'s right for us.Our daughter is suffering because we won\'t fix up our own yard.It\'s not our yard.How can you say that, Richard? How? We\'ve lived here for years and for years we\'ve been saying it\'s temporary, but it\'s not.This is our home.Is it wrong to wanna live somewhere you can be proud of? To have enough to send your kids to college? Maybe it\'s time we considered government care.We are not moving my brother.He\'s more important than your own children? Dad! How dare you! Stop it, Dad! Please, just stop.I\'m sorry.Julianna, this is not your fault.We\'ll work this out, I promise.That was the first time I ever heard my parents really yell at each other.I\'m sorry about tonight.That night they each came into my room.My father talked about his brother and how much he loved him and how he promised his parents he\'d always take care of him.My mother talked about how much she loved my father for his strength and kind heart.When she kied me good night she whispered that of all her many bleings, I was her best.I felt sorry for my father.I felt sorry for my mother.But most of all, I felt lucky for me that they were mine. 21

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I wanted to think the reason I started working on my yard had nothing to do with Bryce.It was about making our house better.After what he did with the eggs, why should I care what he thought? But I did.Are you pruning that or trying to hack it to death? Hi.I\'m Chet Duncan, Bryce\'s grandfather.Sorry it\'s taken me so long to come over and introduce myself.Nice to meet you.So are you trimming all these to the same height? Well, yeah, that\'s what I was thinking, but I don\'t know.Do you think it would look better to take them out? Oh, these are Hicksii shrubs.These will prune up nicely.Listen, Mr.Duncan.Call me Chet.Chet.If you\'re here because of what Bryce said I don\'t need your help.Read about you in the paper.Renee would\'ve sat up in that tree with you.She would\'ve sat up there all night.Renee? My wife.You remind me a lot of her.We worked on the yard for weeks.And the whole time we worked, we talked.Right there? Perfect, yeah.He wanted to know more about the sycamore tree.He knew exactly what it meant about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.He said it was the same with people but sometimes with people, the whole could be le.I thought that was pretty interesting.I started looking at people I\'d known since elementary school trying to figure out if they were more or le than the sum of their parts.Chet was right.A lot of them were le. 22

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Of all my clamates, the one person I couldn\'t seem to place was Bryce.Until recently, I would\'ve said with absolute certainty that he was greater, far greater, than the sum of his parts.But now I wasn\'t so sure.It\'s looking good, Juli.Nice job.Thanks.Chet did most of it.I\'m sorry for what I did.I just don\'t get it, Bryce.Why didn\'t you just tell me? Was he really sorry? Or was he just saying these things to make himself feel better? Then I thought maybe I just wanted him to be more than the sum of his parts.But as I looked into his eyes those dazzling eyes for the first time I was pretty sure that Bryce Loski was le.We\'re going to invite the Bakers over for dinner.What? I don\'t know, Mom.I think that\'s a marvelous idea.Patsy, what purpose does this serve? Trina Baker is a very nice person.And Matt and Mark are really cool.I hate cool.Something we should\'ve done years ago.Yeah, but we didn\'t.And now we can\'t.The statute of limitations has run out.We\'re having the Bakers over for dinner.If this is about what I said last night, I\'m sorry, okay? But, you know, having them over for dinner is not gonna fix his brother.It\'s going to be a sit-down dinner.And I expect everyone to dre accordingly.Oh, God.Can\'t we just have a barbecue? It\'s going to be a sit-down dinner.Just shoot me now.Careful what you wish for.So that was it.A dre-up, sit-down dinner with Juli Baker was in my immediate future.And that made seeing Juli at school more uncomfortable. 23

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I found myself staring at her in cla.And the way her hair fell back over her shoulders she looked just like the picture in the newspaper.Dana Treler caught me watching.If I didn\'t do something fast, this could spread like wildfire.There was a bee in her hair.See, there it goes.There\'s no bee.It flew out the window.I convinced myself I\'d dodged a bullet.I had to put Juli out of my mind.Keep the focus on the important stuff like schoolwork.My weakne was unnerving.I need your sharpener.You ever heard of knocking? Hey, what you got there? Dad\'s Playboy? None of your busine.Give my best to Mi October.Get out.Or should I say your best? Ha, ha.You\'re disgusting.Another disaster avoided.My life had become a minefield.Hey, man.Hey.What\'s this? It\'s not what you think.Okay, it is what you think, but I can explain.Okay, I can\'t explain.Can we just talk about it later? Whatever you say.I had to talk to someone.Why not Garrett? Maybe he could help me get back on track.Garrett was surprisingly sensitive in matters of the heart.Are you freaking mental? Juli Baker.You hate her.That\'s what\'s weird.I don\'t think I do.I can\'t stop thinking about her.You got it bad, man.Well, what do I do? Well, you gotta nip this in the bud.These aren\'t real emotions.They\'re not? You feel guilty because of the egg thing.Yeah, and I insulted her yard. 24

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Exactly.Of course, the place is a dump anyways.It\'s not her fault.Her dad\'s got a retarded brother and all their money goes to helping him.A retard? Well, shoot, that ought to tell you something.About what? About Juli.What are you saying? The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree.I couldn\'t believe it.I wanted to yell at him.Tell him that he didn\'t know Juli like I did.But all that came out was: Heh, oh.Right.Yeah.Right.Um, I\'ll talk to you later.I was supposed to go to Garrett\'s after school but I couldn\'t be around him.He\'d croed the line.And standing right next to him acro that line was my father.I didn\'t care what they thought.I liked Juli Baker.Sunday mornings are peaceful in our house.My dad lets himself sleep in.My mother lets herself not fix breakfast.If my brothers have been out late playing with their band you won\'t even know they\'re around till noon.But this Sunday, I woke up feeling weird.I had to do something to shake off the confused feelings about Bryce that were starting to creep back in.You really did it, didn\'t you? Heh.Proud of you.Thanks, Dad.Where you going? To see Daniel.It\'s his birthday.I wanna come with you.Oh, honey, just enjoy the morning, stay with your mom.No, Dad.I wanna come.Sweetheart, listen.Sometimes, with Daniel...I\'m coming, Dad.Okay.We\'d better leave a note for your mother. 25

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In all the years, I\'d never visited my Uncle Daniel.I don\'t know why.It was always something my dad did alone.We didn\'t say much to each other on the drive to Devonhurst, but I didn\'t care.I just liked being with my dad.Somehow the silence seemed to connect us in a way that words never could.The residents tend to the grounds as part of their therapy.It takes some getting used to.They\'re good people, though.Daniel? Daniel.Richard! You\'re here! Richard for my birthday.Who? Richard, who? Who? Who? Who? Richard, who? Who? Daniel, Daniel, it\'s Julianna.It\'s my daughter.Your niece.Julianna.Ha, Julianna.Happy birthday, Uncle Daniel.Ha-ha-ha.Richard.It\'s my birthday.I have your pictures, Julianna.I have your pictures.We have a present for you.A puzzle? A puzzle, Richard? Not just a puzzle.A puzzle and a pinwheel.A pinwheel! Thank you, Richard.Yes.Orange.Outside? Outside, Richard? You wanna go outside? All right, we\'ll go to, uh, McEIliot\'s.We\'ll walk out there for an ice cream.Ice cream! Oh, no.No, no, we can\'t.Daniel doesn\'t like ice cream.I do like ice cream, Richard.I\'m only kidding.I know you like ice cream.Ahh! You love ice cream.All right, come on.Here you go.Got it? Ah! Here you go. 26

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It\'s my birthday.Lollipop.It\'s my birthday.You like it? Oh! All right, Daniel.Okay, wait, wait.Ice cream.Ice cream.My ice cream.My ice cream.Ugh! It\'s okay.Daniel.Daniel! Daniel! Leave it, I\'ll get y...Ice cream on the floor.Ice cream on the floor.Would you go get him another cone? Yeah.I need ice cream, Richard! It\'s my birthday, Richard.It\'s my birthday! Ice cream, Richard! Ice cream, Richard! Stop! Stop it! I need it! Stop it! Stop it! Here we go.Ice cream! Richard! Okay, okay.I\'ve got some ice cream.Birthday ice cream.That\'s good, Richard.I\'m so sorry.He hasn\'t done anything like that I\'d often heard my father talk about how difficult life was for Daniel.But I never really understood it until now.Yeah, there you go.Heh.Orange.On the walk back, Daniel acted like nothing had happened.Other way.Other way.On the ride home, my dad told me that Uncle Daniel used to live with him and Mom before we were born.But after a while, it became too difficult.When we got home, everything looked the same.But it wasn\'t.Before today, Daniel had always been just a name to me.Now he was part of the family.Hey.Hey.How\'d it go? I\'m glad I went.I\'m glad you went too.Trina, it\'s Sunday.What are you doing mopping the floor? Patty Loski invited us over for dinner Friday night.Shouldn\'t she be mopping her floor? Or did she ask to borrow ours? 27

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Nervous energy.Did she invite all of us? Yes, she did.Even our friend Sal Monella? Richard.Why, after all these years? Well, she said she felt really bad that they hadn\'t invited us before and apparently they want to get to know us better.And you wanna go? Well, she insisted.And I think it would be really nice.All right.We\'ll go.I wasn\'t too thrilled about dinner with the Loskis but I could see it meant a lot to my mother.At school the next day, I couldn\'t seem to concentrate.My thoughts kept running back to Daniel.I wondered what my grandparents had gone through having a son like him when reality interrupted.Bryce Loski likes you.What? He\'s got a big crush on you.What are you talking about? Bryce Loski does not have a crush on me.Oh, yeah? In science, I caught him staring at you.He said it was because there was a bee in your hair.Is that the lamest cover-up or what? Maybe there was a bee.The only bee you\'re attracting is B-R-Y-C-E.I\'m telling you, that boy is lost in love land.Come on.Where? I saw him sneaking off with Garrett.Come on.Are you freaking mental? Juli Baker.You hate her.That\'s what\'s so weird.I don\'t think I do.I can\'t stop thinking about her.You got it bad, man.What do I do? You gotta nip this in the bud.These aren\'t real emotions.They\'re not? You feel guilty because of the egg thing.Yeah, and I insulted her yard. 28

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Exactly.The place is a dump anyways.It\'s not her fault.Her dad\'s got a retarded brother and all their money goes to helping him.A retard? Well, that ought to tell you something.About what? About Juli.What are you saying? The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree, my friend.Oh, heh.Yeah.Right.Yeah.I\'ll talk to you later.Okay.I\'m sorry.I thought...It\'s okay.It\'s fine.And it was.Because now my confusion was gone.I was sure I no longer liked Bryce Loski.Mom, are you trying to make the Bakers feel totally worthle? I want it to be nice.And why aren\'t you dreed? I\'m going.I wanted to look good for Juli.But I didn\'t want her to think that I wanted to look good for her.It was a fine line.A very fine line.Bryce, they\'re here.Come on down.Coming! Hey, come on in.Come in, come in.I\'m glad you could make it.Lynetta, Steven, company\'s here.Coming! What is this? Homemade pie? Yes, it\'s pecan and blueberry cheesecake.Let\'s take them to the kitchen.Hi, guys.Hey, looking good.This is my dad.Hi, I\'m Lynetta.Hi, nice to finally meet you.Nice to meet you too.My boys are telling me that...Hey, big guy.Hey, Steven.How are you? We should\'ve done this a long time ago.Come on in.This is a cool place. 29

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Yeah, it\'s all right.Come on, I\'ll show you my room.You gotta hear this new song we wrote.It\'s so good.Hi.You look nice.I heard you and Garrett making fun of my uncle in the library.And I don\'t wanna speak to you.Not now, not ever.And I say you can.But what you\'re proposing would require a perpetual-motion machine, so it\'s not poible.If you had two opposite charged poles with a neutral conductor Perpetual motion? Here I was, dying inside, and they were talking about perpetual motion.And how did Juli know about all that stuff? Come on, everybody, dinner\'s ready.Lynetta! Dinner! Juli, can I talk to you? It was wrong, what Garrett said.I know it.Did you know it was wrong when he said it? Yeah.I wanted to punch him.But we were in the library.So instead you just agreed with him and laughed.Yeah.Then that makes you a coward.I had to sit acro from Juli for an entire dinner.My dad was right.We should have barbecued.I just want to say how wonderful it is to have you share a meal with us.May it be the first of many.Wrong pipe.Well, we couldn\'t be happier.We are just all so thrilled to be here.Juli, you did a really nice job on your yard.Thanks.Chet was a big help.Yeah, I know.You gotta tell me your secret. I can\'t get him to do a thing around here.Steven.I kid. 30

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I\'m telling you, the neighborhood is really coming to life.I mean, that new house is taking shape.Which one? You know, the one where they cut down that big ugly tree.I wanted to say that a lot of people liked that tree, but I didn\'t.I didn\'t want to go against my dad.Some people thought that tree was the jewel of the neighborhood.Yeah, well, there\'s no accounting for taste.So, Matt, Mark, Mark, Matt You guys are, uh, gonna be graduating soon, huh? Yeah, thank God.You don\'t like high school? You kidding? No.High school was the best time of my life.Not for us, no.Yeah, we\'ve had enough of that scene.So college is probably out of the question, huh? No, it\'s a poibility.They\'ve actually been accepted at several places already.Yes, they have.Really? Well, that\'s good.But, um, we\'re gonna give music a shot first.Really? Oh, they are very talented.Oh, their band is really bo.They did a bunch of demos and they\'re really cool.Thanks, Lyn.When Steven and I first met, he was playing in a band.You played in a band? He was a wonderful saxophone player.Cool.You still play? Well, I...Well, if you want, you can come jam out with us sometime.Uh, you...No, I mean Heh.That\'s not me anymore.Have you boys ever performed in front of an audience? A lot of times.The more Matt and Mark talked about their musical exploits the quieter my dad got. 31

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He tried to plaster on a smile now and then but underneath he seemed really sad.But my parents didn\'t like him at first.Republicans fought like crazy against the New Deal.The rest of the evening was painle enough.But through it all, Juli didn\'t say a word to me.Never even looked at me.Until she was about to leave.I\'m sorry I was so angry when we first came in.I think everyone had a good time.Your mom was really nice to invite us.See you.Her apology made things worse.Hey, wait for me.I knew I wasn\'t forgiven.It was like I wasn\'t even important enough to hold a grudge against.Well, I think they\'re a delightful family.Those boys were nothing like I expected.I thought they were very nice young men.Hoodlums.What? How you think they can afford all that recording gear? Steven, please.You can\'t just make an accusation like that.Don\'t be so naive, Patsy.Do you know how expensive it is to record a demo? They\'re probably stealing hubcaps, for chriake.You are such an ahole.What is the matter with you? Go to hell.Don\'t you talk to me like that.Steven, stop! Nobody talks to me like that in my own house! Stop! I\'d seen my father angry before, but this was different.As I lay in bed that night I thought about how my dad always looked down on the Bakers.And how he\'d called them trash and made fun of Mr.Baker\'s paintings.And now I realized he was just mad at himself.But why? Juli called me a coward. 32

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Was it poible my dad was a coward too? I didn\'t know.What difference did it make? Juli Baker was out of my life.Or, more accurately I was out of hers.As I was getting dreed for the Loskis\' dinner party I found myself staring at the painting my father had given me and became furious all over again.Bryce had never been a friend to me, ever.He hadn\'t taken my side about the tree he\'d thrown away my eggs and he made fun of me at my uncle\'s expense.When my mother called that it was time to go...Juli, let\'s go, we\'re late! I went out with every intention of telling her that I wasn\'t going to the Loskis.Please hold these.I need to check my hair really quickly one more time.Your hair is perfect.Really? But she looked so happy and she\'d gone to so much trouble over the pies that I couldn\'t.Ooh! Oh, my gosh.Oh, God, what a disaster.Okay.Here, hold one, and you hold this.I don\'t wanna hold it.I won\'t have you hold it.Let\'s go, boys.But that didn\'t mean I had to be nice to Bryce.And I don\'t wanna speak to you.Not now, not ever.It felt good to take charge.I felt strong, in control.I told Bryce what I thought and I was determined not to talk to him for the rest of the evening.At dinner it struck me that we were sharing a meal with a group of strangers.We\'d lived acro the street from the Loskis for years but except for Chet, I didn\'t know these people at all.Mr.Loski was clean and smooth on the outside but it seemed like there was something rotten buried just beneath the surface. 33

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By the end of the evening, all I felt was detached, neutral.No fireworks, no leftover anger no flutters, nothing.See you.I went to bed that night feeling peaceful.You okay? Yeah.I was grateful that I had the family I had.And it felt good to no longer care about Bryce Loski.The dinner with the Bakers had taken its toll on me.Then the annual school fundraiser arrived and I found myself with a whole new set of problems.I was a Basketboy.To fully appreciate the humiliation of being a Basketboy you need to know that the chosen few are auctioned off in front of the student body to the highest-bidding females.Yes, technically, each of us comes with a lunch in a basket but let\'s not kid ourselves.This was a beefcake parade.There he is, my idol.One word, you\'re a dead man.No, man, I\'m serious.Listen, you won\'t believe this.What? Two of the hottest chicks are fighting over you.What are you talking about? Sherry is breaking up with Mitch.She and Melanie are having a bidding war over you.I don\'t care.Are you nuts? Sherry dumped Mitch because of you.You\'re my idol.As comforting as it was to be Garrett\'s idol it didn\'t diminish the horror of being Basketboy number nine.And my only hope was that a giant tornado would destroy the school before the event.It was a long shot.Welcome, everyone to this year\'s Mayfield Boosters Club Auction.Once again we are pleased to present of Mayfield\'s finest young men Bryce, Bryce.Bryce. 34

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What are you doing here? Juli\'s in the third row.So? So she\'s got a wad of cash.Bullshit.Bull-true.I saw her counting it by her locker.And now please give a big Mayfield School welcome to your Basketboys.Juli with cash? What did this mean? Was it poible she was gonna bid on me? First up, we have Raymond Hughes.Raymond\'s on the che team and his hobbies include stamp collecting and the yo-yo.Remember, when you bid you\'ll not only be getting the handsome Mr.Hughes you\'ll also be enjoying a lovely chicken-salad sandwich and what looks to be a tasty bean dip, and Oh.Excuse me, onion dip.And a big slice of cherry pie.Okay, who will start the bidding at $? Thus began the bidding.Anybody? Or in Raymond Hughes\' case, the lack of bidding.Very good, here we go.Five.Sold.Ten dollars.Sold.Fifteen.Sold.Come on.Do I hear ? Ten.Ten.Ten.Peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich.Fifteen.Sold for $.Number eight is Eddie Trulock.Eddie is a member of the debate team.Now only Eddie Trulock stood between me and the auction block.I wasn\'t interested in his hobbies or what was in his basket.Let\'s start the bidding at $.All I could think of was Juli.Anybody? What if she did bid on me? 35

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What if she got in a bidding war with Sherry and Melanie and lost out? No bidders? I was contemplating the horrors of this senario when Eight dollars.There you go.Eight dollars, that\'s more like it.Do I hear ? Juli Baker was bidding on Eddie Trulock? Okay, going once.How could she bid on Eddie? Eight going twice.How could she bid on anyone? Sold to Juli Baker.Next is Basketboy number nine, Bryce Loski.I knew I was supposed to step forward, but I couldn\'t move.Step up, Bryce, don\'t be shy.Better late than never.Ha, ha.Bryce likes to play baseball.Five dollars.Oh, well, wait until l Ten.Oh.Well, it appears the bidding is underway.Fifteen.Twenty.Twenty-five.Thirty.Thirty-five.Forty.Fifty.Oh, my.Fifty dollars.Wh Fifty going once.Fifty going twice.Sold to Mi Sherry Stalls for $.An all-time record.Oh, the boosters will be very grateful for such a generous donation.It\'s strange.Here I was, having lunch with the hottest girl in school and I was miserable.We\'re going up to the lake.My dad has a cabin there and you get the most outrageous tan.Because le than feet away from me was Juli.My Juli with Eddie Trulock.She\'s laughing.What was she laughing about? How could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful? Bryce, are you all right? 36

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What? What are you staring at? Nothing.Lunch is really delicious, Bryce.Bryce, did you hear me? This is a really delicious lunch.Can we not talk about tans or food? Well, what do you wanna talk about? I don\'t know, perpetual motion? Do you know anything about that? Perpetual what? I don\'t know what came over me.It was like I was poeed or something.Juli, I gotta talk to you.What? What\'s going on, Bryce? What are you doing? Bryce, stop it.Bryce, you didn\'t even make it to first base.I\'ll ki you.Ha, ha.Juli! Juli! Juli, wait.Can we talk? Juli! What\'s the matter with you? Leave me alone, Garrett.You get a date with the finest girl on campus and you blow it for Juli.You wouldn\'t understand! I completely don\'t understand! We\'re talking about Juli Baker here.Nightmare neighbor, know-it-all nuisance.The coop-poop babe.Shut up! Hey, have you flipped? What\'s the matter with you? You know what, if you\'re gonna be like this, I don\'t need the aociation.Well, good, because neither do I.Yeah, neither do I! As I walked home with the dirty dishes clanking inside my picnic basket all I could think of was Juli.And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped.Completely.Hello? Oh, heh.Hi, Mrs.Baker.Is Juli there? 37

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Oh.I\'m sorry, Bryce.Juli doesn\'t wanna talk.Please, Mrs.Baker.I gotta see her.I\'m sorry, Bryce.But I\'m afraid she\'s locked herself in her room.I tried to go to bed early that night but I couldn\'t sleep.I watched her house from my window for hours.I had to find a way to show her how I felt.Monday morning, as I made my way into school I was deciding which of the Everly Brothers I\'d rather marry when Dana Treler forced Bryce back into my brain.Juli.The list is out.There he is, number nine, your main dish.Bryce Loski\'s not my main dish.Oh, you\'re sticking to your diet.It\'s not a diet, Dana.I\'m over him, okay? I\'m glad to hear it.Because rumor has it Sherry\'s already staking her claim on him.Sherry? Sherry Stalls? Oh, Liz.Macy.The list is up.That afternoon, I found myself obseing about the Basketboy auction.I could feel myself backsliding about Bryce.But why should I care if Sherry liked him? I shouldn\'t even be thinking about him.I had to rise above this.Bryce Loski was no longer in my life.On the morning of the auction, I was on edge.I found myself, without even knowing how it happened, staring at my egg money.I needed a strategy.It was simple.If I left my money at home, I\'d leave temptation with it.My strategy suffered a setback when I ran into Mrs.Steuby.Julianna.Julianna.Hello, dear.I\'m so sorry it\'s taken me so long to get this to you but I keep miing you in the morning. 38

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Mrs.Steuby, I don\'t want that.You don\'t have to...Don\'t be ridiculous.I\'m gonna pay you.I\'m going to pay you.I don\'t want that.I don\'t want it.Yeah, I want you to go out and buy yourself something festive.Pedal pushers.Ha, ha.Mrs.Steuby.Bye, dear.Mrs.Steuby, I don\'t want pedal pushers.No, no.You\'ll look great.It\'s okay.It\'s okay.No big deal.Just pretend like I don\'t have it.I hear you\'re planning to bid on Bryce.What? Who told you that? No, I\'m not.Someone saw you with a wad of cash this morning.How much do you have? It\'s none of your busine.And I\'m not bidding, okay? I don\'t even like him anymore.Oh, that\'ll be the day.It\'s true.Go ahead, waste your money on him.I don\'t care.And now, will you all give a big Mayfield School welcome to your Basketboys.I could say I didn\'t care all I wanted but seeing Bryce walk out in his jacket and tie holding that picnic basket set my head spinning again.Fifteen going once.The auction seemed to fly by.Fifteen going twice.Sold to Macy Taylor for $.Before I knew it, Eddie Trulock was called.Number eight is Eddie Trulock.Which meant Bryce was next.Eddie is a member of the debate team.And his hobbies include fishing and model-airplane building.Who will give me $? Why isn\'t anyone bidding? He\'s so nice.Exactly.Nobody? Eight dollars.Sold to Juli Baker for $.How did this happen? 39

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Was it because I felt bad for Eddie? Or was it because I couldn\'t trust myself with Bryce? As I made my way to the multi-purpose room I contemplated the startling turn of events.Here I was, about to have lunch with Eddie Trulock while the boy I mooned over for half my life was going to share a meal with my mortal enemy.I wanna thank you for bidding on me.It was touch-and-go there for a while.No, I wanted to.This will be fun.I hear you like building model airplanes.Yeah.My father and I just finished a Ruian MiG-.It was made in .MiG\'s first supersonic fighter.Little tricky because the cockpit was receed I tried to give Eddie my full attention.But it was difficult, because Bryce was right behind him.Eddie was saying something about intake valves when out of nowhere, Bryce stood up and marched straight towards me.Hey, Juli, I gotta talk to you.What are you doing? He was going to ki me.To ki me.All my life I\'ve been waiting for that ki.But not like this.Not this way.I pedaled home so hard, I thought my lungs would burst.Julianna? Julianna.Honey? What\'s wrong? I can\'t.Sweetheart you can tell me.Bryce tried to ki me.He did? In school.In front of everybody.Mom, please don\'t get it.It\'s probably him. 40

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Sweetheart maybe you should talk to him.I can\'t.I can\'t.Bryce wouldn\'t leave me alone.He kept calling on the phone.And knocking on the door.He even snuck around the house and tapped on my window.Juli! Please, I gotta see you! Come on out, just for a minute! Why didn\'t he understand that I just wanted to be left alone? Please! After two days, Bryce stopped.And I thought it was finally over.Then, one afternoon, I was coming into the front room to read when I heard a noise in the yard.Hey, what\'s he doing? Juli, calm down.I gave him permiion.Permiion? Permiion for what? He\'s digging a hole.I told him he could.But why? I told him he could.It was torture seeing him dig up my gra.How could my father let him do this? Bryce knew I was there too.He\'s gone.A tree? He\'s planting a tree? Is it a? I didn\'t really need to ask.I could tell from the shape of the leaves and the texture of the trunk.It was a sycamore tree.When she walked out of the door, I thought back to the first time I saw her.How could anybody, ever, have wanted to run away from Juli Baker? He looked at me with those eyes.Those once again dazzling eyes. 41

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And I knew that Bryce Loski was still walking around with my first ki.But he wouldn\'t be for long.As we stood there, I realized that all these years we never really talked.Do you need some help? Yeah.But that day, we started.And I knew we\'d be talking for a long time.














Crash is a film that reflects some typical problems of the present-day society in the US, including racism, severe security conditions, the conflict between the immigrants and so on.In my opinion, despite of the fact that it also provides us with some other stuffs, but do you know why the talented director added these to the film? I think he added with the intention of streing the more and more complex and eye-drawing security problems of America.

We can see crash, murdering and robbing all occurring in the film, making us badly worried about the safety of everyone.On account of the policy that an American civil has the right to poeing a gun, there is no doubt that gun is frequently used to threaten others and what’s worse is that a gun murdering sometimes comes to existence , with a life fading away and scores of relatives and friends continuing crying.

Two black men robbed a black couple and drove their car away by using a gun at the beginning of the film.What’s more, a Spanish making a living by repairing locks made a recommendation that the door be replaced with a new one when he was fixing a lock for a storekeeper.However, not only did he refuse, but also he misunderstood what the Spanish said and had an argument with him.Next morning, he was so sad to find that his store had been stolen that he took a gun to pay back the Spanish.Although the consequence arranged by the director was that the

bullet didn’t kill anybody, I want to ask whether the bullets will penetrate anybody or not in real life.What made us shocked most was the plot that a man killed an African-American when they had a disagreement using a gun.Even if one might say that he didn’t want to kill him or he killed him by accident and so on, but what I had to say is that a life had paed away and speaking more made no sense.

In my opinion life is pricele and nobody has the right to give an end to other’s life.In America, it is the gun that make security conditions get worse and worse.Accordingly, the way to amend the security problems is to take control of guns.But how to do it.As far as I’m concerned, firstly Americans should develop an attitude towards respecting life and get rid of guns on their own initiative.Secondly the media should take advantage of their facilities to inform people of how bad it is to own a gun.Thirdly the government should take immediate measures to limit the civil to have guns or even forbid having acce to guns.

I believe as long as the number of guns decreases, every American with different colour of skin, different ancestor and different background of culture will live in harmony with each other.

10301010145 张旭


























本文由(百度影音电影 http:///) 收集整理











四岁的我们生活在无所不有的世界,认识了平凡的人和简单的环境。十四岁的我们看了《鲁滨逊漂流记》认识了非凡的人和极端的环境,而今天我们却可以再进一步看这部具有多重认识度和教育力量的《荒岛余生》来认识并体会人类更加复杂的生存与生活 此片是一个情节简明的叙事电影,主人公是由好莱坞著名影星汤姆汉克斯主演,在片中的人物是察克。作为联邦快递公司的中层工作人员察克对于时间的要求极为苛刻,片子开始用了大概五分钟的镜头给了快递公司的货车一路送货的画面,继而引出察克在呵斥员工的镜头,几句台词幽默而又不乏讥讽,将一个美国老板的圆滑和机智凸显恰到好处。而正是这一份对时间过于苛刻的工作恰巧是作为察克日后生存在茫茫大海之中必要的生存技巧。除此之外,开头几个简单中长镜头描画了查克的工作环境,家庭状况和社交关系。看过此片的人刚开始或许对故事太长的前奏有些反感,的确,一个甚具挑逗性的片名开始竟然用了近半个小时的背景陈铺是会让某些不太习惯长篇累牍的人产生不适。但开始我们就提过这不仅是一步野外冒险的故事片,其实我更愿意将它定义为人类是如何经历生死后对生活或更具体说是爱情的一种态度。完片之后我想多数人肯定会理解甚至是赞赏导演的良苦用心。片子前奏的具体内容是查克对待工作的一丝不苟而同时又专注描写了他的感情生活,作为此片的一大亮点,女主人公凯利的戏份不是太多,比起查克的未婚妻这个角色来说凯利其实更是一个具有象征意义的爱情的禁果。对遭遇机难的查克来说,这个让她终日牵挂的爱情力量就是在那个荒岛上生存下去的心理保障,影片也恰如其分的用了一个镶在怀表上的照片作为理想的替代。绵长的故事前奏在一段段查克和凯利,查克和朋友的桥段中结束。这意味着故事渐入高潮。






































本片讲述了谷子地作为一三九团三营九连连长率领残余部队在汶河口打狙击战,由于敌众我寡,敌情我若,结伙主力军队覆没,随后展开了漫长的为英勇牺牲无名的弟兄们正名的历程。由于谷子地从骨子透出的执着,使九连四十七名战士被追认为烈士的一个故事。 至此,我从以下几个方面进行详尽分析:





§1 影片的背景与警察的象征

影片的片名“Crash”(撞击)已经暗示了本片的“9·11”背景。美国一直以“世界警察”自居,本片中的警察在象征着霸权的美国(下文我将详细论述)。在影片的开头,一个亚裔妇女【听片尾她丈夫说的那句话,他们应该是韩国人。】开车撞了黑人警察格雷厄姆(Graham)的车,也是“9·11”故事的重演。在影片故事时序的最开始,枪支店的白人店主对着前来买枪的被他误认为阿拉伯裔的伊朗裔父女说:“嘿,本·拉登!别在我这儿计划你们的„圣战‟!”【Yo, Osama! Plan a jihad on your own time.】,“我无知?难道是你们解放了我的国家我却开着波音747撞进你们的小棚屋把你们的朋友烧成灰?”【I\'m ignorant? You\'re liberating my country and I\'m flying 747 s into your mud huts and incinerating your friends?】。

本片另一个背景是伊拉克战争。伊朗裔一家反复被认为是阿拉伯人【伊拉克是阿拉伯国家而伊朗不是,所以当他们的小店被洗劫后伊朗母亲说“看他们写了什么。他们以为我们是阿拉伯人。波斯人什么时候成为阿拉伯人了?”(Look what they wrote.They think we\'re Arab.When did Persian become Arab?)】,洗劫他们小店的人是仇恨阿拉伯人的,并且其背景故事【“多莉,那个人差点杀了你的母亲。”(Dorri, that man could\'ve killed your mother.)】很可能也是因为美国人对阿拉伯人的仇恨造成的。伊朗父亲对着锁匠丹尼尔的小女儿开枪,虽然没有造成伤害,但他的动机是有罪的。并且他虽然是种族歧视的受害者,同时也是种族歧视者。地方检察官里克(Rick)要竞选,于是他的所有公共行为都要迎合民意。他的车被黑人抢走后他急于保住选票【“我要么会失去黑人的选票,要么会失去„法律公正性‟的选票。”(I\'m either gonna lose the black vote or I\'m gonna lose the law-and-order vote.)】,想找一张自己授予黑人奖章的照片,结果发现自己将授奖的是个“叫萨达姆的伊拉克人”【That\'s real good, Bruce.I\'m gonna pin a medal on an Iraqi named Saddam.】,哭笑不得,因为这样反而可能会丢掉一些民众的选票。

“从一般意义上讲,警察是一个让人服从的强力权威。但如果失去合法性的制约,他的为善和为恶都会让人害怕。因为这是一种霸权。”(参考文献[1])年轻的白人警官汉森(Officer Tom Hanson)一直是有良知的警察形象,但他开枪误杀了格雷厄姆的弟弟。影片为此做了足够的铺垫,黑人鞋脏、衣服有破洞、搭车目的地无所谓并且嘲笑他准备掏兜好像拿枪,让观众知道汉森开枪的动机仅是自卫,但结果黑人只是想拿圣徒克里斯托弗【这个形象很有意味,他是背负基督的圣徒,旅行者的守护神,但1969年他的名字被从罗马天主教的历法中去除,信仰他的也只剩少数人。】的雕像。正好像贫穷的伊拉克并没有大规模杀伤性武器却被美国以此为由用战争颠覆了政权。汉森仅仅在片尾一片火光中一脸沉重地走向观众,摄像机跟随其运动表示对他的同情,但他并没有得到救赎,唤起美国观众在观影对伊拉克战争的复杂情感。

黑人警长格雷厄姆在影片一开始就说了谎【同伴问“你有烟么?”(You got a smoke?)“没,我戒了。”(Nah.I quit.)接下来的镜头他就点起了烟。】,他后来(事实上是在片头之前)说谎冤枉一位白人警官破坏了法律的公正性,但电影给出的解释是他是为了自己的前程和自己的弟弟能够不被法律制裁才做出这样的选择。他有一个吸毒并神志不清的母亲【他回家探望母亲时桌上有注射器,母亲连续问了他两次“找到你弟弟了么?”(Did you find your brother?)】,弟弟出走很可能被母亲气走【母亲提到找弟弟时说“我做得很好……我真的做得很好。”(I was doin\' good.I was...I was doin\' real good.)】。他向女友隐瞒了自己这样的家庭情况【从家中出来之后女友问“向你母亲道歉了么?”(Did you apologize to your mother?)“她不在。”(She wasn\'t there.)】说明他对自己的家庭的确有些自卑。在弟弟死去之后,他被母亲责备是杀害弟弟的真正凶手【他向母亲保证会抓出凶手,母亲说“我已经知道了。是你杀的。我让你去找你弟弟,你却说自己很忙。我们对你而言没有价值了,是吧?”(Oh, I already know.You did.I asked you to find your brother, but you were busy.We weren\'t much good to you anymore, were we?)母亲还误把他给母亲带的零食认为是他弟弟带的。】。这正是美国政府尴尬处境的写照,为了自己的家庭(美国民众)而放弃正义,同时又因为蒙受了损失而被家人指责。

如果说汉森和格雷厄姆的结局反映了美国“世界警察”的困境,白人警官赖安(Officer John Ryan)则更多地反映了美国对自己行为的认可。演员马特·狄龙(Matt Dillon)因此角色获得了奥斯卡最佳男配角的提名。赖安受病痛困扰的父亲颇有深意的背景故事【由他对HMO代理詹森小姐(Shaniqua Johnson)的陈述交代,他父亲建立企业雇佣黑人员工并平等对待,反而被政府帮助少数民族的“肯定性运动”搞得失去了一切,不得不加入HMO医疗保险,该保险保费低廉却对患者医疗服务设置重重限制,并宁可忍受病痛不愿找保险计划外的医生。】使得他成为一个一贯的种族歧视者【由洛杉矶警局的黑人警官与汉森的对话可以看出,他的种族歧视并不是从与詹森小姐的不快开始的。】并猥亵了黑人导演卡梅隆(Cameron)的妻子克里斯廷(Christine),但就在第二天,克里斯廷却因为宽容了他而得救,而且他拉动衣服盖住她的腿,对她表示了尊重。在段落的结尾,赖安单膝跪在地上,仰角拍摄使得他的形象显得神圣而庄重。同样,卡梅隆本人与警方发生冲突也因为遇到了汉森而得救(当时情况下警方有权开枪将其击毙)。这样的设计正反映了美国人对自己行为的自信。


picking up strange noises from your car.21-L, is your mike open by any chance?)黑人长官为了揭露赖安,给赖安重新安排了一个少数人种的搭档,他用“amigo”这个来自西班牙语的词称呼赖安。】,正像其他国家对美国的霸权敢怒而不敢言。而赖安与之握手时将他一把拉过说的话【“等你多干几年再说吧。你以为你知道自己是谁,嗯?其实你什么都不知道。”(Wait till you\'ve been doin\' it a little longer.You think you know who you are, hmm? You have no idea.)】,如同美国对自以为正义的国家的不屑一顾。汉森后来犯的错误使这诅咒得到了应验,更让美国的观众获得了心理上的微妙平衡。

本片在结构上采取交叉蒙太奇的叙述方式(参考文献[2])并浑然天成地安排好故事的时间和空间,以表达人物的情感(参考文献[3])。在此我想特别指出,局部过度曝光的运用很好地透露了故事中角色之间的强弱。性骚扰一场虽然发生在夜间,但有赖安的镜头常常伴随着警车车灯或手电的过度曝光的强光,而只有卡梅隆夫妇的镜头中光线就要弱得多,显示出警察不可抗拒的强权力量。汉森救下卡梅隆一场,有警车的镜头,警车上都反射出极强的太阳光,而卡梅隆的车一直很暗淡。所以看起来是卡梅隆通过不与警察合作赢得了自己的“勇敢”【被猥亵之后妻子对他的懦弱很不满:“还好。还有点血性。虽然来晚了,总比没有强!”(That\'s good.A little anger.It\'s a bit late, but it\'s nice to see!)】,但事实上这是汉森说服他向警方强权妥协的过程,他为了保护车里的黑人小偷安东尼(Anthony)也被迫做出了妥协,虽然嘴上依旧不依不饶【赖安说“我是想帮你啊。”(I\'m trying to help you.)他却答到“我没要求你帮我,对吧?”(I didn\'t ask for your help, did I?)】,但随后他还是按自己的方式接受了汉森的帮助。

颇有意味的一次过度曝光的出现是在里克的幕僚弗拉纳根(Flanagan)【里克两次遇事都让别人去找弗拉那根,说明弗是他非常信任的智囊,弗也知道保护里克,为了不让人知道诬陷是里克授意的甚至在他说服格雷厄姆的时候让人通知里克晚些上楼。】要求格雷厄姆隐瞒真相的时候,背朝窗户的弗拉那根一直被窗外射进的强光笼罩着,在对话中他一直是强势的一方,而格雷厄姆的背景一直是深棕色的墙板。他第一次口出辱骂黑人的话语遭到了格雷厄姆的反感【格雷厄姆激动地说:“你刚说什么?”(What did you just say?)】,然而当他抬出了格雷厄姆弟弟的前科进行威胁,并再次说出同样的侮辱性话语的时候,格雷厄姆平静地承受了。接下来格雷厄姆与里克交流的时候,里克从电梯中走出,背景墙壁有强烈的反光,而此时格雷厄姆的背后也出现了玻璃透出的强光,说明他已经被同化了,成为了强权中的一员【从上下文可以看出,里克想以此事件挽回自己在黑人选民中的威信,因此很早就提醒格雷厄姆有进展只对他一个人说,并不遗余力地诬陷白人警官。】。


§2 和解:宽容、信任、归属与宗教

种族歧视是影片构造冲突的切入点,并不是影片讨论的核心。影片前一半所引出的问题被后一半戏剧性的巧合、人性的闪光等好莱坞式的方式解决。导演也澄清他影片的主旨并不是反映种族歧视问题【导演保罗·哈吉斯(Paul Haggis)自述:“我创作和拍摄这部电影的目的,就是要探寻有关人与人之间关系的话题。我并无意去冒犯某些人或因此而挑起什么争端,只是想通过这部电影来表达出我对这个问题的看法。电影就是这样一种奇妙的工具,它能够让你体味到陌生人的心路历程。我希望观众们在看完这部电影之后并不只是感知到我所指出的问题,更重要的是能够推动民众去分享你们的爱心。”】,电影中或明或暗地表现的林林总总的种族歧视问题也不完全是洛杉矶的现状【黑人社区的知名社会活动家乔·希克斯认为影片严重歪曲了洛杉矶种族关系的现状,从而可能损害洛杉矶作为种族大熔炉的声誉。哈吉斯认为:“不过,我们写这些剧本所反映的社会问题却是真实的,只要是在社会中存在的现象,不管有多么肮脏和丑陋,我们都有责任把它写出来。”】,本文不讨论该片反映的种族歧视问题。正如影片开头所说的那样,这部电影是要讨论关于沟通与感情的主题,“touch”(触摸)【撞车之后,格雷厄姆喃喃地对着镜头,对着观众说:“这是触摸的感觉。走在任何实实在在的城市,你明白么,实实在在的城市,你都会和别人擦肩而过,会有人和你撞个满怀。在洛杉矶,没人会碰到你。我们永远把自己藏在玻璃和钢铁之后。我想我们都太怀念接触的感觉了,才互相撞在一起来体会。”(It\'s the sense of touch.Any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people.People bump into you.In L.A., nobody touches you.We\'re always behind this metal and gla.I think we mi that touch so much that we crash into each other just so we can feel something.)】。片头字幕阶段一对对虚化的车灯就是一个个孤独而无法接触的人。


好莱坞电影对美国现实的书写历来就是建构性的,而不是再现性的。对于民族的冲撞,保罗·哈吉斯在本片中给出了他自己的和解方案。但他作为资产阶级人道主义者,“展示社会现实逼真而深刻, 解决现实矛盾则苍白而幼稚。”(参考文献[1])

吉恩得到了玛利亚的帮助,而十年的好朋友卡罗尔(Carol)却因为正在按摩而袖手不管,她的和解是宽容【她在电话里对卡罗尔说:“你一年内,好像是,换了六个管家?”(You go through, like, six housekeepers a year?)说明卡罗尔代表刻薄的性格。】。克里斯廷获救也是因为宽容,不过是少数族裔对白人的宽容。赖安和偷车的安东尼通过拯救他人而获得救赎,同时安东尼一直都怀有强烈的种族敌意,不愿坐公共汽车【他说公共汽车安装窗户是“为了羞辱那些被迫乘坐的人们”(To humiliate the people of color who are reduced to ridin\' on \'em.)。】而片尾他看着公共汽车中安宁平和的少数族裔若有所思。






[1] 王苏生.《撞车》:巧合与冲撞下的象征.电影评介, 2006,(13)

[2] 张涛.《撞车》——交叉蒙太奇的典范.电影文学, 2006,(07)

[3] 顾春花.论电影《撞车》的叙事策略.电影评介, 2007,(05)

[4] 张斌.断裂、弥合与超越——《撞车》中的意识形态分析.唐都学刊, 2008,(01)

影片精读论文,出成绩了,终于敢把文章贴出来了^^ 为了严格控制正文的字数(事实上最后还是严重超标),本文的注释加得非常夸张,所有讲故事的文字全都注释了,为了可以让别人不跳来跳去地读用方括号加在正文里了。












——我感激遇到你的那一天 这是一部温暖得可以让人从开始一直微笑地看到最后的电影,这是一部美好得可以让人觉得时间停了1小时30分钟的电影,这是一部让人心生感激,心生感动,如它的名字一样——怦然心动。

唔~怎么说呢,这部电影真的是近期内最感人的电影,简单,却又荡气回肠~~ 内容很简单:一对两小无猜,一颗梧桐树,一位神奇的外公,一段青涩的初恋……

真佩服这部电影的字幕组啊,把英文片名\"Flipped\"译成“怦然心动”,如此传神的译法到底是怎么想到的?还有这一句,I ble the day I found you.若是让我翻译,打死我也想不出还可以把\"ble\"译成“感激”,于是我们便看到了一句如此美好的话:我感激遇到你的那一天。







