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为了提高同学们学习英语的乐趣,增加英语的学习氛围, 让英语成为我们外语人的日常用语,我们外语系学生会学习部、生活部以及英语俱乐部本学期策划了“宿舍英语”活动。


四、活动时间:本学期第 11 周~15周





















08年级经管新生对住宿的整体情况: 很不满意占总体4% ,不满意占总体的9%,一般占总体的41% ,满意占总体的34 % ,非常满意占总体的12% 。





对宿舍的水电设施方面的满意程度调查,不满意的学生占63%,满意的学生只有37% 。 对宿舍消防设施方面的满意程度调查,满意的学生占13%,一般满意的学生占55%,不满意的学生占32% ,大致可看出满意的程度高达68% 。

对宿舍治安方面的满意程度调查,满意的学生占13% ,一般满意的学生占42% ,不满意的学生占45% ,大致可以看出满意的程度只有55% 。

对宿舍管理员的服务态度方面的满意程度调查, 有30% 的学生满意,有21%的学生不满意,其余的学生没有意见,大致可看出有51% 的学生满意。

对宿舍周围环境方面的满意程度调查,满意的学生占36% ,一般满意的学生占50% ,不满意的学生占4% ,大致可看出满意的程度高达86% 。

在宿舍休闲设备方面的满意程度调的学生占11% ,一般满意的学生占33% ,不满意的学生占56% ,大致可看出满意的程度只有44%。


对于校园餐厅的满意程度调查 ,满意的学生占23% ,一般满意的学生占37% ,不满意学

生占40 % ,大致可看出满意的程度有60% 。


1.在学生宿舍满意度方面 :

满意宿舍的布局的学生有87% ,满意宿舍周围环境的学生有86% ,满意宿舍管理员服务态度的学生有79% ,同学们对这些部分的满意度都较高。根据新生们对学校各方面的反映,我们建议学校应加强对宿舍绿化带及住宿生的环保意识,并应定时对宿舍管理员进行培训,还有应该在宿舍周围及外面加设路灯。而我们在做调查时,广东省正处于登革热的高峰期, 但当我们向这些新生们调查访问是否需加设防蚊网时,只有37% 的同学觉得应该加设防蚊网,是因为这部分人当中有72% 的人是来自省内的, 对于登革热的状况很清楚,而28% 的人是做了我们的调查后先知道的,而且他们的血型比较容易吸引蚊子, 所以很害怕。而其它63%的同学觉得没有必要, 最主要原因是他们觉得没有防蚊网时,在夏天时打开窗会觉得凉爽一点,在睡觉时挂上蚊帐就不怕被蚊子叮了, 而在宿舍看书时,如果蚊子比较多, 只要喷一些杀蚊剂就可以了, 并且在较高层的宿舍内蚊子的数量会较少一点,所以就不需要加设防蚊网了。所以我们建议学校在扩建宿舍时提前了解一下新宿舍的蚊子情况, 如果蚊子比较多就应该提前采取相应的措施,并且在是否该加设防蚊网这一条问题上, 应访问更多的同学觉得该在哪些地方加设防蚊网。

满意宿舍消防设施的同学有68% ,满意宿舍费用的学生有66% 。这部些分的满意程度一般,根据新生们的反映,我们建议学校应指引新生使用灭火器的正确用法,并尽量为生活贫困的新生提供兼职信息和增加补助。

满意宿舍治安的同学有55%,满意宿舍休闲设备的同学有44%,满意宿舍的水电设施的同学有37% ,这些部分满意度较低,根据新生们的反映,新生宿舍很容易就可以被其它的陌生人进入, 进行一些非法的传销活动, 及会有一些假冒慈善活动来叫同学们来捐钱等问题,另外,有一年级的学生觉得因为不能带电脑到宿舍使用而觉得不方便,还有小部分的人晚上到外太晚回宿舍, 到宿舍不久洗手间就停止了热水供应, 只好用凉水洗澡了, 其次新生们觉得宿舍的电压负荷能力太低, 不能够使用一些功率较大的电器而感到不便。为此我们建议学校允许学生带某些种类的电器到学校或允许新生在大学一年级时就能带电脑到学校,还有就是延长热水供应时间。关于宿舍附近的休闲设备,我们则建议学校增设多一些的康乐文体设施,以丰富学生的课外生活。


学校餐厅的时间较长,由宿舍到学校医务室的距离太远, 对于一些紧急情况很难处理。并且学生们都觉得宿舍周边的交通设施不太完善。为此,我们建议学校应在附近增设餐厅和医务室,并应在今后增设校区时应考虑学生宿舍与其距离。对于宿舍周边的交通设施,学校可以通过出租自行车,开设咨询热线帮助学生解决问题。


只有60% 的学生满意学校饭堂,而其他学生不满意的原因有 : 1)饭菜的价格偏高, 而且量少 ; 2)地板太滑, 服务态度差 ; 3)每天的饭菜价格不清楚; 4)每天饭菜的供应量较少等,所以我们建议学校应进行一次更为详尽的调查从而完善学校的饭堂。











年级:〇大一〇大二 〇大三 〇大四


















A.很好,有相对独立的个人空间,比较安静 B.太吵太乱没法学习,娱乐氛围大于学习氛围 6.您喜欢在宿舍学习吗

A.很喜欢B.还行,但一般不在C.不喜欢 7.您宿舍的室友间的关系是A.相处得好,比较和谐 B.一般,人际关系时好时坏 C.有矛盾,聚会的时间太少 8.您和室友的关系是

A.亲密B.较好C.一般D.糟糕 9.您对现在的宿舍感觉

A.很满意B.满意C.一般D.不满意E.极不满意 10.若可以重新调整宿舍,您会重新选择新的室友与您同住吗A.会B.不会C.看情况而定 11.您认为理想中的宿舍应该是

A.家一样的地方B.学习的地方C.娱乐的地方D.睡觉的地方 12.你所在的宿舍进行下列活动吗?(每一问题限选1项答案)




C.很少感到孤单,有很多朋友一起D.忙于学习或工作,没时间孤单 15.当室友不开心时,您会A.问他怎么了,主动提出帮助 B.略表关心,礼貌性地询问,意思一下C.不管,视而不见D.看与自己关系而定

16.当您不开心时,您的室友会A.关切地询问,主动提出帮助 B.略表慰问C.无动于衷







21.如果宿舍中因生活习惯不同产生了摩擦,您通常会A.尽量与他们协调B.按照自己的习惯进行C.其他 22.当您与室友意见不一时,你通常会

A.协商一致B.视当时情况而定 C.坚持已见, 不作妥协D.全面退让, 听他们的 23.若宿舍成员中有您不喜欢的类型,您会如何与他/她相处A.淡漠以待B.不露声色,只求大家平和相处

C.到处说他/她坏话D.在他/她面前不露声色,但私底下找朋友吐苦水 24.当您对宿舍某人不满时,您通常会




A.直接说出来B.写纸条、QQ留言、发短信等间接方式 C.闷在心里,待对方打破僵局D.其他方式 27.您认为您宿舍中冲突产生的原因主要是A.沟通障碍(缺少及时有效的沟通,存在误会) B.利益争夺(评优评先、竞选机会等的争夺) C.习惯差异(生活习惯、个性品质、言谈举止等) D.被侵犯(言论上如背后说坏话;行为上如乱用物品等) E.认识差异(价值取向不同,在乎的东西不同)


28.您一般采取何种方式应对和室友之间的人际冲突A.迁就忍让,能忍则忍 B.反思之后,沟通化解。 C.伤害对方、打击报复。 D.回避与冷处理。

E.直面争执,吵一架或者打一架就没事了 F.其他

29.您认为较好的冲突解决方式是A.迁就忍让,能忍则忍 B.反思之后,沟通化解。 C.伤害对方、打击报复。 D.回避与冷处理。

E.直面争执,吵一架或者打一架就没事了 F.其他




She is medium height, very slim, her shape is cute, and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long, curly, black hair, her lips red as wine.She has big, bright eyes, when she is smiling, her eyes are shinning. Her voice is soft, but powerful, that's because she is knowledgeable.Her head is big, I bet there's lots of knowledge in it. She likes wearing a blue sweater and long, brown skirt.Sometimes she also wears jeans, when she is wearing jeans, she looks pretty cool. By the way, she never wears glaes, you can see her eye sight is very good.Well, she is beautiful, isn't it? 注释1 当我们描写一个人的体型的时候,我们也可以分为以下两个部分: (1) 体格(build): fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧。

A.She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built.她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。

B.She is a little overweight, so she decided to lose weight.她有一点超重,所以她打算减肥。 (2) 身高(height)

medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米.A.He used to be middle-sized, but when he is getting old , he is becomeing short.他原本是中等身材,但随着年龄的增长,她变矮了。

注释2 在描写面部容貌的时候,可以从脸型、头发、五官入手。 1.脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。

A.She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round .她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。 2.头发(hair): 更多惊喜,请关注刘嘉城


(1) 发型(hair style): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut平头; bald秃头的。 A.Her hair is brown and curly.她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。 (2) 发色(hair color): jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.A.She is a beautiful girl with fair hair.她是一个金发美女。 3.五官: (1) 眼睛(eye): deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛.A.His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time.他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。

B.He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。 (2) 鼻子(nose): long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的.A.He was born a hooked nose.他天生是鹰钩鼻。

B.His nose is very big, so he doesn't like it.他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它。 (3) 嘴部(mouth): tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴。 A.When he laughs, we see his even teeth.当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。 B.She has a double chin.她有双下巴。



注释3 一个人的服饰也是外貌的重要组成部分,所以对服饰的描写也很重要。 服饰(dre): smart 潇洒的; scruffy 邋遢的; well-dreed 衣着华丽的; casual 随便的; conservative 不显眼的; elegant 优雅的; fashionable 时髦的; suave 文雅的; untidy 不整洁的.A.He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit.他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。

注释4.笑容(smile): bright 欢快的; broad 无所顾忌的; charming 可爱的; cunning 狡猾的; faint 不明显的; happy 高兴的; pleasant令人愉快的; sad 伤心的; sweet 甜蜜的; pleased 满意的; grinning 露齿而笑的; smirking 傻笑的; friendly 友好的; warm 温暖的,热情的; cold 不热情的.A.Because of his high scores, he smiles brightly.因为他得了高分,所以笑得很灿烂。

B.A friendly smile will help you to win others heart.友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心。 C.She is charming when she smiles.她笑起来的时候很可爱。 注释5.常见的系动词有: appear, be, become, feel, get, go, grow, look, prove, remain, seem, sound, taste, turn, etc.在实际的写作过程中,根据自己的需要选择合适的动词,会令文章更为生动。如: A.The advertisement sounds interesting.这个广告听起来很有趣。

B.Human rights are a major concern in today's world.人权是当今世界关注的主要问题。

C.The result of the experiment is very encouraging.实验的结果令人满意。

D.My idea is that we should follow our original plan.我的意思是我们应当按照原来的计划。



另外还有一些外貌词汇可以供大家参考: short 矮 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条

medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮

good-looking 长的好看 的 plain 长的一般

neatly dreed 衣着干净整洁 smartly dreed 穿着得体 well dreed 穿的漂亮 scruffily dreed 衣着不整洁

I am a neatly dreed and politer young man.形容一个女人丰满用英语怎么说 Plentiful 这个是最标准的 round 有圆的含义 不好 不推荐 plump有鼓起的意思 也不好 lazy 懒的



punctual 守时的 kind 善良的

efficient 办事高效率的 strict 严厉的 generous 慷慨的,大方的

patient 有耐心的 forgetful 健忘的 reliable 可靠的 boring 令人乏味的 open-minded 思想开放的 traditional 思想保守的,传统的















meaningle无意义的 boring无聊的





disgusting令人恶心的 happy幸福的





exhausted精 疲力尽的











bright明智的 stupid愚蠢的























长睫毛 Long lashes

朝天鼻 An upturned nose

反颔 An underbite 大眼睛 Puppy-dog eyes

蒜头鼻 A honker

双下巴 A double chin 小眼睛 Small eyes

鹰勾鼻 A hooked nose

五官明显 Strong features 无神的眼睛 Lifele eyes 大鼻孔 Big nostrils

五官平淡 Small features 明亮的眼睛 Glowing eyes 塌鼻子 A flat nose

方脸 A square face 单眼皮 Single eyelids

大嘴巴 A large mouth

圆脸 A round face 双眼皮 Double eyelids

小嘴巴 A small mouth

形脸 A heart-shaped face 瘦鼻子 A thin nose

歪嘴 A crooked mouth

鹅蛋脸 An oval face 尖挺的鼻子 A sharp nose 薄嘴唇 Thin lips

一脸横肉 A mean face 长鼻子 A long nose


心 更多惊喜,请关注刘嘉城

厚嘴唇 Thick lips

豆花脸 A zit face 歪鼻子 A crooked nose

暴牙 Buck teeth

苍白的脸 A pale face 四肢特征

粗壮的手臂 Thick arms

肮脏的指甲 Dirty nails

肥腿 Fat legs 细手臂 Thin arms

涂指甲油的指甲Painted nails

瘦腿 Thin legs 大肌肉的手臂 Muscular arms 修长的指甲Delicate fingers

鸟仔腿 Stick legs 瘦弱的手臂 Weak arms

粗手指 Thick fingers

萝卜腿 Thick calves 有力的手臂 Powerful arms

纤细的手指 Fine fingers

长腿 Long legs 柔细的手 Soft hands

长手指 Long fingers

短腿 Short legs 粗糙的手 Rough hands

短手指 Short fingers

毛腿 Hairy legs 长指甲 Long nails

粗腿 Heavy legs

外八字 Splayed feet 身材特征

魁梧的 Heavyset

骨瘦如柴的 Bony

年轻的 Young 更多惊喜,请关注刘嘉城


大骨架的 Big-boned 弱不禁风的 Frail

中年的 Middle-aged 小骨架的 Small-boned 结实的 Trim

年老的 Old 过重的 Overweight

凹凸有致的 Shapely(女) 白发苍苍的 Gray-ha 瘦的 Thin

身材比例很好的 Well-proportioned 病恹恹的 sickly 皮包骨的 skinny

胸部大的 Well-endowed(女) 行为特征

落寞的 Depreed

情绪化的 Emotional

萎靡的 Lifele 寂寞的Lonely

笨拙的 Clumsy

精力充沛的 Full of life 无精打采的 Listle 优雅的 Graceful

心烦的 Frustrated 精疲力竭的 Exhausted 粗枝大叶的 Coarse

内向的 Introverted 不悦的 Upset

做作的 Fake

外向的 Extroverted/outgoing 好动的 Active

轻浮的 Slimy

举止夸张的 Melodramatic 多话的 talkative

有活力的 Energetic

手舞足蹈的 Excitable/spastic sparkling eyes watery eyes spanish eyes shining eyes 更多惊喜,请关注刘嘉城


bright eyes 还有个地方直接是这么说的:

她用一双水汪汪的眼睛深情地看着他。 She looked at ME all dewy-eyed with love.

1, human being/mankind 强调作为人类 (总称) 2,person 不分性别的(某)个人 3,people 强调人们

4,man 以前的英语中指所有的人,现在男女平等了,就渐渐不再用这个词了,如chairman (主席)就换成chairperson 5,individual 强调个人,英语中使用频繁的词



Describing Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages: 1.Since its appearance, people have benefited a lot from it.2.…is/are playing an increasingly significant role/part in our lives/society.3.We can hardly live without……

4.…is/are endowed with many advantages.5.Nowadays no one can escape from the influence of……

6.There is no doubt that both …and…have their own advantages.7.Despite/In spite of these problems, I think its advantages still outweigh its disadvantages.Disadvantages: 1.It has brought much harm to humans. take opposing views of……

Some people take the opposing view that……

While other people think the other way……/take a different attitude(an opposing view)…… Nothing can be perfect and everything has two sides,…is/are not an exception.Nothing should be carried to extremes.7.We should take a proper attitude towards……

8.We should make full use of its benefits, and meanwhile try to avoid its disadvantages.

Transition signals: 1.to indicate order or sequence: first, second , next, finally, before, after, afterwards, soon, later, now, then, at the same time, on the left, on the right, close to, above, below……

2.to indicate an additional idea: additionally ,besides, in addition, furthermore, also, similarly, likewise, in the same way……

3.to indicate contrasting idea: though, although, even though, instead, at any rate, but, yet, neither, despite, in spite of, neverthele, whereas, on the other hand……

4.to indicate a generalization: in general, generally speaking, as a general rule, on the whole… 5.to indicate a poibility or certainty: poibly, perhaps, clearly, no doubt, certainly, evidently 6.to indicate a conclusion: above all, thus, as a result, in conclusion, in summary, accordingly, consequently, therefore……

7.to introduce a cause or reason:because, as, for ,due to, since…… 8.to introduce an example: for example, for instance, that is, namely 9.to emphasize or clarify: actually, in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, of course 10.to refer to something previously mentioned: the former, the latter, such, where, which, whom






(一)建筑面积:37处集体宿舍中有23处建筑面积超过1000m2,占62.2%,其中面积最大的达到40000 m2。



















short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮

elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般

人物外貌描写expreions for appearance


well dreed 穿的漂亮,smartly dreed穿着得体,neatly dreed衣着干净整洁

外貌 looking

beautiful, pretty, good-looking, sweet, handsome, funny, charming, ugly,peculiar特别的 , rough , ill-looking


fat 肥胖的;plump丰满的; overweight 超重; well-built身材魁梧;strong强壮的,stocky矮壮结实的;weak 弱的

thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的;skinny皮包骨的;heavy;tubby矮胖,

身高 (height)

medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材/中等身高; below average 低于平均身高/身材较矮; above average高于平均身高/身材较高; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; tall 高的; short 矮的; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米。 big,small

描写眼睛 eye (a pair of) big eyes (一双)大大的眼睛 (a pair of) beautiful and bright eyes (一双)水灵灵的眼睛

(a pair of) watery eyes (一双)水汪汪的眼睛

描写眉毛eyebrow heavy/thick eyebrows 浓眉

描写头发hair (a head of) beautiful hair (一头)秀发 (a head of) black/dark hair (一头)乌黑的头发 (a head of) thick hair (一头)浓密的头发

short hair短发,long hair长发,medium length中等长度头发,shoulder length齐肩发

fair/blond hair金黄的头发,blown hair 褐色的头发, gray hair灰白头发 in curls, curly卷曲的,straight直发,wavy hair波浪形的头发 pigtail马尾辫 crew cut平头,bald,baldhead秃头

描写鼻子nose high nose 高鼻梁 flatten,broad,narrow,flat,straight,short, leg: long and beatuiful belly: flat, big waist: narrow,small,large forehead:broad lips: full-lipped,thin-lipped,set voice:booming 低沉有回响,ringing清脆响亮,deep


Expreions for Appearance →hair

long, black, blond, grey, in curls, curly, in bun(圆发髻), in plaits, pigtail (马尾辫), crew cut(平头), close-cropped hairstyle), bald, baldhead (秃头) → nose

straight, flat, pointed nose (鹰钩鼻子) , flatten, broad, narrow, short, aquiline(鹰钩鼻子) → cheeks smooth, bony, sunken(凹陷), swollen(隆起), hallow(凹陷的) → figure

chubby (丰满),plump (丰满), fat, long and slim, tall, maive, slender, average height,obese (过胖),thick-set (矮而胖),dwarfish (矮小),short ,overweight ,thin ,skinny,medium height ,tubby (矮胖), muscular, …..→ face

long, short, round, square, flat, bony, sunken(凹陷的), swollen(肿起来的), peaceful, charming, beautiful, pretty, nice, lovely, striking, attractive, lean, fat, socket or dimple (酒窝),oval-shaped face or oval face or heart-shaped face (瓜子脸) ,egg-shaped, moon-shaped, look handsome (眉清目秀),look dignified (仪表堂堂),mole (痣), good-looking, plain (长的一般) …… → legs

long and beautiful, → belly flat, big → waist

narrow, small, large → eye-lash beautiful, long → eyebrow

thick, arched(弯弯的), neatly, plucked(拉直的), uneven, knitted → forehead square, broad →lips

full-lopped, thin-lipped, set, sensuous(性感的), moist →voice

booming(低沉有回响), ringing(清脆响亮), rasping(刺耳), squeaky(发短促尖声), harsh, growling(怒吼), deep, melodious(悦耳) →dreing

smartly dreed / well dreed / neatly dreed / scruffily dreed





1、Ambitious attitude eential、


2、Bright,aggreive applicants、


3、Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills、


4、Highly-motivated and reliable person、


5、Strong determination to succeed.


6、Willing to learn and progre、



1、Ability to work well with others、


2、With poeing a great team spirit、


3、A good team player and I\'m great honest to others、


4、With a strong sense of cooperation、


5、Enjoying a good relationship among my clamates、



1、Willing to work under preure with leardership quality.


2、Strong leadership skills、


3、Good people management and communication skills、Team player、


4、Strong leadership skill while poeing a great team spirit、



1、The main qualities required are preparedne to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health、


2、Willing to aume responsibilities、


3、A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable、


4、Able to work under high preure and time limitation、


5、Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision、



1、Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourceful.


2、With a pleasant mature attitude、


3、Open-minded and positive attitude、















〖主要特质〗:自信、精力充沛、风趣幽默、满有把握、积极进取 。




〖主要特质〗:记忆力好,博学、博闻强识、知性、优雅、有气质 。


〖主要特质〗:温和友善、随和、绝不直接表达需要,婉转含蓄、好好先生/小姐、慷慨大方、乐善好施 。






〖主要特质〗:忍耐、有毅力、守承诺、贯彻始终、爱家顾家、守法、有影响力的领袖、喜欢控制、喜欢研究、好刨根问底、寡言、深刻 。

























〖主要特质〗:自私自利、不讲仁义、不孝顺、不爱帮助他人,或者帮助也是为了自己 。






〖主要特质〗:传统保守、做事规规矩矩,喜欢安静 。






〖主要特质〗:随便、少毅力、随性、粗心大意、不喜欢研究、浅尝则止 。




〖主要特质〗:温和友善、忍耐、随和、怕竞争、无法集中注意力,非常倚赖别人的提醒、注意力集中在细节、次要的事、对大多数事物没有多大的兴趣 。











推荐第9篇:英语作文 风景描写

Autumn is my favorite season,and it is the fascinating autumn that makes up for the wet summer.The sky is clear and the air is crisp in this beautiful season.The frosts put on their sober brown and yellow,while some trees are nipped by the forsts into brilliant dyes of orang,purple and scarlet.The small birds with its red-tipped wings and yellow-tipped tail are fluttering,chirping and frolicking to have their farewell banquets. When sun is setting,spiling gold light on the charming forests,golden-edged clouds are rolling away.In the twilight the rosy clouds are gorgeous,which reminds me of the deep orange sea is blend with the melon yellow sky in the horizon. All of those scenes consists of a bewitching picture which delights the eye.秋日掠影

It was, as I have said, a fine autumnal day, the sky was clear and serene, and naturethat rich and olden livery which we always aociate with the idea of abund(wore) ance.The forests had put on their sober brown and yellow, while some trees of the tendered kink had been nipped by the frosts into brilliant dyes of orange, purple and scarlet.Streaming files of wild ducks began to make their appearance high in the air; the bark of the squirrel might be heard from the groves of beach and hickory nuts, and the pensive whistle of the quail at intervals from the neighboring stubble-field.

The small birds were taking their farewell banquets.In the fullne of their revelry, they fluttered, chirping and frolicking, from bush to bush, and tree to tree, capricious from the very profusion and variety around them.There was the honest cock-robin the favorite game of stripling sportsmen, with its loud querulous note; and the twittering blackbirds flying the sable clouds; and the golden-winged woodpecker, with his crimson crest, his broad black gorget, and splendid plumage; and the cedar bird, with its red-tipped wings and yellow-tipped tail, and its little monteiro cap of feathers; and the blue-jay, that noisy coxcomb, in his gay lightblue coat and white under-clothes; screaming and chattering, nodding and bobbing and bowing, and pretending to be on good terms with every songster of the grove.













sable深褐色的 woodpecker啄木鸟



cedar bird黄连鸟

monteiro cap有帽沿的圆猎帽



本文由找教案(www.daodoc.com)收集整理, 文章版权归原作者!

Valley at Sunset


The set was setting, spilling gold light on the low western hills of Rathlin Island.A small boy walked jauntily along a hoof-printed path that wriggle between the folds of these hills and opened out into a crater-like valley on the cliff-top.Presently he stopped as if remembering something, then suddenly he left the path and began running up one of the hills.When he reached the top he was out of breath and stood watching streaks of light radiating from golden-edged clouds, the scene reminding him of a picture he had seen of the Transfiguration.A short distance below him was the cow standing at the edge of a reedy lake.Colm ran down to meet her vaving his stick in the air, and the wind rumbling in his ears made him give an exultant whoop which splashed upon the hills in a shower of echoed sound.A flock of gulls lying on the short gra near the lake rose up languidly, drifting like blown snowflakes over the rim of the cliff.

The lake faced west and was fed by a stream, the drainings of the semi-circling hills.One side was open to the winds from the sea and in winter a little outlet trickled over the cliffs making a black vein in their gray sides.The boy lifted stones and began throwing them into the lake, weaving web after web on its calm surface.Then he skimmed the water with flat stones, some of them jumping the surface and coming to rest on the other side.He was delighted with himself and after listening to his echoing shouts of delighted he ran to fetch his cow.Gently he tapped her on the side and reluctantly she went towards the brown-mudded path that led out of the valley.The boy was about to throw a final stone into the lake when a bird flew low over his head, its neck astrain, and its orange-colored legs clear in the soft light.It was a wild duck.It circles the lake twice, thrice, coming lower each time and then with a nervous flapping of wing it skidded along the surface, its legs breaking the water into a series of silvery arcs.Its wings closed, it lit silently, gave a slight shiver, and began pecking indifferently at the water.


hoof-printed有蹄印的 wriggle蜿蜒而行















South of The Lower Reaches of The Yangtze River

Water is mounded howling moved towards the south of Yangtze River.Have had intelligence because of having water, Jiangnan.The trick lets converges do a very large net, bluish waves in fragment Yanyan converges to aume the bright mirror soft and flowery.Being often floating on water surface is a fisherman’s song.Thousand invariant true a century, be apt in zhi being singing to water.The old fisherman is coming back.Reflecting on one’s body under the setting sun crystalline water wave, face is showing bonze colored delight.The cabin of the boat queen inner is shining white fish son all that is face to face diligent charity of water.You are just now elegant because water on Jiangnan is having had you, Jiangnan are just now rich also because of having had.The boat has constructed the south of Yangtze River.Have had vigor because of having had the boat, Jiangnan.The other river streamlet edge, lots of the boats have become the aquatic family, boat former the boat queen, lots of the family have been accomplished return to the sail harbor.The boat sets out on a voyage in the early morning, being holding the south of Yangtze River, the big shield oar being marking the south of Yangtze River.The dark green swaying one broken river: the dusk, one ye skiff return to harbor be being loaded with the region of rivers and lakes substantiality, the green gra duckweed drift, stroke the limpidity leveling full pool lightly.At nightfall, two or three boats lean close to often very intimately in being shampooing together broad moonlight, reflects to a quite quiet Jiangnan dream be lying hidden be on fire deep and quite blue glimmering, common.There is a lease of life in the boat on Jiangnan just now because of having had, also because of having had, Jiangnan to have poetry just now.The bridge instrument zhu has become the south of Yangtze River.Have had because of having had the bridge, Jiangnan delicate and pretty.The water top is lying acro countle bridges.Bridge following is flowing if silk is like simultaneous water.The bridge a variety of seems the long rainbow lies.The wave casts light on at the beginning of the month if new.White wash a wall Daiwa’s foot bridge running water, the bridge has helped all Jiangnan painting intention imperceptibly.You are just now winning because the bridge on Jiangnan is having had, also because of having had you, Jiangnan is really a real Jiangnan.




1Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 1970.She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years.She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years.She is kind and friendly to us after cla, but She is rather strict with us in cla.She always encourages us to speak and read more English.She often says,“Practice makes perfect.”

She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every leon lively and interesting.She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English play.

She is not only our teacher but also our friend.We all respect and love her.

Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds.






2My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak.With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strong.Therefore,I could face difficulties.

When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down.As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes smiled with praise.Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties.But whenever I was frustrated,my mother\'s eyes always gave me hope and encouragement.Once I failed in exams,my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons.Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better.At last I overcame the difficulty.Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come acro setbacks,my mother\'s eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.




3Zhang Dong is my best friend.He entered our cla last semester.He is a boy.Both of us are good at English, so we often have a chat in English in our spare time.After school, we often play football together on the playground.He runs so fast that I can not catch up with him.He is an excellent student.He not only gets good marks in all subjects butalso is very kind and modest.He loves popular songs and also claical music.There are three people in his family and he is the only child.His father is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actre.Though Zhang Dong\'s family is wealthy, he is usually simply dreed.He has a dream which is to be a lawyer.

Such is my friend, a clever and kind boy.He is highly praised by the teachers and students.





A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depreed.So I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same cla.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if i got in trouble.I will help he as much as I can.I hope our friendship will forever and ever.

We are in the same cla.He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if I ever get into troubles.So will I.I hope our friendship will last forever and ever。






able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggreive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的

ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的

apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办事仔细的 candid 正直的 charitable 宽厚的 competent 能胜任的 confident 有信心的

conscientious 认真的,自觉的

considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的

dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的

diplomatic 老练的,有策略的

disciplined 守纪律的

discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的

well-educated 受过良好教育的

efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expreive 善于表达

faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful (性格)坚强的 frank 直率的,真诚的 friendly 友好的

frugal 俭朴的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 hard-working 勤劳的 hearty 精神饱满的 honest 诚实的 hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 humorous 幽默的 impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的

ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 首创精神

have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋 intellective 有智力的 intelligent 理解力强的

inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的

kind-hearted 好心的 knowledgeable 有见识的 learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的

methodical 有方法的

modest 谦虚的 motivated 目的明确的 objective 客观的 open-minded 虚心的 orderly 守纪律的 original 有独创性的

painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 practical 实际的

precise 一丝不苟的 persevering 不屈不挠的

punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的 qualified 合格的

rational 有理性的 realistic 实事求是的 reasonable 讲道理的

reliable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的 self-conscious 自觉的

selfle 无私的

sensible 明白事理的 sincere 真诚的 smart 精明的 spirited 生气勃勃的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 塌实的 straightforward 老实的 strict 严格的 外貌:

short 矮

tall 高

overweight 胖

plump 丰满

thin 瘦


slim 苗条

medium height 不胖不瘦

tubby 矮胖

muscular 强壮

elegantly 优雅

good-looking 长的好看

plain 长的一般

smartly dreed 穿着得体

well dreed 穿的漂亮

neatly dreed 衣着干净整洁

scrufily dreed 衣着不整洁

















athletic active2


She is medium height, very slim, her shape is cute, and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long, curly, black hair, her lips red as wine.She has big, bright eyes, when she is smiling, her eyes are shinning.

Her voice is soft, but powerful, that's because she is knowledgeable.Her head is big, I bet there's lots of knowledge in it.

She likes wearing a blue sweater and long, brown skirt.Sometimes she also wears jeans, when she is wearing jeans, she looks pretty cool.

By the way, she never wears glaes, you can see her eye sight is very good.Well, she is beautiful, isn't it?

注释1 当我们描写一个人的体型的时候,我们也可以分为以下两个部分: (1) 体格(build): fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧。

A.She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built.她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。

B.She is a little overweight, so she decided to lose weight.她有一点超重,所以她打算减肥。 (2) 身高(height)

medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米.A.He used to be middle-sized, but when he is getting old , he is becoming short.他原本是中等身材,但随着年龄的增长,她变矮了。

注释2 在描写面部容貌的时候,可以从脸型、头发、五官入手。 1.脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。

A.She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round .她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。 2.头发(hair): (1) 发型(hair style):

straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut平头; bald秃头的。 A.Her hair is brown and curly.她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。 (2) 发色(hair color): jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.A.She is a beautiful girl with fair hair.她是一个金发美女。 3.五官:

(1) 眼睛(eye): deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛.A.His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time.他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。 B.He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。 (2) 鼻子(nose): long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的.A.He was born a hooked nose.他天生是鹰钩鼻。

B.His nose is very big, so he doesn't like it.他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它。 (3) 嘴部(mouth): tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴。 A.When he laughs, we see his even teeth.当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。 B.She has a double chin.她有双下巴。

注释3 一个人的服饰也是外貌的重要组成部分,所以对服饰的描写也很重要。 服饰(dre): smart 潇洒的; scruffy 邋遢的; well-dreed 衣着华丽的; casual 随便的; conservative 不显眼的; elegant 优雅的; fashionable 时髦的; suave 文雅的; untidy 不整洁的.A.He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit.他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。

注释4.笑容(smile): bright 欢快的; broad 无所顾忌的; charming 可爱的; cunning 狡猾的; faint 不明显的; happy 高兴的; pleasant令人愉快的; sad 伤心的; sweet 甜蜜的; pleased 满意的; grinning 露齿而笑的; smirking 傻笑的; friendly 友好的; warm 温暖的,热情的; cold 不热情的.A.Because of his high scores, he smiles brightly.因为他得了高分,所以笑得很灿烂。

B.A friendly smile will help you to win others heart.友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心。 C.She is charming when she smiles.她笑起来的时候很可爱。

注释5.常见的系动词有: appear, be, become, feel, get, go, grow, look, prove, remain, seem, sound, taste, turn, etc.在实际的写作过程中,根据自己的需要选择合适的动词,会令文章更为生动。如: A.The advertisement sounds interesting.这个广告听起来很有趣。

B.Human rights are a major concern in today's world.人权是当今世界关注的主要问题。

C.The result of the experiment is very encouraging.实验的结果令人满意。 D.My idea is that we should follow our original plan.我的意思是我们应当按照原来的计划。 另外还有一些外貌词汇可以供大家参考:

short 矮

overweight 胖

plump 丰满

thin 瘦


slim 苗条

medium height 不胖不瘦

tubby 矮胖

muscular 强壮

good-looking 长的好看 的 plain 长的一般

neatly dreed 衣着干净整洁

smartly dreed 穿着得体

well dreed 穿的漂亮

scruffily dreed 衣着不整洁

I am a neatly dreed and politer young man.形容一个女人丰满用英语怎么说 Plentiful 这个是最标准的

round 有圆的含义 不好 不推荐

plump有鼓起的意思 也不好

lazy 懒的

punctual 守时的

kind 善良的

efficient 办事高效率的

strict 严厉的

generous 慷慨的,大方的

patient 有耐心的

forgetful 健忘的

reliable 可靠的

boring 令人乏味的

open-minded 思想开放的

traditional 思想保守的,传统的


unbelievable难以置信的 so-so一般的 truly真诚的 terrible可怕的

horrible恐怖的 nervous紧张的

relaxing放松的 optimistic乐观的 peimistic悲观的 interesting有趣的 funny逗乐的 comic滑稽的

meaningle无意义的 boring无聊的

完全的 absolute satisfied满意的 embarraed尴尬的

disgusting令人恶心的 happy幸福的

sorry遗憾的 glad快乐的

sad伤心的 tired累的

exhausted精 疲力尽的 energetic精力充沛的

kinky变态的 ugly丑陋的

plain平凡的 angry愤怒的 pleasant高兴的 alone孤单的

lonely孤独的 single单独的

cozy温馨的 friendly友善的

spare空闲的 convenient方便的

available空余的 busy忙的

free自由的 public公共的

private私人的 clever聪明的

smart机灵的 cute小巧可爱的

bright明智的 foolish笨蛋的



flashy炫耀的 succeful成功的 naughty调皮的

wise智慧的 envious羡慕的



长睫毛 Long lashes 朝天鼻 An upturned nose

反颔 An underbite

大眼睛 Puppy-dog eyes 蒜头鼻 A honker 双下巴 A double chin

小眼睛 Small eyes 鹰勾鼻 A hooked nose 五官明显 Strong features 无神的眼睛 Lifele eyes 大鼻孔 Big nostrils

五官平淡 Small features

明亮的眼睛 Glowing eyes 塌鼻子 A flat nose

方脸 A square face

单眼皮 Single eyelids 大嘴巴 A large mouth 圆脸 A round face

双眼皮 Double eyelids 小嘴巴 A small mouth 心形脸 A heart-shaped face 瘦鼻子 A thin nose 歪嘴 A crooked mouth 鹅蛋脸 An oval face 尖挺的鼻子 A sharp nose 薄嘴唇 Thin lips 一脸横肉 A mean face 长鼻子 A long nose

厚嘴唇 Thick lips 豆花脸 A zit face

歪鼻子 A crooked nose 暴牙 Buck teeth 苍白的脸 A pale face 四肢特征

粗壮的手臂 Thick arms 肮脏的指甲 Dirty nails 肥腿 Fat legs 细手臂 Thin arms

涂指甲油的指甲Painted nails 瘦腿 Thin legs 用英文描写人物的外貌与五官(转) 外貌 Physical Appearance


描述身材常用的形容词有: tall, small, short, of medium height…

描述体型的有: fat, thin, slim, big, small, of medium build, strong等.


beautiful, pretty, good-looking, charming, sweet, handsome, funny, ugly, peculiar, rough, ill-looking


fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧

身高 (height)

medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高;

tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米。



round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。

A.She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。


(1) 发型(hair style):

straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut平头; bald秃头的。

A.Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。 (2) 发色(hair color):

jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.

五官: (1) 眼睛(eye):

deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛.

A.His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time. 他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。

B.He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。

(2) 鼻子(nose):

long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的. A.He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鹰钩鼻。

B.His nose is very big, so he doesn';t like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它。

(3) 嘴部(mouth):

tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴。

A.When he laughs, we see his even teeth.


B.She has a double chin. 她有双下巴。



1)快活的微笑 a bright smile 2)开朗的微笑 a broad smile 3)迷人的微笑 a charming smile 4)奸笑 a cunning smile 5)幸福的微笑 a happy smile 6)令人神往的微笑 an engaging smile 7)一丝的微笑 a faint smile 8)愉快的微笑 a pleasant smile 9)满意的微笑 a pleased smile 10)不自然的微笑 a strained smile 11)甜蜜的微笑 a sweet smile.12)苦笑 a wry smile 13)狞笑 a grim smile 14)天真的微笑 an innocent smile 15)和蔼的微笑 a kindly smile 16)轻蔑的微笑 a contemptuous smile


1)清晰的嗓音 a clear (ringing) voice 2)低沉的嗓音 a deep voice 3)响亮的嗓音 a loud voice 4)低嗓音 a low voice 5)悦耳动听的嗓音 a pleasant voice 6)尖利刺耳的嗓音 a shrill voice 7)温柔的嗓音 a soft voice 8)甜美的嗓音 a sweet voice 9)尖细的嗓音 a thin voice 10)喑哑的嗓音 a tonele voice 11)微弱的嗓音 a weak (feeble) voice 12)高嗓音 a high voice 13)假嗓音 a falsetto voice 14)美妙的嗓音 a fine voice


1)轻盈的步伐 a light gait 2)沉重的步伐 a heavy gait 3)昂首阔步的步伐 a swaggering gait.4)驼背弯腰的步态 a stooping gait 5)摇摇摆摆的步态a swaying gait 6)一瘸一拐的步态 a limping gait 7)缓慢的步态 a shuffling gait 8)微跛的步态 a halting gait 9)文雅的步态 a mincing gait.


1)优美的身材 graceful figure 2)瘦削的身材 lean figure 3)匀称的身材 neat figure 4)丰满的身材 plump figure 5)大腹便便的身材 paunchy figure 6)细长的身材 slender figure 7)苗条的身材slim figure 8)瘦小的身材 slight figure 9)矮壮的身材 stocky figure 10)高大的身材 stout figure 11)优美健壮的身材 superb figure 12)又胖又圆的身材 full figure 13)笨拙的身材 ungainly figure


1) 圆圆的脸 round face 2) 椭圆的脸 oval face 3) 方脸 square face 4) 长脸 long face 5) 瘦削的脸 thin (lean) face 6) 胖脸 fleshy face 7) 浮肿的脸 puffy face 8) 憔悴的面容 haggard face 9) 布满皱纹的脸 wrinkled (lined) face 10) 长满粉刺的脸 pimpled face 11) 泪珠布满的脸 tear-stained face 12) 长满雀斑的脸 freckled face 13) 麻脸 pock-marked face 14) 眉清目秀的脸蛋 finely-cut face 15) 面目端正的脸 regular face 16) 丑脸 disfigured face 17) 媚人的脸 charming face 18) 刮得精光的脸 clean- shaved face 19) 黝黑的面孔 swarthy face 20) 晒黑的脸 sunburned face 21) 秀丽的脸 sweet face 22) 铁板的面孔 a stern face


1) 乌黑的眼睛 dark eyes 2) 灰色的眼睛 gray eyes 3) 绿色的眼睛 green eyes 4) 蔚蓝色的眼睛 blue eyes 5) 深蓝色的眼睛 violet eyes 6) 深棕色的眼睛 brown eyes 7)淡褐色的眼睛 hazel eyes 8) 睁得圆圆的眼睛 wide-open eyes 9) 鼓起来的眼睛 bulging eyes 10) 深陷的眼睛 deep-set eyes 11) 凹陷的眼睛 sunken eyes 12) 斜眼 cro-eyes 13) 分开性斜视眼 slant eyes 14) 独眼龙 one-eyed 15) 充满血丝的眼睛 bloodshot eyes


1) 细细的睫毛 thin eyelashes 2) 浓密的睫毛 thick eyelashes 3) 笔直的睫毛 strait eyelashes 4) 短睫毛 short eyelashes 5) 弯睫毛 curving eyelashes 各种\"眉毛\"的常见英语表达法

1) 浓眉 bushy eyebrows 2) 粗眉 shaggy eyebrows 3) 弓形眉毛 arched eyebrows 4) 描画过的眉毛 pencilled eyebrows


1) 鹰钩鼻子 an aquiline (hooked) nose 2) 扁鼻子 flat nose 3) 翘鼻子 snub nose 4) 笔直的鼻子 straight nose


1) 宽大的额头 a broad forehead 2) 突起的额头 a domed forehead 3) 高高的额头 a high forehead 4) 宽阔的额头 an open forehead 5) 窄小的额头 a narrow forehead 6) 后塌的额头 a retreating forehead


1) 红润的双颊 rosy cheeks 2) 丰满的双颊 chubby cheeks 3) 苍白的双颊 pale cheeks 4) 粉红的双颊 pink cheeks 5) 红光满面的双颊 ruddy cheeks 6) 深陷的双颊 hollow (sunken) cheeks 7) 刮得精光的脸颊 clean-shaven cheeks 8) 涂脂抹粉的脸颊 rouged cheeks 9) 胡须满面的双颊 stubbly cheeks 10) 布满皱纹的双颊 wrinkled cheeks


1) (胖人的)重下巴 a double chin 2) 尖尖的下巴 a pointed chin 3) 圆圆的下巴 a round chin 4) 翘起的下巴 a protruding chin




Lei Feng was a model(模范) soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor farmer family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province.He didn\'t go to school till 1950.At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker.He was often praised for (因…受表扬)his good job.On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.In the same year, he joined the Communist Party.He loved the Party and the people, and always did good for others.As a result(结果), he became a model soldier.After his death, Chairman Mao called on(号召)the people to \"Learn from Comrade Lei Feng\".The whole nation were moved by his deeds(事迹).Lei Feng\'s spirit will live in our hearts forever 关于写姚明的英语作文


Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discuion about if he can be a super star has never been terminated.As we know , Yao is a quite high and strong player in NBA.And depending on his height and weight ,Yao can control the restricted area easily just like O\'Neil.

Besides his body , his skills are more comprehensive than other centers.By this I mean comparing with other same-position players ,

Yao is very succeful because he can use more advantages to face different players.In this aspect , Yao has already been a super star.On the other hand , Only playing well is not enough to make a man become a god.Why people pay more attention on Kobe , James , Iverson? Those players are not only playing well , but also mark matches with their own signs.They make their matches differ from others.Although they may have weaknees , people still like to watch there performance.So , if Yao can put his feature into matches , it will be soon to get a great achievement.All in all(总之), in my view point(在我看来), Yao has a good future considering his ability and faith.


My favorite sports star --- Liu Xiang Liu Xiang is one of the famous athletes/ players in China.He was born on July 13th, 1983.

In his spare time, he likes singing and playing computer games.He is best at 110-metre hurdle in sports.He got the gold medal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games.And in 2006, he set a new world record with the time of 12.88 seconds. 1 He didn’t take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics because of the condition of his wound(伤势).But he got the gold medal in 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games.He hopes to to be the winner at 110-metre hurdle in 2012 London Olympic Games.

We think that his dream will come true.We are very proud of him.Good luck to him.


Mi Li is my Chinese teacher.She is about thirty years old.She is very pretty and young.Her hair is brown and curly(卷发) .

Mi Li always wears a blue coat.I think her favorite color will be blue.

Mi Li is very friendly and kind .Her claes are very interesting, we all like to have Chinese cla .She always smiles when she speak to us .Sometimes she is very strict with us, when we make a mistake, she often makes us stand up .

My Teacher

My English teacher, Mr.Jones, is a middle-aged man with thick glaes above his nose.We all like his claes, for he is always very active and has many ways to make his leons lively and interesting.After cla, he often plays table tennis with us.And at night, he usually works late and prepares the leons carefully.When we told him that we had paed the entrance examination of senior middle school, he was so happy that he jumped like a child.We all get along well with him.All of us still mi him very much after we have left the junior middle school.

My Favorite Teacher Everyone has his favorite teacher, so do I.My favourite teacher is Mi Wei, our English teacher.We felt English very difficult when we began to study English.Mi Wei had a good idea to solve the problem.One day, Mi Wei came into the claroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas, and oranges.She said: “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits.You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English.”All the students listened carefully and studied hard.Someone even stood up to answer questions.Cla was over, and the fruits were all eaten.From then on, I am more and more interested in English, and I want to say from my heart: “ Thank you, Mi Wei!”

Mi Li often sticks to have leons when she is ill , She looked weak, but still beautiful.Mi Li love us very much, she teaches us so carefully .I think she is a good teacher.We all love her, too.

I think teachers are like candles , giving off light for others by burning themselves 。


2 李老师对我们总是那样友好,亲切。她的课生动,有趣,我们都喜欢上语文课。她和我们说话的时候总是面带微笑。





He very serious, but is also very kind he to be willing to solve student\'s problem is specially result not too good schoolmate proposes.He is also strict requests us !

His cla is very interesting, the impreion is very deep for me, he also teaches us besides English the history, he discued the interesting matter to come on us to have the interest therefore my English to English to make the progre!

This is my teacher I thanks him very much ! 他非常严肃的,但也很客气,他愿意为解决学生的问题是特殊的结果不是太好同学建议。他还严格要求我们!



(一)I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.She is exciting, amazing and sexy.When we first met I felt her erotic emanation.Now I know that she is extremely intelligent(非常聪敏), too.

(二)She is 24 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son.So she is a mother.A sharp mother.She has a piercing in her tongue and two tattoos, one on her stomach (an Indian man’s face) and one on her back (it is non-figurative).I like them very much.If you meet her, look at her face; it is so sweet.She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose.

(三)Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet.Really.like a little cat.But her eyes.they are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night.They are so maddening.Well, let’s talk about her mouth.When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips.

(四)She is the most beautiful mother in the world and she is a real muse, a muse which every poet wants, lovely, wild, tender, sweet, and deep with secrets and love.A real woman.我有一个很好的英语老师,她就是张老师。她上课很有趣,知识特别的广阔。她戴着一副眼镜,更加显得有文化。我很喜欢上她的课。


I am a timid little boy, I fear a lot, like a puppy, kitten, cock, hedgehog, as if I were afraid of mammals.I met a stranger in the absence of prompt parents I would not take the initiative to greet the.On the school, I had a fear of many things, it is the teacher.I am really afraid the teachers do not know why, she say I will fear, and mental stre, so I will not take the initiative to talk to and teachers.As time goes by, the relationship between teachers and where better to go natural.On the fifth grade, I also thought about trying to appease the teachers, but also to send her gifts in the Teacher\'s Day is not, nor is it in the New Year, of course, she has received, and now very few primary school teachers want to charge students the right gift ? I remember, when the teacher laughed, I smiled to see her smile I have, if I may be changing now would not smiling. Xiao-he www.daodoc.com Writing Network

Primary school, with its own strength, I was admitted to a city well-known schools, I know several teachers, I am still very afraid of them, to see the other students and teachers can说说笑笑, I am envious, but I take more can not find the courage to see what the topic, of course, I will not send any gifts, because those are always the surface, too unrealistic, too much vanity, it would not be their real help.Three years in junior high school, one teacher had been my teacher, she wrote a好字, when she wrote on the blackboard when the second word, I found the problem, but unfortunately, she quickly promoted to director of the school.Xiao-he www.daodoc.com Writing Network

My father once said: \"You\'re in elementary school, I did not think you focus on secondary school examinations.When you are on the junior high school I did not think you will focushigh school.\"

High school, I am still in the focus of high school, but not with my own strength, but with my parents many years of hard-earned money.When I know I can go to school in that school when I cried, I would like to thank my parents, and I also for my life it deplored糟踏the junior high school.When I was a good idea to clean up the school to go to when mother said to me: \"Son, Time is not on, do not play.\"

In high school, the first teacher and I deal with is my teacher.She is teaching English, of course, I am still afraid of her, but I am fortunate that there are more than a person afraid of her, we are claes almost afraid of her boys.She is the standard English pronunciation, grammar also know a lot, she was very loyal to her work, in my view, each of its work very good.She has a lot of teaching experience, is the kind of experienced teachers.We are a residential-style schools, hostels discipline in our cla has always been a big problem, the teachers know about the matter, she came up with a cla discipline, my God! Hard to believe, then those in what is no longer a problem.

I will never forget that high when I last semester, I have helped students and teachers to lie to the other students, then we feel that buddy, that is what loyalty, the results of their

4 work to the teacher brought in a lot of inconvenience , but then I also take the initiative to admit its mistake and she was severely criticized me back to me a lot of truth, when I know that we have been fooled by the students when I suddenly stomach pains, when the teacher asked the students again to take me as soon as poible to rest, perhaps in her view, she is doing nothing, but in my heart, in that moment, a good high position of her good high office before the moment of being criticized by her, this moment was lying on the health room bed.I lay there, tears streaming down his eyes out of one side of the students in忙问me: \"what pain?\", I did not make a sound, she said: \"We encourage you not to lie, why do you want to to admit their mistake? \"I just shook his head, smiled, and she will know how I was heart think? Now, I only know that the teacher\'s criticism of me is very important, if not her that I may be lying beyond may be a bigger lie said.Similarly, she also let me know a person can not just look at the surface, it is neceary to carefully look at.

I remember listening to the students that we teachers do not get angry, you will laugh your heart.She said that although some of the exaggeration, but our teachers do have the power to do the equivalent.

On one occasion, I saw the teacher standing on the hall to see students outside enclosure, she smiled, I would like to mi her she was a juvenile at the scene at the time, I saw her I smiled and laughed, the laugh I am getting old and will not regret it later.I do not know when, the heart began to respect the teachers, not just respect, more admiration, admire his style, methods and principles.On that occasion, several of our students in the office to help teachers organize transcripts, many other teachers are talking about other people\'s busine, are the parents of those East West at home a short thing, I have noticed that my teacher did not participate in them, she just In the silence of her examination paper marking.At that time, I think, if the three-year high school, she is my teacher, then the how nice!

Fast, high end, I heard that she is likely to teach the next high, I am really good with regret, regret, how I hope that she will call me for three years, this is the only thing I respect and admire, the teachers appreciate it! I have heard a hundred years people have said the same boat repair degree, I would like to, she can become my teacher more than a hundred years of fate? This year, I learned from her many books do not have, if I can no longer teach for two years, would it not be just nice! Teacher\'s Day is coming on, I do not know if I can not see the claroom of her thin figure, but I would like to say to her what the most common:

Teachers, I wish you a Happy Teacher\'s Day!

我是个胆子很小的男孩,我害怕很多,像小狗、小猫、公鸡、刺猬,好像哺乳类的我都怕。我见了陌生人在没有父母的提示下我是不会主动打招呼的。上了学以后,我又多了一个害怕的事物,那就是老师。我真的好怕老师,不知道为什么,她一说话我都会战战兢兢的,精神紧张,所以我也不会主动去和老师谈话。日子久了,和老师的关系自然好不到哪去。上 5 了五年级,我也想过要讨好老师,也送过她礼物,既不是在教师节,也不是在新年,当然她也收下了,现在想来小学教师很少有不收学生礼物的吧?我记得,当时老师笑了,我看到她笑了我也笑了,如果换了现在我也许就不会笑了。







有一次,我看到老师站在大厅里看同学们在外面围圈踢毽子,她笑了,我想她是在怀念她少年时的情景,我看到她笑了我也笑了,这个笑我老了以后也不会后悔。我不知道从什么时候起,心里开始尊敬这位老师,不仅仅是尊敬,更多的是佩服,佩服他为人处世的方法与原则。那次,我们几个同学在办公室里帮老师整理成绩单,其他很多老师都在谈论别人的事情, 6 都是那些东家长西家短的事儿,我注意到我的老师没有参与其中,她只是在默默的批改她的卷子。当时我在想,如果高中这三年她都是我的班主任,那该有多好呀!



i have a english teacher named Mi.Zhang.She is very interesting in her claes.She has much knowledge.She wears a glaes it makes her more knowledgable.I love all of her claes.That\'s the best english teacher i like.And what about your english teacher?

I have a very good English teacher, and she is the Teacher.Her claes are very interesting, particularly the vast knowledge.She was wearing a pair of glaes, it is more cultural.I like her cla.This is my most popular English teacher, your English teacher, how are we doing?

I have a good English teacher.She is the teacher zhang.She is very interesting, especially the broad knowledge.She was wearing a pair of glaes, more have culture.I liked her cla.This is my most joyous English teacher, how is your English teacher?

I have a great English teacher.She is Mi Zhang.She makes her claes interesting.She is really knowledgeable.She wears glaes,and so she looks more knowledgeable.I like her claes very much.This is my favorite English teacher.What about your English teacher?




Directions: Write a composition entitled On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.

You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




参考范文: On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life.But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory is disturbed in one way or another.

As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members.On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study.On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any.Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.

In conclusion, we should j try our best tobuild harmonious dormitory life for the sake of.good study and sood life.






Write about our little collective today, we can in this small collective unscrupulous name-calling, slapstick, hit each other, we will not be angry, because those at the contrary, this is our own game, is also our silent agreement.My brother can scold himself, but he won\'t allow others to say anything.Normally when it\'s fine, we have a faint, but we all worry about it.So-called love will come in time, meeting is the edge, knowing is a share, live together more than a year!

Chest ba jin, dao crazy junshan, tuptuo, little white face ah huang, big mouth rotten haizi, no filial piety (wu xiao), kaizi, small and cheap kangkang, good handsome father, Lao mei.Together we make up the mythical existence of 329.Why do you say that? Because we are all gods, ha ha.

329 is a sleeple night, belle is constant, shampoo, electric pot not buy themselves are \"take\" and basin are used to wash feet, washing footbath is to hold the sewage, waste water basin is to hold garbage, and then be dead with garbage, this is our recycling.329 is free, when the so-called god closes a door for you, it will surely open a window for you.It is not bad, the door of the dormitory is closed at night, but can we stop the pursuit of freedom? Do we need the door when we have the window? The bed sheet also played its other function - the rope, flying the wall, not difficult.

Tell us about our members:

A man with a family, he kies me every night with his wife.This guy is not a thing, always bully people mop, like bed overrun with people he want to yourself (reason) repeat reluctant, although poor mop can be helple, under the Yin wei of the ba jin he also only succumb, more can spirit, he is coming to an end, not give money, get old the 6-foot mop.Ba jin a we are not as good as this man, and one he SanJin three out of the water, cricroed, well-informed, accumulated the command of practical experience, according to the words of his story to the little girl said, they must be surrendered, so he often teaches knife crazy chasing girls, but knife don\'t begin to understand, progre is not very big.There\'s something to be proud of, of course.

Knife crazy this is a very role, remember to hide some after see him, because he had applied for the card with a knife, take with combating dao, but is now forced to confiscate, the somebody else a not happy, you\'re miserable, don\'t not letter, have a plenty of actual combat experience.But don\'t because he is a big old man, his grades are quite good, he always won a prize in some competition, he is a martial art.

Small white face ah huang, because of the relation with the current one medium and old greatly, so unscrupulous the destruction of the motherland flowers, often go to the kindergarten, primary school and so on.But it\'s easy for him to catch up with a girl, and it\'s like he\'s just trying to get on with him.He\'s flirting with his girlfriend, and he\'s a little yellow dog who\'s going to bite his rival.

Mop, she also don\'t know what\'s wrong with may be hit by who, the whole a baldy, still owe the sector, is his way of life, and what is miing, take what, proficiency, like nobody, pick it up with ease, the Eva, shortcomings of luck, you said you what time when the hero is not good, such as guardian lamp will be destroyed, go against, finally fulfilled our predictions, provoke the disaster, fire, but also calculate embrace get beauty return.

The rotten sea son is also called big mouth, normally likes to float a flying car, also do not see him and the girl play, not only he is not sexual interest, still have what psychological or physical barrier.

Keiko is one of the best in the training team and has a regular distribution of muscles and a family of people.

Good handsome dad, because his surname is better, so the names of the children in the future need not worry, his son cheered handsome in the future, people call he is handsome, dad, daughter cheered the United States, people can call his wife a beautiful mother, so in the future will be all the world to marry his girl praise and envy, you say he damage lo? He has one shortcoming, which is that he has a weak ability to use his mouth, so he likes to do everything with his hands.He doesn\'t often argue with others, but he is weak.

Bremen, he gets up early every day, wakes us up, and has him without worrying about being late.

Small base, this guy is very eloquent, love to wander, is not a home, come back every night to wander, very late return.He speaks eloquence, eloquence, and perhaps he will be able to do all kinds of talents like zhou libo in the future.

No filial piety, inspired by his wife, is insisting on \"semi-saccharism\" for their love preservation, hope he can.

This is part of 329, waiting for the god-like creature, god-like miracle for you, I believe that 329 is no ordinary in the future, 329 brothers, life will be wonderful.


Finally, it was time to be busy for two months.So I got up early and quickly packed my things to school.

The long-awaited accommodation has begun.We had long wanted to get rid of our parents, and we were so excited about the dormitory that we started to be independent when our parents left.We can live the way we want to live without our parents\' long-winded leons.But obviously, we\'re all wrong.

Our fantasy dorm life is wonderful because we didn\'t think about doing things on our own.In the past, we didn\'t know much about the word independence.It was not easy to find independence in middle school.Because we used to be too dependent on our parents, we have to get rid of this bad habit in middle school.Teachers say junior high is where you learn to be independent.So now, we have to do everything ourselves, and we can\'t rely on anyone else.

In the first day or two, I was not very comfortable, because the people in the dormitory were very strange, and I couldn\'t find the topic of chatting at first.But I was glad that I soon joined the group and got along well with them.It was a great comfort to me because my mother said that if I didn\'t talk to you in the dorm, it would be very lonely and very hard.But of course, in the dormitory not only to have a good relationship with students, but also to adapt to the environment here.

After a week, I have been used to our dormitory, and we have adjusted our time, and will not be able to go to bed when we are busy at the beginning of school.Dormitory of the students are very active, I can\'t lie on the bed again to hold pillow daze homesick, talk to mom and dad when I also learn to report good news not suffer, because we want to reaure parents cannot let them always worry.They work hard, and if I always complain to them, then I am not filial.

All in all, my dorm life is pretty good.Because I was so quick to meet a group of good friends, I was so quick to adapt to the dormitory environment.I have a good rest time to have the energy to study, which is a step in my education.So from now on, I want to work harder, can\'t do the best, try to do better!





Last year,my friend gave me a little dog.I was fond of him very much.I liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever I went.I was very glad that I had a “body guard”。

Last winter I was very busy with my leons and came home very late every ,no matter how late I went home,my dog used to stand at a comer near my school waiting for me.When I paed there,he barked two or three times then ran towards me.It seemed that he was calling me.

My dog not only,took good care of me,but also was respoasible at home.When strangers came to my house,he barked at them but not hurt them.What a lovely dog he is!





I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with.I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate.She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear.Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics.When she is hungry, she often barks loudly.At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her.She is keen on beef and fish.Sometimes, she also eats some rice.


Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tailmoving.She seems to be my best friend.As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer.Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family.I really have the pleasure of her company.



I have a lovely dog.He has a cute name “Little Jack”.He’s my good friend.He is 5 years old.I take it as my family member.He often follows me like a guard.He can watch my house.

I often play with him.I often take him outside for a walk on the weekends.He always waiting for me in front of the house when I go back home.When I am sad, he feels sad, too.He is anxious to please me.

My dog is so affectionate.I love my dog very much.Do you like it?





I have a little dog.Its name is Googlo.He is three years old.He has two big eyes.They\'re black.He has one blue ear and one black ear.He is clever.

I like my Googlo.He likes playing with me.He can bark, jump and run.He can play football, basketball and volleyball.He likes playing football very much.He likes some fruit, such as apples, bananas, oranges, pears and watermelons.He enjoys his snacks.

I love my dog--Googlo.He is very interesting.





Elephant is the largest animal on land today.It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born.When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more.Elephant is usuallygrey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth.Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre.For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs.Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be impo-ible.Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with.Its size.beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.


Cherry romantic feelings accompanied the early morning wake up accompanied by sunshine.I curl up in bed, eyes are the window overlooking the azure blue sky and yellow trunks.Although the house is still kind of warm in winter and dry heat.However, the faint aroma out of the window so I have a feeling that the room is outside of the atmosphere of early spring.

I walked out of the room, the winter has not gone cold, the air is always floating , the world shrouded in thick mist.Slowly moving in the road, and all of a sudden, a pure scent slowly with my heart inflow.I looked with the aroma, ah, that is cherry, it like a snow, flourish, delicate fragrance of cherry blooms overflowing awake, and a brilliant white tree, heaters, Vibrato, charming .The fresh, cherry blooms, a string, and like a fresh, elegant ink.Look down and found that the road the cherry petals, pink to the people that shop out of a beautiful road, and guide people to the real spring.

Pink cherry blooms as if it is a soft layers of clouds, to show people the beauty of spring, and that is how elegant the brilliant pink, how wonderful, this has been covered with the earth brilliant.Saw video of the cherry tree branches scattered on the silver is a little bit to play up the course of events.In the wind, I drilled at the new leaves of a cherry tree, waves heaters to be left on the branches of the petals breeze on my face.Immediately triggered my thoughts so sudden bloom, the flowers of the same thing applies to just how short is the best!

Although cherry gone quietly, but was left in people\'s long-term memory, the better the image of how one will die of old age and then quietly disappeared? Looking at the sky, thought of life, how much life there will be some exciting and beautiful, amazing and sad at the ups and downs in between, leaving behind some beautiful memories.That second paion, life will continue, will become the eternal life.Sakura waved goodbye, a smile, set foot on the road home.And so on it, it should be making beautiful one-year, and so on it, and that next year\'s cherry blooms.Cherry blooms in full bloom, accompanied by feelings.Now, the cherry blooms have been printed in my heart ......


我走出了房间,冬天的寒冷并未逝去,空气中总是飘着雨珠,整个世界 笼罩在浓浓的雾气中。缓缓地在马路上移动着,忽然,一种纯洁与馨香慢慢地流入我的心田。我随着香气望去,啊,那是樱花,那状如白雪,争奇斗艳,幽香四溢的樱花苏醒了,一树白色的灿烂,





1、The only way to meet the right one is to be what you really are.用最真实的自己,才能遇见最适合的那个人。

2、Life is like an ice cream.Enjoy it before it melts.生活就像奇彩炫,请在它融化前,及时享受。

3、Retain green last a attentive.保留迩最后的一丝温存。

4、Pure will lo ,Youth fades.清纯即将流失,青春逐渐消失。

5、I can do anything you want.我可以做任何你想做的事。

6、A girl doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her.不需要我的人,我也不需要他。

7、In my heart, accompany and understand, is more important than love.在我心中,陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。

8、Love makes you hold on to things you wouldn’t have been able to.爱让你坚持住了那些你本坚持不下去的事情。

9、You are the sunshine that makes my day.你就是让我快乐的阳光。

10、The tough road often leads to the top.艰难的道路经常通往高处。

11、I love the young like a song.我爱的少年如歌。

12、From now on,I will expect nothing, and just take what I get.从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

13、When you insist on your leaving, sorry just means nothing to me.当你坚持要离去,说对不起又有什么意义。

14、If you leave never ever meet again.你若离去后会无期。

15、I will be strong enough to make you feel bad.我会坚强到让你们心疼。

16、I am who I am, your opinion is neither desired nor required.我就是我,你怎么看我既不需要,也没必要。

17、Do you know, l love you.你知道吗,我爱你。

18、Care too little, you’ll lose them.Care too much, you’ll get hurt.太不在乎,你会失去。太在乎,你会受伤。

19、Happine is,two pairs of eyes,see a future.幸福是,两双眼睛,看一个未来。

20、To believe , each day the sun will not live up to their own smile.要坚信,每一天的阳光都不会辜负自己的笑容。

21、Those have most power to hurt us, that we love.我们所爱的人,却最具有伤害我们的力量。

22、Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞,盘旋然后不见。

23、I am not without feelings, just not so perceptual.我不是没有感情,只是不那么感性。

24、If nothing can be done, then just let nature take its course.如果无能为力,那就它顺其自然吧。

25、May our friendship last forever.愿我们的友谊天长地久。

26、constant dropping wears the stone.滴水穿石。

27、I just her shadow and your shadow lover 我只是她的影子、你的影子爱人。

28、Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear.你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。

29、I just don‘t like you anymore.我只是不再那么喜欢你。

30、I want to forget everything.关于你,到此为止。

31、Happine is good health and a bad memory.幸福是良好的健康加上糟糕的记性。

32、You can`t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.人无法阻止潮起潮落,却可以学会乘风破浪。

33、In the ways of life every trauma is a mature, every lo is a gain.生命里的每一次创伤都是一种成熟,每一次失去都是一种获得。

34、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

35、To you unexpected persistence.对你出乎意料的执着。()

36、I‘m stuck between trying to live my life, and trying to run from it.陷在努力生活和逃避生活之间,动弹不得。

37、Having one heart and being faithful are the gentlest power in the world.一心一意是世界上最温柔的力量。

38、Smile.It irritates those who wish to destroy you——保持微笑,这会令那些痛恨你的人感到恼怒。

39、Trust always can not stand test, appear so vulnerable.信任,总是经不起考验,显得如此不堪一击。

40、Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good.每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。

41、Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.试着做某人天空里的那抹彩虹。

42、I have been, never left。我一直在,从没离开。

43、Do not forget the heart.勿忘初心。

44、I am your lucky the exdusive!我是你心目中的幸运女神。

45、Try my best to forgive, do my best to forget.尽最大努力去宽恕,尽最大的努力去遗忘。

46、Behind every girl’s favorite song, there is an untold story.每个女孩最喜欢的歌背后,都有一个没讲述的故事。
