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随着中国政治经济文化等领域的全面发展,中国的电影事业也越来越多的受到世人的关注。而中国的动画电影其实比故事片更早跻身于世界影坛,最著名的代表人物便是万氏兄弟,他们堪称中国动画的开山鼻祖。1922年,万氏兄弟制作了广告动画短片《舒振东华文打字机》,被认为是最早的国产动画片。1941年,大型动画片《铁扇公主》是一部中国电影史上具有里程碑意义的动画片,它是世界第四部大型动画艺术片。在新世纪,国家开始大力扶持国产动画,目前中国有上千家动漫公司,但精品不多。2008年《喜羊羊与灰太郎》系列动画异军突起,自2005年6月推出后,陆续在全国热播,该片在香港、台湾、东南亚等国家和地区也风靡一时。 本论文的理论基础是翻译目的论(skopostheorie).20世纪70年代,功能派翻译理论兴起于德国。汉斯·弗米尔(Hans J.Vermeer)提出了目的论,将翻译研究从原文中心论的束缚中摆脱出来。该理论认为翻译是以原文为基础的有目的和有结果的行为,这一行为必须经过协商来完成;翻译必须遵循一系列法则,其中目的法则居于首位。也就是说,译文取决于翻译的目的。此外,翻译还须遵循“语内连贯法则”和“语际连贯法则”。 本文从目的论出发,结合字幕翻译的相关知识,分析《喜羊羊与灰太狼》三部系列电影的英文字幕翻译方法。目前在字幕翻译研究领域,对中国电影的字幕翻译研究处于空白,多是对于中外电影的字幕翻译,或以《功夫熊猫》为代表的外国动画电影的字幕翻译。笔者认为这很不利于中国动画电影的国际化发展。


2012-4-23 字幕


记者:胡莉 李京


Mr.George Kell, Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact, read the congratulation letter sent by Mr.Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nation.Mr.Li Hongzhong, Provincial Party Committee Secretary, delivered the welcoming speech.He said that in facing the new round of economic growth in the Yangzte River Delta, Hubei Province and Wuhan City are standing on the front line of the growth spurt.He invited entrepreneurs to join the rapid development in this hot region.Mr.Liu Chuanzhi, Founder of the Lenovo Group and Chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club, expreed his intention to invest in Hubei on behalf of the Club.He said that Lenovo itself will invest 16 billion RMB over the next 3 years.The innovation and manufacturing sectors for mobile networks will move to Wuhan.Mr.Liu Donghua, Founder and Deputy Executive Chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club, delivered a keynote speech on New Realities Call for New Heroes, analyzing the new realities of increasing uncertainties and the strategies to be taken in gloomy markets.Mr.Tang Liangzhi, Mayor of Wuhan City, also delivered a speech, on Development Through Innovation – Striving to Build a National Central City.


记者:胡莉 李京


【身份字幕】中国企业家俱乐部创始人、常务副理事长 刘东华


Winners for this year’s China’s Top 100 Green Companies were first screened from the China 500 Enterprises, the China 500 Private Enterprises and Fortune 500.Information was collected and disputable events investigated in accordance with the aement standards involving economic, social, environmental, innovation and transparency indicators.The winners list was then finalized by the expert aement committee followed by internet voting.This year’s winners include 50 private enterprises, 20 state holding enterprises and 30 foreign enterprises, all from 22 busine sectors.The list includes Huawei Technology Co.Ltd, Baosteel Group Corporation, General Electric Company and another 97 companies.20 companies from last year’s top 100 were removed from the list for their failure in achieving the five criteria.Mr.Jill Buck, a member of the appraisal committee and founder and CEO of Go Green Initiatives, who has been involved with the program since 2007, said there is no program like this in the United States at this time.She thought the China Entrepreneur Club is quite ahead of the times.These companies set a great role model for other companies as not only are they committed to sustainability, but are also market leaders.It\'s a signal that you can be eco-friendly, that you can be environmentally responsible and still very succeful in terms of revenue.None of

these companies are going bankrupt because they are going green.In fact they are reaching higher than ever revenue levels while they are going green.She believes that the Green Top 100 companies are large enough to influence their supply chain.Each of these companies has a positive influence on the smaller companies that they work with in encouraging them to be more sustainable as well.3.【标题】湖北各界向贫困地区捐赠600多万元图书

记者:樊清 王帆


湖北省委常委 宣传部长

Gist:Mr.Ying Hanning, Standing Committee member of the Hubei Provincial Party as well as Publicity Minister, declared the departure of all the book-carrier trucks.A total of twenty trucks left the plaza heading to different places around Hubei.Many publishing companies, communities and citizens from different social positions in Hubei donated a great number of books.The trucks carried more than 320,000 kinds of books, valued at some 6.5 million Yuan.During the donation ceremony, people in the neighborhood also joined the activity and donated their books to the people in need.Mr.Zhou Hongyu, Vice-Director of the Hubei Provincial People’s Congre, and Mr.Tu Yong, Vice-Chairman of the Provincial PPCC, also attended the donation ceremony.


记者:何琳 杨德祥通讯员:杨天平肖捷


The 24th Library Service Promotion Week and National Reading Activities program were launched last Saturday at the Wuhan Library.Activities such as Experts’ Lectures, Chinese Books’ History Exhibition and Book Drifting are being provided for readers.After the launching ceremony, the secretary of the National Library of China gave a lecture on Reading Claics to citizens at the Library and was simultaneously broadcasted through the internet in 10 district libraries, including Jiangxia, Huangpi, Xinzhou and Dongxihu.In order to promote a Cultural Wuhan and Reading City, the Wuhan Library and district libraries have carefully planned interesting reading activities for the whole year.


记者:樊清 李晶通讯员:姜莹



Gist:Pfizer has a long history of more than 160 years and is famous for its pharmaceutical production of “Viagra”.The new office is located in front of the

Optical Valley Biological building of Biolake.Pfizer also has a R&D center in Shanghai.This is the first time that Pfizer has established two R&D centers in a single country.Mr.Tan Lingshi, Vice-President of Pfizer Global Development, advised that Pfizer’s Wuhan R&D Center will concentrate its efforts on Chinese and Asian illne pharmaceutical research iues.The Wuhan R&D Center has already recruited most of its employees from local areas.Mr.Tan claimed that all the employees are unexpectedly very talented.


记者:樊清 王帆通讯员:丁晓东




Gist:The theme of this year’s Earth Day is “Value the World Resources and Change the Development Model”.The on-site posters showed that China as well as Hubei directly face the fact of large amounts of resources versus little per capital share.In addition, China has a huge number of lean ore that is hard to mine.Under the increasing need for world resources, all kinds of mineral stock are decreasing.With the limited world resources, people are facing an upcoming revolution in their lifestyle..Students from Huapolu Elementary School deeply felt this harsh fact while visiting the Hubei Geological Museum and getting to learn about a large number of mineral specimens.They then paed publicity leaflets to the public on the street, urging people to cherish the world and live green.


时政01萨科齐携手奥朗德出线 法国期待 “二次对决”


同期:法国克里希政府居住和卫生局局长 让-吕克·季雷木


时政04“海上联合——2012”中俄海上联合军事演习正式开始同期:演习执行导演、海军副参谋长 段昭显海军少将

同期:演习中方总导演、海军副司令员 丁一平海军中将

同期 新华社记者 王东明


同期:阿富汗环境局副局长 古拉姆·穆罕默德·马利基亚尔 时政06(世界地球日)洛杉矶:动起手来 清理海滩同期:活动参加者

同期:洛杉矶圣佩卓水族馆教育员 肯佩里·波特 采风01伦敦东区青少年提前享用“奥运遗产” 同期:东伦敦遗产项目主席 艾琳·泰勒

同期:英国前短跑和跨栏运动员 托尼·加内特

同期:伦敦遗产发展合作社场馆总监 皮特·图托
















上世纪中后期,较大规模实验过声韵拼的沈周双拼手语,教学相当成功。在美国取得博士学位的杨军辉,幼年因药物致聋。她曾在北京第四聋校学过沈周双拼手语。她在网上的帖子中多次谈到双拼手语时说:我要是强调"感谢",使用时加上双拼指语.也就是在打手势时打完“谢谢”手势,插进双拼音节指语"GAN XIE",语码转换,像说汉语时蹦出英文词“三克油”一样。需要说明的是,打手势“谢谢”是告诉学生“感谢”的意思,双拼指语显示“GAN XIE",是告诉学生“感谢”的模糊读音。合起来像什么?前面的手势相当于一半形旁表意,后面跟上的音节指语相当于一半声旁表音,虽然两部分分开不准确表意或表音,两部分和起来,汉语词语视觉线索就更加清楚了。目前表示汉语语音的手势符号系统,没有比双拼音节更好的了。



她还在回复一个关于双拼手语的帖中说,如果有人开讲座教,有教材供人自学,有视频供人观摩,有相当多的资料,再加上中国特色的行政手段和宣传手段,也许会变得流行起来。我个人认为,只要对聋学生学习和提高汉语语音意识有用,就会引起老师和家长的兴趣,加上适当的讲座、教材和练习(比赛),会有更多的人学习和使用汉语音节指语。事在人为,我愿意把沈家英老师发明的汉语音节指语推广出去、传下去。不会手语的人也可以学和使用,会手语的人学了,多一种利器,交流和汉语教学更方便。国外有一套类似的,叫 cued speech, 可以用来暗示汉语读音,但是不如汉语音节指语方便,好用。



显然,声韵双拼手语难度不太大,是中小学生普遍能学会的,有很大的实用性与可行性。识字的听人一课时就可学懂,一个月强化练习就能上手用。当然对于聋校小学生来说,要以每期认会练会几百字的进度,掌握了一两千字的拼音手语后,才会用处大增。所以,只要中国聋教界去作,一定能开辟中国手语新局面。 (3) 简拼手语简况

















5、伸姆指;0、伸拳头。如12就表示伸出食指与中指,43就表示伸出幺指与无名指。这两种指头表示与声韵母的相互关系见下表。 S码48字P型简拼前后音字与手语表

┈┬┈┈┬┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┈┈┈┐ 号┊指头┊ 指式 ┊ 右手前音字 ┊ 左手后音字 ┊ 数┊号数┊(伸出的指头) ┊指上 指横 ┊指上 指横 ┊ ┈┼┈┈┼┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┈┈┈ 1 1 食指, 一i 几j 昂ang 安an 2 12 食指与中指这二指 个g 二er 额e 3 123 食、中、无名指 得d 地di 娃ua 王uang 4 1234 食、中、无、幺指 四s(十sh)核h 为uei 5 12345 五个指头都伸直。 夫f 五u 万uan 6 5 姆指, 乐l(讷n) 力li(你ni)外uai 云vn 7 54 姆指、幺指这二指 七q 克k 也ie 月vie 8 51 姆、食指这二指, 不b 匕bi 恩n(嗯ng)文un 9 512 姆、食、中指 扑p 皮pi 于v 10 0 是握拳(或叫0号) 木m 米mi 喔o 元van 11 4 只伸幺指,

特t 提ti 啊a 艾ai 12 43 幺指与无名指, 日r 夕x 袄ao 诶ei 13 432 幺、无名、中指 次c(尺ch)子z(支zh) 偶ou 翁ong 14 2

伸中指(横伸表示略码等) S码建议的拼音教法是,教每一个引导字时,看口形模仿发音,记字形与手势。也就是唇读、说话、字形、手语同步练习。前后音字各24个的手势,拼出各种字音(约四百种)的内容,教师一课时就可看懂,一月强化练习就可上手用。小学生一两个月也可能基本掌握,不至于很多绝对学不会。但小学生需要每期几百字的进度记字音字形,会一两千字后才能较随意的打用。













┈┬┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┐ 汉┊引导字┊ P型


├┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┊ 字┊音与调┊ 音码

┊口右边┊口左边┊ ┈┼┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┤ 衣┊一



┊ 挤┊几


┊1 横

┊ 按┊安



┊ 昂┊昂



┊ 肩┊几安



┊1 横 ┊ 眼┊一安




┊ 羊┊一昂




┊ 讲┊几昂




┊ 普┊扑


┊512上 ┊

┊ 乐┊乐



┊ 拼┊皮恩


┊512横 ┊51上

┊ 音┊一恩



┊ 手┊十偶


┊1234上┊432上 ┊ 语┊于


┊512上 ┊ 字┊子



┊ ┈┴┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┘ (4) L型形码手势








“横F 竖i k撇笔,点d 捺A 提笔t。 JLZS形相似,7形L 3形B”。

国标字中约有近千字的首尾部件手势就该是单笔画手势。如有一百来个同音字的“i一乙”音字,字音的P型简拼手势是口右边上伸食指。其中有8字(约占7%)的首尾部件就是单笔画而与其它同音字区分开。这8 字的首尾码由上面口诀可判断为:一f、夷fa、弋fd、医fl、翳ft、疑ka、肄ki、乙z。如“乙”字的PL码就是iz, 口边右手上伸食指表示字音是同于前音字“一i”,左手在肩下打出代码为z的乙字形折笔部件手势,就确定了是“乙”字而不是“




“八字形B A金人,日D 月y 木M。交叉X 口形O,W是小字形”。








┈┬┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┬┈┈┈┐ 汉┊引导字┊ PL型






┊ 字┊音与调┊






┊ ┈┼┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┼┈┈┈┤ 普┊扑


YD┊512上 ┊

┊姆指横┊123下 ┊略尾码┊ 乐┊乐




┊123下 ┊略尾码┊ 拼┊皮恩

┊pin PC ┊512横 ┊51上

┊512下 ┊432下┊

┊ 音┊一恩

┊in GD ┊食指上┊51上


┊123下 ┊

┊ 手┊十偶

┊shou KJ┊1234上┊432上 ┊54横

┊食指横┊音意法┊ 语┊于


IO ┊

┊512上 ┊食指下┊拳下伸┊音意法┊ 字┊子


VY┊432横 ┊

┊512横 ┊432横 ┊略尾码┊ ┈┴┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┴┈┈┈┘

因此普及手语宜两条腿走路,一条腿是自然手语,另一条腿是汉字手语。汉字手语比自然手语更便与字幕配合,与课本每行每字配合。与汉语字句是直译关系的汉字手语,比靠意译而不能字字对应直译的自然手语,更便促进学习汉语汉字思维。因此在课堂上用自然手语解释大意后,最好是再练习字字直译的汉字手语,以促进由自然手语思维模式与汉语思维模 式的双向快速转换。没有方言手语流行的广大边远农村,就可先教汉字手语。














已有1700年种植历史的惠来荔枝,获国家地理标志产品保护。目前种植面积已达20万亩,这为惠来拥有世界上最大的荔枝果酒厂,广东帝浓酒业有限公司创造了条件。经过优质水源的灌溉,惠来的农作物绿色健康,菠萝翠绿成海,绵延至天尽头。剑麻也挺拔、苍翠。看得到生命一天天的拔节、生长。渔船越来越多,海面上绽放出一朵朵浪花。这一边,几十条驳船牵系着缆绳,解网的、清点受获品的,阳光折射在那些被晒得醉红的脸庞上。惠来的广阔海域为她带来了十分丰富的海产资源,各种海中珍宝数不胜数。鱼丸采用口感滑嫩的那哥鱼,去鳞、剥肉、细心去骨、手工拍打,最后才有了口感佳、肉质滑、弹性非常好的美味鱼丸。 隆江猪脚皮酥肉嫩、肥而不腻、健康养颜,早已名声在外。精心选择上等绿豆、去皮、磨沫,再通过多道精心工艺制作而成。刚出炉的绿豆饼酥皮清脆多层,入口即化融,馅心冰甜可口、绵软、润滑、甜而不腻,凉爽适口,深受人们的喜爱。





狮子王A Hey, there he goes.There he goes.

他在那边 往那边跑了 So, go get him.那就快追呀

There aren’t

no way I’m going in there.What, 我才不愿意到那边去呢!


You want me to come out looking like you,cactus butt? 你想要我跟你一样 变成个仙人掌啊? But we got to finish the job.我们一定得完成任务

Well, he’s as good as dead out there anyway.唉! 反正他出去以后 就完蛋定了 And if he comes back, we’ll kill him.如果他回来的话 我们再杀他 Yeah! You hear that? 对! 你听到没有?

If you ever come back, we’ll kill you! 如果你敢回来 我们就杀了你

Mufasa’ s death is a terrible tragedy… 木法沙的死亡是个可怕的悲剧

But to lose Simba, who had barely begun to live… 但是辛巴几乎才开始他的生命 竟然也…

For me, it is a deep,personal lo.对我来说 这是一个极大的损失

So, it is with a heavy heart that I aume the throne 我在极悲恸的心情下登上王位 Yet out of the ashes of this tragedy… 但是我们必须振作起来忘掉悲痛

We shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era… 共同迎接一个崭新时代的来临

In which lion and hyena come together..in a great and glorious future 我们狮子将跟土狼一起走向光明伟大的未来

1 Get out! Get out! Get out of here 走开。。走开 快走开

I love this! Bowling for buzzards! 我喜欢赶走秃鹰 Gets’ em every time 每次都成功

Um oh Hey, Timon, you better come look 丁满,你最好过来看看 I think it’s still alive 我看他好像还活着

All right, what have we got here? 哎呦!这什么东西呀? Jeez, it’s a lion! 天啊!是狮子

Run ,Pumbaa, move it! 彭彭,快跑

Hey ,Timon ,it’s just a little lion.丁满,他只是只小狮子

Look at him .He’s so cute and all alone 你看他那么可爱 Can we keep him? 而且是一个人

我们能留下他吗? Pumbaa , are you nuts? 彭彭,你疯了吗?

You’re talking about a lion 躺在这儿的是只狮子

Lions ear guys like us.But he’s so little 狮子就是专门吃我们的

但是他还那么小 He’s going to get bigger 他以后会长大的

Maybe he’ll be on our side 也许他会变得跟我们一国

Ha! That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard.Maybe he’ll….这是我听过最愚蠢的话 了

2 Maybe be..或许他会 Hey ,I got it 咦。。我有点子了

What if he’s on our side? 如果他跟我们一国

You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea 有只狮子在身边或许不错的 So, we’re keeping him? 那我们就留下他罗?

Of course Who’s the brains of this outfit? 当然,这里是谁做主啊? My point exactly 我人认为他应该留下 Jeea, I’m fried 哎呀! 天啊! 我热死了

Lets get out of here and find some shade 我们快离开这儿 找个阴凉的地方 You OK kid? I gue so 你还好吧? 孩子

我想是吧 You nearly died 你差点就死了 I saved you 我救了你

Well., Pumbaa helped ..a little 彭彭也帮了。。一滴滴忙 Thanks for your help 谢谢你们帮忙

Hey where you going? 你要去哪里? Nowhere 不知道

Gee,he looks blue 他看起来很blue

3 I ‘d say brownish gold 我倒觉得是金黄色

No ,no no I mean he’s depreed 不,我是说。。沮丧 Kid what’s eating you? 孩子你在想什么?

Nothing He’s at the top of the food chain.烦?狮子可是万兽之王 The food chain 烦个屁呀!

So,where you from? 那你从哪儿来的?

Who cares? I can’t go back 谁在乎?我又不能回去 Ah, you’re an outcast 你是被扫地出门的 That’s great.So are we 好极了!我们也是 What’d you do ,kid? 你做了什么事?

Something terrible, but I don’t want to talk about it.很可怕的事,但是我不想跟你们说 Good We don’t want to hear about it 很好,我们也不想听

Come on,Timon Anything we can do? 拜托,丁满 我们能帮忙吗? Not unle you can change the past 除非你们能够改变历史

Kid, in times like this ,my buddy Timon here says..孩子你要知道在这个时候我这位伙伴丁满说

You got to put your behind in your past 你必须把你的背后抛到过去 No,no no 不。。

4 Amateur.I mean 我是说。。。笨蛋

Lie down before you hurt yourself 能不能闭上你的乌鸦嘴

It’s you got to put your past behind you 是。。你必须把过去抛到脑后 Look,kid ,bad thing happen 孩子

你经常会碰到一些倒霉的事 And you can’t do anything about it,right? 而你却拿它没办法,对吧? Right –wrong! 对

When the world turns its back on you..当这个世界遗弃你的时候

You turn your back on the world 你就去遗弃这个世界

Well, that’s not what I taught 我以前学的不是这样

Then maybe you need a new leon 那么你或许一个学点新知识 Repeat after me 跟着我一起念

Hakuna matata—what? Hakuna matata It means ‘no worries” 就别担心

Hakuna matata What a wonderful phrase 真是很有意思

Hakuna matata Ain’t no paing craze 简单又好记










【出标题 】



残疾人事业是一项崇高的事业,它演绎文明与进步,彰显和谐和发展。五年来,松江区将残疾人事业发展纳入了区国民经济和社会发展规划,坚持同步实施、整体推进。先后完成了全国残疾人工作示范城市、全国“阳光家园”示范区等创建工作,并获得了全国白内障无障碍示范区、全国无障碍设施建设城市、全国体育工作先进区等荣誉称号。残疾人生活水平稳步提高,残疾人平等参与社会能力日渐增强,环境日益优化。2011年,松江区被国务院残工委授予“全国残疾人工作先进单位”。 2011年中残联主席张海迪到松江考察,看望并慰问了松江区的残疾人代表,对进一步加快残疾人“两个体系”建设提出新要求。






保障措施有力 关爱实施给力


















A:Knights and ladies, elves and pages, monks and flower girls...all

mingled gaily in the dance.Pauline cried out in horror as her bridegroom\'s mask fell...disclosing not her lover Ferdinand...but the face of his sworn enemy, Count Antonio.

Revenge is mine, quoth he.Continued in the following edition.

B: Excellent installment, Mr.Snodgra.

C: Oh, I love forbidden marriages!

D: You ought to publish it, Jo.

B: Really! Not just in the Pickwick Portfolio.

A: Mr.Tupman, are you demeaning our fine newspaper? Mr.Winkle.

C: One periwink-- Advertisement.One periwinkle sash belonging to Mr.N.Winkle...has been \'abscondated\' from the wash line...which gentleman desires any reports leading to its recovery.\'\'

B: Gentlemen of the pre, hear, hear! I call to your attention...our Mr.Tupman\'s The History of the Squash.

D: Oh, don\'t read mine.

C: Beth, this isn\'t a story.It\'s a recipe.

D: Oh, dear, I never know what to write.

A: First rule of writing, Mr.Tupman, is never write what you know.What do we think of the boy?Is he a captive like Smee in Nicholas Nickleby?

D: He looks lonely.You don\'t think he\'ll try to call?

A: Maybe he has a secret-- a tragic, European secret.

B: He\'s had no upbringing at all they say.He was reared in Italy among artists and vagrants.

A:Doesn\'t he have a noble brow?

C:If I were a boy, I\'d want to look just like that.

A: Imagine giving up Italy to come live with that awful old man!

B: Jo, please don\'t say awful.It\'s slang.I\'d be terrified to live with him.I shouldn\'t mind living in such a fine house and having nice things.Oh, it doesn\'t seen like Christmas this year without presents.

C: I\'m desperate for drawing pencils.

A: I wish I didn\'t have to work for Great-Aunt March...that crabby old miser.

B: And you, Beth.What\'s your Christmas wish?

D: I\'d like the war to end so Father can come home.

A: Oh, sweet Beth.We all want that.

D: They do have a beautiful piano.

A: Wait \'til I\'m a writer.I\'ll buy you the best piano in creation.

C: And if she doesn\'t, you can come over and play mine.When I marry, I\'m going to be disgustingly rich.

B: And what if the man you love is a poor man but good, like Father?

C: Well, it isn\'t like being stuck with the dreadful nose you get.

D: One does have a choice to whom one loves.You have a lovely nose!

A: I wouldn\'t marry for the money.I mean, what if his busine goes bust?Besides, down at the Eagle, they pay $5 for each story they print.Why, I have ten stories in my head right now!



The Nation of Greatne and Courtesy 歌词:

子曰 礼尚往来

Old teachings fashioned us into reciprocal courtesy 举案齐眉至鬓白

It is to say, couples share their respect till they are old 吾老人幼皆亲爱

People share their care whether they are related or not 扫径迎客蓬门开

And hosts share their whole-heartedly welcome whoever the guests would be 看我华夏礼仪之邦

This is our nation of greatne and courtesy 仁义满怀爱无疆

Where we keep in mind the benevolence and justice, with boundle love 山川叠嶂 万千气象

Throughout the overlapping mountains and rivers, and various situations 孕一脉子孙炎黄

This country shapes her own bloodline of the Chinese nations 看我泱泱礼仪大国

This is our nation of greatne and courtesy 君子有为德远播

Where able people are widely revered for their virtue 江山错落 人间星火

Throughout the waves of mountains, and the little sparks of civilians 吐纳着千年壮阔

This country tells her own magnificence of thousands of years


夫妇之礼:举案齐眉 相敬和顺 Gestures of Couples:

A couple is supposed to respect each other with courtesy, patience and tolerance, just as a host to a guest.笄礼:许德而笄 坤道厚德

Ritual of Hairpin: Adult Ceremony (字幕:aka Adult Ceremony.aka ?) Marriage is ready for girls at this age after performing the ritual, and they will behave with supposed level of morality 拜师之礼:束修诚敬 门墙忝列 Must-dos Before Apprenticing: An apprentice-to-be must present gifts to the master with respect, and feel honored one of his disciples. 趋步:趋行进退 徐急有法 Walking Behavior: Walks humbly without raising legs, and moves with good manners.万福:淑女端庄 万福有礼 Greeting Behavior: As a gesture of bleing that shows the elegancy of a fair lady, she would overlap her hands at her underbelly, looking down, and bend her knees a little.迎宾之礼:相迎门外 揖让升降 Must-dos of Treating Guests: Greet the guests out of the city gate, bow at them, and make waves for them.揖礼:君子谦谨 揖让进退 Meeting Behavior: Decent people are supposed to behave well to show their humblene and politene, by raising and croing hands horizontally at their chests, and making way for the others’ convenience.礼乐:外敬内静 礼乐相和 Ceremonial Music: It’s eentially peaceful while being respectful to others.And it is composed with both musical part and ritual part.射礼:观德之射 君子之争 Ritual of Archery: A person’s mindset and morality is embodied in his skills, therefore this kind of ritual involves fair and * competitions of archery.饮酒之礼:拜祭啐卒 主宾酬酢 Drinking Behaviors: Propose a toast to the higher existence, pour the wine onto the ground as thanks to the fertile land, sip a little as to praise his hosts, and then drink bottom-up.Hosts and guests will exchange toasts.


公主日记1(the prince diaries 1)

该上学了! time for school! 不要做白日梦了 你要迟到了

stop daydreaming.youll be late for school.有时我有些梦想 sometimes l have dreams.嘿 louie 起来 l picture myself flyin 该去上学了 its time to go to school.云中穿梭 through the clouds 搏击长空 high in the sky 征服世界

conquering the world 带着我的魔法钢琴 with my magic piano 不再害怕

never being scared 然后我意识到 but then i realize 我有超能力 im supergirl 我要来拯救世界

and im here to save the world 但是我想知道 but i wanna know 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 感觉有信心吗? are you feeling confident? 不太有 not really. 你就记住 演讲的时候... now just remember, when you make your speech... 不要看下面的人

dont look at the people. 盯住后面墙上的某个地方...pick a spot on the back wall...不要转移视线... dont take your eyes off of it...并且声音要放大 and speak loudly.谢谢 妈妈 thanks, mom.再见 妈妈 bye, mom.祝你好运 good luck. 早上好 buttons morning, buttons.友好点 buttons be nice, buttons. 对不起 robutusen先生 sorry, mr.robutusen.祝你愉快

have a nice day.才怪 i doubt it.我有超能力 lm supergirl 我有超能力 im supergirl 我想知道

what i wanna know 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 嘿 加油 哦 加油 hey, there, ho there 你们好吗? how do you do? grove雄狮向你们问好

this is grove lions sayin hi to you.-我是lana...-anna...-im lana...-anna...fontana fontana.上来 雄狮! go lions! josh! josh! 我有超能力 im supergirl -josh! -你在干什么? -josh! -what are you doing? 哦 他真是爱出风头 oh, hes such a show-off.jeremiah 请从墙上下来 jeremiah, off the wall, piease.快点 你应该很清楚

good morning, mi gupta.早上好 lilly...morning, lilly...还有lilly的朋友 lillys friend.我有超能力 im supergirl 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 你知道 作为球队的经纪人... you know, as manager of the team...我真的认为你应该加入球队

i really think you should be a part of the team.哦 哦! 天哪 oh, oh! oops. 对不起 我没看见你 im sorry, i didnt see you.我在想... i was thinking... 又有人坐在我身上了

somebody sat on me again.-真的? -真的 -really? -yeah.我不知道怎么回事 l dont know what happened. 我就是坐在那儿 练习我的演讲... l was just sitting there, working on my speech... 教室里鸦雀无声... its really a dumb cla...毛骨悚然的景象 jerk and jerkette sighting.夏日的轻吻

soft kies on a summers day 驱走我们所有的烦恼 laughing all our cares away 梦想... and dream of...-什么? -什么? -what? -what? 你没见过两个傻瓜交换口水? you never saw two idiots exchange saliva before? 哦 是啊 oh.yeah. 他们太粗鲁了 theyre so rude. 好 你知道吗 有那么一瞬间... good.you know, for a second there...我以为你要离开我加入那些主流人物呢 i thought you were going a-crowd on me.哦 才不会呢

oh, heh.negative.准备好辩论了吗? ready for debate? 我永远不会准备好的 lm never ready for debate.加油 josh! go, josh! 所以这不是场辩论 so this is not a debate.而是控制的问题 this is a control iue. grove利用教学来控制我们的思想... grove controls our minds with what they teach us... 但是你们知道吗? but you know what? 他们并没有因此而满足 theyre not satisfied with that.我认为grove应该取消校服... i think grove should dump the uniforms...让我们全年都穿便装! and we have casual dre all year round! 好了 好了 all right, all right. 好 姑娘们 冷静一下 冷静一下 ok, girls, settle down.settle down.这不过是场辩论 辩论结束后...this is a debate, and after its over...我希望你们还是穿上校服 i want you back in your school uniform.嘿 老大 管你怎么说 hey, bo, whatever you say.josh 坐下 josh, sit down. -他太棒了 -他是我的

-hes the man.-hes my man.好了 josh 等会 好吗? ok, josh.later, ok? 坐下 坐下 小子 你已经说明了自己的 观点

down, down, boy.you made your point.好 那么 我们听到了... ok, so, now weve all heard...正方辩手josh bryant的观点

from josh bryant for the affirmative.我喜欢这个声音 i love that sound. 我的观点是什么来着? whats my point again? 你喜欢我们的校服 它们代表着平等 you like our uniforms.theyre equalizers.现在我们听听来自... now well hear the rebuttal...mia thermopolis的辩驳...from mia thermopolis...她将代表反方... who will present the negative argument...提出反对的观点


what a frizz-ball.看她的头发 look at her hair.我们等着呢 were waiting.快说! say something! 你们知道 呃...我...you see, um...i... 你们看 便服...便服...呃...see, casual...casual...uh...你没事吧? are you ok? 她要吐了

shes gonna barf.哦 天哪! 她要吐了! oh, god! shes gonna hurl! 盖上喇叭! cover the tuba! 好了 好了 都安静下来

ok, ok.everybody settle down.学着去飞 learn how to fly 准备前行 gotta move on 从心碎的地方开始... from whats breaking your heart...mia! 帮taubman太太攀完... mia! finish up with mrs.taubman...你就可以休息了

and then you can take a break.hersh太太又给了大笔小费 another huge tip from mrs.hersh. taubman太太也给了我小费 我们今天一 整天都干得不错

i got one from mrs.taubman.were doing all right today. walsh先生的绳子缠起来了 mr.walshs ropes are twisted.walsh先生 别缠了! mr.walsh, stop twisting! 你会被勒死的! youll strangle yourself! 嗨 妈妈 hi, mom.你吐了是吧? you threw up, huh? 还跑掉了 and you ran away.我正试着忘却

lm trying to forget about it.我要鞋和粉笔 好吗? can i have some shoes and chalk, please? 不管怎么样 我会和你们辩论老师谈谈...anyway, ill go taik to your debate teacher...-他叫什么? -oconnell先生 -whats his name? -mr.oconnell.我会把事情解决 and straighten it all out. 妈 我永远不会成为一个优秀的演讲者 的

mom, i am never going to be a good public speaker. 就跟他说我想演哑剧

just caii him and tell him i want to be a mime.-这个我能做到 -给你 -i can do that.-here you go.哦 你奶奶打电话来了 oh, your grandmother called.什么? what? 活着的那个 the live one. 住在genovia的clarie. who lives in genovia.clarie.这是她第一次联系我们

this is the first time shes ever contacted us.她想干什么? whatd she want? 她就在城里 shes in town.想喝杯茶 she wants to have tea. 喝茶? 她大老远从欧洲跑来喝茶? tea? she came all the way from europe to have tea? 我觉得我要爬一下

i think im gonna climb a little bit.接电话 rocks around the clock 不是奶奶使你离婚的吗? isnt this the grandmother who made you get a divorce? 嗯 她不承认我... well, she didnt approve of me...但是我和phillipe自己决定... but phillipe and i made the decision...要离婚的 to divorce on our own. 我为什么要去见这个无视我们存在的势 利老太婆? why should i go see this snobby lady who ignores us? mia 她是你父亲的母亲

mia, shes your fathers mother.明天去见她吧

just go see her tomorrow.-拜托? -拉紧 -please? -tension.她说你父亲希望... she said your father hoped...你们俩有一天能见一面

that you two would meet someday.好吧 我去 all right, ill go.好了 我说了算 all right, i win.乐队练习结束了 band practice is over. 我要在这儿上音乐课 出去! l have a music cla here.out! 第三组试唱一下摘星 lets have the third group try catch a falling. charles 你想到前排吗? charles, you want to be in the front? -谢谢 -不客气 -thanks.-no problem.michael michael. 你确定今天不帮我... are you sure you cant help me...搞拯救猫头鹰的请愿吗? with my spotted owl petition today? 我说过我放学后要去见我奶奶 weve been expecting you.哦 小心点 oh, be carefui. 请别压坏我的幸运豆

please dont crush my soy nuts.after school.哦 那好吧 oh, right.抓住流星 catch a falling star 把它放进衣袋 and put it in your pocket 别让它流逝 never let it fade away 抓住流星 catch a falling star 把它放进衣袋

and put it in your pocket 以备不时之需 save it for a rainy day 爱神会眷顾你

tap you on the shoulder 没有星星的夜晚 some starle night 星期天是学校参观 小姐

school tours are on saturday, young lady.我来这儿见我奶奶 im here for a meeting with my grandmother.叫什么? name? clarie renaldi.clarie renaldi.哦 请到前门来 thank you very much.不要践踏草坪! get off the gra! 欢迎 thermopolis小姐 你的幸运豆很安全 your soy nuts are safe.可以了 ok.这边走

right this way.请自便 shes allergic to peanuts. 我们还要给首相夫人准备新枕头

and we need new pillows for the prime ministers wife. 她对鹅毛过敏

shes allergic to goose feathers.你好 amelia hello, amelia. 我是charlotte genovian的使馆人员

im charlotte, from the genovian attaché corps.嗨 幸会

hi.its nice to meet you.呃 我这是在哪? um, where am i? genovian领事馆 the genovian consulate.你们的花里有梨

youve got pears in your flowers.genovian梨 我们因此著称 genovian pears.were famous for them.那么 你先请坐... now, if youll sit down...她一会儿就到

shell be with you in a moment.篇2:公主日记 中英文影评

每个女孩心中都有一个梦,成为一个公主。 《公主日记》讲述的是一个纽约城里一个普普通通的女孩儿,突然被证实是一个临近小国的公主,而后公主由皇后奶奶调教为举止优雅的真正公主,并最终选择担当起治理国家的责任的故事。 真的推荐每一个女孩子都来看看这部电影,满足自己心中一个小小的梦。 content abstract 印象最深的台词却是lily 的哥哥michael 在最后舞会上和mia 公主到了后花园,他问她:“why me ? 她答:because you saw me when i was invisible.多真切的台词,爱你,不是因为你的浮华外表,只因为真实的你。 memorable lines the deepest impreion is lilys elder brother michael and prince mia’s dialogue at the last party in the garden, he asked her: why me ? her answer: because you saw me when i was invisible.how true the lines are, love you, not because of your flashy appearance, just you. 有的时候,爱上一个人只是一瞬间的事情,只因一件事,一句话,甚至只是一个眼神,就足的以照亮你的心,有的人说不清楚哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了。 my feeling of love sometimes, falling in love with a person is just for an instant, for one thing, for a word, or even just a look, it is enough to light up your heart, you can’t say clearly why you like him, but you know he is the reason why you dont like other peopleand he cant be replaced in your heart. 美丽的定义有很多种,安妮的笑容让我想起中国内地的一个影星姚晨,一样的大嘴,一样明媚的笑容,也是因为这个笑容让他们走进观众的视线,同样他们的感情之路一样坎坷,但却又是如此勇敢的面对的生活的一切,面对媒体的质疑,这样的一个人,不管在角色中还是在生活中都是美丽的。 about the protagonist there are many kinds of the beauty, anne ‘s smile reminds me of a mainland chinese star yao chen, the same mouth, the same bright smile, also because the smile let them into the audiences sight, also their love experience is bumpy, but they still are so brave to face life, such a person, no matter in character or in the life is beautiful. 《公主日记》虽然是每个女孩心中的一个美丽泡沫,尽管随着时间的推移泡沫会破碎,但破碎后的水滴就那样留在心上,只有更加努力才能更好的活着。美丽不是别人给的,而是自己创造的。























M=Manny D=Diego S=Sid O=Others

M: Where’s the baby?

D: You lost it? Sid!!

O1: It’s so ugly.Positively adorable.

O2: Hello, pumpkin.Hello, little baldly bean.

O1: Where’d you find it?

So I just snatched him.

O1: So brave.

me, and I only wish I had one of too.

O2: Really? I find that attractive in a male.

S: Alas.Who wouldn’O1: Where’ve you been hiding?

S: Yeah, well, you know? So as I was saying, ladies… Hey.Hi, Manny.

M:What\'s the matter with you?

Excuse me, ladies.YI’ll be right back.O1:He’s not much to look at, but it’s so hard to find a family guy.eaten.

S: No, no, no.Manny, please, I’m begging you.I need him.

M: A good-lookin’ guy like you?

S: You say that, but you don’t mean it.

M: No, Look at you.Those ladies, they don\'t stand a chance.

S: You have a cruel sense of humor.

M: Don’t let me cramp your style.

S: Thanks, Manny.You’re a pal.

M:Without Pinky.

S: Manny, I need him.

S: So, ladies, where were we?

O3: O4: Easy, frank.

M: Pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like aAnd that tiger…

Yeah, Mr.Great Tracker.Can’t even find a sloth.

What am I? The wet nurse? What are you lookin’at, bone bag? Look at you.You’re gonna grow into a great predator.

I don’t think so.What have you got? You got a little patch ofNo fangs, no claws.

You\'re folds of skin wrapped in mush.

What’s so about you?

Does this look like a petting zoo to you? Huh?

OK.All right, .Youa time-out.

You think that’s funny? How about this?

You’ll be a little snack for the owls.

You\'re a brave little squirt, I’ll give you that.

.Help! Help! D: Where’s the baby? Just put me in your mouth.Come on.Hurry up.He got me.Help.D: Get away from me.

O3: It went this way.

Over here.

O4: Carl.The tiger beat us to him.

O3: Wait a minute.He’s dead all right.S: Gosh, I hate breaking their like that.But you know how it is.

All right, thanks.You can put me down now.Manny, Manny.You don\'t know where it\'s been.D: I don’t eat junk food.



So,what do you think? 元芳,你怎么看?——《绿箭侠》

Relax.This place has more jams than a Santana concert.别怕,这里的信号屏蔽比四六级考场都好。——《尼基塔》

That was a long time ago.咸丰年的事情了。——《邪恶力量》

You\'re really not pulling off this dumb-blonde act.你休想用\"很傻很天真\"这套糊弄我。——《邪恶力量》 Everything is dust in the wind.一切都是浮云。——《邪恶力量》

Family doesn\'t need to stand on ceremony, all right? 一家人不说两家话。——《别对我说谎》

If he gets any nuttier, they\'re gonna put him on \"The View.\" 他要是再疯点,就能上《焦点访谈》了。——《废柴联盟》

What? Oh you think I\'m afraid of you? I\'m not afraid of you! 你算毛?你爸是李刚啊!——《IT狂人》

I\'ll find bli somewhere else.此处不留姐,自有留姐处。——《欢乐合唱团》

You should buy it.心动不如行动啊。——《摩登家庭》 Will you shut up? 你别哪壶不开提哪壶。——《生活大爆炸》

Or, maybe ignorance is bli.I don\'t know.不过,人不要脸天下无敌嘛。谁知道呢。——《生活大爆炸》

And I can\'t believe you\'ve never read \"Eat, Pray, Love.”


Why would I put on lotion when I have such soft hands? 我这双芊芊玉手,怎么可能需要擦护手霜呢?——《生活大爆炸》

My brain is better than everybody\'s! 朕是全世界最聪明的人!—《生活大爆炸》

No guts, no glory, man.人有多大胆,地有多大产。——《生活大爆炸》 Preparation can only take you so far.谋事在人,成事在天。——《越狱》

Anything for Danny.两肋插刀。——《辛普森一家》

I wasn\'t even listening.我是路过打酱油的。——《好汉两个半》

She is the picture you stick on the cover of an album by a fat girl who can actually sing.唱片盒子上贴的是张柏芝,唱歌的其实是韩红。——《好汉两个半》


例如在《生活大爆炸》中,谢耳朵就曾经问佩妮,“你会斗地主吗?”当时就让观众眼镜碎了一地,粉丝们不得不感慨地说:“谢耳朵是全才啊! ”佩妮也曾在剧中不屑地说:“我不想听央视教学节目。 ”更狠的是小印度RAJ对莱纳德一本正经地说:“人有多大胆,地有多大产。 ”

此外,将美国最流行的网络搜索引擎“谷歌”,自动替换为中国最流行的搜索引擎“百度”,都是字幕组约定俗成的翻译方式,以至于你经常能听到美剧主角们愤怒地说:“老子不用百度,老子就是活百度! ”(你当然知道他们不可能用百度了……)至于什么“舞蹈信春哥,芭蕾考本科”、“人贱自有天收”,以及“打酱油”、“坑爹”、“屌丝”、“伤不起”这些词语都一再出现在美剧中,看起来分外熟悉搞笑。



“好习惯,好人生” ----赵寨子中学德育教育概述


在书画艺术之乡高唐的正南方, 在 齐鲁文化名城的怀抱中,闪耀着一颗璀璨的明珠。这里,书香满园,这里,绿荫遍地。这是知识的殿堂,这是成长的摇篮。这,就是高唐县赵 寨子中学。(石凳读书 小树林读书身影)

赵寨子中学环境优美,布局合理。始建于1970年,至今已走过40年的办学之路。漫步在这所幽雅宁静的校园里,时时处处感受到的是浓郁的文化气息和鲜活的教育特色,仿佛连空气都充盈着生命,涌动着活力。(校园美景)在各级领导的关怀帮助下赵寨子中学已发展成师资力量 雄厚、办学规模 大、教学设施好、辐射示范作用强的一所重点中学, 学校先后获得市级“规范化学校”、市“德育先进集体”市级“校本教研先进单位”、市级“绿色工程学校”等10多项市级荣誉称号和一系列县级荣誉称号。(各项奖牌)(镜头:)





建立德育工作网络 形成齐抓共管局面。学校德育既是一项强调整体性、又有所分工的多方位的工作,因此,建立一套严密的德育工作网络是学校德育工作得以有效开展,并取得良好成效的基础。(德育网络图)


建立健全学生会组织,发挥学生会自主管理作用 塑造学生健全人格,提高学生思想觉悟、培养学生自我管理能力。学生会在学生的自我管理、自我教育、自我服务方面取得了良好的实践效果,为学校的良好发展发挥自身作用。


长的良好品质;感激他人的帮助之恩,在生活、学习中互相帮助,乐于助人;感激自然的赐予之恩,使 “爱护环境,保护自然”成为学生的自觉行为。

“ 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。”通过感恩系列教育活动,唤醒了学生对他人的爱心,使学生学会重视、尊重和感激别人对自己的付出。同学们纷纷表示,要刻苦学习文化知识,培养自己具有良好的品行,将来用优异的成绩和感恩行动回报父母、回报师长,回报社会,努力做一个对国家对社会有用的人才。



通过开展感恩教育系列活动,学生学会感恩,能积极地面对生活,珍惜生命,提高了思想道德素养,人格上获得健全发展。(“感恩”为主题的国旗下讲话,感恩主题班会,四个感谢教育,感恩教育作业展) 结束语::(键盘敲打声)


建立了德育展室和文化长廊。通过多种形式对学生进行教育。 (学校育人环境 文化长廊 教室文化)




淡出字幕 让传统文化走进校园




培养学生的锻炼习惯: “实施《国家学生体质健康标准》,切实提高学生身体素质”为基本理念(镜头 操场围墙上的标语),实施“阳光体育”工程,形成了以两操为基础,以兴趣小组为特色,以课外体育活动为补充,以运动竞赛为载体,共同锻炼的良性局面。(乒乓球、篮球比赛等镜头)校园生活丰富多彩,学生锻炼热情持久,身体素质不断提高,赢得了上级主管部门的充分肯定。




从09年起,我校每年举办一次“体育节”。学生以班为单位组队参赛,十几个班循环淘汰。比赛带来的是学生各种技能的提高,身体素质的增强,校园气氛的活跃,学生参与运动热情的提升,锻炼习惯的养成。、跳绳比赛(镜头 视频)、体操比赛(镜头 视频) 队列会操比赛 广播操比赛 眼保健操比赛 篮球赛 乒乓球赛


日常行为习惯培养 :通过学习《守则》、《规范》、《赵寨子中学学生一日常规》,(镜头)关注身边的小事,抓住时机,适时指导,培养学生良好的习惯和品质。

1、教育养成“讲卫生”的好习惯:,我们利用班会、国旗下的讲话对学生进行耐心细致的教育。(镜头 )

2、培养学生文明守纪的好习惯:我们要求学生学习传统文化,争做遵规守纪模范。(镜头 学习传统文化)、做课间操解散规范列队(镜头)。(上下楼梯18






3、广播室开通““好习惯、好人生”栏目(镜头 高英播该栏目视频)目的在于持久深入培养学生的良好习惯、报道宣传好习惯学生

工欲善其事,必先利其器。学生是祖国的未来、希望,所以对学生进行理想信念教育尤为重要,因此我校开展了丰富多彩的教育活动,升旗的肃穆,宣誓地庄严,文化的熏陶 培养着学生的爱国主义情感,履行着爱国主义行为,做忠诚的爱国主义者 。 (

升旗仪式 入团宣誓 文化墙下学习镜头)

学校注重全部学生全面发展,注重学生良好习惯的培养,教会学生做人,学生求知,学会做事。学生为了培养学生的综合素质,学校开展了丰富多彩的社团活动,成立了 青春风铃校园广播站,新绿记者团、组建了新雨校篮球队、追风田径部落、唯舞独尊舞蹈社团、现代美术设计图画会、杏棠文学社、声闻天下电脑社团、旋风乒乓社。学生社团活动的开展提高了学生自我管理、自我发展的能力,张扬了个性、锻炼了能力、提升了素质。


通过开展感恩教育系列活动,学生学会感恩,能积极地面对生活,珍惜生命,提高了思想道德素养,人格上获得健全发展。(“感恩”为主题的国旗下讲话,感恩主题班会,四个感谢教育,感恩教育作业展) 结束语::(键盘敲打声)

“志行万里,不中道而辍足; 翱翔九天,将振翅以始终。”千秋伟业刚刚起步,光明前途任重道远。赵寨子中学全体教师决心继承优良传统,{课堂老师上课 学生学习镜头}以开拓创新的思想理念,团结奋进的精神状态,求真务实的工作风,沐风栉雨,艰苦创业,不懈追求,勇于超越,创造更加辉煌、灿烂的明天!(教研活动镜头) (赵寨子中学全貌)








第16篇:字幕名称 花木兰中英文字幕

1 00:00:43020 --gt 00:00:48360 片名:花木兰 调校人:菲尔坦奈尔 2 00:01:32150 --gt 00:01:34530 匈奴入侵 快点烽火 3 00:02:01110 --gt 00:02:03110 现在全中国的人都知道你来了 4 00:02:09840 --gt 00:02:10770 好极了 5 00:02:18260 --gt 00:02:19300 启禀皇上 6 00:02:19410 --gt 00:02:21550 匈奴已越过北方边界 7 00:02:21650 --gt 00:02:24640 不可能 没人能越过长城 8 00:02:25170 --gt 00:02:27050 他们由单于领军 9 00:02:28820 --gt 00:02:31680 我们会进京保卫皇上 10 00:02:31790 --gt 00:02:35590 不 派军队保护朕的子民 11 00:02:35690 --gt 00:02:36490 赐福 12 00:02:36590 --gt 00:02:37610 臣在 13 00:02:37720 --gt 00:02:41870 通令全国各地征召壮丁 14 00:02:41960 --gt 00:02:44210 紧急召集所有军人回营服役 15 00:02:44300 --gt 00:02:45960 皇上 恕臣直言 16 00:02:46070 --gt 00:02:48210 京城军队就能阻挡单于 17 00:02:48300 --gt 00:02:50600 朕不能冒这个险 将军 18 00:02:50700 --gt 00:02:53290 小兵也会立大功 19 00:02:53400 --gt 00:02:57160 有时候 一个人就是胜败关键 20 00:02:59440 --gt 00:03:02030 妇德就是谦虚 21 00:03:02130 --gt 00:03:04550 妇言是少说话 22 00:03:05130 --gt 00:03:09870 妇容还有....23 00:03:12210 --gt 00:03:13190 妇功 24 00:03:15950 --gt 00:03:17230 糟了 25 00:03:17320 --gt 00:03:18540 小白 26 00:03:19880 --gt 00:03:21790 小白....27 00:03:23150 --gt 00:03:24750 你在这儿啊 28 00:03:24850 --gt 00:03:27120 你是世上最聪明的小狗 29 00:03:27210 --gt 00:03:28550 来吧 小家伙 30 00:03:28660 --gt 00:03:30480 你能帮我喂鸡吗 31 00:04:02130 --gt 00:04:04040 列祖列宗 32 00:04:05170 --gt 00:04:09000 保佑木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象 33 00:04:14830 --gt 00:04:16550 求求您 34 00:04:16660 --gt 00:04:18410 帮助她吧 35 00:04:25680 --gt 00:04:27240 爹爹 我给您带来...36 00:04:27340 --gt 00:04:28170 木兰 37 00:04:28270 --gt 00:04:29170 我多准备了一个 38 00:04:29260 --gt 00:04:31980要记得大夫说清早三杯茶 39 00:04:32080 --gt 00:04:33770还有晚上三杯哦 40 00:04:33870 --gt 00:04:36430 木兰 你早该进城了 41 00:04:36560 --gt 00:04:37990 我们都指望你....42 00:04:38070 --gt 00:04:40450 替花家光宗耀祖啊 43 00:04:40530 --gt 00:04:42080 别担心 爹爹 44 00:04:42190 --gt 00:04:43940 我不会让您失望 45 00:04:44050 --gt 00:04:45070 祝我好运 46 00:04:45170 --gt 00:04:46380 快去吧 47 00:04:48720 --gt 00:04:50340 我要回祠堂 48 00:04:50450 --gt 00:04:51910 再上几炷香 49 00:04:56400 --gt 00:04:58980 夫人 你女儿来了没 50 00:04:59090 --gt 00:05:01570 媒婆可没那么好耐性啊 51 00:05:02320 --gt 00:05:04430 怎么偏偏今天迟到 52 00:05:04520 --gt 00:05:06660 我早该求祖宗保佑的 53 00:05:06770 --gt 00:05:08520 他们能保佑什么 54 00:05:08620 --gt 00:05:09840 他们早就上西天了 55 00:05:09930 --gt 00:05:13670 我已经有这个幸运符 56 00:05:13780 --gt 00:05:16260 来证明一下你的好运 57 00:05:20300 --gt 00:05:21510 奶奶 小心啊! 58 00:05:33300 --gt 00:05:34090 没事儿哎 59 00:05:34190 --gt 00:05:36230 这只蟋蟀真是幸运 60 00:05:43790 --gt 00:05:45010 我来了 61 00:05:45910 --gt 00:05:47240 怎么了 62 00:05:47350 --gt 00:05:49830别说了 63 00:05:49940 --gt 00:05:51840 你先要打扮一下 64 00:05:55410 --gt 00:05:57740 这是我要装扮的女孩吗 65 00:05:57840 --gt 00:06:00710 别担心 我见过更糟的 66 00:06:00810 --gt 00:06:04040 我要将这平凡女孩...67 00:06:04140 --gt 00:06:05420 蜕变成窈窕淑女 68 00:06:05520 --gt 00:06:06890 好冷哦 69 00:06:06990 --gt 00:06:10310 你不迟到 也不会凉了 70 00:06:10410 --gt 00:06:13030 得先把你洗干净 71 00:06:13130 --gt 00:06:15750 容光焕发才会人人爱 72 00:06:15860 --gt 00:06:18510 经我细心装扮的新娘 73 00:06:18610 --gt 00:06:21030 我们都会以你为荣 74 00:06:21130 --gt 00:06:23180 木兰 是什么 75 00:06:23280 --gt 00:06:26000 小抄 为了以防万一 76 00:06:26090 --gt 00:06:29540 拿着 比我预想的更要指望运气 77 00:06:29650 --gt 00:06:32200 先别急 装扮后 78 00:06:32310 --gt 00:06:35050 男孩都会很高兴地 为了你而上战场 79 00:06:35150 --gt 00:06:36020 有了好运 80 00:06:36110 --gt 00:06:37570 和高耸云鬓 81 00:06:37680 --gt 00:06:40520 我们都会以你为荣�6�7 82 00:06:41650 --gt 00:06:46880 女孩们都能以某种形式 为家族带来荣耀 83 00:06:46990 --gt 00:06:49580 要赢得胜利 84 00:06:49680 --gt 00:06:52620 一切就看今天了 85 00:06:52720 --gt 00:06:54000 男人想要 86 00:06:54100 --gt 00:06:55370 有品位的女人 87 00:06:55480 --gt 00:06:56780 安静 顺从 88 00:06:56880 --gt 00:06:58190 还要勤快 89 00:06:58290 --gt 00:07:00880 能生孩子 还要 纤纤细腰 90 00:07:00970 --gt 00:07:04110 我们都会以你为荣 91 00:07:04940 --gt 00:07:07600 人们要为皇上尽忠 92 00:07:07690 --gt 00:07:10250 因为他至高无上 93 00:07:10350 --gt 00:07:13000 男人出征沙场 94 00:07:13100 --gt 00:07:15950 孩子女人扶养 95 00:07:16050 --gt 00:07:18640 要把你装扮好 96 00:07:18730 --gt 00:07:21460 像那美丽莲花柔又白...97 00:07:21550 --gt 00:07:24170 没有男人能够拒绝你...98 00:07:24280 --gt 00:07:30630 我们都会以你为荣...99 00:07:31540 --gt 00:07:33290 准备好了 100 00:07:33390 --gt 00:07:34730 还没呢 101 00:07:34840 --gt 00:07:36870 苹果让人心静 102 00:07:36970 --gt 00:07:39400 玉坠子平衡你身段 103 00:07:39510 --gt 00:07:44660 玉珠代表美丽 104 00:07:44750 --gt 00:07:49770 衬托你的娇艳 105 00:07:49870 --gt 00:07:55270 让蟋蟀为你带来好运 106 00:07:55530 --gt 00:07:57830 就算是你也不会搞砸的 107 00:07:58670 --gt 00:08:01120 老祖宗 保佑我 108 00:08:01230 --gt 00:08:03880 不要让我失礼仪 109 00:08:03980 --gt 00:08:06640 为我家族争取好光采 110 00:08:06730 --gt 00:08:10730 家父会以我为荣 111 00:08:10830 --gt 00:08:13550 每个人心里七上八下 112 00:08:13650 --gt 00:08:16330 皆为了木兰终身大事 113 00:08:16430 --gt 00:08:19020 老祖宗 保佑她 114 00:08:19120 --gt 00:08:21770 能够找到好婆家 115 00:08:21880 --gt 00:08:24550 她的心地善良又大方 116 00:08:24660 --gt 00:08:28550 是个可爱的姑娘家 117 00:08:28660 --gt 00:08:34290 请将荣耀归于...118 00:08:34380 --gt 00:08:42900 请将荣耀归于她...119 00:08:45200 --gt 00:08:46820 花木兰 120 00:08:46930 --gt 00:08:50020 在 不要随便开口 121 00:08:50130 --gt 00:08:51590 是 122 00:08:51690 --gt 00:08:53870 她火气这么大干嘛 123 00:09:01070 --gt 00:09:02830 太瘦了 124 00:09:04500 --gt 00:09:07250 不容易生出儿子 125 00:09:13970 --gt 00:09:16930 妇有四德指的是什么 126 00:09:18930 --gt 00:09:20550 说呀 127 00:09:21710 --gt 00:09:24140 妇德指的是谦虚 128 00:09:24240 --gt 00:09:26860 而妇言是少说话 129 00:09:26960 --gt 00:09:30120 妇容是和悦 还有妇力...130 00:09:30230 --gt 00:09:31200 是妇功 131 00:09:31310 --gt 00:09:33200 妇功意思是服从 132 00:09:38930 --gt 00:09:39970 跟我来 133 00:09:44500 --gt 00:09:45840 现在呢 134 00:09:45940 --gt 00:09:47830 倒茶 135 00:09:47920 --gt 00:09:51050 取悦你未来的公婆 136 00:09:51150 --gt 00:09:54730 一定要谨慎 庄严 优雅 137 00:09:55090 --gt 00:09:57260 还要心存恭敬 138 00:09:57650 --gt 00:10:00880 注意礼仪和姿势 139 00:10:03440 --gt 00:10:04300 对不起 140 00:10:04400 --gt 00:10:06290 还要安静 141 00:10:09900 --gt 00:10:12290 能不能先还我一下 142 00:10:12400 --gt 00:10:13450 等一下 143 00:10:16170 --gt 00:10:17770 你真是笨手笨脚 144 00:10:31570 --gt 00:10:34250 好像进行得很顺利 对吧 145 00:10:34830 --gt 00:10:38130 救火啊 快灭火...146 00:10:47530 --gt 00:10:49580 你实在是太不像话 147 00:10:49680 --gt 00:10:51690 你虽看起来像新娘 148 00:10:51790 --gt 00:10:55620 可是永远不会为你们家争光 149 00:11:27760 --gt 00:11:29770 看看我 150 00:11:29870 --gt 00:11:34960 我不能成为好新娘 151 00:11:35060 --gt 00:11:37540 也不是好女儿 152 00:11:37870 --gt 00:11:45030 难道说我的任性伤了大家 153 00:11:45360 --gt 00:11:52100 我知道 如果我再执意做我自己 154 00:11:52820 --gt 00:11:57350 我会让家人伤心 155 00:12:00560 --gt 00:12:05540 为什么我眼里看到的 156 00:12:05650 --gt 00:12:10250 不是自己的影子 157 00:12:10350 --gt 00:12:20040 为什么我在此时 觉得离自我好遥远 158 00:12:20720 --gt 00:12:25630 我无法隐藏�6�7 159 00:12:25740 --gt 00:12:30500 内心真正的我 虽然努力地试过 160 00:12:30600 --gt 00:12:35470 何时才能够...161 00:12:35570 --gt 00:12:41770 做回真正的自我 162 00:12:43570 --gt 00:12:49100 何时才能够...163 00:12:49200 --gt 00:12:55620 做回真正的自我 164 00:13:13140 --gt 00:13:15400 天啊 165 00:13:15510 --gt 00:13:18820 今年院子里花开得真好 166 00:13:20460 --gt 00:13:21890 可是你看 167 00:13:22000 --gt 00:13:23860 这朵迟了 168 00:13:23950 --gt 00:13:27080 但等到它开花的时候 169 00:13:27190 --gt 00:13:31790 一定会比其它的花更美丽 170 00:13:37770 --gt 00:13:38860 什么事 171 00:13:51020 --gt 00:13:52940 木兰 你别出去 172 00:13:58550 --gt 00:13:59780 乡亲们 173 00:13:59890 --gt 00:14:03500 我从京城带来皇上谕令 174 00:14:03600 --gt 00:14:05990 匈奴已侵犯中原 175 00:14:06090 --gt 00:14:08550 不会吧 皇上亲下诏书 176 00:14:08650 --gt 00:14:13290 每家都要选出一名壮丁从军 177 00:14:13390 --gt 00:14:15330 萧家接旨 178 00:14:17170 --gt 00:14:18760 易家接旨 179 00:14:19190 --gt 00:14:21740 我替我爹爹为国出征 180 00:14:22380 --gt 00:14:24080 花家接旨 181 00:14:24240 --gt 00:14:25220 不 182 00:14:39760 --gt 00:14:41900 草民已准备为国效劳 183 00:14:43120 --gt 00:14:44290 爹爹 你不能去 184 00:14:44370 --gt 00:14:45830 木兰 官爷 求求你 185 00:14:45930 --gt 00:14:47500 我爹年事已高 也已上过战场 186 00:14:47600 --gt 00:14:48490 住嘴! 187 00:14:48590 --gt 00:14:50480 你该教教你女儿 188 00:14:50570 --gt 00:14:54020 男人说话 哪有她插嘴的份 189 00:14:54120 --gt 00:14:56810 木兰 你让爹丢尽颜面 190 00:15:00270 --gt 00:15:02270 明日午时 军营报到 191 00:15:02380 --gt 00:15:03810 是 192 00:15:05580 --gt 00:15:07010 楚家接旨 193 00:16:17100 --gt 00:16:18480 你不该去的 194 00:16:18580 --gt 00:16:21360 木兰 有足够的壮丁打仗啊 195 00:16:21450 --gt 00:16:25410 能够保家卫国是我的荣耀 196 00:16:25520 --gt 00:16:27250 就为了荣耀 连命都不要 197 00:16:27340 --gt 00:16:29610 我为国捐躯 死而无撼 198 00:16:29710 --gt 00:16:31690我知道我该做什么 199 00:16:31790 --gt 00:16:34090 倒是你应该学学了 200 00:18:49420 --gt 00:18:50770 木兰走了 201 00:18:50860 --gt 00:18:52430 什么 202 00:18:55920 --gt 00:18:57030 不会吧 203 00:19:04200 --gt 00:19:05520 木兰 204 00:19:09750 --gt 00:19:11090 不 205 00:19:12980 --gt 00:19:14500 得快追她回来 206 00:19:14610 --gt 00:19:16390 这要杀头的 207 00:19:16500 --gt 00:19:18880 只有我们不揭穿她 208 00:19:18960 --gt 00:19:20580 她才能活命 209 00:19:30000 --gt 00:19:31460 列祖列宗 210 00:19:31560 --gt 00:19:35040 求求你们保佑木兰 211 00:19:55280 --gt 00:19:57800 木须 醒来吧 212 00:20:03470 --gt 00:20:05680 我复活了! 213 00:20:07020 --gt 00:20:10220 告诉我哪个凡人要我保护 214 00:20:10290 --gt 00:20:11720 老祖宗 只要您开口我就去 215 00:20:11760 --gt 00:20:16030要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦 216 00:20:16180 --gt 00:20:18320 看我如何收拾他 217 00:20:20270 --gt 00:20:21620 木须 218 00:20:21710 --gt 00:20:24360 它们才是守护神 219 00:20:24460 --gt 00:20:25640 它们�6�7 220 00:20:26790 --gt 00:20:27910 保护这个家 221 00:20:28010 --gt 00:20:31040 而你这降了级的 222 00:20:31150 --gt 00:20:32870 我�6�7 223 00:20:32970 --gt 00:20:34190 是负责敲锣 224 00:20:34280 --gt 00:20:35710 说对了 225 00:20:35820 --gt 00:20:39400 去叫醒大家吧 226 00:20:39500 --gt 00:20:42320 我这就去叫醒大家 227 00:20:42420 --gt 00:20:46060 大家起来 快起来 别偷懒了 228 00:20:46160 --gt 00:20:48230 要办正事罗 别睡美容觉了 229 00:20:53170 --gt 00:20:55170 我早就知道�6�7 230 00:20:55280 --gt 00:20:57480 木兰一定会给我们添麻烦 231 00:20:57580 --gt 00:21:00360 别看我 她是从你家那边遗传的 232 00:21:00500 --gt 00:21:02430 她只想帮助她父亲 233 00:21:02580 --gt 00:21:04840 要是她被人发现 一辈子都会抬不起头 234 00:21:04950 --gt 00:21:06370 花家祠堂会声望全无 235 00:21:06480 --gt 00:21:08420 千百年传统沦丧 236 00:21:08520 --gt 00:21:10060 家产也全得没收 237 00:21:10160 --gt 00:21:11950 我家孩子从没惹过麻烦 238 00:21:12040 --gt 00:21:14020 他们全是针灸师傅 239 00:21:14260 --gt 00:21:16400 总不能全都当针灸师啊 240 00:21:16460 --gt 00:21:19910 哼 你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩 241 00:21:22640 --gt 00:21:24230 派守护神带她回来 242 00:21:24340 --gt 00:21:26160 是啊,叫醒最精明的 243 00:21:26250 --gt 00:21:27940 不 那行动最快的 244 00:21:28050 --gt 00:21:29480 不 最有智慧的 245 00:21:29550 --gt 00:21:30930 安静 246 00:21:31020 --gt 00:21:33770 我们得派能力最强的 247 00:21:35280 --gt 00:21:36210 好啦�6�7 248 00:21:36310 --gt 00:21:38160 我了解 我去找 249 00:21:41610 --gt 00:21:42560 你们以为我不行 250 00:21:42670 --gt 00:21:43880 看我的 251 00:21:46030 --gt 00:21:47460 我不错吧 252 00:21:47560 --gt 00:21:49450 谁敢让我试试看啊 253 00:21:49550 --gt 00:21:52100 你之前有过这个机会的 254 00:21:52210 --gt 00:21:54850 结果却把花嶝害得很惨 255 00:21:54960 --gt 00:21:56620 对呀 多亏你了 256 00:21:56710 --gt 00:21:57660 什么意思 257 00:21:57770 --gt 00:21:58920 意思是�6�7 258 00:21:59030 --gt 00:22:03180 我们要派真正的龙去找木兰 259 00:22:03500 --gt 00:22:05220 什么我也是真正的龙啊 260 00:22:05330 --gt 00:22:07560 你根本就不够格 261 00:22:07670 --gt 00:22:10250 现在快叫醒石像神龙吧 262 00:22:12170 --gt 00:22:13520 那你会考虑录用我吗 263 00:22:17610 --gt 00:22:20130 我只是要个机会嘛 264 00:22:20240 --gt 00:22:21830 又不是要你老命 265 00:22:23210 --gt 00:22:24490 石头 醒醒啊 266 00:22:24590 --gt 00:22:26440 你得去追木兰 267 00:22:30060 --gt 00:22:32910 快起来 去追她 去呀 268 00:22:33000 --gt 00:22:34250 来呀 269 00:22:42990 --gt 00:22:46290 有人在吗�6�7 270 00:22:46380 --gt 00:22:47210 醒醒! 271 00:22:48750 --gt 00:22:50440 惨了 272 00:22:58350 --gt 00:23:01290 石头�6�7 273 00:23:01390 --gt 00:23:02410 他们会杀了我 274 00:23:02510 --gt 00:23:04970 石像神龙 275 00:23:05070 --gt 00:23:07110 你醒了吗 276 00:23:08270 --gt 00:23:10950 我�6�7我刚醒 277 00:23:11050 --gt 00:23:14050 我是伟大的石像神龙 278 00:23:14160 --gt 00:23:17940 早安 我立刻去追回木兰 279 00:23:18030 --gt 00:23:20510 我有说我是石像神龙吗 280 00:23:20620 --gt 00:23:21640 去吧 281 00:23:21740 --gt 00:23:23650 花家未来的命运 282 00:23:23760 --gt 00:23:25990 都交在你的手中了 283 00:23:26150 --gt 00:23:27400 别担心 284 00:23:27510 --gt 00:23:29290 我不会丢脸的 285 00:23:33840 --gt 00:23:35180 糟糕 286 00:23:35270 --gt 00:23:36970 我好像扭到筋骨了 287 00:23:39120 --gt 00:23:41060 这下可好 现在该怎么办 288 00:23:41160 --gt 00:23:42090 我惨了 289 00:23:42190 --gt 00:23:43560 都是那男人婆 290 00:23:43670 --gt 00:23:46280 干嘛要女扮男装惹祸 291 00:23:49900 --gt 00:23:51270 去找她 292 00:23:51380 --gt 00:23:52330 你有毛病吗 293 00:23:52430 --gt 00:23:56620 石像神龙已裂成两半 除非她是英雄 我才能回来 294 00:23:57900 --gt 00:23:59210 等等 这就对了 295 00:23:59310 --gt 00:24:02500 我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来 296 00:24:02610 --gt 00:24:04040 就这么办 297 00:24:04140 --gt 00:24:05320 我真聪明 298 00:24:09000 --gt 00:24:10430 谁说你能来的 299 00:24:12240 --gt 00:24:13580 你运气好吗 300 00:24:14350 --gt 00:24:16100 我长得像呆子吗 301 00:24:16940 --gt 00:24:17740 你说我很衰 302 00:24:17840 --gt 00:24:20520 我拔掉你的胡须扔到院子里 303 00:24:20620 --gt 00:24:23040 再看看谁比较衰 304 00:24:54510 --gt 00:24:55790 京城来的探子 305 00:25:06670 --gt 00:25:07810 单于 306 00:25:12400 --gt 00:25:14080 两位 干得好 307 00:25:14190 --gt 00:25:16040 你们找到匈奴军队了 308 00:25:18410 --gt 00:25:20680 皇上会阻止你们 309 00:25:20780 --gt 00:25:22210 阻止我 310 00:25:22310 --gt 00:25:23910 是他邀请我来的 311 00:25:25900 --gt 00:25:29380 他不断修筑长城向我挑战 312 00:25:29490 --gt 00:25:31650 我只是来陪他玩玩 313 00:25:33650 --gt 00:25:34690 滚! 314 00:25:34800 --gt 00:25:38340 叫你们皇上派最强的军队来 315 00:25:38440 --gt 00:25:39430 我等着 316 00:25:43210 --gt 00:25:45730 送个信要多少人 317 00:25:47060 --gt 00:25:48260 一个 318 00:25:52110 --gt 00:25:54050 好嘛�6�7这样呢 319 00:25:55890 --gt 00:25:58740 对不起 该在哪里报到 320 00:25:59630 --gt 00:26:01320 我看见你有把剑 321 00:26:01420 --gt 00:26:02850 我也有 322 00:26:02960 --gt 00:26:04480 它可是很男人的 323 00:26:09040 --gt 00:26:10790 我很努力在学哎 324 00:26:12490 --gt 00:26:14310 我骗得了谁 325 00:26:14420 --gt 00:26:17040 除非奇迹出现 我才能从军 326 00:26:17130 --gt 00:26:19950 是不是有人希望奇迹出现 327 00:26:20050 --gt 00:26:22380 让我听你大声喊吧 328 00:26:22470 --gt 00:26:23760 .


用Premiere制作歌词字幕(网络转载) 下面我们讲解具体制作步骤:











然后选择特效中的视频转换-Page Peel-Roll Away,把“Roll Away”特效拖拽到“因为你是我最爱的人02”字幕上,并且调整其长度使之覆盖整个“因为你是我最爱的人02”字幕,如下图:

然后双击“因为你是我最爱的人02”字幕上的“Roll Away”特效,在Premiere上部的“特效控制”窗口会出现“Roll Away”特效的选项,默认的开始和结束分别为0和100,我们在这里要字幕滚动开始提前,滚动结束推后,因为按默认设置会跟不上演唱者的节奏,所以把开始设为20,结束设为80。大家在具体制作时可以根据需要进行设置。



最后说明一下,在这里铜剑演示的是滚动字幕是一整句制作的,大家在具体的制作中为达到完美的效果可以把滚动字幕几个字几个字甚至是一个字一个字的制作,因为同一句歌词中可能每一个字发音长度都不同,所以大家具体制作时要灵活运用,但是制作过程与上文所述基本是一至的,如果滚动字幕做的比较细的话尤其要注意上文最后一点提到的对“Roll Away”特效的开始结束点的设置。






十九世纪,法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳著有许多脍炙人口的冒险小说,他的作品包括《海底两万里》《地心游记》以及《神秘岛》.人们大都认为其作品是科幻小说,但凡尔纳迷不这样认为。In the 19th century Jules Verne wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told.Novels such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and The Mysterious Island.Most consider these works of science fiction.Vernians know otherwise.

惨了Not good!

狗狗乖Whoa! Good boy! 不会吧Seriously? 好吧Okay. 拼了Here we ·go!

晚上好,警官大人。有兴趣来个夜泳吗? Evening, officers.Anyone up for a late night swim?

老兄 这星期的牌局怎么没来?Hey, buddy.Mied you at poker this week. 谢谢你通知我 具体什么情况Thanks for the call.What\'s going on? 这事本不该外泄We didn\'t want this going out over the radio.

这孩子私闯卫星基地Kid broke into a satellite facility.

然后骑着摩托冲进了老迈家泳池Then he drove his dirt bike into the McGillicuttys\' pool.

我说服他们别起诉了I talked them out of preing charges. 安德森Anderson!

你继父来了Your stepfather\'s here for you.

不是继父 是监护人No.Legal guardian.

要不是我,你未来6个月得在少管所度过。 If it weren\'t for me, you\'d be in juvie for the next six months.

我宁愿被关起来Rather do the time.

想说说为什么要闯进一个偏僻的卫星基地吗Do you want to explain to me why you were breaking into a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere?

别担心 妈妈 真的没什么Don\'t worry about it, Mom.It\'s nothing, really.

警察深更半夜来电话还叫没事The police calling in the middle of the night is nothing?


他去那儿干嘛? 他在找什么?What was he doing there? What was he looking for?

宝贝 我也不知道 还得问他Honey, I don\'t know.All we can do is asking him.

肖恩 得谈谈这事Hey.Sean, we gotta talk about this.

我就纳闷了 他哪儿来的发言权I\'m confused.Who gave him a speaking part?


- 1



Verne.So, clearly, the meage was by a Vernian.

我的设备不给力,无法接受完整信息,所以··And my equipment wasn\'t powerful enough to receive the whole meage, so·

所以你闯入卫星基地增强信号So you broke into that satellite facility to bt your signal.

有人传信息给我,我得破解它Someone sent this meage and I\'m gonna be the person to solve it.

这对我很重要 This is really important to me.

那这样吧 我们一起来破解怎么样Hey, you know what? Why don\'t we solve this together?



第一部分的信息是说I S L \"岛\"\" [\"岛\"前三个字母] \"Is.\" “是R E \"真的\"[\"真\"前两个字母] \"岛真的存在\"The first part of the meage reads, The.i.s.l.· island ·is· R.E·Real.The island is real.\"

你是认真的?不是耍我吧? You\'re serious? You\'re not meing with me?

信息是这么说: \"岛真的存在\" No.That\'s what it says.\"The island is real.\"

我不敢相信 真有人找到了那个岛I can\'t believe it.I can\'t believe somebody actually found the island.

哪个岛What island?

神秘岛 凡尔纳迷已经找了很久很久The Mysterious Island.Vernians have been looking for this for years.

剩下的密码是什么? What\'s the rest say?

史蒂夫之子生于.\"Child of Steve, born eighteen eight-three.\"

生于年\"Born .\"

史蒂夫之子 史蒂夫之子Child of Steve.Child of Steve.

也许就是史蒂夫的儿子Maybe \"Son of Steve\"?

史蒂文儿子 史蒂文森[拆开为 史蒂文 儿子] Steven\'s son.Stevenson.

罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 -作者吗- Robert Louis Stevenson.All right.

这个姓氏行动迅速\"The name that\'s last is going fast.

他的故事在雷米尔鲁的桅杆上飘动He hitched his tale to Lemuel\'s mast.\"

姓氏行动迅速 跑步者吗Okay, so his last name is going fast.A runner?


- 3Go where?

神秘岛To Mysterious Island.

好啊 真不错All right, cool.

那你路过月球时顺便给我买杯思乐冰吧Hey, can you stop by the moon and grab me a Slurpee?

随你笑话Joke all you want.

那当然 你在这给我听好了Yeah, I will, and you\'re gonna be here to listen to it.

你不许去帕劳 肖恩You\'re not going to Palau, Sean.

为什么不行Why not?

第一 你被禁足了,另外 你还得上学Number one, you\'re grounded.On top of that, 2012-09-23

- 4



that was the first time that we were on the same page for more than 5minutes.

那带他去别的岛培养感情,像是夏威夷什么的Then bond with him on some non-mysterious island, like Hawaii.

夏威夷 你我蜜月之旅啊Ah, Hawaii.Our honeymoon.

阿罗哈Aloha oe.

但我是认真的 宝贝Yes, but I\'m serious, babe.

我也是认真的I\'m serious too.

我们飞到帕劳We\'ll fly down to Palau.

等肖恩意识到岛并不存在,他爷爷也不在那里时,我再好好安慰一番,那就大功告成了When Sean realizes the island\'s not real, his grandfather\'s not there·I\'ll be there to cushion the blow, and done will be done.

早啊 哥们儿 七点整Good morning, buddy.0700hours.

我忙着呢I\'m busy.

我想你再忙也能腾时间干这个I don\'t think you\'re gonna be too busy for this.

让我去帕劳了I\'m going to Palau?

差不多Ha, ha.Close.

是我们去帕劳We\'re going to Palau.


我知道你得过洛克福特奖,但这次探险我酝酿已久 听我的好吧I know you\'ve won the esteemed Rochefort Award·but I\'ve been on these adventures before so let me handle this.

兄弟放松点 谁出钱谁才是老大Easy, buddy.Just remember who\'s financing this whole trip.

伊莎贝拉女王也没跟着哥伦布找新大陆Queen Isabella didn\'t tag along with Columbus.

好吧,伊莎贝拉,我让你带队,我们来瞧瞧··Okay, Isabella.I\'ll let you handle your thing..We\'ll see how·

慢点 当心你那蜥蜴 小心点Wait, watch the lizard.Watch.

原来大块头还怕小爬虫啊Big man\'s afraid of a little lizard?

男子汉天不怕地不怕。我爱蜥蜴 变成皮鞋皮带时Big man\'s not afraid anything.I love lizards when they\'re boots and belts.

打搅一下Excuse us.


你好吗 我们 美国人 你 导游吗Hey, how\'s it going? We, uh.We Americans.Uh, you, tour guide?

-肖恩 -我来- Sean.



对 我们想去这里的一个岛Uh, yeah, we need someone to take us to an island located here.

想都别想Absolutely not.

等等 为什么Wait, why?

因为那里没有岛 只有没完没了的风暴,那里是海船的墓地Because there is no island, just a bunch of storms.It\'s a graveyard for ships.


1000美金We\'ll pay you good money, $1000!

只有傻瓜才为钱玩儿命Only a fool trades his life for money.

抱歉 打扰 今天是你的幸运日 Excuse me, excuse me.Today is your lucky day.

我叫嘎巴托·拉瓜坦 帕劳最牛的船长,我听说你们需要交通工具Hey, I\'m Gabato Laguatan, best captain in Palau.I understand you in need of transportation.

太好了 我们要去这里 可以的话我们会付一千块That\'s great.We need someone to get us here.A thousand bucks if you can.

轻松 小菜一碟 来吧 给我 走 伙计们 绝对差不了 包二位满意 我带出海的游客成百上千,每次都一个不漏带回来Ooh, baby! Easy-peasy, easy-peasy.Let\'s go.Here we go.Let\'s go.Man, this is gonna be so good.You know, you won\'t be disappointed.I\'ve taken hundreds of people out to sea.I come back with them alt every single time.

-好船 -漂亮- ice ride.- I\'d rather take the Titanic.Hank.

我们想去这个坐标Right.So we need to get to these coordinates.

这直升机不去,那是海里最危险的海域not on this helicopter.That\'s the deadliest part of the ocean.

停停 宝贝 宝贝 你听着 他们可是愿出1000美元啊这样就能让你上大学了Time-out.2012-09-23

- 7



我只相信地心引力,嘎巴托 快带我们离开You know what I trust? Gravity.Gabato, get us out of here now!

你说得对 我赞成但是有一件事得说明 这飞机不在我掌控之内了 风门坏了You\'re right, I agree with you.But here\'s the deal I\'m not flying this helicopter anymore! The throttle\'s broken!


我们要掉下去了We\'re going down!

挺住啊Hold on!

进去了Here we go!

不 不要死在这里啊no! not like this!

稳住啊 稳住Hang on! Hang on!

肖恩 肖恩 肖恩 醒醒 孩子 快醒醒 没事了 没事了看看能否坐起来 好样的Sean! Sean! Sean! Come on, buddy.Come on.It\'s okay.It\'s okay.Try and sit up.Attaboy.

我就说能成功的吧I told you it\'d work.

你说得没错You were right.

真不敢相信居然真到岛上了I can\'t believe we made it.

他可是儒勒·凡尔纳It\'s Jules Verne, man.

你得相信他You gotta believe.

我们这是在哪Where are we?

我爸爸呢Where\'s my father?

谁来救救我 救命啊 我的身子被截成两半了Somebody help me! Help me! My body\'s been cut in half!

你的脚还在呢Your foot\'s right there.

我切断的脚丫子 断了它还在动 它在动My severed foot.And it\'s moving! It\'s moving.

我没被截成两段 太好了Oh, and I\'m still in one piece.Yay.

你说的没错 这里确实有个岛但看起来不太像岛Well, you were right.There is an island.not much of one.

跟我想的差远了This is not what I was expecting.

好了 大伙 听着 把冲上岸的物品收集起来 盘点装备 得找个避难所 快行动吧All right, guys, listen up.We have to gather up everything that washed ashore and take stock of our supplies.We need to find a shelter.Let\'s go.

宝贝你在这呢 我以为你丢了呢 我的心肝There you are, baby.I thought I t you.Oh, yeah.My girl.

我发现一条离开海岸的路Hey, I think I found a way off the beach!

什么声音What was that?

黑漆漆的洞里总是有怪声 继续走 继续走 快走It\'s a scary noise in a dark cave.Keep moving.Keep moving.Go, go.

如果这是天堂 那我就是房客 If this is heaven, I\'m checking in.


- 9

回去干嘛 To do what? 用贝壳或者海草拼个SOS也许有人能看到Spell SOS with seashells and maybe kelp. .海草 外面只有永不停息遇船吞船、遇机吞机的飓风 谁能看见你那SOS啊Kelp? There\'s a boat-eating, plane-eating hurricane out there 24/7.nobody\'s gonna see your kelp.

肖恩说得对 我们得一起找到他爷爷 然后用他的无线电求救Sean\'s absolutely right.We stick together, once he finds his grandfather, use his radio to call for help.

好吧 但我们要是死无全尸 就怪你Fine.Just know that if we get torn to bits, I\'m blaming you.

我也怪你I\'m blaming you too.

你真行Real smooth.

我做了什么?What did I do?

我到底说错什么?或是做错了什么?Seriously, what did I say? What did I do?

防晒指数100 最好能挤出件毛衣来SPF100 ? You squeeze it and a sweater comes out? 你很冷 海军健将 你被晒成土著时 可别来跟我哭Yeah, that\'s funny, navy man.Don\'t come crying to me when you\'re as red as a tomato.


- 10Hurry!

退后 退后 退后Back! Back! Back!

肖恩 到我后面去Sean, get behind me.

肖恩 背包给我Sean, backpack!

退后 退后Back! Back!


- 11Back!

等下再说 肖恩 她害怕了not now, Sean.She\'s scared!

不是 她是冷血动物 很喜欢热源No, she\'s cold-blooded and attracted to heat!

真不给面子 That\'s emasculating.

现在怎么办now what?

只有一个办法了 用拳头招待她 看来弄巧成拙了now there\'s only one thing left.The thunder cookie.I think I just made it worse.

希望她不喜欢波利尼西亚食物Hope she doesn\'t like Polynesian food.

但愿她不喜欢沾上便便的食物I hope she don\'t like food with poop in its pants!

快跑 快跑 快跑Go, go, go!

大家没事吧Everybody okay?


傻站着干嘛 鼓掌啊Well, don\'t just stand there.Applaud!


太神奇了That was amazing.

用求偶的叫声引开蜥蜴 这招总是屡试不爽A pitch-perfect frill-necked lizard mating call.They fall for it all the time.

这是嘎巴托和凯兰妮 他们开直升机送我来的This is Gabato and Kailani.Their helicopter brought us here.


我是肖恩的继父 汉克·帕森斯 我帮肖恩破解你的密电And I\'m Sean\'s stepfather, Hank Parsons.I helped Sean crack your code.

你就是他继父 怪不得这么久才破译You\'re the stepfather? Well, maybe that\'s why it took so long, eh?

有什么难的··不过是把一堆凡尔纳书中的人物转化为摩斯密码After all, how hard can it be to crack a code by converting a string of Vernian characters into a list of dots and dashes.

你大可直接传信息,搞什么密码 Or you could have just sent a meage not in code. 这就说明了为何你不是安德森家的人There it is, definitive proof that you are not an Anderson.

我想我们还是快点离开这里I think it\'s best we get out of here.

那声交尾叫声之后,她可能就认定你当老公了After that mating call, she may have ideas about making you her husband.

真可爱的回马枪 亨利Oh, witty.Good for you, Henry.

我叫汉克 不是亨利 就是汉克The name\'s Hank.It\'s never Henry.Just Hank.

我看你是个很有决断力的人 要不你来带路Ah.I see you\'re a man of incisive decision.

Why don\'t you lead the way?

事实上,我们似乎还想见到明早的太阳 没错 所以你们大家 还是跟我走吧Oh, actually

we want to live through the night.Yes.So maybe you should all follow me.Come on.


- 12



如果你害怕小动物 那你一开始就不该来这 亨利 If you\'re afraid of a few critters, maybe you shouldn\'t have come down here, Henry.

这是神秘岛It is called the Mysterious Island.

那就肯定有很多神秘的事物 地如其名You should\'ve expected mysterious things.It\'s right in the title.

我知道书上怎么写 你想找神秘岛 现在找到了I know what the book says.You wanted to find Mysterious Island.Miion accomplished.

你想找你奶奶 也找到了 天亮我们就走 最后说一次 我叫汉克You wanted to find your Grandmother.Miion accomplished.At daybreak we\'re out of here.And for the last time, it\'s Hank.

干嘛那么着急明天 我带你们去个地方 那一定会让你们叹为观止的What\'s the hurry? Tomorrow, I am gonna show you a place that will take your breath away.

会危险吗?Like forever?

明天就知道了,先睡一会吧 明天可是个大日子You\'re all gonna find out.So let\'s get some shut-eye.It\'s a big day tomorrow.

晚安 亲爱的Good night, honey.

-晚安 爸爸 -晚安- Good night, Papa.Yeah.

那你喜欢什么Well, which one\'s your favorite?

.我喜欢麦克泽皮特克蜗牛Mine\'s the Mxyzptlk snail.

说了你可能不信 但那也是我的最爱You\'re not gonna believe me, but that\'s my favorite too.

那是我瞎编的I just made that up.

麦克泽皮特克根本不是蜗牛 而是超人的一个劲敌Mxyzptlk isn\'t a snail.It\'s one of Superman\'s archenemies.

你真是个把妹高手Way to slay the heart.


想引起一个女人的注意是最难的事之一Getting the attention of a woman is one of the hardest things to do.

好吧我该怎么做 卡萨诺瓦All right.So, what do I do, Casanova?


- 14扔 你后面就有 拿起一个扔过来 别害怕 他们也不会咬你 摘个浆果Throw a berry.There\'s some behind you.Grab one and throw it.Don\'t be afraid, they\'re not gonna bite.Grab a berry.


继续 摘一串 连续扔 来Go ahead, grab a bunch.Rapid-fire, now.

我可不会连续扔I\'m not doing rapid-fire.

你要不喂它们 可是会不停哟They will not stop until you feed them.

喂 不要Feed them? no.

它们饿了They\'re hungry.

我来喂I\'ll feed them.

好 来Attaboy.Come get some.

好了 你准备好了吗 预备 开始Okay, you ready? Ready? Here we go.


准备好了吗 这个可不一样Ready? This one\'s special.

没问题Make this one count.

真不可思议 太厉害了o way, that\'s awesome.

别夸他Stop encouraging him.

这是一种天赋It\'s a gift.

-是一种天赋 -他有天赋- It is a gift.



不知道 但是你再慢点他就要打屁股了快点I don\'t know, but if this goes on much longer, he\'ll blow a hip.Come on.

我知道了Oh! I\'m going.

快点 快点 我们马上就到了Come on, come on.We\'re alt there.

准备好了 叨叨 我要让你窒息了Get ready, Gabby.I\'m about to take your breath away.


现在佩服你奶奶了吧How do you like Grandma now?


好几千年没人住了 叨叨o one\'s been home for thousands of years, Gabby.

有谁能猜一下Can anybody gue

这些是什么what all this is?

你认识吗Do you know?



是海神波塞冬Well, that\'s Poseidon.

-能挪一下吗 -行- Can you move this?



three weeks, we\'ll be on the cover of TIME magazine.

各位 我们有麻烦了Guys.We got a problem.

什么意思What do you talking about?

看这水 这是海水 海水能到达这么深的陆地的唯一可能是从地底下渗出来You see this? It\'s saltwater.The only way saltwater gets this far inland is if it enters the subsoil from below.


所以这个岛快沉了So this island\'s about to go under.

是你的脑子进水了吧 我分析过样本 也计算过数据 这岛还要14年才会沉没The only saltwater here is on your brain.I\'ve analyzed the samples and I\'ve calculated the numbers.This island isn\'t due to sink for 14 years.

亚历山大 你的数据错了Alexander, your numbers are wrong.

你怎么知道And how would you know that?


看 在这里隔水层缝隙里 就能看到 还有那里 这后面I\'ve come acts this as we build over runoff areas.[地盘破坏方式]It\'s called soil liquefaction.Look, you can see it in the cracks in the confining beds all along here, along here, over there, back here.

好吧 你说的有道理Okay, you made your point.

我们还有多长时间Well, how long do we have?

根据这些水 我猜两天 最多三天If I had to gue, based on all this water two, three days max.

然后呢 我没有救生圈Then what? Because I ain\'t no flotation device, man.

走不了那就惨了You gonna be if we don\'t figure this out.

一定有办法离开这里的There must be some way off this island.

我们能造一艘船We could build a boat.

环绕这岛的风暴会把它撕碎The storm around this island will chew it up, spit it out.

我有办法了,我们去找鹦鹉螺I\'ve got something.What about the Nautilus?

那东西能帮忙什么How is an exercise machine gonna help us get out of here?

我是说 鹦鹉螺号尼莫船长1870年造的潜水艇no, no, the Nautilus.Captain Nemo\'s submarine, built in1870 .

好主意 肖恩Well done, Sean.

第16章 凡尔纳说它藏在岛上某处Chapter , Verne wrote it is hidden on the island.

如果能及时找到,我们可以绕过飓风回到帕劳If we can make it there in time, we can ride it under the hurricane back to Palau.

但是 问题是它在哪?Okay.One question :Where is it? 只有一个人能告诉我们答案 那就是尼莫船长There\'s only one man who can tell us that and that is Captain Nemo himself.

达卡岩穴 尼莫船长的长眠之地 传说他的船员把他埋这里了The Dakkar Grotto.The final resting place of Captain Nemo.Legend has it his crew buried him there.


他的航海日志 它会告诉我们鹦鹉螺号的位置I\'ll tell you 2012-09-23

- 17Papa loves you.Ce.It\'s Hindi.

是的 尼莫来自印度Yeah, nemo\'s from India.

这里写着鹦鹉螺号位于岛另一头的玄武岩洞里,就在波塞冬崖的下面 我知道那地方It says here that the Nautilus is in a basalt cave on the other side of the island, just under Poseidon\'s Cliffs.I know this place.

我们得去那里That\'s where we gotta go.

怎么去比较好What\'s the best way there?

很难说Well, now, that depends.

最安全的办法是沿着海岸线走,但最快的办法是直穿过岛中心The safest way is around the shoreline but the fastest way is acro the heart of the island.

你觉得呢 汉克What do you think, Hank?

-没得选 只能求快 -他说的对- I think we got no choice.The quickest way.



underneath the island.

快走 快快 走We gotta move.Let\'s go.Move.Move.

等等 那是什么Wait, what is that?

是火山灰吗Volcanic ash?

看起来像是 It looks like Gold.

纯金Pure gold.

是史蒂文森小说《金银岛》提到的宝藏 火山喷出来的就是构成它的东西 如果喷出来的是金子 那这座山就是The treasure Stevenson talked about in Treasure Island.Volcanoes are made of what they erupt.So if that thing\'s erupting gold, then it\'s.

金山 A mountain of gold.一定蕴藏了大量金矿 我们去看看Must be maive gold deposits.Let\'s go check it out.

等等 那太费时间了 我们没那么多时间Hold on.That\'ll take us days out of our way.We don\'t have the time.

挤点时间 这可是座金山哪 是科学上的重大发现啊Let\'s make the time.Volcanic gold? That\'s a huge scientific breakthrough.

知道 但我们必须快去找鹦鹉螺号I understand, but we gotta get to the Nautilus.

汉克 我不是小孩子了 我也有决定权Hank, I\'m not just a little kid.Okay? I get a say in this too.

肖恩 我得对你负责 不能拿你的生命冒险Sean, I am responsible for you.I\'d never take a chance with your life.

你不能命令他做什么或不做什么 你不是他爸Hey, hey, you can\'t tell him what to do.You\'re not his father.

据我所知 你这个爷爷当得也不称职From what I hear you haven\'t been much of a grandfather.

我在各方面给他树立榜样 科学 探险 梦想 你给过他什么?I have given him something to live up to.Science, adventure, wonder.What have you ever given him?

我给过他很多 其中一项是责任感 你显然不具备此项I\'ve given him a lot of things, a sense of responsibility being one of them.Something clearly you don\'t have.

不能去 我们要快走 没得商量You\'re not going.We\'re getting out of here.End of discuion.

肖恩 求你 我们得快离开这个岛Sean, please.We have to get off this island.

再见啦 金子Bye-bye, gold.

你没事吧Hey, you okay?


只是 我不需要汉克成日管着我It\'s just, you know, I don\'t need Hank trying to tell me what to

do all the time.

我爸也管的很多,总把我弄得很难堪My dad\'s always trying to get involved too, but he usually ends up embarraing me.

是吗 怎么说Yeah? How?


- 19Bird poop?

那肯定是只巨鸟.That must be one giant bird! 到树林里去Into the trees!

它看起来很饿That thing looks hungry!


- 20



-准备好了吗 -好了- Ready?Good.

你会唱歌You can sing?

会一点儿A little bit.


音乐是天然止痛药 给他唱首歌吧Music is nature\'s painkiller.Sing him a song.


唱一个吧Come on.


别担心Don\'t worry.

给你唱首特别的I got something special for you.


来吧All right.

这能让我不那么疼Oh, that\'s gonna make me feel better?

别急 得先调好音 一个大男人弹一把小吉他 有点浪费Slow it down.Just gotta get in tune.Takes a big man to play a little guitar.

听众牺牲更大And an even bigger one to listen.

i}我看到树木葱葱茏茏I see trees of green

i}玫瑰娇艳欲滴Red roses too

i}看到她们为你我I see them bloom

i}倾情绽放For me and for you

i}我想And I think to


i}多么美好的世界What a wonderful world

i}看到巨蜂I see giant bees and

i}我要告诉你I could have told you


- 22



you really want.

谁帮你做生意 更何况我们负担不起Who\'s gonna help you at work? Plus we can\'t afford it.

别这么说 你想上大学 那就去上 明白吗 老爸能搞定 我保证Don\'t say that.You wanna go to college, you can go to college.Okay? I can make that happen.I promise.

谢谢 爸爸Thanks, Papa.

汉克 汉克 快起来Hank.Hank, get up.

情况不对 大家快起来Something\'s wrong here.Everybody up!

这水从哪来的Where\'d this water come from?

看来液化速度一夜之间快了三倍It looks like the liquefaction rate tripled overnight.

什么意思What\'s that mean?

也就是说这座岛比预期沉得还快It means this island is sinking a lot faster than we thought.

我记得你说有几天时间I thought you said a couple of days.

现在看来只剩几个小时了Now more like a couple of hours.

几个小时A couple of hours?

我们得快点找到潜水艇We need to get to that sub

要么就等着沉到海底两万里吧or we\'ll all be leagues under the sea.

爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa!

-他不见了 -别着急- He\'s gone.



把你手机给我Let me see your phone.

地图给我Let me see this thing.

现在有两张了now we have two.

汉克 干得好Hank, well done.

谢谢你Thank you.

叫我汉克For calling me Hank.


小心点Be careful.

走吧 宝贝Come on, darling.

一会儿见 我保证I\'ll see you soon.I promise.

准备好了吗 肖恩Ready, Sean?


走吧Come on.

好疼 那里也疼 金子 美梦成真了not that there! That hurt too! Gold.Our prayers have been answered.

海神三叉戟在这 潜水艇本该在这里呀There\'s Poseidon\'s Trident, right where it\'s supposed to be.

我们要找悬崖 这是海岸We need the cliff.This is just shoreline.

鹦鹉螺号应该就在这儿的洞穴里The autilus is suped to be inside of a cave right here.

或许地图错了Maybe the map is wrong.

我看看Let me see it.

肖恩 是这里没错Sean, we are in the right place.

那洞穴在哪 鹦鹉螺号在哪Well, then where\'s the cave? Where\'s the autilus?

下面Down there.

二十四小时内海平面升高了一百英尺The sea level\'s risen over feet in the last hours.

不敢相信 我们来晚了 完蛋了I can\'t believe this is happening.We\'re too late.It\'s over.

不 没有 没关系o, it\'s not.It\'s okay.It\'s okay.

我们仔细想想 想办法 有了We just gotta think.We just gotta think of a way to get.I got it.

-什么 -潜水气瓶- What?Yeah.

我们要物尽其用 自制潜水气袋Okay, so we take what we salvaged from the beach, and we build makeshift scuba tanks.

尽量深呼吸 不要拖拉下沉时注意保持耳内气压平衡No short breaths.No wasted movements.Make sure you equalize ear preure as you go down.


- 25Yeah.

等等 你这是往哪走Wait, which way are you going?

说实话 我也不确定Frankly, I\'m not sure.

你不确定 我们时间不多了You\'re not sure? Look, we\'re running out of time.

好吧 哪面是北Well, which way\'s north?

这个方向 不对 不 不是那边 是这边 这里磁干扰太强This way.no.no, that\'s not it.It\'s this way.We\'re getting too much magnetic friction.

什么意思What does that mean?

就是我们迷路了It means we\'re t.

成功了We made it.

鹦鹉螺号The Nautilus.

走Come on.

肖恩 给我手电筒Sean, give me the flashlight.

把它发动起来 然后去跟他们会合Let\'s power this up and get to the others.

没指南针怎么找北How do we find north without a compa?


- 26Yeah.

很好 只要充一下电,咱们就能出发了Great.One good charge from that thing out there, we\'re gonna be on our way.

好 但你得平安归来Okay.But I need you to come back.

当然 不然谁给你开潜水艇Of course.Somebody\'s gotta help you pilot this thing.

不 我是说no, I mean.

如果有人问起 我绝不承认这话 你一定要平安归来 身边已经有很多人离我而去 我不想你也成为其中一个Look, if anybody ever asks, I\'m gonna deny that I ever said this.But I need you to come back.I\'ve had a lot of people take off on me in my life and I don\'t want you to be one of them.

出发之前,我向你妈保证会照顾好她的宝贝儿子 你不仅是她儿子 也是我的家人 我答应你 为了你我会平安回来,好吗?Before we left, I told your mom that I was gonna take care of her son.You\'re not just her son.You\'re my family too now.I promise you I\'ll come back for you.Okay?


现在某人也要去探险了 Now, who\'s up for an adventure? 他们在哪Where are they?


- 27Yeah!

-太好了 -太好了- Yes!Do it, do it.You can do it.


- 28Car! 六个月后

继续Game on!

这是今天第三次了 爸爸 我很好For the third time today, Papa, I\'m fine.

我听说加州有.2.3级地震,离俄亥俄州近吗?Yeah, but I heard there was a 2.3 magnitude earthquake in Ojai.Is that anywhere near Ohio?

离这有两千英里呢你不必担心什么地震It\'s miles away.You don\'t need to worry about any earthquakes.

-火山呢 -也不用- What about volcanoes? -no.

大鸟呢Giant birds?

再见 爸爸 我爱你Goodbye, Papa.I love you.

我爱你 宝贝I love you, sweetne.

帮我祝肖恩生日快乐 我过会儿再打给你 五分钟之后 行吗Hey, can you wish Sean a happy birthday for me? And maybe I\'ll call you later.Say, in five minutes?

再见 爸爸Bye, Papa.

我爱你 宝贝 再见I love you, baby.Bye.

好 大家准备好出发了吗Okay, are we ready for the journey?!

大家好 抱歉我来晚了Hello.Hey, guys.I\'m sorry I\'m late.

亲爱的 你真漂亮Hey, darling.You look wonderful.

见到你真高兴Good to see you.

来一下Come here for a second.

-生日快乐 -你教子有方- Happy birthday.We are raising a great man.

先打开这个Open this one first.


- 2930 - Cathy


I’m going to talk today about energy and climate.And that might seem a bit surprising because my full-time work at the foundation is mostly about vaccines and seeds,about the things that we need to invent and deliver to help the poorest two billion live better lives.

But energy and climate are extremely important to these people,in fact,more important than anyone else on the planet.The climate getting worse means that many years that many years,their crops won’t grow .There will be too much rain,not enough rain,things will change in ways that their fragile environment simply can’t support.And that leads to starvation,it leads to uncertainty,it leads to unrest.So, the price of energy is very important to them.In fact, if you could pick just one thing to lower th- e price of, to reduce poverty, by far you would pick energy.Now ,the price of energy has become down over time.Really advanced civilization is based on advances in energy.The coal revolution fueled the Industrial Revolution, and,even in 1990s we’ve seen a very rapid decline in the price of electricity, and that’s why we have refrigerators,air-conditioning, we can make modern materials and do so many things.And so ,we’re in a wonderful situation with electricity in the rich world.But, as we make it cheaper-and let’s go for making it twice as cheap-we need to meet a new constrain,and that constrain has to do with CO2.CO2 is warning the planet, and the equation on CO2 is actually a very straightforward one.If you sum up the CO2 that gets emitted,that leads to a temperature increase, and that temperature increase leads to some very negative effects: the effects on the weather, perhaps worse, the indirect effects,in that the nature ecosystems can’t adjust to these rapid changes, and so you get ecosystem collapses.Now, the exact amount of how you map from a certain increase of CO2 to what temperature will be and where the positive feedback are, there’s some uncertainty there,but not very much.And there’s certainly uncertainty about how bad those effects will be, but they will be extremely bad.I asked the top scientists on this several times.Do we really have to get down to near zero? Can’t we just cut it in half or a quarter? And the answer is that until we get near to zero,the temperature will continue to rise.And so that’s a big challenge.It’s very different than saying “We’re a twelve-foot-high truck trying to get under a ten-foot bridge, and we can just sort of squeeze under.” This is something that has to get to zero.Now,we put out of a lot of carbon dioxide every year, over 26 billion tons.For each American, it’s about 20 tons; for people in poor countries,it’s le than one ton.It’s an average of about five tons for everyone on the planet.And, somehow, we have to make changes that will bring that down to zero.It’s been constantly going up.It’s only various economic changes that have been flattened it at all, so we have to go from rapid rising to falling, and falling all the way to zero.This equation has four factors, a little bit of multiplication: So, you’re got a thing on the left,CO2,that you want to get to zero,and that’s going to be based on the number of people,the services each person’s using on average,the energy on average for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy.So ,let’s look at each one of these and see how we get this down to zero.Probably, one of this number is going to have to get pretty near to zero.Now that’s back from high school algebra,but let’s take a look.First, we’ve got population.The world today has 6.8 billion people.That’s headed up to about nine billion.Now ,if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by ,perhaps, 10 or 15 percent, but there we see an increase of about 1.3.The second factor is the services we use.This encompa everything: the foot we eat, clothing, TV,heating.These are very good things:getting rid of poverty means providing these services to almost everyone on the planet.And it’s a great thing for this number to go up.In the rich world,perhaps the top one billion,we probably could cut back and use le,but every year, this numer, on average,is going to go up,and so, over all,that will more than double,the services delivered per person. Here we have a very basic service: Do you have lighting in your house to be able to read your homework? And, in fact,these kids don’t,so they’re going out and reading their school work under the street lamps.Now, efficiency,E,the energy for each service,here finally we have some good news.We have something that’s not going up.Through various inventions and new ways of doing lighting through different types of car,different ways of building--there are a lot of services where you can bring the energy for that service down quite substantially.There are other services like how we make fertilizer,or how we do air transport,where the rooms for improvement are far ,far le.And so,overall here,if we’re optimistic,we may get a reduction of a factor of three to even,perhaps, a factor of six.

But for these first three factors now,we’ve gone from 26billion to, at best,may 13 billion tons, and that just won’t cut it.So let’s look at this fourth factor-this is going to be a key one-and this is the amount of CO2 put out per each unit of energy.And so the question is:can you actually get that to zero? If you burn coal,no.If you burn natural gas,no.Almost every way make electricity today,except for the emerging renewables and nuclear,puts out CO2.And so,what we’re going to have to do at a global scale,is create a new system.And so,we need energy miracles.Now, when I use the term “miracle,” I don’t mean something that’s impoible.The microproceor is a miracle.The personal computer is a miracle.The Internet and its services are miracles.So, the people here have participated in the creation of many miracles.Usually, we don’t have a deadline,where you have to get the miracle by a certain date.Usually, you just kind of stand by and some come along.This is a case where we actually have to drive at full speed and get a miracle in a pretty tight timeline.

Now I thought, “how could I really capture this?Is there some kind of natural illustration,some demonstration that would grab people’s imagination here?” I thought back to a year ago when I brought mosquitos, and somehow people enjoyed that.It really got them involved in the ideal of, you know,there are people who live with mosquitos.So, with energy, all I could come up with is this.I decided that releasing fireflies would be my contribution to the environment here this year.So here we have some natural fireflies.I’m told they don’t bite, in fact,they might not even leave that jar.Now,there all sorts of gimmicky solutions like that one,but they don’t really add up to much.We need solutions-either one or several-that have unbelievable scale and unbelievable reliability, and, although there’s many directions people are seeking, I really only see five that can achieve the big numbers.I’ve left out tide, geothermal,fusion, biofuels.Those may make some contribution, and if they can do better than I expect, so much the better, but my key point here is that we’ve going to have to work on each of these five, and we can’t give up any of them because they look daunting,because they all have significant challenges.Let’s look first at the burning foil fuels,either burning coal or burning natural gas.What you need to do there,seems like it might be simple,but it’s not, and that’s to take all the CO2, after you’ve burned it, going out the flue,preurize it, create a liquid, put it somewhere,and hope it stays there.Now we have some pilot things that do this at the 60 to 80 percent level, but getting to that full percentage,that will be very tricky, and agreeing on where these CO2 quantities should be put will be hard, but the toughest one here is this long-term iue.Who’s going to be sure? Who’s going to guarantee something that is literally billions of time large than any type of of wasted you think of in terms of nuclear or other things? This is a lot of volume.So that’s a tough one.

Next would be nuclear.It also has three big problems: Cost, particularly in highly regulated countries,is high, the iue of the the safety, really feeling good about nothing could go wrong ,that,even though you have these human operators,that the fuel doesn’t get used for weapons.And then what do you do with the waste? And ,although it’s not very large, there are a lot of concerns about that.People need to feel good about it.So three very tough problems that might be solvable,and so ,should be worked on.The last three of the five,I’ve grouped together.These are what people often refer to as the renewable.And they actually--although it’s great they don’t require fuel -they have some disadvantages.One of that the density of energy gathered in these technologies is dramatically le than a power plan.This is energy farming, so you’re talking about many square miles, thousands of time more area than you think of as a normal energy plant.Also, these are intermittent sources.The sun doesn’t shine all day,it doesn’t shine every day, and,likewise,the wind doesn’t blow all the time.And also, if you depend on these sources,you have to have some way of getting the energy during those time period that’s it’s not a available.So, we’ve got big cost challenges here,we have transmiion challenges: for example,say this energy source is outside your country; you not only need the technology, but you have to deal with the risk of the energy coming from elsewhere.And finally, this storage problem.And, to dimensionalize this, I went through and looked at all types of batteries that get made--for cars, for computers, for phones, for flashlights, for everything--and compared that to the amount of electricity energy the world uses,and what found is that all the batteries we make now could store le than 10 minutes of all the energy.And so, in fact, we need a big breakthrough here, something that’s going to be a factor of 100 better than the approaches we have now.It’s not impoible, but it’s not a easy thing .Now, this shows up when you try to get the intermittent source to be above,say, 20 to 30 percent of what you’re using.If you’re counting on it for 100 percent,you need a miracle battery.Now, how we’re going to go forward on this--what’s the right approach? Is it a Manhattan Project? What’s the thing that can get using.What’s the thing that can get us there? Well, we need lots of companies working on this,hundreds.In each of these five paths, we need at le a hundred people.And a lot of them,you’ll look at and say, “they’re crazy”.That’s good.And, I think, here in the TED group.We have many people who are already pursuing this.Bill Gro has several companies, including one called eSolar that has some great solar thermal technologies.Vinod Khosla’s investing in dozens of companies that are doing great things and have interesting poibilities, and I’m trying to help back that.Nathan Myhrvold and I actually are backing a company that, perhaps surprisingly,is actually taking the nuclear approach.There are some innovation in nuclear: modular, liquid.And innovation really stopped in this industry quite some ago, so the idea that there’s some good ideas laying around is not all that surprising.The idea of TerraPower is that, instead of burning a part of uranium-the one percent, which is the U235-we decided, “Let’s burn the 99 percent, the U238.” It’s kind of crazy idea.In fact,people had talked about it for a long time, but they could never simulate properly whether it would work or not, and so it’s through the advent of modern supercomputers that now you can simulate and see that, yes, with the right material’s approach, this looks like it would work.And, because you’re burning that 99 percent you have greatly improved cost profile.You actually burn up the waste, and you can actually use as fuel all the leftover waste from today’s reactors.So, instead of worrying about them, you just take that.It’s a great thing.It breathes this uranium as it goes along, so it’s kind of like a candle.You can see it’s a log here, often referred to as a traveling wave reactor.In terms of fuel, this really solves the problem.I’ve got a picture here of a place in Kentucky.This is the leftover, the 99 percent, where they’ve taken out the part they burn now, so it’s called depleted uranium.That would power the U.S for hundreds of years.And, simply by filtering seawater in an inexpensive proce, you’d have enough fuel for the entire lifetime of the rest of the planet.So, you know, it’s got lot’s of challenges ahead,but it is an example of the many hundreds and hundreds of ideas that we need to move forward.So let’s think:How should we measure ourselves? What should our report card look like? Well, let’s go out to where we really need to get, and then look at the intermediate.For 2050, you’ve heard many people talk about this 80 percent reduction.That really is very important,that we get there.And that 20 percent will be used up by things going on in poor countries, still some agriculture, hopefully we will have cleaned up forestry, cement.So, to get that percent, the developed countries, including countries like China, will have had to switch their electricity generation altogether.So, the other grade is: Are we deploying this zero-emiion technology, have we deployed in all the developed countries and we’re in the proce of getting it elsewhere? That’s super important.That’s a key element of making the report card.So, backing up from there,what should the 2020 report card look like? Well, again, it should go through these efficiency measures to start getting reductions.The le we emit, the le that sum will be of CO2, and, therefore, the le the temperature.But in some ways, the grade we get there,doing things that don’t get us all the way to the big reductions,is only equally, or maybe even slightly le,important than the other, which is the piece of innovation on these breakthroughs.These breakthroughs, we need to move those at full speed, and we can measure that in terms of companies, pilot projects, regulatory things that have been changed.There’s a lot of great books that have been written about this.The Al Gore, “our choice” and the David Mckay book, “Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air.” They really go through it and created a framework that this can be discued broadly,because we need broad backing for this.There’s a lot that has to come together.So this is a wish.It’s a very concrete wish that we invent this technology.If you gave me only one wish for the next 50 years-I can pick who’s president, I can keep a vaccine, which is something I love, or I could pick that this thing that’s half the cost with no CO2 gets invented-this is the wish I would pick.This is the one with the greatest impact.If we don’t get this wish, the division between the people who think short term and long term will be terrible, between the U.S.and China ,between poor countries and rich, and most of all the lives of those two billion will far worse.So, what do we have to do ? What am I appealing you to step forward and drive? We need to go for more research funding.When countries get together in places like Copenhagen, they shouldn’t just discu the CO2.They should discu this innovation agenda, and you’d be stunned at the ridiculously low level of spending on these innovation approaches.We do need the market incentives-CO2 tax,cap and trade something that gets that price signal out there.We need to get the maage out.We need to have this dialogue to be a more rational, more understandable dialogue, including the steps that the government takes.This is an important wish, but it is one think we can achieve.Thank you!

第20篇:疯狂原始人 中 英文字幕

1 太阳升起,又是新的一天

With every sun comes a new day. 2 一个崭新的开始 A new beginning. 3 人们总是希望今天比昨天强

A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 4 对我来说无所谓,我是伊普 But not for me.My name\'s Eep. 5 这是我的家族:克鲁德一家 And this is my family.The Croods. 6 注意到没? 从我们穿的兽皮

If you weren\'t clued already, by animal skin 7 和倾斜的前额,就能猜出我们是原始人。 and sloping forehead, we are cavemen. 8 大多时候,我们呆在

Most days we spend in our cave, 9 黑暗的洞穴里 in the dark. 10 日复一日,夜复一夜

Night after night, day after day. 11 多可爱的家啊

Yep.Home sweet home.

我们出去的时候,为了寻找食物而奔波在 When we did go out, we struggled to find food 13

这个严酷而又冷漠的世界上。 in a harsh and hostile world. 14

而我,还得拼命忍受我的家人。 And I struggled to survive my family. 15


We were the last ones around. 16


There used to be neighbors. 17


The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. 18


The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. 19

尔夫家族,蚊子叮死了 The Erfs, mosquito bite. 20

施洛克家族,得感冒死了 The Throgs, common cold. 21

克鲁德家族...就是我们啦! And the Croods...That\'s us. 22

克鲁德家族能够生存下来,多亏我父亲 The Croods made it, because of my dad. 23 他很强大,而且遵守规则

He was strong, and he followed the rules, 24 在我家的穴墙上刻着一条训语: the ones painted on our cave walls: 25 新鲜无好货,好奇害死猫

Anything new is bad.Curiosity is bad. 26 晚上莫出门

Going out at night is bad. 27 基本上,任何有趣的事物碰不得 Basically, anything fun is bad. 28 欢迎来到我们的世界里 Welcome to my world. 29 而我要给大家讲述的是:这一切都在瞬间被改变了。

But this is a story about how all that changed in an instant. 30 因为我们不知道这个世界

Because what we didn\'t know was that our world 31 最终会带领我们去向何方 was about to come to an end. 32 我们家的穴墙上也没有刻写

And there were no rules on our cave walls


如何应对瞬息万变的世界 to prepare us for that. 34


You\'re supposed to wait for my signal, Eep. 35 伊普 Eep. 36

我感觉呆在这个洞里快一辈子了 We\'ve been in that cave forever. 37

才三天而已,不算很长 Three days is not forever. 38

和家人在一起就算长了 It is with this family. 39

伊普,你能不能下来会? Eep, will you come down here? 40


You\'re being so...so dramatic. 41

不,不,不,珊迪,回到这儿 No, no, no, Sandy, come back here! 42


Remember the signal.Good girls wait for the signal. 43



Ugga! -As soon as I get Sandy, I\'ll go back in, 53 and you can give the signal. 44 不行,你不是已经在外面了吗? No.But you\'re already out now. 45 爸爸,我在等信号呢!

I am waiting for the signal, Dad!

46 不要紧,桑克,只管走出来

Never mind, Thunk.Just come out. 47 但是你不给我信号,我怎么知道你是我父亲呢?

But if you don\'t give me the signal, how do I know you\'re my dad? 48 信号并不是意味着那个是我,而是表明我没有被怪物吃掉。

The signal isn\'t so you know it\'s me.It\'s so you know I wasn\'t eaten by an animal. 49 那为什么信号是怪物的声音

Then why is the signal an animal noise? 50 我是说,这会让人搞不明白

I mean, doesn\'t that just confuse things? 51 我还是等你的信号再出来 I\'m still waiting for the signal. 52 妈妈,我们准备离开了! Mom, we\'re ready to leave!

妈妈? Mom? 54

还活着! Still alive! 55

天很早呢 It\'s still early. 56

你还是那么胖 And you\'re still fat. 57

排成早餐队列! Breakfast formation! 58


I want to see some real caveman action out there! 59

要干就干得迅速点、响亮点 We do this fast.We do this loud, 60

像一家人那样齐心协力 we do this as a family, 61


and never not be afraid! 62

疯狂原始人 THE CROODS 63

Translated by owenlee Subtitles by Bambula 64 耶...早餐...Yay...breakfast... 65 Okay, who\'s up? We\'ll flip for it.好,谁在上面?我们翻个筋斗 Okay, who\'s up? We\'ll flip for it. 66 在空中联络她,我的头! Call her in the air.Heads! 67 跟上,桑克过来,各就各位! Tails.Thunk\'s in.Positions! Tails.Thunk\'s in.Positions! 68 好了,桑克去吧! Okay.Thunk, go! 69 桑克,加油! Come on, Thunk. 70 往那去!把它带到洞穴里! Way to go! Take it to the cave! 71 放下婴儿!

Release the baby! 72 珊迪,去抓住他们! Get \'em, Sandy, go! 73 妈妈,抓住他们! Get them, Mom!


老太婆趴下了! Old lady down! 75

伊普,为我报仇! Eep, avenge me! 76 谢了 Thanks. 77

伊普,注意了! Eep!Looks like fast food tonight! 86 不打紧,我上周吃过了

That\'s all right.I ate last week. 87 警告你们,两指相交了! Two knuckle warning! 88 赶紧走吧 Go, go, go. 89 快点跟上

Come on, come on. 90 我们都知道黑暗笼罩着死亡的阴影 Darkne brings death! We know this. 91 满月了,月光浴啊!

The moon is full.Bath night. 92 赶紧逃命吧!妈妈,你也是! Run for your life!You know she hates the cave, Grug. 97


Please come back tomorrow. 98

她怎么不喜欢洞穴里,那儿很舒服啊 How can she not like the cave? It\'s so cozy. 99

洞穴有点黑,不是吗? It is a little dark, right? 100

没你说得那么黑 It\'s not that dark. 101

伊普! Eep! 102

快来吧,我得关掉洞穴了 Come on, I gotta close the cave. 103 伊普! Eep! 104 好的! Okay! Okay! 105 快啊 Come on. 106

伊普!快下来! Eep! Come down! 107 差点就没命了!I was watching.I was 116

没人说生存是件轻松的事 No one said survival is fun. 117 fine. 108 伊普,你在那里干什么?你到底在找什么?I don\'t know.Nothing. 109 好吧,你为什么要到上面去呢?- 我不知道I don\'t know!我的意思是:我们来这里做什么?

What was that?葛瓦格?Grug?可以,没问题...Yes.Okay...好主意 How about a story? Eep loves those.来, 给我们讲个故事 How about a story, huh?是的, 没错 Grug!不过,当她爬到树顶不久,看到一些新的事物

What?就像这样? died.好了, 锃锃牙齿

Good man, Thunk.你能说话? Air...什么? 葛瓦格! Eep\'s gone.不! 不要! No! It\'s mine!No! No! 159


But it is dying!I can fix it.Please... 160


Please.I hate the dark. 161


Come on, come on... 162


It does what you tell it? 163

嗯, 是的, 有那么一点 Well, yeah, sort of. 164

太阳?No, no.Fire. 165

喂, 阿火It\'s not alive. 166

但你说它快要死掉了 But you said it was dying. 167 抱歉It comes from where you came from? 168 不是, 我造的它Make some for me. 169 好吧! 它不是我所具备的Make. 170 造吧, 制造它! Make.Make it! 171 你太过份了 You do this a lot. 172 你不会死掉了吧? 如果你死了,我能用你的火吗?

Are you dead? Can I have your fire if you\'re dead? 173 嘿, 那东西瓦凉瓦凉的! 你看呢? Listening shells, activate.Hey, those are cold! You think? Listening shells, activate. 174 我赞同,虎妹, 我们得马上离开

I concur.Tiger girl, we need to leave immediately. 175 我都不认识你

I don\'t even know you.


我是盖.Guy? 177


And this is Belt.Cook, conversationalist, navigator, 178

而且还能帮我系裤带 also keeps my pants up. 179

系裤带?Who are you? 180

伊普.Let me clarify, Eep.The world is ending. 181

什么?I\'m calling it...\"The End.\" 182

你是怎么知道的?I\'ve seen it.It\'s coming this way. 183

首先, 地面开始晃动.然后裂开.

First, the ground is gonna shake.Then it breaks open. 184

所有的一切都陷下去了 Everything falls in. 185


Fire.Lava.I don\'t mean to sound too dramatic, but... 186 相信我, 我们脚下的所有一切都会消失殆尽。

Believe me, everything we\'re standing on, all Hey! 196

爸爸!Are you hurt? What took you? 197 this right here, will be gone. 187 我们得出高点的地方.我知道有座山, We\'ve got to get to high ground.I know a mountain, 188 那个地方, 可能是我们唯一的机会 that way.It\'s our only chance. 189 跟我一块吧 Come with me. 190 我不能.Okay. 191 看这儿 Here. 192 如果你能活下来, 用它呼叫我 If you survive, call me. 193 谢谢

Thank you. 194 喂? Hello? 195 嘿!

没有谁,我是自己出来的 Nothing.I left on my own. 198

你...什么?- 爸, 你听我说

You...what?妈妈! Eep!你绝对想不到

Eep?新奇是个大问题 New?伊普, 呆在我们的保护圈里

Wait.Wait.It was beautiful. 217

你想看看危险? 这里

You want to see dangerous? Here. circle. 208 但那不是坏事New is always bad. 209 不是,他很好- 什么? 再说一遍? 他? No.He was nice.它很漂亮


噢! 我的鼻子!Okay, Eep, that\'s it. 219


We\'re going back to the cave and you\'re going to stay in there until you\'re older than... 220

她!What? 221


You can\'t keep me inside forever! 222

他说过这个(山摇地动)将要发生 He said this would happen. 223

快回到洞穴里 Get to the cave. 224

赶快回去! Go! 225 小心! Look out! 226 打住! Stop! 227 大家没事吧?Yes. 228 葛瓦格, 我们的洞穴...没了 Grug, the cave.It\'s gone. 229 不...No... 230 你们快过来看看这里 You really need to see this. 231 我们得过去那儿!No.No. 232 哪里都不要去

No one is going anywhere. 233 那个男孩还说了什么? What else did that boy say? 234 快点跟上,葛瓦格!Just go.Go! Go! 235 一,二,三,四,五...One, two, three, four, five... 236 六 Six. 237 我们这是在哪?I don\'t know.


下来,到低点的地方 Down.In a lower place. 239

有件事已成定局:我们不能原地返回了 One thing\'s for sure, we can\'t go back the way we came. 240

桑迪? 这是什么? Sandy? What is it? 241

不,不,等等,桑迪,回来 No, no.Wait.Come back, Sandy. 242

我们不能像这样毫无遮掩出去 We can\'t be out in the open like this. 243

我们需要一个洞穴 We need a cave. 244

站到我现在落脚的地方来 Now step where I step 245

就这样,保持安静! Okay.Stay quiet. 246

但愿没有什么大怪物得知我们来到这了 Hopefully nothing big knows we\'re here yet. 247

等等! 好了 Wait! Okay. 248

等等! 好了 Wait! Okay. 249 等等! Wait! 250 再等等! Wait! 251 好了,等等! Okay.Wait. 252 停下 Wait. 253 爸爸,只是想搞清楚, 我们是在找一模一样的洞穴吗? So Dad, just to be clear, are we looking for the exact same cave? 254 好吧,如果是我...如果是我选择洞穴的话,我会把这个丢到那里

Okay.If it was me...I was throwing this out there.If it was me choosing the cave, 255 我会找个小点的洞穴

I would go with a smaller cave. 256 等等! Wait! 257 爸!I\'ll take care of this. 258 好的, 老爸, 抓住他们 All right, Dad, go get ’em.


呵呵! 我喜欢这个 Hah! I\'m loving this. 260

老爸, 我搞懂了 不要靠近他们的拳头! Dad, I got this.Just stop running to their fists! 261

葛瓦格, 事情处理后,我们就得上路了 Grug, when you\'re done, we should get going. 262

没错! 你不能错过这些!

That\'s right! You can\'t get past this! 263


Climb! Climb! Climb! 264

快跑! Move! 265

快到洞穴里去! Cave! Go! Go! 266


Come on, hurry up! Let\'s go! Come on! 267


Hey, look! This cave has a tongue! Awesome! 268






Okay.That\'s one, two, three, four, five... 269


Six.天竺鼠? Cavies!没错! See their bony, sloping foreheads?是啊.The huge primitive teeth?对.

That one\'s even got a tail!不,不,是火.

The sun is in his hands!他制造的.

Where did it come from?这可不是从他身上出来的.Make some for me!哇嘿! 离它远点! 我们还没搞清楚这究竟是个什么玩意

Oh, it\'s a baby sun!嘿, 离它远点! What a cute little guy.你父亲,他要杀了我?

Hi.哦, 不好意思.我们是克鲁德人! Who are you people?你好,盖 Guy.我爸只关心找洞穴

It\'s too far.葛瓦格,我心里没底 It just feels right.坚持住, 你能行的 Dad, I gotta go!别废话!Quit it!算了,我不怪它! Something bit me!不行 Dad, can I take a turn carrying him?不行!不行! What about now?Now?背个一整天都累不倒我的 Now?等不及了! We\'ll eat when we get there.宠物是什么?What\'s a pet?不,请不要! It\'s...food!我才不紧张呢 You look tense.捕猎

What are they doing?不够啊 So, win-win.Oh, look at that. 408

她不会是要把我也给吃掉吧? She\'s not gonna eat me, right? 409

不太瘦了,如果她要吃谁的话,应该是...You\'re too skinny.If she was going to eat anyone, it would be... 410

妈妈! 她真下口了!

Mom! She locked her jaw! 411

离远点! 你这个老怪物!

Stay away! You sick old monster! 412 赶快! 把那只木棍塞到她嘴里去! Hurry! Put the stick in her mouth! 413 把她用岩石稳住

Hold her still.Use a rock. 414 你能不能只戳她的脚? Would you just hit her legs? 415 你为什么要溜开? Why are you rolling away? 416 我只是想找点吃的! I just want something to eat! 417 你不是刚吃过虫子了吗.那么多! You had bug for dinner.Plenty of bug! 418 求你了! 你可以让你帮我打猎 Please! I\'ll let you help me hunt. 419 真的吗?Don\'t wait on me! 420 00:41:25,634 -->00:41:27,633 牢记我的教训 Tell my story. 421 好了.What do you call this? 422 陷阱.What is the deal? 423 嗯...Well... 424


How long have you been alone? 425

我们这是干嘛呢? So what do we do? 426


How\'s your acting? 427

看来你很在行啊 You\'re good at this. 428

抱歉,不,没事.Excuse me. 429

这是我的胳膊!Okay, I\'m moving it... 430

它可没踩到你的陷阱里头Yeah, I noticed! 431

伊普在哪里? Where\'s Eep? 432

她太强悍了.She\'s awesome. 433 伊普!Dad, no! 434 天助我也,放开吃吧! It\'s an avalanche of flavor! 435 看来,我们吃得真干净,一点残羹剩菜都没留? Looks like we won\'t have any leftovers. 436 什么是残羹剩菜? What are leftovers? 437 你知道的,当你有很多食物吃不完,留下来的就是残羹剩菜

You know, when you have so much food to eat you have some left over. 438 嗯, 我们从没吃过那么多

Well, we never have that much food. 439 葛瓦格, 讲个故事如何? Grug, how about a story? 440 好主意,讲个故事好不好? That\'s a good idea.How about a story, huh? 441 好啊, 给我们讲个故事吧! Yeah, a story! Tell us a story! 442 从前有一只小老虎

Once upon a time there was a little tiger 443


who lived in a cave with her family. 444


There were a lot of rules, but the big, simple one was 445


to never leave the cave at night. 446

门很重,这条规矩应该很容易记住 And the door was so heavy, Do you think it would be easy to remember? 447

太容易记了.I know. 448


But while everyone was asleep, 449

小老虎跑了出去.是的! she went out anyway.Yes! 450


And no sooner than she did her cave was destroyed 451


and everyone had to go on this long, sucky walk, 452


with some weirdo they met, 453 然后全都死了! and died! 454 讲完了 The end. 455 没想到结果是这样,真是大逆转啊 I did not see that coming. 456 我讲的故事可不会这样

My stories never end like that. 457 太好了,今晚能听两个故事! Yes! Two stories in one night! 458 好吧,不过我瓦哥讲得好

Okay, but it won\'t be as good as Grug\'s. 459 很久以前有一只美丽的老虎

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tiger. 460 它和家人一起住在山洞里

She lived in a cave with the rest of her family. 461 他的爸爸妈妈告诉它: \"你什么地方都能去, Her father and mother told her: \"You may go anywhere you want, 462 就是不能靠近悬崖, 你会掉下去的.\" but never go near the cliff, for you could fall.\" 463 然后死掉.好故事.And die.Good story.


有天趁大家不注意, 它来到悬崖上,

But when no one was looking, she would go near the cliff, 465


for the closer she came to the edge, 466

就能听见更多, 看见更多, 感受到更多.the more she could hear, the more she could see, and the more she could feel. 467

最后它站到了悬崖的最边上, Finally she stood at the very edge, 468


and she saw a light.She leaned to touch it, 469

结果滑倒了.And she fell. 470

它飞了起来.And she flew. 471

它飞到哪里去了? Where did she fly? 472

明天.Tomorrow? 473


A place with more suns in the sky than you can count.

474 那一定非常亮.A place not like today, 484


or yesterday. 475 在那里一切都更加美好.A place where things are better. 476 明天不是一个地方.它是...Tomorrow isn\'t a place.It\'s...It\'s...It\'s... 477 它是看不见的!Oh, yes it is.I\'ve seen it. 478 那就是我要去的地方.That\'s where I\'m going. 479 我们该闭上眼睛睡觉了

Well, we are going to shut our eyes and sleep. 480 醒来后,我们会找到我们要找的那个地方.And when we wake up, we\'re going to find the place that has everything we want. 481 明天吗?A cave. 482 真是太险了,我们差点就完了.That was too close.It almost caught us. 483 我看着呢,我们很安全.Well, we\'ve got to move faster.

Do you people have any other speed aside from wander? 485


- Hey, do you have a minute? I\'ll take shamble?at this point. 486

那只老虎是怎么飞起来的?I only share when I\'m outside the log. 487

我这人就是这么怪Leave this to me. 488

嘿, 桑克, 你脸上有蜘蛛.

Hey, Thunk, you have a spider on your face. 489

他逃出来了! He\'s loose! 490


Do not step on those weird, pointy rocks! 491


You mean these rocks? 492

千万别踩这些石头!Step aside, girl. 493

我说 怎么就没人听我的! 这上面没法走路! Hello? Nobody\'s listening! No one is listening! You cannot walk on those! 494 给我回来!快给我回来!! Come back here now! 495 他一走我们活下来的机会就没了。 Well, there goes out chance for survival. 496 木桩也没了! And our log! 497 好吧! Okay! 498 跳也没用.跳起来不痛,落下去还是痛! Jumping doesn\'t help.I mean, just briefly, but it doesn\'t get any better! 499 别用手走.用手走也没有用! Okay.Do not walk on your hands.The hands do not help at all! 500 我可以帮你们, 不过我们得把原来的规矩改一改.I can help you, but we\'re going to have to make a few changes. 501 不许再用木桩了.把它放下.The log ride is over.Drop the log. 502 现在把它路踢走.Now kick it away. 503 再远点.

Farther. 504

行啊?Okay, smart Guy. 505

现在怎么办? Now what? 506

乖鱼, 乖鱼.

Good fish, good fish. 507

行了, 你可以看了.Okay, now you can look. 508

我好喜欢! 那我的脚呢?They\'re still there. 509

好的.Okay. 510

你真的很重.Really? 511


Thank you. 512

嘿, 等等! Hey, wait! 513

别紧张, 她起来了.都没事.我没事 Okay, she\'s up.We\'re good.I\'m good. 514

这鞋真是太棒了! 你怎么想到这个点子的? These shoes are great! Where do you get How did the tiger fly? these ideas? 515 我管这个叫做大脑 I\'m calling it a brain. 516 点子都是从这个地方来的

I\'m pretty sure it\'s where ideas come from. 517 爸爸,我没有大脑

Dad, I don\'t have a brain. 518 我们没有大脑活到现在,不是也挺好? We\'ve gotten along just fine without brains until now. 519 穴居人不需要什么大脑 Cavemen don\'t need brains. 520 我们有这个 We have these. 521 我这就足够了! 弱小的人才需要想点子! That\'s I\'m talking about! Ideas are for weaklings! 522 行了,我们去那座山吧

Now let\'s get to that Mountain. 523 我好喜欢这个Good fish, don\'t eat my feet. 524 我说,那只老虎是怎么飞起来的?



She jumped on the sun and rode it to Tomorrow. 526

不,不,不,不! No, no, no, no! 527 嗨, 爸爸! Hi, Dad! 528 再见, 爸爸.Bye, Dad. 529

你们以前看见过下雨吧?We don\'t get out much. 530

伊普, 看上去很危险.Dad, 531


you say that about everything. 532

小心点.Really? Okay. 533

不,不,不! 这可不好! 不好! No, no, no! Not cool! Not cool! 534 不好! Not cool!

535 那只熊说: \"谁说这是你的山洞? The bear says: \"Your cave? 536 我上星期就把这儿放骨头了.\" I\'ve been dumping my bones here since last we can call the others.这不是故事, 这是笑话 That\'s a funny story!就是编点东西出来

What\'s a joke?谢谢.Thanks.要是碰到危险就

I don\'t see why the kids need their own shells.等等,你是说我们要分开行动吗?

这样走是最快点The Croods stick together. 546

分开走不安全.They can handle it. 547

我们能行的,爸爸No, no, no, no, no. 548


It\'s my job to keep you safe.I\'m still in charge, 549


and we are not splitting up. 550

你们俩可以分开,就这么定了! Except for you two.And that\'s final. 551

喂? 喂? 大家都还好吧?

Hello? Hello? Is everyone all right? 552

我们没事, 葛瓦格!I\'m freaking out a little bit. 553

告诉我该怎么做,怎么做? 我现在究竟该干什么? Just tell me what to do.Just what do I do? What do I do right now? 554 呆在原地别动! 我去找你.No! Too 563

这是你的吧? You dropped these. 564


Come with me. 565 slow. 555 各位, 都往前走,我们会走出去的

Everybody, keep moving forward and we\'ll get out. 556 爸爸? Dad? 557 我在.好吧 Yeah.Okay. 558 记住,千万不要不害怕

Remember, never not be afraid. 559 你能行的! You can do this! 560 不会有事的,我们能走出去.It\'s gonna be okay.I\'m gonna pa out. 561 桑迪! 桑迪! Sandy! Sandy! 562 再给我一个

Give me another one.

好孩子,接住! Here, boy, catch! 566 外婆? Gran? 567 妈妈? Mom? 568 葛瓦格? Grug? 569

我去找他 I\'ll go get him. 570


Good boy.Who\'s my good boy? 571


You are.Yes, you are.Look at you.You need a name? You want a name? 572


I\'m going to call you Douglas.Can you do tricks? 573

翻个身.来吧,道格拉斯,翻个身 Roll over.Come on, Douglas.Roll over. 574 好孩子, 道格拉斯! Good boy, Douglas! 575 我曾经爱过一个人.他是个猎手.I was in love once.He was a hunter. 576 我负责采集.当时那算是丑闻了.I was a gatherer.It was quite a scandal. 577 我们互相喂浆果吃,一起跳舞

We fed each other berries.We danced. 578 后来我父亲用石头把它砸死,把我交换给你们的外公。

Then my father smashed him with a rock and traded me to your grandfather. 579 族人们, 都给我下来! Croods, get down here! 580 葛瓦格, 没事的.有盖在呢.Grug, they\'re okay.Guy\'s with them. 581 有盖在,好吧

Oh, Guy\'s with them.Okay. 582 谢谢, 谢谢你专门告诉我盖的最新情况.Well, thank you, thank you for bringing me that interesting Guy update. 583 行了,我要上去了。 Okay.I\'m gonna go up.


等你不再那么讨人厌了,再加入我们吧 Why don\'t you join us when you stop being a big drag. 585 排着睡? Sleep pile? 586


How about a story, huh? 587

有人听吗? Anyone? 588

然后托克说: \"知道吗, 是我画的.\" Then Thork said: \"Know it, I drew it.\" 589


I know it was hard for you to bring us along, but, 590


they had the best day in their lives. 591

真的很感谢你 Thank you for that. 592


I wanna show you something. 593


More suns in the sky than you can count.

594 每一个划过我们天空的太阳都在那里休息 Every sun that croes our sky comes to rest 604

我肯定会心脏病突发死掉! up there. 595 明天.That\'s where we\'ll be safe. 596 我要和盖一起去No, not my little girl. 597 一起去吧I can\'t go without Grug. 598 我才不在乎他呢.算上我一个

Well, that makes one of us.Count me in. 599 真的吧? 妈妈? Really? Mom? 600 现在瓦哥不知道怎么保护我们,那家伙连个点子都想不出

Grug has no idea how to protect us.In fact, he has no ideas at all. 601 不,你这么说不对,我记得有一次他

No.That\'s not true.What about that one time he...uh... 602 他...Oh, face it. 603 要是他能想出什么点子

If he actually had an idea of his own,

I\'d have a heart attack and die! 605

瓦哥?爸爸? Grug?Dad? 606

他这么大块头,怎么可能说不见就不见了呢He\'s a big guy.How can he just disappear like that. 607


Hey, wait.Let\'s ask that ugly lady if she\'s seen Dad. 608

我没看见他。 I haven\'t seen him. 609

你在干什么?Yeah.Wow.I was up all night. 610

因为各种点子突然间都冒出来了 All these ideas kept coming to me. 611

那个是蛇吗?Belt! New and improved! 612

它还有自动收紧功能What\'s that on your head? 613

那东西叫绝望- 我叫它\'挂发\',跟瓦格押韵 It\'s called desperation.瞧,我有点子,Grug. 615 一点也不押韵...It\'s gonna get us places faster than shoes. 616 你们尽量跟上吧! Yeah! Try to keep up! 617 我要想要个交通工具.Painting is a thing of the past. 618 我把这个叫做“快拍” I call this a \'snapshot\'. 619 再拍一次吧,我刚才眨眼了 Let\'s do it again.I think I blinked. 620 我管它们叫做“挡光镜”.The sun doesn\'t hurt my eyes anymore. 621 你哪来的这么多点子?Since I don\'t have a brain, 622


Grug, we have to keep moving.妈妈?

I\'m calling this one a \'lifterator\'.什么? No more caves, Grug.对不起,爸爸 Thunk?靠它们我们才活着!

The rules don\'t work out here!盖, 快跑! Guy?不!No!启动防御装置! Keep talking!不,不,不,别过来! I am a caveman!不!No!瓦哥,停下来...No! I have to get back to them!家人 Your...?是的,我知道,不过 like you. 672 不,她像你

No.She\'s like you. 673 她爱你,只是忘了告诉你

She loves you but always forgets to say it, 674 就像你忘了告诉她一样 just like you forget to tell her. 675 我想我总是忙着让他们活下去

I gue I was just busy keeping them all alive. 676 你没错,这是爸爸的责任 It\'s okay.That\'s what dads do. 677 你说得对, 困在这儿可没法尽责

That\'s right, and we can\'t do that from here. 678 我们需要你想个点子出来 We need one of your ideas. 679 来吧, 你可以做到的。 Come on, you can do it. 680 贝尔特! 启动紧急点子制造器

Belt! Emergency Idea Generator, activate. 681 我有点子了 I\'ve got it. 682

Wow!爸爸! Grug!它就在那儿! You were right!什么是笑话? That\'s a joke, right?You\'re not coming, are you? 724

你过去了,我就过去了。 When you make it, so will I. 725 你干得很好 You did good. 726 爸爸 Daddy. 727

外婆...No mush, just throw me. 728

等等! 今天我对你刮目相看,呆瓜 Wait! You surprised me today.Lunkhead. 729

我还活着! Still alive! 730

该你了No! I have too much to say to you. 731

我想弥补过去的一切,可惜没时间了I can fix it. 732

这感觉真好 This works good. 733

这叫什么?I was thinking of calling 744 it a \'hug\', 734 因为这跟瓦格比较押韵 because it rhymes with Grug. 735 不过,你想改成别的也行。 But you can change it if you want. 736 不,不,拥抱很好 No, no, I like hug. 737 我爱你 I love you. 738 我...I... 739 爸爸, Dad, 740 我很害怕Never be afraid. 741 在那儿! 我看见他了 There! I see him. 742 嘿! 我成功了 Hey! I did it. 743 靠后! 靠后! Stay back! Stay back!

他们有麻烦,坚持住! 我来了!

They\'re in trouble.Hang on! I\'m coming! 745

我怎么过去呢? 我得想想

How do I get acro? I gotta think. 746

盖会怎么做? 盖会怎么做?

What would Guy do? What would Guy do? 747

我会怎么做? What would I do? 748

拿住这个 Hold this. 749

我...想到 I...have... 750

一个...点子! an...idea! 751

01:22:54,807 -->01:22:56,607 快跑! Run! 752

道格拉斯! 嘿,我认识它! Douglas! Hey, I know that guy! 753 抓紧! Hold on! 754

这里不安全 It\'s not safe here. 755 我去叫她 I\'ll tell her. 756 我都没来得及告诉他 I\'ve never had to tell him. 757 伊普, 如果你爸爸在这儿,他会告诉你 Eep, if your dad were here, he would tell you to... 758 快让开! Get out of the way! 759 哇噢, 你学得还真像

Wow, you sound just like him. 760 01:26:15,070 -->01:26:16,870 快让开! Get out of the way! 761 爸爸!He did it! 762 你骑着太阳

He\'s riding the sun, 763 不过骑得不好,大家快让开!

but not very well.道格拉斯! 爸爸,你救了他! Nine...- Douglas! Dad, you saved him! 773

嗯, 男孩应该有个宠物 Well, boy\'s got to have a pet. 774

没想到我跟猫很有缘 Turns out I\'m a cat person. 775 不行! No! 776 你们快过来看看这个 You really need to see this. 777 我们该去哪儿

We should go there. 778 太好了,我来也! Yes! Coming through! 779 这就是我,我叫伊普

This is me.My name is Eep. 780 他们是我的家人, 克鲁家族 And this is my family, the Croods. 781 从晒黑的皮肤和宠物你可以猜出来

If you weren\'t clued by sunbathes and pets, 782 我们再也不是穴居人了

we\'re not exactly cavemen anymore. 783 再拍一次吧,我好像眨眼了 Let\'s do it again.I think I blinked. 784 我们生活的世界依然残酷而危险

Our world is still plenty harsh and hostile. 785 但是我们克鲁家族能够应付

But now we know the Croods will make it, 786 因为我们改变了规矩,不再被黑暗笼罩 because we changed the rules.The ones that kept us in the dark.


另外多亏了我爸爸,告诉了我们谁都能改变 And because of my dad, who taught us that anyone could change. 788 放小孩!

Release the baby! 789

好吧,基本上是...Well, sort of... 790

从那时起,我们一直住在这里 So from now on, we\'ll stay out here, 791


where we can follow the light.
