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奥巴马的告别演讲(中英双语 全网首发)

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奥巴马的告别演讲(中英双语 全网首发)

奥巴马本月10日在芝加哥发表了他的告别演说。 8年间弹指一挥间。我清楚地几得8年前,奥巴马选举获胜的演说,让所有人为之感动。黑人当上总统,标志着美国社会的巨大进步。


奥总的演讲很长,我精选了一些核心的段落,制作了这份中英双语的演讲稿。中文是我翻译的,做到凌晨2:00,估计会有一些纰漏,大家多包涵~若有转载需求,望注明出处(来自微信公众号“侃英语”)。 暖场

2017.1.10芝加哥奥巴马告别演说现场 It\'s good to be home! 【侃哥译】回家真好!

You can tell that I\'m a lame duck, because nobody is following instructions.

【侃哥译】正如你们所见,我现在是个“跛脚鸭”总统,因为没有人听从我的指示。 My fellow Americans, Michelle and I have been so touched by all the well-wishes that we\'ve received over the past few weeks.But tonight it\'s my turn to say thanks.Whether we have seen eye-to-eye or rarely agreed at all, my conversations with you, the American people -- in living rooms and in schools; at farms and on factory floors; at diners and on distant military outposts -- those conversations are what have kept me honest, and kept me inspired, and kept me going.And every day, I have learned from you.You made me a better president, and you made me a better man.【侃哥译】我和米歇尔对于近几周我们收到的祝福表示十分感动。今晚,我该向大家说句谢谢了!无论我们认同彼此还是意见不合,我跟你们的对话--所有美国人民--无论你在起居室还是在学校、在农场还是在工厂车间、在小饭馆还是在边防哨所,这些对话让我变得诚实,让我受到启发,让我继续前行。每一天,我都从你们身上学到东西。是你们,让我变成了一个更好的总统,是你们,让我变成了一个更好的男人。 回顾往事


I first came to Chicago when I was in my early twenties, and I was still trying to figure out who I was; still searching for a purpose to my life.And it was a neighborhood not far from here where I began working with church groups in the shadows of closed steel mills.It was on these streets where I witneed the power of faith, and the quiet dignity of working people in the face of struggle and lo.【侃哥译】我第一次来到芝加哥的时候,我二十刚出头。那个时候我还在探求我是谁,寻找人生的意义。那个时候我工作的地方就离现在这里不远,在钢厂关闭的阴影下,我和教会的人一起工作,也正是在这几条街上,我见证了信仰的力量,劳动人民面对磨难的端庄。 8年执政重大问题回顾 权力交接问题

In 10 days the world will witne a hallmark of our democracy.The peaceful transfer of power from one freely-elected President to the next.I committed to President-Elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest poible transition, just as President Bush did for me.Because it\'s up to all of us to make sure our government can help us meet the many challenges we still face.

【侃哥译】10天内,整个世界见证了我们的民主。权力从一个自由选举的总统向下一任转移的过程是平稳有序的。我曾向当选总统特朗普承诺,我的团队将确保此次换届过程非常平稳,就像当初布什总统把权力交接给我一样。因为,我们所有人都要首先保证我们的政府有能力解决我们仍然面临的问题。 A shrinking world, growing inequality, demographic change, and the specter of terrorism.These forces haven\'t just tested our security and our prosperity, but are testing our democracy as well.And how we meet these challenges to our democracy will determine our ability to educate our kids and create good jobs and protect our homeland.【侃哥译】世界正在缩小(关系更紧密),不平等的问题正在突显,人口的变动,恐怖主义阴霾犹在。这些因素不仅仅会考验我们的安全和繁荣,也考验着我们的民主制度。我们如何迎接这些挑战将关系到我们是否有能力教育下一代、创造就业岗位,并并保护国土安全。 医疗保险问题 Health care costs are rising at the slowest rate in 50 years.And I\'ve said, and I mean it, anyone can put together a plan that is demonstrably better than the improvements we\'ve made to our health care system, that covers as many people at le cost, I will publicly support it.【侃哥译】医保费用的增速已将降至50年来的最低水平。我敢说,如果任何人能够提出一项医保政策,并证明此项政策我这届政府所做的更好,并且能以更低的成本覆盖更多的民众,我会公开支持它。 种族、移民和社会阶层问题 After my election there was talk of a post-racial America.And such a vision, however well intended, was never realistic.Race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society.Now I\'ve lived long enough to know that race relations are better than they were 10 or 20 or 30 years ago, no matter what some folks say.You can see it not just in statistics.You see it in the attitudes of young Americans acro the political spectrum.


二、三十年前有了改善,这种社会进步不仅仅体现在数据中,你也可以从不同政治观念的美国年轻人的态度中看出来。 But we\'re not where we need to be.And all of us have more work to do.If every economic iue is framed as a struggle between a hardworking white middle cla and an undeserving minority, then workers of all shades are going to be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy withdraw further into their private enclaves.【侃哥译】但是,我们的工作还不够,我们还需要做的更多。如果每个经济问题都被框定为努力工作的美国中产阶级与少数不劳而获的富人之间的冲突,那么所有的工人将为蝇头小利争得头破血流,而那些富人则进一步收缩他们的小圈子。

这是美墨边界绵延1000多公里的隔离墙 十字架为了纪念丧生的偷渡者这堵墙某种程度上也反映了美国人对待移民的态度 If we\'re unwilling to invest in the children of immigrants, just because they don\'t look like us, we will diminish the prospects of our own children -- because those brown kids will represent a larger and larger share of America\'s workforce.【侃哥译】如果我们不愿意给移民的孩子投资,只是因为他们长得不像我们的话,那我们也是在摧毁我们自己的孩子的前途,因为这些移民后裔会在美国工薪阶层占越来越大的比例。 少数族裔和政治体制问题

For blacks and other minority groups, that means tying our own very real struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face.Not only the refugee or the immigrant or the rural poor or the transgender American, but also the middle-aged white guy who from the outside may seem like he\'s got all the advantages, but has seen his world upended by economic, and cultural, and technological change.【侃哥译】对于黑人和其他少数族群,这意味着我们要特别努力地奋斗以获取平等,和解决很多美国人面临的问题。要努力的不但包括难民、移民、农村的穷人和变性人,也包括那些看上去享受各种社会优待的中年男性白人,因为他们面临着经济、文化和科技的重大变革对他们的世界构成挑战。 Look, politics is a battle of ideas.That\'s how our democracy was designed.But without some common baseline of facts, without a willingne to admit new information and concede that your opponent might be making a fair point, and that science and reason matter, then we\'re going to keep talking past each other.And we\'ll make common ground and compromise impoible.【侃哥译】注意,政治是一场观点的较量,这也是民主体制的设计理念。但是,如果我们没有一些社会共识,不愿意去了解新的信息,不愿意去承认对手方的论点合理性,也不愿意承认科学和理性,那么这场辩论将毫无意义,双方也不可能产生共识或妥协。 气候变化问题

But without bolder action, our children won\'t have time to debate the existence of climate change.They\'ll be busy dealing with its effects.More environmental disasters, more economic disruptions, waves of climate refugees seeking sanctuary.Now we can and should argue about the best approach to solve the problem.But to simply deny the problem not only betrays future generations, it betrays the eential spirit of this country, the eential spirit of innovation and practical problem-solving that guided our founders.【侃哥译】如果我们不采取更加积极的措施,我们的后代再也没有时间再讨论气候变化是否存在,而是忙于处理气候变化的后果,包括自然灾害、经济停滞、以及气候难民寻求避难的问题。现在,我们能够也应当讨论如何最好地解决气候问题。但是,如果只是否认问题的存在,这不仅仅是对我们下一代的背叛,也是对这个国家精神的背叛,也是对先驱们传承下来的创新和解决实际问题的精神的背叛。 恐怖主义问题

No foreign terrorist organization has succefully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years.Although Boston and Orlando and San Bernardino and Fort Hood remind us of how dangerous radicalization can be, our law enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever.We have taken out tens of thousands of terrorists, including Bin Laden.And all who serve or have served -- it has been the honor of my lifetime to be your commander-in-chief.【侃哥译】过去八年中,没有一个境外恐怖组织成功地在美国国土上策划并执行一次恐怖袭击。但是我们还是滋生了一些本土的恐怖主义事件,包括波士顿马拉松炸弹袭击以及圣博娜迪诺袭击事件。虽然它们提醒我们激进主义是多么危险,但我们的执法部门比以往更高效和警觉,我们成功地拿下了数万名恐怖分子,包括本·拉登。对于那些一直坚守在工作岗位上的反恐工作人员,担任你们的指挥官是我一辈子的荣耀。2013年波士顿马拉松爆炸案 Let\'s be vigilant, but not afraid.ISIL will try to kill innocent people.But they cannot defeat America unle we betray our Constitution and our principles in the fight.Rivals like Ruia or China cannot match our influence around the world -- unle we give up what we stand for, and turn ourselves into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.【侃哥译】我们需要更加警惕,但是不需要害怕。ISIL组织(伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国)试图杀害更多无辜的人民,但如果我们在斗争中不背弃我们的宪法和原则,他们就永远无法战胜美国。俄罗斯或者中国等其他国家无法匹敌美国在全球范围内的影响,除非我们自己放弃我们所坚持的原则,变成一个恃强凌弱的国家。 All of us, regardle of party, should be throwing ourselves into the task of rebuilding our democratic institutions.Our Constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift.But it\'s really just a piece of parchment.It has no power on its own.We, the people, give it power.We, the people, give it meaning

【侃哥译】不论我们属于哪一个党派,我们所有人都应当致力于重建美国的民主政治制度。我们的民主宪法是一项杰出的成就,也是上天赐予的礼物,但是这仅仅是一张羊皮纸,宪法本身不具备任何力量。是我们,人民,赋予其力量和意义。 致谢

奥巴马幸福的一家子 感谢妻子

Michelle....for the past 25 years you have not only been my wife and mother of my children, you have been my best friend.You took on a role you didn\'t ask for.And you made it your own with grace and with grit and with style, and good humor.【侃哥译】Michelle,过去二十五年中,你不仅仅是我的妻子、孩子们的母亲,也是我最好的朋友。你担任了一个并不是你争取来的职责,但是你的优雅、勇气和幽默都给这个身份烙上了你自己的印记。 感谢女儿

You are smart and you are beautiful.But more importantly, you are kind and you are thoughtful and you are full of paion.you wore the burden of years in the spotlight so easily.Of all that I have done in my life, I am most proud to be your dad.【侃哥译】你们聪明、美丽,更重要的是,你们善良而又充满热情。过去几年中,你们在聚光灯下承受压力,但举重若轻。在我的一生中,我最自豪的事情就是成为你们的父亲。 感谢副总统

To Joe Biden…You were the first decision I made as a nominee, and it was the best.Not just because you have been a great vice president, but because in the bargain I gained a brother.And we love you and Jill like family.And your friendship has been one of the great joys of our lives.【侃哥译】拜登,你是我当选美国总统后提名的第一个人选,也是我最好的选择:不仅因为你是一个出色的副总统,更因为你是我的兄弟。我爱你和你的夫人Jill,你们就像我的家人。和你们的友谊是我们生活中最大的快乐。 感谢团队成员

To my remarkable staff, for eight years, I have drawn from your energy.And every day I try to reflect back what you displayed.Heart and character.And idealism.I\'ve watched you grow up, get married, have kids, start incredible new journeys of your own.【侃哥译】8年来,我从你们身上汲取力量,每一天我都在反思你们所呈现出来的真诚、人格和理想。我看着你们成长、结婚、生子、开启人生新的章程。 号召 I am asking you to believe.Not in my ability to bring about change -- but in yours.【侃哥译】我希望你相信,不仅仅相信我能够为美国带来改变的能力,也要相信你自己能够改变这个国家的能力。 I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents; that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists; that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice; that creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon; a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written.【侃哥译】希望你们坚守美国建国宪章中记载的精神,坚守奴隶和废奴主义者传播的平等观念,坚守曾经通过游行争取移民公平权利的精神,坚守那些将美利坚旗帜插在海外战场和月球表面的人的信念,坚守根植在每一个普通美国人心中的信念。 Yes, we can.【侃哥译】是的,我们能行。(8年前奥巴马的竞选口号) Yes, we did.【侃哥译】是的,我们做到了。 Yes, we can.【侃哥译】是的,我们能行!

8年总统生涯结束,老泪纵横,不忍离去我制作了演讲全文的pdf版请加我的小助手微信索要(微信号:kankanxiaozhu) 好玩的英语学习,尽在侃英语








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奥巴马的告别演讲(中英双语 全网首发)
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