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第五章 语篇翻译

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第五章 语篇翻译

(计划学时 10 课时)


5 . 1 语篇与语篇翻译

什么是语篇?定义多样,莫衷一是。我们不妨借用 李运兴 教授的话来下一个简短而明确的定义:“所谓语篇,即在交际功能上相对完整和独立的一个语言片段。内容相对完整的文章或著作节选可称为语篇”。

那么,翻译中如何看待语篇呢? 李运兴 教授进一步指出:“重要的是,译者必须把翻译的篇章当作一个整体来看待。篇章固然是一个个段落、一个个句子组成的,但又比一个个段落、一个个句子的总合多些什么,因为篇章不是语句的机械叠加,而是一种有机的、动态的组合”,这一观点十分适合英 -- 汉、汉 — 英翻译的实际。


大量的翻译实践也告诉我们,任何翻译任务不可能只是单句的简单翻译,译者实际接触的都是大段大段成篇累牍的文章。相对单句翻译而言,难度要大得多,情况也复杂得多。因此,语篇翻译不仅是翻译中的一个重点和难点,也是我们英语专业八级考试的重要内容之一。专业八级的翻译不是翻译语句,而是翻译语篇或是从某一语篇中摘选若干段落来进行翻译,大多都提供该段落前后的上下文,离开这种上下文语境,有些句子不可能译出。同时,从翻译题材来看,大多为国内报刊杂志上的文章和一般文学作品(汉译英)以及英美报刊杂志文章和文学原著(英译汉),速度为 250-300 字 ( 单词 )/ 小时。因此,搞好语篇翻译训练不仅能让我们从现实中受益,有助于通过八级考试,还有着更为深远的意义,让我们在今后的工作中懂得如何应对真正的翻译。

那么,语篇翻译以什么作为基本翻译单位为宜呢?整篇文章?语段群?还是句子?这要视情而定。根据多年的翻译实践, 郭建中 教授认为,翻译以原文自然段为基本单位比较合适。这是因为, “


1 应;





例 1.(96 年真题 ) („ The three principals and their two deputies had come from around the country for a critical meeting .Their aim was to devise a trategy that would guarantee Roald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House .) It should have been easy .These were battle-tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ones to the Republican Party, men who understood presidential polities as well as any in the country.The backdrop of the campaign was hospitable , with lots of good news to work with : America was at peace , and the nation's economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after receion.Further more, the campaign itself was lavishly finaced , with plenty of money for a topflight staff , travel , and television commercials .And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills .Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F.Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America ---a nation of renewed military strength , individual initiative , and smaller federal government.

这是一篇报刊文章,译文风格不宜太口语化,还要掌握政治用语的分寸,使译文尽量符合汉语的习惯。同时,原文中划底线语句的译文也要 根据上文语境和大语篇的提示 准确理解后才能译出来:

1) 狭义语篇语境 ( 即上下文 ) 明确了原文中 “ it ”、“ these & men ” 的实际所指: “ guarantee Ronald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House ” 和 “ The three principals and their two deputies ” ,即 “ 谋求再次当选 ” 和 “ 三位主角与两位助理 ” 。

2) 广义语篇语境 ( 社会文化语境 ) 提示了原文中 “ campaign ”、“ staff ”、“ travel ”、“ television commercials ” 等词的实际内涵为 “ 总统竞选 ”、“ 竞选班子 ”、“ 全国巡回演说 ”、“ 电视宣传 ” ,这都是美国政治和社会生活特定的产物,必须准确到位。

3) 对照原文,下面译文粗体部分字句译得十分老到,符合汉语政治用语的习惯,与原文语气十分吻合,与整个篇章的风格融为一体:

谋求再次当选 理应轻而易举 。 这都是些 跟随里根多年身经百战的 政坛宿将 ,与共和党的渊源更为深远, 他们 比国内任何一个人都 深谙总统政治 。

2 竞选 的背景也十分有利, 大有文章可做的 好消息 比比皆是 :美国 正值太平盛世 ,作为竞选关键因素的国内经济,在长期衰退后 正强劲反弹 。还有,竞选经费也 十分充裕 , 足够 雇用一流的竞选班子 和 支付 全国巡回演说与电视宣传 的一切费用 。而更为重要的是,他们的候选人是里根,一位 名声显赫 而又 长于交际 的 现任 总统,自约翰 ·F· 肯尼迪以来,还没有哪一位美国总统能像里根一样,为美国描绘出那样广阔的国家前景:美国将 重振军事雄风 , 倡导个人首创精神 以及 精简 联邦政府。

例 2.(Kurt Frosheiser watched the invasion of Iraq on TV, looking, according to his sister, more serious than she had ever seen him.He had an option to get out of serving , but he left home on April 16th for basic training at Fort Knox , Kentucky .) InJune, the family drove down to seehim on Family Day, and Chris( 注: Frosheiser's father) was stunned by the transformation : His son stood at perfect attention on Pershing Field for forty-five minutes in his dre uniform .It was the same in August, when they attended graduation: Private Frosheiser, marching, singing with his clamates, “Pick up your wounded, pick up your dead.” Chris found the words chilling, but the music, the sharpne of the formation, the bearing of his son, filled him with pride .

六月,全家在“家庭节”那天驾车去看他,克莱司被他儿子的 转变 完全惊呆了:他儿子 一身戎装 , 肃然而立 ,在操场上一站就是 45 分钟。而八月出席他儿子的毕业典礼时,情景依旧: 列兵 Frosheiser ,正与同班同学列队行进,阔步高歌 : ( 抬走伤员,搬开尸体 ) 。 尽管这歌词令克莱司不寒而栗,但那 军乐 ,那 齐整的方阵 ,以及他儿子的 军人风度 ,却让他自豪不已。


具体就段落组合而言,英、汉之间的确存在着很大差异。例如,汉语段落以“气”(语气)为先,逐一展开,语句组合灵活,不拘形态,行文布局往往依“气”而行,“气”终则句止,段中各小句多呈竹节型平行铺开,“形”散而“神”聚。而 英语则是一种语法关系配合制约严谨、形态标记鲜明、语义逻辑关系外显的语言,它以“形”统“义”,行文布局“形”到则“意”到,“形”不全则“意”不明,段落展开必须逻辑层次分明、语法关系严谨,因而它必须具备一套远比汉语完整精细得多的语法手段和规则。翻译时若不明这一点,一味照搬汉语的方式在英语中行文布局,将会使译文章法大乱,溃不成文!

这方面先看下面 一段早几年英语八级考试中的汉语原文:

例 1 .近代的上海,十里洋场, // 自开埠(读“布”)以来,固然有许多辛酸的不平等的血泪史,固然有许多污泥浊水,这里被成为是“冒险家的乐园”, // 这里有鸦片,有荡妇,有赌棍, // 使人纸醉金迷,乃至使人堕落。 // 可是,上海这座现代大城市却更有它的另一面, // 它有活力、它聪慧、革新、进取, // 它敢于担风险,有竞争意识及机制(?!), // 这种城市意识(?!)或风格,使人奋发,跟上时代,走向进步。

全段由两个长句构成,每一个长句都是一“逗”到底,形式松散,看不出任何语法形态标记,却包含着复杂的逻辑关系和语义层次(见标记处),再加上里面有些词义不好把握,因而,这段文字成为历年八级考试中最难的一道考题。 要将这一段汉语译成英文,必须打破汉语的布局,按英语的习惯,用严谨缜密的语法手段,或拆开来译(译文 1 ),或按英语的逻辑排列重新组合(译文 2 ):

(1) Shanghai in modern times was a metropolis infested with adventurers.// After the port city opened to foreigners, it undeniably witneed a history of blood and tears, bitterne and inequality.// There was also, undoubtedly, filth and mire.// It was known as the “Parasise of Adventuers”.// There were opium-takers, harlots and gamesters.// All these induced people to wallow in luxury and even degeneracy.// There was , however, another fecet to modern Shanghai .// It was vigorous, intelligent, creative and enterprising.// Not afraid of running risks, it had the awarene and mechanism of competition.// The city , with an awarene of competition and a style of its own, inspired its people to catch up with the times and make progre.(2 拆 10 ,以单句为主,意义简明 )


(2) (试译,仅供参考) Shanghai in modern times was a metropolis crowded with foreign adventurers .// After the port city opened up , it witneed a history of blood and tears filled with bitterne, inequality, filth and mire, well-known as the “Parasise of Adventuers” for its rampant opium, harlots and gamesters, which induced people to indulge in luxury and even degeneracy.//There was, however, another facet to modern Shanghai noted for its vigor, intelligence, creations and enterprise with a spirit ready for running risks, which formed an awarene of its own and the mechanism of competition.//The city, with this awarene or style, inspired its people to keep up with the times and make progre.

(释义:近代的上海曾是一个十里洋场。 // 自开埠以来,历经了充满辛酸、充满污秽和不平等的血泪史,以充斥着鸦片、荡妇、赌棍的“冒险家乐园”而着称,使人纸醉金迷,乃至堕落。 // 但上海又以其活力、聪慧、革新、进取,敢于担风险而展示出它的另一面,形成其特有的竞争意识和机制。 // 带着这种城市意识或风格,这座城市使人奋发,使人跟上时代,使人走向进步。) (2 化 4 ,“合”“分”有序,结构较合理 )

英汉对照,汉语隐含的语义逻辑关系在译文中尽显无疑(译文加底线部分,还请注意译文 2 斜体部分用词上的不同),清楚地表明了汉、英语段落在行文布局上的差异。

例 2 .( 03 年全真题) 得病以前, 我受父母宠爱 ,在家中 横行霸道 。一旦隔离, 拘禁在 花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感到 打入冷宫 , 十分郁

4 郁不得志 起来。一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴, 一时宾客云集,笑语四溢 。我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄地 掀起 窗帘,窥见园中 大千世界 , 一片繁华 。自己的哥姐、堂表兄弟,也穿插其间, 个个喜气洋洋 。一瞬间,一阵 被人摈弃、为世所遗的悲愤 兜上心头 ,禁不住痛哭起来。


参考译文 (1): Spoiled rottern by my parents, I had been behaving like a real tyrant in the family before I fell sick.I felt like being thrown into a cold palace the minute when segregated and confined into in a small house on the hillside in our garden.I was depreed and frustrated .On a spring evening when all the flowers were blooming, my parents gave a banquet in the gardenand in no time, the garden was crowded with guests and the air was floated with laughter .Unnoticed by others, I lifted the curtain and peeped from my small room at the hustling kaleidoscope down in the garden.My older brothers and sisters, as well as my cousins, were shuttling joyfully back and forth among the guests.I was overwhelmed by a bitter sense of being abandoned and forgotten by people and just couldn.t help but cried my eyes out.

(2) Before I fell ill, I could have my way at home , since my parents doted on me a lot.Once I was isolated and confined in a chamber on the hillside of the garden, I suddenly felt I was neglected and became very depreed .One a spring evening, my parents held a banquet in the garden, where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom.For a time, guests gathered there , chatting and laughing .Quietly lifting the curtain of the chamber, I caught a glimpse of the hustling and exciting scene in the garden.I saw my brothers, sisters and cousins were all there, full of joy .All of a sudden, I was caught by the feeling of being abandoned .With grief and indignation welling up inside me , I couldn't help crying bitterly.

1 )措辞讲究分寸,没有望文生义(粗斜体)

2 )语义逻辑层次清楚,主次分明(底线处)



例 3 . ( 02 年 全 真题) Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be , rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance , maintaining pretence and manipulating (操纵) others .They are awere that there is a difference between being loved and acting loving , between being stupid and acting stupid , between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable .Winners do not need to hide behind a mask .

Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge .They can separate facts from opinions and don't pretend to have all the answers .They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions.Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined , demolished , bound , or awed by them.

Winners do not play”helple” , nor do they play the blaming game , the aure responsibility for their own lives.

这段文字尽管意思都懂,但要把斜体部分的字句真正用贴切地汉语表达出来,可能要费点工夫。当然,考场上短短的 30 分钟“短兵相接”时,下面的译文可算是相当不错:

(1) 让 自己成为想象中的那种人,这不是成功者一生所追寻的目标,相反,他们活得自由自在。因此,他们不会耗费精力在人前演戏,也不会装腔作势,更不会操纵他人。他们明白真心关爱与虚情假意、真傻与装傻、真才实学与佯装有才学之间的区别,他们不需要带假面具。

成功者不怕独立思考,也不怕运用自己的知识。他们能把事实与观点区分开来,也不装做无所不知。他们倾听别人的意见,评价别人的观点,但却有自己的结论。 尽管他们也崇拜他人,但决不为别人所限制、所束缚、所吓倒。



(2) [ 试译,仅供参考 ] :赢家 ( 成功者 ) 不会刻意追求那种想象中的自我良好形象 ,相反,他们会 保持真我的本色 。正因为此,他们不愿在 人前做秀 与 装腔作势 , 也不想摆布别人 。他们明了 真爱与虚情、真傻与装傻、真学问与假学问 之间的区别,他们 无需面具掩藏真我 。

赢家 ( 成功者 ) 勇于独立思考 ,也 敢于展示才华 。他们能区分 客观事实 与 主观意愿 的不同,从不 装做通晓一切 。他们 听取别人意见 , 能权衡 6 斟酌,然而却有自己的结论 。 尽管他们也崇拜他人,但决不 受其左右、为之倾倒而丧失自我 。

赢家 ( 成功者 ) 不会 摆出 无助的样子 ,也决不会 怨天尤人 。相反,他们 对自己的生活尽职尽责 。

例 4.The most sensible people to be met with in society are men of busine and of the world , who argue from what they see and know, instead of spinning cobwet distinctions of what things ought to be.Women have often more of what is called good sense than men.They have fewer pretensions; are le implicated in theories, and judge of objects more from their immediate and involuntary impreion on the mind, and, therefore, more truly and naturally.They cannot reason wrong, for they do not reason at all.They do not think or speak by rule, and they have in general more eloquence and wit as well as sense, on that account .By their wit, sense, and eloquence together, they generally contrive to govern their husbands.Their style, when they write to their friends, is better than that of most authors.Uneducated people have most exuberance of invention .

商人和 见过世面的人 是我们在社会上见到的最 通达事理的人 。他们讨论问题时从自己的所见所闻出发,而不 纠缠于事物的是非曲直 。和男人相比,女人通常有更好的所谓直觉。她们很少自命不凡;她们也不大 深究 理论,她们判断事物更多地是从头脑中 下意识的第一印象 出发,因此她们的判断也就更真实和自然。她们不可能有推理错误,因为她们根本就不推理。她们思考或讲话时也不遵循什么规则; 正因为如此 ,她们一般更善辩,更机智,直觉更好。集机智、善辩与出色的直觉于一身,她们通常都有办法 支配 自己的丈夫。在给朋友的书信中,她们的文笔会令大多数作家自愧不如。 没读过多少书的人往往点子最多 。

上述译文斜体部分的字句都是结合整个段落从字里行间推敲出来的。可见,选词用字既受整体语篇的启发,又受整体语篇的约束,特别是作者的语气不易表达,要做到准确、贴切、不失分寸的确不太容易。 Cla-work 1

( 2006 年八级考试汉译英试题 ) 中华民族自古以来从不把人看作高于一切,在哲学文艺方面的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占着一个比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物的主宰。因此我们的苦闷,基本上比西方人为少为小,因为苦闷的强弱原是随欲望与野心的大小而转移的。农业社会的人比工业社会的人享受差得多,因此欲望也小得多,况中国古代素来以不滞于物、不为物役为最主要的人生哲学 。并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家,就小巫见大巫了。中华民族多数是性情中正平和、淡泊、朴实,比西方人容易满足。( 翻译划线部分 )

讨论稿 1.( 仅供参考 !) : From the ancient times(Since time immemorial) the Chinese people have never viewed the human beings as superior in the world, which is completely reflected in what they've done in their philosophy and art, showing that a human being has the status quite appropriately in proportion to other things on earth, rather than an absolute ruler in the world.Therefore, what we've suffered is much le and smaller compared with the westerners, for the depreions vary with the different desires and the ambitions the people have.People in the agricultural society have much le enjoyment than those in the industrial society, thus their desire much le.What's more, in ancient China , Chinese people always took the concept//notion of “Never addict oneself as a slave to material wealth” mainly as their philosophy in life. [ 语言通俗、结构连贯 ]

讨论稿 2.The Chinese nation has never believed in human supremacy.And the nation finds full expreion in the philosophy, literature and art that human coexist with other species in nature with a proportionally proper rather than an absolutely dominant position.Therefore we generally suffer le depreion than Westerners, as the degree of the suffering varies with that of our desire and ambition.People in the agricultural society have much le enjoyment than those in the industrial society, and hence le desire.Moreover, the main Chinese ancient philosophy of life is always to be free from the encumbrance or enslavement of the outside world.Certainly there are among us misers (守财奴) and careerists (野心家) depicted (描述) by Moliere and Balzac.In comparison with Westerners, the Chinese people, easier to be satisfied, are mostly unbiased (无偏见) , peaceful, unworldly and guilele (厚道) .( 邵志洪译 ) [ 用词更讲究 ]

5 . 2 语篇翻译常见问题及其对策

5 . 2 . 1 斤斤于字比句次,措辞生硬

主要表现为摆不脱原文字面的束缚,跟着原文亦步亦趋, 斤斤于分寸不失 。 一句一句看,似乎与原文相差无几,但就是读来别扭生硬,“翻译腔”十足,其 结果往往是有字无篇,使作者的本义和原文意脉大打折扣 :

例 1.Solitude is an excellent laboratory in which to observe the exten t to which manners and habits are conditioned by others.My table manners are atrocious( 丑恶 ) ----in this respect I've slipped back hundreds of years in fact, I have no manners whatsoever .If I feel like 8 it , I eat with my fingers , or out of a can , or standing up---in other words, whichever is easiest .

(1) 孤独是一个很好的实验室, 在其中观察礼貌和习惯受别人制约所达到的程度 。我的 餐桌举止十分恶劣 ——这方面我已倒退了数百年;事实上我没有任何规矩,如果我觉得喜欢,我就 用手指吃 ,或 用罐头吃 ,或站着吃——换句话说, 看那种吃法最容易 。 ( 打不破字面的束缚,语气生硬 )

(2) 孤独 是一块极好的试金石 , 利于观察一个人的举止和习惯在多大程度上受人制约 。 我的吃相实在不雅 ,这方面 一下 就倒退了几百年, 实在是一点规矩也没有 。 只要觉得合适 , 我可用手抓着吃 , 直接拿着罐头吃 ,或是站着吃: 反正怎么省事就怎么吃 。 ( 深究字里行间内涵,语气较自然 )

例 2 . Now that we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are, and how far being answered .It is not so bad being ignorant if you are totally ignorant; the hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance , the worst spots and here and there the not-so-bad spots, but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels that can yet be trusted.

(1) 既然我们已经认真开始探索,我们就已瞥见问题多么巨大、答案多么遥远。如果你完全无知,这种无知还不坏,困难的事情就是较为详尽地了解无知的现实,最坏的地方和这儿那儿不太坏的地方,但是既没有通道尽头真理的灯光,甚至还没有可以信赖的通道。

[ 明显有逻辑缺失,不合汉语事理顺序 ]

(2) 我们既已认真开始了探索, 那么,就已窥见冰山一角,看到问题数量之庞大、答案寻求之遥远 。假若你完全无知,这还不太难办, 难就难在要具体了解无知的现状——哪些是最糟糕的,那些是夹在其中又不太糟糕的——而这一切 , 却没有 通道尽头 灯光的正确指引 , 甚至连 可信赖的通道 都没有 。

例 3.“ 我叫阿毛,没有应。出去一看,只见 豆 撒得一地,没有我们的阿毛了。他是不到别人家去玩的; 各处去一问,果然没有 。我急了,央人出去寻,直到下半天, 寻来寻去 寻到山坳里,看见刺柴上挂着他的一只小鞋。 大家都说, 糟了 ,怕是遭了狼了 。 再进去 ,他 果然 躺在草巢里,肚里的 五脏 已经 都给吃空了 , 手上还紧紧地捏着那只小 篮 呢。 ”


(1)“I called Amao but no answer.I went out to have a look, only finding that the beans scattered over the ground, but our Amao could not be found.He never went to other people's houses for playing.I went everywhere to ask, he was not there as expected .I got worried and asked some people to look for him.Not until in the afternoon, after searched everywhere , did they find a small shoe of his hanging on the bramble.Everybody said that it was too bad! He was likely to meet with a wolf! They then came in .He was indeed lying in the gra nest.His five internal organs were all eaten up .His hand still held tight that small basket!”.


(2)[ 试译,仅供参考! ] “I called Amao but no answer.I went out to look for him , only finding the beans scattered over the ground but no Amao .Although I knew that he would never play in neighbour's houses, I still went there to try but, with no surprise, failed to find him .I got worried and sent people for him .Not until that afternoon, after trying anywhere poible in the mountains , did they find a small shoe of his hanging on the bramble.When seeing this , everybody there realized that something bad must have happened ----- he was killed by a wolf! They went closer and found him, as expected , lying in the wolf's den , all his innards gone , with his hand still holding tight that small basket!”.

译文 (2) 似乎比译文 (1) 强一点,强就强在没有死扣原文字面和结构,将原文语篇内字里行间隐含的语气引申了出来,既合理保留了口语体的特色,逻辑层次似乎也清楚一些,措辞也更贴切一些。这些字与句的变化符合语篇情景( textual situation )尽管是口述形式,但作为小说却是让人读的,因此文法和修辞同样不容忽视。

5 . 2 . 2 结构松散,表达过于口语化

主要表现为译文(特别是汉译英)单句成串,结构散乱,语义层次不清,行文方式过分口语化。要知道,笔译和口译毕竟不是一回事,口译好未见得就笔译好。口译要求的是快速与直接,有时零散断续的表达甚至只字片言都能在特定的场合进行现场交流,但用于笔译却不行。尤其是在汉译英方面,口语化的表达尽管简短直接,但作为书面语,会使译文显得松散零碎,读来近似 school English ,特别是在篇章翻译中,毕竟还是要讲究一下文法和修辞,注意一下篇章结构,顾及一下读者的审美期待,不宜一味按口语体行事。因为,“ 英语有英语的文采;汉语有汉语的文采”,“英语的文采主要表现在盘根错节、欲罢不能的绵长句型;表现在那易如反掌、新意闪烁的词的转义”(毛荣贵),篇章或段落不是一色的简单句的罗列。当然,这又牵涉到翻译中的文体问题,牵涉到源种与译语间的文化差异。而具体到篇章翻译,就要从“大语篇”的角度来审视整个语篇,分清文体及其风格,从整体上把握住篇章的基调和语气。当然,在考场

10 的特殊条件下,实在译不出来时,能用口语化的简单句将原文意思罗列出来,要比乱七八糟的译文好,但说到底,这毕竟不是我们翻译追求的目标。例如:

例 1 . 有一次,在拥挤的车厢门口,我听见一位男乘客客客气气地问他前面的一位女乘客:“您下车吗?”女乘客没理他。“您下车吗?”他又问了一遍。女乘客还是没理他。他耐不住了,放大声问:“下车吗?”,那女乘客依然没反应。“你是聋子,还是哑巴?”他急了,捅了一下那女乘客,也引起了车厢里的人都往这里看。女乘客这时也急了,瞪起一双眼睛,回手给了男乘客一拳。 (庄绎传, 英汉翻译教程 , 1999 :练习3 )


(1) Once at the crowded door of the bus, I heard a man paenger asked politely a woman paenger before him: “Are you getting off?” The woman made no answer.“Are you getting off?”, the man asked again, but t he woman sill didn't pay attention to him .The man couldn't be polite any longer and asked loudly, the woman still had no response.“Are you a deaf or a dumb?” He became upset and gave a push to the woman , and also it attracted the attention of other paengers.At this time, the woman also became upset , stared at the man and gave him back a fist .


(2) Once at the crowded doorway in a bus, I heard a man asked politely a woman before him: “Are you getting off?”The woman had no response.He then repeated it but in vain .He got impatient and asked louder : “Getting off?”, but still no answer at all .He became irritated, shouting : “Are you a deaf or a dumb?”, and gave her a push, which drew other paengers' attention.Annoyed , the woman glared at him and hit him back (with her fist).

之所以可如此行文用字是因为有语篇上下文的照应,较之译文 (1) 要文从字顺得多。二者相比,口语体与书面体表达效果的差异可见一斑。特别是对于严肃文体,例如下面的一段文章,翻译时更要高度注意文体的统一:

例 2 . Books poe an eence of immortality.They are by far the most lasting products of human effort.Temples and statues decay, but books survive.Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are fresh today as when they first paed through their author's minds, ages ago.What was then said and thought still speaks to us vividly as ever from the printed page .The only effect of time has been sift out( 筛落 ) the

11 bad products, for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.

(1) 书的特质在于永恒,是人类经努力奋斗而产生的最长久产品。庙宇和雕塑会腐朽,但书籍却能永存。时间在伟大思想面前毫无作用,许多年前闪现在作者心头的思想至今仍栩栩如生。当年的所言所思至今仍在印刷的纸上生动地回响。时间的唯一作用就是去掉糟粕。只要是真正的精华就能在文学上永存。


(2) 书的实质在于 世代永存 ,是 迄今 人类 长期努力得来的 最持久产品。庙宇会 坍塌 ,雕像 会腐蚀,但书籍却能永存。伟大的思想不会因岁月的流失而消泯,前人的思想 历久长新 , 其所言所思至今仍 跃然纸上、声声入耳 。 悠悠岁月 只会 去尽糟粕 ,真正的好书 经得起历史的淘汰和荡涤 。

例 3 .在中国古代史上,黄河被称为中华民族的“母亲”,她哺育了千千万万中华儿女。黄河流域是中华民族的“摇篮”,也是中华文化的发祥地。远古时代,这里曾经草木茂盛、植物繁茂,中华民族的祖先便在这块广袤的土地上劳作生息。经过数十万年原始社会后,在中国辽阔的国土上,这里最先进入农业文明,也最早进入阶级社会。勤劳勇敢的中华儿女在这里谱写了惊心动魄的历史篇章,创造了绚丽多彩的艺术文化,黄河流域至今保留着大量的文化古迹。

(1)In ancient history of China , the Yellow River was called the “mother”of the Chinese nation, who fed hundreds of millions of Chinese people.The Yellow River Valley was called the “cradle” of the Chinese nation and it is the birthplace of its civilization.In ancient times, a lot of trees, gra, and plants overgrew in this vast land, where our ancestors lived and worked.After hundreds of thousands of years of the primitive society, the Yellow River Valley first entered the agricultural civilization and also the first cla society in the vast territory of China , where the diligent and brave Chinese people wrote a lot of breath-taking stories with historical events and created colorful arts in culture, with many historic relics remaining here.再琢磨一下,注意译文结构,效果可能更好:

(2) Known in ancient history of China as the “mother”of the nation, the Yellow River has given life to hundreds of millions of Chinese people.As called the “cradle” of the nation, it is also the region for Chinese civilization to start from .In ancient times, it was a vast land abundant with an exuberant plant life like trees, gra, ect., where the Chinese ancestors worked and lived .After hundreds of thousands of years of the primitive society, it became, of all places in China , the first settled agricultural region and the foothold of the cla society in Chinese

12 history, where the diligent and brave Chinese people gave a lot of breath-taking performances in history and created a variety of colorful arts and cultures .Today many cultural ashes and historic relics are still remaining in this region.

另外需要强调的是,翻译还有一个语篇功能的问题,就是说,不同文本体裁具有相应不同的交际功能,这实际上就牵涉到前面讲的“大语篇”的问题,翻译时须根据不同的语篇功能做出翻译策略和方法上的不同考虑,采取相应的应对措施,这一点在后面的讨论中会逐一涉及。 Cla-work 2

( 1 ) (07 年英语八级考试试题 ) : Translate the underlined part of the following text into English: 暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合在一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。

也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他们不知在何处歇息。只有 这些生灵 自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得 肥滚滚 的。如果走近了,你会发现它们洁白的牙齿,以及那丰富而单纯的表情。

Just beside this splendid scene , a flock of sheep lowered their heads for food on the side of an inlet, all too busy to look up at this beautiful dusk.Probably they would lose no time to have another chew at the last moment before going home.This was the scene on the beachhead of the Yellow River .The shepherds were gone, resting somewhere , only to leave these living things freely enjoying this dusk.The abundant gra here made the sheep full and round .Going close, you would find their white teeth and their varied but simple looks .[ 分析见作业讲评 ] (2) 英译汉:

Scientific and technological advance are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constitutions of matter, and the miracle of life.

At the same time, today, the action, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.

Globaliztion is making the world smaller, faster and richer.Still, 9/11 and avian flu remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necearily a safer world.

Our world is bursting with knowledge---but desperately in need of wisdom.Now, when sound bites* are getting shorter, when instant meages crowd out eays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world need.

For all these reasons I believe---and I believe even more strongly today---in the unique and irreplaceable miion of universities

参考答案: Scientific and technological advance are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos( 宇宙最遥远的边界 ), the most basic constitutions of matter( 物质最基本的结构 ), and the miracle of life( 生命的玄妙 ).

At the same time, today, the action, and inaction, of human beings imperil( 危害 ) not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.( 同时,人类今天的行为,还有无所作为,不仅危害到这个星球上的生命,还危害到星球本身的生命 ) 。

Globaliztion is making the world smaller, faster and richer.Still, 9/11 and avian flu remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necearily a safer world.( 全球化趋势让这个世界变得越来越小、越来越快、越来越富有。尽管如此, 9.11 事件和禽流感却提醒我们,这个越来越小、越来越快的世界却未必越安全。 )

Our world is bursting with knowledge---but desperately in need of wisdom.Now, when sound bites* are getting shorter, when instant meages crowd out eays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world need.( 这个世界知识爆炸却极度缺乏智慧。今天,当电视上演讲片断越来越短, 即时消息充斥各类文章,个人生活越来越疯狂的时候,会深刻反思的大学毕业生才是这个世界所需要的人 )

[ * 注:“ sound bite ”指电视上候选人演讲的片段,例如: Some of the presidential candidates are more interested in sound bites than sound policies.有些竞选总统的候选人对自己在电视上演讲的片段比他们对制定好的政策更感兴趣。 ]

For all these reasons I believe---and I believe even more strongly today---in the unique and irreplaceable miion of universities( 所有这些原因使我相信——并且今天我更加相信——这是大学独一无二且不可替代的神圣使命。 ) 5 . 3 语篇整体与局部

根据语篇语言学,在有效构成语篇须具备的七项标准中,衔接性( cohesion )与连贯性( coherence )首当其冲,其它五项则为意向性

14 ( intentionality )、可接受性 ( acceptability )、语境性( situationality )、信息性( informativity )和互文性( intertexuality ) 。 所谓 “衔接性”(又叫“形式衔接”)是指段落的各个部分的排列和连接要符合逻辑,而“连贯性”(又叫“语义连贯”)则要求各个部分的语义连接应当通顺而流畅,说得通俗一点,就是要注重文意的贯通和文脉的流畅, 汉语历来也有“文脉”、“意脉”之说。 “形式衔接”和“语义连贯” 要求 行文用字、谋篇布局要自然合理,流畅贯通,一切要符合语篇整体的要求。不然, 哪怕单个词、句译得再好,读来也会给人以生硬牵强、文理不顺的感觉,甚至不合情理。

例 1 . (前 6.2.1 例 2 ) 大家 都说,糟了 ,怕是遭了狼了 !

(1) When seeing this , everybody there realized that something bad must have happened ----- he was killed by a wolf! √ [ 增、改 ]

(2) Everybody said that it was too bad ! He was likely to meet with a wolf! ×

译 (1) 几乎是改写了原文,看似偏离,却合语篇整体要求;译 (2) 一字未改,语句对应,且行文也通顺,若单独成句应该说译得十分准确 ,但置于篇章整体中却显生硬,不合上下文情景(详见该例句)。 可见,技巧如何使用、在什么情况下使用,一切须视情而定,离不开整体语篇的制约和调节。有时,哪怕单句译得再好,一旦进入语篇整体,也会显得不合情理:

例 2.“„”, began Clyde , who did not quite like the looks of the man before him, but was determined to present himself as agreeable as poible .(1) “ „„”,克莱德开口说。尽管他不太喜欢眼前这个人,但还是决定让自己 表现得尽量随和一些 。

单独来看,译文非常准确。但特定的语境告诉我们,这样的表达却与 克莱德身份不合——他是来求这个人( the man ,实际上是一个侍者领班 )帮他找一份工作的,身份低微,不是“放下架子”、“随和”不“随和”的问题,上下文情景决定了这一“ agreeable ”不能这样表达,须仔细斟酌,选准词义: (2) „„。尽管他不太喜欢眼前这个 领班 ,但还是决定让自己 尽量迎合一下对方 。

这一译文才比较符合主人公的身份,虽然字面不及译 (1) 精准 ,却更合清理,这就是语境的制约作用。再如下面一段对话:

例 3 . Ro: Rach, have you never done this ( 洗衣房洗衣 ) before? 15 Rachel: Well, not myself, but I know other people that have.Oh, you caught me , I ' m a laundry virgin .A.罗 丝:蕾,以前你 从没干过这活 ?

蕾切尔:唔,自己 没有 , 但我知道干过这活的其他人 。哦, 被你逮住了 , 洗衣我是第一次 。 × [ 未推敲上下文语境 ] B.罗 斯:蕾,你以前 从没干过这活 ?

蕾切尔:唔,自己 没有 ,但我知道 别人干过 。哦, 你说对了 , 我是头一回自己洗衣 。 ?

C.罗 斯:蕾,你以前 从没洗过衣服 ?

蕾切尔:唔, 自己没洗过 ,但知道 有人替我洗 。哦, 被你说中了 ,我是头一回自己洗衣。 √ [ 推敲了语境 ] D.罗 斯:蕾,你以前 从没洗过衣服 ?

蕾切尔:唔,自己没洗过,但知道 是别人洗的 。哦,被你说中了, 自己洗衣,我可是大姑娘坐轿,头一回呢! ?

• 尾句“ laundry ”提示,首句“ have done this ”就是“洗衣”。 • 第二句“ not myself ”暗示蕾切尔是一富家女,有专人替她洗衣,所以才说“知道有别人”,重心在“ other people ”;但 4 句译文中,“ 知道干过这活的其他人 ”语气生硬,意义与上下文不符;“ 知道别人干过 ”仍不明不白;“ 知道有人替我洗 ”意义明确,“替”字暗含“别人( other people )”;“ 知道是别人洗的 ”则顺口一些。

• 在上下文提示下,“ you caught me ”不可能是“逮住”的意思,但“ 洗衣我是第一次 ”不太口语化;“ 你说对了 ”与英语“ You said it! ”没有区别,明显忽略了“ caught ”的本意;“ 被你说中了 ”比较贴切。 • “ laundry virgin ”不可直译(没人会说“洗衣处女”),不然莫名其妙,必须予以引申,“ 头一回自己洗衣 ”,意义、语气都比较到位。译文 D 虽充分引申,却容易引起文化误解,以为西方也有“出嫁坐轿”的习俗。

例 4 . The only solid piece of scientific truth about which I feel totally confident is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature.Indeed, I regard this as the major discovery of the past hundred years of biology.It would have amazed the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment to be told by any of us how little we know and how bewildering seems the way ahead .It is this sudden confrontation with the depth and scope of 16 ignorance that represents the most significant contribution of the 20th century science to the human intellect.

1) “ solid piece ” (坚实的一块)必须根据整个语篇来选定词义,不然会太生硬,不合汉语习惯;

2) “ the brightest minds ” 不能简单译为“最聪明的头脑”,这里实际指“最聪明的人”,即“十八世纪启蒙运动中最聪明的人”,译为“ 佼佼者 ”比较贴近上下文语气。

3) “ how little we know and how bewildering seems the way ahead ”:英语两个“ how ”句分列,逻辑分明,汉语则可合为一体;英语只有“未来”没有“自然界”,译文却增加后者,完全是上下文语气之使然。

4) “ sudden confrontation with the depth and scope of ignorance ”是全段难点,充分体现英、汉表达方式上的差异。英语可以说“与无知的 深度和范围 突然相遇”,汉语却无此搭配。原文之所以强调“深度”和“范围”,是说明人类对无知的了解已经深入,并且是“突然”面对,话中有话。因此,不妨换用符合汉语事理逻辑的习惯表达,在译文中重新布局。当然,如何行文则见仁见智了。

参考译文 : 科学真理中 唯一不争的事实 就是——至今我对此仍深信不疑——我们对大自然的了解还极其无知。确实,我认为这是过去几百年来生物学的重大发现。倘若十八世纪 启蒙大师中的佼佼者们 被告知,当今世界人们依旧 对自然界和未来所知甚少、充满困惑 ,他们一定会惊愕不已。但正是这种 对无知猛然直面、深刻全面的认识 ,才是 20 世纪科学对人类知识的最大贡献。

例 5 .孔子很早就说:“ 四十而不惑 ”。意思是到了四十,就是肥肉一块吊到你嘴边,你饥肠辘辘馋涎欲滴,也不应该伸脖子去贪嘴了。

“四十而不惑”能否照常译为“ At forty I came to be free from doubts” ,或 “At forty, one begins to understand the world” ? 这样的译文单独看没什么问题,表达了孔夫子的本意,是说人到四十对人生不再迷惑(尽管这两个译文对“惑”字的理解略有不同),字典上也是这样说的。但能用在这一场合中?看看上下文:“肥肉到嘴边也不会贪嘴”,这明明是一种“诱惑”呀!这是原作者的独特理解,不能歪曲原义。所以,在这一特定语境中,只能译为(整句译文如下):

Confucius said: “ 40 is the age when one can be safe from temptations .” According to him, when one is forty or over, he should be able to resist the temptation of a piece of juice mea t dangling before him even if he is very hungry with his mouth watering.(居祖纯, 2000 : 96 )

“四十而不惑”处理为 “ 40 is the age when one can be safe from temptation ”更合上下文语义。 同时,“肥肉”不译成“ fat meat ”(生肉)而用“ juice meat ”(熟肉)也是语境的要求,不然不合情理。可见,同样的原文,在不同的语境条件下会有不同的意义。有时即使意义相同,翻译时也可用不同的方式处理,只要方式得当,符合语境要求,会使译文别开生面,令人耳目一新。例如:

例 6 .“ 各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜 ”,是使世界达到和平的最佳途径。 一家如此 ,则一家和乐。 一国如此 ,则一国安全。 全世界如此 ,则天下太平。

A.“ Just sweep away the snow in front of your own house, and never mind the frost on other people's roof ”, as the Chinese proverb says , may be the best way to bring about a happy and peaceful world.So long as we limit our activity within our own sphere, strictly refraining from trespaing upon others', we can surely win peace in the family, in the country as well as in the world .

B.In order to secure a happy and peaceful world, we must first of all, limit our activity within our own spheres, strictly refraining from trespaing upon others' .Suppose that this role is observed in all families, countries of the world , surely there will be no trouble in them all.

C.One of the best ways to make the world peaceful and happy is for every individual to keep within his own province, refraining from encroaching upon others' .If a family follows this way , that family will be free from worry; if a nation follows this way , that nation will be at ease; and if the entire world follows this way , it will find itself in perfect peace.( 钱歌川, 翻译的技巧 : 432 , 561 )

译文 A 几乎直译,译文 B 却做了较大改变完全意译,译文 C 形式上则与原文 若即若离,三种译法都可取,关键看翻译目的和使用场合,只有准确地把握整体,才有独到的见仁见智。

例 6 . Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower .You need training, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or che, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a bird's wing , or the shiver of breath through a flute.From most of human history, the training has come from elders who taught the young how to pay attention .By paying attention, we learn to savor all sorts of patterns , from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts.This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage , for the ability to recognize patterns helped our ancestors to select mates, find food, avoid predators.But the same advantage would apply to all species, and yet we alone compose

18 symphonies and croword puzzles, carve stone into statues, map time and space.

凡眼见于 俏脸、鲜花, 无人不觉赏心悦目 。然而,要参透数学、物理或棋弈之美, 欣赏树之有形、鸟之翼趣 , 乃至 对长笛奏出的悠悠颤音 心领神会 , 则必经 专门训练 方可体味 。在人类大部历史上,这种训练就是学会如何观察,历来 由长者教之于幼者 。通过观察,人类学会 去鉴赏天地万化之模式 ,从量子力学到百纳被无所不包。 此痴情所至 ,亦使人类在进化过程中 占尽先机 , 能辨万化之象 ,有助于先人们择偶、觅食,逃避猛兽。按理,同一进化优势本应造福世间一切物种,然惟独人类能谱出交响曲、制作填字游戏、创造石雕艺术、标示时空天体。

( 第十七届韩素音翻译大赛参考译文)


1) 开头句: 人只要有眼睛就会感受脸蛋和鲜花的美丽 // 只要有眼睛,人人都能从一张脸和一朵花中得到愉悦 。

正常人皆有双眼,说这话意义不大。“翻译最难是口吻”(毛荣贵, 2002 ),原作者的“口吻”和“语气”其实就隐含在字里行间,需要译者去体味、去发现。此译“斤斤于分寸不失”,其结果往往是有字无篇,把一篇优美的散文生生弄成了干瘪的说明文。其实只要稍做变通,原文神采便跃然纸上: “ 凡眼见于俏脸、鲜花,无人不觉赏心悦目 ”。 2) 第二句若照原字句翻译,译文应该是:

然而我们只有通过训练才能从数学之中、物理之中、对弈之中,以及树木的枝叶形态、飞鸟羽翼的图案和长笛颤动的气流之中感受到美的存在 。

单独来看十分准确,意思一点没走样,但置于语篇整体,却显十分生硬,与整个篇章的文情意脉格格不入,把一篇优美的散文生生变成了干瘪的说明文!例 4 译文中,“鸟之翼趣”似乎有“用词失度”之嫌:无“图案”( design )之意,但从整体来看,却比“鸟翼之图案”好,它与“树之有形”形成对偶,语气连贯,浑然一体。

“徒语人以词,斤斤于分寸不失,往往是有字无篇,未必就得原文风格之真髓”(罗新璋, 1995 ), 罗 先生的这番话值得我们体味、深思!要译出原文的神采和丰韵,就必须力争做到“神形兼备”,而“神形兼备”的主要特点就是“追求‘不似之似',追求‘离形得似'”(孙迎春, 2004 : 147 , 148 ),也就是说,译文看似与原文若即若离,实则得原文之真髓,比起死扣原文形式、斤斤于 字比句次的译文来,要准确地道得多 。要做到“神形兼备”,译者必须对原文中“( 1 )联想丰富而独特的词句和某些微言妙语,( 2 )言语的弦外

19 之音,( 3 )整体的特殊气氛,( 4 )人物的特殊口吻”( ibid : 148--158 )等因素予以充分考虑,从原文的字里行间去体味、去提炼,从宏观语篇上抓住原文的文情意脉,再选用恰当的译文形式准确地地道将这些实际内蕴充分展示出来。 所以,在翻译中,特别是语篇翻译,一定要充分注意语篇对译文的整体调节功能,正确运用各种翻译技巧,使译文准确通顺,地道自然,切记不可惟技巧而技巧,忽视语篇的整体调节和制约作用。 5 . 4 形式与内容的统一


大量的翻译实践告诉我们,在英、汉两种语言间求得翻译中的形式对等几乎是不可能的事,这是因为二者在语言体系、文化传统、历史条件、社会背景、生活习俗、审美方式甚至价值观等方面相差太大的缘故。奈达就曾说过,“每一种语言都有各自的特性”( Each language has its own genus ),并且,“要有效进行交际必须尊重各自语言的特性”( to communicate effectively one must respect the genus of each language ),因此,在翻译中“要保留内容必须改变形式”( to preserve the content of the meage the form must be changed ),而形式改变的大小得视不同语言间语言和文化距离的大小而定。例如,英语和德语,英语和保加利亚语,英语和印度语,各自的形式改变都有不同。英语和德语同属印欧语系,同属欧洲文化背景,形式差异就小一些;英语和保加利亚语不属同一语系,却置身于同一欧洲文化背景,形式变化相对比英、德语间要大一些;英语和印度语虽同属印欧语系,但却分属完全不同的两大文化背景(西方与东方文化),差异自然更大,形式改变也更大。若拿英语与汉语相比,二者既不属同一语系,又不属同一文化,其语言形式上的差异可想而知,翻译中大量的形式改变也就在所难免。




傅雷说, “两国 文字词类 的不同, 句法构造 的不同, 文法与习惯 的不同, 修辞格律 的不同, 俗语 的不同,即反映 民族思维方式 的不同, 感觉深浅 的不同, 观点角度 的不同, 社会背景 的不同, 表现方法 的不同”。 “我们在翻译的时候,通常是胆子太小,迁就原文字面、原文句法的时候太多。要避免这些,第一要精读熟读原文,把原文的意义、神韵全都抓握住了,才能放大胆子。” “以甲国文字传达乙国文字所包含的那些特点,必须 像伯乐相马 ,要‘ 得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘其外 '”。


一般而言,一要看文本体裁,二要看翻译目的,三要看具体的交际情景。例如,对于文学、时政、科技类文本和工商业文件的翻译,在不损害原义的前提下,能贴近原文形式就尽量贴近,以保存原作内容的准确和风格特点。这方面最典型的就是诗歌翻译,若不注重形式,何来“诗”与“歌”!正因为此,有人就认为诗歌根本不可译,特别是在英诗汉译或汉诗英译中,由于二者语言文化上的差异太大,要保留原文形式是不可能的事。我国的美学大 师朱光潜 先生就认为,“有些文学作品根本不可翻译,尤其是诗 ( 说诗可翻译的人大概不懂得诗 ) ”,而 许渊冲 先生却多年来坚持汉语诗歌和文学经典的对外翻译,取得了世人瞩目的成果,并提出了文学翻译的“三美”原则:音、形、意美。


例 1 . On one of those sober (严肃) and rather melancholy (忧郁) days, in the later part of Autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I paed several hours in rambling (漫步) about Westminster Abbey.There was something congenial (适意的) to the season in the mournful (悲哀) magnificence of the old pile; and, as I paed its threshold, seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity, and losing myself among the shades of former ages.( Washington Irving, Westminster Abbey )

时方晚秋,气象肃穆,略带忧郁,早晨的阴影和黄昏的阴影,几乎连在一起,不可分别,岁将云暮,终日昏暗,我就在这么一天,到西敏大寺去散步了几个钟头。古寺巍巍,森森然似有鬼气,和阴沉沉的季候正好调和;我跨进大门,觉得自己已经置身远古,相忘于古人的鬼影之中了。 —— “ 西敏大寺 ” ,夏济安译, 1976 , p.54 这是文学作品,形式变化不大,基本按原文句序进行,只是在行文用字上做了适当调整。


例 2 . 队长走了,老实巴交的司机都去干活了, 剩下的几个全是歪毛淘气、嘎杂子琉璃球 , 他们 围住了她,问这问那,有捧的有骂的,有软的有硬的,有唱红脸的有唱白脸的 ,简直要把她给吞下去。他们的目的就是要给她一个 下马威 ,一下子就把她给气跑了,第二天 即便打死她也不敢 再到汽车队里来才好,汽车队是他们的天下,平时由他们说了算 ,队长田国富 是个大外行 ,不敢得罪他们,他们 落得个自由自在,热热闹闹 。 ──《赤橙黄绿青蓝紫》,蒋子龙

With the head and the le obstreperous drivers gone, all the rest gathered round her to fire questions at her.Some were rude while others put on a show of politene .They seemed to want to swallow her up, to deal her a head-on blow at this first encounter to make her leave in disgust and not come back .That was what they hoped for .The transportation team was theirs, and they were the ones with the say there.Not knowing the ropes , Tian did not dare to offend them.So they did whatever they liked and had a good time .── Chinese Literature ,王明杰译

上述二例均属文学翻译,但形式变化的大小有所不同,例 2 做了大量省略和改写,实属无奈,是文化差异太大的缘故。 译者知道,汉语的一些习语(“软的硬的”、“唱红脸的唱白脸的”等)和俚语(“歪毛淘气、嘎杂子琉璃球”)照直译出只会以辞害义,使译文读者产生理解上的困难甚至错误,为保留意义,只能做形式上的改变。

例 3 . When I'm having trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself and think things should be easier for me , I roll a piece of paper into that cranky old machine and type, word by painful word , just the way Mother did.What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead.

(1) 每当我写文章有麻烦想放弃时 , 或是开始为自己觉得遗憾和认为事情对我本应容易一些时,我就往那台破旧的打字机里卷进一张纸,像母亲当年那样,打着一个又一个痛苦的字。这时,我想起的不是母亲的失败,而是她的勇气,那种一往无前的勇气。

(2) 每当我因文章难写想 打退堂鼓, 或是 自叹命不如人、老天不公时, 我就往那台破旧的打字机里卷进一张纸,像母亲当年那样, 一个字一个字吃力地打着 。这时,我想起的不是母亲的失败,而是她的勇气,那种一往无前的勇气。


例 4 . 拿有些古都来说,其建筑体现着三个层面:由宫殿府邸、皇家园林 等构成的帝王古都 ;由道观神庙、社稷祭坛 等构成的“鬼神”古都 ;由胡同、四合院及其它民居建筑构成 的老百姓古都 。


Three kinds of buildings make up China 's architectural features of the ancient capital: (1) imperial palaces and official residences; (2) temples and altars; (3) compounds with houses built around a courtyard, and the lanes and other buildings lived in by ordinary people.

这一例的形式变化就大一些。原文 用分号将并列的内容隔开,这是汉语的习惯,而英语则讲究条目分明,缕析入微;汉语行文对偶不怕重复,英语则最忌同义重复和辞藻堆砌。明确了这一差异,该增则增(数字序号),该减则减(原文斜体字句),一切以译文习惯和规范为准,注意了内外有别。

例 5 . 这里三千座奇峰 拔地而起,形态各异 ,有的似 玉柱神鞭,立地顶天 ;有的象 铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立 ;有的如 晃板垒卵,摇摇欲坠 ;有的若 盆景古董,玲珑剔透 „„ 神奇而又真实,迷离而又实在,不是艺术创造胜似艺术创造,令人叹为观止 。

3000 crags rise in various shapes — pillars, columns, walls, shaky egg stacks and potted landscapes „ - — conjuring up unforgettably fantastic images .

这是典型的化“虚”为“实”的翻译手法,在汉、英旅游翻译中大量运用,形式变化太大,与各自文体风格上的差异有关,这样的译文可能要直观可感、简洁流畅得多,更符合英语旅游文体和读者的欣赏习惯。 Clawork 3 : 1 )判断:

欢迎参加中国出口商品交易会 ( 广交会 ) ; 举世瞩目的国际贸易会;

中国对外经济贸易活动的重要场所展示; 中国改革开放和经济建设成就的窗口。

( 1 ) Welcome to Chinese Export Commodities Fair (Guangzhou Fair); The world-felt international trade gathering; The important spot of China 's foreign trade; The window to show the achievements of the reform and open-up and economic construction.

( 2 ) Chinese Export Commodities Fair (CECF or simply called Canton Fair), which attracts worldwide attention, is a grand gathering of

23 international trade.It is also an important spot of China 's foreign trade, where China shows the achievements of economic construction after reform and opening-up.2 )翻译 : 1 . 英译汉(翻译划线部分):

I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box in a freight yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head.Now I am thirty-two„.

Life, I believe, asks a continuous series adjustments to reality.The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world becomes.The adjustment is never easy.I was bewildered and afraid.But I was lucky.My parents and teachers saw something in me---a potential to live, you might call it---which I didn't see, and they made me want to fight it out with blindne.

The hardest leon I had to learn was to believe me in myself.That was basic.If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front porch for the rest of my life.When I say belief in my life I am not talking about simply the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone.That is part of it.But I mean something bigger than that: an aurance that I am, despite imperfection, a real, positive person, that somewhere in the sweeping, intricate pattern of people there is a special place where I can make myself fit.

译 1 : 我认为,生活要求人不断地自我调整以适应现实。人越能及时地进行自我调整,他的个人世界便越有意义。调整并不容易。我曾感到茫然和害怕。但我很幸运。父母 和 老师发现了我心底的东西——一种活下去的潜力,你可以这样叫它——而我自己却没发现。他们使我想去与失明战斗到底。


译 2 (试译) : 我认为,生活要求人们不断地自我调整以适应现实。人越能及时调整自我,其个人世界亦越有意义。调整决非易事。对此我曾茫然、害怕过,但又十分幸运。因为,对潜藏于心底的某种东西——或曰人的生活可塑性,在我尚未察觉时,父母 和 老师们就发现了它。他们用来激励我自发地与失明顽强抗争。


我务必学会相信自己, 尽管最难学,却是我的基本课程 。倘若连这点都做不到,恐怕我 早就一败涂地 ,只能在门廊的摇椅上 了此残生了 。相信自己, 并非仅指帮我走下不熟的楼道时那份小小的自信,那只是它一部分 。我是指更大的自信:我虽身有残疾,却是一个 堂堂正正、积极向上的人 ,坚信 在这大千世界、芸芸众生之中,自有我安生立命的一席之地 。 2) 汉译英(翻译划线部分) :


忍不住叫人想起 “ 浪漫 ” 一词。写情书是一种浪漫,送 99 朵玫瑰是一种浪漫。我不知道, 擦桌子泡茶送药 是否也是一种浪漫。浪漫是没有定式的,或许那些实实在在的 呵护和关爱 才是真正的浪漫,它 是生命 之 火所点燃的 最绚烂的 花朵 。

His words remind me of the word “ romantic”.Writing love letters is an outpouring of romantic feelings, so is offering a big bunch of 99 red roses.The expreion of love follows no definite pattern.I wonder if wiping the desk and preparing tea and medicine for a person of one's heart is not one of the ways.Maybe true love lies in giving heart-felt care and whole-hearted protection.That and that alone is the reddest rose nurtured by the spring of life .( 居祖纯译 )



(1) Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of proceing a single talent or skill: singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc.The succeful performer develops a style that is marked aggreively and gains some popularity, and it is this popularity that usually convinces the performer to continue performing in the same style, since that is what the public seems to want and to enjoy.But in time, the performer becomes bored singing the same songs in the same way year after year, or the painter becomes bored painting similar scenes or portraits, or the actor is tired of playing the same character repeatedly.The demand of the public holds the artist hostage to his or her own succe, fame.If the artist attempts to change his or her style of writing or dancing or singing, etc, the audience may turn away and look to confer fleeting fickle fame on another and then, in time, on another, and so on and so on. 25

凡成名者,大多有一技之长, 或能歌,或善舞,或长于绘画,或精于写作 ,都因各自演艺中 形成的强烈个性和鲜明风格而名声鹊起 。然而,正是这得来的名望,使他们 常年固守着自己的本色不敢越雷池半步 ,因为这是公众的要求和喜爱。可随着时间的推移,歌星 若年复一年唱着同样的歌 ,画家若 一成不变画着同样的画 ,演员若 一如既往重复着同一角色 ,恐怕 连他自己都会厌烦 。但为了保全已有的成就和名望,他只能 一味顺从这种需要而沦为公众的人质 。若要 改换笔调,转变舞风,创新唱法 ,观众就会舍他而去, 将那来去不定、乍起乍落的名望声誉 随即送与他人, 如此这般转来转去,无休无止 。 2.汉译英:

(1) 中华民族 文化 历史悠久,起源很早,内容极为丰富 ,是东方文明的主要组成部分,早在上古时期就已是 人类文化的一个独立典型 。在物质文化方面,中国的“ 四大发明 ”曾经 改变 世界历史的 进程 。在精神文明方面,“ 以人为本 ”的 人格价值 思想和“ 和为贵 ”的 和平与发展的 思想,对世界文化 解决 个人与社会、人与自然、道德与生命的 根本关系 做出了杰出的贡献。中国的学者们 一致认为 ,在全球化趋势日益发展的今天, 文化交流 在国与 国之间的交往中 越来越重要, 起着独特的作用 ,中国应该向全世界充分展现具有 强大凝聚力的 中华文明,同时应该利用 申办( bid for )、举办 (host/sponsor) 奥运会的机会 吸取和弘扬( carry forward//develop )一切人类文明的 精华 。

As an important component of Oriental civilization, the Chinese culture is rich and well-established with a long history , distinguished from ancient times by its characteristics in human culture.With respect to its material culture, China 's “ four inventions ”, namely, gunpowder, printing, the compa and papermaking , have influenced the proce of world history.With respect to ethical culture, the ideas of “ people come first ” ( for human dignity) and “ harmony prevails over all ”// “ conciliation is invaluable ” ( for the peace and development) have made great contributions to the world's culture, dealing well with the fundamental relationships between individuals and society, man and nature, and morality and life.Chinese scholars have reached a consensus that today against the backdrop of globalization, cultural exchanges are playing particularly a bigger and bigger role in international contacts.While displaying to the world its strongly cohesive culture, China should absorb and develop the eence of other cultures by taking advantage of the opportunity of hosting the Olympics.

(2) 没有盼头的日子是苍白不可想象的,人,得天天有点什么盼头,生活才不至于暗淡。有了盼头,会觉得太阳每天都是新的,不管是望梅止渴,还是画饼充饥,它都会激励你不停手中的桨,去追逐哪怕一星微小的火光。




A day without hope would be unimaginably pale.There must be something to look forward to each day to brighten one's life and keep it out of shadows.To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun.Even if it is a fantasy or an illusion, so long as it shows a ray of hope it still urges you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup.Deprived of moisture content, soil turns into desert.Deprived of hope, what is there left to a person? A small hope sustains a person for a day, a great one for a lifetime.Human beings cannot do without something to look forward to.



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