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Comrade Han Zheng\'s addre to the Shanghai People\'s Congre after being

elected Mayor of Shanghai

February 20, 200


Honorable presidium, all delegates:


Thank you for your trust in electing me Mayor of Shanghai and for choosing the nine-member team of new leaders for Shanghai Municipality.We\'re fully aware of the great responsibility we have to shoulder because of the trust you have bestowed in us, on which lies the faith of the 16 million people of Shanghai.改革开放以来,在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,在全国人民的大力支持下,历届市委、市政府团结和带领全市人民,锐意进取,奋力开拓,实现了 历史性的大突破、大发展、大变样,上海正在成为一座世人瞩目、充满生机活力的国际大都市。在此,我们向为上海发展付出辛劳和汗水的全市人民表示崇高的敬 意!向为上海发展作出历史性贡献的老领导表示崇高的敬意!

Since China\'s opening-up and reform, with the guidance of Communist Party of China and the State Council, along with the support of Chinese people, the succeive party and governmental leaderships of Shanghai have held the people of Shanghai together and led them to achieve a historic breakthrough, development and change that has turned Shanghai into an energetic international metropolitan and brought it into the spotlight of the world.I\'d like to take this opportunity to expre my respect and gratitude to the people of Shanghai who work hard for its development, and to all the former leaders of Shanghai who have made historic contributions to Shanghai\'s development.今天,市长的“接力棒”传到了我手中,我感到的是沉甸甸的责任。权力是人民赋予的,人民的利益高于一切。在任何时候、任何情况下,我们都必须把为人民谋利益作为政府一切工作的出发点和最高目标。

Today, I can feel the responsibility on my shoulders as the baton of leading Shanghai for further development is paed onto my hands.The power of the government is entrusted by the people; the interest of people is above all.Therefore at anytime, in

any case, we shall always take the interest of people as the starting point and eventual goal of all our work.作为市长,就要和广大群众同甘共苦,了解群众“难”在何处、“忧”为何事,通过一桩桩、一件件扎扎实实的工作,把群众的困难解决好,把群众的利益维护好,把群众的积极性调动好。

As the Mayor of Shanghai, I\'d like to share with the citizens all their happine and troubles, and get to know their difficulties and worries.Moreover, I\'d take solid measures to help them solve their problems, to protect their benefits and to mobilize their initiative.我们的人民需要一个忧民所忧、乐民所乐的服务政府;我们的社会需要一个务实高效、廉洁勤政的责任政府;我们的时代需要一个依法行政、公正严明的法治政府!

Our citizens demand a government that is of service and concerned about the people, its worries and fears.Our society demands a solid responsible government that is efficient, honest and diligent.Our era demands a government that respects legal system and rules strictly and impartially.新一届政府将从严治政,狠抓自身建设,强化职能转变,不畏艰难,勇于改革,敢于创新,在中共上海市委的领导下,努力开创各项工作的新局面。

The new seion of Shanghai government will manage itself strictly, work hard to bring itself to perfection, and intensify the shift of its role from administrative to public service.We have the courage to carry out further reforms and innovations despite all the difficulties we have to face.With the guidance of Shanghai committee of CPC, we will start work in various fields.


My colleagues and I will always keep in our minds the \"Two Musts\" which was proposed by Chairman Mao, which requests humility, cautiousne, hard work, diligence and to be thrift.We\'re ready to work under the supervision of the city congre and its standing committee, which will guarantee that the government will use its power to serve the people, bare all concerns on the people and work for the interest of the people.We sincerely hope you delegates, along with the people of Shanghai may support, supervise and help government\'s work as you\'ve always done.



Dear delegates, Shanghai now holds an historic opportunity for new round of development.Yet, in the proce of building Shanghai into an international economic, finance, trade and transportation center, we still face many new problems, new difficulties and new challenges.但是我们坚信,有历届市委、市政府打下的坚实基础,有各级干部的齐心协力、开拓进取,有全市人民日益增强的自信心、凝聚力,在以胡锦涛同志 为总书记的党中央领导下,紧紧团结和依靠全市人民,全面贯彻党的“十六大”精神,认真实践“三个代表”重要思想,切实落实《政府工作报告》所确定的各项任 务,把时代的召唤当作前进的动力,把崇高的使命化为积极的行动,上海的明天一定会更加灿烂辉煌!让我们携起手来,共同创造更美的城市,更好的生活!

However, we\'re sure that Shanghai faces a bright future, largely due to the strong foundation set up by former party and government leaderships, the joint efforts and progre made by all levels of cadres, and by the strong confidence and collaboration of the Shanghai people.Led by the central body of the party with comrade Hu Jingtao at the core, and supported by the people of China, we will carry out our tasks according to the guidance proposed in the 16th Congre of CPC and the \"Three Represents\" theory, and fulfill the tasks planned in the government report.We shall turn the call of the era into our motivation, and take active steps to complete our miion in building Shanghai into a more brilliant city.Hand in hand, let\'s create a better city and better life.


Thank you.







当选市长后 ××同志的讲话




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