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教师资格证考试 完整的教学设计(初中英语学科知识与教学)

发布时间:2020-03-02 18:34:39 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


一、分析教材和学生 1.分析教材:


(2)透:透彻教材构成结构,重难点以及掌握知识的逻辑 (3)化:教师的思想感情要与教材的思想性,科学性融在一起 2.分析学生

(1)学生原有的知识和技能质量 (2)学生的兴趣和思想状况 (3)学生的学习方法和习惯

(4)基于以上三点,预测学习新知识时,会出现哪些困难问题,需要采取什么措施来预防或解决(这一点经常用于教案设计中的 difficult points)

二、确定教学目标(这一部分内容用于教案设计中的teaching objectives) 1.知识目标:(1)语音、(2)词汇、(3)语法,(4)话题(具体看表格中要求) 2.技能目标:(1)听(2)说(3)读(4)写 3.学习策略:

(1)认知策略:完成具体学习任务而做的行为和采用的方法 (2)调控策略:对自己的学习进行评估,调整,采用新办法的策略 (3)交际策略:增加交际机会,提高交际有效度的策略 (4)资源策略:采用多方资源的策略



敲黑板:::在完成设计教案teaching objects的时候,这五个方向不一定同时出现,基本分为:

范例一;teaching objectives (1)knowledge and skillobjectives A. …….B.


(2)proceobjectives (3)emotion objectives 范例二:teaching objectives (1)knowledge objectives A. …….B.


(2)skill objectives A. …….B.


(3)emotion objectives


(这一部分内容用于第五部分教案设计中的activities and justification) (这一部分内容有可能用于第四部分教案评估中,用于判断所给教案采用的是什么教学方法,特点是什么,优缺点是什么,并提出修改方案)

四、设计教学过程:warming up-main part-summary and homework

warming up(lead in) 1.目的:

(1)指向作用:是学生集中注意,明确学习任务和课程话题 (2)激发作用:激发求知,启发思维,产生兴趣 (3)铺垫作用:联系旧知,以做铺垫。



(1)利用多媒体方式:图片,音乐,视频等+书面记录或口头讨论 例一:Show students some pictures of sb or about sth: ……………………

例二:a.Play the Juraic Park VCR, let the students have intuitive impreions on the dinosars

b.Lead in the topic of describing people and objects by filling the chart below(后面附有表格) (2)传统模式:引用名人名言让学生讨论,通过话题相关问题提问,讲一段故事然后提问

Teacher puts forward some questions about … , such as :






真题练习: 2016下半年



(3)请谈谈该教学活动环节存在的问题。(10分) 2014上半年


31.简述课文教学“导入”活动的目的和注意事项,并以“talking about likes and dislikes”为例,用英文写出两句相应的课堂导入语。

Main part根据教学方法不同有所变化。 后续根据教学法进行补充

Summary and Homework

summary 可以由老师做:Discu what students have learned in this cla with them and make a brief summary .也可以由学生完成:ask students to summarize the content they have learned today and then teacher will add some other content left again.

Homework 一定要贴近课程:

比如:speaking课程的作业要练习口语:find a student and interview his life..

Blackboard 简单的板书设计



题型:教学设计题 题目分析

1.题目要求英文作答,在准备过程中要注意积累常用词,同时避免语法错误。 2.题中交代了学生情况,提供了语言素材。 注意学生特点和语言素材中的知识点。

3.题目要求:15分钟,阅读教学。在设计活动时,应注意时间分配。结合课程类型选择适合的教学方法。 4.要求包括的要点:

teachingobjectives/teaching contents/key and difficult points/ major steps and time allocation/activities and justifications 一个都不能少啊

各部分的内容和注意事项 Teaching Contents

teaching contents 选择材料的题目或者材料的话题

例一:Teaching contents: The paage tells us that many teenagers have such bad eating habits that they are overweight and the doctors give some advice about their diet.例二:The paage is a letter that Yu Mei writes to her friend Jenny, which mainly introduces Yu Mei’s study life on Friday.As a result, students will discu school life in this cla.

Teaching Objectives 1.teaching objectives包括五个方面,一般分为三部分写 范例一:teaching objectives (1)knowledge and skill objectives (2)proceobjectives (3)emotion objectives 范例二:teaching objectives (1)knowledge objectives (2)skill objectives (3)emotion objectives

2.teaching objectives 的注意点:

(1)教学目标的主体应是学生:学生掌握了…,理解了…,学会运用了…。 Student is able to use new words and sentences structure to talk about study life.(2)教学目标应明确,不能随意混淆。同时,应明确提出学生应该掌握的程度。 (3)教学目标是三维目标,应按照上述范例进行阐述。

3.teaching objectives的分类范例 knowledgeobjectives To grasp the new words and expreions, such as junk food, overweight and be good for and so on.

Students can learn some new words and expreions to describe a friend’s appearance, character, interest and what you usually do. Students can develop

skillobjectives (1)听students can improve their listening and speaking abilities by listening to dialogue and talking with partners.(2)说students develop the speaking ability to describe a friend’s appearance, character, interests and what you usually do.(3)读Students’ reading skill of skimming, scanning and careful reading skills will be enhanced through practice.Students can improve their reading skills and master main idea of the paage.(4)写 Students can form the ideas about introducing their ideas.

proceobjectives: Students’ cooperation ability and practical use of English will be improved by free talk, discuion and making investigations.The students can expand their horizons by discuing and collecting information.

emotion objectives Students are able to know about the importance of keeping healthy eating and form healthy eating habits.Students’ awarene of cooperation will be strengthened.

To get a deeper understanding about friendship and strengthen the friendship with friends

Key and Difficult Points key points 部分是本节课要讲的知识点或者要培养的技能

Students can make use of the new words and expreions, such as junk food, overweight and be good for and so on.

Students can get the main idea of the whole paage.

difficult points 一般都与设计的活动、情感目标有关

Students can understand it is very neceary to form the healthy eating habit and begin to refuse junk food.

Teaching Procedure 这部分包括:major steps and time allocation/activities and justifications 所以每部分的结构应该是 major steps (time allocation) activity 1 activity 2 activity 3 justification

major steps写这部分的名称比如lead in time allocation 写具体的时间分配 5min’


justification 部分写出设计这个活动的原因或目的

最后要加入homework和blackboard 的部分











教师资格证考试 完整的教学设计(初中英语学科知识与教学)
《教师资格证考试 完整的教学设计(初中英语学科知识与教学).doc》