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发布时间:2020-03-03 08:58:53 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon! In today\'s world, the Internet is progreing with each day paing, thus breeding a new generation, the so-called net generation, who has a good knowledge of computer and spends plentiful time dwelling on the Internet.However, as far as I could see,we are a generation that has been spoiled by the Internet.Here, I\'d like to share with you one of my experience.Last Saturday, I opened my computer and tried to start my day by updating my Micro-Blogging.Somehow, there seemed something wrong with the network connections.So I put my computer aside and engaged in other staff.But the peace didn\'t last long.Two minutes later, I began to wonder what was new in my Micro-Blogging.Five minutes later, I hit on that I had an important email to reply on the summer internship with P&G.Then, for the first time in my life, I\'ve realized that I was in such a helple situation.Without the Internet, I could not listen to the music, I could not check my email, I even could not do my homework! For the first time, I have recognized that we\'re a generation that has been spoiled by the Internet for too long a time!First, we\'re a lazy generation.With the Internet making things faster and easier, we become le motivated to do things by ourselves in this digital era.Thanks to the help of Internet, a student could accomplish an eay within hours of downloading, copying and pasting.Even in the same dormitory, we prefer to sent an instant meage rather than to speak to each other.Masked by the convenience of high-tech, the Internet has made us lazybones.Second, we\'re a solitary generation.The Internet, with all kinds of chatting softwares ,email, Facebook, Twitter, is supposed to make communications more acceible.However, things can also turn out to be the opposite.As we devote more and more time to communicating with some guy in the virtual world, we spend le and le time with our friends in the real world.What\'s more, the on-line games and soap shows also tempt a good number of people staying solitarily for hours in their limited rooms.Thus, numerous people find themselves getting lonely.Third, we\'re a lost generation.The Internet has fed our generation with too much junk food.We are better informed of Sister Phoenix rather than the claic works of Lu xun; we mistaken Brother Sharp\'s misery as a fashion model; we talk about them in the BBS as an light-hearted way to amuse us; we like kuso and we are a generation full of entertainment spirit.The Internet has agitated our paion for goip, shifting our traditional value system.We are getting lost.In a word, the improper utilization of the Internet has turned the net generation lazy, solitary and lost.It is my hope that we could reasonably exploit the Internet and make the net generation a promising generation.Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?Thank you!










