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Patience Is The Secret of Succe

The story is about an unforgettable leon of the writer from an old man while fishing on the bank of the lake, through which the writer realized patience was very important and that it was the secret of succe.

I have a similar experience.Once I waited for a bus at the stop for 30 minutes, but no bus came.I couldn‟t wait any longer and decided to walk to school.But no sooner had I left than the bus arrived.I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it.If I wanted to take the next bus, I would have to wait for another 30 minutes.Only then did I realize the importance of patience.Being impatient will waste all the efforts that we have made.Patience also plays an important part in our study and work.With it we can achieve more.

Now, whenever I am to lose my patience, I‟ll think of the experience of waiting for a bus.

二.To help or not help

The paage mainly tells us that a man was hurt in a car accident, but people around him, including the writer did nothing to help him, which resulted in the injured man‟s death on the street.

After reading the paage, I was completely shocked.As far as I‟m concerned,whenever people are in trouble, we should offer them help regardle of the consequences.

If I had been on the spot, I would have called an ambulance and the police without hesitation.Once, I was walking in the street when suddenly a man came up to me and robbed me of my watch.Frightened, I called for help loudly.Just then, a young man shouted, “Stop that guy!”.Finally, people around united and caught the robber.

To help or not to help shows a man‟s quality.Wherever you are, if you have a chance to show your good qualities, just do it! Remember, your contribution counts!

三.Hold on to one[„s belief

This paage tells us that Monty Roberts, who had such strong belief that he didn\'t give up his dream all the time even though he was discouraged, and eventually he succeeded in owning a horse ranch.

For a person, belief always plays an important role in his/her life.As a saying goes, \"Where there is a will, there is a way.\" Anyone who has strong belief can realize his dream and enjoy a colorful life.Otherwise, he will lose himself on his way of life.Belief is so important that it can change one\'s fate.As a deaf man, Beethoven went on working with his strong belief in the last years of his life, though he was not able to hear his own fine music.Marie Curie, a famous scientist, also set a good example.

In 1898, Marie found a new element.In order to improve her discovery, Marie and her husband worked hard.It was because of their great effort that they saw the dim blue light of new element -- radium.Her dream came true at last.

From my point of view, it can be seen that one with firmly-held belief is likely to make a great achievement and master his own life.


一. Last weekend, I had an interview with Profeor Wang, an eye-doctor, concerning the iue of short-sightedne of school children in China.According to Profeor Wang, slightly more than half of the school children in our country are short-sighted, ranking the first in the world.He also pointed out that the causes for short-sightedne are so complicated that no medicine can cure short-sightedne.He suggested that school children avoid overuse of their eyes and do more outdoor activities.He particularly reminded us that how to hold a pen is also related to short-sightedne.

二.Should tourists take photos with animals?

Koalas in wildlife parks can‟t fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them.The government is thinking of making the tourists‟ behavior illegal to protect the animals.When people are visiting wildlife parks, they like to take photographs with animals.Reasons for this are varied.Some people may think that taking photos with animals is fun in contrast with taking photos with other persons.Others may think that it will be an interesting experience to take photos with animals during their visit.

If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel annoyed when people keep photographing with me.My life would be greatly affected and I won‟t feel happy at all! I think I should have some private space and time to relax myself.

However, I don‟t agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals.Tourist pay for tickets to visit the wildlife park and it will be a pity for them if they can‟t have a photo with an animal.Perhaps wildlife parks can set some special time and during this time, tourists can take photos with animals.It can both satisfy tourists and protect the animas.



Ashamed of his mother‟s scar, a boy was disappointed at first when his mother attended the teacher-parent meeting.However, he became moved and regretful after knowing his mother had got the scar when protecting him in a fire.

The story above reminds me of my experience.When I was a child, I was distinguished for telling lies.At first, people around me was cheated by me easily, and they didn‟t trust me any more.One night, I caught a brothers for help.However, neither of them wanted to send me to the hospital.At that moment, my mother, who had been ill for years, sent me to the hospital immediately.Consequently, I became well but my mother had to stay in hospital for weeks.

If my mother hadn‟t sent me to the hospital, she wouldn‟t have been in a worse condition.What the love she gave me.From then on, I realized that I shouldn‟t lie to others any more and I always tried to behave myself.Gradually, I am no longer what I used to be and always praised by neighbors as a trustworthy girl.What a profound influence my mother have on me!

From my perspective, we children should devote ourselves to our parents in return for their love.Never should we ignore their feelings whenever they are in trouble.Besides , what we can do to please them is that we should try our best to study well and never give up in the face of difficulty.

A little boy was ashamed of his mother‟s scar.When his mother attended the parent-teacher meeting, he was disappointed.After knowing the cause of his mother‟s scar, the boy felt ashamed of himself and cried, hugging his mother.

There was a time when I was very naughty and always made my mother angry.As a result, many relatives didn‟t like me and sometimes even scolded me without any reasons.One day, I got a fever and my mother took care of me all the time, taking me to the hospital and cooking healthy and my favorite food.At that time, I asked her whether she didn‟t like me, she just replied, “You are the only son who can‟t be taken place of in my heart.‟ Hearing that, I burst into tears.

What my mother has done for me makes me know that no matter who you are, no matter who you will be, you‟re just the person who will always be accepted and valued by your parents, in spite of your faults and difficulties.They will be always there to give you hope and courage when you‟re confronted with misfortune and hardships.Therefore, be good to your parents and take care of them.

In my opinion, only by realizing our dreams and making a better life for our parents can we live up to their expectations and repay their devoted love.


There are 62 students in my cla, and two thirds of them used to take a part time job or are taking one now, working in a shop or a library as well as in a restaurant as waiters.The reasons why they take a part time job are different.Around half of them are for the purpose of solving the financial problems in poor families, while others regard it as a good way to apply their knowledge to social practice as well as enrich their social experience.

However, still some students don‟t take a part time job because they are under great stre as a senior three student and they don‟t have time.Besides, the low pay and no permiion from parents are also the main reasons why don‟t take a part time job.







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