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HUAWEI corporate culture 在了解华为企业文化之前,我们首先要知道华为是什么。华为,是一家生产销售通信设备的通信科技公司.它成立于1987年,只有14位员工,注册资本2.1万元。到了2014年,华为约有员工17万,销售额2870亿元。这时,华为已经成为世界上第一大通信设备制造商;世界上第三大手机制造商。华为世界五百强排名287;世界品牌价值排名前100.Before we know the HUAWEI corporate culture, we must first know what HUAWEI is.HUAWEI, is a production and marketing communications equipment communications technology company.When it was established in 1987, it had only 14 employees, registered capital of 21,000 yuan.By 2014, HUAWEI has about 170,000 employees, sales of 287,000,000,000 yuan.At this time, HUAWEI has become the world\'s largest communications equipment manufacturers, the world\'s third largest mobile phone manufacturers.HUAWEI ranks 287th in world top five hundred;and is on the list ofworld brand value top 100。


What makes HUAWEI develop so fast? Is it happened by chance? No, I think it\'s inevitable.Because of its unique HUAWEI corporate culture, it is bound to make it succeful.什么是华为企业文化?华为企业文化主要由以下四个方面构成:一是狼性文化;二是创新;三是高效的管理;四是客户至上。接下来,我会结合实例具体讲解华为企业文化,以理解为什么一个中国民营企业可以如此迅速地发展成影响世界的企业。

So,what is HUAWEI corporate culture? HUAWEI corporate culture mainly consists of the following four aspects: first, the wolf culture; second is the innovation; three is the efficient management; the last one is the customer uppermost.Following, I will combine examples to explain the HUAWEI corporate culture, so that we can understand why a Chinese private enterprise can be so rapid development into a famous global busine.首先讲的是著名的华为狼性文化。狼,依靠敏锐的嗅觉,不屈不饶、奋不顾身的进攻精神,以及群体作战的意识,成为自然界谁也无法忽略的强者。华为的狼性文化,指的就是这三点狼性。华为拥有敏锐的嗅觉,预先判断行业的发展,所以企业才能不断发展壮大。比如,华为预见了3G的普及,很早就大力研发突破关键技术,从而在3G普及的时候,获得大量订单,实现公司的超越。持续而勇敢的进攻精神,使公司不安于现状,支撑公司十年如一日,从国内走向国际,打败竞争对手。至于群体作战意识,则是指华为凝聚力量,从而使力量最大化。

First of all, it is the famous HUAWEI wolf culture.Wolf, relying on a keen sense of smell, persistent and courageous offensive spirit, and team work, becomes one of natural stronger.HUAWEI wolf culture, refers to the above three points of wolf.HUAWEI has a keen sense of smell, discovery the development of the industry in advance, so the company can continue to develop and grow.For example, HUAWEI foresees 3G\'s popularity, so it paid attention to research and develop the key technologiesvery early.Therefore,when the 3G popularize, it acce to a large number of orders, which achieved the company\'s transcendence.Persistent and courageous offensive spirit, the company has no respect for the status quo, which supports the company beat competitors from domestic to internationalfor ten years.As for the team work, it unites the HUAWEI power, so as to maximize the power.接着讲的是华为的创新精神。华为重视创新,坚持每年会投入超过10%的销售收入用于创新。华为全球员工中有43%、约35000人在从事研发工作。华为关注创新,与全球高校和企业合作创新。2014年国际专利申请量第一。得益于不断的创新,提高了华为的产品竞争力,获得了市场的认可。到了21世纪,华为凭借不断创新成为通信行业的巨头。

Secondly,it’s HUAWEI\'s innovative spirit.HUAWEI pay attention to innovation, and adhere to more than 10% annual sales revenue for innovation.HUAWEI has 43% employees worldwide, about 35,000 people engaged in R & D work.HUAWEI, focus on collaborative innovation, combine the global university and enterprise to innovate, such as Tsinghua University, University of Manchester, Nokia, Google and so on.In 2014, HUAWEI submits the most international patent applications in the world.Thanks to continuous innovation, it improves the competitivene of HUAWEI products, acce to the market recognition.By twenty-first Century, HUAWEI has become the industry\'s giants with constant innovation.然后讲华为高效的管理。华为坚持不懈地追求高效的管理,最终使之成为华为的企业文化的一部分。华为不仅追求高效的人力资源管理,也追求包括高效的项目管理、生产流程管理、财务管理。例如,为了提高管理水平,华为聘请了IBM顾问,对整个公司的管理模式进行全面改革;为了合理管理,华为试行轮值CEO制度。

Thirdly,it’s HUAWEI\'s efficient management.HUAWEI\'s persistently pursuit of efficient management, and ultimately make it part of HUAWEI corporate culture.HUAWEI not only pursue efficient human resource management, but also pursuit efficient project management, production proce management, financial management.For example, in order to improve the level of management, HUAWEI implemented the HUAWEI Basic Law from 1996 to 1998.Than HUAWEI hired IBM consultants to reform the entire firm\'s management model for 10 years.What’s more, in order to managelegitimately, HUAWEI practices the rotating CEO system in 2011.最后讲的是客户至上。华为的服务理念是:为客户服务是我们存在的唯一理由。华为的客户至上,分两个方面,一是尽可能一站式满足客户的所有需求;二是低价质好且售后周到。对于前者,华为端对端的产品举世闻名;对于后者,每次灾后都有华为人奋不顾身抢修基站、恢复通信的身影。

Finally, it’s customer uppermost.HUAWEI\'s service concept is: customer service is the only reason for our existence.HUAWEI customer uppermost, including two aspects, one is one stop service meets the needs of the customer as far as poible; two is low price, good quality and good after-sales service.For the former, Huawei\'s end to end product is famous in the world; for the latter, after the disaster, we cansee the Huawei’s people rush to repair base station and resumecommunication each time.当我们了解华为企业文化后,便很容易理解为什么华为可以如此迅速地发展成为行业巨头,引领行业的发展。华为的成功,都是因为华为独特、强大的企业文化。

When we knowHUAWEI corporate culture, it is easy to understand why HUAWEI can so quickly become the industry giant, leading the development of the industry.HUAWEI\'s succe, all due toit is unique and strong corporate culture.





华为 企业文化





