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国际文化交流中心将组织一次由各国学生参加的“和平·友谊”夏令营活动, 要求报名者提交英文个人简介。假设你是王姗,请根据下列信息写一篇个人简介。 ┏━━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃姓名┃王姗┃性别┃女┃ ┣━━━━╋━━━╋━━━╋━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┃年龄┃16岁┃学校┃北京阳光中学┃ ┣━━━━╋━━━┻━━━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫ ┃┃爱好音乐、摄影;善于与人交流,乐于助人;热爱自然,热爱和平。┃ ┃其他┃┃ ┃┃参加夏令营的目的:结交朋友,了解外国文化┃ ┗━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛注意:(1)词数不少于60。(2)可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连 贯.COMPOSITION ONE

I am a 16-year-old girl by the name of Wang Shah.and I’m currently studying in Beijing Sunshine Middle School.

My interests include music,photography,and I believe that communication is the most eential skill and have developed a liking for communication skills.My biggest strength is my ability to communicate with others,and I can speak both Chinese and English fluently and am good at speaking even with those who are shy and withdrawn.

I look forward to a world of beautiful nature and peace,and I think the most meaningful topic in the world will be War,and dealing with racial discrimination,starvation and protecting the environment.

My aim for this year’s summer camp is to make friends and learn more about foreign culture and customs.I wish to be reviewed for acceptance

to this year’s summer camp based on my motivation,skills and personality.Thanks,

Wang Shan



My name is Wang Shan and I’m a 16-year-old girl studying at Beijing Sunshine Middle School.

I’m fond of music and taking photos and I think I have a great talent for both.I have recently joined a digital video competition and won the prize for the first place.

I like to make friends with other people who are outgoing,as I myself am very out.

going.I am glad to socialize as well as help others.

I often spend my free time hiking,or exploring to have a better understanding of the

peaceful and natural surrounding in which I live.

1 wish to attend the summer camps to make friends and increase my knowledge in foreign culture and customs.

Thank you.

Wang Shan


My name is Wang Shan.I’m a girl of 16, currently studying at Beijing Sunshine Middle schoo1.I’m so excited to heal about the summer camp.and I\'d like to offer my introduction as an application to be invited to attend.

I’m happy to hear that this year’s camp will be attended by many students from all over the world,and hosted by the International Culture Exchange Centre.My interests are in photography and music,as well as learning about and understanding foreign customs and culture,and I think this camp is suited for a person just like me.

I think joining this summer’s camp will be a great place to make friends and gain much knowledge about foreign customs and culture,and I hope you can consider me for an invitation to attend.

Yours truly,

Wang Shan


Hi,I\'m Wang Shan,a 16-year-old girl.studying in the Sunshine Middle School in Beijing.Having many hobbies--which include a love of music,and photography--makes me a very outgoing and likable girl.

My interest in taking photos comes from my love of peace,and nature.Because I find that the wonders and mysteries in nature appeal to me,I like to record them in photos.The generosity of nature allows me to grasp the meanings of peace and love and find greater understanding in life.

I’m experienced with communication with others and take great pleasure in helping others as well,and I hope to be considered to be an attendee at this year’s summer camp hosted by the International Culture Exchange Center,and in this way,I Can improve my knowledge of foreign culture and customs.



My name is Wang Shan and I’m a student who presently studies at Beijing Sunshine Middle School.My interests include music,because it Can help me to relax,and photography;so I can record all of the beautiful moments in my life.

I’m very outgoing and find it very easy to make new friends.who I am always willing to help out in their times of need.My goals in life are to promote peace and the love of nature.

I’d like to join the“Peace--Friendship Summer Camp”.because it can give me some great opportunities to make friends and learn much about foreign culture and customs.

Yours truly,Wang Shan




You and your Australian friend Jim are visiting a city in China where you see the street sculptures as shown on the right.You and Jim are discuing what the artist is trying to say.Now you are telling Jim how you understand this piece of art and what makes you think so.提示词:雕塑sculpture笔记本电脑laptop


Upon viewing a sculpture within my city,I noticed upon first sight how interesting it really is.It doesn’t take long before I understand the importance that the sculptor may have had in mind.There is a man in old fashioned dre,staring curiously upon a young,fashionably dreed woman working furiously away on a laptop.

We can gue that the old man may be wondering what this small black item is,while the young lady continues to work skillfully away.This is a visible contrast between two very different periods in our history but so closely understood.

We should not forget the history and culture of our country,but we should make great efforts to move with the fast changes happening around us within our society.Only by continuing to learn of our rich history,while moving forward and understanding what is to come.can we continue to be a succeful country.


While viewing a sculpture recently,I wanted to tell people what I thought this sculptor may have been trying to tell us.My view of this sculpture is that it tells US of the long

history of the city in which it is located,and the open mind spirit that lives among its people.

I believe that the young woman with the laptop represents the modem and fashionable culture,while the old man wearing fashion from the Qing dynasty represents the history,culture and style that have lived within the city.

Despite being ancient or modern,this sculpture shares with us the fact that our city has both a long history,and,while keeping with the history and culture,has adapted to the change of pace and modern ideas within a modern society.


While looking at a sculpture in my city recently,I tried to have a better understanding of what the artist may have been trying to say.I believe the artist is trying to represent the ground shaking changes that are happening daily within our cities around the world.Portrayed in the sculpture is an old man,wearing clothes that are long out of style,representing the many residents from older generations.

The old man is concentrating on a young,fashionable woman,who is skillfully typing away on a laptop.The older man looks on with great curiosity.It seems as though he is trying to understand what the young woman is doing,as he has never seen a laptop computer before.

While the young woman continues to work skillfully,the man peers on.I feel the artist must be trying to represent the rapid change in culture from generation to generation.It shows that we as a people are willing to embrace change with curiosity and open arms and minds.


Last week,my Australian friend Jim and 1 were visiting the downtown shopping district when a sculpture drew our attention.The sculpture was showing a young woman surfing the Internet on a laptop and an elder man watching carefully.While the young woman was fashionably dreed,the elder man was dreed in an older fashion.

I wondered to myself what the elder man’s facial expreion was trying to portray.Was it curiosity...?Surprise...? Suspicion...?

I gueed that it must have been curiosity.While the old man didn’t know what the laptop may have been,the young woman was using it skillfully.Is it poible the artist was trying to allow as to reflect up on the rapid changes within our society and the differences between the old and the young?


Jim,in my opinion of the sculpture you have shown me.the artist wants to tell us about the importance of both modem and traditional culture.Let’s look at the whole sculpture.A modern,fashionable woman with a laptop;and an older,solemn gentleman who appears to be a scholar from Qing dynasty.

This represents the popularity of traditional culture.mixed with the fast pace of our development as a society.An understanding of the changes happening in our culture and society is just as important as an understanding of our past history.

As we know,the cultures and traditions of Our past are a precious treasure.“When a country’s culture is alive.the country is alive.”we can hear people speak.Everyone should succeed in their present time,while doing their best to keep their past history alive.



I’m Wang Shan,a girl of sixteen,presently,attending Beijing Yangguang Middle school.I like music.especially claical music.I’m also interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life.Through my hobbies.I’ve made many friends.In fact.I like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them.Believing we all need help from each other,I appreciate friends’help,and I’m willing to help anyone in need.

I love life;I love Mother Nature;and I love peace.I hate any form of violence. I would like to join the Peace & Friendship Summer Camp since it would be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and learn about

their cultures.


I think the artist wants to show changes in the city.The man stands for the old generation in China:he is wearing old—fashioned clothes that date back to the beginning of the twentieth century;he is looking at the laptop in great curiosity,unable to figure out what it is.The girl,on the other hand,is totally different;she has long hair,and wears a fashionable short skirt.While the man doesn’t know anything about the laptop.she plays with it skillfully.The striking differences between the two show rapid changes in people’s life in China.










