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先让学生进行课前几分钟的free talk以持续发展学生听和说的技能;接下来通过和学生用英语就weather的对话导入本单元模块的中心话题“sandstorms”(沙尘暴),并让学生就这一中心话题进行open discuion;然后要求学生完成通过多媒体课件设置的有关本阅读文中语言知识方面的一系列Task-based activities来体验和运用语言;再然后要求学生通过小组讨论的形式进一步巩固所学的内容并共同评价活动的落实情况;最后由教师引导学生将课文知识进行适当的延伸。 ⒉教学目标

围绕本单元模块的中心话题“sandstorms”(沙尘暴),一方面让学生掌握该阅读文的大意及阅读文中所包含的一些语言知识,另一方面对学生渗透“环保意识”的德育理念,增强其社会责任感。在小组讨论的基础上,学生能独立完成一篇关于“sandstorms”习得的短文。 ⒊教学流程 ⑴free talk

课前给学生约3分钟进行free talk,一方面有利于让学生争取更多的交际机会、发展听说技能,另一方面有利于塑造学生积极参加语言学习活动和大胆实践的精神。 为鼓励学生大胆用英语表达,帮助他们形成积极向上的情感及树立学好英语的自信心,我经常在多媒体课件开头部分设计一个包含激励学生学习英语的名言警句在内的free talk画面。例如本节课free talk画面我就这样设计:

在上面这个free talk画面中,我引用了新高一英语(外研版)英方教材编写专家Ken Wilson先生的一段话“English doesn’t just belong to the English, it also belongs to you.(英语不是英国人的专利,它也属于你)”,这无疑有助于学生克服英语学习中的畏难情绪,提高课堂教学效率。 ⑵lead-in 通过谈论今天的天气导入话题“sandstorms”(沙尘暴): T: What’s the weather like today? S: It’s sunny(or: rainy/windy---) T: Is the weather nice or bad? S: (Suppose today’s weather is sunny.The Ss will answer like this.) Very nice. T: En, nice, very nice.But the weather is not always nice.Now listen to another sound and tell me what your feeling is.(此时教师可用多媒体播放一些灾难性天气的画面及声音让学生体验,然后询问学生的感受) S:(学生自然会答)Terrible, very terrible! T: En, terrible! It’s really terrible! And we can call the terrible weather “natural disaster”.Do you know “disaster”? S: Yes, we do T: Good.We have just learnt some disasters in the last module—Module 3.And can you speak out the names of some disastrous weather in the module? S: Yes.Such as flood, hurricane, lightning and tornado.T: Oh, it’s wonderful! And in this module—Module 4, we’ll continue to learn about another disastrous weather named sandstorms.Let’s go!


⑶ Pre-reading open discuion 教师以开放讨论的形式设置以下问题:

Have you ever been in a sandstorm? If yes, describe it to us.If not, please imagine what it will be like.设计这项活动的目的是为每个学生营造一种充分表达自己观点和充分发挥想象力的民主、和谐的课堂教学氛围,同时通过这种相互沟通的开放式讨论,每个学生多少能从他人那儿获取有关sandstorms的一些信息,这为后面正式开始阅读作了很好的铺垫。 ⑷ Show the Ss some pictures and ask them to recognize which one refers to sandstorms.And say why.经过上面开放式讨论,几乎每个学生对sandstorms的特征有了一定的了解。为了将学生头脑中的想象和现实联系起来,我借助多媒体展示出一些天气图片,要求学生从中辨别哪一张图片内的天气是sandstorms。

学生们普遍反映,经过开放讨论后再把他们带入到一种真实的学习情境中,他们感到非常的轻松,且表达的欲望空前高涨。当我问Which one of the pictures refers to sandstorms?时,学生们都异口同声地回答:Picture 4.当我紧接着追问Why do you think so?时,学生们也都能正确作答。

尽管这项活动在不到2分钟的时间内就完成了,但由于每个同学都从中找到了一种完成任务的成就感,并在这种轻松、愉快的情境中体验了自身发现和解决问题的欢乐,所以他们渴求知识的火花一瞬间被点燃了。我顺势抛砖引玉:Do you want to learn more about sandstorms? 引导学生进入下一教学环节。 ⑸ Reading

阅读是本课教学活动的重心,这一部分所要达到的教学目的就是使学生整体了解课文内容,通过语篇教学来掌握课本知识,并通过完成由多媒体课件设置的有关课文中语言知识方面的一系列Task-based activities(任务驱动型活动)来体验和运用语言。具体设计如下:

Ⅰ.Fast reading

This teaching step can be designed as follows: 1)T: If we want to learn more about sandstorms.Let’s get close to them.Now please read the text quickly with the tape of it and try to find out the answers to the following questions: ①What’s a sandstorm? ②What’s the weather experts’ advice when a sandstorm comes? Why do they advise so? 2)In order to help the Ss (to) read the text better, the teacher can ask the Ss to finish Activity 2 at Page 33.Ⅱ.Careful reading

T: This time you should read the text very carefully.Then finish the following 3 activities designed by myself Activity 1 Directions: Decide if the following statements are true( T ) or false( F ).①Scientists have tried many ways to deal with sandstorms

②Land becomes desert only because people cut down trees and dig up gra. ③The Chinese Central West Station can not forecast sandstorm before it comes. Activity 2 Directions: Ask the Ss to choose the correct answer by the context(上下文)of this text.①Sand dunes (in Paragraph 2)mean _____ (a) plants growing in sand (b) sand hills ②desertification (in Paragraph 3) means _____

(a) making land become desert (b) throwing sth away ③If you want to wear a mask (in Paragraph 5), you should wear it over your ____ (a) face (b) body Activity 3 Directions: Fill in the blanks according to what you read.The first letter is provided for you.Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.Northwest China is part of the sandstorm center in Central Asia.Sandstorms begin in desert areas.This is a proce that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up gra.It was frightening to be outside in a sandstorm.I was in a very big sandstorm some years ago.Luckily, everyone survived.不难看出,以上阅读活动的设计遵循了任务型教学的新理念,学生们在这些活动中注意力非常集中,头脑反映也很灵活,他们不仅获得相当的成就感,且在生动的应用活动中理解了所学的知识,并通过体验和运用语言促进了语言知识、交际技能与情感体验的衔接。其中,Fast reading部分的第②个问题后附加的Why do they advise so?有利于培养学生用英语思维的习惯及发挥一定的创造潜能;Careful reading部分的Activity 2对他们学习策略的培养是大有裨益的。

为了将所学的知识进一步升华,我还设计了下一活动。 ⑹ Further discuion

教师要求学生以小组合作的形式讨论以下问题:Sandstorms brings us not only “sand” but also-----? 并提出了下面两点要求:①each member in the group is supposed to speak; ②write down key words and sentences

学生们大都能围绕traffic / health / travel / environment / etc.等各抒己见。 设计此项活动的目的是将所学的知识与现实生活联系起来,渗透德育教育的理念,以帮助学生树立正确的人生观,增强社会责任感,全面提高人文素养。 ⑺ Homework


⑴atmospheric factors ⑵ deforestation ⑶exceive use of water resources 然后要求学生根据以上图片并结合所学的知识用英语写一篇120字左右的短文,且短文必须说明以下2个问题:⑴What causes sandstorms?; ⑵As a senior student, what should we do to prevent sandstorms?












