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高中英语写作课Describing a Place

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高中英语写作课—Describing a Place


Teaching style:Writing

Teaching materials:Unit5: Canada---the True North

New Senior English for ChinaStudent’s Book3(edited by PEP)

Teaching design:

1.It is neceary for senior students to learn how to describe a place from many aspects and improve their speaking and writing ability;

2.Senior students’ learning task is too hard, and they need more interesting things to inspire them.Therefore, in order to develop the student’s interest in cla, the teacher shows them some pictures and a video of their hometown Huilai.

3.Loving hometown is very important to everyone, so the teacher should encourage the students to love their hometown—Huilai.

4.In cla, more attention should be paid to encouraging the students to give their writing as a speech for the cla.Only in this way can they get real improvement in themselves.

Teaching goals:

1.Language goals:

1).Try to master some useful words and expreions (climate,be located in, pleasant, place of interest, special snack, leechee, etc.)

2).Try to describe Huilai and give the speech;

2.Ability goals:

1).Help the students to get information from all the materials (sentences, pictures, video, etc.)

2).Make the students to improve their speaking and writing ability.

3.Feeling goals:

1).Make the students to love their hometown.

2).Improve students’ self-confidence through giving the speech.

Teaching important points:

1.Help the Ss get information from all the materials;

2.Enable the Ss to show love of their hometown—Huilai.

Teaching difficult points:How to write down all the information they get as a composition and then show it in public.

Teaching methods:

Task-based method; Situational method; Cooperative learning; Inductive Method

Teaching aids: Some maps and pictures about Huilai; a video; a computer.

Teaching procedures:



[We have learnt a lot of knowledge about Canada from the two texts in Unit5, now can you use some sentences to describe Canada as you know.You can discu with your parter to get more information.When your make the

sentence ,try to use the compound sentence, it means try to use attributive clause, object clause and so on.]

1)Use some sentences to describe Canada according to two texts.

2).Let the Ss discu with clamates and then show their collections.

[Now can we come to our collection,any volunteer can show us your idea about Canada? Ok XXX,any other volunteer?]

Step2.Writing task:

[Today we are going to have a writing cla, our writing task today is describing our homwtown –Huilai ,just like what we describe Canada.]

Describing our homwtown—Huilai.


[Since we are going to write sth.We ought to make a lot of preparation.

I ‘ll try to make it easy for you.My first question is:

When you want to describe a place ,what aspects will you write about?]

Lacation, area, population, history, climate, place of interest, etc.


Step1.Collecting information

[Ok ,now let’s collect these information one by one.First ,we should learn how to expre for every aspect.Try to keep some notes you will use later in your writing , clear?]


A): …be/lie in/on/to the east/west/south/north of…

Guangdong lies in the south of China.

Cuangdong is on the south of Hunan province.

Cuangdong lies to the southwest of Taiwan .

…be located in…,

High cla expreion:Located in…, XXX is…

Zhongshan University is located in Guangzhou, and it is a key university.

=Located in Guangzhou, Zhongshan Univeisity is a key university.

[Now ,let’s practice these expreions to describe the location of our homwtown –Huilai.I show you some maps to help you.]

B): Get the Ss to describe the location of their hometown—Huilai with the help of some maps.

2).Population (人口):

[Now let’s come to the second aspect—population.]

A) …has a population of…,B) …, with a population of…, is…

C) eighty percent of the population are …D) people

China has a population of 1.3 billion, ninty-two percent of whom are the Han nationality .

China is a large country with a population of 1.3 billion.

3).Climate(气候特征): (形容词)

[Now come to the third aspect, the climate of one place.We can find some adj.to describe the climate, such as:] Get a team to show the adjs.

warm, dry, wet, cold, hot,sunny, stormy, rainy…

High cla word:pleasant(宜人的)

[Sometimes we even can describe some detail information about the climate,such as the temperature, season or other.Here I give you two sentences as examples:]

The average temperature of Guangdong is about 20℃ .

The rainy season is between May and July.

4).Place of interest (名胜):(注意词组的润色)

[We must describe some places of interest in a place, we need to use these expreions:]

A)… is famous for its beautiful scenery…,… is well-known as…

XXX has many places of interest,such as…

Beijing,which is well-known as the capital of China,has many places of interest like the Summer Palace(颐和园).[Here I use an attributive clause ,it can be a better sentence, understand?]

[Now let’s know of some famouse interesting places in Huilai.]

5).Something special(特色):

[Every place has some own special things ,when we try to expre these things ,we can use these expreions:]

A)…is rich in …;… is famous for… ; The special snack of … is ….

Beijing is famous for the Roast Duck.

Roast Duck which is the special snack of Beijing tastes delicious.

[In your daily life ,you must contact many special things in your homwtown ,such as the special snacks, here are some special snacks in Huilai.I think you must taste them before, I want you to say sth.about these or other food or fruit.Try to use the phrases I showed to you just now.Now ]

B) Get the students to describe some special snacks in Huilai.


[Ok, let’s make a summary of everything metioned before in a form.]

Step3: Enjoy a video

[Now ,can we come to our writing with the help of so much preparation.

Here is your writing task, before your writing ,I want to show you an extra video to get more information about Huilai.While you are enjoying the video, try to set down some information you can use in your composition later.]


Step1: Writing

[Because you are supposed to write a composition as a speech and show it later, here I show you the form of the speech, these are the beginning and ending paragragh, you should complete the body,clear? Now you have 5 minutes to finish your speech.]

[ If you have any difficulty ,you can ask me for help, or you can try to change another simple way instead of the words you don’t know.]

Get the students to write a composition describing their hometown—Huilai.

Step2: Giving the speech

[Ok ,come we come to our show time? Who wanna be the first speaker? Please come to the blackborad.Welcome XXX!]

Invite some students to show their speech for the cla.


[Your homework is that polish your speech and speak to your clamates, friends or your families.] Now cla is over, thank you for your cooperation!







高中英语写作课Summary Writing




高中英语写作课Describing a Place
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