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发布时间:2020-03-03 01:48:07 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good morning ,my name is Lvrong ,you can call me Xiao bu .My hometown is Fuan Dongtai ,which is far away from here ,It’s a beautiful place ,where produces abundant quantities of silk and being called”Silk city of China”.

Today I would like to talk with you about succe.

What Is Succe ?Succe is the realization of one\'s hopes and justified ideals.Under such a generalnotion, however, people have different understanding of succe because the hopes and ideals they cherish vary from one another.

Here ,let me tell you a story of a young female college student.Not long ago, she caught a very terrible nerve disease knownas facial paralysis.All of sudden the left side of her face got paralysed, her mouth slid to one side, her eyes couldn\'t close even slightly, and the muscles were completely stiff.Like a bolt from the blue, she was drawn into a total panic.What to do? With her parents, the student had visited a11 the hospitals in the city and tried every poible means, but none worked.As time went by, the situation became more and more urgent because the curable stage was slipping by quickly.She was so scared, but deep in her heart: she still kept such a tiny sparkle of hope that things would be going better one day.At last she found her savior, miraculously.

She was introduced to a venerable retired acupuncturist.The first time the acupuncturist saw her, he was also quite uncertain if there would be any hope, but still he accepted her.From that day on, they two started their long journey of treatment.After one month, those little silver needles did work marvels! Some muscles of her face were able to move a little.Another month paed, change could be seen on her eyelid.Step by step, after 6 months of continuous acupuncture treatment, she got better and recovered basically at last.

On that day of her 1eaving,the girl and her father presented a precious gift to the acupuncturist.It\'s a picture frame with the most sacred 6-word bleing from her ethnic nationality: Om-Ma-Ni-Pad-Me-Hung.

Some little silver needles, a traditional Chinese acupuncturist and an ordinary college girl, they together made the miracle happen! That is succe.

Talking about succe, what usually come to our mind are those great achievements and shining cases.But to me, succe is just in each time we rise up to challenges.Why is succe so dear to everybody? Because it is not easy to come by, because in the proce of our striving for succe, we have both our body and soul tempered, and we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: confidence, courage , love, fortitude, patience and sense of responsibility.These are the best treasure a person can ever poe, and these are the greatest power for us to strive for the truth and happine.

What is succe? Everybody has his own interpretations.There is one thing for sure, that is every kind of succe lead you to a ever brighter future.My friends, believe in yourselves that you can make the best of yourselves.

Thank you!

------ LVRONG






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