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Episode 1

Arena n.表演场地;竞技场;活动场的

This is your starting line.This is your arena.

Rectal exam 直肠检查

Surgery n.外科,外科手术;手术室residential n.住院医生,高级专科住院实习医生;居民

Breaking point 转换点;极限You will be pushed to breaking point.

Aign to 分配给,分派给

Mixer (美)交谊会,交谊舞 we met at the mixer.调酒师;混合者,搅拌器 Torture v.拷问,折磨

Slit up 开叉,开摺缝thigh n.大腿

Strappy sandals 有带子的凉鞋

Profeional jealousy 同行间的妒忌

Suck up 奉承,拍马屁don’t bother 别麻烦,不用了don’t bother sucking up.Page v.(通过扩音器,传呼机)呼叫pager n.寻呼机

You are interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain.

Bypa surgery 绕道手术

Pageant n.盛会;选美;华丽的场面,庆典;露天历史剧

Rhythmic gymnastics 艺术体操eurythmics 艺术体操

Trip over 被……绊倒ribbon n.缎带,丝带

Inbred a.天生的;近亲繁殖的

You are a pain in the a.你太令人讨厌了

Hippocratic oath 医生誓约

Appendectomy n.阑尾切除手术appendix n.阑尾cecum =caecum 盲肠 Scrub v./n.用了擦洗,擦洗

You are scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon.

Groggy a.体弱的,不稳的,头晕的

They gave her a sedative for the CT scan, so she’s a little groggy.

Ligatevt.绑,扎irrigate v.灌溉

Human flesh 人肉human flesh search 人肉搜索

Clamp n.夹子

Peritoneum n.腹膜

Pull it off 圆满成功,成功

Stump n.残余部分;树桩

Rip v.撕破,扯破you ripped the cecum.

Bleeder n.蠢才,可恶的人;易出血的人

Suction n.抽吸

Purse strings 缩合钱袋口的绳索;财政大权

Exorcist n.驱魔的人

Pneumonia n.肺炎

Diazepam n.一种镇静的安眠药

Code blue 医疗急救

Crash cart 救护车,救生车,推车

Seizure n.病发作

Anoxia n.缺氧

One in a million 百里挑一,独一无二,凤无麟角

Widow n.寡妇

Drug n.药;麻醉药;毒品 vt.使服麻醉药I don’t know why anybody does drugs.I will see you around.再见


I can cook, and I am an obseive cleaner.

Suture n./v.缝合,缝线

Sew up 缝合sew up your wound

Whiny a.好发牢骚的,烦躁的

Ventilator n.通风机,换气扇,送风机

Asystole n.心搏停止,心率停止

Sarcoma n.肉瘤,恶性肿瘤tumor n.肿瘤,肿块

Fiddle n.小提琴;欺诈 v.篡改;拨弄

Fit as a fiddle 非常健康

Wheelchair to admitting 请来认领轮椅

Sibling 兄弟或姐妹no siblings

Numb a.麻木的;惊呆的

Out of line 不成一直线,出格

You are so out of line.你总是越权行事


Gonad n.性腺,生殖腺

Ovary n.卵巢

Tampon n.棉球,止血棉塞

You are parading in your underwear when I am naked in the shower.

Airbrush n.喷枪,气刷

Chordotomy n.脊髓剪切手术

Scrub nurse 手术助理护士

Abdominal ma 腹部肿块

Pancreatic cancer 胰腺癌

Biopsy n.活检

Crush on 迷恋Do you have a crush on Izzie.

Head down to 开往,朝向

Positive nausea, but no vomiting.有呕吐现象,但无呕吐物。

Diarrhea n.痢疾,腹泻

Melena n.便血


Enema 灌肠剂

Hoofbeat n.蹄声

Tattoo n.纹身

Grip n/v.抓紧,紧握grip my fingers

Can you cover for me on Friday.星期五能不能请你替我班 Epileptic n.癫痫患者 a.癫痫的

Pelvic a.骨盘的

Lighten up 放松,不要生气

Carcinoma n.癌

Pagan n.没有宗教信仰的人

Syphilis n.梅毒

Autopsy n.解剖,验尸

Snatcher n.诱拐者,抢夺者

Take over 接收,接管;承袭,借用

Standtill n.停顿

He dumped me.他甩了我

Estrogen n.雌激素

Tequila n.龙舌兰酒

Pi off 滚蛋;令人愤怒的I feel pied off.Stalk n.茎,梗; vt.悄悄的跟踪 you are stalking me.Pull the plug 拔掉电源,结束,终止

Clear the air 使空气清新;消除误会

Bowel n.肠;bolwels深处,内部

Go-go boot 中高跟长筒女靴

Ally Mcbeal

Corollary n.必然结果 ;(数)系理,推论

Sophomoric a.一知半解的;大学二年级的

Tug 用力拉 don’t tug me.

Filthy mud 污泥

Flip over 翻过来

Sprain 扭伤

Sprained 扭伤的sprained buff

Tickle n.

Tickle n.痒 a tickle in my throat

It is not an excuse, it is the truth.

Offer you my pure and unwavering true love.

Fidelity n.忠诚,忠实

Hip wiggle 扭动屁股

Sexual harament 性骚扰



实习医生格雷Note 2








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