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8B Unit 4 Reading (I)

Teaching aims: To read an e-mail about hosting a charity show. To improve the students’ reading skills.

To make students know more about charities and what they can do for the charities.

Teaching aids: Multimedia and a tape-recorder Teaching methods:


2. Listen and read.

3.Ask and answer.

4.Summarize 5.Free talk

Important and difficult points: To know how to raise money for charities

To learn about Ricky’s feelings before, while and after the show Emotional attitudes:

By learning more about charities in China and what people do for the charities, let the students know our world is full of love.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Pre-reading

1.What is a charity?(showing this definition on the screen)

It’s a system of giving money, food or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor or homele, or any organization which is set up to provide money or help in this way.


2.Revise the names of some charities in China and what these charities do.(showing them some pictures of these organizations)

Project Hope helps schools and students in poor areas.Save China’s Tigers protects tigers and other big cats in China.Spring Bud Project helps poor young girls return to school.Project Green Hope helps protect rivers and lakes in China.3.Present some news.News 1: 1000 moral education centers for children in blocks will be set up all over the country this year by UNICEF.There are many things for us to do to help people in need in our daily life.

News 2: Some college students auctioned some books and practice chances by spending time working for free.

News 3: Superstar Jackie Chen will come to Nanjing to give a big concert with his friends and donate the money to help the elderly in June.

News 4: A famous enterpriser called Wangxiang from a local busine in Jiujiang does so much for charity, such as building schools in poor areas, helping poor people, development projects and relief programmes etc..

According to the news, ask “what can we do for the charities in our life?” Poible answers:

Donate the pockey money to the charities.Donate food, clothes or stationery to the charities.

Do a lot of work for the charities, such as selling things, giving out leaflets, doing some cleaning for the Elderly Home, chatting with old people there, organizing a charity show to raise money for the charities, and so on.

策略:从前面所学的中国四大慈善机构的名称到他们所做的事,以及几条关于明星,企业家,学生等人的慈善行为的介绍,引导学生去思考在生活中我们可以为慈善事业做些什么。走进生活,学生才会觉得有话可说。想表达自己的观点,就直接围绕话题运用语言。最好能启发学生说出组织一次慈善演出来募捐的方法,自然过渡到今天所要学的内容。 4.If you are chosen to be a host of the show,

A) How will you feel?

I’ll feel happy, excited, afraid, nervous—worried.Why?

B) Do you know the duties of a host?

Give a short talk.

Introduce the activities.

The main job is to introduce the guests and programs.duty—the work that a person must do introduce—make people know something C) What will you do before the show?

Practice a lot.Try to remember all the words I will say at the show.

D) What’s your wish to the show? I hope a lot of people will donate money.That is to say, you wish it a great succe.

succe—a person or thing that has got a good result

busine—an organization that make by selling goods and services

Present some important words: nervous, introduce, duty, succe, busine

策略:这四个问题是本课文的核心内容,学生们根据生活的经验应该能准确地回答。老师在跟学生的问答中呈现几个生词:nervous, duty, introduce, succe, busine.学生也可以从老师设置的情境中领悟这几个词的意思和用法。这几个问题的解决其实也就是对这篇文章作了第一次整体理解。照本宣科学生会觉得很无聊,可现在是在谈自己的生活感受,这会激起他们的学习兴趣。 Step 2 While-reading 1.Task 1

Read the article quickly and find out the answers to these questions: 1) Why didn’t Ricky write to Kitty earlier? 2) Why did Ricky help with a charity show? 策略:培养阅读技巧。 2.Task 2

Read the article carefully again, find out Ricky’s feelings before, while, after the show.

Before the show: At the beginning, Ricky felt very happy, because he was chosen to be the host.But he still felt nervous because of the TV cameras and so many people.

Two months ago, he started working on the show.It was hard work but he was happy.He practiced a lot to remember to look at the right camera at the right time.

On the night before the show, he couldn’t sleep because he was so excited.

While the show: He told himself “No time to be nervous any more.That is it.” We can gue he was a little bit nervous at first, after a while he felt easy or calm.

After the show: Many people donated money and they had a lot of support from local businees.Ricky must be very happy and excited.

Ask the students try to summarize the information.策略:通过较快阅读,获取有用信息。根据提示,培养概述能力。在概述过程中,有意识地

运用本单元的语法why提问,because, because of, so回答。到这里学生对文章有了第二次全面理解。 3. Task 3

Read the whole paage aloud with the tape.

策略:通过听磁带,跟着朗读,对文章第三次理解,为后面语言的输出——短文填空,自由交谈做进一步的准备。 4. Task 4

Fill in the blanks and read aloud.

Ricky was so busy these days that he didn’t write to Kitty e______.He was preparing for a c_______ show.They wanted to r_______ money for Project Green Hope.The o_______ chose him to be the host.At first he felt very n_______ because of the TV cameras.They started w_______ on the show two months ago.His duty was to i________ each star.He also had many other d_______.He practiced a lot.He had to r________ to look at the right camera at the right time.Everything became a little bit easier b________ he worked hard.He was so e________ that he couldn’t sleep at all that night.At the charity show he told h________ not to be nervous any more.The show was a great s________.Many people d_______ money.He hopes that they can have more events like this to raise money for charities.

策略:这是《评价手册》上的一道练习题,充分利用好学生的现有教辅资料,不要总是依赖于多媒体。给出首字母是降低难度,让学生更自信,大胆地去讲。 Step 3 Post-reading

Free talk: Let’s imagine what activities Ricky introduced at the show.Discu in groups.

Poible answers:

1.He introduced a lot of famous pop stars, such as pop singers, film stars, sports stars, dancers, etc.List their names.

They can sing, dance, play a drama and so on.2.He introduced some heads from local businees.

They can give short talks to encourage people to do something for charities.3.He introduced an auctioneer to auction some famous persons’ signatures, handwritings, paintings, books, or their favourites. 4.He hosted a donation.Heads of local businees, pop stars and their fans, students, teachers, parents and friends donated at present.



1.Read this paage again and try to retell it without looking at the book.2.Do exercises on Page 61, 62 Part B, C.

3.Find out some important phrases and some difficult sentences.














