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话剧 变形计

发布时间:2020-03-02 05:23:35 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


Director: Actually, I’m eager to know how to live a happy life.There is a melody of love has always been around in my mind recently.But it was interrupted by a scene like this….action:


Juliet(the housewife)正在哄3-4岁的女儿吃饭:Come on, honey.More spoon of chicken soup.It’s tasty.

Carrie(the daughter)撒娇,不想吃: Oh, momma, I love blueberry pie, why not make some pies?

Juliet(the housewife)叹气,抱起女儿:Oh, honey, maybe next year.You have eaten too much.I won’t make pies anymore if you still refused to other foods.

Carrie(the daughter):Ok, mom, I do, chicken ,tomato, beef… (痛苦吞咽状) mom, there will be a pie?

Juliet(the housewife) (亲她的女儿,甜蜜非凡)Oh, sweaty, absolutely.Here you are.Carrie(the daughter):(高兴异常) Pies, pies…I love you mom!(吃馅饼中)

Juliet(the housewife):Ok, I must cook dinner now, you dad will come back soon! Fighting for your pies!



Romeo:(坐在沙发上):What a terrible day! I’m going to die Darling, is dinner ready? Juliet(the housewife):Oh, honey,wait for a moment(忙碌中)

Romeo: Are you kidding me? I just want a warm dinner! It was nearly everyday when I came back, I must wait for my meal, my bath water, even my sleeping time! I don’t know what you are busy with?

Juliet(the housewife) :What I’m busy with? You mean I had a cozy life at home?Romeo: No, I didn’t mean that…

Juliet(the housewife): You did.Your expreion betrayed your heart.In your eyes, I just need to cook meals, wash some clothes, tidy up several rooms and keep our baby.So easy and so trivial that can be done in one hour.Right?

Romeo: Yes , you got it.And you just can’t do these tiny things well.You never get my dinner done punctually Don’t you know my bo? Tartne, mean and picky, that’s the woman I must face every day.

Juliet(the housewife): I understand.But that’s the reason you can blame me? Just stop here , dinner is ready!


Director: You see, both of them are thinking for their family , but more love more hurt.If there is a magic , what will go on…

Angel: (优雅,起舞)I’m a kind and powerful angel, I always play in the paradise.But …I can’t stand it anymore.Haha, I can go to the Midgard to find something interesting!

(夫妻在不同房间走动,夫妻内心各自祷告要是能做对方就好了): How I wish he/she can stand by my side!

Angel:(惊讶,倾听状):Who’s making that noise? Aha, I know…


Angel: Hello, guys, (夫妻惊讶害怕状)Don’t be afraid! I’m a angel.You two are the first I meet at the Midgard (尘世).So I give you a privilege.Now tell me what do you want?

The couple: Please change my position, I wish my wife/husband can understand my feeling.

Angel: aha ,I see, you just want to exchange your daily role.Ok, all will come true! (trouble maker音乐,身份对换中)



Director: They change their position succefully.What will happen the next?

Coco(the husband’s bo)(看手表中):Shit where is my coffee,where is my schedule? Oh my gosh, where is Romeo? Romeo, Romeo…

Juliet(匆匆忙忙上场):Oh, am I late?

Coco(趾高气昂地):Yes you are! I had said you must be here half an hour earlier, did I? Never again!

Juliet: Sure.I promise! Coco: Now, print out this paper,(ok) give me a copy of that newspaper(ok), make sure this month\'s fee sheet(ok),oh, give me a cup of coffee at first, (got it) Ok, do these at the moment!

Juliet: Ok

Coco: Oh, Romeo, you still need to write some invitations, next week, we’ll hold a party!

Coco: hey, Romeo, where is my sungla? You must drive me to the meeting place.……



Director How about Romeo at home?


darling, what’s wrong with you?

Romeo(叹气):Oh my Juliet, you back.It’s my fault, all these things are tiny, but uneasy to complete.I know what you’ve done for me, for our family so far.I love you darling.Thank you.

Juliet(抚摸他):Darling, I really understand what you feel.Your life, working under the preure of coco just like a battle.I love you too.(幸福相拥。。。) Wait, I’m still in your body.What can we do?


Angel(抹眼泪中。。。):What a touching scene! I can’t help crying.

Don’t worry, All depends on me


Director: A happy ending! That’s my taste! In my opinion, a secret recipe makes you

a great cook for a happy life is 3 cups of toleration, 3 cups of understanding and 4 cups of love.Wish you all the best!(音乐:如果我们换一换)


道具:碗3个 勺子1个饼干 筷子2双

纸张若干 长棍子一根











话剧 变形计
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