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美丽心灵观后感 影评之英文版

发布时间:2020-03-03 08:23:11 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Something about >

> is an American movie and has plentiful humanity beauty, and it released in 2004, which was directed by RonWillian Howard,and the story was written by Sylvia Nasar in 1998.The movie was about a mathematician with the name of John Forbes Nash.The actor was so handsome and intelligent, but had a bit of strange.Having achieved his succe in math and had a great reputation, when he was young.

But fate made an enormous joke on him, that he was puzzled by the symptoms of schizophrenia result from his accurate sense of math, and had a great of changes at his aim to the top of math proce.Facing to her husband who was beated so many problems and challenges, Nash’s wife, Alicia decided to hlep her husband got over these diffcults, and finally she did.During these days, Nash fighted with the disease bravely and without any fears.After many years of hard work, Nash conquered himself and visions in his mind, and obtained his Nobel prize in economics.

As to the movie, I want to talk about several points.At first, I think his succees ascribled in life partly to his wife.Image if he didn’t be supported by her, perhaps he would not find his unnormal at boby; and he also would not defeat the three people he imaged.Besides, Alicia took very good care of him whatever diet or health.More than that, Alicia

sustained him to overcome his phantoms and encouraged him to have a normal life as others.We can see the proof in his speech at the prize giving ceremony.Nash said: “I have made the most important discovery of my life: it is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logical resasons can be found I’m only here tonight because of you.You are the reason I am.You are all reasons.”

Secondly,moved deeply by Nash’s spirit of math, when I saw the movie.His amazing achievements at math not only owed to his talence, but also his persistence and enthusiasm for numbers.As Nash puts it: “I always believed in numbers, in the equations and logics ,that lead to reason.” Although he had a bit of unnourmal even you can see he’s a sick, yet couldn’t deny his succees at math.Usually he forgot to eat and sleep just because he was devoted him to working out these knotty mathematic problems totally.

Besides, I want to discu the three people lived in Nash’s mind, Charles, Bo and the pretty girl.From my view, Bo signified Nash had a beautiful mind that was he desired to do a full of challenge and senses of achievements and succees.Charles standed for his beautiful desires he wanted to have the ablity to communicate with various people.Finally, the pretty girl meaned he had a strong willing to be cared and looked forward to gaining family love and friends love.

About one topic of > is love, including lover’s

love, families’ love, frinds’ love and so on.Love makes people feel happine and noboby can live without it, from pertinent heroes to the most ordinary persons, and so Nash was.Nash didn’t go to the mental hospital and lived a life that he needed to do nothing and unabled to anything, but insisited on living a normal life because of love because these people loved him and supported him.In the end, he overcame the disease he suffered.

美丽心灵观后感 影评之英文版



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美丽心灵观后感 影评之英文版
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