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关于校园恋爱的英语作文Campus Love

发布时间:2020-03-03 18:21:02 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版





Should we fall in love on campus?

Nowadays,campus love is found everywhere.No matter what university you go to,you will see couples of sweethearts strolling past holding hands and sharing their own secrets happily







quarrel sometimes.Obviously,love on campus seems to be a tendency in college life now.So what lead to the phenomenon?Is it good to fall in love with somebody on campus? There is no doubt that campus love has some advantages.Facing a heavier stre than before as a undergraduate at present,some students need a way to reduce their preure and need someone to listen to their feelings in deep heart.Falling in love with their own sweethearts is a appropriate choice because they can expre their truest selves to their lover without reservation.A romantic relationship not only can make each other more mature but increase the experience of dealing with emotional problems.On the other hand,most students,of course,support the view that love is more interesting than study.And what’s more,if you find your lover in your college life and marry with your boyfriend or girlfriend then your marriage will be steadier and happier.When you graduate without a lover,you may find it hard to seek out your marriage partner cause there are so many conditions needed to consider after graduation.However,there is no garden without weeds.Campus love seems so wonderful but actually it also has many disadvantages.After all,we are students and our main purposes are study well.Falling in love with someone,to a great extent,will distract you from your studies and influent your prospective career.From another perspective,our living expenses are almost all from our parents and campus love is a heavy financial burden for those students in love.Worst of all,once those couples of lovers face the breakup,they will be confronted with a heavy psychological burden and problems.They may feel very depreed just because of a small argument.As we all know,there are so much suicide and murder happening in campus because of breakup.What was supposed to be a romantic relationship turned into a tragedy.What a pity! Personally,I think we can fall in love with the one we adore.We need an integrated development on campus.A romantic relationship will enrich our college life which makes us gain more experience.But the most important point is that we must balance the relationship between love and study.In every sense of word,falling in love with your sweetheart maybe can give you a huge motive power and inspire you to progre for your future.Why don’t we turn a romantic love into the energy we need?

关于校园恋爱 英语作文







英语作文 保护动物 保护环境 大学恋爱



关于校园恋爱的英语作文Campus Love
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