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古代名言翻译 23

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古代名言翻译 23

111 高论而相欺,不若忠论而诚实。——王符:《潜夫论•实贡》

It is better to speak honestly in realistic language than to deliver exaggerated and lofty remarks in a hypocritical way.(《中国古代名言词典》)

112 妾美不如妻贤,钱多不如境顺。——涨潮:《幽梦影》

I think it is better to have an understanding wife than a pretty concubine, and better to have peace of mind than wealth.(林语堂 译)

113 思风发于胸臆,言泉流于唇齿。——陆机:《文赋》

Winds of thought rise in the breast, / A stream of words flows through lips and teeth.114 君子之道也,贫则见廉,富则见义,生则见爱,死则见哀。——《墨子•修身》 The way of the gentleman makes the individual incorruptible in poverty and righteous when wealthy; it makes him love the living and mourn over the dead.(《中国古代名言词典》)

115 值太平世,生湖山郡,官长清廉,家道优裕,娶妻贤淑,生子聪慧,人生如此,可云全福。——涨潮:《幽梦影》

The perfect life: to live in a world of peace in a lake district where the magistrate is good and honest, and to have an understanding wife and bright children.(林语堂 译)

106 能闲世人之所忙者,方能忙世人之所闲。——涨潮:《幽梦影》

Only those who take leisurely what the people of the world are busy about can be busy about what the people of the world take leisurely.(林语堂 译)

107 勾践事吴,乃成姑苏之举;夷吾佐霸,曷问槛车之嫌。——刘基:《诚意伯文集珠》 Goujian, a king of Yue, once turned himself into a servant of the King of Wu and finally eliminated Wu; Guan Zhong, who aisted Duke Huan of Qi to achieve lordship, never minded that he had once been a prisoner of the duke.(《中国古代名言词典》) 108 至贞生至信,至信生至交。——《管子·侈糜》

Perfect faith comes out of perfect honesty.And perfect loyalty comes from perfect faith.(翟江月 译)

109 人莫乐于闲,非无所事事之谓也。闲则能读书,闲则能游名胜,闲则能交益友,闲则能饮酒,闲则能著书。天下之乐,孰大于是!——涨潮:《幽梦影》

Of all things one enjoys leisure most, not because one does nothing.Leisure confers upon one the freedom to read, to travel, to make friends, to drink, and to write.Where is there a greater pleasure than this? (林语堂 译)

110 钱到公事办,火到猪头烂。——吴敬梓:《儒林外史》

Fire cooks pork and money works wonders.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)











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