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发布时间:2020-03-02 10:46:55 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

冰河世纪4 适用于原片57:25~61:28

希德:Hey, I can wiggle my toe again.The important one, the little piggy who went to market.Wait! I’m talking again.I had so many things trapped inside of me that I couldn’t say.(此前一直咬着舌头) Like ,” Hey, I’m not dead!” And,”Why does a hurricane have an eye but not an ear?” 奶奶:I’ll push him overboard.You guys say it was an accident.曼尼:I’m in.How about you,Diego?Diego? Hey,relax,buddy! Captain crazy and his floating petting zoo are history.Come on! We’re finally heading home! 迪亚哥:I don’t know what’s wrong with me.I can’t eat, can’t sleep.Maybe I’m coming down with something.曼尼:Hohohoho~oh~I know what you’ve got.The L word. 希德:Yeah, leprosy.

曼尼:No, sid, it’s four letters.It starts with “L”, ends with “e.” 希德:Aha! Lice ! 曼尼:No, Diego, my friend, is in love.希德:OH, yeah! Love .迪亚哥:You mean with the pirate? No.希德:Shira’s gotten under your skin.Come on,admit it.曼尼:A rugged saber like you.希德:A more rugged saber like her.eheheh… 迪亚哥:No, no, no.You guys are dead wrong.曼尼and希德:haha~haha 曼尼:Denial is the clincher.You’re in love, puy cat! 希德(singing):Diego and shira(曼尼加入) sitting in a tree.K-I-s-s-I-n-g.迪亚哥:real mature, guys.Real mature.希德:Then comes marriage then comes a baby in the baby carriage.Sucking his thumb… 希拉:Diego.Diego.迪亚哥:Shira? 希拉:I wanted to come with you.希德:She’s beautiful.

雌性那个啥:Sid…I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene.希德:That’s me, baby.孙子:Granny.Come to me, granny.(henenen…bu!) 奶奶:well, hello.孙子:The wrinklier the raisin, the sweeter the fruit.奶奶:Granny likey.Granny likey very much.(wu~)

曼尼:eh?(同时奶奶:hihihi)Guys,aren’t you paying(同时艾丽:Manny?) attention? 艾丽Manny, are you there? 曼尼:Ellie? 艾丽:We’re over here, Manny.水蜜桃:This way, Daddy.I really need you.曼尼:I know, honey.Stay there.I’m coming.艾丽:You were right, Manny.You’re always right.曼尼:No, no,look,I was...Wait a minute.Ellie would never say that.艾丽:Manny? Manny.(第二个变狰狞)

曼尼:No, they’re not real.They’re monsters! They’re sirens.Don’t listen to them!(开始唱歌)Who can take the sunrise (海妖开始嘶吼)Sprinkle it with dew.(结束)No! They may look real, but they’re not.They’re going to destroy the ship.希拉:Come on, tiger.Swim with me.(诡异阴森的语气,迪亚哥发出呜呜声) 雌性那个啥:Sid…I have a snack for you.(唱歌的语调,台词结束后发出呕吐声) 希德:And she cooks, too.曼尼:Sid, no!(海妖轻声嘶吼)

曼尼:eha…(用力时发出的声音,同时海妖嘶吼,希德与迪亚哥发出ki声) 迪亚哥:Why are we kiing? 希德:Because cruises are romantic? 曼尼:Five more seconds and we’d have been goners.希德:Call me.(欠揍的轻声) 海妖:e?eheh(拒绝的声音)


猛犸象/毛象曼尼(Manny) 猛犸象/毛象艾丽(Ellie) 猛犸象/闺女(peaches)

刃齿虎(smilodon)迭戈/迪亚哥(Diego) 白色刃齿虎希拉(shira) 巨爪地懒希德(Sid) 奶奶(granny)











