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上海牛津英语教案 7A U7 p1

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Teaching Plan

Sings around us (1) (Oxford English 7A Module 2 Unit 7) I.Teaching objectives: 1.Knowledge objectives: 1.Asking wh-questions to find specific information.2.Using the simple present tense to expre simple truth.3.Using model verbs to expre obligation:.2.Ability objectives: To develop abilities of reading for specific information: 3.Emotion objectives: To obey the rules: II.Teaching Procedure: I.Pre-task preparation:

Think and say: Where do we have rules? II.While-task procedure:

1.Look and learn: hike 2.Listen ad read: Page 48 What does it mean? It means…

3.Look, think and writer: This sign tells us ….It’s a ______ sign.4.Odd one out: You will see three groups of signs.In each group there is a sign which isn\'t the same kind as the others.Pick this one out and give your reasons.III.Post-task activities 1.Add some signs: The picture on the right shows a map of a park.Add some signs on the map.Then point out what kinds of signs they are.2.Make a poster: With your clamates, make a poster about different signs.Ⅳ.Consolidation: 1.Listening work: Listen to the tape of dialogues on Page 48.

1 2.Oral work: Read the dialogues on Page 48 fluently.3.Written work: Copy the new words and the dialogue once.

Workbook 7A, Page 44

Blackboard Writing: What does it mean? It means… This sign tells us ….It’s a ______ sign.



牛津7A 英语教案




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上海牛津英语教案 7A  U7 p1
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