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人机工程学是一门新兴的边缘科学。它起源于欧洲,形成和发展于美国。人机工程学在欧洲称为Ergonomics,这名称最早是由波兰学者雅斯特莱鲍夫斯基提出来的,它是由两个希腊词根组成的。“ergo”的意思是“出力、工作”,“nomics”表示“规律、法则”的意思,因此,Ergonomics的含义也就是“人出力的规律”或“人工作的规律”,也就是说,这门学科是研究人在生产或操作过程中合理地、适度地劳动和用力的规律问题。人机工程学在美国称为“Human Engineering”(人类工程学)或“Human Factor Engineering”(人类因素工程学)。日本称为“人间工学”,或采用欧洲的名称,音译为“Ergonomics”,俄文音译名“Эргнотика”在我国,所用名称也各不相, ,有“人类工程学”、“人体工程学”、“工效学”、“机器设备利用学”和“人机工程学”等。为便于学科发展,统一名称很有必要,现在大部分人称其为“人机工程学”,简称“人机学”。“人机工程学”的确切定义是,把人—机—环境系统作为研究的基本对象,运用生理学、心理学和其它有关学科知识,根据人和机器的条件和特点,合理分配人和机器承担的操作职能,并使之相互适应,从而为人创造出舒适和安全的工作环境,使工效达到最优的一门综合性学科。




[3]沃马克,J.P.,琼斯,D.T.,与鲁斯,D.(1990)。改变了机 世界。纽约:罗森联营公司。

[4]沃特曼,JC,Muntslag,DR,和TIMMERMANS,PJM编。 (1997)。客户驱动的制造。纽约:查普曼和霍尔。



AI EDAM: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing

In aneffort to improve customization for today’s highly competitive global mar ketplace, many companies are utilizing product families and platform-based product development to increase variety, shorten lead times, and reduce costs.The key to a succeful product family is the product platform from which it is derived either by adding, removing, or substituting one or more modules to the platform or by scaling the platform in one or more dimensions to target specific market niches.This nascent field of engineering design has matured rapidly in the past decade, and this paper provides a comprehensive review of the flurry of research activity that has occurred during that time to facilitate product family design and platform -based product de velopment for ma customization.Techniques for identifying platform leveraging strategies within a product family are reviewed along with metrics for aeing the effectivene of product plat forms and product families.Special emphasis is placed on optimization approaches and artificial intelligence techniques to aist in the proce of product family design and platform based product development.Web-basedsystems for product platform customization are also discued.

Examples from both industry and a cademia are presented throughout the paper to highlight the benefits of product families and product platforms.The paper concludes with a discuion of potential areas of research to help bridge the gap between planning and managing families of products and designing and manufacturing them.Today’s h igh ly competitive global mark etplace is redefining the way many companies do busine.The new form ofcompetitive advantage is ma customization, and is, as Pine~1993a, p.xiii! says, ―a new way of viewing busine competition , one that makes the identification and fulfillment of the wants and needs of individual cu stomers paramount without sacrificing efficiency, effectivene, and low costs.‖In his seminal text on ma customization, Pine ~1993a,p.6! argues that ―customers can no longer be lumped together in a huge homo geneous market, but are individuals whose individual wants and needs can be ascertained and fulfilled.‖ He attributes the increasing attention on product variety and customer demand to the saturation of the market and the need to improve customer satisfaction: newproducts must be different from what is already in th e market and must meet cu stomer needs more comp letely.Sand-erson and Uzu meri ~1997, p.3! add that ―the emergence of global markets has fundamentally altered competition as many firms have known it‖ with the resulting market dynamics ―forcing the compreion of product development times and expansion of product variety.‖ Findings from studies of the automotive industry ~Womacketal., 1990; MacDuffieetal., 1996; Alford et al., 2000! and empirical su rveys of manufacturing firms ~Chinnaiah et al., 1998; Duray et al.,2000! confirm these trends.Similar themes pervade th e tex t by Wortmann et al.~1997!, who examine industry’s response in Europe to the ―customer-driven‖ market.

The social development and technological progre, product updates, rhythm of life pace, and so on a series of social and physical factors, so that people in the enjoyment of material life at the same time, pay more attention to products in the \"convenience\", \"comfortable\", \"reliable\", \"value\", \"security\" and \"efficiency evaluation, is often mentioned in the product design, personalized design.


The so-called user-friendly products that includes the man-machine engineering products, as long as it is \"person\" used in products should be considered in the man-machine engineering, product design and ergonomics is undoubtedly together.We can be described as: Center for psychological, physiological radius in order to build a harmonious relationship between people and things (products), maximum to tap potential, comprehensive balanced use of muscle, protection of human health, so as to improve the productivity.Only from the category of industrial design, to aerospace systems, urban planning, construction, automatic chemical plant, machinery and equipment, transport, small furniture, clothing, stationery and flower pots, cups, bowls and chopsticks, such as production and life to create the \"objects\", in the design and manufacture must take the \"human factor\" as an important condition to consider.If the products of distinguished profeional supplies and general supplies and profeional activities in the man-machine engineering will have more consideration, it is more emphasis on in physiology level; and general products must balance the psychological problems, need to be more in line with the aesthetics and the trend of the design, that is, should be to the needs of the product humanization.Ergonomics is a rising edge science.It originated in Europe, formed and developed in the United States..Ergonomics in Europe known as ergonomics, the name of the first is by Poland scholar Ya J Tele Bo J J Kiti, it is composed of two Greek roots.The meaning of \"ergo\" is \"output,\" and nomics said the meaning of \"law, rule.Therefore, ergonomics meaning is\" people contribute to the rules \"or\" working rules \".That is to say, the subject is the research in the production or operation of reasonable, moderate labor and force of law of.Ergonomics in the United States known as \"Engineering Human\" (Human Engineering) or \"Factor Engineering Human\" (Human Factor Engineering).Japan, known as the \"human engineering\", or the European name, transliterated as \"Ergonomics\", Ruian transliteration names \"middle, in this paper the author, with large K\" in our country, with the name of a also varied, with \"human engineering\", \"human engineering\", \"Ergonomics\", \"equipment using learning\" and \"Ergonomics\".For the development of subject, it is neceary to unify the name


of the subject.Now most people call it ergonomics.\".The exact definition of \"Ergonomics\" is the humanenvironment system as the basic research object, the use of physiological science, psychology and other related disciplines of knowledge, according to the conditions and characteristics of man and machine, a reasonable allocation of human and machine bear operation functions, and mutual adaptation, in order to create the comfortable and safe working environment for people, to optimize the efficiency of a comprehensive discipline.



[1]Baldwin, C.Y., & Clark, K.B.~2000!.Desig n Rules: Volume 1.Th e Power of Modularity.Camb ridge, MA: MIT Pre.[2]Berti, S., Germani, M., Mandorli, F., & Otto, H.E.~2001!.Design ofproduct families—An example within a small and medium sized enterprise.13thInt.Conf.Engineering Design ~Culley, S., Duffy, A., McMahon , C., & Wallace, K.,Eds.!, Glasgow, UK, pp .507–514.

[3]Womack, J.P., Jon es, D.T., & Roos, D.~1990!.The Machine that ChangedtheWorld.New York: Rawson Aociates.

[4]Wortmann, J.C., Muntslag, D.R., & Timmermans, P.J.M., Eds.~1997!.Custo mer-Driven Manufacturing.New York: Chapman & Hall.

[5]Yigit, A.S., Ulsoy, A.G., & Allahverdi, A.~2002!.Optimizing modular

product design for reconfigurable manufacturing.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 13(4), 309 –316.










