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Writing 1.Paragraphing     Intro (50-70) 3-4 sentences Body1 (70-100) 6-7 sentences Body2 (70-90) 4-6 sentences Conclusion (30-50) 2-3 sentences 2.Approach questions  Task Responses  Structure sentences 3.Grammar and accuracy     Proofreading Practice Write right in logic flow Avoid redundancy 4.How to write right? Cause A, Consequence B, Influence C Consequence B, Cause A, Influence C For instance, what do you think of public transport tools? A: I think public transport tools are very significant commuting tools to ordinary people(Consequence B), since they are not only eco-friendly but also can help individuals save time and cost(CauseA), thereby bringing huge convenience to people’s everyday lives.(Impact C) For example, what do you reckon about driving private cars? A: Since driving private cars to exce will lead to the exceive emiion of heat-trapping gases (A), global warming and greenhouse effect would get serious (B), thereby posing a threat to sustainable development of societies(C).5.How to improve your sentences? 1.名词化; 2.被动语态 3.Terse and straightforward 原则: deliver complex meanings through simple sentences and words.

TOPIC 1: Environment 1.Global warming is one of the most serious iues that the world is facing today.What are the causes of global warming? What measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the iue?

The past decades have witneed an obvious rise in temperature in many parts of the world.Global warming is one of the thorny challenges these days, which would highly influence people’s daily life in the long run.In the following sections, this eay will identify the sources and suggest some viable solutions to this problem.The chief among a host of causes is the emiion of heat-trapping gases in exce.With many countries around the world developing and industrializing, automation has become an indispensable part of individuals’ daily life.Driving private cars to commute to work is commonplace in most countries.Consequently, a huge amount of heat-trapping gases such as car exhausts, waste gases from plants, which are high in carbon dioxide, are contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming.Apart from that, another significant reason is deforestation.With countle trees being cut down for cities sprawl (urban sprawl), more carbon dioxide will be released into atmosphere, which makes the condition more severe.With regard to the measures to resolve this complex iue, the first approach is raising public awarene for protecting environment.Local authorities and councils can promote the concept of environmental protection and the negative points of driving to exce, using door-to-door communication or advertisements on TV.From individual perspective, people are highly recommended to use public transport tools for travel and work.Also, riding bikes can be a very good alternative instead of driving private cars or over-sized trucks, for both transport and exercise.In conclusion, while enjoying the great convenience brought by modern-day industry, governments and individuals need to aume responsibilities for protecting our only earth for ourselves and offspring.

2.Environmental problems are so big that they cannot be solved by any person or country alone.Instead, it should be solved at international level.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Environmental degradation has become one of the biggest challenges humans face in the 21st century and it has posed a serious threat to our survival.To addre this thorny iue, from my perspective, all nations worldwide should join forces instead of working individually.Environmental protection is ultimately teamwork, since the impact of environmental problems is always on a global scale.It is true that all humans share one ecosystem and one Earth for living.All elements inside are interrelated.For instance, a clear river of a country could be polluted by waste water dumped by its neighbouring countries.Therefore, the efforts to protect our environment from a single country are not adequate.Apart from that, another cause is the lack of skills and capital to cope with environmental iues in some countries.These nations are not capable of handling alone, because of the shortage of eential technologies and profeionals.This is particularly true for those impoverished regions where people are often supported financially and draw on experience from developed countries.International support and cooperation play a vital role in helping these nations improve their environmental situations.On the other hand, although international cooperation is very significant, the detailed environmental problems each country faces are quite different.For example, the major source of pollution in China derives from the electrical industry while the problem in America is mainly caused by the widespread use of private cars.Hence, countries may take diverse measures to deal with their own problems.In conclusion, the cooperation at international level to wrestle with environmental deterioration is highly suggested.Yet, countries may be confronted with different problems and work individually for their own targets with different strategies.结语: 英语没有捷径,进步在于复习。











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