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尊敬的各位同事,尊敬的各位来宾! 女士们、先生们,朋友们,大家晚上好! distinguished colleagues, dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, 在亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议召开之际,大家不远万里来到北京,用中国人的话来说,就是大家有缘分,有缘千里来相会。 good evening! you have traveled long distances to beijing, making this reunion poible on the eve of the 22nd apec economic leaders’ meeting.the chinese people believe in destiny.in a sense, we are destined to meet here tonight. 首先我代表中国政府和人民,代表我的夫人,也以我个人的名义对各位贵宾的到来表示热烈的欢迎!

刚才我在门口迎接大家,看到各位都穿上中国式服装,既充满了中国传统元素,又体现了现代气息,让我们更感亲近。中国老百姓看了以后,也会感到亲切,会感到各位就像到邻居家串门,来朋友家叙旧一样。特别是各位女士的服饰格外鲜丽,群芳荟萃、姹紫嫣红,为今天的晚宴增加了一道亮丽的风景线。我们现在所在的地方叫水立方,对面是鸟巢,这两个建筑一方一圆,这蕴含着天圆地方中国的哲学理念,形成了阴阳平衡的统一。中国举办2008年北京奥运会的时候,水上的项目比赛就在这里举行的,那一次共产生了44枚金牌,创造了25项世界纪录,很多来自在座的各成员的选手,这里创造了超越自我的奇迹。今天在座的领导人,有的当年就参加了北京奥运会的开幕式。 when i greeted you a moment ago at the entrance, i saw that you were all dreed in chinese attire.with both chinese cultural elements and a modern touch, the attire brings us much closer together.the chinese people will be delighted to see you in dreed in a riot of colors, you are particularly glamorous tonight.your presence has lit up this banquet hall.the place we’re at is called the “water cube”; acro the street is the national stadium, better known as the “bird’s nest”.the one has a square exterior, 这几天我每天早晨起来以后的第一件事,就是看看北京空气质量如何,希望雾霾小一些,以便让各位远方的客人到北京是感觉舒适一点。好在是人努力天帮忙啊,这几天北京空气质量总体好多了,不过我也担心我这个话说早了,但愿明天的天气也还好。这几天北京空气质量好,是我们有关地方和部门共同努力的结果,来之不易。我要感谢各位,也感谢这次会议,让我们下了更大的决心,来保护生态环境,有利于我们今后把生态环境保护工作做得更好。也有人说,现在北京的蓝天是apec蓝,美好而短暂,过了这一阵就没了,我希望并相信通过不懈的努力,apec蓝能够保持下去。 these days, the first thing i do in the morning is to check the air 谢谢,我们正在全力进行污染治理,力度之大,前所未有,我希望北京乃至全中国都能够蓝天常在,青山常在,绿水常在,让孩子们都生活在良好的生态环境之中,这也是中国梦中很重要的内容。

my government is making an unprecedented, all-out effort to clean up pollution.my hope is that every day we will see a blue sky, green mountains and clear rivers not just in beijing, but all acro china, so that our children will live in an enjoyable environment.this is a very important part of the chinese dream. 各位同事,女士们、先生们、朋友们,我们之所以选择水立方来举行这个晚宴,是因为水在中国文化中具有重要的象征意义。2000多年前,老子说:“上善若水,水利万物而不争”,意思就是说最高境界的善行就像水一样涓涓细流,泽被万物。亚太经合组织以太平洋之水结缘,我们有责任使太平洋成为太平之洋,友谊之洋,合作之洋,见证亚太地区和平、发展、繁荣、进步。 distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, we have chosen the water cube as the venue for this dinner realizing it.we, apec member economies, are brought together by篇2:奥巴马apec演讲 欢迎中国崛起 中英文对照翻译

。踏平thank you so much.xiàwǔhǎo.(applause.) thank you, andrew, for that introduction.i have had the pleasure of getting to know andrew very well these past few years.we have worked him hard –- he helped my administration with strategies for growing high-tech manufacturing to hiring more long-term unemployed.he’s just as good at corporate citizenship as he is at running a corporation.later i’ll visit brisbane, where i know andrew spent some of his youth.i’m sure he’s got some suggestions for fun there, but not necearily things that a president can do.(laughter.) we don’t know how he spent his youth, but i’m sure he had some fun. 谢谢你们。下午好(掌声)谢谢andrew介绍。过去的几年里,我很荣幸能逐渐了解andrew。我们给予了andrew重任——在我的管理中,他帮助我制定发展高科技制造业的战略以解决许许多多长期失业者的就业问题。他就像在运营一个公司一样,有着良好的企业公民素质。不久之后我会到访布里斯班,我知道andrew曾在哪里度过他的青年时光。我敢肯定他在那里得到了一些有用的建议,但不一定是一个总统能给的建议。(笑声)我们不知道他是如何度过他的青年时光的,但我肯定他一定过得很快乐。 it is wonderful to be back in china, and i’m grateful for the chinese people’s extraordinary hospitality.this is my sixth trip to asia as president, and my second this year alone.and that’s because, as i’ve said on each of my visits, america is a thoroughly pacific nation.we’ve always had a history with asia.and our future -- our security and our prosperity -- is inextricably intertwined with asia.i know the busine leaders in attendance today agree.回到中国让我感觉很好,同时我也非常感谢热情好客的中国人民。这是我就任总统以来,第六次到访亚洲,也是今年以来的第二次。正如我在每次到访时所说,这是因为美国是一个不折不扣的环太平洋国家。我们的历史与亚洲息息相关。我们的未来——我们的安全和繁荣,同样与亚洲紧密相关。我知道在座的商界领袖们都赞同我的看法。

在未来的五年里,将近一半的在美国之外的经济增长预计将发生在亚洲,这让这块区域在为美国创造工作岗位和拉动经济增长方面有极大的潜力。无论身在政界还是商界,任何德高望重的美国领袖都无疑意识到了这一点。 and when you factor in what’s happening in our broader economy –- a manufacturing sector that as andrew said is growing now at a rapid pace; graduation rates that are rising; deficits that have shrunk by two-thirds; health care inflation at 50-year lows; and an energy boom at new highs –- when you put all this together, what you get is an american economy that is primed for steadier, more sustained growth, and better poised to lead and succeed in the 21st century than just about any other nation on earth. 当你把我们的广义的经济包括在内时——就如andrew所说,制造业正在迅速发展;大学毕业率正在提高;赤字缩减了三分之二;医疗保健通货膨胀率达到五十年新低;能源行业达到新的发展高度——当你把所有发展都囊括进来,你会发现美国经济正在经历持续稳定的发展, 同时比全世界其他任何国家更好地随时准备着在21世纪领导和成功。 and you don’t have to take our word for it –- take yours.for two years in a row, busine executives like all of you have said that the worlds most attractive place to invest is the united states.and were going to go for a three-peat.were going to try to make it the same this year. 你不必照搬我们说的话,你可以采用你自己的看法。连续两年就像在座各位的商业领导者说过美国是最具吸引力的投资地。我们正在争取达到三连冠。我们今年将尽力让美国依然作为全国最佳投资地。 and we are leading to promote shared security and shared economic growth this century, just as we did in the last. 尽管美国有领导全世界发展的责任,尽管我们关注我们自己经济的发展,但是当谈到亚洲的时候,无疑美国需要保持完全的忠诚(翻译的不太好..)。美国是一个环太平洋大国,我们在维护共同安全和促进共同发展中起着领导性的作用,正如我们在过去做的一样。 in fact, one of my core meages throughout this trip -- from apec to the east asia summit to the g20 in australia -- is that working together we need growth that is balanced, growth that is strong, growth that is sustainable, and growth where prosperity is shared by everybody who is willing to work hard. 事实上,我此行所带来的主要信息之一是——从亚太经合组织会议到东亚峰会到在澳大利亚举行的g20峰会——我们需要共同合作来达到平衡、强劲、可持续的增长,让其带来的繁荣惠及所有努力的人们。


我很荣幸曾经接待习主席两次到访美国。上次我们在加利福尼亚州会面的时候,他指出太平洋对我们两个国家足够大了。我同意他的看法。美国欢迎繁荣,和平,稳定的中国的崛起。我想重复一遍我刚刚说的这句话。(掌声)我想再说一次:我们欢迎繁荣,和平,稳定的中国的崛起。 in fact, over recent decades the united states has worked to help integrate china into the global economy -- not only because its in chinas best interest, but because its in americas best interest, and the worlds best interest.we want china to do well.(applause.) 事实上,在最近的几十年里,美国一直致力于帮助中国融入全球经济——不仅仅是因为这对中国是最有利的,也因为这对美国,对世界也是最有力的。我们希望中国有出色的表现。(掌声) if china and the united states can work together, the world benefits.and thats something this audience is acutely interested in.(applause.) we continually have to work to strengthen the bilateral trade and investment between our two nations.americas first trade miion visited china just a year after americas revolution ended.two hundred and thirty years later, we are the two largest economies in the world. 如果中美可以团结起来,全世界都会收益。这也是观众们及其感兴趣的一点。(掌声)我们需要不断地加强双边贸易和投资。仅仅在美国革命一年以后,就有了第一个访问中国的美国贸易使团。两百三十年过去了,我们现在时世界上最大的两个经济体。 and the trade and investment relationship we have benefits both of our countries.china is our fastest growing export market.chinese direct investment in the united states has risen six-fold over the past five years.chinese firms directly employ a rapidly growing number of americans.and all these things mean jobs for the american people; and deepening these ties will mean more jobs and opportunity for both of our peoples. 贸易和投资关系是我们两国都受益。中国是我们增长最快的出口市场。中国队美国的直接投资在过去的五年里翻了六倍。中国公司直接雇佣的美国人人数正在迅速地增持。所有这些对美国人都意味着更多的工作。加深这些纽带关系对我们两国的国民来说意味着更多的工作岗位和机会。 and thats why im very pleased to announce that during my visit the united states and china have agreed to implement a new arrangement for visas that will benefit everyone from students, to tourists, to businees large and small.under the current arrangement, visas between our two countries last for only one year.under the new arrangement, student and exchange visas will be extended to five years; busine and tourist visas will be extended to 10 years.(applause.) 这也是为什么我很高兴地宣布在我的访问期间,美国和中国同意实行将会在不同程度上使所有人收益的签证政策,从学生,旅客到商人。在现行政策下,我们两国之间的签证有效期只有一年;在新的政策下,学生签证和交流签证将会延长到五年;商业和旅游签证将会延长到十年。(掌声) now, of course, that will be good for the businemen who are going back and forth all the time.but keep in mind, last year, 1.8 million chinese visitors to the united states contributed $21 billion to our economy and supported more than 100,000 american jobs.this agreement could help us more than quadruple those numbers. 当然,这对那些需要经常在两个国家来回的商业人士十分有利。但大家要记得,去年有一千


我听说美国商业领袖认为这是非常有价值的一个举措。我们共同努力来实现这个结果因为它对我们的共同利益有益。(鼓掌)我很骄傲我这次来访中国标志着一个重要的突破,这个突破将会让我们双方获得益处,使我们的人民团结在一起。我很感谢习主席的辛勤工作,他也是推动这项举措的人。(掌声) now, deepening our economic ties is why i also hope to make progre with president xi towards an ambitious, high-standard, bilateral investment treaty that opens up china’s economy to american investors -- an agreement that could unlock even more progre and more opportunity in both of our countries.we’re also working together to put -- in pursuit of an international agreement on the ita.and we’ll speak directly and candidly, as we always do, about specific actions china can take to help all of us, acro the asia-pacific, to expand trade and investment, which many of the ceos i talk to raise in our discuions. 现在,加深我们的经济纽带是我为什么希望与习主席在制定一项雄心壮志的,高水准的双边投资协议上取得进展,从而将中国经济向美国投资者敞开的原因。这是一项可以为我们两个国家带来更多的进步和机遇的协议。同时,我们还共同致力于制定关于ita的国际协定。我们能直截了当并且坦白地说,就像我们一直在说的一样,中国能采取一些特定的措施来帮助我们在亚太范围内扩大我们的贸易和投资。这在我与很多ceo的谈话中都有所提到。



to help people better understand the focus of the apec beijing meeting, xinhua news agency has prepared a list of 26 key words that define the gathering of the leaders of asia-pacific economies. apec|亚太经合组织 1989年诞生的亚太经合组织联通了太平洋两岸,对接了新兴与发达经济体,让“亚太”从地理概念变成了一个如今经济总量占据全球半壁江山的经济合作体,成为全球最具增长活力和发展潜力的地缘经济板块。 born in 1989, the asia-pacific economic cooperation connects both sides of the pacific ocean, linking emerging economies with developed economies.apec has made the geographical concept of “asia-pacific” into an economic cooperation group that accounts for half of the world‘s economy.it currently demonstrates the biggest growth vigor and potential. bogor goals|茂物目标 apec成员1994年通过《茂物宣言》,提出了apec“大家庭”的奋斗目标,承诺最迟不晚于2020年实现在亚太地区的自由开放的贸易和投资。今年是茂物目标提出20周年,人们期待北京会议使区域经济一体化路径更加清晰。 apec members announced the bogor goals in 1994, proposing the goal of forming a “big family” of apec members.they promised to achieve free and open trade and investment in the asia-pacific region no later than 2020.as it is the 20th anniversary of the bogor goals, people expect the apec beijing meeting to provide a clearer path for regional economic integration. connectivity|互联互通


对话会是apec领导人会议周一大看点。8日,习近平主席将出席并主持加强互联互通伙伴关系对话会。10日,习近平将主持亚太经合组织领导人与工商咨询理事会代表对话会,并现场回答各组咨询理事提出的问题。 dialogues play an important role at the beijing apec meeting.on nov.8, chinese president xi jinping chaired and addreed a dialogue on strengthening connectivity partnership.on nov.10, xi will chair the apec busine advisory council dialogue with leaders and answer questions at the meeting. economies|经济体

亚太经合组织目前共有21个经济体成员,它们的人口占全球40%,gdp占全球57%,贸易额占全球46%。 the 21 apec economies make up 40 percent of global population, 57 percent of the world’s gdp, and 46 percent of the global trade. ftaap|亚太自由贸易区 推动区域经济一体化是北京会议的主要议题之一,启动亚太自由贸易区进程有望取得新的突破。习近平主席2013年在巴厘岛的亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上表示,我们要携手建设开放型经济和区域合作框架,以开放包容精神推进亚太自由贸易区建设。 promoting regional economic integration is a major topic of the apec beijing meeting.the meeting is expected to make new progre in starting building the free trade area of the asia-pacific (ftaap). growth|增长

促进经济创新发展、改革与增长,是当前亚太各经济体面临的共同任务,也是北京会议的主要议题之 一。apec各成员将就经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化等五大支柱领域展开交流对话,发掘亚太新一轮经济增长的新动力。 all apec economies need to drive growth through innovation and reforms.growth is one of main topics of the apec beijing meeting.apec members will discu key fields such as economic reforms, innovation and urbanization.they will explore new momentum for regional篇4:2014apec讲话妙语中英文对照及分析 1.山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄。

该句出自中唐朝诗人刘禹锡的《秋词二首》。翻译古诗,最难的当然是押韵。读一读,你就会发现,这里bright, night还有light是押韵的。涨一下古诗知识哈,全诗如下:

山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄。试上高楼清入骨,岂如春色嗾人狂。 2.朋友越走越近,邻居越走越亲

这句通俗白话实际上采取了与古诗“秦时明月汉时关”类似的表述结构,即“朋友、邻居之间越走越亲近”。只是中文喜欢对仗神马的,就看似复杂了,如果英语也求对仗,那翻译就受累不讨好啦,因为英语更讲究逻辑与简洁。 3.亚洲各国就像一盏盏明灯,只有串联并联起来,才能让亚洲的夜空灯火辉煌。 asian countries are just like a cluster of bright lanterns.only when we link them together, can we light up the night sky in our continent。 这句话里,中文一如既往地喜欢“叠字”,而到了英文里“一盏盏”则成了a cluster ;有意思的是,中文的“明灯”译成了bright lanterns。的确,英语里一串一串的“灯笼”,意象更美好。至于什么“串联互联”,您就别去翻中英物理词典啦,您瞧,很简单,就是link,要是拘泥于太细“串联”“并联”的区别,英语世界里物理学得不那么好的孩纸,就瞎了。这句话给我们的启示是:除了词典,当翻译需要两颗心:一颗浮想联翩的心,一颗简单的心。。 4.“一带一路”

“belt and road”

人类喜欢制造一些很长的专有名词,然后再简化之。此前,有译文为“one belt and one road”招来质疑,这次把那个“一”没翻出来,不知道会有何反响。不过,这种处理方法,一是上下文中需要出现全称,二是往往还需要视情况搭配一些更具体的词,比如the belt and road initiative(s),the belt and road cooperation program(s)。那“一带”“一路”中英文全称各是什么呢?下面咱们涨下姿势哈:

一带:丝绸之路经济带the silk road economic belt 一路:21世纪海上丝绸之路the 21st century maritime silk road 5.如果将“一带一路”比喻为亚洲腾飞的两只翅膀,那么互联互通就是两只翅膀的血脉经络。

if the “belt and road” are likened to the two wings of a soaring asia, then connectivity is like their arteries and veins。 在这里,“一带一路”遇上了“互联互通”,典型的中文求对仗的风格,真是考验翻译水平。但是我们要有一颗简单的心。这里初学英语的孩纸要注意liken与like意义、用法上的区别。liken是动词,“把a比作b”的意思;like不是动词,所以做谓语的时候是be like,意思是“好像”。而“血脉经络”这个中国特色的词,你怎么“呵呵”,外国人也不是那么懂的,所以简单一些吧。况且,“血脉经络”在中文本身也是形式大于意义的,即求四字词汇的节奏。

6.有路才能人畅其行,物畅其流 with roads in place, people and goods can flow。

要想知道带点文绉绉的话语怎么翻,这句就是范例。 7.志同道合

people who cherish the same ideals follow the same path。

其实,这句倒译回来就是“志同者道合”。所以如果说两个人“志同道合”应该是they cherish the same ideals and follow the same path。 8.志存高远,脚踏实地 aspire for high and grand while planting our feet firmly on the ground 又是两个四字短语,而且两组之间存在逻辑意义上的关联,所以翻译用while连接了。记住,英文更加注重逻辑。另外,值得一提的是plant的用法。在英语中,往往这种很小的常见词语,总是有比我们平时使用多得多的地道用法。《韦氏大辞典》对plant作为动词的一个解释是: to put or place (something or yourself) firmly or forcefully on a surface or in a particular position,把它用在“脚踏实地”的翻译中生动而地道。 9.互联互通 connectivity “互联互通”是本次apec会议出现频率最高的词。其实,“互联互通”的意思就是互相联通,打通伙伴之间的联系,中文喜欢四字叠词,英文直接翻译成connectivity就好啦。《韦氏大辞典》对connectivity的解释是the quality, state, or capability of being connective or connected (保持相互联系和连通的状态或能力)。 10.是继续引领世界、创造美好未来,还是放慢脚步、等待被人超越?是深化一体化进程、还是陷入碎片化漩涡?是践行开放、包容理念、共同开创亚太世纪,还是身体已进入21世纪而思维模式还停留在过去? shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future, or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others? shall we deepen the integration proce, or shall we let ourselves slip into a vortex of fragmentation? shall we embrace openne and inclusivene to work together for an asia-pacific century, or shall we cling to an outdated mindset until for the 21st century? 排比句属于一种表达力比较强的修辞手法。这个排比句里有一些比较新的表达方式,如“陷入碎片化漩涡”基本采用了直译,而“身体已进入21世纪而思维模式还停留在过去”则是用了意译的手法。

11.大时代需要大格局,大格局需要大智慧 a great era calls for great vision, which in turn requires great wisdom.虽然中文中都是“需要”,但是英文的翻译可以更加灵活,更加多样,更加贴切。关键是小伙伴还可以炫一下肚子里有多少洋词儿呢。 12.朋友多了,路才好走。 more friends, more opportunities. 该句直译过来应该是“more friends, more roads”,可是这么说台下的外国友人肯定不太能理解,所以我们还要给中文原本的意思做一个引申,译成“机会”,显得好懂多了。 13.应该变赢者通吃为各方共赢,共同做大亚太发展的蛋糕 we should replace the “winner-take-all” mentality with an all-win approach and work together for great development and prosperity of our region. 两个看点:第一,“赢者通吃”和“各方共赢”怎么翻;第二,“做大蛋糕”是什么意思,怎么翻译,要不要直译。译文已经告诉我们啦,小编就不啰嗦啦。但是大家可以表达不同意见。


life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo.instead, life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate。


15.如果说创新是中国发展的新引擎,那么改革就是必不可少的点火器 if innovation is the new engine for chinas development, reform is the indispensable igniter. 这又是一句打比方。中文通俗易懂,英文直译也不会产生理解问题,那就顺着这句话的顺序来吧,这样的好处是译者与读(听)者都方便。篇5:2014 apec习近平演讲 1.山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄。

该句出自中唐朝诗人刘禹锡的《秋词二首》。翻译古诗,最难的当然是押韵。读一读,你就会发现,这里 bright, night还有light是押韵的。涨一下古诗知识哈,全诗如下:

山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄。试上高楼清入骨,岂如春色嗾人狂。 2.朋友越走越近,邻居越走越亲

这句通俗白话实际上采取了与古诗“秦时明月汉时关”类似的表述结构,即 “朋友、邻居之间越走越亲近”。只是中文喜欢对仗神马的,就看似复杂了,如果英语也求对仗,那翻译就受累不讨好啦,因为英语更讲究逻辑与简洁。 3.亚洲各国就像一盏盏明灯,只有串联并联起来,才能让亚洲的夜空灯火辉煌。 asian countries are just like a cluster of bright lanterns.only when we link them together, can we light up the night sky in our continent。 这句话里,中文一如既往地喜欢“叠字”,而到了英文里 “一盏盏”则成了a cluster ;有意思的是,中文的“明灯”译成了bright lanterns。的确,英语里一串一串的“灯笼”,意象更美好。至于什么“串联互联”,您就别去翻中英物理词典啦,您瞧,很简单,就是link,要是拘泥于太细“串联”“并联”

的区别,英语世界里物理学得不那么好的孩纸,就瞎了。这句话给我们的启示是:除了词典,当翻译需要两颗心:一颗浮想联翩的心,一颗简单的心。。 4.“一带一路”

“belt and road”

人类喜欢制造一些很长的专有名词,然后再简化之。此前,有译文为“one belt and one road”招来质疑,这次把那个“一”没翻出来,不知道会有何反响。不过,这种处理方法,一是上下文中需要出现全称,二是往往还需要视情况搭配一些更具体的词,比如the belt and road initiative(s),the belt and road cooperation program(s)。那“一带”“一路”中英文全称各是什么呢?下面咱们涨下姿势哈: 一带:丝绸之路经济带 the silk road economic belt 一路:21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st century maritime silk road 5.如果将“一带一路”比喻为亚洲腾飞的两只翅膀,那么互联互通就是两只翅膀的血脉经络。

if the “belt and road” are likened to the two wings of a soaring asia, then connectivity is like their arteries and veins。

在这里,“一带一路”遇上了“互联互通”,典型的中文求对仗的风格,真是考验翻译水平。但是我们要有一颗简单的心。这里初学英语的孩纸要注意liken与like意义、用法上的区别。liken是动词,“把a比作b”的意思;like不是动词,所以做谓语的时候是be like,意思是“好像”。而“血脉经络”这个中国特色的词,你怎么“呵呵”,外国人也不是那么懂的,所以简单一些吧。况且,“血脉经络”在中文本身也是形式大于意义的,即求四字词汇的节奏。

6.有路才能人畅其行,物畅其流 with roads in place, people and goods can flow。

要想知道带点文绉绉的话语怎么翻,这句就是范例。 7.志同道合

people who cherish the same ideals follow the same path。

其实,这句倒译回来就是“志同者道合”。所以如果说两个人“志同道合”应该是they cherish the same ideals and follow the same path。 8.志存高远,脚踏实地 aspire for high and grand while planting our feet firmly on the ground 又是两个四字短语,而且两组之间存在逻辑意义上的关联,所以翻译用 while连接了。记住,英文更加注重逻辑。另外,值得一提的是plant的用法。在英语中,往往这种很小的常见词语,总是有比我们平时使用多得多的地道用法。《韦氏大辞典》对plant作为动词的一个解释是: to put or place (something or yourself) firmly or forcefully on a surface or in a particular position,把它用在“脚踏实地”的翻译中生动而地道。 9.互联互通 connectivity “互联互通”是本次apec会议出现频率最高的词。其实,“互联互通”的意思就是互相联通,打通伙伴之间的联系,中文喜欢四字叠词,英文直接翻译成connectivity就好啦。《韦氏大辞典》对connectivity的解释是 the quality, state, or capability of being connective or connected (保持相互联系和连通的状态或能力)。 10.是继续引领世界、创造美好未来,还是放慢脚步、等待被人超越?是深化一体化进程、还是陷入碎片化漩涡?是践行开放、包容理念、共同开创亚太世纪,还是身体已进入21世纪而思维模式还停留在过去? shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future, or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others? shall we deepen the integration proce, or shall we let ourselves slip into a vortex of fragmentation? shall we embrace openne and inclusivene to work together for an asia-pacific century, or shall we cling to an outdated mindset until for the 21st century? 排比句属于一种表达力比较强的修辞手法。这个排比句里有一些比较新的表达方式,如“陷入碎片化漩涡”基本采用了直译,而“身体已进入21世纪而思维模式还停留在过去”则是用了意译的手法。 11.大时代需要大格局,大格局需要大智慧 a great era calls for great vision, which in turn requires great wisdom。 虽然中文中都是“需要”,但是英文的翻译可以更加灵活,更加多样,更加贴切。关键是小伙伴还可以炫一下肚子里有多少洋词儿呢。 12.朋友多了,路才好走。 more friends, more opportunities。

该句直译过来应该是“more friends, more roads”,可是这么说台下的外国友人肯定不太能理解,所以我们还要给中文原本的意思做一个引申,译成“机会”,显得好懂多了。 13.应该变赢者通吃为各方共赢,共同做大亚太发展的蛋糕 we should replace the “winner-take-all” mentality with an all-win approach and work together for great development and prosperity of our region。



life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo.instead, life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate。


15.如果说创新是中国发展的新引擎,那么改革就是必不可少的点火器 if innovation is the new engine for chinas development, reform is the indispensable igniter。










