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发布时间:2020-03-02 13:15:45 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Impreion of The adventure of Tom SawyerDuring my summer vacation,I have learned something after reading a book called The adventure of Tom Sawyer.Many people have read this book,it is such a great one.

Tom Sawyer was a naughty boy.Because of his behaviour,such as cheating, fighting with other boys and making trikts on other people, his aunt Dolly do her duty to make him a good boy.Lazy as he was, he was bright indeed; he used the desire of human to make the boy in the village to work for him and also give him their own poeions.He was a real find.Many miserable leaned around Tom’ life, he even thought of death.A little boy who should have no troubles living in the world had such pains in growth? Poor little Tom!

With his whole heart, Tom wished to go.Leave this world full of troubles.But at that moment, he found his real love, a new little girl whose father was a judge in the village.The judge was a serious man but respected by all the people.In Sunday school, the little girl and her father came to reward child who had enough tickets given for learning Bible verses.Tom stepped out and gave them that bought from others to his teacher.As he

had the honor to obtain the Bible from the judge, he was asked some questions about the Bible.As far as we all know, he must become a laugh stock of all the children.Then a slapstick was on in church, The big black bug Tom carried with him took a painful hold of a dog.The dog jumped and cried.At last one man threw the dog out of the window.Now you can hear laughers of people.Church became a pleasure to all the people.Tom lost his heart.After getting on a land, the land, they wanted to be as pirates.It seemed wonderful to be eating in that wild, free manner in the forest, far from the people.

any one can read Tom Sawyer and really love it.It has manya funny part.Tom has many fun times with his friends and their imaginations have no limit.The reader gets to learn about boys and girls(mostly boys) that lived more than a hundred years ago.What really appealed to me was the fact that the lives and minds of children then are not too different from children today.Kids today are obseed with television.Kids back then were obseed with books and too commonly took make believe for reality.They played tricks on one another and commonly bugged adults or the opposite gender.Often times, they were very superstitous and strongly believed

in ghosts and magic.The reader is also swept away by the many adventures of Tom and his friends.Many of their adventures are a part of imagination, pretending to be pirates or Robin Hood.But Tom and Huck do get to have a few real adventures, specifically with the murderer, caves, and river island.The story doesn\'t have much of a plot or significance, but that is the way it was meant to be, for the story is funny and tickles the reader.It satires and plays with life.I highly recommend it to everyone, for it is important to know the relationship between our time and the past, boys and girls, youth and adults, the mature and immature, and every opposite.Everyone will grew up,except for taller and stronger,our mind will also grew up.Your opinion of the world will be different,you will be sensible and not be childish.In any case,people should be better,and this is the true way.











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