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Addre by H.E.Ambaador Song Zhe at the Chinese New Year Concert




Your Excellency Lady Ashton,

Commiioner Cioloş,

Distinguished Guests,


Good evening!

One week from today, the Chinese people will celebrate the Spring Festival, the New Year’s Day in Chinese calendar, the most important festival of a year.We are biding farewell to the Year of Tiger and welcoming the Year of Rabbit.Tonight, I welcome you to share with us the festive excitement at this New Year Concert.一年之计在于春。春节是一年的开始,传递着春天的信息,也是我们总结过去,规划未来的日子。

We Chinese believe that the Spring Festival is the right moment to review the year past and make plans for the year ahead.


The year 2010 was an eventful year for China’s development.We have succefully held the Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games.We have accomplished all national development targets set in the 11th Five Year Plan.Impreive economic and social progre has further sustained China’s overall strength.People emerged unabated from natural disasters like the Yushu earthquake.


The year 2010 was also a fruitful year for China-EU relations.We celebrated the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Europe.Our political relations have grown steadily.Chinese leaders including President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have paid succeful visits to Europe.From the EU, President Barroso, President Buzek, and High Representative Lady Ashton visited China.In busine cooperation, our two-way trade registered a record 480 billion US dollars last year.China purchased government bonds of Greek and Spain, and has taken credible steps to support Europe’s response to the sovereign debt crisis.Last year, we have also launched Youth Policy Dialogue, and held the first China-EU Youth Summit and High-Level Cultural Forum.People-to-people exchange has become the highlight of China-EU cooperation.展望2011年,中国将迎来“十二五”规划开局之年。面对复杂多变的国内外经济环境,中国政府将采取积极稳健、审慎灵活的宏观经济政策,加快转变经济发展方式,加快推进经济结构调整,保持经济平稳较快发展,促进社会和谐稳定。今后5年我们将努力实现经济平稳较快增长、经济结构明显改善、居民收入全面提高、社会建设显著进步、改革开放继续推进等5大目标。

This year, 2011, China will begin to implement the 12th Five Year Plan.In the course of next five years, we will commit ourselves to five major development goals, namely stable and steady economic growth, economic structural improvement, comprehensive household revenue increase, social progre, and continued reform and opening up.Against the backdrop of a complicated and volatile international and domestic economic environment, the Chinese government will implement the macroeconomic policy that is active, sound, prudent and flexible.We will accelerate the shift of economic growth pattern, further promote structural adjustment, and maintain stable and steady economic growth in pursuit for social harmony and stability.展望2011年,中欧关系将迎来具有重要意义的一年。世界刚刚迈入21世纪第二个十年,各种全球性挑战和热点问题层出不穷。无论是实现各自发展,应对全球性问题和挑战,还是维护世界和平、促进共同发展,中欧均需携手并肩,同舟共济。双方未来发展需要中欧成为更紧密的战略伙伴。中国“十二五”规划和“欧洲2020战略”同时启动。双方利益更加契合,既为务实合作提供新的机遇,也要求中欧更加紧密合作,深挖合作潜力。

The year 2011 also bears great significance on China-EU relations.In the second decade of the 21st century, it is even more imperative for China and Europe to strengthen our strategic partnership.This partnership is eential for our respective development, and it will contribute an active part to peace, development, and effective response to global challenges and hotspot iues.As Europe begins to ground its 2020 Strategy, we should work more closely to tap the potential of our increased converging interest for new development opportunities.借此机会,我还想特别指出,新的一年,中欧人文合作将成为中欧合作的又一根有力的支柱。两周前,我们共同见证了中欧青年交流年正式拉开序幕。明年已被确定为中欧文化间对话年。我们相信,通过密切人文交流,中欧关系将得到双方人民的更多理解和更坚定的支持。

I am particularly pleased to say that people-to-people exchange has become another main pillar of China-EU cooperation in the New Year.Two weeks ago, we have together witneed the opening of EU-China Year of Youth.And year 2012 has already been designated as the Year of Intercultural Dialogue.We believe that these people-to-people exchanges will help us build more understanding and support for China-EU relations between our two peoples.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The healthy and steady growth in China-EU relations wouldn’t have been poible without your dedication and support.On behalf of the Miion of China, I wish to thank you all for your valuable contribution over the past years.And I promise that in the New Year, we will continue to work with you to further promote the growth of China-EU ties.


Thank you!


.12.15.中国驻欧盟使团团长宋哲大使在使团新年音乐会上的致辞Welcome Remarks by H








