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How to use iPads properly(1)

From Judy(14) But are iPads really good for students? Here are my opinions about them.To some extent, the iPads have lots of advantages.They can provide lots of stories, music, pictures, videos and much other background knowledge.More information can be save on them.They are smaller and lighter than books so they can be carried easily.They can also help us with our study.On the other hand, they are bad for the students.When they are having claes, they always want to do other things with iPads.They may do harm to eyes if students use them for a long time.So students must use the iPads in a right way.Don’t play games on iPads when you are having claes.Remember to rest your eyes after using iPads for a long time.

From Penny(14.5) As we know, using iPads in claes has many advantages.First of all, iPads provide stories, music, pictures, videos and lots of other background knowledge for us.Second, they can save more information than books.What’s more, they are small and light so they can be carried easily.In a word, using iPads in claes is good for our study.However, they also have disadvantages.For example, some students always want to use iPads to do other things like playing games and getting on other websites.They may do harm to our eyes if we use them for a long time.In my opinion, we should make a timetable about when to use the iPads carefully.When we need to use them for a long time, we should have a rest once an hour.

Puffin(14) But is it always good for students? Like a coin that has two sides, using an iPad in claes also has advantages and disadvantages.It can provide background knowledge, such as stories, music, pictures, videos and so on.Students can learn more about the leons with an iPad.Besides, it can store more information.Above all, it’s smaller and lighter than a book so that it can be carried very easily.It’s helpful for our study.However, some of the students don’t use the iPad properly.They always want to do other things with an iPad.And it’s bad for our eyes if we use it for a long time.so we should use it only for study in cla.What’s more, we can discu some questions with it instead of playing computer games.这三位同学都非常注意关键词“iPad”的数量形式的一致性。整篇文章都前后统一,代词用得非常准确。所以,大家写作文时,用代词时一定要想清楚到底代词所指数量形式。


Form Wilde(13) As we know, our world is facing many problems now.One of the biggest problems is the population.The population of the world is increasing too quickly.Because of it, the traffic is becoming too crowded.The crowded traffic produces lots of noise and pollution.It’s difficult to provide enough houses, jobs, hospitals and education.It’s also difficult to protect people from crimes.Now the government is doing something to solve these problems.For example, one-policy id made and more laws have come up.We should work hard to protect the environment.

From Slug(13.5) As we know, our world is facing many problems now.The population of the world is increasing all the time.It brings many problems to our lives.First, the traffic becomes more and more crowded.And the cars make a lot of noise.Second, more and more population is produced by many factories.They fill the sky with black smoke.What’s worse, it’s difficult for the government to provide enough houses, jobs, hospitals and education that are good for us.So the government is doing something to solve these problems.For example, they make more laws to stop people from polluting the air.And the one-policy has been carried out . In a word, everyone should work hard to protect the world’s environment.

From Charos,(13) As we know, our world is facing many problems and the increasing population is the biggest problem.It causes crowded traffic, too much noise and air pollution.What’s worse, it’s hard to provide enough houses , jobs, hospitals and better education.So people can’t live happily or it’s hard to protect people from crime.

The government don’t give up and it’s doing something to work out the problems.For example, the one-child policy is being carried out .so most families have only one child.What’s more, the government encourage people to stay in countryside.

Protecting the environment is our duty.Saving the world is saving the human.Let’s take actions! 注意 for example 的用法


I arrived at David’s home on time, and I was warmly welcomed by his family.I gave them a box of chocolate as a gift and they accepted it happily.

The dinner was served around 7 o’clock.I had dinner together with his family.Plenty of food was served and it was all made by David’s mother.We drank soup first which was made with beef and some vegetables.It tasted different from our Chinese soup but delicious.Then we ate steak, seafood and pancakes with ham and cheese in it.At the end of the meal, we enjoyed some desert.I loved all the food.During the meal , David also taught me how to eat with knives , forks and spoons properly.For example, soup is drunk with a spoon.Knives and forks are used for most food.Of course, seafood and bread can be eaten with fingers.I have learnt a lot about western table manners and culture and I had a pleasant evening with David’s family.They are so friendly.


From Alisa(14)

It is very popular all around the world.It’s from Korea.As we know, it’s a romantic love TV play.There are many famous stars in it.They act well and make their characters believable.For example, Jin Xiuxian plays Profeor Du and Quan Zhixian plays Qian Songyi.The story is about an alien.Jin Xiuxian plays him.And he came to the earth 400 years ago.The smart Profeor Du loves the actre of Qian Songyi.The scenes with them are beautiful and romatic.

It isn’t true to life, but it’s very excellent and funny.It wins the hearts of people.In my opinion, Profeor Du shouldn’t go away the earth.I think they will live beautifully on the earth.

From Chafferer(13)

The TV play is popular among the young.Jin Xiuxian plays Profeor Du and Quan Zhixian plays Qian Songyi.They both act well in this TV play and makes the characters believable.The scenes with Profeor Du and Qian Songyi are romantic and beautiful.The story is about an alien.He came to the earth 400 years ago.What’s more, he fell in love with the actre Qian Songyi.

In my opinion, the TV play isn’t true to life, but some of the scenes are funny.And it is full of imagination(充满想象力).If you like it, you can watch it.


From Ada, (14)

You should learn to face difficulties and preure first, because they can help you grow as a person.During the study, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because they can also help you make progre.When you get into redouble, you can tell your problems to someone who you trust.They can make you relax and get help.Although the way to succe is tough, I hope you don’t give up, because nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.You can make study plans, and try your best to make full use of time and learn to relax yourself after cla.You can play volleyball or go running with your clamates.You can also listen to music. I hope you can make progre step by step by working hard.Just take it easy.充分利用时间

make full use of time 世上无难事,只怕有心人

nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.


From Bat(13)

First of all, you should learn how to face the difficulties and preure.They can make you grow as a person.And you shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes, because mistakes can also help you make great progre.It’s important for you to correct your mistakes and remember them when you find them.And them, you can talk to the people who you trust.It may make you relaxed and get help.Above all, you mustn’t give up.Since your parents expect you to get good grades, you should believe that you can do it.What’s more, you can make a study plan and use the time well.You can learn how to relax when your claes are over.For example, you can play basketball with your best friends.And you can listen to music which you like.点评:句子简练而有力。代词和for example 的正确用法都掌握得不错。

From Tray(13)

First, you should learn to face your difficulties and preure.They can make you grow as a person.Second, don’t be afraid to make mistakes.Face them bravely, and you will make progre soon.Third, if you want to be relaxed and get help, tell your problems to someone who you trust.Above all, you shouldn’t give up.If you give up, you won’t catch up with others.You can make a study plan and plan your study time and sports time properly.You must be brave and try your best to ask your clamates or teachers for help.Of course, you can read some interesting books and see some enjoyable films after claes, so that you can reduce your preure.点评:短语搭配用得灵活合适。

From Linda(13)

You should learn to face difficulties and preure, because they can make you grow as a person.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because making mistakes can develop ourselves.If you feel worried , you can tell your trouble to the people who you trust so that they can help you relax and you can get help from them.I think you shouldn’t give up and everything will be fine.It’s a good idea to make a plan for study.Don’t waste your time and use it properly.And you should try to do some sports to relax yourself after claes.Besides, you must have enough time to sleep to keep healthy.Above all, you should believe in yourself.点评: because 从句用得很准确,标点符号用得精准。思路清晰,短语搭配,句型用得准确。










