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外贸英语 告别与送行

发布时间:2020-03-01 16:27:59 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

第十九讲 告别与送行

Saying goodbye and seeing off


Farewell [feə\'wel] n.告别

Hospitality [hɒspɪ\'tælɪtɪ] n.好客,殷勤 Mention [\'menʃ(ə)n] v./n.提到 Aspect [\'æspekt] n.方面

Gratitude [\'grætɪtjuːd] n.感谢 see off 送行 take care 保重

give/send one’s regards to sb 代问(某人)好 remember…to sb代问(某人)好

keep in touch with sb 与(某人)保持联系

备战句型: →简单道别:

I’m coming to say goodbye as I’m flying home tomorrow.我是来向你辞行的,明天我就要乘飞机回国。

I’m ringing to say goodbye.我打电话是来告辞的。


I can’t remember when I had a more pleasant time. 这是我度过的最愉快的时光。

Your kindne means so much.你的盛情我铭记在心。

Thank you for everything you have done for me during my stay here.谢谢你在我逗留期间为我所做的一切。

All good wishes for a safe and delighted voyage! 祝你一路平安,旅途愉快!

Bon voyage.一路顺风!

Wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快!

I hope everything goes well with you.希望你诸事顺利。


My colleague Li Ming sends you his kindest regards.我的同事向你表示最亲切的问候。

Remember me to your family, please.请代我向你的家人问好。

Look after yourself and give your family my best regards.请保重身体,并代我向你家人问好。


I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.Keep in touch.我盼望不久以后就能再见到你。保持联系。

I hope you can come back to China sometime.我希望你以后会再来中国。

Please come to China again if poible.You are welcome at any time.有机会的话,请再次来中国。我们随时欢迎你。

Remember to let me know after landing.飞机降落后请告知我。


→告别晚餐后after the farewell dinner A: How time flies! You’re leaving tomorrow.We wish you could stay longer. 时间过得真快,明天你就要走了。要是你能多待几天就好了。

B: Thank you for your hospitality and your dinner.And thank you for all your help during my stay here.谢谢你的盛情款待。感谢你在我逗留期间所给予的一切帮助。

A: Don’t mention it.It’s a great pleasure to help you.Here is your plane ticket.The plane will take off at 9:00.I’ll drive a car to pick you up at 7:00 at your hotel and see you off at the airport tomorrow morning.Is that OK? 别那么说。能够帮助你,我们感到很高兴。这是你的机票,飞机在9点起飞,我会在7点开车来宾馆接你,然后为你送行。好吗? B: Oh, it’s very kind of you.I’ll be ready.太好了,我会准备好的。

A: Well, it’s getting late.I think you’d better have a good rest tonight.You’ll be having a tiring journey tomorrow.好吧,时间不早了,我想你该休息了,明天的旅程会很累的。 B: OK.See you tomorrow.好的,明天见。 →机场送行seeing off at the airport A: It’s very kind of you to come to see me off.谢谢你来送我。

B: My pleasure.I’m sorry you’ve got to leave us.We will mi you.不客气。很遗憾你要走了。我们会很想念你的。

A: Me too.During my stay in China, you and your colleagues have shown me your great concern in every aspect.I really don’t know how to expre mu gratitude.我也是。我在中国逗留期间,你和你的同事们在各方面都对我照顾有加。我真不知如何表达我的谢意。

B: I’m happy to do what I can.We’ve both enjoyed our relationship, haven’t we? 我为我所做的一切感到高兴。我们相处得非常愉快,不是吗?

A: Yes, I have had a very enjoyable stay in China.I’ve met so many wonderful Chinese friends.I’ve learnt a lot from them.

我在中国过得很开心。我认识了许多中国朋友,并从他们身上学到了许多东西, B: I’m so happy that you have loved our country.很高兴你已经喜欢上了我们国家。

A: Before I came here, I only had an understanding of China from books, newspapers, TV and the Internet.Now I’ve seen China with my own eyes.


B: “Seeing is believing.” It’s more important to learn from real life.I’m so sorry that we didn’t have enough time to visit Shaoxing.Come to China again if you have time.You’re always welcome.“眼见为实。”从现实生活中学习更重要。很遗憾我们没有足够时间游览绍兴。如果你有时间可以再来中国,我们随时恭候。 A: Thank you.I hope we’ll keep in touch.谢谢你。希望我们保持联系。 B: So do I.我也一样。

A: They’re starting to check luggage.I got to go.Goodbye.开始检查行李了。我得走了,再见。

B: Goodbye.Wish you a nice trip home, and please send my best regards to your family.再见。祝你回家旅途愉快。请替我问候你的家人。






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