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Unit 2 I’m more outgoing than my sister学案 第一课时 Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations .课型: 累计课时: 授课时间: Period 1 Teaching contents : Section A 1a , 1b, 1c ,2a ,2b ,2c . Teaching goals : Then listen to the recording .Ask Ss to number the twins . Check the answers . SB 2a .

Point out the two columns and read the headings :-er , -ier 1.vocabulary : outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , and more .Then point out the words in the box .Read .twin ,tall , short , thin . 2.Pattern: He has shorter hair than Sam . Is Tom smarter than Tim ? 3.能力目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in Ask a student to introduce herself/himself . Step 2 Pre-task SB 1a . Show some pictures to Ss . Say ,They are stars .Ask Ss to tell what they see . Ask Ss to use the words :tall ,wild , thin , long hair , short hair , heavy , calm , short and so on Then ask Ss to repeat these sentences :Yao Ming is taller than Ronaldo . Step 3 While-task SB 1c , 1b . Call attention to the picture . Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c . Say ,Now work with a partner .Make your own conversation about the twins .

Say ,now listen and write the –er and –ier words in the first column and the words that use more in the second column . Play the recording and check the answers . SB 2b .

Point out the picture and the two boxes with the headings Tina is and Tara is .

Say ,listen to the recording .Write word in the boxes .The words are from the list in activity 2a . Play the recording and check the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB 2c .

Point out the chart in activity 2c and on Page 89 .Say , Make your own conversations according to the information.Ask pairs to continue on their own .

Correct the answers . Step 5 Homework

How are you and your sister /brother different ?Write down

Unit 2 I’m more outgoing than my sister学案 第二课时 课型: 累计课时: 授课时间: Period 2 Teaching contents: Grammar focus , 3a , 3b ,4 . Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in Ask ,How are you and your mother/father different ? Ask some Ss to answer . Step 2 Pre-task Grammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to read the sentences to the cla . Call attention to the word “funny”,circle “y” and say when a word ends in y ,change “y” to an “i” and add –er . Write the phrases “more athletic than” .Say,when you complete things using words with three or more syllables ,you use the word more . Practice : happy , outgoing , short , thin , good . Step 3 While-task SB 3a .Call attention to the letter .Ask a student to read it to the cla .Say, now read the article ,then answer the questions . Write if the statements are true ,or false ,or “don’t know” if you don’t know the answer . Check the answers . SB 3b . Say ,tell your partner about things that are the same and different between you and a member of your family or a friend .You

can make a conversation like the example .

Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation in the box . Have Ss work and ask some pairs to say their dialogues . Step 4 Post-task

Read the instruction to the cla .Ask pairs of Ss how many same and different examples they found .

Work in pairs and ask some pairs to read their lists . Step 5 Homework

Write down the same and different between you and a friend .

Unit 2 I’m more outgoing than my sister学案 第三课时 Say , Now work with your partner .Make a conversation using 课型: 累计课时: 授课时间: Period 3 Teaching contents : Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c . Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in

information in the chart .

Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the cla . Step 5 Homework 连词成句:

1.Tom , Sam , intellectual , more , than , is . Show a maxim to Ss : A friend indeed is a friend in need . Ask ,What kind of things are important in a friend ? Step 2 Pre-task SB 1a . Read each description to the cla and ask the Ss to repeat. What kind of things are important in a friend .Rank the things below 1-6 (1 is most important ) Ask different Ss to copy the six phrases on the Bb .Then read the phrases together . Step 3 While-task SB 1b . Say , Now make your own statements about friends using the phrases in activity 1a . Ask some Ss to tell the cla what they look for in a friend .And say ,who is your best friend ? SB 2a . Play the recording and check the answers . SB 2b . Play the recording and check the answers . Step 4 Post-task SB 2c .

2.her sister , as Ying.

3.me , same , as , the , friend , my , is .

4.makes , laugh , a , me , good , I , think , friend . 5.outgoing , are , both , we .

„ as .not, sports , at , good, is ,Liu Unit 2 I’m more outgoing than my sister学案 第四课时 课型: 累计课时: 授课时间: Period 4 Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in Greeting . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 35 , 3b . Read the instruction to the cla .Ask Ss to look at the chart on Page 34 . Ask a student to read the example to the cla . Say ,now write your own sentences . Ask students who finish first to write sentences on the Bb. Ask some Ss to read the sentences ,each student read one sentence one by one . Step 3 While-task SB Page 35 , 3a . Read the instruction .Point out the sample answer . Say , Now read the article .Explain the words and sentences in your own words . Listen to the recording . [教学过程] Step 1 Lead-in T:I have a sister.Can you gue what she looks like and what she is like? (Show them you are waiting.) S:She is tall./She is thin./ She has long hair./She is easygoing./„(Students use their imagination and expre

themselves freely.)

T:Let’s look at our photos.(Show them on the screen.) Please talk about us.

S:She is shorter than you./She has shorter hair than you./She is thinner than you./„ (Students get information from the photos.)

T:I’m more outgoing than my sister.(Lead in the cla subject.)




Step 2 Revision

1、Revise the adjectives describing people’s appearance and personalities:

Divide the cla into four groups and have a competition.See which group of the students can get as much as poible.Write down on a piece of paper prepared before cla.(Students must collect them before cla.)

2、Show some photos about famous persons and talk about their personal traits, using description words, such as short hair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short, heavy/thin, funny/serious, outgoing/quiet, smart/foolish, beautiful/ugly, intelligent/lazy, friendly/unfriendly „etc, on the screen. [


2、开展竞赛活动,既可调动课堂气氛,又可提高求知欲望,一举两得。] Step 3 Presentation

1、Learn some new words about personal traits: calm/wild, athletic/weak, using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins in Section A. T: Who is calmer, Tom or Sam? S: Tom is calmer than Sam.Sam is wilder than Tam. Tom is more athletic than Sam.Sam is weaker than Tom.

2、Do Section A-1a.Match each word with the opposite.Check the answers.

3、Get students to introduce the rules of the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.(Show them on the screen.) [


2、让学生归纳总结语法知识点,因势利导,有利于开启思维,体现以学生为中心的教学特点。] Step 4 Listening

1、Listen to the tape and number the pictures in 1b.

2、Listen to the tape and complete the chat in 2a.Listen again and fill in chat in 2b.

3、Check the answers. [听力训练既是对知识的巩固,也为下一步的任务输出提供了输入材料。] Step 5 Practice Task 1: Interview famous persons(Pair work)

1、Demonstrate the activity with one student.(Imagine he/she is a famous person.The teacher acts as a reporter.) eg.T: Hello, Susan.May I ask you some questions about your family? S: Yes.

T: Do you have a brother or a sister? S: Yes, I have two brothers and one sister. T: Who is taller, your sister or you? S: I’m taller than my sister. T: Who is the most athletic of you? S: My oldest brother.

(Show an example on the screen.)

2、Ss work in pairs.Then ask some pairs to act them out in cla.

Task 2: Public vote (Group work)

1、Divide the cla into 4 groups and then work in groups.Fill in the chat. In cla Name

Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest? Who is the heaviest? Who is the thinnest? Who is the most outgoing? Who is the most athletic? „

2、Each group choose one student to do a report.Show the results in cla.

Task 3: Super star (Individual performance)

T: Suppose you are a super star in the future.What will you look like and what will you be like? S: I’m better than now, of course.

1、Show an example on the screen: I want to be a super star.Now I’m tall.Later I’m taller.Now I’m a middle school student.Later I’m a college student.„

2、Get Ss to design their future and have a free talk.

3、Ask some Ss to share with others. [




4、“名人专访”、“公众投票”、“明日之星”这些活生生的生活场面,活现在课堂中,完全改变了以往“直截了当向学生传授语言”的传统教育模式,真正体现了“以人为本”的任务型语言教学模式。] Step 6 Reading and Writing

1、Teach “look the same”、“look different”、“ be as good as”、“be not as good as”、“a little”,using some pictures and comparing some Ss in cla.

2、Ss read the article.Then read the statements (1-5) about the article.Write “T”、“F” or“DK”.

3、Check the answers.(Ask Ss to give reasons.)

4、Ask Ss to write another letter. T: You are Isabel now.Write a letter to reply Liu Li.Talk about the same and different between you and one of your friends.

5、Choose two or three to share the replies with the whole cla. [




Step 7 Consolidation and Sum-up

1、Give Ss a chance to sum up what have learned in this cla.(Ss can talk about it freely.) Then T makes a brief sum-up.

2、Get the Ss to do some consolidation exercises.T goes around and gives some help to Ss.




Step 8 Homework

1、Do Workbook Exx.1-3.

2、Preview Section B.


时代在变,世界在变,事物都在发展,教育理念的更新也是势在必行。由David Nunan倡导的任务型语言教学主张learning by doing,掀起了英语教学改革的浪潮。这给工作在第一战线的英语教师带来了希












