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My dad is the best dad in the world.我老爸是世界上最了的老爸。

He is gonna bring us water from the water hole! 他会从水源给我们带水回来。 He’ll right the rhinos, 他要和犀牛搏斗,

Kick the buffalo and chase away th elephants.踢走水牛,超跑大象。 Whoa,dream on! 接着忽悠!

Your dad’s a zero.Get real! 你老爸啥都不是,实际点! And not to mention…

更不用说… Mention what? 说什么? All other meerkats have a light coat except for him.他和其他猫鼬皮毛都不一样

I gue my dad’s just one of a kind! 我老爸那是鹤立鸡群。 Note to self:get water.告诉自己打个水 Piece of cake.太简单了

First shoo the buffalo away, 首先赶走水牛

Then fight off the rhinos 然后击退犀牛

And then stop the elephants from drinking us dry! 最后阻止大象喝干我们的水。 Hey,Billy! Pt! 比利

If you let ehem drink first.不如让他们先喝。

And leave the water hole in a good mood, 喝完他们就会离开水源。 It’s bettetr and safer.这样会更好更安全。 Giselle!please ,don’t panic.吉赛尔,拜托慌什么慌

Just take a good look at that idiot squad.你好好看看那群白痴 Zero intelligence.一点没有脑子

It does double brains were any more cluele, 他们就算有两个大脑,也只会更加蠢 Their heads would explode! 因为他们的头就会爆炸了 Really? 真的吗?

Chino wants a drink 奇诺想要喝水。

And Chino’s gonna have a drink 那奇诺就得喝水 Boys,lets have a drink.兄弟们,我们去喝水

Hey, I didn’t hear any one say.是谁说的

YOU could have the first drink! 你可以先喝水啊 You talking to ME? 你在和我说话吗?

Are YOU talking to ME… unicorn? 你在和我说话吗 独角兽

Did that guy just call me a unicorn? 那家伙刚才叫我独角兽吗

One sip and I’ll be watching all the buzzards.敢喝一口,你就等着

Pick your bones in the blinding sun.秃鹫们剔你那在阳光下暴晒的尸骸吧 Chino drinks when he wats to ,see? 奇诺想喝就喝 明白吗 Oh,yeah? 是吗

Then just try it and you’ll see! 你就试试看吧

Yeah,in your dreams,pizza-face! 你就做梦吧 粉刺脸 Afternoon! 下午好 Cannonball! 完美入水 OK… 好吧

What’s a hundred tons of raw meat 你看你们块头这么大

Compared to a little natural charm? 给点水给我这个魅力十足的蒙男怎么样 Of a meek,weak,cheeky…


温顺的 弱小的

无耻的 …Little freak.小怪物 Stay calm and smile.保持冷静和微笑 Big toothy grin… 开怀大笑 Distract them.转移他们的注意力 Hey,look over there! 看那儿

And discreetly fill the … 小心地灌

And a little more for Daddy.再给老爸灌点

You’ve got a problem,huh?Carrot top? 你有麻烦了吗胡萝卜头 Carrot top! 胡萝卜头

Excuse me, who talking to you ,lightweight? 不好意思,没人和你说话吧 黑又轻 My dad! 是我老爸 Junior! 儿子

You sure showed shose buffalo,Dad! 给水牛点厉害瞧瞧 老爸 So,I sure showed all of them! 我发挥得淋漓尽致 That big They were all that big 他们都那么大 With hats! 还戴着帽子! Stop right here! 停下

Not another step… 不许动 Oh,Billy.比利

Hey,everything’s under control,my turtle dove.一切正常,亲爱的 And I’ve got the water.我打到水了









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